The Blaine Journal

Thursday, July 5, 1888:

In Semiahmoo, W. T., June 29, 1888, at the residence of the bride's mother, at 7 o'clock, a. m. J. A. MARTIN, Esq., merchant and postmaster, of Semiahmoo, and Miss Margaret EGAN, of the same place, and youngest daughter of Mrs. EGAN, formerly of Pontypool, Ontario, by Rev. A. WARREN, assisted by Rev. Levin JOHNSON. P. FOSTER was the groomsman and Miss E. J. EGAN was the bridesmaid. A few friends were present, and as soon as the bride and groom were pronounced one, a delicious breakfast was served. The happy couple left at 9 a. m., for Victoria, B. C., via Vancouver, to spend their honeymoon, receiving congratulations and good wishes for their future happiness from their many friends. The Journal also extends congratulations, wishing them a long and happy life.

This week the Journal announces the name of Mr. Frank BRUNSON, of Custer, as a candidate for county commissioner.

-Mr. and Mrs. KNOX, of Kansas, who came to Whatcom on business, made Mrs. MUSSER, their daughter, of Mountain View a short visit.
-Mr. J. LOPAS and Rev. BAKER, of Ferndale have gone to Seattle to attend the Congregational association of Puget Sound.
-Mr. and Mrs. SMITH and J. NORTON attended the Horticultural Fair in Whatcom last Friday.
-Mr. B. F. SMITH, who came into Mountain View twelve years ago and took up the claim that he sold to Mr. POTTER four years ago, and moved near Ferndale, has sold all and returned to his old state Maine.
-Mr. and Mrs. PIOT were in Ferndale this week.
-Orsey NORTON is home from the Normal, for the summer. -Itemizer July 2nd.

Johnnie McCALLUM, of Clover Valley, spent the Fourth in Blaine.

E. A. BOBLETTE and his sister, Mrs. BLUE, went over to Vancouver the first of the week to celebrate Dominion day with our British cousins.

Thanks to Rev. L. JOHNSON, who is a first class printer, the Journal came out all right last week while the editor was over in Westminster and Vancouver.

HICKS & BUCHANAN have bought out BROWN Brothers' stage between Blaine and Whatcom, and now drive the fine covered stage formerly owned by the BROWNs. We believe it is the intention hereafter to travel the Birch Bay route along which scenery is very fine. HICKS & BUCHANAN are endeavoring to give the traveling public a comfortable stage.

Miss UNDERWOOD arrived in Ferndale from Kansas Tuesday.

Mr. R. S. YEOMANS of Surrey municipality spent the Fourth in Blaine.

Rev. D. W. JONES, of Seattle has been appointed to assist Mr. GRIGGS in filling this charge for the Free Methodist church. Mr. JONES will make his home in Blaine.

Last week Wednesday Mr. O. L. FOSS, while working in MOORE's logging camp, split his ancle (sic) bone with an axe. He attended the celebration yesterday on crutches, and will have to make use of those aids for several weeks to come, though he says the wound appears to be healing remarkably well. We hope he may speedily recover.

Jasper RUCKER and Jimmie LINDSEY drove the first team across California creek bridge Tuesday evening, and the bridge is now ready for travel. This furnishes a short and convenient route to Birch Bay, and now Blaine has more good country tributary to it than any other seaport town on the lower sound. Now when the wharf is completed Blaine will be a new town, and the most important one in Whatcom county.

Mrs. M. L. DORR, of Wiser Lake, came over to spend the Fourth in Blaine.

George McPHERSON, has returned to Blaine and will assume the foremanship of LINDSEY's logging camp.

J. F. GRIFFIN, accompanied by his mother and sister, arrived in Blaine Tuesday. They will make their home here.

Several Ferndale people visited this place on the Fourth, among whom we noticed Mr. A. W. TIFFANY, Mr. CHAMBERLAIN and Mr. POTTER.

Rev. J. W. KAGER has been appointed to the pastorate of the East Portland Free Methodist church, and will shortly remove there.

Clarence HILTON, lately from Minnesota, has purchased Mr. Joseph KAGY's homestead right three miles east of Blaine, and expects to move his family upon the land before long.

Thursday, July 12, 1888:

The friends of Mrs. MILLOW were well pleased to see her natural appearance once more among them after her long illness and the warmest praise is given by all to Prof. MENZIES for the successful treatment of her case. Reference can be made to Mr. and Mrs. EVANS, Mr. BERTRAND and family, Mr. LINDSEY, Mr. MISSIMER and others.

Mr. ELWOOD is laying water works into his home.

Mr. and Mrs. VARET will commence housekeeping in Semiahmoo.

RUCKER's logging camp now has in the water something like 700,000 feet of fine logs.

The Blaine school opened Monday with twenty-nine pupils in attendance, Miss Anna E. JACOBS, of Lynden, acting as teacher.

Mrs. V. D. BARRACKLAW left yesterday morning by HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. S. RYAN, with whom she will spend some months visiting in Pendleton, Oregon.

Miss Lillie HART, of Vancouver, was visiting with her brother, Mr. A. A. HART, of Blaine last week. She returned Monday accompanied by Miss Ida HART and Mr. Joe HART, who will spend some time visiting with friends in Vancouver and Westminster.

The people of Blaine listened with interest Tuesday evening to a short lecture from Prof. J. R. BRADLEY, principal of the Northwest Normal school, of Lynden. He defined the term "education," and showed by his treatment of the subject that he is familiar with the best methods of imparting it. He has a high appreciation of the position occupied by the teacher, and especially that of the primary teacher, who has the molding of the character of the young. He told the people that Washington territory has the lowest percentage of illiteracy of any state in the union, but showed wherein the educational system and methods can be improved. He favored the teaching of music in the public schools. The advantages of the Normal were explained together with its objectives which are the fitting up of teachers for the purest and most practical training of the youth. The lecture was closed with a recitation, and the people had a higher appreciation of the Northwest Normal school than ever they had before. The people of Blaine should have a direct interest in that school. We have an institution for higher education right at our doors, and Professor BRADLEY deserves great credit for his efforts in its behalf, as much of the preliminary work had to be done without remuneration. When a good highway connects Blaine and Lynden, which we hope will be before many months, our people will get better acquainted with Lynden and the Normal school.

Fred WENTZ, an old schoolmate of Charles STOOPS came to Blaine from the east Tuesday.

Willie WEBSTER says Mr. THRIFT has got quite a kiln of brick made at Hall's prairie. There is an abundance of fine brick material out there, and before very long there will be a market for it all in Blaine.

The Free Methodists will hold a camp meeting in BOBLETTE's grove near Blaine, W. T., Commencing August 9th, 1888, and continuing one week. Rev. J. C. SCOTT, of Seattle, will have charge. All are invited to come and camp and help drive the battle in Jesus' name.

The new road between Bertrand Prairie and Lynden has been opened and will be finished in the next month, when it will be better than the old road. There is no corduroy upon it, the low land being ditched and the road bed raised with sand.

Willie HUGHES came up to Blaine Monday evening in a sidewheel boat which looked very much like a young steamboat. The wheels were driven by hand power and propelled the little craft through the water at quite a respectable rate of speed. Josh. HUGHES made the boat.

Mrs. THRIFT, of Hall's prairie, was riding near McELMON's jewelry store Monday, when her horse became frightened and threw her violently to the ground, severely injuring her shoulder and hip. She was unable to ride home on horseback and was taken home in a buggy.

Mrs. H. A. JUDSON, of Lynden, spent Sunday in Blaine, visiting W. C. T. U. friends.

Frank ROGERS and Matt. and Allan HARVEY went over to Ladner's Landing Tuesday to work in the bay and harvest fields.

W. S. REMBAUGH is opening up a new logging camp on Lummi island. The steamer Brick took him over a load of supplies the first of the week.

C. L. JUDSON drove over from Lynden Saturday bringing Miss Anna JACOBS, the teacher, and Mrs. H. A. JUDSON and Prof. BRADLEY. He returned home via Ferndale Monday.

Mr. GEISHER, of Birch Bay, received a new mowing machine and a sulkey rake by the steamer Brick on her last trip. Mr. MARTINSON had a hay fork, for stowing hay, on the same boat.

Mr. P. R. PRATT, of Seattle, with his family, came up to spend a week on his California creek farm. He owns considerable valuable property near Blaine, and says he considers it the safest kind of property. He also believes that Blaine will have a railroad before many months.

When we went to Ferndale Friday we noticed Mr. Wm. PARR and sons working on the Blaine-Ferndale road north of their house. They have made a very good road of it nearly to Mr. STOLTENBERG's line, filling up the mud holes with corduroy and dirt and straightening out the track and taking out stumps. Mr. George CREASY is the supervisor of that road district.

It is now about thirty years since Judge TAWES and Charley VAIL, accompanied by Chief TALASKANUM of the Nooksack tribe blazed out what is now the Telegraph road from Whatcom to the Nooksack river. The journey through the woods required four days, and when the party arrived at the Crossing, the Indians became suspicious that the whites were going to steal their possessions. In order to prevent the Indians from converting them into soup, Judge TAWES and Charley VAIL kept their cocked revolvers on the chief, threatening to kill him if his tribe attempted violence on them. After visiting with the chief this way over night they forced him to give them a canoe and guide to go down the river and back to Whatcom. Thus the recollections of the past confront us like a dream, now that the wilderness has become a garden of civilized homes, and only a remnant of that Indian tribe remains. -Reveille.

Sehome is about to be incorporated as a city.

Mr. PANGBORN met two Chinamen on the road between Blaine and Lynden Monday, who had probably smuggled themselves over the boundary.

L. D. PANGBORN, the enterprising Lynden real estate agent, spent Tuesday in Blaine. It was the first time he has ever been here, and he was delighted with our magnificent townsite and harbor. He was particularly impressed with the necessity of good highway connection between different points in the northern part of the county. He returned home yesterday.

Thursday, July 19, 1888:

Mr. FLEMMING, from Vancouver, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. McELMON.

Mrs. C. C. SMITH has been quite ill for the past few days, but is getting better now.

Work has commenced on the Free Methodist church lots.

Miss PRESTON, from Westminster, is visiting at Mrs. EGAN's in Semiahmoo.

We met Mr. Malcom MCMILLAN at Semiahmoo Tuesday. He has recovered from his burns received in the shingle mill fire.

C. E. FOWLER has been doing some excellent dental work in Blaine during the past week. He will remain here until the 25th, and will return about August 10th to stay a week or so.

July 12, 1888, of Bright's disease of the kidneys, Olaf OHLSON, aged 31 years, 5 months and 4 days.
The subject of this notice was born in Sweden February 8th, 1857. He came to this country about five years ago and settled on a piece of land about seven miles southeast of Blaine, where he lived and labored from that until about six months ago, when he was confined to his bed, which he had not been able to leave until relieved by the hand of death. He was a man of unflinching integrity in every respect, and while all his people were followers of Christ he stood out against all appeals until he was brought upon a death bed, and then, in his hour of misery, when earthly friends could give no relief, he learned to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. He was conscious to the last, and died in the triumphs of a living faith.
Not at death I shrink or falter,
For my Saviour saves me now,
But to meet Him empty handed -
Thought of this now clouds my brow.

He leaves behind his parents, four sisters and a brother to mourn his loss, but they do not mourn as those who have no hope. The funeral service took place from his late home, and was conducted by Rev. J. W. KAGER, of the Free Methodist church.

"Thy brother shall rise again"

Mr. KALSEN, who has been clerking for Mr. ELWOOD for the past twenty months, left for Seattle on the steamer Brick Tuesday.

Mrs. M. A. UPSON and Mrs. Lamatta SISSON were girlhood friends away back in the east. Mrs. SISSON has lately come out to Washington territory from Kansas, and during the past week the two ladies have been spending a pleasant time together. Mrs. SISSON is mother of W. B. SISSON, of Ferndale.

Mrs. Sadie DAVIS, of Westminster, daughter of Wm. PARR, came over yesterday to visit her parents at Custer.

James ELWOOD, brother of John ELWOOD, of Semiahmoo, came over from Westminster yesterday by Mr. GEE's stage. He is an engineer on the C. P. railroad.

July 3d Miss Nellie GRIFFIN, sister of Superintendent GRIFFIN, arrived in this place. When she came to Blaine she was confined to her bed from sickness of long standing, and until a week ago was unable to walk. For the past week she has been under the treatment of Professor MENZIES, and has already walked half a mile to the iron post, and her permanent recovery seems probable.

Mrs. THRIFT is gradually recovering from the shock she received by being thrown from her horse.

Mr. VANLOUVEN has erected a neat little dwelling on his Hall's Prairie farm, besides other improvements.

Thursday, July 26, 1888:

Mr. and Mrs. B. K. McELMON, of Nooksack, attended Mrs. D. R. McELMON's funeral.

Miss Pauline JACOBS, of Lynden, came up by HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage Tuesday evening to visit her sister, Miss Anna JACOBS.

Tuesday CAIN Brothers received a fine large fire and burglar proof safe all the way from the Chicago Safe and Lock Co's factory.

The M. E. church at Ferndale is being put into shape for occupancy, which will be a great satisfaction to the church goers of that place.

John KNIGHT and James BOND came to Blaine last Thursday from Unionport, Indiana. They will make their home in Blaine if they can make satisfactory arrangements.

John EVANS has been sent to the hospital.

John MURPHY, of Westminster, is now clerking for ELWOOD.

James BROWN, of Custer, was kicked in the stomach by a horse and seriously injured Tuesday.

The high bridge just this side of BROWN Bros' place was smashed by a big fir tree yesterday, the tree going down when there was no wind blowing, and also smashing the telegraph line.

C. W. CARTER has been elected Mayor of Sehome.

J. BLAIR and F. WENTZ were passengers to this place by the Brick Tuesday.

Mr. COWLES, a large dealer in lime from San Juan island, visited Semiahmoo Tuesday.

Mrs. C. FABER, of Champlin, Minnesota, arrived in Blaine Tuesday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. H. MILHOLLIN.

The steamer Brick Tuesday brought doors, windows, etc. for Mr. FELESEANNA's new residence which he will put up on his beautiful building site five miles east of Blaine.

After the first of October, 1888, persons desiring to transmit money thro' the mails from the Blaine postoffice may do so by postal notes, as through the kindness of Delegate VORHEES the postal authorities have granted the service. This will be a great convenience to many of our citizens.

Mr. C. H. BANNESTER, of California Creek, has a cane in his possession which was purchased by his father in Rochester, New York, on the day that William Henry HARRISON was elected president. It is a Harrison cane, Mr. BANNESTER will re-dedicate it to Ben. HARRISON next November, and his children will keep it in memory of two presidents.

The fishery trouble transferred itself to Point Roberts early this week. Indians from Vancouver Island have been destroying Mr. Charles HUNT's traps, and Tuesday he came over to Blaine and telegraphed to the naval authorities at Port Townsend for assistance, as the Indians had been making threats. It is expected that the cutter will be over in a few days to settle the difficulty, and possibly the British may send a man-of-war to protect the rights of their citizens.

Mr. J. M. GRIFFITH, of Ten-Mile, visited Blaine Tuesday, and we noticed him shaking hands with his Grand Army friends.

On Sunday, July 22d, at 10 a. m., Mrs. Emma M. McELMON, wife of D. R. McELMON, aged 39 years, 9 months and one day.
Emma M. FLEMING, eldest daughter of Geo. W. FLEMING, of Vancouver, B. C., was born in the town of Wallace, Nova Scotia, October 21st, 1848. Her parents removed to Boston, Mass., in her childhood, and she lived there twelve or fourteen years. She was married to D. R. McELMON at Foxboro, Massachusetts, November, 1872. Not long after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. McELMON removed to Moncton, New Brunswick, where they resided until they came to Blaine in October, 1887. The deceased lady leaves a husband, three daughters and a little son here, her mother and two sisters in Boston and her father in Vancouver. Mrs. McELMON was a Christian being a member of the Presbyterian church, and her patient suffering will not be soon forgotten by those who knew her best.
Very impressive religious services were held at her late residence Monday evening conducted by Rev. A. WARREN and Rev. L. JOHNSON. The choir sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," "Meet Me There," and "Shall We Meet?" very tenderly.
In New Westminster, where the burial took place, the coffin was met by the hearse and friends in carriages, and borne to the Masonic cemetery, where services were held conducted by the Rev. Mr. JAMESON.
*** passed from death unto life

Tuesday a whale paid a visit to this harbor and sported about for some time in plain view of people on the wharves. He showed about twenty-five feet of his length several times, and was estimated by good judges to be as much as fifty feet long. He spouted several times for the amusement of the spectators, and then took a southwesterly course out of the harbor. It has been fifteen years since any former visit of so large a fish to this harbor. About twelve of fifteen years ago two whales spent twenty-four hours sounding and blowing and inspecting the harbor.

Thursday, August 2, 1888:


California Creek bridge is finished, and we believe it is the finest structure of the kind in Whatcom county. It is eighteen feet wide and 207 feet long, is covered with 2 1/2 inch plank and has timbers 10x12 inches, supported by trusses twenty four feet long. These timbers all rest on four iron rollers, which travel on a circular track, the draw being a swinging one. The whole resting on nine piles, the center one being a very large one capable of alone supporting the whole draw. Under the center of the draw is a pivot enclosed in a protected oil box which can be kept full for lubricating purposes. It is supported on either side by 1 1/16 inch iron rods. There is a channel each side of the draw of twenty-one feet. Mr. MILHOLLIN says a boy can open it, and it is good for fifty years of wear. Under the main bridge there are three rows of piles 27 in all capped and having four rows of heavy stringers upon them. On the upper side of the bridge are six fender piles.
The structure more than comes up to the specifications, and is a monument to the workmanship of MILHOLLIN brothers. We understand that Dakota Creek bridge cost over $500. If it did then it was worth $800 to build California Creek bridge as it is, as the latter is four feet wider than the former and much stronger and better every way, especially in the draw.
MILHOLLIN Brothers built the bridge for about $500, $250 popular subscription and $250 appropriated by the county.

Thursday, August 9, 1888:


ELWOOD & FOSTER's new shingle mill has commenced sawing shingles. It is a model of its kind. The new machine, known as Perkins' Perfection, is lightning. It is a self feeder, and will have a capacity of 50,000 daily. The machinery in the mill consists of the shingle machine, trimmer and knotter, band saw, two packing machines and bolt saw. The boiler and engine have been repaired under the directions of Mr. FOSTER and now look as good as new, and work as good as new. The buildings are more compact that the old one and much more convenient. The main building in 22-50 and the boiler room 14x28. There is no room for storage in the buildings, but there is not less than 7065 feet of wharf room surrounding. The bolt wharf is 24x60, the side wharf 50x75 and the front wharf 50x75. The latter is built out to deep water, and the largest steamship can come up to it to load. Eight men will be employed in and around the mill, and it will turn out 300,000 shingles weekly. Besides there will be several men and teams employed in the woods getting out bolts. Everybody in this vicinity is interested in the success of this enterprise, and hope to see it reach the highest results.

Misses Kate and Eloise DORR of Wiser Lake, have been visiting a few days in Blaine.

Captain TARTE has rented a house in Sehome, and will move his family there at once.

Mr. ABERS who came from Minnesota last week, has already commenced the construction of a new residence on B street.

Mr. GEAR, of Whatcom captured four Chinamen last week. One of them, who calls himself AH JAKE, has already been captured four times while running gangs of Chinamen across the boundary.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. OTLY went over to Westminster Tuesday to meet Mr. OTLY's father and mother, whom they were expecting from Osakes, Minnesota. They all came to Blaine by Mr.GEE's stage yesterday.

The measles afflicts the Custer people.

Large numbers of people passed through Blaine this week in carriages, buggies, wagons and on horseback, to the great lot sale in Whatcom. Over 300 lots were sold at an aggregate of $25,000. Victoria parties were the heaviest purchasers, one man securing 75.

Rev. J. C. SCOTT, wife and family from Seattle, Walter GRAVES, of California, Rev. Alex BEERS, of the New York conference and Dean DUTTON and Lucy SMITH, of Seattle, came up on the steamer Brick this morning to attend the camp meeting. Mr. SCOTT brought a large canvas tabernacle with him, so in case of rain the audience will be protected. Mr. SCOTT will preach this evening.

-Mr. LOPAS received his new threshing machine last week.
-James CLAYTON attended quarterly meeting at Blaine Saturday and Sunday.
-Mrs. FOX has been confined to her bed for several days from overwork, but is now convalescing.
-Communion services were held at the Congregational church last Sabbath, and there were several accessions to the church. Seats have been ordered, and we will soon have a more comfortable sitting.
-J. NORTON is making ad addition to his barn.
-The house which Rev. Geo. BAKER occupies at Ferndale has received an addition of two rooms.
-The school exhibition in Ferndale Saturday night, at the close of Mr. ROBINSON's term of school, was a success. Enterprise and Mountain View assisted in the exercises. The proceeds will go towards fitting up the school room with lights and window shades. -Itemizer, August 6th.

James BROWN, of Custer has finished raising his large new barn.

A. M. PINKNEY, of Seattle, has been spending a week visiting with his sister, Mrs. S. P. HUGHES.

We see by the Laconner Mail that P. B. RANDOLPH and Agnes D. MONROE were married at Samish last week. Mr. RANDOLPH is chief engineer of the steamer Edith R., which runs on the Nooksack.

One year ago to-morrow we did our first work on the Journal. Although the work has not been of a metropolitan character, still we consider it a profitable year from more than one point of view. The town has nearly doubled in population since we came here, and probably $20,000 has been spent in and around the place during the twelve months for improvements. We are a little disappointed that railroad work has not progressed more expeditiously, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and one of the founders was killed in the building. While we do not wish to see any railway men annihilated, we do expect to see a locomotive and cars in Blaine before another twelve months passes over its head. We also expect to see constructed new churches, sawmills, hotel, store, residences, wharf, etc., etc. Then we believe it is the intention of at least seven of the Gloucester fishermen to make their headquarters here. Blaine will yet be the best town in Whatcom county, see if it isn't, and another year will cause a transformation in its appearance.

Miss Bertha SETZER is visiting friends in British Columbia.

Mr. SAVINGS has purchased a large sized Bain wagon from H. B. STRAND, of Sehome.

Mr. KIRBY reports the salmon run very light at Point Roberts, he averaging a daily catch in his big trap of 100 to 150 fish.

Mrs. STADDLEMAN, of Whatcom, is visiting with Mrs. C. KINGSLEY. She is accompanied by her two little daughters Fannie and Pearl.

The Reveille says the B. B. & B. C. railway line is located from the beginning at Sehome for a distance of seven miles, and that two hundred men are at work grading and clearing the right of way.

Mrs. DRAPER and daughter Kittie, of Westminster, and Anna and Mida WALLER, of Point Roberts, came over to Semiahmoo Tuesday with Captain KIRBY in the Maid of the Mist. They got becalmed on the bay on the return trip, and had some exercise with the oars for a few miles.

Alf. HAMLEY received a telegram the first of the week from his sister Hattie, who is in Seattle, stating that she was very sick with typhoid fever, and asking her mother to come. Mrs. HAMLEY was in Westminster. A telegram was sent to her, and Tuesday she took the steamer Brick for Seattle to be with her daughter.

Chas. ROSBRUGH has gone to Ladners to run a threshing machine.

Dr. BENTLEY, Miss Nellie WOODS and Miss ROBSON, of Westminster, were at the City Hotel Tuesday evening. They also visited their friends the TARTEs, while here.

The Journal agrees with its Mountain View Correspondent that the Lummi Indian reserve should be divided up among the Indians according to their requirements and the balance sold to actual settlers in quantities not exceeding 160 acres each. It is a shame to have all that fine country lying idle.

Thursday, August 16, 1888:


The executive committee of the Whatcom County Union Soldiers' Camp Fire Association met in business session July 23d at Ferndale, and Tuesday, September 4th, was fixed as the day for the next grand rally of veterans at Ferndale. Following local committees were appointed:
On grounds, hall, tents, etc. - John HARDAN, Thos. STANCLIFF, Geo. CHAMBERLAIN, Jas. DEEDS and David FOLLETT.
The following precinct committees were appointed for the purpose of organizing the veterans in their respective precincts for the rally at Ferndale:
Whatcom - Chas. M. KELLOGG.
Baker - Ira CARPENTER.
Licking - O. B. IVERSON.
Rome - Martin HANSON.
Lynden - L. D. PANGBORN.
Semiahmoo - Jasper N. LINDSEY.
Blaine - Sampson P. HUGHES.
Delta - A. LEWIS.
Lummi - Mr. LUND.
The wives and daughters of these comrades are part of these committees.
Comrade Geo. CURTIS will act as officer of the day.
Precinct committees are enjoined to their utmost effort.
Ex-confederate soldiers are cordially invited to meet with us. Brave men who wore the blue harbor no animosities against brave Americans who joined issue with them on the field of battle.
Union soldiers gave years in the art of war, to establish an indissoluble union of the states. Let us now give one day in the year in blending the arts of peace with reminiscences of the years by gone.
Soldiers should reach the camp by 10 a. m. Measure the step by that of the day when you marched to the sound of the cannon.
The precinct committees are expected to bring with them to the rally a complete list of soldiers residing in their precincts, full name, company, regiment or battery, as the case may be, with state, length of service, age, when enlisted, etc., etc. The object of this request needs no explanation.
M. M. CLOTHIER, President
Geo. CHAMBERLAIN, Secretary.

Prof. MENZIES' trial in Victoria is set for the 21st.

There is a new twelve-pound boy at Charles BUCHANAN's home at Custer. Mother and baby are doing well.


--- In Blaine August 9, 4:30 p. m., Mrs. Janet ECKFORD, wife of John ECKFORD, aged 49 years.
The deceased lady was a native of Arnprior, Ontario, and came to Blaine about ten months ago. She has been in poor health for several years, but her last fatal sickness had only lasted a few weeks. She leaves a husband and six children. Mrs. ECKFORD was a consistent Christian. Rev. SCOTT, of Seattle, preached the funeral sermon Saturday on the camp ground, from the words "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord" * * * Rev. xiv.

Wm. ROSS, of New Westminster, has been in Blaine the past week figuring on the construction of a large hotel and bath house on the British side adjoining Blaine. The hotel building is to be 34x46 feet on the ground, two stories high. The work of clearing the ground commenced to-day, and it is expected that the building will be completed in six weeks. The bath house will be on the beach in front of the reservation, and will have a brick reservoir four feet high. This building will be 40x100 in size. The contract for the buildings will be let in a few days.

Miss Alice CLARK, of Seattle, is spending a fortnight visiting with friends in Blaine and Semiahmoo.

Will H. DORR, of Wiser Lake, has just raised the frame of his large new barn which is to be 50x50 feet with a sixteen-foot shed on three sides of it. It will be about fifty feet high.

There were eight applicants at the teachers' examinations in Whatcom last week, but only two passed, they each receiving first grade certificates. One was Mr. Sydney FOSTER, principal of the Whatcom school, and the other C. A. PUARIEA, now teaching the Wiser Lake school. The teachers' institute for the county will take place in the Whatcom school house, commencing Tuesday, August 28th, at 9 a. m., and continuing through the 29th and 30th.

The camp fire which is to be held at Ferndale on September 4th promises to be the most important gathering of old soldiers which has ever taken place in Whatcom county. Capt. HUGHES, desires us to state the Reynolds post No. 32, G. A. R., of Blaine, will camp on the grounds on the night of September 3d. They also invite any old soldiers who would like to join them, whether members of the G. A. R. or not, who reside in the vicinity of this place, to bring their blankets to Blaine on the morning of the 3d, when teams will be in waiting to take them to the camp ground at Ferndale, where everything will be arranged for their comfort. The Blaine delegation will leave the postoffice at 2 p. m.

Miss Lillie TARTE, of Semiahmoo, is on the sick list.

The steamer Gleaner went up the Nooksack Monday evening. We understand there will be a rate war between her and the Edith.

Mr. Leo HAWLEY and his sister, Miss Lida HAWLEY, spent several days in Blaine attending the camp meeting. They returned home Monday.

MILHOLLIN Bros. have just finished the foundations for a new storehouse for J. A. MARTIN on the east side of Semiahmoo spit, fronting on the inner harbor.

Two Chinamen came into Blaine to-day looking for a constable. We can not learn what they want of him, but presume they are anxious to get arrested so as to have a free ride to Seattle.

MILHOLLIN Brothers are driving piles at Semiahmoo for Mr. F. EDWARDS, who is building a sardine trap there. Those little fishes come there by the hundreds of thousands, and there is a fortune for some one in putting them up. Mr. EDWARDS proposes to see what there is in it.

Little Frank CAIN has written a letter to his brother Jimmie stating that he was about to sail for Liverpool on the ship R. R. Thomas. The ship was to start on the 9th instant with a cargo of lumber from Port Discovery to Sydney, Australia, thence to Liverpool. Poor little Frank will get many a hard knock and see plenty of hardship before he sees Uncle Sam's big farm again. And if Davy Jones don't get him before he gets back he will be several months older the best he can do.

Wm. MILLOW is spending a fortnight with his family in Blaine.

Thursday, August 23, 1888:

Mrs. MERRELL, of Hall's Prairie is sick and not expected to live.

Out on Dakota creek near the head of navigation starts what is known as the Porter road, which extends east, one of the best highways in the county, for two and one-half miles. On this road, about two miles and-a-half east of Blaine is located STOOP's sawmill, which was purchased from H. B. STRAND's Sehome machine agency a few weeks ago.
The mill is what is known as a Russell mill, and was manufactured at the Mansfield machine works, Mansfield, Ohio. The engine is a 20-horse power one. The cutting machine is double, with an under saw 46 inches in diameter, and a top saw 40 inches. It will cut timber at least 40 inches in diameter.
The carriage is an improved one, thirty feet in length, divided into detachable ten-foot sections.
The mill will have an average capacity of 6000 feet daily, and will employ from twelve to fourteen men, half in the woods and half about the mill. The mill is provided with a large log truck of the Bain manufacture, and will gather most of its timber among the fine cedar in its immediate vicinity, for the present at least. It is located on the bank of one of the beautiful streams which flows out of Boundary ridge, from which it will secure water for its boilers. The lumber will be shipped by schooner from Freese's landing to Seattle and Tacoma markets.
Charles STOOPS will act as manager of the mill, John OTLY engineer and C. A. STILLWELL sawyer.
They have been making some fine lumber out there, both fir and cedar. We noticed a platform made of sawed boards, and the whole surface of it is about as smooth as though the lumber were planed.

The following election officers have been appointed by the county commissioners for the election which takes place on Tuesday, November 6th:
Blaine precinct - S. P. HUGHES, inspector, Byron KINGSLEY and V. D. BARRACKLAW, judges. Polls to be held at the Blaine school house.
Birch Bay - F. M. SEVIER, inspector, Edward GALER and William PARR, judges. Polls to be held at Pleasant Valley school house.
Excelsior - William EVANS, inspector, Charles STOOPS and R. PENDLETON, judges. Polls at Excelsior school house.
Semiahmoo - M. H. UPSON, inspector, E. HOLTZHEIMER and W. EVERETT, judges. Polls at usual place.
West Ferndale - H. A. SMITH, inspector, J. D. WHEELER and Edwin TAYLOR, judges. Polls at school house.
East Ferndale - Thos WYNN, inspector, C. W. MATTHEWS and H. C. MOORE, judges. Polls at usual place.
Woodland - A. T. THOMPSON, inspector, H. J. PYEATT and R. T. MILLSAP, judges. Polls to be held at the school house in said precinct.
Delta - James WILLIAMS, inspector, Chris TYBERG and William EDDY, judges. Polls at BREMNER's house.
Ferry - W. H. DORR, inspector, Austin ORVIS and W. P. HAWKES, judges. Polls at school house.
Lummi - James TAYLOR, inspector, David DEALY and A. LUND, judges. Polls at school house.
Lynden - George MAHLER, inspector, D. C. MCKEE and Frank KING, judges. Polls at library building.
Ten Mile - M. M. CLOTHIER, inspector, M. C. AXTON and Charles SCHRIMSCHER, judges. Polls at school house.
Whatcom - M. C. LATTA, inspector, Ellery ROGERS and Charles CUDWORTH, judges. Polls at court house.
New Whatcom - H. HOFFERCAMP, inspector, R. L. HUGUENIN and H. C. WELLS, judges. Polls at school house.
Bellingham - Edgar LINDSAY, inspector, L. CUNNINGHAM and Edward CONNOLLY, judges. Polls at school house.
Barnes - W. D. VANBUREN, inspector, H. EHLERS and M. J. MORRIS, judges. Polls at school house.
Nooksack - Rufus STEARNS, inspector, D. E. RICE and M. O'CONNER, judges. Polls at school house.
Sumas - J. R. SMITH, inspector, Ben. NOBLE and Alf. NIMS, judges. Polls at the Eaton school house.
Licking - G. R. DAVIS, inspector, Peter NUGENT and William JOHNSON, judges. Polls at school house district No. 21.
Harrison - Robert KLINE, inspector, C. CHAPLIN and J. O'DONNEL, judges. Polls at the house of Harrison BACCUS.
Lake - T. J. SMITH, inspector, H. A. MOORE and Charles HILDERBRAND, judges. Polls at the house of T. J. SMITH.
Baker - John BRUNS, inspector, A. GALBRAITH and Henry SQUIRE, judges. Polls at the house of Thomas H. STEVENS.
Lummi Island - F. A. BANDEN, inspector, Jonathan HARPER and D. WILSON, judges. Polls at postoffice.
Rome - James RAPER, inspector, S. J. BOUGHNER and A. ANDERSON, judges. Polls at house of S. J. BOUGHNER.
Crescent - S. H. HARRIS, inspector, E. GREY and G. M. SORELLE, judges. Polls at residence of G. M. SORELLE.

Ida ROGERS is thought to be convalescing from the severe illness which she has been suffering for several weeks.

A. W. CUSTER, candidate for county assessor, was in Blaine Monday.

Thos. LADNER, of Ladner's Landing, and Mr. FERGUSON, of Elgin, were in Blaine Sunday.

Mrs. Mahala EVANS has purchased a lot on E street east of Third, upon which she expects to build her a cottage this fall.

Monday morning James BUCHANAN, of Custer, commenced construction of his new residence. The building will be 18x30 feet, and a story-and-a-half high. It will be plastered inside and painted outside, and altogether will make a neat and comfortable home.

Mr. Chas. A. STILLWELL has received notice of his appointment as postmaster of Haynie, a new postoffice located four and one-half miles east of Blaine. Mr. STILLWELL expects to commence carrying mail to the new office about September 1st. There will be one mail each week.

Last Sunday morning Messrs. Will D. JENKINS and Lee MARCY loaded their little steamer Geneva on trucks, and with four yoke of oxen left Whatcom for the lake, where they arrived on Monday. No accident of any kind occurred on the road, and the steamer will in a few days be ready to ply the waters of the beautiful lake. -Reveille.

General M. A. McPHERSON, who is running a fine stock farm over near Lynden, came over to Blaine Saturday to look after some real estate interests. He said he was to commence the construction of a new residence on his farm this week.

General McPHERSON brought a fine specimen of harvest apple to the editor of the Journal Saturday. He got it in the orchard of Mr. MOORMAN, who lives nine miles east of Blaine on the township line road. Mr. MOORMAN has been living on his place five years, and has a fine young bearing orchard already, containing some of the most desirable varieties.

Mr. J. R. THOMAS is this week painting Mr. E. C. PORTER's house inside and out.

Miss Bertha SETZER went to her home at East Sound Monday. She will return to Blaine in a few weeks.

A man named COTEA in New Westminster last Saturday kicked his companion, Joseph BASKETT, to death. Both men were drunk.

Mr. J. R. THOMAS and son did a very neat job of painting on the Blaine school house last week, which improves its appearance greatly.

E. C. PORTER has been appointed republican precinct committeeman for Excelsior, W. H. DORR for Ferry, Wm. DALY of Delta, W. D. VANBUREN of Barnes, Robert KLINE of Harrison, Jeff STEWART of Rome.

We understand that quite a large force of men are at work on the first section of the W., B. B. & S. railroad between Blaine and Westminster this week, and that the work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Five hundred men have been advertised for.

Professor GRIFFIN informs us that entertainment has been secured in Whatcom for any teachers who will attend the institute which being next Tuesday, the 28th. Through the kindly efforts of Mrs. COUPE the visiting teachers will be provided with homes free of charge with families of private citizens of Whatcom. Superintendent GRIFFIN will meet teachers Monday evening and escort them to their boarding places.

Several citizens intend to turn out Monday and clear Mrs. EVANS' building lot. Those who would like to join in a worthy act will be thankfully welcomed on that day.

F. G. BOWER, of Snohomish, was in Blaine Tuesday evening. He is delighted with Whatcom county, and says he has seen no portion of Western Washington which is so good. He demonstrated his faith by purchasing forty acres of land near Ferndale.

Thursday, August 30, 1888:

Miss Anna JACOBS, our teacher, is highly pleased with the photographs of the Blaine school, taken by S. H. DYER, the photographer. The work is well done and the faces of nearly all the pupils and the teacher are perfectly recognizable.

-Messrs. ROSS & WALLACE will soon finish their houses near Lake Terrill.
-Born, August 14th, to the wife of Frank MILLER, a daughter.
-Orsy NORTON is helping his brother Frank build a house on his claim near Lynden.
-Mr. ROESSELLE's self binder, the only one this side of the river, is doing splendid work on the marsh land of C. McCOMB. Mr. John HOPE's reaper is also doing good work on his low land.
-Mr. PUARIEA, of Lynden, has been engaged to teach our winter school, which will commence early in October.
-The little steamer Gleaner is expected soon to make a trial trip up McCOMB's slough. There is certainly produce enough to justify a small boat in making a trial trip into this neighborhood.
-Mrs. HOSKINS and Mrs. HAYWARD have recently purchased U. S. cook stove driers of Mr. LOPAS, and they have proved a success. -Itemizer August 27th.

Professor GRIFFIN will fill the chairs in the Lynden Normal Academy of mathematics and music.

Mrs. WEBSTER, of Hall's Prairie, has been prostrated with a severe illness for several weeks, but is now convalescing we believe.

Mr. BERTRAND has just finished painting his new building on the corner of E street and Washington avenue. We understand it will be used as a lodging house.

E. M. ADAMS has purchased a five acre tract from S. P. HUGHES just south of Blaine. We understand that Mr. ADAMS will return to Blaine in a few weeks and build him a new residence.

The Lynden Normal Academy will open on the first term of its third year next Monday, September 3d, with a more complete corps of teachers, better facilities, larger attendance, and brighter prospects than ever before.

Mr. J. COSS, lately from Fayetteville, Washington county, Arkansas, came to Blaine Tuesday evening, and has been here since looking over the lay of the land. He has partially arranged to purchase a farm near Lake Terrill. His family is in Whatcom.

D. S. RICHARDS, TAYLOR & NEWBER and Chas. PAUL have all commenced construction of new buildings on their tide claims. D. S. RICHARDS will use his building for a residence and boat house, TAYLOR & NEWBER's will be a restaurant, and Mr. PAUL's a boat house.

Mrs. Mary DEFREMIER and children and Miss THORNTON came up from Ferndale in HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage Tuesday, on their way to Europe. They stayed all night in Blaine Tuesday and went to Westminster by MILLER's stage yesterday, where the party will take the C. P. R. train for the east.

The friends of Mr. Frederick ALBERTS will be pained to learn of his death in Marysville, Missouri, on August 19th of dropsy of the heart. He had been ill for several months at the residence of his friends the CLARKs in Seattle, but a few weeks ago went to his daughter's in Missouri. He went away feeling cheerful, saying just before starting that he hoped yet to ride into Blaine on the cars. He was one of the best advocates Blaine ever had, and leaves many warm friends about here.

Thomas ELLIS, of Enterprise, has built an addition on his house.

L. FERGUSON, living on the Blaine-Ferndale road, has built an addition to his barn.

Thos. WINN has commenced the construction of his fine new residence on his farm near East Ferndale.

Cousin Bob SHIELDS has a substantial new barn well under way on his place on the Blaine-Ferndale road.

ROBY & CAMPBELL, of Ferndale, received a new steam thresher last week, and commenced work Monday on Mr. NEWTON's place near the mouth of the Nooksack.

Mr. L. JOHNSON went to Whatcom Wednesday for the purpose of packing up and shipping materials to Lynden with which to publish a paper at that point.

The Postal Telegraph company is about to open an office in Ferndale with Elmer MISSIMER as operator. The Ferndale people have offered liberal inducements to the company, and as soon as the instruments can be secured business will be commenced.

Father THOMA, Catholic priest, of Tulalip, will visit the Nooksack country from the 9th to the 17th of September, going from Whatcom to Nooksack crossing, Semiahmoo, Ferndale. He will hold services at Excelsior school house and Semiahmoo on the 16th of September.

Reveille - Mr. ROBINSON, of East Sound, reports that in quarrying into Orcas Island for lime Mr. JAMESON struck a valuable vein of iron ore last week. Messrs. KIRKBY, EDWARDS & EVANS are building a shingle mill four miles from Whatcom on the Diagonal road, on the CANTRELL place where there is a large quantity of fine cedar. They expect to get the mill running soon, with a capacity of 30,000 per day. Let us count: There are about fifteen saw mills and shingle mills in Whatcom county now.

Monday evening about 9 o'clock the steamer Stella came in from Westminster with the materials for the new hotel. Yesterday and to-day two teams and about twelve men have been working on the grounds. The contractor, Mr. Thomas TURNBULL, of Westminster, commenced putting in the foundation yesterday. He will set several carpenters to work at once, and expects to finish the building in six weeks. It is believed that it is intended to accommodate railroad employees and others who are expected here in connection with railway construction in a few weeks.

Prof. MENZIE's trial came off in Victoria on the 21st, and he was convicted as charged, of the crime of procuring, Judge GREY acting as judge and jury in the case. After the trial Prof. MENZIES was permitted to make a statement in court in his own behalf, which statement goes to show that he intended no wrong, and in fact did no wrong. The judge, after hearing the statement, took the case into re-consideration, and the prospect is that Prof. MENZIES will be exonerated. The crime consisted in telling two Chinese that they could be legally married in their own way, after every Christian minister in Victoria had refused to perform the ceremony, and at least two of them had advised such a course. The Journal believes that Prof. MENZIES is innocent of any criminal intent or action in the case, and hopes he will be able to clear himself entirely.

F. M. SEVIER has raised the frame for a large barn on his place at Custer.

Wm. GOODE, a young man nineteen years of age living three or four miles west of Lynden, went hunting a week ago last Saturday and killed four bears, an old one and three cubs.

Thursday, September 6, 1888:

  According to arrangement the Whatcom County Camp Fire Association met in their annual gathering at Ferndale, Tuesday, the 4th inst. Blaine and Lynden had promised to camp on the grounds on the night of the 3d, but as an evidence that the old soldiers admire feather beds and mattresses better than they do the ground we need only call attention to the fact that Capt. S. P. HUGHES had the only bundle of blankets in the Blaine brigade, and a buckboard and two mules and one horse brought the Lynden squad. N. B. The latter force made up in good looks what they lacked in numbers. And thanks to the hospitality of the Ferndale people, there was no necessity for sleeping on the ground, as we can testify that the STANCLIFFs meet our party half a mile this side of Ferndale and proffered kind hospitality, and we know of five weather beaten veterans who tested the comfort of Father and Mother HARDAN's home, while some found a nook for themselves by the fireside of J. D. WHEELER, and other with Mr. G. CHAMBERLAIN.
  Blaine kept up its reputation by having the largest number of representatives on the grounds. There were about forty from this locality, who went in five conveyances. There were seventeen old soldiers and two members of the Women's Relief corps in the party.
  The line was formed in front of the Ferndale hotel at ten o'clock, and 51 veterans stood up to be counted. More came afterwards, however, until there were over sixty on the grounds, who gave their names as follows:
[Note: the names are in very small type and very hard to read]
J. B. ROBINSON, 2d Indiana cavalry.
V. D. BARRACKLAW, 4th Indiana infantry Mexican service.
Albert S. COLE, 2d and 22?d Wis. vol.
Wm. WEST, _0th N. Y. a. _.
H. MAHAN, 2d Io. inf.
O. D. McDONALD, E 8th inf. A 7th cav., Kan.
J. N. WARREN, 2d Ind. cav.
I. M. SCOTT, 49th Ind. inf.
C. SHIELDS, 1st Minn. heavy art.
A. J. GRIFFIN, 35th O. inf.
Sol. YOHE, 2d and 6th cav., Virginia.
E. CERRY?, 11?th Penn. cav.
J. BARBER, 70th N. Y. inf.
C. HANSARD, __ O. _____
H. J. SWIM, 34th? Ill. inf.
J. M. GRIFFIN?, 87the Penn. inf.
M. KULP, 84th Penn. inf.
Jas. DEEDS, 91st Ill. inf.
A. CHAMBERS, 5th Kan. cav.
J. W. BOUGARD, C 12th Kan. inf.
M. ANDERSON, 7th Minn. inf. & 8th U. S. heavy art.
L. D. PANGBORN, 134th Ill. inf.
J. N. LINDSEY, E 96th Ill. inf., A 1st U. S. v.v. eng.
Thos. STANCLIFF, F 3d Ill. cav.
J. HARDAN, 7th Io. cav. and Mexican service.
Z. H. ROBBINS, B 20th Io., inf.
J. AITKEN, H 11th? Ill. cav.
S. P. HUGHES, L 7th Io. cav.
M. ROSBRUGH, C 4th Io. inf.
M. M. HOLMES, H 14th N. H. inf.
M. YOUNKIN, L 11th Kan. cav.
Wm. EVANS, _ 6th Wis. inf.
B. PAC_ARD, C 6th Wis. inf.
Jas. HOGUE, B 90th Penn.
J. H. McCAULY, E 8th? Cal. vol.
H. L. DUNGAY, H 1 Minn.
R. A. WEST, L 1st Minn.
Carmi DIBBLE, A 64th Ill. and 12th Ind.
Jas. CAIN, L 7th Io cav.
Jas. DAILY, K 1st Maryland cav.
Miles MERITT, C 60th O. and 62d Ill.
Wm. H. DAY, E 6th Penn. cav.
J. R. THOMAS, B 1st Penn. __s, A 152d Penn. vol. infantry.
Geo. G__METT, D 2d Ky. vol.
Chas. RUNYON, B 14th Io. inf.
Jonas GEER, D 168th? O. inf.
Geo. M. BROWN, E 6th Ind. cav. and C 5th Ind.
J. R. McDONALD, H 13th?/18th? Io. inf.
Geo. C. CURTIS, 13th, N. Y. inf.
M. M. CLOTHIER, F? 31st Mass. inf. and 6th inf.
W. C. BOOTH, E 52d Penn. inf.
G. CHAMBERLAIN, I 7th Minn. inf.
W. J. GOODE, F 15th? Ill. cav., 4th Mo. inf.
G. H. PIE_EY, H 13th Ky. cav.
F. M. SEVIER, I 13th Kan. inf.
Joseph WOLFE, A 132 O. inf.
W. H. MOSSMAN, G 12th Ver. inf.
C. L. ____s, A 2d O. cav.
J. HAGLE?, I 25th N. Y. inf. and I 15th Kan. cav.
F. A. LUND, _ 82d Ill inf.
C. W. MATTHEWS, E 1__ N. Y. inf.
D. E. FOLLETT, H 8th Io. inf.
J. H. PLASTED?, H 1st Texas vol., Mexican serv.
Wm. LOGAN, B 5th Mo. cav.
  Sixty-two names, Iowa and Illinois 9 each, Pennsylvania and Indiana 7 a piece, Kansas and Ohio 6 each, New York 5, Minnesota 4, Wisconsin 3, Missouri 2, California, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia and Texas one each.
  After roll call President CLOTHIER, for the benefit of strangers present explained the aims and objects of the association, L. D. PANGBORN, of Lynden, Dr. WELCH, of Ferndale, and H. J. SWIM, of Lynden, each addressed the meeting. Miss Laura B. LINDSEY, of Blaine sang a solo, after which dinner was called.
  There were two long tables, and the food, which more than loaded them, was a credit to the skill and thoughtfulness of the ladies of Ferndale.
  After dinner addresses were made by Albert S. COLE, of Whatcom, M. M. HOLMES, of Seattle, and others.
  Mr. HOLMES, who is commander of Seattle post, G. A. R., called attendtion to the fact that Whatcom county has the first, if not the only, camp fire association in Washington territory.
  The election of officers followed, and L. D. PANGBORN, of Lynden, was made president for the ensuing year, and M. M. CLOTHIER, of Ten Mile, secretary. The president was given power to appoint precinct vice presidents.
  It was decided to hold a two-days reunion some time in June 1889, at Geneva, on Whatcom Lake. Also that the annual camp fire be held next year during August, both dates to be fixed by the executive committee.
  Then the place of meeting was fixed. L. D. PANGBORN recommended Lynden and J. N. LINDSEY suggested Blaine. For some reason debate on the question was shut off, and the vote taken at once, which resulted, Lynden 25, Blaine 17. C. M. KELLOGG, then moved a reconsideration of the vote, to permit discussion, which was about to be done, when Mr. LINDSEY withdrew his motion to save time, and Lynden was unanimously chosen. Blaine will turn out the largest force just the same next year.

As an evidence that the soldiers are not growing old very fast, we have only to state that one of them was taken for another's son Monday.

The Blaine martial band furnished the music at the camp fire. It consisted of Wm. WEST, fifer; V. D. BARRACKLAW and Elmer MISSIMER tenor drummers, and J. R. THOMAS bass drummer.

KIRBY & McMILLAN have been putting in a fish trap at the mouth of Dakota creek.

Chas. PAUL has started a ferry for carrying freight and passengers between Semiahmoo and Blaine. Two new boats will arrive for him Saturday, when he will be prepared to carry all freight consigned to him with care, and all passengers with comfort.

Not less than six new buildings are now under way on the tide flats in front of Blaine, not including the saw mill. Charles PAUL's building will be 16x26 in size with a lean-to, and will be used as a residence and boat house. Victor PAUL's is 16x18 and will be for a paint shop. Mr. Bruno PAUL has also commenced one which he will use as a residence. Mr. C. C. SMITH is also putting up a small building, and the others have been mentioned before.

Miss BANNESTER's school at Union school house closed last Friday.

Mr. J. T. LLEWELLYN has just finished a new residence on his farm six miles southeast of Blaine.

Mrs. FABER, who is a member of the Women's Relief Corps, attended the camp fire at Ferndale.

We see by the Democrat that the Lummi sawmill has a new sixty-horse- power engine, and can now saw 20,000 feet of lumber daily.

Mr. FELESEANNA's new house is finished, and they will move into it in a few days. He is expected home from California in about six weeks.

Our harbor has been quite a lively place this week. There have been three large schooners, one small one, a large sloop two steamers and two large scows either anchored in the stream or tied at the wharves in the past two or three days.

If we had an ox team and a sled, neither of them too fast, we might take the contract for getting the newspaper mail from Tacoma to Whatcom by Christmas. The postoffice authorities don't seem to be able to do it with their present facilities.

Monday evening the coast survey party and outfit arrived at Semiahmoo. It made quite and interesting procession as it came into the harbor. They have taken up their quarters in the CLARK residence, and expect to remain here for some months. There is plenty of work for them to do here. Our harbor has never had a proper survey, and there are points which need buoys and lights. We hope the work will be thorough and honest, so we can get a good chart of it.

Mrs. HAMLEY returned to Blaine from Seattle Tuesday, accompanied by her daughter Hattie.

Thursday, September 13, 1888:

LINDSEY's sawmill has arrived in Sehome and is expected here within a few days.

John EVANS, returned home from the hospital Tuesday, very much improved in health.

Ferndale has a telegraph office, E. E. MISSIMER as operator.

Mr. J. W. DORR is attending the Territorial convention at Ellensburg, W. T.

Thursday, September 20, 1888:

Jimmie CAIN is very sick at Bertrand's prairie with typhoid fever.

A real estate office is soon to be opened in BERTRAND's new building.

Mrs. RUNGE, who lives one and one-half miles southeast of Blaine, sold five acres of land to a Vancouver man this week at $50 per acre.

Postmaster STILLWELL took the first mail out to the new postoffice, Haynie, last Saturday evening. Hereafter its patrons will be served with a regular weekly mail.

We met Prof. CAREY, of Orting, at Ellensburg last week, and he informs us that T. G. STEAUBLI is anxious to return to Blaine, and will do so if he can dispose of his Orting property.

The family of Clarence HILTON arrived in Blaine from the east Tuesday. They will make their home in Mr. ROSBRUGH's house three miles east of here until they finish a house on their own place, which is about two miles further east.

Last evening about dark the steamer Brick came in with LINDSEY's sawmill in tow. Captain TARTE thoughtfully brought it across and fastened it to the Blaine wharf, and it was towed nearly to the foundation on last night's tide. M. M. A. BARRACKLAW will have charge of the millwright work and he says it will be about three weeks before it will be ready for operation.

T. L. CRAYIN and family, of Seattle, are spending a few days visiting at C. T. MOORE's at Drayton Heights.

Mr. A. LEWIS, of Lewis Center, was in Blaine Monday. He says the W. S. & B. B. railway surveyors arrived at his place on the 5th. The party consisted of Mr. THIBANDEAU, transit; J. H. FELL, leveler; Mr. CAMERON, rod; Messrs. McCONNELL and GILLIS, chain; Mr. SMITH, pike man; Messrs. FOX, GAMBIER, JUDD, KULP and PEW, axmen, and Mr. TYE, cook. A few days later the West Coast surveyors came along and made a junction with the Southern line at Mr. LEWIS's place, in consequence of which he feels very cheerful at the prospect. Lewis Center may become an important place before many months.

Sampy HUGHES is in Seattle working at carpentering.

The Lynden Normal Academy has received a large quantity of new furniture and a new bell.

Last Wednesday out at Haynie Mr. Jas. POTTER was married to Miss Maggie BANNESTER, Rev. George BAKER officiating.

Mrs. C. O. YOUNG and children, of Seattle, came in Tuesday evening by HICK's & BUCHANAN's stage, and will spend several weeks visiting her mother and sister at the City Hotel.

Marion BARRACKLOW, from Ketchum, Idaho, and Chas. BARRACKLOW, from Seattle, came to Blaine Tuesday evening to visit their parents. The former is likely to remain here, and if he does will send for his family shortly.

Rev. James EVA, who has been pastor of the M. E. church at East Sound, was appointed by the conference to the Blaine and Semiahmoo station. He came up Saturday on the steamer Brick, accompanied by his family, and preached his first sermon Sunday evening.

A. A. HART is making a fine road from his place to the iron post along the boundary line. There is no profit in the work itself for him, but that road will be a source of great advantage to Blaine, as well as Mr. HART and many others on both sides of the boundary line.

The new hotel presents a handsome appearance. The front from the harbor looks particularly fine, and the building will be a credit to its builder, Mr. TURNBULL. We understand that there will be a large extension to the building as soon as the main portion is completed. We also learn that a license has been granted for a bar in connection with the house, which the Journal does not consider a valuable acquisition to this locality.

KEMP-WEST -- On the evening of the 18th of September, 1888, a few special friends assembled at the residence of Mr. J. WEST, of Blaine, to celebrate the union of Mr. James KEMP and Miss Jennie WEST in the bonds of holy matrimony. The marriage service was conducted by the Rev. A. WARREN, followed by happy congratulations, music and general sociability for half an hour. Then the company were treated to an excellent supper, and the young people were each permitted to carry away a piece of the bride's cake to put under their pillow in hopes of getting a revelation of time and way they too might share in a happy fortune like that of Jennie and Jim.

Thursday, September 27, 1888:

-Misses Emma HOSKINS and Alice SMITH have gone to Lynden to attend the Normal. Miss Nellie SMITH is attending the Territorial University.
-Mrs. HOSKINS is looking every day for the arrival of her mother and two sisters from Wisconsin to settle in the county, and her sister, Miss Olive CHARROIN, will attend the Normal.
-The Normal school, under the direction of Prof. BRADLEY seems to be in a flourishing condition. There are in attendance about forty pupils from different points on the Sound and British Columbia. The new public school building, containing four rooms, is an ornament to the town, and will furnish ample school privileges. Lynden, from all appearances, will be the educational center of Whatcom county, and we think it to the interest of all to help make it a success.
-Frank NORTON came down from Lynden last Friday for a short visit. -Itemizer September 22d.

On the invitation of Capt. GILBERT, of the U. S. survey steamer Fuca, several citizens of Blaine and Semiahmoo took a pleasure ride yesterday by the little steamer across Semiahmoo Bay to Point Roberts. The party consisted of Capt. GILBERT and wife, his assistant Chas. GARFIELD, Mrs. EGAN, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MARTIN, Miss Day BUTLER, Mr. L. JOHNSON, Mrs. E. A. BOBLETTE, Mr. and Mrs. James EVA and daughter Lila EVA.
The steamer started from Semiahmoo abaout 7:30 a. m., and after a pleasant trip across the bay arrived at the point about 9 a. m.
The party visited KIRBY's fish trap and saw the men lift several hundred silvery, splashing salmon, as many wriggling, twisting dog fish and quite a number of large sturgeon out of the water. One of the latter was ten feet long and required three bullets in his head to quiet him. Miss Lila was much pleased with taking a hand at hauling him out of the boat.
Luncheon was served at noon, and thanks to Mrs. WALLER, who kindly furnished milk and hot water, the meal was a success.
Then came the climb to the top of the Point 200 feet above the bay, from which a view of Blaine, Semiahmoo and New Westminster can be had with a glass.
Capt. brought out his photographic instruments and took a picture of the company, and they left for home about 4 p. m., everybody feeling satisfied that the Captain and his men know how to make a pleasant day for those so fortunate as to fall into their hands.

The following correspondence explains itself:
Zanesville, Ohio
September 5, 1888
Mr. Postmaster, Delta, Wash. Ter.:
Kind Sir:
Having seen a notice in the Roseville, Ohio paper stating that there was a number of marriageable gentlemen in Delta, I decided to write. I am a young lady 24 years of age, medium height, rather stout build, dark brown hair and eyes, neat form. I am a good housekeeper, have some knowledge of music. I desire to correspond with a gentleman with a view to an early marriage. I am not seeking beauty or wealth, but a kind husband is my object.
Please insert this in your paper. Please address Miss Lutella SMITH, Zanesville, Ohio, 4 Vine Street, Seventh Ward.

Judge WICKERSHAM, of Tacoma, has been arrested for seduction

Frank McCALL is clearing his lots on E street just east of the City Hotel.

According to the Democrat W. J. MALLOY is making a good road out of the Ferndale diagonal.

At the Republican caucus last Saturday Dr. DEMENT was elected chairman and G. W. CAIN secretary. Mr. A. W. STEEN was nominated for Justice of the Peace on the first ballot, and B. N. KINGSLEY for constable by acclamation.

Mr. John STOOPS, wife and two sons and two daughters arrived in Blaine by the steamer Brick Tuesday from Beaver Falls, Wisconsin. Mr. STOOPS was here a little over four years ago and remained several months. They will probably make their permanent home here.

Last Saturday Mr. McELMON and Mr. BOBLETTE visited the streams gushing out of Boundary Ridge from three to five miles east of Blaine. They carried instruments and found an abundance of clear cold spring water at an ample height to furnish water for a large city at this point, and a good bed for an aqueduct down to Blaine.

Mr. C. C. PAUL now in connection with his ferry runs an express wagon on the Blaine side, carrying passengers and freight out on the flats to his boats. Last week he went to Seattle, and Saturday evening he returned by the steamer George E. Starr with a horse and a bran new Studebaker light wagon, which will be quite convenient to the people of Blaine.

Mrs. H. B. STOWE is still very sick at her home in Massachusetts.

Two prairie schooners passed thro' Blaine going north yesterday.

A family named HUNTLEY came in on the steamer Brick Tuesday and went over to Mud Bay where they own a place.

Mrs. BIGLOW, a sister of Thos. BYCE [BICE], of California creek, has been spending some time visiting with her brother. She is from California.

October 7th the M. E. quarterly conference will be held in Blaine, with Presiding Elder DRAKE in charge. The Ferndale meeting occurs on the 9th and 10th.

Rev. W. JONES, who came to Blaine some time ago to occupy the position of assistant pastor of the Free Methodist church, has severed his official connection with that body here and gone up Sound.

For smallpox take one ounce of cream of tartar dissolve in a pint of boiling water. Then when cool enough drink two or three swallows every fifteen minutes. This is said to be an infallible remedy, and also a preventive. It will cure in three days any case, and never leaves a mark. Hundreds of thousands have been cured by this remedy.

R. L. POLK & Co.'s Puget Sound Directory for 1888 has arrived. Blaine and Semiahmoo get a pretty good showing on eight pages of the book. There are 96 names for Blaine and 71 for Semiahmoo which would indicate a population of about 500 in the two places. The descriptive matter is very complete. These books lie on every hotel table and on the desk of nearly every leading business house on the northwest coast, and will serve as a very good advertising medium for the placed represented.

Word comes in from Hall's Prairie, B. C., that the smallpox has attacked five members of the WALLWORTH family, who live three miles east of the prairie. Mrs. Jane WALWORTH, Chas. and his wife and little girl among them. Dr. McLEAN, from Westminster, is waiting upon them, and thinks the cases are likely to be light. The disease was brought into the neighborhood by a young man who has recently moved in. It is unnecessary to warn people against visiting the infected house, as people are usually timid enough in such cases, but we hope the danger will not be great. Later, 12 m. To-day - Dr. DEMENT has just returned from the WALLWORTH settlement, and confirms the report. There are now seven down with it. Dr. McLEAN is with the family, where all the cases are located, and says it will be kept in one family if possible. There will be a quarantine meeting held at the Blaine school house at 7 o'clock this evening. There are no cases here, and if those who have been exposed can be kept to themselves there will be none.

ROGERS-WEST -- Last Sunday, September 23d, 1888, Francis E. ROGERS and Sarah J. WEST were made one in holy bonds of matrimony. It had been arranged to celebrate the wedding at the house of the bride's parents, and quite a number of special friends assembled there. But on considering the fact that owing to sickness the parents of the bridegroom could not be present, it was generously decided that the assembly should go there. So all went to the Blaine Hotel where the parents and friends of both parties were permitted to witness the marriage services conducted by Rev. A. WARREN at 4 p. m., and Frank and Sadie became Mr. and Mrs. ROGERS. After congratulations the company all enjoyed the marriage supper which was splendid. And henceforth the proprietors of the Blaine Hotel will be F. E., S. J. & Co., and we wish them great success.

Thursday, October 4, 1888:

  The people of Blaine were becoming uneasy, with the smallpox only six miles away, and they did not know what moment it might lay its loathsome touch on them.
  The Quarantine meeting was held Thursday evening, and steps taken to prevent the spread of the pest. A board of health consisting of Dr. G. A. DEMENT, S. P. HUGHES, B. F. HURD, Geo. W. CAIN and A. A. HART was elected to look after the interests of the community during the time the threatening danger shall last. People in the infected district were requested to keep to themselves, and the attention of the British Columbia authorities was called to the cases.
  Saturday the anxiety deepened when word came down that James WALWORTH had died at 10 a. m. that day after an illness of only three days. Then at 7 o'clock another meeting was held in which it was resolved to discontinue all public meeting until the course of the scourge was stopped. The board of health was directed to request all people to remain as closely at home as possible, and to fumigate and cleanse their premises. The board was empowered by the meeting to use its own judgment, and it was voted to sustain any action of the majority of said board.
  As a result of Saturday night's meeting hardly a woman or child has been seen on the streets, and only such men as were obliged to be out. Every place has been thoroughly cleaned up, and every house has been fumigated with sulphur or carbolic ascid (sic) or both. All mails are fumigated before being sent out, and nearly everybody is taking some preventative or being vaccinated. No public meetings of any kind, not even church and prayer meetings are held. The only gatherings are the meetings of the five members of the board of health.
  On Monday word was brought in that Mrs. Chas. WALWORTH was dead. Also that the Westminster authorities were taking active measures for the relief of the sufferers and for the protection of the community against the spread of the disease.
Tuesday morning guards were placed on the Hall's prairie road, and two houses which were exposed a little over a week ago were quarantined under yellow flags.
  Monday evening Semiahmoo quarantined against all the mainland from the mouth of Dakota creek northward, and no person crosses between Blaine and the spit. They have a board of health consisting of F. EDWARDS, J. A. MARTIN and Chas. GARFIELD, and have taken all necessary precautionary measures.
  Up to this hour (3 p. m. Wednesday) there has been no case reported in either Blaine or Semiahmoo. At noon eleven cases had been reported at the WALLWORTH settlement, and word comes from Westminster that there is one case there, though we are not certain as to the truth of it.
  The Indians have been removed from the Campbell River reservation to Point Roberts to prevent them from contracting the disease.
LATEST: We have been able to hear nothing from the infected district to-day, but hope that means nothing more discouraging than we know. At the writing (1:30 p. m. Thursday) there is not a case this side of the international boundary in Blaine or vicinity, and health rules are being faithfully kept by about all of our citizens, and there has been no new exposure of any kind.

The new M. E. church at Lynden will be dedicated Sunday.

Clarence HILTON was hauling lumber out to his place yesterday for his new house.

The Reveille says that within ten days the locomotives of the B. B. & B. C. road will be on the track and track laying will commence.

The steamer Evangel has been sold to Capt. MORGAN, of Port Townsend, for $9,500. She will probably run between Port Townsend and Neah Bay.

Mr. O. D. McDONALD, of Haynie, has sold his farm to Mr. John STOOPS and will remove to Yakima for Mrs. McDONALD's health, as she requires to reside at a greater altitude.

Captain TARTE has kindly offered to transport fowls, fruit, etc., to the Whatcom county fair free of charge. Passengers accompanying such exhibits will be carried at half rates. The fair will be held on October 10th, 11th and 12th.

Mr. George CARTER reports the burning of ELWOOD's California Creek kiln of brick as successful in every way. They are very satisfactory in quality, and demonstrated that the clay is adapted for the purpose. We noticed a large scow load of them at Semiahmoo Saturday.

Mr. LOPAS reports the following new settlers having located on the CARTER and other speculative lands sold by him this summer: Jacob COSS, S. R. BURGESS, Mr. MORSMAN, Mr. WALLACE, Mr. ROSS, E. NENSON, Byron DINGMAN, John WILSON, Mr. FULGAM and half a dozen others, who expect to actually reside in the Lake Terrill neighborhood. Thus the county is settling. -Reveille.

Mrs. E. J. EGAN, of Semiahmoo, sends us the following cure for smallpox, which is said to be a sure cure for the disease in one day. It originated from the Paris school of medicine, the leading school in the world. The recipe is as follows: Sulphate of zinc, 1 gr.; fox glove (digitalis) 1 gr.; 1/2 teaspoon full of sugar. Mix with two tablespoons of water. When thoroughly mixed add four ounces of water. For cure take a teaspoonful every hour; children smaller doses in proportion to age. For preventive, take a teaspoonful before each meal; children less quantity in proportion to age. It will also cure scarlet fever.

William WEST is building him a new root house.

Mrs. C. FABER and son left Saturday evening by the steamer Starr for their home in Minnesota.

Alex RUNGE is doing some necessary road work along the front of their place south of Blaine.

Fred WENTZ and John OTLY are each building new houses at Haynie, and others are preparing to do the same.

Mr. Alex ANDERSON, of Lake Whatcom, passed through Blaine Tuesday on his way to Vancouver, B. C., where he will take mechanical charge of the new paper the Vancouver World.

Dr. C. E. FOWLER, the dentist, has gone to Ferndale, where he will remain for some weeks. Those who need dental work will do well to call on him, as he is a first class workman in his line.

J. N. LINDSEY is up sound on a business trip. His men are now logging at Hillsdale. Work on the sawmill is progressing nicely, and it is expected to have steam up in about a week. MILHOLLINS are driving piles for a platform in front of the boiler room.

The wives and daughters of veterans living about Blaine held a preliminary meeting last Thursday afternoon for organizing a Women's Relief Corps. It was decided to organize permanently at the earliest convenient day, under the name of Faber corps, after Mrs. C. FABER, of Champlin, Minnesota. A vote a thanks was also tendered Mrs. FABER for her efforts in aid of the establishment of this section of the order.

The workmen on the new hotel have run out of material, but a ship load is expected in a few days, mostly finishing lumber for the inside. The plastering is well under way, and Mr. Duncan McKENNAN, who has the work in charge is doing a good job of it. The outside of the building is being painted and verandas built in front. Work will be commenced soon on the large addition to be built in the rear for a kitchen, etc. Mr. ROSS is expected over this evening.

Thursday, October 11, 1888:

Blaine now has a restaurant.

Mr. GILFILLIN's family has moved to the spit.

Jas. BUCHANAN has about finished his new residence at Custer.

Mr. PAUL has commenced the construction of his new ferry building.

Workmen at the new hotel are preparing to build a barn to accommodate eight horses.

The residence of Mr. VARET at Semiahmoo caught fire last evening from the stovepipe, but was extinguished before making much headway.

Mr. ECKFORD has been adding a wood shed to his house.

Mr. ROSBRUGH has just finished a new woodhouse for himself.

We understand that Mr. Al MILLER is about to build a new house on his California creek farm.

John McGRAW, who lives five miles east of Blaine on the township line, is getting out lumber for a new house.

John and Matt. HARVEY have returned from Fraser river flats, where they have been working the past few months.

Frank ZERZWINSKI returned home by the steamer Brick Tuesday.

Mr. SAVINGS is building a large root house on his farm just east of Blaine.

Wm. LOGAN was getting lumber for a new house on his place at Hillsdale Tuesday.

Hans BERTHISON has built him a fine large barn on his farm at Bertrand Prairie. He also has lumber on the ground for a new house.

When Dr. McLEAN went home to New Westminster week-before-last after attending the smallpox patients, the police seized his clothes and burned them. The doctor now has a bill against the city for $35.

L. D. FRANK died last week. He was one of the original sawmill men of Blaine. He came here in the spring of 1885 and started the Blaine sawmill and furniture factory, and remained here about a year, when he moved out on his farm at Hillsdale. He became ill five or six months ago and was sent to Steilicoom hospital where he died on Monday, the 1st inst.

The Lynden M. E. church was dedicated last Sunday, with impressive and interesting ceremonies. Revs. A. WARREN, J. FLINN, J. EVA and J. TENNANT were in attendance. Rev. A. WARREN preached the dedicatory sermon, and in the afternoon the Y. M. C. A. held an interesting meeting in the building. In the evening Revs. EVA and FLINN addressed the assembly. There was a large assembly of the people at all the meetings, and Revs. EVA and WARREN, who furnished us with our information, describe the gathering as both interesting and profitable in more than one sense. There was one conversion at the meetings, and $250 was raised to clear the church of indebtedness. The Lynden people now have a neat comfortable church out of debt, which will be quite an addition to their beautiful town. Our ministers speak very highly of the hospitality of the Lynden people, and were delighted with their fine townsite.

Matt. HARVEY will build a new house on his homestead east of Blaine.

No less than four ships, three steamers and two sloops were in the bay in front of Blaine this morning.

Mrs. Mahala EVANS has moved into her new house, and is now prepared to do all kinds of washing, both for families and individuals. Give her a call if you need work of that kind.

D. S. MILLER's stage now connects with the steamer Brick on Tuesdays and with the George E. Starr on Saturdays, so now passengers can ride from Westminster to Seattle for about half what it costs to go by Port Townsend or Victoria.

We had a pleasant ride to Ferndale by HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage last Friday. Since they have been driving their covered stage that has been a pleasant way to take a view of the finest country in western Washington, and at the same time be protected from sun and shower.

Thursday, October 18, 1888:

Mrs. Lyle HICKS spent Sunday in Blaine.

Mr. E. WILSON has cleared off his lots, and will build a house on them at once.

Miss Adda STEEN returned from Seattle Saturday on the steamer George E. Starr. She will remain at her brother's a month.

Mr. James HARVEY, wife and two children, from Ontario, came to Blaine Saturday by WHITE & GEE's stage for a visit to his parents here.

Rev. John KAGER and family took the steamer Starr Saturday evening to go to East Portland, where he will take charge of the Free Methodist pastorate.

We took dinner last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle HICKS at the restaurant of TAYLOR & NEWBER. The tables were all well filled and well served. They seem to be doing a pretty fair business.

We have a note from Rev. W. G. JONES, formerly Baptist pastor at Whatcom, stating that he will attend Brown University in Providence, R. I., for the next two years, pryor (sic) to entering upon his regular theological course.

The Hon. Allen WEIR, our candidate for Joint Councilman, will address the citizens of Blaine and vicinity on the political issues of the day at the school house in this place on Saturday evening, October 27th at 7 p. m. Mr. WEIR is a good speaker and thoroughly posted on the issues of the day, and it will pay you to hear him.

Alf. HAZELTON took second prize for running high jump at the Caledonian games in Westminster last week Friday.

Mrs. John H. MILHOLLIN and Mr. Geo. McPHERSON received the sad news Tuesday evening of the death of their sister, Mrs. DUNLAP, near Glendive, Montana, a few days ago. She was in the prime of life, and leaves three young daughters and a husband to mourn her loss.

Richard PARR, who passed through Blaine going north last Sunday, came back again last evening, but this time a young lady was with him. Her name used to be Kate ARTHUR, but they say that Tuesday, October 16th, at the home of her parents at Ladner's Landing, B. C., she changed it to Kate PARR, and from the appearance of the trunks, etc. in Mr. PARR's wagon, we conclude that the population of Whatcom county has been increased by one young lady. Welcome.

Mr. Eiler SORENSEN and wife, lately from Los Angeles, came to Blaine Saturday by the steamer Starr. They have settled down here, and will make Blaine their home for the future.

Little Clayton MILHOLLIN, three years old, while playing upstairs the other day fell from the second story window a distance of ten or twelve feet to the ground below. A vine near the ground broke the little fellow's fall, and saved him from serious injury. When his mother picked him up he said, without a tear: "Baby won't fall out there again, mamma."

The Blaine postoffice now employs the postal note system of money orders. Dr. DEMENT has the honor of procuring the first note issued to-day. There is a large amount of extra work connected with the issue of these notes, but no extra pay, and Postmaster CAIN deserves credit for giving this community a convenience for which he can hope to receive no financial remuneration.

Thursday, October 25, 1888:

Mr. Geo. OTLY is building him a residence at Haynie.

The Journal presents over one hundred and twenty-five subjects among its news items to-day.

We see by the Pioneer Press that Lynden expects the new steamer Nooksack up the river in a few days.

J. N. RUCKER came down to Blaine yesterday in a bran new light wagon, which same he purchased from H. B. STRAND, of Sehome.

M. T. GEE went in his stable without knocking the other day, and one of his horses resented the familiarity by kicking him in the knee. He now carries a cane.

Faber division of the Women's Relief Corps will be organized in Blaine on Saturday, the 27th inst., Miss Lizzie HERRICK, of Whatcom to be the organizer. Any loyal woman is eligible to membership.

Mr. W. T. COUPE, our candidate for county treasurer was in Blaine Saturday. Everybody remembers Tommy COUPE for a courteous and faithful officer, and everybody will rejoice with him if he is successful, on the 7th of November.

Mr. Louis SHAFFNER, of Benkelman, Dundy county, Nebraska, who has been spending the summer in Whatcom county, returns to his Nebraska home this week. He carries specimens of fruit, etc., to show what our new country can produce. He says he will also be back here as soon as convenient.

Mr. Frank W. HART, Vancouver's energetic furniture dealer and opera house proprietor, and brother of our A. A. HART, visited his old home Walla Walla, the other day. The Journal-Watchman closes a fine notice visit by saying: "If Vancouver should ever be so unfortunate as to lose him for a citizen a host of friends here hope he may return to Walla Walla to reside.

This country around Blaine has an enthusiastic friend in Mr. Isaiah LIVINGSTONE, formerly of Champlin, Minnesota. He came to Blaine last spring and remained a short time, and then went up White River Valley where he remained all summer. His stay up there make him like Whatcom county better. He returned to Blaine last week, and Saturday evening started for another trip up White River this time carrying a sack of Blaine apples, each one a little smaller than a man's head, to flourish in the faces of the folks up there who claim that Whatcom county can't raise apples. Mr. LIVINGSTONE expects his family out in a few weeks, when they will come to Blaine to live.

Mr. GILFILLIN is building a new house in Semiahmoo.

Mr. Frank ROGERS has moved into the THOMPSON house.

Wm. HUGHES, of Roy, W. T., has been visiting his brother, Capt. S. P. HUGHES, of Blaine, during the past week.

Inspector BASS returned to Blaine last Thursday, and we understand will open an office and hang out the revenue flag in a few days.

The Rev. Jas. EVA paid his first visit to the neighborhoods southeast of Blaine last Sabbath and preached to large congregations at California creek and Pleasant Valley.

J. N. LINDSEY and TAYLOR and NEWBER have leased the Blaine hotel, and will make some improvements in the building to make it perfectly comfortable for transient and local custom.

Sunday-schools were organized at California Creek and Pleasant Valley last Sunday, with Joseph KAGEY as superintendent of the former and Mr. STEAGAL of the latter. A goodly number were in attendance, and a lively interest manifested.

The Free Methodist people are getting out lumber for a house of worship, which they will erect on Mr. STEEN's property. The building is not intended for a church, but will be built 24x24 in size, so it can eventually be used as a residence. Work will be commenced on it next week.

A. A. HART went up Sound by the steamer Starr Saturday evening to procure a large stock of new furniture. By the way, Mr. HART has secured the contract for furnishing the new hotel just across the boundary. He will do the upholstering, etc., on the ground, fitting up a workshop there to do it. We understand he is soon to make some extensive improvements on his building in Blaine, as the prospect is that he will put in a very busy winter.

Dr. KING, of Seattle spent several days in Blaine and Semiahmoo during the past week. He came here with the purpose of investigating this location with the idea of opening an office and drugstore. The doctor is a middle aged man and comes well recommended from Seattle. He is also a former practitioner from Minnesota, one of the most difficult states in the Union for a physician to get admission to. He was well pleased with this location, and will probably come here with his family in a few weeks.

"Lynden Pioneer Press, a seven column paper, independent in character, pure in tone, and thoroughly devoted to home interests," at least that is what it says of itself, and the appearance of the paper would seem to justify the statement. It is a well printed seven-column patent inside, and shows the number of business men in Lynden among its advertisers. Years ago we remember of looking on the map and reading the name of Lynden. It was not a real place, it was a misterious (sic) visionary location somewhere near the jumping off place of creation, and so it was to our neighbors, but the Pioneer Press will give it a realistic existence, a personality, which it otherwise never would have. We gladly add it to our exchange list.

Mr. Dan. HICKEY returned home to Semiahmoo last week.

Mr. Geo. PENNINGTON is building him a new residence on his Dakota creek farm.

A. J. LOOMIS returned Saturday from California where he has spent several months. He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Ella FOLEY.

Reveille- Mr. T. GREENWOOD, of Anacortes, has traded his 240 acres of land at Birch Bay to Frank THOLE for a farm in Dakota. Mr. THOLE and family will move to his new Birch Bay farm. The wagon road from Yager to Lynden has at last been completed. Mr. GREENWOOD informs us that railroad work has ceased at Fidalgo. The Samish telegraph operator, named McKAY, and a Mrs. CODLIN, have disappeared. The woman became enamored of the young operator and left a husband and five children to elope with him.

Sunday afternoon as Miss Day BUTLER, Miss Dora TYSON, Miss Ethel MCELMON, Chas. D. GARFIELD and Audley BUTLER were coming across from Semiahmoo to Blaine in a sailboat the craft tipped and filled with water. Some of the young people took to the waves, but luckily were on the shoal water of the flats so their wetting was more disagreeable than dangerous. Mr. RICHARDS, the ferryman, came to their assistance and piloted them to the Blaine shore, where they spent the afternoon recuperating from the effects of their unceremonious plunge.

Mrs. C. A. CRABB, of Hillsdale, is just recovering from her late severe illness.

Mr. Robert ROPER is now afflicted with a brain disease in addition to his blindness, and although he suffers no pain it seems hard to be without sight and reason both.

Mrs. Hannah VAN LUVEN died at the WALLWORTH's Monday evening October 22d, 1888, of the dread disease small-pox. She was nearly 35 years old at the time of her death, having been born in Ontario, Canada, December 31st, 1853. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. WEST, and was married to Schuyler VAN LUVEN about 15 years ago, and now leaves him and four young children to mourn her loss. There is something sad about the death of these young mothers. There is something inexpressibly sad about Mr. VAN LUVEN's death after convalescence had begun, after her weeks of faithful toil among the sick. If she had been a Roman Catholic the church would sanctify her memory among men. As she was a patient, loving mother, a faithful, tender nurse, a holy Christian woman, the Lord of Heaven will do a grander thing, and make her a saint among the angels.

Rev. P. H. GRIGGS injured himself quite severely this morning at lifting lumber.

Mr. T. G. STEAUBLI, who now resides in Orting, W. T., but formerly lived in this place, came to Blaine this morning to look after business matters.

Our latest report from the small-pox sufferers is that they are all recovering. We hope the mismanagement in Mrs. VAN LUVEN's case will be visited upon none of the others in their convalescence.

Thursday, November 1, 1888:

Mr. E. A. BOBLETTE has commenced work on E. WILSON's new residence.

W. A. BLACK, from California, spent a night in Blaine this week on his way to Vancouver. He was our neighbor in Des Moines, Iowa, once, and it seemed good to meet him.

Mr. O. L. FOSS left for a visit to his parents in the far-off Pine Tree state yesterday to be gone four months. It will make glad the hearts of the old folks, for he has not seen them for ten years. Possibly Mr. FOSS will imitate the good example of his neighbor Mr. LOWRY, before he returns.

Considering everything Semiahmoo spit is one of the most comfortable places to live in wet weather. That foundation of shells and gravel drinks up the falling rain and is actually more pleasant underfoot in wet than in dry weather. It is firm and smooth walking, no dust, no mud and a mile long, and only a quarter of a mile wide in the widest place. It puts out until it faces on the center of the harbor, and forms one of the finest sites for a fishing station on the whole Pacific coast, and will be utilized for that purpose before many months.

Mr. John LOWRY, who resides eight miles east of Blaine on the Lynden road, mysteriously disappeared about five weeks ago, and no one knew where he had gone. He is one of the soberist, most industrious young men in all this country, and left everything straight behind him, so some little curiosity was felt as to his whereabouts. The mystery seemed to be getting deeper and deeper until last Friday, when Mr. LOWRY returned via Lynden, accompanied by a fair young bride whom he had brought all the way from Texas. Sunday afternoon his friends and neighbors called on the young couple and earnestly congratulated them.

Charles CARDINEL has just finished a new house on his Campbell Creek farm. The building in 15x21 feet in size, with a kitchen attached 12 by 12. Now the next thing necessary is a wife.

Considering the question from a reasonable standpoint, Mr. and Mrs. E. WILSON are $10,000 richer now than they were last week at this time. At least, considering each new boy worth that much, they are, for they have a bran new ten-pound boy at their house who came last Saturday morning.

Jimmie HUNT and Dan. HICKEY got upset in the channel between Blaine and Semiahmoo last week Tuesday. The boat turned over and they crawled out upon it like snapping turtles on a log. Things were beginning to get interesting when Charley, the Chinaman, came to their rescue. They say Jimmy's eyes stuck out far enough to hang a hat on when, while he was clinging to the boat, the dog came along and knocked him off into the water.

The Woman's Relief Corps, an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, a society whose object is benevolence and the cultivation of patriotism, was originated in 1869, connected with Bosworth post, G. A. R., Portland, Maine. Ten years later it was established in the state of Massachusetts, and in 1883 made its national organization. It was endorsed by the Grand Army at its eighteenth annual national encampment at Minneapolis in 1884, and as early as 1885 there were 20,226 members of the order, which now numbers many thousands more. The organization is secret, working under a ritual, and all loyal women are eligible to membership. No relief corps can exist as a part of the national order which is not auxiliary to a post of the Grand Army of the Republic, and it must bear the name of the post to which it is auxiliary. In accordance with these provisions Monday afternoon the ladies of Blaine met at Cain's Hall and organized Reynolds Relief Corps No. 12, with Mrs. Helen BURKE, department president, of Seattle, as organizer, and Mrs. Jennie S. HOLMES, department treasurer, Seattle, assistant. Following are the officers of Reynolds Corps: Caroline BOND, president; Annie KINGSLEY, senior vice; Minnie MILHOLLIN, junior vice; Mary MILHOLLIN, secretary; Laura WILSON, treasurer; Priscilla LINDSEY, chaplain; Laura LINDSEY, conductor; Mary A. UPSON, assistant conductor; Mary SCOTT, guard; Elizabeth RUCKER, assistant guard. Mrs. UPSON acted as secretary of the meeting. The corps will hold its first meeting Saturday next November 3d, at 2 p. m. at the same place.

Duncan McKENNAN has the misfortune to get some lime in his eyes some days ago, but is now recovering from its effects.

We understand that John MILLER, a bachelor living near the head of California Creek, became insane Monday, and was taken away Tuesday on the steamer Brick to the asylum at Stelicoom.

John PETERSON fell from the floor of Lindsey's sawmill to the beach below, about twenty feet, bruising himself up considerably, and spraining his wrist, which he now carries in a sling. He will probably be disabled by his injuries a week or two.

One night about fifteen years ago Mason CLARK had his schooner at anchor in Port Townsend Bay. While he was sleeping a wind came up and loosened the vessel from its anchorage. It drifted all night, and in the morning he found himself lying quietly at the mouth of Campbell creek in British waters in front of Blaine. He had drifted sixty miles by wind and tide, and over that same course the largest ships can sail without a tug. About seven or eight years ago one cold winter day Mr. John GEISHER went aboard a sloop which belonged to Mr. HENSPETER and was anchored in Birch Bay. He raised the anchor with the intention of bringing the sloop ashore, when a strong east wind caught her and she became unmanageable, at least to him, and so he floated about for several days on the gulf with no fire, and nothing to eat but one raw goose, which he declared was delicious. He finally brought up in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, only about sixty miles northwest from where he started. In just one week from the time the steamer Dispatch left him on board the sloop he was back in Semiahmoo, arriving on new years day, much to the gratification of his friends, who had given him up for lost.

This is a small town built on the point of a low gravelly peninsula extending out into the harbor for about one mile, north toward the boundary line between the United States and British Columbia. The peninsula contains only a quarter section of land, its point lying a mile across the bay from Blaine. At low water the channel between the two towns is narrowed down to several hundred yards [600] in width, but is fifty or sixty feet in depth, sufficient for the largest vessels afloat to enter from the Gulf of Georgia into the triangular harbor occupying about the space of one square mile off Semiahmoo Bay, land locked on all sides save the channel, and furnishing good anchorage and safety from storms.
Among the business places and enterprises in the place is the large general merchandising store of Mr. ELWOOD, who came here from Michigan fifteen years ago. He says the fishing interests of Semiahmoo are not inconsiderable. Should the season be favorable throughout he will pack 500 to 1000 barrels of silverside salmon. Twelve salmon canneries located on the Fraser river a few miles away, can the largest part of the catch of Semiahmoo and vicinity. On the Fraser there is also fishing early in the season for the spring run of salmon, and in July when sockeye salmon are caught, and in turn in September and October silver salmon.
Mr. J. A. MARTIN, hailing from Minnesota, is now postmaster and engaged in merchandising, carrying a general stock of goods usually found in a country store. At Mr. MARTIN's business place we were pleased to meet E. H. MOORE, a young man from Cincinnati, Ohio. He is improving a claim on section 23, near Drayton Harbor, and being so well pleased with the country, will send for his relatives in the east as soon as he can get things in ship shape at this end of the line.
Mr. F. EDWARDS is manager of the sawmill owned by Mr. ELWOOD at Semiahmoo, which has a daily capacity of 10,000 to 12,000 feet.
A large shingle mill has lately been started at this point, cutting 40,000 to 50,000 shingles daily.
A small hotel is kept in the town by Mr. J. F. TARTE.
Mr. C. T. MOORE, a civil engineer and surveyor from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was for several years manager of the Western department of the Iron Age, published in New York, came to the coast four or five years ago, and finding dullness in the engineering business, came to the Semiahmoo country and went into the logging business on Drayton Harbor, and during the summer runs a camp of twelve men. The timber put in at this point is excellent. Logs have been put in here scaling 5000 feet. Mr. MOORE showed the writer a yellow fir over seven feet in diameter, from which two 24-foot logs were lying as cut. The top of the second cut measured over six feet in diameter. These logs are too large for the mills to cut, and they were split into halves by in-and-quarter holes in the center, loading each with one-half pound of of common blasting powder and exploding it. The splitting was done as evenly as could have been done with wedges, and with one tenth the labor and trouble. These two logs scale 10,000 feet, and will make that much first class flooring, which at $20 per thousand would bring $200, a pretty good price for two sawlogs. The tree from which these logs were cut measured 265 feet in length. The remainder of the tree, suitable for second class lumber, would make 15,000 feet, which at $8 per thousand would bring $120 making an aggregate of $320 for a single tree. How is that for high? The output of the camp for the season will amount to about 1,800,000 feet, most of the logs going to the Port Hadlock mill.
CHESTNUT Bros. own a large apple orchard of several hundred trees. While looking generally thrifty, some of the trees are affected by the aphis and apple borer. A good plan followed with some of the trees to rid them of moss, in this orchard has been to thoroughly saturate the trunk and lower limbs with dog fish oil, which, while destroying the moss, does not injure the tree and leaves the bark a bright greenish yellow tinge. Another thing we noticed was that a tree treated this way that had been very badly affected by the green aphis became suddenly free of them, as seen by thousands of their dead bodies clinging to the leaves. Some of the trees near the one that had not been treated with the oil had their twigs and leaves nearly covered with the aphis. In this orchard, on the slightest appearance of a tree bark bound, the bark is slit to the sap from the ground to the limb on two or three sides. This seems to help the tree very much, making it spring into new life and vigor. An apple tree grows fastest on the side where the bark is thus slit, and advantage is sometimes taken in this way to partially straighten crooked trees when very young.

-Mr. PUERIEA, of Lynden, took charge of our district school on Monday morning, twenty-one pupils being present.
-Tommy LEWIS, the little grandson of Mrs. POTTER, has been seriously ill for several days. Hopes are now entertained of his recovery.
-Several of Mrs. RADCLIFF's children have the measles.
-Mrs. CHARROIN, daughter and family, have moved upon what used to be the DUNCAN claim, but is now the property of Miss Olive CHARROIN.
-Miss Nellie SMITH has returned from the Territorial University on account of health.

Asa COMBS, aged 92, who had lived under every president of the United States, died in Seattle last Thursday.

Thursday, November 8, 1888:

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. HUGHES is ill.

Mrs. Frank ROGERS is numbered among those on the sick list, being quite low the past few days.

Excelsior school district wishes to engage a teacher for this winter's term of school. A gentleman preferred.

On Tuesday evening November 13, L. D. PANGBORN, of Lynden, will lecture in Blaine. Subject, "The Verdicts and Climaxes of History."

UREN & HICKLEY, photographers from New Westminster, came to Blaine on Tuesday. They will remain here until Monday next, and if you want a good photograph taken you should go to their gallery, next to the Blaine hotel, at once.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul HERMANN and two children, and Misses Addie and Nannie ROOPER came over from Port Townsend by the steamer Libby and Brick Tuesday. The ladies came to see their father, Mr. Robert ROPER, who is very ill.

Cards have been received in Blaine announcing the marriage on October 31st at Seattle of Miss Alice A. HOOGS and Samuel R. HARKNESS. Miss HOOGS was better known in this locality as Alice CLARK, she being the step-daughter of Mr. R. S. CLARK, who used to live in Semiahmoo, and spent several years of her early girlhood here. We have not been able to get information in regard to her fortunate bridegroom, but believe he is a relative off the HARKNESS family at Nooksack, and we have an indistinct recollection of meeting him once in Seattle.

James BUCHANAN has about completed his new residence at Custer.

John STEVENSON, who has been sick at Mud Bay for a long time, died Friday night last.

Rev. James EVA will preach his first morning sermon in Blaine next Sunday at 11 a. m.

Mrs. TARTE and her daughter Lillie returned by the steamer Brick Tuesday from a visit to Sehome.

Mr. Marion CAIN returned home from up Sound, where he has been for the past year, by the steamer George E. Starr last Saturday night.

Mr. STOOPS is about to put a planer in his sawmill at Haynie. He expects the machine in a few days, when he will be prepared to turn out first class lumber.

Mrs. M. COUGILL, of Port Townsend, will be at ROGER's Hotel, Ferndale, on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 13th and 14th, with a fine line of millinery. Ladies who need anything in this line will do well to call and purchase.

Mr. E. HIGGINSON and wife, from eastern Oregon, came to Blaine Tuesday by the steamer Brick to look the ground over with a view to opening a drugstore. They like the prospect here, but are uncertain what they will do until they can hear from Dr. KING, who is also talking of coming here.

Some of the Whatcom people complain that county prisoners are boarded in the hotels and allowed to walk the streets of the town. If the prisoners are sent up for punishment there is nothing to complain of, when we consider that they are compelled to remain in Whatcom any length of time, and to eat at those hotels. A week ought to atone for a pretty serious crime.

The precinct of Blaine cast only 43 votes, but 34 of those were nearly solid Republican, though Mr. GEE got 18, ISENSEE 19, McCARTY 12, CHAPLAIN 13, BARTLETT 13 and MOORE 14. For some reason or other Wm. WEST was voted for Justice of Peace and elected, and B. N. KINGSLEY for constable. Several voters remained at home, as there should have been sixty votes at least. Excelsior cast only one Democratic vote out of a total of 28, though Mr. GEE received six. Semiahmoo was a surprise, especially on some of the county officers, though ALLEN had a majority of nineteen out of a vote of forty one. WEIR 11, McBRIDE 12, GEE 11. The straight Democratic vote seemed to be about 14.

Blaine is now the salt water port for over fifteen hundred people. In another five years nearly as many thousand will make this their trading point.

The Blaine-Ferndale road has been opened through STOLTENBERG's field. Charles BUCHANAN did the work. This shortens up that road three-quarters of a mile.

A petition has been forwarded to the county commissioners asking that $100 be expended by the county on the road between Hillsdale and Birch Bay. The work is much needed.

Thursday, November 15, 1888:

To-day is Thanksgiving day in Canada.

LINDSEY's sawmill turned out its first board Monday.

We see by the Pioneer Press that Lynden and Nooksack propose to finish clearing out the river between those places so as to allow steamers to run.

Mr. E. HIGGINSON has located in this place, and will open in Blaine with a good stock of drugs and medicines in a few weeks. In the spring he will put up a fine large building on Washington avenue.

HARRIS & PETTIBONE are business. If you don't believe it just read their Abstract advertisement in another column. We had the privilege of inspecting their books the other day, and find that careful note is taken of all changes of title in the county, and their books correspond strictly with the official records. They are prepared to economize, too, in time, having their books properly indexed and numbered so as to conveniently and quickly trace the record of any piece of property. Try them and see.

Messrs. Bruno and Victor PAUL have been duck hunting at Mud Bay during the past week.

The new hotel is finished, and this morning a large scow load of furniture was towed into the harbor by a tug from New Westminster. It is expected the building will be ready for occupancy in a few days.

Westminster has been overrun with highwaymen the past few weeks. Several people have been stopped on the streets and held up, and in the case of one man the footpads added injury to insult by kicking him because he didn't have any money about him.

Clark M. SIMONDS, wife and children, arrived in Blaine Saturday evening from Burton, Kansas. They are old acquaintances of R. M. ROGERS, and will probably make this part of the world their home. They report a very pleasant trip across the country.

Isn't it pretty near time for us to begin to talk about the establishment of a ship yard on Semiahmoo spit? With three sawmills to furnish materials, and the best site possible for such an institution there ought to be no obstacle in the way, and there is every reason why such an enterprise should succeed. It is only a question of a little time until this harbor will be the headquarters of extensive ship building operations.

John KALSEN is back in his old place in ELWOOD's store.

Excelsior elected Geo. ELIOT for justice and I. M. SCOTT for constable.

The Lynden Normal Academy commenced its winter term on Monday.

Mrs. D. S. MILLER and her little daughter left Tuesday for a five weeks trip to Pennsylvania.

Mr. Ed. THOMAS has been engaged to teach the winter term of the Thompson school eight miles east of Blaine.

Thos. WHITE took sick in Westminster Monday evening, and did not return to Blaine until last evening, consequently their stage misses one trip this week.

Mr. M. ROSBRUGH was pleasantly surprised Tuesday at the arrival of his daughter, Mrs. Mary MOTT, accompanied by her son, from Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. MOTT is expected in about four weeks.

WHITE & GEE's stage had a little runaway accident on the way over from Westminster yesterday. John LITTLE and Mr. SCOTT stopped them before they did much damage, but the team jerked Thos. WHITE around and sprained his ancle (sic), before they got away from him.

The following is a list of those who passed the fall examination with an average of 90 percent and over: Emma HOSKINS 92, Carrie WILMORE 90, Addie PALMER 95, Edward THOMAS 95, Fred GERMAIN 95, Glen HYATT 91, Wm. BARTLETT 92, Arthur SWIM 94, Mary JENKINS 93, Orsey NORTON 93, Fannie ALEXANDER 92, Alice SMITH 91, Anna JACOBS 95, Olive CHARROIN 95, Hattie GRIGGS 94. The school has been very successful during the past term under the present corps of instructors, and the prospects are very bright for the coming term. It would be advisable for every person in this county who contemplates attending school, to take advantage of this institution. It is in our county, is a home institution, and should be encouraged. -Ed. THOMAS.

Thursday, November 22, 1888:

Mr. ECKFORD has just finished a new stable for C. C. PAUL.

Mr. Ed. THOMAS will teach the East Ferndale school this winter instead of the Thomson school.

Mr. PETRASH, who lives a few miles east of Blaine, came home Saturday on the steamer George E. Starr. He brought a blacksmithing outfit with him.

Operator McCALL has spent several days in Westminster this week, Mr. Ed. McKENZIE, from Clover Valley has been running the Blaine telegraph office during his absence.

Nothing has advanced in Whatcom county during the past year more than the steamer service. A year ago we only had one boat per week here in Blaine; now we have three boats each week, one of them among the finest on the sound. There was only one steamer plying the Nooksack twelve months ago; now there are three. Whatcom, which has always been the outlet for the whole county, gets all this increase, besides, an increase of two boats every-other day from Seattle, making two daily boats; and the Port Townsend service has also been much improved. Before another year we hope to see a steamer route established between Vancouver and Westminster and Puget Sound with Blaine as a stopping place on the line.

Mr. Wm. EVANS reports four of his children sick with the mumps.

A house belonging to Mr. LEWIS, Mr. FREE's son-in-law, was burned in New Westminster last week.

JONES, for the murder of Frank DURANT, was sentenced at Westminster Tuesday to be hanged.

Mr. HOOKWAY from Mud Bay, and Mr. MARTINSON from Birch Bay, were in Blaine yesterday.

On Thanksgiving day, the 29th inst., at 11 a. m. the Rev. James EVA will preach a special sermon at the Blaine school house.

Marion BARRACKLAW [also BARRICKLAW], Arthur BARRACKLAW, Frank LASHMETT and Wm. TAYLOR were passengers by the steamer Brick for Seattle yesterday.

T. J. ARMSTRONG, son of Sheriff ARMSTRONG, of Westminster, was married on Monday morning at Ladner's Landing to Miss KERR. -Vancouver World, November 13th.

The Journal will give $1 towards the expense of boarding up around the foundation of the school house. Any one who would like to give any sum from 25 cents upward for that object, may leave it at CAIN Brothers' store, where proper account will be kept of it. The whole cost of the work will not be over six or eight dollars, and if any one desires to subscribe it will be we to do so at once.

GEE & WHITE received their new covered stage by the steamer George E. Starr Saturday evening, so now the Westminster-Blaine line is provided with two comfortable covered stages, which connect with the steamer Brick on Tuesdays and with the Brick and Geo. E. Starr on Saturdays at Blaine, thus affording a much cheaper route between the British Columbia mainland cities and Puget Sound, especially for those who wish to visit Blaine and Whatcom.

Mrs. W. L. ROGERS is very sick with billious fever.

Hale SMITH, brother of Elmer SMITH, lately from Minnesota, arrived by the steamer Brick Tuesday.

The people on Bellingham Bay are agitating the question of uniting the towns there under one name.

C. E. PERRY is now engaged locating the line of the V., S. & W. R. R. from the Fraser River north to Vancouver.

W. L. ROGERS is building him a new two-story residence 18-26 with lean-to 12x26 on his place just east of Blaine.

Mr. Jerry MERRELL, wife and two children, from Champlin, Minnesota, arrived in Blaine Tuesday. They will make their home here.

From the Women's Home Missions magazine for November we gather that Mrs. MORHOUSE, a medical missionary, has been located at Nooksack among the Indians.

At the teachers' examinations on the 15th and 16th, Miss Edith THORNTON, Mrs. BEAVER, Miss Kate ISENSEE and Mr. Ed. THOMAS received second grade certificates, and Miss Hattie ROGERS and Miss Maude HORN third grade.

Mr. I. LIVINGSTONE and family came to Blaine on the steamer Brick Tuesday. His family came from Champlin, Minnesota, and met him on the sound. They will make Blaine their future home.

C. S. REINHART, who used to be in Semiahmoo, son of S. D. REINHART, of Ten-Mile, this county, now editor of the Goldendale Sentinel, was elected to the territorial legislature from Klickitat county at the late election.

If the town of Blaine had just one enterprising capitalist worth $100,000 it would soon take an advanced position among the best cities of Puget Sound. It has all the natural advantages, and only requires capital to develop them.

When it was learned last week that Mr. STEAUBLI had applied to lease the fractional piece of school land adjoining Blaine on the north a remonstrance was at once sent to the county commissioners against granting said lease. The people of Blaine have expended considerable time and money on that little piece of ground, which they desire to use as a public park, and do not wish it to be monopolized by any individual. Although action had already been taken on school land petitions, we understand the board will refuse to lease our park to private parties.

Monday morning Mr. Peter FOSTER, formerly superintendent of the KEENEY Lumber Co's mills at Ferry, Michigan, took charge of LINDSEY's sawmill. Mr. FOSTER has constructed seventeen different sawmills and shingle mills, and if the LINDSEY ill is not a success it will not be for lack of experience in its management. Mr. FOSTER says the Semiahmoo shingle mill would now be running full force had not the transcontinental railroads raised on freights, but the freight charges on shingles are now so high that it does not pay to ship them east, though there is an inexhaustible market for them there. If there are any idle sailing vessels the shingle business on Puget Sound ought to furnish profitable employment for them.
The mill started up yesterday afternoon after Mr. FOSTER had given it a thorough overhauling, and sawed just enough to show that it worked like a charm, cutting through a large log without a decrease of motion. Mr. FOSTER and Mr. STILLWELL stood beside the carriage preparing to start the log through again when the main driving pulley on the main line shaft exploded and flying pieces struck the other driving pulley on the saw frame and shattered it with a crash and a roar, chewing up the main belt and sending a shower of cast iron fragments whistling through the air. Mr. FOSTER was struck by two large pieces, one of which cut him across the back of the thigh just above the knee, making a terrible incision and shattering the lower third of the left femural bone. The other struck him a glancing blow on the hip, cutting and bruising it terribly, but not shattering it. He fell fainting among the timbers, where he was soon surrounded by the men about the mill, quite a number of whom had also received bruises and scratches from the flying missiles. The machinery was stopped at once, and Dr. DEMENT was soon at the scene. Mr. FOSTER was placed on a stretcher and carefully taken over to Mrs. EGAN's at Semiahmoo, where Dr. DEMENT dressed his wounds.
Dr. HALL, of Westminster, was telegraphed for to consult with Dr. DEMENT, and arrived about 3 a. m. Mr. C. C. PAUL and F. M. CAIN patiently watched and waited out on the flats all night for Dr. HALL, and when he arrived took him at once to see the sufferer. He pronounced Dr. DEMENT's dressing well done, and to-day both physicians agree that the patient has the best of prospects for a speedy recovery. The wounds are very painful, but Mr. FOSTER is clear grit and his healthy constitution will carry him through, with the kind nursing he is sure to get at Mrs. EGAN's.
One great wonder about the accident is that only one out of ten or fifteen men who were about there should have been seriously injured. Three cast iron wheels, one of them a very large one, flew into a thousand pieces. The large belt was torn into ribbons. Pieces of cast iron fell like hail six or eight rods away from the mill. The timbers of the saw frame look as tho' they had been bombarded with grape shot, and the timbers over head are still full of pieces of the broken wheels.
The accident was caused by a flaw in the large wheel and by the fact that the carriage caught thus throwing its governing influence off the machinery, thus allowing it to run up to a terrible rate of speed, which could not be slackened before the faulty wheel went to pieces.
As soon as Mr. FOSTER recovers he will take charge of the mill again. In the mean time, Mr. J. S. LEWIS, who is an experienced millwright, will, in consultation with Mr. FOSTER, continue the outfitting of the mill. The accident will cause considerable delay in the work, but every body is thankful that it is no worse.

Duncan McKENNAN will lose his eye in which he was so unfortunate as to get plaster some weeks ago.

Thursday, November 29, 1888:

Wm. LOGAN has gone to Whatcom to prove up on his homestead.

I. M. SCOTT and John BARBER went as witnesses for Mr. LOGAN in making his final proof.

The SMITH brothers, Hale and Elmer, have been clearing up their E street lots. They will build on them as soon as they can get lumber from the LINDSEY mill.

Mr. HART is the first man in Blaine to make the front of his building conform to the curve of Washington Avenue, and he deserves credit for it. One of these days, when Washington Avenue is properly graded, has good sidewalks, and all the buildings are put up fronting the street, it will be one of the finest thoroughfares on Puget Sound.

The Free Methodists have about finished their house of worship.

Mr. ROSBROUGH has just finished an addition to his house 8x18 feet in size, which makes a very pleasant and comfortable house of it.

The Reveille says the new STENGER hotel in Whatcom will be opened on the first of December and it will be a good one. Whatcom and the visiting public ought to be thankful.

Dr. W. A. KING and family arrived by the steamer Starr Saturday evening. They have moved into Mr. Ed. BENNETT's house. Dr. KING is a first class physician, and those in need of his services will receive careful and prompt attention.

Last Wednesday at Lynden J. B. ROBINSON, well known all over the northern part of Whatcom county, and especially in Blaine and Ferndale, died of consumption. Mr. ROBINSON was one of the builders of the famous Semiahmoo trail, and his sons used to live in Blaine. He leaves a widow, who is a daughter of J. D. WHEELER, of Ferndale.

Miss Lessie DEMENT returned home from Hillsdale this morning.

Mr. LINDSEY will put a patent log hauler and turner in the new mill.

Mr. Wm. WEST has just qualified and Blaine now has a justice of the Peace.

Paul A. SMITH lectured last night at the Blaine school house on spiritualism and the Bible. He also speaks to-night on the same subjects.

Mr. Fred WEISE, John KROOG, and Henry HEIDMAN have been in Seattle proving up on their homesteads during the past week.

C. T. MOORE's parents and several members of their family arrived on the steamer George E. Starr from the east Saturday evening. They will make their future home here.

Harry SAVINGS has gone over to Lynden to attend the Normal Academy. A good move for Harry, and we hope to see some more of the Blaine young men follow his example.

Mr. F. E. BROWN and wife from Spirit Lake, Iowa, arrived in Blaine Tuesday by the steamer Brick. Mr. BROWN is a blacksmith and engineer, and we hope will feel inclined to make this his future home. They intend to at least spend the winter in Blaine, we believe.

In a few months some enterprising individual will establish a telephone line between Blaine and Semiahmoo.

Mrs. Thos. SAVINGS, who lives out at Excelsior, came in to the Thanksgiving services to-day. She found Blaine had doubled in size since she was last here before.

-Mr. PUERIEA is teaching a very successful term of school.
-Miss Nellie SMITH is attending the Normal at Lynden.
-Mr. COLLINS, who has been living on the TENNANT place, has bought eighty acres of D. McDOUGAL, and will commence at once to put up a dwelling.
-Mr. MUSSER has rented his place to Mr. BURGESS, and will next week move on to his Bellingham Bay property.
-Mr. Orsey NORTON, a pupil from the Normal is teaching a winter term of school in the northern part of the county.
-H. A. SMITH received a severe kick in the face from a pony while saddling it to attend the lecture of Mr. PANGBORN. The upper lip was badly cut, smaller gashes over the eye and nose. The shock upon his nervous system caused several days of illness and a badly disfigured face.
-Lon. OWINGS has gone to Lynden to work in ROBINSON's sawmill.
-A sister and family, of Mr. LUCE arrived from Wisconsin last week.

Thursday, December 6, 1888:

Allen HARVEY returned last evening from Ladner's Landing, where he has spent the summer at work.

At the Thanksgiving services last week a collection of $6.40 was taken up to aid in the establishment of a M. E. hospital in Portland, Oregon.

Mrs. RYCKMANN, left for her home at Astoria Saturday evening by the steamer George E. Starr. Mrs. B. N. Kingsley accompanied her to Seattle, where the two ladies will spend several days visiting at their brother, Captain HENSPETER's.

Lynden has put up five or six new buildings since our last visit, and we could not help noticing last Saturday their beautiful new school house, one of the finest we ever saw in a town of its size, and much nicer than any other in Whatcom county. It is a large building two stories high and surmounted with a slightly dome, the whole nicely painted. We also noticed a fine large hotel about completed, and Captain RANDOLPH was just commencing the construction of a supply house.

Messrs. D. R. McELMON and John R. MILLER each had a tussle with a ladder last week, with about the same result - the ladder is still champion. Mr. McELMON stood up six rounds, and then the ladder lunged forward bringing him to the floor. A friendly work bench reached out to catch him, and one corner of it gave him a friendly whack across the northeast side of his head, and the floor finished the bout by giving him a rousing reception when he arrived. Mr. MILLER did little better, he stood up seven rounds, but the ladder did better too, and had evidently made up its mind to settle the championship question, for it suddenly let out behind with both feet, and Mr. MILLER came down with a rush scraping off a part of lot 1 of the n.w. 1/4 of sec. 17 from his left side on a neighborly wall, and reaching the floor with his legs tangled up in such a way among the ladder as to nearly break him in two at the hips. The old ladder leans up against the shed looking as innocent as though it had not made two men almost cripples for the past week.

Mr. SIMONDS and family have moved into the YOUNG house.

Jasper RUCKER sold a large number of turkeys to WHITE & GEE this week.

We understand that Mr. F. BROWN is soon to build a new house on E street.

The Pioneer Press reports that the Rev. John TENNANT is again very ill and unable to preach.

Mr. CHAMBERS, of Lynden, offers a subsidy of $500 to any one who will establish a creamery there.

W. H. JONES the murderer, was sentenced to be hanged at New Westminster on January 9th, next.

The steamer Brick took 185,000 shingles away from ELWOOD's shingle mill last week Thursday for the up sound markets.

The Blaine school opened Monday with 38 pupils in attendance and Prof. F. G. BOWERS, recently of Snohomish, at the helm.

It is said that leprosy has got among the Indians of British Columbia, and is likely to carry them all away within the next twenty-five years.

The people in North Prairie school district feel justly proud of the fine new organ which they have lately received for their school house.

Mr. John MILLER and a friend named Leonard from Wisconsin, will start a shingle and flour mill at Lummi, making the sixth shingle mill in Whatcom county, so says the Reveille.

Sehome does not wish to be incorporated with the rest of the Bellingham Bay towns just yet, as she expects soon to be strong enough to have control of the city government, and also to locate the city buildings there, which they could not do if the consolidation took place now.

Sehome keeps right on building, and will soon have a mile of the main street planked on both sides with a twelve-foot sidewalk. A new hall has just been completed and their fine new hotel is about finished. We understand that there is soon to be built another hotel to contain over sixty sleeping rooms.

The Blaine sawmill has all the business it can attend to in furnishing flooring and rustic for new buildings in Sehome. Between now and spring, according to contract of sale, there must be twenty-five and fifty buildings constructed, which will furnish market for hundreds of thousands of feet, much of which will come from the three Blaine mills.

One of the nurses from the Walworth settlement told the Columbian that "Mrs. VANLUVEN died on the 13th day of her illness of confluent smallpox, and her death was considered a happy relief, as both her eyes would have fallen out had she lived. She was buried at 10:30 the next morning in a rude coffin furnished by friendly hands. A funeral service was held in the house by Mr. Alex. ANDERSON, who performed the last rites over the body of Mrs. VANLUVEN and the two unfortunates who had died before. The two children were very low at this time, and their recovery seemed almost hopeless. But skillful treatment had its effect and both recovered, although the right eye of the youngest child fell out. Even after convalescence the poor children suffered terribly from abscesses which broke out all over their bodies. The little girl's face had to be lanced ten times in different places, and also many times on other parts of the body." When they first arrived at the WALWORTH's on September 30th, they found several of the patients delirious, and Mrs. Chas. WALWORTH especially so. They were compelled to tie her feet and hands and put her in a straight jacket, and then it required two men to hold her at times. She died at 8:30 that same night. After the disease had subsided everything was thoroughly disinfected and eight pounds of sulphur was used in fumigating the house, which was tightly closed during the process. The clothing was burned.

Thursday, December 13, 1888:

Seattle has eleven cases of smallpox, and still we hear nothing about any quarantine against her. In fact, almost every large town in Oregon and Washington now has that dread disease among its people.

LINDSEY's sawmill now has a roof on it.

Arthur ROGERS and Elmer MISSIMER were up from Ferndale Monday.

D. S. RICHARDS, the Blaine-Semiahmoo ferryman, has removed to the Blaine side to reside.

There will be a Gospel Temperance service under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at the Blaine school house at 11 a. m. Sunday the 30th of December.

The people of Birch Bay district are in want of a teacher, a gentleman preferred. Address Wm. LOGAN, Hillsdale, or Henry HENSPETER, Sr., Birch Bay.

Mr. Peter FOSTER, who was injured in the recent sawmill accident, is still progressing favorably, and though suffering some from the inconvenience of being confined to his bed, expects to be out in due season.

Dr. KING's professional card appears in this issue of the Journal. The doctor has become quite an enthusiast on our grand location here in Blaine, and we understand will soon put in a stock of first class drugs in TAYLOR & NUBER's building at the foot of E street.

Our special policeman last night shut up a British Columbia inebriate in the Front street jail, but this morning the b. c. i. walked out, the s. p. having left the door unlocked. There seems to be considerable call for such an establishment in Blaine lately.

The new steamer Nooksack, loaded with lumber, shingles, potatoes, and hides, has been sunk in seven feet of water in the Nooksack river below Lynden. This will be quite a blow to Captain SCHOFF, the owner of the boat, and also to the community of Lynden, as they expected for great benefit from the new boat. A ten-ton boat which could run to Lynden every day in the year if necessary would have been better, and Lynden would have been just as large a place with the smaller boat as with one which had to tie up for low water and could not navigate the crooked stream.

T. G. STEAUBLI says in a recent letter to parties in Blaine: "I regret very much the excitement about the school land, inasmuch as we have treated every one in the Blaine community fair and square, and in obtaining the right of lease only followed the law, as every body should do, and now since the commissioners have granted it and the money has been tendered, that there is such a public remonstrance. I have had just as much interest in the welfare of Blaine and its people as any one, and have it yet. If the eastern portion of the school land is cultivated and cleared it will only be better for Blaine, and the water front, one block or two, would, never desire anything else as to see it beautified in a park - But as it is it will never do any body any good. I expected a few would be jealous like, but I have surely not expected a public demonstration. However, I will let the law take its course, and not be so easily scared - no so long as I am in the right."

Jerry MERRELL has commenced preparations to build on his lots.

Mrs. J. W. WIFFLER was a passenger for this port by the steamer Starr last Saturday evening.

Wm. KREMER and Wm. PALMER came home from Yakima, where they have spent the summer, last Friday.

Henry ROESSELL has about finished the new bridge across the deep gulch near his house on the Blaine-Ferndale road.

Inspector BASS returned to Blaine Saturday evening and has opened a customs office in Mr. BERTRAND's new building.

Mr. Wendell ARNDT, a brother of Mr. J. ARNDT, has been looking this part of the country over during the past week.

The sloop Minnie, with which the old residents of Blaine and Semiahmoo were well acquainted, was wrecked in Plumper's Pass a couple of weeks ago.

The Custer correspondent of the Reveille says Postmaster CUSTER is to resign about the first of March and several residents of that place will try to secure appointment to the vacated position.

Negotiations are in progress between the postoffice authorities at Washington and the postmasters at Blaine, Haynie, Delta and Lynden, for the establishment of a postal route between those places.

The Campbell River Indian reservation is now a place of activity. The Indians are putting up new houses in almost every part of it, and a new church is also being constructed, all of which would seem to indicate that they intend to hold the most of the land there.

Blaine was treated Saturday and Monday evenings to a minstrel performance and some jubilee singing by Frank B. THOMAS, George S. GREEN, Jas. D. JOHNSON and John A. MILTON, colored professionals from the east. Their singing was especially enjoyed by those present. They left for Whatcom yesterday by the steamer Brick.

Some of the patrons of the Haynie postoffice propose to pay Postmaster STILLWELL for the trouble and expense of carrying the mail out to that office. If each patron would pay 35 cents per quarter the sum would remunerate him for the actual cost of getting the mail out there, and would hardly be felt by those interested in keeping up the office.

We understand that early in the spring C. T. MOORE will put up a fine sawmill, planing mill and sash, door and blind factory under Drayton Heights to the south side of this harbor, thus improving one of the finest sawmill sites on this coast. Blaine ought to be pretty well satisfied then with its milling improvements. With four sawmills, one of the best shingle mills in the country and a sash, door and blind factory we ought to be able to build a good city here on the best of harbors surrounded by the most fertile and extensive agricultural district on Puget sound.

The Reveille of last week has a note of the arrest of one J. SHEURMAN for smuggling goods into British Columbia. He was arrested in Westminster several days ago. Blaine had the distinction of being on SHEURMAN's route, and one of his letters had the luck to fall into the Journal man's hands some time ago, said letter containing the names of several of his pals, with one of whom at least he had had some trouble. The Dominion authorities imagine that they can wipe out the smuggling business by watching the banks of the Fraser river, but so long as the little nooks and bays between Blaine and Point Roberts remain unscanned by the eyes of the customs authorities, and the half-dozen trails and roads remain unguarded, so long will the business go on, and the W., B. B. & S. R., as it now located will offer another fine avenue for the traffic both ways.

C. E. CLINE is now in Birdsview, Skagit county.

Mr. OTLY has just finished a new barn on his place at Haynie.

STOOP's sawmill has been lengthened out, and is now 108 feet long.

On December 2d in Ferndale, died Henry MONROE, aged about 77 years.

Victor PAUL has been painting the old CLARK residence on Semiahmoo spit.

Rev. James EVA informs us that the Indian school at Nooksack has received $1000 from the Woman's Home Mission board.

It is reported that Captain J. C. BRITTAIN, who is well known to many people in this part of the country, has become insane.

Miss Ellen HART goes to Vancouver to-morrow to attend the high school which has just been established in connection with the public schools of that city.

Thos. WALWORTH came to Blaine from Westminster Tuesday and yesterday went out to Hall's Prairie, the first time since the smallpox attacked his family three months ago.

The Rev. J. C. McKENDREE, from Los Angeles, California, came to Blaine Saturday and on Sunday evening he preached a good sermon to a large congregation at the school house.

On the night of December 4th at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. B. JONES, in Seattle, died Mrs. Maria COUPE, widow of the late Capt. Thos. COUPE, of Coupeville. Mrs. COUPE, with her children came around Cape Horn to the Pacific coast in 1853 and soon after settled in Coupeville, her husband bringing her there on his bark Success, which was the first and last square rigged ship ever successfully navigated through Deception Pass. Captain COUPE was the pilot of the first cutter that ever successfully navigated Puget Sound, and established the ferry between EBEY's Landing and Port Townsend. Mrs. COUPE has resided since her husband's death on the old homestead, and a few years ago donated twenty acres of land to the Coupeville academy. She leaves five children, Ex-Treasurer M. T. COUPE of this county, Geo. M. COUPE and Mrs. W. B. JONES, of Seattle, and Mrs. Thos. CRANEY and Mrs. Jas. GILLSPIE, of Coupeville.

John ROPER and Mr. MAHAN are opening up the Campbell River road between the Coast Meridian and the Elgin road on the north side of the river.

Thursday, December 20, 1888:

Ed. EVANS is reported sick at the home of his sister at Ten-Mile.

The BOLE property adjoining Blaine on the British side, is being sold in acre lost at $100 each.

D. R. McELMON's family has just moved out upon his place just north of the harbor on the British side. Some day that place will be in the suburbs of a flourishing city.

A man named DICKINSON has been hauling lumber to-day to build a house on his lots on H street near the school house. He has also purchased five acres of land of Mrs. RUNGE near Dakota creek.

When the steamer Nooksack sank last week just below Lynden she was run up on a bar, her stern lying low in the water. Considerable drift wood floated down and piled up against her, and several yokes of oxen were hitched to her with the intention of drawing her further up on the sand. The cable used, however, was not strong enough, and broke, and then the drift seemed to take a new hold on the boat and it turned square over and broke into a thousand pieces, which were soon scattered all along the river to Bellingham Bay. Its machinery lies at the bottom of the river.

The Washington Farmer in a late issue says: "Among the most notable observances of the editor of the Washington Farmer was the one that Whatcom county has neither jail nor criminals." He might have said, too, that half the justices of the peace elected do not qualify, because there is no business for them to do, and those who do qualify have so little to attend to in an official way that they might almost keep a record of the transactions of their courts on their finger nails. He also says the Whatcom county "court house was the first brick building in Washington territory. It is 25x40 feet, two stories high, plastered, has iron shutters, tin roof, and was built in 1858. It was a very fortunate thing this building was constructed of brick and that iron shutters were put over the windows and doors, for during the Indian outbreak in 1862 the handful of people sought refuge in this building and the savages made a fierce onslaught, during which bullets were rained against the walls, and one ball penetrated an iron door shutter. Several persons were killed in front of the door."

BROWN Bros. are putting up a new store building on their place at Enterprise.

Captain TARTE's family has moved into one of the new B. B. & B. C. cottages just above the wharf in Sehome.

J. B. HATCH, of Ferndale, is the happy father of a new boy baby which he has named Harrison, for the man who beat CLEVELAND.

When we passed down Friday twelve men under the direction of Supervisor ROESSELL were at work on the new bridge on the Ferndale road near his place. It was about finished, and is a fine job, being much higher and much longer than the old one, and the roadway protected on both sides by a railing.

The N. W., B. B. & S. R. surveyors ran a line north from Ferndale last week, and strange to say, when they came up within a short distance of the international boundary line they struck a high ridge, so they returned again south to run another line farther east to get around said ridge. They are having lots of fun with that survey, and the company will require to sell a great many of their Whatcom and Westminster town lots to pay the expense.

The Reveille says Nelson BENNET has purchased HARRIS' Fairhaven townsite for $75,000, eight blocks of Robert KNOX for $20,000, the STENGER mill and five acres adjoining for $42,000, 160 acres of George MERRIAM at the lower end of Lake Whatcom for $8000, 110 acres of Will D. JENKINS on Lake Padden for $5500. All of which indicates that capitalists are beginning to see the advantages of the best county in Western Washington. We are glad to see interests dividing up this way, as it indicates that no special location on the Sound can monopolize either the growth or the wealth.

Elmer MISSIMER returned to Blaine from Ferndale yesterday, having got the new telegraph office well started. Mrs. MISSIMER accompanied him.

Thursday, December 27, 1888:

Seattle, Dec. 27. - The steamer Lief Erickson, which left this place Monday evening for Sydney, when off Alki Point took fire from the breaking of a demijon of whiskey in the pilot house, which ran down through the holes for the ropes and reached the furnace. She burned to the water's edge and sank. There were 32 passengers on board, 7 of them were drowned. The names of the drowned were: Miss Annie LOLLNER, niece of the captain of the steamer; J. H. NOREOUS, Jack SIMMONS, T. MITCHELL and Mr. and Mrs. HANSEN.

Rev. A. WARREN has gone to Olympia to spend the holidays with relatives.

Mr. PARKINS, who has been teaching the Custer school, has been engaged to teach the winter term of the Birch Bay school.

On New Year's eve there will be a grand ball, the best of the season, at HART's Hall in Blaine. Invitations will be sent out this week.

A force of men started in this morning grading down Washington Avenue hill, in preparation for the large amount of lumber which is soon to be hauled up there.

Mr. Wallace DEMENT, from Gray's Harbor, arrived in Blaine Tuesday evening on the steamer Brick. He says he heard all along the way between here and Portland that Blaine would boom next year. Mr. DEMENT is Dr. G. D. DEMENT's eldest son. He will probably stay in Blaine several weeks, and may come here to reside permanently in the spring.

Wm. MILLOWA is home to spend the holidays with his family in Blaine.

We notice by the Reveille that Mr. John ELWOOD, of Semiahmoo, has been purchasing valuable property in Sehome.

The people of Custer had a Christmas tree at the Pleasant Valley school house Monday evening, and a shooting match Tuesday.

The sun will be almost totally eclipsed on New Year's day, we believe at 1 o'clock p. m., and if the day is clear Blaine will witness the best part of the display.

Saturday Mr. Henry STENDER fell and broke one of the bones [in] his left arm. Dr. KING set the fracture, and his is now doing well, though he carries the injured member in a sling.

Charles and William BERTRAND killed six large deer last week in the open field just over the British line from Delta. They report the hunting very good in that locality, and quite a number of bears have lately been killed.

Blaine has much the best harbor on the lower Sound, and the most convenient of any for deep sea vessels to reach. Blaine has a thoroughly protected inner harbor a mile square and perfectly accessible for the largest ships that float. No other point on the lower Sound has such a one.

Walker Creek has been confined in a ditch recently made by the settlers, and the water from the boundary line south five miles to the river no longer troubles the farmers. The ditch is perhaps the longest on Puget Sound, and varies from five to ten feet deep and from six to ten feet wide. In dry weather the farmers can by sluice gates irrigate their gardens and fields. -Lynden Cor. Reveille.

Thos. BYCE [BICE] demonstrates his faith in Blaine by investing in town property here to-day.

Ed. THOMAS has a vacation of a week in his East Ferndale school, and his home for the holidays.

The Democrat says that Nelson BENNET has not purchased the Fairhaven townsite, but has bought the STENGER mill property.

Professor GRIFFIN is spending the holidays with his mother and sister near Blaine. He reports fifty-six students in attendance at the Normal School, an increase of six since our last former report.

The Laconner Mail says a newspaper outfit for R. O. WELTS, who was about to start a paper at Lyman, Skagit county, had the misfortune to be on the steamer Nooksack, and is now at the bottom the the Nooksack River, it having been misshipped to Lynden.

Next Sunday, the 30th will be devoted to temperance services in the Blaine school house under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. At 11 a. m. there will be a sermon on temperance by some good speaker, and at 2:30 a programme of recitations, speaking, singing, etc. Professor GRIFFIN will preside at the organ during the services. All interested in the cause of temperance are invited to attend.

We can count up twenty-five buildings which have been constructed in Blaine and Semiahmoo, all during the year 1888, and there included in the list none of those built or partially built in 1887, as given in our list last year. They are: E. ACHILLIS, residence; Matt. HARVEY, residence; M. T. GEE, store building and barn, Mrs. BOND, residence; Ed. BENNET, residence; J. C. BERTRAND, residence; Mrs. Mahala EVANS, residence; ELWOOD & FOSTER, shingle mill and wharf; Mr. GILFILLIN, residence; J. N. LINDSEY, sawmill; Large hotel on the British side, with barn; D. S. RICHARDS, residence and ferry house; TAYLOR & NEWBER, restaurant; C. C. PAUL, residence and barn; A. A. HART, store building; M. ROSBRUGH, addition to his residence; E. WILSON, residence, F. M. church, house of worship; Elmer SMITH, residence; Jerry MERRELL, residence; S. P. HUGHES, barn; Wm. DICKISON, residence; Wm. WEST, storehouse. Besides these there were many minor improvements, such as fencing, wood houses, etc., and not less than eleven buildings were newly painted. The place as a town is only four years old, and has never gone backward since it was platted. This year has been no exception, but there would have been nearly twice as many buildings constructed in Blaine in 1888 if LINDSEY's sawmill had been running. In the country surrounding Blaine there have been many improvements, and the value of real estate for a mile and a half back has trebbled in the past twelve months. Among the buildings erected may be mentioned: Mr. UPSON, residence; California Creek bridge; California Creek school house; Chas. STOOPS, sawmill; Mr. FELESEANA, residence; T. LLEWELLYN, residence; John OTLY, residence; Geo. OTLY, residence, Chas. STILLWELL, residence; F. WENTZ, residence; W. L. ROGERS, residence; Clarence HILTON, residence; J. McGRAW, residence; Matt. HARVEY, residence; David BROWN, residence; D. R. McELMON, residence. There has also been considerable clearing done during the year, and our corner of Whatcom county has more than held its own with the rest of the county this year, as it did last, and promises to do better still next year, with four sawmills and a railroad or two to help it along.


Copied by Susan Nahas, 2001


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