Fairhaven Times
Frank C. Teck, Editor

Saturday, January 3, 1903:

Hector CAMERON, age 23 years, died of consumption on Sunday night in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McGINNIS, Lenora avenue, where funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. B. SEARS. Mr. CAMERON came here from Nova Scotia. He was an exemplary young man.

The Pacific Oil Wells Co. resumed drilling in the Fairhaven oil well on Thursday.

The Export sawmill broke the 1902 record on the very last day of the year, cutting 58,000 feet of lumber.

About 200 feet of the N. P. track at Mirror lake, west of Wickersham, is mired in marsh and no trains have been running over it since Christmas.

Robert SHIELDS on Monday sold his shingle mill on Bertrand creek, near Enterprise, and one section of timber land to A. E. CLARK for $27,000.

Miss Ella M. BARNEY of Whatcom died in the Steilacoom asylum on Tuesday and the remains were brought here yesterday for burial by Undertaker W. H. MOCK.

Captain S. D. WYMAN, the original proprietor of the old Globe mill in Whatcom, died of heart disease last Saturday evening on Dock street near the old mill. The remains were taken to the Noice undertaking parlors. Captain WYMAN was about 64 years old and leaves a wife and mother residing in Sauk Rapids, Michigan, where the remains will be buried.

Paul ASHBY of Kentucky is visiting his uncle, Mayor HARDIN of Whatcom.

J. H. MARCH has been in Anacortes during the week looking after the affairs of the Great Northern Lumber Co., of which he is president.

Mr. and Mrs. D. D. FAGAN and Roy FAGAN leave next week for Coos Bay, Oregon, where they expect to reside the greater part of 1903. Mr. FAGAN will return here about February 1 to resume his agency duties for the Hall Safe and Lock Co.

John KILDALL left on Tuesday for Minneapolis to attend the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co.

Miss Marion BLETHEN of Seattle spent New Year's as the guest of Miss Nellie McBRIDE of Whatcom.

Miss Fannie B. LOVELACE of Mount Vernon is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. HOLTON.

Michael EARLES will return on Monday from St. Paul.

Mrs. ROSENBERG and sons left yesterday for their home in San Francisco, after a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. LOBE of Whatcom.

Undertaker W. H. MOCK returned on Monday from Port Angeles, where he was called to take charge of the remains of Captain S. P. RAYMOND, who died there December 24. Captain RAYMOND was the father of Mrs. Geo. W. MOCK of Whatcom.

Mrs. Charles MAGEE of Whatcom returned early last week from a visit of nine weeks in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois.

Captain H. B. KIRBY is busy arranging for the construction of a large number of boats, scows, tugs and pile drivers in his shipyard on the Whatcom waterfront. He has orders on hand already from various parts of the Sound and Alaska.

Prof. Benjamin H. HIBBARD of Ames, Iowa, and Miss Jeannette BAKER were quietly married on New Year's eve at 4 o'clock in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. S. BAKER, High street, Whatcom, Rev. S. S. SULLIGER officiating. The young couple left on the same evening for Ames, Iowa where they will reside, Prof. HIBBARD being professor of economics in the Iowa Agricultural college there. The bride is an accomplished and charming young lady who has won many friends during her three year's residence on the Bay.

Richmond, Kentucky, newspapers speak of the wedding of Miss Bethenia Bond McCORD and Clinton Woodbury HOWARD on December 24 as one of the most brilliant nuptial celebrations ever witnessed in that city. Mrs. HOWARD is one of the fairest and most accomplished young women of the Kentucky capital, while Mr. HOWARD is one of the most successful lawyers of the Northwest.

Miss Euphemia Sterling SPIERS and John GRAHAM were united in marriage on New Year's day in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George SPIERS [SPEIRS], Bay street, Whatcom. A large number of relatives and friends joined in the celebration of the event. After their honeymoon tour they will reside at 1211 Canoe street, and will be at home after February 1.

William SHELL, a well known veteran soldier and Whatcom pioneer, died of paralysis in his home on Elm street, Whatcom, on Monday night, age 59 years. He leaves a family of three grown children, including Sherman S. Shell, now a hotel man at Govan in this state, and Mrs. E. N. HASKELL of Whatcom. Funeral services held at the old home on Wednesday morning were attended by a large concourse of friends and local posts of the Grand Army and Woman's Relief Corps.

Saturday, January 10, 1903:

Samuel ALTSHULER is building a new two-story brick building 55x110 feet, adjoining the Reveille office on Dock street, Whatcom, to cost $12,000. One of the two store rooms will be occupied by Holly Press, CULVER-WHITE Co. Upstairs there will be a 28-room lodging house. The Reveille building will be increased to two stories and remodeled to conform with the new building.

Judge JOINER of Skagit county has decided that the city of Whatcom was within legal and proper bounds in arresting George E. SIMPSON, the Squalicum creek boatbuilder, for riding his bicycle in the streets without a license required by city ordinance.

County Attorney MEAD has commenced action against Charles GRELL for selling liquor without a license at Everson.

ARCHIBALD & McLEAN is establishing a machine shop in the WARREN & SMITH machine shop building at the foot of Harris avenue.

Frank B. CHARROIN is moving his plumbing shop to the rear of his lot on 14th street and will erect a two-story building on the front of the lot, 30x90 feet, which he expects to occupy with a complete stock of hardware.

J. F. BRIER of Whatcom has come to Fairhaven to engage in the clothing business at 1006 Harris avenue.

Matthew MAWHINNEY of Pittsburgh, who was here last summer visiting B. W. BENSON, has organized a company to manufacture Whatcom county brick and will be here in the spring to begin operations.

Mrs. W. R. CRAWFORD of Chicago left on Wednesday for her home after a few days' visit as the guest of Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN.

Miss EMERSON of Vancouver, B. C., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. A. McINTOSH, having arrived here early in the week.

Even D. BATES has resigned the position of secretary of the Geo. E. BRAND Co. and accepted the position of general bookkeeping of the Home Security Savings bank, beginning next Monday.

Mrs. B. B. DOBBS has succeeded M. F. JUKES in the popular Kirkpatrick photo studio in Whatcom, Mr. JUKES going to Chilliwack, B. C. on a visit, after which he will travel for a photographers' supply house.

Mrs. HAGGARD, who has been visiting Mrs. Geo. W. LOGGIE of Whatcom the past six months, left this week for her home in Oregon.

M. J. McLEAN, carpenter at the B. B. I. Co.'s mill in Whatcom was killed on Thursday evening, having been caught in the sawdust conveyor and having his neck and both legs broken. His remains were taken to W. H. MOCK's undertaking rooms. He was a widower and leaves two small daughters in the Orphans' home, Tacoma.

Miss EARHARDT of the Normal school returned on Tuesday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank FLINT in Portland, having been detained by washouts and landslides since the previous Friday.

Miss Frances S. HAYS of the Normal school left on Tuesday for Wenatchee to attend a county teachers' institute.

Mrs. Charles ELLS, Mrs. HODGES and Miss Marjory HODGES left Whatcom this week for Los Angeles where they will remain until spring.

Col. E. P. NICHOLSON has been dangerously ill the past two weeks in his home at Fort Bellingham, suffering from acute Bright's disease. The attack is very grave and members of the family, including Mr. and Mrs. C. H. HURLBUT, have been at the bedside all the time. On Wednesday Col. NICHOLSON's son, Dr. NICHOLSON of St. Louis, arrived and in now employing his medical skill in the hope of again saving his father's life as he did three years ago.

Mrs. H. St. John DIX arrived in Whatcom this week from St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. BELL of Maltby are visiting Captain and Mrs. J. J. BELL of Whatcom.

Mrs. E. C. HOLT and son returned on Monday evening from a two weeks' visit with Mrs. HOLT's parents in Florence, Wash.

Miss Mae DELLINGER left on Wednesday night to attend the Stanford university preparatory school, Palo Alto, California.

Fish Commissioner and Mrs. T. R. KERSHAW left this week for Olympia, where they will remain during the legislative session.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TURNER, nee Miss Matilda JEWELL of Whatcom, have taken up their residence in Fairhaven.

Mr. and Mrs. William HEDGE expect to leave next week for Los Angeles, where they will remain about six weeks.

Elias GREENBERG leaves tomorrow for New York, where he does the buying for The Metropolitan store of Whatcom.

Mrs. W. H. HEBERDEN and Miss HEBERDEN have returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Vancouver, B. C.

Miss Alita GRIFFITH has been visiting friends in Port Townsend during the past two weeks. She returned home on Monday.

Jacob GREENBERG has returned to Whatcom from New York, where he has been engaged in novety (sic) skirt manufacturing during the past year, Harry GREENBERG being now in charge of the factory.

W. H. MOCK of Whatcom will install the officers of Pacific post G. A. R., in Port Angeles next Monday evening by special invitation.

H. C. GRIFFITH has planned to build a $600 cottage at the corner of Twentieth and Harris.

Miss Della MAY and H. L. ALLISON, both popular young people of Fairhaven, were united in marriage last Saturday evening. The will reside in Fairhaven, where they have many well-wishing friends.

   The marriage of C. B. WILLYARD and Miss Emily Grace ATTERBURY was a noteworthy social even in Fairhaven this week on account of the prominence of the principals. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Richard C. DAY in the Congregational church on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, about forty guests being present. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion in colors of pink, white and green festooning. The strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin" gave poise to the wedding party as they entered the church promptly at 8 o'clock, preceded by the little ring bearer, little Miss Florence MARCH. Robert LINDLEY was groomsman and Miss Maybelle BARKER bridesmaid, while A. W. DEMING gracefully performed the ceremony of giving the bride away. J. Gordon MARCH and J. H. DUNN, jr., were the ushers.
   It was in every respect a very pretty wedding. After the ceremony a carriage conveyed the newly wedded pair and Mr. LINDLEY and Miss BARKER to the Sehome hotel in Whatcom, where the wedding supper was enjoyed. On the following morning Mr. and Mrs. WILLYARD left for Seattle on a brief honeymoon tour. Upon their return next Monday they will take up their residence at the corner of Thirteenth street and Taylor avenue, where they will be at home to their many friends after January 15.

New Fairhaven School
The board of directors of the Fairhaven school district have notified architects to submit plans, specification and estimates of cost for a new brick and stone grade and High school building of ten rooms. The district is entirely out of debt, has over $7,000 in cash on hand of which $6,000 is available for buildings and improvements and for the past two years the receipts have exceeded disbursements annually by $3000. The district is paying rent to the amount of $620 a year for rooms never intended and poorly adapted for school purposes. It would be an easy matter for the district to secure a 20-year bond loan at 4 per cent interest, and under the law the special fund of the district may be invested in county warrants drawing 8 per cent interest. The directors realize the urgent need of a building such as they have planned for and also feel that now is the time to secure a site in a proper location at a low figure. They are going into the matter in a commendably business-like way and when the proposition is submitted to the voters it will be a clear statement of what is intended. The building would have to be finished before next September.
Picture of completed school

Saturday, January 17, 1903:

Lynden is to have a bank.

Ex-Councilman J. B. BYRON of Whatcom has been appointed superior court bailiff.

The B. B. Brewery is turning out 400 barrels of beer per week.

During 1902 the B. B. & B. C. car shops built 40 flatcars and repaired or rebuilt 356 other cars.

John SLOAN, a laborer, committed suicide at Geneva on Wednesday by blowing his head off with dynamite. He was 48 years old and unmarried.

Mrs. G. W. BROWN is seriously ill in her home on the corner of Eighteenth street and Wilson avenue.

B. N. KENNEDY, journalist, has returned to Fairhaven after a six months' absence.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. CLARK of Whatcom leave today for a five weeks' visit in San Francisco.

Frank ODELL has gone to Los Angeles to join Charles McMURRAY, formerly of this city, in a pilgrimage into Mexico with a view to establishing a stock farm there.

Mrs. Lulu ECKARDT of New Westminster, B. C., is visiting Mrs. J. H. DOWD.

C. W. ROAN and Wm. LOCKWOOD returned on Monday from Gribbell island, B. C., where they spent the summer and fall. Captain ROAN is now visiting friends in Seattle.

Mrs. John FLICK of Hamilton visited with her daughter, Mrs. L. A. RICHARDS, the fore part of the week.

Miss Mamie EVERSOLE, who has been in Alaska for several years, is visiting old friends in Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. COLLINS left yesterday for an extended visit with relatives in Kansas and Nebraska.

C. A. PLANTZ has returned to Fairhaven, after a visit of ten months in California, and has come back to stay.

Frank J. CARPENTER of Fairhaven was elected second vice-president at the international convention of shingle weavers held in Everett last week. Everett will be international headquarters of the organization.

Richard W. HUNTOON resigned his position as foreman of the P. A. F. Co.'s filling department and left yesterday for Seattle to pursue state university and business college post-graduate studies.

Miss Zoe STANGROOM left this week for an extended visit in San Francisco.

William LAMBERT is now chief foreman of the Fairhaven canneries of the P. A. F. Co.

Mrs. Charles H. SHUBBE has gone to Portland for a visit of several weeks with friends.

Mrs. G. A. DUFRAINE organized a chapter of Rathbone Sisters in Blaine last week.

Mrs. L. A. CRANE returned on Tuesday from Aberdeen, where she has been visiting relatives.

Miss Annie LAURIE of Anacortes and Harry WOODIN of Tacoma, who have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. A. LAURIE, returned to their homes on Monday.

Mrs. James E. SMITH has moved to Fairhaven from Maple Falls, where she recently sold her residence property.

E. C. WARD has accepted a position with the Canadian-American Mining Co. and left yesterday for Gribbell island, B. C.

Miss Gertrude JENKINS of Whatcom, who has been studying the profession of nursing, the past two years in Chicago, is expected to return home about the first of next month.

Mrs. R. B. MILROY, who has been visiting relatives here, left on Tuesday for her home in Tucson, Arizona, accompanied by her brother, Lloyd BLEVINS, who will remain there until spring.

Clifford H. BARLOW, who has been managing the shipping department of Portland's leading wholesale harness and saddlery house the past two years, resigned that position last December but was induced to remain until February 1, when he will come to Whatcom to assist his father, F. J. BARLOW, in the management of his popular and rapidly growing harness and saddlery establishment on Holly street.

Manager Albert McRAE, Fred SLY and Henry PILGER of the Gribbell Island, B. C. Copper Co.'s mine returned to Fairhaven on Monday to remain the rest of the winter. Oswald STEELE will manage the operations at the mine next spring and summer, and the $21,000 which he recently invested in treasury stock will be used to purchase machinery for extensive operations.

Harry SMITH has returned from Anacortes and opened an advertising agency on Holly street, Whatcom.

HATCH & ROBINSON Tuesday pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor without a license at Ferndale and were fined $25 and costs and enjoined from continuing the practice.

Of the Whatcom countyites who secured jobs in the legislature, J. D. HANNEGAN is engrossing clerk, Herbert SHAW is bill clerk, I. M. SCOTT of Blaine assistant doorkeeper and Carl BELL clerk of the house appropriations committee.

Fairhavenites on the Jury
The following citizens of Fairhaven have been drawn for petit jury service during 1903:
First ward - A. L. JENKINS, Thos. BARRON, J. W. COOK.
Sixth ward - John TIEDJE, Robt. A. REID, Michael KELLY, John WEBEL, Edgar LINDSAY, Alex W. ATKINS, J. W. SIMS, H. M. KOEBLER.

The Whatcom Rebekah lodge instituted a new lodge at Sumas on Tuesday evening, the occasion being honored with a special train service and a merry company of Whatcom Odd Fellows.

M. M. CONNOR and Miss Isabel HUGUENIN, both of Whatcom, were quietly married in the Church of the Assumption at 9:30 o'clock on Wednesday morning, relatives of the bride and groom being the only guests present. After the ceremony the wedding party enjoyed a wedding breakfast in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. HUGUENIN, Garden street, near Holly, which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion. In the afternoon the young couple left on a ten days' honeymoon visit in Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and other Northwest cities. The bride is one of Whatcom's most accomplished and popular young ladies. Mr. CONNOR is a capable young lawyer who has recently invested in a promising new enterprise for the manufacture of furniture in Whatcom. Both rejoice in the good wishes of many warm friends.

Saturday, January 24, 1903:

If the consolidation scheme is ever to be consummated - and we do not believe it can be done at this time - Whatcom should be the name of the big town. When a community has the privilege of choosing between meaningful, historic originality and meaningless, hackneyed and misfitting plagiarism it belittles its intelligence and advertises to the work it pig headedness by choosing the latter. Beside, it would take years and yards of advertising to overcome the effect of the brandnewness throughout the country.

Lummi island wants a daily mail service, deserves it, especially during the summer, and there are plenty of steamers to make it available.

City council:
--Herbert SHAW and Charles GRANDJGAN were appointed special policemen without salary.
--Marshal MILLER was appointed fire warden.

The piles for the foundation of the new G. N. water tank at the foot of Harris avenue are nearly all in place and the superstructure will be started next week.

W. E. WALSH of Everett, Ed CASSIDY of Victor, Colorado, and James PARKS, a recent arrival from Kansas, have bought the new Bay City furniture factory in Whatcom and will make it an extensive industrial concern.

The proposition to sell bonds of $65,000 in the Whatcom school district to build new school houses carried last Saturday by a vote of 541 to 265, or 58 more than the required three-fifths. A 12-room High school and a 4-room Eureka addition building will be the result.

Councilman J. E. TIERNEY's two-story building on Eleventh street, occupied by Mrs. SKAAR's boarding house, was gutted by fire about 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The upper rooms were badly damaged, but most of the furniture was saved. The loss is covered by insurance.

On Monday evening the Whatcom city council passed an order directing the city marshal to enforce the state laws relative to closing all places of business on Sundays, except restaurants, hotels and drug stores. The order was prompted by a petition from the Whatcom County Ministerial association and all councilmen, except POWELL, voted for it.

The Mount Baker & Yale Mining Co. expects to have 40 stamps at work on its properties before the close of this year. It has about $25,000,000 worth of free-milling ore in sight. The officers and directors of the company elected last week are:
President - Dr. E. VAN ZANDT.
Vice-president - A. B. CLARK.
Secretary - Ed H. THOMAS.
Treasurer - L. P. WHITE.
Superintendent and manager - Henry STANISLAWSKY.

Will D. JENKINS, jr., and M. C. AXTON are preparing to establish a new sawmill on the Axton farm near Ten Mile.

MILLER Bros. of Whatcom are preparing their new shingle mill plant on North Elk street, here they are installing two upright shingle machines.

Frank J. CARPENTER of Fairhaven was severely stabbed in the left thigh with a pitchfork by the fireman at the Morrison mill in Whatcom Thursday noon. The injury is not considered dangerous.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman KIRK of Gridley, California, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. WOOD.

O. N. KALLOCK of Hoquiam, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. WOOD, left on Tuesday for his home.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. BOLDRICK of Sumas have removed to Spokane, where Mr. BOLDRICK will be stationed as commercial agent for the Wisconsin Central railway.

Roy O. HADLEY of Whatcom has been elected president of the Euphrania Literary society of Stanford university. Mr. HADLEY is also president of the senior class, first semester and has been elected sergeant-at-arms of the senior class.

Judge E. W. NICHOLSON left on Wednesday for his home in Jacksboro, Texas, but he is so well pleased with Whatcom that he hopes soon to return to reside.

Esther, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred YORKE, who has been quite sick for the past week, is now much better.

Robert LINDLEY left on Wednesday morning for a short vacation in Portland and other Oregon points. During his absence his brother Roy will have full charge of the game birds.

Rev. W. S. COOKE, the able and popular pastor of the Fairhaven Baptist church, and Miss Olive SMITH of this city were united in marriage on Monday evening in the parlors of the church in the presence of the congregation and a number of friends, Rev. W. A. WRIGHT of Sumas performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. SMITH, brother and sister-in-law of the bride, acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. The guests numbered about 300. After the ceremony the young ladies of Mr. COOKE's Bible class served ice cream and cake, and there was a delightful entree of vocal and instrumental music and a congratulatory address was delivered by General Missionary L. W. TERRY. Many valuable presents were received. On Tuesday morning Rev. and Mrs. COOKE left for a honeymoon tour of the Sound country. They will be home to friends on Tuesday evening, January 27, on Donovan avenue between Twelfth and Thirteenth.

Saturday, January 31, 1903:

Charles SHERING's building at the corner of Harris and Tenth, occupied by the Elk saloon and Elk cafe, was destroyed by fire originating about the heating stove in the rear of the saloon shortly after 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Manley HATTON, one of the proprietors of the cafe who slept in the restaurant, discovered the fire and broke into the saloon with an axe, but too late to stop the blaze. The building and saloon were insured, but the loss of O. D. IMES and Manley HATTON is uncovered. The fire department saved adjoining structures by very well planned and vigorous effort. The saloon was the property of the Seattle Brewing & Malting Co. and conducted by MORAN Bros.

Mayor L. G. VAN VALKENBURG, ex-Representative R. S. LAMBERT, R. U. LEITCH, former editor of the Sumas News, all of Sumas, and C. L. MILLER of Maple Falls are reported to have been captured by a special officer while on a hunting trip in British Columbia last week, kept in jail over night at Mission and taxed $50 license, $20 fine and $3 costs each, all for hunting in Canada without a license.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John CLIFFORD on Wednesday.

Mrs. Robert ELLIS, formerly of Whatcom, died in Tacoma last Saturday.

E. R. FITZGIBBON of Maple Falls visited Fairhaven friends Thursday.

P. D. McKELLAR of Whatcom is spending the winter in Buffalo, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Adam SPENGER of Whatcom are in San Francisco on a short visit.

S. H. WENIGER of Springfield, Minnesota, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, Charles ESSIG, has decided to become a permanent resident.

Judge C. C. ROGERS, who has been in Tennessee the past two years, returned to his home in Whatcom on Wednesday.

Mrs. Herbert SHAW has been seriously ill during the week and Mr. SHAW was summoned home from Olympia, where he is acting as engrossing clerk.

A. F. MILLS, former G. N. station agent, has succeeded C. W. JONES as local agent of the McARTHUR-HUGHES shingle and lumber buying firm.

Mr. and Mrs. B. A. LEWIS are newly arrived residents of Fairhaven and are occupying the WADHAMS' residence on Knox and Sixteenth.

Clayton SWEENY has gone to Seattle to reside, having accepted a salaried position in one of the big stores there.

Elmer E. CRUM, formerly popular young resident of the Bay, has recently established in Pomeroy, Wash., the largest furniture store in that town and is doing an excellent business.

Rob Roy JAMES of Whatcom, age 17 years, 11 months, died in Pueblo, Colorado, January 20.

Mrs. C. H. SCHUBBLE, who has been in Portland the past two weeks, has undertaken the management of the dressmaking department of the Fair department store, Whatcom.

B. A. SEABORG, the well known pioneer fish canner, is now in the employ of State Fish Commissioner KERSHAW and is working at the Nooksack or Kendall creek hatchery under Superintendent Perry BAKER.

W. S. ANDERSON of Whatcom is visiting his parents, Judge and Mrs. R. J. ANDERSON, who recently went to San Francisco to reside.

Charles SCHERING expects to replace the Elk saloon building with a two-story brick building.

Miss Luella GLASGOW of Whatcom died in St. Joseph's hospital on Tuesday morning, age 23 years. She had been very ill for about six weeks.

F. B. DAY is the new constable at Maple Falls.

Robert OBERLATZ, the tailor, is now located in the THOMAS & SIMPSON block, 304 Holly st. west, Whatcom.

The second story of Charles SHERING's new brick building on the corner of Harris and Tenth will be fitted up as a public hall, 50x80 feet in size.

The H. B. Brewery has purchased the John WOOD property on Holly street, Whatcom, between Dock and Canoe, for $25,000.

Councilman POTTER has been doing commendable missionary work in trying to induce the Great Northern railway to maintain an arc light at the Fairhaven depot.

U. S. Attorney and Mrs. Jesse A. FRYE of Seattle spent yesterday and today in the city.

Mrs. George E. SOAPER leaves next Wednesday for a few weeks' visit in San Francisco, whence her son leaves soon for Manila to reside.

Frank SNYDER has returned to his home in LaConner, after a few days' visit with old friends in Fairhaven.

Mr. WESTFALL, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. G. A. MILTON, the past ten days, left on Thursday for a trip to the east.

A. H. DAVIS, a wholesale liquor dealer in Everett, is visiting his cousins, Messrs. A. KRIEDEL of Whatcom.

A. C. HUGILL and A. H. WHITCHER, representing the Lewis Publishing Co. of Chicago, are in the city collecting data for a history of the Puget Sound country, to be edited by Col. Wm. F. PROSSER, president of the state historical society.

A. B. CLARK, the able and popular proprietor of The Fair store of Whatcom, has been very ill with an attack of pneumonia in Portland, Oregon, which city Mr. and Mrs. CLARK reached early this week on their return trip from San Francisco when Mr. CLARK became too ill to continue the journey.

Miss Kathleen COOPER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. COOPER of Whatcom, is seriously ill with pneumonia and complications.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris SEMON of Whatcom left last week Thursday for Harrison, B. C., with their son, Joseph SEMON, who will remain there for several weeks in the hope of being cured of rheumatism by the hot springs.

Mrs. Clinton W. HOWARD left last Sunday for her old home in Richmond, Kentucky, where her father is dangerously ill.

Miss Edna AMES of Fairhaven left on Monday for Seattle to accept a position as a member of the faculty of the Seattle Conservatory of Music. Miss AMES is a talented young lady and secured her musical education in the Faelton School of Music of Boston, the principal musical college of the hub.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. EASTON are expected home today from Los Angeles, California, where they spent the past two months.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. BARLOW have taken the JOHNSON cottage at the corner of F and 22nd streets, Whatcom, where they will reside.

William VOLLMAN of the B. B. Market has gone back to Danville, Illinois, to dispose of his interests there, having decided to make Fairhaven his permanent home.

Alonzo RAWSON, jr., former city attorney of Whatcom, who has been in Alaska since 1898, has been visiting old friends on the Bay during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo KAUFMAN of San Francisco, have rented the KERSHAW residence of Eldridge avenue, Whatcom. Mr. KAUFMAN is establishing a ladies' furnishing house in the store formerly occupied by GREENBERG Bros.

Mrs. John FLICK and grandson Master Fred RICHARDS of Hamilton visited with Mrs. L. A. RICHARDS last Sunday, returning home Monday.

Miss Nannette LOBE of Whatcom will spend the next two years in the study of music in San Francisco, whence she was accompanied last week by her father, Leon LOBE, who is enjoying a visit with his father, aged 90 years, in the California metropolis.

The Fairhaven city council is considering the adoption of an ordinance establishing the system of issuing and requiring building permits.

Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., attended the funeral services over the remains of Charles A. ARCHER in W. H. MOCK's undertaking parlors last Sunday.

Work of remodeling and combining the two store rooms on Harris avenue to be occupied by the Dufraine-Culmer Co. was announced yesterday. The new front will be 35 feet wide.

Saturday, February 7, 1903:

E. C. ELLIS has returned from Seattle, where he spent the past four months, to resume the practice of law in Whatcom.

Ray CISSNA of Whatcom is recovering from an attack of pneumonia.

L. A. BECKWITH of Whatcom has gone to Los Angeles for a months' sojourn in the hope of restoring his health.

Alex VAN WYCK, manager of the FRIZELL Electrical Co., spent a couple of days this week in Skagit county, where that company has established several electric lighting and power plants.

M. R. SORENSON and Miss Myrtle ELLIS of Fairhaven were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week.

F. E. FROTHINGHAM of the Whatcom County Railway & Light Co. will be a permanent resident of Whatcom and will have general supervision of STONE & WEBSTER's interests on the Bay.

H. McGINNIS has succeeded Frank MORRISON as assistant agent of the Great Northern in Fairhaven, Mr. MORRISON having resigned the position, which he had acceptably filled for several years.

President A. L. BLACK returned on Monday from San Francisco, where he closed his law business with E. B. LEAMING, who goes back to his old home town, Camden, New Jersey, where his father is in very ill health.

George FINNEGAN, Misses Elva and Laura DUNCANSON of Fairhaven are newly enrolled students of the Normal school. The total enrollment is now 384.

Prof. John Y. COLLINS, the well known Whatcom pioneer of 1882, died in the Steilicoom (sic) asylum on January 30 in the 69th year of his age. His life work, the most varied museum collection in the state is now a part of our Normal school.

The Eagles lodge has called for bids for its new arie on Holly street, Whatcom, adjoining the Pike block on the south, to cost about $4,000.

Allan SCOTT was appointed Casino theatre special policeman without salary.

W. H. BROWN was given permission to store building material on 14th street while erecting three new cottages.

LETSON & BURPEE manufactured and sold 27 of their new upright shingle machines during the month of January.

Upon his return from Olympia next week Attorney John A. KELLOGG will be accompanied to his home in Northport, Wash., by his mother and sister, Mrs. George A. KELLOGG and Miss Harriette KELLOGG.

Saturday, February 14, 1903:

When Fairhaven gets ready for consolidation she will be able to speak for herself.

Roy MARCY of Seattle spent this week visiting his parents in Whatcom.

Mrs. Emma Estelle RICE and daughter Miss Sadie Belle leave tomorrow for Issiquah (sic), to visit with Mr. A. F. RICE.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CARNEY of Chicago will arrive here tomorrow for a visit of several weeks as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ALSOP.

Miss Elsie ESSIG's 13th birthday anniversary was celebrated by a number of her young friends in her home on 21st street last Saturday afternoon.

Attorney D. T. WINNE of Whatcom received a telegram from Congressman CUSHMAN on Thursday notifying him that William STEINHAUER has been released from the U. S. cavalry in the Phillippines on the ground that he was a minor when he enlisted, about a year ago, enlisting without the knowledge of his parents, who reside in Whatcom, and claiming that he was 21 years old. The parents engaged Mr. WINNE to secure the boy's release.

Herbert and Walter TOZIER have established a new logging camp at Doe Bay, Orcas island, and commenced operating it this week. They have about 5,000,000 feet of fir and are employing six men.

S. D. SLENTZ, law partner of the special referee in bankruptcy, H. W. PARROTT, was elected trustee of the bankrupt effects of V. W. TAYLOR, the Whatcom pawn broker and jeweler, by the creditors on Tuesday. L. P. STERN, who represents 90 per cent of the claims, could not be present and claims he was jobbed by the referee and minor creditors.

Saturday, February 21, 1903:

Lynden has adopted an ordinance fixing liquor license fees at $1,000 a year and it is understood that a license for a saloon, the first on record for Lynden, will be granted by the city council at its first meeting in March.

The Whatcom telephone system closed last moth with 1,000 phones in use, and 125 will be added this month. Fairhaven now has practically 450 phones in use or ordered. In proportion to population the Bay cities hold the front rank in the phone world of the Pacific coast.

Miss Kathleen COOPER, age 14 years and nine months, died in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. COOPER, Eldridge avenue, Whatcom, at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning. Funeral services will be held at the bereaved home today.

M. H. OLMSTEAD, shingle sawyer at the HASTINGS mill at Wahl, was instantly killed and cut in twain on the upright shingle machine at 1 a. m. on Thursday. Coroner H. S. NOICE has charge of the shipping of the remains to Michigan. OLMSTEAD leaves a widow and three children.

The board of trustees of the Fairhaven school district has called an election to be held next Saturday, February 28, to decide whether or not this school district shall be bonded for $35,000 to provide funds for a new 12-room and basement school building and site, the building to be ready by next September. The cash balance now in the district treasury clear of obligations is $6,116.72.

Alexander HALL has purchased J. W. JOHNSON's meat market.

Robert OBERLATZ, the tailor, is now located in the THOMAS & SIMPSON block, 304 Holly st. west, Whatcom.

The JENKINS & AXTON Lumber Co. will begin operating its new sawmill on the Axton road near Meridian on March 1, cutting 20,000 feet daily.

Councilman S. E. MULLIN is about to build a $600 addition to his home on Maple street, Whatcom.

Mrs. T. E. CADE is visiting relatives in Michigan.

Councilman E. J. CLEARY is enjoying a visit with relatives and old friends in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Roy EBEY of Whatcom is now in Manila, where he has secured a position as engineer in the establishment of a $3,000,000 stone quarry seven miles from Manila, his salary being $125 a month.

Mrs. Nellie R. HUNTOON of Seattle has been spending the week as the guest of her daugher, Mrs. Cyrus GATES.

Rev. Richard C. DAY has returned from San Francisco where he was summoned two weeks ago by the serious illness of his mother, who has now recovered her health.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris CHRISTENSEN have returned to Fairhaven after an absence of nearly two years, most of which time they spent in Troy, New York, and Gilroy, California. They will reside on the corner of 18th street and Harris avenue.

Mrs. Joe PINKEY of Lawrence last Saturday visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John SPARROW. She returned home Sunday afternoon.

Frank A. WOODIN of Great Falls, Montana, who spent a few days visiting his parents and old friends in Fairhaven, left for his new home on Monday.

J. W. MILLER, the Delta pioneer who has been in the Mount Baker district the past year, was in the city on Tuesday on his way to Seattle to look after some mining interests.

Peter FOSTER, for fifteen years a resident of Blaine, left this week for Seattle, where he has invested in property and expects to reside. Mr. FOSTER built one of the first shingle mills in Whatcom county at Semiahmoo in 1888. It was equipped with a hand machine and a Hall upright. The mill was destroyed by fire before the close of the first season.

Upon the return of Mrs. Geo. E. SOUPER from San Francisco next month, Mr. and Mrs. SOUPER will reside in the Linden cottage on 16th street.

Mrs. Will D. JENKINS and daughters, Olive and Bulah, arrived in Whatcom from San Francisco on Wednesday for a short visit with relatives.

New Catholic Church
   At a meeting of the congregation of the Catholic Church of the Assumption last Sunday the following committee was appointed to outline a plan for the erection of a new brick and stone church, or to enlarge the present house of worship:
J. J. DONOVAN, chairman; S. J. CRAFT, B. MONTAGUE, R. L. KLINE, W. E. McCADDON, M. J. MARSH, Whatcom; T. E. MONAHAN, Wm. MURRAY, Chas. W. FRANCIS, Edward CONNELLY, Louis EDERER, Fairhaven.
   The committee has fully discussed and considered the project and will report to the congregation tomorrow.
   The project to build a new Catholic church to cost $50,000 was discussed again on Thursday night, when the Fairhaven members of the joint committee brought in the report of the Fairhaven Catholics' decision of Wednesday night to build a Fairhaven church. If the Catholics of the Bay unite to build the big church or cathedral on Elk street, Whatcom, The B. B. I. Co. offers to donate the 50-foot frontage lot on the corner of Elk and Cedar streets, adjoining the present church, for that purpose, and it is promised that the Sisters of Notre Dame, Indiana, will establish a convent school in connection. The Fairhaven members of the church, however, think this town is big enough to have a church of its own, so the project has been laid over for discussion and final disposition at some future meeting.

T. W. LANE of the Capital saloon bought the John COSGROVE two-story building and lot on Eleventh street near Mill for $2,500. Mr. and Mrs. COSGROVE will remain in the building pending the construction of their new home on one of their vacant lots.

An Immense Store
   The mammoth Fair Department store has just undergone a thorough overhauling and renovating, and is now open and ready for business.
   The departments are each under a separate and competent head. Each department has been remodeled and newly stocked. Thousands of feet of shelving and new display cases have been added. The shoe department has been moved to the place formerly occupied by the crockery department and the men's furnishings department has taken the place of the shoe department. Altogether 36,000 square feet of selling space has been added. The Fair now has 140 feet more counter than any store north of Seattle, and one of the largest stocks of dry goods in the Pacific Northwest.
   The Fair now employs 62 clerks, more than any other two stores in the city combined.
   Mrs. SCHUBBE, the well known dressmaker, has charge of the dress making department.   --Herald.

Mrs. Ella E. NESSELROAD died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. GILMORE, Garden street, Whatcom, last Sunday night.

Saturday, February 28, 1903:

Ex-Mayor and Mrs. HARDIN of Whatcom are parents of a new daughter.

A. W. TIFFANY, who died in Ferndale on February 17, age 76, was a member of the last territorial legislature in 1889.

John MORRISON is building a new shingle mill at Marietta, daily capacity 90,000, three upright shingle machines.

John COSGROVE this week purchased the LAPLAINE two-story building and lot on Eleventh street, between Taylor and Fillmore, from C. S. RICE of Doe Bay for $1,600. Mr. and Mrs. COSGROVE will reside in the building.

Mrs. Charles CISSNA of Whatcom is seriously ill with pneumonia and has been unconscious for the past three days.

J. RAYMOND is now located in Blaine, where he has opened a shoe shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant J. DAY are residing in Everett, where Mr. DAY is inspector of telephones.

T. W. GILLETTE returned last Saturday from Los Angeles where he spent most of the winter.

Victor T. COLE, former publisher of the Sumas Sentinel, seems to have decided that Oakland, California, is a good enough town for him to live in.

F. J. BARLOW is arranging to build a $1,300 residence on his property at the corner of E and 17th streets, Whatcom.

Porter RHOADES, timekeeper at the P. P. & N. Co.'s Eliza island ship yard, has resigned that position, which he has held with credit for several years, and will go to Valdez, Alaska. Ray HICKS has succeeded him as timekeeper.

City Clerk O. E. GARLAND returned on Monday from a six weeks' visit to his old home in New Hampshire.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. DEAN, Mrs. G. A. MAXWELL and C. B. DEAN of Wichita, Kansas, relatives of Foreman Howard FRAYNE of the Herald, are newly-arrived residents of Fairhaven.

Miss BENNETT and Miss TRIBBLE, who have been visiting Mrs. Paul COLLINS of Whatcom for several months, left today for their home in Richmond, Kentucky.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. BARR this week purchased the Frank FLINT residence on Garden street, Whatcom, for $3,000, through the agency of B. H. SILVER.

Miss Callie BOTSFORD has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. J. STRICKFADEN at Maple Falls during the week.

C. A. CONLEE of Whatcom spent the early part of the week in Victoria attending the meeting of Northwestern miners.

Miss Inger ANDERSON has returned to Whatcom after an absence of several years in Tacoma and Seattle and has accepted the position of stenographer for the Whatcom County Railroad & Light Co.

Rev. W. S. COOKE has been quite ill with lagrippe for several days, but is now convalescent.

Sydney R. LINES has accepted the position of chief clerk in GRUE & DAHL's drygoods store, which will be opened next week in the Mason block, adjoining O. D. AMES' popular men's furnishings establishment. Mr. LINES is one of Fairhaven's most popular young men and is an experienced man in the drygoods business.

Mrs. ALLISON has moved from Donovan and 19th to Taylor between 14th and 15th streets.

G. H. LITTLE, who has the contract of building the Baptist church, has that building ready for plasterers and has his force of men at work on Mr. ADAM's residence on 12th street. Mr. LITTLE is figuring on a number of other buildings for parties in Fairhaven.

The unrivaled Alger Oil & Mineral Co. brick will be used in Charles SCHERING's new two-story brick block at the corner of Harris and Tenth.

Robert LINDLEY has returned from a visit in Medford, Oregon.

EBELING Bros. have sold their Fairhaven meat market to the FRYE-BRUHN Co. of Seattle, which is making great efforts to secure control of the meat business of Bellingham Bay.

The E. K. WOOD Lumber Co. has bought 800 acres of timberland adjoining the O. J. HOIEN 1,500-acre tract on Lake Whatcom, which the same company purchased last December.

The Cook Canning Co. of Blaine has undertaken the canning of sea crabs and began this week operating 1,000 crab traps to supply the cannery, which will be operated the year round, employing 50 persons and canning during the winter months from 800 to 1,000 cases of crabs, while during the summer the cannery will pack salmon as usual.

The new Chuckanut cut-off is 18.55 miles long. There are five freight stations - Fairhaven, Chuckanut, Samish, Bow and Belleville, with agents only at Samish and Fairhaven. On the old line there will be no more train service, except as business may demand a freight run from Lake Samish to Belleville. The names of the old-line stations of Chuckanut and Lake Samish have been changed to Salmon and Yukon, respectively.

Samuel ALSOP, S. J. CRAFT and W. M. FRIZELL, all fish trap owners, are negotiating for the leasing or purchase of the Washington Packing Co.'s cannery.

Saturday, March 7, 1903:

The first Whatcom county teachers' institute was held in Whatcom in 1878, when the late John A. TENNANT was county superintendent. As institutes were held every year since, the institute this year will be the 26th. A dozen teachers attended the first institute, which was held in a private building on E street immediately following the annual examination of teachers before the examining board composed of Superintendent TENNANT, Mrs. John J. EDENS and W. H. FOUTS.

Whatcom now employs 62 teachers in the city schools.

The Lynden Electric Railway & Improvement company has been incorporated with $160,000 capital.

PAULSON's Agency Shoe Co. and C. M. STEWART, the tailor, have leased the Sydney R. LINES store building.

It is understood that W. P. DUTTON of Seattle, has leased the Washington Packing Co.'s Fairhaven salmon cannery.

Fairhaven firemen saved the home of R. H. ROWE by prompt and effective work last Monday evening, at the corner of Bennett and Julia.

Leonard MILLER will attend the annual banquet of the Prudential Life Insurance Co. in San Francisco next Monday.

Miss Gertrude JENKINS, who spent the past two years in a school for trained nurses in Chicago and graduated at the head of her class, arrived in Whatcom this week. She will reside with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. JENKINS.

Miss Clara ZANE of Whatcom is spending the winter with her sister in California.

Rev. and Mrs. REESE have taken up their residence in Stanwood. Mr. REESE having accepted the pastorate of the M. E. church there.

Leo McGLINN of La Conner is a new arrival in Fairhaven.

Mrs. Harvey J. CROCKETT of Seattle has been visiting relatives and old friends in Whatcom the past week.

J. G. L. STEPHENS of Whatcom left Valdez, Alaska, a few days ago bound for his copper mine interests in the interior with 12 horses and five tons of provisions.

E. A. HEGG of Seattle has been visiting old friends and relatives in Whatcom during the past week.

Mrs. Z. W. CHRISTOPHER of California arrived here this week and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN. Little Elizabeth NEWMAN is seriously ill with scarletina.

Mrs. P. C. SMITH of Whatcom is dangerously ill with pneumonia and there are slight hopes for her recovery.

B. A. SEABORG of the Nooksack fish hatchery spent Tuesday in Whatcom.

H. W. BATEMAN, who returned recently from San Francisco, says that R. J. ANDERSON and Richard FENTON are in the real estate business there.

J. H. DOWD has returned from Portland and hopes to make Fairhaven his permanent home.

W. H. MOCK went to Port Angeles on Monday to attend to the funeral service of Mrs. G. W. MOCK's mother, Mrs. S. P. RAYMOND, who died on Monday morning.

   Fire started in the Murchison or Bellingham Lumber & Shingle Co.'s mill at 1:30 yesterday morning, destroyed that plant and the Hill-Welbon wharf property, burned two Great Northern passenger coaches and one Northern Pacific boxcar laden with shingles and came very near burning the Sehome cannery, the old Steele cannery building, the N. P. freight house and the sheet metal works, all of which were saved by effective firemanship.
   The loss of the B. L. & S. Co. includes the sawmill and shingle mill plant valued at $60,000 and lumber and shingles worth $40,000, while the total insurance was but $30,000.

J. M WARRINER and R. H. DIEZMAN have bought lots 7 and 8, block 40, from the Fairhaven Land Co. for $1,250.

J. L. EASTON & Co. are building a new office, 20x30 feet, at the corner of Eleventh and Columbia. It will be one of the most attractive small office building on the Bay.

W. H. WAPLES, Ed EDSON and other Lyndenites, have organized and incorporated the Lynden Mill & Light Co., and will within the next 60 days establish an electric lighting plant and a 50,000 shingle mill.

City Council News
-J. G. KEMPER and J. A. BARKER are taking a census of Fairhaven in behalf of Justice of the Peace W. D. HURLBUT, who is entitled to a salary of $100 per month in case the city has 5,000 population. The city council granted his request, made by Attorney A. J. CRAVEN, for the taking of the census, Judge HURLBUT agreeing to pay the expense. Constables, under the law, in cities of 5,000 or over received $750 a year salary. Fairhaven elected W. D. HURLBUT and E. M. ADAMS justices and W. M. TOLES and J. G. BROWN constables last November. If we are proven a city of 5,000 or more population only one justice and one constable can serve.
-H. T. JUDD was granted a license to conduct a saloon on McKenzie avenue, and the Star saloon was also granted a license.
-Swan HAWKINS secured the contract to improve Knox avenue between 14th and 16th by grading and planking 16 feet wide, his bid being the lowest, $14.74 for planking per 1,000 feet board measure, 30 cents per yard each for rock and earth work.

H. L. LIVELY, Herman ROWE and J. R. FRANCIS have purchased the store and business of the Frizell Electrical Co. Mr. LIVELY, who has been with the Frizell company ever since its organization and has installed 28 electric plants in Whatcom and Skagit counties, is manager for the new concern. Herman ROWE has been engaged in the street railway power house the past 11 years. J. R. FRANCIS is a recent arrival from San Francisco.

A pretty spring wedding occurred on Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. CRANE on 14th street, the bride being their only daughter, Miss Mary M. CRANE, and the groom, Charles F. REYNOLDS of Sedro-Woolley, Rev. C. E. TODD of Whatcom officiating. All the rooms were decorated with ivy and the dining room in ivy and cut tulips. Aside from the immediate home circle at the wedding breakfast were: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. CRANE, Mr. DARRETT and Mr. Louis CRANE, all of Aberdeen; Mrs. Marie Ames BLOR of Arlington, Mrs. HOOD of Sedro-Woolley, Miss Maud WOODIN of Anacortes, Mrs. I. C. TEMPLIN, Miss Ella TEMPLIN. Mr. and Mrs. REYNOLDS will reside in Sedro-Woolley.

Fire at Maple Falls last Saturday night destroyed the dry kiln of McREA & HARDEMAN's shingle mill and the residences of G. A. KING and R. B. SHATTUCK, loss about $2,000, partially insured.

GRUE & DAHL are now established in their new store in the Mason block with a large stock of new dry goods, in addition to the old D. D. FAGAN stock which they are selling at a sacrifice in order to keep up a complete stock of new goods.

The school bonds election last Saturday demonstrated that Fairhaven voters want adequate and modern public school facilities and are willing to pay for them. Of the 768 votes cast 687 were for and only 81 against the proposition of the directors to sell bonds in the sum of $35,000 "for the purpose of purchasing the ground situated 400 feet on 12th street by 200 on Julia, between 11th and 12th streets, and for the erection of a ten-room school building with basement thereon." The bonds are to run 20 years and to draw not more than 5 per cent interest, the district reserving the right to redeem any or all of the bonds at any time after ten years. The building will undoubtedly be built of Alger brick and will have three high school and seven grade school rooms.

Death of Mrs. CISSNA
   Mrs. Charles CISSNA died in her home at 2001 G street, Whatcom, on Monday, March 2, at 6:45 o'clock, the result of la grippe, from which she had suffered only two weeks. She was but 38 years old at the time of her death and seemed the personification of good health. The announcement of her death was a profound shock to the community, for Mrs. CISSNA was in every way a woman of gentle mood and winning personality. The many friends to whom she was dear will mourn her death deeply, for she was sweet-tempered, kind and generous. The crowning circumstance of her untimely death is that she should die just at a time when she had, by a life of trying activity, won the position in life that makes for the joy of living. She leaves a bereaved husband, president of the Home Security Savings Bank, two sons, Ray and John CISSNA, the former being assistant cashier in the bank, and five sisters residing in different parts of the country.
   Funeral services were held in the home of which she herself had drawn the plans and in which she anticipated enjoying the ease and comfort that had been so well earned. Here, in the parlor in which she had received friends, the final rites were rendered, the remains reclining in a magnificent couch casket, over which was a canopy of lavender chiffon.
   Rev. W. A MACKEY was in charge of the service, the funeral being under the direction of George W. MOCK. A very large number of friends attended the funeral and five cars were used to convey the cortege to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. CISSNA have been residents of Fairhaven and Whatcom since 1885, when they came here from Dakota.

Saturday, March 14, 1903:

The FRYE-BRUHN Co., which recently purchased EBELING Bros. meat market in Fairhaven, is arranging to enlarge the EBELING slaughter house on the Samish road, where all the slaughtering for the company's Bellingham Bay markets will be done.

An event of notable interest to Fairhaven people was the marriage of James F. SWEENY (sic) and Miss Estella May STOUT, in the home of the bride's parents in Blaine on Tuesday morning, Miss Hazel STOUT acting and bridesmaid and Clayton SWEENY groomsman, and Rev. NEBBINS of the Episcopal church officiating. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served. The young couple left for their future home in Everett the same day, remaining on Wednesday to visit friends in Whatcom and Fairhaven. Mrs. G. SWEENEY, mother of the groom, also spent the day visiting old friends, Whatcom and Fairhaven having been their home for fourteen years.

C. F. PERRY is about to build a $7,000 saw and planing mill at Ferndale.

During February, 1903, the B. B. Public Library of Whatcom received 955 visitors, issued 389 books and secured seven new members.

Fairhaven Free Library and reading rooms, Mason block, Fairhaven. Over 2,100 carefully selected bound volumes. Reading rooms open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. daily. Books loaned from 1:30 to 5 and from 7 to 10 p. m. daily. Sunday excepted.

Superintendent TIMSON of the American Can Co.'s Fairhaven can factory expects to start operating the plant next Monday. About 125 persons will be employed.

Charles ESSIG has resumed operation of the popular Boston Cash grocery at the corner of 21st and Harris, but he has changed the name to ESSIG's Cash Grocery.

The corner of Grand avenue and Lotta street will probably be purchased by the Whatcom school board as a site for the new High school building.

Martin SIERSDORFER has secured the contract to build the Charles SCHERING brick building, corner of 10th and Harris, 50x80 feet, two stories, cost about $10,000.

The Sunset Telephone company has commenced building a suburban line from Whatcom to Deming, giving 14 shingle mills a telephone service without long distance charges.

Architect LEE is drawing plans for a new residence for E. L. COWGILL on 14th street.

J. W. ZEEVE and J. T. GRAHAM have purchased W. A. SPARKS' interest in the Bay City Iron Works.

Jacob HUNSIKAR, who is engaged in lumbering at Ketchikan, Alaska, is visiting old Fairhaven neighbors and friends.

Mrs. Frank E. PARKER of Rhinelander, Wis., has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. W. MARTIN during the past week.

Mrs. Carson GRIFFITH and Mrs. E. A. SCOTT have been entertaining Mrs. Mina EVANS of Manawa, Wisconsin, during the week.

Mrs. Frank QUIMBY has returned to her home in Anacortes, after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MEAD of Whatcom.

C. W. ROBERTS has resigned the deputy county treasurership and has been succeeded by Miss Nellie ROGERS. Mr. ROBERTS has purchased the R. J. ANDERSON & Co. real estate business on Elk street, Whatcom.

Charles F. and George NOLTE of Whatcom attended the funeral of their father, Frederick NOLTE, in Seattle on Monday.

George W. L. ALLEN, sheriff of Whatcom county in the seventies, is very ill at his home on Samish island.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter FRANDSEN expect soon to remove to Boise, Idaho, in the hope of benefitting Mrs. FRANDSEN's failing health.

Mrs. J. J. CRYDERMAN of Whatcom has been engaged to teach a term of school at Rosalia, beginning next week.

Captain Peter C. KILDALL is arranging to leave about 10 for a two years' sojourn in his old home in Norway.

Charles T. MOORE of Blaine, who platted that city in 1884, spent the early part of the week on the Bay.

Porter RHODES has accepted the position of bookkeeper for the ALSOP shingle mill at Deming, and will not go to Alaska as at first reported.

Alonzo RAWSON, former city attorney of Whatcom, left this week for Boston to enlist capital in a new salmon cannery at Nome.

Mrs. Donald DODGE of Manila, P. I., is visiting her sister, Mrs. PHILLIPS and Mrs. E. C. HOLT.

Mrs. D. W. SIBECK and little daughter arrived in Whatcom on Monday from Little Rock, Ark. Mr. SIBECK recently purchased the furniture and leased the Commercial house on Holly street, Whatcom.

City Superintendent E. E. WHITE of Whatcom will resume the practice of law at the close of the present school term.

John BLACK left on Wednesday for San Francisco to purchase machinery for the Blonden mine.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. VANDERHOOF of Arlington are now residents of Whatcom.

H. O. PETERSON of Whatcom returned on Thursday from a business and social visit to his old home city, Minneapolis, and to Chicago.

Miss Ava DODSON and Harley DODSON, students of the state university, arrived home today to remain until next Wednesday. They are accompanied by Miss Jessie LUDDEN and Miss Edith ADAMS of Spokane and Mr. WILLIAMS, who will be their guests until Wednesday.

Mrs. Fannie McDOWELL of Seattle has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John H. FRAVEL of Whatcom, during the week. Their father, George RICHARDS, taught the first school in the old school house in Sehome in 1861.

The old brick courthouse building on E street, between Holly and 14th streets, Whatcom, was sold today by the county commissioners. It is the most interesting historical relic in Whatcom county, perhaps, and is the first brick building erected in Washington territory. It was built in the summer of 1858, when Whatcom, thanks to the Fraser river gold excitement, had a greater population than all the rest of the territory combined. It was built by San Francisco contractors in 1858 for Charles E. RICHARDS and John G. HYATT, who used it as a general store building until 1861 or 1862. On May 8, 1863, Charles E. RICHARDS sold the brick store building and the two lots to Whatcom county for $2,000, being paid in county scrip worth only 25 per cent. Until 1884 the county court was held at LaConner, but the county offices occupied the second story of the brick building until February, 1891, when they were removed to the present courthouse. All the material used in the construction of the old brick building came from San Francisco, including the tin for the roof.

Saturday, March 21, 1903:

The death of William GROSSMAN on Tuesday is mourned by many Fairhaven and Whatcom friends. He was 32 years old and died of consumption superinduced by shingle dust. He was a member of Fairhaven Court Foresters of America, who attended the funeral.

FISHER & DEAN of the Whatcom Steam Dye works have vamoused.

C. I. ROTH has purchased a stone sawmill for the Chuckanut quarry, more than doubling its capacity.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MANN are the parents of a new boy, born on St. Patrick's day.

Mr. and Mrs. William WIFLER have removed to Enterprise to spend the summer on their ranch.

Rev. Geo. R. VARNEY of McMinnville, Oregon, will be pastor of the First Baptist church of Whatcom beginning June 1.

Councilman E. J. CLEARY returned last Sunday from a six weeks' visit to his old home, Portage, Wisconsin, and other cities of the middle northwest region.

L. A. BECKWITH sold his general merchandise store at Maple Falls this week and has permanently retired from business, maintaining his residence in Whatcom.

Editor and Mrs. W. H. TOWNER and J. BOOTHBY of the Pacific Pilot of Lynden honored us with a call on Thursday evening. The Pacific Pilot is one of the very cleverest publications in the northwest.

E. Bartlett WEBSTER, after an absence of several years, is enjoying life on the Bay again.

Henry L. RICHARDSON of Whatcom, who has been attending the Ithaca, New York, conservatory of music the past two years, has finished the course with high honors. He was president of the student body, business manager of the college paper, Key Note, and editor for the alumni.

James A. LOGGIE has been suffering from a severe attack of lagrippe this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Al CROSSLIN have removed to Lake Samish.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. QUIMBY left on Sunday for Marion, Wisconsin, where they may locate permanently.

J. W. WALLACE, who has been in charge of R. N. GIFFORD's Fairhaven undertaking office for several months, has resigned to accept the position of collector for the gas department of the Whatcom County Railroad & Light Co., beginning next Monday.

Fish Commissioner KERSHAW expects to have the Dakota creek sockeye hatchery completed before July 1, in time for operation this year.

C. S. RICE may make a summer resort of Olga park at Olga, Orcas island, which he recently purchased.

E. W. DEAN, of Wichita, Kansas, brother-in-law of Foreman H. I. FRAYNE, of the Herald, is opening a candy kitchen at 1505 Harris avenue.

G. M. MAPLE has purchased an interest in the popular Star Paint & Wall Paper Co. of Whatcom and Seattle.

The job printers of Bellingham Bay have formed an organization for mutual protection with Fred N. CULVER president and J. M. EDSON secretary and auditor.

Judge NETERER this week sentenced William RITTENBURG to six months in the pen for stealing $140 from his father-in-law.

Dr. E. E. ROSS, the popular manager of the City Dental parlors in the Red Front block, Whatcom, is building a fine residence on Magnolia street.

Mrs. Emma WROTH, aged 46 years, died in her home on Knox avenue on Tuesday. The remains will probably be shipped to Omaha by Undertaker GIFFORD.

The Whatcom painters formed a union on Wednesday night. F. G. RAY, president; W. H. PHILLIPS, vice-president; A. STEWART, rec. sec.; W. H. SLOPER, fin. sec.; S. D. BULERT, treas; A. A. JONES, conductor; H. LEMSTRA, warden.

Whatcom will be a back-door-open town again tomorrow. A. F. KNOX who kept his candy store open on Sunday was tried and the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty" last Monday.

According to the special census now about completed, Fairhaven has a population of about 5,500. This counts everybody now residing here.

The Reveille's Web perfecting press, which prints and folds 12,000 eight-page paper per hour, will begin operations next week. It make a new era in local journalism and is an evidence of enterprise in every way worthy of popular applause.

The sale of Whatcom county's first court house (the first brick building erected in the territory of Washington, in 1858,) by the county commissioners last Saturday to the Woman's Relief Corps of Whatcom for $812 is a matter for keen regret, and then gratification - regret that the county could not keep the historic building and get along somehow without the paltry $812, and gratification that it fell into the hands of the patriotic and public-spirited W. R. C. instead of a private citizen or corporation. By the way, the old building fronting on 14th street, between C and D., in which the first grand jury held its sessions in 1884, is still standing and was not destroyed by the Division street fire of 1885 as intimated by the writer in the Herald of last Saturday. It is a white frame building and was occupied by the White Drug Co. until 1891.

Editor Lars BARBO of the Sumas News is doing a good turn for his town in the way of materially contributing toward the establishment of a good school library there. He is donating money received by the News during the next two months on paid in advance subscriptions. Now that's what we call the right kind of public spirit. It strikes us as so good a way of helping a worthy institution open to all the public that the Fairhaven Times hereby modestly offers to do the same thing for the next two months for the Fairhaven free public library - 50 per cent of all receipts from all subscriptions paid in advance originating in Fairhaven, from March 21 till May 21, 1903, will be donated to the Fairhaven public library.

Saturday, March 28, 1903:

Jay B. EDWARDS, who spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting old friends in Fairhaven, was the original Fairhaven newspaper man and editor. He started the Fairhaven Plaindealer here in 1889, the first issue appearing July 4 of that year. It was a 6 column four page paper and started with 600 subscribers paid in advance at $2 a year. The first four issues were printed in the office of CONNELL & EDSON of the Sehome Weekly Gazette, but the first issue in August was printed in EDWARD's own shop upstairs in a building still standing on McKenzie avenue, near 5th street. In September he sold the building and moved the plant upstairs in the building now occupied by the Star saloon, on Harris between 9th and 10th. In November, 1889, Mr. EDWARDS sold the business to C. S. RICE, W. J. CRANDALL and D. M. DONNELLY. They sold out to CULVER Bros. and the latter afterwards sold the property to the publishers of the Herald.

George GREEN and DESNOYER Bros. are preparing to build a shingle mill of 30,000 daily capacity at Goshen.

The Eagles have abandoned their project to build a $4,000 brick building in Whatcom, bids on the work exceeding $7,000.

It is said that Charles S. RICE, who recently purchased the park and townsite of Olga, is arranging to build a summer resort hotel there.

Whatcom has refused to re establish the Lynden franchise for an electric railway, held by Simon KILDALL and B. W. LORING the past ten years.

Miss Maud WOODIN of Anacortes arrived on Thursday for a short visit with relatives and friends.

Mrs. A. LEQUE of Stanwood is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. J. ORDAL of Whatcom.

John McKAY of San Francisco is here looking after his property interests, including the old Thistle block, which he owns.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. CRAVEN have rented the McKENZIE residence at the corner of 15th and Taylor.

Edward MILNE has been visiting his sister, Mrs. ROBERTSON of Vancouver, B. C., during the week.

George B. BURKE took his 32nd degree of Free Masonry in Seattle last Saturday night.

Joseph W. BERGER, associate editor of the Maple Falls Leader, has gone to Eliza island for the summer.

Mrs. Paul COLLINS of Whatcom returned on Tuesday from a three weeks' visit with Mrs. E. S. McCORD of Seattle.

Mrs. E. L. NICHOLSON of Whatcom has returned from San Diego, Cal., where she spent the winter.

Charles H. SCHUBBE and B. A. SEABORG have arranged to again engage in the salmon canning business on the Columbia river.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. YORKE are now residing at Semiahmoo.

Judge J. P. De MATTOS, the first mayor of Whatcom, is now a practicing lawyer of Denver, Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. RIDINGS of Whatcom are removing to Blaine, where Mr. RIDINGS is establishing a musical academy and organizing an orchestra.

Mrs. Archibald McLEAN left on Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. WITTER, who is ill in a Seattle hospital.

Mrs. THATCHER and Miss THATCHER, mother and sister of Mrs. Roland G. GAMWELL, who spent the winter here, leave next week for their home near Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. EDWARDS, who returned recently from Ketchikan, Alaska, where they had resided for two years, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. EDWARDS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. THOMAS. Mr. EDWARDS has invested heavily in the machinery and ship building business in Seattle, but is almost persuaded to return to Fairhaven to reside.

Oran NICHOLS, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. NICHOLS, died last Saturday night in the home of his parents on High street, Whatcom, age 17 years. He was a bright and popular young man and leaves many mourners in Fairhaven, where the family resided until quite recently.

The newly elected officers of the Fairhaven fire department are: H. S. ODELL, chief; Henry LINN, assistant chief; Lafe WOOD, captain; Hiram GRIFFIN, assistant captain; J. A. MILLER, secretary; C. W. FRANCIS, treasurer.

George A. JENKINS has bought the passenger steamer Elsinore and will place her on the run between Whatcom and Anacortes making three round trips a week. She is a fine vessel and originally cost $12,000.

LETSON & BURPEE are now employing 52 men. They have built and sold 45 upright shingle machines since January 1.

The Kulshan Lumber Co. is about to begin construction of a large new shingle mill on the Whatcom waterfront at the foot of Lynn street, adjoining LOGGIE Bros.' big plant. The mill will have a daily capacity of about 200,000 shingles. D. Daun EGAN and other Whatcomites are back of the enterprise.

Forty-one prominent Whatcom and Fairhaven men, with Horace C. BRYON as chairman and C. W. WILCOX secretary, have undertaken the raising of $25,000 for a Y. M. C. A. building. The project is sufficiently popular to insure its success. Pledges are not binding until $15,000 shall have been raised.

Abercrombie & Fitch, the New York outfitters of exploring parties, have awarded to F. J. BARLOW of Whatcom the contract to make 230 sets of dog harnesses for the Zeigler North Pole expedition. Mr. BARLOW promptly shipped the first installment on Thursday of this week and is rushing work on the rest.

Mrs. George A. KELLOGG announces the engagement of her daughter Hariette to Mr. Thomas Leslie SAVAGE of Northport, Washington. The wedding will occur shortly after Easter. Miss KELLOGG is an accomplished teacher and has been principal of the Northport high school for several terms.

Minor P. KIRKPATRICK, Whatcom's talented art photographer, and Miss Maude A. WEES, the popular and accomplished young pianist, were united in marriage on Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock in the parlors of the B. B. & B. C. hotel, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. A. MACKEY in the presence of relatives of the groom and bride. The parlors were prettily decorated with white roses, tulips and smilax. After enjoying a bounteous wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. KIRKPATRICK left for a honeymoon tour up sound, returning yesterday to Whatcom where they will reside. Mr. KIRKPATRICK has demonstrated rare ability as a photographer of the highest order. His work in portraiture has already won the highest recognition which his brother artists of the Pacific coast can give and has been chosen by them to represent in the art exhibitions of the east the best work produced in the west. Mrs. KIRKPATRICK is a clever musician and is ranked highly as a pianist.

The Bellingham Bay Eagles officiated at a notable function in Blaine last Sunday, installing a new aerie of 65 Eagles. The local eagles have leased the second floor of J. J. LARSON's brick building on Elk and Magnolia streets, Whatcom, for $600 a year, which they consider better than paying $7,500 for a new building of their own at present prices of building stuff. The new quarters will be elegantly fitted up. The lodge room will be 53x62 feet and provided with seven separate lockers and two ante rooms, and the banquet hall will be 26x52 feet in size. The quarters will be sub let to other lodges.

Saturday, April 4, 1903:

P. M. GRAN has purchased the southwest corner of 6th and Harris streets, the consideration being $5,000. Mr. GRAN will occupy one of the buildings on the property next month with the Exchange saloon. The other houses the Bee Hive restaurant.

Mrs. P. M. GRAN has moved the Bee Hive restaurant to lower Harris, between 5th and 6th streets.

D. H. YICALEY's shingle mill at Marietta, recently destroyed by fire, has been replaced by a new plant.

Mrs. Rebecca TARTE, age 73, died at Anacortes last Sunday. She was a pioneer of Semiahmoo, having resided there from 1871 till recent years.

T. M. F. KEANE of Seattle has accepted a managerial position in the dry goods department of GREENBERG Bros. store in Whatcom.

Thomas TYLER returned this week from a three weeks' visit in Michigan.

William THOMAS, after a residence of three years here, left this week for his future home in Benzie county, Michigan, his son being sheriff of that county.

EBLING Bros. have purchased the meat market business of Frank NELSON at Burlington, Skagit county.

Mrs. Will D. JENKINS of San Francisco is visiting relatives in Whatcom.

Mrs. Ada B. CLOTHIER and son, Lyle, have returned from Ferndale, where they were the guests of Postmaster and Mrs. Minor McLAIN the past six weeks.

W. A. WOODIN has sold out his interest in the Fidalgo Island Shingle company. The present owners are George WATROUS and W. S. WHARTON, the superintendent of the Bellingham Bay Gas Works. Mr. WATROUS is the manager of the mill. --Anacortes American.

Joseph KILDALL of Minneapolis, who has distinguished himself as a leading wholesale fish dealer of the middle west, is in Whatcom on a business visit connected with the operations of the Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. SILVER have purchased the handsome and spacious Charles CISSNA residence on the corner of G and 20th streets, Whatcom.

A report from Dawson under the date of March 28 says that Dan McKINNON, formerly a well known Whatcom blacksmith, was found unconscious on the trail on Steel creek, near Forty Mile, by James PRATT, a miner. McKINNON had been out prospecting and had succumbed to fatigue. He would undoubtedly have been frozen to death had it not been for PRATT's timely arrival. His hand and feet were badly frozen as it was. He was taken to Forty Mile and will probably recover.

Mrs. A. B. JEWETT has been quite ill this week and is confined to her home.

Miss Ethelyn LUCE spent this week in Seattle, the guest of Mrs. HEFFRON, formerly of this city.

Miss Daisy HINMAN of Anacortes left yesterday for her home, having spent the past ten days as the guest of Miss Hazel CULMER.

Miss Alita GRIFFITH spent this week with relatives in Port Townsend.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas PYE and family and Fred COLWELL of South Bend, Wash., arrived in Whatcom last week to reside permanently.

Miss Bessie LLOYD of Whatcom, who spent a week with friends in Kent, visited her parents in Olympia during the past week.

S. A. ALLEN is now in Anacortes, where he is foreman of the N. A. F. cannery.

Mrs. Freeman FRENCH of Whatcom is visiting her old home in Bangor, Maine. She will return about May 1.

Mrs. C. W. WALDRON and Miss Grace WALDRON have returned from California where they spent the winter.

Dr. W. D. KIRKPATICK is building a new residence at the corner of Sylvan street and Central avenue, Whatcom.

Magus CRAWFORD, son of George M. CRAWFORD of the Bank of Whatcom, who is attending the Du Pont College of Technology in Louisville, Kentucky, is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever.

H. G. CONOVER's left hand was cut off by a shingle saw in the NEHER-ROSS Co.'s mill in Whatcom on Monday.

CRAWFORD Bros., who have sold their Ferndale shingle mill, have bought a half interest in D. FERGUSON's rebuilt old Globe mill in Whatcom. It is said the price was $18,000.

J. J. DONOVAN last Saturday purchased from the Fairhaven Land Co. four lots on 10th street between Knox and Gambier for $2,600.

The JENKINS-AXTON mill near Ten Mile is sawing an order of 232,000 feet of lumber for the improvement of Eldridge avenue, Whatcom.

Mrs. H. A. DIX, who died in Seattle last week and was buried in Bay View cemetery last Sunday, was a daughter of the late Jona GEER, a Whatcom pioneer, and a sister of Armines GEER, W. L. GEER, George GEER, Mrs. Jeff STEWART and Mrs. J. C. INKS.

John D. HILLJE last week finished cutting up a monarch fallen cedar tree near Welcome on the middle fork of the Nooksack. The tree had been down for many years and several noble firs had grown up over its trunk, yet it was as sound as a sapling. It measured eight feet thick at the butt, 270 feet in length, 186 feet in the clear to the first considerable limb and yielded 18 1/2 cords of first-class shingle bolts.

Mrs. Mattie McKINNON was brought in this week from Forty Mile and will be examined for insanity. She is not violent, however. She was a housekeeper at Forty Mile for the Northern Commercial company. -Dawson correspondent of Seattle Times.

E. H. HATCH, the popular senior member of the firm of HATCH & DICKEY, Whatcom's leading haberdashers, and Miss Georgia YOUNG, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas YOUNG of Whatcom, were united in marriage on Tuesday in the home of the groom's brother in Port Angeles, Superior Judge George C. HATCH of Clallam and Jefferson counties, who performed the ceremony. Sixty guests attended the wedding and the young couple received many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. HATCH arrived in Whatcom on Wednesday, receiving the heartiest congratulations of countless friends and admirers. They will reside at 1474 Humboldt street, where they will be at home to their friends after April 10.

Fairhaven is to lose the honor of being headquarters for the Elks of Bellingham Bay, the lodge having decided to move to Whatcom and establish headquarters in Eagle hall, Larson block, Elk street. The newly elected officers of the Elks lodge are: Mayor J. B. BENNETT of Whatcom, exalted ruler; Charles F. NOLTE, E. L. K.; A. B. CULMER, E. Lo K.; W. H. ABBOTT, E. Lct. K.; C. E. BELL, esquire; J. R. KEANE, secretary; J. A. WOOD, tyler; J. B. SCOTT, treasurer.

The new I. O. O. F. lodge which has been preliminarily organized in the office of W. L. EATON on Elk street, Whatcom, has leased the Charles STANBRA hall now nearing completion on Railroad avenue, between Holly and Magnolia, where the new lodge will be formally instituted on the evening of April 27.

Normal School Salaries
   On Monday of this week the faculty of the Whatcom State Normal school were notified of the action of the board of trustees, L. P. WHITE, John J. EDENS and Frank C. TECK, held on March 23 for the purpose of establishing salaries to be in effect until September 1, 1904. The salary of each member of the faculty was increased, while that of the librarian remains at $50 per month. Following is the schedule of salaries adopted for the ensuing period, ending September 1, 1904:
   Principal E. T. MATHES, $2,750; Prof. FORREST, mathematics, $1,500; Miss TROMANHAUSER, supervisor training department, $1,500; Prof. WILSON, pedagogy, $1,400; Prof. EPLY, physical sciences, $1,400; Miss MYERS, English, $1,150; Prof. BOWMAN, history and German, $1,150; Prof. STONE, Latin, $1,050; Miss HAYS, oral expression and physical culture, $1,050; Miss BAKER, English and mathematics, $950; Miss COLEMAN, vocal music, $950; Misses MONTGOMERY and BRATTON, critic teachers, $900; Miss EARHART, critic teacher, $900; Miss HOGLE, manuel (sic) training, $850. Miss WILSON, librarian, $600.

Saturday, April 11, 1903:

Justice of the Peace W. D. HURLBUT gets $100 a month, beginning last January 1, - Fairhaven having a population of more than 5,000. Judge HURLBUT is worth every dollar.

George D. MONTFORD and Donald D. MONTFORD are now absolute owners of the Blaine Journal, the latter having purchased B. C. FERGUSON's interest last week. The Journal is in good hands and is one of the very best weeklies in the state.

L. D. DRAKE, a former Whatcom councilman, bought a $10,000 farm near Los Angeles, California, a couple of weeks ago.

C. W. WALDRON has sold his two-story brick block on Holly and Railroad, Whatcom, to Mrs. Orissa HENRY, who owns the lot, for $7,000.

B. H. SILVER has been laid up with lagrippe for a couple of days.

Mr. and Mrs. A. FISK and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. BLISS have removed to their Orcas island farms, where they expect to spend the summer.

Mrs. C. L. WIERS died on Wednesday morning in the home of her daughter on Front street near 14th, aged 60 years.

Katie LENHARDT of Whatcom, age 10 years, died of diphtheria on Thursday night.

Captain and Mrs. Peter KILDALL of Whatcom expect to leave next Wednesday for their paternal home in Norway, where they expect to enjoy for the next two years. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. C. W. HOWARD have leased the KILDALL residence on Garden street.

Mrs. E. M. DAY has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Percy GEDDES of Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. W. S. CROCKETT, wife of the former pastor of the Whatcom First Christian church, died in Seattle last Tuesday. She was formerly Miss Lora BLANKENSHIP of Whatcom.

"Captain" SMITH, charged with being a public nuisance, will be tried before Judge WILLIAMS of Whatcom next Monday. SMITH is the most picturesque cusser in Fairhaven, which is a marked distinction.

J. H. MASON of Whatcom received a telegram on Wednesday announcing the serious illness of his father, J. R. MASON, who is spending the winter and spring in Los Angeles, California, accompanied by Mrs. MASON.

Dr. and Mrs. S. H. JOHNSON, friends of J. O. PETERSON of Whatcom, are expected to arrive here the latter part of this month to reside permanently, Dr. JOHNSON engaging in the practice of medicine in Whatcom. They are now residing in Climax, Minnesota.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George F. WALROD in their home on Harris street on Tuesday, April 7.

Mrs. W. B. YOUNG of Bakersfield, Cal., is visiting her father, Judge J. E. SLIGH.

J. W. McAFEE of San Francisco is visiting his sister, Mrs. Allie LEONARD.

Mrs. Irene NUGENT of Beach, Lummi island, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GRANGER of Fairhaven, died last Sunday, age 53 years. Mrs. NUGENT was a member of the Fairhaven temple of Rathbone Sisters.

BOOKER & CAMPBELL secured the contract on Tuesday to build the new 14 room brick and stone Whatcom school building on D and E streets, between 21st and 22nd. Their bid was $45,999.35, Martin SIERSDORFER bidding $48,000.

Charles F. NOLTE, George NOLTE of Whatcom and W. J. MALLOY of Ferndale have made application to the county commissioners for an electric railway franchise covering the rich region from Whatcom to Blaine, about 30 miles of road, passing through Marietta, Ferndale, Mountain View and Birch Bay.

Oren SMITH came up from Fairhaven last week and took a position with the CAMPBELL-SLOUGH shingle mill. He was operating the band saw and by some means or other one of his hands was so badly cut that he will probably lose one or more of his fingers. He at once took the train for Whatcom where the wound was properly dressed. At last accounts Mr. SMITH's wound was getting along nicely. --Maple Falls Leader.

   April 30, 1903, is the date set by the Ladies Co-operative society to commemorate the establishment of Washington territory, the semi-centennial of the birth of Whatcom county, the arrival of our first pioneers (Captains ROEDER, ELDRIDGE and others) on Bellingham Bay, the settlement of Whatcom, and the establishment of Fort Bellingham by Capt. George PICKETT.
   The old flag staff which was erected in 1856 at the fort will be re-erected in Walnut street park, Whatcom, by the Ladies Co-operative society, from which "Old Glory will again wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." A very interesting and entertaining program is being prepared which will be announced in due time.
   The society most cordially extends to every old pioneer and every citizen of Whatcom county and adjoining counties an urgent invitation to come and join in this celebration.
Mrs. Chas. MAGEE, Secretary L. C. S.
Mrs. Geo. DAWSON, Pres.

   Andrew CARNEGIE offers to donate $12,500 for a Fairhaven public library building and C. X. LARRABEE has offered the board of directors of the public library the choice of two sites which he offers to donate free, one on 12th street near Mill, the other on 13th street. Mr. CARNEGIE's offer is conditioned upon reasonable support for the institution from the city government, and as this will require but a slight increase of the present expense of the library to the city the new institution is assured. The board of directors are entitled to the thanks of the city for the very effective way in which they presented the merits of Fairhaven as a candidate for the favor of the great philanthropist, as well as for the marked progress and remarkable success accomplished by the ladies and gentlemen of the board in the management of the institution during the past year, a record which had much to do with winning Mr. CARNEGIE's and Mrs. LARRABEE's favor.
   Of course, everybody knows much about the wonderful literary philanthropy of the great steel king, who has during the past three years founded 800 public libraries.
   Mr. LARRABEE, however, has also taken a liberal interest in the public library movement. In November, 1891, when he was president of the Fairhaven Land Co. and the Bellingham Bay Land Co. and when the consolidation of Whatcom and Fairhaven seemed a matter to be consummated within a few weeks, Mr. LARRABEE offered the Bay cities a proposition, in short, as follows: The B. B. Land Co. to donate two lots for a library site on the boundary line between the two towns, on condition that the Bellingham Bay Improvement Co. of Whatcom donate two adjoining lots for the same purpose, and each company also donating 10,000 feet of lumber for a public library building; Mr. LARRABEE to donate besides $2,500 and the Fairhaven Land Co. $2,500 in cash, providing the citizens of Fairhaven contribute $5,000 and the citizens of Whatcom (New Whatcom) $10,000, while the institution should be maintained by taxation in both cities, pending consolidation.
   To be sure, this liberal proposition never bore fruit, but that was not Mr. LARRABEE's fault. Consolidation was knocked galley west and many another uniting link dissolved with it into thin air.
   When the CARNEGIE project was first started last year President A. L. BLACK of the Fairhaven Land Co. assured the board that the question of a free site would not stand in the way of securing the donation so long as his company had a suitable site to give. That offer still holds good and the board has a rare opportunity for choosing an ideal site. When Mr. BLACK was in New York last fall he conferred the Mr. CARNEGIE's secretary concerning the prospective endowment and ascertained the details of the rules governing the philaanthropist's donations.
   The Fairhaven public library board consists of Mesdames S. E. MARTIN, Geo. B. BURKE, J. B. McMILLAN, Miss Jessie SPENCER, Messrs. J. A. KIRKPATRICK, E. M. WILSON, Roland G. GAMWELL and Daniel CAMPBELL.

Saturday, April 18, 1903:

Mrs. George H. AMES has recovered from a protracted attack of heart failure.

F. B. GRAVES has bought A. B. SIEMONS' interest in the popular Fairhaven Racket store.

All the bids for Fairhaven's new school building were too high and new bids will be called.

Miss MAGRATH of Seattle has been the guest of Miss Mildred VAUGHAN of Whatcom during the week.

J. E. RYUS of Ketchikan, Alaska, is visiting old friends on the Bay. He expects too return to Ketchikan next week.

Mrs. Dwight DARLING of Everett is the guest of Major and Mrs. J. M. DARLING.

President Frank J. CARPENTER of the Whatcom Central Labor council has organized a Longshoremen's union with 21 charter members - president, Serverst ANDERSON, secretary, Mr. POWELL.

Mrs. P. S. COOKE of Anacortes and Miss ELMORE, art teacher in the Annie Wright seminary, Tacoma, are visiting Mrs. Wm. TIMSON.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. DEMING have returned from Chicago where they spent the winter.

George W. MINNEMEYER and Miss Jennie PARROTT of Whatcom were married in Seattle on Tuesday.

F. C. MURRAY was found dead in a Whatcom saloon on Tuesday, the result of chronic alcoholism.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. BURKE, April 9, 1903, a son.

Frank WALLACE of Madison, Wisconsin, is a late arrival on the Bay. He is a brother of J. W. WALLACE, formerly of GIFFORD's undertaking parlors.

R. A. L. DAVIS and W. A. DAVIS of Partridge, Kansas, have purchased an interest in the Washington Grocery Co., wholesale, of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. SILVER moved into their new residence on G street, Whatcom, this week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. OFFERMAN, April 6, 1903, a daughter.

Mrs. S. P. TAPPING has been severely ill with lagrippe all this week.

The B. B. & B. C. is arranging to build a freight depot at the corner of Dock and Willow streets, Whatcom.

Ferndale expects to be incorporated and has nominated officers as follows: Dr. KEYES, mayor; J. B. WILSON, treasurer; H. A. KRATZENBURG, C. L. DAVIS, C. A. PERRY, Wm. McCORMACK, J. J. RUSSELL, councilmen.

Since the building permit system was established in Whatcom a year and a half ago 600 permits have been issued representing $784,000 worth of new buildings.

W. J. WAPLES, Mrs. Arvilla WAPLES and Edward EDSON of Lynden have incorporated the Lynden Mill & Light Co. with $6,000 capital and are arranging to establish a large saw and shingle mill and an electric lighting plant in the Gem City this year.

Charles E. LIND and Thomas S. DAHLQUIST, who incorporated the Bellingham Bay Shingle Co. last week with $5,000 capital, are arranging to establish a double-block shingle mill at Maple Falls.

Richard GOUSIER of Van Wyck and Miss Clara F. WILAND of Fairhaven were united in marriage on Tuesday of this week. The will reside in Van Wyck.

The Bay City Iron Works is building the machinery for a new sawmill to be established at Sumas by ROSS & WIDDES, formerly of North Dakota. The mill will have a cutting capacity of about 30,000 feet daily.

James McINNIS of Oak Harbor, Ohio, a graduate of the Boston Latin school and a post-graduate of Ann Arbor, is said to be slated to succeed City Superintendent of Schools E. E. WHITE of Whatcom, whose resignation takes effect at the close of the present term of school.

Miss Minta MORGAN of Whatcom leaves next Monday for southern Michigan, where she will spend the summer with her mother and grandfather.

D. FERGUSON, W. M. CRAWFORD and E. J. CRAWFORD are the incorporators of the Globe Lumber Co. of Whatcom, capital $45,000.

Mrs. C. T. LATHROP, who has been the guest of Mrs. L. T. DODSON for several days, returned to her home in Anacortes on Wednesday.

Walcott AMES, draughtsman in MORAN Bros.' shipyard, Seattle, visited his parents, City Treasurer and Mrs. Geo. H. AMES, during the past week.

W. M. LYONS has sold his woodworking factory on D street, Whatcom, to Robert SHIELDS, and expects to establish himself in business in Fairhaven again.

George LAVIOLETTE, who is enjoying prosperity in the laundry business in Anacortes, spent last Sunday with relatives and old friends in Fairhaven.

Charles F. HOSKINS and Miss Christie CURRLE, both of Whatcom, were united in marriage on April 7 in the home of Rev. H. D. BROWN, Seattle, who performed the ceremony.

   In the matter of prominent out-of-town guests the celebration of the marriage of Miss Harriette KELLOGG and Thomas Leslie SAVAGE, in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Geo. A. KELLOGG, 11th street, on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, was easily the most noteworthy nuptial event of recent years on Bellingham Bay. The presents to the bride were also extra ordinarily numerous and elaborate. The residence was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being green and white, the entire first floor being majestically ornamented with ropes of braided ivy, potted palms and plants and yellow tulips, the whole being illuminated with candelabra and gas jets. The nuptial altar was in the bay window over which was suspended a wedding bell of netting. At the approach was a gateway of white satin ribbons, which the dainty flower girl, Dorothy DARLING, cut with her scissors upon the arrival of the wedding party.
   Mrs. J. L. EASTON presided at the piano. The ring ceremony of the Presbyterian church was performed by Rev. J. A. LAURIE. The bride wore a beautiful gown of white moire silk en train. The bridal veil was held in place by a diamond sunburst, a gift of the groom. The bride carried a large bouquet of cala lillies.
   Miss DENNY of Seattle was the bridesmaid and was handsomely gowned in seafoam crepe de chine. John A. KELLOGG of Northport was groomsman. Mrs. George A. KELLOGG was elegantly attired in black peau de suo with diamonds.
   After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. SAVAGE left for an extended wedding tour of Canada and other regions.
   The presents were noteworthy both in the great number, many coming from as far east as Pennsylvania and as far south as Topeka, Kansas, and in their extraordinary elegance.
   The guests were: Captain and Mrs. W. J. BRYANT, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. DENNY, Miss Carrie and Edith DENNY, Mr. Cal WELBON, all of Seattle; Mrs. J. H. SCHIVELY of Olympia; Mr. and Mrs. Albert KELLOGG of Puyallup; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DARLING and Dorothy DARLING of Everett; W. H. WELBON of Vancouver, B. C.; Messrs. and Mesdames Hugh ELDRIDGE, J. J. EDENS, C. I. ROTH, J. L. EASTON, J. A. LAURIE, L. W. WELLMAN, J. M. DARLING, J. W. POWELL; Mrs. Teresa ELDRIDGE; Misses DICKINSON, Edith WELLMAN, Edna ROTH, Olive EDENS, Mac GILLIGAN, Nettie EDENS, Vida WELLMAN, Allie GILLIGAN, Maud EDENS.

Saturday, April 25, 1903:

W. R. SMITH, a Whatcom pioneer, who has been in Alaska the past six years, is visiting old friends on the Bay. He was second engineer on the steamer Nome City last fall when that vessel was caught in the great storm.

Mrs. James E. SMITH left yesterday for Ferndale to spend the summer, Mr. SMITH having secured a good position as machinist there.

Death of Mrs. GENUNG
   Mrs. Catherine GENUNG, after an illness of scarcely three weeks, died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. FOWLE, Elk street, Whatcom, on Friday, April 17, at 11 o'clock a. m. Less than three weeks before her death Mrs. GENUNG came up from San Francisco to spend the summer with Mrs. FOWLE, who went to Portland to meet her. At Portland Mrs. GENUNG contracted a cold which merged into bronchitis and asthma, resulting in her death. Her age was 83 years and one month. She was a sister of Mrs. Alvinza HAYWARD of San Francisco.
   The funeral services held at the FOWLE residence on Monday afternoon were private and were conducted by Rev. W. A. MACKEY. Vocal music was contributed by a quartet consisting of Mrs. E. T. TRIMBLE, Miss Nellie LEE, John A. LEE and George R. AUSTIN. The remains were laid to rest in Bay View cemetery.
   Mrs. GENUNG was a lady of gentle character and loveable graces. During her preceding visits here she had won many warm personal friends to whom her memory will be dear and who tenderly sympathize with Mrs. FOWLE in her sad bereavement.

Dr. and Mrs. J. C. MINTON have gone to Sidney, Ohio.

I. O. O. F. Lodge
Fairhaven lodge No. 79, I. O. O. F., will attend in a body the Congregational church, corner Gambier and 13th streets, Sunday, April 26, at 11 a. m., being the 84th anniversary of the order in America. Members and visiting brothers are requested to meet at their hall at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning. By order of COMMITTEE.

Wm. TOLES has resigned as constable of Fairhaven. J. G. BROWN is now constable at $60 a month.

Frank KEIDEL of Whatcom is now at Bluff City, 60 miles from Nome, Alaska.

The state anti-saloon league on Monday swore out complaints against eleven Fairhaven saloons for violating the Sunday law.

E. THOMPSON of Republic has arranged to establish a cigar factory at 209 East Holly street, Whatcom.

Clarence BAGLEY of Seattle has written to Mrs. Charles MAGEE of Whatcom accepting an invitation to deliver an address at the flag-raising in Walnut street park, Whatcom, next Thursday. Mr. BAGLEY is a noted authority on Northwest pioneer history.

If you are not a subscriber of the Fairhaven Times, now is the time to subscribe, for by paying $1 you pay for the paper for a whole year and at the same time contribute half that amount to the Fairhaven public library, an institution that is every citizen's own property, for himself, his family and his children to use and enjoy free of all charges.

City Council - C. H. ZEMWELL and Nick PICAROVICH were granted liquor licenses. The position of fire chief was made a salaried position, the chief's duties including the inspection of hydrants and paraphernalia and to keep the fire hall and hose carts in good order and repair. The salary will be fixed by ordinance.

J. R. MASON is still very ill in Los Angeles. Joseph H. MASON writes that his father is not yet able to undertake the trip home.

The residence of Warren PEARSE on the GALLAGHER farm at Lake Padden was burned on Monday night, loss $800, insurance $300.

Mrs. T. E. CADE of Whatcom returned on Monday from an extended visit with relatives in Michigan.

CRAWFORD Bros. of Ferndale have purchased D. FERGUSON's interest in the Globe mill plant, Whatcom, for $39,000.

Mr. and Mrs. SPURGEON of Mitchell Bay, Orcas island, have come to Fairhaven to reside.

Mayor GRIFFIN appointed Messrs. Roland G. GAMWELL, T. W. GILLETTE and J. B. McMILLAN to work up a Fairhaven crowd for President ROOSEVELT's visit at Everett May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. William HEDGE returned the first of the week from Los Angeles, where they spent the winter.

Supreme Justice Hiram E. HADLEY has been confined to his home in Whatcom most of this week by an attack of lagrippe.

By the fire on Monday night STRATHIE & BUSSARD, blacksmiths, report a loss of over $2,000, insurance $500, and the Walling Iron Works loss was about $1,500, with $800 insurance.

Miss GLASGOW returned this week to her home in Seattle, after a week's visit with Miss HAYES of the Fairhaven High school faculty.

More than fifty guests attended the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HEADRICK on Tuesday evening in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. BOOKER, Sylvan street, Whatcom. The golden wedding ceremony was performed at 9:30 o'clock, just fifty years after the original event, by Rev. M. C. COLE and Rev. J. N. SMITH, Mrs. COLE and Mrs. SMITH acting as bridesmaids. The four-year-old twin granddaughters, Minnie May and Ella Fay HEADRICK, were the flower girls, while Mrs. L. J. FORD presided at the piano. The residence was gaily decorated with ferns, jonquills, daffodils and primroses. Among the relatives present four generations were represented. After the ceremony a reception was held and refreshments were served.

Prof. W. J. HUGHES entertained the Fairhaven High school seniors and faculty at dinner last week Friday evening in his home on 24th street.

Saturday, May 2, 1903:

The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MOULDER, aged 9 months, died April 25. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. BARR are moving into the FLINT residence on Garden street, Whatcom, which they recently purchased.

Mrs. W. R. SYBERT of Whatcom leaves next Thursday for Denver, Colorado, where she expects to spend the summer for her health.

Samuel KAUFMAN of Juneau, Alaska, is visiting his brothers in Whatcom for a few days. He is enroute on a business visit east.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ALLEN of Whatcom leave next week for an extended visit in Michigan.

W. M. LEACH, formerly city clerk of Whatcom, is now residing in Walla Walla.

Purser Frank C. FREER of the steamship Rosalie spent a few days in Whatcom during the past week visiting relatives and friends.

The B. B. Cigar Co. is rapidly expanding its establishment in Fairhaven. The force of six men is being increased to ten, three or four of the cigarmakers coming from Florida and Cuba. The Puro is by far the best 10-cent and 15-cent cigar sold in the Bay cities and the Plantio is a fine 5-cent cigar. That's what makes the factory grow.

Miss Elizabeth HEFFERON, aged 16 years, died last Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hefferon, corner of 10th and Donovan. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning in the Church of the Assumption.

Mrs. William MANNING of Ferndale spent Tuesday on the Bay and is now visiting friends in British Columbia. On May 13 she will leave for Greenwich, England, to spend the summer with her mother, who resides there.

Dr. H. J. BIRNEY, who spent most of the past year in Europe, is now in Baltimore and expects to return to his home in Whatcom the latter part of this month.

Mr. and Mrs. John SMITH of Minneapolis, who have been visiting their son, County Clerk E. B. SMITH, have about decided to become citizens of the Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. PRAEL left on Wednesday night for San Francisco, where they will reside. Mr. PRAEL having been transferred to the San Francisco headquarters of the American Can Co.

Through the efforts of Roland G. GAMWELL and his persuasive way of interesting Senator FOSTER the Fairhaven public library has just received from Washington 391 volumes of U. S. government literature, including many works not to be found in any other collection in this state.

It is said that Whatcom's red light district will be re-established west of 10th street to make the neighborhood of the new G. N. depot on 12th street less seductive.

Miss Mae DELLINGER of Whatcom returned this week from Stanford university, California, on account of typhoid fever epidemic there.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. THOMAS of Kansas City arrived here today for an extended visit with Mr. THOMAS' sister, Mrs. F. M. JOHNSON. They may decide to become permanent residents of Fairhaven.

New Brick School Building
   Fairhaven's new brick and stone school building on Julia street between 11th and 12th will be a splendid structure, covering 87x128 feet ground space, and having a basement and two stories. The basement will be built of Chuckanut stone with a large cut stone entrance with pressed brick front, similar to the Normal school. The contract was awarded last Saturday to S. E. BOOKER, his bid being $41,247, the next lowest bid being that of S. McNEIL, $42,215.
   There will be a stairway from Julia street and another from 12th street reaching the second floor. The building will be heated by the force-draft hot air system combined with automatic fan temperature regulators. Three furnaces will supply the heat. A 7 1/2 horsepower electric motor will operate the 120-inch ventilating fan.
   The building will provide 17 rooms, exclusive of the basement. The room plan of the building includes the following:
   Basement - Playrooms, lunchrooms, furnace and store rooms.
   First floor - 7 class rooms with cloak rooms in connection.
   Second floor - Assembly or general room 44x58 feet, ceiling 18 feet high, seating capacity 200. Four recitation rooms all communicating with assembly room, two of them with large double folding doors. One large class room, one laboratory room with apparatus room in connection, and the city superintendent's office and library rooms.

D. I. GREEN has bought a half interest in the Holly pharmacy, Whatcom.

Mrs. D. S. JENKINS of Whatcom died on Sunday, April 26.

The Whatcom city council has ordered the city marshal to abolish all houses of ill fame known as "crib" houses.

The Pacific American Tar Co. is about to build its tar factory at the foot of Taylor street and Captain H. B. KIRBY has men at work clearing the site.

Cashier R. R. SPENCER of the Seattle National Bank of Commerce, D. P. TRIMBLE of Denver and Henry WELTY of the national bureau of printing and engraving spent last Sunday in Fairhaven as the guests of George B. BURKE.

William R. JARMAN of Ferndale, the original "Blanket Bill," who used to hunt waterfowl around Mamosea or Bellingham Bay four years before Captain ROEDER landed here, spent Tuesday in Whatcom and enjoyed the flag pole celebration on Thursday.

Fred LEONARD and Gale ROYALTY are now en route on the schooner Gussie L. bound for Wrangel Narrows, Alaska, where they will spend the summer and will be joined the latter part of this month by Mrs. LEONARD and Mrs. ROYALTY.

Miss Gertrude EARHART, critic teacher of the grammar grades in the Normal school, may remain for the balance of the present school year in her home in Pennsylvania, where he mother died about two weeks ago and her father is in very feeble health.

C. H. WRIGHT of Janesville, Wisconsin, spent the latter part of last week in Fairhaven as the guest of his old friend, Virgil C. BOTSFORD, leaving on Monday for the east to prepare for the removal of his family to Puget Sound. He recently sold his Janesville farm for $85 per acre and is looking for a good Puget Sound farm to take the place of it.

Major K. S. McGUNNEGLE of the Seventeenth infantry, U.S.A., Fort Vancouver, inspected Company M, N.G.W., on Wednesday evening in the new armory in the Whatcom city hall building, which was fitted up for the purpose at a cost of $3,000 to the city and leased to the company for five years. The quarters are much the best in the state and are quite elaborately equipped with furniture, carpets, pictures, etc. Company M will go to Everett May 23 to join in the reception of the president.

Saturday, May 9, 1903:

The big gasoline launch built for Henry F. ALLEN of San Francisco will be launched probably next Saturday at C. E. FULTON's shipyard, Chuckanut. She is 50 feet long, 10 1/2 feet beam, 5 feet depth and cost $4,000.

James PATON of Enterprise left this week for his old home in Camiachie, Ontario, to attend the golden wedding celebrations on May 20 of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew PATON.

Mrs. Mary E. DEUBER, aged 44 years, died of heart disease on Tuesday afternoon in her home on McKenzie avenue. Funeral services were held in the Church of the Assumption at 9:30 o'clock on Thursday morning.

Miss HESSER of Chicago is spending the summer as the guest of Mrs. E. B. DEMING.

Fish Commissioner and Mrs. T. R. KERSHAW left on Wednesday for a three weeks' sojourn in Spokane.

P. D. McKELLAR returned on Monday from Buffalo, New York, where he spent the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. CULVER and children of Friday Harbor are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLEAN of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. WOODIN are spending the week visiting their son, W. A. WOODIN, in Anacortes.

Uncle Harry McCUE of Lake Whatcom leaves May 12 for an extended visit in Michigan.

Otto J. ALEXSON of Whatcom and Miss Alvilda M. JENSON of Fairhaven were united in marriage on Tuesday of this week.

F. S. LOCKWOOD is on his way to Chatham straits, Alaska, and expects to be absent until November, Mrs. LOCKWOOD remaining in Fairhaven until his return.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. COALTHURST of Seattle spent the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. GANDER. They have decided to reside in Whatcom and will be at home on High street June 1.

T. W. MARTIN died yesterday morning in St. Joseph's hospital, after a long period of painful sickness.

Mrs. E. C. MISENHIMER of Chicago arrived in Whatcom last Saturday night to spend the summer as the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. SILVER. She was accompanied from Chicago by George M. CRAWFORD on his return from Louisville.

S. M. WINCHESTER, who build the Winchester block on the corner of C and Holly, Whatcom, in 1890, died in Chattanooga, Tenn., April 23.

"Captain" J. B. SMITH, our prize cussist, left Fairhaven this week to the uncussed fields of Seattle, in accordance with an order of the court that he leave Fairhaven by Wednesday.

George M. CRAWFORD of the Bank of Whatcom has returned from Louisville, Ky., where he went to visit his son, Magnus, who has since recovered from an attack of typhoid fever.

Saturday, May 16, 1903:

Last Sunday, May 10, was the fiftieth anniversary of the actual settlement of Whatcom county. Half a century ago, on May 10, 1853, Captain ROEDER returned from San Francisco on the schooner William Allen, bringing the machinery for the sawmill and also Captain and Mrs. Edward ELDGREDGE and their baby daughter, Isabella M. ELDRIDGE (now Mrs. EDENS), Messrs. UTTER, BROWN, HEATH and HEWETT, who together with R. V. PEABODY, W. R. PATTLE, MORRISON and John THOMAS, formed the first band of settlers on Bellingham Bay. It seems to The Times that the county has missed a rare occasion for a semi-centennial celebration of the most vital worth.

Hon. J. P. deMATTOS is now practicing law in Douglas, Arizona.

Miss Hattie DELLINGER of Whatcom leaves St. Paul this week with her aunt and uncle for a four months' trip in Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel SINGLETON extended their visit here over this week and left today for their future home in Portland.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. MUSGRAVE of Honolulu sailed for Whatcom on Wednesday to spend the summer here and in the east.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. BRAND have bought the handsome CISSNA residence at the corner of H and 20th streets, Whatcom.

Mrs. W. T. DOUGLASS and children of Whatcom have removed to Stanwood for the summer.

Mrs. CRANE spent part of last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. F. REYNOLDS of Sedro-Woolley.

Mrs. E. C. HOLT is spending the week visiting her parents in Florence, Snohomish, county.

Mrs. E. M. DAY left on Monday for Everett, where her son, Bryant J. DAY is ill with an attack of fever.

T. J. SELBY, jr., of Hardin, Illinois, is here to spend the summer with his brother, H. B. SELBY of the Herald.

Olaf ANDERSON and Mrs. Ellen JOHNSON and family of Oakland, Nebraska, arrived in Fairhaven during the past week to reside permanently.

John BERG of Whatcom defeated Prof. LEWIS of Spokane two falls out of three in a wrestling match for the Pacific coast championship in BECK's theater on Thursday night.

Fred COLIPE is now proprietor of the old Star saloon on Harris street.

P. M. GRAN has removed the Exchange saloon into his own building on the corner of Harris and Sixth.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ALLEN of Whatcom left on Monday for Bay City, Michigan, where they will spend the summer.

The HACKETT Cold Storage Co., of Boston has leased a site from the Fairhaven Land Co. for 25 years and will begin as soon as the site, which is on Dead Man's point, can be leveled, begin construction of the immense buildings for its $150,000 cold storage and fresh fish shipping plant, the most extensive on the Pacific coast.

The Whatcom Electric Co. has installed a new electric lighting plant for the United Shingle Co. at Deming.

E. W. PURDY of Whatcom and T. W. GILLETTE of Fairhaven have been appointed members of the Whatcom County Railway & Light Co. board of directors.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. JESSUP of Missoula, Montana, have concluded to become residents of Whatcom. Mr. JESSUP is an accomplished journalist and will publish and industrial paper.

Fire last Saturday evening destroyed the dry kiln and store shed and 4,000,000 shingles at the HASTINGS shingle mill, Silver Beach, insurance only $5,500, loss about $10,000.

Mrs. Rolad ONFFROY and Mrs. ONFFROY, jr., are spending the week in their home on Elk street, Whatcom. They expect soon to remove to San Francisco to reside.

L. DeCHAMPLAIN has bought the DeVOE addition to Whatcom and an acre of the ELDRIDGE addition for $5,800 and will re-plat the property.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. BECKWITH of Whatcom expect to leave the latter part of next week for their old home in St. Albans, West Virginia, 12 miles west of Charleston, where they will reside.

D. W. MILLER and Miss Leonta SMITH of Fairhaven will be married in Blaine on Sunday. Mr. MILLER is a popular young engineer and is a son of City Marshal Samuel MILLER.

Percy FULLER of KAUFMAN Bros.' store, Whatcom, was summoned to North Yakima on Tuesday by a message informing him that his brother was drowned in the Yakima river on Monday.

Mrs. H. E. HADLEY and Mrs. G. A. COOPER left on Wednesday for Stanford university, California, to attend the commencement exercises next week, Roy O. HADLEY being a member of the senior class.

Miss Frances VAUGHAN, who spent the past four months visiting relatives and friends in the southern states, returned to Whatcom on Thursday, accompanied by Miss EBERLE of Fort Smith, Arkansas, who will be her guest here during the summer.

School district elections Saturday, May 9: Fairhaven, Wm. H. SANDERS for director 286 votes, Willard HYDE 108. Whatcom, T. E. CADE, director, re-elected of Jacob STRAUSS by a vote of 235 to 145.

Carl BARLOW of Whatcom writes that he left Dawson for the Tanana gold fields on February 12 and is now in Eagle City. He says the trail was covered with water in many places two feet deep at the time of writing, April 23. Many miners are at Eagle City, about 1,000 having left Dawson for the new camp.

Julius KONRAD and Miss Lizzie NELSON were quietly married on Tuesday evening in presence of intimate friends, Rev. J. A. LAURIE performing the ceremony. The will reside in the Davis building at the corner of Harris and 14th.

Archibald CHANDLER and Miss Orpha ANDREWS of Whatcom were united in marriage in Seattle on Monday. They will reside in Whatcom.

Bellingham Bay will be largely represented at the Everett reception to President Roosevelt next Saturday. The Whatcom Commercial club has arranged for a special train of seven coaches and the Red Men have chartered the steamer Bellingham for the occasion.

The following young ladies helped Miss Lillian TAPPING celebrate her 14th birthday anniversary with games and refreshments on Thursday evening, in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. S. P. TAPPING: Misses Grave McNEIL, Edith ESSIG, Frankie HOUSE, Blanch SHAW, Mary TEMPLIN, Blanch DAY, Mary WATROUS, Kittie EARLES, Alice TIEDJE, Abbie MILLS, Blanch KNIGHT, Doris MILLER, Annie SWANSON, Florence CHARROIN, Aline CAMPBELL, Katherine MUCHISON.

   In a letter to the editor of this paper, J. Griffith STEPHENS of Whatcom, who with C. R. DEBORD, is one of the proprietors of the roadhouse and supply depot at Copper River Ferry, Alaska, junction of the Tonsina and Copper rivers, tells of his finding the body of Max BECKER at the summit of Tasnuna on April 16, while enroute to Copper river with supplies and a party of eighteen men. The letter is dated at Copper River Ferry, April 21, and the story follows:
   "On the 16th of the present month, while crossing the Tasnuna summit with a party of eighteen, we found the body of a man, who had died the day before from cold and exposure.
   "On the body we found$2.80, a waatch, chain, some letters and a receipt showing that the dead man was a member of the Spokane aerie of Eagles, No. 2. His name was Max BECKER. He had evidently lived in Fairhaven, as he had receipts from Fairhaven business houses, and thinking that it might be of interest to you I concluded I would write you this letter. The Tasnuna summit is a cold, bleak, desolate, woodless pass through the coast range of mountains and judging from the man's physique he was not able to endure the hardships that it is necessary to undergo.
   "We sent the body to Valdez for burial by some prospectors who were returning to the coast from the interior.
   "This country looks very promising for the mining class this year and as I have several hooks out I may be able to snare my share.

Saturday, May 23, 1903:

Frank HARRISON, a carpenter, age 26, lost his balance and fell from the top of the Blue Canyon ocean bunkers last Saturday afternoon, falling about 50 feet, breaking his neck. Undertaker MOCK shipped the remains to Seattle, where the unfortunate man's mother resides.

The HACKETT Cold Storage Co.'s plant on Commercial (Dead Man's) point will have 3,500 tons or 150 carloads capacity, housed in a 2 1/2-story building. The ice factory will make 150 tons of ice daily. The point is to be excavated and leveled within 30 days and the six carloads of machinery for the plant are now enroute from the east. The plant itself will cost $75,000, while the grading and other improvements will cost $15,000. Mr. HACKETT says the industry will be operated all the year round, as all kinds of fish will be handled. It is the most important industry secured for the Bay for several years, and we got it strictly on our superior merits.

Mrs. Catherine M. WILLIAMS, wife of Judge H. B. WILLIAMS, died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. HENDERSON, Sylvan street, Whatcom, last Saturday morning, age 60 years. She had been ill for several months but few realized that a fatal termination of her illness was so near. Mrs. WILLIAMS was a daughter of R. V. PEABODY, the pioneer settler, who owned the donation claim to which the county seat is confined. Her sister, Mrs. E. L. JAEGER of Portage, Wisconsin, was present at the time of her death. Judge and Mrs. WILLIAMS have been residents of Whatcom since 1889. The children are all adults, Mrs. H. E. HENDERSON, John H. WILLIAMS of Portland, and Fred W. WILLIAMS. Rev. M. C. COLE conducted the funeral services on Sunday afternoon in the residence of Dr. and Mrs. HENDERSON.

Mrs. William E. CURTIS of Washington, D. C., wife of the distinguished journalist, is expected to arrive next week to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. P. W. STRADER of Lake Samish.

Henry SANDERS and Miss Jessie REIGNAULT of Fairhaven were united in marriage this week.

Mrs. Jesse A. FRYE has been visiting her mother, Mrs. L. R. CLARK, during the week.

P. L. HEGG and B. MULVANEY have bought the bankrupt jewelry stock of the late V. W. TAYLOR in Whatcom.

Mrs. John BLACK and son, Cecil, returned last Saturday from Berkeley, California, where they spent the winter.

The Fairhaven band concert, under the management of J. F. AUGUSTINE, on Wednesday evening attracted a large crowd.

Elmer E., James M., Wallace and Eugene COLEMAN of Whatcom have sold their timber claims east of Maple Falls, containing over 20,000,000 feet of fir and cedar, to D. FERGUSON for $26,000.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. BECKWITH of Whatcom left on Thursday for St. Albans, West Virginia. They were preceded on Sunday by their son-in-law, Walter H. GRIFFITH. The casket containing the mortal remains of their daughter, who died a few months ago, was disinterred and shipped back to the old home.

J. C. PARKER has sold his new incompleted, 55x100 feet, three-story brick building and lot on Railroad avenue, Whatcom, to E. R. CROFT, who pays $4,000 for the lot, assumes all costs of constructing the building, about $13,000, and leases the third floor to the PARKER Printing Co. for three years.

Rev. A. W. CHEATHAN has resigned the position of rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, having accepted a call to North Carolina.

Mrs. S. E. FANCY of Whatcom left this week for her old home in Bar Harbor, Maine, where she will spend most of the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MURCHISON, who have resided in Fairhaven for 14 years, expect to remove about June 1 to Seattle, where they will make their home.

City Attorney E. R. SHERMAN, who resigned last Monday, leaves next week for his old home near Buffalo, N. Y.

Mrs. J. S. EMERSON and Miss Jean WILSON of Vancouver, B. C., arrived yesterday for a few days' visit with Mrs. G. A. McINTOSH.

Mrs. Susan WARD of Denver, Colorado, accompanied by her four children, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. HOPKINS.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude R. WADE have an elegant new piano in their home on Garden and Magnolia streets, Whatcom, the gift of Mrs. WADE's mother, Mrs. L. A. BECKWITH.

-L. A. HILL and NUGENT & WIKEN were granted liquor licenses.
-The ordinance fixing the salary of fire chief at $75 and prescribing his duties was passed.
-It was ordered that city refuse and garbage, excepting fish and meat market waste, be dumped into the bat at the foot of McKenzie avenue.
-City Attorney E. R. SHERMAN's resignation, to take effect May 31, was accepted.
-Hereafter the service of the city engineer on street improvements will be charged to the abutting property.

The marriage of Miss Katherine Marie BOLLONG of Fairhaven and Robert James LITTLE of Seattle will be celebrated early in July.

Will H. EATON, the Lynden bicyclist, and Miss Tineth WARMOUTH of Whatcom were united in marriage on Wednesday in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. WARMOUTH.

George W. L. ALLEN, who died at his home in Edison, Skagit county, on May 13, at the age of 75 years, was sheriff of Whatcom county for several terms prior to 1880, serving in that capacity for 10 years and holding the office longer than any other man before or since. Among his children is Mrs. J. P. JONES of Semiahmoo, a daughter, the only relative now residing in this county.

Frank I. GANNON, formerly a well known school teacher of this county, who has been in Oregon and southwest Washington the past four years, is spending a couple of weeks on the Bay. He took up a homestead of 178 acres four years ago in the heavy yellow fir and larch region 30 miles northeast of Vancouver, Wash. Scrip owners contested his claim for two years, but were finally ruled out by the national land commissioner. Last fall Mr. GANNON was offered $8,000 for the land by the Weyerhauser syndicate, but he says it is worth more that $10,000.

Dead Man's point is rapidly disappearing by the pick and shovel process.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. CASE of Little Valley, New York, are in Whatcom as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. WYATT. Mr. CASE is president of the CASE Brothers Cutlery Co. and is seriously considering the advisability of establishing a cutlery factory here.

KLINE Bros. and D. ALVERSON are moving into the Bank building adjoining the corner of Harris and 11th.

In a drunken brawl at Chuckanut quarry last Sunday evening Thomas McNAMARA, an Irish sailor, killed Mike ROMERO, an Italian, age 40, by stabbing him through the heart with a knife. In a previous fight ROMERO is said to have beaten McNAMARA and drawn a knife on him. McNAMARA is in jail. The body of ROMERO was taken in charge by Coroner NOICE. ROMERO joined the Woodmen of the World recently and left $1,000 insurance to his sister in Italy.

Rev. and Mrs. J. H. SELLIE of Buffalo, Minnesota, have been in the city the past week and Mrs. SELLIE will remain here while Mr. SELLIE attends the Presbyterian general assembly in Los Angeles. Rev. SELLIE and Rev. J. A. LAURIE were schoolmates. Mr. SELLIE preached in the Fairhaven Presbyterian church last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BENSON of Seattle have been visiting Mrs. BENSON's mother at East Sound. They expect to leave on July 6 for the City of Mexico, where they will reside. Mrs. BENSON has two uncles who are prominent residents of the Mexican metropolis. Mr. BENSON recently sold his printing office in Seattle.

Dr. Syvert H. JOHNSON of Climax, Minnesota, accompanied by Mrs. JOHNSON, has located in Whatcom, and has offices in the Irving block. He is a graduate of the Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia and has practiced for six years. He is an old friend of H. O. PETERSON of PETERSON & Co.'s men's furnishings store.

Saturday, May 30, 1903:

Almond M. CLARK, while engaged in erecting his new building at the approach to the Great Northern depot, was stricken with apoplexy about 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning and died two hours later in the home of his brother, L. R. CLARK. Mr. CLARK was 69 years old and had been a respected citizen of the Bay since 1889. He leaves a wife and son, Guy H. CLARK of Whatcom, a daughter residing in the east, two step-children, A. J. WILLIS of Whatcom and Mrs. CUTHBERTSON of Vancouver, B. C.; two sisters and his brother, L. R. CLARK of this city. Undertaker W. H. MOCK was placed in charge of the funeral arrangements.

Prof. and Mrs. E/F W. EPLY of Whatcom are parents of a new boy, born May 22.

Mrs. D. D. FAGAN of Coos Bay, Oregon, is visiting friends in Whatcom.

Mrs. B. B. DOBBS of Whatcom has gone to Seattle to accept a position in BOYD's photographic studio.

Mrs. G. A. MILTON had as a guest this week Mrs. McQUARRIE of Rossland, B. C.

Dr. E. T. MATHES delivered the high school commencement address at Burlington on Thursday evening.

R. O. THOMAS of Turner, Oregon, spent half the week visiting his brother, Sheriff L. A. THOMAS.

Miss Nellie DORR, who has spent the past several months with the family of her uncle, Mr. O. E. GARLAND, leaves today for her home in Baton, Wash.

Miss Ivy MORGAN of Portland, daughter of Mrs. Carrie Blake MORGAN, the Oregon poet, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. C. HIGGINSON.

John H. HURFORD of Valparaiso, Chile, spent this week in Whatcom, coming up to visit his son, Harry HURFORD.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. HOWARD have returned from Everett, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. BOWNELL for a few days.

Mrs. Chris SEMON and son, Joseph SEMON, expect to leave next Thursday for Michigan, where they will spend most of the summer on a visit with relatives.

R. I. BURROWS expects to leave for San Francisco, having accepted a position with a gazetteer and business directory publishing house. He leaves next week.

J. H. BAINES, formerly superintendent of the Steel cannery at Fairhaven, is to have charge of the cannery here this season. He is now here getting the cannery ready for operation. -Friday Harbor Islander.

C. H. WRIGHT of Janesville, Wisconsin, and his children, Misses Edna, Essie, Florence and Hattie Wright and Jay and Earl Wright, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. BOTSFORD and family.

Frank DEAN, who is attending a dental college in Los Angeles, returned to Whatcom last week to spend the summer.

Mrs. C. E. HOLT returned early this week from a few weeks' visit with her mother in Florence, Wash.

G. F. SMITH of Blaine has been arrested charged with selling liquor on Sunday, May 17.

The marriage of Harry JENKINS and Miss Laura HIBBS was celebrated last Sunday morning in the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. W. PRICE, on 21st street, Rev. C. B. Sears performing the ceremony. The young couple spent this week on a honeymoon visit in up-Sound cities and will be at home next week in their new house on 11th street.

Miss Nora HARRISON and Albert PARDEE, both popular young Fairhavenites, were united in marriage on Thursday afternoon.

Saturday, June 6, 1903:

Mrs. A. S. WILSON of Whatcom and Mrs. AIKEN of Custer left today to spend a week in Seattle.

Urban S. GRIGGS, a graduate of the Whatcom High school 1898 and of the state university, died of fever last week in Manila, P. I., where he held a clerkship in the U. S. civil service.

Two skulls and a lot of other human bones, evidently aboriginal remains, were unearthed at Dead Man's Point this week, indicating that the Indians buried their dead there before the white man came.

Charles F. NORMAN of Fairhaven and Miss Hannah Louise MOREY of Whatcom were united in marriage this week.

By a vote of 74 to 21, Ferndale has refused to incorporate its municipality.

S. L. Caton of Blaine has removed to Silver Beach.

Fred S. York of Fairhaven is now sawyer in the big Monarch mill in Blaine.

Mrs. and Miss BURNELL of Iowa, mother and sister of H. M. BURNELL, are visiting him for a few weeks.

Miss Ada TOLES has gone to spend most of the summer with Dr. and Mrs. TOLES in their home in Moscow, Idaho.

F. C. PERRIN is preparing to leave for Nome, Alaska, to spend the summer. Mrs. PERRIN has gone to Eugene, Oregon, to remain during his absence.

George LAVIOLETTE has returned from Anacortes, where he has disposed of his laundry business. He likes Fairhaven best of all anyhow.

Mr. and Mrs. F. S. STONE, parents of Mrs. E. F. BARNUM, have reopened the Vendome hotel in firstclass shape.

O. B. BARBO of Phoenix, Arizona, returned to Whatcom yesterday for a short visit with relatives and friends.

P. J. LAIR, a pioneer mill man of Whatcom, died in Seattle on Wednesday.

Hon. L. P. WHITE and Hon. W. G. BROWN left yesterday for West Virginia, Mr. WHITE going to visit his mother in her home in Terra Alta, where he will spend several weeks, and Mr. BROWN going to Kingwood, whence he will return to Whatcom the latter part of this month with Mrs. BROWN, who will spend the summer here.

Wm. LARSON of Whatcom is now a traveling salesman for D. S. JOHNSTON & Co., the piano dealers, his territory extending from Wenatchee to Port Angeles. F. L. RANSDALL has taken charge of the Whatcom branch store of the D. S. JOHNSTON Co.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. ALLISON of Indianapolis spent a couple of days in Whatcom this week visiting Mr. ALLISON's old friends, W. B. and S. E. LEITCH. Mr. ALLISON is the manufacturer of standard physicians' tables, chairs, cabinets, etc.

Arthur G. GAMWELL left this week for Nome, Alaska, to spend the summer, having accepted a lucrative position as purchasing agent for the Western Alaska Construction Co., which has planned to build a 50-mile railroad this summer, extending from Solomon harbor to Nome.

Miss Marguerite CLARY, who spent last week visiting Mrs. W. P. SHANLEY of Whatcom, left for her home in Chicago on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DOWD have removed to Whatcom, where Mr. DOWD has purchased ECKLUND's half interest in the Ecklund & Martin sash and door factory, paying $2,200 for the property.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant J. DAY arrived here last Saturday from Everett for rest and vacation, both having been in ill health for several weeks. They are the guests of Col. and Mrs. E. M. DAY.

Mrs. Anna L. JONES of Hastings, Michigan, is visiting her son, C. W. JONES, and will spend the summer here.

Miss Annie PADDEN spent most of this week with friends in Seattle, accompanied by Mrs. OSER

Lloyd BLEVENS return this week from Arizona, where he spent the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. SCHAEFER of Minnesota are here to spend a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. L. OLSLAGER.

The tenth annual commencement of the Fairhaven High school was brilliantly eventuated in the K. of P. pavilion on Tuesday evening in the presence of an enthusiastic crowd that taxed the capacity of the building. The class numbers eight, as follows: Marie Leonora WALL, Mamie Ann McLEOD, Max Otto HIPKOE, Ellen M. CLOAK, Bessie May HANKINS, Emily Virginia WARINNER, A. Angela O'NEILL, Pearl Laurel MEREDITH. The class motto is, "Do your work well and be kind;" the class colors are purple and lilac, and the narcissus is the favored flower. Judge Jeremiah NETERER delivered an eloquent address to the class and in presenting the diplomas President Geo. A. MILTON of the board of directors also offered some timely and well chosen remarks. After the exercises the class enjoyed the posts of honor at a sumptuous banquet tendered by the Juniors in K. of P. hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion JOHNSON's home on McKenzie avenue adjoining the tea and coffee store, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin shortly after 12 o'clock on Monday night and everything the house contained was burned, except a 5-gallon can of kerosene. The loss of household effects reached $500, while the insurance was but $200. Mr. JOHNSON was in Tacoma on a business visit and Mrs. JOHNSON was spending the night in the home of Mrs. ALLEN on Donovan avenue.

The Whatcom High school commencement occurs in BECK's theater on Friday evening, June 19. Congressman William E. HUMPHREY will deliver the address. Clarence LILLEY is valedictorian of the class with an average standing for the final year of 94.8. Nellie CAMPBELL is second with 94 and Earl HADLEY third with 93.9. The class numbers 27.

Mrs. Elizabeth LANNING, age 76 years, died in her home in Lynden on Monday. She was the mother of Mrs. Charles E. CLINE of Whatcom and had resided in Whatcom and Skagit counties since 1869.

Porter RHOADES of Deming has aroused laudable interest in the Y. M. C. A. building among the young men of that town and has just sent in contributions aggregating $75 and pledges $25 more. His personal contributions amount to $40.

Saturday, June 13, 1903:

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. LIVELY have decided to go to Seattle to reside.

Dr. and Mrs. E. E. ROSS are now residing in their handsome new residence on Magnolia street, Whatcom.

Fred W. SUTCLIFFE of Whatcom has gone to Chicago and Rock Island, Illinois, on a two months' visit.

Mrs. F. W. BOLDRICK of Spokane spent the past week with relatives and friends in Fairhaven.

C. A. McLENNAN of Whatcom has gone to Nome to spend the summer.

SANDERS & SCOTT have moved their book and stationery stock into the more commodious quarters across the street on Harris. It is understood that Morris JONES will start a new book store at the old stand.

City Marshal Samuel MILLER is preparing to build a modern residence of seven rooms at the corner of 12th and Donovan.

Mr. and Mrs. John CISSNA of Everett have returned to Whatcom to reside.

Mrs. STOCKLEIN and son, Charles J., of Whatcom, have gone for a visit to their old home in Faribault, Minnesota.

Miss McCURDY of Walla Walla arrived in Whatcom this week to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. E. KLINGER.

Ray PACKER has returned from the state university where he has been studying law.

Herman ROWE and J. R. FRANCIS have purchased H. L. LIVELY's interest in the Whatcom Electrical Co. and will continue the business in its present location on Dock street.

Otto FANCHER has gone to Victoria, where he has accepted a position as linotype operator on a newspaper.

Jacob and Harry C. JENKINS and Fred BOYS, under the firm name of the JENKINS-BOYS Co., have purchased the house furnishings store of ELLING & MESSER on 11th street.

BOOKER & CAMPBELL secured the contract this week to finish the rooms in the Normal school annex building, including an additional boiler, their bid being $5,052.

Miss Avanelle E. COLEMAN left on Thursday for Boston, where she will spend the summer.

Miss M. Z. WILSON left on Thursday to spend the summer at her home in Athens, Ohio.

Samuel E. LARABIE of Deer Lodge, Montana, spent Monday in Fairhaven.

Warren BEARD left this week for Boundary Bay where he will be time-keeper in the P. A. F. Co.'s fish camp, 60 men being in the camp during the fishing season.

Col. Harry A. MOORE, who has been in Denver, Colorado, the past seven years, is visiting old friends in Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. PROUTY of Whatcom are entertaining Samuel PARKER of Sioux City, Iowa, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MASON returned today from California, where they spent the past year. They were accompanied home by Joseph H. MASON and were met in Seattle this morning by J. L. EASTON. Mr. MASON's health is much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. N. J. SCHAEFER of Owatonna, Minnesota, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. L. OLSLAGER, leave for home next week.

Mrs. Charles ALLEN of Seattle, nee Miss Claudia STERLING, is visiting old friends in Whatcom this week.

Miss Cora BRATTON of the Normal school left on Thursday for Baltimore, whence she will sail on June 27 for Europe to spend the summer.

The Lake Whatcom Logging Co. will suspend operations for 30 days, beginning today, laying off 140 men. The price of cedar logs has dropped $3 per 1,000 feet and the company has enough logs in the lake to supply orders for the balance of the summer.

In commemoration of their tenth wedding anniversary, a number of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Athol FALT on Tuesday evening in their home on High street, Whatcom, bringing presents, refreshments, music and the material for some delightful games. The guests were: Mesdames and Messrs. S. E. MARTIN, J. B. COBERLY, SLEAMAN, A. C. SENKER, T. S. WAGNER, Mrs. OLSON of Manistee, Michigan, Mrs. SUTHERLAND, Harry OLSON of Manistee, Michigan.

The marriage of Peter M. GRAVES of Fairhaven and Miss Nellie G. CRASKE of Whatcom was solemnized on Monday in the Whatcom First Congregational church, Rev. Thomas DENT performing the ceremony. J. E. CRASKE and Miss Flossie CRASKE acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. The young couple spent the week on a honeymoon tour of British Columbia and Puget Sound cities.

Company M, N. G. W., entertained on an elaborate scale on Wednesday evening, the occasion being the formal opening of the company's elegant new armory in the upper stories of the Whatcom city hall. Adjutant General James A. DRAIN was present and formally inspected the company and examined the commissioned officers in accordance with the new law. The function was the most elaborate and noteworthy in the company's history.

As a result of the Masonic grand lodge meeting in Seattle this week Hon. A. J. CRAVEN of Fairhaven is grand orator and W. C. WILLOX of Whatcom grand marshal of the order.

Mrs. E. T. TRIMBLE entertained fifteen ladies on Monday afternoon in her home on Utter street, Whatcom, in honor of the 79th birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. M. ATKINSON.

Miss Laura SWEET, who has been teaching school in Ballard, has returned to her home in Whatcom.

W. H. MOCK & Son have purchased the R. N. GIFFORD undertaking establishment on 11th street, Fairhaven, and will enlarge and thoroughly outfit the property. A new conveying wagon will be added to the equipment also.

C. H. WRIGHT of Janesville, Wis., has bought the C. S. SKILLER farm between Everson and Lynden on the Northeast Diagonal road and will reside there with his family.

Mr. C. H. NEWCOM of Fairhaven has purchased the Gem City restaurant and bakery of Chas. SHERWOOD. He will occupy the building on Front street belonging to J. S. WRIGHT as soon as the KILDALL Mercantile Company can vacate it. Mr. NEWCOM is an experienced restaurateur and will run a candy kitchen in connection with the bakery and restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. NEWCOM and family have already moved to this place. We wish them all kinds of success in their business enterprise. -Pacific Pilot, Lynden.

MUNRO, BLAKE & HASKELL, the leading hardware and tinning dealers of Whatcom, have purchased from the B. B. I. Co. lot 16 block 48, being 55x125 feet at the corner of Elk and Magnolia streets, $7,000, and will erect a business block on the property.

Mrs. John LEONARD and little daughter of Chicago arrived this week to visit Mrs. LEONARD's sister, Miss H. J. TROMANHAUSER. Mr. LEONARD, who is a prominent Chicago journalist, will arrive soon and expects to become a permanent resident of the Bay.

Mrs. WARD and children, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. L. HOPKINS, left on Monday for their home in Leadville, Colorado.

Mrs. Hiram E. HADLEY returned from San Francisco on Tuesday evening, accompanied by Miss Alice DORR of that city who will visit friends in Whatcom for several weeks.

Henry C. ENGBERG leaves next Tuesday or Wednesday for Copenhagen, Denmark, where he will spend the summer with Mrs. ENGBERG and little son, returning to Fairhaven about October 1. He will stay in New York a short time to visit Mrs. ENGBERG's foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. DAVENPORT, who are residing in the metropolis.

Miss Ada HOGLE left this week for her home in Kansas, where she will spend the summer.

O. B. BARBO, who returned from Phoenix, Arizona, to the home of his mother on Iron street, Whatcom, last week Thursday, died of Bright's disease last Sunday afternoon and was buried on Tuesday morning under the auspices of Bellingham lodge No. 31, I.O.O.F., of which he was a charter member, and attended by the Whatcom County Bar association. Mr. BARBO was born in Norway in April, 1862, and came to this county in 1872. He came to Whatcom in 1890 and was a successful and prominent attorney. He was chairman of the democratic county central committee in the campaign of 1896 and conducted the successful fusion campaign of that year. He was president of the Whatcom board of trade for three successive years. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Sophia A. BARBO; four brothers, Editor Lars BARBO of the Sumas News, Charles and Paul BARBO of Sumas and Andrew BARBO, who is in the east, and four sisters, Mrs. W. T. MILLER, Mrs. C. J. CHASE, Misses Ella and Sophia BARBO of Whatcom.

Saturday, June 20, 1903:

Mrs. E. S. McCORD and Miss BENNETT of Richmond, Kentucky, who spent this week visiting local friends, leave this evening for Mrs. McCORD's home in Seattle.

Mrs. J. A. LAURIE is being visited by her half sister, Mrs. LIERE, and her niece, Mrs. DOLLIGAN, of San Francisco. The former will remain until fall while the latter will leave early next week.

Mrs. GOSE and Miss Vyvien GOSE of Pomeroy, Wash., are the guests of Mrs. Elmon SCOTT and the Misses SCOTT of Whatcom. They expect to remain a month.

Mrs. J. A. KIRKPATRICK is expecting her sister, Mrs. RINER of Cheyenne, Wy., to arrive today for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. RINER will be accompanied by her two children.

Col. E. M. WILSON has received notice that the bodies of his nephew's wife and two children have been recovered from the Heppner (Oregon) flood. Mrs. L. T. DODSON has also received the news that her parents and sisters were among those who escaped from the flood.

Reveille, Age 20 Years.
   On Monday of this week the Reveille, the oldest newspaper published in Whatcom county, reached its 20th anniversary. The Reveille was established June 15, 1883, by Will D. JENKINS and Thomas G. NICKLIN, both of whom had previously been prominent newspaper men in Kansas. The Daily Reveille first appeared on September 2, 1890, ADAMS & EVANS, publishers.
   Mr. JENKINS was born in Pekin, Tazwell county, Illinois, April 21, 1852. In 1857 the family removed to Nebraska, where Will D. received his education in school and printing office. He was a prominent editor and publisher in Smith county, Kansas, before coming to Whatcom in 1883. He was elected mayor of Whatcom twice and was elected mayor of the consolidated city of New Whatcom in 1891. In 1890 he was supervisor of the census for Western Washington. He was elected secretary of state on the people's party ticket in 1896 and served the term of four years. He died in San Francisco February 15, 1902.
   T. G. NICKLIN has been traveling in India, Australia and the Orient the past two years for the American Type Founders Co.

City Council News.
   At the Fairhaven city council meeting on Monday evening City Marshal MILLER submitted a communication charging the management of the Fairhaven Bar, 1006 Harris street, with permitting a girl aged 16 to remain in the saloon on Saturday and Sunday, June 13 and 14, and of selling or giving liquor to her. By a unanimous vote the council resolved to sit as a court of inquiry on Tuesday evening, at which time the question of revoking the license of the Fairhaven Bar, owned by the Hemriclr Brewing Co. of Seattle, was discussed and the testimony of witnesses received, including the testimony of the young girl, who admitted being in the saloon until 2 o'clock Sunday morning in company with a young shingle weaver named LAMB and a married woman and they drank three glasses of beer. Manager SUTHERLAND of the saloon admitted that the beer was sold to the boy and girl, but added that LAMB had often brought girls into the saloon on previous occasions. City Attorney J. E. SLIGH appeared for the city and J. W. ROMAINE for the defense. Action postponed till next meeting.
   Councilman CLEARY introduced an ordinance fixing the license fee for all shows where liquor is sold at $1,500 a year, which was adopted under suspension of the rules. This hits the Casino theater a knockout blow.
   Judge J. E. SLIGH was elected city attorney at a salary of $25 a month.

It is probable that the new ordinance requiring concert or show saloons to pay a license of $1,500 a year will remove the cause for a long series of complaints that have added tearfully to the troubles of Justice HURLBUT and Judge NETERER.

Mrs. J. C. PARKER and daughter, LaVerne left this week to join Mr. PARKER, who is visiting relatives in Watervliet, Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. WOODIN of Anacortes spent Thursday in Fairhaven visiting old friends, the occasion being Mr. WOODIN's 53d birthday anniversary.

Douglas T. WINNE was in Seattle yesterday appearing for the defense in Judge TALLMAN's court in the case of Lizzie E. GOODING vs. Edward W. GOODING, a suit for divorce and $2,000 alimony.

Mr. and Mrs. John HULL left Chicago yesterday returning to Tacoma from New York, where Mrs. HULL has been undergoing medical treatment.

New Normal Teachers
   Prof. Will J. MEREDITH of Seattle has been elected professor of English grammar and rhetoric in the Whatcom Normal school. Prof. MEREDITH is one of the most prominent educators in the state. He has served two terms as a member of the state board of education, four years as county superintendent of King county, one year as registrar of the University of Washington and one year as associate professor of English at that institution.
   Miss Kate GOMPERTZ of Berkeley, California, has been elected teacher of physical culture and sciences. She is a graduate of the University of California, has been assistant in the $200,000 HEARST gymnasium the past two years and has had charge of the teachers' classes in physical culture in the U. of C. summer school for two summers.

Mr. and Mrs. E. T. NOBLES have bought the lot on the corner of Cedar and Garden streets, Whatcom, adjoining their residence.

Councilman Frank ODELL is opening a tobacco, fruit and confectionery store in Blaine and will commence business there by July 1. Everybody wishes him luck.

Mr. and Mrs. FARRENDINI of Northport, Wash., spent Monday and Tuesday visiting friends in Whatcom.

Mrs. D. W. FREEMAN of Des Moines, Iowa, is visiting relatives and old friends in Whatcom.

Roy O. HADLEY, who was graduated at Stanford university this year, is spending the summer in Whatcom.

Mrs. J. L. YELTON has gone to Maple Falls to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. STRICKFADEN.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry BAKER of Kendall spent the early part of the week visiting friends on the Bay.

Miss Eva POE of Spokane is spending the summer with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. CHAPMAN.

Miss MATHEWS of Everett has arrived to spend the summer with her cousin, Dr. Addie F. KIRKPATRICK, of Whatcom.

Miss Lillian TAPPING and Katie McNEIL spent the past week in Seattle as the guests of Misses Alice and Katherine MURCHISON.

Miss Annie PADDEN, whose marriage to Dr. James B. MUNLY of Spokane will be celebrated in the chapel of St. Joseph's hospital next Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, was the guest of honor at several delightful parties this week - at a joyful picnic party given by Mrs. P. E. CONNELLY at Whatcom Falls on Thursday, at Mrs. R. L. HUGUEUIN's in Whatcom on Thursday evening and at Mrs. Harry OESER, on 24th street last evening, the latter being an elaborate heart party. Dr. and Mrs. MUNLY's honeymoon trip will be a three months' tour of Europe and they expect to be at home in Spokane by October 1.

Walter B. SLADE and Miss Grace Elizabeth KANALL were united in marriage on Wednesday evening in the home of the bride's parents on Forest street, Whatcom.

In the presence of thirty friends and relatives the marriage of Clayton G. BENNER of Fairhaven and Miss Edith HENDERSON of Whatcom was solemnized on Wednesday evening in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. HENDERSON, Utter street. The Episcopal ring service was performed by Rev. Cox. The residence was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Oregon grape fronds, ferns and roses.

The event of this week, which perhaps drew the largest attendance, was the grand opening of the Eagles' new hall on Magnolia and Elk streets, Whatcom, on Friday evening. The affair was an elaborate one in every particular. The early portion of the evening was occupied with an informal reception, several of the grand lodge officers being present. Afterward, dancing was enjoyed.

The case of Charles HUGHES vs. B. B. I. Co., after four days' hard fighting, was concluded in the superior court on Tuesday evening when the jury returned with a verdict awarding the plaintiff $7,500 for the loss of the boy's right leg in a sawmill accident last August. HUGHES sued for $50,000 damages. Thomas D. J. HEALY and Hon. Jesse A. FRYE represented the plaintiff and NEWMAN & HOWARD appeared for the company.

Miss Katherine MONTGOMERY left on Thursday for Nebraska, where she will visit relatives during the summer.

Saturday, June 27, 1903:

Mrs. D. D. FAGAN was granted a divorce this week on the grounds of non-support.

Garrett DYKSTRA has been added to the force of the Fairhaven postoffice as night clerk, beginning July 1.

Miss Elsie ANDERSON has been added to the force of clerks in GRUE & DAHL's popular and growing drygoods store in the Mason block.

Patents have been issued to John A. MILLER and Charles S. WALLACE of Fairhaven for a floating fish trap and to Lewis and Sanford MAYHEW of Whatcom for an air-tight hot-water boiler.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. GALLOWAY of Ballard spent the early part of the week in Whatcom visiting Judge and Mrs. Ed. R. HARDIN.

Mrs. Alice M. BIGGS and Miss Anna McBRIDE of Whatcom left on Monday for San Francisco and to attend the U. of C. summer school at Berkeley.

Mrs. J. E. BOWEN and daughter, Miss Hattie BOWEN, of Florence, Snohomish county, spent the week with relatives in this city.

George W. LOGGIE is the proud owner of a fine spring office chair, presented to him on Monday by his employees, the occasion being his birthday anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. CRITES of Whatcom yesterday removed to their summer home at Geneva, where they will enjoy outdoor life for two months.

Mrs. D. L. ERVIN has purchased a home in the village of Presque Isle, Maine, where she will reside henceforth.

Charles RICHENDRFER of Whatcom and Miss Elva HUNT of Seattle were married in Seattle last Sunday. They will reside on Williams street, Whatcom.

Miss HIGGINS and Miss BAILEY of New York have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. PRATT of Whatcom during the past week.

W. D. NULLE of Bluff, who knows all but two or three of the standing trees in Whatcom and Skagit counties, spent Tuesday in Fairhaven.

C. X. LARRABEE returned last Sunday night from a brief visit in Portland. Mrs. LARRABEE and the children, who have been visiting relatives and friends in St. Louis for several months, also arrived this week from Boston, where they enjoyed a short visit.

Dr. and Mrs. E. T. MATHES leave next Monday for Goshen, Indiana, the parental home of Dr. MATHES, where they will spend two weeks, going from there to visit Mrs. MATHES' parents in Wichita, Kansas, for two weeks more.

Little Christie CRAFT, the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. CRAFT, has entirely recovered from the effects of the accident several weeks ago in which her face and neck were badly burned.

F. K. FUHR, who has resided in Eastern Washington for eight years, has returned to Fairhaven for keeps.

Miss Nina WEBSTER of Hudson, Wisconsin, is the guest of Mrs. C. J. WINNE of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. MUNN, nee Miss Mae BEATTY, who were united in marriage by Rev. W. S. COOKE in the home of the bride's parents on 18th street last week Thursday evening, have taken up their residence at 1805 D street, Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. BROWN left Kingwood, West Virginia, on Thursday bound for Whatcom, where they will spend the summer.

F. G. MARESCH is packing up his traps to leave Fairhaven for good.

Francis I. GANNON is now located in Ketchikan, Alaska, for the summer.

Mrs. J. F. WELLS is visiting relatives in Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. G. A. McINTOSH and Miss EMERSON left this week on a several months' pleasure trip in Mexico.

Mrs. Harry MacGREGOR of San Francisco is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. M. LEACH of Whatcom.

O. T. KRAABEL, age 50, died in his home in Parkland, near Tacoma, last Saturday, a victim of Bright's disease. He was until 1895 senior member of the Wisconsin Grocery Co. here. He leaves a widow and five grown children. J. M. SCARSETH attended the funeral, held on Tuesday.

The dedication of the new Fairhaven Baptist church last Sunday was a memorable affair and was witnessed by an immense audience. The church was decorated with ferns and roses. Rev. F. W. CARSTENS delivered an eloquent dedicatory sermon and short speeches were delivered by Revs. COLE, DAY, LAURIE and SEARS. At the close of the dedicatory sermon the church was cleared of debt by the raising of $283.

C. H. ZUMWALT, former proprietor of the Fairhaven Bar, has entered suit against A. J. BLYTHE for $1,000 damages sustained through an alleged attempted boycott and extortion of $50 invoked by BLYTHE, acting as secretary for the plumbers' local union No. 40. Col. E. M. DAY is Mr. ZUMWALT's attorney.

Frank B. MESSER and R. L. STANCHFIELD have opened a neat art and wallpaper store in one of the store rooms of the Manitau block on 11th street. They will do fine picture framing and have a large stock of picture mouldings and pictures. Later on they will manufacture bamboo furniture in the basement of the building.

The remains of A. L. MORSE, who died last Friday, were shipped to his old home in Excelsior, Minnesota, by W. H. MOCK & Son. Mr. MORSE was a highly respected and valued citizen and who knew him mourn his untimely death.

D. ALVERSON, the druggist, is now fairly settled in his new store, 1013 Harris avenue. He is now prepared to serve all his old customers and all the new ones. He will deliver goods to any part of the city ....

The General Hospital association of Whatcom was recently organized with Mrs. George L. KORTHAUER president, Mrs. J. K. APPLEBY vice-president, Mrs. J. A. WORTHINGTON secretary and Mrs. W. D. CHANDLER treasurer. The people of the county seat, however, seem to be very slow about recognizing the need of a third public hospital and the organization is making slow progress.

The marriage of Dr. James B. MUNLY, a prominent young physician of Spokane, and Miss Anna PADDEN, one of Fairhaven's most charming and popular young ladies, occurred on Wednesday morning, June 24, at 8:30 at 8:30 o'clock in the chapel of St. Joseph's hospital, which was used for the occasion instead of the Church of the Assumption, which is undergoing repairs and extensions. The chapel decorations were of white bride roses and green, the color scheme of the occasion being green and white. Miss Mae SULLIVAN of Seattle was the bridesmaid and Mr. John PADDEN attended the groom. Mrs. H. M. HUG played the wedding march from "Lohengrin." The bride was charmingly gowned in sea-foam green voile over green taffeta, the hat and other accessories conforming daintily with the general color effects of the event. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was enjoyed in the home of Mrs. Harry OESER on 24th street. Dr. and Mrs. MUNLY were the recipients of many wedding gifts. They left on Wednesday afternoon for a three month's tour of Europe and will be at home in Spokane about October 1.

Saturday, July 4, 1903:

T. T. HODGES, formerly of the Iowa grocery, has bought the Oakland lodging house in Whatcom for $3000.

Lewis THOMPSON and Franklin WILSON have purchased the steamer Emma D. on Lake Whatcom.

Joshua W. ZEEVE is now sole proprietor of the Bay City Iron Works, John T. GRAHAM retiring.

School clerk W. H. SANDERS has finished the census of Fairhaven school children. He found 1,402 children of school age.

Editor Roland R. LANE of Stanwood Tidings spent a few days in the city this week.

J. O. LEMACH was this week elected custodian of the Whatcom Normal school building. There were about half a dozen candidates for the position.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. BROWN of Kingwood, West Virginia, arrived in Whatcom this week to spend the summer.

Mrs. A. J. CRAVEN returned on Wednesday from Seattle, where she spent two weeks as the guest of Mrs. HARRAH.

Mrs. O. D. AMES spent the past two weeks visiting her daughter, Miss Edna AMES, in Seattle.

Mrs. T. E. CALDWELL and Mrs. W. F. CALLVERT of Olympia have arrived here to spend the summer as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. BERENS.

Mrs. Will J. BELL and Mrs. James McDONALD of Clipper spent Sunday and Monday visiting relatives and friends in Whatcom.

Mrs. H. J. STRICKFADEN of Maple Falls and her mother, Mrs. YELTON, are enjoying the week in Fairhaven.

Charles E. DEWEY, who spent the winter in the east, is here to remain for the summer.

Dr. A. B. McKINNON left this week on an extended tour of the eastern cities and to experience practice in the great metropolitan hospitals. He will also visit his old home at Cape Breton.

Richard W. HUNTOON has returned from Seattle, where he attended college the past six months.

Mrs. W. H. AXTELL of Whatcom was elected chairman of the Washington delegation to the biennial national convention of women's clubs to be held in St. Louis next year. Next to the presidency, this is the most important post in the Washington State Federation of Women's Clubs.

Mr. and Mrs. John S. BAKER and Miss Ida A. BAKER have gone to Olga, Orcas Island, where they will enjoy the summer.

A. B. ESTABROOK of Nome, Alaska, is in Whatcom on a two weeks' visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. DINGLE have returned from their wedding trip and will reside on Magnolia street, between Elk and Forest, Whatcom.

Dr. and Mrs. J. Key APPLEBY of Everett are visiting relatives in Whatcom.

Mrs. H. G. AYER of Oakland, California, is visiting relatives in Fairhaven.

Mrs. E. M. DAY has gone to Vancouver, B. C., for a visit of several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. F. Percy GEDDES.

Mrs. G. A. McINTOSH and Miss EMERSON are now comfortably located in the village of Silver City, New Mexico, at an altitude of 6,000 feet, where they expect to spend the coming year in the hope that the climate will improve Mrs. McINTOSH's health.

Mrs. Charles I. ROTH and daughter, Edna, left on Thursday for a several weeks' visit in San Francisco. Mrs. ROTH has not seen the Golden Gate city since she attended school there 25 years ago.

Dr. H. J. BIRNEY returned on Wednesday from Europe, where he spent the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ROSE of Custer Park, Illinois, are here to spend the summer.

York addition in Whatcom has been trying to secure street railway service ever since John STENGER quit the trolley business. The Whatcom County Railway & Light Co. is now about to supply the long desired, and York addition has ample grounds to feel very good indeed, because the franchise is a very fair one, both to York addition and to the city, and the service, which will be established as soon as the track can be laid, will be as good as could reasonably be expected.

Herbert S. NOICE, for three years past the leading undertaker of Whatcom, sold out his business this week to A. R. MAULSBY of Fort Dodge, Iowa, who has been in the undertaking business for 15 years. Mrs. MAULSBY's health necessitated a change of climate and Mr. MAULSBY has been traveling all over the west looking for a suitable location. Bellingham Bay he thinks, offers the most promising advantages of any city he visited. Mr. NOICE remains in charge until July 15, after which he will assist Mr. MAULSBY for a month or two. Mr. NOICE expects to remain on the Bay and engage in other business.

Frank G. BRUGHOFFER and Miss Nellie W. SEARS were married in the parsonage of the Fairhaven M. E. church on Thursday morning, Rev. C. B. SEARS, father of the bride, officiating.

Mrs. John J. EDENS of Whatcom entertained a small company at dinner on Wednesday evening in commemoration of the 63d birthday anniversary of Mr. EDENS.

Clarence J. HILDEBRAND and Miss Myrtle L. McINNIS [McGINNIS] were married in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery McINNIS [McGINNIS], F street, Whatcom, on Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Kathryn Marie BOLLONG of this city and Robert James LITTLE of Seattle were united in marriage at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian church, Rev. J. A. LAURIE officiating. The church was decorated in green and white and was very beautiful. Miss Ethel BOLLONG was maid of honor and J. B. DAWSON attended the groom. Miss McCUTCHEON of Whatcom acted as bridesmaid. The ushers were: H. L. BURFORD and Carl LEWIS of Seattle. Little Clair THOMAS, the dainty flower girl, scattered rose petals in the pathway of the bride. Miss Josie DAWSON of Ohio played the wedding march. The bride's gown was a handsome white silk grenadine over a white taffeta slip. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. BOLLONG, parents of the bride, gave a reception in honor of the bridal couple, in their home, corner of 14th and Fillmore. The floral decorations here consisted of bride's roses and sprays of myrtle. The host and hostess were assisted by Mrs. O. E. GARLAND, Mrs. A. L. LITTLE of Portland and Mrs. William DAVEY of Seattle. Miss Pearl BELL of North Yakima presided at the punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. LITTLE left that evening for a month's visit at the ocean beach near Gray's Harbor. They will live in Seattle where Mr. LITTLE is prominently identified with business interests. Miss BOLLONG has been a general favorite among the young people here and it is with reluctance that her many friends part with her.

Saturday, July 11, 1903:

The funeral over the remains of Mrs. George McDONALD on Thursday morning was attended by about 500 persons, including many mourning friends from Fairhaven where Mrs. McDONALD nee Miss Louise LOUX, had resided for thirteen years.

Mrs. A. M. CLARK has been in Vancouver, B. C., during the past week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. B. CUTHBERTSON.

Misses Anna and Martha GANDER of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. GANDER.

Miss Milda MUSGROVE of Puyallup has been the guest of Mrs. Allen CAMPBELL the past week.

Leslie CRAVEN is enjoying a trip to Alaska as the guest of his uncle, Receiver J. A. KERR of the P. P. & N. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Bartlett EDWARDS have been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Fred BUCK of Shelton during the past week.

Mrs. William E. CURTIS of Chicago and Mrs. L. H. SHERMAN of Ashtabula, Ohio, arrived this week to spend the summer as the guests of their sister, Mrs. P. W. STRADER, at Lake Samish. Mr. CURTIS, the famous journalist, will join them later on.

Edmund S. HINCKS of Olympia visited friends on the Bay during the early part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. CROCKETT of Seattle are spending this week with relatives in Whatcom. Mr. CROCKETT is the chief electrician of the Seattle street railway system.

John FINNEGAN, who spent the Fourth with relatives and friends in Fairhaven, returned to his home in Ehrlich, Skagit county, on Tuesday.

Mrs. T. R. SMITH of Bay City, Michigan, and Mrs. Minor McLAIN of Ferndale enjoyed Nat Goodwin on Wednesday evening.

Editor H. J. STRICKFADEN of the Leader has been appointed postmaster of Maple Falls, succeeding G. A. KING, who resigned.

Mrs. A. E. DILLON of Seattle is here to spend the summer as the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DILLON.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. ELLS of Whatcom left on Tuesday for Leavenworth, Wash., where Mrs. ELLS will spend the summer, Mr. ELLS returning home next week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. CLARK of Seattle left on Monday for their home, having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McMILLAN for five days.

Mrs. Robert A. SMITH, Miss Dorothy SMITH, Mrs. George E. GAGE and Miss Marguerite GAGE left the latter part of the week for Stewart island, where they will enjoy camp life for several weeks.

Mrs. AYER of Oakland, Calif., sister of D. B. EDWARDS, is visiting relatives in this city and Whatcom. She will remain five weeks.

Judge Jeremiah NETERER officiated at a very pretty home wedding last Monday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. PARBERRY of Whatcom, the principals being Irving PARBERRY, a popular young man of Whatcom, and Miss Susie HOBART, a charming young lady of Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. PARBERRY will reside in Whatcom.

In the parsonage of the Fairhaven Congregational church on 12th street last Monday afternoon two popular young people of Everson, John G. MOULTRAY and Miss Jessie FITE, were united in marriage by Rev. Richard C. DAY.

Under the new state law relative to the employment of children under 14 years old, parents of children who intend to work for wages and whose work is necessary to the support of the family, must secure a permit from the superior court judge, else the children will be violating the law by working for wages. This law is of interest to Fairhaven, where many boys and girls under 14 are employed in the canneries and can factories. As Judge NETERER leaves next Tuesday for a visit in the east, parents of such children will have to hurry.

The school census of Whatcom now nearing completion shows that there are practically 3,400 children of school age - between 6 and 21 - in the county seat. In 1899 there were but 1,820. Fairhaven's school census this year records 1,402 school children. This makes a total of 4,800 for Bellingham Bay, and as 5 is a fair multiple a combined population of 24,000 is thus indicated. The multiple of 6 1/2 employed by boom towns, such as Seattle and Everett, is absurd. According to that multiple we would have a population of 31,200, which we don't claim, because we haven't.

   Of course there are many vexing problems of vital importance to the public with which our mayors and city councils have to deal and to the wise solution of which they must devote their valuable time and good judgment, all of which is gratuitous upon the altar of the general public weal.
   Therefore it should be with a feeling of deserved respect, mingled with a proper spirit of gratitude earned, that a citizen may venture a suggestion looking toward the improvement of police laws and regulations in the Bellingham Bay cities with reference to bicycle riding upon our public sidewalks.
   At present there is an absolute absence of legal restraint or regulation of bicycling upon our streets or sidewalks. Such laws as we have are as dead as the operation of the Caesarian section. Besides being antiquated and helplessly inadequate, they are neither obeyed nor enforced. The danger to life or limb of pedestrians, particularly in Whatcom - and especially to the little children, the aged, the infirm and the cripples - is to be measured only by the degree of dardevilty, recklessness and unreason of whoever may be astride of the approaching juggernaut.
   And the present lawless and reckless bicycling, each rider his own untrammeled policeman, judge and law, is no small menace to the personal safety of everybody. During the present summer we have witnessed several instances of heedless bicycle riders colliding with unsuspecting and unwarned pedestrians, and have seen children well nigh miraculously escape from what seemed certain and serious injury. And only a few weeks ago a feeble old lady in Whatcom was knocked down by a reckless rider, suffering the breaking of bones and other injuries, which have evidently crippled her for life.
   The fact is, Bellingham Bay is the only important community on the Pacific coast that permits promiscuous and unrestricted bike riding upon its sidewalks and streets. Even the little village of Tumwater puts us to shame in this respect. Our cities are not only woeful back numbers in this element of city government, but they do no seem to appreciate their failing, even though we are pointed out by other Puget Sound cities and made notorious because of our reckless inattention to so important a matter as effective bicycle regulations.

Saturday, July 18, 1903:

Monday, July 6, was the 20th anniversary of the organization of the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia Railroad Co., incorporated in San Francisco, July 6, 1883, with $10,000,000 capital. D. O. MILLS, P. B. CORNWALL, Louis McLANE, Alvinza HAYWARD, J. B. HAGGIN, J. P. SMITH and Thomas BELL were the trustees. The original plan was to build a railroad connecting Whatcom with the Canadian Pacific railroad "at a point 36 miles easterly from Burrard inlet, B. C."

Many of the stores of Whatcom and all of the banks of the Bay were closed on Thursday afternoon out of respect to the late Hon. L. P. WHITE. The Bay never had a worthier, more loyal and public spirited citizen to honor in life and to remember with reverence in death.

The headless and heedless bicyclist still surrounds the humble pedestrian with nameless terrors and impending collisions. It is to be hoped that we are not appealing to the city fathers in vain for some assurance of effective protection. We are a whole lot, and we mean business.

It's up to Whatcom to attend to her tearing bicyclists - Marshal MILLER is already enforcing judicious restraint in Fairhaven, but Whatcom wheeliacs really need restraint most - they render walking perilious.

Joseph L. MILLER was fined $1 and costs by Police Justice HURLBUT on Thursday for riding a bicycle on a sidewalk in Fairhaven. City Marshal MILLER, in accordance with our editorial of last week, has decided to strictly enforce the law which prohibits riding wheels on sidewalks.

The Alger Oil & Mineral Co. is now delivering the 450,000 brick for the new Fairhaven school building.

Charles THOMPSON of the Casino theater has secured a license under ordinance No. 266 (passed in 1902) for $300.

The DAY Clay Co. expects to be ready to burn its first kiln of brick the latter part of this month and has ordered a re-press for the manufacture of ornamental brick.

Agent J. R. KEANE of the Great Northern railway, stationed in Whatcom, has resigned and will go to the Chicago & Rock Island in Illinois. He will be succeeded by P. CASEY.

J. L. JOHNSTON's automobile broke down while going down a hill near Custer on Thursday afternoon and was wrecked by running into a fallen tree near the foot of the hill, killing Miss LINDERMAN of Whatcom, age 13, almost instantly. The other occupants of the auto, Miss BROWN of Custer and Mr. JOHNSTON, escaped uninjured.

Charles A. MUSGRAVE of Honolulu arrived on Sunday to spend the summer on the Bay.

Mrs. HAWLEY, who has been visiting her brother, F. J. BARLOW, and family in Whatcom, has gone to Everett for a short visit before returning to her home in the east.

Immigration Inspector John H. SARGENT of Whatcom has been assigned to duty in Sumas.

James A. SMITH of Whatcom and Miss Goldie MORTLAND of Alton, Illinois, were united in marriage in the last named city on July 4. They will reside in Whatcom.

Mrs. Joseph KILDALL and children of Minneapolis are visiting relatives and old friends in Whatcom. Mrs. KILDALL is a daughter of J. R. JENKINS, the pioneer proprietor of the Whatcom house.

Mrs. A. R. MAULSBY and children of Fort Dodge, Iowa, have arrived in Whatcom to reside. Mr. MAULSBY will succeed Herbert S. NOICE in the undertaking business.

Superior Judge Jeremiah NETERER has postponed his visit east, because he cannot legally delegate the power to issue permits for children between the ages of 12 and 14 to work for wages.

Mrs. A. C. KIRTON left on Tuesday for her home in Buffalo, N. Y., after an extended visit with Dr. and Mrs. W. H. HEBERDEN of Whatcom.

Mrs. A. W. CURTISS of Milwaukee is visiting Mrs. E. L. COWGILL in her home in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN left on Monday for a short visit with Mrs. NEWMAN's parents in San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank BURGHOFFER returned from their wedding trip to San Francisco on Tuesday. They will be at home, corner of 13th and Taylor streets, after August 1.

Miss Elizabeth WALKER of New York City is visiting Mrs. C. W. HOWARD in her home on Elk street, Whatcom.

Miss Belle AYERST of Seattle is visiting Mrs. F. W. EPLY in Whatcom.

Mrs. A. H. WRIGHT and Miss SHELDON of Whatcom left yesterday for the American Eagle camp on Wells creek, where they will make their headquarters until next Wednesday.

City Auditor D. C. JENKINS of Whatcom has resigned, the resignation going into effect September 1, and will devote his time to the JENKINS-AXTON Lumber Co. Mr. JENKINS has been a very successful and popular city auditor. The lumber company has decided to establish a retail yard in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. SANFORD of DeSmet, South Dakota, are visiting relatives in Whatcom, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. LEITCH and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HOPP. Mr. SANFORD is cashier of the Kingsbury National bank in DeSmet.

T. M. KEANE, the artistic window decorator and advertising manager of GREENBERG Bros., has resigned that position and will re-enter the profession of journalism.

John HULL of Tacoma, former editor of the Reveille, spent several days in Whatcom this week.

The Owl saloon building on McKenzie and 8th streets was gutted by an apparently incendiary fire late Thursday night. Japs own the building, which was insured for $400.

Saturday, July 25, 1903:

City Council News.
   At the regular meeting of the Fairhaven city council on Monday evening Judge J. E. SLIGH's resignation as city attorney was accepted. An ordinance doubling the salary of that office, raising it from $300 to $600 a year, was adopted, after which Mayor GRIFFIN appointed A. J. CRAVEN city attorney.
   Dr. H. A. COMPTON was appointed city health officer during the absence of Dr. McKINNON.
   Mayor GRIFFIN's action in appointing Allen CAMPBELL an additional police justice was ratified.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rutheford G. BRAND of Whatcom on Tuesday, July 21.

Wilfred J. LOZIER was fatally injured in his logging camp at Hill Tops on Monday and died Monday night.

The Whatcom Commercial Club is endeavoring to have a paid fire department established in the county seat, which would reduce fire insurance tolls about $15,000 a year.

A. B. ESTABROOK and Frank BERGESON of Whatcom left this week for Nome where they will remain until fall.

Mrs. John TEMPLIN spent this week visiting Mrs. L. P BYRNE at Alki.

R. H. MINTON of Covington, Ohio, is visiting his uncle, Dr. J. C. MINTON of Whatcom.

Mrs. Alexander McLEAN of Whatcom left early this week for Friday Harbor, where she will visit Mrs. O. H. CULVER for two weeks.

Mrs. Sarah E. MARTIN and Mrs. John LEONARD left this week for Stehekin, Lake Chelan, where they will spend the coming month.

Mrs. Alice PAINE and Dr. Orville E. BEEBE of Kankakee, Illinois, are visiting their daughter, and sister, respectively, Mrs. Alonzo M. Hadley of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. PECK of Whatcom have returned from Nome, where they spent the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. SPENCER of Seattle are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. BURKE of this city.

Mrs. Cyrus GATES and Miss Helen HUNTOON left on Monday to spend two weeks in camp at Samish bay.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. SMITH of Lynden are the parents of a 6-pound baby girl, born on Thursday.

Mrs. M. L. KEENE of Marysville has returned to Fairhaven to reside.

Deputy Sheriff J. L. PARBERRY left on Sunday for Creighton, Nebraska, to arrest Dr. A. E. DISBROW, who is held there under extradition papers on a charge of having received $3,000 from J. H. HANNAH of Whatcom under false pretenses - selling him the well known and effective saline cure for the liquor and drug habits.

Mrs. Jack RUSSELL died of acute alcoholism in St. Luke's hospital on Sunday. She and her husband, who has been publishing the saloon weekly called The Breeze in Whatcom, had been out on a protracted spree for ten days or more. RUSSELL disappeared and Coroner NOICE wants him on a charge of criminal negligence, as it is believed that the woman's life could have been saved if her condition had been made known to a physician in time.

The old Fulton shipyard piling and planks are being used in bulk heading Dead Man's Point, which is now being washed down by A. C. GOERIG with a hydraulic pump.

Saturday, August 1, 1903:

With this issue the Fairhaven Times begins its fifth volume - but we're too busy saying things about other folks and things to waste space saying things about ourselves.

The school census of Whatcom county for 1903 shows that we have approximately 9,945 school children an increase of 1,120 over last year. The figures for the four principal cities are towns are:
Whatcom - 1902, 2,952; 1903 - 3,309.
Fairhaven - 1902, 1,364; 1903 - 1,402.
Blaine - 1902, 425; 1903 - 565.
Lynden - 1902, 189; 1903 - 236.

M. M. MOSS of Seattle has accepted the general secretaryship of the Whatcom Y.M.C.A.

Alva BARGER and Miss Della BROOKS of Fairhaven were united in marriage last Saturday.

Richard FENTON, W. LAPLAIN and J. S. BRITTON are building a two-story $10,000 55x80 feet business block on Elk street south of Maple, in Whatcom.

*Ephriam W. BUCK, father of Mrs. Geo. H. WATROUS and Mrs. D. B. EDWARDS, died in the home of the former on Wednesday afternoon, age 82 years.
*Note: census records give his name as Ebenezer W. BUCK

Annie PETERSON, age 13, died on Wednesday, in the home of her parents on Lake Samish road. W. H. MOCK & Son conducted the funeral in their chapel in Whatcom on Thursday afternoon. Miss PETERSON held a certificate of the Whatcom County Mutual Burial association and all the funeral expenses are paid by that organization.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis DALE of Reesburg, Wisconsin, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. CHASE, Elk street, Whatcom. They are old friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. OLSLAGER.

Miss Avenelle COLEMAN, the popular and talented teacher of music in the Whatcom Normal school, has resigned that position on account of ill health. She is now doing post-graduate work in Boston.

Dr. and Mrs. W. D. KIRKPATRICK and their guests, Dr. FROST and Miss FROST of Michigan, and Miss MATTHEWS of Everett leave on Monday for a two week's outing at Geneva.

Mrs. Oscar DAY and daughter and Miss Marie QUITUM of Minneapolis are guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. PETERSON of Whatcom.

Mrs. MISENHIMER, who spent the past three months visiting her son, B. H. SILVER of Whatcom, returned to her home in Chicago this week.

Ozro H. WOODY, telegraph editor of the Herald, has resigned that position and leaves on Monday for Conconnully, Okanogan county, where he will edit L. L. WORK's newspaper, The Record.

Neil BLUE of North Yakima is visiting old friends in Whatcom this week.

Miss Katherine CARROLL, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. George H. WATROUS, the past week, returned to her home in Seattle this week.

John W. ROWLAND, formerly Whatcom's auditor, is building a handsome residence in Portland, where he has been located the past ten years. He is now chief clerk in the office of U. S. surveyor general, district of Oregon, and gets a salary of $3,000 a year. T. D. ROWLAND is in the U. S. engineer service and was recently engaged in surveying the new military maneuvering grounds at American lake, near Tacoma, for Brigadier General FUNSTON.

Mr. and Mrs. Boydon of Lisbon, North Dakota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. P. and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. COOPER in Whatcom.

J. R. BARTRUFF of Palo Alto, California, has been visiting Whatcom this week. He is now an illustrative lecturer on Pacific coast subjects and travels all over the eastern states every year.

Mr. and Mrs. S. B. IRISH left for their summer cottage on Lake Whatcom on Tuesday for a several weeks' outing.

E. L. FRANKLIN of Whatcom has gone to Los Angeles to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. NELSON and children of Indianapolis, Indiana, arrive in Whatcom on Tuesday to spend a month as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. HADLEY. Mr. NELSON is city engineer of Indianapolis. Mrs. NELSON was formerly Miss Maud MUSGRAVE of Whatcom.

Addison LYSLE of Los Angeles spent Monday in Whatcom visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. CAMPBELL and his aunt, Mrs. M. F. LYSLE.

Mrs. J. A. LAURIE of Anacortes if visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. A. LAURIE,jr., this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. GRAHAM are occupying the WEISENBURGER cottage at Geneva, Lake Whatcom.

Bruce FARRIS of Whatcom left this week for Winnipeg, where he will meet his parents on their way to Whatcom for a few weeks' visit.

Miss STONESTON of London, England, is the guest of Miss E. M. ROBERTS of Whatcom.

Miss Eudora OLIVER of Port Townsend arrived here on Thursday and is the guest of Miss Grace MANSFIELD, at Geneva, Lake Whatcom.

Mrs. F. W. BOLDRICK of Spokane is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. BENSON.

W. H. WYNN, the well-known young attorney, has gone to Friday Harbor where he has established a law office.

Miss Mabel MULLIN of Henry, North Dakota, daughter of Councilman MULLIN of Whatcom, arrived here yesterday to attend the Normal school.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. RICE and family removed on Wednesday to Wahl, where they will reside henceforth.

Miss Eliza J. JACKLET of Friday Harbor and Mr. Archibald F. LAMBERT, brother of W. S. LAMBERT, foreman of the P.A.F. warehouse of this city were united in marriage in the home of Rev. J. A. LAURIE on Tuesday evening. The young couple will reside in this city.

Saturday, August 8, 1903:

Edgar LINDSAY, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LINDSAY, who was struck by the Northern Pacific passenger train on Wednesday morning, was taken to St. Luke's hospital, where it was found that his scalp was badly lacerated, one ear was torn off and several ribs were broken. The injuries are serious, but not fatal. Edgar is a vigorous and courageous young man and his recovery will be hastened by his pluck.

F. J. BARLOW, Whatcom's popular harnessmaker and harness supply merchant, has just received an order from Nome, Alaska, from a man wholly unknown to him, for a number of dog harnesses. The gentleman enclosed a check and asked Mr. Barlow to make as many dog harnesses as the check would pay for. The number will be 40. Mr. BARLOW has just purchased the 27 1/2 x 125 foot lot on Canoe street, now occupied by Alexander's second hand store.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. VANDERHOOF, last week, a son.

W. H. WYNN has been appointed prosecuting attorney of san Juan county.

Judge NETERER on Tuesday fined Geo. W. SMITH of Blaine $100 and $75 costs for keeping his saloon open on Sunday.

Mrs. W. H. HEBERDEN and Miss HEBERDEN are spending this month at Beach, Lummi island.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred WOODWARD of Portland spent this week visiting old friends in Whatcom. C. W. WOODWARD is now located in The Dalles, Oregon. George WOODWARD died in Portland in August, 1902.

Mrs. Roy L. MARTIN has gone to Minneapolis in response to a message announcing the serious illness of her mother.

Harry D. INGRAHAM, customs inspector in Seattle, spent this week with old friends in Whatcom.

Mrs. J. B. ADAMS and Miss Charlotte M. ADAMS have returned from California where they visited friends during June and July.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. WHITE of Sioux City, Iowa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MARSH.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank FLINT of Portland are visiting old friends in Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. FRANK, and family, who spent the past three years in Skagway, Alaska, returned to Whatcom this week to reside.

Miss Alice DORR spent the past week visiting friends in Olympia and leaves next week for her home in San Francisco.

Mrs. M. L. HUNTOON of Seattle is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. HUNTOON of this city.

Mrs. Robert LINES and Sydney R. LINES have moved into their Washington street residence.

Mr. and Mrs. E. SOBERS of Kalamazoo, Michigan, are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. GRAHAM of Whatcom.

Mrs. W. R. SYBERT and son have returned to their home in Whatcom after a three months' visit in Colorado and California.

J. E. BOWEN of Florence, Snohomish county, visited his daughter, Mrs. E. C. HOLT, during the week.

D. E. TUCK, the Whatcom pioneer, returned on Monday from Skagway, Alaska, where he spent the summer.

Charles SPOONER of Milwaukee, son of Senator SPOONER of Wisconsin, visited his old classmate, Douglas T. WINNE of Whatcom, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. SPOONER are on their way to Alaska on a vacation.

In this issue F. B. GRAVES of the popular Fairhaven Racket store announces his intention of retiring from business. The stock, which is one of the best of the kind on the Bay, is offered for sale at a sacrifice.

Mrs. A. J. PENCE of Whatcom died suddenly at 1 o'clock on Monday afternoon, paralysis being the cause of death. She was born in Keosaqua, Iowa, July 4, 1845, and had resided in Whatcom since 1886. The family includes the husband and father, A. J. PENCE, Mrs. G. W. FELKER, Orlando E., George A., Arthur, Eugene, Marcus and Ada.

August 12, 13, 14 and 15 are the dates for the Whatcom county old soldiers' and old settlers' picnic at Ferndale this year. Distinguished speakers have been secured for the occasion, including Congressmen Francis W. CUSHMAN, and Will E. HUMPHREY, Charles I. ROTH and J. N. PHILLIPS. The soldiers will be in charge August 12 and 13, and the old settlers August 14 and 15.

Emrys B. MORGAN, cashier of the Home Security Savings bank of Whatcom, and Miss Mabel Gertrude HAYES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. HAYES of Silver Beach, were quietly married in the home of the bride's parents at 10 a. m. on Tuesday, Rev. M. C. COLE performing the ceremony in the presence of relatives and intimate friends. Miss Elizabeth DONOVAN acted as bridesmaid and Fred SEARS attended the groom. After the enjoyment of a sumptuous wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. MORGAN left for a honeymoon trip to Portland and San Francisco, expecting to return about August 15. They will be at home to friends after September 1 in the new residence of the groom on the corner of H and 20th streets, Whatcom.

The marriage of Angus McGINNIS and Miss Ethel PRIEST was solemnized in the home of the bride's mother, Harris street between 15th and 16th, on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. F. E. DRAKE of Seattle officiating. Miss Edith PRIEST was bridesmaid and Hector McGINNIS groomsman. The house was beautifully decorated with evergreens and roses in the parlor and ivy, smilax and carnations in the dining room. The bride appeared in white organdie over white silk, trimmed in point lace. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. McGINNIS left for British Columbia points. They will reside in Fairhaven and will be at home after August 15.

Saturday, August 15, 1903:

Postmaster S. P. TAPPING, after five years' service in the Fairhaven postoffice, has resigned that position and will probably be succeeded by John BLACK, formerly deputy postmaster of Salt Lake City. During Mr. TAPPING's time the work and receipts of the office have increased about 300 per cent.

Prof. W. J. MANUEL of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, has been engaged by Prof. August WILSON in the Northwest Business College to take charge of the business department. The term opens September 14.

Joshua W. ZEEVE has sold his controlling interest in the Bay City Iron Works to Phillips MORRISON and James F. HOWIE of the firm of Phillips MORRISON & Co., of Seattle. Mr. HOWIE spent Monday and Tuesday here examining the plant and checking it up. The foundry will be continued in operation and may be enlarged.

Elmer MEE, a well known and popular young man of Fairhaven, fell off his bicycle on Front street last Saturday night and while lying dead or unconscious was run over by a street car at the intersection of Front and 13th streets and was almost instantly killed. It was a physical impossibility for Motorman FRINK to stop the car in time to prevent the tragedy. No inquest was held. The remains were shipped to Seattle by Coroner NOICE for burial.

J. Frank GREEN of Syracuse, N.Y., sold the 100 acres of the Fort Bellingham floral bulb farm for $15,000 to a local company composed of R. S. SIMPSON, Wm. G. BROWN, W. J. HUGHES, A. M. MUIR, A. R. CAMPBELL, D. H. DECAN, John L. THOMAS, Dr. A. M. SMITH, D. E. LAIN, W. R. SYBERT and N. N. HINSDALE.

Whatcom is organizing a baseball company with $5,000 capital to enter the Pacific Coast National league next season.

Construction work on the HACKETT cold storage plant at Dead Man's point was commenced today.

Whatcom's circus license ordinance making the fee $600 a day, is inoperative. RINGLING Bros. refused to pay more than $300, so the Whatcom council compromised by accepting the $300.

Miss Sadie RICE of Wahl was in town the fore part of the week visiting her sister, Mrs. John O. JACKSON.

Miss Gertrude RYAN of Whatcom is enjoying a two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. Fred HUGHES, in Seattle.

Mrs. A. B. JEWETT left this week for Ellensburg where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. PRIGMORE, for a couple of weeks.

Miss Nora MILLER of Seattle has been visiting relatives and old friends in Whatcom and vicinity during the past week.

Editor Phil L. AXLING of the Seattle Daily Bulletin, who spent his two weeks' vacation on the AXLING farm near Lynden, returned to Seattle last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. NOICE and children expect to leave next Monday for an extended trip to Eastern Canada and the Eastern states.

Mrs. Joseph BLETHEN, Miss Marion BLETHEN and Miss HAMMONDS of Seattle and Mrs. S. F. DARWIN of Whatcom spent this week at Silver lake.

Dr. E. T. MATHES arrived last Sunday night from Berkeley, California, after a six weeks' vacation visit in Goshen, Indiana, and Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. MATHES and Virginia remain at the home of Mrs. MATHES' parents in Wichita until about September 1.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. KEANE of Whatcom left on Wednesday for Illinois, Mr. KEANE having accepted a position on the Rock Island railway.

W. F. CALLVERT of Seattle spent the early part of the week in Whatcom.

Miss Maud EDENS of Whatcom leaves on September 8 for Brooklyn, New York, where she will commence a two years' course in art in the famous Pratt Institute.

Mrs. Theron SMITH left on Monday for her home in Bay City, Michigan, after a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Minor McLAIN of Ferndale.

Miss Mae DELLINGER of Whatcom leaves tomorrow for Palo Alto, California, to resume her studies in the Stanford university.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry BOOTH of Chicago arrived in Whatcom on Tuesday to spend several weeks visiting relatives and friends. Mr. BOOTH has been athletic instructor of the West Side Y.M.C.A., Chicago, the past five years and upon leaving, the society presented to him a beautiful solid silver tea set and tray. Mr. BOOTH has accepted the physical directorship of the Tacoma Y.M.C.A.

Wm. MILNE is very ill in his home on Douglas avenue. His condition is considered critical.

Mrs. Richard C. DAY and Mrs. P. F. PEARSON have gone to San Francisco, where Mr. DAY's mother is very ill. Mrs. DAY will remain until October.

Mrs. Gerald FRINK and Mrs. Percy SMITH of Seattle have returned home, after a short visit with Mrs. L. P. BYRNE.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. GARLAND have been entertaining Mrs. John WALDY of Orcas during the past week.

Judge and Mrs. RYAN of Des Moines, Iowa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. CRAVEN this week.

Mrs. G. H. LITTLE is recovering slowly from the effects of paralysis.

Mrs. A. R. CAMPBELL has gone to Blakeley island for a week's visit with Mrs. J. L. THOMAS.

Prof. and Mrs. P. CLAUSSEN of Minneapolis spent the past week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. PETERSON of Whatcom.

Mrs. Geo. W. LINDLEY and Mrs. John LINDLEY are visiting relatives in Medford, Oregon.

City Marshal and Mrs. Samuel MILLER are now occupying their new residence, corner of 12th an Donovan.

Miss E. A. PRENTICE entertained Mrs. OGLE of Morengo, Iowa, and Mrs. RENO of Sedro-Woolley during this week.

Managing Editor A. B. KEITH of the Butte, Montana, Miner spent Tuesday in the city as the guest of City Attorney A. J. CRAVEN.

E. L. BOARDMAN, formerly publisher of the Helena Evening Herald, and lately business manager of the North Yakima Republic, spent Wednesday in the city and was a pleasant caller at The Times office. Mr. BOARDMAN likes the Sound country and would like to locate here.

Mrs. Edwin SHARP and Miss Elizabeth SHARP of Tacoma are the guests of Mrs. T. R. KERSHAW of Whatcom this week.

Miss Edith PROSCH, who has been visiting Miss Ava DODSON, returned to Seattle on Monday.

R. L. BARR is enjoying a week's outing in the mining camps of the Kulshan foothills.

Mrs. S. E. MULLIN, Miss Mabel MULLIN, Ruth and Eugene MULLIN are enjoying a two week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. PRIGMORE in Ellensburg.

Dr. and Mrs. LEASE of Chadron, Nebraska, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. KIRKPATRICK of Whatcom on Tuesday.

Saturday, August 22, 1903:

The newly elected officers of the Whatcom County Pioneers association are all residents of Ferndale:
Jacob MATZ, president; John EVANS, vice-president; Thomas WYNN, secretary; William MANNING, treasurer.
The trustees are:
F. M. SEVIER of Ferndale; John TARTE of Birch Bay, H. A. SMITH of Mountain View, R. L. LINE and V. A. ROEDER of Whatcom.

F. W. HARVEY, A. E. REED, C. C. THEILAND and W. H. KILMER of Marietta were arrested by E. A. MINTER, A. P. P. & N. Co. fish trap deputy U. S. marshal near Cherry Point in the Gulf of Georgia, on Monday and were taken to the U. S. district court in Seattle on tuesday for hearing on the charge of taking 168 salmon out of the Nelson trap.

The Maccabees have paid Mrs. A. L. MORSE $2,000, being the amount of insurance carried by her husband.

E. R. FITZGIBBON has been appointed constable of Maple Falls to succeed F. B. DAY, resigned.

Died, Wednesday night, Aug. 19, 1903, in St. Luke's hospital, Whatcom, of spinal injury, Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank STORRS of Ferndale. His age was 14 years and 3 months.

Fred RICHARDS of Hamilton visited with his mother and sisters the fore part of the week, returning home on Thursday morning.

Mrs. Nat G. KAUFMAN of Whatcom is visiting her parents in Portland, Oregon.

L. L. BERENS, R. L. BARR and J. H. MASON are enjoying a ten days cruise on the yacht Vag.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ALLEN are expected to return next week from Bay City, Michigan, where they spent the summer.

Mrs. E. DUNSON of Hector, Oregon, is visiting relatives in Fairhaven.

Miss Jennie HYLTON of Erie, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. A. E. CORNELIUS of Whatcom.

M. W. PARKER of Watervliet, Michigan, is visiting his brother, J. C. PARKER of Whatcom.

Deputy Sheriff J. L. PARBERRY returned on Monday from Nebraska, where he went to extradite Dr. DISBROW.

Col. Harry A. MOORE of Colorado Springs, Colorado, arrived in Whatcom on Monday to arrange immediate resumption of operations at the Rocky Ridge coal mine, Lake Whatcom.

Mrs. J. E. BUSSEY and Miss Ethel BUSSEY returned on Tuesday from a week's visit in Lyman, Skagit county.

Miss Merle HILTON of Seattle is the guest of Mrs. James McDONALD, Eldridge avenue, Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. F. S. MACINTOSH of Minneapolis spent this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MARTIN and Michael EARLES.

George C. HACKETT left for Boston on Tuesday to bring his family to the Bay for permanent residence.

S. C. BOND of Whatcom is now a clerk in the customs office in Seattle and D. C. JENKINS is again auditor of Whatcom.

Misses MEGRATH and Frances MEGRATH, who have been visiting the Misses VAUGHAN of Whatcom, left for their home in Seattle this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMILLIN of Roach Harbor were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. GAMWELL during the week.

J. E. SLIGH left this week to spend several weeks in the Twin lakes region of the Mount Baker district.

Mrs. C. E. HODGES of Chicago, who with her daughter Margery spent the summer at the home of her brother, H. H. ELLS of Whatcom, left for home on Tuesday.

Lewis STENGER of Whatcom has returned from the upper Copper river country, Alaska, where he spent the summer. W. C. STULL has a jewelry store at Valdez. J. G. L. STEPHENS conducts the Copper river ferry and road house.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. SHEA of Mount Vernon spent several days this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. EDWARDS.

Mrs. J. C. HILL of Tacoma is visiting Mrs. O. B. FOBES and Mrs. A. B. ESTABROOK of Whatcom this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles CARPENTER returned to their home in Mount Vernon on Tuesday.

Mrs. J. E. BOWEN and children of Florence, Snohomish county, visited relatives in Fairhaven this week.

Mrs. Dora WEST of Mount Vernon is visiting Mrs. H. B. BATEMAN and Miss E. A. PRENTICE.

Major J. F. A. STRONG, publisher of the Nome Daily Nugget and a former prominent Bellingham Bay journalist, landed in Seattle last week, accompanied by Mrs. STRONG, for a few weeks' vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. BUFFUM of Tacoma have returned to Whatcom to reside.

D. E. AYER of Hot Springs, Arkansas, is visiting his uncle, D. B. EDWARDS.

E. A. BOBLETT, who settled on a homestead in Blaine in the autumn of 1870 and resided there ever since, died on Tuesday, age 70.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. BROWN leave next Monday or Tuesday for Kingwood, West Virginia, on a six weeks' visit, after which they will return to Whatcom for permanent residence.

W. J. BELL of Clipper spent half the week with relatives in Whatcom.

Mrs. Jonathan BACON returned on Wednesday from a visit with relatives in Seattle.

Mr. and Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN returned this week from Calistoga, California, where they spent several weeks.

Mrs. EDGINGTON of Wasco, Oregon, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. M. MUIR of Whatcom the past ten days, leaves next week for her home.

Mrs. J. R. JARVIS has been entertaining Mrs. C. H. SEFTON of St. Louis during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. LYNN of Salt Lake City have been the guests of Mrs. LYNN's parents, Captain and Mrs. W. H. CULMER, the past two weeks.

Clyde M. HADLEY and Miss Nellie McBRIDE left for Palo Alto, California, this week to attend Stanford university.

Sheridan JENKINS, the well known scenic artist of Seattle, spent last Sunday visiting his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. D. C. JENKINS of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. FARRIS, who have been visiting their son, Bruce FARRIS, and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. PURDY of Whatcom, leave for their new home in New Brunswick next Monday.

Mrs. L. P. WHITE has purchased the CISSNA cottage on G street, between 20th and 21st, Whatcom, the consideration being $3,300.

Mrs. J. F. BOLSTER of Spokane is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. BENNETT of Whatcom.

Miss EBERLE, who has been visiting the Misses VAUGHAN of Whatcom, leaves next Monday for her home in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

J. A. McINTOSH of Ontario, who spent the past three years in college in London and Edinbrugh, is visiting his brother, G. A. McINTOSH, and will remain here perhaps a year.

Frank S. ALSOP of Fairhaven and Miss Ida M. LANDSAR of Whatcom were united in marriage on Tuesday in the home of Rev. J. N. SMITH in Whatcom. Mr. and Mrs. ALSOP will reside in Fairhaven.

P. C. ALTMAN and Miss Ora May LEWIS, James W. McAFEE and Miss Maude M. NICHOLS, all of Fairhaven, were united in marriage last Sunday. Mr. ALTMAN recently arrived here from Kansas City. The marriage of Mr. ALTMAN and Miss LEWIS occurred in the Fairhaven M. E. church, immediately following the close of the evening service, and the entire congregation was present.`

T. S. HAMILTON and Miss Lillian HANDSCHY were quietly married on Wednesday afternoon in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John HANDSCHY, in Whatcom. After a wedding supper the couple left for an extended honeymoon tour of Colorado. They will be at home in the groom's new residence on Eldridge avenue after January 1, 1904. Mr. HAMILTON has been in the furniture business in Whatcom the past 12 years.

J. A. ELZEA died on Tuesday morning in his home on 23d and Douglas, age 61 years. He leaves a wife, seven sons and three daughters, all residing here. Funeral services were held in the bereaved home on Wednesday afternoon, the funeral being in charge of W. H. MOCK & Son.

E. Floyd BARNUM, Plaintiff, vs. Amelia D. BARNUM, Defendant. Action of Divorce.

Fred KRUGER, Plaintiff, vs. Rose KRUGER, Defendant. Action of Divorce.

Saturday, August 29, 1903:

The E. K. WOOD mill cut 182,000 feet of fir lumber on August 21, which is the day record for one shift.

E. E. WHITE, former city superintendent of schools of Whatcom, has opened a law office in the Clover block.

R. N. GIFFORD has been appointed acting coroner by the county commissioners to serve during the absence of Coroner H. S. NOICE.

Mrs. JESSUP, the wife of Editor JESSUP of the Northwest Industrial, died last Tuesday. Funeral services were held Friday under direction of the Woman's Relief Corps.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. MUSGRAVE, who spent most of the summer with relatives and old friends in Whatcom, left this week for San Francisco, whence they will embark at once for their home in Honolulu.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. EARLE leave early in September for an extended visit to relatives and friends in Iowa and other Middle Northwest states.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. PIERCE of Whatcom have returned from an extended visit in the Eastern states.

Mrs. John H. STENGER of Whatcom leaves early next month for California, where she will spend the winter.

Leslie A. JENKINS of Whatcom has returned from a sailing trip to Melbourne, Australia, having "shipped before the mast" on a freight schooner.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. KERSHAW, Mrs. Hugh ELDRIDGE and Miss Maud EDENS of Whatcom leave for the east on September 8, the two former going first to Wisconsin, Mrs. ELDRIDGE going to her former home in Pennsylvania and Miss EDENS going to Brooklyn to take up the study of art in the Pratt Institute.

Mrs. CURTIS of Milwaukee is the guest of Mrs. E. L. COWGILL and they are spending the week at Harrison Hot Springs.

Miss Amie EASTON leaves tomorrow for Vancouver, B. C., where she will attend a girls' boarding school.

Miss Loise HARVEY of Mirabel, California, has come to make her home with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN.

Mr. and Mrs. A. R. MAULSBY of Whatcom are entertaining Mrs. Jennie LONGWORTHY of Fonda, Iowa.

Wm. RICHARDSON, editor of the Berkeley Gazette and president of the California State Press association, visited the Bay on Tuesday.

The funeral of Wm. E. AUSTIN, who died last week in Seattle, took place in Fairhaven Wednesday afternoon, attended by the Foresters of America and the Modern Woodmen of America.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. BROWN left on Tuesday for West Virginia, to be gone six weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. TECK attended the meeting of the State Press association at Victoria this week.

J. S. EMERSON, formerly of Fairhaven, visited on the Bay this week. His home is now in Vancouver, B. C.

Mrs. M. M. McCALL of Wahl was in town Wednesday visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. J. O. Jackson, and left on Thursday morning for Bay View to visit for some time with the family of Chas. Dickey.

C. J. GRAHAM, formerly of the Bay City Iron Works, has removed with his family from Fairhaven to Tacoma.

Chas. E. DEWEY, who went up to Alaska with T. W. GILLETTE on the Nome City, returned Wednesday, having come down on the Excelsior. Mr. DEWEY, who departed Thursday for him home in Chicago, says that Mr. GILLETTE will be home early in September. He is looking after his oil prospects there.

J. P. LEWIS of Whatcom has gone to visit his mother, now 90 years old, at Wabash, Indiana.

Mrs. Edwin F. NORTEN and daughter, who have been the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Clarissa WINNE, have returned to their home in Wisconsin.

Col. and Mrs. Z. W. CHRISTOPHER are still residing in Mirabel, California, where Col. CHRISTOPHER has been superintendent of the Standard Quicksilver Co.'s quicksilver mine the past seven years. But the mine is now being closed up and it is among the possibilities that Col. CHRISTOPHER and family may return to Bellingham Bay, where they have many warm friends of the good old days of '89 and '90.

Our New School Buildings.
BOOKER & CAMPBELL cannot complete the Whatcom and Fairhaven high school buildings in time for the opening of the coming term of school. On the Fairhaven building the work of laying the brick was commenced only a week ago yesterday and it is a long three weeks' job. With propitious weather, the building will be finished by December 1. The Whatcom High school building is father along and will be ready for occupancy by November 15. The new dining hall building at the Normal school will be ready for service next week.

Fairhaven Burglaries.
Several Fairhaven people were burglarized early last Sunday morning by a man, evidently alone, who entered the houses by boring a hole in the window frames and unlocking the windows. At D. B. EDWARDS' house he was discovered on the porch and frightened away. Among the places he went through, taking only what cash he could find amounting to but a few dollars in each case, were the ALLEN, HENSPETER, PETERSON and EASTON homes. He was very neat in all his work.

Saturday, September 5, 1903:

Misses Edna and Winifred RICHARDS, who have spent the summer with their mother, Mrs. Allie RICHARDS of Fairhaven, returned to their home in Hamilton today. Their mother accompanied them.

Harry BOOTH left Whatcom on Monday for Tacoma to assume charge of the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium there.

Henry T. JUDD, formerly of Fairhaven, is now located in San Francisco.

Little Lurline STRICKFADEN has been seriously ill the past week in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. YELTON, in Fairhaven. Dr. COMPTON is the attending physician.

James F. WARDNER is reported dying in a Milwaukee hospital from the effects of blood poisoning caused by drinking cyanided water in Nevada last spring.

Mrs. John J. CRYDERMAN returned on Thursday morning from Eastern Washington, where she spent the summer with her husband who has charge of the B. B. & B. C. extension survey.

Mrs. Douglas T. WINNE of Whatcom was granted a divorce this week and she was authorized to resume her maiden name, Miriam DARWIN.

F. B. GRAVES of the Fairhaven Rocket store has leased one of the stores in Charles HOWARD's brick building on Ellis street, Whatcom, and will occupy it with a departmental stock of goods, beginning September 15.

Mrs. S. A. COREY died last Sunday morning in her home at Douglas avenue and 27th street, after an invaliding illness of four years. She was 43 years old and leaves a husband and five children. Funeral services were held at Mission hall on Monday afternoon.

Customs Inspector and Mrs. John H. SARGENT have removed to Sumas.

Miss KELLEY, who spent the summer as the guest of her sisters, Mrs. BIRNEY and Mrs. GOODHEART of Whatcom, left on Tuesday for her home in Burlington, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. LYNN of Salt Lake City are enjoying a very pleasant visit with Mrs. LYNN's parents, Captain and Mrs. W. H. CULMER.

James PRENDERGAST, the well known and popularly esteemed Fairhaven pioneer, died on Wednesday morning in his house on 10th and Larrabee and funeral services were held in the Church of the Assumption yesterday. Mr. PRENDERGAST was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 24, 1829, and had been a resident of this city the past 19 years.

Saturday, September 12, 1903:

O. A. RICHARDS of Lummi island has succeeded J. F. ALFS as proprietor of the Dietrich hotel.

Chas. CHRISTIANSON, who has for the past four years been holding a good position with the Sheet Metal Works here, left on Monday for San Francisco with the same company.

Miss Helen HUNTOON left on Thursday for her home in Seattle, after spending the summer in Fairhaven.

Rev. and Mrs. J. A. LAURIE, jr., are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy at their home on Thursday morning, September 10, at 1 o'clock.

E. G. EARLE of the Herald leaves today for a three weeks' visit to his old home in Maquoketa, Iowa, and expects to return here October 5.

A. L. and E. L. MORAN of Whatcom left this week for Marysville, Snohomish county, where they will engage in the retail liquor business.

The Y. M. C. A. has bought the 50-foot lot on Holly street, adjoining the Pike block, Whatcom, from the Eagles for $3,500.

Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends who have so generously assisted us in our late bereavement during the sickness and burial of our late brother and uncle James PRENDERGAST.
Mrs. Martin GALLAGHER, Martin GALLAGHER, Mrs. Joseph MULLIGAN, Mrs. Gus LARSON, Mrs. William RICE, Mrs. Harry HINMAN.

The first delivery of mail on the new Ferndale free rural delivery route, from Ferndale to the Guide Meridian bridge and return, will be made next Tuesday, September 15.

The popular real estate firm of BRISBIN & SMITH this week consumated the sale of the Whatcom Grocery Co.'s store, corner of Elk and Holly streets, to George J. JENKINS and C. C. IRELAND, recent arrivals from Sisseton, South Dakota, J. K. APPLEBY & Son retire from the business.

Jay W. FANCY, of Whatcom, and Miss Florence Mae SUTHERLAND, of Pullman, Wash., were united in marriage last Saturday in Rathdrum, Idaho, and will reside in Whatcom. Mr. FANCY was graduated at the Whatcom High school in 1899 and has been acting as shipping clerk for the wholesale grocery firm of POWELL, ROBERTS & FINLEY, Spokane, ever since that time.

Daniel MARKSHAW of Ilwaco and Miss Mamie GRAHAM of this city were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week.

Saturday, September 19, 1903:

     Upon petition of 223 Fairhavenites and 425 Whatcomite, the Whatcom city council on Monday evening called a special election for Tuesday, October 27, to decide the question of consolidating Whatcom and Fairhaven under the name of Bellingham.
     There will now be plenty of opportunity to frankly and fully discuss this perennial consolidation question upon its real merits, so that if it have (sic) disadvantages they may be intelligently considered.
     The movement this year starts out with what The Times considers a grave and expensive mistake - the proposition of giving the new city a new name, the name of a man, who never saw Puget Sound and whose only title to fame was his inglorious record as a colonial governor under Charles II.
     One would suppose that Whatcom at least had flirted sufficiently with its name. It has been a case of now you know it and now you don't ever since the boom of 1889. First it was Whatcom and Sehome; then it was Whatcom and New Whatcom; then it was New Whatcom, and finally it is plain Whatcom again, a name that has remained on the maps of the world for half a century. Now it is proposed to once more shelve the old, historic, distinctive, euphonious, easily pronounced and remembered original name for a new name that has never been associated with anything but this body of salt water, and is therefore more confusing and illogical than if it had not been so long associated, because everyone who has known of Bellingham bay knows that the cities on the bay were Whatcom and Fairhaven for the past decade and will naturally look for a town named Bellingham somewhere else.
     Besides, the business sense of discarding a 50-year-old name, especially one that is an unique in the nomenclature of the world as Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane or Chicago, is not to be unveiled even by the most powerful microscope. It will require many years of persistent advertising to establish a new name for these two cities. The great reference works are published only once every decade, and few that come into general use as recognized works appear in up-to-date form oftener than twice per decade. Twenty years hence countless thousand of people would still be using reference works in which the name of Bellingham appears only as the name of a bay of Puget Sound.
     We recognize no mere petty sentiment in so vital a matter. It is a business proposition and all men who measure up to the importance of the project will be finally actuated by the logic of advantage to be gained or lost by this pandering to the shucks of idle jealousy.
     Should consolidation prevail under this illy-considered scheme, it would be to bring up again very soon the urgency of discarding the cumbersome new name for one of the old, for after consolidation there would be no advantage in the same that would not come to both towns on exactly the same footing.
     It is the good sense of both Fairhaven and Whatcom that is to be weighed by this question, and illogical sentiment is the reverse of good sense.

The Whatcom State Normal school has 239 prospective teachers already enrolled, and the term is but barely begun.

The remains of Henry HESS, who died in California on Monday are expected to arrive at GIFFORD's undertaking parlors next Wednesday morning.

Henry HESS of Whatcom died in Coronado, California, on Monday, September 14, and the funeral will be held in Whatcom next week, corner of I and 16th streets.

Dr. F. D. ADAMS of Whatcom has been appointed county game warden by the county commissioners at a salary of $30 a month.

L. F. SCHMIDT has deeded the north corner of Elk and Chestnut streets, 55 by 110 feet, for $9,500 to Henry M. LAND and Frank FOSKETT, who will erect a two-story brick building on the property.

Leroy SIMPSON left for Seattle on Tuesday to attend the bedside of his father, aged 95, who is critically ill.

Mr. and Mrs. C. I. ROTH went to Portland this week, accompanying Victor ROTH who enters Bishop Scott academy.

Alfred L. BLACK, jr., has gone to resume his studies in Princeton college.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil BOTSFORD have removed to High street, Whatcom.

Frank I. GANNON, has returned from Ketchikan where he spent the summer.

Miss Katherine KERR, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. J. CRAVEN the past month, returned to her home in Seattle on Monday.

Miss Ava DODSON, graduate of the Fairhaven High school and the University of Washington, has accepted the chair of English in the Fairhaven High school.

Mr. and Mrs. T. S. HAMILTON returned last Saturday from their wedding tour in Idaho and Colorado.

Death of Bernard McCREESH.
Bernard McCREESH, who first came to Bellingham Bay in 1865, died last Sunday afternoon in his home on Harris street, between 9th and 10th, aged 59 years and 11 months. He had been sick abed two weeks with bowel trouble when, last week, Thursday, he went out for a walk, caught cold and three days later died of inflammation of the bowels. Mr. McCREESH lived in Whatcom in 1865-6, but went back to California and remained there till 1889, when he returned to Whatcom. He had been a resident of Fairhaven the past three years. Mrs. McCREESH and three children, James, Bernard and Kate McCREESH survive him. He was a member of A. O. U. W. lodge No. 183, Del Norte, California, and was also a member of the Church of the Assumption, where funeral services were held on Tuesday.

Georgia Margaret BUTTERS, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. BUTTERS, died Sunday. Funeral services were held on Monday and were largely attended.

Saturday, September 26, 1903:

William MUSCETT and Miss Mary CLARK of this city were united in marriage September 19.

More than 525 voters have registered in Whatcom and 325 in Fairhaven.

L. C. COUNTRYMAN has arranged to erect a one-story and basement brick store building, 55x125 feet, on his lot on Bay street, Whatcom.

Charles THOMPSON of the Casino theater has leased the Bellingham hotel and opera house, Whatcom, and will conduct a family variety theater there.

Ex-City Marshal J. A. BARKER has been appointed immigration inspector and will be stationed in Fairhaven temporarily.

N. W. JEWETT of Kansas City, Mo., spent a few days in Whatcom this week visiting his brother, A. B. JEWETT. He is a newspaper advertising expert and has come to Puget Sound with the expectation of locating.

John A. LEE, former principal of the Whatcom High school, left on Thursday for Washington City, where he will take a two years' course in the study of law in Columbian? university. Mr. LEE served as principal of the High school for five years and was very successful.

A. B. ESTABROOK has returned from Alaska and has decided to resign his deputy marshalship and return to Whatcom to reside.

Mrs. Fred LEONARD and Mrs. G. W. ROYALTY will spend the winter with their husbands in Fort Wrangel, Alaska.

Dr. T. J. SELBY left on Monday to resume his studies in Washington College, after spending his summer vacation with relatives in Fairhaven.

Mrs. J. B. MUNLEY of Spokane, nee Miss Anna PADDEN, who has just returned from a honeymoon tour of Europe, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Harry Oeser, 24th street.

L. R. MULLEN has recovered from a prolonged attack of appendicitis without undergoing an operation.

Miss Bessie BELL of Delta, Colorado, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Frank C. TECK, and will spend the winter here.

Funeral services over the remains of Cecile F. HANKINS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Junius A. HANKINS, who died in St. Joseph's hospital on September 18 after sustaining an operation for appendicitis, were held in the First M. E. church on Mill street last Sunday afternoon and were largely attended.

Dr. KEYES of Ferndale has purchased the old, unfinished P. M. ISENSEE residence on Henry street, Whatcom, through the real estate agency of BRISBIN & SMITH, for $3,000. He will finish the building, which was left incomplete by the then City Treasurer ISENSEE in 1892.

J. M. SIMPSON, aged 97, father of Leroy SIMPSON, J. M. SIMPSON, jr., of Seattle, F. A. SIMPSON of Friday Harbor, died in Seattle last week.

James M. VAN ZANDT of Whatcom is now assistant collector of customs at Eagle City, Alaska, on the Yukon.

Mr. and Mrs. D. J. SLATTERY removed to Whatcom on Thursday. Mr. SLATTERY has erected a new building on North Elk street.

Mr. and Mrs. R. I. PECK of Whatcom removed to Edmonds yesterday to reside for a year at least.

Captain G. C. SUTHERLAND left on Tuesday night for a six months' visit to his old home in Scotland.

Mrs. Fred P. OFFERMAN is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. L. ROWLEY, in Spokane and will remain there until November 1. Mr. OFFERMAN will attend the meeting of the state board of pharmacy in Spokane October 19-22.

J. E. WHALEY of the Reveille and Oliver WHALEY left on Wednesday evening for an extended visit in Hannibal, Missouri.

Saturday, October 3, 1903:

Blaine has a population of 3,200 according to the Polk directory census.

A population of 6,000 for Fairhaven and 19,500 for Whatcom is indicated by the Polk directory census just completed, showing a gain of more than 100 per cent since 1900.

Mrs. Joseph D. HARRISON of East Sound died of paralysis last Sunday in Seattle, age 71.

W. M. FRIZELL and Thomas BURNS are now sole owners of the Whatcom Machinery Depot.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. BOLDRICK of Spokane are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. W. BENSON.

Mrs. R. T. EVANS and Mrs. F. GOODYEAR of Moorhead, Minn., are visiting their son and brother, D. H. EVANS of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. DEAN have gone to Stockton, California, to reside.

Mrs. L. L. BERENS and Miss Dean BERENS went to Seattle on Wednesday for a three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. CALLVERT.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. MALCOM left this week for Port Crescent, where they will reside on Hon. John M. EARLE's farm.

Judge Jeremiah NETERER is building a $3,000 residence on his Eldridge avenue property in Whatcom.

Mrs. Clinton W. HOWARD left on Monday for Richmond, Kentucky, to attend the funeral of her mother, who died suddenly of heart failure on Sunday.

Miss Marie HURLBUT, who has been visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. HURLBUT, left Tuesday for Tacoma where she has a position with the Western Union Telegraph Co.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. IMES left on Wednesday for Van Wyck, where they will reside on a ranch. Mr. IMES sold his interest in the Capital Cafe to L. W. TURNER and Manley HATTON, who are conducting the popular cafe under the firm name of HATTON & TURNER.

Mrs. HIGGINS, who has been visiting her brother, A. H. PRATT of Whatcom, for several months, left on Tuesday for New York.

The latest report from Klondike with reference to the death of Frank COWDEN of Ferndale is that he fell 50 feet down a shaft and the fall broke his neck.

Plans are in preparation for a three-story brick building to replace the old frame portion of the Byron hotel in Whatcom.

The new Y. M. C. A. building, adjoining the Pike block on Holly street, Whatcom, will be a magnificent four story structure of brick and stone. The baths, 500 lockers and the swimming pool - 20x40 feet, from 3 1/2 to 8 1/2 feet deep, will be on the ground floor. On the second floor will be the offices, reading room lobby, boys' rooms and gymnasium, the latter being 50x65 feet, with a gallery and running track 30 laps to the mile. On the third floor will be an auditorium to seat 250 persons, members' parlor, and reading room, kitchen and dining hall, game room and six educational class rooms. On the fourth floor there will be about 25 bed rooms to be rented to young men. The establishment will cost $30,000.

Mrs. James COX of Whatcom is visiting her sister, Miss Ruth ROGERS in Kent, King county.

Mr. and Mrs. V. L. KLINE are now occupying their new residence on 12th street.

Miss Mary CRAIG of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. E. MITCHELL of Whatcom.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. SOUPER left on Wednesday morning for San Francisco, where they will spend the winter. During their two years' residence in Fairhaven Mr. and Mrs. SOUPER have won many warm friends who will be glad to welcome them home should their plans to return here next spring materialize.

Miss Evelyn STAIGHT of Whatcom has been visiting her father, M. R. STAIGHT, the past week in Republic, Wash.

John C. BOYER of Whatcom and Miss Katheryn Beatrice TERRY of Seattle were united in marriage in Seattle on Wednesday. They will reside in Whatcom.

J. B. TUSON of this city and Miss Hilda M. CRASKE of Whatcom were united in marriage on Monday morning by Rev. J. A. LAURIE. They will reside in Whatcom.

Saturday, October 10, 1903:

Rev. and Mrs. E. W. ERICKSON of Port Townsend, formerly of Council Bluffs, Iowa, have arrived in Fairhaven, Rev. ERICKSON succeeding Rev. C. B. SEARS as pastor of the First M. E. church, Rev. SEARS going to Blaine this week.

Charles SIEGEL, age 30, was taken to the Steilacoom asylum this week.

Mrs. Aaron E. RICE and family, who spent the past two months at Wahl, have returned to Fairhaven and are residing on Donovan avenue near 22nd street.

Dr. Helen Louise JOYCE left on Wednesday for San Francisco to attend the California College of Osteopathy. She will spend three weeks with her sister in Tacoma.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KILDALL left yesterday for their home in Minneapolis.

Judge NETERER this week granted a divorce to Mrs. Willard W. GASKILL of Whatcom on the grounds of desertion.

C. A. BEAVERS, the well known pioneer of Lynden, died of heart failure on Tuesday while out hunting near the British Columbia line.

Miss Clara ZINK, age 20, died suddenly on Thursday evening in her home on Utter street, Whatcom, and indications point to suicide by strychnine.

    A pretty wedding of interest to both Fairhaven and Whatcom was solemnized on Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock in the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Cyrus W. GATES of this city, Rev. J. A. LAURIE, jr., performing the ceremony. The principals were Miss Mary Helen HUNTOON, daughter of Mrs. Nellie HUNTOON, and Mr. T. Marvin BARLOW, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. BARLOW of Whatcom. Relatives and intimate friends graced the occasion. Mrs. Clifford H. BARLOW played the wedding march and immediately after the ceremony five graduate classmates of the University of Washington, Misses May CRAHAN, Zylphia FENTON, Mae THOMPSON, Ellen K. HILL and Marion ROBINSON, sang their seniority (sic) anthem.
    The bride was dressed in white French mull over white taffeta, elaborately trimmed with lace. A bridal veil and a bouquet of Bride roses were the accessories. She was attended by her sister, Miss Grace HUNTOON, who wore white point d'esprit over green taffeta. Little Frances GATES was the flower girl. The groom was attended by his brother, Lee BARLOW. ...

Saturday, October 17, 1903:

William DANA and Miss Anna HANNA of Fairhaven were united in marriage last Saturday.

Norman HAMILTON of Fairhaven, age 11, has been taken to the state reform school at Chehalis.

The Bellingham Bay library is to be formally offered to the city of Whatcom next Monday evening.

Captain W. H. CULMER has been awarded the contract to cover the roof of the county court house with Elaterite for $229.

Mrs. S. E. MULLIN and Mrs. A. B. JEWETT of Whatcom left on Thursday for Ellensburg in response to the news of the death of their brother, Duke PRIGMORE, who died of typhoid fever, at noon Thursday, age 28.

Former County Treasurer Morris McCARTY left on Wednesday for Mexico, where he will spend the winter looking after property interests.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ROWLAND leave next week for Stites, Idaho, the terminus of the Lewiston branch of the Northern Pacific, where Mr. ROWLAND will be station agent and Mrs. ROWLAND clerk, succeeding Mr. and Mrs. J. KETCHUM, who will be station agent and express agent for the N. P. in Fairhaven.

Col. and Mrs. Harry A. MOORE are occupying their old home at Rocky Ridge, Lake Whatcom, and are building a new cottage.

Horace C. BYRON and X. S. BYRON have purchased the interest of Wm. SHUMWAY in the BYRON Grocery Co., Whatcom.

Miss Mabel M. MOORE of Ironwood, Michigan, is the new vocal music instructor in the Whatcom Normal school and took charge of the department on Monday of this week. She has had six years' experience as a public instructor in music.

Mrs. A. J. RUSSELL of New Brunswick is visiting her cousin, Miss LYLE of Whatcom.

County Attorney Parker ELLIS has been appointed immigration inspector to be stationed at Kalama. The salary is $4 a day, so Mr. ELLIS will probably accept the position, for which he took the civil service examination two years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. FANCY of Whatcom returned last week from an extended visit in the east, where Mrs. FANCY spent the summer. Mr. FANCY left his home at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, 46 years ago and had not corresponded with nor seen his brothers and sisters since that time.

Thomas S. HUSTON has just returned from the headwaters of the Yukon, Alaska, where he spent nearly five years.

Miss Grace WALDRON left on Wednesday for a year's stay in Europe, expecting to spend most of the winter in Italy, France, Germany and England, with her aunt, Mrs. WALDRON of Chicago.

Mrs. C. N. BEAL, accompanied by her son and two daughters, arrived in Whatcom on Monday from Enid, Oklahoma, and are now the guests of Mrs. BEAL's brother, Attorney A. E. MEAD, and family. Mr. BEAL, who has been for many years interested in the wholesale and retail grocery business in Oklahoma, will join them in December and they will become permanent residents of Whatcom.

The marriage of Raymond L. MACOMBER of Fairhaven and Miss Ethel Fay COBERLY was celebrated on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the home of the bride's parents, mr. and Mrs. John B. COBERLY, 2430 Kulshan street, Whatcom, Rev. J. N. SMITH officiating. Mrs. C. R. NORMAN, son and daughter were the only guests not relatives. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served and the young couple left on the afternoon train for a short wedding tour up-sound. They will reside in Fairhaven, where Mr. MACOMBER has been identified with the Fairhaven Fair store for several years.

Humphrey O. ROBERTS and Miss Winnie MORRIS were united in marriage on Thursday evening in the home of the bride's uncle, Morris JONES. They are enjoying a short visit in Seattle and will leave next Monday for their future home in Idaho.

Saturday, October 24, 1903:

School was opened this week in Chuckanut's new school house.

C. P. FERRY's new saw mill at Ferndale in receiving its machinery this week.

Hugh J LAFFERTY and Jacob NOETHE of Whatcom have been admitted to practice law in this state.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. MILLER, October 17, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. John F. MILLER, October 18, a son.

TAYLOR & WYLIE of North Yakima have purchased the Cumming Tea Co.'s store in Whatcom. E. P. TAYLOR will be manager.

Immigration Inspector and Mrs. FERRENDINI, who have been residing in Northport the past two years, will soon return to Whatcom to reside for some time. Mr. FERRENDINI has been ordered to Whatcom for duty.

Prof. A. F. CALHOUN, the pioneer band leader and cornetist of Whatcom, returned on Tuesday night from California where he spent the past two years.

Mr. and Mrs. John KELLY, nee Miss PALMQUIST of Whatcom, have gone to Livingston, Montana, to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCOFER have removed to Ferndale, where Mr. SCOFER has leased the William RAY farm, Mr. and Mrs. RAY removing to Whatcom.

Mrs. Wm. COLLIER spent the past week in Ferndale, visiting her mother, Mrs. DRAKE.

Clyde HADLEY of Whatcom has been chosen associate editor of the Daily Palo Alto, Stanford's official college paper.

B. SCHOENFELD of the Standard Furniture Co. left on Thursday for San Francisco in the hope of benefiting his health.

E. B. SMITH, who spent the past two years on the Yukon, has returned to Whatcom.

County Attorney ELLIS has filed an amended information against H. St. John DIX charging him with embezzling $2,020 from the Scandinavian-American bank on October 22, 1900, in the form of a check on the Seattle National bank.

Twenty-four guests witnessed the christening of Francis Alleen McCUSH on Wednesday evening in the home of the little fellow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCUSH, Whatcom, Rev. W. A. MACKEY performing the ceremony.

Mrs. Martha SEARS, who sued the B. B. & B. C. R. R. Co. for $25,000 because her husband was killed on that railroad last May, has compromised with the company and withdrawn the suit. It is said she compromised at $3,000.

J. W. ROSCOE has leased the Casino theater and will have a grand opening tonight.

David L. HALSTEAD, the well known Whatcom pioneer of 1883, died in St. Joseph's hospital last Sunday, aged 56 years and six months.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter GILLETTE, nee Miss Louise SELIG, who were united in marriage in New York on October 14, arrived in Fairhaven on Wednesday, Mr. Gillette is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. GILLETTE.

Saturday, October 31, 1903:

Clarence B. DARNELL has secured control of the Holly Press bookbindery.

Fred P. OFFERMAN is the new president of the state board of pharmacy.

James McDONALD of Whatcom who died of paralysis, October 23, age 54 years, was one of the most respected citizens of the Bay.

Ray CISSNA's 21st birthday present, October 21, was a one-fourth interest in the Home Security Savings bank, valued at $25,000, presented by his father.

Mr. and Mrs. E. VAN DIEZMAN of Kalispel, Montana, are newly located residents of the Bay.

Mrs. TREMAINE of Chicago is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles A. BRIGGS, Forest street.

Mrs. BROADHEAD of Haley, Idaho, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred K. GILLETTE, the past week.

J. Mason ADAMS, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. S. NOICE of Whatcom, returned to his home in Edmonton, N. W. T., this week.

Charles KEIDEL returned on Tuesday from Bluff City, 60 miles from Nome, where he is engaged in business. He will spend the winter in California.

Mrs. H. R. BUIL or BULL of Healdsburg, California, who spent the summer in Whatcom, left for home on Wednesday, accompanied by her sister, Miss Clara ZANE.

Victor T. COLE, formerly famed as editor of the Deming Prospector and afterwards of the Sumas Sentinel, has returned to the Bay from California, where he spent the summer.

Editor Guernsey E. NEWKIRK of the Ferndale Record and Miss Gertrude PENNINGTON were united in marriage in the home of the bride's parents in Ferndale on Wednesday of this week.

Elmer E. BURNS of Darrington and Miss Clara Margaret DOWNEY, both of whom are well known here, were united in marriage on Wednesday in the home of the bride's parents in LaConner. Miss Effie WHEELER of Whatcom acted as bridesmaid.

Saturday, November 7, 1903:

Dr. J. W. GOODHEART has been appointed deputy county coroner by Coroner H. S. NOICE.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin PETERSON's infant son, Hans, age 8 months, died in this city on Sunday night.

Mrs. YOAFT of San Francisco left today for her home after a pleasant visit with the family of her brother, John O. JACKSON.

Rev. Gilman PARKER, former pastor of the Whatcom First Baptist church, has gone to Alameda, California, to become pastor of the First Baptist church.

Charles I. ROTH returned on Monday evening from Peoria, Illinois, where he attended the funeral of his mother on October 25.

Attorney J. M. GERAGHTY of Spokane and Editor T. A. GERAGHTY of Rushville, Indiana, were guests of their brother, P. F. GERAGHTY, pressman of the Herald, during the week.

Arthur CHEVALIER and Miss Vena L. COOK of Fairhaven were united in marriage on Tuesday of this week.

William GRANT leaves next week for Everett, where he will make his home.

J. A. McINTOSH, who spent the late summer and fall as the guest of his brother, G. A. McINTOSH, sailed from Montreal last Saturday for Aberdeen, Scotland, where he will begin his senior year in King's College.

Superior Judge NETERER on Tuesday ordered the final distribution of the Erastus BARTLETT estate, value $530,000, of which property to the value of $289,000 is in Whatcom county. By the will the principal heirs, Mrs. Anna M. B. WEBSTER and her four children, E. B. WEBSTER, John M. WEBSTER, Margaret B. WEBSTER and Mrs. C. W. CRAMER of Los Angles, and a daughter-in-law of the late Erastus BARTLETT, Mrs. Arthur B. BARTLETT of Chicago, ....

Adolph C. HOVELAND and Miss Elizabeth ANDERSON, Lincoln McKAY and Miss Grace WHITENER, all of Fairhaven, were united in marriage on Tuesday, November 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford G. BRAND of Whatcom are now residents of Sedro-Woolley, where Mr. BRAND is managing the Skagit Commercial & Mercantile Co., a distributing branch of the Geo. E. BRAND Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. FRANK of Whatcom are at present residing in Tacoma.

C. L. FLYNN of Rhinelander, Wis., is the new superintendent for the Larson Lumber Co., Superintendent TUXWORTH having resigned.

The donation of a site for the Fairhaven Carnegie library by Mr. C. X. LARRABEE is eminently worthy of enduring public gratitude. Mr. LARRABEE was most liberal about the matter and offered the board of directors their choice of a number of splendid properties. The site selected is a very valuable piece of property in the heart of the city, being 100 feet square, at the northwest corner of McKenzie avenue and 13th street.

M. B. WEBER, a Fairhaven pioneer of 1888, died at his home at 916 Donovan avenue on Monday morning, age 54 years, death resulting from stomach trouble. A widow, one son and three daughters compose the bereaved family, the children being W. J. WEBER, Misses Augusta, Josie M., and Lillian F. WEBER.

Saturday, November 14, 1903:

W. B. JESSUP and Charles D. WHITE have absorbed Fred N. CULVER's interest in the Holly Press, Whatcom.

R. H. DIEZMAN on Tuesday bought 44 lots on 22nd, 23d and 24th streets, in LYSLE's first addition.

H. St. John DIX is now the publisher of the Whatcom Blade and is bringing it out in high class style on book paper.

President ROOSEVELT on Tuesday sent to the senate the name of John BLACK to succeed S. P. TAPPING as postmaster of Fairhaven.

Frank G. ADAMS, formerly of this city, is dangerously ill at Fowler, California.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. WILLIS are settled for the winter in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. HOPKINS.

Ernest A. KORTHANER returned during the past week from Nome, where he spent the past two years.

Mr. and Mrs. NEWHOUSE of Minnesota are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. DRADE (sic) and will spend the month here. Mrs. NEWHOUSE and Mrs. DRAKE are sisters.

A. H. MILLER of Council City, Alaska, arrived in Whatcom on Monday to spend the winter with his family.

T. G. WILSON, formerly a well known business man and hotelist of C street, Whatcom, who has been in Alaska for several years, has leased the large and popular Hotel Taylor in Anacortes for a term of five years.

Will J. BELL has returned from Anacortes, where he has been operating a shingle mill.

David E. TUCK of Whatcom left on Thursday for Tacoma, where he will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. FRANK.

Mrs. W. D. CHANDLER of Whatcom is visiting her brother, Captain C. S. REINHART of Olympia.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. BOTSFORD have removed to Beach, Lummi island, where they are occupying C. R. NORMAN's ranch.

Miss Helma OLSON of Seattle has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gus LARSON, the past week.

Hon. R. E. GOSNELL of Victoria, secretary of the provincial bureau of immigration, visited his brother, Dr. G. C. COSNELL of Whatcom, during the week.

Miss Jennie McLEOD has gone to Seattle, having accepted the position of stenographer in the main office of the P. P. & N. Co. The Fairhaven office of the company has been closed for the year.

Mrs. T. P. POWER of DeSmet, South Dakota, will spend the winter in Whatcom as the guest of her daughters, Mrs. S. E. LEITCH and Mrs. J. W. HOPP.

D. R. HUNTOON, the Fairhaven pioneer who recently sold his last Bellingham Bay property, 100-foot frontage on Elk street near the Sehome hotel, for $3,500, is now in Southern California where he expects to make his home.

Henry C. ENGBERG returned on Thursday from Copenhagen, Denmark, where Mrs. ENGBERG has been studying music the past two years and will continue another year. Mr. ENGBERG left here June 15 and was absent just five months.

County Commissioner J. L. EASTON has bought the house and lot adjoining the Central livery on Elk street, Whatcom, for $2,800.

The Misses AMMONS of Chehalis are among the newly-arrived residents of Fairhaven.

Mayor GRIFFIN is preparing to remove to Whatcom. "When you are in a big town it pays to do business and own property near the center of business in it," he says. On Tuesday he sold his half interest in the 50-foot northeast corner of 11th and Mill streets to Geo. B. BURKE and Fred J. WOOD. The consideration is said to have been $1,000.

Owen J. BRENNEMAN and Miss Ivaline JAMESON, both of Anacortes, were united in marriage on Monday evening in the home of the groom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. JENKINS, Eldridge avenue, Whatcom, in the presence of relatives of the groom, Rev. J. N. SMITH performing the ceremony.

Robert ROYALTY and Miss Anna REID, popular young Fairhavenites, were united in marriage in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. HOOD, 24th and Harris streets, last Sunday afternoon, Judge Jeremiah NETERER officiating in the presence of a limited number of relatives and intimate friends.

Saturday, November 21, 1903:

J. C. PARKER of Whatcom has purchased the Weekly Blade from H. St. John DIX and will publish a democratic paper with Medill CONNELL as editor.

The Fairhaven M. E. church is building an eight-room cottage at the corner of Mill and 16th streets, to be occupied by Rev. and Mrs. E. W. ERICKSON.

T. S. DAWSON, the Prospect street, Whatcom, grocer, has opened a new grocery store in Fairhaven opposite the Times office on 11th street, with H. R. WATSON in charge as manager.

Peverill BOWDEN, age 14, was killed while coasting down a hill in Happy Valley on Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Will A. JOHNSON of Cripple Creek, Colorado, are new residents of Whatcom. Mr. JOHNSON is the oldest son of W. P. JOHNSON.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas EDDINGTON of Augusta, Wisconsin, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. W. LIVERMORE of Whatcom and may spend a year or more.

J. M. MORRISON of Ferndale has arranged to place a new steamboat on the run between Lynden and Whatcom as soon as the Nooksack river jam has been cleared.

Harry H. GRAHAM, the popular wharf cashier of the B. B. I. Co., and Miss Clara JACKSON were united in marriage on Wednesday evening in the home of the bride's parents, 1905 C street, Whatcom, Rev. J. N. SMITH performing the ceremony in the presence of relatives of the bride and groom. Mr. and and Mrs. GRAHAM have the good wishes of legions of friends. They will be at home after December 10 in their new cottage at 610 Magnolia street.

Miss Bertha KRUHOFFER, a popular young lady of Fairhaven, and Thomas PURDY of Union City, Mason county, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon, November 15, in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. KRUHOFFER, 23d and Mill streets, in the presence of an interesting company of relatives and intimate friends. The Presbyterian ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. MACKEY, after which the party sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. Many beautiful and valuable presents were received by the young couple, who left on the evening steamer for a honeymoon visit to Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. They will reside in Union City, where Mr. PURDY owns an extensive livestock and dairy farm.

In 1888 John F. WOOD bought a 50x110 foot lot on Holly street, Whatcom, between Canoe and Dock, for $1,750, and a 55x125 foot lot fronting on Canoe and adjoining the southwest corner of Holly, in 1889 for $2,750. The cheap wooden buildings thereon have never been vacant since February 15, 1889, have earned a small fortune, none of which has been invested in improvements of any kind. Last Saturday Mr. Wood sold the property to Dr. H. J. BIRNEY, George A. CONNER? and Dr. J. W. GOODHEART for $30,000.

Saturday, November 28, 1903:

Ray LAMB has been taken to Anacortes to stand trial on a charge of having jumped a board bill.

James J. CONWAY, the restauranteur (sic), was granted a divorce from his wife on Tuesday.

H. B. SELBY and Elliot STEWART have sold their interests in the Union Printing Co. to C. W. JONES and C. S. BEARD.

William ALLISON, who was drowned near Port Gamble, November 14, by the capsising (sic) of his sloop, was a well known young resident of Fairhaven, age 25, and had been employed by R. H. DOW as a boat builder the past year.

Miss Callie BOTSFORD left yesterday for Tacoma, where she will enter Fanny Paddock hospital as a student of professional nursing.

James W. WILLOTT of Stanton, Michigan, is visiting Royal KNIGHT and may locate here and engage in the lumber business.

J. W. ROMAINE and daughter, Lucile, are spending a few days with Mr. ROMAINE's mother in Dayton, Wash.

Miss Edna AMES of Seattle spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. AMES.

C. C. WHITNEY of Duluth, Minnesota, has leased the large store room adjoining the corner of Harris and 10th streets in Charles SCHERING's new brick building and will establish a large retail boot and shoe store there on or before January 1.

Mr. and Mrs. TAFT and Mr. OWENS of Deposit, N. Y., are new residents of Whatcom. Mrs. Ella M. COLLETT's mother also recently arrived from Deposit.

Charles RONEY [ROONEY], aged 60 years, a resident of Fairhaven since 1883, died in his home on 12th and Adams streets on Sunday, November 22, the result of inflammation of the lungs. Funeral services held on Tuesday afternoon were largely attended by mourning friends. Mr. RONEY was a bachelor and leaves no relatives in the west. He was a genial, kind-hearted man and if he had enemies their ill will was a credit in his favor. Everybody among the old timers knew him well and everybody everywhere had a kind thought and word for him. He was of modest pretentions and of average in the way of the world, but he had a warm heart, a sympathetic temperament and a gentle tongue.

The Fairhaven Carnegie public library will be built at 12th and Columbia streets upon a site donated by C. X. LARRABEE, 100 feet square, at the southeast corner of the intersection. It is an ideal site. The plans of ELLIOT & WEST of Seattle were accepted and the building will be 45x65 feet, 2 1/2 stories high and built of sandstone. The reading room will be 20x40 feet. In the basement will be a men's and boys' club room 20x40 feet, while the auditorium on the third floor will have chairs for 250. The building will be completed by May 1 next and will cost $12,500.

Saturday, December 5, 1903:

Mrs. Minerva SMITH of Jackson, Michigan, is visiting her son, W. H. GILES of Whatcom, and will spend the winter here.

Mrs. E. B. GERMAN and her niece, Miss Helen WILLIS, are spending a few days visiting friends in Blaine.

Postmaster and Mrs. Hugh ELDRIDGE left on tuesday for California, where they will spend this month in the hope that the change of climate may restore Mr. ELDRIDGE's health.

Paul SCHAUPERT is again able to be about town after being confined to St. Luke's hospital for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. DOYLE, of Minocqua, Wis., recent arrivals, are expecting to locate in Bellingham.

Jay B. EDWARDS, the original Fairhaven newspaperman, is now conducting a boarding house in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Harold A. SHEALDS, a native of Norway, swore allegiance to Uncle Sam before Judge NETERER on Thursday.

Miss Ellen SWEET has secured a position as teacher in the town of Sumas. She left for that place on Monday.

Mr. F. G. BURGHOGGER of Fairhaven, left on Tuesday for Portland, where he intends spending the winter with friends.

Mrs. James GARLAND, who has been confined to St. Joseph's hospital for some time has sufficiently recovered from an operation, as to warrant her leaving the institution.

Mrs. HARVEY of San Francisco, who spent a week visiting her sister, Mrs. T. G. NEWMAN, left for home on Wednesday.

Romey MARSLAND, who has spent the past summer on the bay, left Tuesday for his home in Burlington, Wisconsin.

With the death of J. R. JENKINS, which occurred on last Monday morning at the family residence on Fourteenth and E streets, passes another of Bellingham's most study pioneers. Mr. JENKINS came to the sound country many years ago and settled on the bay when this place could only boast of a few dozen houses. The deceased was justice of the peace for eight years and was familiarly known as Judge JENKINS. He was a man well liked for his generous and whole souled good nature, and was for many years a leader in all social events. Six children are left to mourn the loss of a father and the community grieves with the family in their sad bereavement. The funeral was held from the Whatcom hotel last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was largely attended.

Jacob MASON of Fairhaven, met a peculiar death on Tuesday afternoon while at work for Charles BARNES at Lake Samish. His body was found badly crushed lying near a log which he evidently had just sawed, and it is presumed that the large block rolled over and crushed him to death. Mr. MASON was about fifty years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Funeral was held yesterday morning at 9 o'clock from the Catholic church.

     With this issue of the Fairhaven times a change in ownership has taken place, Mr. Frank C. TECK having sold and conveyed the undersigned plant, circulation and good-will of this publication. The Times will continue to publish as usual on every Saturday morning, and will be issued as an independent paper, which will be devoted to the welfare of the citizens of Bellingham.
     Politically it will espouse the cause of men and measures, irrespective of party affiliations, which it believes to be the better for the promotion and future administration of our promising and rapidly growing city. It will uphold good legislation, and condemn vice and graft with a determination and earnestness that will make itself hear and felt throughout the city and county.
     And an endeavor will be made in the future to present the Times to the public in a bright, newsy and up-to-date manner, with its columns teeming with local and society events of the week.

Saturday, December 12, 1903:

Mr. H. GAULY of Everett, who has been visiting his mother Mr. MARSHALL and his sister Mrs. G. G. PIKE, returned to his home on Monday.

Felis [Felix?] MARTIN of the Whatcom Sash and Door Company, is lying critically ill at his home of D and Twentieth streets.

Mr. Albert TUCKER, of Kendall, Wash., and Miss Maggie TRAVELSTEAD of Harrisburg, Illinois, were united in marriage on Monday Afternoon at five o'clock in the Washington Hotel. Rev. COX of the United Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. The couple will make Kendall their future home.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. METCALF of Fairhaven are the proud parents of a lively daughter, which was born to them on Saturday.

A. M. TROMBLY, of Coos Bay, Oregon, is in town. He expects to make this place his future home. Mr. TROMBLY was one of the first men on the Pacific Coast to engage in the salmon canning industry.

T. H. BURTENSHAW of Goshen, is a visitor in Bellingham for a few days.

R. J. ANDERSON, formerly a Whatcom real estate man is lying seriously ill in California. The news were (sic) received by Mr. and Mrs. Olaf UDNESS, on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. HIGHBY of Gunnison City, Colo., are in the city. Mr. GUNNISON expects to find a location for a hotel on the bay and will in all probablity be a permanent resider.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. SLAVENS of Whatcom have removed to Ellensburg to reside.

The death of Mrs. Alice L. KERSEY of 1302 Fourteenth street, Fairhaven which occurred on Wednesday morning has cast a gloom upon the community in which she lived. Mrs. KERSEY had suffered for several years with a complication of diseases. She was forty-one years of age and leaves a husband and two children, who are seventeen and thirteen years of age. Mrs. KERSEY was a devoted scientist, but shortly before her death, physicians were called in by the family. The funeral was held yesterday under the auspices of the Christian Science church in accordance with the wishes of the deceased.

Saturday, December 17, 1903:

Wm. A. UTTER, a Whatcom pioneer, has returned from a two year's sojourn in the east.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. JONES of Elk street are the proud parents of a bouncing ten pound baby boy which brightened their home on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles GOODING are the proud possessors of a brand new bouncing baby boy of nine and one half pounds this week.

J. A. CORY, a prominent newspaperman of Sac City, Iowa, is in the city visiting his daughter, Mrs. LEWIS.

Miss Grace DAVIS of Ferndale, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. W. H. FELL of Whatcom.

Mr. Pitt SMITH of Bellingham and Miss Dorothy MARTIN of San Francisco were united in marriage on Tuesday morning in Seattle. The happy couple left on the evening train for Bellingham and are now comfortably located in their new home on Elm street. Mr. SMITH is one of Uncle Sam's local mail carriers, and both he and his wife are well-known and highly respected in this city.

A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Sunday afternoon in the United Lutheran Church in Fairhaven. The contracting parties being Mr. John HANSON and Miss Nellie LARSON. Rev. E. A. ERICKSON officiated. A delightful wedding supper was served to the many guests present at the home of Mr. C. GRUE.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2003-2004


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