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"Old News" of Newton, Utah

Part 6 – NEWTON, UTAH - Newspaper extracts - 1910 to 1940s

NEWTON, UTAH - In the newspapers from 1870 to 1940s
By Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 – Introduction and a Selected Topical Index, Newspapers coverage 1870 through December 1883.
Part 2 – 1884 through June 15, 1892.
Part 3 – June 18, 1892 through October 19, 1895.
Part 4 – October 22, 1895 through March 1898.
Part 5 – 1895 - 1909
Part 6 – 1910 to 1940s

Aug. 22, 1912 - p. 6 under "Killed By Bolt of Lightning."
"Utah Man Meets Death While Unhitching Horses After Pleasure Trip."
"Logan, Utah--While unhitching his horses after returning from a trip, Harry Jensen, 25 years
old, son of William F. Jensen, Sr., of Newton was struck by a bolt of lightning in front of his
home at Newton Saturday night and instantly killed. Another man was standing within two
feet of him, but was unhurt. The bolt struck young Jensen on top of his head, leaving a mark
exactly lige [sic like] a bullet hole, and then went through his body."
--Carbon County News, Aug. 22, 1912.

Sept. 13, 1912 - p. 14 under "Talks to Crowd of 2000 at Cache Junction."
"Cache Junction, Utah. Sept. 13.--Col. Theodore Roosevelt made a stop of twelve minutes
at Cache Junction this afternoon. He talked to a crowd of over 2000, who had gathered from
all parts of Cache county. The former president showed little effects of his campaign. He was
met at Pocatello this morning by William Glasmann and other members of the party in Utah.
Wesley K. Walton, the state chairman, will join the party at Brigham City."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 13, 1912.

Oct. 13, 1913 - p. 10 under "Dry Farm Delegates Named by Governor."
"Gov. William Spry this morning announced the following as Utah's delegates to the
international dry farming congress which will be held at Tulsa, Okla., October 27 to 31.
"Dr. John A. Widtsoe, Logan; John Q. Adams, Logan; . . .W. R. Griffin, Newton; W. R.
Ballard, Newton; . . .F. W. Barson, Clarkston; . . . George L. Farrell, Smithfield; . . . ."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 13, 1913.

Oct. 21, 1913 - p. 3 under "Grain Judging Team will Go to Tulsa."
"The grain judging team of the Utah agricultural college will leave the latter part of this week for
Tulsa, Okla., to compete in the international dry farming congress. This year's team consists of
J. B. Walker of Sandy, Amos R. Griffin of Newton and Leroy Tanner of Whitney, Ida.
"The team was selected by the agronomy department at a contest held recently. . . ."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 21, 1913.

Oct. 31, 1913 - p. 12 under "Snap Shots."
"Returning With Honors."
"The Utah grain judging team, composed of J. B. Walker of Sandy, Leroy Tanner of Whitney,
Ida., and Amos R. Griffin of Newton, won second place in the grain judging contest Thursday at
the International dry farming congress at Tulsa, Okla. The team from Kansas agricultural college
won first place, defeating the Utah agricultural college by only five points in 300."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 31, 1913.

Jan. 15, 1914 - p. 4 under "Personals."
"There was a Greek laborer fell beneath the wheels of an incoming train at Cache Junction
yesterday morning and was ground into a pulp. The shattered body was buried at the Junction
in a grave prepared for the mangled remains."
"The county commissioners and engineer will go to Cache Junction today for the purpose of
inspecting the new steel bridge which has been installed over Bear River leading to Newton.
It is said that this bridge is among the best class of bridges in the west and that there is but one in
Utah that will equal it in construction. The Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company are the
"The Cache Junction Gun club has been reorganized as follows: J. P. Murphy, president; C. Z.
Harryman, vice president; W. H. Griffin, Jr., secretary and treasurer; E. E. Smith, captain. The
following new members have been added to the club: C. C. Hollingworth, Louis Shook, John
Hansen, George Ecklund, Emile Ecklund, Fritz Ecklund, Ernest Ecklund, Wilford Baugh,
Erastus Larsen, E. E. Shirley, Frank Ballard. The first shoot will be pulled off on Saturday."
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 15, 1914.

Jan. 17, 1914 - p. 4 under "Newton Adopts Cash System."
"Many Other Items From the Lively Town On the West Side of Cache Valley."
"Newton, Jan. 16.--With the beginning of the new year the People's Mercantile Co., inaugur-
ated the no credit system which has been already adopted in many of the valley towns. Placards
bearing the words No Credit Allowed are hung in various places about the stone--a sufficient
warning to all that the management is desirous of making his store conform to such a system.
From present indications it would seem that the system is going to meet with the approval of the
people. It will at least determine just where the proprietor as well as the purchaser are with
respects to their purchasing power. At the end of each month the customer instead of getting a
statement of amount due his grocers will have the consolation of knowing that his purchases have
been paid for as he went along; while the proprietor will have the satisfaction of knowing what
sales have been made, even though they may be smaller than when he ran a credit system, are cash
sales which thus relieve him from any further anxiety about getting his money and it also obviates
the necessity of rending statements of accounts, etc. all of which are expensive to the customer.
By selling on a strictly cash basis the merchant will be able to sell cheaper than heretofore and at
the same time it will place all customers on an equality in buying, neither being discriminated
against as in the case of buying under the credit system, the cash purchaser is compelled to pay the
price which the merchant must ask of those who desire the credit, which is always higher than they
would be if there were a cash sale made. It has been seen that the town that have adopted this
movement are more prosperous this year than they were under the old system. There is no unkind
feeling existing between customer and merchant, and the whole question, if met fairly by the most
partial, could not but say that the move is one for the best.

"The forepart of the week we were in the grip of King Frost at the tune of five degrees below
zero but it seems as though his stay is cut short by the arrivals of breezes from the south land
which are succeeding in removing all of our snow.

"The Elite Sewing club met in its regular sewing session Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Griffin who with Miss Elizabeth Shipley acted as hostess. A most enjoyable evening
was had by all present.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jenkins entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill and Mr. and Mrs.
John Hansen on Wednesday evening January 8. Delicious refreshments were served and the
eveinng [sic evening] was spent in playing games to a late hour.
"Mr. George C. Rigby went to Salt Lake City Thursday January 9 to be in attendance at the
Democratic banquet in the Hotel Utah.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frederickson entertained at supper Wednesday January 8. Those present
were" Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rigby, Nr. and Mrs. Amos Rigby, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jenkins,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Almond and Mr. J. W. Christensen. The
evening was spent at cards and social chat.

"Mr. L. George Clarke is convalescent from a very severe attack of la grippe. His many friends
are pleased to see him filling his old positions again.

"At the Sacrament meeting Sunday we were honored with the presence of Prof. J. D. Howells of
the Agricultural College, as well as Elders Wiser and Kemp of the stake High Council. These
brethren occupied the time and gave us some very interesting remarks. Elder Howells dwelt very
forcefully on the subject of parenthood and paid a glowing tribute to the divine mission of woman.
Elder Wiser spoke of our duties as parents and Elder Kemp extended a cordial invitation from the
stake presidency to be present at the quarterly conference to be held next Sunday in Richmond.

"The Farmers Society of Equity have been distributing a fifty town car of Bear coal among its
members during the week. The price has been considerably under that charged by other dealers.

"Classes in agriculture for the boys and sewing for the girls of the seventh and eighth grades
have been organized since the school began after the holidays. Both girls and boys are mani-
festing a decided interest in this new work and much good should come of it. It is a new
departure in our school and will be watched with interest by those who are interested in our

"Mr. F. T. Griffin is confined to his bed with a bad case of rheumatism at the present writing
and has been for about three weeks. It is hoped that he may convalesce rapidly and be able to
resume his labors among us again.
"Miss Naomi Barker is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia and although all that loving
hands can do has been done she does not seem to get much relief. Her early recovery is hoped for.
"Mr. Norman Larsen celebrated his sixteenth birthday last Saturday evening by inviting a few
of his friends to a birthday supper. Those present were were the Misses Laverne and Bessy
Barker, Edna Benson, and Mr. Sedly Jensen and Reubon Benson. Games and conversation were
indulged in to a late hour. The guest on departing, wished their host many happy returns of the
"A very pleasant candy pull was enjoyed by a party of young folks at the Wennergren ranch on
Tuesday evening. Those present were: Miss Amelia Wennergren, Miss Letha Anderson, Miss
Norma Benson, Miss Della Peterson, Miss Elizabeth Shipley and Lillie Griffin; Messrs Parley
Rigby, Junius Rigby, David Rigby, Rulon Rigby and Alphonso Christensen. Emil is now
Receiving the congratulations of his guests on being a delightful entertainer.
"The Houser Goodsell Dramatic Company of Weston, Idaho, presented the Gypsy, to a full
house on Wednesday evening, and every one went away full of praise for their efforts. All in all
the production was good. The troupe being of our own people are deserved of the support of
the theatre going public.
" Mr. J. W. Christensen is confined to his room on account of the la grippe this week.
"Mr. Chris Miller son of L. C. Miller is at the home of his father afflicted with a dangerous case
of Bright's disease. His many friends hope for a speedy and complete recovery.
"The wedding bells were set ringing on Wednesday, when Alfred Goodsell son of Mrs. Julia
Goodsell and Miss Edna Hendrickson, daughter of Mrs. Serene Hendrickson, both of this city
Were united in the bonds of wedlock. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy
wedlock. A wedding supper at which the immediate members of the families were present, was
served upon the arrival of the wedded pair from Logan. They were accompanied to Logan by the
bride's mother, who went to give her consent to her daughter's marriage, she not being of age.
"The Mutual Dramatic Company selected and cast a play which they will present to the public
in the near future. It is rumored that this play will exceed all previous attempts at dramatic
presentation and to that end the members are working hard to make the play meet that
"The recent frost siege [sic] succeeded in freezing up the water systems of a few people in town,
some of whom had to instill [install?] new water jackets in their ranges.
"Mr. William H. Griffin, Sr., met with a rather painful accident last Friday when he fell from a
box on which he was standing while removing wall paper. The box suddenly tipped and losing his
balance, he fell heavily across one edge of the box, the result of which was a fracture of the rib on
his right side as well as minor bruises.
"Mrs. Edith Cooley, while out hanging her washing on the line one day last week fell and
received a very badly sprained ankle as a result. So serious was it that she was unable to rise and
had to call assistance form her neighbor to get back to the house. Although very painful, she is
getting along as nicely as could be expected but will be confined to the house for some time as a result."
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 17, 1914.

Jan. 20, 1914 - p. 1 under "Marriage License."
"A. W. Goodsell and Edna Henriksen of Newton."
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 20, 1914.
Jan. 24, 1914 - p. 8 under "Annual Conference."
"Newton Ward Will Meet Sunday and Listen To Reports From the Various

"Newton, Jan. 22.--Newton will hold its annual ward conference next Sunday in the ward hall
and it is urged upon all members to be in attendance. Especially should we fell it a duty to be
present at this conference, for it is there that we will become acquainted with the ward conditions
through the reports of those whom we have place in autority [sic-authority] in the various
"Bishop M. C. Rigby and his wife, High Councilman John E. Griffin and wife and James
Nielson formed an auto party who enjoyed the many good things said at the stake quarterly
Conference held Sunday in Richmond. Elder Henry Bjorkman and W. F. Jensen, Jr., were in
attendance at the conference on Saturday. On Sunday last Elder Bjorkman occupied the time in
Sacrament meeting reviewing the proceedings of the Saturday meeting of the conference.
"Mr. George L. Jones returned on Tuesday from a week's visit to Coalville, Ogden, Park
City, and Salt Lake. While away he procured quotations on plumbing supplies for his
commodious new dwelling which is nearing completion. When finished it will be one of the
many up to date modern homes for which Newton is becoming well known.
"Miss Elizabeth Shipley, Miss Normal Benson and Miss Lillian Griffin, together with Mr. A.
A. Johnson of the public schools were in attendance at the teachers institute held in Logan the last
week end.
"Mr. Royal Griffin, David and Rulon Rigby were visitors at Logan Saturday last.
"Mr. Fred Frederickson and family motored to Logan Tuesday in their Studebaker 25 car.
They said the roads were fine the greater part of the way.
"The eighth grade basketball team is rounding into shape for the coming league games of the
north and of the county schools. They hope to meet the teams from Smithfield, Lewiston, and
Richmond at those places. As well as playing each of these teams on our local floor.
"The Mutual basketball team is doing things these days. It is understood that they will play the
Fielding bunch of huskies next Saturday at Fielding.
"Conductor L. George Clarke and members of the choir are arranging for some special music to
be rendered at the conference next Sunday.
"Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jenkins entertained Wednesday evening at a delightful card party.
Delicious refreshments were served during the evening. Covers were laid for 12.
"Ye humble editor craves just a little more space to tell of a change that has taken place with
reference to the new home of the Uncle Sam department of our community. We all know how
crude were the accommodations of the former home occupied by it. Not so now, instead our new
postmaster, Mr. John Griffin, generously provided a new building for the better accommodations
of the postoffice's many customers. He has also equipped the same with call and lock boxes of the
standard type and which he began renting to customers with the beginning of the new year. Truly
the building and its equipment are a credit to the community and, the post master should be
congratulated upon providing such a comfortable home in which to house Uncle Sammy and his
loads and loads of mail that reach us daily except Sunday via the carrier route from the Junction."
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 24, 1914.

Jan. 31, 1914 - p. 4 under "Conference at Newton."
"President Alma Merrill and Others in Attendance. W. R. Ballard Sustained in the Bishopric."
"Newton, Jan. 29.--The annual ward conference was held Sunday at 10 and 2 o'clock, both
sessions of which were well attended by the saints. On the stand were President Alma Merrill of
the stake presidency; High Councilmen, W. H. Lewis and Edward Kemp, as well as the bishopric,
and Patriarch W. H. Griffin, Sr.
"The morning session began by the choir and congregation singing the hymn Praise Ye the
Lord, prayer was offered by Elder Amos Clarke. Continued by singing I'll Praise My Maker.
Opening remarks were make by President Merrill and was followed by Bishop Rigby in a report
of the ward. He said that he was pleased to meet the saints in conference and also to report the
condition of the ward's spiritual affairs; because he believe that every organization in the ward was
doing a good work. He commended to the people the efforts of the officers of the various
organizations and said that they were deserving of praise for their labors. He said that inasmuch as
we were believers in the eternity of life, we should feel that this service would bring its full reward
at that time, therefore, we should feel it a duty to work in these offices and should hesitate to ask
to be released for light and trivial causes.
"Said that as a bishopric they had not been fully organized for some time, due to the removal to
Logan of Second Councellor [sic], W. H. Griffin, Jr. but hope before the conference closed to have
that vacancy filled. He paid a splendid tribute to the labors of the Relief Society sisters among
the sick and needy of our ward and said that many homes had just cause to call them blessed
because of the same. Without the sisters he felt that the work of the ward could not be carried on.

Our Sabbath School he said was one of the best in the stake and in every department from the
Kindergarten to the Parents class a great work was being done. The Mutual Improvement
Associations were accomplishing good but could be better attended by the young people.
The same was true of the Primary association it needs the support of the parents to get the
children to come out to the meetings. A cooperation of the parents to that end would take
a great load off the shoulders of the officers in charge.

"A quartet by sister Marinda Hansen and company, pleasingly rendered Lead Kindly Light.
"Patriarch William H. Griffin, Sr., said that he felt well in the performance of his calling and
that during the year had given twenty-five patriarchal blessings, he bore a strong testimony to the
truth of the gospel and said that we got not more out of the church than we put into it.
"Elder James F. Hansen reported the Seventh quorum of Seventy. The membership was 68.
"Elder Jos. J. Larsen reported the Elders quorum having an enrollment of 79

"Second Assistant Superintendent F. W. Fish reported the Sunday School as having an
enrollment of 291 with an average of 104 [hard to read could be 164].
"The report of the Cache Junction branch Sunday school was read by ward clerk W. R. Ballard.
"Miss Ruth Goodsell reported the Young Ladies Association and Sister Elmira Hill reported
the Primary Association.
"Bishop M. C. Rigby report the lesser priesthood. Conductor L. G. Clarke reported the choir.
"Closing remarks were made by Elder Kemp. The choir sang an anthem and the benediction
was pronounced by Elder A. A. Johnson.
"The session at 2 o'clock began by the choir singing Praise To the Man, prayer by Elder John
Jenkins. The choir sang the anthem Rock of Ages. The sacrament was administered by Elders
Ashton Jensen and Lars C. Miller, assisted by Alphonso Christensen, David Rigby, Rulon Rigby
and Walter Cooley. During the passing of the bread an organ solo was rendered by Sister Clara
Hansen and a quartet composed of Miss Norma Benson, Mrs. Elizabeth Funk, Mr. George L.
Jones and A. A. Johnson sang Something For Jesus, during the passing of the water.
"Elder Lars C. Miller reported the High Priests quorum and Alphonso Christensen reported the
Young Men's Association. Sister Hannah Hansen reported the Relief Society and it was shown to
be in a flourishing condition with about 1100 bushels of grain in their storehouse.
"Elder E. H. Cooley reported the Religion Class work and E. W. Fish gave the condition of
the Old Folks' committee. The report of the Cache Junction branch Primary was read by the clerk.
The statistical report showed the population to be 702 souls. The choir then sang an anthem,
Praise the King.
"President Alma Merrill said that he had been well pleased with the reports of the various
organizations. That the work of the various officers should be done willingly and in the spirit of
love and brotherly kindness. He exhorted the priesthood to rally to the support of their various
organizations as each had been placed in our midst for the purpose of making us better saints. The
choir then sang the anthem Praise The Lord and the conference was adjourned for one year. Elder
Henry Bjorkman pronounced the benediction.
"Prof. J. D. Howell of the Agricultural College will speak at the conjoint session of the Young
Men's and Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Associations Sunday night.
"Many of our farmers are taking advantage of the Farmers Roundup at Logan this week and next.
"Miss Naomi Barker who was taken to Salt Lake some time ago for treatment of what was
thought to be an abscess of the ear is reported to be slightly improved in condition.
"Mr. F. T. Griffin is reported as convalescent from a long siege of rheumatism.
"Mrs. Sarah Rigby is visiting relatives in Logan at the present writing.
"Mrs. Ida Miller is quite seriously ill at the present writing due to a complication of female
diseases. We all hope for her speedy recovery.
"Mr. Stork the traveling photographer has been in our city for the past two weeks. As a
result all the school children in the upper grades particularly have been before the camera to
test the power of the lens."
 --The Logan Republican, Jan. 31, 1914.

Feb. 5, 1914 - p. 1 under "Good Year For the Fair."
"There was a good representation of the stockholders of the Cache County Fair Association
present at the annual meeting held February 2 at the Commercial club rooms.. . . The following
directors were elected to serve on the board for the term of three years: C. M. Harris, Robert
Anderson and William H. Thain, Logan; George Romney Jr., Smithfield; F. A. Rawlins,
Lewiston; Michael Anderson, Newton; C. M. Nelson, North Logan; and Z. W. Israelson, Hyrum."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 5, 1914.

Feb. 7, 1914 -p. 4 under "Progressive Village of Newton, Utah."
"Newton, Feb. 5.--The old people of our ward were happy on Wednesday of this week when the
Old Folks committee tendered them their annual old people party. The affair began with the
rendition of a good spicy program of speeches, jokes and songs, after which the tables were spread
with a feast that would have done honor to any of the tables of the royal family and it was a source
of enjoyment to see our veteran sires sit down to the same. When they had eaten to their heart's
content they were permitted to revive the memories of the past in an hour of old time dancing in
which they fully enjoyed themselves. The day was made doubly bright by the assistance rendered
by the boys composing the brass band. Their enlivening strains of music were heard about town
during the morning and they were present to help the program move during the afternoon. It was
well toward five o'clock when the dance was at an end and they were conveyed to their homes.
We appreciate these grey haired citizens in our midst and we love to honor them for what they
have done for our welfare in the past. To see them enjoying the pleasantries of the day, makes us
feel that it would be good to have them with us always, and it is our wish that they may live many
years to enjoy just such entertainments as they were accorded today. God bless our old folks.
"One of the most successful sessions of our Mutual yet held this year was the conjoint session
last Sunday night. We had for the speaker, Professor Joseph D. Howell of the Agricultural
College. His subject was" Evidences of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon. To say
his audience was interested was thoroughly evidenced by the wrapped attention paid to his
remarks which were masterful and showed that the speaker had put diligent search into the subject
in hand. . . .
"Miss Lillian Griffin entertained last Tuesday evening in honor of the sewing and agricultural
clubs of our schools. There were present Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Shipley,
the Misses Minnie Hansen, Maud Barker, Deloma Fish, Orpah Rigby, Veneta Jenkins, Katie
Stone, Lulu Griffin, Rhoda South, Oriel Griffin, Carmen Ballard, Allie Peterson, Uvada Nelson,
Leona Hansen, Daisy Barker, and Edna Benson. The Messrs, Kenneth Benson, Sedly Jensen,
Cyril Clarke, Royden Benson, Perry Benson, Edwin Fish, Murland Fish, Marcus Cooley, Ruben
Benson, Norman Larsen, Isaac Jacobsen, Eleandor South, Parley Peterson, and Joseph Jones.
The evening was spent playing various games and delicious refreshments were served. . . .
"The Newton brass band gave a dance on Friday evening last, at which there was a record
breaking crowd and a general good time was had by all present. A neat little sum was made by
the band which will be used by the boys in equipping the band with musical supplies. It is
understood that the band boys will give a banquet for its members and friends sometime in the
very near future.
"The dance last Friday evening brought home the boys and girls who are attending school at
Logan. Those seen were Mr. Amos Griffin, Howard Griffin, Harold Rigby, Miss Rella Rigby
and Miss Della Peterson. They returned the fore par of the week. . . .
"School closed Thursday of this week on account of a special institute being called to
convene at the Agricultural College on that day to which all the teachers went for the
instruction to be given out there. . . .
"The members of the brass band stood before the camera today to have their pictures taken.
"The Social Hour, a new movement that is being adopted in the Mutuals throughout the
church will be adopted by the local organizations on Thursday night for the first time. Special
instructors from the Brigham Young College are scheduled to appear and give demonstration
lessons on folk dancing and games. Wherever this new departure has been taking up it has
proven a wonder in bringing into these organizations all the members all the time. We hope
as much for its adoption in our own community. . . .
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 7, 1914.

Feb. 14, 1914 - p. 1 under "Honored Citizen Gone to Reward."
"Had Lived in Newton Many Years. Funeral Today. Burial to be in Richmond."
"Newton, Feb. 13.--Peter Peterson, honored and respected citizen of this city, died suddenly on
Wednesday evening. The immediate cause of his death was a stroke. Mr. Peterson had gone out to
attend to the chores which he had been accustomed to doing. His daughter who was living with
him observed that he did not come to the house as soon as she expected and when she went in
search of her father, she found him in an unconscious state. He was taken to the house but soon
died. Mr. Peterson has just passed his 79th year. Since his wife died some four months ago he was
worried considerable and has not been in the best of health. The deceased has made his home in
Newton for many years, having been one of the early settlers of this place. Funeral will be held in
Newton today at 2 p.m. The remains will be interred at Richmond."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 14, 1914.

Feb. 14, 1914 - p. 6 under "Notice to Creditors."
"Estate of Soren Rasmussen, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers
to the undersigned at his residence in Newton Cach[e] county, Utah on or before June 10, 1914.
ASA BULLEN, Attorney."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 14, 1914.

Feb. 17, 1914 - p. 1 under "Services Held For Pioneer."
"Remains of Peter Peterson Taken to Richmond For Burial."
"Newton, Feb. 16,--Impressive funeral services over the remains of Peter Peterson who died
suddenly last Wednesday evening were hold in the ward hall Saturday at 2 o'clock. Bishop M. C.
Rigby presiding.
"The choir rendered a hymn.
"Elder Jenkins offered the opening prayer.
"The echoir [sic choir] then say: I Know That My Redeemer Lives.
"Consoling remarks were made by Elder James F. Hansen who spoke of his acquaintance with
the deceased and the many sterling qualities that he possessed.
"Elder Lars C. Miller was the next speaker who also spoke of his association with the departed
and bore testimony to the many noble characteristics of his brother, the deceased. Both speakers
bore strong testimony to the truthfulness of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection of the dead.
"Brother and Sister L. George Clark then rendered in a very pleasing manner a vocal duet, and
were followed by consoling remarks from Elder John Larson, who spoke of the activities of the
relatives of Peter Peterson, whom it had been his pleasure to meet in the old world. That they
were energetic in performing their duties in the church. He said that immigrants coming to
America were handicapped with the language and often the integrity of the saints was misjudged
because of it, and to his own knowledge he could testify that Brother Peterson was a true
Latterday Saint who was desirous of doing his duties as far as he could.
"Closing remarks were made by Bishop M. C. Rigby. The choir sang the hymn: Consolation, and
the benediction was pronounced by First Counsellor [sic] Christian Christensen.
"The flower decoration were many and beautiful, each being mute evidence of the love and
esteem of his many friends.
"The remains were taken by team to Richmond, his former home, and after services there on
Sunday, they were interred in the Richmond cemetery." --The Logan Republican, Feb. 17, 1914.
Feb. 19, 1914 - p. 8 under "Newton News."
"Newton, Feb. 17.--The annual conference of the Sabbath School was held on February 8.
Supt. W. G. Raymond of Benson stake and board member Don C. Van Dyke were in attendance
at the session.
"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frederickson entertained a party of young folks at a delicious supper last
Tuesday evening. Those present were Messrs. Alphonso Christensen, Parley Rigby, David Rigby,
Rulon Rigby, David Griffin, James Nielsen and William Halumbury. The Misses Clara Hansen,
Leda Allen, Letha Anderson, Della Peterson and Miss Jensen of Weston.
"The Elite Sewing club met at the home of Miss Ida Rigby last Monday evening. Social chat
and sewing took up the time until a late hour. Delicious refreshments were served during the
course of the evening.
"Sister Sarah Rigby of Rigby, Idaho accompanied by her son Willard, have been visiting
relatives and friends here during the past week.
"Lincoln’s birthday brought home most of the boys and girls who are attending school in
Logan. Among them were Elmer Rigby, Harold Rigby, Miss Rella Rigby and Amos Griffin.
"Miss Thelma Clark entertained informally at a party to a number of her friends last
Tuesday afternoon.
"The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bjorkman on Saturday morning leaving
with them a beautiful baby boy. Mother and child are reported to be doing nicely.
"The eighth grade basketball team played the same kind of a quintet from the Richmond
school last Thursday. The result was a victory for the home team. The score stood at the close
22 to 27.
"The Mutual basketball team went to Fielding last Saturday night and played a like aggregation
from there. The resulting score stood 26 to 32 in favor of our boys.
"Professor J. E. Hickman of the B.Y.C. gave a very interesting lecture on the Psychology of the
Christ Child, to a crowded house last Thursday evening. They who came out enjoyed a real treat
from the standpoint of psychology.
"Mrs. L. C. Johnson and Mrs. Metha Christofferson of Richmond came over to attend the
funeral of Peter Peterson. They called upon Mrs. Johnson's son and took dinner before returning.
"Mrs. Ann Clarke who has been seriously ill for some time is now considered out of danger
again. She is now able to be about the room again. It is to be hoped that she will continue to
"Mr. Mads Peter Peterson, one of our old and respected citizens, had been confined to his
room and bed a greater part of the winter. While he seems to be in no particular pain yet he
is quite weak and lacking in physical strength.
"Mrs. Ida Miller, wife of John Miller, who is confined to a ward of the Budge hospital
suffering from female trouble is reported to be convalescent. Her many friends hope for her
complete and early recovery.
"The Cache Junction Gun club a flourishing organization of rue sportsmen located at Cache
Junction held their weekly shoot last Saturday. They were honored with the presence of Mr.
 E. J. Miller, manager of the Western Arms & Sporting Goods Co. of Salt Lake City, Mr. H. J.
Holly of the Salt Lake Hardware Co., and Mr. Henry Stoney of the Logan Arms & Sporting
Goods Co. These gentlemen and others partook of the clubs hospitality at the trap, also a
Magnificent Dutch lunch which was served immediately following the shoot. The five highest
scores of the day stood as follows:
"Possible 100 Birds - Emil L. Ecklund, 89; E. J. Miller, 87; J. P. Murphy, 84.
"Possible 75 Birds - Ed Smith, 67.
"Possible 50 Birds - Ernest Jensen, 42.
"Possible 25 Birds - E. L. Larson, 20.
"The home dramatic company went to Trenton last Tuesday night where they presented the play
[']A White Mountain Boy,['] to a good house."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 19, 1914.

Feb. 21, 1914 - p. 1 under "Much Hay In Teton Basin."
"Driggs, Feb. 19.--Joseph Christensen who recently sold out at Newton, Cache county and
purchased a place in the Teton Basin has baled several carloads of hay to be shipped to Salt Lake.
He is also feeding two thousand head of sheep on his place with hay he purchased with the place.
He has two teams in the canyon working hard getting out lumber to build a barn that will room
about fifty head of cattle and when finished will cost three thousand dollars.
"There is three feet of snow on the level at this writing. The winter has been milder and more
pleasant in the Basin up to this time than it generally is in Cache county. "
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 21, 1914.

Feb. 24, 1914 - p. 8 under "Mendon News."
". . .The Newton and Mendon basketball team clashed on Saturday the 21st and Newton came
out victorious. The score was 32 to 34 in their favor it was a clean game. Our boys say they will
even things up when then go to Newton. We hope so, boys."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 24, 1914.

Feb. 28, 1914 - p. 1 under "Automobile News."
"Mr. Chris Christensen of Newton has bought a new Buick automobile."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 28, 1914.

March 7, 1914 - p.1 under "Prominent Newton Man is Honored by Folks from His ward."
"Newton, March 6.--A most successful ward party was held last Friday evening in honor of
W. H. Griffin, Jr., retiring member of our bishopric, who for the present is making his home in
Logan. The house was filled with his friends which showed too clearly how the honored guest
has won his way in the hearts of the people. The evening was spent in dancing, the rendition of a
short spicy program, and the serving of delicious light refreshments to all. The program rendered
was as follows: Song, Mutual Glee Club; Presentation Speech, J. E. Griffin; Vocal Solo, James
Nelson; Comic Paper on 'Bill',J. J. Larson; Male Quartet,L. G. Clarke and Co.; Conic Recitation, Mrs.
Ivy Rigby; Response, W. H. Griffin, Jr.
"A very handsome ring was presented to the guest as a token of the love and esteem of his
many friends in Newton who are reticent to see Will and his excellent family leave us; but whose
good wishes will go with him always."
- - - - - - -

"Newton can now boast of a moving picture show once a week. An exhibition is given every
Saturday night by a company from Weston, Idaho. The performance so far have been quite
satisfactory to the public.
"Mrs. Christina Barker and daughter, Naomi returned on Friday last from Salt Lake City
after a stay of six weeks. The purpose of the visit was to get treatment for an affection of
the face with which Naomi has been suffering for the past three months with no apparent relief.
They return again today for the purpose of undergoing an operation to see if the seat of the
trouble cannot be removed. The operation will take place at the L.D.S. hospital. Sympathising
with her in this affliction and wishing to show that sympathy towards her, the Mutuals of the
ward gave a benefit dance on Wednesday evening where a neat sum was made and presented to
her to help defray the expense of her operation. We sincerely hope that she will be completely
recovered when she returns to us again.
"Mr. H. P. Allen, brother of Mrs. A. A. Johnson, spent Friday evening and Saturday in Newton.
"Mr. and Mrs. Richard Funk, of Claresholm, Canada, are visiting their nieces Mrs. Annie F.
Rigby and Mrs. Mina F. Griffin. They are glad to renew old acquaintances in Cache valley once more.
"The Mutual basketball team and a like quintet from Mendon, played a game was close
throughout and at at [sic] 4 p.m. resulting in the close score of 37 to 39 in favor of Newton.
The gaame [sic-game] was close throughout and at no time during the game could it be determined
who would be the winner. The game was won in the last minute of play when the local lads made
a spurt and scored three points, thus placing them two points in the lead. It is learned that
these teams will play a game on the B.Y.C. gymnasium floor in the very near future. The
lineup was as follows: NEWTON - R. Griffin, RF; D. Rigby, LF; A. Griffin, C; Christensen, RG;
H. Rigby, LG. MENDON - P. Hardman, RF; Waker, LG; R. Bird, C; E. Bird, RG; G. Hardman, LG.
"Friday, February 27 our eighth grade basketball team met and defeated a like squad from
Smithfield on our local floor. The game was slow at ties [sic-times] and at no time did the
visitors make it interesting for our men. The final score was 20 to 29. The lineup was as
follows: NEWTON - Benson, RF; Jenson, LF; Peterson, C; Benson, RG; Jenkins, LG.
SMITHFIELD - Fjeistead, RF; Hillyard, LF; Tout, C; Corbett, RG; Larson, LG."
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 7, 1914.

March 21, 1914 - p. 1 under "Junction Sunday School Conference."
"Was a Most Successful Meeting, Many Items Of Interest From The Town of Newton."
"Newton, March 19.--The Cache Junction branch of the Newton Sunday School held its annual
conference last Sunday and was one of the most successful gatherings they have yet held. A
good spirit prevailed and their program showed that a great amount of special training had been
done to render the numbers so perfectly. The officers and teachers deserve a mead [?] of praise
for their efforts to make the school a success. Bishop M. C. Rigby, Supt. W. G. Raymond and
board member A. A. Johnson were in attendance at the conference.
"A daintily arranged party was given on Tuesday evening by the eighth grade class of the
schools in honor of the sixth and seventh grades at the school house. The honored guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin, and Mrs. A. A. Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Shipley, Miss Norma
Benson and Miss Lillian Griffin. The evening was spent in games and social pastime to the
delight of all and especially so with the refreshments served. These young people are to be
congratulated upon the success of the evening for it was most pleasing to all.
"The Mutual Dramatic Company went to Mendon Wednesday night and presented The White
Mountain Boy to an appreciative audience. A like troupe from that town presented very creditably
The Witches Secret, at our place the week previous with which we were very favorably impressed.
"Sunday School Union will be held on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in Richmond. Local teachers
should avail themselves of the fair weather and be in attendance.
"The fair weather of the past two weeks has put most of our farmers into their fields, putting
them in shape for spring crops. Some seeding has commenced this week.
"Word from Salt Lake City says, that the doctors found Miss Naomi Barker so much improved
in condition of health that the operation has been postponed indefinitely. The affection of the face
had broken in the throat and was doing as well as could be expected and was a feature which the
doctors hoped would develop.
"Mrs. Ida Miller is reported as being on the improve at the present writing.
"Mr. and Mrs. Leon Clarke are rejoicing over the safe arrival of a beautiful baby girl, born last
week. The proud papa is busy these days listening to the echoes of such a title as they are
answered back from the rain barrel and with which he is pleased beyond measure.
"Many of our young men are preparing to leave for their ranches in Idaho if good weather
"Mrs. Ola Hansen is convalescent from an attack of rheumatism as is also Mrs. Dan. Benson.
"Quarterly examinations in the schools were given on Thursday and Friday."
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 21, 1914.

March 21, 1914 - p.5 under "Local News.
"Ex-Sheriff George Rigby of Newton was in Logan 
 Logan Republican, Mar. 21, 1914.

April 28, 1914 - p. 5 under "LocaL News."
"Mrs. w. H. Stewart and sister, Miss Alta Richards were among the Logan people who attended
the funeral held in Newton yesterday for Sheriff Barker's sister."
--The Logan Republican, April 28, 1914.

April 30, 1914 - p. 5 under "Marriage Licenses."
"George A. Lindquist of Logan and Edna Orilla Rigby of Newton."
--The Logan Republican, April 30, 1914.

April 30, 1914 - p. 8 under "Auto News."
"W. H. Griffin of Newton, W. D. Lloyd, a traveling man, and George Leishman, are all driving
new automobiles taken out this week."
--The Logan Republican, April 30, 1914.

May 2, 1914 - p. 4 under "Estray Notice."
"State of Utah, County of Cache.
"In the Newton precinct of said county I have in my possession the following described animal
which if not claimed and taken will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Friday, May
8, 1914 at the hour of one o'clock: One bay horse about three years old with balley face, four white
feet and branded with a mark resembling an O on left thigh.
Poundkeeper For Newton Precinct."
--The Logan Republican, May 2, 1914.

May 5, 1914 - p. 1 under "Naomi Barker Is Laid to Rest."
"Most Impressive services Held At Newton Where Last Rites Were Held."
"Newton, May 2.--Impressive funeral services over the remains of Miss Naomi B. Barker,
daughter of Mrs. Christina Barker, who departed this life Saturday morning, April 25, were held
from the ward house last Monday at two o'clock p.m. with Bishop M. C. Rigby conducting the
ceremony. The choir sand, O, My Father. Elder J. E. Griffin offered the opening prayer and the
choir rendered the selection, Sister Thou Wast Mild and Lovely. Elder A. A. Johnson was the first
speaker. He dwelt on the sterling qualities of the deceased and in closing read a poem from the
pen of our venerable sister E. H. Weakly, who composed it of the occasion. A male quartet
composed of George Jones, L. George Clarke, E. H. Cooley and E. W. Fish, rendered very
touchingly, Crossing the Bar. Elder William H. Griffin, Sen., was the next speaker, who dwelt
feelingly on the life of the deceased and on the belief of the saints in the hereafter. The choir then
rendered God Be With You Till We Meet again and was followed by Elder E. H. Cooley who
spoke of his associations with the deceased and in a touching manner showed the faith that she had
in the gospel and had endured throughout her long illness. She had died knowing that God lived
and was the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Miss Letha Anderson recited with music
by Sister Sloan one of the last songs that deceased had chosen to sing, entitled, My Faith In Thee.
It showed too clearly that her faith in God was well grounded and her knowledge of the gospel
was more than a mere passing one. Closing remarks were made by Bishop M. C. Rigby after
which the choir sang, Silently Passing Away. The benediction was pronounced by Elder William F.
Jensen, Sr. A long cortege of sorrowing friends followed the remains to their last resting place in
the city cemetery. The grave was dedicated by Elder Charles A. Christensen of Logan.
"One of the strongest testimonials of her wide circle of friends was the presence of so many
beautiful flowers from the following doners [sic] as well as many others whose names did not
appear on their contribution: [A long listing.] "
--The Logan Republican, May 5, 1914.

May 7, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"The Blair Motor Company has just unloaded a car of Buick cars. Thomas Greaves of Preston
has purchased the 55 horse power 6 cylinder Buick which has been on display at the company's
garage. M. C. Rigby of Newton has purchased a 35-4, and A. A. Scheby and John Stender have
purchased Fords."
--The Logan Republican, May 7, 1914.

May 12, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"We desire to thank all who assisted in any way, during the recent illness and death of
Ane Marie Jensen Fugisang of Newton, Utah.
"We earnest desire that they may never want for like sympathy in their hour of bereavement."
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mouritsen, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Benson.
--The Logan Republican, May 12, 1914.

May 14, 1914 - p. 4 under "Graduates Cache County Schools For 1913-1914."
"A. A. Johnson, teacher; Royden Benson, Carmen Ballard, Maud Barker, Orpha Rigby, Minnie
Hansen, Sedley Jensen, Cyril Clarke, Perry Benson, Lula Griffin, Edwin Fish, Delomb Fish,
Veneta Jenkis, Lera South."
--The Logan Republican, May 14, 1914.

May 26, 1914 - p. 1 under "Baseball Tomorrow." [Tuesday]
"Tomorrow afternoon the Logan baseball team meets the fast aggregation from Cache Junction.
That Cache Junction has a fast team is proved from the fact that they have defeated Wellsville,
Newton, Garland and many other fast teams. . . ."
--The Logan Republican, May 26, 1914.

June 4, 1914 - p 1 under "Fine Piece of Road Building."
"County Bridge Over Bear River Near Newton Will Soon Be Traveled."
"The new bridge over Bear river near Newton and the approaches leading to it have now been
completed and with a force of men working on the subway at the railroad track it will be but a few
days until this fine piece of road will be opened to the public for travel. This bridge which is a
220 foot span, is pronounced the best of its kind to be found in the state. It is built to carry a 20
ton roller. The structure rests on heavy piles encased in large steel tubes filed with concrete. With
the completion of this road, the old road which is considerably longer and a higher percent grade
will be abandoned. The new road has been graded from the point where it intersects the old one to
the bridge on both sides of the bridge. It is a very pretty piece of road work, something that
Commissioner Olif Cronquist is very proud of. It was done under the supervision of Road
Supervisor William Peterson, one of the most practical road builders in northern Utah. Engineer
Humpherys who looked after the county's interests during the construction of the bridge,
commends very highly the work done by the construction company. The railroad people, in
coming to the rescue of the county with the subway, have assisted with a public improvement
which should remain a lasting monument to the present county administration."
--The Logan Republican, June 4, 1914.

June 6, 1914 - p. 4 under "Intermountain News in Brief."
"Cache County Progressives."
"LOGAN, June 6.--The Cache county Progressive held their county convention in Logan
Friday. The delegates and alternates elected are as follows:
"From Logan --[9 delegates & 4 alternates named]. . . .
"Delegates from outside Logan-- [14 delegates named] . . .Alternates--Thomas Court, Trenton;
William L. Winn, Smithfield; E. A. Parsons, Newton; . . . Moroni Beck, Cache Junction."
--Salt Lake Telegram, June 6, 1914.

June 11, 1914 -p. 1 under "All About Prosperous Newton."
"Newton, June 9.--The recent storms has no doubt been a great blessing to the farmers of this
valley, but it is also doing considerable damage to the hay crop.
"Mrs. Levilla Christenson recently operated for some complaints of long standing is
reported being very sick, still she is getting along as well as could be expected. Her relatives are
being called to her bedside.
"Miss Fay Clarke is reported improving.
"Miss Ida Miller is improving every day if all is well will be allowed the use of her feet.
"Last week the insurance claim on the life of the late Miss Naomi B. Barker was paid to her
beneficiary, Mrs. C. M. Barker by Niels Jacobsen the representative of the Beneficial Life
Insurance Company. Miss Barker was insured in the industrial department a year ago.
"Mrs. Stanford of Salt Lake City, is visting her sister-in-law Mrs. C. M. Barker.
"The electric lights for Newton is assured, contracts are being signed according to the amount
of electricity wanted.
"The electric storm recently visited our town this time it put our meeting house in darkness
and destroyed a few window lights.
The Logan Republican, June 11, 1914.

June 25, 1914 - p. 7 under "Newton to Celebrate Fourth of July--Hold Primary Conference."
"Newton, June 21.--The Fourth of July will be duly celebrated at Newton. A committee
was name today as follows:
"Alphonso Christensen, George Ecklund, Parley Rigby, Hazel Benson, Ida Rigby.
"Newton, June 22.--Primary conference was held last Sunday, June 21 . . .
"Bishop M.C. Rigby presented the officers of the Primary as follows:
"Elmira B. Hill, president; Mrs. Frank Griffin, first counselor; Mrs. Marcus Cooley,
second counselor; Mrs. Phebe Smith, president Cache Junction Primary; Mrs. Moses Dahle,
first counselor; Mrs. Ernest Ballard, second counselor.
". . . Bishop Rigby urged the parents to support the officers and the Primary work and
considered that much good was done to the children and still more could be done. We have
good organizations at Newton and Cache Junction."
--The Logan Republican, June 25, 1914.

June 25, 1914 - p. 8 under "Marriage Licenses."
"James Johnson of Newton and Ophelia Mantle of Fielding."
--The Logan Republican, June 25, 1914.

June 30, 1914 - p. 7 under "Mrs. Sevilla Christensen Buried in Newton."
[Article accompanied by a picture of "Mr. and Mrs. Lars A. Christensen."]
"Sad Death of One of Newton's Most Worthy Mothers. Beautiful Funeral Services."
"Newton, June 29.--For the fifth time within a few months the messenger of death has cast a
gloom over our town by the unexpected death of Mrs. Sevilla Christensen which occurred on
Saturday, June 13. A few days previous to her death Mrs. Christensen was seized with a severe
attack of strangulated rupture which necessitated an immediate operation. In spite of all that could
be done, however, the disease proved fatal. The funeral services over the remains of our beloved
sister, were held on June 16 at 2 o'clock p.m. The program follows:
"Singing by the choir, 'Sometimes We'll Understand,' prayer by James F. Hanson, singing by
the choir, speech by William F. Jenson, Sr., speech by William H. Griffin Sr., quartet, 'I'll Go
Where You Want Me to Go,' by Miss Hazel Benson and company; solo, 'Jerusalem,' by Ed Fish;
speech by William H. Griffin, Jr.; duet, 'Some Day, Somewhere,' by Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke;
resolutions of condolence from the Relief Society were read by Mrs. Annie F. Rigby; remarks by
Bishop M. C. Rigby; singing by choir, benediction by Lorenzo Larson.
"All of the speakers spoke of the great work done and the good life led by the departed sister.
Her casket was literally covered with beautiful floral offerings contributed by her many friends.
"Mrs. Sevilla Christensen was born at Odense, Denmark on March 11, 1848. She joined the
Mormon church at an early age and in 1871 she came to Utah. For some time she lived in Ogden.
Then she moved to Plain City were for a number of years, she supported herself and three children
(by a former marriage) by her own efforts. On November 16, 1876 she married Lars Andrew
Christensen. With him she made her home in Bear River City, where they lived till May 1888,
when the family moved to Newton. Mrs. Christensen has always been an energetic worker in the
various organization of the church, especially in the Relief Society.
"Mrs. Christensen was a woman of a very pleasant temperament, always cheerful and ready to
comfort and cheer those who were in need or afflicted. She was highly esteemed and beloved by
our whole community, and will be sadly missed for a long time to come.
"She was a mother of eight children, five of whom, with her husband and nine grandchildren,
survive her.
"The heartfelt sympathy of our community goes out to the bereaved husband and family."
--The Logan Republican, June 30, 1914.

July 4, 1914 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Wheat Crop Conditions."
"Clarkston, July.--. . . .
". . .The crop conditions were never more promising. . . .However, there has been considerable
set backs on account of the heavy frosts which have damaged many fields. . . .
"Bishop Martin Rigby of Newton was in town today inspection the grain throughout the
Clarkston valley. The farmers are awaiting with interest his decision as to the amount of grain
damage as Bishop Rigby has very mature judgment on wheat crops, having made a very careful
study of the subject for years."
--The Logan Republican, July 4, 1914.

July 9, 1914 - p.3 under "Newton to Celebrate Pion [sic] Day."
"Newton, July 7.--Newton is preparing to celebrate the 24th in good old fashioned style. The
following head committee is in charge: M. C. Rigby, W. F. Jensen, Jr., Jos. J. Larson, Ashton
Jenson and John Hanson.
"The Fourth was duly celebrated, a good many visitors being here from Cache valley towns and
southern Idaho notwithstanding the rain.
"Newton people succeeded in getting all their hay in with very little damage, considering
the rainy weather. A bounteous harvest is anticipated, only a small percentage of the grain being
damaged by the recent frost.
"The health of the people is good. Very little sickness of any kind exists here now, those
who have been sick having almost recovered."
--The Logan Republican, July 9, 1914.

July 30, 1914 - p. 1 under "Marriage Licenses."
"J. W. Villett of Logan and Susie Barker of Newton."
--The Logan Republican, July 30, 1914.

Sept. 1, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"W. P. Hansen, Newton's leading contractor and builder was in Logan Saturday. He says the
farmers are reaping good crops. A fine room has just been completed by him in the Newton
district school building. This building is now ready for occupancy at the opening of school. There
will now be five schools conducted at this growing berg this season. A. A. Johnson of Cove is
principal of this school."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 1, 1914.

Sept. 3, 1914 - p. 1 under "B.Y.C. Makes Effective Campaign."
"The college authorities report that a very successful tour through Cache and Box
Elder counties in the interest of Church school work, has been made. The tourists were initiated
by a large public gathering at Hyrum on August 9. . . . The large audience showed much
sympathy for the cause the speakers were representing and a very warm welcome was tendered
by the people of Hyrum as well as the old B.Y. students. The following day, August 10, Paradise
was visited and although the people were very busy with their farm work, the chapel was crowded
to the doors by 8:30. A lively interest was manifested in the message the professors had to give.
No less interest was shown by the large audiences in each of the following towns and cities visited
in the order mentioned: Millville, Providence, Hyde Park, Benson, Mendon, Wellsville, Newton,
Clarkston, Beaver, Fielding, Deweyville, Honeyville, Brigham, Garland, Blue Creek, Tremonton,
Richmond, Lewiston, Franklin, Preston, Smithfield. The tour closed on August 30.
"From all indications given the professors on their journey the college enrollment will be far in
advance this year over that of last."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 3, 1914.

Sept. 29, 1914 - p. 5 under "Richmond Department."
"Miss LaRu Carson was the happy recipient of a bundle shower last Friday evening. . . .
LaRu and Mr. Alma Rigby of Newton will be married at the Logan temple next Wednesday and a
host of friends wish them a pleasant journey thru life."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 29, 1914.

Oct. 8, 1914 - p. 8 under "Official Report of Prize Winners at County Fair."
"Tramworths -- Sows under six months owned by Waldo Barker, Newton, first and second
prizes and champion."
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 8, 1914.

Oct. 13, 1914 - p. 1 under "Registration Agents Names."
"Today is registration day. We list herewith the registration agents of the various precincts:
"Newton -- Mrs. Elizabeth Funk." --The Logan Republican, Oct. 13, 1914.
Oct. 13, 1914 - p.5 under "Utah Briefs."
"LOGAN, Oct. 13.--The Democratic-Progressive ticket for Cache county, selected at
conventions held here yesterday, follows:
"For state senator, J. W. Funk of Richmond;. . . Sheriff, John H. Barker of Cache Junction. . . ."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 13, 1914.

Oct. 24, 1914 - p. 4 under "Judges of Elections for 1914."
"Newton -- John E. Griffin, W. F. Jensen, Jr., Fritz Ecklund."
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 24, 1914.

Nov. 3, 1914 - p. 7 under "Polling Places For Election."
Avon, Avon meeting house;. . .Clarkston, Amusement hall; College, College wad meeting house;
Cove, Cove meeting house; Cornish, Meeting house; Hyde Park, Vestry of meeting house;. . .
Logan No. 7, Fourth ward meeting house; Logan No. 8, German meeting house; . . . Mt. Sterling,
Meeting house; . . .Millville, Vestry of meeting house; Newton, Meeting house; North Logan,
North Logan meeting house;. . . Providence, Vestry First ward meeting house; Paradise, South
room Paradise meeting house;. . .Richmond, No. 2, Scandinavian meeting house; . . .Stephenson,
Basement ward meeting house; . . . Wheeler, Meeting house."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 3, 1914.

Nov. 3, 1914 - p. 8 under "Clarkston Clippings."
"Clarkston, Nov. 2.-- . . .This has surely been a week of rallies our little town has
certainly been alive with the talk of political affairs of late. A number of our people
went to Newton Friday last to hear Senator Smoot. They report his talk as being excellent
and a great deal of the sentiment is that he is the right man to represent our fair state
in Congress. . . . Mrs. Goody of Newton is visiting here with her son and old time friends"
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 3, 1914.

Nov. 10, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"The two tramps who took the pig from Peter Benson's ranch near Newton and roasted it on
the railroad track near the ranch are safely in the county jail, having been taken into custody by the
county sheriff."
 --The Logan Republican, Nov. 10, 1914.

Nov. 17, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"Fritz Ecklund, prominent citizens of Newton, was in Logan yesterday settling taxes and
attending to business affairs."
"Mrs. A. A. Johnson, of Newton, spent part of the week in Logan, returning to her home last
evening. She has been the guest of her sister Miss Salet Allen, during her sojourn in Logan."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 17, 1914.

Nov. 26, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"The county school election will be held on December 2 at which time three members of the

board are to be elected. The board members whose terms expire January 1 are John E. Griffin

of Newton; Sylvester Lowe of Smithfield and C. C. Peterson of Hyrum."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 26, 1914.
Dec. 1, 1914 - p. 1 under "School Election On Wednesday."
"The county school election will be held Wednesday. Candidates were nominated at primaries
held Saturday in the three districts in which the board members terms expire. In District No. 1,

C. J. Christensen of Hyrum was nominated; District No. 3, Sylvester Low of Smithfield was

nominated; District No. 5, Joseph A. Godfrey was nominated. In Districts 2 and 4, John S.
Leatham and G. A. Hogan are holdovers.
"It is said in District No. 1 there will be a lively contest at the polls as the Paradise
voters expect to run John P. James.
"John E. Griffin of Newton and C. C. Peterson of Hyrum are the retiring members."
--The Logan Republican, Dec. 1, 1914.
Dec. 8, 1914 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"Dr. S. E. Nelson, a graduate of U.A.C. and a Cache county man, having been born at Newton,
is enjoying a good practice at Preston. Mr. Nelson is assistant state veterinarian. There have
been no evidences of the dreaded foot and mouth disease so prevalent in the east found in Idaho,
according to Dr. Nelson." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 8, 1914.
Dec. 17, 1914 - p. 1 under "1915 Jury List in Cache County."
"Jury commissioners A. M. Fleming and M. C. Rigby have reported the following list of jurors
for the year 1915:
"NEWTON - John Hansen, John Larsen, Andrew Petersen, Soren P. Petersen, John Benson, Fritz

Ecklund and James P. Hansen." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 17, 1914.
April 9, 1915 - p. 5 under "Utah State News."
"Stanley Hansen, aged 8 years, son of Eli Hansen of Newton, was burned to death when
a burning straw stack on which he and several other boys had climbed caved in."
--Carbon County News, April 9, 1915.
July 8, 1915 - p. 10 under "District Two."
[A newspaper contest]
"Grace Adams, Layton, Utah -17,140
Nalo Bouling, Brigham City -60,270
Mrs.Wallace Nelson, P.O. box 61, Newton, Ut. - 12,620
--Salt Lake Telegram, July 8, 1915.

Aug. 24, 1915 - p. 5 under "Transportation of Students Will be Paid by County."
"Logan, Aug. 24.--The county board of education has decided in favor of the establishment
of a high school course of one year at Trenton and against the establishment of such courses at
Newton and Clarkston. The three places bidding for the work are all located on the west side of
the valley and it is the belief of the board that the one course established at Trenton can be made to
serve all three.
"Charles G. Wood, from the district comprising the west side, urged the board to establish high
schools at all three places. Although his home is at Trenton, Wood voted against the
establishment of the course at that place, stating that the other places deserved the course as well
as his own town. The other members held that the district could not afford to maintain schools at
all three places, and that the board could most easily maintain the school at Trenton, for there
would be no expense t here for building, as a vacant schoolhouse is located there ready for use.
"The matter of transporting pupils living at places other than Trenton to the high school at that
place was discussed. After considerable debate it was decided to pay the transportation of pupils
living outside of Trenton who desire to attend the schools." --Salt Lake Telegram, Aug.24, 1915.
Aug. 27, 1915 - p. 6 under "Teachers Named for All Schools of Cache County."
"Clarkston -- R. F. Shumway, Fred Cutler, Lavon G. Smith, Ella McEwen, Martha Parry,
Sarah Hayward.
"Newton--A. A. Johnson, principal; Amos Griffin, Veda Merrill, Norma Benson, Gladys Hill.
"Trenton --William H. Hoskin, principal; Josephine Cunningham, Annabel Miller, May Ridd."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 27, 1915.

Oct. 17, 1915 - 23 - advertisement
"The Jeffery Four --Standard Seven-Passenger . . .$1035
Without Auxiliary Seats. . . . $1000
[Picture of family in the automobile]
New seven-passenger body--divided front seats--extra length springs--
two hundred pounds lighter--the first automobile of its quality, size
and efficiency to sell at a $1000 price.
Distributed in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming by
69-71 West Fourth South Phone Was. 1401.
DEALERS--ALBERT TRACY, Almo, Idaho; MOTOR INN (T.J. Winter & sons),
Rexburg, Idaho; C. W. BAGWELL, McGill, Nevada; P. E. JENKINS, Newton, Utah.
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 17, 1915.

Oct. 31, 1915 - p. 22- advertisement.
[Picture of Jeffery car with lady in back seat.]

"Jeffery Six - $1350
"Some Specification as the famous Jeffery Chesterfield Six--$300
lower in price--refined to an ever smoother, quieter operation.
"A 'Style carriage' in every sense of the word--a luxuriously easy riding
car--fashionable in its lines--silent operation--enduring in service.
Typical of the advanced engineering design and supreme quality representing by
this car are the Lanchester cantilever spring suspension and the silent worm
gear drive. These two features alone differentiate the Jeffery Six from all
other American automobiles. They are found elsewhere on only Europe's most
costly motor cars.
See the Jeffery Six today--orders must be placed immediately to
insure early delivery.
"Tracy – Chadwick - Kimball, Inc.
Distributor of
Jeffery Motor Cars and Trucks
69-71 West Fourth South St. Phone Was. 1401.
Salt Lake City.
P. C. Winter, Rexburg, Ida.
P. E. Jenkins, Newton, Utah.
Willard Hanson, Jr., Traveling Salesman. --Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 31, 1915.
Nov. 14, 1915 - p. 22 advertisement.
"The Jeffery Four Sedan
"Combining winter luxury and Summer comfort
(The top is removed . . . )
[Picture of enclosed sedan with several person seated in the car with three outside the car.]
(Top Removable) Seven Passenger, $1035
Five Passenger, $1165 Five Passenger, [illegible]
Seven Passenger, $1200 THREE PASSENGER ROADSTER, $1088
"Picture to yourself a handsome, high-grade, beautifully finished, luxuriously easy-riding
enclosed coach--put as much quality into your picture as you can--and you still will not be
overestimating the quality and appearance of the Jeffery Four Sedan. Yet the cost of this
car complete is extremely moderate--and the Sedan body is easily removed, giving you an
open touring car including summer top for pleasant-weather touring.
"Divided front seats afford easy access from the front compartment to the Tonneau. Windows, extra
wide, three-sixteenth inch crystal plate, ground and polished, adjustable for ventilation.
Curtains, silk portiere type. Upholstery, grey whipcord--leather optional for seats. Interior
illumination from an electric dome light.
Prices F.O.B. Kenosha, Wisconsin
Distributors of
69-71 West Fourth South Main, Salt Lake City.
A. Tracy, Almo, Idaho P. E. Jenkins, Newton, Utah
C. P. Winter & Sons, Rexburg, Idaho Willard Hanson, Traveling Salesman.
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 14, 1915.

Nov. 16, 1915 – p. 1 under "Arrested on a Burglary Charge."
"John Nelson, familiarly known hereabouts as ‘Jack’ Nelson, a resident of Newton, was arrested
on Sunday by Sheriff Barker and his deputy Mr. Winschell of Cache Junction. A week or so ago
the theft of wheat from granaries on the west side of the valley was reported and after
investigation of the matter the sheriff came to the conclusion that Mr. Nelson was the guilty party.
He informed him of that fact and then several days later went to the Nelson home in Newton to
serve the warrant of arrest. He could not find his man then nor on other occasions so set a watch
on him. On Sunday he and Mr. Winschell sought the Nelson home, but were unable to induce
anyone to unlock the place for them, although the family was at home. Finally the Sheriff
concluded to break in and pried a window open. He and the deputy entered the house and not
finding any trace of their man upstairs went down into the cellar, the sheriff being in advance. He
had his search light in his hand and after examining the cellar a little lifted a cover from some
sacks of potatoes and there behind the tubers was Nelson.
"Before the Sheriff could speak he found himself looking down the barrel of a big revolver,
held by Nelson who commanded him to get out of the place as fast as he could. The Sheriff stood
his ground however, calling to his deputy to cover Nelson. Mr. Winschell leveled his revolver at
Nelson and threatened the latter with instant death if he moved[,] walked up and reached for
Nelson’s pistol when Jack threw it to the ground. The prisoner was brought to Logan at once and
lodged in jail. He will likely be called upon to answer to a charge of burglary in the second degree
and resisting an officer.
"Yesterday he was arraigned on the first named charge and entered a plea of not guilty before
Judge Brangham. His bail was fixed at $2,000 and at this writing he had not furnished it."
--The Journal, Nov. 16, 1915.

Nov. 18, 1915 - p. 8 under "Locals."
"LAND FOR SALE.--Section 16 and the north half of sections 20 and 21 in township 14,
Range 5 West in Box Elder County. Address Geo. C. Rigby, Newton, Utah."
--The Box Elder News, Nov. 18, 1915.

Nov. 21, 1915 - p. 2 under "Richfield Wins Clean Town Contest; Salt Lake Second...."
"Richfield is the cleanest town in Utah. This is the decision of the state board of health
as given in the results of the 1915 Clean-town contest announced yesterday by Dr. T. B. Beatty,
secretary. Out of a possible score of 100, Richfield made a total of 73.5. Salt Lake took first
place in Class A--cities of 15,000 or more population--winning over Ogden with 72.5 to Ogden's
70.5 and won second place in the statewide scoring. Ogden was ahead of Salt Lake last year.
"The contest, which has been in progress since May, has been conducted by the state board
of health. . . .
"Following the giving out of the contest results, Dr. Beatty announced that the contest will
be made an annual affair . . . .
"There were no prizes this year except a few local premiums and Dr. Beatty also expects to
have prizes offered hereafter. With the exception of three small towns in southern Utah . . . all
incorporated cities and towns in Utah were scored. . . .
[Judging criteria & points given]
1. Sewage: Disposal of Privies, Cesspools, etc. - 15
2. Stables and corrals - disposal of manure, etc. - 15
3. Garbage, collection and disposal - 10
4. Water supply - 10
5. Sanitation of School Houses - 5
6. Sanitary Marketing of Food - 5
7. Presence of Flies - 5
8. Sanitation of the Home, cleanliness of the Home, - 5
9. Condition of Streets, Parks and Alleys -10
10. General appearance of Homes, Barns, Barnyards - 5
11. Lawns and Flower Gardens - 5
12. Vacant Lots - 5
13. Fences Total 100
Class "A" -Over 15,000 Population
Salt Lake 72.5
Ogden 70.5
Class "B" - 3,500 to 15,00 Population
Brigham 71
Provo 65
Logan 69.5
Class "C" - 2500 to 3500 Population
Richfield 73.5
Class "D" - 1500 to 2500 Population
St. George 72
Richmond 48
Smithfield 47
Wellsville 46
Hyrum 44
Class "E" - 750 to 1500 Population
Vernal 65
Lewiston 40.5
Providence 37
Class "F" - Under 750 Population
Hurricane 70
Hyde Park 44.5
Clarkston 42.5
Newton 40.5
Mendon 39.5
Millville 39
Paradise 32
[Evaluation per each judging criteria, i.e. #1= Sewage: Disposal. . . .]
Logan -#1-8; #2-9; #3-7; #4-4; #5-3; #6-3; #7-2.5; #8-3.5; #9-7.5: #10-3; #11-2.5; #12-2.2; #13-3.5 =69.5
Richmond -#1-5; #2-7; #3-3; #4-9; #5-4; #6-2.5; #7-2; #8-2.5; #9-3; #10-4; #11-2; #12-2; #13-3 =48
Smithfield -#1-5; #2-7; #3-3; #4-9.5; #5-3.5; #6-2; #7-2; #8-3; #9-4; #10-2.5; #11-2.5; #12-1; #13-2 =47
Wellsville -#1-4; #2-7; #3-3; #4-9; #5-3.5; #6-2; #7-2; #8-2.5; #9-4; #10-2.5; #11-2; #12-2.5; #13-2 =45
Hyde Park - #1-3; #2-7; #3-2; #4-9; #5-2.5; #6-2; #7-2; #8-3; #9-4; #10-2; #11-2.5; #12-2.5; #13-3 = 44.5
Hyrum - #1-2; #2-7; #3-4; #4-6; #5-3; #6-3.5; #7-2; #8-2.5; #9-5; #10-2.5; #11-3; #12-1; #13-2.5 =44
Lewiston - #1-2.5; #2-6; #3-3; #4-6.5; #5-3.5; #6-2.5; #7-2; #8-2.5; #9-3; #10-2.5; #11-2.5; #12-1; #13-3 =40.5
Clarkston -#1-3; #2-6; #3-2; #4-9.5; #5-4; #6-3; #7-1; #8-3; #9-4; #10-2; #11-1; #12-1; #13-3 =42.5
Newton - #1-4; #2-5; #3-2; #4-7; #5-2.5; #6-2.5; #7-2; #8-3; #9-4; #10-2; #11-1.5; #12-2; #13-3 = 40.5
Mendon - #1-2; #2-6; #3-2; #4-9; #5-2; #6-2.5; #7-2.5; #8-2.5; #9-2; #10-2; #11-1.5; #12-3; #13-2.5 =39.5
Millville -#1-2; #2-7; #3-2; #4-5; #5-2; #6-2.5; #7-2.5; #8-2.5; #9-4; #10-2.5; #11-2; #12-3; #13-2 = 39
Providence -#1-2; #2-6; #3-2; #4-4; #5-4; #6-2.5; #7-2; #8-3; #9-2; #10-2.5; #11-2; #12-2; #13-3 = 37
Paradise - #1-2; #2-5; #3-2; #4-1; #5-2; #6-2.5; #7-2; #8-2.5; #9-3; #10-2.5; #11-2; #12-2.5; #13-3 =32
[Averages for Cache County in each evaluation category:
#1 - 3.4; #2 - 6.5; #3 - 2.8; #4 - 6.7; #5 - 3; #6 - 2.5; #7 - 2; #8 - 2.7; #9 - 3.7; #10- 2.5; #11- 2; #12- 2;
#13- 2.5.]
--Salt Lake Telegraph, Nov. 21, 1915.

Dec. 16, 1915 - p. 1 under "Mrs J. C. Gasberg Answers Summons."
"On Monday evening . . .Mrs. Gertrude Marie Gasberg, beloved wife of Jens C. Gasberg,
passed peacefully away at the family home on South Main Street. . . . Mrs. Gasberg was born at
Skanderborg. Denmark on the fourth day of February, 1837. She grew to young womanhood
in her native land and became acquainted with the gospel . . .as taught by the Latter Day Saints
and in 1866 accepted the same. Two years later she became the wife of Mr. Gasberg . . . .They
left their native land before the end of that year and arrived in Salt Lake City with the last
company of saints to make the trip across the plains with ox teams.
"Mr. and Mrs. Gasberg came to Brigham to reside and later removed to Newton where they
lived for three years. They returned to Brigham City where they have resided ever since. . . . "
--The Box Elder News, Dec. 16, 1915.

Dec. 22, 1915 - P. 1 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Neils W. Christiansen and Emma M. Hill, Newton, Utah."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 22, 1915.

Dec. 23, 1915 – p. 21 under "Local News."
"John Nelson of Newton who as arrested some weeks ago for appropriating wheat that did
not belong to him had his preliminary hearing on a charge of burglary in the second degree before
Judge Lowe of the Logan City court. After the testimony had been introduced, the court took
the case under advisement until the 27th. --The Journal, Dec. 23, 1915.
Jan. 5, 1916 - p. 2 under "Marriage Licenses"
"Junius Rigby and Hazel N. Benson, Newton, Utah."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 5, 1916.

Jan. 6, 1916 – p. 5 under "Local News."
"John Nelson came before Judge Call yesterday and pleaded not guilty to a charge burglary
in the second degree. His attorney pleaded for a reduction in bail required and the court reduced
it from $1,000 to $500. As soon as Nelson emerged from the courtroom, however, Sheriff Barker
re-arrested him on a charge of resisting an officer. He was taken before City Justice Lowe and
that official released him on a $50 bond, much too the disgust of the officers."
--The Journal, Jan. 6, 1916.

Jan. 20, 1916 - p. 2 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Royal J. Griffin and Evelyn Christensen, Newton." --Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 20, 1916.
March 12, 1916 - p. 33 advertisement.
JEFFERY "America's Standard Automobile at $1000 Price."
69-71 Auto Row
P. E. Jenkins, Newton, Utah.
--Salt Lake Telegram, March 12, 1916.

March 14, 1916 – p. 1 under "Big Night Fire Occurs in Newton."
"Newton, March 13.—Sunday morning between two and three o’clock, fire was discovered
in the Newton Co-op. The alarm was sent in and soon a large crowd was on the scene, but
nothing could be done to save the building as the whole structure was enveloped in flames. The
entire building and its contents were burned to the ground. The flames soon spread to the
postoffice which stood nearby and also took the building which was owned by Miss Ruth
Jenkins. The Co-op was owned by a number of men. Both places carried some insurance. The
origin of the fire is not known.
"Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Jenkins are rejoicing over the safe arrival of a baby girl which was born
on the 6th. All concerned are doing well.
"Our snow is about all gone and the farmers are preparing for spring work.
"Mr. Amos Rigby has just returned from Bancroft, where he has been to purchase hay for
spring and look over the situation preparatory to moving back on his farm for the summer. He
reports about a foot of snow on the level in that part of the country.
"Mr. George Rigby has just returned from the Snake river country where he had been engaged
in buying wheat."
--The Journal, March 14, 1916.

April 11, 1916 - p. 1 under "Annie Christensen Dies."
"On Wednesday last, Miss Annie Christensen, formerly of this city, died at her home in
Newton from dropsy. This good woman spent about forty years of her life in this city, making her
home first with C. W. Knudson and family and later with J. M. Jenson and family. She and her
sister Dora removed to Newton about fifteen years ago where they have resided since. Funeral
services were held at that place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Leo Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. E.
Claud Jenson of this city went over to be present at the services."
--The Box Elder News, April 11, 1916.

May 16, 1916 – p. 6 under "Newton to Have Electric Lights."
"Newton, May 12.—Newton people are rejoicing over the prospects of electricity which they
soon hope to have the use of. The contracts are signed up and a majority of the houses are
wired all ready to be connected up. It is expected to be here by June. We are just waiting for
the company to build the line.
"There has been some dispute over the route of the new state road which is to be made on this
side, two petitions have been circulated for the taxpayers to sign; one to have it go through the
center of town and the other a block lower. Commissioner Bergeson met with the land owners
Monday evening, who offered a right of way through their land, but no definite conclusion was
"We have had some very severe frosts of late that have done considerable damage.
"The lower grades of the district school held their closing exercises Thursday evening. A good
program was rendered to a well filled house. The eighth grade will hold their exercises Tuesday
evening where it is understood a good program is prepared. Much credit is due our Principal Mr.
A. A. Johnson and his assistants for the progress of the students during the past season.
"May 5th Mrs. Bessie Ballard and Janie Griffin went to Logan to attend a party at the home of
Mrs. Louis S. Cardon, given in honor of her mother, Mrs. Ballards’ wedding anniversary. They
report having had a most enjoyable time.
"Mr. Alfonzo Christensen entertained a number of young people at his home Friday evening.
Music and games were a part of the evening’s program. Delicious refershments [sic 
refreshments] were served and those present had a royal good time.
"Mr. and Mrs. Albert Atkinson and family of Logan motored over Sunday in their new car,
as the guests of Mrs. Chris Christensen.
"Miss Amelia Wennergren is home again after having spent the winter in Logan.
"Mr. Pearl Jenkins and family and Mrs. Moroni Jenkins motored to Bancroft Wednesday
where they expect to make a short stay.
"Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jenkins of Bancroft are down to the Logan hospital where Mrs.
Jenkins is in a very critical condition.
"Mr. Alvin Christiansen was arrested on the charge of assault and battery, to which charge
he plead guilty and was fined $10 and costs.
"The baseball teams of Newton and Clarkston have exchanged games of late, each scoring
a victory on their own grounds.
"Mr. Parley Rigby has just returned from an extended trip north. He reports wind and frost
have done considerable damage to crops in the Rexburg country.
"The latest arrivals are a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crookston, also a son left
at the home of Mr. John Benson. The stork seems to have been misguided lately and left boys
where there are only boys and girls where there are only girls. It would be more satisfactory if
he would change his tactics in the future.
"President C. N. Jensen of the B.Y.C. is to address the Saints on Mother’s day, Sunday,
in sacrament meeting.
"A good rain and a little milder weather would be much appreciated by the farmers. Please
send in the order.
"Mr. Fred Frederickson has purchased a new engine with which he expects to do his plowing."
--The Journal, May 16, 1916.

Aug. 11, 1916 - p. 13 under "Cache County School Census is Completed."
"Logan, Aug. 11.--The following figures have been obtained by the county school
census enumerators who have just finished their work:
District – [first figure 1916] – [second figure 1915]
Avon – 70 -81; Benson -76 -72; Cache Junction -33 – 46; Clarkston -237 -231; College -90 -90;
Cornish - 85 - 66; Coveville -69 -71 ; Greenville -153 -155; Hyde Park - 263 -259 ;
Hyrum - 606 -600 ; Lewiston -398 - 392; Mendon - 83 - 94; Millville -254 -243;
Mt. Home - 73 -68; Newton – 200 -188; Paradise -210 -207; Petersboro - 25 - 37;
Richmond -549 -542; River Heights – 94 -82; Riverside – 69 - 72; Smithfield -777 -774;
Stephenson – 86 - 90; Trenton -160 -163; Wellsville - 567 – 575; Wheeler -103 - 100;
Young – 44 – 46; Providence – 353 -373; Mt. Stirling – 50 – 46."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 11, 1916.

Aug. 15, 1916 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Mrs. Rachel Cooley, Miss May Cooley of Salt Lake, Mr. Marcus Cooley and Miss Annie
Cooley of Newton spent several days of the week in Brigham visiting Dr. and Mrs. Cooley and
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cooley." --The Box Elder News, Aug. 15, 1916.
Aug. 30, 1916 - p. 9 under "Teachers Selected for Schools of Cache."
"Logan, Aug. 30.--The teachers' roster of the Cache county schools has been announced by
Superintendent R. V. Larsen. The list follows:
"South Cache high school--. . . .
"North Cache high school--C. Henry Anderson, principal; John H. Peterson, Henry T.
Plant, Jr., Charles I. Stoddard, Inez Maughan, Zina Johnson, O. L. Stott, John Omansen.
"Avon--William B. Shipley, Leah Leavitt. . . .
"Cache Junction--Stella Clayton.
"Clarkston--R. F. Shumway, LeRoy Hall, Ethel Hartwell, Lavon G. Smith, Florence Tarbet, Ida Wright.
"Newton--William H. Hoskin, Norma Benson, Amos Griffin, Mary Dowdle, Veda Merrill."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 30, 1916.

Oct. 18, 1916 - p. 9 under "Cache Welcomes King and Welling."
"LOGAN, Oct. 18.--Cache valley gave an enthusiastic greeting to Judge William H. King and
Milton H. Welling, candidates respectively for senator and representative in their jaunt across
the county. Rallies were held at Cache Junction, Newton, Mendon, Wellsville and Hyrum."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 18, 1916.

Nov. 17, 1916 - p. 8 under "Logan News."
"LOGAN, Nov. 17.--A heavy vote was piled up in Cache county against both proposed
constitutional amendments. . . . The other justices and constables elected throughout the county
"Newton--Amos Griffin, justice; Eugene Nelson, constable.
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 17, 1916.

Dec. 15, 1916 - p. 1 under "Utah Power and Light Activities."
"The past year--1916--has been one of the most important in the history of the Utah Power &
Light company. This year has witnessed extensive progress on several of the company's most
important projects looking to the utilization of the natural resources in the territory it serves. The
company has extended its service to a number of new communities, and large sums of money have
been expended in reconstruction work in cities, towns and rural districts where service had been
previously established by the company.
"The Utah and Idaho towns which, during 1916 have been added to the communities
previously served by the company, are as follows: Benjamin, Coalville, Honeyville, Mendon,
Newton, Clarkston, West Jordan, Bear River City, Bancroft, Lava Hot Springs and Lund.
The company has also purchased and is operating the distribution systems in Farmington
and Wellsville. During 1916 the company was also able to give temporary relief to several
municipal plants who had trouble in keeping a continuous service.
"New street lighting systems have been installed in Salt Lake City, Parker, Montpelier,
Richmond, Smithfield, Wellsville and Clarkston." --The Box Elder News, Dec. 15, 1916.
Jan. 6, 1917 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Speaking of the holiday business, Mr. Frank Harris, manager of the Harris Music company, says
during the month of December his firm sold over $5,000 worth of phonographs alone. Since
Christmas 3 combinola pianos have been sold to persons living in Newton. This speaks well for
the opening up of the New Years business."
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 6, 1917.

Jan. 11, 1917 - p. 2 under "Local News."
"A good many dogs are being killed by the city police on account of their strange actions.
Owners of valuable dogs would do well to tie them up for a period of three weeks, to determine
if they are afflicted with the rabies. Stray dogs are not safe on the street. No chances will be taken
with stray dogs. A call was received from Newton that a dog was acting peculiar, and instructions
were given to kill the animal." --The Logan Republican, Jan. 11, 1917.
Jan. 20, 1917 - p. 2 under "What's The Matter at the Junction?"
"As far as we know practically every dog in Cache Junction has either been shot, muzzled, or
tied up. This includes the dogs belonging to Ex-Deputy Sheriff Winchell and Ex-Deputy Game
Warden Smith. Some time ago our attention was called to a Notice published by the Sheriff,
asking the people to care for their animals and feed them--but the people of Cache Junction for a
long time now, have been annoyed by a horse which answers to the name of 'Billie' Who has
been turned loose to forage for his living, and he is an expert at it. I can assure you sometimes Bill
trys [sic - tries] to get into people porches or their barns and if there is a possible chance he will succeed.
"But the worst annoyance is to the people driving in from Newton and Clarkston, as they bring
feed for their horses, and have it in their sleighs, and this pirate of a horse, eats up a good share of
it unless the owner of the sleigh stands guard over it, which they can not do in all cases. And
several of our neighbors from Newton and Clarkston are anxious to give Old Bill the Rabid cure.
Either have him muzzled, shot or tied up. If we could get some of our citizens to notify the Sheriff
I think we would get some relief from the pest of Cache Junction. And speaking of rabies, a great
many of the Democrats who--worked to elect our present sheriff are very much worried at his
condition as they think he must have been bitten by some insect or some thing for he has
appointed a Republican to fill the office of Deputy Sheriff for us at Cache Junction.
A Friend of Willie Ottagery."
--The Logan Republican, Jan.20, 1917.

Feb. 3, 1917 - p. 1 under "Improvements Reported For Cache Jct."
"Cache Junction, Feb. 2.--A rumor of the great improvements the O.S.L. are about to commence
in Cache Junction reached here the early part of this week and has made all the railroad men on
the Utah division happy. To begin with the railroad is putting a large steel tank which will hold
200,000 gallons of water and the bottom of the tank stands 60 feet from the ground and is made of
steel and cost $13,000.
"The coal chute, which at present has four pockets for coaling engines is to be doubled and is to
have eight pockets and a double capacity for coal. Also the roundhouse is to be rebuilt and on a
great deal larger scale than the present one. The yards are to be remodeled and a great many more
tracks built to handle the trains and do the necessary switching which will have to be done at this
point. Also the long needed depot building is to be replaced by a modern and up to date station
building which will house the train dispatchers and the minor division officials.
"The county commissioners have ordered the snow hauled away from the subway on the road to
Newton and a number of teams started work on this Wednesday. This will make a great improve-
ments on this road.
"We have a moving picture show in town now every Monday evening. It started last Monday
evening and for the first night's performance was a record breaker for attendance. The S.R.O. sign
being put out early in the evening. A Friend of Wille Ottegary."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 3, 1917.

Feb. 10, 1917 - p. 1 under "Protection Taken From The Junction."
"Protest Entered by Prominent Citizens of the West Side of The Valley."
"Cache Junction, Feb. 9.--The law abiding portion of the population of the west side of Cache
Valley wish to thank the committee who went to the county seat to meet with the sheriff and
County commissioners regarding the tangle over the appointment of a deputy sheriff from the west
side. But from what can be learned from the report reaching us from the powers that be, who are
running the county's business around the county court house at Logan, the entire county is to be
without any protection. Except the county court house at Logan, where will be found the sheriff
and his one deputy. The report is that the west side of the county is to be without a deputy, which
is something we have not been accustomed to for a number of years, as the sheriff is not going to
appoint another deputy to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of his son-in-law at Cache
Junction. Now the west side taxpayers are as much entitled to protection as the taxpayers in any
other part of the county and as there is always more or less of a rough element which follows the
main line of any railroad it seems to me a very poor policy to have to send to Logan for a peace
officer in case anything happens. I realize it is a move towards economy in not having a large
number of deputies and of course that is the way the sheriff and people handling the sheriff's office
feel about it. Rumor has it we have people in the county who have been tried, found guilty and
been sentence to a fine, and also imprisonment, which have paid neither one or the other. Probably
had the fines all been collected or the culprits locked up Cache county could boast of more than
one deputy sheriff. It is economy, in one way, to not lock people up in the county jail, for if
locked up the county would have to feed them, but on the other hand it is a move to break down
the laws. Think this over you law abiding citizens and see if you don't agree with me. I understand
our neighbors at Petersboro are to have the R. F.D. route extended to take them in three times a
week. That's right Brothers. Glad to hear it--a little missionary work is all it takes to do things.
"The moving picture show with us one night each week is proving a success and is well patronized.

"Rumor has it the Cache Junction gun club will show signs of new life as soon as spring opens up.
Willie Ottegary's Friend."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 10, 1917.

Feb. 13, 1917 - p. 1 under "Willie Ottegary's Friends."
"We have had so many inquiries concerning the identity of our interesting correspondent on the
west side, Willie Ottegary's Friend, that we have decided to take the most convenient way of
introducing him to our many readers, that of presenting a full sized photograph of the disting-
uished journalist. [More a caricature of a man in a checked coat, with beard and pipe with a top
hat and something tucked under his arm
]. He is here seen in characteristic pose, earnest mediation
over the many perplexing problems for solutions in and around Cache Junction, the home of our county sheriff."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 13, 1917.

Feb. 17, 1917 - p. 1 under "Weekly Letter Received From The Junction."
". . . To begin with, we started this week off all wrong. Our moving picture show, which is on
the bill for Monday nights each week, was not much of a success this week. As the operator, who
came to show the pictures, came all the way from Brigham City and forgot to bring his engine or
moving picture machine, or some part of it; anyway the large crowd of people who were anxious
to go to the show that night had to be told there would be no show, and so they had to return home
again. Quit a number were in from the country. I understand the same picture people opened,
at their show at Newton Wednesday night, to a very large crowd. We expect to have our picture
show as usual next Monday evening. . . . Now that fine weather is about here and the snow is
melting, our county commissioners should do something with the mountain of snow piled up in
the subway on the Newton road.
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 17, 1917.

Feb. 24, 1917 - p. 8 under "Conference Held In Newton."
"Newton, Feb. 23.--Our ward canference [sic=conference] was held Sunday, Feb. 18. There
were present of Benson stake officers: Pres. Hendricks, Lewiston; John E. Griffin and Kemp of
the high council., and Patriarch W. H. Griffin.
"The choir sang 'Redeemer of Israel,' prayer by John Jenkins, singing 'Sacrament' by choir;
introductury remarks by Bishop M. C. Rigby. Reports as follows: Y.M.M.I.A. by John Hanson,
L.M.I.A. by Hazel Rigby, Primary by Mina Griffin, Lesser Priesthood by L. C. Larson, Relief
Society by Mary Benson. Brother Kemp spoke on the Life and Labor of Lehi and the Prophet
Joseph Smith. High Priest reported by Niels Jacobson, Seventies by Hyrum Larson, Elders by
Junius Rigby, Old Folks' party by Edward Fish; singing by choir, 'God Is Love'; Benediction by
James Nielson.
"Afternoon Session -- Singing by choir, prayer by Patriarch W. H. Griffing [sic - Griffin],
singing 'The Morning Breaks.' Bishop M. C. Rigby reported the ward in general: Sunday school
by W. F. Jenson, Religion class by L. C. Larson. The choir reported by Geo. Clarke. Statistic
report read by W. R. Ballard, showing a population of 688 souls. Solo, 'O' Where is My Boy
Tonight,' was beautifully rendered by William Hoskins. Patriarch Griffin gave report of his
labors. Conn [counselor] C. Christensen made a few remarks. Sec. Ballard read the names of all
ward officers--was sustained by a vote. High Counselor, John E. Griffin spoke a short time.
Pres. Hendricks then occupied balance of time, spoke well and gave encouraging remarks.
Singing, 'All Hail the Glorious Day.' Benediction by M. J. Benson."
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 24, 1917.

March 10, 1917- p. 10 under "Joseph Jones Laid to Rest At Newton."
"Newton, March 9.--
"The funeral services over the remains of Joseph Jones were held yesterday March 8th.
"Singing by the choir, 'There is sweet Rest in Heaven.' Prayer was offered by Amos Dowdle,
Singing 'Abide With Me,' a biographical sketch of the deceased was read by Bishop M.C. Rigby.
The following speakers spoke of the long and useful career of the deceased, the great kindness by
which Missionaries were received at their home in England, that he died in full faith in a glorious
Sesurrection [sic - Resurrection] and that he left to join his dear companion who died many years ago.
"The speakers as follows" W. H. Griffin, Sen., John Larsen, F. H. Wright of Ogden. 'There
is a Beautiful Valley of Peace' was rendered by L. Geo. Clarke and James Nielsen. Bishop
M. C. Rigby made closing remarks. Singing 'Beautiful of Somewhere.' Benediction by L. C. Miller.
"Joseph Jones was born Dec. 12, 1831 at Gleadless near Sheffield, England, joined the church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1865 emigrated to Utah in 1886; made his home in
Coalville, Summit County until 1893 when he moved to Newton, Cache Co. and has resided here
since. He died at his home March 6th 1917 at the age of eighty five (85) is survived by four sons,
six granddaughters and five grandsons. His remains were entered in the Newton Cemetery the
dedicatory services were performed by W. J. Wright, Coalville, Utah.
"Owing to two cases of scarlet fever our schools are closed for seven days. The people are
anxiously looking for spring--the scarcity of hay being a great problem of a great many."
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 10, 1917.

March 10, 1917 - p. 10 under "Boosters Show At the Lyric."
"Clarkston, March 9.--. . . .
"Mr. Barker of Newton is furnishing us with some good picture shows every Thursday night."
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 10, 1917.


April 7, 1917 - p. 1 under "Weekly Letter from Cache Junction."
"Cache Junction, April 5.--. . .I met my friend, Yon Yonson, the other day, and he is a mighty

fine fellow, only a little queer in some ways. You know he is the fellow who had the dream, and

then thought he was in Salt Lake City to the last session of our legislature. Well, a few nights ago,

it was during our last snow storm, as I was sitting in front of the stove, smoking and thinking of

Yon, a picture passed before me, as clear and distinct as any picture ever thrown upon a screen. It

seemed as tho [?though] all the preliminary arrangements had been made, and we had created a

new state out of what had formerly been Cache county. And the first picture was that of the new

state's capitol building. It stood on a beautiful spot, a little above Sheriff Barker's residence, here,

and it was a beautiful building, much nicer than the old capitol building, used by the State of Utah.

The next picture seemed to take on closer, and you could see the most beautiful ground with

lovely shade trees all around. The next picture was showing the interior of the building, and it was

certainly grand. The next picture was showing the offices of the different state officials. The first

was the governor's office. It was difficult to make out who the new governor was, or which was

the private secretary, but Jim Funk and Geo. Romney were very busy in this office. The next

picture was the secretary of state's office, and Arthur Bateson's smiling countenance told better

than words who was boss here. The next was the state treasurer's office, and Seveine Jeppson was

a very busy man, trying to find the finances of the new state. He advocated fining all the old

maids $5, and the old bachelors $10 apiece, and in that way his office would handle some money.

The next office was that of state engineer, and of course Tom Humphries was much in evidence

running in and out and showing considerable more ginger that his friends have noticed in him for a

long time. His friends all hope he won't fall back into the old slow and easy gait again. The next

picture was the comic one. It was the state game and fish commissioner's office. It seemed the

new governor has not made his appointment for this office yet. But in front of this door, and

trying to look over the transom, was first Harry Stonie standing on a large dry goods box with

Howell-Cardon's name on it, which was evidence that he had brought it all the way from Logan

for just this purpose. Next came Ed. E. Smith, but he had a barrel and was only second to Stonie

in trying to look in, and when asked why he had a barrel, he said it was much easier to handle. On

the floor, walking back and forth, was Ted Seeholzer and Chris Lumberg, one with a long cane

fishing pole and the other with an automatic pump gun, and they were walking backward half of

the time so as not to loose sight of the door of the governor's office. The next picture showed the

public utilities commissioner, and in the new appointment they had gotten together three of the

best men in the new state; there were J. R. Morton, Bob Anderson and Jim Larson. Of course the

new governor was so busy he had not been able to announce but very few of the men for the

appointive offices. But there was a picture of the faithful in this move, and while I didn't catch

them all, I saw a number of my acquaintances among then—Shumway and Barson of Clarkston, Dave Haws and B. Y. Benson of Trenton and John E. Griffin and C. A. Peterson from Newton. In one of the pictures showing our new institution I could not make out where our state mental hospital and penetentiary [sic] were located, but it looked like one was in Newton and the other in Trenton, and about this time I put my pipe in my mouth and found it had gone out.


--The Logan Republican, April 7, 1917.
May 22, 1917 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Fritz Ecklunk [sic-Ecklund], one of the prominent citizens of Newton was in the county
seat on business yesterday.
"L. S. Miles, the Overland automobile dealer, was in Newton on Saturday and sold one of
heis [sic -his] cars to a prosperous farmer of that place."
--The Logan Republican, May 22, 1917.
May 26, 1917 - p. 1 under "Places Where All Young Men Can Register."

"The registration of all male persons in Cache county, between the ages of 21 and 30 years, which must be done on or before June 5th, can be done in the respective precincts at the following


"Following are the precinct or districts, names of registrars, and places of registration:
". . . Newton-- L. G. Clark, school house. . . ."

--The Logan Republican, May 26, 1917.
June 14, 1917 - p. 1 under "Cache Will Give Her Quto To The Liberty Loan Bond."
"Commercial Club, Cache Stake ane [sic-and] Ward Organizations are Active in last
Drive for the Required Amount of Subscription from Northern Utah."
"All subscriptions to the Liberty loan must be made in time to get the information to San

Francisco before noon on Friday, June 15. The citizens of this section of the state want Cache to

be among those counties reported to have subscribed her full quota to the Liberty loan, and as the

amount to be subscribed was falling short, a great campaign has been launched in the last drive for

"A special meeting of the directors and business men of the club and the bishop and prominent

citizens of the city to formulated plans for a thorough canvass of Logan. R. T. Thurber, of the

state defense committee, was present and explained the bonds. President Ballif, O. H. Budge,

Mayor Bullen, President Owen and others spoke in favor of the bonds and said they would do all

they could to see that Cache gave its quota.
"After the meeting the bishoprics of the various wards met and appointed committees to call on

the people in the respective wards and ask that they subscribe for the liberty bonds. From the

reports made Cache county and the State of Utah will give their quota.

"Wednesday, Mr. Thurber, Geo. W. Lindquist and E. W. Robinson left for Trenton, Clarkston

and Newton to visit the bishops and prominent citizens, and explain the bonds and ask their

assistance." The Logan Republican, June 14, 1917.
June 16, 1917 - p. 1 under "July Fourth To Be Celebrated at Smithfield."
"The city orchestra played for the grand ball at Newton last Friday night. So well pleased
were the dancers that they raised an amount sufficient to pay the orchestra $8 extra to play
until 1 a.m." --The Logan Republican, June 16, 1917.
June 21, 1917 - p. 1 under (or after) "Good Crops Expected at Hyde Park."
"Marriage licenses have been issued to the following: . . . Geo. H. McCullock of Freedom and
Olevia A. Jenkins of Newton. . . ." --The Logan Republican, June 21, 1917.
June 28, 1917 - p. 1 under "Nearly $25,000 contributed to Red Cross Fund."
"Lewiston Sends in Next Largest Amount, After Logan Has Been Reported."
"The complete reports of the contributions for the Red Cross war fund in the county have not
been received. A special meeting of all the committees in Logan and the county, who took part
in this work, will be held at the Commercial-Boosters' club Thursday evening at 8 o'clock for

the purpose of receiving further reports and discussing the campaign and assisting to Organize
branches of the Red Cross in every town in the county.
"Following are the approximate amounts contributed by the county:
"Logan, $12,600; Providence, 523.00; Millville, 250.00; Hyrum, 1,500.00; Paradise, 200.00;

Wellsville, 12,250.00; Mendon, 284.61; Cache Junction, 150.00; Newton, 250.00; Clarkston, 282.00; Trenton, 203.25;l Benson, 200.00; Cornish, 150.00; Lewiston, 1,611.50; Smithfield,

1,500.00; Richmond, 1,500.00; Hyde Park, 520.00; Amalgamated Sugar co., 1000.00.

TOTAL, $23,974.36.

". . .When all the returns are received it is expected that nearly $25,000 will have
been contributed." --The Logan Republican, June 28, 1917.
July 3, 1917 - p. 1 under "Red Cross Chapters are Organized."
"Sunday, the Logan chapter under took to organized branches of the Red Cross in practically

every town in the county. With the exception of Lewiston and four towns in Cache stake, which

will be organized this week, committees were to sent to every town, and a branch effected. The Red Cross work was also explained. The officers of the various branches should meet at once and appoint their committees of supplies and get prepared to take care of the great amount of work which will be called for in the near future. It is suggested that the chairman and one or more members of all supplies committees visit the supply room at the Lowell school, Logan, nextweek and see what materials are being used and get suggestions from the local committees.

"The following organization in the towns were effected:

"Millville....Hyrum....Paradise....Wellsville....College....Mendon....Mt. Sterling....

Smithfield....Richmond....Cove....Cornish....Trenton....Clarkston....Newton and Cache Junction--
Mrs. Elizabeth Ecklund, chairman; M. T. Beck, vice chairman; Lillian Griffin, secretary; Ruth
Jenkins, treasurer." --The Logan Republican, July 3, 1917.
July 3, 1917 - p. 2 under "News Items from Smithfield."
"The Smithfield cornet band will furnish the music at Newton on July Fourth."
--The Logan Republican, July 3, 1917.
July 7, 1917 - p. 7 under "Richmond Department."
"Our baseball team went to Newton on the Fourth. The score was 6 to 2 in favor of Newton."
--The Logan Republican, July 7, 1917.
July 10, 1917 - p. 2 under "Oration by Senator Funk at Smithfield."
"The Smithfield cornet band was engaged at Newton for the Fourth of July celebration, and

speaks very highly of the honor and appreciation shown by the people of that place. We certainly

missed their music here in the afternoon, as all the sports and games seem dead without a band to

enliven things and furnish enjoyment for the older people."
--The Logan Republican, July 10, 1917.
July 21, 1917 - p. 1 under "Selective Draft Drawing Yesterday at Washington, D.C."
"The selective draft drawing by the U.S. war department at Washington too place yesterday

morning, and all persons registered on June 5, between the ages of 21 and 30, were drawn.

Cache county is to furnish 52 more men for the army, so the first 52 names drawn will be the
first to come before the examination board to determine their fitness for soldiers, and, until this

number is made up from the county, the examining board will continue down the line. The first

175 names, in the order drawn at Washington, were as follows:
Alvin L. Atkinson, Richmond;...Lawrence L. Malmburg, Cache Junction;...Leslie Clark,

Clarkston;...Nels Wilford Christensen, Newton;...Thomas Buttars, Clarkston;...James Elmer

Hansen, Newton;...Linwood L. Fish, Newton;...Joseph John Burt, Clarkston;...William Grover

Godfrey, Clarkston;...Reuben S. Rasmussen, Clarkston;...Andrew H. Jardine, Clarkston;...Robert

Painter, Logan." --The Logan Republican, July 21, 1917.
Aug. 2, 1917 - p. 1 under "More Facts About The Airplanes."
"The people of Benson, Trenton and Newton still assert that they have been seeing airplanes.
They are just as positive as they can be, and they deny the Journal's charge that they are using
them to ship in liquor from Ogden. People in the north part of Logan saw an airplane just a few

nights ago. Yesterday the news reached Logan, that Mr. Bone, special agent for the government
in Utah, has made a call to the federal government to send airplanes out here to run them down

and find out where they are coming from.
"It is claimed by the department of justice, according to the Salt Lake Tribune, that the cables
cannot be used to Europe in order to send information, but that information concerning ships and

troop movement are telegraphed from the east to Utah, and that airplanes are used to carry this

information into Mexico and from there again to Germany.
"The southern part of the state has been visited a great deal by these airplanes, and it is here

probably that Mr. Bone will do his first searching." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 2, 1917.
Aug. 9, 1917 - p. 1 under "Decrease In City School Population."
"Decrease in County."
"The county, as well as the city, shows a decrease in school population, there having been a

falling off of 136. The totals for the different precincts follows:
[First figure for year 1917 the second figure for 1916]
"Avon, 64 --70; Benson, 77 --76; Cache Junction, 39 --35; Clarkston, 240 -- 237;. . .

Newton, 201 --200; . . . . [County] Totals, 5654 -- 5790.
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 9, 1917.
Aug. 18, 1917 - p. 5 under "Local News."
"H. H. Sutherland of Rich county was here yesterday to be examined under the selective

draft, having been brought over from Newton, where he is employed by E. L. Larsen."
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 18, 1917.
Aug. 21, 1917 - p. 1 under "Jurors Drawn to Serve Thru August Term."
"The following is the list of jurors drawn by the clerk of the district court to serve during the

August term of court. They have been notified to report Monday morning, August 27:
"Albert Bernston, Logan;. . .Moses Christensen, Newton;. . . . "
* * * p. 1 under "Cache County Young Men For Draft Army."
"The draft machinery is getting down to work, and we are now able to report the results of the

first call of person who appeared at the local exemption board, twenty-one in all having been
certified to the district board as being physically and otherwise fit for soldiers in the Unite[d]
States army.
"List of names out of first call, who have been certified to by local draft board as having been

called into the United States service:
"William A. Winnegren, Logan;... James Elmer Hansen, Newton; ...Lynwood Lewis Fish,

Newton;... William Grover Godfrey, Clarkston."
* * * *
"Names or persons who appeared before the board on the second call and did not file

exemption claims:
"Reginald Lawisch Hickman, Logan;...Reuben Sherman Rasmussen, Clarkston;... David

Hyrum Griffin, Newton.
"The board will meet some time this week and add on the names of person who have filed their
exemption claims." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 21, 1917.
Aug. 28, 1917 - p. 1 under "Tribute Paid Good Woman at Newton."
"Services Held on Friday With Large Attendance of Relatives and Friends."
"Newton, Aug. 27.--Funeral services were held in the Newton meeting house August 24, over

the remains of Mrs. Hannah Hanson. Singing by choir, 'Through Deepening Trials Cross Your

Way'; prayer by C. M. Christenson, Logan; singing 'Sister, Thou Was Kind and Lovely,' The

following speakers all spoke of the good and useful life of the deceased as a Relief Society

worker, how she was always willing to perform her duties, was always found cheerful and full of

faith in the everlasting Gospel, and had the understanding of going to meet her husband and enjoy,

with him and her heavenly Father, eternal life: John E. Griffin, Prof. J. C. Hogenson of Logan,

Andrew Hammond of Providence, H. C. Peterson of Logan, James A. Monson, Ezra Cooley of

Millville, and Bishop M. C. Rigby. W. R. Ballard read a memorial paper, composed by Mrs. E. H.

Weakley of Logan. The following music numbers were rendered during the services: Duet, Mrs.

Hazel Rigby and Miss Norma Benson; singing by choir, 'I Need Thee Every Hour.' Benediction

by C. Christensen. The deceased was interred in the Newton cemetery. The resting place was

dedicated by John Larson. The great love and esteem for Sister Hanson was shown by the many

beautiful floral contributions and the great many of her friends and relatives in attendance.
"Mrs. Hannah Hanson was born on the 8th day of September, 1856, in Denmark. She went to
New Zealand with her parents when a girl. She was married here and embraced the Gospel. They
emmigrated [sic] to Utah and made their first home in Logan. They then moved to Newton, where
they have resided about twenty-seven years. Her husband died nineteen years ago last January.
"The deceased was taken ill some three months ago, and everything was done for her comfort in
her sickness. She passed away on the 22nd of August, 1917. She is survived by two sons, W. P.

Hanson and John Hanson, and one daughter, Mrs. Ernest Jensen, and twelve grandchildren."
* * * *
"In Memoriam, Sister Hanson, Died August 22, 1917.
Weep not for me, my children dear;
I am not dead, but sleeping here;
My loving Savior called me home'
I gladly answered, Lord, I come.
Hark! Me things the angels say
Sister Spirit come away,
Fold her hands with tender care
And lay your choicest flowers there.
She has gone to her reward
Up there where her husband waits
In the mansions of the Lord;
And her work behind her shine
As the sunset in the west
Leaves a track of light behind
So her works light her to rest;
Faithful thru this troubled life,
To her God and husband true,
As a Saint, as Mother, Wife,
With a crown of Glory due.
--From her friend and sister in the Gospel, E. H. WEAKLEY, Logan."
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 28, 1917.
Sept. 18, 1917 - p. 1 under "Newly Drafted Men From Cache County To Be Given Farewell."
"A farewell dinner for the second contingent under the selective draft from Cache county will

be given at Murdocks' next Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The dinner is being given under the

auspices of the Commercial club in behalf of the people of Logan and Cache county.
"Dr. E. G. Peterson, Dr. C. N. Jenson, Mayor Roy Bullen, the county commissioners and the

exemption board will be special guests for the occasion.
"Following is a list of the second contingent which will entrain Thursday evening at 6:10

o'clock for Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash."
"William A. Wennergreen, Logan;. . . L. L. Fish, Newton;. . . ."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 18, 1917.
Sept. 29, 1917 - p. 1 under "Labor and Supply Bureau Service."
"Fifteen men wanted in Lewiston for farm and building work. Good wages. Take bedding.
"Threshing hands wanted at Petersboro, Mendon and Newton. Three dollars and board.
"Ten beet toppers, this valley, wanted October 1.
"Strong young man to assist plumber wanted.
"We have calls daily for domestic help. Good homes and good pay."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 29, 1917.
Oct. 4, 1917 - p., 1 under "Cache County Soldier Boys Leave For Fort Lewis For Training."
"Banquet Tendered Third Contingent of Drafted Men Where Speech Making was

Indulged in by Local Officials."

"The farewell dinner, given at the Bluebird hall Tuesday evening under the auspices of the
Commercial club for the third contingent from Cache county, was just as impressive and

successful as the previous occasions. . . .

` "Senator Funk said we will always think of you as our boys. . . . Dr. Wm. B. Parkinson of
the exemption board congratulated the members of the contingent on their excellent appearance
and cleanbodies. . . .
"The contingent left the court house last evening in automobiles for Cache Junction, where
entrainment for Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash., took place at 9:40 o'clock.
"Following is a list of those who make up the third contingent: Henry Hughes, Mendon; . . .
James Ellmer Hansen, Newton; Reuben Rasmussen, Clarkston;. . . ."
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 4, 1917.
Nov. 13, 1917 - p. 8 under "Social Given At Newton."
"NEWTON, Nov. 10.--The Misses Uvada Nelson and Leona Hanson entertained at a Halloween

party at the home of Uvada Nelson last Saturday night. The rooms were decorated in Halloween

colors. The evening was spent in games, music and fortune telling. Miss Elizabeth Ecklund

acting in the witches den. Refreshment were served to the following guests.
"Mary Jones, Daisy Barker, Laverne Barker, Alice Mantle, Oriel Griffin, Liberty Rigby, Allie
Peterson, Hattie Jenkins, Mildred Benson, Verba Peterson, Marcus Cooley, Royden Benson, Carl
Jenson, Norman Larson, Sedley Jenson, Howard Griffin, Perry Benson, Roland Griffin, Cyril
Clarke, Joseph Jones, Reuben Benson, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nelson."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 13, 1917.
Nov.15,1917 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Parley Rigby, a grain buyer from Newton, just came down from Rexburg and St. Anthony,
Idaho. He says that the crops are fairly good, but the farmers cannot dispose of their grain
because the railroad is unabale [sic-unable] to furnish cars."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 15, 1917.
Nov. 24, 1917 - p. 1 under "Card of Thanks."
"Mr. Erick Ecklund and family, of Newton wish to thank all the kind friends for their assistance

during the sickness and death of wife and mother, Mrs. Christena Ecklund.
"ERICK ECKLUND AND FAMILY." --The Logan Republican, Nov. 24, 1917.
Dec.1, 1917 - p. 1 under "Marriage Licenses."
"The following couples have procured licenses from the county clerk's office:
"Alvin Christensen of Newton and Ethel Dahle of Clarkston."
--The Logan Republican, Dec. 1, 1917.
Dec. 1, 1917 - p. 4 under "Local News."

"John Benson of Newton while gathering stumps yesterday near Cache Junction had the misfortune to receive a very severe sprained left foot by his horse falling on him. He will no doubt be laid up for some time." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 1, 1917.

Dec. 18, 1917 - p. 1 Section Two under "600 Hundred is Population of Newton."
"Town Is Becoming Modern With Electricity, Both In the Homes And Streets."

"NEWTON, Dec. 17.--Newton is a growing town with a population of 600 happy and

contented people. It is 16 miles northwest of Logan and 2 miles north of Cache Junction.
The town has a board of directors consisting of a mayor and councilmen who direct and transact
all of the public improvements.
"The chief industries are farming, wheat, beets, hay, some cattle, sheep and pigs are the chief

"The town has a modern up to-date water system. The water is supplied by mountains
springs, situated northwest of town. There is a large, supply, sufficient for all purposes.
"There are many beautiful homes with modern conveniences. The town has street light as well

as electric lights in the homes, the electric juice being furnished by the Utah Power and Light Company.

"The school building is modern in every respect, well equipped class rooms, library,
gymnasium, that are used for basketball and other athletic sports. The building with its
equipment cost about $25,000.
"The meeting house is a large and modern building that was completed about three years
ago, at a cost of about 8000. It is used for religious services, amusements, and socials.
"During the year of 1917 there has been built on Bear River near Newton and Cache Junction a

modern electric pumping plant by Mr. W. R. Ballard and other progressive farmers for the purpose

of irrigating 1000 acres of land near Cache Junction and Newton, which will be planted in sugar

beets and hay next spring.
"There is about 2000 acres of land which is irrigated by the West Cache Canal and the Newton


"We have an up-to-date store, The People's Mercantile, that is doing a good business under the

able management of Andrew Peterson, where one can buy anything from a mouse trap to a

thrashing machine. Mr. Peterson always has a kind, obliging and efficient clerks to wait on his

many customers.
"There is one confectionery store, managed by William J. Barker where hot and cold drinks are

served (strictly temperance) ice cream, and candy served by two smiling young ladies.
"Next we have the barber shop, strictly modern, and up-to-date, where one can get a hair cut

and a shave at popular prices. Where Mr. John Hanson is always ready with his razor or scissors.

Don't forget to call on him.
"Mr. William P. Hanson, the contractor and builder has had a very busy and prosperous year.

He is putting the finishing touches on one of the most beautiful and convenient homes for Mr. M. J. Benson.

"Mr. Ed. W. Fish has also had a very busy year building beautiful and comfortable homes, for

the prosperous sugar beet growers at Cornish and Trenton.
"Mr. Carl Johnson the bricklayer and plasterer has been very busy all summer.
"The Larson Brothers Lumber Co. has had a very successful year, under the able management
of H. M. Larson.
"William Larson the city electrician and plumber, has been very busy connecting the people up
with the water mains since the first of May.
"Pearl Jenkins the auto doctor, is a very busy man trying to keep his many customers supplied
with gas and extras as there are about fifty automobiles and some Fords to be taken care of at his

"Mr. Eric Ecklund, contractor and builder, has been very busy this summer. He has built a
nice modern store at Cache Junction for Mr. J. H. Barker, and is now finishing a nice resident
for Mr. Ed Dahle at the same place.
"Mr. Sidney Alvis, 'The Town Cop' has had a very busy time keeping track or looking for lost
Fords, however Mr. Alvis is to be complimented on his endeavor to keep everything right.
"James S. Hancy, The Town Painter, paper hanger and decorator reports a very successful year
along his line of business.
"Ashton Jenson the Village Blacksmith has installed an electric blower and other modern

machinery in his shop where he is able to render prompt and efficient service. Don't forget
to call on Mr. Jenson when in need of work done in his line.
"Mr. Theodore Ecklund after an absence of nine years in Alaska, British Columbia and the

northwest, is back in Newton shaking hands with his old friends.
"Parley Rigby was seen on the streets, with his usual smile, shaking hands with his many
friends. Parley has been engaged buying wheat in Idaho, where he says the wheat crop was very
"James Neilson has returned from Idaho, where he has a large farm. After having harvested
a splendid crop of wheat and oats.
"Carl Jorgenson has moved his family to Newton for the winter, where his children can have
the advantage of attending our excellent schools.
"There is about twenty young people attending high school at Logan and elsewhere which is

a very good representation for a town of this size.
"Our orchestra under the able leadership of George Ecklund, are preparing some of the latest
up-to-date music for this winter.
"Manager Alphonso Christensen, of the opera house has had some very good plays, put on

lately, which is very much appreciated by the people.
"The moving pirture [sic-picture] show every Wednesday evening is well attended, William J.
Barker is to be complemented for the clean, moral and educational pictures he puts on.
"The roads are in excellent condition at present, but in the spring of the years they are
not what they should be, so brethren let us haul some gravel and make them as good at they are
on the east side of the valley." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 18, 1917.
Dec. 18, 1917 - section five p. 4 under local news items.
"W. H. Griffin of Newton was in Logan last Saturday on business, having made the trip by
railroad. Mr. Griffin says it is cheaper to ride on the railroad than by automobile when you
go alone." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 18, 1917.
March 16, 1918 - p. 2 under "Pupils In Cache County Schools Buy Stamps to Aid War."
"War saving stamps are a veritable epidemic in the schools of Cache County, according to a

report received today by the state department of education.
"The report shows that so far in March the Cache county school children purchased $3019.20

worth of the little war winners and now hold altogether $7075.91 worth. Of the 4530 pupils in the

schools of the county, 3021 own stamps. The average ownership for the entire district is $1.56

worth of stamps for each pupil." --Salt Lake Telegram, March 16, 1918.
June 28, 1918 - p. 4 under "Locals."

"During the week, the county clerk [Box Elder County] has issued marriage permits to . . . Levi A. Christensen and Norma O. Benson, Newton." --The Box Elder News, June 28, 1918.

July 26, 1918 - p. 8 under "Bountiful Briefs."
"Israel Smedly, son of Dr. E. W. Smedley and Miss Lydia Hendrickson, of Newton,
Cache county, were married Tuesday evening by Mayor Cannon."
--Davis County Clipper, July 26, 1918.
Feb. 10, 1920 - p.2 under "NOTICE."
"Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in Cache County School District of

the first class, on the 17th day of February, 1920, in each representative district thereof, between

the hours of one o'clock p.m., and 7 o'clock p.m. of the said day, for the purpose of submitting to

the qualified voters and taxpayers thereof the question of issuing and selling $400,000.00 of bonds

of said district, for the purpose of purchasing school sites and building school houses and supply

the same with furniture and necessary apparatus, and improving buildings and grounds said bonds

to be issued in denominations of $1,000 each, to bear interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per

annum payable semi-annually, said bonds to mature and be payable as follows, viz. $20,000.00 at

the end of the first year from the date of issue and $20,000.00 at the end of each succeeding year

thereafter until paid in full as to the entire issue of $400,000.00 in bonds as aforesaid.
"That the funds derived from the said bonds, if voted, issued and sold, will be expended
in the following manner, viz:
"At Clarkston, $18,000 for addition to present school house.
"At Cornish, $6,000 for addition to present school house.
"At Cove, $1,500 for improvement to present school house.
"At Hyde Park, $15,000 for addition to present school house.
"At Mendon, $2,000 for improvement to present school house.
"At Millville, $7,000 for addition to present school house.
"At North Logan, $500 for improvement to present school house.
"At Paradise, $2,000 for improvement to present school house.
"At Providence, $2,000 for improvement to present school house.
"Stephenson, $10,000 for addition to present school house.
"At North Cache, $200,000 for new building North cache High School.
"At Smithfield, $9,000 for improvement to present school house.
"At Newton, $10,000 for addition and improvement to present school house.
"At South Cache, $110,000 for addition to present South Cache High School.
"At Wellsville, $5,000 for improvement to present school house.
"At Benson, $500 for improvement to present school house.
"At Riverside, $500 for improvement to present school house.
"At College, $500 for improvement to present school house.
"At Young, $500 for improvement to present school house.
"That the following named persons have been named at each polling place to conduct said

to wit: [Listing of each district and polling place with one example shown]

"NEWTON AND CACHE JUNCTION: F. T. Griffin, George Clark, Hyrum M. Larsen, at

Meeting House at Newton." --The Logan Republican, Feb. 10, 1920.
Feb. 19, 1920 - p. 1 under "County School Funds Voted Over The Top."
"Following is the vote cast in Cache County Tuesday on the question of issuing $400,000 worth
of county school bonds. The county superintendent and all his associates have been working day

and night to put this proposition before the people in a way and manner that would give them to

understand the necessity of more school houses for Cache County. Below is the way the different
towns lined up Tuesday:
Avon, 5 yes, 3 no (2 majority yes).
Hyrum, 89 yes, 10 no (79 majority yes).
Paradise, 1 yes, 40 no (39 majority no).
College, 2 yes, 14 no (12 majority no).
Providence, 21 yes, 13 no (8 majority yes).
River Heights, 13 yes, 1 no (12 majority yes).
Wellsville, 58 yes, 28 no (30 majority yes).
Benson, 3 yes, 12 no [newspaper didn't indicate number majority no vote].
Hyde Park, 16 yes, 22 no (6 majority no).
North Logan, 1 yes, 12 no (11 majority no).
Smithfield, 93 yes, 46 no (47 majority yes).
Cove, 24 yes, 0 no (24 majority yes).
Lewiston, 63 yes, 2 no (61 majority yes).
Richmond, 229 yes, 0 no (229 majority yes).
Wheeler, 7 yes, 1 no (6 majority yes).
Stephenson, 15 yes, 0 no (15 majority yes).
Cornish, 6 yes, 4 no (2 majority yes).
Mendon, 12 yes, 68 no (56 majority no).
Newton, 18 yes, 16 no (2 majority yes).
Trenton, 18 yes, 2 no (16 majority yes).
Clarkston, 66 yes, 2 no (64 majority yes).
TOTALS - 778 yes -- 334 no." --The Logan Republican, Feb. 19, 1920.
March 16, 1920 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Peter E. Benson, well known in this county, died at his home in Ogden Sunday from lung
troubles from which he has been suffering for a long time. He leaves a wife and ten children
to mourn his loss. The body has been shipped to Newton, his former home, for interment. Funeral
services will be held at Newton tomorrow." --The Logan Republican, Mar. 16, 1920.
March 20, 1920 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"It has been reported that a fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rigby in Salt Lake

Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rigby are residents of Newton."

--The Logan Republican, Mar. 20, 1930.

April 13, 1920 - p. 1 under "Cache County School Board Holds a Long Session."
"Many Citizens And Tax Payers Ask The Board To Reconsider Matter Of Location Of
High School Site. Richmond Adherents Muster Friends And Resist Any Such Action.
Senator Funk and Representatives Miles Lead Opposing Forces. Commissioner
Bergeson In the 'Middle of the Road.'"
"Last Saturday afternoon the Board of Education of the great county of Cache had a real job
on its hands, but judging from the way the board sent the multitudes away one is justified in
saying that even those who do not get what they want will not feel badly. At least all will

feel that they were treated fairly, that all matters were carefully and 'prayerfully' as one
speaker suggested, considered.
"It was the all important high school for the north Cache district that was up for consideration,
and representatives from all parts of the district were present. It appears that the location of
the new high school was decided to be at Richmond by a former board of education and approved

by the present board, while now comes a large committee of citizens and taxpayers with requests

in the form of petition asking that the matter of location be opened up again.
"Hon. Edwin Miles of Smithfield led the committee asking for a reconsideration of the matter,
while Senator Funk led another large committee asking that the deal be considered closed. Mr.
Miles presented a map showing the location of the various towns in the district, together with their
population. The map, so Senator Funk declared, showed that 'all roads lead to Smithfield.'

"Mr. Miles was backed up by Andrew King of North Logan, Mr. Wood and Parley Bingahm

[sic-Bingham] of Amalga; W. G. Reese of Benson, E. A. Parsons of Riverside, H. E. Hancy of Hyde Park, B. Y. Benson of Trenton, and Commissioner Bergeson of Cornish. Perhaps it should not be said that Commissioner Bergeson backed Mr. Miles, because he did not. As a matter of fact, after belittling Richmond, hooking her up with 'Richmond, Coveville and Franklin, the three immovables,' he played the middle of the road and declared that as far as Cornish was concerned 'we can get to one place as well as the other['].

"Mr. John E. Griffin, a former member of the board, from Newton, also did not do Mr. Miles
and his friends any good. He held that the school 'schould [sic-should] be located where the

next high school could be built at Trenton.' This was decidedly against Smithfield and in favor
of Richmond.
"Mr. Miles closed by leaving a list of question for the board to study and answer, together
with a load of petitions from practically all the towns in the district.
"The other side was then admitted and Senator Funk took the floor. He contented that the

location had been fixed by the former board, that the present board had approved it, and that
the matter in the shape of bonds had been submitted to the people and approved. He very

skillfully analyzed the vote by which the bonds were voted, from which it appeared that the people

knew very well the building was to be at Richmond. Bishop Ravsten of Clarkston felt that the

incident was closed and said the people of Clarkston voted the bonds with the understanding that

the school would be at Richmond. Mr. S. F. Wiser of Lewiston backed up Senator Funk and then

Messrs. M. H. Stocks, Fred Taggert and J. M. Bright all of whom signed the petition, withdrew

from the petition, and presented some very interesting sidelights as to how the names were

obtained, all of which made the time pass more pleasantly and added humor to the occasion. Mr.

L. H. Allen of Cove, M. E. Kent of Stephenson and H. H. Danielson of Wheeler made substantial

statements favoring the action of the board. Mr. John E. Griffin of Newton then made practically

the same talk that he made in the other meeting, and Charles Wood of Trenton, who was a member

of the board at the time the site was located at Richmond, delivered some sledge hammer blows

for the Richmond contingent. Mayor C. L. Funk of Richmond and Bishop J. L. McCarrey made

some timely hits favoring the present site, and after all who cared to talk either for or against had

been given a chance to say all they had to say, the board took the matter under advisement and the meeting adjourned." --The Logan Republican, April 13, 1920.

May 15, 1920 - p. 7 under "Lift Cache County Out of the Mud."
"Mr. Taxpayer: You Can Lower Your Taxes, Build Permanent Roads and Make Every

Corner of Your County Accessible. Here's How--"
"Citizens of Cache county--you are justly proud of your county. It is a district of progressive,
prosperous communities. But you don't boast of your roads--certainly not in the wet season. A
twelve month road system does not exist in Cache county. For six months we are sunk in the mud.
"We can lift ourselves out of the mud and do it easily. We can make Cache county as famed

for its roads as it is famed for its products. We can do this and lower taxes at the same time. Here

is the plan. Read every word carefully. Then you will become a booster for the greatest scheme

for the development of Cache County that was ever devised.
"The people of Cache County will be asked to vote a Road Bond for the purpose of building

up and improving the principal roads of the County. This will make direct and easy intercourse
among the cities, towns and precincts. Every section of the county will receive remarkable

benefits. None will profit at the expense of its neighbors.
"The County has a Road committee upon which every city and town is represented. This

committee and the County Commissioners have worked out a definite plan of improvement. This

plan is clearly shown on the accompanying map. [Map with roads of the entire county] The

amount of money to be expended on each road will be stated. If the bond is voted the work will

be planned and supervised by an experience, successful highway construction engineer.
"The placing of the bond upon the County will not create an exorbitant tax as some people
think. One mill a year for twenty years will pay the interest and one mill a year for the first
ten years (placed in savings at 4 per cent and allowed to remain there until the end of the

twentieth year) will pay the principal. In other words 2 mills for the first ten years will

pay off the entire principal and interest. This tax is equivalent to 1 1/2 mills per year for
twenty years. Of course as the valuation of Cache County increases, and it is increasing fast,
the amount of the tax will be proportionately decreased.
"If the bond is not voted, what will happen by way of taxing for roads? Last year five mills
were levied for road purposes. This year it will take five mills if any work at all is done in
the county. Next year and the year after, and year after than, and so on indefinitely if the

County meets the State and Federal aid money available for Cache County dollar for dollar, it
will require three to five mills. If the County does not meet State and Federal money dollar
for dollar, it will have to say 'No we can't raise the money. We are too poor in Cache County.
You will have to give our allotment to some other county, We got only ten million dollars for

our crops last year and ten million the year before. So we will have to stay in the mud for another
generation. . . .
"CACHE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE. Roy Bullen, Chairman; M. R. Hovey, Secretary.
Logan [six members], one each for Lewiston, Wheeler, Stephenson, Richmond, Smithfield,

Hyrum, Wellsville, Avon, Paradise, Providence, Millville, College, Hyde Park, Cove, Benson,

Riverside, Cornish, Trenton, Clarkston (John Ravesten), Newton (J. E. Griffin), Petersboro,

Mendon, Mt. Sterling, Cache Junction, North Logan, River Heights.
Finance Committee, Robert Anderson, Chairman; Campaign Committee, C. M. Harris, Chairman;

Advertising Committee, S. H. Bair, Chairman; Publicity Bureau of Chamber of Commerce, D. W.

Robinson, Chairman." --The Logan Republican, May 15, 1920.
July 13, 1920 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Marriage licenses have been issued to the following couples;. . .Calder S. Hall of Hyrum

and Hattie Jenkins of Newton. The last named couple were married by Deputy Clerk Eugene e [?]

Yates." --The Logan Republican, July 13, 1920.
Aug. 28, 1920 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"After much suffering brought about from the effects of influenza of a year ago. Mrs. Anna

Clark Jenkins daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Clark and wife of John Jenkins of Newton died at

her home Wensday [sic-Wednesday] night. Mrs. Jenkins was born in North Wales March 18,

1856 and was sixty four years old last March. She came to Utah with her parents when but ten

years of age, and was married Sept. 21, 1873 in Salt Lake Temple. She was the mother of fifteen

children. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 o'clock in the Newton Meeting House." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 28, 1920.
Sept. 22, 1920 - p.2 under "Suffering Souls of Paradise Face Record Tax Rate."
"It may be Paradise or it may be another Garden of Eden but when one faces a tax of 42 mills
on a dollar it makes him think that his ideals of the place have been shattered. Gold paved
streets and trumpets and delightful music are all right and the average world resident is willing
in the end to accept all these, but when it comes to putting up hard cash it is different. And
this is why the citizens of Paradise in the county of Cache kicks for the tax levy in his town
is the highest in the county--42 mills on the dollar.
"Cache county taxpayers in general will pay a 21 mill rate this year on a valuation of
$37,542,466. Residents in the cities and towns in the county will pay as follows: Logan, 40 mills;
Hyrum, 32 mills; Wellsville, 36 mills, Mendon, 28 mills; Paradise, 42 mills, the highest rate
in the county; Millville, 30 mills; Providence, 32 mills Hyde Park, 35 mills; Smithfield, 30.5
mills; Richmond, 33.5 mills; Lewiston, 27 mills; Newton, 41 mills; Trenton, 36 mills; Clarkston,
36 mills, and Trenton, 25 mills. [? Trenton listed twice]
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 22, 1920.
Sept. 30, 1920 - p. 1 under "Prize Winners At the County Fair."
". . .In the sugar beet project Russell Shaffer of Millville won the first prize. . . and
Stanley Griffin of Newton won fourth prize. . . ."
"Owing to an oversight the poultry for the boys club work was not judged so the premiums

offered for this feature will be divided equally among the exhibitors woh [sic-who] were Court

Shaffer of Millville, Thomas Rowley of Logan, Lavoir Dowdle of Newton and Howard Seamons

of Hyde Park." --The Logan Republican, Sept. 30, 1920.
Oct. 6, 1920 - p. 10 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Aaron F. Bracken, Freedom, Wyo., and Ruth Jenkins, Newton, Utah."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 6, 1920.
Nov. 4, 1920 - p. 1 under "Harding Wins."

"Landslide Gives the Republicans An Overwhelming Victory."
"This is the first time the Republicans have won in Cache county for ten years."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 4, 1920.
November 13, 1920 -p. 7 under "Un-official Returns of the November Second Election In Cache County."
Newton for U.S. Presidency - 98 votes for Dem. Cox and 79 for Rep. Harding/
Newton for Utah Senator - 100 votes for Dem. Welling and 79 for Rep. Smoot.
Newon for Utah Congressman - 100 votes for Dem. Funk and 79 for Rep. Colton.
Newton for Utah Governor - 94 for Dem. Taylor and 83 for Rep. Maybe."
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 13, 1920.
Nov. 25,1921 - p. 1 under "Local News."
"During the week the County Clerk's office issued a marriage permit to Henry Allgaier

of Hyrum and Zola Hansen of Newton." --The Box Elder News, Nov. 25, 1921.
Nov. 30, 1920 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"A death which has shocked many was that of Mr. Wm. P. Hansen of Newton which occurred

Sunday morning at the Utah Idaho hospital. Mr. Hansen was seized with an attack of appendicitis

and gall stones and underwent an operation for the reief [sic-relief] of same, but his system could

not withstand the dual operation and he passed away. He was a prosperous farmer an[d] a well

respected citizens, a kind father and husband and a good friend. He leaves a wife and seven

children to mourn his loss."
"Funeral services of William P. Hansen will be held in the Newton meeting house on

Wednesday, December 1st at 12 o'clock to enable friends from the outside towns to come on the

morning train and return on the afternoon train." --The Logan Republican, Nov. 30, 1920.
Dec. 9, 1920 - p. 3 under "W. P. Handen [sic-Hansen] is Laid to Rest at Newton."

"Newton, Dec. 2.--Funeral services over the remains of William Peter Hansen, were held in the

Newton ward Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 12 o'clock. The hall was filled to overflowing with relatives

and friends from far and near who had come to pay their last respects to the departed brother.

There were seated on the stand beside the ward authorities, Bishop Ravsten and High Councilman

Thomas Griffin of Clarkston, Peter Peterson and Ezra Cooley of Logan, also Jno. H. Griffin,

James A. Hansen and Wm. H. Griffin Jr. Bishop M. C. Rigby conducted the services.
"The speakers were James A. Hansen, Ezra Cooley, Chris Peterson, William H. Griffin Jr. and
Bishop M. C. Rigby, who all spoke in the highest terms of the deceased, as a neighbor and

"Some poetry written for the occasion was read by W. H. Griffin Jr. The speaking was inter-
sperced with a duet by L. George Clark and wife also a solo by Ener Peterson. The choir furnished
the singing.
"The floral emblems were profuse and beautiful, special designs being furnished by the Sunday

School, the seventy's quorum and the second intermediate class in the Sunday school of which he

has been a teacher for a good many years past, and also many beautiful designs by the family.

Benediction and invocation were pronounced by Bishop [R]aveston of Clarkston and J. E.
Griffin of Newton and at the cemetery the grave was dedicated by Niels Jacobsen of Logan.
"In behalf of the family Bishop Rigby felt to thank all for their presence and their assistance
rendered during the sickness and burial of Brother Hansen which was a manifestation of the

esteem in which he was held by the community in which he lived.
"William Hansen was born October 21, 1876, in New Zealand, and immigrated to this country

with his parents while yet a boy, they having embrace the gospel in their native land, and therefore
endured all the hardships incident to those early days. His father died not many years after
they moved to Newton and left he and his brother John to look after the wants of his widowed
mother and one sister, which they did with credit. He was married to Amanda Hogensen April 26,
1899, who has born him seven children, two sons and five daughters, all of whom survived him.
He worked at the carpenter's bench and was master of his trade, taking great pride in everything
that he did, which was always well done. He was also a faithful worker in the different

organizations of the ward, and willingly met all the obligations required at his hands. He died as

he had lived--a faithful Latter-day Saint and has earned a sure reward.
"The following is dedicated to the memory of the late William Hansen of Newton, Utah, who
died Sunday Nov. 28, and was interred in the Newton cemetery, Dec. 1.
"Help us this day to lean on Thee,
"O God our father's God.
"That we may walk that sacred path,
"The way our father's tread.
"Hear us we pray dear Lord this day,
"That we many humble be.
"And learn to do Thy will always,
"Though hard it seem to be.
"Help us to bear our grief, and share
"Thy love with us; we pray
"Thy holy will shall be our guide,
"Throughout Eternal day.
"This life so full of toil and pain
"Is but a span of time,
"Then, wish it not return again,
"Oh selfish heart of mine.
"But rather let us trust that we
"May patiently attend,
"To present duties while we may,
"Claim Jesus Christ our Friend.
"Why should we weep for those we love,
"When they are freed from pain?
"We are assured by Jesus Christ,
"That we shall meet again.
PHINEUS TEMPEST." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 9, 1920.
Jan. 4, 1921 - p. 4 under sale ad by Cardon Co."
"Attention Newton Farmers/ James A. Anderson's Farm For Sale."
"Why go elsewhere for your beet, hay and pasture land when we can sell you the Anderson

Farm in tracts to suit you. We can sell this to you at about one-half of what similar land in other parts of Cache Valley would cost you. Terms and rate of interest will be very liberal.

"CARDON CO. / 112 North Main St. / Logan, Utah." --The Logan Republican, Jan. 4, 1921.
Jan. 15, 1921 - p. 7 under "Notice To Water Users."
"State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 6, 1921.
"Notice is hereby given that Andrew Peterson of Newton, Utah, has made application in

accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the
Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to appropriate Two (2) Sec. Ft. of water from Bear River in
Cache county. Said water will be diverted by means of an electric pump at a point 660
feet north from the E 1-4 corner of Sec. 32, Township 13 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake
Base and Meridian, and conveyed 1980 ft. by means of a pipe line and a ditch, and there
used from May 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive, of each year to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced
in the SE 1-4 of Sec. 32, township and range aforesaid. This application is designated as
No. 8598.
"All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefore,

must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $2.25, and filed in this

office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice.
G. F. McCONAGLE, State Engineer.
"Date of first publication, January 11. 1921. --The Logan Republican, Jan. 15, 1921.
Feb. 5, 1921 - p. 4 under "Providence Happenings."
"The Newton basketball team defeated Providence in their game at Newton Tuesday night
by a score of 57 to 22." --The Logan Republican, Feb. 5, 1921.
March 26, 1921 - p. 8 under "
Mr. and Mrs.Elias Larsen entertained Friday with a bridal luncheon in honor of their daughter
Attelia, whose marriage to Mr. Otto Miller of Newton took place on Wednesday of this week in
the Logan temple. . . . The guests numbered thirty and included the immediate members of both
families and a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will make their home in Newton."
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 26, 1921.
April 5, 1921 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Mr. George Rigby, a well known citizen and one time former sheriff of Cache county, and
a respected resident of Newton passed away late Friday evening after a long illness of Bright's
disese [sic- disease]. Funeral services will be held in Newton on Wednesday at 1 o'clock in

the Newton ward chapel." --The Logan Republican, April 5, 1921.
April 7, 1921 - p. 1 under "Funeral of Geo. C. Rigby Held at Lewiston."

"Impressive funeral services were held at Newton yesterday afternoon over the remains of

George C. Rigby, well known citizen and former sheriff of Cache County. The services were

largely attended, the meeting house being filled to over flowing with relatives and friends of
the departed. The services were conducted by the ward bishopric and the choir was in attendance.
The services commenced by the choir singing 'Hark From Afar.' The invocation was offered by

C. M. Christensen of Logan. The choir followed with 'Lord Thou Has Bereft Us.' The first

speaker was John E. Griffin who said that he felt it a privilege to speak at the funeral service

of a man who he had known practically all his life [a]nd whom he had ever found to be a good
friend. He had labored with him in the daily walks of life and also in religious duties and

never found him wanting. He was of pleasant disposition, cheerul [sic-cheerful] and congenial, always ready to do his part.

"Mrs. George L. Clark sang in a most feeling manner 'Come Unto Me.'
"Mr. James A. Langton of Shelley, Idaho, was the next speak. He said that he was there as the

result of a special request made by the deceased. Some five years ago he and Mr. Rigby had
attended a funeral together where Mr. Langton had spoken. Following the services Mr. Rigby

made the request of Mr. Langton that he speak at his funeral, so upon Mr. Rigby's death word was sent to Mr. Langton and he came from Shelley to fulfill his friend's wish. He stated that that he had known the departed many years, that he had always found him to be honest and strightforward

[sic] in every detail of his life and that he loved him as a brother. He paid plowing tributes to him as a man, a citizen and a friend.

"Mr.Einer Petersn [sic] sang 'O My Father.'
"Mr. John Taylor of Ogden, a business associate of Mr. Rigby, spoke of his many sterling
qualities, and of his straightforwardness in all his dealings.
"Mr. W. H. Griffin, Jr. of Logan spoke of long association with Mr. Rigby, both in a business
and religious way and bore his testimony of the strength and honesty of his character, his fair
and square dealings and offered smpathy [sic] to the family.
"He was followed by Counselor Christen Christensen who in behalf of the family thanked all
who had assisted during the illness and death of the departed.
"The choir sang 'The Glow of Joy Soothes Our Grief.'
"Benediction was offered by James Jardine of Clarkston.
"The floral offerings were exceptionally beautiful and came from friends from far and near.
The remains were folowed [sic] to their last resting place by a long cortege of automobiles.
"Mr. Rigby is survived by a number of brothers and sisters[,] a wife and thirteen children."
--The Logan Republican, April 7, 1921.

May 21, 1921 - p. 6 under "Notice of Special Bond Election, Cache County. . .June 7, 1921."
". . . raising funds to defray the expense of laying out, erecting, constructing, improving and

maintaining the hereinafter specifically described roads and highways within the county of Cache. . . . including the expense of gravel, macadamizing, paving and repairing the same. . . .

COUNTY ROAD, from Newton to Mendon, 10 miles. . . COUNTY ROAD, from Newton-
Mendon Road to West County Line, 3.2 miles. . . COUNTY ROAD, from Logan to Newton-
Mendon Road (cowlane) 7 miles. . . COUNTY ROAD, from Newton-Amalga road to Trenton, 5.5

miles. . . . --The Logan Republican, May 21, 1921.
June 2, 1921 - p. 1 under "At The County Court House."
"County Clerk Chugg reports the mariage [sic] license business flush for the first of June.

The following obtained permits to wed:
"Joseph Heber Hansen of Newton and Ann Godfrey of Clarkston. . . ."
--The Logan Republican, June 2, 1921.
June 9, 1921 - p. 1 under "Cache County Puts Bonds Over The Top."
"The roads bonds were given a good majority in Tuesday's election by a vote of 1432 for and

942 against. Cache county will now launch out on a consistent campaign of modern road building. Lewiston and Mr. Sterling voted unaimously [sic], with large majorities in Richmond No.1 andTrenton.

"Following is the vote by precinct [First figure votes Yes, second figure No.]
"Avon, 11, 8; Benson, 16, 8; Clarkston, 13, 46; Cornish, 18, 7; College, 32, 9; Cove, 17, 2;
Hyde Park, 18, 53; Hyrum No. 1, 9, 87; Hyrum No. 2, 3, 83; Lewiston, 134, 0; Logan No. 1, 55 ,

13; Logan No. 2, 58, 22; Logan No. 3, 28, 18; Logan No. 4, 32, 47; Logan No. 5, 52, 24; Logan No. 6, 33, 18; Logan No. 7, 66, 15; Logan No. 8, 43, 28; Logan No. 9, 69, 22; Logan No. 10, 65, 28; Mt. Sterling, 18, 0; Mt. Home, 8, 4; Mendon, 20, 43; Millville, 22, 38; Newton, 21, 24; North

Logan, 8, 22; Petersboro No. 1, 6, 10; Petersboro No. 2, 6, 5; Providence, 45, 24; Paradise,
8, 62; Richmond No. 1, 92, 2; Richmond No. 2, 48, 7; River Heights, 17, 6; Riverside, 27, 2;
Stephenson, 35, 2; Smithfield No. 1, 60, 55; Smithfield No. 2, 45, 58; Trenton, 51, 5;
Wellsville No. 1, 53, 14; Wellsville No. 2, 49, 18; Wheeler, 21, 3."
--The Logan Republican, June 9, 1921.
July 19, 1921 - p. 1 under "Little Girl Killed By Automobile Saturday."
"A shocking accident occured last Saturday afternoon on the corner of First North and Main
streets in which little Ethel Alvis, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Alvis of
Newton lost her life when she was knocked down by an automobile driven by Mr. Wm. Beutler,

sonof Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Beutler.
"The little girl's mother was at the dentist's and Mr. Alvis was taking care of the children on the

tabernacle square. Little Ethel and her small sister started across the street to the First National Bank corner for a drink at the fountain. The one little girl reached the sidewalk in safety but Ethel seemingly to avoid one automobile ran directly in front of Mr. Beutler's car which came around the corner from First North street and was knocked down. Mr. Beutler was driving slowly and stopped at once and no blame is attached to him. The little girl was taken immediately to a local hospital and medical attention given her, but it was found that she had suffer multiple factures of the skull, concussion of the brain and fracture of the jaw. She lived about two hours, never regaining consciousness.

"Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) in the Newton ward chapel at 2 o'clock."
--The Logan Republican, July 19, 1921.
July 28, 1921 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bracken of Newton are happy over the safe arrival of a son born Tuesday
at a local hospital. Mother and babe are getting along nicely."
--The Logan Republican, July 28, 1921.
Sept. 12, 1921 - p. 9 under "Cache County Schools Open."
"Complete Force of Teachers Engaged for Year."
"LOGAN, Sept. 12.--The county schools opened today. The list of teachers follows:
"Avon--Leland Pulslpher, Olga Gibbons. . . . .
"North Cache High--C. H. Anderson, J. H. Peterson,C. I. Stoddard, Inez Maughan, J.

W.Kirkbride, C. B. Johnson, Ortensia Merrill, Estella Larson, George E. Russell, Emma D.

Russell, Victor Williams, John Omanson. . . .
"Cache Junction--David Fuhriman, Annie Wheelson. . . .
"Newton--Amos Griffin, Archie Jenkins, Lula Griffin, Orpah Rigby, Margaret Woodside.
"Clarkston--J. E. Hancey, Preston Maughan, Clayton Nielsen, Ruthy Simmons, Ruth

Christensen, Bessie McBride. . . ." --Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 12, 1921.
Sept. 22, 1921 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Funeral Services over the remains of Mr. Erick Ecklund, pioneer and highly respected

citizen of Newton will be held in the Newton Ward Chapel today at 2 o'clock. Mr. Ecklund
died at the ripe age of 75 years, reared a splendid family and goes to his reward with a

record of many good things accomplished. Many of his friends throughout the county will no
doubt attend the funeral services today. We hope a good account of the service in our
next issue." --The Logan Republican, Sept. 22, 1921.
Sept. 24, 1921 - p. 1 under "Erick Ecklund of Newton Dead."
":Friends and relatives filled the Newton ward chapel on Thursday afternoon to pay their last
respected to a beloved resident of that town, who for thirty nine years had lived in their midst
and partaken of their joys and sorrows. The opening song sung by the choir, 'O My Father.'
Invocation was offered by Elder Jas. A. Hansen, followed by singing 'There's a Land that Is Fairer
Than This.'
"Elder C. M. Christiansen of Logan, told of his association with the departed while living as a

neighbor. He told of the honesty and sterling qualities as a home builder that Mr. Ecklund

'Elder John E. Griffin also spoke of the pleasant association he had enjoyed with the deceased
as a neighbor, saying that he was a good neighbor, and that he had ever found him to be accommo-
dating, that he did not have a thing his neighbor was not welcome to barrow [sic-barrow].
"A solo was then sung by Brother I. Peterson [Pederson], 'Beautiful City.'
"W. Griffin Jr. of Logan was the next speaker. He testified to the many sterling qualities of

the departer [sic-departed] and told of his love for children. Bishop M. C. Rigby said that he

had known Mr. Ecklund a long time and that he had found him always 'True to himself' and honest
with his fellowmen.
"The closing song was 'There is Rest in Heaven.'"
"Benediction was offered by Counselor Lorenzo Larson.
"There were many beautiful floral offerings, and the pall bearers were his six fine, stalwart
sons, a wonderful monument for a man to leave behind him.
"At the cemetery, the grave was dedicated by Counselor Christian Christiansen. Mr. Ecklund
was a little past 75 years old at the time of his death.
"He is survived by six sons, and one daughter, they are Fritz, Earnest, Emet, Theodore, Frank,
George and Elizabeth. His wife passed to the great beyond three years ago. He has also five
grandchildren and two brothers who reside in Chicago. He was a good man, he lived a good life

and he passed away surrounded with the kindly strength of his sons and the loving care of his only
daughter." --The Logan Republican, Sept. 24, 1921.
Sept. 29, 1921 - p. 4 under "Local News."
"Mrs. W. F. Ecklund of Newton underwent an operation for appendicitis at a local hospital in
this city Tuesday evening. W[e] ae please to announce that she is getting along nicely."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 29, 1921.

Oct. 1, 1921 - p. 1 under "Newton Youth Was Killed at Smithfield."
"Early Thursday morning Alvin James Benson, a youth of Newton died at a local hospital from

injuries received in an automobile accident which occurred at one o'clock Thursday morning in

front of the Morgan Canning Company's Pea factory at Smithfield. The young man in company

with his cousin, Shirley Benson was returned from attending the fair when their buggy was struck

by an automobile owned and operated by Nephi Comish of Cove. The car was evidently moving

at a high rate of speed as the side which struck the buggy was completely demolished. The horse

on that side was so badly injured that it was necessary to have it killed.
"The young men in the buggy were both injured. Shirley Benson was rendered unconscious but

he recovered in a few moments and assisted in helping his cousin into Mr. Comish's car in which

he was brought to a local hospital. All medical aid was immediately given but the young man

passed away some two hours later. The sheriff has investigated the case, but no apparent reason

can be found for the accident. Poor lights were perhaps one of the reasons. Mr. Comish made no

"Alvin James Benson was the youngest son of the late Mr. Alma P. Benson and Mrs. Annia
E. Benson. He was born in Newton and was seventeen years old. His mother was in Hiawatha,
Utah visiting with relatives at the time of the accident. He is survived by her and four brothers

and five sisters. Funeral services will be announced later."
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 1, 1921.
Dec. 27, 1921 - p. 1 under "News Items of Newton."
"Newton, Dec. 24.--The funeral for Mrs. Magna Benson, wife of Marcus J. Benson, was held
at 10 o'clock on Thursday. Bishop M. C. Rigby presided. The following persons spoke of the

life and character of tihs [sic-this] good wife and mother: Elder James A. Hansen, President
C. M. Christensen of Logan, President J. E. Griffin, Elder Nephi Christensen and Bishop M. C.
Rigby. Musical selections were furnished by Mrs. M. L. George Clarke and Joseph Jones.
"W. R. Ballard offered the opening prayer and Joseph Tuddenham pronounced the benediction.
At the cemetery Niels Jacobsen dedicated the grave.
"Mrs. Benson was born in Denmark 52 years ago and came to Utah when she was fifteen years
of age. She is survived by her husband, M. J. Benson, a sone Royden Benson, three daughters,
Mrs. Hazel Rigby, Mrs. Norma Christensen and Miss Mildred Benson, also a brother John Larsen
and three sisters.
"A lively game of basket ball was played here on Friday evening between our local boys
and a crack team from Weston, score 42 to 30 in favor of the local team. An enjoyable dance
followed." --The Logan Republican, Dec, 27, 1921.
April 6, 1923 - p. 14 under "Mining and Oil."
"LOGAN, April 6.--Agents of the Great Western Oil company have been prospecting in the

vicinity of Newton on the west side of Cache valley, with a view of securing lease on some of the

lands. A public meeting will be held there soon when the company's representatives will explain

their proposition to the landowners." --Salt Lake Telegram, April 6, 1923.

July 3, 1923 - p. 1 under "Honeyville News."
"Miss Sybil Hunsaker and Reuben Benson of Newton, Utah, were married in the Logan temple
Wednesday last. Sybil is the very accomplished daughter of Mrs. Laura Loveland. She has

fulfilled a mission to the Western States, taught the Primary grades of the district school last

winter, is assistant choir leader and a very enthusiastic worker in other ward organizations.
Mr. Benson comes to us highly recommended as a first-class young man in every respect. He
is the son of a widowed mother who has resided in the Newton ward for many years, and a

Brother to Ezra Benson of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Benson will make their home in Newton

for the present." --The Box Elder News, July 3, 1923.
Feb. 12, 1924 - p. 1 under "Pioneer Merchant of Brigham Dies."
"In the passing of Jens Christian Gasbery, who died at his home on south Main street
yesterday afternoon. . .the career of an energetic and remarkable man came to a close. Mr.
Gasberg was 83 years of age and had been in the mercantile business of this city constantly
during the past 36 years . . . .
"Mr. Gasberg was born in Denmark December 22, 1840. He joined the Mormon church in his
native land, and filled a mission for the church there. He was also a soldier in the Danish army, and served in the German-Danish war in 1864. He was wounded in this war, and was also taken prisoner. Being an army officer, he was not allowed to preach religion, but an instance is related of how he preached the gospel to some 200 of his men, by sitting and relating to them the truths of the gospel. He came to Utah in 1868, and direct of Brigham City. For a short time he resided at Bear River City and then at Newton. While at the latter place he was president of the Scandinavian organization, and was a lieutenant and drill master of a troop at Logan, which it is said went under the name of the Nauvoo Legion. Coming back to this city [Brigham], he conducted a photograph gallery here in early days, and later engaged in the mercantile business in 1888, being Brigham City's pioneer photographer and one of the first independent merchants of this city. His first wife died about eight years ago. He later married again. . . ."
--The Box Elder News, Feb. 12, 1924.

Feb. 17, 1924 - p. 27 under "Cache Town Dedicates New School Building."
'LOGAN, Feb. 16.--Newton's new schoolhouse, built to replace the one fired and destroyed by
lightning last spring, was dedicated Friday afternoon with the following exercises: Song by
school; dedication speech, President John E. Griffin of the local school board; duet, Oswald and
Trevor Clarke; song, second grade girls; address, County School Superintendent R. V. Larsen;

poem, Jean Murphy; address State School Superintendent C. N. Jensen; remarks, President E. G.
Peterson of the Utah Agricultural college; duet, Viola Cooley and Arba Hansen; remarks,

Chairman of County Commissioners M. C. Rigby; health crusaders, third and fourth grade boys; remarks, President County School Board, G. A. Hogan; lulla_?_, third grade girls; solo, Margaret Griffin."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Feb. 17, 1924.

July 29, 1924 - p. 3 under "News from Honeyville,"
"Mrs. Laura Loveland left for Newton Wednesday last, to visit with her daughter and family,

Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of that place." --The Box Elder News, July 29, 1924.
July 4, 1925 - p. 3 under "Rains Damage Crops."
"Logan, July 4.--A heavy rain and hailstorm Thursday evening between Clarkston and Newton,
damaged the more advanced and heavier crops of grain." --Salt Lake Telegram, July 4, 1925.
Oct. 2, 1925 - p. 4 under "Joseph W. Nelson to Be Buried at Newton."
"Logan, Oct. 2.--The body of Joseph W. Nelson, who died at his home in Oakland, arrived
Thursday at Newton for interment. He was a graduate in agriculture of the Utah Agricultural
college and inter of the California university of Berkeley. He was a professor in the California

university at Berkeley for ten years. During the past ten years he has been in the employ of the

United States department of agriculture as a soil expert. Twelve years ago he made a soil survey

of Cache county. He was at the time of his death secretary-treasurer of the United States Farm

bureau of California." --Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 2, 1925.
Nov. 3, 1925 - p. 17 under "Logan News."
"Logan, Dec. 3.--Several criminal cases were quickly disposed of in the city court. Alma
Taylor, upon whose premises at Newton sheriff's officers found twenty gallons of mash and a

crude still, pleaded guilty to manufacturing moonshine and was fined $290 or otherwise sentenced

to three months in jail." --Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 3, 1925
Nov. 19, 1925 - p. 15 under "Many Hunters Given Permits for Elk Hunt."
"Logan, Nov. 19.--Following is the list of those who have been granted licenses to

participate in the elk hunt on the Cache forest reserve that begins on Friday:
"T. N. Jensen of Ogden;. . . Parley Peterson of Newton;. . . ."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 19, 1925.
Nov. 30, 1925 - p. 6 under "Big Elk Hunt Comes to Close."
"Logan, Nov. 30.--The biggest and most successful elk hunt in the history of Cache valley
came to a close Saturday. During the big hunt the gunners have been successful in bagging 115

elk. . . .About 150 hunters with their trusty rifles have tried their luck at the big game during the

past two weeks of the open season. Although a number of the shooters were unsuccessful in their

attempts to bag the big game, the large majority of the hunters proved their skill by capturing the

fleet footed animals. . . .
"Some of the hunter who have been successful in bagging the big game are . . . . Parley
Peterson of Newton;. . . ." --Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 30, 1925.
Jan. 6, 1926- p. 7 under "Poultrymen Elect Officers at Logan."
"Logan, 5.--The Cache Valley Poultry Producers' association has been reorganized with H. A.
Campbell as president, John H. Kemp as vice president, K. E. Benson as secretary, and the

Following directors: Mrs. John Miller of Millville, Fred Speth of College, Mrs. H. Shaw of

Hyrum, George Darley of Wellsville, Edgar Hancock of Mendon, Andrew Peterson of Newton,

Ora Hyer of Lewiston, P. J. Reed of Trenton and J. Ray Pond of Richmond. To represent the

organization at conventions of the state organization, Thomas Porter was elected."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 6, 1926.
Jan. 8, 1926 - p. 1 under "Infant Son Des This Morning at 1 O'clock."

"Winston Sanders, 27-months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sanders, died this morning at 1 o'clock of spinal meningitis at the family home, 17 North 5th West street. The child had suffered from various afflictions during the great part of its life. . . .

Winston was born Oct. 2, 1923, at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders came to Brigham from Salt
Lake City about three years ago, and for some time Mr. Sanders had been employed by the
Brigham Auto Supply company. Surviving are the parents and one sister, Viola Sanders. . . .

The body will then be taken to Newton, Cache county, former home of its parents, where
funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon and interment will be made in the Newton

cemetery." --Box Elder News, Jan. 8, 1926.
Feb. 10, 1926 - p. 2 under "Cache County Fair Board Elect New Directors."
"Logan, Feb. 10.--The following directors were elected to serve on the Cache county fair
board for the next three years.
"W. I. Sorenson, Mendon; C. M. Harris, Logan; J. J. Plowman, Smithfield; C. M. Nelson,

North Logan; Z. W. Israelson, Hyrum; Daniel Buttars, Clarkston; D. R. Clark, Newton; Thomas

Buttars, Clarkston.
"The election was held at the meeting of stockholders, as which plans for the 1926 exposition
were discussed." --Salt Lake Telegram, Feb. 10, 1926.
Nov. 23, 1926 - p. 20 under "Three Are Dead in Cache County."
"LOGAN, Nov. 23.--Three deaths occurred in towns of the county Sunday. . . .
"Niels Christiansen of Newton was a native of Thorkilstrup, Denmark, and was born
October 13, 1862. He had been a resident of the United States for fifty-one years. Funeral
services will be held in the Newton chapel at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 23, 1926.
Dec. 4, 1926 - p. 10 under "As I Remember."
[Reflections from the past by Albert F. Philips.] "Study of the returns of the election held on

August 6, 1883, is most interesting. . . . In Cache county there was but one ticket, although in

Newton district 25 votes were cast for W. V. Carbine for selectman."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 4, 1926.
April 3, 1927 - p. 32 under "Utah Loses 50 Prominent Citizens."
"A backward glance at the close of the first quarter of 1927 shows that Utah has lost by death

more than fifty prominent men and women . . . .
[In March] - "John Griffin, Newton, Cache valley pioneer of '62."

--Salt Lake Telegram, April 3, 1927.

August 23, 1927 - p. 5 under "Cache Schools to Open Sept. 5."
"LOGAN, Aug. 23.--Schools of Cache county will open for regular instruction September 5,
according to an announcement made yesterday by Superintendent R. V. Larson. The different
school buildings of the county have been placed in condition. Teachers have been appointed
for the coming year as follows:
"Avon--Bessie Green.. . .
"Cache Junction--Ralph Jones and Lucretia Parsons.
"Clarkston--Kimball Slaugh, Joseph Malmberg, Jesse Thompson, Abbie Scholes, Sarah Heggie
and Melba Allen.
"Mendon--H. G. Hughes and Gladys Hughes.
"Newton--Amos Griffin, Archie Jenkins, Hazel Rigby and Lulu Rigby.
". . .North Cache high school--C. H. Anderson, Gertrude Bently, Mabel Walker, Edith Johnson,
Thelma Huber, Clarence Probst, Heber Whiting, C. B. Johnson, Ruth Bradford, J. W.Kirkbride,
Inez Maughan, E. B. Olson, W. W. Perkins, C. I. Stoddard, Calder Smith, F. D. Thatcher, Wendell
Thompson, E. M. Van Orden and John Peterson."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 23, 1927.
Oct. 16, 1927 - p. 28 under "Cache County Schools to Have Beet Vacation."
LOGAN, Oct. 15--All Cache county schools will be closed two weeks for the annual

beetdigging vacation, according to R. V. Larsen, superintendent. The schools in the northern part

of the county were dismissed last Friday and will get the benefit of two weeks' vacation. South

Cache high school and the grade schools in the southern part of the county will be closed for one

week." --Salt Lake Telegraph, Oct. 16, 1927.
October 26, 1927 - p.4 under "Cache Gridders to Resume Play After Vacation."
"LOGAN, Oct. 26.--Cache Valley high schools are slated to resume gridiron play this coming

Friday after a beet vacation of about two weeks, during which no games or practices were held."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 26, 1927.
Dec. 25, 1927 - p. 19 under "L.D.S. Seminaries 1927-28."
Seminary - [and] Teacher[s] - [and] Year Established.
1. American Fork - E. Ray Gardner - 1917 . . . .
31. Logan - [3 teachers.] - 1921 . . . .
48. North Cache - Elijah Hicken, Lynn Bennion - 1924 . . . .
62. South Cache - J. Karl Wood, M. W. Smith. . . .
70. Wasatch - D. A. Broadbent - 1918." --Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 25, 1927.
October 7, 1928 - p. 9 under "Cache Students to Get Beet Vacation."
'LOGAN, Oct. 6.--Students of the Cache county high schools and fifth, sixth, seventh and

eighth grades will have a sugar beet harvest vacation beginning October 12 . . . . The vacation will

last one week, although in heavy beet producing sections north of Logan two weeks' vacation may

be granted. Primary grades will continue in session until October 16, when the children will be

excused to permit the teachers to attend the annual conference of the Utah Education association at

Salt Lake, October 18, 19 and 20." --Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 7, 1928.
Oct. 10, 1928 - p.14 under "Newton Raises Quota for Hurricane Relief."
"Logan, Oct. 10.--The first town in Cache county to turn in its quota for the assistance of

hurricane victims in Porto Rico and Florida is Newton, whose assessment was $35, announces
John A. Hendrickson, chairman of the Cache county Red Cross chapter. Wellsville has turned

in $35 of its $50 quota. Cache county's quota has been set at $800 and, according to Mr.
Hendrickson, the drive will continue until the entire amount has been raised.
"The various communities of Cache county have been apportioned the following quotas:
Smithfield, $60; Hyrum, $50; Lewiston, $50; Richmond, $50; Wellsville, $50; Hyde Park, $35;
Clarkston, $35; Newton, $35; Providence, $35; Paradise, $25; Benson, $25; Mendon, $25;
Millville, $25; Trenton, $15; College, $25, and Nibley, $10."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 10, 1928.
May 24, 1929 - p. 1 under "Laketown's Latest."
"The grade schools [of Laketown]closed Friday, May 17. Mr. Spencer Griffin, grade school

principal, motored Friday to his home at Newton, Utah, to spend the summer."
--The Rich County Reaper (Randolph, Ut.), May 24, 1929.
July 21, 1929 - p. 2 under "Jobless 'Hero' Faces Trial as Rail Wrecker."
"Believed 'Gratitude' for Bravery Would Land Him With O.S.L."
"Logan, July 20 (Special)--How William Stone, 35, of Newton, nearly caused a great calamity

in his efforts to pose as a hero became known Saturday. He will be given a hearing Monday at 10

a.m. on a charge of attempting to wreck an Oregon Short Line train near Cache Junction Friday

"According to Stone's confession to Sheriff W. A. Shaw, the man, jobless, and with seven
children to care for, was in desperate circumstances. He conceived the idea of setting the stage for

a train wreck and preventing disaster by timely intervention, thinking that the railroad company, in

its gratitude, might reward him with a job.
"According to the sheriff, here is what happened:
"Early Friday morning, Stone removed four large nuts from bolts that held a set of double rails

together. Then he waited.
"When a freight train approached, Stone rushed out and flagged it. He told an incoherent story

of men who sought to wreck the train. Quizzed regarding his presence at the track so early in the

morning, Stone made several illogical statements and finally confessed what he had done.
"He was turned over to Logan authorities and was arraigned before Judge Jesse Rich Saturday,
with a result that he was ordered held to appear before the district court.
"Railroad officials declare that had a passenger train been the first to approach the faulty rails,

an accident resulting in the loss of life and property might have resulted."
--Salt Lake Telegram, July 21, 1929.
July 22, 1929 - p. 2 under "Stone Held for 'Wrecker' Trial."
"Waives Hearing on Charge of Damaging Railroad Property."
"Logan, July 22 (Special)--William Stone, 35, of Newton, charged with feloniously and

maliciously damaging railroad property by removing four bolts from the tracks of the Oregon

Short Line, at a point a mile north of Cache Junction, waived his preliminary hearing and was

bound over for trial Monday.
"He could not raise bail and was returned to jail. In the meantime, his wife and seven
children, ranging in age from 1 to 12 years, are in urgent need.
"It was for their sake, Stone declared, that he attempted the ruse which he thought might
make him a hero in the eyes of officials of the road and win him a job.
"He conceived the idea Friday of setting the stage for a train wreck and then preventing
disaster by timely intervention. He removed the bolts from the track and then ran forward and
stopped a freight train. But his story of how he had discovered the plot to wreck the train was
illogical, and after questioning he admitted his guilt, according to Sheriff W. A. Shaw."
[See Aug. 7, 1929]. --Salt Lake Telegram, July 22, 1929.
July 28, 1929 p. 29 under "Cache Farmers to Hold Third Wheat Excursion."
"Logan, July 27.--Farmers and wheat growers of Cache county will hold their third annual
wheat excursion and demonstration at the Utah State Agricultural college experimental plot on
the farm owned by John E. Griffin at Newton Tuesday afternoon, July 30 at 1:30 o'clock,

according to County Agent Robert L. Wrigley.
"The projects on this plot, which includes five acres of different varieties of wheat under
examination, are under the direction of Dr. George Stewart of the experiment station. Among the
problems to be discussed on this excursion will be the methods and result of breeding wheat,
the control of smut by the use of copper carbonate and the result of new varieties that are being
developed for Utah conditions. All farmers of the county are invited to participate in the

excursion." --Salt Lake Telegram, July 28, 1929.
July 31, 1929 - p. 7 under "Wheat Marketing Group Formed in Cache County."
"Logan, July 31.--Sponsored by the wheat marketing committee of the Cache County Farm
bureau; a meeting of wheat growers of the Clarkston and Newton districts was held at the latter

community Sunday evening for the purpose of forming a wheat marketing association. . . . which

was attended by approximately fifty farmers." --Salt Lake Telegram, July 31, 1929.
Aug. 7, 1929 - p. 16 under "Cache Wheat Market Association Elects."
"Logan, Aug. 7.--D. M. Bickmore of Paradise has been named by the directors as president of

the Cache County Wheat Marketing association for the coming year. M. C. Rigby of Newton was

elected vice president, while the secretary remains to be chosen. The board of directors includes

the following three in addition to the two officers: Thomas J. Buttars and John N. Godfrey of

Clarkston and Alphonso Christensen of Newton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 7, 1929.
Aug. 7, 1929 - p. 16 under "Man Sent to Prison for Damaging Track."
"Logan, Aug. 7--William Stone, Jr., father of seven children, was sentenced to served from
one to ten years in the state prison Tuesday when he entered a plea of guilty to the charge
of injuring railroad property. He pulled four bolts from a switch near Cache Junction recently
and then stopped an approaching freight train. He said that he hoped to be given a job on the
road for preventing a wreck." --Salt Lake Telegram, Aug.7, 1929.
July 11, 1930 - p. 4 under "Local and Personal."
"Wayne Tyson McKinnon of Knight, Wyoming and Miss Evelyn Guddonham of Newton, Utah

were married June 26, in the Logan Temple."
--The Rich County Reaper, July 11, 1930.
Aug. 27, 1930 - p. 2 under "O.S.L. to Reconstruct Newton Road Underpass."
"The Oregon Short Line railroad Tuesday applied to the public utilities commission for a permit

to rebuild with steel and concrete an underpass to replace a wooden structure on the Newton

county road in Cache county. The cost of replacing the old structure, accordingto a contract filed

with Cache county commissioners, is to be equally shared by the railroad and county." --Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 27, 1930.
Aug. 3, 1931 - p. 5 under "School Centralization Plans to be Discussed."
"Logan, Aug. 3.--The first of a series of meeting to discuss centralization plans for Cache

county schools will be held at Cache Junction at 8 p.m. Saturday.
"President Albert McCann and M. C. Naegle of the school board and Superintendent J. W.
Kirkbride will meet with parents of the district and explain the closing of the school and
the moving of the children to Newton, a distance of about two miles. A transportation

system will be worked out." --Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 3, 1931.
Aug. 27, 1931 - p. 18 under "Cache Announces List of Teachers."
"Logan, Aug. 27.--Superintendent J. W. Kirkbride of the Cache county schools Wednesday
announced the complete list of teachers and their assignments for the coming school year.
Only two vacancies remain, one at Paradise and the other at Clarkston.
"The list follows:
"North Cache high school--C. I. Stoddard, Gertrude Bentley, Mabel Walker, Heber Whiting,
Clarence H. Probst, Artell E. Johnson, C. B. Johnson, Mina Griffin, Edna Pederson, J. H.

Peterson, Frank D. Thatcher, Mrs. Elfrieda Brown, E. B. Oleson, Arta Larsen, Calder Smith,
Marcus Cooley, Hilda Frederick, W. W. Perkins, F. LeRoy Walters, E. M. VanOrden. . . .
"Smithfield junior high--C. A. Hurren, Floyd Thonrnley, Ralph Jones, Myrtle Dudley,
W. R. Monson, Rulon Rose and Frances Vernon. . . .

"Cache Junction--Iven Peterson. . . .

"Newton--Amos Griffin, Hazel B. Rigby, Martha Jones and Archie Jenkins."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 27, 1931.
Aug. 31, 1931 - p. 3 under "Deaths."
"James Henry Parsons, 60, of Milford, died early Sunday morning in a local hospital of a

lingering illness. Mr. Parsons, until recently, was a conductor for the Union Pacific system
between Salt Lake and Milford.
"He was born in Newton February 20, 1881, living there unto 1920 when he moved to Milford.
He is survived by his widow Mrs. Inez Cooley Parsons of Milford; three daughters and three sons,
Lavell, Harold, Helen and Frank Parsons of Newton, Mrs. Lucetia Ashcroft, Hyde Park, and Mrs.
Beatrice Markham, Brooklyn, N. Y.; one grandchild; one brother and three sisters; George Parson,
Salt Lake; Mrs. J. H. Barker, Cache Junction; Mrs. William Barker, Newton, and Mrs. L. T.

Whitaker, Downey, Idaho.
"Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon in the L.D.S. chapel at Newton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 31, 1931.
Sept. 15, 1931 - p. 2 under "Cache County Fair On In Full Swing."
"Logan, Sept. 15.--The nineteenth annual Cache county fair opened Tuesday morning,

promising to surpass in attraction any previous county festival and exposition.
"Products of the Cache region are exhibited for the large throngs expected to swarm the fair
grounds from all parts of the state Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
"The display of livestock, agriculture, fur-bearing animals, poultry, commercial and domestic
items are more complete than ever.
"There will be a rodeo and horse show Wednesday.
"The eight events of the horse show will include judging of thoroughbred and standard bred

horses, judging of fancy saddle horses, judging of stock horses, judging of ponies ridden by boys
and girls, jumping exhibition by horses, musical chair and clown acts.
"There will be 36 entries in the three classes of horse pulling matches. The light and medium

classes competed Tuesday morning and the heavy class contest will be held Wednesday evening.
"The officers of this year's fair board include George Dunbar, Logan, president; John T.
Quayle, Logan, first vice president; P. M. Maughan, Wellsville, second vice president; C. Z.

Harris, Richmond, third vice president; M. R. Hovey, Logan, secretary and treasurer. . . .executive

committee:. . . D. R. Clarke, Newton;. . . .: --Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 15, 1931.
Nov. 4, 1931 - p. 8 under "Cache Ships $16,600 of Alfalfa Seed."
"Logan, Nov. 4.--About 73,800 pounds of certified Grimm alfalfa seed, valued at approximately
$16,600, have been shipped out of Cache county during the past week, according to Agricultural
Inspector Harry Parker.
"This industry, started by Cache county farmers six years ago, has grown rapidly. This year's
shipment stamps it as one of the large one of the valley.
"Farmers having seed in the recent shipment were John, David, J. S. and C. A. Baker of

Mendon; E. L. Larsen, Parley A. Petersen, David Griffin, John Willis and Royden Benson,

Newton; Frank, Ben and John Ravsten and R. O. Loosili, Clarkston; B. Y. Benson, D. E. Haws

estate, A. Haws, S. P. Eppich, J. W. Pitcher and Louis Troseth, Trenton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 4, 1931.
June 11, 1932 - p. 7 under "Cache Baseballers Form Two Leagues."
"Logan, June 11.--Formation of the North Cache and South Cache baseball leagues has been

completed, with schedules being worked out for both circuits.
"Logan Elks, Wellsville, Hyrum, Providence, Cache American and Paradise are listed in the

South Cache circuit, while Trenton, Smithfield, Cornish, Lewiston, Newton, Clarkston, Richmond
and Amalga have entered the North Cache loop.
"A postseason series may be played between the winners of the two leagues. . . ."
--Salt Lake Telegram, June 11, 1932.
Dec. 14, 1932 - p. 5 under "Member of Board For U.S.A.C. Dies."
"Logan, Dec. 14--Funeral services were being arranged today for John E. Griffin, 60, members
of the board of trustees of the Utah State Agricultural college, who died Tuesday following a

six-month illness.
"Mr. Griffin, a prominent Cache valley farmer, had lived in this region all his life. He owned a

farm at Newton and took an active part in civic and church work. He also was active in Democratic party affairs.

"Born in Newton September 6, 1872, a son of John and Ruth Keet Griffin, he filled two missions for the L.D.S. church, one in the southern states and another in the Big Horn country.

He served as second counselor in Benson state from 1921 until the fall of 1932, when he was

released because of ill health. He married Mina Funk in the Logan temple in 1896.
"Surviving, in addition to his widow are four sons and daughters, Mrs. M. R. Cooley, Jr.,
J. Marcus and Mina Griffin, Logan; Stanley F. Griffin, Newton; nine brothers and sisters, Mrs.
Ruth N. Rolph, Thomas E., Roland, and Ralph Griffin and Mrs. Wilford Jenkins, Newton; Mrs.
Louise Jenkins, Freedom, Wyo.; B. J. Griffin, Ogden; Mrs. Louis Booth, Honeyvill; Mrs. Joseph
Jacoby, Fort Lyons, Colo., and eight grandchildren." [Photo with article.]
--Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 14, 1932.
May 30, 1933 - p. 6 under "Six Will Take Test For Postoffice Job."
"Logan--A civil service examination will be conducted June 3 at the federal building, under
direction of G. E. McDonald, for a postmaster at Newton to replace the late John E. Griffin. Mrs.
Ruth Rolph, sister of Mr. Griffin, is acting postmaster.
"Six persons will take the test, Mr. McDonald said Monday. A similar test for the job was
given about five months ago by Fred Rich, former clerk in the Cache national forest officer,
but it was declared illegal." --Salt Lake Telegram, May 30, 1933.
June 28, 1933 - p. 5 under "Cache Lists Road Projects Planned With Federal Aid."
"Logan--Completion of oiling the Hyrum-Wellsville road and the road from Lewiston through

Cornish to the Idaho line appear to be two of the first projects to received consideration when
Utah's portion of the $400,000,000 national highway fund is released, Cache county officials
said Tuesday.
"Definite announcement of Cache county's program, however, awaits the decision of the state
road commission. Other roads which may be selected for improvement are: The 'cow line' west
of Logan; the Smithfield-Newton-Amalga road and the Logan canyon to the forks."
--Salt Lake Telegram, June 28, 1933.
Sept. 13, 1933 - p. 16 under "Statistics."
"Marriage Licenses."
"Allan H. Jenkins, 25, Newton; VeNeal Jensen, 21, Cache Junction."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 13, 1933.
Dec. 19, 1933 - p. 20 under "Fifty-Nine Get Scout Awards."
"Court of Honor Held by Benson District Organization."
"Logan--Boy Scout awards were made at the Richmond L.D.S. tabernacle Sunday to 59

members of the Benson district Boy Scout council of the Cache valley district as follows:
"Tenderfoot--. . . troop 64, Newton." --Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 19, 1933.
April 10, 1934 - p. 1 under "2500 Utahans to be Given Jobs Friday."
"U.S. Authorized Resumption of Work on 22 State Projects."
"Bad Situation Averted."
"Government Recognizes Vital Need."
"Work will be resumed Friday on 22 emergency projects in industrial and urban sections of
Utah, Robert H. Hinckley, state F.E.R.A. director, announced Tuesday following a telephone

conversation with federal officials in Washington, D.C. . . .The work will provide employment
for 2500 men.
"This decision promised an end to the serious situation which has developed since work on
the incompleted projects halted last week because of lack of funds.
"No additional money has been obtained from the federal government, Mr.Hinckley said, but
officials in Washington authorized resumption of the work when they learned the vital need of

completing the projects, several of which are sewer and water works construction. . . .
"Asks for $4,000,000
"Elimination of two-thirds of the federal funds which have been allotted Utah monthly resulted
in halting the construction work last week.
"After spending $1,500,000 per month here for C.W.A. and direct relief, federal officials cut
the appropriation for $250,000. . .when the new public works and relief programs began April 1.
.. . Other projects to be completed include: . . .Cache county--Work on the Logan water mains,
construction of a drainage system at Newton and bridges and culverts at Paradise."
--Salt Lake Telegram, April 10, 1934.
Nov. 21, 1934 - p. 19 under "Three More Enter School Vote Race."
"Logan--Three more candidates filed petitions Tuesday, the final day for filing as candidates
for the Cache county board of education elections in districts one, three and five. . . .Nephi C.
Sorensen, Mendon, filed his petition for district five with William J. Loosili, Clarkston and
D. R. Clarke, Newton. . . .
"Election will be held December 5. . . ." --Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 21, 1934.
Feb. 15, 1935 - p. 6 under "800-Miles Addition to Utah Roads Sum."
"Addition of more than 800 miles to Utah's improved highway system Friday was one step

nearer realization.
"A joint committee of the house and senate of the twenty-first Utah legislature agreed during a
morning conference on all but one section of the bill providing for inclusion of the mileage in

the state highway plan. . . .
"The bill is designed to relieve county governments of the expense of improving road. The

work of construction and financing would be taken over by the state. Money from the state
gasoline tax would be used to underwrite the work. . . .

"Addition of 10 miles of highway from Cornish to Newton in Cache county, This proposed

road would shorten the distance from the Idaho state line to Ogden and Salt Lake City. It would

not pass through Logan. The present state highway on the west side of Cache valley through

Collinston would be used." --Salt Lake Telegram, Feb. 15, 1935.
Feb. 8, 1936 - p. 1 under "2 Die as Storm Holds in State."
"Winter continued to hold Salt Lake City and northern Utah in the most relentless grip of

years Saturday, claiming two lives and thousands of dollars in damages.
"Two deaths were caused at least indirectly by the storm.
"C. E. Ralls. . .Salt Lake City, died of an apparent heart attack when an Overland bus

stalled 20 miles west of Wendover Friday night.
"Tom Davis. . .snowbound high in Big Cottonwood canyon, died . . .Friday at the inn, where
he had been suffering from pneumonia and complications. . . .
"Roads Are Reopened.
"More than 50 inches of snow have fallen there since the first of the year.
"Subsiding of snowstorms aided road crews in battle to reopen major highways on the state,
but they still had to fight bitter cold.

"The Sardine canyon highway was opened late Friday night, restoring traffic movements in and

out of Cache valley, which had been virtually isolated. . . .
"The coldest weather in more than a year was recorded in Salt Lake City and still lower
temperatures were expected Saturday night. . . .
"Higher valleys of northern Utah can expect temperatures of 10 degrees below zero to minus

20 Saturday night. . . .
"Children Unhurt.
"Although 70 Newton school children were marooned in their school bus in Cache valley

during the height of the storm and several carloads of automobilists were stranded, no cases of

injury from exposure were reported. The school children were rescued by a bobsled party."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Feb. 2, 1936.
June 26, 1936 - p. 28 under "Deaths."
"Newton--William Hyrum Griffin, 88, Cache valley pioneer, patriarch of the Benson L.D.S.

stake and father of William H. Griffin, Jr., state senator from Cache county, died Thursday at the

]home of a daughter, Mrs. Nettie Winegar. He had served 20 years as bishop of the Newton war.
"Mr. Griffin was born November 8, 1848, at Worcestershire, England, a son of William H. and

Mary Pitts Griffin. he settled in Utah in 1863.
"Surviving are his widow, Mary Benson Goody Griffin; seven sons and three daughters:

Senator Griffin, Howard Griffin, Mrs. W. R. Ballard and Mrs. Alma Campbell, Logan; Franklin T.

Griffin, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Winegar, Heber, Amos, David and Spencer Griffin, Newton; 39

grandchildren, two brothers and two sisters, Thomas Griffin, Clarkston; Mrs. Anna Malmberg,

Logan; Henry Griffin, Rigby, Idaho, and Mrs. Nellie Williams, Malad, Idaho.
"Funeral will we conducted at 2 p.m. in the Newton ward chapel."
--Salt Lake Telegram, June 26, 1936.

March 24, 1938 - p. 1 under "State Highway Program Details Listed Before Seeking U.S. Okay."
"Projects expected to be included in the secondary road program are:
"Between Smithfield and Newton, in Cache county, oil surfacing of 8.5 miles, $80,000."
--Salt Lake Telegram, March 24, 1938.
July 30, 1938 - p. 1 under "Cache Death Boosts Utah Traffic Toll."
"Newton Youth Dies Under Wheels of Trailer."

"The third Utah traffic death within 24 hours has raised the year's toll Saturday to 110, or 18 per cent more than the 93 in 1937 up to July 30.. . .

"Lee Garner, 15, son of Mrs Florence Garner of Newton, in Cache county, was crushed to death

by a truck trailer on a farm road in the Little mountain region.

"A North Cache high school student, he and a companion were hauling wheat when, as he was about to get into the truck cab, he saw a large rock a head of a wheel and went to remove it.

"The companion, Quentin Barker of Newton, did not see the Garner youth and the truck moved

forward. Lee's foot was caught and he was dragged into the path of the trailer.
"He is survived by his mother; three sisters, June and Nola Garner of Newton and Mrs. Beth

Thompson of Clarkston, and a brother, Owen Garner of Newton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, July 30, 1938.
Sept. 1 , 1938 - p.24 under "Notice to Contractors."
"State of Utah,. . . September 1, 1938.
"Sealed bids will be received by the State Road Commission of Utah. . . at 2 o'clock p.m.,
Friday, September 16, 1938, and at that time publicly opened for construction of a Gravel
Surfaced Road in Cache County, the same being Federal Aid Secondary Project No. 19-A (1),
between Smithfield and Newton.
"The length of road to be construct or improved is 7.972 miles, and the principal items of
work are approximately as follows:
"79,700 Tons Gravel Surface and Subbase.
"78,800 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excavation.
"The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or

assigning the contract.
"The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be 80 cents per

"The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be 60 cents
per hour.
"The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be 50 cents per

hour." --Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 1,1938.
Sept. 16, 1938 - p. 27 under "State Opens Offers On 2 Road Projects."
"Bids for contracts on construction to two state highways projects were being opened at
the capital Friday by the state road commission.
"One project calls fro grading and graveling of eight miles of secondary road between
Smithfield and Newton in Cache county, the engineer's estimate being $100,000."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 16, 1938.
Dec. 8, 1938 - p.12 under "Results of School Board Elections Throughout State."
"Returns of elections held in Utah Wednesday for City, district and county school board
". . .Cache county board of education. . . . A third incumbent who was candidate for reelection,
W.J. Loosle of Clarkston, was elected by a narrow margin in county precinct five. D. R. Clark of
Newton was leading Mr. Loosle by a comfortable majority until reports were received from

Tenton, the last district to report. Trenton gave Mr. Loosle 54 votes to Mr. Clark's 18."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 8, 1938.
Dec. 27, 1938 - p. 18 under "Four New WPA Jobs Approved for Utah."
"Four new WPA projects in Utah totaling $46,372 were approved Tuesday by President

Roosevelt, according to word received by Darrell J. Greenwell, Utah WPA administrator.
"The largest project will be at Springville, where a $36,000 sewer system will be installed
. . . .Utah county will sponsor a project to remodel the county courthouse at Provo. The PWA will

pay $823 of the $1500 cost. . . .
"Addition to the Newton, Cache county, culinary water system will cost $3034, according to the

WPA application. The city will pay $1243, with the WPA will provide $1791."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Dec. 27, 1938.
Oct. 18, 1940 - p. 14 under "Murdock, Arriving in S. L. Cheers Strong Stand in Far East Affairs."
"The strong attitude taken by the United States and Great Britain toward Japan has brought
marked improvement in the far east situation, Representative Abe Murdock said Friday morning
upon his arrival from Washington, D.C.
"In Utah to campaign personally for his election to the United States senate, Representative
Murdock, Democratic nominee, said the 'far eastern situation looks much better than a week ago.'
"Arriving by airplane, Mr. Murdock visited Governor Henry H. Blood and State Engineer T. H.
Humpherys during the morning. Later he met with leader of his political campaign.
"He conferred with the state officials on irrigation projects and other problems relating to the

state discussing in particular approval of the Newton small reservoir project in Cache County.
"The project was approved by President Roosevelt Thursday before Representatives Murdock
left for home, and the W.P.A. was directed to go ahead with construction.
"Governor Blood and Mr. Humpherys both praised the representatives in getting the approval."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 18, 1940.
Oct. 24, 1940 - p. 6 under "Utah Get Three Million Dollar Reservoir Project."
"Utah has the distinction of being the first of the 17 western states to gain approval of a small

reservoir project under the $3,500,000 Case-Wheeler program.
"The Newton reservoir project in Cache county was given an official okeh Thursday in
Washington, D.C, Already the machinery has been put into motion for actual construction,
according to T. H. Humphreys, state engineer.
"The project, located about two and one half miles northeast of Newton, was described last

week by John C. Page, U.S. commissioner of reclamation, as the most clean-cut and workable of

any yet considered. Mr. Page conferred with Utah officials in Salt Lake City last week . . . .

Option for right of way for the Newton reservoir are being taken and an organization perfected,

Mr. Humphreys said, for execution of contracts for repayment with the bureau of reclamation.
"According to estimates of the bureau, the project will cost approximately $438,000, of
which it is estimated about 50 percent will have to be repayed [sic] to the government. Water
users will be obligated to pay for materials used in construction, and the work for the most part

will be done by WPA workers under supervision of the bureau. No repayment will be required for

the labor, according to provisions of the act.
"It is expected that the project will be sufficiently completed for storage of some water in 1942

and finished in 1943.
"The dam will be of earth fill construction, 109 feet high and 640 feet long at its crest, with a

capacity of 5200 acre feet of water. The new reservoir will hold almost four times that of the

present reservoir. It will supply 1660 acres of land now partially irrigated, and 865 acres of new

land, 300 of which are in the vicinity of Clarkston.
"Investigations were begun at the proposed site by the state engineer in 1935 under a WPA

project and with aid of labor furnished by the Newton Irrigation Company. The reservoir
project was found feasible by the state engineer.
"A co-operative study by the Utah Water Storage commission and the U.S. Bureau of

Reclamation resulted in a recommendation for construction under the Case-Wheeler act.
"Afer endorsement of the project by the Utah Water Storage commission the bureau sponsored
a WPA project to furnish the labor. This project was approved by Darrell J. Greenwell, state
WPA administrator.
"The Newton reservoir received the approval of Commissioner Page, the department of

agriculture, the national resources committee and finally the president of the United States.
"'The project had the united moral support of the Newton people, the Logan chamber of
commerce, Northern Utah Civics club, the Cache county planning board and the state press,'
Mr. Humphreys said.
"'Even with all these approvals and endorsements, there was considerable delay until
Congressman Abe Murdock conferred with various departments heads, the budget bureau, and
finally the president, who personally assisted in lifting the project for its final approval,' he said." --Murray Eagle, Oct. 24, 1940.
May 22, 1941 - p. 14 under "Obituaries and vital Statistics. . . ."
"Marriage Licenses."
"Cache County."
"Leon Blaine Jardine, 20, Clarkston; Arva Anderson, 17, Newton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, May 22, 1941.
July 2, 1941 - p. 21 under "Obituaries."
"Newton, Cache County--Peter Nephi Christensen, 68, lifelong resident of Newton, died

Tuesday in a Logan hospital following an illness of 20 years.
"Mr. Christensen was born May 7, 1873, in Newton, a son of James and Maria Engberg
Christensen. He had been active in L.D.S. church affairs when he was not incapacitated by illness.
"Surviving are his widow, the former Emma Miller; the following sons and daughters; James

Arbon, Alton, Clyde and Marle Christensen of Newton; Cyril Christensen of Salt Lake City, and
Mrs. Fred Homer of Logan; two grandchildren, a brother, Mose Christensen of Malad, Idaho; a

half brother and three half sisters, D. W. Christensen and Mrs. Moroni Almond of Downey, Idaho;
Mrs. Fred Fredrickston of Logan, and Mrs. Amos Rigby of Bancroft, Idaho.
"Funeral services have been set tentatively for Saturday at 2 p.m. in Newton L.D.S. ward
chapel. Burial in Newton cemetery will be directed by Lindquist & Sons mortuary of Logan."
--Salt Lake Telegram, July 2, 1941.
July 29, 1941 - p. 19 under "Obituaries."
"Newton, Cache Couty--Laritz Arthur Lauritzen, 78, Newton farmer, died Monday in a Logan
hospital following an illness of four years.
"Mr. Lauritzen wad born Novemb er 8, 1862, in Taars Hjoring, Denmark, a son of Laritz
Christensen and Petrina Andersen Lauritzen. He came to Utah in 1885m after he joined the

L.D.S. church.
"On October 8, 1902, he married Johanna Peterson in Salt Lake L.D.S. temple. He had been
engaged in farming in Newton a number of years. He was a high priest in Smithfield L.D.S.
stake. He served as an L.D.S. missionary in Denmark in 1884 and 1885 and again from 1904
to 1906.
"Surviving are one daughter, Ellen Maria Lauritzen of Newton, and one brother, C. E.

Lauritzen of Salt Lake City." --Salt Lake Telegram, July 29, 1941.
Aug. 15, 1941 - p. 24 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Cache County."
"Arthur William Beck, legal age, Logan; Ellen Marie Lauritzen, legal age, Newton."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 15, 1941.
Aug. 19, 1941 - p. 14 under "Obituaries. . . ."
"Newton, Cache County--Funeral services for William Henry Parker, 46, of Newton, who died
Saturday will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Newton L.D.S. ward chapel. Burial in

Newton cemetery will be directed by Lindquist & Sons mortuary of Logan.
"Friends may call at the Parker home in Newton Tuesday evening and Wednesday prior to

services." --Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 19, 1941.
Sept. 24, 1941 - p. 19 under "Obituaries."
"Newton, Cache County--Funeral services for Mrs. Ilda Clark Benson, 25, wife of Royden

Benson of Newton, were set tentatively Wednesday for Friday afternoon.
"Mrs. Benson did Monday in a Salt Lake hospital of complications following the birth of a

"She was born November 11, 1905, in Clarkston, Cache county, a daughter of John O. and

Sarah H. Clark.
"Surviving are her husband of Newton; her mother of Clarkston; two sons and a daughter, Glen,
Mark Keith and Ilda Marie Clark of Newton, and the following brothers and sisters, Dave Clark of

Montana, Rawlie Clark of Rexburg, Idaho; Vern Clark of Fresno, Cal., Michael, Clarence, and

Maynard Clark of Clarkston; Mrs. Roy Athey of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. C. D. McBride of Logan;
Mrs. Ed Engall of California and Mrs. R. L. Autrim of Boise, Idaho."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 24, 1941.

October 10, 1941 - p. 3 under "Triple 'A' Announces Seed Requirements for Spring Sowing."
"Thirty-four of the 70 persons working out of the Salt Lake office of the U.S. Bureau of

Reclamation during December were located on the Colorado River Great Basin project

investigation, according to figures contained in a personnel report of the bureau received Saturday

by State Engineer T. H. Humphery.
"Eighteen of the 34 men were laborers and 16 were engineers, soil technologists, draftmen and

engineer's aids. The Colorado river investigation is being conducted in cooperation with the Utah

Water Storage commission.
"Of the 36 remaining workers aiding in various investigations, two were employed on the

Gooseberry project, two at Newton in Cache county. . . .
"The number of workers at the Newton reservoir site was augmented by 10 WPA laborers

furnished through the state engineer's office. Exploratory work and zonning [sic] of the pits from

which material will be used in construction of the dam is now in progress at the site, the report

states. The Newton dam is the only project now officially approved for construction under the

Case-Wheeler small reservoir act, not alone in this state, but in the 17 western states where the

$3,500,000 are available." --Davis County Clipper, Oct. 10, 1941.
Jan. 15, 1942 - p. 18 under "Obituaries."
NEWTON, Cache County--Funeral services for James Johnson, 55, of Newton, watchman at

Newton dam, will be conducted Friday at 1 p.m. in Newton LDS ward chapel. Burial in Newton

cemetery will be directed by Lindquist and Sons mortuary.
"Mr. Johnson died suddenly Tuesday afternoon following a heart attack.
"He was born April 4, 1886, in Smithfield, a son of Carl J. and Mette Andreason Johnson. In

June, 1914, he married Ophella Mantle in Logan and established his home in Newton.
"Surviving are his widow and the following sons and daughters: Gerald J. Johnson of Ogden,

Douglas Johnson and Mrs. Hazel Gordon of Smithfield, Beth Anne, Ronald and LaVerl Johnson

of Newton, and Mrs. Nedra Godfrey of Clarkston. Surviving also are three sisters and one

brother: Mrs. Chris Henderson and Christian Johnson of Logan, Mrs. Serene Henderson of

Newton, and Mrs. Mary Burden of Brigham City. Three [sic-there] are two grandchildren."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 15, 1942.
Jan. 31, 1942 - p. 13 under "Cache County Speeds Defense Set-Ups."
"Logan -- A civilian defense council for Newton will be set up at a meeting Sunday at 8 p.m.
in the Newton hall, Thomas E. Hunsaker, chairman of the Cache county council, reported Friday.
"Residents of Clarkston, Trenton and Cache Junction, other communities to be organized for

defense work, were urged to attend the Newton meeting."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 31, 1942.

Sept. 15, 1942 - p.14 under "Aggie Grid Squad."

Player Home Town P. Age Wt. Let, Prep. Cl

Harold Gutke, Smithfield, Utah hb 22 150 1 North Cache Jr.
Richard Griffin, Newton, Utah e 19 176 1 North Cache Jr.
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 15, 1942.
Sept. 24, 1942 - p. 18 under "Obituaries."
"NEWTON, Cache County--Funeral services for Frank Mason Hill, 76, former Newton resident

who died Tuesday night in Los Angeles, Cal., hospital, will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. in the

Newton LDS ward chapel.

"Mr. Hill went to California a year ago to work in a war industry. He had been living in Glendale at the home of a daughter.

"He was born in Logan on March 29, 1866, a son of Henry and Mary Griffiths Hill. He was a

telephone company employee and farmer in Logan and Newton most of his life. He married

Elmira Benson, since deceased.
"Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Lois Hill Shelton of Glendale, Cal., and Mrs. Blanch H.

Jenson of Lyman, Wyo.: a sister, Mrs. C.M. Christensen of Logan; a brother, Albert Leddingham

of Smithfield; 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 24, 1942.
Nov. 3, 1942 - p. 21 under "Obituaries."
"Newton, Cache county--Frank W. Ecklund, 58, a former resident of Newton, died Saturday
of a heart attack in Bremerton, Wash., it was learned in Newton Monday.
"He was born in Richmond October 16, 1884, a son of Erick and Christina Peterson Ecklund.
He lived in Newton until 1923, when he moved to Ogden. He had been employed by the Union
Pacific railroad in the Ogden shops. About three months ago he went to Bremerton.
"He married Floyd [?] Mantlo in the Logan LDS temple.
"Surviving are his widow of Ogden; three sons and daughters, Mrs. Wilson Manning, Mrs.
Ray Besomers and Frank D. Ecklund of Bremerton; two grandchildren, and the following brothers
and sisters: Fritz, Ernest, Emel, George and Elizabeth Ecklund, all of Newton, and Theodore
Ecklund of Orovada, Nev."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 3, 1942.

Nov. 9, 1942 - p. 20 under "Highway Commission Okehs Cache Project."
"Resurfacing of 3.6 miles of U. 142 between Clarkston and Newton, in Cache county, at an
approximate cost of $24,000, was approved Monday by the state road commission."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 9, 1942.

Nov. 21, 1942 - p. 3 under "Decision Shelved on Revision of Deer Creek Halt Order."
"WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 21 (AP)--The Provo river (Deer creek) reclamation project in
Utah is one of a list on which no final decision has been made as to revision of 'stop Construction'
orders, Interior Secretary Ickes disclosed Saturday. Secretary Ickes said that the WPB [War
Production Board] had revised orders in many cases. . . .
"The WPB also revised the recent general order so that minor work to prevent deterioration
many continue at the Newton reservoir project in Cache county, Utah."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Nov. 21, 1942.

Aug. 8,1947 - p. 13 under "Newton, Mill Creek Feel Effects of Storms."
"Although weather conditions in Salt Lake City were calm and peaceful Friday, residents of
suburban Mill Creek and of Newton, Cache county, were feeling the effects of lightning and
"The Cache county community was completely isolated Friday after a heavy windstorm
Thursday night cut off all power and communications. Utah Power and Light officials in Logan
reported a full bank of transformers was knocked out by falling trees, estimating two days' work to
restore service.
"Some crop damage from the rain and wind was noted by farmers, according to Bennie J.
Ravsten, Cache county farm labor supervisor."
--The Salt Lake Telegram, Aug. 8, 1947.