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"Old News" of Newton, Utah

Part 2 - NEWTON, UTAH – In the Newspapers – (1884 through June 15, 1892)

NEWTON, UTAH - In the newspapers from 1870 to 1898
By Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 – Introduction and a Selected Topical Index, Newspapers coverage 1870 through December 1883.
Part 2 – NEWTON, UTAH -1884 through June 15, 1892.
Part 3 – June 18, 1892 through October 19, 1895.
Part 4 – October 22, 1895 through March 1898
Part 5 – 1895 through 1910. a few from 1920s
Part 6 – 1910 to 1940s

1884 - January 16, 1884 - Page 2 under “Born” -
“JACOBS. -- On Jan. 13, 1884 at Newton, to the wife of Swen Jacobs, Jr. a fine daughter.”

Page 2 under “Died.” -

“WHITTAKER.--At Newton, Cache Co., on January 10th, 1884, Martha Milinda daughter of Leander & Eliza Whittaker, aged 7 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.

“Little Martha shortly before her death composed a few lines of poetry, showing the faith she possessed in her heavenly Father, also regretted having to leave behind mother, father, brothers and sisters, but Martha's gain will be their loss.
“Deseret News please copy.”
-- The Utah Journal, January 16, 1884.

* * * *
January 30, 1884 - Page 3 under “Items of Interest” -

“SEVERAL of our correspondents have been rather dilatory of late in keeping us posted of the day’s doings in their immediate vicinity.”
-- The Utah Journal, January 30, 1884.

* * * *
May 17, 1884 -- page 2 on “Logan Temple and Grounds”—with a large sketch of the Temple -

“The above is an excellent engraving, considering that it is on wood, of the building which is to be dedicated to-day. It was executed by a young engraver of Salt Lake, John Held, and reflects great credit upon him. It was made from a photograph of the building taken by T. B. Cardon, photographer, of Logan. . . .

“For the express purpose of illustrating the present article the JOURNAL caused these photographs to be taken and the engraving to be made; and all who receive this issue of the JOURNAL will possess a very good representation of the Logan Temple, the crowning glory of our beautiful city and fertile valley.

“The view of the building is taken from a point opposite its southeast corner and shows its east front and south side. Visitors are apt to assume the Temple fronts westward towards the main portion of the city, but such is not the case; it fronts eastward and the east tower is five feet higher than the west one.

“This beautiful and magnificent building stands upon a plateau or bench in the eastern part of Logan city, at an elevation of about ninety feet above the Tabernacle square. and 4630 feet above the level of the sea. Its site is remarkably fine, commanding a view of Cache county from the mountains of Paradise on the south, to Marsh Valley, in Idaho, on the north, a distance of sixty miles; and from its towers may be seen Providence, Millville, Hyrum, Paradise, Wellsville, Mendon, Newton, Oxford, Lewiston, Smithfield, Hyde Park and Benson. Clarkston, Franklin and Richmond are hidden by intervening hills. When President Brigham Young came to locate the site for the building, he remarked that it was the finest situation for a temple that he knew of or had seen in all his travels,--an opinion universally endorsed by all who have come to inspect the building since its commencement. . . ."

Page 5 under "Given Away" the Journal commented on this special or supplemental issue that “One thousand copies of this issue of the JOURNAL will be distributed gratis among visitors at the Temple today, and on the streets of the City. With each copy will be given away the supplement containing the engraving and description of the Temple.  The total number of copies of this issue of the JOURNAL is 2,500."
-- The Utah Journal, May 17, 1884.

* * * *
June 1, 1884 - when there was an article on Dr. Olsten going on a trip to Calif. with his sister at the end of May, 1883, the last listing of his doctoring services was in the issue of May 25, 1883, his advertisement did not return to the paper published in Logan, but about a year later this article made the paper: --
“DR. OLSTEN. – This individual, pretty well known in Cache Valley, went to Provo about two years ago, more or less, where had has sojourned ever since. He seems to be getting into bad odor there. Concerning an affair in which he was engaged lately, the Enquirer says:
“On Decoration Day—only a week ago—eight boys, the oldest of whom we are informed was only sixteen years of age, walked into the People’s Drug Store, a few doors west of the post office and were shown into the back room when they found a bar and other usual appendages of a whiskey or beer saloon. The urchins found there also an attendant, or bar-tender, ready and willing to supply them with intoxicating draughts.
This individual was none other than Dr. W. H. Olsten whose ‘reg’lar pizness,’ it had been thought was to cure the ills that flesh is heir to instead of administering poisonous intoxicants to minors. The boys drank their whiskey or been (we have not yet learned which) and departed. Next day the parents of two of the lads heard of the matter, went round to that drug store and expressed their opinions of Dr. Olsten’s conduct in very emphatic language.”
-- The Utah Journal – June 1, 1884.

[Available issues in 1884 had many gaps in coverage and the last available paper was July 9, 1884]

* * * *
January 21, 1885 - page 25 under "Correspondence."

"Newton, Jan. 10, 1885.
"Editor Deseret News:
"Thinking a few words from Newton might let people know there was such a place, and a goodly number of people living there, I will take this opportunity to tell them.  It seems as though some do not know it, and some that we should be very glad to have know it. Some times our good brethren traveling to preach and instruct the Saints get as far as Clarkston; but our Clarkston friends seem satisfied, and fail to say, 'Well, brethren, just over that bench, about four miles and a half, is a town called Newton, and there are some good Latter-day Saints living there, who would like to hear from you.'
"As I said, they don't tell them, and the travelers do not know it, so we are passed by. We could stand it for once, but now comes Brother Roberts on a lecturing tour, and Newton is not on the programme.
"Now I hope they do not think Newton is going down hill, because it is not.  We have a good Bishop and Counselors, a good Teachers' quorum, who are alive to the interest of the Ward, and our other quorums hold their regular meetings, which are well attended, and where they are well instructed.
"We have a good Y.M.M.I.A., a good Sabbath School, and everybody seems to be up and doing, and the most are anxious for such treats as Brother Roberts might give them; but still they do not come. We hope however, in the future for something great in this line.
"We are having a mild and open winter, so far, and good health prevails.
"Our dramatic association is looming up again, and, in fact, we can say Newton is going onward and upward, both temporally and spiritually.
"Hoping we may continue in so doing.
I remain, yours respectfully,
--The Deseret News, Jan. 21, 1885.

* * * *
February 4, 1885 - page 15 under "A Clarkston Correspondent Denies the Imputation."

"Clarkston, Cache Co.
Jan. 24, 1885.
"Editor Deseret News:
"In the last issue of the Semi-Weekly News, which came to hand, I noticed a communication from Q.E.D. complaining that when our visiting brethren traveling to preach and instruct the Saints, get as far as Clarkston, their Clarkson friends do not inform the brethren that Newton is over the bench a short distance, and that there are some good Latter-day Saint living there who would like to hear from them. This seems a little strange, as the brethren nearly always come through Newton to visit Clarkston, Newton being on the direct road between Logan and Clarkston, hence, the brethren would be most likely to find out where Newton is without the Clarkston people telling them.  And if the brethren should come from the north they would be sure to go through Newton to get to Logan.
"The people of Clarkston would be pleased to have a visit from Brother Roberts, but as yet have not had the pleasure, and do not know when we will, knowing it is not as convenient for the brethren to visit our settlement on this side of the river as it is to visit those near the line of the railroad; there we do not wish to complain. I think Newton has had as many visits as Clarkston from the brethren.
"The health of the people here is good, and the blessings of God have been with us the past season. It was very late last spring before we could get our seed in the ground; the result was some of our wheat was a little injured by the frost, so that it was not marketable; still the flour makes good bread. We are compelled to have plenty of bread, because we cannot sell it; this seems to be a blessing, for we have plenty to eat.
"The people are generally striving to live their religion and enjoy themselves in the dance and other innocent amusements through the winter. Cold weather has set in in earnest; we have plenty of snow which is very promising for a good supply of water the coming season.
"The DESERET NEWS comes regularly, and is ever welcome.
"Ever wishing for the prosperity of Zion and the triumph of God's people over their enemies, I remain, yours in the Gospel.
--The Deseret News, Weekly, Feb. 4, 1885.

* * * *
May 6, 1885 - Page 1 Precinct officers
Newton - Justice of the Peace - W. H. Griffin
Constable - Peter E. Benson.

Page 2 – “Quarterly Conference”
“Verbal reports were given of the following wards by the Bishops respectively, as follows: Isaac Smith, 7th Ward, Logan; Hans Funk, Newton; James Unsworth, Hyrum; John Jardine, Clarkston. . . .

Page 3 - “Letter from Newton.”
“Our Correspondent Comments upon Matters and Things.”
“EDITOR UTAH JOURNAL:--If any apology is due for reticence it is readily found in the bustle of the cropping season; that, however, with us, it once more numbered among the things of the past; but busy times are still upon us.

“Not having a murder, a robery [sic], a suicide, a case of drunkenness, nor ever an arrest to chronicle, what shall be you reporter’s theme? Why simply peace and plenty of the good things of life excepting cash; and, as money is proclaimed to be the root of all evil, perhaps we have no reason to complain on that score.

“Travelers through our little town have passed some caustic remarks upon the rude appearance thereof, considering the fact that one of the chief features of the place is and has been for some time, the possession of an excellent shade tree nursery. I indulge the hope that such an observation will not much longer be truthfully uttered concerning us, for there has been a more general planting out of trees than during any previous season. Other improvements are quietly taking place.

“Surely if men revile and evil treat and persecute the Latter-day Saints, God delights to own and bless them. Great cause have we for the exercise of gratitude towards Him, who, upon this once arid, and consequently barren, locality, now sends the former and latter rains. And shall we, in the very face of His bounteous mercies, prove recreant to the great trust which He has committed to us. God forbid. Let us sustain it in full.

“The traditional May Day is past, and a lovely one it was; a day of peaceful pleasures for youth and age; an auspicious day foreshadowing in the free roaming of mountain, dell and crag, the glorious day of freedom which shall yet burst, in celestial splendor, upon the down-trodden and oppressed; upon those who to-day suffer the bonds and fines while manfully struggling for a world's emancipation. God speed the right

NEWTON, May 4, 1885.
-- The Utah Journal, May 6, 1885.
* * * *
May 9, 1885 - page 1 - “Business Directory”
“Stencil Manufacturers
A.P. Welchman's Stencil Depot, at E. M. Curtis’ Tin Shop, Logan.”
--- The Utah Journal, May 9, 1885.
* * * *
May 20, 1885 – under the heading “Local Points” –
“Mr. A. P. Welchman of Newton has our thanks for a bundle of mammoth pieplant. We pronounce it a fine specimen.”
-- The Utah Journal, May 20, 1885.
[NOTE: This reference to “pieplant” and the one on June 1, 1883 brings back to mind a flood of memories from my youth in Newton of this edible plant in which “pie plant” and/or rhubarb were consumed raw long before they were ripe.]

* * * *
June 27, 1885 – Page 3 – “County Convention” --
“Members of the People's Party in Cache County are hereby notified that a convention of delegates from the various precincts of said county will be held in the court room of the county courthouse, Logan, Saturday, July 18th, at 11 a.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for county offices to be voted for at the general election, Monday, August 3rd, 1885.

“Said convention will consist of forty-sever (47) members allotted as follows:
Logan Precinct 13     Mendon and Petersboro 2
Hyde Park 2             Wellsville 4
Smithfield 4             Hyrum 5
Richmond 4             Paradise 2
Coveville 1               Millville 2
Lewiston 2             Providence 2
Clarkston and Trenton 2 [Total] 47
Newton 1
Benson 1
--The Utah Journal, June 27, 1885.

* * * *
July 15, 1885 – page 3 – “Drowning at Clarkston”-
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--A sad event took place here yesterday by the accidental drowning of George G. Thompson in the Newton Reservoir. He went to get a bath in company with Wm. and Francis Griffth, his two cousins, and Richard Jardine. He not being able to swim, his cousins told him to keep where it was shallow while they swam to the other side. After they got to the other side they still saw him on the bank, but their attention being directed another way for two or three minutes, when they looked again he could not be seen. They made a search for him and in the meantime the news was sent to town and quite a number of young men turned out to search for the body. It was found in about two hours and brought home to his bereaved mother and relatives. He was born November 21th, 1872. His father, Joseph L. Thompson, a good and worthy man, much respected in the community died about ten years ago. It was said of the boy that he was dutiful and obedient to his widowed mother and took great delight in being kind and affectionate to all around him. He was much beloved by all his associates. Sister Caroline Thompson has the sympathy of the entire community in her sad bereavement.

“The funeral services were held this afternoon when comforting and consoling remarks were made by Bishop Jardine and other brethren. A large number of well filled vehicles followed the remains to the last resting place.
“Deseret News please copy.

Clarkston, July 12th, 1885.”
--The Utah Journal, July 15, 1885.

* * * *
July 29, 1885 – page 3 under “Newton Items” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--The ever memorable Twenty-Fourth of July dawned upon us auspiciously. The committee of arrangements prepared an ample programme, if keeping with those usually adopted upon anniversaries of that notable day; and it was faithfully and spiritually enacted. The whole tenor thereof being to inspire greater love of liberty, for our country and its institutions, and above all to foster the love of the Saints for the blessings enjoyed at His hands, in this our mountain home. Such events are golden opportunities for nourishing in our sons and daughters true ideas of the blessings of a free government, such as the Constitution guarantees; and of teaching them to despise and shun despotism wherever exhibited.

“Upon receiving the news of the death of General Grant the stars and stripes floated at half mast.

“All is peace and quietness here up to date: a condition of things which the people are beginning to learn to appreciate.

“The health of the community is good.

“Harvest has already commenced, and promises a most bountiful yield.

Newton, July 25th, 1885.”

Page 3 under "A Sad Accident" --the story of a resident of Clarkston riding a horse in a July 24th race in which the horse jumped and threw Peter Olsen. He was picked up insensible and carried home in a quilt after a short time. He remained unconscious for some time and even at last report three days after the accident he was delirious and “out of his head, having never regained his senses.” He had no broken bones but had a “severe bruise on the back of his head. We await with interest his recovery.”
--The Utah Journal, July 29, 1885.

* * * *
August 5, 1885 - Page 3 under "Local Points" -
“We regret to learn that the boy who was severely injured by being thrown from a horse at Clarkston on the 245h, an account of which appeared in this paper a short time ago, has since died.”
--The Utah Journal, Aug. 5, 1885.

* * * *
August 8, 1885 -- page 2 "Election Matters" -
“It seems that there are election Judges in this county who do not understand their duties according to law, and who have been working partially under the rules of the Commission of 1882, which had since that time been made inoperative according to a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. So far as counting the ballots at the various precincts is concerned, the Territorial election law in regard to registration covers the ground which related to the duties of the Judges, who may act also as clerks of elections. This law provided, that after the polls have closed, ‘the box shall then be opened and the ballots therein taken taken [sic] out and counted by the Judges, and the Judges acting as clerks, shall each make a list of all the persons voted for. The presiding Judge shall then proceed to open the ballots and call off there from the names of the persons voted for, and the offices they are intended to fill, and the Judges acting as clerks shall take account of the same upon their list.’ Part of Sec. 10, of ‘An Act providing for the Registration of Voter,’ etc. There is no qualification limiting the listing of names to those for offices specified on the notice posted regarding the election. Hence it seems evident that the Judges at Richmond should have counted and reported the number of ballots for the candidate for Treasurer. There was an error inadvertently committed by some one in not having the words ‘County Treasurer’ printed on the notices to be posted in this county. As soon as this error was discovered by the County Clerk, he took measures to rectify it. A telegram was sent to the Secretary of the Commission, and word was received from him to fill it in. Arrangements were made to have this done, but through some cause it was attended to at Richmond. This does not justify the Judges, however, in not counting all ballots in accordance with the Territorial law on that matter.

“Our correspondent writes from Newton asking a pertinent question in regard to the Judges refusing to let a person vote whose name does not appear upon the Registry list strictly correct. We are informed that a Judge of election wrote to the Commission in 1882 regarding names which were not written correctly. The answer to him was to the effect that a person should not be demoed the right to vote because his name had been written incorrectly. It certainly seems to be the proper thing for Judges to receive a vote under the present circumstances, when they are clearly satisfied that the person presenting himself at the polls was the one represented by the name on the lists. In regard to the opening and closing of the polls, we are not aware that the law makes provisions for the closing of the polls during dinner hour, but we are inclined to the opinion that they should be kept open from sunrise until sunset.”
--The Utah Journal, Aug. 8, 1885

Page 3 - “Newton News.” “A Rural Fire and Election Matters.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--The usually smooth surface of the current of events here has just been broken by a couple of ripples. During the afternoon of Saturday last, Aug. 3rd, a fire occured just a little north of Newton. As usual, the small boy was the originator--gun; wadding and dry weeds the direct means. A considerable portion of out most convenient fall range was rendered worthless for the season. The male portion of the inhabitants, whom conference or other business had not called away, were soon to the battlefield, fighting the furious flames energetically. But their best efforts scarcely sufficed to save from the devouring element certain fields of rippened [sic] grain, already standing in the shock, and even the residence and surroundings of one of our new comers
had well-nigh fallen a prey thereto.

“On Monday morning, at sunrise, the half-masted flag could be seen in the air expressive of sympathy with the nation to the departure of an heroic son, and at the same time reminding citizens to emulate his noble example by acting well their part at the polls. The votes of the citizens of Newton showed that they were not degenerate sons of noble sires. A straight ticket, sustained by forty-one out of fifty-five of the duly registered voters of this precinct speaks well for their patriotism in these busy times; for, of the fourteen delinquent voters, no doubt some were unavoidably detained from exercising that choicest gift of the nation, the franchise.

“Nobody got drunk, nobody quarrelled, nobody fought; although we had a few closely contested, good-natured arguments maintained, in connection with elections.

“If registration officers, who are the servants of the people, paid by the people, commit errors in the performance of the duties entrusted to them, should the people suffer thereby? If, for instance, I gave my name correctly to the registration officers and in the process of copying it is afterwards entered incorrectly upon the election books, is my vote forfeited thereby?

NEWTON, Aug. 5, 1885."
--The Utah Journal, Aug.8, 1885.
[NOTE: Flag at half-mast was for former Pres. Grant’s death.]

* * * *
August 19, 1885 - page 3 under “Local Points” -
“The notorious John Nelson is under arrest at Dillon, Montana.” [NOTE: In due time he came to live in Newton and known locally as “Black Jack” Nelson.]

* * Page 3 “Local Points” -
“Chicken shooting parties are numerous at present. A number of men went over to the Newton hills last Saturday morning, the chicken law have run out Friday night , and came back with a large number of the wild fowls.”
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 19, 1885.

* * * *
August 29, 1885 - “Innocence Condemned.”
“The following lines inscribed to Bishop Francis A. Brown, of Ogden City, who being arraigned under an unjust law, before the First Judicial District Court of Utah, June 30th, 1885, charged with committing unlawful cohabitation with his own wives, made the heroic and eloquent pleas of which these verses are a brief embodiment. Composed July 7th, 1885, by A. P. Welchman, and recited by his daughter S. Eliza, at the Sabbath school Union held at Clarkston on the 16th of August, 1885:
“In solemn court, convened as tho' some felon foul to try-
Some man of blood, the prisoner stood with clear unqualing eye:
In calmest tones of dignity, and yet respective melo,
He thus addressed the court, and crowd--a strange conflicting scene:
“I crave you ear a moment, a statement I would make.
“Lest you condemn a guileless man.--a serious step to take.

“The Puritans my fathers were; they fought for liberty;
“They taught me to revere God's book, with humble piety;
“Full honest they, as shone their light; but greater light came forth.
“And I embraced the gospel plan, and learned to know its worth:
“Yes, learned, through it, that anciently, to worthy men and true,
“God gave more wives than one, that they His will might do.

“I long'd to enter through the gate, the city paved with gold,
“Which bore aloft twelve honored names of faithful men of old;
“But well I knew of Abra'm's child I e'er could hope to stand,
“The works that he did I must do, by keeping God's command.
“This have I done, and for this' cause my county censures me:
“And, as if vilest of the vile, demands my liberty.

“For three score years, or more, I've liv'd in peace upon the earth,
“And ne'er have broke my country's laws, since first I had a birth;
“I've struggled hard, 'mid poverty, to feed my family dear;
“And, as true patriots I have sought my children all to rear;
“My solemn vows of chasity I've kept, with each good wife;
“And honored my convictions e'er, throughout a stainless life.

“And now, oh learned judge, I ask what would'st thoug have me do?
“My sacred cov'nants, made with wives who've ever proven true.
“Go break, as thing of nought, and send them forth in open shame?
“My little ones disown, who should with honor bear my name.
“Bow down, in craven fear, my God's command ignore?
“Or, honor him in practice, as did holy men of yore?

“And men of ev'ry creed, and clime, my firm resolve now hear--
“That, sooner than prove recreant, my sacred trust disclaim,
“Come, hale me to your prison, and bind on the clanking chain;
“Aye! take my life, tis well I know, but as a breath--a span;
“But while I live, let all know this, I'll live as a true man.

“Oh, Liberty! I love thee well; but love my country more;
“And, tho' my sentence be unjust, I will her laws revere.
“Tis better far to suffer wrong than do to others ill;
“And hence, in meek submission, I yield my sovereign will.
“Oh, God! accept the sacrifice; my enemies forgive;
“And as I hold They law supreme, may I Thy grave receive.”
--The Utah Journal, August 29, 1885.

* * * *
August 29, 1885 - page 3 “Local Points”
“From our Newton Correspondent, A. P. W., we learn that the Sunday school union held at Clarkston on Sunday August 16th, was a very pleasant affair. The exercises were varied and well rendered. It was the most successful union ever held in that district, a number of the leading Elders of the Stake were present as visitors.”
--The Utah Journal, Aug. 29, 1885

* * * *
September 16, 1885 -- page 2 - “Newton Items.” -
“Information Wanted Regarding a Disease among Chickens”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- All is peace and prosperity in this locality; although the health of the people is not so good, there being a sickness among the children of the nature of cholera infantum. Mr. Hoaggensen has just lost a little child.

“A disease has prevailed among the chickens which is grievously fatal, in some cases depleting the roosts. Without warning symptoms the birds are attacked with a moping which, in an hour or two results in death. Previous to death the comb turns whitish. If any of your numerous readers can classify this disease, and prescribe an effectual remedy, they will, I am assumed, confer a public benefit. For I believe all efforts at successfully combating the malady have proved abortive. Poultry, eggs, and butter, you know, are an important feature of household economy.

“We have just had a visit from Mr. W. H. Apperley, Superintendent of common schools for Cache county, and assistant Superintendent of Sunday schools in this Stake. He came in the double interest of Sunday schools and of day schools. Our day school was not in session however, but the gentleman delivered an effective and well timed lecture at our Sunday meeting, upon the all important subjects of education, bearing more particularly upon the principles and operations of day schools. He treated the subject in that matter of act way tending to invite his auditors to make special application of the judicious criticisms and valuable instructions advanced. Such a course devotes a true devotion to public interests, and is far more commendable than fulsome flattery.

“The JOURNAL, Deseret News, Juvenile Instructor, Contributor and Bikuben constitute our periodical literature, though I believe there is a copy of the infamous Salt Lake Tribune taken in the place. Contrast, you know, is a necessary element in the economy of the universe, the brightest and most attractive pictures owe their effects to intermingling shades, and
‘Others, the Lord, against their will.
Employ, Ills purpose to fulfill.’
“Since the advent of our present bishop, Hans Funk, Newton has made a very perceptible growth; the new comers are mostly of the Scandinavian element, and good types thereof.

“A good substantial tithing granary, of ample dimensions, has been built through the energetic supervision of our worthy bishop, who personal labor has also had much to do with its erection. Bp. Funk has also erected a neat and attractive frame home as his private residence.

“We are quite sanguine of the future of little Newton, inasmuch as several visitors, gifted with the power of discernment have spoken prophetically of the 'good time coming' for her.”

NEWTON, Sept. 6, 1885.
[Note: The Bikuben was a Danish-Norwegian newspaper published at Salt Lake City from 1876 to 1935.]

* * Page 3 – “Smithfield Notes” -
“The diphtheria scourge is at an end in Smithfield, much to the satisfaction of the citizens. Meetings, as well as Sunday and week-day schools, have been resumed."
--The Utah Journal, Sept. 16, 1885.

* * * *
September 19, 1885 - page 3 - “A Pleasant Views.” -
“Perhaps there are few views or landscapes more pleasing than the one to be obtained from Temple Hill . . . .

“But a position upon the Temple's roof extends the range of vision to the west and north, bringing to view Newton and, twenty miles away, a portion of Clarkston, nesting in a delightful vale between the mountains.”
--The Utah Journal, Sept. 19, 1885.

* * * *
Page 2 - “Semi-Annual Conference.”
“To the Latter-day Saints:
“The Semi-Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will commence at 10 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, October 6th, at Logan, Cache County, Utah Territory.
John Taylor
George Q. Cannon,
Of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Sept. 17th, 1885."
--The Utah Journal, Sept. 23, 1885.

* * * *
September 30, 1885 – page 3 – “Local Points” -
“We learn that W. F. Rigby and Alexander Leatham who were arrested last Wednesday night in Rexburg were taken to Eagle Rock and bound over to await the action of the Grand Jury in the sum of $1000 each.”

Same date and place --
“We regret to learn of the death by brain fever of Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Jenkins, an enterprising farmer of Newton. The little girl was only sick a week and died on Sunday morning. She was a little over eight years of age, and is the fourth child her mother has lost. The loss is deeply felt by the sorrowing parents and we extend them our heartfelt sympathy.”
--The Utah Journal, Sept. 30, 1885.

* * * *
October 14, 1885 - page 2 under - “INTERESTING ITEMS.”
“A Resolution of Respect in Honor of W. F. Rigby”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- On Saturday evening, Oct. 10th, Elder Wm. F. Rigby of the presidency of the Bannock Stake, delivered his farewell address to the Saints of Newton Ward, this being the last day he expects to spend with us for some time.

“To-morrow morning he starts for Blackfoot to answer to a charge of unlawful cohabitation with his own wives, before the court which convenes there on the 12th inst. Some three weeks ago he was arrested, and conveyed to Eagle Rock, where, for lack of a suitable place, himself and brother Latham, were held as prisoners in the saloon of Mr. Ed. Winn, the officers who arrested these brethren. Mr. Winn is said to have made a good thing by holding out the brethren, as Barnum would an elephant. Of course they formed a prolific subject for gossip, and the burdens of discussion had a drying, yeas a parching effect upon the throats of the individuals composing that illustrious (?) crowd of spectators. The consequence was a liberal imbibing of tangle foot, no doubt much to the delight of the delectable proprietor of the place.

“But Messrs Rigby and Lathan were not imbibers the inestimable privilege of seeing others indulge, and of listening to the choice language common to such scenes did not particularly charm them; but rather created a loathing in their souls, which led to a petition to Mr. Winn to allow the prisoners to effect a change of base. This was granted under many warnings of the vengeance if they should play him false. Gaining the confidence of the officer the brethren were allowed further privileges which they availed themselves of with much satisfaction in visiting, and receiving visits from friends and brethren of the neighborhood. Finally bonds were obtained which resulted in affording the family of Elder Rigby, and his numerous friends here, the privilege of his society for a short season. At the close of the address, already spoken of, Bro. A. P. Welchmena, offered the following resolution to the assembled Saints, which was seconded, and unanimously carried:

“Resolved.--that we, the Latter-day Saints of the Newton ecclesiastical Ward, of the Cache Stake of Zion, bid our dear brother and former fellow citizen farewell, with the highest appreciation of his honorable course of life during the many years of pleasant associations wherein we have known him, and earnestly pray that, whether under bonds or in prison, come life or come death, he may ever be blest and sustained of that God in whose cause he suffers.

“Notwithstanding the fact, as claimed by Mr. Rigby, that he is not guilty as charged, past observation and experience afford scarce any hope that he will escape and unjust sentence and a cruel incarceration. He, however, feels in excellent spirits.

“Since my last communication, illness among the people, especially among children, has unpleasantly increased. Brother Hans Sorensen, has just buried a little boy. There is another Hans Sorensen here a shoe-maker, who lives in the northern extremity, while this our brother inhabits the southern portion of our town.

“The threshing being done, our grain is secured from the weather, but not from speculators.

“Frosty nights are appearing, and ice in the ditches warns us of the silently approaching tread of drear [? poetic dreary] winter.

“Mr. J. H. Barker has brought into our little town the necessary apparatus for forcing a drive [drive pipe] well. So we soon hope to see the subteoraneau [sic subterranean] vaults yielding up the fluid which has more intrinsic value than gold or precious stones.

“We yet hope to see irrigating streams issuing forth from the dividing ridge between Clarkston and Newton. In which case a choice location will no doubt add to the delights and sustenances of the irrepressible Saints.

A. P. Welchman.
NEWTON, Oct. 12th, 1885.”
--The Utah Journal - Oct.14, 1885.

* * * *
October 14, 1885 - page 3 under “Farmers’ Convention”
“Aiming to Control the Grain Market”
“In accordance with proposals expressed in the Priesthood meeting held on the 3rd inst. at which it was desired that the farmer of Cache Valley should meet in convention to consider the advisability of mutually united themselves, for the better control of the sale of grain and other produce, as a means of protection against speculators. For this purpose a convention was held in the basement of the Tabernacle, on Monday last, with Pres. C. O. Card in the chair, consisting of farmers and others interested in all movements having for their object the benefit of the community.

“The chairman having introduced the object of the convention, and its importance at the present time in view of the future use to the people, called for the opinions of those present, with the view of ascertaining their willingness to co-operate in such an organization. The call was responded to with some warmth and earnestness G. L. Farrell, O. Smith, E. R. Miles, Moses Thatcher, F. Turner, and others; all advocated the necessity of such an organized movement, yet acknowledging the difficulties which exist, arising largely in the present circumstances of the people, in reviewing past incidents of similar movements some expressed their fears, but still hop was strong within them, and they believed that by placing this business in the hands of a well selected few and responsible individuals, there was no reason it should not succeed. If producers can by unity control or fix the price of grain, then it is right for them to do; where there is no union, where individuals sell for themselves, fearing lest another shall gain, however small the percentage, on their produce, there the speculator by running from one to another, makes and rules the prices. Had we been united in the past, this people would have been a power to-day. Elect honest and competent men to control your business, and sustain them in their labor, by your unite co-operation, and let selfishness and individual avarice pass away from your hearts.

“At the request of the chairman it was ascertained that in the meeting was a representative of farmers from Hyde Park, Smithfield, Richmond, Lewiston, Newton, Benson, Millville, Hyrum, Mendon and held the following quantities of grain, &c., ready for sale:
Wheat, 23,250 bushel, owned by 36 members present.
Oats, 3,720 bushels, owned by 15 members present.
Barley, 300 bushels, owned by 3 members present.
Rye, 2,000 bushels, owned by 1 member present.
Potatoes, 2,550 bushels, owned by 9 members present.
“Resolution were then passed for the organization, and the following were elected as a Board of Directors, with power to appoint their Agent or Manager, to conduct the business, and call all meetings of the Association.
Chas. O. Card
President of the Board.
Orson Smith,
Aaron Farr,
Jas. Mack,
Fred Turner,
Members of the Board.
Jas. McLachlan, Secretary
--The Utah Journal, Oct. 14, 1885.

* * * *
October 17, 1885 - page 3 under “Flowing Wells.”
“Mr. J. H. Barker, of Newton has secured a complete apparatus for driving wells, and is supplied with pipe, fixtures, and everything pertaining to this branch of business. Drive wells are quite numerous in Salt Lake City, and the water who so abundantly flows from there is pure and delicious. There is no reason why this class of wells can mot be made successfully here. Anyone desiring the services of Mr. Barker will please address him at Newton."
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 17, 1885.

* * * *
October 21, 1885 - page 1 under "Precinct Officers" -
Newton Precinct
Justice of the Peace - G. J. E. Larsen
Constable -James Parsons
--The Utah Journal - October 21, 1885.

* * * *
October 24, 1885 - Page 3 under “The List of Unfortunates.” -
“Last Thursday a little child of Mr. Parsons, Newton, was brought to Logan, and taken to Mrs. I. Burgess for an operation. The little fellow had for some time past, had what was thought to be a kernel of wheat in his ear. Mrs. Burgess thought best to have Dr. Ormsby extract the kernel, if possible, and took it to his office. The Doctor put the child under the influence of ether and endeavored for some time to take the kernel from its ear, but without success.”
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 24, 1885.

* * * *
October 28, 1885 - page 3 under “Local Points” -
“Apostle John Henry Smith, in connection with the Presidency of the Stake, will hold a meeting at Clarkston on Thursday at 7 o'clock p.m., and one at Newton on Friday at 10 a.m. There meeting will not doubt be well attended.

Page 3 under “Y.M.M.I.A. Conference” -
“The Y.M.M.I.A. Associations of Trenton, Newton and Clarkston met at the latter place last Sunday in conference at ten and two o'clock. An interest programme in which each association participated was well rendered.

“Officers for the ensuing year were elected for Clarkston association, and are as follows: Samuel C. Stewart, president, Hans Dahle and James Clark, counselors. Frank Griffith, sec'y and treasurer and W. B. Jardine, librarian . . . .”
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 28, 1885.

* * * *
October 31, 1885 - page 2 advertisement -
“Flowing Wells
Do You Want An
Overflow Well
By the drive pipe process
Having the necessary outfit I am prepared to attend to any who wish
such work done. Write to
Newton, Cache Co.”

* * Page 3 - in the “Local Points” column -
“WOOD wanted on subscription at this office. Molasses, cabbage, potatoes, onions, squash, we are overstocked with, but we would be pleased to received about twenty cords of wood, pine or maple.”
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 31, 1885
NOTE: There were times when the newspaper stated they would take wheat and other items for subscriptions.

* * * *
November 4, 1885 - page 2 “Quarterly Conference” -
“The Cache Stake Quarterly Conference convened in the Logan Tabernacle at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31. There were present on the stand of the Apostles Moses Thatcher and John Henry Smith; of the First Seven Presidents, C. D. Fjeidsted; of the Presidency of the Stake, C. O. Card, M. W. Merrill and Orson Smith, and a number of Bishops and other leading men.”-- after a song, prayer and another song ---
“President Card said the he was pleased to meet with the Saints under such favorable circumstances and said that the time this morning would be devoted to the Bishops, to report their wards. The following Bishops reported: Hans Funk, Newton; Henry Ballard, 2d Ward, Logan; Robert Davidson, 3rd ward, Logan: Wm. Hyde, 5th ward, Logan; B. M. Lewis,1st ward, Logan; Isaac Smith, 7th ward, Logan; John Jardine, Clarkston; Thomas X. Smith, 4th ward, Logan; W. L. Skidmore, Richmond; George L. Farrell, Smithfield; W. H. Maughan, Wellsville; Counsellor S. Lamb, Hyde Park; John C. Larson, Coveville; Alma Harris, Benson Ward; Counselor Frank Madison, Providence; Sampson Molen, Hyrum." -- followed by a song and benediction.
Afternoon session – “Apostle F. D. Richards was in attendance.”

“Bishop A. L. Skanchy reported the Logan 6th Ward; Bishop W. H. Lewis, Lewiston; Counselor Andrew Anderson, Mendon; Counselor A. A. Jackson, Paradise; Counselor Andrew McCombs, Trenton; Bp. Geo. A. Pitkin, Millville. . . .”

“President M. W. Merrill said it was very gratifying to him to have the privilege of meeting with the Saints at this conference and listening to the report of the Bishops concerning their Wards. There was one matter which he thought of very great importance and that was the establishment of missionary farms. Have we really got any and if we have are they cultivated? Are there any products on hand that can be used for the benefit of the families of missionaries? The President of the Church and his brethren expect something of us in the matter.”

* *Page 3 under “Died” -
“BECK.--At Newton, Cache Co., on the 30th of Oct. 1885, Jonas Peter, son of Jonas N. and Martha Beck, aged 14 years.
“Provo Enquirer and Deseret News please copy.”
--The Utah Journal - Nov. 4, 1885.

* * * *
December 12, 1885 - page 1 under “A Good Sell” --
“Heard in Newton and Told by a Correspondent”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- I went over the bottoms in quest of cash and ducks a few days ago but I found the latter had left for fear of mining. The first was also absent, probably for different reasons. In fact at Benson I found little or nothing save a few inhabitants. I was told they had neither deputies, polygamist, nor school. I can see what relation the first and second have to each other but their relation to the third is not so plain to me. I went over to Newton, the town of an illustrious name, and the home of A. Welchman. I stayed all night, in his brag and heard a good sell on some of the boys there. I may as well tell it to you.

“Years ago some missionary in England started the joke by converting a young couple to Mormonism. Like many others they emigrated but, unlike most of the emigrants they did not to go Zion. By some mischance they found themselves [in] Michigan and they settled there and built a home. In addition to some little girls already in the family some more were added and the course of 13 years the family must have presented a tempting picture to the surrounding young men. It seems that some one made a successful raid on the family and carried off one of the girls. This or something else, made the parents pull up the stakes and start for Utah, and Newton, a quiet town of the way place was selected for a future home. The girls born and grown up in the State of Michigan grew up to be beautiful young women, full of live and vivacity, but--sad to say--full of unbelief in the religion of their parents. Thus they appeared before the astonished gaze of the Newton boys. Sorrows filled the hearts of these young men upon learning of the skepticism of these five human beings. Could they do nothing for them? was the question that filled enquiring minds. Of course they could. Being very zealous, to think was to act with them. It was a noble as well as beautiful field [?]. It was worth trying, and long before the family was really ready to receive visitors the home was stormed by young missionaries striving with each other to do good. Teams can often be seen all day, tied to fence posts, while the driver is within laboring for the welfare of these unbelievers. In order and success is crowning their efforts. It were a pity, should it be otherwise, but it is a huge joke on the boys. The very name of the girls is a Good sell. They have an uncle whose names is A. Goodsell, and to make matters worse they are getting up an entertainment for Christmas. One would almost be tempted to think it a Good sell on the public of that place. In Newton I regretted exceedingly my inability to do missionary labor. So much for neglected opportunities, however.

“The Brigham City J.B., I see, has been giving me away. How could you, J. publish the fact to a cold and unfeeling world that I was a bachelor? How cruel of you? You call be a ‘rolling stone,’ and trust I will gather some ‘moss’ as I roll north again. Had you _?_ made your hope would not have been vain, but as for ‘moss’ I am too barren and forbidding even for this. The ‘stern realties of matrimony’ you speak of that were to destroy my ‘painful modesty and timidity,’ are still in prospective and I trust to this even, all is for the best. J.B. beware of my corns in the future. I am not only timid but tender.”

F. L.
LOGAN, Dec. 8, 1885.
The Utah Journal, Dec. 12, 1885.

* * * *
December 23, 1885 - page 1 “Precinct Officers” -
Newton Precinct – Justice of the Peace - G. J. E. Larsen
Constable -James Parsons
--The Utah Journal - Dec. 23, 1885.
* * * *
January 6, 1886 - page 3 – “Meeting of Y.M.M.I.A”
“An Instructive and Interesting Time may be Expected”
“B. H. Roberts will hold meeting in the interest of the Mutual Improvement Associations, and their organ the Contributor, in according with the following
Mendon, Thursday evening Jan. 7th
Wellsville, Friday evening, Jan. 8th.
Hyrum, Sunday evening, Jan. 10th.
Paradise, Tuesday evening, Jan. 12th.
Millville, Wednesday evening, Jan. 13th.
Providence, Thursday evening, Jan. 14th.
Hyde Park, Friday evening, Jan. 15th.
Smithfield, Sunday evening, Jan. 17th.
Richmond, Tuesday evening, Jan. 19th.
Lewiston, Thursday evening, Jan. 21st.
Franklin, Friday evening, Jan. 22nd.
Oxford, Sunday evening, Jan. 24th.
Clifton, Monday evening, Jan. 25th.
Weston, Tuesday evening, Jan. 26th.
Clarkston, Wednesday evening, Jan. 27th.
Newton, Thursday evening, Jan. 28th.
--The Utah Journal - Jan. 6, 1886.

* * * *
January 16, 1886 - page 3 in the “Local Points” column -
“We learn that fever is still raging in Newton. Among the recent deaths were that of an adult by the name of Hoggenson, and a boy about ten years of age, the son of G. J. Larsen.

“The people of Newton were highly pleased recently with a visit from Elder Richard Lambert. He addressed the Y.M.M.I. Association of that ward, also attended and addressed a general meeting of the Saints."
--The Utah Journal, Jan. 16, 1886.

* * * *
February 10, 1886 - page 3 in “Notice to Creditors.”
“Estate of David Warren, deceased.
“Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the Estate of David Warren deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after that publication of this notice, to the undersigned, at his residence, in Newton Cache County, Utah.
Hyrum Curtis
Dated Feb. 9th, 1886.”
--The Utah Journal - Feb. 10, 1886.

* * * *
February 24, 1886 - page 3 in the second “Local Points” column -
“A. P. Welchman, our Newton correspondent, was in Logan Yesterday.”
--The Utah Journal - Feb. 24, 1886.

* * * *
February 27, 1886 - page 3 in “Local Points” -
“The committee on highways, in the Legislative Council, have recommended that the sum of $1,000 be appropriated to build a bridge over Bear River, in this county.”
--The Utah Journal - Feb. 27, 1886.

* * * *
March 6, 1886 - page 2 in “Entertainment at Newton” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--The Newton Sunday School gave that little burg a soul satisfying entertainment on the evening of Monday, March 1st, 1886. The committee had a good selection of solo and company songs, recitations, dialogues and comedies. There were generally instructive in their nature, and as a rule were exceedingly well presented; the taking of the several parts throughout, would have been no disparagement to actors of the first class pretentions [sic]. The house was crowded, not withstanding the mud which had to be traversed in order to put in an appearance, and the affair must have been a financial success.

“One noticeable and encouraging feature of this entertainment was that from the committee, throughout the entire roll of actors, the youth figured prominently and well.  For instance, the opening and closing singing, by a Sunday school choir recently organized, was led by Brother Amos Clark, Jr.; the musicians were young men; and most of the performers upon the stage were of tender years.

“But for their good, let one play critic a few moments. While doing remarkably well in the stage presentations our young people frequently fail in one very essential point--a deliberate and distinct articulation of their utterances. This is not surprising, and I do not criticise to discourage. But they who aspire to public eminence in any direction must learn to receive kindly, and carefully profit by, the critics art. No one who was present at our little entertainment could fail to not the pleasure afforded to the audience by the well balanced, deliberately uttered, and clearly articulated speeches of Wm. F. Rigby, Jr. in the characters assumed by him upon the occasion.

NEWTON, March 1st, 1886.”
--The Utah Journal, March 6, 1886.

* * * *
March 17, 1886 - page 3 under the “Local Points” column -
“Miss Luella Parkinson of Franklin, who is now living in Logan, accidentally shot herself through the hand last evening. Dr. Ormsby attended her injury."
--The Utah Journal - March 17, 1886.
[She would be a teacher in Newton four years later.]

* * * *
March 31, 1886 - page 3 in “From Over the River” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--The weather here is still changeful, generally cold, and with frequent snow squalls. Peace prevails and also general good health excepting a succession of colds with the usual accompanying cough.

“Our Sunday School has made manifest improvements lately; and our day school under the tutorship of Brother Charles England of Hyde Park, is a success.

“Mr. Ludvic Ericson lately shot a fine eagle.

“The Newton Dramatic Association have just returned from a visit to Weston where they entertained the Westonites on two successive evenings. The Highway Twins, an original tragic piece, composed by Brother Alfred Goodsell, was twice presented; while Paddy Miles' Boy and the Stupid Servant were concluding farces. The Crusade song met with such a hearty reception that it had to be repeated the second evening.

“There were not very good houses, owning to the lateness of the season and to the scarcity of silver lining to the pockets, but those present gave the company a good reception. Bishop John Maughan entertained the visitors in a most agreeable manner.

NEWTON, March 29, 1886"
--The Utah Journal - March 31, 1886.

* * * *
April 24, 1886 - page 3 in an article entitled “Northern Settlements”-
The correspondent made a tour of the northern settlements of Cache Valley covering the towns in Idaho. Picking up his accounts as he concluded with Preston he remarked.

“All things considered Preston is likely to become one of the most flourishing towns in southern Idaho. Passing on the way to Newton, the poorest looking inanimate object that I saw, is the bridge across Bear River. It is about 18 years old, and is bowed down with the weight of age and carelessness. Judging by its appearance it has had but little, if any, support from government, either county or territorial. The poor old bridge is on its last legs, and some of them are gone. As a natural consequence if is one-sided, sway backed at both ends, and humped up in the middle. I hope you have no such bridges in Utah. Nevertheless the bridge is not to blame; and if the proper officials in this Territory would look after the matter, I think the people would be very glad to have enough of their taxes used in that way, to build a new one.”
--The Utah Journal - April 24, 1886.

* * * *
May 8, 1886 - page 1 “General and Stake Authorities” -
After listing the General leaders of the Church and then leaders of the Cache Stake; then the various ward bishoprics were also listed.
Newton ward, Hans Funk, Bishop, Wm. H. Griffin, Peter Benson, counselors.
--The Utah Journal - May 8, 1886.

* * * *
May 12, 1886 - page 4 under “Notice for Publication.” -
“No. 2262
“Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Salt Lake City, May 4, 1886.
“Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claims, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or in his absence the Clerk of County Court at Logan City, Cache Co. Utah, on Thursday June 10, 1886, viz:
“Jens Hansen for the N1/2SW1/4 Sec 13 TP13N R2W.

“He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz:
“Andrew Hansen, James Nesson, James Christensen, and Jens P. Jensen, all of
Newton, Utah.
D. Webb
J. T. Hammond, Atty.
--The Utah Journal - May 12, 1886.

* * * *
May 12, 1886 - page 3 in the “Local Points” column -
“The Clarkston boys are going to play the Weston boys a gave of base ball on Saturday next. The club at Clarkston will give a dance in the evening and a pleasant time is expected.”
--The Utah Journal - May 12, 1886.

* * * *
May 26, 1886 - page 3 under the “Local Points” column -
“A jubilee was held in Clarkston on Sunday last. The Sabbath Schools of Clarkston, Newton and Trenton were represented. A good progamme was carried out. President Roskelley and Asst. Supt. W. G. Reese were present, and addressed the gathering."
--The Utah Journal - May 26, 1886.

* * * *
June 2, 1886 - page 2 in “Estray Notice.” -
I have in my possession:
One dark bay mare, saddle marked, about twelve years old, branded L on left thigh.
One dark bay horse, about three years old, white spot on forehead, branded V on left thigh.
One sorrel mare, spot is [on] forehead, left hind foot white, branded on left shoulder T - combined, on left thigh V.
If the above described animals are not claimed and taken away, on or before the Twelfth of June, they will be sold at Public auction, in front of the Newton Store at one o'clock p.m.
Peter E. Benson
June 2, 1886.
--The Utah Journal - June 2, 1886.

* * * *
June 16, 1886 -- page 3 under “Jubilee Programme” -
“On Sunday, June 20th, 1886, in Logan Tabernacle, the Sunday School Jubilee will take place, and the following interesting programme will be rendered. . . .”
[followed by a rundown of the various Sunday School participating in the morning session; in the afternoon session which went in part as follows--
"Hyrum, Who is on the Lord's Side, schools.
Hyrum, Go work in my Vineyard, schools.
Sacramental hymn
Recitation, Hyrum.
Bible question and answers, Petersboro school.
Quartette, Providence school.
Exercise. Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, West Millville,
Dialogue, Logan, 1st ward school
Song, (selected verses) Logan 5th ward school.
Card exercise. The Lord's Supper, Logan 3rd ward.
Bible recital, Newton school.
Quartette. Wellsville school.
Essay, Benson ward.
Card exercise, Clarkston school.
Song, We hail thee lovely Deseret, Mendon school.
Recitation, Logan 4th ward.
Closing Hymn, Bringing in the Sheaves, schools.
--The Utah Journal, June 16, 1886.

* * * *
June 19, 1886 - page 6 (this issue had 8 pages) under “The Jubilee” -
“Those Who Were Present and What They Did”
“Between the hours of seven and ten last Sunday morning a continued stream of humanity jammed into Logan from all parts of the county. The Sunday schools of Providence, Millville, Paradise, Hyrum, Wellsville, Mendon, Petersboro, Benson, Newton, Lewiston, Clarkston, Smithfield, Hyde Park, West Millville, and Richmond were, well represented in the immense gathering which as at the Tabernacle during the day, and the superintendents or their assistants of the majority of these schools were upon the stand. At ten o'clock standing room was at a premium within the walls of the Tabernacle.
Morning Exercises
“Supt. Ormsby called the congregation to order at the hour mentioned, and announced the opening hymn. . . .
[some of the school were not prepared and their announced renditions were omitted. . .
then came....]
“Newton school, Bible recital.
The Gathering of Israel, by Wellsville school.
Essay by a member of the Benson Ward school.
Card exercise, Clarkston school. . . .

“Supt. Ormsby felt to congratulate all those who had taken part in the programme of the Jubilee. In his opinion the latter had never been surpassed here, and hope that a year would bring an occasion and profitable.”
--The Utah Journal - June 19, 1886.

* * * *
June 26, 1886 - page 4 in “Local Points” -
“A District Conference of the Y.M.M.A [sic] of Clarkston, Newton, and Trenton will be held at Clarkston on July fourth, commencing at 10 a.m. A member of the Central Board expect to be present.”
--The Utah Journal - June 26, 1886.

* * * *
July 3, 1886 - page 3 in the “Local Points” column -
“Mr. John Jenkins of Newton, Informs us that prospects for crops in the region of that settlement are not so good as on previous years. Grasshoppers are doing damage to grain in some fields.”
--The Utah Journal - July 3, 1886.

* * * *
July 7, 1886 - page 2 in “Clarkston District Conference.” -
“A large number of young people of the Clarkston, Newton and Trenton Wards assembled in the Clarkston meeting house on Sunday last in the capacity of a District Conference of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association of those Wards. There were present a number of the representative men of the Wards as also a large number of the sisters. Samuel Stewart, of Clarkston Association treated the question, ‘Do the Scriptures Fortell the Second Coming of Christ,’ and Thomas Godfrey of the same society made some remarks showing that the Bible was the stick of Judeh and the Book of Mormon the stick of Joseph.

“Charles Goodsell of the Newton society treated the question, ‘Can we consistently claim to be the true Church of God?’ and John Griffiths dilated upon ‘The necessary elements for success in life.’

“Joseph Bingham of the Trenton association gave an interesting address on the ‘Word of Wisdom,’ and Joseph Hill treated the question, ‘Do the Scriptures Foretell the Coming of Christ.’

“Brief reports were made by the officers representing the associations.

“Remarks were delivered treating upon various subjects, among which were education, the work of improvement, the gaining of independence by the fathers, early struggles and__?_ , the glorious Constitution, etc., by President C. O. Card, Sup'ts L. R. Martineau, Seth A. Langton, Joseph Morrell, and Elder John E. Carlisle. Zina Y. Williams of the Stake Superintendency of the Y.L.M.I.A. was present and in a few well chosen sentences stated what they were endeavoring and desired to accomplish in the Young Ladies’ Associations. Besides the visitors mentioned as taking part in the exercises, we noticed, among others on the stand, Bishop John Jardine, Andrew McCombs, A. P. Welchman, W. F. Rigby, Jr., Wm.Miler and Bp. James B. Jardine,
W. V. O. Carbine, who may now be considered a resident of Snake River Valley was present also.”

Page 3 in “Estray Notice”-
“I have in my possession
One spotted steer calf, shallow fork in each ear.
if the above described animal is not claimed and taken away with 10 days, will be sold to the highest cash bidder, in front of the Newton Co-op store on Tuesday, the 13, 1886.
H. L. Curtis
Newton Poundkeeper.
July 3, 1886.”
--The Utah Journal - July 7, 1886.

* * * *
July 28, 1886 - page 3 under “Local Points” column -
“The following post office changes are noted in Utah, under Washington date of July 16th: Established--Kingston, Piute county, Thomas E. King, postmaster; Layton, Davis county, W. A. Hyde, postmaster; Orth, Millard county, Chas. B. McGregor, postmaster; Discontinued--Newton, Cache county. . . ." [S.L. Tribune]
--The Utah Journal - July 28, 1886.

* * * *
July 31, 1886 - page 3 under “Newton Jots” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--I have been too busy to write for some time back; but will now resume my pen.
“The hay crop is remarkably slime in this locality, and the grain crops will also be light.

“Locust, honelads [?], have swarmed, and are still swarming in our fields and gardens. It is feared they will stay until their eggs are deposited in our soil. They seem quite partial to rye as an article of diet for their delicate appetites, for they eat the hardened kernels half their length downwards.

“We have another to add to the list of accidents resulting from the use of concentrated lye in families. An infant son of Brother J. N. Hansen now lies in a very critical condition through swallowing a piece of the dangerous stuff. Will not our Relief Societies unite to effect the banishment of so deadly an article from the households of the Saints, by by [sic] searching out and substituting some harmless aid in the cleaning of clothing.
“The Twenty-Fourth was celebrated here in the usual style.

“I notice by the JOURNAL that the post office at Newton, Cache county, is discontinued. Is this the tuitiatory movement of the anti’s against Newton? We await, with interest, for further developments.

“Our Primary meeting, in the interest of the People's Party, was not as enthusiastic at it should have been. One would think such lessons as those __?_ out in the late experience of the citizens of the Seventh ward of Salt Lake City would tend to arouse the people from the deathward apathy which had already enveloped them too long. If we learn not as we may, perchance we will learn as we __?_, in the expensive school of experience.

“The severe and prolonged hot spell has been somewhat modified by the recent thunder showers.

“The foundation is being laid for a house of worship in Newton, and lumber is being hauled for the same.
NEWTON, July 29, 1886."
--The Utah Journal - July 28, 1886.

* * * *
August 7, 1886 - page 3 the first two entries under “Local Points” -
“Pay in advance for the JOURNAL.
“Wheat and wood wanted on subscription.”
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 7, 1886.
[Note: A short time later they asked for young pigs.]

August 7, 1886 - Page 3 under the second “Local Points” column -
“The artesian well which was bored upon the premises of Mr. Ed. Nelson, of Benson Ward, by Mr. J. H. Barker, has proved a success in every way. A stream of good water of ten gallons per minute, was secured at a depth of less than a hundred feet. Boring wells for obtaining the all-powerful element cannot be practiced too much in this county."
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 7, 1886.

* * * *
August 11, 1886 - page 2 under “Quarterly Conference” -
“The gathering of the Saints at the Tabernacle on Saturday morning last was not as large as could have been desired. Alvin Crocket, a member of the High Council, called the assembly to order. There was a conspicuous absence of faces on the stand that the people were wont to see. Apostle Heber J. Grant and President John Morgan and C. D. Fjelsted, a number of Bishops and other leading elders were on the stand." ***[The "conspicuous" absent included Pres. Taylor in hiding and Stake Pres. C. O. Card, who had been arrested and then escaped and many others of making themselves scarce due to the crusade against polygamy.]

[The following day at the Sunday morning exercises--]
“The choir sang, 'Then say what is truth;' Elder C. D. Fjeldsted offered prayer, and the choir sang, ‘The song of the Redeemed.’ Bishop James B. Jardine reported Clarkston; Bishop W. H. Lewis , Lewiston; Bishop Hans Funk, Newton; Bishop Alma Harris, Benson. . . .”
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 11, 1886.

* * * *
August 21, 1886 - page 3 under the “Local Points” column-
“J. H. Barker of Newton, is now engaged in driving a well for Henry Griffiths, of Benson Ward. He is not down about 160 feet, where he has struck a flow of gas, which Burns beautifully. At a depth of 140 feet he drove through a bed of decomposed wood, which, when examinated under a microscope, proved to be willow. Pieces of various sizes were thrown out through the pipe by the force of the gas. It has been proven that flowing wells can be successfully made in some parts of Cache county.”
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 21, 1886.

* * * *
September 8, 1886 - page 3 in “Local Points” -
“A. P. Welchman gave us a call on Saturday.”
--The Utah Journal - Sept. 8, 1886.

* * * *
September 22, 1886 - page 3 in “Local Points” -
“The storekeeper of the Clarkston Co-op, and an individual who was owing the store got into a row one day last week. After getting considerably warmed up the dealer of dry goods and groceries seized an ax handle and run the man with whom he was quarreling out of the store, inflicting bruises on his head and arm. The individual had a trial but we have yet heard the results.”

* * Same Sept. issue on page 3 under “Estray Notice”
“I have in my possession:
One black stallion about 3 years old white spot in forehead, two white fee, on the left side, Y on left shoulder.
“The above described animal if not claimed, and taken away within 10 days will be sold at public sale, to the highest cash bidder, Friday 1, at one o'clock p.m. at the Newton Estray Pound.
H. L. Curtis,
Newton Poundkeeper
Newton, Sept. 23, 1886.
--The Utah Journal -Sept. 22, 1886.

* * * *
September 29, 1886 - Page 3 under “County Convention” -
“Members of the People's Party in Cache County are hereby notified that a convention of delegates from the various precincts of said county, will be held in the County Court House, Logan, Tuesday, October 5th at 11 a.m. for the purpose of choosing six (6) delegates to the Territorial Convention which meets in Salt Lake City, Monday, October 11th, to nominate a candidate for delegate to the fiftieth Congress.

“Said County Convention will consist of forty-seven (47) members, allotted as follows:
Logan 13
Hyde Park 2     Benson 1
Smithfield 4     Mendon and Petersboro 2
Richmond 4     Wellsville 4
Coveville 1     Hyrum 5
Lewiston 2     Paradise 2
Clarkston and Trenton 2         Millville 2
Newton 1     Providence 2
Total 47
“Precinct committees will please call primaries in their districts, arranging time and place and giving due notice to the people. As the time is quite limited,
immediate action will be necessary.

“By order of the County Central Committee.
Thomas Irvine,
John T. Cane, Jr.
--The Utah Journal - Sept. 29, 1886.

* * * *
October 6, 1886 - page 3 under “The Natural Gas Well” -
[First portion of the article is illegible but apparently discussed areas of Cache County that could be cultivated but for lack of water]
“ . . land lying between Bear River and what is known as the Little Mountain one feels a sickening section covering hundreds of acres of level and apparently fertile land lying there through the scorching hot summer . . .but from the want of one good drink to quench that awful thirst. It gives one mighty effort, struggles faintly, and falls helpless, shrunken and shriveled. There is hardly a blade of grass to be seen and where you do find one it is so fearfully dried and withered that it is almost impossible to recognize it.

“Ever inventing man is slowly, but there is every reason to believe, surely, providing a way by which to relieve the want of so much suffering land, by driving flowing wells; and as the little town of Newton is the happy possessor of a gentleman with much renown as a ‘water witch,’ who through the aid of a birch willow, and other mysterious powers, is enabled to locate the spot where water can be found, and how many feet deep it is, we may expect to hear of some important developments in this line.

“There are a few of these wells in Benson Ward, but the quantity of water is not large enough to irrigate but very little land. The water thus produced is generally of a good quality, being as clean ___?__ and very cold.. . . ."
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 6, 1886.

* * * *
October 13, 1886 - page 3 in the “Local Points” column -
“Deputies search the residence of President W. W. Cluff in Coalsville on Saturday morning.” [The annual conference was at Logan in April and the semi-annual conference was held in Coalville due to the crusade against polygamy.]

Page 3 some column.—
“Last evening Deputy Steele found Heckley, of Providence, at home, but as the latter was sick and could not be removed he sent for Commissioner Goodwin, who went to that town and placed the prisoner under $1,000 bonds to await trial for unlawful cohabitation. His father and another man of Providence with and unprounceable [sic] German name, were the securities. While in this connection we will say that Heckley is not a member of the Mormon church, but is a believer of a religion which has free love for a platform,--and it is consequently doubtful whether a case can be made out against him."
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 13, 1886.

* * * *
October 16, 1886 - page 3 under “Local Points” -
“Another raid was made on Newton last Tuesday, but no one was arrested.”

“Yesterday evening Deputy Marshal Exum arrested Geo. W. Thatcher on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was taken before Commissioner Goodwin and the complaint was read to him. The defendant waived examination without pleading, and bound over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $1,500. B. F. Riter and H. E. Hatch bondsmen.”
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 16, 1886.

* * * *
November 20, 1996 - page 1 “County Directory” -
Justice of the Pease - G. J. E. Larsen
Constable - James Parsons
Road Supervisor - J. H. Barker, Jr.
Poundkeeper - L. Curtis
--The Utah Journal - Nov. 20, 1886.

* * * *
December 11, 1886 - page 3 in “The Light Fantastic” -
“‘F. L.’s’ Opinion on the Subject
A Novel Reform
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--I have made the round of the valley, or very nearly so. I find everybody fearing a long and hard winter, for which indeed the prospect has been very good for several weeks. It does not often happen that the merry sleigh bells mingled with song and laughter from boys and girls, are heard in the month of November. I believe even the horses dread a long winter; not so much so I fear from anticipation of short rations as from the expectation of long drives, for where are the sleighriders who ever think of the poor horses when they get tucked away in the double boxes with plenty of robes and blankets and coat sleeves around them?

“The season for dancing has again turned up and as near as I can learn there is a desire to make dancing parties less frequent, with what success remains to be seen. In Hyrum awhile ago I listened to the reading of their manuscript papers, in which were some heavy pieces directing the public mind to the fact that too much attention was paid to the heels at the expense of the head. But as dancing cannot be stopped, and I thin ought not, let me say a few words about dancing in general. I attended a party a few days ago in one of our northern settlements and the idea of saying something on the subject struck me very forcibly. If we did not learn anything about ball room etiquette it was certainly not because enough was not said on the subject in the party. Now what is the object of dancing. It must be recreation and amusement, and I take it that parties are gotten up principally for the young. Everything needs a manager, conductor or boss of some kind, parties are no exception. What kind of men should manage parties? Let us have some common sense on the subject. What business has an old man on a ball room floor as manager. A man who can see his youth only in the far and distant horizon of his memory, but who can see his grand children very plainly flirting on the floor, has no right to assume the role of floor manager. He ought--if he must come to dance--to go home to his wife at 9 or at least 9:30 o'clock and stay there. That he is a good man, does not signify he can run a dance. Our manager may have been well-versed in ‘Ball Room Etiquette’ but if so appearances were sadly against him. The idea of expecting or at least requesting the dancers to keep from speaking is preposterous, yet I have see managers trying this. Who comes to a party for the simple reason of doing the work attached to a dance? Not I at any rate. People on the floor not only have a right to talk but it becomes their duty in order to be social. Of course loud talk or laughter is bad manners in any public place. Then again they have cheek enough to get up and say how they shall and shall not swing while dancing. I would suppose that if a couple swing respectfully that this would be all that could be requested. But no, you must only swing once around, says some authority on ‘Ball Room Etiquette.’ Why not say how often they shall ‘promenade’ in a set, or how often it is proper to go ‘ladies change.'’ No dancing master that I have ever seen has ever dared to say how often it is proper to swing, except in certain changes. Sometimes it is impossible for a couple to swing more than just once, because the time in the music does not allow it; at other times it makes a couple look awkward to stop at once. Often the dancers have to swing only half or three quarters around to get to their proper positions and sometimes they have to swing once and a quarter, or once and a half, to get there. Then again it depends a good deal upon the amount of room a set occupy, how long they should swing. There can be but one rule for swinging and that is to occupy the measure in the music used for this part, the same as any other figure the prompter may give. It shows a large gall in a man to say otherwise. But perhaps I show the size of mine to say so much on that subject, I quit.

“I have something real clever to tell you yet and then i will quit for good. But hush! it is from Newton, the town with an illustrious name. I have been over there again, the first time since I wrote the Good-sell on the boys over there. I came near getting sold myself by getting right in amongst a collection of Good-sells, nice ones too. I can assure you, but they told me never to say anything more about them so, I promised I wouldn't. I tied my horses where the boys tied theirs last spring, and went in but I found the boys had left nothing in the missionary line to do. I saw no horses outside but my own. The young men just drop in to see how they feel now and then. I saw one there and I saw a new h_____; but I fear I am blabbing. Let me get back again to the girls; yes, that's it. The girls are all good; the boys helped them no doubt. But for some reason the boys have got behind, and this was what I was going to tell you. And I want you to credit the girls in Newton with setting a worthy example to the young ladies in other places. They had a dance over there and it seemed the boys had brought some bottles with them, and towards ten o'clock as the bottles began to get empty and the boys began to get full and noisy and then the girls as one got their hoods and wraps and overshoes, and all went home and broke up the dance. How is this for a reformation, or rather a means for a reformation.

“This will do to close on. I might say something about a parson over there who is no preacher but I might get my ‘foot in it’ again. It might be a sell on me; for my horses were tied outside for quite awhile and if you knew all you might suspect more.

--The Utah Journal - Dec. 11, 1886.
[Note: See article on Dec. 15, 1885 for F.L.’s earlier trip to Newton.]

* * * *
December 15, 1886 - page 4 under “No. 2430” “Notice for Publication” -
“Land Office at Salt Lake City,
Nov. 27, 1886.
“Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims, and that said proof
ill be made before the Judge or in his absence the Clerk County Court at Logan, Utah, on Thursday, Jan. 6, 1887, viz:
Wm. F. Rigby, Jr. DS No. 11011 for the W 1/2 S 1/4 E1/2 SW 1/4 of Sec. 5 Tp.13 N R1 W.
“He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz.
Hyrum Clark, John H. Barker, John H. Barker, Jr. and James Parson, all of Newton, Cache Co. Utah.”
--The Utah Journal -Dec. 15, 1886.

* * * *
January 5, 1887 - -page 1 County Directory
Sheriff - Nicholas W. Crookston

Newton Precinct -
Justice of the Peace - Wm. F. Rigby, Jr.
Constable - James Parson
Road Supervisor - J. H. Barker, Jr.
Poundkeeper - L. Curtis
--The Utah Journal - Jan. 5, 1887.

* * * *
October 19, 1887 - page 3 under “Local Points” -
“A boy about twelve years of age the son of Peter Christiansen, of Newton was playing with a pistol on Sunday when it accidently went off, discharging the contents into the boy's thigh. He was brought to this city and Dr. Snow did what he could for him. He is now getting along nicely.”
--The Utah Journal - Oct. 19, 1887.

* * * *
October 28, 1887 - Page 1 under “Logan Subjects” [from the Utah Journal; 26th]
“On Sunday Deputy Marshals Steele and Whetstone, accompanied by Commissioner Goodwin went to Newton and made a raid upon a number of houses there. They arrested John Jenkins on an indictment, and placed him under bonds to appear in Logan on Tuesday ready to go to Ogden. Mr. Jenkins made his appearance on Tuesday and was taken to Ogden. He is indicted, we understand, for unlawful cohabitation.

“On Monday evening Peter Benson, of Newton, was arrested on the going charge, by Deputy Marshals Steele and Whetstone. He was bound over to appear at the commissioner's office in Logan on Tuesday for examination. The bonds were placed at $1,000 and Nela Jacobson and James P. Jensen signed them. Christina Nielsen was bound over to appear as a witness. The same bondsmen signed her bonds of $200.”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Oct. 28, 1887.

* * * *
October 29, 1887 - page 1 under “Ogden News” -
“United States vs. John Jenkins, unlawful cohabitation; defendant arraigned and plead guilty. Sentence on Nov. 19th.”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Oct. 29, 1887.

* * * *
November 20, 1887 - page 8 under “Sentences.”
“The following business, in connection with the continuation of the land suit mentioned elsewhere in this issue, was transacted in the first district court yesterday:
“U.S. vs. John Jenkins, unlawful cohabitation; defendant was sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for six months and fined in the sum of $300, and
ordered to pay the cost of the court.
“U.S. vs. Hans Funk, unlawful cohabitation; defendant was sentenced to six months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $300 and the costs of the court.”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Nov.20, 1887.

* * * *
November 23, 1887 - page 3 under “Newton Notes” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Newton is a quiet place, but once in a while we have a little excitement, as well as other places. Night before last we had a kind of a surprise party that rather surprised our worthy Bishop. It was gotten up purposely to surprise him and Brother John Jenkins, two of the first, from this place to go to Ogden to received sentence for violating so unconstitutional law. The Relief Society and Young Ladies Association of Newton are to be commended for the part taken in this matter by them. Plenty of food of a good quality was provided by the brethren and sisters and all were united and came and partook freely.

“After supper was over, all repaired to the school house and enjoyed themselves in the dance.

“Bishop Hans Funk and John Jenkins left here on the morning of the 17th of November, for Ogden, and expect to receive sentence on Saturday.

“Our day school is in session with about fifty scholars attending. Sunday and quorum meetings are well attended and a good feeling prevails. More soon.

MEM [?]
NEWTON, Nov. 19, 1887.”
--The Utah Journal – Nov. 23, 1887.

* * * *
December 6, 1887 - page 1 on “Happenings” -
“Yesterday morning the case of Wm. Griffin, of Newton, Cache County, for
polygamy, came up in the first district court for trial. A large number of witnesses were examined, after the jury had been impanelled. The cross-questioning occupied considerable time and the case was not finished by six o'clock last evening, and was therefore continued until this morning.”

** Same Dec. 6th - Page 5 “Personal” -
“Mr. Willard W. Maughan, the late attorney of Cache Valley was In Ogden yesterday, having been summoned as a witness in the Griffin case.”
“Bishop Hans Funk of Newton, was in Ogden yesterday.”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Dec. 6, 1887.

* * * *
December 7, 1887 - Page 1 in “Ogden Locals” -
“District Court”
“The Griffin Trial Wound Up --Other Cases Yesterday.”
“Yesterday morning upon the convening of the first district court the trail of the
case wherein William Griffin, of Newton, was charged with polygamy, was resumed. Three or four witnesses were examined. The evidence throughout the case was brought, on the part of the prosecution, to show that the defendant married a plural wife after the 10th day of June, 1884, and on the part of the defense to prove that the marriage took place before that date, and after May 17th, of the same year. The indictment charged the defendant with committing the crime on or after June 10, and therefore the question hinged upon this point, for it was not denied that he was plurally married. The testimony produced by the Government was mostly heresay, the supposed suspicious actions of the defendant, and the date of this marriage being taken from the registry list. The evidence on the other side was the testimony of the parties connected with the case in ___?_ __?_ to the case. The arguments began yesterday morning, shortly before 12 o'clock. The jury was first address by the prosecution, who were followed by the defense, and the former then closed the argument.

“At 2 o'clock the arguments were suspended for a short time while two other cases
were disposed of. . . .

“After the arguments in the Griffin case were all in, and the court had charged the jury, the latter body retired. After remaining out for some time the members returned and rendered a verdict of 'guilty as charged in the indictment.’”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Dec. 7, 1887.

* * * *
December 10, 1887 - page 1 “In Our District” –
“A Number of Cases from Cache Valley.”
“Yesterday morning the case of Wm. Griffin of Newton, Cache county, for polygamy, came up in the first district court for trial. A large number of witnesses were examined, after the jury had been empanelled. The cross-questioning occupied considerable time and the case was not finished by six o'clock last evening, and was therefore continued until this morning. The prosecution is being conducted by District Attorney Peters, and Assistant District Attorney Hiles, while the defense is represented by Hon. C. C. Richards, Judge P. O. Emerson, Ben Sheeks, Esq. and H. H. Rolapp, Esq.
“During the day, according to announcements, a number of arraignments were made.
There were as follows: . . . .
“U.S. vs. Peter Benson, unlawful cohabitation; plea of not guilty.”
[from the Ogden Herald, Dec. 6]
--The Utah Journal - Dec. 10, 1887.

* * * *
December 18, 1887 - page 1 in “Ogden Occurrences” -
“In the case of Wm. Griffin, $30 additional counsel fees was allowed by the court.”
--Ogden Morning Herald - Dec. 18, 1887.

* * * *
December 21, 1887 - page 3 under the “Local Points” column--
“W. H. Griffin, of Newton, was in Logan yesterday. He expects to go to Uncle Sam's boarding house about the middle of next week.”
--The Utah Journal - December 21, 1887.

* * * *
April 25, 1888 - page 3 under “Across the Valley” -
“President Pitkin and Party Visit the Wards.”
“President Pitkin, accompanied by Bishop A. Harris and Elder T. A. Thoresen, visited Clarkston Ward on Sunday, Aril 22d. They attended Sunday School and gave some general instructions to the pupils and teachers.” . . . .

“On Monday the company proceeded to Newton, where a meeting was held in the evening and the 10th Quorum of Elders of the Cache Valley Stake of Zion was organized, with Elders John Burt of Clarkston, as President, Alfred Goodsell, of Newton, as 1st, and Wm. Sparks, of Clarkston as 2d counselors. Much good instruction was imparted to the Saints, especially to the brethren of the priesthood. The meeting house was crowded and many could not gain admittance, and the audience was a very attentive one; the Spirit of God was poured out in great abundance.

“The people across the river are all anxiously awaiting the beautiful April showers, which have not yet put in an appearance. The land is very dry, and if they do not soon get rain, a great deal of the spring grain will not be able to penetrate the surface of the earth, and farming will be a failure this season.

LOGAN, April 24, 1888.” --The Utah Journal – April 25, 1888.

* * * *
May 5, 1888 - page 3 under “ITEMS FROM NEWTON” -
“A New Flouring Mill is Being Erected.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Newton is still alive and doing well, although your readers do not hear much from us.
“Last winter was hard on our stock as hay was scarce, the result was that many of the farmers found themselves with very poor teams to perform their spring work with; but in spite of this grain is now in, and a great part of it is up and looking fine.

“For the past three years we have had the grasshoppers in great numbers, and of course, they have done considerable damage. This spring we have not seen any, and they are indeed welcome to stay away. Our children have suffered a great deal from the measles and whooping cough during the past winter, but they are now nearly all well again. One child belonging to John Jenkins, died a short time ago. Stephen Catt, an old and much respected citizen, has been very ill for some time, and there seems to be but little hope of his recovery.

“We had the pleasure a few days ago to shake hands with our beloved friend and townsman, John Jenkins, who has lately been released from the penitentiary. He looks hale and hearty.

“Our settlement has grown considerably; three or four years ago it numbered some fifty families; now it numbers about eighty, and most of them seem to be prosperous. In this time of booming, Newton has had a boom too; our boom consists in the building of a flouring mill, and our people appreciate the value of this enterprise. Mr. N. E. Petersen, formerly owner of the Central Mills, Logan, is the proprietor and we sincerely wish him success in this most praiseworthy undertaking. We would indeed to glad to welcome more men of that kind to come and settle among us. The mill is situated five blocks north of town; the size of it is 20 x 30 feet, 32 feet high, making a cellar and two stories in height. Mr. Jackson, of this place, and Mr. Petersen, of Logan, have the contract of erection and are now pushing the work and the mill is expected to be running next fall.

“It is the intention to complete our new meeting house this summer. We will then have the largest house for worship of the settlements on the west side of Bear River. We have a good day school in session, with P. A. Sorensen, of Smithfield, as teacher.

“Our two stores seem to be doing a fair business at present.

W. P. J.
NEWTON, May 2, 1888.”
--The Utah Journal – May 5, 1888.

* * * *
May 20, 1888 - Page 6 “Around the Junction” -
“To-day Bishop Hans Funk, of Newton, Cache County, was brought down from the penitentiary on his application for discharge from imprisonment, having served a six months term and thirty days for the fine and costs, on a charge of unlawful cohabitation. After hearing the testimony, the Commissioner ordered his discharged."
--The Standard [Ogden] - May 20, 1888.

* * * *
June 9, 1888 - page 3 in “The Newton Reservoir” -
“$5,000 Worth of Water Is Wasted.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--I read in the last JOURNAL that Newton had suffered great damage in the bursting of the Reservoir.
“The facts of the matter are that we have lost four of five thousand dollars worth of water, through one end of the flume busting, or the great weight of the water crushing in one of the side boards of the north, or gate end of the flume. This break allowed the water to pass through, while we were powerless to stop it. A portion of the dam is also washed away in consequence of the great rush of water. We are now busy making repairs, and expect in the event of rain to be able to save a little water, to moisten our city lots, as we do not expect to water our field crops.

“Grasshoppers are hatched out in considerable numbers, and seem united in their endeavors to live by eating the best they can find.

“Another of our citizens has passed to the life beyond. On the 30th of May, Sister Susan Ann Dermot Barker, wife of John H. Barker, died after a lingering illness of long standing. As a member of this Ward she was highly respected, and being devoted to husband and children, she cannot but be missed by them. She leaves her husband, nine children and one grandchild to mourn her loss. She was President of our Relief Society for over two years previous to her death. As the Savior said, ‘by their fruits ye shall know them,’ so it was by the acts of her life, we know that she will be gloriously rewarded in that day when all shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body.

“Crops look well and the general health of the people is good. Bishop H. Funk, Peter Benson and Wm. F. Rigby were released from the penitentiary at the expiration of their imprisonment, the two former are now with us, while the latter is away visiting friends. All feel well and enjoy their liberty.

“Wishing success to the JOURNAL, I remain.
NEWTON, June 4, 1888.”
--The Utah Journal - June 9, 1888.

* * * *
June 13 , 1888 - page 3 in “The Seventies’ Conference” -
“Two Days' Interesting and Instructive Meetings.”
“On Saturday morning at 10 a.m. the Seventies Conference convened in the upper room of the Tabernacle. There were on the stand President Gates and Clerk of the Seventies R. L. Campbell, and senior presidents of Seventies quorums of Cache Stake. After the usual opening exercises, President Gates stated the object of the conference to be to hear reports in regard to the conditions of the several quorums in this stake, also to give general instructions concerning the duties of the Seventies.

“President Eli Bell, representing the 64th quorum, said their quorum was not full, it consisted of 52 members including officers. The members are principally young men. . . . . . .

“President Littlefield, representing the 17th Quorum, which is located at Smithfield, Hyde Park and Benson Wards; number about 55, officers included. . . .
. . . .
Afternoon Services
“After the opening ceremonies, Prest. A. Heggie, representing the 7th Quorum, which is located at Newton, Clarkston and Trenton said his quorum numbered forty. They held their meeting alternately at each place; have class meetings weekly during the winter season, which were not as well attended however as he would like to see them. They had two missionaries, at present, in the field, the first that has ever been from that Quorum. The speaker bore a faithful testimony to the truth of the Gospel."
. . . .
“President S. B. Young said there are eight Quorums of Seventies in this stake . . . .
The following brethren were called to fill vacancies in the Presidency of the Quorums; James F. Hansen in the 7th Quorum. . . . Andrew Heggie was released as president of the 7th Quorum, because of having been called to act as Bishop's councilor. . . ."
--The Utah Journal - June 13, 1888.

* * * *
June 16, 1888 - page 3 in the “Local Points” column -
“Mr. John Jenkins, of Newton, was in town yesterday.” --The Utah Journal - June 16, 1888.

July 4, 1888 - p.3 under "Local Points"
“Stephen Catt, of Newton, died June 29th, 1888 and was buried July 1st, 1888, at the Newton burial grounds. He was seventy-four years of age at his demise. He was a faithful Latter-day Saint.”
--The Utah Journal, July 4, 1888.

Jan. 19, 1889 - p3. under “Local Points.” “Martin Larsen, of Newton, was arrested recently on the going charge. The time for his examination has not been set.”
--The Utah Journal, Jan. 19, 1889.

* * * *
March 16, 1889 - page 3 under “Newton Items” -
“A Progressive Spirit in That Little Town.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--It is well known that last year we were so unfortunate as to loose our irrigating water through the bursting of our reservoir. We have had that broken flume repaired and now the reservoir is filling fast with water and there is a good prospect for good crops this season; lots of fall wheat has been put in and a good deal of land has been plowed ready for grain to be put in early this spring. We expect to be on our feet again and we mean progress here, whether the railroad will come through here or not. The people of this settlement have found a splendid place to build another reservoir, somewhere about a mile and a half or two miles below the old one, and there has been an immense lot of earth moved and put in the form of a dam to hold water; but it will not be ready to hold any this season. We have had a favorable winter for work and the intention is to keep working at the new reservoir until it will hold water. Farmers have to turn their attention to farming now for a while. We have a large meeting house which was put up last fall but not yet finished, but we hope to be able to finish it soon.

“We have our enjoyments here in common with other places. Recently we had a good day school entertainment free of charge, gotten up under the care and through the labors of Miss Luella Parkinson, which was quite a credit to her and pupils of the school.

“We had a visit from Brimhall and Winters and an exhibition of their panorama and a display of their musical and other talents.

“We are not forgotten by the brethren in the priesthood as were are visited occasionally by the elders.

NEWTON, March 12, 1889.”
--The Utah Journal – March 16, 1889.

March 30, 1889 - p. 3 under “Local Points.”
“On Wednesday Deputy Marshal Whetstone arrested J. M. Hansen, of Newton, on the going charge. There was an indictment, nearly two years old, out against him and he was therefore placed under temporary bonds to appear when wanted. He will go to Ogden to-day.”
--The Utah Journal, March 30, 1889.

* * * *
April 13, 1889 - page 3 under “Local Points” -
“Eli Curtis, of Newton, was beyond Eagle Rock on Wednesday driving stock to Snake River Valley when his horse fell upon him, breaking a bone of his left leg just above the ankle. He was brought to Logan on Thursday when Dr. Parkinson was called upon to attend him.
--The Utah Journal - April 13, 1889.

* * * *
May 1, 1889 - page 2 under “Estray Notice” -
“I have in my possession:
“One by mare aged about three or four years branded resembling 8 enclosed in circle on left thigh, has a lump on her nose.
“If the above described animal is not claimed and taken away within 15 days from the date of this notice it will be sold to the highest bidder, at the Estray Pound at Newton, Utah, at 1 o'clock p.m.
James Parson
NEWTON, April 26, 1889.
--The Utah Journal – May 1, 1889.

* * * *
May 11, 1889 - page 3 under “Special Meetings” -
“The presiding Priesthood of the following Wards will take notice that meeting will be held in Newton on Thursday next at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.; in Clarkston on Friday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.; in Trenton on Saturday. . . ."
Geo. O. Pitkin,
Orson Smith
Stake Presidency."
--The Utah Journal - May 11, 1889.

* * * *
May 15, 1889 - page 3 under “Newton Items” -
“The quiet little town of Newton, has been indulging in a series of amusements of various kinds the present month, so a correspondent informed us.

“On last Thursday the ward was visited by President Pitkin and Counselor Smith, and two meeting were held, the local authorities were sustained and good instruction given.

“On last Saturday Miss Parkinson's school gave up entertainment consisting of songs, recitations, etc. Some fine needle and __?_ work was shown by the gals and marked progress generally was noticeable. Miss. Parkinson’s labors are appreciated in that ward.

“On Monday a tripple [sic] funeral took place. A sister Petersen and new born babe and one of John Jenkins’ children were buried.”
--The Utah Journal - May 15, 1889.

* * * *
August 28, 1889 - page 3 under “Commissioner's Court.” -
“Bishop Ballard Arrested for Unlawful Cohabitation.”
“Three Others Up on the Same Charge.”
“William Archibald, of Newton, was up before Commissioner Goodwin on Monday charged with unlawful cohabitation. He was arrested on Sunday, and brought over with him was his wife and Agnes Stewart, his alleged plural wife. To avoid any trouble Mr. Archibald pleaded guilty, notwithstanding which some testimony was taken. The Commissioner bound him over in $1,000, A. G. Barber and Wm. Reading being his sureties. Agnes Stewart was also bound over in $100, to appear as a witness.”
--The Utah Journal - Aug. 28, 1889.

* * * *
September 4, 1889 - Page 1 under “Precinct Officers” -
Newton Precinct
Justice of the Peace - Amos Clark
Constable - James Parson
Road Supervisor - J. H. Barker, Jr.
Poundkeeper - James Parson
--The Utah Journal - Sept. 4, 1889.

* * * *
December 14, 1889 - page 3 in “Note From Newton.” -
“NEWTON, Cache Co., Dec. 11, 1889.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--If no one else will communicate to you, I feel to make known that we, as the people of Newton, received quite a treat in a visit from Elder Wm. Palmer last night, under the auspices of the young men's association. He delivered a good instructive and interesting lecture which lasted nearly two hours and twenty minutes, and so interesting were his remarks that I don't think that there were any that were tired; and I should not think that any of the young people could be backward in living their religion and performing their duties after hearing such a strong arguments and such powerful testimony delivered to their hearing.

--The Utah Journal -- Dec. 14, 1889.

* * * *
January 18, 1890 - page 3 under “PRESIDENT'S REPORT”
“Of the Brigham Young College at Close of First Semester, Jan. 17, 1890.
“GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD:--To-day closes the first semester of the 12th Collegiate year. The following statistics represent the attendance:
“Preparatory department, 12; Immediate, 140, Collegiate, 46; Normal, 39.
“According to church membership there have been 143 lay members; 58 deacons, 27 teachers, 20 priests, 12 elders; 2 seventies and 2 non-Mormons.
“According to sex there have been 119 males, 117 females.
“In the Domestic department the attendance has been __?_ as follows: Logan, 103; Smithfield, 11; Richmond, 15; Lewiston, 3; Newton, 2; Preston,1; Trenton, 1; Benson, 4; Mendon, 1; Wellsville, 8; Hyrum, 11; Paradise, 2' Providence, 14; Millville, 3; Hyde Park 10; Coveville, 1; Salt Lake County, 8; Box Elder, 6; Morgan, 4; Garfield,1; Utah, 4; Tooele,7; Millard, 1; Rich, 1; Weber, 3; Summit, 1; Idaho, 39; Arizona, 1. Total 266.
--The Utah Journal - Jan. 18, 1890.

* * * *
January 18 ,1890 - page 2 under “Estray Notice”
“I have in my possession.
One yearling brindle spotted steer, branded X on left hip, indentation in left ear.
“The above described animal if not claimed and taken away within 15 days from date will be sold at public auction on Tuesday Jan. 27, 1890 at the Newton estray pound at 1 o'clock p.m.
James Parson
NEWTON, Jan. 11, 1890.”
--The Utah Journal- Jan. 18,1890.

* * * *
February 8, 1890 - page 3 under “Newton Not Dead.” -
“NEWTON, Feb 3d, 1890.
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Newton does not very often tread upon your carpet, so allow me to put my big foot thereon.

“Saturday night last the Newton Dramatic Company gave us an entertainment for the benefit of the Y.M.M.I.A, which was a great success. The drama was one written by our lively member Mr. Alfred Goodsell, entitled 'Trapped in Love, or Won at Last.' It, in a two act drama, was well rendered __?_ excellent satisfaction to all present, as well as reflecting great credit upon the troupe. Mr. Goodsell showed himself master of his play, and was ably supported by Miss Lille Barker, Mr. W. F. Rigby and the other members of the troupe. In short the whole company did their best, which was the cause of the success of the piece. The drama was followed by the laughable farce, 'The Artful Dodger,' which brought down the house, Messrs. Goodsell and Rigby showing they were capable of impersonating more than one class of characters. The Young Men's Association feels grateful to the company for their kindness in giving them this benefit, and wish the troupe success in the future. Being an eye-witness and having seen lots of such plays, I say as most of the on-lookers said, it is a play that Mr. Goodsell and his company might play anywhere and the people learn a lesson from, it having a good moral.

“All is well over here. We are having a good thaw at present. Wood is scarce but snow is plentiful.

“Wishing success to the Newton Dramatic Association, I remain forever the friend of innocent amusement.

--The Utah Journal, Feb. 8, 1890.

* * * *
February 12, 1890 - page 1 under “From Newton.” -
“ NEWTON, Feb. 8, 1890.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--I write a few lines thinking perhaps they may be interesting to some of the readers of the JOURNAL. I like to read items and correspondence from other settlements, for by that means I learn thing I could not know in any other-way and no doubt some may like to hear from us; and beside it is cheaper than a private correspondence.

“We feel well over on this side of Bear River, at any rate most people say they do if you ask them to express their feelings on that point, and I believe them, for I really believe we are a happy people, as we should be considering the circumstances. We have good prospects for many good things in the future.

“We are to have the rail road, and maybe a depot. The work has commenced in the Narrows, three miles from Newton, and before many months we shall see the iron horse speeding through our quiet burg and thence north to Trenton and Weston; and then goodbye to hauling heavy loads over bad roads.

“Our M.I.A. gave a theatrical entertainment to a crowded house last Saturday night.  I think the boys did first rate, and everybody felt to encourage the young people, and if they did not do so well as older and better trained companies, they managed to please us and made a few dollars towards paying for their library books.

“The dance has had a large share of attention and now it looks and feels as if we were going to have an early spring. With the opening of spring we shall have plenty of work. The farm required the best of our bone and sinew and the most of our time, and as we are close by the railroad, and Bothwell canal, we can put in any spare days and weeks we have on their work.

“Our meetings, Sunday school, Y.M.I.A., Y. L. and Primary Associations, are alive and progressing under good management. Our day school is doing well, with sixty scholars. We have two stores which are enough for a small place like this. I believe they both do well. No saloons, no drunkenness, and we do not want any. This is saying enough for the present.

--The Utah Journal - Feb. 12, 1890.

* * * *
March 12, 1890 - under “COUNTY COURT.” -
“A Brief Session Held Tuesday--Business Transacted.”
“The county court held a brief session yesterday afternoon, Judge Goodwin presiding.

“Judge Goodwill and Selectman Kimball were appointed a committee to lease or make arrangements, for cultivating and fencing the county lands.
“The petition of I. Noble and others was taken from the table and referred to the committee of the whole court, who will visit the site of the proposed bridge. The petition is as follows, and is signed by nearly 200 landowners of the northern and western settlements of Cache Valley:

“To the Judge and Court of Cache County:
“GENTLEMEN.--We your humble petitioners, citizens and land owners in Cache
County, petition your honorable body to take into consideration the propriety of putting a bridge across Bear River at the west of Smithfield precinct, as the growing population requires it for the public travel to save so much travel to reach Newton, Clarkston or Weston.”
--The Utah Journal - March 12, 1890.

* * * *
June 18, 1890 - page 4 under “Two New Bridges.”
“A second special session of the county county [sic] court of Cache Co. was held in this city last Monday, occupying most of the day. . . .

“Levi Wheeler was refunded net proceeds $8.60, of an estray sale made at Newton on February 10, 1890. . . .

“The petition of Hans Funk and others, asking that a bridge be built over Bear River between Newton and the new railway junction on the west side of the valley was rejected. . . .

“On motion, it was ordered that a new iron suspension bridge be built over Bear River at a point west of Smithfield.
“It was also ordered that a new iron suspension bridge be built over Logan river on main Street, Logan.

“The contract for building these two bridges was awarded to P. E. Lane, Chicago, Ill., and the contract price for the two is $5,500.”
--The Logan Journal, June 18, 1890.

* * * *
November 12, 1890 - page 4 under “Newton News Notes.” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--It is said the ‘pen is mightier than the sword,’ and perhaps that is the reason so few have a desire to handle it. We all know it requires skilled training to handle either successfully. And then the motive power must be on the side of truth and right, to make it a blessing to mankind. The history of a pen can hardly be told.

“We are prospering over on this side of Bear River. As an evidence, the people are bridging over the river to get over to us or have us get over to them.
“There are some things on the west side of the Bear, that the people on the east side are anxious to get, and we are willing they should have them, providing we can exchange for fair value in cash, or merchandise, if we want it. We have wheat, oats (not the wild sort) and vegetables that we want to sell, so that we can pay our taxes and debts, and hold up our heads with a pride that come of being honest. But to tell the truth, the farmer is in no hurry to sell wheat for sixty cents a bushel, seventy-five cents would be more fair all around. Yet the farmer has the least to say in this matter, and is too often compelled to take what he can get, no merchant being the dictator.

“Improvements are the order of the day over here. We have six Logan carpenters at work on our new meeting house which is to be finished this fall if possible. The bishop is building a neat three-roomed dwelling which is to be finished this fall. Other buildings have been erected this summer, so that Newton is beginning to look quite prosperous. There is a natural increase here that cannot be stopped. I think the minister is about right when he says, ‘as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, worlds without end.’ That is just as it is in Newton--continual increase.

“Bro. L. N. Christensen, a worthy brother, was laid away not long since. He leaves a family and many friends to mourn his loss. Sisters Andrew Petersen and Elizabeth Griffin were both laid in the silent tomb within the last month. The latter died at Provo while under medical treatment for a tumor. Her remains were brought home and interred in the Newton cemetery. These sisters were both much esteemed for their many virtues. They leave husbands and families, besides a host of friends to mourn for them.

“We have pleasure in recording the marriages of John Ernoll and Louisa Ann Curtis, and Joseph Rigby and Mary B. Beck. Their parents have joy in knowing that their children have entered into the gospel covenant in the house of the Lord.

“There was the usual suppers and parties, where friendly greetings were exchanges, and wishes for the future happiness of the young people expressed, just as it always should be. We have good meeting, the people are in a healthy condition and enjoy the occasional visits of their Logan brethren.

“Our day school has opened with a goodly attendance. The railroad and Cache Junction is about two miles from our public square, and when we have a bridge over the river, we shall be almost like a railroad town. It is a good thing to have a railroad managed in the interests of the people as well as the company. How far the U.P. fulfils this requirement is hard to say, but it made be said, they can be better than they have been. Real estate and taxes have gone up, yet I know of no farms for sale. Perhaps if some one, or more, were to start a boom, a few of us might be compelled to sell out, although it would take a goodly sum of money, even now without the boom, to buy a decent farm from the present owners.

“You ask the farmers to write about wild oats. You need not expect to hear much from this place. We have a few, a very few. It is easy to distinguish the wild sort. They form a light bushy top, and spread out every way for Sunday. When threshed, a medium kernel with a hearted end eventually __?_ __?_ __?_ . . . the seed they sow from this known to be _?_ from the wild sort.

“Let us raise the best grain, stock and vegetables, and get the best prices with no more labor.

“Wishing your paper every success.
I remain,
NEWTON, Nov. 8th, 1890.”
--The Logan Journal - Nov, 12, 1890.

Nov. 11, 1890 - p. 4 under “Local Points.”
“There are plenty of trains over at Cache Junction, but no depot and no people.”
--The Logan Journal, Nov. 11, 1890

* * * *
December 24, 1890 - page 3 under “Mike's Newton Budget.” -
“The Delayed Invitation to the Dance.”
“Get out, ye blaugards and let me in:
“Arrah, ye editor, get over and let me warm me shin.
“Where am I from? Newton, to be sure. Anything to say? Be dol, [?] I have. Now, ye spulpeen, what's the matter with yo? What have we done t'yar cout that ye treat us respectable . . . [two lines folder over and illegible] . . . other people an' places, but a devil a word about this, the only decent place on this side of the wather.

“Ai'nt [ain't] done anything? Bad luck to yea, hould on now. Shure, and ain't the people on this isle bin buildin' an' buildin' all summer, an' shure an' they have. Ye jest ought to come over and see what a fine kirk they 'ev tried to build; but bad luck to them fellers over there, they went and built all of timber. And they sed it was first class (the devil's class).

“All four corners 'ave got great big lumps up and down it, loike warts on a man's nose. An' when I tould them of it, they said it was raised corners. Raised? Ye goh, I think the lord house to raised then, for it stands about about [sic] two feet high stone, as if they expected another flood and wanted it to have clear exiting when it started.

“And then they were going to put first class windows, but begorra if they didn't make 'em of glass but they knew they'd break. But I guess they thought they'd sell us some more.

“Then the same feller put up a nice house (they call it) fer dad. But razors, just as if twenty rods of ground wasn't long enough to put up three rooms on, they stuck up one behind the others. And they thought it would hold 'em up. And when I spoke about it, they sid it was a tea. Oh, murther, what would they put up fer coffee?

“And then to cap it all, a smart chap from Logan, called Goodsell, came over here and stuck up some smoke stacks, as if he thought they were going to run by steam.

“Well, Mr. Editor, I don't know what's got in ter the people, enyway.

“Last night Congress sat here in the stone house, (the devil take McKinley.) All our sentors got his gallwalloppin's tariff bill mier ther heads, and wanted to run a log tariff into us democrats to build another house, cause they sid there was too many children for that one.

“And be-dad, why don't they stop bringing so many children to the country, till they get a house big enough to put them in? But no, the democrats told them they had quit building houses for the republican party, and they would build one for themselves, so they could use it when they liked, and if the repubs want to corral their kids in it for about 6 hours a day they could pay for it.

“Well, be glum, I forget to tell ye what I come after. We're going to have a dance an a bid supper on Friday night. And there wont be no pistols nor razors, either.  So we want ye to come over. But what it is they ar going to uncork buddy only knows.  For all the young men and teams went to the canyon today, and got more'n a dozen load of wood and piled outside the house where the supper's to be.

“And talking about dances reminds me that they've got a town band here. Tho' vulgar people call it a string band. And when it plays Mr. J. P. will blow his horn.   And I'll have to quit.

NEWTON, Dec. 2,1890."

[Immediately following the Mike’s letter came this--]
“By some conditions, common enough here, but still unexplained, ‘Mike’s’ letter did not reach here until Saturday. Ten days for a letter from Newton is ‘imminse,’ but ten days it was moind that now. And begorra, it’s not for the male we missed that we’re complainin’, devil the bit, but to be kept from the gran’ dance and the purty guhibs of Newton bekase the wurtherin’ and mud make a saint sin his soul. If Moike want the editor to attind the nixt parthy the giv at Newton he’ll koindly sind the invatayelum over by wan o’ dem pigs--the flate-phooto-Beraythures—an’ not depind upon the divil’s own mail service that we've been having these rainy days.
--_?_ [appears to be either “Bp” or “Up.”]
--The Logan Journal, Dec.24, 1890.
[NOTE: Both the author "Mike" and the newspaper response after the letter were having fun and making fun of the home town and big Logan, outside carpenters [6 from Logan building the Newton meeting-house] from the city, politics and each brought a little up-man-ship to their efforts]

* * * *
January 17, 1891 - page 8 under “Half a Year.”
“Reports of the Work at the Brigham Young College.”
Students enrolled -- Males -193; females -125 =Total 318
Residence -- Logan, 118, Providence, 10; Hyrum, 7; Paradise, 8; Wellsville, 17; Mendon, 1; Clarkston, 1; Newton, 4; Lewiston, 8; Peterborough, 1; Coveville, 1; Ricmond, 25; Smithfield, 13; Cub Hill, 2; Hyde Park, 3; Trenton, 1; Benson, 1; Rich County, 5; Box Elder, 5; Weber, 1; Salt Lake, 13; Tooele, 13; Utah, 3; Garfield, 1; Uintah,1; Idaho, 50; Arizona, 1; California, 1.
Non-LDS - two.
--The Logan Journal, January 17, 1891.

* * * *
February 7, 1891 - page 7 under “Newton Newsy Notes.” -
“NEWTON, Cache Co., Utah, Feb. 3d, 1891.
“EDITOR LOGAN JOURNAL.-- Last Sunday we had a taste of genuine winter. What with a howling wind and pelting snow, we had a day not soon to be forgotten. Ten inches of the level and two and three feet drifts is about the depth, with the weather intensely cold.

“Martin Rigby and Annie Funk were married in the Logan Temple on January on the 16th. In the evening a number of their relatives and a few invited friends assembled at the residence of the bride's parents and partook of a royal repast served in kingly style.  The bride received quite a number of present, both useful and ornamental. The good wishes of the community go with them on their journey through life. on the evening of Jan. 17th the wedding dance was given in the new meeting house. Bro. Martin and his bride have a host of friends over here.

“And now our young men are after building a new hall for themselves. This is a move in the right direction and I doubt not the boys will do themselves proud in this matter. It will serve as a school room for our independent schools, for theatricals, dances, young men's and ladies' meetings, etc.

“Old things are passing away, pumpkins and squash no longer the pay of our school teachers today.

“Let us hold fast to the everlasting gospel, which is the oldest and best, trusting God for all the rest.

“Our schools are full, health of the people good; feed plentiful for man and beast; naught is lacking but a contented mind to make it a continual feast.

“Wishing your paper the success it merits, I remain.
--The Logan Journal – Feb. 7, 1891.

* * * *
February 18, 1891 - page 8 under “Y.M.M.I.A.” -
“Assistant General Superintendent M. H. Hardy, holding a letter of appointment from President Woodruff, will arrive in Cache next week and will hold meeting according to the following programme:
Richmond, Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m.
Smithfield, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 7 p.m.
Hyrum, Thursday, Feb. 26, at 7 p.m.
Wellsville, Friday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m.
Newton, Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m.
Logan, Sunday, March 1.
“Elder Hardy's special mission is to introduce systematic class work in the associations, and the meeting will be of especial interest to officers and members, all of whom should be present. In view of the fact that his time is limited it will be impossible for him to visit all the wards. Therefore, it would b e advisable for officers and members of other association in the vicinity of the wards at which meeting are advertised, to be present on the evenings named. Much of the success of the work of their associations will depend upon a knowledge of these lessons.

“The above programme has the endorsement of the President of this stake.
L. M. Martineau,
--The Logan Journal, Feb. 18, 1891.

* * * *
March 28, 1891 - page 5 under “ROARY'S ROAST.” -
“A Puzzled Mick at a Newton Dance.”
“Before sending the following on its long journey to the ‘Ould Sod,’ the writer has handed us for correction and we have assumed the liberty of copying for the readers.

“To My Brother Roary, Belfast, Ireland:
“ROARY DARLINT.--I promised to write and let ye know how I’d like the people, and how I spint me winther. Ooh, murther, they are for fun and frolic. They have from one to three dances a week, and the loikes ye’s never seen. I was invited wan night to see the fun they have. Thinks I now ye’s fun mind Moike. So putting on me pumps and getting inter me togerys, I sailed in. Bedad, I soon sailed out agin, for botheration to me ugly nodle if I could tumble to the style of dancing. Och, for the fix of knowing nothing. After the crowd gets there and the pipers are already, a great big burly Danishman gets on the floor and ses he, the divil knows what he says. I couldn’t understhand him. Then comes the heart flip flop. A purty gurl wid a great big bag like a meal bag hops over the floor. Oh cramy the way the boys went for that bag, and every mother’s son av them gets a letter. Arrah, ses I, its the post, and away I goves to see if I could one from ye’s. Just as I was making me grab at the bag, the craime brings me up with, twenty-five cents before ye grab. Och, hone, the divil a cent had I and before I could borrow one, the bag was empty, and the letters all gone. Whats the meaning of all this ses I to a feller laffing all over his face. Ye’ll see, ses he. Then comes the big burly feller agin and ses sumthin, than four purty gurls as ever yes sees and forms a ring. Then the same feller has his say agin. Then comes four great gawky looking clods and steps up to the purty guirls and forms a round square with a bow like an elephant pawing for water and a smile across their ugly mugs like the sunshine in a bog hole. And then every boy hauls his letter out and tears it open. Och, them’s love letters, ses I, but murther and hone, no; it was alot of purty ribbins, and the party colleens pin them on their coats and they look like the flag of all nations. i turned to a red looking bloak, who didn't seem to know nothun, only to carry the water pail and sweep the floor as I’d seen him doing. What is the meaning of all this, ses I. And it wasn’t then, ses I; so, ses he, them letter all got bows in, and the guirls that puts the bows in have to belong to the feller that gets ‘em.

“Holy Saint Pathrick, wasn’t I mad, to think if I had but twenty-five cents I might av bought the purtyiest guirl in the house, but through being broke I’m not
married yet. Well, they kept this up till the floor was covered all over with them, and the pipers began to play, when a great big-mouthed poltroom with curly hair begins to scream and shout at the people and they begin to bob all over the shop like cork on a lake in a wind storm. And me, being mad, I distrusted meself and went home.

“And then sometimes they have some things they call--boad luck to me if I know what they call it. I went a couple av times, the last time was last Saturday, to see this thingamebob. Well, When I get there, the house was so full I had to use some as the bloaks for lathers to clime up so I could see. See what? All I could was a great big picture that reaches all across one end av the home, and not seeing any fun as I expected, ses I to the feller I was standing on, what do ye call that ses I? pointing to the picture. Why that the drop ses he. Just at that very minute up goes the thing. Well, ses I, this is a very strange country where things drop upwards. And begotta, there was another house behind the picture, yes, and a lot of people in it. One house inside the other, ses I, and both full of people. Well, not understanding the meaning of the thing at all, at all, I was surprised at every body clapping their hands and whistling and and all around me they were saying, Good, Splendid, Well done.

“Well, perhaps it was. I don’t understand anything about it. But sure and there’s one thing I didn't loike and hope I’ll never see it agin. And that was a murther committed right before the every eyes of about 100 people or more, and the divil a soul tried to stop it, but instead one av the party creatures tuns up the feller what done the killing and throws both her bare arms around his neck and they stood there ‘ huggin’ and ‘kissin’ when the thing that dropped up jumped down ker whack. And oh my eyes for the noise people did make, and all I could understand was Splendid, Hard to hate. After a while the picture drops up agin, when here comes a fine looking Irishman, one after yer own making, and sed his name was Paddy Miles' boy. And when I gets acquainted with him I’ll find out all about it and send ye word.

NEWTON, March 25th, 1891.
--The Logan Journal, March 28, 1891.

* * * *
April 22, 1891 - page 8 under “NEWTON NEWS.” -
“A Nice Number of Notes.”
“Weston, April 18, 1891.
[The news was of Weston with Newton never mentioned after the headline in this article.]
--The Logan Journal April 22, 1891.

* * * *
May 27,1891 - page 8 under “‘Moikes’ Mutterings.” -
“Now Mr. Editor, its about thirty days since I told yer we wanted a bridge across the wathers, and a road fixed, and ye’s not bin over to fix it yet. Now yer time’s up and I want ter know what yer mean.

“Do ye think we voted ye inter office to sit there doing nothing till ye get as fat as a paupose, no, sir’ we elected ye, expecting ye would work for our intress as yet sid ye would. Now what have ye done, nothing at all, only slap on a galwalloping tax enter us, poor devils on the west side of this beautiful valley, and yet expect us to pay it.

“Now we want ye to understand there’ll be a wake coming off pretty soon, if there ain’t an alteration made in this government, that yer at the head of.

“What! It ain’t yer fault there's nothing done for this side of the valley? Who’s the devil is it then, ain’t yet the boss of this county. Sure and yer are, and ye need’nt try to blame it to inyong else. Don't the people know it’s the Editor runs of country. Sure and they do, and may the devil eat all yer cabbages, if ye don’t get out of that, and give us a good county road from Wellsville to the Idaho line north of Trenton, and give us a good bridge over the river by the Junction. Does ye want everybody to drive fourteen miles to get two, or else cross the wather in a boat and be say sick? then when ye want to catch the 8 o’clock train ye’ll find the boat locked and ye must take yerself across in a thing they call a skiff that leaks like a strainer. Who the devil would pay if a poor soul got drowned?

“And then yet got the roads so crooked from here to Trenton, that ye can’t turn around corners without breaking a reach pole, and ye have to put on the brake for a half a mile just to get the privilege to double team, to get up the other side. And then ye tell the world we are in a civlize country. Och Hone, let us pray that they will never come to see it.

“Shure, and we had better road before ye got into office, a tall a tall. What, that our road supervisor’s fault? May the sow eat yer old shoes! All the supervisors over here are gentlemen, don’t I know it, and if ye would lay off the county road where a man could stand without tipping hisself over they would soon make some nice roads. And then give them some timber and they would make some good bridges. But no, ye sent yer servants over here to take all our money in taxes and ye don't even give us money to make a foot bridge.

“Now we want ye to understand, ye spellpun, ye’ve got to stop and turn yer attention a little while to the people’s want’s on this side of the valley, or its out of office ye go. Sure, and there not a mother’s son of us will vote for ye at the next election. And ye will be under the necessity of ask the Mare of the city to put on a extra police fore to perteck yer house, for be me sowl, we will stand it no longer. And the Irish brigade is all ready to come over and raise the roof off yer house.

NEWTON, May 24, 1891.”
[NOTE: On the same page under "Local Points" the newspaper wrote: “For lack of space we are compelled to leave out a large amount of matter which properly should be inserted in this issue.”]
--The Logan Journal, May 27, 1891.

* * * *
June 3, 1891 - page 8 under “COUNTY COURT.”
“A petition was read from Jonas N. Beck and 220 others, residents of Newton, Clarkston, Mendon and Wellsville, praying for the construction of a bridge over Bear river at a point near Cache Junction. The petition was favorably considered, but owing to the scarcity of funds, it was tabled for the time being.”

“On the recommendation of Selectmen Mack, $80 was appropriated to the Mrs. A. M. Thompson (of the Jorgenson family) for six acres of land occupied by the county road in Newton precinct, to be paid upon execution of a dead of conveyance; $10 per acre was also allowed to remunerate Peterson & Son for land occupied by the county as a road in Newton on the execution of proper deeds.”
--The Logan Journal, June 3, 1891.

* * * *
June 20, 1891 - page 1 under “Poor Mail Service.” -
“The mail service in this valley continues abominably poor. Complaints to this office are of daily occurrence. Every effort is being made by this paper to secure the prompt delivery of its papers at the various postoffices in the county. While we can force the prompt going out of this office we cannot insure the observance of equal promptness elsewhere. This postoffice here is all right. It makes mistakes at times, but they occur very rarely. But that it should take papers three days to go from Logan to Newton--fourteen miles--and nearly all by rail, is to put it mildly, very much an injustice.  Yet this is the case all the time. Papers addressed to Cache Junction and mailed from this office never show up. Yet letters do. The delay is the same at Clarkston as at Newton. When the mail was delivered by Mr. Benson's express it got their regularly and promptly. Now we have regular rail connections, the paper is rendered practically useless because so long delayed in delivery by reason of a wretched mail service.”
--The Logan Journal, June 20, 1891.

* * * *
July 23, 1891 - page 8 under “POLICTICAL.” –
“Reports from all parts of the Country are of a most flattering and satisfactory character. There never has been any doubt of the success of the Democracy here, and now that both parties are getting their principles before the people, Democracy is gaining ground with surprising rapidity.

“Messrs. P. O. Thompson and O. J. Peterson, who have delivered Democratic speeches in the Scandinavian languages in Smithfield, Richmond, Clarkston and Newton, returned fully satisfied that nothing can change this from being a Democratic County. . . .

“At Newton last night enough Republicans could not be gotten together to elect delegates to the Republican convention of Bosses to be held here Saturday.
--The Logan Journal, July 23, 1891.

* * * *
July 25, 1891 - page 8 under “NUTS TO CRACK.”-
[A wide ranging discussion of the two political parties in Utah which for so long controlled by the People’s Party for the Mormons --now their construction of the constitution, protectionism, and then to the local area of Cache County--]
“It is a fact that the reason the Republicans bosses decided to have a small representation was because they feared if they made the delegations as large as the Democratic convention had they could not find enough Republicans in the county to fill the places. . . .”

“Can Newton be called a Republican stronghold, when it fails to elect delegates to the convention and a Logan man has to be chosen to speak for it. How does Newton like the Republican method?

“Mr. Martineau stated that he had two hats wagered that Cache County would go Republican.”

** Page 8 under “THE BOSSES” -
Lists the Republican delegates to their convention -- the last listing was for-
“Newton --L. R. Martineau.” [He lived in Logan.]
--The Logan Journal, July 25, 1891.
* * * *
July 30, 1891 - page 8 under “DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS.” -
“Following are the appointments for Democratic meetings to be held Friday evening, July 31st, 1891.
Providence --J. F. Wright, E. W. Greene.
. . .
Newton -- Seth A. Langton, I.D. Haines.
Clarkston -- Aaron F. Farr, Jr., Jas. P. Low, Jos. Merrill.
“A meeting of the-above speakers is called at 11 o'clock at the Democratic Headquarters over Campbell & Morrell's Store.

* * On page 1 under “Nuts to Crack.” -
The article, very sympathetic to the Democratic Party, covered the differences of the two sides on several issues including some questionable moves by the Republicans.

“The ‘Honorables’ are now going through the county telling the People that they regret very much that the Democrats have dragged into politics the name of Joseph Smith, and have used this kind of political argument; but seeing that we have commenced it, of course they will be at liberty to prove that Joseph and Brigham were Republicans. Then they present their alledged [sic] proofs. How cunning! But how grossly ignorant or willfully untruthful they are to assert either that the Democrats commenced this discussion or that these men were Republicans. The one is as false as the other. Did not Ben E. Rich, the Republican, begin this thing in Weber County and did not the Daily Joker introduce it into Cache County. This kind of work to will not do boys. The other night in Newton when our Democratic boys exposed the work of the Republicans in the same place a few night before, the Republicans themselves applauded the exposition. You can't make your own men believe such trash so you had better quit.”
--The Logan Journal, July 30, 1891.

* * * *
August 22, 1891 - page 1 under “Wanted a Buyer For.” -
“Wanted a Buyer For Ten acres of good farm land with water-rights, also two city lots containing two and one-half acres of excellent land, all located in Newton. Apply to Wm. F. Jensen, Newton.”
--The Logan Journal, Aug. 22, 1891.

* * * *
October 14, 1891 - page 1 under “County Court.” -
“Petition of L. W. Curtis, Newton, asking for a rebate on 1890 taxes on account of double assessment. On motion $8.52 was allowed."
--The Logan Journal, Oct. 14, 1891.

* * * *
November 4, 1891 - page 8 in the “Local Points” column -
“A watch was found at the Tithing office yard on Nov. 1st. Owner can obtain same by describing and calling on Mr. A. Peterson, Newton.”
--The Logan Journal, Nov. 4, 1891.

* * * *
November 18, 1891 - page 8 in the “Local Points” column -
“Andrew Jensen, of Newton, formerly of Logan, was accidently [sic] killed while hauling wood last Monday. When about midway between Clarkston and Newton he fell from the load of wood, under the wagon which passed over his head crushing it.”
 --The Logan Journal, Nov. 18, 1891.

* * * *
December 1, 1891 - page 5 under “DELINQUENT TAXES.” -
“Official List of Delinquent Taxes of Cache County For the year 1891.
Barratt, P. J. & J. W. White     2.00
Curtis, Hyrum                         46.70
Crowther & Sons                    10.00
Jensen, Jens P.                     12.65
Jensen, Jens N.                       4.75
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 1, 1891.

* * * *
December 5, 1891 - page 8 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -
“We are pleased to state that we on the west side of the river are not forgotten.  The home missionaries have paid us a visit before going to their homes in the Centre Stake of Zion. Brothers Roskelly, Sloan and Morris, imparted new life and vigor to the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association and gave very valuable instructions to the young men. Brother Andrew Jensen, the Historical Record compiler, of Salt Lake City, favored us with a pleasant visit Saturday evening. Brother Jensen talked for one hour and a half, to a large audience, about the necessity of keeping records. He also spoke of his travels in the east three years ago, when he visited Nauvoo, Kirtland, Carthage the hill Cumorah, and the place where the Prophet Joseph used to live. The lecture was a splendid treat and everybody went home satisfied.

“There is considerable travel through our little burg, many of those who come doing so for the purpose of seeing the grave of Martin Harris which is a point of great interest, he being one of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon.

“I remember taking two widow ladies to view the grave of this noted man, one of them being my aunt, Jane Panther of the Big Cottonwood Ward, Salt Lake County. After gazing at the mound for some time, she turned to me, and at the same time handed me one dollar, saying: ‘Brother Barson. ‘I give you this to start a fund for the purpose of erecting a monument over the grave of Brother Harris.’

“I still have that dollar with a trifle more also donated for the same purpose.  Bishop Jardine with a few others was the first to make a move towards fulfilling this plan and erecting the monument which shall mark the earthly resting place of Martin Harris.

“I feel satisfied there are many who would gladly subscribe to this monument and save to future generations the burial place of one so favored of the Lord.

“Thomas Griffin and John Buttars, our rustling grain merchants, shipped twenty loads of grain to the Junction, to-day, over the new bridge.

“John W. Scott and John Thompson have been prospecting in the mountains northwest of Clarkston, the last few days. I have no idea what results have attended the diligent search, and a Philadelphia lawyer would be unable to penetrate the mystery.

“I keep right on with my fall plowing and believe in the long run I shall have the finest prospect of any.

“Bishop Funk of Newton carries our mail to us on his black charger, and keeps me in mind of the 'Pony express' of the years long ago.

“The health of the Saints is splendid, no sickness at all, thank the Lord.

CLARKSTON, Nov. 30th 1891.”
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 5, 1891.

* * * *
December 9, 1891 - page 8 in the “Local Points” column -
“The County Court has accepted the bridges over Logan and Bear River.  These are the new wooden bridges and make a direct route to Petersboro, and close connection between Newton and Cache Junction.”
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 9, 1891.

* * * *
December 9, 1891 - page 8 in an article entitled “Good Clarkston.” -
“Mr. P. S. Clarkston, or P. S. Barson of Clarkston--the names will get mixed-- was in Logan yesterday. He says the people of that prosperous burg pay their debts if they have anything on earth that can be sold. It is a fact that county tax roll does not show a single delinquent in Clarkston. Wheat is being shipped to Salt Lake by way of Cache Junction and there is a good demand for hay and grain.”
--The Logan Journal, Dec. 9, 1891.

* * * *
December 9, 1891 - page 5 under “County Business.” -
“The sum of $1,225 was appropriated to pay the balance due on the Cache Junction and Benson bridges.”

* * On page 8 under article “NEWTON NOTES.” -
“A Prosperous Year--A Band--Good Showing at College.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Not having heard or seen anything lately of the prosperous town of Newton in the columns of the JOURNAL, I though it might be of interest to some of its readers to hear of how the industrious settlers are thriving.

“The present year's seasons being very favorable, a good crop necessarily followed, for which the people are very thankful, they now being able to obliteration a good portion of their indebtedness.

“A substantial wooden bridge has been built across Bear River between Newton and Cache Junction--another improvement.

“We also have a marshal [martial] band composed of twelve files and snare and bass drums. The boys are doing exceedingly well considering the instructions had and the time of learning. They are now able to play several pieces together. We expect a grand serenade on Christmas and New Years.

“We are represented in the Colleges at Logan by fifteen of the young people, which I think speaks very well for such small a place.
“We have had two schools in progress until lately when the primary school has been discontinued on account of the teachers’ [sic] ill health. The people, however, have had tolerably good health.

--The Logan Journal, Dec. 9, 1891.

* * * *
December 19, 1891 - page 4 under “THAT ROAD.” -
“We believe the County should make the road between the Little and Big Logan Rivers. No one can dispute that the County Court is doing largely the best it can with the means at its disposal. We can point to little that has not been well spent; but there is no denying the fact that the roads and bridges leading in the direction of Petersborough and Cache Junction have not suffered for want of attention. It is a question as to where the County can spend its limited revenue to the best advantage.”
-- The Logan Journal - Dec. 19, 1891.

* * * *
January 13, 1892 - page 5 under “Statement of Receipts and Disbursements.” -
“Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31st, 1891.”
Disbursements for "Roads and Bridges-
La Plata District $3,267.30
Logan 2,651.52
Providence 2,549.56
Millville 872.23
Hyrum 81.70
Paradise 309.78
Wellsville 2,667.34
Mendon 26.40
Petersboro 2,362.78
Benson 1,415.89
Newton 183.23
Clarkston 28.18
Trenton 268.73
Lewiston 54.56
Coveville 123.42
Smithfield 277.20
Hyde Park 18.60
Richmond 240.60
--The Journal, Jan. 13, 1892.

* * * *
January 27, 1892 - page 8 under “GAY YOUNG OPERATOR.” -
“Larks Around With the Boys and Lands in Limbo.”
“Cache Junction is not a very exciting railroad center and H. C. Burrough, the telegraph operator, came to Logan to cheer up. He was in that frame of mind which drives a man to upset his own calculations and disappoint his friends. This young man after ‘seeing the boys’ for several bumpers landed in a cattle pit on the railroad. The city marshall picked him up and Judge Smith to warn other young men of the dangers of tackling when bewildered with tanglefoot fined him a matter of $5. A friend went his bail. The young lightning jerker and bug juice extinguisher instead of making his friend good made an effort to give him the slip and get away. But Vic Crocket nailed his wages with an attachment. Justice Smith on fining [? finding] that there was $10 coming to the young man made the fine and costs $27."
--The Journal - Jan. 27, 1892.

* * * *
February 10, 1892 - page 5 under the “Sunday School Missionary Appointments.” -
“Elders Greenwall and Jones will visit the various wards in the Stake and hold meeting in the interest of the Sabbath Schools:
Logan 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Wards Feb. 10 through Feb.13.
Clarkston, Saturday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m.
Newton, Sunday, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m.
. . .
O.C. Ormsby,
W. H. Apperley,
W. G. Reese,
Stake Superintendency.
--The Journal, Feb. 10, 1892.

* * * *
February 13, 1892 - page 8 under “Matrimonial.” --
“Clerk Fullmer issued the following marriage licenses during the present week.
” Hans Peter Clemensen, Newton, aged 68, and Carna Larsen, of Logan, aged 49.”
--The Journal, Feb. 13, 1892.

* * * *
February 20, 1892 - page 5 under “Estray Notice - Summons.”
“Territory of Utah,
County of Cache
In the Justice's Court, Cache Junction, Petersboro precinct
Thomas Hinkenbottom,
Plaintiff, Summons
John Doe, } Demand $7.50
To John Doe, Greeting:
“You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in Petersboro Precinct, Cache County, Utah Territory, on Thursday, Feb. 25th, A.D. 1892, at 1 o'clock p.m., to answer a complaint filed against you herein by said plaintiff, wherein he claims judgment against you for the sum of $7.50 for damages done by the following described animals to wit:
“One black horse, branded J (JP) combined on the right thigh, about eight years old, weigh about 1,000 lbs. no shoes.
“One bay mare, branded R.P. on left hip about sever years old, small star in forehead left hind foot white, weight about 750 lbs, shod all around.
“One bay horse, branded on left shoulder WD. also IS on left thigh and about eight years old, white strip on nose, weight about 900 lbs.
“One black and white Holstein roam cow and calf, under and over crop on right ear, square crop off left ear, blotched brand on left hip, about two years old.
“And your are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the above amount and cost of suit.
“To the Sheriff or any Constable of said county greeting. Make legal service and due return hereon.
“Given under my hand this 19th day of Feb. A. D. 1892.
Justice of the Peace of Cache Junction, Petersboro Precinct.”
--The Journal - Feb. 20, 1892.

* * * *
February 27,1892 - page 1 under "Cache Stake of Zion" (a brief report on the stake and each ward in it by Andrew Jenson from Church Historian’s office) --
"Newton ward, presided over by Bishop Hans Funk, embraces the town of Newton, which is situated on the north side of Bear River, on a fine slope facing the sun. The people irrigate almost entirely from a reservoir built at a great expense in the highlands northeast of the town. Newton was first settled in 1869, and now has 442 Latter-day Saints, divided into 82 families. Trenton, which formerly existed as a separate ward, now belongs to Newton. The New substantial bridge completed over Bear River in November, 1891, places Newton in easy communication with the railway, Cache Valley Junction being only two miles distant across the river, by way of the bridge."
"Clarkston lies about five miles northwest of Newton at the foot of the mountains which separate Cache from Malad Valley. This ward has 479 members or 75 families, was first settled in 1864, and is now presided over by Bishop John Jardine.  In the Clarkston cemetery rest the remains of the only witness to the Book of Mormon who ever gathered to Utah. Steps are being taken to place a respectable monument on his grave, instead of the plain cedar post which now marks it.
--The Deseret News, Weekly, Feb. 27, 1892.

* * * *
March 5, 1892 - page 8 under “Conference at Newton.”
“Meeting commenced at 10 o’clock a.m. On the stand were the ward authorities,
[one or two lines illegible] . . .
Lewis, and President Isaac Smith, of Logan.
Choir sang, Go Ye Messengers of Glory, etc.
Bro. Wm. Griffin offered prayer.
Singing--What was Witnessed in the Heavens, etc.
Bp. Hans Funk was well please to meet so many of the Saints in the new meeting house.
Superintendent Wm. Jensen said a gratifying improvement had been made in the Sabbath School during the present year and the teachers were faithful in their labors.
The Priests quorum, represented by Bp. Funk, was not many in numbers, but in a good condition.
Elder John Griffin reported the acting teachers’ quorum to be men desirous to work in harmony with the presiding authorities of the Ward.
President Christian Anderson could recommend the High Priests’ quorum as men of honor and integrity.
The Seventies, represented by Jas. F. Hansen, were supporting two missionaries in Denmark and were faithful members in the quorum.
The Elders, in a fair condition, were reported by Jas. A. Hansen.
Bp. Lewis was glad to meet with the Saints in Newton. This church was onward and upward. He knew it was of the Lord and was elevating in its nature, and by obeying the commands of our Heavenly Father through his servants, we would be blessed. The young should be prayerful, humble and diligent so they may obtain a testimony of the truth of this work and have the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to guide them continually.
The Relief Society, Y.L.M.I.A. and Primary were represent by Sisters Martha Beck,
Mary Larsen and Ruth Griffin. All seemed to be well.
“President Isaac Smith.--We as parents should teach our children the word of wisdom and their duties in the church not only by precept, but by example. If was neglect to do this the sins of our children will be upon our heads. We do not spend time enough to instruct them properly. We are after the things of this world too much.
The people of Newton are to be commended for their united labor in building the meeting house and should keep it clean and pure. Spoke upon the duties of the priests. They should be qualified to explain the laws of God unto the saints. Blasphemers and backbites should be dealt with in the church. Choir sand and Elder McCombs pronounced the benediction.

“Two p.m. Choir sang, sweet is the work my God, my King, etc. Prayer by Brother Shumway. Singing. Sacrament administered. The stake and ward authorities were present and sustained by the conference. Elder Ralfsteine [Ravsten] report the Trenton ward. Bishop Jardine felt extremely well in the conference. Reminded the young that life was short and they should be diligent members in the church. The financial and statistical report was read and presented a good showing for the Saints of Newton. Bishop Funk in sentiment endorsed the reports that had been given. President Smith commented upon the law of tithing and felt that the Saints of God were a blessed people. The poor should be supported by fast-offerings and donations. The Saints here have done well in that regard but there is still room to improve. The people of God who slander one another under the garb of politics should be handled by the church. The choir sand. Elder John Butters [Buttars] offered prayer.

“On Feb. 17th, Jas. Christiansen departed this life. He was an old and respected citizen of Newton. His departure was a shock not only to his family to the community.  Brother Christensen was born in Purley, Jutland, 1830, joined the church 1863, and came to Utah the following year. He remained true to his covenants and died with full faith in the gospel. He leaves a large and respected family to mourn his demise.

--The Journal, March 5, 1892.

* * * *
March 9, 1892 - page 8 under “Recorder’s Office.” -
“Matilda Hellquist to Alfred Stone lots 3 and 4 block 3, Plat C, Newton Town survey.”
 --The Journal - March 9, 1892.

* * * *
March 9, 1892 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“John Barker, justice of the peace at Cache Junction, arrested a man Sunday who was trying to dispose of tobacco which had been stolen from Riter Bros’ drug store, of this place. The prisoner was placed in jail. He refused to give his name. It was found that the same man had taken another batch of tobacco from Z.C.M.I., of Logan and had sold it in Smithfield.”
--The Journal, March 9, 1892.

* * * *
March 19, 1892 - page 8 under “Correspondence.” -
"Cache Junction, March 15, '92.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--While visiting the beautiful city of Logan the last few weeks many thoughts have passed through my mind in seeing and hearing the arguments of many citizens upon their political views, each contending that the side they represented was the best. I have been a member of the Mormon church for over thirty years and in all that time have never witnessed such a spirit and feeling as has been manifested during this last political campaign. The people as a general rule have manifested by their actions that they believe the words and statements of the presidency of the church to be the truth and for my part I cannot see how many of the members of the church can feel that their course is consistent with their former actions and belief, for it has been positively stated by Prest. Woodruff and his counselor Geo. Q. Cannon at the time of the issuing of the manifesto and also several times since in public congregations that the people were entirely free to join either political party or none according to their own choice and that no church influence should be used to influence them either way. But after all this there are persons living in the city of Logan who claim to be in good standing in said church, that I have heard say that they head [had] been requested by prominent men to organize a Republican club amongst the members of every Young Mens Association in the Cache Stake of Zion if possible, and I have also heard others made the statement that Prest. Woodruff has said that he wished the people were equally divided. Now, Mr. editor, I do not believe that such statements as I have refered to have been made by the Presidency of the church, and when men, no matter what their names may be, will make such statement to lead away many of the unthinking for the sole purpose of increasing their members by giving the lie to the public statements of the leading men of the church, I think it is high time for men possessing a reasonable degree of intelligence to give the cold shoulder to such advisers. If I was a citizen of Logan and was approached by such adviser I should most certainly take it as an insult because I claim that ever [sic every] intelligent thinking man knows full well that our President would never stoop that low to say one thing in public and another in private and thereby be a deceiver. In hearing such remarks made by the men that have made them in my hearing it has been a matter of great surprise. I must say right here that I have not heard any member that claims to favor Democracy use any influence with any party only that which has been straight. I have not heard any statements made by that party that could in any way be construed as using a church influence not even by their appointments. I for one cannot feel that the majority of the members of the Mormon Church can endorse the statements of John Henry Smith, in the city of Washington wherein he stated he would prefer our present form of Territorial government to home rule, and doubt very much if he does. The majority of the people of this territory have been in bondage long enough. I should think and would gladly welcome any law that would give unto us our political rights as citizens even if we have to pay for it.

--The Journal, March 19, 1892.

* * * *
March 23, 1892 - page 1 under “Correspondence.” –
“Newton, March 18, 1892,
“The Relief Society Jubilee held on the 17th inst. was a success in every particular. Meeting commenced at 10 a.m., in which an interesting and instructive
programme was well rendered. In the afternoon the young people engaged in a lively game of base-ball--the married men beating the single men one run. While this was going on the faithful sisters were preparing a bounteous repast of the good things of this world in the meeting house for all persons in the ward over fourteen years of age.

The house was clean and beautifully adorned with pictures, likenesses of the prophet Joseph and many other great and noble men as well as with many lovely green flowering plants. Above the stand hung a banner painted by Bro. Jonas Beck, upon which was plainly inscribed--The Relief Society organized March 17, 1842, Friends to the Poor.

At five o'clock more than two hundred persons young and old sat down to the tables laden with every thing necessary to refresh the inner man. In the evening a dance was given. It was well attended and interspersed with songs, recitations and dialogues. At twelve o'clock the party closed and the people hied away to their homes. Thus ended an enjoyable day for the people of Newton.

--The Journal - March 23, 1892.

* * * *
March 26, 1892 - page 8 under “Mining Locations.” -
“Quarry mine, located two miles northeast of Newton by L. P. Peterson, Geo. Curtis, Nephi Peterson, H. C. Simonsen and Erastus Peterson.”
--The Journal, March 26, 1892.
[NOTE: Most likely the beginning of the mine shaft (“cave”) on the eastern face of the Little Mountain or Newton Hill.]

* * * *
April 2, 1892 - page 8 under “Correspondence.” -
The letter was from a Clarkston resident dated March 28th and told of their ward's various recent activities include the one in which the “sisters killed their surplus roosters” to celebrate the founding of the Relief Society. Then it told entertainment from a neighboring community with these words:
“On the evening of March 26, the Newton dramatic company played us a visit and played ‘Ten Nights in a Bar Room,’ with Alfred Goodsell, Joe Mrgan, W. Rigby, Mrs.Hammond, Lue Hardy, Frank Slaid, John Barker, Simeon Slaid. W. Jenson, the Sewire, Mr. Benson, Sampel Switchel, Miss A. Benson, Mrs. Slaid, Miss Bessie Griffin, Mary Morgan, Miss B. Leddingham, Mrs. Morgan, Miss Hanson, Mrs. Switchel. Hanson's band played some fine music. I must say that Joe Morgan never took a part better; he was heart and soul in the play, while Simeon Slaid got fat on poverty; Sampel was always present when help was needed. Frank Slaid is good anywhere and good for mixing up the stuff. Mrs. Green and Hammond played their cards well, and Mrs. Morgan and daughter did fine and brought the tears on many a face. Mrs. Slaid gave good council and needed no prompting. Mrs. Switchel and the Corn doctor are good. The farce made everybody happy, and we say to the gentlemen and ladies come again.

--The Journal, April 2, 1892.

* * * *
April 6, 1892 -- page 8 under “News from Newton.” -
“NEWTON, April 2, 1892,
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The Republican club of Newton held their first meeting last night. They gave out a notice some few days ago that they would speak upon Protective tariff. So being a mugwump, I thought I would go and listen, a little more than half inclined to join the Republican party. But I must confess that I came away more inclined not to join them. If they cannot give me stronger Protection than they did there, I am afraid I should get a licking by some Democratic kid.

“Mr. John H. Barker, Sen., was the Republican speaker, and it lasted buick. Mr. Charles Christensen, the President of the club, tried hard to help him but he ran off on to a recitation or something that sounded like it. I wish they would have more fun like that. I think the Republican cause would progress very fast--(Backward.)

“I think the Democrats are sure to gain the strongest hold in Newton. And unless the other party can produce stronger speakers to argue their cause, I think there are some Democratic children that can clean them out. I have heard boys on the street about sixteen years old beat the argument that was brought up there.

“The Republican president claims that the argument about the plow being sold cheaper in foreign countries than at home was proven to be entirely false, by them last year. He certainly did not take as much interest in his party as I did or he would have seen the rebutal from the Democratic side. But perhaps he did’nt [sic] want to see it.

“But if I could prevail on you to destroy your press so there could’nt [sic] be any JOURNAL’S printed, I might help the Republican cause a little. They were awfully tickled when the news reached them of the Republican victory in Logan. But I do not think they are so tickled to have the cause and wherefore published.

“Well, wishing the best party for the most people (the poor people) may come out on top,

I am yet a
--The Journal, April 6, 1892.

* * * *
April 16, 1892 - page 1 under “Democratic County Convention.” -
To be held at the County Court House on April 30th for the purpose of electing 42 delegates to the Territorial Convention to be held in Ogden on May 14th.
“The apportionment from the various precincts to the county convention is as follows:
Logan - 30     Hyrum - 12
Hyde Park - 4     Paradise - 4
Smithfield - 11     Mendon - 4
Richmond - 7     Wellsville- 10
Lewiston - 6     La Plata - 5
Coveville - 3     Petersboro - 2
Benson - 2     Clarkston - 3
Providence - 5     Newton - 3
Millville - 7     Trenton - 2
--The Journal, April 16, 1892.

* * * *
May 11 , 1892 - page 8 under “DEMOCRATIC.”-
“There will be a large number of Cache County Democrats going to Ogden next Saturday. The railway company has made an offer of round trip rates for two dollars per head.

“The delegation alone from this county numbers forty-two, besides the alternates.  And more than twice that many, who are not delegates have signified their intentions of going.

“The following are the delegates, all of whose credentials will be made out on one paper and carried for convention by one man.
“Moses Thatcher, Logan; Henry Hughes, Mendon; W. H. Maughn, Wellsville; Jos.
Monson, Richmond; Henry Ballard, 2d Ward, Logan; Geo. O. Pitkin, Millville; John F.
Wright, Hyrum, H. J. Matthews, Providence.”
“Alf. Goodsell, Alt. Jno. Griffin.”
--The Journal, May 11, 1892.

* * * *
May 21, 1892 - page 8 under “Marriage Market.” -
“N. E. Mortimer of Brigham to Minnie Jensen of Newton.”
--The Journal, May 21, 1892.

* * * *
May 28, 1892 - page 8 under “B. Y. College Alumni.” -
“Thursday evening, May 26th, 1892, the B. Y. College Alumni Association was organized and the following officers elected:
“President--Mr. R. F. Allen; Vice-President--Miss Josephine Terner; Secretary--Mr. Nephi Larson; Treasurer--Miss Kate Haynes.
. . . .
“Mr. Nephi Larson . . . . “
“Any person wishing to learn any particulars regarding the above named association will please correspond with the secretary, Mr. Nephi Larson, Newton, Cache Co., Utah.
NEPHI LARSON, Secretary.
--The Journal, May 28, 1892.

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June 4, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -
“The organization of the Democratic society at Newton, Wednesday evening, resulted in the election of Wm. Griffin, as President, Geo. Rigby and Jas. F. Hanson, Vice Presidents; Geo. Stone, Secretary; John Lawson, Treasurer; and John Larson, James P. Jensen, Chris Nelson and Amos Clark and Alma Benson, executive committee.

“Apart from the organization of the society, a precinct committee was also elected consisting of John Larson, Geo. Rigby and James F. Hanson.

“The Newton band was in attendance and the house was literally packed. Mr. Edward Hanson, of Logan, spoke mainly upon the tariff question. Explained some of the falacies of protection. If protection increased wages, then we should look for higher wages in a protective country than in a free trade nation; but the very reverse is true, as wages is much lower in France and Germany than in England. It is not fair to compare the wages of America with those of England and claim that protection makes the difference in favor of our country, when it is because of the vastness, newness and natural wealth of our nation. If it is true that protection gives higher wages, then you should look for higher wages in protected than in unprotected industries; but as the reverse is true, the falacy of the argument is apparent. The rate of wages depends upon supply and demand for workmen and not upon the amount of profit that the manufacturer is realizing. This is shown by the difference of wages in different parts of the United States. The average wages in the South is only a trifle higher than the average wages in England.

“Mr. Hanson also dealt with the centralization issue. To such as the editor of the Standard, who seems to believe that there is no such an issue between the parties as centralization and diffusion of power, the explanation would have been instructive, as concrete example were of men of Republican loose construction of the constitution and consequently centralization of the power in the General Government that was never contemplated by the framers of the constitution.

“The speaker advised all to take things cool in politics and seek for the truth and then abide by it.

“Mr. Hart was also present and spoke upon the Home Rule measure, tariff and political morality. Events of an exciting nature that have taken place in other places in the county was not treated of as it was not the purpose of the speakers to create political excitement and bad feelings at grievances in the precincts.”
--The Journal, June 4, 1892.

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June 8, 1892 - page 8 under “County Court.” -
“The resignation of A. M. Ledingham as Justice of the Peace of Newton was read and accepted. Marcus Benson was appointed in his stead.”
--The Journal, June 8, 1892.

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June 15, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -
“NEWTON, June 11th.
“EDITOR JOURNAL.—‘Truth and justice to defend'’ should be the motto of every human being. I wish to call the attention of the public to a piece that was published in the Nation lately concerning the happenings around this place. Part of that article was false, viz:--that part which says that the new school house which was built here is a ‘Republican move.’

“It is enough to turn a man's stomach to see the nerve exhibited by some men and their capacity for telling falsehoods.

“In the enterprise mentioned if their is any credit due to one party more than another it is to the school trustees and taxpayers of the district. The first move that was made in the direction of putting up the school house was by a set of Democratic trustees.

“It is not so much for the thing itself as for the looks of the thing--as the old man said who caught his wife riding a donkey.

“Those who publish such things should heed the following lessons:
“‘To give honor to whom honor is due.’ That honesty is the best policy and that telling the truth is better than telling lies.
“They will be greater in the sight of God and all good people.

--The Journal, June 15, 1892.