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"Old News" of Newton, Utah

Part 4 – NEWTON, UTAH – In the Newspapers - (Oct. 22, 1895 through March 1898)

NEWTON, UTAH - In the newspapers from 1870 to 1940s
By Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 – Introduction and a Selected Topical Index, Newspapers coverage 1870 through December 1883.
Part 2 – 1884 through June 15, 1892.
Part 3 – June 18, 1892 through October 19, 1895.
Part 4 – October 22, 1895 through March 1898.
Part 5 – 1895 through 1910.a few from 1920s
Part 6 – 1910 to 1940s 

* * * *
October 22, 1895 - page 5 under “Sunday School Conference.” -

“The Cache Stake Sunday School Conference convened in the Logan Tabernacle at 10 o'clock a.m. on Saturday October 19, 1895 . . . .After the usual opening exercises Superintendent Ormsby made a few remarks . . .followed by General Superintendent Goddard . . . .

“During Superintendent Goddard's remarks Elder Karl G. Maeser entered, just having arrived on the train. . . .

“Superintendent Joseph Quinney reported the Second Ward, Logan, Sabbath School. Superintendent Samuel Nelson of Smithfield, W. F. Jensen of Newton and John Thomas of Logan Third Ward, also reported their respective schools as being in good condition.

“Elder Karl G. Maeser . . . . Spoke of the vastness of the Sunday school work and goodness of God toward us in giving us a testimony . . . . The speaker dwelt with much stress upon the necessity for the teachers being exemplary in their every day life and conduct . . . ."
-- The Journal , Oct. 22, 1895.

* * * *
November 2, 1895 - page 1 under “Are Breaking Ranks.” -

“The Republican county convention was not productive of the good feeling among active members of that party as might have been desired by the hopeful. A number of leading Republicans were considerably disappointed at what they call the un-American turn of things and are free __?_ their criticism of what they consider a play upon prejudice.

“John Christenson of Newton a leading Republican for years a school teacher orator and all around politicians, was a delegate to that county convention. He became so thoroughly disgusted as he afterwards expressed himself that he quit the Republican party cold and then and there __?_ never to return."
-- The Journal , Nov. 2, 1895.

* * * *
November 9, 1895 – page 1 under “CORRECTED RETURNS FROM CACHE.”
“The Vote for the Three Parties in This County. Reports up to Last Evening.”
The Democrats completely swept the Cache County elections from Delegate to Congress, Governor and through all county offices.
           Clarkston – Newton – Cache County
Delegate for Congress –
Roberts, D     51     45     1633
Allen,     R     41     32     1260
Governor –
Caine,     D     51     45     1624
Wells,     R     41     32     1272
[At the bottom of the voting return was the following notation -]
“The Populists cast 11 votes in Millville; 6 in Wellsville; 2 in Newton.
Christenson, Populists, ran 13 ahead of his ticket in Newton.”

* * In the same Nov. 9th paper on page 1 under “Majority Cut in Two.” -
“Roberts Reduces the Republican Vote More Than one Thousand.”
However, from all of Utah Territory the Republicans won big. Democrat candidate B. H. Roberts lost by over a thousand votes and Caine lost to Wells by a much larger Majority.
-- The Journal , Nov. 9, 1895.

* * * *
November 30, 1895 - page 5 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“ . . . Death has called . . .Wm. Stewart. . . .Funeral services over his remains were held Saturday afternoon. Elder Jonas Beck of Newton and Bishop Jardine made consoling remarks. Grandfather Steward was 82 years old and universally respected.

“Elder John Barker of Newton talked to the Saints in this town last Sunday.

“Our Sabbath school and meeting were visited last Sunday by Indian John of Washakie settlement . The Bishop treated him kindly and John went home feeling ‘wino.’”
-- The Journal , Nov. 30, 1895.

* * * *
December 7, 1895 - page 7 under “Delinquent Tax List.”
Bates Est. 8 acres N, sec. 17, Tp. 13 R1 W $ .85
Solomon Stone lot 5 block 7 plat A 1.35
Mary Johnson lot 7 block ? plat A 2.65
_?_stian Hendricksen personal property 2.05
_?_ph Hendricksten improvements, etc . 2.35
-- The Journal , Dec. 7, 1895.

* * * *
January 9, 1896 - page 9 under “Our Regular Correspondent.”

“Reports the Ups and Downs of Newton and Vicinity.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--All is well in Newton. Our people are enjoying good health; no deaths have occurred among us for a long time. Our poor are well cared for by our Bishop and Relief Society. All of our religious organizations are in good order and doing a good work. Many social parties have been given recently in which especially our young people have enjoyed themselves very much.

“A very pleasant surprise party was recently gotten up by the members of the  Y.L.M.I.A. in honor of their president Miss Ruth Griffin. Sister Griffin was on this occasion presented with a nice toilet set. She must surely have been pleased to receive such a token of love and esteem.

“On Saturday night last our Sunday School gave an entertainment consisting of the three act comedy, ‘Everybody's Friends,’ and a negro farce and a few songs and recitations. Our large Meeting House was well filled with people, and although tickets were sold at the low price of 10 and 15 cents, yet about $25 was realized which was a great help for our Sunday School, and those managing the affair deserve much credit.

“Last Sunday our annual Sunday School review was held. Our meetings were crowded both in the morning and afternoon. The exercises rendered were excellent and the reports given by department teachers and superintendents were very encouraging and showed that the school is in a good condition. It was a very pleasant day to all who were present.

“Prest. Wm. F. Rigby of the Bannock Stake, Idaho, is visiting relatives and friends in Newton. Bro. Rigby, who was the founder and first Bishop of Newton, is always welcome in our midst.

“As loyal citizens we celebrated the Inauguration of Statehood in grant style yesterday. A crowded meeting was held in the morning at which a very interesting program was rendered, consisting of speeches, songs, music and recitations.  President Rigby was the orator of the day, and his speech was eloquent and appropriate. At the close of the meeting three cheers and a tiger * for the new State were given with such vigor and force as to almost raise the roof off the house.

“Three cheers were also given for the new citizens of the new State, ‘The Ladies,’ which was as enthusiastically responded to.

“At the close of meeting our martial band. in a large sleigh drawn by a fine team bedecked with tinkling bells traveled through town playing many sweet tunes.

“In the afternoon there was a children's dance and at night we had a splendid dance. It was once more as in the early days in this valley when father, mother, sister, brother and all went to our parties. So it was on this occasion; all who could come were there. It did the heart good to see this merry mingling of old and young.

“Through we had frost in every month of last year it was a very prosperous one for the farmers of Newton, as nearly 90,000 bushels of grain were raised. Many carloads of wheat have been shipped by our farmers this winter.

“We are now buying our coal through the Farmers' Union paying $3.75 per ton in carloads; thus by avoiding middle men quite a profit has been realized.

“The school trustees of Alto district have led the gas from their flowing wells through pipes into the school room where it now serves as fuel. Though not sufficient, it has diminished the use of coal considerably. Other citizens of Alto have followed the example and are realizing a great saving in fuel expenses. Many more could follow suit as flowing wells are numerous and nearly all contain a large amount of gas.

“The people of Alto also celebrated Statehood on Monday and had a jolly good time.

“A large mountain lion was seen by Frank Ballard and others on Monday evening just west of town. It came from the river and went north towards Mr. A. Goodsell’s ranch. It has been seen before and is supposed to have its lair in Bear river canyon.

NEWTON, Jan. 7th, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 9, 1896.

[ * “three cheers and a tiger” mentioned above must be viewed in the knowledge of another meaning of the word “tiger” especially in the U.S. where it meant according to Webster—“A howl or yell (sometimes the word tiger) at end of a round of enthusiastic cheering.”]

* * * *
January 11, 1896 - page 2 under “Our Regular Correspondent.” It was a repeat of W.F.J.'s report printed on January 9th.

* * The same Jan. 11th issue on page 3 had an article on “The Holidays at Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Winter set in cold and severe, yet it did not in the least prevent the revelries of the Christmas holidays which are always made more pleasant by the happy faces or the girls and the bright intelligent countenances of the boys from college, who all seem bubbling over with joy.

“Some return with high ideas of setting things right at home, some to rest from studies, while others return home to cheer and comfort a lonely parent, for what is more affecting then the meeting between an aged mother and her handsome young son from school.

“Beside the college girls and boys our town was graced with the presence of Bishop Rigby and his son Henry, from Rexburg, also Peter Hogensen who has returned from a four year’s stay in Oregon.

“There have been several dances, and one surprise party, which was very largely attended and all seemed to have a pleasant time.
“It was an invitation party and the young ladies who wrote the invitations, missed several of the young dancers and created bad feelings. Yet all had an enjoyable time especially Ruth Griffin, president of the Y.L.M.I.A., on whom the surprise was gotten up.

“Statehood day was celebrated right royally by a program at 10 a.m., children's dance 4 p.m. and a grand ball at night.

“Perhaps the most noted affair was the dramatic entertainment last evening, presented by our Newton talent. It was a very light play but by the appearance of our old favorite, Alfred Goodsell, it took well. Mrs. Funk, a new star in the theatrical profession did very well, so also did Miss Griffin, but we would suggest a daily rehearsal of The fainting scene, for that shriek was--was horrid. Miss Mina Funk, whose heart beats high with hope and whose face beams before the soft glare of the foot-lights seemed to be one of those young ladies who thinks it would be O! just too nice for anything to be an actress! The part she took would be all right in real life, but the stage was truly our of place.

“After the theater, was a farce which was highly appreciated by the children.  Between the acts were several songs. Leroy Griffin sang very nicely. Jas. A. Christensen surprised all by his wonderful musical talent, and Miss Zina Rigby sang with easy grace and very sweetly, ‘Fallen Leaf.’

“Jas. A. Christensen has returned to Park Valley where his is teaching school.

“This morning Moroni Beck, Frank Griffin, Louis Lhedoll and Zina Rigby returned to Salt Lake City where they are attending school, and Tuesday 16 young girls and boys leave for Logan where they enter school, most of whom will attended the A.C.

“Twenty young ladies and gentlemen attending college from Newton is a fine showing, and there are several others whose minds are bent in that direction. May success attend their upward efforts to reach the goal of knowledge.

NEWTON, Jan. 5, 1896.
-- The Journal , Jan. 11, 1896.

* * * *
January 16, 1896 - page 4 Under “Apostle Taylor's Appointments.” -

“Apostle John W. Taylor, with others, will hold religious meetings at the times and places given below. People residing in small wards in the vicinity of these places are invited to attend the meetings nearest their homes:
Cove, Thursday at 2 p.m. Newton, Saturday at 2 p.m.
Richmond. Thursday at 7 p.m. Mendon, Saturday at 7 p.m.
Lewiston, Friday at 2 p.m. Logan on Sunday.
Clarkston, Friday at 7 p.m.
-- The Journal , Jan. 16, 1896.

* * * *
January 21, 1896 - page 4 under “‘CALVE’ ANSWERED.” -

“The Cudgel Taken up in Defense of Newton’s Young Ladies.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--In your issue of the 11th inst. I notice an article signed ‘Calve’ in which the writer scurrilously attacks some of the young ladies who took part in our Sunday School entertainment. As I had the honor to be chairman of that committee on entertainment, and as those whom he attacks are the most highly respected young ladies of our ward, I deem it my duty to reply.

“I submit that the writer is ashamed to acknowledge the authenticity of his article or he would not hide behind a non-de-plume, and had his attack gone no farther than Newton, it would have needed no reply--the people here well understand his sinister motives.

“When this pseudonymous slanderer says, “Miss Mina Funk, whose heart beats high with hope and whose face beamed before the soft glare of the foot-lights, seemed to be one of those young ladies who thinks it would be O! just too nice for anything to be an actress!’ He stoops to that which is unworthy of a man; he knows perfectly well that there was nothing in Miss Funk’s conduct that would justify any such conclusion. On the contrary, Miss Funk received universal praise for the splendid manner in which she acquitted herself. ‘The part she took would have been all right in real life but on the stage it was truly out of place,’ says ‘Calve.’ Presto! How ridiculous! Does he not know that to act life-like and natural upon the stage is to act well? He suggests a daily rehearsal of the fainting scene. Pray, allow me to suggest that before he pose as a critic he take a thorough course in civility and then learn something of the act of acting.

“But when, in speaking of the party given by the Y.L.M.I.A., Mr. ‘Calve’ says:
‘The young ladies who wrote the invitations missed several of the young dancers and created bad feelings,’ he gives us the keynote to his entire article which is actuated throughout by a personal pique. Miss Funk was chairman of the committee on invitations who omitted ‘the young dancers.’ For the benefit of ‘Calve,’ however, I will say that omission was unintentional.

“In conclusion, allow me to state that a man who continually lies in the gate and watches for something with which to find fault is no more to be despised than one who chooses such a method of venting the venom of his spleen.

NEWTON, Jan. 16th, 1896.
-- The Journal , Jan. 21, 1896.

* * * *
January 28, 1896 - Page 8 under “Local Points” -

“The people of Clarkston and Newton will unite in building a creamery on a site near the Newton reservoir. “Sanko’ informs us that $2,000 are already subscribed for the purpose, and says the movement is looked upon with much favor on the west side of the valley.”
-- The Journal - Jan. 28, 1896

* * * *
February 8, 1896 - page 5 under “County Court.” -

“On motion the following road supervisors were appointed:
Wm. Rigby, Jr., Newton.” -- The Journal , Feb. 8, 1896.

* * * *
February 11, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“The meeting held Saturday of the Cache Valley Agricultural Society, was an interesting and well attended session. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, A. A. Mill; firs vice president, Richard Jessop of Millville; second vice president, Thos. Leishman of Wellsville, third vice president, John Jenkins of Newton; fourth vice president, J.J. Golightly of Preston; treasurer. D. M. Todd of Logan. Executive board will consist of the president of the Hyrum, Wellsville, Logan Fourth Ward, Smithfield, Newton and Preston societies; the constitution was amended so that the secretary shall hereafter be chosen by the board, and that the society may meet anywhere in the county. In accordance therewith the next meeting was set for Hyrum. Two committees were appointed; one to draft a resolution to the Legislature against the passage by that body of the Torrens land bill; the other, a committee of five, composed of two farmers at present located on school lands, two not farmers on school land, and one disinterested party, to draft a memorial to the Legislature relative to the disposal of school lands.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 11, 1896.

* * * *
February 15, 1896 - page 6 under “President's Annual Report.”

“To the Cache Valley Agricultural Society Feb. 8th, 1896.”
A.A. Mills, president of the society gave his lengthy report and assessment of the organization during the first year of functioning--for the Cache County Agricultural Society had been formed one year earlier in the same room they held their 1896 meeting.  At the time the work was laid out along three lines--1). educational or rather gaining of information; 2). Social, that was to make farm life more cheerful; and 3). business, which involved the marketing of farm products and the possibility of purchasing some farm articles as groups. Then a review of these objectives after one years. The first or educational was carried out by monthly meeting at large and in each ward in the county-- but after a good start these meeting were scarcely attended and most failed to continue meetings. On the social objective “that has proved almost an entire failure.” It was hoped the wards would hold agricultural parties once or twice per year making the supper table a sort of ward fair for the produce of the farms and delicacies of the kitchen. But it didn't come off for – “the women seem to take no interest in the affairs of the society.”

“As to the business part, this grew beyond all expectation and developed much more rapidly than it could well be handled by the forces at the disposal of the society.” No precise figures were available but "The amount that has passed through the hands of the secretary will approximate $50,000. This, however, only represents the amounts for which the societies’ secretary has given shipping directions for the farmers or to them.”

. . .”There has been furnished markets for about from $20,000 to $25,000 more of products. This was principally made up of about 125 cars of wheat, 31 cars of potatoes, 5 cars of oats; 4 cars of cattle; 3 cars of hogs and about 2 cars of lucerne seed, in small lots; and about 10 cars of coal shipped in."

The President detailed some problems experience in the shipping of goods; and then focused on another problem within the society-- every man who enrolled in the society and every man who shipped through it promised to pay 50 cents per year. The society has only collected $35 representing 70 members by the fee charged. One ward in the valley is reported to have sixty members but he "doubts if 20 per cent of them have paid their promised fee. The Pres. went on – “When I last spoke to the secretary about this he said that from Lewiston, Clarkston and Newton there should be forthcoming on shipments alone about $45, $15 from each place.”

“Another thing that seemed to irritate people was that some got full pay promptly while others had to wait. For example take Clarkston and Newton. All shipped wheat at about the same time last spring. Newton got full returns in a short time while Clarkston was back some $375. All of this has not yet been received and I doubt if it will be. The explanation is that one lot was shipped to one place and one to another.

“Last spring it was found that about 75 per cent of the wheat of the valley was held by others than farmers. Most of this passed out of the hands of the farmer when it was worth but 35 cts. per bushel. The wheat sold in the spring at 50 cts. per bushel, being an increase of nearly 43 per cent, or amounting on about 100 car loads so held the snug sum of about $12,000. The same is true again this year.”

His last advice . . . “The farmers could just as well club together and borrow money at from 8 to 10 per cent and hold their wheat. It is the farmer’s fault.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 15, 1896.

* * * *
February 25, 1896 - page 4 under “Statement of Receipts.”

“And Disbursements of Cache County for Fiscal Year . . . 1895.”
Disbursement for roads.
Clarkston - not listed
Newton - $22.00
Mendon - .50
Lewiston - 940.40
-- The Journal , Feb. 25, 1896.

* * * *
February 27, 1896 - page 1 under “Clarkston Conference.”

“Our ward conference was held on Sunday Feb. 23. . . .

“There were present on the stand Prest. Orson Smith, Bishop Crookston of Logan; Bishop Jardine, Bishop Griffin, Elders Geo. Rigby, John Griffin, Peter Benson, Peter Larson, Elders Jensen and Parsons of Newton, Prest. Loosle, Counsellors A. W. Heggie and Yates."
-- The Journal , Feb. 27, 1896.

* * * *
March 5, 1896 - page 2 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“. . . Miss Ruth Griffin of Newton, the genial Co-op clerk, is with us making her home at her aunt, Elizabeth Jardine’s.

“The creamery committee of Newton, Clarkston and Trenton met last Saturday and are doing all in their power to build a creamery in the near future.”
-- The Journal , March 5, 1896.

* * * *
March 31, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“A daughter of Mr. Alfred Goodsell, of Newton, is lying seriously ill. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery.”
-- The Journal , March 31, 1896.

* * * *
April 16, 1896 - page 5 under “Newton Notes of News.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Newton and its people are still in existence, though we have not been heard from for some time.

“There has been considerable sickness among our children within the last month, the complaint seems to be a mild form of lung fever, but I believe all the sick are now improving, and we feel thankful to the Lord that no deaths have occurred in our midst for a long time, with the exception of the infant boy of Brother and Sister Christian Nelson, who died a few days after its birth. Sister Nelson has been a very sick person since that occurrence but is now improving.

“The present stormy weather is not as welcome to our farmers as it would have been later on when the crops were all put in. Some of our farmers got all their grain in before the storm came and the majority have most of their crops in, so we ought not to complain.

“A large amount of grain is still held by Newton farmers who expect that prices will still raise.

“Our public square has quite an improved appearance this spring, the fence being now completed and it appears to be a neat and substantial job. The ground has been plowed and seeded with grain and lucerne. Trees will also be planted and the old familiar sage and rabbit brush on said square is now a thing of the past.

“A few nights ago an entertainment was given in the meeting house by our Primary Association. The children did exceedingly well and it was a pleasant evening to all present.

“Once more the mountain lion spoken of in a former letter has made its appearance near town. This time it was seen by President Rigby of the Bannock Stake, who saw it early one morning last week between Cache Junction and Newton. Come along ye Nimrods and secure its fine pelt.

“Our reservoir has undergone considerable repairs during the winter and is now considered to be in a safe condition. It is now rapidly filling and the prospects are that we will have plenty of water for irrigation purposes.

“Newton is not asleep in educational matters. Our district schools have been crowded this winter. About twenty of our young people are, or have been, attending colleges and the University this season.

“We are again greatly annoyed by numbers of begging tramps, many of whom are insulting and abusive when not getting what they want.

NEWTON, April 14, 1896."
-- The Journal , April 16, 1896.

* * * *
May 7, 1896 - page 5 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--On April 29th Mrs. Petrine Lauritzen, an old and highly respected widowed lady departed this life from an attack of pneumonia and other ailment attending old age.

“Sister Lauritsen [spelled with both a "s" and "z" in this article] was born in Harby, Denmark, Feb. 13th 1826. She emigrated to Utah a number of years ago. Herself and one son have resided in Newton for a long time.

“Funeral services were held in the meeting house yesterday May 4th. The several speakers spoke highly of her sterling qualities. The large audience present and the long line of vehicles which followed the remains to the cemetery was a testimony of the high esteem for our departed sister.

“She died as a faithful Latter-day Saints and in hope of a glorious resurrection.

“Mrs. Hogensen, another estimable widow lady who has been seriously ill for some time, is slowly recovering her health.

“Our district schools had to close on May 1st for lack of funds. On that same day the children enjoyed a pleasant May-walk in company with their their [ sic ] teacher.  They were out all day and had glorious time.

“A good work has been performed in our schools the past winter, and our children are making good progress in educational matters.
“On Saturday, May 2nd, a very interesting game of baseball [first time printed as one word] was played here between the Smithfield and Newton clubs. At the close of the ninth inning the result as Smithfield 22, Newton 19. Our boys need a little more practice and a little more courage and they will be all right.

“Small grain is now all sowed and is beginning to grow nicely. We are now busy cleaning canals and ditches in order to get ready for irrigation.

NEWTON, May 6, 1896.
-- The Journal , May 7, 1896.

* * * *
May 28, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“A correspondent in the Logan JOURNAL, from St. Charles, asks ‘if it’s possible that the recent manifesto does not effect Bear Lake stake?’ We will answer that in the light of recent events, it does not seem to.” -- Montpelier Examiner .
-- The Journal , May 28, 1896.

* * * *
June 9, 1896 - page 7 under “Junction Jottings.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Will you please permit me to intrude upon your valuable space for a few items of news from Cache Junction, at the gateway of the U.P.R.R. into Cache.  The people enjoy themselves occasionally with dances and social gatherings. It was at one of these social gatherings that about forty persons met on the evening of June 1st at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Crookston to celebrate the 45th anniversary of his birth, and a very enjoyable time was spent. . . .

“The Newton base-ball team came over to the Junction last week and was defeated by the Junction boys, on a score of 39 to 17.

“The fields are beautiful with growing grain, which promises to give forth an abundant harvest.

CACHE JUNCTION, June 4, 1896.”
-- The Journal , June 9, 1896.

* * * *
June 13, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“The marriage of Mr. Willard R. Ballard of this city to Miss Bessie Griffin of Newton is announced by the license bureau.

N.B.--This is not Melvin.”*
-- The Journal , June 13, 1896.
[* The humor or whatever of the editor’s short postscript was also pertinent at the time as well as cautionary as there was another important Ballard with that first name. Also see the May 28th item from Bear Lake Stake. Willard and Bessie Ballard would soon come to live in Newton.]

* * * *
June 18, 1896 - page 1 under “Cache Sunday Schools.”
“Full and Complete Report of Cache Stake Conference.”
“The Best of Feeling Prevailed until President Isaac Smith Undertook
to fight Again the Battles of Last Campaign. Other Exercises Splendid.”

“The Sunday Schools of Cache Stake of Zion assembled in conference Saturday, June 14, 1896 . . .in the Logan Tabernacle.

“The meeting was called to order by Superintendent Ormsby, Present on the stand were Brothers Ormsby, Apperley, Reese, J. P. Low, Mitton, Cardon and Presidents Orson Smith and S. M. Molen.

“. . . The roll was then called showing a representation from 16 schools.

“President Orson Smith said that the organization of the Sabbath Schools was second to none and he urged the members to attend regularly and not neglect their duties.  Those interested should be more anxious and zealous than ever in their work. Regretted that about 15 per cent were detained from the schools while about 25 per cent remained away who were not lawfully detained. He had been pleased at the showing in the difference wards. . . .”  In the afternoon session . . . “Supt. Wm. F. Jensen of Newton made his report and it showed a splendid condition.”
[After two talks on the model Sunday School and on temple building]--
“. . . were well received and a good spirit prevailed till Pres. Isaac Smith rose and began defending Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon from imaginary attacks. Prest. Isaac Smith then began abusing a gentle editor (THE JOURNAL scribe) and as the editor was not present to defend himself it was regarded by those present as a very cowardly act. Dozens of people blushed in shame for the speaker who seemed to grow angrier as he proceeded. He said that gentiles don’t know what liberty it and that ‘this man is not willing for us to have the liberty granted by the Constitution.’ President Isaac Smith appealed to the Sunday school children to not tolerate a gentile editor, and so he went on at a great rate till overcome and exhausted by his rage at the editor he sank into a seat.

“Elder L. R. Martineau followed the peculiar attack of Isaac Smith and his remarks were directed to restoring the previous good feelings but it was all in vain.  President Orson Smith made a few remarks in the same direction but all could clearly see that Isaac had spoiled an otherwise splendid conference, in order to get revenge on a political opponent in last fall’s campaign.”
[The Logan newspaper did not like or spare the words about Cache Stake President Orson Smith and his counselor Isaac Smith, and vice versa, and politics hit the religious fan.]

* * In the same June 18th issue on page 3 under “Cupid In Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--On Wednesday, June 10th, 1896, Miss Bessie Griffin, one of Newton’s most esteemed young ladies and a daughter of our Bishop, was married in the Logan Temple to Mr. Willard Ballard, son of Bishop Ballard of Logan. In the evening a grand reception was given in honor of the occasion by the mother of the groom at her home at Cache Junction. A great number of friends and relatives participated, and a most enjoyable time it was to all present.

“The young and happy couple have chosen Newton as their future home. We wish our your friends much joy through life.

“On Wednesday evening as Mr. Joseph J. Larsen was driving home from Logan and had reached the point where the road forks to Newton and Trenton, some boys suddenly jumped up, throwing dust in the air, with the result that the horse became frightened and ran away; while running it did some vicious kicking, entirely demolishing the dashboard and at last landed the buggy against a fence post badly wrecking it. The horse then got detached from the vehicle and as Mr. Larsen sill held to the lines he was pulled to the ground and dragged a little distance but then had to let go his hold. Fortunately Mr. Larsen was not injured. The horse was found next morning tangled up in a wire fence.

"Other parties have been complaining about these same boys playing similar tricks on them while passing that locality and have had narrow escapes from similar accidents. The officers of the law ought to look after the culprits and their parents made to pay damages.

“On Friday afternoon a little boy, son of Mrs. Sophia Christensen, was plowing on their farm west of town when in some manner the neckyoke became detached from the tongue of the sulky, thereby frightening the horses which started to run, as the doubletrees broke the horses got loose from the plow and went tearing along a wire fence in which the largest horse a very valuable animal got terrible lacerated, the animals were finally stopped in the eastern part of town. Fortunately the boy was not hurt.

“It was a bad frost which passed over the valley last week. Great patches of grain look like they were scorched by a hot fire and tender vegetables go badly hurt, it is difficult to say what effect it will have on the grain crop.

“Our farmers are busy hauling grain to Corrine from where it is shipped to California points, price obtained is 44 cts. per bus.

“Mrs. Lucy Robinson nee Barker of Laketown, Rich county, is visiting friends and relatives in Newton.

“The correspondence from Cache Junction which recently appeared in THE JOURNAL did an injustice to Newton base ball club. The game spoken of was not played by the club but by some boys who went to Junction on a Sunday and were defeated as a punishment for breaking the Sabbath day.


* * A third item in the June 18th newspaper was on page 3 under “WEDDING BELLS.” -
“Newton Girls Prefer the Prospects of Matrimonial Felicity to the Single State.”

“‘In the spring a fuller crimson comes
upon the robin’s breast,
In the spring the wanton lapwing gets
himself another crest;
In the spring a livelier Iris changes on
the burnished dove;
In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly
turns to thoughts of love.’

“That is very true of the boys, but the girls also seem to have turned their attention in that direction, which is sure to bring things to serious points, in fact, a perfect epidemic of matrimony has struck the town and no girl with a beau has escaped.  One couple has already embarked upon the sea of matrimony and seems to be gliding along very smoothly, while another couple have shown their good intentions by sending out invitations to the effect that they intend to have the knot tied Wednesday next. The bride ( i.e. , to be) who is not other person than the charming Miss Mina Funk, has grown thoroughly disgusted and tired of being numbered with the Newton bells, a place she has held for half a score and six years, more of less, and for the last few months has held her self remote, contented only with the presence of one John Griffin whom she has very cunningly captured.

“For some time since there has been flying about neat little scented notes, and any one that was fortunate enough to get a glimpse inside, was surprised, for they contained an invitation to a reception at Mrs. Ballard’s at Cache Junction, the occasion being the marriage of her son Willard to Miss Bessie Griffin of Newton, and what a wedding it was! in June too, the very month of love and roses; in June when the world is so beautiful that it seems to be in love with itself. After the reception, which was a very swell affair, the happy couple took an extended wedding tour from Cache Junction to Newton, where the bride has a beautiful cosy nest in which she had caged her bird of Paridice [ sic ].  It was hardly believed by the young people, for it is such a short time since Mr. Ballard seized upon her and held her aloof from the pineing [ sic ] young men.

“However, last Wednesday night the wedding bells pealed out merrily, while the next morning a crowd of dashing young men armed with cow-belles, etc, etc., disturbed the peaceful serenity of their cosy home, while endeavoring to give Mr. Ballard the tip that he should try to heal the wounds in their hearts from losing Miss Griffin, by giving them a dance, but Willard didn’t seem in any way to catch on and the cow-belles, a fair contrast to the bells the night before, pealed out merrily until the wee small hours of the morning, to no effect to the boys, but to the evident disgust of Mr. Ballard and his bride, who it seemed it was impossible to wake from their dreams of bliss back into common-sense.

“Miss Griffin was one of Newton’s most popular young ladies; she has attended the B.Y College, and last winter took charge of the Newton primary school, and even that! that [ sic ] did not seem to shock her belief in the quiet happiness of domestic tranquility.  May they rest in peace!

NEWTON, June 12, 1896.”
-- The Journal , June 18, 1896.

* * * *
June 25, 1896 - page 5 under “ALL OVER THE COUNTY.” -

“Newsy Notes From our Newton Correspondent to ‘The Journal.’”
"EDITOR JOURNAL:--on last Monday night the citizens of Newton held a meeting in the school house for the purpose of nominating a non-partisan ticket of school trustees to be elected the second Monday in July. The meeting was ably conducted by Mr. Joseph A. Christensen. A large number of citizens was present and a lively interest was taken in the proceedings. The following named gentlemen were nominated as trustees: Andrew Petersen, J.N. Hansen and Peter E. Benson.

“Once more your scribe has the pleasure of reporting the union of another couple of our young people. On Wednesday last our esteemed young friends Mr. John E. Griffin and Miss Mina Funk, a highly respect young lady and daughter of the late Bishop Funk, were married in the Logan Temple. On the evening of the same day a large number of friends and relatives met at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Annie F. Rigby, to honor the occasion. A fine supper was served after which a nice programme was rendered. The happy couple received many and valuable presents. It was a very pleasant affair and much enjoyed by all present. May happiness be with our young friends forever. A dance in honor of the above mentioned occurrence was given last Friday night and much enjoyed by our young folks.

“Willard Ballard and wife will also give a dance in honor of their recent marriage on Friday night next.

“The farmers of Newton and Alto are selling milk on a large scale this summer.  Two heavy wagon loads of said article are hauled to the Smithfield creamery every day except Sundays. Those selling milk say it pays much better than making butter for sale.  Bear River is lowering again, it has been higher this season than for several years and it has been dangerously near to the top of Cache Junction bridge.

“It seems as though the Newton farms have escaped the recent frost. Crops are growing fast and looking fine. Lucerne will soon be ready for first cutting and promises a heavy crop.

“The committee on the 4th of July celebration is busy at work and if the proposed program will carried out we will have a grand time.

NEWTON, June 22nd, 1896.”

* * Same issue of June 15th an item on Smithfield following the Newton news . . .
“Mr. Abraham Smith is also one of the leading merchants. . . . has leased a flour mill owned by James Mack. The mill is running day and night. They are shipping flour two cars each week, grind 250 bushels of wheat daily. Mr. Smith is also manager of the Smithfield dairy company the capacity of which is 25000 pounds of milk but they have only 18000 as yet. Since May 1st they have manufactured 38,880 pounds of cheese and 3000 pounds of excellent butter, both of these products find a ready market and this company pays out $1200 monthly to the farmers. cash if they desire, or if they draw mdse. During the month the balance is paid in cash.

“Last week Mr. Charles Reese of Benson drove for them an artesian well at a depth of 160 feet, a flow was secured of ten gallons per minute and this water conveyed all through the creamery in pipes, and is just what was only needed to make everything in and around the creamery perfect.”
-- The Journal , June 25, 1896.

* * * *
June 30, 1896 - page 1 under “Correction from Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--In your issue of the 18th is found a correspondence from Fewton [sic], to which I will endeavor to reply. While it is my opinion that persons who stoop to cast insults and slurs at those whom they do not like, by writing sarcastic articles to a local paper, and then hide under a non-de-plume the fact that should blush for shame at the though of such a thing, deserves only the silent contempt of intelligent people; yet there are cases when, through repeated attacks, even the most unfair of enemies must be met.

“It has been the belief and now it is known that ‘Spoopindikefitsboodle’ and ‘Calve’ are one and the same person, and that this is the third time that Miss Nora Christensen, under these names, has attempted to ridicule and slander the character of __?_ two young ladies. What Miss Griffin and Miss Funk, as my friend terms them, have done to incur the displeasure of the young lady, I am unable to learn, and it is to be deplored that any a one abuses newspaper courtesy in order to carry out their personal spite, and who dares no come out openly and state her complaint, but rather prefers to offend by her sarcasm.

“That Miss Christensen had gone beyond herself in her last attempt, all who are acquainted with the facts can readily see. ‘A perfect epidemic of matrimony has struck the town.’ True, two weddings have lately taken place, three of the contracting parties being from Newton; but this is only three out of some twenty of marriageable age. Not even one-sixth have been caught in the happy folds ‘No girl with a beau has escaped.’  A very good way of saying her own evening walks are as yet unsuccessful.

“Again, no one was surprised at the announcement of a wedding at Cache Junction.  The statement that Mr. Ballard kept Miss Griffin’s company ‘such a short time,’ is an unvarnished falsehood. The same may be said of the ‘cow-bells’ and ‘wedding tour,’ which had no existence except in the writer’s mind, showing her inability, or rather her unwillingness to stay with the facts which would have given her no opportunity to insult those whom she attempted to stigmatize.

“That the people of Newton are thoroughly disgusted with Miss Christensen’s mode of attach. I need hardly say. Many join in the hope that she will keep her petty dislikes away from the public, and forsake the course by which she has lost the confidence of so many people.

“I consented to write this only on the solicidation of many friends who regret that such a thing is necessary.

NEWTON, June 26, 1896.
[The newspaper added ]
“In relations to the above we will say that we know nothing of the controversy whatever, but as Mr. Griffin signs his name to the letter we take it that he knows what he is talking about.” --Ed.
-- The Journal , June 30, 1896.

* * * *
July 9, 1896 - page 1 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The good people of Newton celebrated the 4th of July in a patriotic manner. A parade was arranged to take place in the morning but it was rather slimly attended, owing to the extreme heat and awful dusty streets. However the float carrying the chosen goddess of liberty and young girls representing the original states, was nicely arranged and decorated and all the girls beautifully dressed.

“A very large audience was present at the meeting held in the church at 11 a.m.

“The program rendered was fine and all present was well entertained. The nice lemonade served was much appreciated.

“The children had a nice dance in the afternoon and of course the little ones enjoyed that as much as the grown people.

“Towards evening a game of base ball was played between the clubs of Petersboro and Newton. Seven innings were played and the result was Newton 38, Petersboro 16.

“The celebration closed with a dance at night which was crowded by our own people and by our many visitors, and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

Wm. F. Jensen.
NEWTON, July 6th, 1896.”
-- The Journal , July 9, 1896.

* * * *
July 16, 1896 - page 5 under “Fourth of July at Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- Again and with not less enthusiasm do we celebrate the Fourth of July, and not a heart but what beats with emotion, not a child but whose eyes brighten, as they stand beneath the protecting folds of the glorious flag, and realize that it is the Fourth of July.

“The day was heralded forth by a volley at sunrise, which awoke our peaceful little town into a wild tumult. The parade was at 10 a.m. after which, at the meeting house, a very interesting program was rendered.

“First was the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Moroni Beck, this was followed by a song, after which a paper on ‘The events which led up to the Revolutionary War’ was read by Chris Hogensen, which, to say the least, was fine.  After music by the organ and mandolin the orator of the day, William Nelson, was introduced and listened to with great interest. Next was a quartette followed by a recitation by little Miss Elva Nelson which was splendid. Joseph J. Larsen’s stump speech was, as it always is, good and very humorous.

“At 2 p.m. was a children’s dance, after which the Newton and Petersboro nines played a match game of base ball, resulting in a score of 32 to 19 in favor of Newton.

“The ball at night was very crowded, there being so many strangers present; yet all seemed to enjoy it.

“About sundown two rickly [ sic ] decorated floats from Clarkston swooped down upon us, one, it was said, contained the Goddess in full dress which they had evidently brought down to show us. Last Tuesday evening the Y.L.M.I.A. gave a grand ball, cake, ice cream and strawberries were served as refreshments and all seemed to have a delightful time.

“I wish to say a word in regard to the article which appeared in a recent issue of THE JOURNAL, headed ‘Corrections from Newton,’ signed John Griffin, in which he attacks Nora Christensen, who it seems in writing up the notes from Newton did not speak just proper of his wife. Now, all there is to say is, that Mr. Griffin is yet in his honey-moon, which has undoubtedly affected his brain, and besides he should not attempt to fly over a mud puddle unless he is sure his wings are strong enough to carry him over and not let him drop in the middle, where he is at present; but then it is hoped, his friend [?] C. will deign to once help him out.


* * The same July 16th issue on page 8 under “Local Points” had this -

“Our letter from Newton on the school election will appear in our next. The results of the election was as follows: Peter E. Benson 67, Andrew Petersen 68, Jens U. Hansen 66. The opposition ticket was Peter E. Benson 34 votes, George Rigby 36 vote, John Carson [ sic Larsen] 34 votes.”
-- The Journal , July 16, 1896.

* * * *
July 18, 1896 - page 2 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- On Tuesday night last the young ladies of Newton gave one of their always successful and pleasant parties. The large hall was well filled with our people; each person was served with strawberries, ice-cream and cake, and beside they danced to their hearts content, and all this for an admission fee of 10 cents each. Our young ladies deserve much credit for making those pleasant affairs which certainly are among the best ever enjoyed in Newton.

“On Sunday afternoon Bro. John E. Griffin bade goodby to friends and relatives and left on the afternoon train. His destination was the Southern States, where he has been called to fill a mission. On Friday night a farewell dance was given in honor of Brother Griffin. The hall was crowded and it was a very pleasant occasion to all participating.  We all wish Bro. John God-speed on his mission and a safe return to his home and young bride.

“Never before was such an interest made manifest in a school election as was the case yesterday. As was reported to THE JOURNAL a primary was held some time ago and a citizen’s school ticket nominated. The ticket did not seem to suit certain parties in town, and the last few days before the election it was rumored that an opposition ticket was in progress of preparation, and yesterday it was proved to be true. The opposition worked like beavers to down the citizens ticket, but alas’ it was all in vain, and the underhanded game met the fate it deserved. 102 votes were cast, 39 of which were by ladies. The following is the votes cast for the several candidates. The first three being the citizen’s ticket:
Peter E. Benson . . . . . 101
Andrew Petersen . . . . . 68
Jens N. Hansen . . . . . 66
George Rigby . . . . . 36
John Larsen . . . . . 34

“The large number of votes cast for Mr. Benson is on account of his name being retained on the opposition ticket. At night the annual meeting was held, and after the several reports were presented the old school board received thanks for their labors in the shape of adverse criticisms and insults by members of the defeated opposition, and thus ended the school election in 1896.

NEWTON, July 14, 1896.”
-- The Journal , July 18, 1896.

* * * *
July 21, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“A letter from Newton was received too late for publication in this issue.”
-- The Journal , July 21, 1896.

* * * *
July 23, 1896 - page 5 under “Defense from Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- I do not delight to indulge in quarreling or in controversy. But the piece published in your paper of July 18th entitled ‘Newsy Notes from Newton’ has stirred up a feeling to write a few lines in defense. Your correspondent gives to understand that there was an opposing ticket in the school election. As it is often said, there is a cause for all things. So there was a cause for that opposition. Your correspondent says that there was a primary meeting held and a citizen’s ticket gotten up, but I understand it was more of a party or ring ticket was things were ‘cut and dried’ previous to the primary meeting referred to, and some of the citizens did not like that; they thought it was their privilege to get up a ticket as well as some other party or ring, and there was another cause which would not be proper to publish. It is stated that the opposition worked like beavers to down the citizen’s (?) ticket. But the truth is if the opposition had worked as hard as the ring, who went around the neighbors requesting them to vote the Danish ticket they would likely have accomplished its defeat. But we have a future before us and we will have to profit by the experience we have had in the past. When little differences occur in a town some of the people delight in blowing it to the four winds.

“That is sufficient for the present.
-- The Journal , July 23, 1896.

* * * *
July 30, 1896 - page 3 under “Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- On Sunday July 19th, Newton was favored with a visit from Elder Wm. G. Reese of the Stake Superintendency of Sunday Schools. Bro. Reese’s visit was much appreciated by the members of our Sunday School, as also by the people who attended our afternoon services. His remarks were of a timely and encouraging nature and we trust will bare good fruit in the future.

“Pioneer day, 1896, has come and gone. The celebration held in Newton was a success. When people entered the house yesterday morning to attend the meeting arranged for 10 o’clock they found the hall tastefully decorated with greens, flowers and streamers. On the platform erected on the stand was seated Miss Bertha Jensen, representing the Utah queen. The young lady was tastefully, and the whole arrangement were artistic and very pleasing to the eye. The audience was very large; the programme was very fine indeed. Hon. F. A. Mitchell’s oration was a grand effort and listened to with much attention. Four young gentlemen were busy distributing ice cool lemonade to the thirsty audience. Several good toasts and sentiments were given. One was given for the success and prosperity of the royal family of Newton, and that without the aid of the Logan JOURNAL. As ye Editors are suppose to know everything, please inform a number of the citizens of Newton who that royal ‘family’ is.

“In the afternoon the children had a pleasant and enjoyable dance, after which a great number of people enjoyed themselves on the public square in witnessing and partaking in various sports; the committee had provided a number of prizes which were awards to the winners of various races. The ball at night was crowded and the dancing much enjoyed, especially by our young folks. The committee feel thankful to the people for the liberal support given which made the celebration a success.

“Mr. Stanford and wife of Salt Lake are visiting their relatives, the Barker family.

“I had almost decided to write a sharp answer to Citizen’s letter in last Thursday’s JOURNAL when the poet’s words came to my mind.
Art thou falsely, basely slandered?
Does the world begin to frown?
Gauge they wrath by Wisdom’s standard,
Keep thy rising anger down.
Rest thyself on this assurance,
Time’s a friend to innocence.
And that patient, calm endurance
Wins respect and aids defense.
“And, let it rest there.

Wm. F. Jensen.
NEWTON, July 25th, 1896.
-- The Journal , July 30, 1896.

* * * *
August 1, 1896 - page 2 under “Another Newton Letter.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- I take great pleasure in reporting a few notes from Newton.

“Some headers will begin harvesting this week. The warm winds that we have been having seem to ripen the grain very fast.

“All the fields look very promising, and a bounteous harvest is expect.  The twenty-fourth of July was very pleasantly spent, though nothing grand took place. A meeting was held in the forenoon, and a very interesting program was rendered.

“When the call for toasts and sentiments was made, a number responded, and among those who gave sentiment, one of our leading men arose and wished success to the ‘Royal Family.’ This, I think was entirely out of place. Although he is a member of the ‘Royal Family,’ I will say that I consider we are just as good as he is.

“At a caucus meeting called, to nominate a citizens’ ticket for school trustees, the candidates nominated happened to be Danish and the old ring not getting any of their men in, immediately went to work and run a private ticket, for the purpose of defeating the citizens’ ticket. But when they were not successful, called the opposition a ‘Danish ring.’ I will say, however, that the Danish ring includes not only Danish people, but English and American born as well.

“The decoration of the meeting house was never been so nice before. The queen was situated in the middle and back of the stage, on a high throne, above her head, was a large Sego lily, Utah’s adopted flower.

“All the walks were nicely decorated. In the afternoon a dance for the children was indulged in, until four p.m., when a number of races were run by young, old and middle aged people. The winner in each case receiving a prize.

“In the evening an adults’ dance was given, and all had an enjoyable times.

“It is hoped that the “Royal Family” will consider themselves on a level with the general public, if not, I will say ‘success to the Royal Family.’


* * In the same Aug. 1st issue on page 5 there was “Another Newton Letter.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.-- In the article from Newton published in your paper of the 23d inst., the writer states that there were certain causes for having the opposition ticket in the field which, as admitted by him, has stirred up strife among a certain faction whose consciences would not permit their sustaining a citizens’ ticket for certain causes, set forth to mislead the public into the belief that the so-called citizens’ ticket was a ‘party’ or ‘ring’ or ‘Danish’ ticket, variously called by the writer, and that they (the opposition) would, of course, not allow that.

“The writer also states that in the primary, which nominated the citizens’ ticket, things were ‘cut and tried’ thereby hindering their free exercise of the ballot. Another reason, says he, would not be proper to publish. To t his we fully agree. But we shall publish it for an attempt has been made to place blame and disgrace where it does no belong.

“The statement that this was a party ticket is hardly logical from the fact that the primary that nominated it was composed of all parties and they nominated two, whose party were a minority.

“The statement that it was a ‘ring’ ticket, which might properly be said of the opposition, is equally untrue for they had not personal end to attain, as did the opposition.  They did not know previously whom they would nominated; there had been no caucus held. But they came there with the interests of education at heart and to down anything that would sacrifice public good for personal ends. This is as far as things were ‘cut and dried.’ We shall now proceede to tell you why we came with that intention.

“In a certain meeting held about a week before the primary, and advertised as a priesthood meeting, a certain ring, headed by high ecclesiastical authority and close consanguity [ sic consanguinity], both of which used their influence, had either forgotten the objects of the meeting or misadvertised it, for they brought in school matters. Neither were these matters of a general nature, for they had for their object the engaging of a teacher, whose merits were discussed pro and con, and who could also be useful in other ways; and they were going to elect him by popular vote and do it there, too. This, and what we knew would follow, was our cause for having a certain determination at the primary. It took some time and argument before certain ones could be induced to believe that such a course was illegal. So you see that we are partly justified for having things ‘cut and dried.’ There was not unfair means resorted to to [sic] have the ticket elected; nothing but honest argument was used at all; we did not go so far as to plead with Superintendent Oldham for help, who by the way, gave them cold comfort.

“We smile when we notice that the party calls the ticket ‘Danish,’ or at least the ticket smiles, for they note that it was supported by all for a good cause, irrespective of nationality and we are sure there was no such thing thought of. I might be said, from the standpoint of the framer of that article, that this statement proceeds from an unfair mind with malice intent, which is always the lost weapon of a poor caused. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable right, among which are, the right to work for the good of education and to turndown opposition, etc .

“We do not, with the writer who seems to represent a certain party cherish any animosities. We will push with those who put their shoulders to the great wheel of education with the intent of rolling it forward; but when it meets any obstacles they should be turned down and the wheel kept rolling upon the broad track of its destination and so we shall ever try to keep it.

-- The Journal , Aug. 1, 1896.

* * * *
August 11, 1896 - page 7 under “Benson and Newton.” -

“‘The Journal’ Man Says Pleasant Things of Both.”
[Leaving Benson] “I came on a beautiful carriage road seven miles, calling at every farm house, till I came to NEWTON

“Almost everybody has been keeping this place well before the readers of THE JOURNAL; but both sides have rested and have no more dirty linen to wash through the papers. I think a newspaper is a poor place to do that in, and wherever I go I recommend them to cleanse all that sort of thing at home. My advice is, to send the news; never mind petty quarrels. It does no good and probably makes enemies for life.

“Newton has some nice homes, but they are not many, and everywhere you go through the town is reminded of President Brigham Young’s saving Hyrum, when looking at a rock building badly constructed. ‘How badly we need architects.’

“Newton has an industrious and thrifty people, and they seem especially so when one remembers what difficulties they have labored under in constructing reservoirs, sometimes only to have them burst just as their grain needed the water. This and many other obstacles that other towns know nothing about, they have had to contend with, and I say they have done well. They have substantial public buildings and a nicely fenced square. Had these people had the water and timber that southern Cache has let go to waste--and the careless canyon man who left his camp fire to the mercy of the winds, which has sent up in smoke more wood and timber than they every brought out--they would have shown much more for these blessings that we have and better results would have followed.

“Newton has many fine farms; land cultivated clear up to the hills and miles of wire fences, some of them built on the dog’s hind leg plan. On asking a gentleman why the wire was not put in a straight line he said ‘It’s only a funny way we have out here.’

“Among the farms I went over was one of about 75 acres owned by Mr. Alfred Goodsell. Alfred came to Newton as a boy, and can be reckoned among the founders of the town. He is a farmer and a good one. On walking through his wheat I find he can safely count on not less than twenty or twenty-five bushels to the acre on his dry farm, and when he told me what he had passed through, burying his wife and nearly all his first family, after long sieges of illness. Just as his sons were ready to take hold and help him to hold the plow, the great Master called them away and Alfred was left to start life’s battles again and did so, and today is once more on his feet and has some boys to help him.

“The health of the people is very good and everybody at work; asked for a man, ‘yes, sir! he is off on the header.’ Doctors and lawyers would die here among this busy people of poverty and disuse.

Aug. 8, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 11, 1896.

* * * *
August 13, 1896 - page 5 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--A few days ago James Hansen, Esq., an old and highly respected citizens of Newton, was leading a large calf by a rope, when the animal suddenly stared to run and as Mr. Hansen held to the rope he was thrown violently to the ground and badly bruised. The old gentleman has suffered considerably since the occurrance, and is not much improved.

“A new and substantial bridge has been built over the creek east of town, and another over the clay slough at Jas. Chantrill’s place. We are thankful to our county commissioners and road supervisor for these improvements.

“Our local mechanic, Mr. Niels Jacobson, is busy building a neat residence for Mr. Amos R. E. Clarke.

“Mr. C.C. Shaw, your genial agent, was rustling for THE JOURNAL in our busy burg last week.

“Harvesting is in full blast. Nine headers are running, each cutting about 20 acres per day. At that rate our crop will soon be in the stack and ready for the thresher.

“One more silverbug in town. He came last week to the home of George Rigby, and we hope he will he has come to stay. Mother and child doing well and Pa, well, he will recover.

NEWTON, Aug. 10th, ‘96.”

* * In the same Aug. 13th issue on page 5 under “Jottings From Newton.” -

“As the last issue of THE JOURNAL did not have anything to say about Newton, I feel it a duty to report a few notes.
“John Anderson, a prominent business man from Logan, was in Newton Sunday, visiting friends, and at the same time he spoke in meeting and gave many valuable instructions.

“Friday, Jennie Barker leaves for Salt Lake City where she expects to remain for some time.

“I take great pleasure in saying that Samuel Clarke has been given the position of music teacher in the Brigham Young College. This I think speaks well for little Newton.

“The chokecherries are about ripe, and yesterday some of the young people were out sampling them.

-- The Journal , Aug. 13, 1896.

* * * *
August 22, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“A gentleman from Newton called on us yesterday and says that the threshing machines are starting up there but farmers are experiencing considerable difficulties in getting help. He thinks a few men from Logan or elsewhere could get employment for a while in that neighborhood."
-- The Journal , Aug. 22, 1896.

* * * *
August 27, 1896 - page 1 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Ernest Jensen a 16 year old son of Wm. F. Jensen had a very narrow escape from drowning on Saturday last. The boy with other companions were bathing in Bear River by the Cache Jct. bridge. As the boy could not swim he was holding to the bridge timbers while moving about in the water. In some way he lost his hold and at once went under and started to float down the stream and wound undoubtedly have drowned had not at this moment Hyrum Snyder a lad of 15 years jumped in the river and saved the boy. It was a brave deed and young Hyrum as the heartfelt gratitude of the rescued boy and his parents. Bear River is a dangerous place for bathing and especially for those who cannot swim.

“On Sunday last Newton was visited by Prests. Orson and Isaac Smith. They attended both Sunday School and afternoon meetings and spoke encouragingly to the people.

“It is a pleasure to note that Mrs. Parsons, who has had a severe attack of illness, is so much improved that she could make a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Barker, at Cache Jct., on Sunday last.

“Mr. Chas. M. Christensen has been quite sick for several days, we hope for his speedy recovery to health.

“The new school board are making preparations to commence school at an early date. Mr. Lorenzo Larsen has been engaged as principal and teacher of grammar school and Mr. Willard Ballard for the primary.

“With headers still at work and several thashing machines started up, everybody is more than busy and help is very scarce.

NEWTON, Aug. 25, 1896."
-- The Journal , Aug. 27, 1896.

* * * *
September 3, 1896 - page 7 under “Attention Democrats!” -

“A Democratic County Convention is hereby called to meet at the County Court house, Logan, Saturday , September 12th . . .for the purpose of electing 41delegates to attend the State Convention. Also to place in nomination one State Senator and three Representatives. The convention to be composed of 162 delegates apportion amongst the various precincts as follows:
Avon 1                 Hyrum 16
Benson 2             Lewiston 9
Clarkston 5         Logan 46
College 2             Mendon 5
Coveville 2         Millville 6
Greenville 1         Newton 4
Hyde Park 5         Paradise 5
Providence 8         Richmond 12
Sterling 2             Smithfield 14
Trenton 2             Petersboro 2
Wellsville 13
-- The Journal , Sept. 3, 1896.

* * * *
September 5, 1895 - page 3 under “Letters From Virginia.”

“. . . In the last sixteen months I have had the privilege of seeing considerable of Virginia. . . I have labored in, two being new fields, never having been visited by a ‘Mormon’ Elder . . . .

“Here as elsewhere the change that has taken place in attitude towards our people is remarkable, especially since the ‘bright star of the west’ has been numbered with her sisters.

“Reasonable people who have heretofore had a prejudice feeling against us have come to the conclusion that the people of Utah must not be such a barberous people, when the general government have sufficient confidence in them to vest them with the full powers of a sovereign State. Therefore, ten opportunities present themselves for setting the truth before the people, where there was but one, even a year ago.

“It looks as though the work of the Lord had comparatively just begun and He seems to be increasing his forces almost equally. There were sixteen elders laboring in this conference when it became my privilege to be numbered with them, now we have a force of thirty four, one of the last arrivals being Elder John E. Griffin of Newton, Cache Co. This gives Cache valley a representation of ten in this conference along. . . .

Warren K. Burnham
Aug. 26, 1896. Madison, Madison Co., Va.”

* * In the same Sept. 5th issue on page 8 under “Local Points.”

“A fourteen year old son of James Chantrell of Newton is seriously ill. He is threatened with appendicitis."
-- The Journal , Sept. 5, 1896.

* * * *
September 15, 1896 - page 3 under “County Commissioners.”
“On recommendation judges of election be appointed as follows for the various precincts in Cache County:
Newton --Ed Haws, Marcus Benson, John H. Barker
Clarkston --Thos. Griffin, David Homer, Richard Godfrey
-- The Journal , Sept. 15, 1896.

* * * *
September 17, 1896 - page 4 under “Local News” -

“A correspondent write us from Newton asking if the west side of the Valley is not entitled to one of the County Commissioners. We think so, bu such matters are for the convention to decide. As nearly as possible the different sections should be represented, but it is absolutely necessary that one Commissioner should reside in Logan. Since the abolition of the office of Probate Judge it is imperative that there should be a member in the county seat. Another thing we desire to mention in this connection is the necessity of never changing the whole board at one time. Changes should be regulated so that the board will not be all new hands. There should be one County Commissioner at least to whom the business is familiar, who knows what is going on in the various departments of county government and who is capable of managing the public business of the county.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 17, 1896.

* * * *
September 19, 1896 - page 7 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--On Saturday night last the Y.L.M.I.A. held a special meeting on account of the visit of Sisters Townsend and Hoving of the Stake presidency. The meeting house was well filled with our people and the remarks made by the visitors were excellent.

“At our Sunday afternoon meeting we were favored by the presence of Elder Pedersen and Wright of the Stake Board of the Y.M.M.I.A., who had come over to reorganize said organization in our ward. The new officers are as follows: James C. Petersen, president; Willard Ballard and Hyrum Larsen, counsellors; Peter Jensen and Geo. Stone, secretaries; Joseph S. Larsen, librarian; David Clarke, music director. The visiting Elders spoke very interestingly on religion subjects.

“Immediately after the close of the afternoon services the Relief Society held a meeting which was addressed by Prest. Adeline Barber and Sister Stewart of Logan, and Sister Mitchell of Cache Junction. The remarks of those ladies were timely and encouraging.

“Only four threshing machines are still busy, but the season work will soon be finished. The yield in most cases are below last years.

“Our district schools have commenced with a good attendance.

“A well attended and lively Democratic primary was held last night. The following were elected delegates to the County convention next Saturday: Alfred Goodsell, Andrew Petersen, Mrs. Sevilla Christensen, George Parsons. Alternates--Miss Hattie Griffin, Jas. P. Jensen and George Rigby.

NEWTON, Sept. 16, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 19, 1896.

* * * *
September 24, 1896 - page 3 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--On Sunday, Sept. 20th, the Sunday Schools of Clarkston, Trenton, Newton and Benson held a district union in Newton. It was attended by Stake Superintendents Ormsby, Apperly, Reese and Mition, also by superintendents and bishops of the various wards participating, and Supt. Bailey of the Wellsville S.S., and by a large number of people from the above named settlements.

“Bro. Amos Clarke conducted the singing and Samuel Clarke presided at the organ.
Two meeting were held, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 2 p.m.

“The programme rendered was of a very interesting nature, and showed the method of actual Sunday School work, and it was a testimony to all present that our Sunday Schools are making rapid progress in the religious training of our youth. The reports of the superintendents were mostly of a very encouraging nature and showed that officers and teachers are energetic in their work and that they have a love for their important calling.

“The remarks by the visiting brethren were of such a nature to emulate all to continue in the good work.

“The singing exercises were excellent. A good, peaceful spirit prevailed in the meetings, and thus everything combined to make the Union a success and an occasion which will long be fondly remembered by those who participated.

NEWTON, Sept. 21, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 24, 1896.

* * * *
October 13, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.”
“A fakir struck Newton some time ago and bled the people to a finish.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 13, 1896.

* * * *
October 15, 1896 - page 1 under “Broke up in a big row”

“Legally Busted, the Republican Party Lives Under an Assumed Name.”
“Pursuant to the call published in the Republican by the chairman of the Republican county committee another Republican convention met Tuesday at the same place that the first Republican convention met on Monday . . . .  Had the Republicans done their work the day before under the ‘citizens’ mask? There were fewer than half of the precincts represented at the Republican convention.

“Avon, Greenville, Hyde Park, Smithfield, Lewiston, Coalville [sic -Coveville], Trenton, Newton, Benson, Petersboro, Sterling and Millville did not respond when the call for credential committee was made.

“The following precincts responded: Logan, Providence, Wellsville, Mendon, Clarkston, Richmond, College and Hyrum.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 15, 1896.

* * * *
October 22, 1896 - page 2 under “Notes from Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--On Sunday Oct. 18th, Newton was favored by the visit of Elders Squires and Pickett, who came over to reorganize the religion class of our ward.

“The following are the officers called to advance this line of religious work; Lorenzo C. Larson superintendent; George Rigby and Jas. A. Hansen teachers for advanced department; Willard Ballard and Miss Ruth Griffin for intermediate, and Miss Bessie G. Ballard and Miss Olive Beck for primary class.

“The visitors spoke very interestingly both in Sunday School and afternoon meeting.

“Farmers are busy and the fine weather is much appreciated; much plowing is being done and many acres will be seeded this fall.

“The advance price on wheat is bringing smiles on the faces of our farmers who have been wise enough to hold back on their crops, while those who sold early at 38 cts. per bushel, feel like kicking themselves. It is indeed a study for us farmers to learn how and when to sell our crops.

“Cache Junction has had a very busy appearance the last couple of weeks on account of the large grain shipments taking place. Long strings of heavy loaded teams are coming in daily from nearly all parts of the vally [sic], last week about fifty carloads were shipped.

“A few years with such demand and prices would bring our farmers on top again provided good crops were raised.

“Have you not seen him? Who? Why that big, fat, smooth-tongued sharper, who did Newton up in great style, about three weeks ago. The fellow was selling catarrah cure at $2.00 per box and then he had hundreds of samples of fine cashmere dress goods from which our ladies could have their choice of a piece for a dress free. The money was paid and purchasers received the medicine, work perhaps 25 cts. while the dress goods would be delivered a week later. And alas! That’s the last of it.

“Our ladies are still waiting for their pretty dresses, so if you see the the [ sic ] fellow, send him this way.

NEWTON, Oct. 19, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 22, 1896.

* * * *
October 24, 1896 - page 1 under “Skandinavian Meetings.” – Political --

List of scheduled Scandinavian meetings to be held in Hyrum, Richmond, Smithfield . .
“Newton, Tuesday, Oct. 27th, at 8 p.m. Speakers--Attorney Nielsen and Hon. I.C. Thoresen.
“These gentlemen will speak in the Skandinavaian tongue, and every Skandinavian who wishes to hear the doctrine of free silver enunciated by these able gentlemen is invited to attend.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 24, 1896.

* * * *
October 29, 1896 - page 5 under “Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--On Friday last Mr. Ole Larsen, our mail carrier, while at Cache Junction for the mail, his horse was frightened by an incoming train and ran away, upsetting the cart whereby Mr. Larsen was thrown violently to the ground and badly bruised and shaken up. Fortunately no bones were broken and Mr. Larsen is now improving nicely.

“On Saturday night a well attended Democratic rally was held in the school house.  The speakers present were Hons. Joseph Monson, Moroni Price, Joseph Kimball and Frank Nebeker. The speeches were sound and logical and were well received by the audience. Newton is all right for silver and Democracy.

“Mrs. Ann Keep a highly respected old lady departed this life early Sunday morning. Sister Keep reached a ripe old age, having seen 83 years pass by. She has lived a noble, upright life, was a faithful Latter-day Saint and died in hope of a glorious resurrection.

“Her husband, old father Keep, is still alive, and although 93 years of age, is a remarkable bright old gentleman, who yet takes an active interest in all things going on around him.

“The old people’s burial lot is in Clarkston, where they resided for many years, and for that reason funeral services was held at that place on Wednesday at noon.

NEWTON, Oct. 27th, 1896.”
-- The Journal , Oct.29, 1896.

* * * *
November 5, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“No Democrat raised any objections to the fact that Prest. Jos. F. Smith [counselor in the First Presidency] wore a McKinley button while he was preaching in the Logan Tabernacle last Sunday. Mr. Smith had a right to wear it if he wanted to.”

“Benson turns in 46 Democratic and 12 mixed tickets. Coveville, Trenton, Clarkston, Wellsville, Newton and almost every precinct--Democratic with a big ‘D.’”
-- The Journal , Nov. 5, 1896.

* * * *
November 21, 1896 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“The Musser and Hyde Palestine excursion is meeting with good success and much favor. Their entertainment is of an educational nature and succeeds in amusing and instructing all who attend. The show will be given at Newton tonight and at Mendon Monday night Nov. 23.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 21, 1896.

* * * *
December 5, 1896 - page 2 under “Delinquent Taxes.”

“For the Year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Six.”
Mary Johnson, lot 7 block 230 plat A 3.47
J.E. Sheens, Jr. improvements on HE .87
John Griffin, E1/2 E1/2E NW Sec 7 Tp13 R1 40 acres 4.14
L. C. Miller, part SE1/4 Sec. 7 Tp13 R 1W 15 acres 1.04
Thos. Bates, Est. part NW 1/4 Sec. 17 Tp13 R1 15 acres 2.59
J. J. Jensen, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec 28 Tp13 R1 75 acres 9.32
CPRR, W1/2 Sec. 22 Tp13 R2 W 320 acres 5.52

* * Same Dec. 5th issue on page 4 under “Thanksgiving at Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--As you have not heard from our little burg for some time I will write you a few lines. There has been considerable sickness of late, but the health of the people is improving.

“The people celebrated Thanksgiving in an appropriate [sic] manner. After doing justice to the turkeys the young people assembled at the meeting house where our celebrated string band awaited us, to engage in a dance. Things went along smoothly until the latter part of the dance when the floor became so slick that one of the boys stood still and fell down, nearly dislocating his spine. And when the band played the Bon Ton the boys, on account of the sweet, (?) music I suppose were unable to keep their seats. The band, however, on account of having their music torn, were unable the finish the time. [?]

“The dance being over, the people adjourned with the sweet strains of music ringing in their ears, to remind them of a time long to be remembered.

-- The Journal , Dec. 5, 1896.

* * * *
January 7, 1897 - page 2 under “A Pleasant Newton Surprise.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The surprise party given New Year’s eve by the members of the Theological Department, teachers and officers of our Sunday school, in honor of Supt. Wm. F. Jensen, was one of the most pleasant events that has occurred here for some time.  It was one of those events which make all connected with it feel happier and better, and the unanimity and good will shown by all who had in hand the pleasant affair was proof positive of the popularity of Brother Jensen.

“Bro. Jensen has been Supt. of our school for about eight years, and to know that he as been successful one needs but to compare the condition of the school today with what it was when he assumed control. That the people of Newton appreciate his labors, none, who attended the party and witnessed the honor shown him, will doubt.

“All the arrangements had been so carefully made that there was not a hitch on the proceedings, and when Bro. Jensen entered the ball-room and found himself seized and led away to ‘trip the light fantastic toe’ ere he had time to remove his hat, his surprise was very great. At 11 o’clock refreshments were served and in the following speech a member of the Theological Dep’t presented our superintendent with an elegant oak rocking chair, a stand and an album.
“It is now about twenty-seven years since you first became identified with the  Newton Sunday school. Since then you have been one of its constant laborers, deeming no sacrifice too great for its welfare. You have been, not only one of its earnest workers, but the most earnest worker of our school. You have held almost every office from librarian to Supt., and in each you have manifested the greatest zeal, energy and devotion.

“It will ever be a source of great pleasure to you to look back over the years that you have been Supt. of our School; to recount the many pleasant times that we have had together; to review the labor that has been accomplished, and to think of the good that you have done.

“These have been exceedingly prosperous years for our school. It has been raised to an eminence never before attained in its history, until today it is an institution of which we are all justly proud. It has been the means of accomplishing untold good.

“By your example, your kind consideration and love for your colaborers, and the members of our school, you have won their respect, admiration and love. You have enlisted their united effort for the welfare of the school; you have made your services indispensable to its welfare, and we hope they shall not yet cease.

“And now in behalf of the members of the Theological Department and the teachers and officers of the Newton Sunday school, premit [ sic permit] me to present to you this chair, album and stand, as a slight token of the respect, admiration and love in which they hold you. May this present be to you a symbol of unity, affection and love,

“Often as you sit in this chair or look upon this stand or turn the pages of this album to look upon the faces of your friends, it will recall to you the memories of past associations; memories of those who gave them to you, and of your favors in the Sunday school. May there be nothing to mar the pleasure of those associations. May their memories bring you perfect joy.

“Bro. Jensen was deeply touched but replied feelingly, thanking all for the honor shown him and for their support.

NEWTON, Jan. 2, 1897."
-- The Journal , Jan. 7, 1897.

* * * *
February 2, 1897 - page 3 under “The Jury List.” -

“Chosen by the Sheriff and Assessor For the Year 1897.”
“The jury list for the new year has been chosen and is made up as follows:
Logan has 25 names; Providence 4; Millville, 7; Hyrum 5: Paradise 2. Avon, Sterling, College, Petersboro, Benson, Trenton, Cove, and Greenville each are represented by one.
“Wellsville 4; Mendon 3; Newton 3; Clarkston 3; Lewiston 3; Richmond 4; Smithfield 4; and Hyde Park 3; making a total of 78.
“Following are the names. . . .
Newton -- John Griffin, Ed. Haws, H. C. Peterson.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 2, 1897.

* * * *
February 13, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”
“Marriage licenses had been issued to Wm. Barker and Francis Parsons, both of Newton.”

* * Same Feb. 13th issue page 5 under “Statement of Receipts and Disbursements”
“Of Cache County. . .for Fiscal Year Ending December 31st, 1896.”
“For the Newton road district [$]212,60
“For Clarkston road district 92.38
-- The Journal , Feb. 13, 1897.

* * * *
February 23, 1897 - page 1 under “Notice to Creditors.”

“Estate of Andrew Jensen, deceased.
“Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Andrew Jensen, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the publication of this notice to the said James F. Hansen. Administrator, at Newton, Cache County, Utah.
James F. Hansen
Administrator of the Estate of Andrew Jensen, Deceased.
Dated February 4th, 1897.
Frank K. Nebeker, Attorney.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 23, 1897.

* * * *
March 4, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points” -

“Mr. W. R. Ballard of Newton has been appointed a notary public.”

“Among the Cache Valley people who participated in the [Pres. Wilford] Woodruff birthday celebration at Salt Lake were . . .William Jensen of Newton, Apostle M.W. Merrill . . .of Richmond. . . Dr. L. W. Snow and Charles England of Logan.”
-- The Journal , March. 4, 1897.

* * * *
March 16, 1897 - page 7 under “Exchange Gleanings.”

“Warren Foster will speak at the following dates in Cache Valley: Millville, Monday March 22; Hyrum, Tuesday, March 23; Richmond, Wednesday, March 24; Smithfield, Thursday, March 25; Newton, Friday, March 26; Logan, Saturday, March 27. There will be a meeting of the Cache county Populists held at Logan on Saturday, March 27, for the purpose of organizing the party.”
[NOTE: Political matters in the county has shifted from the old People's Party (Mormon) vs.Liberal Party (anti-Mormon) situation to the two major parties (Democrats - Republicans) but still some were not happy or settled; among the small settlements Newton gave the Populists the most votes.]

“Word comes from western Box Elder that the mountain lions are doing considerable damage to stock. Near Junction they have killed calves, yearlings and two-year-olds, for many farmers. . . . The deep snows is driving these animals out of the mountains, making them hungry and bold.”
-- The Journal , March 16, 1897.

* * * *
March 23, 1897 - page 8 under “A Freak of Nature.”

[Sketch of two-headed calf]
“On Saturday last Mr. Christian Fonnesbeck of Newton came to Logan, and for a long time his sleigh was the center of attraction for a curious crowd. It contained a freak of nature which would prove a valuable addition to a freak museum or circus side-show.

“The freak was of the bovine species; but whether to speak of it in the singular or plural, is hard to determine. If uncovered from the front, the heads, legs and front-quarters of two perfectly formed calves were seen. Viewed from the rear, there was but
one body and pair of legs; the only departure from the normal being that there were two tails terminating two separate backbones. The life of the mother and her peculiar off-spring were both sacrificed at the birth.

“Mr. Fonnesback presented the Agricultural College museum with this physiological oddity, which will no doubt be mounted and prove one of the greatest attractions of the valuable and growing collection.”
-- The Journal , March 23, 1897.

* * * *
March 25, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points”

“The Y.M.M.I.A. conference for the Western District will be held at Newton on the afternoon and evening of Sunday, March 28th.”
-- The Journal , March 25, 1897.

* * * *
April 3, 1897 - page 4 under “Some County Financial Statistics.”

“As the official records of Cache county have all been closed and balanced . . . .

“First we wished to ascertain how much each precinct in the county contributed to the State and County tax fund in 1896. For t his purpose we obtained the totals, less all special school taxes, the tax levied on the U.&N.R.R., and Logan City Corporation taxes. Following is the result:
Avon . . . . $ 693.88         Smithfield . . . 4,317.75
Paradise . . . 1,621.00     Hyde Park . . . 1,897.40
Hyrum . . . . 3,611.48         Logan . . . . 29,621.20
Millville . . . 1,819.94         Richmond . . . 3,625.93
Providence . . 2,396.04     Lewiston . . . 2,261.76
College . . . . 1,303.72     Stephenson . . 1,091.64
Baxter . . . . 360.69         Wheeler . . . . 751.95
Stirling . . . 422.68         Coveville . . . 990.00
Wellsville . . 3,615.48     Trenton . . . 1,376.76
Mendon . . . . 2,305.17     Riverside . . . 812.66
Petersboro . . 1,500.57     Greensville (part of
Newton . . . . 1,394.86        Logan) . . 1,063.62
Alto . . . . 556.64                 Benson . . . . 899.19
Clarkston . . . 1,479.92
Total . . . . $71,791.90”
-- The Journal , April 3, 1897.

* * * *
April 6, 1897 - page 8 under “County Court Minutes.”
“A petition of Newton residents asking that a change be made in the road leading to Clarkston was laid on the table.”
-- The Journal , April 6, 1897.

* * * *
April 17, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“Blessed are the bliss-dispensers. Last Wednesday Justice W. N. Thomas, joined William Patterson, age 23, and Lauretta Larsen, age 18, both of Newton, in the holy bonds of wedlock.”
-- The Journal , April 17, 1897.

* * * *
May 4, 1897 - page 8 under “A Deadly Assault.” -

“Walter Caldwell Held to Answer to the District Court.”
“Cache Junction was the scene of quite an exciting episode last Saturday morning, and as a consequence Walter Caldwell is held on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm, in the County jail to answer before the First District Court. He had a hearing Yesterday before Justice of the Peace J. P. Smith, at which he pleaded not guilty. Frank K. Nebeker conducted the prosecution, the defendant represented his own interests.

“J. M. Lee was the first witness of the prosecution; he stated that he was at Cache Junction on the date in question, and that he was in the employ of the O.S.L.Ry. Co. between Ogden and Pocatello. Said that just as the train was pulling out from Cache Junction he noticed one of the car doors was open, and that a number of fellows were inside. He jumped in and told them they would have to get out, whereupon the defendant pulled his gun and said:[‘] you get out you s--of--a b-- or I’ll kill you.’ He, Lee, jumped out and stopped the train. Defendant jumped out and started to run across a field when H.C. Crompton, another brakeman, emerged from the caboose with a pistol which he accidently discharged, nearly shooting himself in the foot. Thereupon the defendant wheeled around and fired at Crompton missing him by 6 or 8 feet; Crompton then shot and the defendant replied with another shot from his gun and soon until three shots each had been fired. In the meantime the defendant reached the river bank and stopped to reload. Messrs. Lee, Crompton and Renfro, all brakeman, came up and ordered him to throw up his hands, which he accordingly did and was placed under arrest, taken to Brigham City and jailed. Messrs. Crompton and Renfro both testified corroborating the foregoing testimony.

“The pistol used by the defendant was produced in evidence. It is a 38-calibre Smith & Wesson double action affair, and on the handle it bore the letters: ‘H.G.R. 4 R. 4 Ranche Sept. 1883.’

“The defendant was then given a chance to testify. He stated he had a witness present, one Wilson, who was with him at the time. Wilson, a young and dirty-faced tramp, was accordingly sworn and testified that the brakeman who entered the car threatened to smash their heads with a coupling pin unless they go out and not until then did his partner draw. Both he and the defendant admitted his guilt, but attempted to prove that there was sufficient provocation for drawing of the pistol and for defendant’s shooting. Attorney Nebeker in summing up the evidence showed that the charges were fully sustained, and that defendant had no right to resist in any way. Defendant had admitted his guilt in trespassing and under the circumstances the brakemen were justified in using what force was necessary for placing him under arrest. Justice Smith thought this wise and bound the defendant over an [sic- on] $200 bonds. The bonds could not be obtained and so the sheriff conducted the prisoner back to jail.”
-- The Journal , May 4, 1897.

* * * *
May 20, 1897 - page 3 under “Clarkston Cullings.”

“ . . .On Tuesday Bishop Farrell and counsellor A. Smith, of Smithfield, visited us. They were looking for a convenient location, by a spring, with a view to establishing a purchasing station for the creamery, where they could buy milk from the people of Clarkston, Newton and Trenton. They will require sufficient power to run a separator.”
-- The Journal , May 20, 1897.

* * Same May 20th issue on page 8 under “Local Points”

“Mr. W. T. Rigby, of Newton, was in Logan yesterday on business.”
-- The Journal , May 20, 1897.

* * * *
May 22, 1897 - page 6 under “Sunday School Unions--Cache Stake.”

“Time and place of holding Unions.”
Lewiston, Coveville, South Lewiston, at Richmond, June 20, 1897.
Smithfield, Hyde Park, Benson, Greenville, at Smithfield July 4 ‘97.
Providence, Millville, College, at Providence, July 18, 1897.
Hyrum, Paradise, Avon, at Hyrum, Aug. 8, 1897.
Wellsville, Stirling, Mendon, Petersboro, at Wellsville, Sept. 12, 1897.
Newton, Clarkston, Trenton at Newton, Sept. 26, 1897.
Logan--First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth wards, Oct. 17, 1897.
“The superintendent of the first S. school named in the district, where the union will be held, will act as chairman of the committee and will call together the other superintendents at an early date and arrange programme for the union.
O.C. Ormsby,
W. H. Apperley,
W. G. Reese,
Stake Suptcy.”
-- The Journal , May 22, 1897.

* * * *
May 25, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“Peter Henriksen and Adolph F. Henricksen, formerly of Odensen, Denmark, but now of Newton, were admitted to citizenship of the U.S. last Monday morning.”

** In the same May 25th issue and same page -

“Upon investigation by Attorney Nebeker and others, it was decided that the original charge against Walter Caldwell be modified to that of common assault. It will be remembered that Caldwell took a shot as some O.S.L. brakemen at Cache Junction some twenty days ago, for trying to eject him from a morning train. Caldwell is a cripple and in the evidence at his preliminary hearing before Justice J. P. Smith, it was shown that his was not the first shot fired. These and other considerations induced the court to have the charge modified as above, and then the defendant changed his plea to that of guilty. Justice Thomas sentenced him to twenty day’s imprisonment.”
 -- The Journal , May 25, 1897.

* * * *
June 10, 1897 - page 5 under “Marriage Licenses.”

“. . .Wm. H. Griffin of Newton and Lydia Ballard of Cache Junction. . . .”
-- The Journal , June 10, 1897.

* * * *
June 17,1897 - page 5 under “Pioneer Jubilee.”

“The Finance Committee appointed by Gov. Wells to collect whatever contributions the citizens of Cache county feel disposed to make towards our great semi-centennial celebration next month--held a meeting on Tuesday and distributed the honor and responsibility among the following named representative men--to whom the follow letter was issued:--
Wellsville -- Jos. Howell.
Hyrum--L. C. Thoresen.
. . .
Clarkston--Peter Barson.
Newton--J. H. Barker.

Logan, June 15, 1897.
“DEAR SIR:--Pursuant to appointment by His Excellency Governor Heber M. Wells, the undersigned Finance Committee for the Pioneer Jubilee Fund of Cache county, hereby respectfully ask you to act in the capacity of solicitor for the same fund among the people of your precinct.

“We herewith enclose a subscription blank and advise you that owing to the immediate need of funds it will be necessary as far as practicable to collect subscriptions at the time they are taken, and forward amounts collected to either of the undersigned, without delay.

“Elaborate preparations have been made for the Jubilee, and the President and his Cabinet are expected to be in attendance.

“‘The fate of the Jubilee is now in the hands of the people of Utah. We confidently expect you will do your duty and cheerfully contribute your time towards promoting the success of a celebration which will be adequate to the greatness of the State and reflect the pride of every citizen thereof.’

“All contributions however small will be duly appreciated.
L. R. Martineau,
Jos. Howell,
N. W. Kimball,
Finance Committee.”
-- The Journal , June 17, 1897.

* * * *
June 19, 1897 -- page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“Mrs. Christina Erickson of Logan, while visiting her son’s family at Newton, was thrown from her bubby in a runaway, and had her shoulder broken. The lady is 84 years of age, and, naturally, suffered much in being brought to Logan, in this hot weather, for surgical attendance.”

** Same June 19th issue on page 2 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Although nothing has appeared in your columns from this place for a long time, Newton is still located on the west side of Bear river, and its people are enjoying good health and are busy at their various avocations.

“We are pleased to note that Elder A. M. Ledingham is again seen among us, having just returned from a two year’s mission to Scotland. Bro. Ledingham’s health is not as good as it might be, but he is happy to be home again.

“Wm. H. Griffin Jr., one of our highly respected young men, has arrived at the conclusion that it is not good for man to dwell alone, and therefore took unto himself a wife last week. The estimable young lady chosen was Miss Lydia Ballard of Logan. A grand reception and supper were given at the home of the bride’s mother at Cache Junction. Many guests were present, and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening. We wish the young couple happiness in their sojourn through life.

“On Sunday last we were favored with a visit from Prest. Roskelley of the High Priests quorum, and Elders Bullen and Merrill, missionaries from the Y.M.M.I.A. Those brethren made our religious services very interesting by their excellent sermons.

“The monthly Sunday School meeting held in the evening was also very interesting.  The primary department furnished the programme, and it was fine. God bless our Sunday School workers for the interest they take in our children.

“Our farmers pray for rain, and unless we get it before long our crop prospects are not very bright. Late spring grain is almost a failure.

“Newton is having a building boom this season. Mr. Lorenzo Larsen is erecting a neat cottage. The old Rigby residence has been remodeled and appears now as a nice modern structure. Mr. Wm. Griffin Jr., has commenced the building of a fine residence.  Mr. J.N. Beck is making extensive improvements on his house. Mr. Christian Larsen is about to begin the erection of a large rock dwelling. The contract for remodeling and finishing our shool [sic] house has been given to N. Jacobsen and C. Goodsell, both Newton mechanics. Other parties contemplate building late on in the season. By this it will been that our citizens are active and progressive.

“Several hundred shade trees have been planted on our public square this season, and while speaking of trees, let me relate a joke played on our good sisters recently; they were all interested in silk-culture, and to make a start, brought 500 mulberry seedlings this spring. The sisters had those trees divided among them and planted and tended to them with much care; but lo, and behold! when they leaved out every blessed one proved to be a locust tree.

“Mr. Editor, do you know if silk worms will feed on locust leaves? If not, that nursery man had better steer clear of Newton.

NEWTON, June 13th, 1897.”
-- The Journal , June 19, 1897.

* * * *
July 1, 1897 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL. -- A son of Peter Sorenson of Alto is reported as being very low with typhoid fever.

“John Simonsen a young man of this place who has been working in a saw mill near Baker City, Oregon, has recently had the misfortune of losing four fingers of one hand by coming in contact with a saw, in motion.

“The Smithfield Creamery Co. has bought five acres of land of Mrs. Hogensen, on which they are now building a separator. The location is about midway between Newton and Clarkston. It will be of much advantage to those selling milk in this vicinity, as they now have to haul the milk to the main creamery near Smithfield. Our farmers say it pays much better to sell milk than to make butter at eight or ten cents per pound.

“Hon. Fisher S. Harris, of Salt Lake City, M.D. Hammond and W. Cranney, State land appraisers, were in Newton on Friday last, appraising school lands in this precinct.

“On Friday our Sunday School has its annual amusement day. A fine programme was rendered in the meeting house, in the forenoon; in the afternoon the children had a dance, after which various sports were enjoyed for some time. A game of base ball between our young and married men's clubs was also on the programme. It results in a victory for the boys, the score being 21 to 19. This is the second time our married men have met their Waterloo this season.

“At our religious services yesterday we were favored by the presence of Stake presidents Orson and Isaac Smith, and Stake missionaries Pirkin and Robbins. All of these brethren spoke very encouragingly. Bro. Christian Larsen was sustains as second counselor to Bishop Griffin, in place of Wm. F. Rigby, Jr., resigned.
Newton, June 28, 1897. SCRIBE”
-- The Journal , July 1, 1897.

* * * *
July 6, 1897 - page 7 under “Exchange Gleanings.”

“John Simonson, of Newton, Utah, has his left hand cut off in a saw mill at Baker City, Ore., recently. He started for home over the Oregon Short Line and his train was wrecked at Glenn's Ferry. He received slight injuries in the train accident. -- Herald .”
-- The Journal , July 6, 1897.

* * * *
July 17, 1897 - page 1 under “Newton Accidents.”

“William Christensen Seriously if not Fatally Injured.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- Wm. Christensen, a young man of this place, met with a terrible accident yesterday. He and another young man by the name of Albert Ledingham, were after wood in the mountains northwest of Clarkston. They had started for home with heavy loads, and when going down a steep him the brake on William's wagon failed to work. The team could not hold the wagon, but started to run, and as William could see it would end in a disaster, he tried to jump; but as he did so his feet caught something on the load and he fell. At this moment the load tipped right on top of him with terrible force, and he was dragged a short distance, remaining under the load. His companion hurried to his assistance and succeeded in extricating him. As soon as help and a conveyance could be obtained, the injured boy was brought to the ranch of Mr. Ricks, just outside the canyon. His relatives and a doctor were immediately sent for, and when they arrived and the injured man was examined, it was found that he was badly bruised on various parts of his body, and it appeared that his spine was both fractures and dislocated. He was taken to his home in Newton during the night.

“Two doctors have been in attendance today, and they hope they have succeeded in replacing the dislocation and that an operation will not be necessary.

“The patient seems to have improved a little, and is resting easily. His widowed mother, whose main support he is, has the heartfelt sympathy of our whole community in this trying hour, and we all hope and pray for the recovery of her boy.

“Another accident which might have proven very serious also happened yesterday.  A small boy, son of George Rigby, was driving a team attached to a sulky plow when the horses started to run with the result that the boy was thrown from the plow and received an ugly cut on his chin, and a badly bruised leg.
Newton, July 15th, 1897. SCRIBE.”

* * Same July 17th issue and on page 8 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The citizens of Newton showed very little interest in the school elections held yesterday. There are at least 150 voters in the district, but only 31 votes were cast. James A. Hansen was the successful candidate.

“Last night the annual meeting was held, and the reports were read and accepted.  The members of the board were allowed $10 each for services rendered last year. I was a very peaceful meeting compared with that of a year ago. The board now consists of three Republicans, and as the Democrats have a great majority in the district, and could have things entirely their own way, it shows sincerity in their pledge to discard politics in school elections.

“The fine sandstone block which are daily arriving in Logan for the new B. Y. building, are quarried in the hills west of Newton, where Mr. Jas. Parsons, the contractor, has a force of men busy at work.

“Hon. Wm. F. Rigby, Sr., his son Henry and other members of his family are down from the Snake River country visiting friends and relatives. Our old time bishop is always welcome with us.

“Charles England and Fred Marshal of THE JOURNAL were seen in Newton this morning.

“John Simonson, the young man recently injured in a saw mill in Oregon, and who on his way home was again injured in a railroad wreck and was taken to a hospital in Boise City, is improving and will be home in a few weeks. The railroad company has offered him $250 and expenses for his injuries received in the wreck.
Newton, July 13th, 1897.

-- The Journal , July 17, 1897.

* * * *
July 27, 1897 - page 8 under “Drowning in Bear River.”

“Two more victims have been added to the long list of those who have met death beneath the silently treachous [sic] waters of Bear River.

“On Sunday two little fellows 8 years old, one the son of Mrs. Christensen, a widowed lady living in Newton Precinct, the other a son of a Mr. Hjelte of the same place, were drowned while bathing in its turbid waters.

“A younger brother of the Christensen boy had accompanied the two to the river, and when the boys disappeared, he hastened home and informed his mother who soon secured help and started for the river.

“The little fellow was unable to find the exact spot where the boys disappeared when he returned, but eventually their clothes were found upon the bank, and tracks which indicated that the boys had slid into the river where the water was ten to twelve feet deep, from a shelving bar of sand upon which they had been playing.

“People from Smithfield, Alto and Riverside turned out and endeavored by every possible means to obtain the bodies. The river was blasted at every point where it was thought the bodies might be, but up to the time of going to press the bodies had not been recovered.

“The county has been asked to furnish a man to watch the river for a few days, and if all persons living along the river will assist in this particular, it may be the means of restoring to the grief-stricken parents the bodies of their children.

“While a party of searchers were engaged in blasting on Tuesday in the hope of floating the bodies, a resident of Riverside accused them of blasting unnecessarily in order to secure the fish, and threatened them with arrest. We refrain from mentioning his name, in the hope that some explanation can be given for his unseeming, selfish action. Surely the loss of a few fish is nothing compared to the grief and sorrow of the heart-broken parents. The parties to whom the threat was made are justly incensed over it.
-- The Journal , July 29, 1897.

* * * *
August 3, 1897 - page 8 under “Local News.”

“Mr. W. F. Rigby of Newton was in town yesterday. He says the hum of the thresher will be heard there next week.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 3, 1897.

* * * *
September 2, 1897 - page 5 under “Homestead Entries.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--A there has been quite a number of persons enquiring of me in regard to making additional Homestead entries, (that is where a person makes a homestead entry on less than 160 acres). I wish you would please give the following space in your valuable paper for the benefit of your subscribers.

“We have just received the full decision in the case of Nancy A. Stinson, stating that any person who has heretofore or who may hereafter makes a homestead entry of less than 160 acres and has made final proof thereon, or makes such proof hereafter, can enter by homestead entry enough more to make up the 160 acres.

“This means that any person who has already made a homestead entry on less than 160 acres, can now make another homestead entry on enough land to make the full 160 acres, and make final proof on same by living up to the conditions required of homestead entries.

Yours truly,
Alfred Goodsell,
Land Agent, Newton,
Aug. 31st, 1897.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 2, 1897.

* * * *
September 7, 1897 - page 1 under “County Court Minutes.”

“The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session of Saturday morning
. . . .
“James Chantrill appeared before the board in behalf of Mary Christensen, the mother of one of the two boys who were drowned in Bear river a short time ago, and asked the court for an appropriation of $15 to pay the funeral expenses of the boy. The request was granted and appropriation made.

“Chantrill also asked a monthly allowance for the woman, who is in destitute circumstances. The matter was referred to Commissioner Sparks for investigation."

** Same Sept. 7th issue on page 8 under “Local Points.”

“John Simonsen, of Newton, who was badly injured in a wreck at Glenn's Ferry, Idaho some time ago, came up from Salt Lake on Tuesday, where he had been an inmate of the hospital for some time past. He left the hospital rather than submit to an amputation which the doctors considered necessary."
-- The Journal , Sept. 7, 1897.

* * * *
September 9, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“It stated in our last issue that John Simonson of Newton, who was injured in a railway wreck, left the hospital rather than to submit to an amputation which the hospital authorities considered necessary. Mr. Simonsen informs us that he did not voluntarily leave, but was discharged for insubordination because he refused to submit to an amputation which other capable physicians considered might not be necessary. With a fair chance of saving a portion of his hand, including the thumb and a portion of the index finger, he was not willing to submit to amputation at the wrist.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 9, 1897.

* * * *
September 11, 1897 - page 7 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- Newton farmers are through with their harvest work, and threshing will be almost finished in a couple of weeks. Considering the bad outlook for crops in the spring and early summer, the yield is on most farms much better than was expected, though the average yield is considerably below last year's results; but with the fair prices on wheat our farmers feel thankful and contented.

“The heavy storm which passed over these parts last week wetted grain stacks to a considerable extent, but it made the soil in excellent condition for fall plowing.

“Cache Junction is once more a lively place, owning to the extensive grain export from that point. Although many farmers are selling at present at fair prices, many are holding their surplus grain back in anticipation of a further advance.

“Wm. Christensen, the young man who had his spine so badly injured in the canyon some time ago, is improving, but very slowly.

“John Simonsen, who some time ago was injured in a saw mill and afterwards in a railroad accident, has just returned from Salt Lake City, where he underwent an operation for removal of some decayed bones from his injured hand. An amputation was almost decided upon, but was not performed, and we hope John may yet save the remanant [sic] of his hand.

“Parley P. Christensen, Esq., who has jut returned from his law studies in the East, has been visiting with his relatives and friends in Newton, which is his old home and we are proud of the distinction.

“Our school board has engaged Messrs. Samuel Clarke and Willard Ballard as teachers in our district schools.

“At our public meeting last Sunday night we were favored by the presence of Professors Caine and Langton of the Agricultural College. The lecture on education matters by Prof. Caine was excellent, and was listened to with much interests by the large audience.

Newton, Sept. 7th, 1897.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 11, 1897.

* * * *
September 30, 1897 - page 5 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The district union of the Sunday schools of Newton, Clarkston and Trenton, was held in Newton yesterday. There were present of the Stake Superindendency: O. C. Ormsby, Wm. H. Apperly, Wm. G. Reese, Samuel Mitton, and J. A. Stewart, Jr.; also Supts. Bailey of Wellsville, Thos. Godfrey of Clarkston, Bps Jardine and Bingham, all of the church officers and a very large audience congregated from the above named settlements. The programme rendered by the departments of the various schools was indeed fine. The music and singing were first class and much enjoyed by all present. The remarks by the visiting brethren were indeed timely and of a very encouraging nature; in fact the union was indeed a success and a proof of the rapid strides of improvement our Sunday schools are making, and we ought to appreciate the untiring efforts made by our S. S. officers and teachers in giving our children a moral and religious training.

“Our ward has also recently been visited by Elders H. A. Pedersen and A. B. Irvine, who reorganized our Y.M.M.I. association with the following officers.

“Willard R. Ballard, president; Hyrum Larsen, first, and Samuel T. Clarke, second counsellor; Peter Jensen, Jr., secretary; Isaac Benson, treasurer; Lewis Jenkins, librarian, and Samuel Clarke musical director. Bro. Lorenzo Larsen has resigned as Supt. of Religion classes, and Bro. Ephraim Snyder has been called to fill the vacancy. Bro. Larsen has removed [to] Park valley, Boxelder county, where he is now engaged as school teacher.

“Mr. J. J. Juchau has sold his real estate here to Wm. Barker. Mr. Juchau, we understand, will make Logan his future home.

“The youngest child of Mr. Michael Anderson is reported as being quite ill at present.

“This season's threshing is now finished. The total yield of grain in Newton
precinct was about 55,000 bushels.

NEWTON, Sept. 27, 1897.”
-- The Journal , Sept 30, 1897.

* * * *
October 2, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“A new county road between Smithfield and Newton, greatly shortening the distance between those two places, was opened on Wednesday.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 2, 1897.

* * * *
October 5, 1897 - page 1 under “County Court Notes.”

“John Benson and John Hansen of Newton were allowed $21 and $13 respectively, for land used in opening a new road.”

“Mary Christensen of Newton received a monthly allowance of $1.50.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 5, 1897.

* * * *
November 11, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“Newton, Clarkston, Trenton and Smithfield should read the ‘Smithfield Notes’ in another column.”

* * In the same Nov 11th edition on page 4 under “Smithfield Notes. “

“What's the cause of that rush over on the corner there? Why K. R. Miles, Jr., is purchasing what the people have to sell, and has for sale what the people have to buy.  Besides he has the right kind of goods and sells at the right prices.

“He just received a full line of Winter Goods, Blankets, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods and the best line of Shoes in the valley.

“No need of going to Logan for goods when you can get them as cheap from him  and save the drive.

“He is head quarters for Coal, Lumber, Barbwire and in fact nearly everything a farmer needs, except it be a Binder or Thresher.
“If you have hay, grain, potatoes or alfalfa seed take it to him.

“Remember the place to trade is at
Smithfield, Utah.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 11, 1897.

* * * *
November 16, 1897 - page 2 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- With the exception of one or two cases of typhoid fever in a mild form, the people of Newton are favored with good health at present.

“Our building boom is still on. Four more houses are in course of erection, all of which will make good and pleasant homes for the owners when completed, and will add much to improving our town.

“We take pleasure in chronicling two new arrivals in town. Both hail from baby land, and are of the masculine gender. One is at the home of Michael Anderson, Esq., and he declares he has come to stay. Mother and child are doing well. Mike has been a little funny but he is getting all right now. The other came a little prematurely to the home of Niels Jacobson, Esq.; and although small, has good chances to grow big and strong. All concerned are doing well.

“Mr. Thomas Blallard [sic] has bought four lots with home of Mr. C. Fonnesbeck, for $500. The property has a fine location in the center of town, and Tom’s friends will now find him comfortably established in his new home. Mr. Ballard’s former home has been sold to Mr. Andrew Christensen, also of Newton.

“Our Religious services of last Sunday were attended by Stake Presidents Orson and Isaac Smith, both of whom spoke very encouragingly to the people.

“A branch of the Newton Sunday school has been organized at Cache Junction, with Ephraim Snyder presiding.

“Last Monday night the stock-holders of the Newton Irrigation Co. held their annual meeting, and a new Board of Directors was elected. It was decided that in order to obtain sufficient water for irrigation purposes it would be necessary to raise the reservoir dams at least two feet. The directors were authorized to make the necessary surveys and estimates preparatory for this work. State Engineer Young has recently visited the reservoir and found the dam in good condition. Mr. Young gave the Board valuable instructions in regard to various improvements needed.

Newton, Nov. 10th, 1897.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 16, 1897.

* * * *
November 30, 1897 - page 5 under “The Welsh Reunion.”

“The ‘Cambrian Association'’ of Cache Valley held their first reunion in the Eccles Howell Hall, Logan, Utah, Nov. 25th, 1897.

“A most enjoyable time was had. The day was beautiful, and though the roads in bad condition. The number present was between four and five hundred. All the seats were filled, and standing room was at a premium. . . .
“The following programme was rendered:
1. ‘America’ --Audience and Band.
2. Prayer by the Chaplain,-- Amos Clark, of Newton.
. . . .
3. Song. ‘Robin in Suill’ --Amos Clark of Newton.”
. . . .
-- The Journal , Nov. 30, 1897.

* * * *
December 11, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“A license to wed was granted yesterday to Alfred A. Christensen of Newton and Nettie Anderson of Smithfield.”
-- The Journal , Dec. 11, 1897.

* * * *
December 23, 1897 - page 15 under “Local Points.”

“The marriage licenses issued to date are: Robert Quigley of Swan Lake, and Annie Walters of Oxford, Idaho; Samuel T. Clark and Martha O. Beck of Newton. . . .  Nephi P. N. Petersen of Newton, and Pauline Gabrielsen of Logan. . . .”
-- The Journal , Dec. 23, 1897.

* * * *
December 28, 1897 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“On Wednesday the marriage of Mr. Nephi Petersen of Newton to Miss Pauline Gabrielsen, was solemnized in the Logan temple. An elegant reception in the evening at the residence of the bride's parents in the Seventh ward. The evening was passed away in the usual style, everybody thoroughly enjoying themselves.”
-- The Journal , Dec. 28, 1897.

* * * *
January 1,1898 - page 2 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- One more happy Christmas past and gone, and I believe to the people of Newton, it has been a most pleasant one.

“Early last week our good Sisters of the Relief Society were busy collecting donation for our poor, and that they had met with a generous response was in evidence last Thursday, when some of the officers went around distributing a sleigh load of good things, such as groceries, meats, clothing and money to those in needy circumstances, so that all might had a happy time through the holidays. God bless our sisters! they are ministering angels indeed.

“It is with pleasure that we chronicle the event which made two of Newton's most esteemed young people man and wife; namely, our genial school teacher Samuel T. Clarke, and Miss Olivia Beck, who were married in the Logan Temple last week. It has been reported to your scribe that an elegant reception and supper was given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Beck, on Thursday night, at which a great number of friends and relatives were present and had a very enjoyable time. We all wish the young couple much joy and happiness.

“Prest. Rigby of the Bannock Stake is once more visiting his old home in Newton.  He reports all well and prosperous in the Snake River country.

“Hyrum Curtis, an old time resident of Newton and a pioneer of this valley, has been seriously ill for some time, but is reported as improving now.

“Mr. George Crookston, who was recently injured at Pocatello, is already out of the hospital and visiting with his parents who reside at Cache Junction. It is gratifying to learn that Mr. Crookston’s injuries were not nearly so bad as was feared at first, and that but very little if any disfigurement will be left on his face. Mr. Crookston’s _?_ are somewhat sore and _?_

“Santa Clause was actually in Newton on Christmas eve. He came by the invitation of the teachers of our Sunday School Primary department, who conceived the happy idea of having a Christmas tree for their little pupils; accordingly a large audience assembled in our meeting house early Friday evening, and were much pleased by what they was and heard. A nice programme of songs and recitations was rendered, and when the curtain was withdrawn we beheld a beautiful Christmas tree, nicely decorated and illuminated, and loaded with presents; and beside the tree sat fat and Jolly Santa Claus himself. He made a jolly speech, and then he distributed presents to every member of the department. It was a sight indeed, to behold the excited and happy faces of the little ones. The affair was a decided success, and much credit is due to the teachers for this labor of love.

“On Saturday night our Y.M.M.I.A. gave a ball in the meeting house. The house was never crowded as on this occasion, 94 tickets being sold.

“Our last Sunday meeting was made very interesting by the presence of Elders Joseph Morrell and Wm. F. Rigby, Sr., both of whom made excellent discourses.

“A Happy New Year to THE JOURNAL and its readers.
Newton, Dec. 28th, ‘97. SCRIBE.”

* * The same January 1st issue on page 8 under “Local Points” -

“Miss Elnora B. Christensen of Newton, Cache Co., a former student of the University, started for Idaho last evening, where she will take a course in the State Normal Academy.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 1, 1898.

* * * *
January 6, 1898 - page 5 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- On Thursday night last, our Sunday School and choir gave an entertainment in the meeting house consisting of songs, recitations and dialogues. It was a fine programme, the performance was well patronized and was a decided success financially and otherwise. The committee deserve much credit for their energetic work in this matter.

“On Saturday night our ball was crowded as never before, the occasion was a dance for the benefit of Wm. Christiansen, who was so seriously hurt last Summer by having his spine fractured; they dancers enjoyed themselves very much. The proceeds were about $26.00 above expenses. Brother Christensen is slowly improving, but is not able to walk yet, his legs being quite lame.

“Bro. Samuel Clarke has just started an evening school for instruction in vocal music, which is well attended by our young folks.

“Our day schools are full and a very good work is being done by our teachers, Messrs. Samuel Clarke and Willard Ballard.

“Bro. John Egnon, with wife and son, from Teton Basin, are visiting friends and relatives here.

“Miss Sanie Petersen of Logan has been a visitor here for several days.

Newton, Jan. 4th, 1898
-- The Journal , Jan. 6, 1898.

* * * *
January 8, 1898 - page 3 under “The Jury List.”
“Jury Commissioners Joseph Morrell and W. H. Lewis were busy all day Tuesday and part of Wednesday, selecting the list of jurors for 1898. The names chosen are as follows:
PETERSBORO - Elias Davis, John H. Barker.
NEWTON - Peter E. Benson, Wm. H. Griffin, John Jenkins, W. F. Rigby, Jr.,
Jens S. Hansen, Emil Wennergren.

* * Same Jan. 8th issue on page 8 under “Local Points.”
“P. S. Barson, the whilom wit from Clarkston, was perambulating about town yesterday.”

“It is reported that a prominent Clarkston farmer has had forty-seven sacks of wheat stolen from his granary.”

“Born, to the wife of Alfred Goodsell, of Newton, a daughter. Mrs. Goodsell and baby doing nicely, but Alf looks badly yet.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 8, 1898.

* * * *
Jan. 11, 1898 - page 8 under “Local Points.”
“The list of jurors to serve at the term of the district court held this month, was drawn Saturday morning. Their names are as follows: Peter C. Nielsen. . . of Logan; . . . . Jno. Jenkins and Jens N. Hansen, of Newton;. . . . They will be instructed to appear in court at 10 a.m. on Jan. 24th.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 11, 1898.

January 29, 1898 - page 1 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The annual conference of the Newton ward was held here yesterday morning and afternoon. Present were Prest. Isaac Smith of the Stake Presidency, also Elders Martineau and Needham of Logan, and Prest. Rigby of the Bannock Stake; all of the local authorities and a large congregation of the members of the ward.

“At the morning session reports were given by the bishop and president of the various quorum and organization, all of which tended to show that Newton ward is in a good and prosperous condition, and that harmony and good, feeling prevails.“Our ward consists of 100 families numbering about 500 persons. Tithing and donations of the past year exceed by several hundred dollars those of the previous year.  About $450 dollars have been donated to the new B. Y. building. Our Sunday School now numbers 300 members, and other associations have also a good membership.

“Elder Needham occupied part of the time in the morning, and he related some of his missionary experiences [one line illegible]. He also earnestly exhorted the Saints present to the faithful performances of the duties devolving upon them.

“In the afternoon the general and local authorities of the Church were present and sustained without any dissenting votes.

“Elders Smith and Martineau then spoke briefly on timely topics, and complimented the people on the good condition of the ward. President Smith also complimented Brother Clarke and our choir, for their fine singing on this occasion, which was indeed a pleasure to listen to.

“It is with sadness of heart that we chronicle the sudden death of one of our most respected citizens, namely Brother John Hanson of Alto, who took suddenly sick early Saturday morning and expired at 2 o'clock that same afternoon. It is suppose that the cause of death was a paralytic stroke. The grief stricken family have the heartfelt sympathy of our entire community. Funeral services will take place from Newton meeting house on Wednesday, at 11 a.m.

“The stockholders in our irrigation company have recently held two meetings in which it was decided, in order to obtain more water for irrigation, to raise the reservoir dam four feet; and to meet the expenses of this undertaking, to sell $3,000 worth of stock in the corporation.

“The teachers and students of our district schools spend Friday afternoon sleigh riding, and they all had a fine time.

Newton, Jan. 24, 1898.”

* * Same Jan. 29th issue and also on page one under “The Scandinavian Jollification.”

“‘There was a hot time in the old town tonight’ is fairly expressive of the season of enjoyment had by the Scandinavians in the Eccles Howell hall on Thursday evening . . . . and the crowd, which was composed of a sociable jolly set, was just numerous enough to have a good time without overcrowding.

“The good old Scandinavian and American dances were the fashion, and the ‘Fascination’ . . .and other modern innovation were relegated to a back seat. . . . Just before supper a very enjoyable impromptu programme was rendered. Messrs. Hall and Kallstrom sang . . . and responded to an encore with a very pretty Sweddish [sic]song. Following this T. A. Thoresen gave a humorous Danish dialect reading . . . .

“Shortly after supper the regular musicians became tired of trying to keep pace with the fleet-footed dancers, and a couple of good. oldtime musicians who were ‘onto their job’; ‘Chris Fiddler’ and J. M. Hansen of Newton, took their places and played the hot-footed dances of the ‘gamla land.’. . .”
-- The Journal , Jan. 29, 1898.

* * * *
February 1, 1898 - page 5 under “Obituary.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The funeral services over the remains of the late John Hansen, whose sudden death was briefly reported in my letter of Jan. 24th, took place in Newton meeting house yesterday at 11 o’clock a.m. Early in the morning the members of the High prists [sic] quorum of Bro. Hansen was a member, went out to Alto and escorted the remains to the meeting house, which was filled with relatives and friends of the deceased.

“Appropriate and consoling remarks were made by Elders E. O. Hjelte, H.C. Petersen, Ludvig E. Larsen, Wm. Jensen and Bishop Griffin. All of the speakers bare testimony of the excellent character of which Bro. Hansen, whose sad death has cast a gloom over the whole of our community, as we realize that we have lost a noble and true friend.

“Although the weather was extremely cold the people showed their sympathy by being in a great number of sleighs to follow the remains to their resting place in the cemetery, where Elder H. C. Petersen offered the dedicatory prayer.

“Bro. John Hansen was born in Sneserod, Sealand, Denmark, May 26th, 1848. In May 1873, he left his native country to seek a new home in far off New Zealand. In 1880, himself and wife joined the Mormon Church, and in May of the following year they emigrated to Utah and made their home in Logan where they resided about eight years, when they moved to the ranch the family now occupies in Alto.

“Brother Hansen leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter, who are deep in grief over the sudden demise of their husband and father.

“May the comfort from on high be abundantly bestowed upon the bereaved.

“Y.M.M.I.A. missionaries, Elders Snow of Boxelder and Grover of Bannock Stake, have been in Newton yesterday and today. Last night they addressed a large congregation in the meeting house. They are fine speakers and were listened to with much attention. They complimented our Young Men’s Mutual upon having the best enrollment they had found so far, in the Stake; namely: 80 per cent.

“A little son of Prest. Rigby, who has been quite ill with typhoid fever, is slowly recovering.

Newton, Jan. 27, 1898.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 1, 1898.

* * * *
February 8, 1898 - page 4 under “Sugar Beets in Cache.”

“During the past two years a series of quiet experiments in sugar beet culture have been carried on in Cache valley, with encouraging results. By courtesy of Hon. Orson Smith we are enabled to give our readers some idea of the chief results attained.

“The experiments for 1897 were conducted in Paradise, Hyrum, Millville, College, Providence, Logan, Hyde Park, Newton, Lewiston, Richmond, Fairview, Franklin, and Stone; thus pretty well covering the valley from north to south and from east to west.

“The report made to the Secretary of Agriculture recites that the year’s experiments were conducted under unfavorable conditions, as the seeds were not received until the planting should have been done, and the weather was unusually dry. The Secretary has arranged for continuing the experiments another year, and even more favorable results are hoped for. Fairview reported the lowest yield, seven tons per acre; and Providence the highest; eighty-six tons per acre. . . .

“The report, notwithstanding the unpropitious circumstances surrounding the season's experiments, is encouraging and conclusive as to Cache Valley's adaptability to the culture of the sugar beet. Take the average yield, which includes the lowest, but seven tons per acre, we strike an average of 46 1/2 tons; which, at $4, lowest price every paid at the Lehi factory, gives a return of $186 an acre. What other crop can be raised that will yield a like return? Cache county should be all means have a  sugar factory. . . .”
-- The Journal , Feb. 8, 1898.

* * * *
February 10, 1898 - page 5 under “Financial Statement”
“Of Receipts and Disbursement of Cache County for the Fiscal Year
Ending December 31st, 1897.”
From the poor farm . . . $106.00
From license . . . . . 450.00
" fines . . . . . 304.85
From taxes 1896 & 1897 . 19,821.30
From sale of estrays . . 60.30
. . . .
Road District, Logan . . . . . . 333.33
Road District, Hyrum . . . . . . 1.49
Road District, Clarkston . . . 94.92
Road District, Logan Canyon 488.21
Road District, Newton . . . 186.83
-- The Journal , Feb. 10, 1898.

* * * *
February 12, 1898 - page 3 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- The annual meeting of our Relief Society was held last Saturday, and was well attended. The reports given showed that the society is in excellent condition, and that much good had been accomplished during the past year.

“On Monday night the Society held its annual dance, and it was a most enjoyable affair; in fact the society's dances are always the best. During a recess a fine programme was rendered, and an abundance of delicious picnic was served.

“Brother Hyrum Curtis, who has been seriously ill for some time, died shortly after one o'clock yesterday morning. Brother Curtis being one of the earliest settlers in Utah, was well known all over the State. Funeral services are pending the arrival of relatives from Idaho.

“A son of Ed Haws, of Alto, was taken suddenly ill on Sunday. It is supposed the cause was the eating of some poisonous paint. He is improving.

“A runaway which might have ended very seriously happened here Monday evening. Hyrum Jensen, a 13-year old son of our postmaster was returning from a trip to Logan. When turning a corner, a horse following behind and tied to a saddle in the sleigh, made a jerk, pulling the saddle out. This frightened the team, which at once started off on a mad run. The consequence was that, when opposite Mr. Caroline Christensen's place, they struck against a tree with such force that the tongue and sleigh was splintered to pieces, and the boy was thrown violently out and landed quite a distance from the scene of collision, fortunately escaping with a slight bruise on one leg.

“Councilman N. P. Nielsen of Logan has been visiting friends in Newton for several days.

“Mr. and Mrs. Gabrielsen of Logan, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Ericksen, of Weston, have also been visiting relatives here the last few days.
“Our district schools are preparing for an entertainment to be given on Washington's birthday.

“Quite a number of our citizens have been busy lately putting up large quantities of ice, so we suppose ice cream will be plentiful next summer.

Newton, Feb. 9, 1898.”

* * In the same Feb. 12th issue on page 8 under “Local Points.”

“The ward choirs of Preston, Whitney, Lewiston and Newton have already made their entries in the competition to take place at the Eisteddfod. The Whitney choir has a lad conductor.”

“The committee in charge of the preparations for the grand Eisteddfod on March 1st, are working like beavers to make the affair a success. They have established headquarters in the Ricks Block and are working everything in the most systematic manner.”

“A marriage license was issued yesterday to C. W. Farnes, 31, and Annies Simonsen, 20, both of Newton.”

“Mr. Hyrum Curtis, a well-known and highly respected resident of Newton, passed away on Thursday. The funeral will be held on Monday. Quite a number of the relatives of the dead man reside in Logan.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 12, 1898.

* * * *
February 17, 1898 - page 8 under “Local Points.”

“A District Conference of the Y.M.M.I.A. will be held in the Newton ward meeting house, Sunday the 20th inst. Meetings will be held at 2 and 7 p.m. The Clarkston, Benson, and Newton associations are expected to be present.”

“Dr. O. S. Ormsby was taken very ill on Monday evening and for a time was in a very critical condition. He rallied before morning, however, and is now feeling much better. The attack was due to overwork.” [Logan’s leading doctor and surgeon.]
-- The Journal , Feb. 17, 1898.

* * * *
February 19, 1898 - page 3 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- A special meeting under the auspices of the Y.L.M.I.A. was held here last night. The speakers were Sisters Hendrickson, Morehead and Smith of Logan. A large congregation was present, who listened attentively to the excellent remarks made by the sisters.

“County Superintendent Oldham visited our district schools last Wednesday.

“Mr. Wm. H. Griffin, Jr. and wife have returned from Schofield, where Mr. Griffin has been engaged as school teacher.

“A brand new boy, and the first on the list, arrived at the home of Mr. Walter Griffin on last Wednesday. All concerned doing well, especially Walter, who is one broad smile.

“Another tiny male citizen made his appearance last Friday at the abode of Mr. Elmer Johnson. Mother and child doing well and Elmer happy as a lark.

“The $3,000 new stock in our reservoir was all sold a few days after it was offered for sale, and many who wanted shares did not get any. Work on the enlargement of the reservoir will commence in a few days.

“Mr. George Rigby has just finished hauling brick from Wellsville for his new residence, which is to be built in the summer.

“The funeral services over the remains of the late Hyrum Curtis were held in the meeting house yesterday. A very large audience was present. The speakers were Elders Peter Benson, Amos Clarke, Bishop Wm. H. Griffin and Prest. Rigby of the Bannock Stake. All of these brethren bore testimony to the good character of Brother Curtis. The sermon of President Rigby was very touching, and indeed a rare treat of spiritual food. The singing of the choir was sweet; in fact all of the proceedings were of a comforting nature to the bereaved family. A great number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the cemetery.

“Two more of our young people have concluded to embark and sail out on the sea of matrimony; namely, Mr. C. W. Farnes and Miss Annie Simonson, who were married in the Logan Temple last week. We wish the young couple much joy in their married life.

Newton, Feb. 15, 1898.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 19, 1898.

* * * *
February 26, 1898 - page 8 under "Local Points."

“Mr. Otto Gassman, the genial manager of the Weston Co-op, who was in town Thursday, says the project for the big canal on the west side of the valley is being boomed just now. Meeting in the interest of the scheme are being held all along the route of the proposed canal, by Geo. C. Parkinson and others who are prominent in the move. The canal when completed will cover about 500,000 acres of land, and it is said the people of Plymouth or Squaretown, as it is generally known, are thinking of making a cut through the hills between Newton and Clarkston and taking the water through there.  $100,000 is the capital stock of the company. $60,000 of which has already been subscribed. The water will be taken out of Bear River at the ‘Ten Mile’ ford jus this side of Soda Springs, and run over into the Portneuf river, from which it will be taken at a point near the head of Marsh valley, and conducted from there down along the west side of this valley. If the stock is all subscribed for, work will be commenced at once.”

* * Same Feb. 26th issue on page 3 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- On Saturday evening last an entertainment was given in our meeting house under the auspices of the Y.L.M.M.I.A. The programme was length and consisted of songs, recitation, several farces and a sacred dialogue with tableau representing the parable of the ten virgins. A large audience was present and enjoyed themselves very much. The programme was well rendered and showed that the actors had been well trained and prepared for their various parts. The entertainment was a decided success, and those who had charge of it deserve much credit for their efforts.

“A district conference of the Y.N.M.I.A., comprising Mendon, Benson, Newton, Clarkston and Trenton, was held here last Sunday afternoon and evening. Present were Pres. H.A. Pedersen, and Elders Miller, Ballif and Wright of the Stake Board, also a quartette consisting of Brothers Keller, Ashcraft, Wilson and Roberts, and officers of the various associations of the district.

“The afternoon session was occupied in hearing reports of the associations of Benson and Trenton, and speeches by Elders Miller and Ballif. A lecture on the life of Christ was given by Joseph M. Larson of the Newton association. The quartette favored the congregation with two songs, beautifully rendered.

“At the evening session reports were given of the associations of Clarkston and Newton. Encouraging remarks were made by Elders Wright, Keller and Pres. Pedersen. Two beautiful songs were given by the quartette. The conference all through was indeed a feast of good things. All of the speakers were earnest in their exhortations to the young men to prepare themselves for the important duties which in due time will develop upon them, and to diligently seek the light and knowledge concerning the gospel. The reports of the various presidents showed that a remarkable revival has taken place among the young men as a result of the labors of the special missionaries sent to work among the associations this winter, and that lively interest is taken in the meetings, and that nearly every young man is now enrolled.

“Mrs. Lila Bowen of Logan is visiting friends and relatives in Newton.

“Mud is plentiful, hay is scarce; health of people moderately good.

Newton, Feb. 22nd, 1898.”
-- The Journal , Feb. 26, 1898.

* * * *
March 3, 1898 - page 3 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- On the evening of Washington's birthday our district schools gave an exhibition in our meeting house, which was crowded on the occasion. The programme consisted of songs, recitations, dialogues and addresses by students. The programme was well rendered, especially the singing of the school. Little Joseph Goodsell was the star of the occasion. He favored the audience with several songs, and each time received such an encore as would have made a star actor's heart beat with joy, and the little fellow had to sing until he was so hoarse he could sing no more.

Our teachers, Messrs. Clarke and Ballard, must indeed have had an arduous task in getting their army of little folks so well trained for their various tasks. I must have been a great pleasure to witness the performance of their little tots, and to note the progress they are making in educational matters. It is also a pleasing fact to note the improvement out children are making in singing under the skillful training of Bro. Samuel Clarke.

“Prof. Fortier and Hr. Humphries of the Agricultural College were in Newton
the early part of last week on business connected with our reservoir.
“Sister Wilcox, as she terms herself, held a meeting her last Wednesday night,
and our young folks had an opportunity to compare the sound, sensible doctrines of
their own religion with those of a seeemingly cranky sect.
“Moses Anderson, an old and respected citizens of Lehi, is the guest of his brother-in-law, Peter Benson, Esq.

Newton, Feb. 27, 1898.”

* * In the same March 3rd issue on page 1 under “THE EISTEDDFOD.”

“Account of the Proceedings of the First Eisteddfod Held in Cache Valley.”
“Vocal and Instrumental Solos, Elocutionary Efforts, Choir, Band, and Orchsetra, Contest Succeed Each Other in Rapid Succession--A Feast of Good Things.”

“The Eisteddfod opened on Tuesday morning . . . .for commencing the first session . . . . quite a goodly number of people from gathering in the Tabernacle to witness the opening of the first Eisteddfod held in Northern Utah.

“ . .The opening address was . . . followed by a recitation contest; the piece to be recited being the hymn, ‘O My Father,’ for children under 12-years of age there were four competitors, viz. Elva Nelson of Newton, [and three from Logan]. . . . The recital of each one was meritorious indeed, and surprised every one who had the opportunity to hearing them. In the adjudication of this contest, Miss Nelson carried off the prize, although the judges were somewhat in doubt, it seemed, as to whether she was entitled to it over Miss Alice Smith, who would likely have captured it, had it been left to the audience. No fault, however, was found with the decision of the judges. . . .

“At yesterday morning’s session there was a very good attendance again. It was opened with a rendition by the winners in the children's chorus contest. Mr. Amos Clark of Newton offered prayer . . . .
[Much about the various contest and performances....]
-- The Journal , March 3, 1898.
[ NOTE: The Journal had another article on the Cache Valley Eisteddfod on March 5, 1898 on page 5 under Eisteddfod Concert saying it ended in a ‘blaze of enthusiasm and glory in the grand concert of winning contestants.’ But no other winners from Newton other that first day winner Miss Nelson.]

* * * *
March 10, 1898 - page 3 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- A cute Hebrew swooped down on Newton last week. He represented himself to be an agent for the Elgia watch company, and he did Newton up to the tune of about $200 in the share of gold and silver watches which he sold with guarantees almost reaching unto the kingdom come. If suckers wouldn’t bite readily he gave them a $9 set of silver tableware for buying a $15 gold watch. Of course they mustn’t tell to others what a bargain he had given them. If cash was not handy, he obliged people by taking their notes for six months. Some of the accommodated parties are now trying to find out how many senses they really posses.

“The Y.L.M.M.I.A. of Hyde Park gave an entertainment in our meeting house on last Wednesday night. It is to be regretted that, owing not doubt to the extremely bad roads, it was not so well attended as it deserved to have been.

“A large real estate deal had been consumated this week, whereby the Matchell farm, located near Cache Junction and containing 916 acres, has been sold by the Jarvis Conklin Co. through their agent, Mr. Wm. Rowe, to Wm. and Martin Rigby, C. Fonnesbeck and Jones Bros, all of Newton. The consideration is $6,500.

“Civil engineer Humphries has been busy this week surveying lands along Clarkston creek and adjoining our reservoir, in order to ascertain how much land will be covered with water by the proposed four foot raise of the reservoir dam. The company proposed to buy such land of the owners. A large force of men will soon commence work on the dam.

“Prest. Rigby of the Bannock stake has terminated his long and pleasant visit to Cache valley, and left for his home in the north on last Thursday night's train.

Newton, March 15, 1898.”
-- The Journal , March 10, 1898.
[There must be an error on the letter’s March 15th date for the newspaper contained the article on Newton was printed March 10th.]

* * * *
March 26, 1898 - page 2 under “Newton Notes.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:-- A number of Alto land holders, with Ed. Haws and Ludwig E. Larsen as originators, are contemplating the building of a new reservoir in Newton creek, between the town and Logan road.  It is estimated that the capacity will be sufficient to irrigate 500 acres. Work on the dam is to commence at once.

“There was quite a disturbance at Mrs. Ballard’s boarding house at Cache Junction on Saturday last, and all on account of the arrival of a new boarder by the express from baby land. He claims to be a near relative of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Griffin, Jr., with whom he will stay and do chores for his board in the future. Grandma Ballard is busy 15 hours a day hunting a name for baby, and papa Willie is one broad grin. Long life to the first born.

“Mr. Editor, is it not remarkable what a similarity there sometimes happens to be in transpiring events. A short time ago THE JOURNAL gave an account of the marriage of one of Logan's fair daughters, Miss Elizabeth Parsons, to a Mr. White of Ogden. Now, it happens that a young lady born and raised in Newton, having the identical name, was married upon that very day, also to a Mr. White of Ogden, and the reception given at the same place as the fair daughter of Logan. Isn't that funny?

“It is rumored that Mr. Lorenzo Hulse, of Alto, is intending moving to Canada this season.

Newton, March 22, 1898.”
-- The Journal , March 26, 1898.