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"Old News" of Newton, Utah

Part 3 – NEWTON, UTAH – In the Newspapers – (June 18, 1892 through Oct. 19, 1895)

NEWTON, UTAH - In the newspapers from 1870 to 1940s
By Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 – Introduction and a Selected Topical Index, Newspapers coverage 1870 through December 1883.
Part 2 – 1884 through June 15, 1892.
Part 3 – June 18, 1892 through October 19, 1895.
Part 4 – October 22, 1895 through March 1898.
Part 5 – 1895 through 1910. a few from 1920s 
Part 6 – 1910 to 1940s 

* * * *
June 18, 1892 - page 8 under “The Official Returns.” -

“The following is the official vote by precincts taken in regard to the bonding
of Cache County:-
        YES NO         YES NO
Logan 247 8     Newton 32 9
Providence 67 0     Clarkston 25 4
Millville 46 2     Trenton 10 3
Paradise 46 3     Lewiston 32 10
Hyrum 125 13     Coveville 20 0
Wellsville 110 5     Richmond 10 24
Mendon 23 13     Smithfield 54 14
Petersboro 10 0     Hyde Park 20 24
Benson 7 1         La Plata 49 2
Totals 933 135
-- The Journal , June 18, 1892.

{NOTE: Earlier issues such as that of June 11 explained that the upcoming vote on “County Bonds,” was “An act authorizing Counties to issue Bonds for the Purpose of Funding Outstanding Indebtedness and for other purposes.” Newton would use this act for its brick school house in the early 1900s.}

* * * *
July 6, 1892 - page 8 under “Celebration at Newton.” -

“NEWTON, July 5, 1892,
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--The 4th of July celebration in Newton was a grand success and great credit is due the committees for their untiring efforts to make it a pleasant day to __?_. The parade which took place at about 10 a.m., was the best we have ever witnessed in Newton. It was headed by our martial band, followed by a finely decorated wagon containing 14 young ladies all dressed in white and representing the Goddess of liberty and the original states. Next was a company of young men representing revolutionary soldiers who was well trained in military drill and was commanded by Mr. John A. Christensen. Another feature of the procession was a wagon containing ladies and gentlemen representing the American citizens at olden times. Three clowns kept the spectators in a continuous road by their many pranks. Well to mention all who took part in the procession would be to lengthy.

“At 11 a.m. our new meeting house was crowded with people. Meeting was called to order by Mr. Lorenzo Larsen, master of ceremonies. The programme then __?_ __?_  was extent. The oration by Mr. John A. Christensen was ... [piece of art?] and received hearty applause __?_ __?_ __?_ rendered was very find and the musical part of the programme proved that Newton is fast improving in that beautiful art.

“It the afternoon several hours went pleasantly by witnessing various sports and races and drill exercises of our military company. From 5 to 7 p.m., the children had an enjoyable dance. At night a grand ball was the occasion of much enjoyment to the grown people. Thus we spent the Fourth. It was a happy day to all, peace and good will was manifested all around and we are justly proud of our celebration.

-- The Journal , July 6, 1892.
* * * *
July 9, 1892 - page 5 under “Teachers Institute.” -

“The teachers of Cache Co., met in convention Tuesday July 5th. Commenced . . . with an instrumental selection. . . . Supt. Green then introduced Prof. Klock of Leavenworth, Kansas, to the teachers. After a few introductory remarks the Professor began the regular class work in Primary Arithmetic.”
[Several class room situation shown with instructions... .]
Teachers present - from Logan, 9; Hyde Park,3; Smithfield, 3; Richmond, 3; Clarkston - Mr. Joshua Homer and Miss Annie Larson.
Newton - Mr. John J. James and Mr. J. T. Miller.
Mendon, 2; Wellsville, 6; Hyrum, 5; Paradise, 2; Millville, 3; Providence, 3; Lewiston, 3; one each from Benson, Coveville, Trenton, Petersboro, West Millville, Riverside, Mineral Point.
-- The Journal , July 9, 1892.

* * * *
July 20, 1892 - page 8 under “News from Newton.” -

“NEWTON, July 18th, 1892,
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The musical entertainment last week by Harris Bros. was greatly appreciated by the large audience present on the occasion, every number entered was applauded. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the company.

“Newton has quite a building boom this summer. A large addition has been built to our school house containing two rooms about twenty-four feet square each, these with the old large room will provide ample room for our school population for years to come. The whole building is of rock and has a very substantial appearance.

“Mr. Alma Benson is building a neat residence also of rock and containing six rooms.

“Work has been commenced on our new tithing office which, according to the plans will be a handsome building and a great improvement to Newton.

“Mr. Marcus Benson is likely to get the honor of having erected the first brick house in Newton, as he is now busy preparing to have a two roomed house of said material built before harvest. Many others are making extensive improvements on their premises, so you see we are quite progressive.

“Lucerne cutting and hauling has been the order of the day for a long time and the first crop has been very heavy. Our fields are teeming with beautiful grain. Water for irrigation is plentiful; grain on dry farms looks excellent so there is bright prospects of a bounteous harvest and our farmers have every reason to look and feel happy.

“To those who have not visited Newton for some years it well be a pleasant surprise when they approach our little burg to see the great number of beautiful shade trees lining many of the streets and beginning to afford pleasant shade in these hot days and if our citizens will continue in the good work it will not be many years before Newton will be as lovely spot to dwell in as any of the settlements of the valley.

“Politics are apparently quiet, though rumor is afloat that our republican friends are holding secret meetings. What's in the wind, eh; going to give the Democrats a surprise nest fall? Not much, we are up to your game. Newton was, is, and will continue to be a Democratic town. Selah.

More anon, OCCASIONAL.”

* * Same issue and page under “Local Points.” -

“Mr. [or Vic] Crocket returned on Monday from a six days trip. He had reason to believe that he has at last gotten on the track of the slayer of the man whose body was found near Newton last summer.”
-- The Journal , July 20, 1892.

* * * *
July 27, 1892 - page 8 in the “News From Newton” article--

“NEWTON, July 24th, 1892.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--On Friday last our you esteemed townsman Mr. Samuel Benson was married to Miss Fannie Hopewell, a blooming your lady of Salt Lake City, in the evening the happy couple was serenaded by our Martial band. A wedding supper was partaken of at the residence of the bridegrooms parents and at which a great number of relative and friends was present and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Brother Samuel and his young bride has the well wishes of our whole community.

“On Saturday a friendly game of base ball was played between the junior clubs of Logan and Newton which resulted in a defeat of the Logan boys, the score being Newton 29, Logan 18. The same clubs will play another game in Logan next Saturday.  Little Master Clayton of the Logan club will make a fine pitcher when he grows a little stronger.

“The arrest of young Welchman has created a great sensation here, where the young man is so well and favorable known, nearly all our population are convinced that the young man is innocent. It has been rumored here that somebody in Logan had made the statement that young Welchman has a bad reputation and is without friends, this is certainly false, as there are hundreds of friends in Newton ready to come forth and testify to the good character of the young man. Strong evidence is said to be on hand to prove his innocence.

-- The Journal , July 27, 1892.

* * * *
July 30, 1892 - page 1 under “New Registrars.” -

“The Utah Commission met on Tuesday and appointed the following registration officers (all republicans.)
Newton - J. A. Christensen
Clarkston - Frank Griffith

* * Same date and on page 5 under “Runaway.” -

“Yesterday morning, Mr. Jas. Christensen of Newton, was, with his son John, on the way to Logan, when the horse they were driving ran away, throwing them both out. Mr. Christensen was stunned by the fall and his son, not realizing that his father was badly hurt, ran after the horse. which was engaged in the pleasant pastime of reducing the buggy to kindling wood, which he did not effectually. Another gentleman from Newton passed the scene of the accident and brought Mr. Christensen to Logan, where Dr. Ormsby attended to his injuries, which were found to be quite serious.

“The gentleman's head was very badly bruised and cut, the scalp on one side being torn almost entirely loose from the skull. One shoulder was also badly hurt. The doctor could not determine whether it was fractured until the swelling was reduced, but he believes it to be.”
-- The Journal , July 30, 1892.

* * * *
August 3, 1892 - page 8 under the “Local Points” column -

“Charles Welchman, the alleged murderer, has many friends in Newton, and they come to Logan on every day for which the case is set, but there have been so many continuances that they are commencing to weary of it.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 3, 1892.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sidebar of the WELCHMAN CASE and aftermath - previous to the Aug. 3rd item above if one cares to backtrack there was coverage in the Logan newspaper on July 27, 1892 and July 20, 1892 plus mention of finding a unidentified body near Trenton or close to Newton in September of 1891 (not extracted in this sampling but copied in large part in the article of July 20, 1892).

July 20, 1892 - page 8 under “Murder Will Out.”
“A Clever Price of Detective Work by Deputy Crockett.”
“THE SUPPOSED SLAYER --Of the Unknown Man Found Dead Near Trenton in Jail.”

“On the 30th of last September the JOURNAL, ever wide awake and full of news, published the following:
“The ‘body of an unknown man, aged about 45 years, was found in the sands near Trenton on Saturday. ‘The discovery was made on Saturday and the officers were sent for on Sunday. ‘There were unmistakable evidences of severe struggles at different points. ‘The hands and feet were seen sticking out of the sand by a person who was hunting cows. The point at which the body was located was a half mile south of the depot near Trenton.
‘Sheriff Kimball and Sargent Crockett went to the place, took the body out, and finding it almost nude, rolled it in a blanket and left it till the following morning, when Mr. Bingham, justice of the peace, was called to the spot. ‘Then a careful examination was made. The man had been struck on the back of the head with a piece of iron. He had also been struck on the forehead with the same thing.  The iron was found--a piece about nine inches long with a sharp point bent down at one end. It would weigh six or seven pounds.
‘The indications are that the struggle began on the railroad track, as the marks can be see where both had fought down the grade. Then the tracks of one going away and followed by the other can be found. Then there is another point at which they have struggled, with more blood.
‘A pair of overalls and other pieces of clothing were found at different points.
‘It is evident that the murderer stripped the clothing off his victim and was in the act of taking off his drawers, when perhaps frightened or otherwise deterred.
‘He scooped out a hole in the sands, probably with his hands, and place the dead body in it and then covered it over. The coyotes or birds uncovered the feet and hands, so that it wad discovered as stated. It could not have been the winds or the track would have been obliterated. The face was decayed so far that recognition was impossible, and it is believed he must have been buried ten days. There was no ring, or clothes, or paper, on which to build any hope of identification.
‘The impression is that the murderer took off the clothes of his victim and put them on himself.
‘The supposition is also that the victim and his assassin were tramps, walking along the railroad track; and getting into a quarrel, one was killed as described.
‘The body was brought to Logan and Coroner Lewis held an examination, at which the meager facts and the theories here given, were heard. The jury found that the deceased had been foully and maliciously murdered by unknown persons.’

“The following was the verdict of the Coroner's jury in full.
Territory of Utah
Logan Precinct, Cache Co.
“An inquisition held at Logan, Cache Co., on the 28th day of Sept. A.D. 1891 before Alexander Lewis, Coroner of said County, upon the body of an unknown person here lying dead, by the jurors whose names are here to subscribed: The said jurors upon their oaths do say that said unknown person came to his death by being foully and feloniously murdered; being beaten on the head with a piece of iron weighing about five pounds, by an unknown person at Trenton, Cache County, about ten days ago.”

A. Lewis, Coroner
Danill Crookston,
Thomas P. Smith.
William Peacock.

“Never since the discovery of the body as above narrated has there been any light thrown in any way upon the crime. There did not seem to be the slightest clue upon which to build even the faintest suspicion of anyone.

“But all eyes do not see alike and there was one man among us who ‘smelt a mouse’ from the very first.

“He noted the fact that the dead man had been stripped of his clothing. For what purpose?

“The assassin must have been in need of better clothing than he wore. He must have put his victim's suit on himself.

“If so then he must have disposed of his own clothing in some manner. The keen sighted officer noted this fact. He also discovered another grave near where the body had been found.

“This was also opened and an old suit of poor clothes was taken out. The overalls and boots were buried with the dead body.

“The sleuth of Justice dug them up however, and began search for the murderer.

“Weeks and weeks had he followed the only clue he had. Persistently has he followed the man toward whom his suspicions directed him.

“The officer has shadowed this man constantly. Tracked him to Star Valley, Wyoming. Followed him to Evanston.

“The evidence of guilt grew more conclusive. Neighbors had begun to talk about the actions of the young man. His own relatives thought something was wrong but they knew not what.

“From Evanston the wary officer tracked the suspect back to Cache Valley through the mountains.

“He followed him to his former home on Bear River. Missing him he came back and overhauled him west of Logan. Then he read the warrant and placed Charles Welchman under arrest ‘for the murder of an unknown man.’

“The sagacious and persistent officer who caught the first small clue and followed it through thick and thin to the very end, and who deserves the plaudits of his fellow citizens is our worthy deputy sheriff Vic Crockett.

“Be is said to his credit, Vic has labored hard in the interest of justice and to fulfill the function of his office. If he has found the right man he has done a great service to mankind. If he is mistaken, circumstances are such as to deceive anyone.

“The prisoner is now in the county jail awaiting an examination. He refuses to talk and maintains a sullen silence. He formerly lived with his father in Newton but late last fall his father moved to star Valley. The family are well known to many of our readers who will no doubt be surprised and pained to hear the young man rests under such a dark cloud of suspicion."
-- The Journal , July 20, 1892.

[NOTE: The Logan Journal on Wednesday Sept. 30, 1891 had two article on this--one on page 4 under “Local News” and the most detailed on page 8 in an article entitled "Murder" which the above July 1892 articles copied in large part.]

* * * *
August 6, 1892 - page 8 under “The Murder Case” -

“Was Finished Yesterday After a Four Days Trail.”
“The Prisoner is Free”
“The Prosecution Moved a Dismissal When all the Evidence was in”

“The continuation of the Welchman murder case was set for 10 a.m. on Tuesday but it was 11 o'clock before the attorneys for the prosecution appeared in court.

“Victor Crockett was recalled and stated that there was no clothing on the body of the murdered man except a pair of drawers, one leg of which had been pulled from the body. Found a hat, a pair of overalls, a vest, a shirt, a pair of boots and a piece of iron buried in different places, but all within two rods of the body.

“A portion of the evidence in regard to tracks, proof of the killing, etc., given on Monday was repeated. The witness testified that the clothes found near the body, or a portion of them, had been identified as having belonged to the plaintiff.

“The defense objected to the introduction of that portion of the evidence on the ground that the ‘corpus delicti,’ or the fact that the man had been killed, had not been established. The objection was sustained.

“The prosecution cited authorities to prove that the ‘corpus delicti’ might be proven by circumstantial evidence tending to prove that a murder had been committed, such as the discovery of the body bearing marks of violence; discovery of the instrument with which the death blow was inflicted, etc.

“The defense quoted the same authority to prove that competent medical, surgical or chemical testimony was necessary to establish the corpus delicti.

“The prosecution stated that they had procured competent medical testimony, and placed Vic Crockett on the stand, who testified that he had exhumed the body on Monday night, and had submitted it to Dr. Ormsby for examination.
“Dr. Ormsby next took the stand and said that he had examined the head of a deceased male, person on that morning; that he found a fracture of the skull on the left side of the head that extended over nearly all of the left side of the frontal bone from the apex of the skull to the ear. The size of that fracture was about 2 1/2 by 3 inches; it was a depressed fracture; there was a wound on the right side of the head, also on the left side of the face. The witness had compared the wounds with a piece of iron were the same distance apart as the holes in the head; the wounds would cause instant death. On cross examination the doctor stated that it was possible that the wounds might have been inflicted with some other weapon, and owing to the time that elapsed since the death, could not state positively whether the wounds had been inflicted before or after death.

“Deputy Sheriff Crockett was recalled and said that the things found near the body, including the iron, had been in his possession continuously ever since their discovery, and that when found there was blood on the iron. On cross examination Crockett testified that he and the sheriff went over to Trenton on the evening of the 27th, and that they did not see the corpse until the following morning, when they went in a buggy. A boy had first found the corpse. Crockett said that they had kept the crowd at a distance so that whatever tracks there were would not be disturbed; there were a few men to assist in the search; also testified that with the exception of tracks made by the murderer, there were no foot-prints in the vicinity of the corpse; should judge the size of the boot track to be about No. 7; said that the boots found, exactly fit the tracks made by the man who had dragged the body, the body was badly bloated; could not tell how long the man had been dead; about half of the tracks made by the man who had dragged the body were plainly visible, the other half had been obliterated by the body. When asked by the defense how he knew that there had been a struggle in two different places as testified to in his former evidence, he said that all the signs indicated it. When they visited the scene they were accompanied by Mr. Simmons and one of his sons.

“A man named Sandberg who lives in the vicinity testified that two tramps had eaten breakfast at his place, and were quarreling when they left; heard that afterward a man had been seen walking southward with two coats, but before reaching Cache Junction, all trace was lost; the only description of the man that was obtainable was that he looked like a Norwegian; stated that the searching party were all sober. A bed made of weeds and grass and the remains of a camp fire were found in the vicinity of the corpse; the weeds and grass looked as if they had been pulled up a month or six weeks before.

“Brig. Benson was next sworn; stated that he and others had visited the scene the day before Kimball and Crockett were there; that the body was uncovered and as the birds were picking at the corpse, they had thrown some sand on it; apparently very little if any effort had been made to bury the body; Mr. Coltrin was there, there were three different tracks. The witness and those with him found the clothing; the boots, socks and hat were found in one place, the other articles scattered in different directions; did not notice tracks in immediate vicinity of the body, the tracks leading from the body to the grade were made by large boots.

“E. W. Holdaway was the next witness; lived in Deweyville; had formerly lived in Star Valley; got acquainted with the defendant in Star Valley; had lived near him there; saw defendant in the fall of '91; the defendant had taken a contract from witness to get out some poles and logs; the defendant had worn a peculiar pair of boots; witness had seen them frequently; had noticed that both boots were run down at the heel on the same side; had frequently noticed tracks made by the boots; swore positively that the boots produced in court were the identical boots worn by the defendant at the time spoken of; had coversation [conversation] with the defendant some time in December; defendant told witness of a murder that had been committed near Trenton; described the way in which the murder had been committed and gave full information concerning the details of the crime; had another conversation with defendant about the murder some time afterwards in the presence of Richard Inks; during the conversation it was said that men were arrested now for the boots they wore; defendants cheeks flushed, his eyes were cast down, and in a short time he went away. The witness had seen the boots on the defendants feet in the fore part of September in Star Valley; was positive on this point; judged that it was on or very near the first of the month. The witness it seems had suspected Welchman as the author of the bloody deed, at the time he was detailing the circumstances connected with the murder. On cross examination he swore once more to the boots and re-iterated some of his former evidence; testified that he had been stopping with Crockett since he came to Logan; that he and Crockett and the other witnesses for the prosecution had talked over the matter and that they had seen the boots since they had been here; that he first mentioned his suspicions to Crockett, was shown the boots at that time, and identified them; was subpoenaed by Crockett as a witness in the case. The witness said that he was sick about three years ago and that the sickness had effected him both physically and mentally; that his memory has not been as good since as it was before.

“Jacob Miller was the next witness and swore that he had seen the boots on the  feet of a man at a store in Afton, Star Valley, on first day of September 1891; could not identify the defendant as the party who had worn them at that time, had taken more notice of the boots than of the wearer.

“Ammon Vale was next called to the stand and testified that he had seen the boots on the feet of A. P. Welchman, the defendants father, in Star Valley, on the first day of September 1891. Identified the boots, was certain they were the same. The witness stated that Mr. Welchman was riding a horse at the time the witness noticed the boots, but could not swear whether there was a saddle on the horse or not.

“Prosecution recalled victory Crockett, who testified as to the vest produced in court, and stated that it was the one found by him near the body; was asked by the prosecution if it had been recognized as the property of the defendant by his father.  The defense objected very strongly to this question, on the ground that it was hearsay evidence and therefore improper; that the prosecution had summoned Mr. Welchman as a witness and that he was the proper man to put on the stand. The court sustained the objection, but allowed the prosecution to divide the question into two parts and thereby attain the same end; this also was objected to; the objection overruled and an exception noted.

“Sheriff Jones of Bear Lake was put on the stand and was allowed to testify against the objection of the defense that A. P. Welchman had recognized the vest as the property of his son.

“A. P. Welchman was called to the stand and testified that his son had left home in the fall of 1890 to work for himself; had paid him a visit on the 15th day of September last; had left again on the 18th; next returned in November. The boys financial condition about that time was poor, he had no money. When he returned to Star Valley he brought back a mower and rake with him, which the witness stated Mrs. Welchman had paid for and that Charley had got two or three hundred dollars from her!

“This ended the evidence for the prosecution, and they rested.

“The defense now moved that the case be dismissed on the ground that the prosecution had failed to show that the defendant had had either a motive or opportunity for the commission of the act charged; the witnesses had not proved that he was at or near the scene of the murder at the time the crime was committed; the fact that the witnesses had been staying with the prosecuting witness; that they had talked over the case together; that they had seen the boot while here, should all be taken into consideration by the court. The only point upon which their evidence agreed, was in the recognition of the boots; but no two of them agreed as to who had worn them. It might also be argued that no proof that a murder had been committed had yet been submitted.

“The prosecution claimed that there was ample proof that a murder had been committed, and sufficient evidence had been produced to justify the court in demanding that the opposite side proceed with their defense.

“The court ruled that the defense proceed.
“H. G. Stone was the first witness for the defense; was a farmer, lived in Newton; was well acquainted with the defendant; had worked with him during a great part of the summer of '91; first in Bear River canyon, and afterward in and around Newton; also worked a portion of the summer with the defendant in Logan, where they had taken a contract from J. Z. Stewart to put up some hay, and plough some land; had afterward worked with the defendant during the fore part of September, from the first until and including the eighth in Newton on the threshing machine; that they had slept together each night after finishing the days work, wherever the machine happened to be located, except on the night of the sixth, when he slept at home. On the eleventh, the witness was with the defendant hauling their wagon from the field in Logan, where they had worked for Stewart; at about noon on the twelfth the defendant had started for Star Valley, and the witness had ridden with him about a mile and a quarter to the house of a man he wished to see. On the afternoon of the 21st the witness saw him again; they worked together again on the threshing machine on the afternoon of the 24th, and all day on the 25th, 26th, and 27th; had had business relation with the defendant; was acquainted, and knew that he was poor. Stone and defendant had purchased a mowing machine and rake and given their joint note in payment. Was acquainted with defendants general reputation in Newton, and it was that of a peaceable, quiet young man; knew what clothes defendant had worn all the summer, and testified positively that he had not worn the vest, boot or overalls that were produced; (those found near the body) that defendant had not worn boots all summer. The prosecution asked the witness if the defendant had hunted him up on his return from Star valley, and witness said he was not lost. (Laughter.)

“Witness did not know what defendant did while in Star Valley, nor how much money he had taken with him. Witness first heard of the murder in October, defendant had brought out witnesses interested in the mower and rake; that is, he had agreed to assume the payment of the notes they had given. Some questions in regard to the defendants habits were objected to. The objections were over-ruled and an exception noted.

“The next witness called Alma A. Benson, of Newton, corroborated the claim of a former witness in regard to the where about of defendant during the early part of September, also confirming it as to general reputation; had never seen defendant wearing the boots, overalls, or vest.

“Geo. Rigby, a resident of Newton had seen and worked with the defendant on some of the dates mentioned by Stone in September; testified also that general reputation of defendant was good.

“Martha Jenkins testified that she knew when the defendant started for star Valley; it was Sept. 15th, and he returned on the 21st; that on the 22nd he had gone to Smithfield, and of the 23rd, had gone to Logan. The witness has washed the defendant clothes for eleven months, and he had never worn overalls of that make, and had not worn boots like those; in fact he wore shoes all summer. On the occasion of his trip to Star Valley he had worn a pink and white shirt, congress shoes, a black and white straw hat, and the
same coat and vest he was wearing in court. He always wore home-made woollen socks; had on the same clothes when he returned from Star Valley that he had on when he went.

“Joanna M. Welchman was the first witness called to the stand; is a nurse by profession; the defendant is one of her husband's sons by another wife; he stayed at her house during '91. This witness' evidence confirmed that of the other witnesses as to where the defendant had been during the summer of '91. She could not swear positively where the boy slept while working on the threshing machine. She had lent him between two and three hundred dollars with which to pay his debts; could swear positively that the defendant had not wore or possessed any of the clothes found near the body, at any time during his residence with her. He had worn the clothes described by former witnesses at the time he visited Star Valley. The witness detailed the use made of the money she had loaned him, and the manner in which each payment was made; he had not yet repaid any of the money; could not say whether overalls of that particular make had been sold or worn in Star Valley.

“A. P. Welchman was recalled and reiterated most of his former evidence about the time his son visited Star Valley; had never seen his son wear boot like the ones shown in court, and had never worn them himself; had no knowledge of ever having seen them; had never, to his knowledge, seen Vale; Crochett and Jones came to his house on July the 15th last; stayed about two hours; they exhibited the boots, overalls and vest, and asked him if they were familiar; when asked if he recognized the vest, he had said
it had a family appearance; might have said he thought it was Charley's, 'but was positive he had not stated that he really recognized it as belonging to him. After the officers had gone, his wife reminded him of a suit that he himself had owned made of cloth of a somewhat similar pattern. The boys object in visiting Star Valley was to ask his fathers advice and assistance in regard to the debts he had contracted; had not said that his son wore the vest shown him by Crockett and Jones, when he left Star Valley; did not state that he had mended those boots; might have done so, but could not remember; had told the officers to do their duty, but to be merciful; had possibly said that something was wrong with Charley, and that they had had trouble; meant that the boy did not attend to this religious duties, such as praying, attending meetings and the like; had never had any other trouble with Charley; could not swear as to what clothes Charley wore when he visited Star Valley, but thought it was the same coat and vest that he was wearing in  court, had not noticed anything peculiar about Charley's manner or appearance during his visit to Star Valley or at any time since.

“The old gentleman's memory was very defective, and owing to that cause his evidence when called for the defense, did his son more harm than any of the witnesses for the prosecution had done. His fear that he might violate the portion of the oath that
says ‘and nothing but the truth.’ So fearful was he in this respect that he would not swear that the boy was his son, but said he claimed him as such.

“Charley Welchman, the defendant was sworn and testified in his own behalf; stated that he was a farmer and rancher and was 22 years of age; that he was born in Oxford, but had resided in Newton nearly all his life. He testified as to what he had been doing and where he had been all of the previous year.

“His evidence tallied exactly with that of the previous witnesses in that respect; had worn the same coat, vest and shoes to Star Valley that he was then wearing in court; told where he had camped every night while on his trip to Star Valley, both going and returning. The nearest point to the scene of the murder that he had camped at was Treasureton; that was on the return trip and had stopped at the house of a man named Zant; defendant wore number 7 shoes; he had never to his knowledge seen the clothes found near the body, and had certainly never owned or worn any of them; had heard of murder last fall; may have told Holdaway; had not held conversation with Holdaway and Inks as detailed by the former; did not wear the boots sworn too by Holdaway when he was working for him. The boots he had worn during winter of 90 and 91 were produced and identified by the defendant. They were covered with paint that he had got on them while working on the bridge. The witness was asked by his attorneys to put on those famous boots; it was evidently two or three sizes too large. When asked what he meant by saying that he did not want to work where there was such a spirit, just after his return from working on the bridge, said that it was a rough camp, and he did not like the society of such men as were there; on the return trip from Star Valley had not met any man he had worked with on bridge gang or in Bear River Canyon; had not traveled by side of track; was arrested by Crockett on road from Newton to Logan; Crockett refused to tell him the cause of his arrest until near Logan; had not asked Crockett if he should tell his attorneys all he knew about the murder, but had asked him if it would be necessary to tell them all particulars about his movements and business during the preceding year. The prosecution asked the defendant to try on the overalls and vest; he did so, and they looked as if he had not pulled them soon enough, as they were a number of sizes too large.

“Mrs. Welchman was recalled and identified the boots covered with paint, as the ones that had been cast off by the defendant, and told where they had been purchased. The cross examination on this point was so severe that shortly after leaving the stand the witness went into hysterics.

“Crockett and Jones testified that they had informed Welchman what his son was suspected of before asking him for information.
“This concluded the evidence and court adjournment until yesterday morning.

“On Friday morning the defense went prepared to battle manfully for the liberty of their client, but there was a pleasant surprise in store for them.

“Mr. Maughan, one of the attorney's for the prosecution, made a statement to the effect, saying that they had carefully reviewed all the evidence in the case; that as it appeared to them entirely insufficient, they moved that the case be dismissed and the prisoner discharged.

“Amid the rejoicing of all present the prisoner was discharged, and was kept busy for some time shaking hand and receiving the congratulations of his friends.

“The attorneys for the prosecution worked hard and faithfully in the interest of the People, and made the most of every point, but thought they had the wrong man.

“Messrs. Hart & Hart, assisted by W. H. Snelling, are to be congratulated on the care with which they had prepared their case. It was all in the preparation. Very little argument was necessary.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 6, 1892.

* * * *
August 6, 1892 - page 4 under “THE PUBLISHED CARD.” -

“‘A. H. Welshman’ is out in a card in the Nation criticizing this paper for what he claimed was an unfair statement of the murder case. The JOURNAL simply republished the article which appeared in its columns last fall when the body was found. It gave also a brief synopsis of the evidence gathered by the officers. But it passed no opinion whatever on the guilt or innocence of the prisoner. On the contrary this paper has at considerable expense taken down and published the entire evidence in young Welchman’s examination. The Nation has done nothing of the kind.

“If the prosecution showed what was claimed for it our readers will see as much. But the defense made out a stronger case we cannot doubt when we consider the determination of the case.

“The Nation's card is signed by ‘A. H. Welshman’ while the father of the young  man is known as A. P. Welchman. Neither the initials nor the spelling of the name would lead us to believe that Mr. ‘W.’ wrote the card in question.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 6, 1892.

* * * *
August 10, 1892 - page 8 in the “From Newton.” articles -

“NEWTON, Aug. 8th, '92.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--A very pleasant event transpired here last Saturday night. As it was learned that Charles Welchman would pay Newton a visit on that day some of his friends conceived the idea of giving him a pleasant surprise. They went to work like beavers and the result was that when friend Charley and his folks were invited to come over to the meeting house at about 9 o'clock on the night mention, they found the large hall filled with friends eager to greet and congratulate Bro. Charles on the happy result of his recent trial which proved him what his friends never doubted, innocent of that horrible murder.

“A lively dance was then in order for a couple of hours. A recess was then taken and the audience was served with a great variety of refreshments. A collection was taken up to help the young man in his present circumstances and it was liberally responded to.

“A subscription list is also started to help Bro. Welchman pay h is lawyers fees which is quite a large amount and which he is unable to meet alone. We hope that friends in Logan and other places will do likewise.

“Say, Mr. editor, now that the Welchman investigation is over, would it not be proper to urge the detectives to take up that mysterious Tom Cat case recently chronicled in the JOURNAL, there might be something in it?

“Jas. Hansen and Christian Larsen, the two men who were hurt by being thrown from a wagon while enroute for conference are slowly recovering from their injuries. It is very much to be regretted that Bishop Funk is in very poor health at present so he is unable to attend meeting, we miss his presence and hope he will soon regain good health.

“Bro. John Wilson of Logan visited our Sunday school yesterday and the morning was occupied under his directions to practice the beautiful songs selected for our coming Stake jubilee.

“It is a busy time with us now; grain harvesting is in full blast and before long the hum of the threshing machine will be heard in the land.


Immediately following came this letter--

“NEWTON, Aug. 8, 1892.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--As the readers of THE JOURNAL are aware, last Friday morning the Welchman case was dismissed and the prisoner liberated. He returned on Saturday to Newton where his many friends kindly received him, together with his father and aunt. In the evening a party was gotten up in due respect to them and in which all enjoyed themselves to their hearts’ content.

“During the evening picnic was served and a petition was read asking for contributions by anyone who feels to aid the unfortunate young man to defray the expense of his attorneys.

“Contributions will be asked for throughout the county and wherever he may be known. The expense is not light, especially for such as are the circumstances similar to the Welchman family.

“He is a good hearted boy, as many who have but become acquainted with him in the court room can testify, and it seems very strange indeed that he should be suspected of such a crime as murder.

“When the young man's father and aunt left Star Valley, the remaining family had no flour in their house, which was due to the unjust detention of Mr. Welchman, Jr., who should have returned with such provisions, but for his delay in Logan.

“The family is in very poor circumstances, and such expensive treatment makes the burden very heavy. Therefore, it anyone can extend a helping hand it will be very kindly accepted.

“Proper provisions will be made in each place for the deposit of the contributions, which will be open until the first of October.

Yours truly,
Lorenzo Larsen,
In behalf of the Welchman family.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 10, 1892.

* * * *
November 5, 1895 - page 8 in the “Local Points” –

There was mention of a member of this family in the Logan newspaper. It was the announcement of a marriage license issued –“Olof J. Hokanson of St. Charles, Idaho, and Emma J. Welchman of Grover, Wyoming.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 5, 1895.

[NOTE: Emma Joanna Welchmen was born in Newton, the second of five children born there. A. P. Welchman was 58 years old at the time of the trial, and he died in Star Valley in 1919.  His son Charles also died in Star Valley in 1956.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

August 3, 1892 - page 8 under “Local Points”-

“The Logan Junior base ball club played the Newton boys on Saturday, and were beaten. The score stood 36 to 31.”
-- The Journal , Aug.3, 1892.

* * * *
August 13, 1892 - page 1 under “Programme of Cache Stake” -
“S.S. Jubilee, Saturday and Sunday Sept. 10th and 11th, 1892
Card exercise , Articles of Faith - Greenville.
Recitation -- 7th Ward, Logan.
Theological exercise, Necessity of Continuous Revelation - Hyde Park.
Vocal Music - Smithfield
. . . .
Biography, Life of Apostle Paul - Newton.
. . . .
Card exercise, First Commandment - Newton.
-- The Journal , Aug. 13, 1892.

* * * *
August 17, 1892 - page 5 among the "Untitled" items and advertisements on this page
“FOUND.-- A bay horse branded T on left shoulder, white hind feet. Owner can apply to John P. Fonnisbeck of Newton, by the reservoir."
-- The Journal , Aug. 17, 1892

* * * *
August 24, 1892 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Just one marriage license last week; Lorenzo Larsen, aged 22, and Altna Erickson, aged 20, both of Newton. This week the Temple opens, and they will come by dozens. ”
-- The Journal , Aug. 24, 1892.

* * * *
August 27, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Happenings.” -

“NEWTON, Aug. 24, ‘92.
“It seems to be an unlucky time for Newton at present as one accident follows in the wake of another.
“Last Sunday a young man by the name of Hyrum Larsen went on top of the house now being erected by Peter Benson, Esq.; while walking on the upper joists, one of them broke and young Larsen fell to the ground floor, badly bruising himself, especially his head. He is now recovering from his injuries.

“Yesterday afternoon as Mr. Hans C. Hansen was on the road from the field with a load of oats, the front part of the load on which Mr. Hansen was seated slid down on the horses, and Mr. Hansen with it. The horses took fright and ran away with the load, which passed over Mr. Hansen’s body, badly injuring him. He received several wounds on the head, a very deep gash in his right arm and his left foot was badly crushed by a wheel passing over it. No bones were broken, and the injured man now rest quite comfortably but he is, of course, stiff and sore. It is thought he will soon recover.

“Dr. Bulmer who has resided here for some months, has left to take up his abode in Cedar City, in the southern part of the Territory. The doctor says Newton is too healthy a place for his profession. * [see below]

“When Mr. Lorenzo Larson and Miss Altina Erickson went to Logan yesterday morning, they were two, and when they returned last night, they were one. This happened by their marriage, which took place in Logan Temple yesterday. Last night a reception and supper was held at the residence of the bride's mother, in which a great number of relatives and friends participated and a very enjoyable time was spent. Happiness and joy to the young couple.

“We are busy as bees with harvesting, threshing and building. Six new residences have been erected this summer. There is not an idle man or boy in Newton. Labor help is greatly needed. Farmers offer three bushels of wheat per pay for men and cannot get them.

“Quite a number of excursionists have been visiting friends and relatives here during the last week.”

-- The Journal , Aug. 27, 1892.

NOTE and sidebar on Dr. Bulmer--
* Dr. Bulmer was probably Thomas S. Bulmer and the following is what I have been able to find concerning him, all from the Ogden Newspaper The Standard for the dates given—
December 2, 1890 - page 3 Under “Medical Cards.”
Doctor in medicine, master of surgery, L.S A. London, surgery, accoucheur, Royal College of surgeons, Endland; LC.P. & B.
Quebec. Fellow Soc. Arts and Science. London; formerly quarantine officer and superintendent for N W Zealand and Melbourne, Victoria.
Temporarily at Mrs. Smuthwaite's, near Tabernacle, Washington avenue.” -- The Standard (Ogden, Utah) Dec. 2, 1890.
This Medical or business card was repeated in the same newspaper for Dec. 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31 of 1890, and on Jan. 1, 1891, for the last time. Dr. Bulmer was mentioned twice more in this Ogden newspaper as follows:
December 14, 1890 - page 3 under “Bacteria Medica.”
“What Ogden Doctors Think of Professor Koch.”
Dr. Koch of Berlin claimed he had discovered a remedy for consumption and the newspaper surveyed local doctors.... “But the Ogden physicians are almost as much in the dark as to what the remedy is as are the non-medical portion of the community.” Among the doctors surveyed were twelve named physicians including Dr. Bulmer with the following comments:
“Dr. Bulmer was busily engaged in setting up his office room on Washington avenue and had little time to talk. He thought the process might very materially affect the disease in arresting it in incipient cases, but that when a longer part of it is gone, it is gone and cannot be restored.  But the germ could be destroyed and the disease checked. Consumption he thought could be arrested but not cured.”

“There are other physicians to whose offices the reporter made repeated visits, but failed to see them. The intention was to obtain the views of all the physicians of Ogden.” -- The Standard - Dec. 14, 1890.

March 7, 1891 - pager 3 under “Kaysville Notes.” --
“Dr. T. S. Bulmer, late of London, England, will commence
the practice of medicine in our little burg.”
-- The Standard , March 7, 1891.
[No further mention has been found of his practice in Kaysville or Davis
County or in Newton and Cedar City.]

* * * *
October 1, 1892 - page 10 under “County Convention.” -

“Delegates Chosen to the Territorial Convention.”
“The Democratic Convention convened yesterday morning in the large upper room
of the Court House.” -- among the delegates selected were--
Newton, John Griffin
Clarkston , Wm. Sparks
Trenton, Brigham Benson.
-- The Journal , Oct. 1, 1892.

* * * *
October 8, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--A week ago a Democratic meeting was held here at which time Mr. A. Goodsell was the main speaker; and in his remarks plainly showed up the protective tariff humbug. His speech worried our Republican friends so much that they gave out notice for a meeting to be held last night, at which they would have able speakers present to disprove the arguments made by Mr. Goodsell.

“Last night came and with it Mr. Snelling, the Republican nominee for County attorney. The Republicans expected Mr. Goodsell’s arguments to be crushed by their great orator but alas, for human expectations! They were sorely disappointed, not one word being spoken to disprove Mr. Goodsell’s statements. The speaker said he had no intention to say anything bad about his Democratic friends, but he must have forgotten himself for his speech was a continuous tirade of abuse against the Democratic party,
which according to his assertions is the root of all evil. He tried hard to convince the audience that the McKinley act was a blessing to the laboring classes but he made a failure of it. He also named the bloody shirt, stating that the Democratic party was the cause of the civil war.

“Next in order was an attempt to show what a great patriotic measure the infamous Force bill was; but the speaker failed to show the reason why it was defeated by a Republican Congress. The speaker closed by saying that with the exception of himself the Republican County ticket was a good one and ought to be elected.

“A few more such meetings will do the Democratic cause much good. So 'try John, try again!’

“Tomorrow evening Mr. Flygure and Mr. Peterson will prate Swenska to us.

NEWTON, Oct. 4th.
-- The Journal , Oct. 8, 1892.

* * * *
October 12, 1892 - page 8 under “A GRAND RALLY” -

“Of the Democratic Hosts Will Take Place on Friday Evening."
“Next Friday evening will be a red letter day for the Democracy of Cache County.
“Hon. Joseph L. Rawlins the Democratic nominee for Congress will be present and address the public. . . . There will be bands and clubs in attendance from all parts of Cache County. . . . There will be clubs from every settlement in line.
“Brass bands from Richmond, Smithfield, Lewiston, Hyde Park, Clarkston, Mendon, Hyrum, Wellsville and Logan will furnish the music. . . . Dr. O.C. Ormsby will be marshal of the day and H. G. Hayball will look after the red lights. . . .”
Wellsville and Hyrum bands.
Standard bearer
Delegates and Speakers
Sage Brush Glee Club
Hyrum and Wellsville Clubs.
Mendon Marshall band.
Mendon Club.
Paradise Club.
Millville and Providence Clubs.
Richmond band.
Richmond and Coveville Clubs.
Lewiston band and Club.
Smithfield band.
Smithfield and Benson Club.
Hyde Park band.
Hyde Park Club.
Newton and Clarkston Clubs.
Cleveland Drum corps.
Young Men's Drum club.
Opera House band.
-- The Journal , Oct. 12, 1892.

* * * *
October 15, 1892 - page 1 under “Newton Notes.” -

“NEWTON, Oct. 13th, 1892.
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Last night our school house was crowded with an expectant audience as Prof. Paul had been announced to be present to expound the truth of Democracy. The Professor and part of the Sage Brush Glee Club arrived about 9 o'clock and was warmly applauded. Mr. Paul was in a happy mood and his exposure of the protection humbug was well delivered and received hearty applause. The renditions by the glee club was greatly appreciated and loudly encored. A hearty vote of thanks was given the visitors at the close of the meeting. The statements and fact given by the Prof. well set our farmers to think and realize that the Democratic party is their only true friend. A few more such meeting will strength our course and bring us sure victory at the coming election.

“Bishop Funk who has been very ill for a long time is slowly recovering and we hope to see him perfectly well again.

“Little David Christensen who a week ago had the misfortune of being thrown from a horse and thereby fracturing and dislocating his right arm is rapidly recovering.

-- The Journal , Oct. 15, 1892.

* * * *
October 19, 1892 - page 8 under “DEMOCRACTIC RALLIES.” -
“Wellsville, Richmond and Paradise Turn out to Hear. . .Able Democratic Arguments
. . . .The Scandinavian meetings in Richmond and Newton this week were Democratic success.”

* * Same issue and page under “Local Points” -
“Joseph J. Wilson, age 23, of Hyrum, and Annie E. Sparrow, age 18, of Newton, obtained a license from Clerk Fullmer yesterday morning; stepped across the hall and were made one by Judge Smith. They are going to put up a sign ‘young couples married while they wait.’”
-- The Journal , Oct. 19, 1892.
[NOTE: On the Wilson boy and Sparrow girl their places of residence should have been reversed.]

* * * *
October, 22, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Last Monday night the Republicans of this place held a very poorly attended meeting in which the local lights of that party in a short time exhausted themselves of all their political knowledge in a vain attempt to show the greatness of Republicanism.

“On Tuesday night a Scandinavian Democratic meeting was held which was well attended. The speakers were Fernstrom and B. Hansen, of Salt Lake, and N. P. Nielsen and C. H. Olsen, of Logan. The remarks of the speakers were forcible and convincing and were frequently applauded. A proof that the speakers did good work was that, at the close of the meeting, a Republican moved a vote of thanks to the speakers. He afterwards declared that he should never vote the Republican ticket.

“Last night we had another Democratic rally. The schoolhouse was crowded with eager listeners to the able speeches made by Messrs. P. W. Maughan, Leishmain and Murray, all of Wellsville. All of the speakers received hearty applause and this the good work goes on. Our opponents are loosing ground every day, while our party is gaining strength right along and victory will be our on election day.

NEWTON, Oct. 20, ‘92.

* * * *
October 29, 1892 - page 8 under “A GOOD MAN GONE.” -

“Bishop Hans Funk of Newton, died at his home last Tuesday night after a severe illness lasting for several months past. He died without a struggle having lived a consistent life as a Latter-day Saint.

“The family is heartbroken and Newton is in deep mourning. Our good and worthy bishop is no more, and this community has suffered a severe and irreparable loss.

“The remains were interred in the Richmond cemetery, as the bishop formerly resided at that place.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 29, 1892.

* * * *
October 29, 1892 - page 8 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The political event of the season, for Clarkston, occurred on Monday the 24th inst. The speakers arrived early but there was already an enthusiastic audience assembled. Mr. William F. Jensen, of Newton, was the first speaker and he held the attention of all for a short time on tariff and the Democratic principles generally. Mr. Alfred Goodsell, the heavy weight tariff talker, from Newton, spoke for an hour on the subject on which he is so well posted. The people listened with attention to Mr. Goodsell and the Republicans present who ‘chipped in’ were promptly answered.

“C. D. W. Fullmer delivered the next speech and it was good and Col. held the audience spell bound for about an hour and a half; but the people insisted till the last on hearing more. The roosters were crowing when the audience dispersed, still rejoicing .  . . .The audience was enthusiastic from the commencement, but the Clarkston-Benson Democratic Band cheered up the audience who were wild with applause.

“Mr. John J. Jardine was called for and audience persisted that he speak. The good Bishop made an excellent speech which was appreciated by all. Democracy is all right. . . .

“The home made Republican bearing the misnomer Reasoner, accompanied by Mr. Liljenquist attempted to hold a meeting here last Saturday. They fired a few blank catridges [ sic ? cartridges] at empty benches and the brethren left rejoicing.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 29, 1892.

* * * *
November 10, 1892 - page 8 under “County Court.” -

“The County Court met in regular session Monday at 10:30 o’clock, all the  members being present.
“Upon petition of Amos Clark, et. al., the county road through Newton precinct was changed two blocks south from the point where it enters Newton of the West, thence east through the town until it reaches the present road again.”

“It was decided that Alta and Newton school districts should each have their
own special school tax, to be expended in the respective districts.”

* * Same date and page –

“CACHE COUNTY. Rolls Up a Good Majority For Joseph L. Rawlins.
Every Settlement Carried By Rawlins Except Paradise- - -The Entire County Ticket Elected.”
“Smithfield and Logan Have Been Redeemed and a Hot Campaign is Over.”
Rawlins Cannon Allen [Candidates for Territorial representative.]
Clarkston 40 25
Hyrum 137 120 1
Logan 389 377 14
Newton 43 34
Richmond 109 69
Smithfield 115 105 3
Trenton 15 2 11
Lewiston 87 27
La Plata 1 1 8
. . .
Paradise 55 64

On Front page -- “City, County, Territory and the Whole Country--They Are Democratic.”
Proclaiming the victory of Grover Cleveland over Benjamin Harrison for President and the Congress was to be Democratic as well.
“A WATERLOO. Young Napoleon Has Met His Wellington.
FIVE THOUSAND Majority for Rawlins the Fearless Champion of Democracy. THE
PEOPLE ARE FREE. Exalt the Standard of Democracy and Down With That of

And concluded with –
People of Utah Think for Themselves.
“Republican Sneers and Slanders Refuted. This Election has Been More than a
Political Victory. It is a Triumph of Human Liberty Over a Desire of the
Wellborn to Rule.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 10, 1892.

* * * *
November 16, 1892 - page 8 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“The good people of Newton, Clarkston and Trenton are invited to attend a grand ball in the Newton Meeting House next Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.

“The Clarkston and Newton string bands will furnish the music.

“J. Homer, J. Griffin, J. Jardine, G. Rigby, P. S. Baron, A. Clark, W. L. Thompson, A. Goodsell, T. H. Godfrey, W. Jenson, John Thompson and L. Hardy."
-- The Journal , Nov. 16, 1892.

* * * *
November 26, 1892 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“James S. Hansen of Newton, gave the JOURNAL a pleasant call on Monday.”

“Samuel Clarke, son of Amos Clarke, of Newton, while riding a horse on Thursday morning had the misfortune to have the horse fall on his foot badly spraining his ankle.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 26, 1892.

* * * *
November 30, 1892 - page 8 Under the “Local Points” column -

“Since our last issue, marriage licenses have been granted to . . . Laurist Henricksen of Brigham City, and Serrene A. Johnson of Newton.”
-- The Journal , Nov. 30, 1892.

* * * *
December 7, 1892 - page 7 under “Delinquent Tax List.” -

Curtis, Hyrum lots 3,4,5 and 6 block 20 plat A, 11 acres NE sec 30 Tp 13 1W, 160 acres NE sec 20 Tp 13 1W, 160 SE sec 20 Tp 13 1W 57.40
Humphreys, Lorenzo 4.20
Johnson, Mary 2.30
Jorgensen, Niels, lots 1 and 2 block 19 Plat A 5.11
Lauritzen, Anton, lots 1 and 2 block 4 plat A 4.48
Petersen, Peter N, 160 acres SE sec 13 Tp 13 1W 9.80
Petersen, Hans C, 120 acres NE sec 24 Tp 13 1W, 40 acres NW sec 24 Tp 13 1W 14.00
Smith, Geo. Y 7.00
Smith, Alfred, lots 4 and 5 block 2 plat C 2.80
-- The Journal , Dec. 7, 1892.

* * * *
December 10, 1892 - page 4 under “BEES!” -

“Annual Report of the Inspector of Bees, Cache County.”
“Logan, December, 7.--Notwithstanding the extremely discouraging season which the bee-keepers have experience, there are very few who feel to condemn and accuse their little laborers of laziness. But more, like kind, forgiving parents, they sympathize with the bees, not having the opportunity of gathering the nectar, which they so much desire.

“As the flowers have not produced the nectar in large quantities as they did seasons previous, it will be necessary that the apiarists examine their new colonies in early spring, lest their stores of honey should be exhausted.

“. . . the following will show the number of colonies in Cache County last spring, before swarming commenced, and the loss encountered in wintering.
Logan Colonies Loss
1st Ward 22 13
2nd " 51 6
3rd " 68 4
4th " 120 11
5th " 175 13
6th " 7 2
7th " 65 11
Greensville 65 3
Hyde Park 60 10
Smithfield 211 18
Richmond 148 17
Coveville 39 3
Lewiston 72 24
Trenton 7 0
Clarkston 12 1
Newton 44 7
Benson Ward 3 0
Cache Junction 23 1
Petersboro 24 4
Mendon 78 8
Wellsville 259 44
College Ward 5 3
Hyrum 347 37
Paradise 154 21
Avon 33 1
Millville 105 15
Providence 303 42
-- The Journal , Dec. 10, 1892.

* * * *
December 24, 1892 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Newton is still existing, but we are have a hard time at present in the form of sickness which prevails to a great extent. . .[newspaper torn with the column misplaced leaving perhaps a line and a half illegible] and quite a few have been snatched away by the grim destroyer, death.

“The already bereaved family of Bp. Funk has again been called upon to mourn by the death of Miss Minne Funk, which sad event occurred on the evening of Dec. 16th, after a short illness. The deceased was the only surviving child of the lat Bp. Funk and his first wife, Christine, also deceased; was 19 years of age. She was an exceedingly sweet girl, beloved by all and our people are deeply grieved over her death.  Young as she was, she was a faithful and energetic worker, she being an officer of the Primary Association and a Sunday School teacher, also a member of the choir. One incident which shows the love and esteem she was held in, was witnessed in our Sunday school last Sunday morning when her class of little girls met. They were bitterly crying during the whole session of school and wherever I looked I found tearful faces.

“On Monday morning the funeral services were held and our meeting house was filled with sympathizing friends.

“Appropriate remarks were made by Elders A. Clarke, Mr. F. Jensen, Councilors Griffin and Benson and Prest. Rigby, of Banock [sic] Stake.

“After meeting the remains were taken to Richmond and laid to rest by the side the remains of her parents.

“Bro. J. N. Beck is busily engaged painting our new meeting house, which we expect to to [sic] have finished and furnished and dedicated at our ward conference to be held February next. We flatter ourselves on having one of the finest meeting houses in the Stake, considering the size of our town.

“Our new tithing office is now being plastered. It is a fine looking building and a great improvement to our town.

“Passing by Mr. Barker’s store the other day, I noticed a great number of pine poles being unloaded. I wondered what in the world they were for, so to satisfy my curiosity I inquired, and what do you think I learned? Great wonders we are to have a telegraph line between here and Cache Junction, and the poles are to serve for the purpose. I understand that this is Mr. John H. Barker's own enterprise. We are getting on to be some. Our day schools are well attended and our teachers give good satisfaction.

-- The Journal , Dec. 24, 1892.

* * * *
January 4, 1893 - page 8 under “THE COUNTY COURT”-
“Met Yesterday. The New Selectmen, Attorney and Sheriff Duly Installed.”
“George Rigby orally petitioned that Sections 4, 5 and 6 be added to the Newton school district, as they were owned by residents of Newton. This petition was opposed by P. S. Barson of Clarkston, and the court decided not to grant the petition.”

* * Same date and on page 7 the county and precinct officers;
Cache County Newton Precinct
Probate Judge - William Goodwin Justice of the Peace - Marcus Benson
Clerk - C. D. W. Fullmer Constable . George Rigby
Prosecution Attorney - I. C. Thoresen Road Supervision - James F. Hansen
Sheriff - Don Kimball
Superintendent of District Schools - Elijah W. Greene
-- The Journal , Jan. 4, 1893.

* * * *
January 11, 1893 - page 5 under “Estray Notice-Summons.”
“Territory of Utah
County of Cache } ss/
In the Justice's Court, Newton Precint.
Wm. F. Rigby,
Plaintiff } Summons
John Doe, } Demand $1.00,
To John Doe Greetings
“You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, at my office in Newton Precinct, in Cache County, Territory of Utah, to answer a complaints filed against you herein by said Plaintiff, within five days (exclusive of the day of service) if this summons is served on you within Newton Precinct, within ten days if served on you outside of said precinct, but within the county of Cache, and within twenty days if served elsewhere.

“Said action is brought to recover from you the sum of $1.00 for damage done by the following described animals to wit:
“One red and white spotted cow 3 years old, branded resembling a diamond standing on corner with quarter circle over it on left ribs, square crop and slit in right ear, and underhalf crop and slit in left ear, with a suckling calf about 3 months old, no marks nor brands.

“And you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer as above required plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $1.00 and cost of suit.

“To the sheriff or any Constable of said County, Greetings: Make legal service and due return hereon.
“Given under my hand this 9th day of Jan. A.D., 1893.
Justice of the Peace of said Precinct.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 11, 1893.

* * * *
January 25, 1893 - page 2 under “STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS” -

“And Disbursements of Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1892.”
Disbursements for Roads and Bridges
For La Plata district [$]1,184.97         For Newton District 71.09
" Logan " 1,874.79                            " Clarkston " 41.25
" Providence " 227.30                        " Trenton " 970.35
" Millville " 714.58                             " Lewiston " 1,089.43
" Hyrum " 505.01                             " Coveville " 122.93
" Paradise " 394.64                         " Richmond " 854.29
" Wellsville " 1,446.84                     " Smithfield " 23.10
" Mendon " 61.38                            " Hyde Park " 260.39
" Petersboro " 1,365.77                 " Avon " 351.16
" Benson " 1,208.19                     " College " 287.61
-- The Journal , Jan. 25, 1893.

* * * *
February 15, 1893 - page 5 under “Death at Newton.” -

“Death has again visited us, this time taking away Brother Anders Christensen, who recently came here from New Zealand. His death occurred Feb. 5th, from the effect of la grippe. Funeral services were held in the meeting house on Wednesday last. Appropriate remarks were made by several of the brethren present and all bore testimony to the many good qualities of the departed. Brother Christensen leaves a wife, five children and a host of friends to mourn his death.

“Newton has again got a Bishopric. On the evening of Feb. 5th, Prest. Orson Smith accompanied by Elder Andreas Peterson of Logan, paid us a visit and on this occasion Brother Wm. H. Griffin was proposed and sustained by the assembled Saints as Bishop, with Brother Peter Benson and Wm. F. Rigby, Jr., as counselors. Valuable instructions were given us by the visiting brethren.
“The various religious organizations of our ward are all active. Meetings are held almost every night, progression is the motto of all. Public dances have been of frequent occurrences this winter, but they have all been very orderly. Our dramatic company is quiet this winter and we have no stage since refitting of our school house.  Our people are now considering the erection of a social hall, which is much needed. It is hoped it will be built in the near future. Steps have also been taken to complete our lower reservoir this year. This enterprise has been lying dormant several years as it seems on account of lack of support from the people.

“Both of our school rooms are crowded with students. Our teachers, Mr. Lorenzo Larsen and H. Bowen, are energetic in their labors and gives good satisfaction. We are proud of the educational standing of our little town, for we thing we are on a level with the rest of this valley. We have at present five of our young men engaged as school teachers in various parts of the territory. We have one student at the Deseret University, and nine at the B. Y. College, and last year we had even a larger number attending
these institutions.

“Our private telegraph line to Cache Junction is up and in operation.

“We are experiencing the influence of hard times, but hope to pull through and
have faith in a bright future.

-- The Journal , Feb. 15, 1893.

* * * *
March 11, 1893 - page 8 under “Newton Notes.” -
“On Thursday last our Relief Society held their annual meeting. Your scribe had the good fortune to be present and a very enjoyable time it was indeed. The reports presented showed this organization to be in an excellent condition and our sisters deserve praise for their energetic labors. The poor have been looked well after. The wheat supply is steadily being increased, and within three months our sisters have made 85 yards of good carpet for our new meeting house.

“On Friday night the society held their annual party in the meeting house, and as usual it was a success. It was the largest party held this winter and all present seemed to enjoy the occasion very much. The society's parties are always looked forward to this happy expectations, which are always realized.

“Newton ward is growing; a branch of our Sunday school has recently been organized in Alto district, situation east of Newton, with Brother James Chantrill in charge.

“Our neighbors at Cache Junction have also lately started a Sunday school. A correspondence from that place appeared in the Nation, gives an account of a burglary committed by two of our boys at the co-op store. This statement is true enough, and no fault is found against that; but the writer gives the full names of the offenders and this is condemned by a great number of our citizens, as the intention has been to deal leniently with the boys, and by kind measures try to get them on the path of rectitude in the future. One of the boys has, up to this sad occurrence, borne a good reputation, and as he feels grieved and repentant, much sympathy is felt for him.

“Brother Amos Clark has bought the lot belonging to the Relief Society, and the Society Hall has been removed to the tithing lots.

“Next Friday night our Y.M.M.I.A. gives a party for the benefit of the Gibbs monument.

Your respectfully,
-- The Journal , March 11, 1893.

* * * *
March 15, 1893 - page 6 in the “Local Points” column -

“John Simonson, one of the boys connected with the recent burglary at Newton, was arrested at Hyrum on Monday by Sheriff Kirkbride, taken before Justice Smith and bound over in the sum of $500 to appear before the grand jury at Ogden. A recent letter from Newton to THE JOURNAL said that the matter had been compromised; but it seems that John Griffin, the superintendent of the store from which the goods were stolen, repented of his leniety [sic] for some reason, and had Simonson arrested."
-- The Journal , March 15, 1893.

* * * *
April 1, 1893 - page 5 under “News From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Our Ward conference was held yesterday at the same time the dedication of our new meeting house took place. This event will long be remembered with a pleasant feeling by all who were present. The appearance of the house was fine indeed. It is complete with excellent seats, and has a seating capacity of 500 people. The large stand and aisles are covered with good and nice carpets furnished by our sisters, the walls back of the stand are decorated with four large portraits, one of Pres't Brigham Young, presented by brother N. Jacobsen; another of Pres't Woodruff, a gift from our lesser priesthood quorum; the other two portraits are of bishop Wm. F. Rigby, Sr., the founder of Newton and of our late and beloved bishop H. Funk; both are executed in crayon with artistic skill and are the work of Bro. C. R. Savage of Salt Lake City, they are a donation to the house by the people of Newton. The house is also furnished with an excellent Mason & Hamlin organ.

“In spite of the bad condition of the streets and roads to the house was well filled with people when the morning exercises commenced. On the stand were present Presidents Orson and Isaac Smith, Elder L. H. Martineau, Bishop John Jardine and Elders Chas. Shumway and Thos. Griffin of Clarkston and the presiding priesthood of the ward.  The reports given of the various organizations was of a very encouraging nature and showed them all to be in a good working order. The report of the lesser priesthood was indeed excellent and we feel proud of our boys.

“In the afternoon the house was dedicated, the prayer being offered by Pres't Isaac Smith. The Stake and ward authorities were presented and sustained by unanimous vote. The remarks by the visiting brethren were very interesting and encouraging to all.

“They all congratulated the people of Newton for their energy in completing their meeting house, and commented upon its cleanly and pleasing appearance. Brother Clark deserves great credit for the training of the choir for this occasion, the selections were well chosen and well rendered. It is a pleasure to notice the rapid improvement of our Organist Brother George Clark, who now handles the organ very creditably.

“Brother James Chantrill of Alto district has been confined to his bed for several days with a bad cold, we hope to hear of his speedy recovery.

“Many of our people are going to conference and are struggling hard to get the means to go with, we feel indignant over the injustice of the U. P. Company by charging the usual rates from all parts of this valley, while the rate from Brigham City is only $1.50 per round trip, and other points below accordingly. Most of our people will go with teams to Brigham rather than to be robbed in this manner. May we soon see another railroad in this valley and the monopoly of the unrighteous U.P. Company crushed.

“I fear this is already too lengthy, so--stop.

NEWTON, March 29th 1893.
-- The Journal , April 1, 1893.

* * * *
April 26, 1893 - page 4 in the “Local News” column -

“The post-office at Newton needs looking after. Parties complain frequently of the manner in which it is conducted. Weeks sometimes elapse before subscribers get their papers. Letters have been delivered two and three weeks after their arrival. A change is evidently needed. Let the people exercise their right of petition.”
-- The Journal , April 26, 1893.

* * * *
May 6, 1893 - page 8 under “Local Points” -

“The JOURNAL asked for a change in the post-office at Newton. James P. Jensen will take charge of it in the future and the former occupant will step down and out."

* * Same date on page 1 under “The County Court.” -

“The petition of W. H. Griffin, et al, of Newton and Clarkston, asking  that the county road between Newton and Clarkston follow the section lines, was considered. Messrs. Griffin and George Rigby were present and spoke in favor of granting the petition. A remonstrance signed by John Edlersen, et al. , Clarkston, was read. The petition, after due consideration, was refused.

“A petition by Peter S. Barson, et al, of Clarkston, asking that a county road be opened from Cache Junction bridge to Clarkston, was read and referred to Selectmen Bingham and Crookston. . . .

“John Griffin and George Rigby offered to deed a strip our rods in width to the county, if the county would abandon the old road. Referred to Selectman Bingham and Crookston.”
-- The Journal , May 6, 1893.

* * * *
May 20, 1893 - page 8 under “RESERVOIR BROKEN.” -

“Newton Has Bad Luck With Her Water Supply.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Bad luck has come to us once more. The flume in our reservoir has broken and the water is pouring out so fast that in another week it will be emptied.  This will leave us almost without water for irrigation this season as it will be to late
to gather a new supply after repairs are done, and we only have claim on one fourth of the  running water from the Clarkston mountains, which is but a small stream in summer. But we hope that a loving Providence will send us copious rains to help our crops along.

“We are now finished putting in our crops of all kinds and a greater amount of  land that even has been sown.

“Some of our farmers report their fall wheat as almost killed out, but I have not learned to how great an extent this is the case. I hope it is not general.

“Fall grain has been uncertain for several years in the past and many of our dry land farmers are now plowing their land in the fall and seeding it in the spring with Sonora wheat which is generally a sure crop on dry land.

“On Tuesday last Mr. James P. Jensen received his commission as Post Master of Newton, and yesterday Mr. Jensen had the office removed to his residence. Well it was about time we had a centrally located office and a postmaster of the people's own choice, but now we got both, and Mr. Jensen is a good Democrat, too, so we are all right.

“The health of our people is good at present.

“The Democrats of Newton are pleased that Hon. J. L. Rawlins has withdrawn his resignation. He has our entire confidence and support.

NEWTON, May 19, ‘93.”

* * * *
May 24, 1893 - page 2 under “LAND ATTORNEY.”
“Office next door to U.S. Land Office, Salt Lake City. Obtains patents for Agricultural, Desert and Mineral lands. Correspondence solicited and information given.
Alfred Goodsell,
Sub-Agent, at Newton, Utah.
-- The Journal , May 24, 1893.

[This advertisement repeated in other issues of the paper.]

* * * *
May 27, 1893 - page 8 under “The Graduates.” -
“B. Y. College is rapidly becoming famous through the Territory as one of the leading education institutions. . . . Following are the names of the graduates:
BUSINESS COURSE. [one graduate]
Alonzo Blair Irvine, Logan, Cache Co., Utah
NORMAL COURSE. [17 graduates]
... Lucy Barker, John Griffin and William E. Lenkins [sic Jenkins] of Newton, Utah.”
-- The Journal , May 27, 1893.

* * * *
June 7, 1893 - page 8 under “County Court.” -
“David E. Haws, Thomas Allsop and others of the Alto School District asked that certain lands now in Newton School District be taken from said district and made part of the Alto district. Wm. F. Jensen of the Newton School District remonstrated against the granting of the petition and asked the Court to defer actions until the Newton District could present written reasons why the same should not be granted. The petitions were referred to Selectman Bingham.”
-- The Journal , June 7, 1893.

June 17, 1893 - p.8 under “Local Points.”
“Sheriff Kirkbride and deputy Crockett went over to Cache Junction during the fore part of the week, and rid that place of a small army of tramps. The bums were given the privilege of leaving or going to work on the roads. They left. At times they gather there in such numbers as to be a serious menace to the peace and safety of the few people there. They have burned fences and pilfered everything they could get hold of.”
--The Journal, June 17, 1893.

* * * *
July 8, 1893 - page 8 under “The County Court.”
“Selectman Bingham to whom was referred the petitions of residents of Alto school district for the annexing of land from Newton school district reported that both districts would appear before the Court in person at this session.

“A remonstrance by Wm. Jensen et al of Newton against granting the petition of Alto school district was read. Geo. Rigby addressed the court in support of the remonstrance.

“Edward Haws and James Chantrill represented the petitioners. The petition and remonstrance were taken under advisement.”
-- The Journal , July 8, 1893.

* * * *
July 22, 1893 - page 1 under “Deputy Registrars.” -
“The following selections have been made for deputy registration officers of  Cache County.
Logan - Edward W. Smith . . . .
Clarkston - Peter S. Barson . . . .
Newton - William F. Jensen.”
-- The Journal , July 22, 1893.

* * * *
August 5, 1893 - page 8 under “The Pearl Before Swine.” –
“An Exciting Race Which Proved a Surprise.”
“The running race which took place last Wednesday on Watson’s track drew quite a crowd. ‘The Pig’ was very much the favorite and those who had confidence in the mare’s ability to win were few and far between.  [The two horses ran and the "filly passed under the wire in the lead." However, ‘The Pig’ claimed a foul but the judges would not allow it.] “. . .the race was given to ‘Pearl.’ . . . . “J. H. Christensen of Newton then offered to run any one on the grounds for twenty five dollars, one hundred yards. The proposition was quickly accepted by Lee Thatcher who won the race. Another match was made for the following day when Christensen won.”
-- The Journal , August 5, 1893.

* * * *
August 16, 1893 - page 8 under “Local Points.”-
“Mr. George Parsons of Newton was severely kicked by a horse, immediately under the heart, yesterday morning at about ten o'clock. He rallied once sufficiently to speak, but remained in an unconscious condition nearly all the time until the messenger came for a doctor, at one o'clock. Dr. Parkinson went over but had not returned when we went to press.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 16, 1893.

* * * *
August 19, 1893 - page 8 under “Local News” -
“Geo. Parsons of Newton, who was mentioned in the last JOURNAL as having been badly kicked by horse is on the road to recovery. Dr. Parkinson found that three of his ribs were broken, and that the severity of t he blow had disturbed the action of his heart. He spat out a quantity of blood shortly after the accident occurred, and when the doctor arrived was suffering great pain.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 19, 1893.

* * * *
August 26, 1893 - page 3 under “Board of Equalization” -
“Be it therefore resolved, and it is hereby ordered and resolved by this Board, that the total valuation on all property in Cache County, both real and personal (except cash on hand or in banks and except also railroads, telegraph and telephone companies), as it will appear on the assessment rolls of this County for the year 1893, after the special corrections are made by the Board, be, and the same hereby reduced twenty [20] per centum, and that all taxes, general and special, including Logan City and School taxes, be collected upon said valuation as hereby reduced.

“A resolution was also adopted granting an additional reduction of 10 per cent on assessed values in the Newton precinct, on account of the damage done to the property there by the breaking of the Newton reservoir.”

* * Same date and on page 8 under “Local Points.”-

“Deputy Marshal Smith and Sheriff Kirkbride went to Newton Wednesday and arrested three boys of that town, all about 18 or 19 years of age for burgarizing [sic] a store. They were taken to Salt Lake yesterday morning.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 26, 1893.

* * * *

August 30, 1893 - page 8 under “Local Points.”
“. . . Andrew Peterson and Sarah S. Peterson of Newton, were applicants for marriage licenses in Clerk Fullmer's office yesterday."
-- The Journal , Aug. 30, 1893.

* * * *
September 16, 1893 - page 5 under “A Memoir.” -
“The following lines are composed by request of Mrs. Battison who mourns to think that she refused to allow her son Willie, 12 years old to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but who has had her only boy aged 8 years and also herself and husband baptized and is preparing to do everything in her power that can be done for him in the Temple and wondered very much why it was that she did not see and love it sooner like her dear departed one did:
[Followed by a long poem with only the first and last stanzas cited here.-]
O, Wherefore go my Willie dear
And leave me broken hearted here,
Without thy beauty by my side,
My darling boy, my hope my pride,
. . . .
Be thou a power behind the veil,
Let no ill spirit ere prevail;
Afflict or injure me or mine,
Were'er thy light or love may shine.

J. E. Johnson Carrington,
Composer of Poetry, Memoirs, Funeral
Dirges, Acrostics, etc.
-- The Journal , Sept. 16, 1893.
[NOTE: This item leaves me baffled in all aspects.]

* * * *
October 4, 1893 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“Elder James A. Hansen, of Newton, Cache County, arrived on the Guion Steamship Alaska, September 18th, 1893, and was appointed to labor in the Scandnavian [sic] Mission.
-- Mil. Star .

* * Same source as above --
“Crops have been exceptionally bad this year. One man in the western portion of the county after threshing his grain did not have enough to pay the threshers.
Another planted ninety acres in wheat and reaped ninety bushels."
-- The Journal , Oct. 4, 1893.

* * * *
October 7, 1893 - page 3 under “Democratic Call.” -

“For a District and a County Convention, Oct. 16th 1893.”
“A District Convention of the Democrats of Cache and Rich Counties having been called by the Territorial Democratic Central Committee to convene at Logan, Utah, at 12 m.[?] Oct. 16th, 1893, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Councilman and two candidates for Representatives to the thirty-first session of the Legislative Assembly, to be voted for at the general election to be held Nov. 7th, 1893, the 142 delegates to said Convention from Cache County shall be elected from the several precincts as follows:
Benson 2 Clarkston 4
College 2 Coveville 3
Hyde Park 6 Hyrum 14
Logan 39 Lewiston 8
Mendon 6 Millville 6
Newton 4 Paradise 6
Providence 6 Petersboro 2
Richmond 11 Smithfield 11
Trenton 1 Wellsville 13
-- The Journal , Oct. 7, 1893.

* * * *
October 14, 1893 - page 8 under “Held Without Evidence.” -

“Lars C. Miller of Newton was bound over yesterday on the charge of unlawful cohabitation by Commissioner Fletcher. A representative of THE JOURNAL happened in just as the decision of the court was being made and was amazed at the confession of the court that the case made out by the testimony was weak and slimsey. Upon further investigation we have learned something of the nature of the case and are surprised at the course Commissioner Fletcher has taken in this matter. We learn that there was not a scintilla of evidence of the guilt of the defendant and yet he was held in bonds of $500, and his alleged plural wife was held in the sum of $300. The witnesses were insulted by the court in giving his decision by saying that he did not believe that they had told the truth in court. From all that can be learned there was no reason for such an insinuation. What right has a magistrate to bind over to the grand jury without some evidence? If innocent people are going to be badgered and insulted and arrested and imprisoned without cause and without reason at the whim and caprice of our august commissioner it is time the people so understood it.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 14, 1893.

* * * *
October 18, 1893 - page 1 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The Sunday School Union held here will long be fondly remembered by those who were present. It was a grand success as Superintendent Apperley remarked at the afternoon session. Long before 10 a.m. our large meeting house was filled with happy children and their no less happy parents; and in the afternoon the house was more than crowded and many had to stand outside. The programme would be too long to itemize, but it was well chosen and finely rendered.  Great credit is due our Sunday School workers for the excellent training of the children for this occasion. The recitals of the Articles of Faith by the whole Newton Sunday School received much favorable comment.

“Brothers Clark and Mylor deserve our gratitude and thanks for the beautiful singing rendered. Brother George Clark handled the organ remarkably well.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 18, 1893.

* * * *
October 21, 1893 - page 8 under “Local Points.” - “Mr. Charles H. Hart has been busy this week taking testimony in the case of Niels
E. Peterson, vs. Mary C. Larson, a suit brought for the returned of 120 acres of land near Newton.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 21, 1893.

* * * *
October 25, 1893 - page 1 under “Cache County.” -

“The following judges of election have been appointed for Cache county:
NEWTON -- Amos Clark, D., Jas. P. Jensen, D., J. H. Barker, R.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 25, 1893.

* * * *
November 10, 1893 - page 1 under “The Vote in Cache County.”
Newton voted 46 to 26 for the Democratic candidates in all three races.
Clarkston did about the same voting 35 to 27 in the three races.

* * Same date on page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Miss Sarah Tempest returned home Tuesday from a visit of eleven weeks with her sister, Mr. Benson, at Newton, Utah. The young lady reports a pleasant visit with her relatives, but was glad to return to the home of her adoption.” --Rexburg Press.
-- The Journal , Nov. 10, 1893.

* * * *
January 3, 1894 - page 5 under “Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Not seeing anything for some time in your valuable sheet from our little town, the thought present itself to me, that it would not be out of place, to send you a few lines.

“Holidays have come and we have received them like merry children; but like the sailor boy on the sea shore picks up a handful of pretty sea shells, and then lets them glide over the tips of his fingers, one by one, so the happy days are gliding by.

“The want of snow is a little draw back to the sleighing, although there is sufficient so that at night many happy voices ring out their merry appeals to the fluctuating gale.

“The people are all trying to make the best of life, and all have resolved to make the present year more pleasant than the past one. While the thoughts are flowing through my fingers, and for fear of cupid's dart, don't let me forget to mention another happy event.
“Our highly respected school teacher, Charles Christensen, and Bernice Ledingham, both of Newton, so we are told, and we hold it to be true, have made of two hearts, one and with clasped hands and quicken step have launched into the fruitful, but happy sea of  matrimony.

“A reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. A table was set with all the delicious sweets that the inner person could wish for. The pretty couple now appear decked in orchid blossoms, and a harvest of happy dreams, with a sunshine future was the voice of the house.

“The evening was spent in merry laughter, song, and dance, and so the good time went on until the chanticler [ sic chanticleer] revealed the early morning, when all became quiescent and the departure was made. The newly pledged couple had some distance to go before their quiet cottage was reached; and to make life as pleasant as possible, cupid for some old kindness sake, sent out a little fellow ahead not only to pilot the way, but to make the little cottage comfortable for the approaching couple.

“The little fellow states that he has discovered something that will be a stepping stone to many philosophers. For some perplexing cause the smoke descended instead of ascended. It was a perplexing enigma to the little fellow, and he drew his seat up to the wouldn't burn fire, and began to rake his brain over to find the cause for the effect. By this time the expected appeared, and a little good thinking was brought into play; but the night failed to solve the mystery.

“However, the boy was dismissed; the fire that should have burned was doubted, the light was doubted and many other things are doubted.

“I thak [ sic thank] you for the valuable space in your honorable sheet; and with a happy New Year and a fruitful future to you and all your subscribers.

-- The Journal , Jan. 3, 1894.

* * * *
January 6, 1894 - page 5 under “Report of Bee Inspector.”

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--I thought it would be interesting to the beekeepers of Cache County to know something in regards to my labors in their interests as Bee-inspector.  I found 6 cases of foul brood, 2 in Logan, 2 in Richmond and 2 in Providence, which were destroyed. I found that the worst decrease in the county was foul management.  There is not over one dozen scientific bee-keepers in the County, if there is that many. There is but eight extractors in the county, all the rest produce strained honey. The general idea seems to be that when a man gets a hive of bees he expects them to find him all the honey that himself and family can eat and then take care of themselves. . . . There is about 2,164 stands of bees in the county distributed as follows:
Logan 364 Paradise 100
Greensville 92 Providence 330
Hyde Park 86 Millville 137
Smithfield 142 Coveville 80
Richmond 180 Lewiston 63
Hyrum 246 Newton 61
Wellsville 200 Clarkston 15
Mendon 70
-- The Journal , Jan. 6, 1894.

* * * *
Febraury 14, 1894 - page 5 under “STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS”

“And Disbursements of Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending Dec. 31, 1893.”
“For the Newton road district . . . . $101.70
“For the Clarkston road district . . . . 38.00
“For the Trenton road district . . . . 237.99"
-- The Journal , Feb. 14, 1894.

* * * *
February 21, 1894 - page 4 under “News from Newton”-

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--It seems from some reason or other that Newton is forgotten but for one I don't want the people to think there is nobody living here. If hard times are talking through the land there is people still living here yet, and have something to eat, and you would have found that out if you were here to a Relief Society dance lately and see the ladies carrying some good thing to eat prepared for that occasion. I was an enjoyable evening with the elder portion is [? - in] society. It was the best party of that kind that has been got up in Newton I believe. It is the young that claims that claims that right generally but the old folks were determined to have one night of it.

The young people must have something for amusement, and dancing comes very handy. But there should be something else for a change occasionally. A little while ago we had a musical concert of singing and other exercises here that went off very well. It was for the benefit of the Sunday school and the choir (it would not bust if there was more made of it). The following Sunday we had a good Sunday school review, with a variety of exercises. Amongst them was sang. 'O my Father,' by one of the Newton boys which was well liked. It can be truly said without flattering that we have smart boys and girls in Newton, and the people in general are pretty good people, for being up to their duties, being diligent and industrious and seek to learn all that is good religiously scientifically.

We have had good representation at the B.Y. College. We compare favorably in every respect with any other similar town in Cache Valley. There is one thing true, there is room for more money, but we expect to live and live in hope to learn to live better, live the way everybody should live, i.e. near their means and their income; that is the way to become independent. Everybody knows that but few believes it. We think like many others that we have prospects for a good season this year.

“The health of the people is good generally, with the exception of some children having the mumps, but they had reached a pretty fair age.

-- The Journal , Feb. 21, 1894.

* * * *
March 10, 1894 - page 8 under "Local Points." -

“An excellent letter from Newton is unavoidably left over until our next.”
-- The Journal , March 10, 1894.

* * * *
March 14, 1894 - page 5 under “Another Letter from Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Little Newton is getting along as usual, we like the rest of mankind have our joys and pleasures our likewise our share of adversity. The health of our people is now good but a great deal of sickness has existed among the children recently as the mumps have prevailed in nearly every family, it has generally appeared in a mild form and no deaths have occurred.

“Our day schools have been crowded this winter and a good work has been done by our efficient teachers, Chas. W. Christensen and Wm. E. Jenkins, both are Newton boys as we believe in encouraging home talent. We will be forced to close our schools early for lack of funds. It is to hoped that our lawmakers will be generous in providing more ample means for the maintainance of our district schools.

“Our religious institutions are active and are progressing very favorably. Our Religion classes have made a good start.

“Your scribe had opportunity recently to visit the primary department of these classes and was pleasantly surprised to notice the excellent work there being done by the lady teachers in charge. These classes no doubt, will in the near future be of great benefit to our young people.

“Though we have felt the hard times there have been no suffering in our ward, I believe that all the needy have been properly cared for.

“Another wedding in town, is our latest sensation. It is with much pleasure that we have learned that our esteemed young friend Christian Christensen, Esq., and one of Newton’s fairest young ladies' Miss Alice Jenkins, were married in Logan Temple Wednesday March 7th. A reception was held Wednesday night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Mrs. Jno. Jenkins. A great number of relatives and friends were present and it was an enjoyable evening for all present. Our martial band serenaded the happy couple during the evening and the boys were invited in and royally treated. Mr. and Mrs. Christensen have the best wishes for a happy future from all their friends.

“Who's turn next?
Newton March 10th, 1894.”

* * The same March 14th issue on page 7 had another letter under “Newsy Notes from Newton.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--We are all pleased to state that Chris Christensen and Alice Jenkins both of Newton, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock at the Logan Temple on the 7th of this month. An elegant reception was given at the brides home.

“At 8 p.m. all the guests had assembled, and after taking off our wraps and getting our umberellas [ sic ] checked (it was snowing very hard) we were ushered into the parlor where the topics of the day were discussed until supper was served. After partaking of the meal that had been so nicely prepared for us, we retired to the parlor where a very pleasant evening was spent.

“Our progamme for the evening consisted of instruments (by Mrs. Bernice Christensen and Miss Olive Beck) as well as violin solos. We were then favored with several songs by our old favorite Amos R. E. Clarke Jr., followed by a brass solon by Nephi Christensen; a duet by Samuel Clarke and Mrs. Annie Rigby. We were all held spellbound by a quartette by Samuel Clarke, Mrs. Annie Rigby, Louis J. Lewis and Amos R. E. Clarke, Jr. Several comical songs were then rendered by Amos Clarke and L. J. Lewis.

“While this was going on a room had been prepared where a few couples retired to trip the light fantastic toe, while ‘After the ball’ (although a very late date) was very nicely rendered by Mrs. Annie Rigby; it was followed by ‘I’ll take you back again Kathleen.’ We were so entranced by the singing that we did not heed the uproaring laughter of six of our most bashful girls and boys, who had crept silently into a dark corner of the parlor where they thought the lamp's rays would not reach them and in their childish and gleeful way were playing ‘Truth upon honor,’ unconscious of all the world besides. They in their cosy corner, had become so involved in the game, or rather each other that they were not aroused until the clock sounded the hour of three, and after assuring the bridegroom that as the wind was blowing there would be no fears of his stove not drawing so that he could retire with a warm fire and not go to bed in a cold room (as did his brother Charles who was married a short time ago) * we all departed.

“It would be impossible to name and describe all the guests that were present as words could not express the magnificance of the attire of some of the young ladies.  Among the most distinguished guests were Charles Christensen, bride and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rigby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rigby and Amos R. E. Clark Jr. and wife. We were also blessed with the delightful presence of the two Newton belles Miss Funk and Miss Griffin; but a frown passed over their fair countenance when it was discovered that the ‘Prince of Circles’ Joseph A. Christensen was not going to be present.

“The bride was radiant in blue silk and bellowy laces and with the exception of being bored with the tooth-ache seemed perfectly happy and greeted her guests with a smile and kind words of welcome.

“‘He is a valiant youth and his face, like the face of morning, gladdens the earth with its light and ripened thought into action.  She is a woman with a heart and bones of a woman. Who, too, will bring to her Husband’s house delight and abundance, filling it full of love and the ruddy faces of children.’

The young couple have chosen for their new dwelling a neat little cottage in the brink of the creek.

“We ever wish them both success.
With not a ripple in the stream of life.
And may they find; be it nothing less
Than he a husband true; she a loving wife.
-- The Journal , March 14, 1894.
[* - brother Charles’ wedding in the paper Jan. 3, 1894.]

* * * *
April 4, 1894 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“The Young Men held their conference in Newton Saturday and Sunday, and notwithstanding the muddy weather, the meeting were well attended--from Newton.
Clarkston “
-- The Journal , April 4, 1894.

* * * *
April 7, 1894 - page 3 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The people of Newton realize that they have been greatly favored and benefited by the Y.M.M.I.A. district conference held here on Saturday and Sunday last and especially has everybody who was present a word of praise for the entertainment given in connection with the conference. It was attended by a large and intelligent audience who listened very attentively to the excellent program and liberally applauded the successful efforts of those taking part. Professors Paul and Todd and all who assist them deserves great praise for their noble efforts in this direction. The entertainments are indeed of an elevating nature, and it is to be hoped it will cause our young people to realize more fully that the human race is created for a noble purpose.

“The meetings held were replete with a good and timely instructions from the visiting brethren, and especially were Professor Paul's remarks on Sunday afternoon showing the absurdity of infidelity listened to with much interest.

“On Sunday morning our distinguished visitors attended the Sunday School and with their aid a programme was rendered which was something of the best we have ever enjoyed. We thank our friends for this visit and hope they will come again.

“It was a pleasant surprise to the people of this ward when we came to meeting the other Sunday to notice a large and beautiful oil painting adorning the east wall of the room. It represents the Prophet Joseph preaching to the Lamanites. It is painted by our artist Brother Jonas W. Beck and is a gift from him to our meeting house. Thanks Brother Jonas for your beautiful present.

“Our farmers are now busily preparing for spring work; the ground is drying fast and if it don’t storm some of us will commence putting in crops this week. Grass is several inches high in some places and stock can begin to pick a little and they need it to for we are nearly out of hay. Many of our poor farmers are in serious trouble for lack of seen grain but we trust some source will be opened to those in need.

NEWTON, April 2nd 1894.”
-- The Journal , April 7, 1894

* * * *
May 9, 1894 - page 1 under “CACHE COUNTY COURT”-

“The petition of E. O. Hyelte, et al., of Newton asking that the county road be opened between sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23 and 24 in township 13 north of range 1 west, was read and referred to Selectman Bigham [ sic Bingham].”
-- The Journal , May 9, 1894.

* * * *
May 16, 1894 - page 5 under “County Convention.” -

“At a meeting of the executive committee of Cache County Democratic Convention held at Logan, May 10th, it was resolved that a county convention be, and the same is hereby, called to convene at the Court House. Logan, on Saturday June 2nd. . . for the purpose of electing a county central committee, and for the purpose of electing delegates to the Territory Convention to he held in Salt Lake City on Saturday June 16th 1894 . . . .  The convention to consist of 150 delegates to be appointed among the several precincts as follows:
Benson 2 Newton 5
Clarkston 3 Paradise 7
College 2 Providence 7
Cove 3 Petersboro 2
Hyrum 15 Richmond 11
Hyde Park 5 Smithfield 11
Lewiston 7 Trenton 2
Logan 46 Wellsville 13
Mendon 4
Millville 5

* * Same May 16th issue on page 1 a “Newsy Notes from Newton.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Since my last letter, the farmers of Newton have been very busy putting in their crops, but this work is now completed and most of the grain sown is up and looking well, on some farms, fall grain has failed and land had to be resown this spring. Our reservoir will be filled with water and prospects are good for a bounteous harvest.

“Our day schools have been closed for lack of funds. Our teachers C. M. Christensen and M. E. Jenkins have given good satisfaction and their good work is appreciated.

“Our bishop and our people in general base determined that our public square shall no larger [? - longer] be a herding ground for cattle and sheep, now an eyesore to every stranger coming into town, hence a good picket fence has been put up on the west side of said square and as soon as balance of material arrives, which will be shortly the job will be finished. The land will them be plowed and shade trees planted and then the improvement will be a pleasure and credit to our people.

“It is a pleasant feature to notice the many shade trees that have been set out this spring in Newton. Especially deserved our Relief Society great credit for their successful effort to beautify the ground on which their hall is erected.

“Not donated by the cry of hard times Michael Anderson, Esq. is erecting a neat cottage on his lots in the western part of town, other buildings will be soon be commenced, and improvements are to be noticed all around and our people seem to feel more cheerful than was the case a short time ago.

“On last Tuesday deputy Marshal Smith made a visite [ sic ] at the residence of John Jenkins Esq., as he wanted to see that gentleman on business connected with the Edumonds law, but not finding him home Mr. Jenkin’s [ sic ] alleged plural wife, Anna Clarke, who was sick in bed, was placed under bonds to appear before the U.S. Commissioner when wanted. Amos Clarke, Sr. and James Parsons signed the bonds.
“On Saturday last two interesting games of base ball were played between the Senior and Junior clubs of Clarkston and Newton the score being as follows: Senior Clubs; Clarkston 19, Newton 42, with one inning to spare.

“The Junior clubs played 5 innings with the following result: Clarkston 9, Newton 31. For the last three years our boys have defeated every club they have _?_ [met], having in that time played and won 9 games, we are getting proud of our boys.  On Saturday night our boys gave a ball in the meeting house in honor of their visitors.  Another series of games will be played between the same clubs at Clarkston next Saturday.

“Yesterday while Chris Johnson and Lewis Christensen of Logan were driving a cart and leading a young horse, they encountered a dead cow lying in the road some where between Newton and Bear River bridge, their horse became frightened and ran away with the result that the cart was upset and smashed, but fortunately the occupants were not injured.

NEWTON, May 14th, 1894.”
-- The Journal , May 16, 1894.

[See note from newspaper below for May 19th.]

* * * *
May 19, 1894 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“Our apologies are due the correspondent from Newton for the shape in which his letter appeared last issue. The galley containing it was accidently pied just before going to press and it was impossible to correct it before enough papers were run off for the night mail. It was remodeled in time for the bulk of our list however.”

“J. A. Christiansen the Newton school teacher, gave us a call yesterday while on his way to the Yellowstone National Park.”
-- The Journal , May 19, 1894.

* * * *
May 23, 1894 - page 8 under “Local Points” -

“The Weston boys played Clarkston a game of base ball, the other day but the game went for the Clarkston boys who later on won a game from Newton.”
-- The Journal , May 23, 1894.

* * * *
May 26 , 1894- page 5 under “At the Opera House” -

Where was held the exercises where the graduates of B. Y. College received their certificates at graduated from the college for the year 1894.
Early in the services - “W. H. Griffin, one of the graduates, then delivered his Address, ‘The Teacher,’ in a clear, forcible manner.”

Normal Course graduates --
“Joseph Adolph Christensen, Lemuel George Clarks, William Henry Griffin, Newton, Cache Co., Utah.”
-- The Journal , May 26, 1894.

* * * *
June 6, 1894 - page 8 under “County Convention.”
“The Democracy of Cache County Solidly Organized.”
“Taken at the Meeting Indicates That the Democracy of the North is Invincible.” “. . . Resolved on motion, that the Central Committee consist of 36 members, divided among the towns. . . .
Newton -- John Larson
Clarkston - Jno. Thompson
-- The Journal , June 6, 1894.

* * * *
June 13, 1894 - page 5 under “Notes from Newton.” -
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Decoration day was duly observed by the people of Newton, nerely [ sic nearly] all the graves in our cemetery were decked with beautiful flowers, much of the weeds and brush were cleared off, and on the same day the fencing of the grounds was completed.

“On Friday June 1st 1894 the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association district conference were held in our meeting house. A large audience was present. The program rendered was fine, and the appropriate remarks made by our visitors Sister Townsend, Hoving, Taylor and Wilckens were listened to with marked attention. At night a ball was given in the meeting house at which ice cream and cakes were served and a fine program consisting of songs and recitation were presented. It was a most enjoyable day and evening and our young ladies deserves much credit for their successful efforts on this occasion.

“Bear River is rimful and running over, it is many years since we have seen it so high, it is feared that grass on the river bottoms will be killed if water don't recede before long. I think our bridges are safe. Grain continues to look well and is now growing rapidly, but we need goad rain; field irrigation will soon commence.

“Millions of worms and insects are destroying our vegetable gardens to a very great extent.

“On Friday next the base ball club of Wellsville and Newton will try each other shilt [? other's hilt] on the diamond field at this place.


* * On the same June 13th on page 8 under “Base Ball at Newton.” -
“Friday morning June 8th the W.B.B.C, left for Newton to play a game of ball with the club of that place.

“The game was called about 4 p.m. of the same day. It proved to be very interesting to both the players and bystanders, finding the result in favor of the Wellsville boys.

“At the conclusion of the fame every member was kindly invited to partake of refreshments and supper.

“In the evening a party was given in honor of the club in which all enjoyed themselves immensely. And the members of the club feel to thank the good people of Newton for their generosity and trust that at some future time we may have the privilege of repaying them for their kindness.

“On Saturday morning we continued our journey over to Clarkston, to cross bats with the Clarkston club, the game was called there at 10 a.m. Here we also were victorious. . . .

Secy. W. B.B. Club [Wellsville Base Ball Club]”
-- The Journal , June 13, 1894.

* * * *
June 16, 1894 - page 7 under “Not Guilty, They Say.” -
“To the people of Newton:--While enjoying our trip through Idaho and Wyoming we were startled by the news that a rumor is afloat in in [sic] Newton that our tour is a sham and that we are in search of a cohab, via., John Jenkins, all of which to the intellegent people and not the biased and shallow-minded yapes, must seem inconsistent and ridiculous.

“If the authors of such a rumor desire to shield a cohab. which according to law and religion, would be a crime. Their mode of protection is a dangerous one. If intention of detecting Mr. Jenkins we could easily have done it when at his residence or in his company before leaving.

“We are firmly convinced that there is a class of people in Newton whose education and culture must be the most limited and inferior. From this on please think twice, if you think at all, and don't be as the most ignorant whose conversation is always of a scandalizing personal nature. But let your conversation be on an educational topic or something tending to create the good will and feeling of your neighbor.

-- The Journal , June 16, 1894.

* * * *
June 27, 1894 - page 6 under “County Commencement.” -

“The graduating exercises of the county schools will take place in the Opera House today. . . . In this county there are 25 districts and at this the 3rd annual commencement there will be about 85 graduates. Following is a list of the pupils:
NEWTON - Samuel T. Clark. Moses Christensen, Joseph J. Larsen, Christian Hogensen, James Wm. Nelson.”
-- The Journal , June 27, 1894.

* * * *
June 30, 1894 - page 3 under “Interesting Idaho Items.” - [a letter from Franklin, Id.]
“. . .At Weston on Saturday afternoon after the game of ball was over a man from Newton was there making himself very prominent bragging that he was a great pugilist, wrestler and foot-racer, that he had been at the fair in Chicago as a foot racer etc., and that he could beat anything from Franklin. In fact he was the great mogal [? mogul], wanting to run, wrestle or fight. At last a young man from Franklin took him up and ran a race with the great man, and lo behand [? behold], the young Franklinite won the race. Oh what a fall, my countrymen what a fall!

-- The Journal , June 30, 1894.

* * * *
August 15, 1894 - 3 under “Newsy Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--This is a busy time for our farmers here in Newton as elsewhere. Nine headers besides a number of self-binders are mowing the golden grain down by the thousands of acres; threshing has also commenced on dry farms. The yield of grain is good but our hay crops are rather light on account of the extremely dry season. Our farmers feel thankful to the Giver of all good for their bounteous crops, they feel rather blue over the present prices on grain which will barely pay expenses of cultivation and harvesting with no profit to the farmer whatever. In accordance with counsel recently given by leading men of this county steps have been take to organize a farmers union for mutual protection and aid by the storing of grain until better prices cane be obtained. A committee of five with Bishop Griffin as chairman have been appointed to have this move perfected.

“Our local mechanics have been busy this summer by the erections of several nice residences which are a credit and a great improvement to our town.

“Alto District is building a fine School house, which will be finished by the 15th of next month, the population in said district is steadily increasing and will soon be numerous enough for a precinct and ward organization.

“Some time ago the local head light of the republican part of this place sent a communication to the Nation wherein he stated that the Democratic part of Newton were about dead as a meeting had been held which was attended only by a very few. Now the truth of it is, said meeting was held at a very busy time but still it was attended by at least forty people of whom a great number were legal voters.

“Last week our republican friends held a meeting which showed that the g.o.p. of Newton is very much alive as said meeting was attended by five voters and a few boys. Mr. Rapp of Logan was present and it must have been very encouraging to him to notice the flourishing condition of his party in Newton. The cause of Democracy is all right here the people of Newton know who is their friends and will show at the polls next Nov. their appreciation of what the present government have done for Utah inside one year. We would advise the local head light of the g.o.p. to clean up his glass brightly or will run the train into such a ditch this election, that it will be completely wrecked, and the rails riped up behind it.

-- The Journal , Aug. 15, 1894.

* * * *
August 22, 1894 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“A three year old son of John Jenkins Jr. of Newton died of diphtheria on Saturday last. Some Children in the family of John Jenkins Sr. are also afflicted with the same disease."

* * In the same issue and place the newspaper made this statement - - -
“Some papers are continually growling about ‘errors in punctuation, orthography, historical and grammatical construct’ in other papers, but we notice they never point such errors out. They just talk about them in a general way.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 22, 1894.

* * * *
August 25, 1894 - page 1 under “ACCIDENT AT NEWTON.”
“Two Boys Thrown from a Wagon and Shot in the Legs.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--A serious accident occurred at Newton Tuesday evening of which the details are as follows:
“Samuel Clarke and Walter Griffin, two young men and Benjamin Griffin a boy about 14 years old were driving in a two horse buggy north of town having loaded guns in their arms, when in crossing a bad ditch the two Griffin brothers were thrown violently to the ground, the youngest boy on top of the other.

“A gun was discharged with serious result, the shot entering the calf of his left leg inflicting a fearful would tearing out a great portion of flesh, severing the cords and shattering the small bones of the leg. The same shot then entered the right foot of Walter boy, inflicting a bad wound with shattered bones, but not as serious as the other.

“Young Clarke escaped from being thrown out also, or perhaps still worse result might have followed as he also carried a loaded gun, besides driving the team. As it was he escaped unhurt. The injured boys were speedily taken to their homes and a doctor telegraphed for who in a few hours answered and dressed the wounds and made the sufferers as comfortable as possible. The doctor hopes to same their limbs. They are both suffering considerable pain.

“That dreadful desease [ sic ], the diphtheria, has made its apperance [ sic ] in Newton.  The first victim being a little boy, the only child of John Jenkins Jr. The child had the desease in a very malignant form and died last Saturday night. A fifteen year old daughter of John Jenkins Sr., is also down with diphtheria, but she is now improving.

“The places in question have been properly quarantined; and people are careful, and we trust that God will protect us from further visitation of this desease.

 -- The Journal , Aug. 25, 1894.

* * * *
September 1 , 1894 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

“Benny Griffin the unfortunate Newton boy whose injured limb was amputated last week, is doing nicely and prospects are favorable for his recovery. The Gritty-Stokes amputation was performed, the leg being taken of [off] just above the knee joint.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 1, 1894.

* * * *
September 5, 1894 - page 8 under “Death of a Newton Girl.” -

“The Ogden Press tells a story of the desertion and death of Mrs. Kate Akerly, formerly of Newton, Cache County, who some time since married a young man from Oakland, California. They settled in Montana where the husband . . . deserted his young wife.

“The Press concludes as follows”
‘Akerly’s cruel and heartless desertion of his young and confiding wide was a terrible shock to her. He left her penniless and unprovided for, and she returned to her father, Peter Christensen of Newton, Cache Co., who did everything that a loving father could do to assuage his daughter's grief.  Later Mrs. Akerly came to Ogden and found a home with Mrs. Charles L. Lowe who proved a devoted friend to her until her young life went and her spirit took its flight. . . .’”
-- The Journal , Sept. 5, 1894.

* * * *
September 12, 1894 - page 5 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“ . . .The Sunday School Union of Clarkston, Newton and Trenton was held here with good attendance on the 9th. Supts. Ormby, Apperley and Reese and Elder Quinney from Logan, Elder L. Richards from Salt Lake City and Bishops Jardine, Bingham and Griffin with their counselors, Supts. Thomas Godfrey, William Jensen and Elders James Lowe and Gibson of Smithfield were on the stand.

“Profs. Amos Clark and Joseph Myler led the choir while George and Samuel Clark presided at the organ.”
-- The Journal , Sept. 12, 1894.

* * * *
October 20, 1894 - page 5 under “Election Judges.” -

“Complete List for Cache County as Appointed by the Commission.”
NEWTON --W. F. Jensen. George Clark, D.; Nels Jacobsen, R.”

* * Same Oct. 20th issue on page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Tuesday night Buffalo Bill Glassman got a few republicans together in Newton and he hammered away until quarter to twelve o'clock.”

“Some local republicans speakers talked to a very slim house in Clarkston Monday night, and after the close of the meeting, as per request of the speakers, all the republicans in the house remained for the purpose of organizing. Half a dozen were counted as the strength of the republican party in Clarkston.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 20, 1894.

* * * *
November 7, 1894 - page 1 under “Cache County Ticket”-

In the fall elections in voting for three selectmen, clerk, recorder, Attorney, assessor, collector, treasurer, Surveyor, Sheriff and Coroner.  Clarkston had 47 votes for each Democratic candidate and 33 each for the Republicans.  Newton had 51 votes for each Democratic candidate and 31 for each Republican.  Both towns voted for the Democratic Territorial Delegate to Congress.  And Cache County elected every Democrat into office.
-- The Journal , Nov. 7, 1894.

* * * *
November 14, 1894 - page 4 under “He Deserves Credit.” -

“William Glassman, who stumped Cache County for the Republican ticket while he fought the Republican ticket . . . . And when among the foremost we recognized the face and form of William Glassman, we knew the Cache County Democracy was safe.

“Republicans claimed Providence till Glassman spoke there. Richmond, the home of Apostle Merrill, might even have given him a complimentary majority, but Glassman spoke there also, and banished that hope. He delivered his tirade in Newton and telegraphed his paper that the people so clamored that he was obliged to repeat it all to them.

“Glassman flattered himself that the people loved to here [ sic hear] him talk-- they only wanted to reassure themselves that he was not joking. The result was that Newton gave a larger Democratic majority than ever before. No; the Smiths are not entitled to all the credit; William Glassman of the Ogden Standard was certainly a great assistance."
-- The Journal , Nov. 14, 1894.

* * * *
January 2, 1895 - page 5 under “SAD DEATH.” -

“Nephi Larson of Newton Passes Away in the Bloom of Manhood.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Suddenly, as we were all looking forward with pleasurable anticipation of many happy reunions during the Christmas holidays, we were plunged into deepest gloom by the death of one of our brightest, most highly respected and most promising young men--Nephi Larson.

“Mr. Larson was born in Newton Sept. 16, 1872. Here in the district school his early education was acquired and here it was that he first manifest that love of learning and that industry which finally led to such a brilliant attainments. In 1888, at the age of sixteen he entered the B.Y. College and in 1891 graduated from that excellent institution. By this time he had, under the instruction of Prof. Wm. J. Kerr, developed a special love of mathematics and had already attained much distinction in that line. When Prof. Kerr accepted the position of mathematical instructor in the University of Utah. Mr. Larson too went thither to continue his advanced mathematical
work under that distinguished educator, and in 1892, although pursing a mathematical course, graduated from the Normal Course of the University. While his work had been along the line of mathematics, he has not neglected his literary culture as will be
seen by the poem accompanying this; which he wrote to his mother on the anniversary of her birthday, Feb. 24, 1894. Since graduating he has taught school at Pleasant Green, Salt Lake County, in which profession, as in everything he undertook he was eminently successful.

“When he departed for his field of labor last Sept. he appeared in the best of health excepting that he had met with a slight accident by the fall of a horse, but was rapidly recovering from the effects of that. However about Nov. 1st he was seized with typhoid fever and which finally developed into typhoid pneumonia, and on Dec. 12 he passed away from his labors at Pleasant Green. During his illness every kindness and attention was shown him by his students and the people of Pleasant Green and as a token of love and respect his pupils presented him with a magnificent floral wreath and frame.

“The services over the remains were held in Newton Dec. 15. The speakers-- Prof. Wm. J. Kerr, J. H. Barker, and C. M. Christensen--all spoke of Bro. Larson in the highest terms. During his remarks Prof. Kerr paid him this just tribute of respect. 'During all my experience among students, but here in the colleges of the East (and I have met students from almost all the countries of Europe and some from Japan and other countries of the Orient) I have not met one who had more apt than was Bro. Nephi Larson. That he has gone to receive the welcome greeting, ‘Well done, well done was the voice of all who knew him.’

“As to the character of Bro. Larson I shall say nothing. He was one of God's brightest spirits sent down to fiat [?] like a fairy among us so short a time. Short! yes, but in that short time he lived more than many whose locks have become silvered with the snows of age. His life has not been in vain; it will be to all who knew him a light shedding its rays along our path in life to guide us in the path of duty.

“The bereaved parents and family have the heartfelt sympathy of this entire community. The blow to them as a sad one. Nobly had they sacrificed in order to endow this gifted son with a liberal education. Richly have they endowed him with the only thing which he can take with him hence--his knowledge, and great will be their reward.  Happy indeed will be the meeting when they again meet their son and in his own language.

"'Never more to taste of sorrow
Never more to strive with sin;
But to do and not to borrow
Till the sheathes are gathered in.’

NEWTON, Dec. 31, 1894.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 2, 1895.

* * * *
January 5, 1895 - page 8 under “Arrive in Liverpool.” -

From the Millennial Star a list of missionaries that had arrived for the British and Scandinavian missions
“Elder Amos Clarke of Newton came on genealogical business.”
-- The Journal , Jan. 5, 1895.

* * * *
February 23, 1895 - page 8 under “Sickness in Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Not seeing anything in THE JOURNAL for sometime from our quiet and peaceable little town, I though I would let you know how we are progressing, or where we are at.

“We have considerable snow now and we have had some extreme cold weather of late. But what is worst still is the sickness prevailing among our little ones. The scarletina is getting at its work a little too strong for the tender hearts of some of our good fathers and mothers. Sister Christense Erickson was called upon to part with her only joy and comfort in this cold world. a son, who has taken down dick on Saturday Feb. 9 and died on Tuesday Feb. 12, being sick only four days. He was five years and 9 months sold [ sic old], and was the only child she had.

“On Saturday Feb. 16 our neighbors, Neils and Harrient Christensen, were called upon to give up their oldest daughter. Harriet Marie, aged 7 years and 3 months; this being the first death in their family. Tongue cannot express the anguish of their hearts.
“Again on Saturday evening Dr. Ormsby was driving around our little town putting up those yellow flags, one at Sorn M. Peterson's and one at James Haskell's. The people of Newton have no love for those colors, especially when attached to a small stick and then mailed on to their houses. But we hope the disease will soon depart from hence and the flags be removed, and that God will comfort the hearts of the stricken parents and all who are called upon to mourn their loss.

“On Sunday morning the baby girl of Alfred and Julia Goodsell, fell from a chair upon a hot stove. burning its face on the mouth and across the left cheek, and also the palm and wrist of the right hand.

Yours truly,
NEWTON, Feb. 18th, 1895.”

* * In the same February 23rd issue on page 4 under “Statement of Receipts”
“And Disbursements of Cache County for the Fiscal Year Ending Dec. 31, 1894.”
Disbursements for roads...
For Logan road district [$]230.40
For Hyrum road district 415.11
For Newton road district 57.14
For Clarkston road district 60.50
-- The Journal , Feb. 23, 1895.

* * * *
March 5, 1895 - page 8 under “‘The Visit of Mr. Amos Clarke.’” -

“Under the above heading the Rhos Herald published at Rhos, Wales, prints a communication from Amos Clarke, of Newton, Cache County. who is there visiting relatives and friends and gathering genealogical data. Brother Clarke writes us that he well in health and is enjoying his labors.

“Following is the letter to the Herald.
“To the Editor of the ‘Rhos Herald.’
“Dear Sir.--By your permission I take pleasure in writing a short piece for publication in your interesting paper, expecting it will be of interest and of benefit.  I hope to its readers. My name is familiar to a great many of the people of this neighborhood, more so than my face, although I am pretty well recognized, considering the length of time since I left here, which is twenty nine years next April. In
course of that time many changes have taken place in persons, property and places. Many have passed away since I left that I knew, and many have come that I do not know. I was very much surprised in seeing the improvements in Rhos and the vicinity, and in Wiexham. Lots of new well made houses and many new shops, and for a few day after arriving I felt astonished at myself in being here, at the old home where I was born and raised. My reception here has been as well as I could expect it, amongst my relatives and friends, and all have manifested a kind and respectful feeling towards me so far, which is very gratifying.

“I have left my home and family and friends in Utah, which is in the western part of American, early six thousand miles from here, to come on a visit for a short time to see my relatives for one thing, as they had expressed a desire to see me, and I had a desire to see them, especially my brother and my four sisters, besides lots of other relatives that I had a desire to see, and many old neighbors and friends who are yet remaining, believing and hoping that my coming here will have some good effect.

“I am connected with a class of people that are peculiar in their views and sentiments, called Mormons or Latter-day Saints, concerning which people and their gathering place in America the world at large is very much prejudiced and have many erroneous ideas, although much of that has been removed of late years by continual labors of our missionaries which are sent abroad amongst the nations of the earth, and many visits of the noted and remarkable men of science and religion. The news is abroad that General Booth has been there lecturing in the large tabernacle in Salt Lake City last month, and there are great many people living in that large city of 65,000 inhabitants, that are not Latter-day Saints or Mormons, (although I do not believe that they are as much in the majority as is stated in the paper called War Cry which says that one-third of the inhabitants are Mormons, and two-thirds non-Mormons, I think it ought to be reverse, that is, two-thirds Mormons and one-third non-Mormons), but profess other religions and creeds, and in many other cities and towns in that land, to the north, south, east and west of Salt Lake City, which can testify that the Saints are in general, industious, peaceable and law abiding people. And I am confident that my coming from there on a visit here will also help to remove prejudice, even my presence here will have a tendency to do that, as a great many people have had the idea that after a man had goine to that part, that he had gone to such bondage and confinement that there was no hope to see him any more, and if he had a wife with him, he would be in some danger of some of the leading men taking her, especially if she was good looking. Now I am here a living witness and can testify in words of truth and soberness, that I have lived in Utah over 28 years with my family (a portion of which I have raised after going there.) The first three years in Salt Lake City, where quite a number of the leading men of the people reside, myself and wife were personally acquainted with the next to the highest in the church, but never saw or heard of the least move leading to such a thing as I have above stated, and have never seen the least danger of my wife, nor either of my four daughters being robbed of their virtue, but as I have told some parties personally since I arrived (that matter having brought forward in conversation) that my wife and daughters were safer in their virtue where they are than here, I can say that candidly, also I can truthful say that we as a people are very strong and earnest against adultery and fornication, though there may be a few that fall victims to the lusts of the flesh, but we condemn it, and
the transgressors are dealt with in church capacity.

“Also, in regard to honesty and financial affairs I have had experience with the leaders of the people and many in their midst, but I have not found any fraud or deception, but have found many a friend; at the same time I do not claim that we are without some bad people amongst us, but we cannot help that the Savior said that the gospel was like a net cast into the sea, bringing out all kind of fish, but we do not consider that the bad fish will do any harm to the gospel or the plan of salvation, as that is true and perfect. I, and every one who professes religion are generally speaking independent in accountability, I do not have to account for the deeds of others, neither do they have to account for my deeds, all have to give account at the day of judgment for what they have done individually.

“I am afraid to be taking more than my share of your paper, therefore will close by stating that if there are any of the neighbors and friends who wish to gain any further light or information historical or religious, I will be pleased to give it if I can through the medium of your paper or personal any other way possible.

With thanks for this privilege--I am, yours respectfully, AMOS CLARKE.”
-- The Journal , March 5, 1895

* * * *
March 14, 1895 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Ward Agricultural Societies at Paradise, Newton and Fourth Ward, Logan, will be organized on Friday evening next at 7:30.”

“On Tuesday the County Quarantine Physician removed the last flag from the scarlet fever inflicted districts in this county, in Newton. The county is now clear of contagious diseases, as far as the Dr. knows, which will be joyful news to the general public.”
-- The Journal , March 14, 1895.

* * * *
March 19, 1895 - page 6 under “IN OLD CAMBRIA.” -

“Amos Clarke, of Newton, Writes of His Experience.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--Being as I promised to write a few lines to you again I feel under obligation to do so. Since I last wrote my son-in-law, Elder George Rigby, paid me a visit in Wales and during the time he stayed here we visited many relatives and friends, mostly in response to invitation, and I can say that we were treated with much kindness and respect. We had the honor on one instance of being present at a table with reverent minister to dinner and tea, and after tea was over we had a good opportunity to talk with the minister and several other leading men, who were present at that time on religious topics and history of Utah and the people, and on that occasion we bore a strong testimony to the truthfulness of our religion. We have taken advantage of every opportunity afforded us to do good, in gathering genealogies and teaching and testifying.  Brother Rigby did his part very good in English, but he could not do much with the Welsh, and I had to take that. I had to sympathize with him in going amongst some of the Welsh families, who cannot speak enough English to make a conversation, and Welsh language was no more use to him than Danish or French or some other strange language.

“We traveled 100 miles to make a visit one week while he was here. We started south from my old home and went part west and then north through the western counties of Wales along the sea shore for many miles up to Portmadoc in Carnarvonshire, where I have a sister with her to daughters living, we enjoyed our visit there very well, considering the time of the year. Along the route, there are some nice views in the summer, on our way we saw some plowing, but while we stayed in Portmadoc it snowed, so by the time we came back the plowing was stopped.

“We passed an old town by the name of Haslech, where there is an old castle standing, and on inquiring we understood that it was built in the time of Oliver Cromwell. After returning from that visit our next visit of importance was down in a coal pit 500 yards deep, and we enjoyed the visit as well as could be expected. It was enough to cause anybody that was not used to it to tremble, but we felt quiet cool and the watchful care of our Heavenly Father was over us even when we descended below all things, as it were, and we were landed again safe. In connection with this occasion Brother Rigby tipped the engineer so that he could lower us with less speed than the usual rate, but he did it too good. The usual rate of speed to wind the cage up from the depth of 500 yards is about 1 1/4 minutes.

“That week being the last one for Elder George Rigby to be in Wales I did not like for him to leave without helping me to preach in this neighborhood. So I rented the public hall in this place, and gave out that we would deliver free lectures in English and Welsh. On Friday night, Feb. 1, according to appointment we went to the Hall we two along on the stand looked rather lonesome but we felt encouraged realizing that there was a power with us to sustain us unseen by man. We went through our opening services, some in English and some in Welsh, after which Elder Rigby addressed the congregation in English on the history of Utah and the people and the gospel. I followed in Welsh, giving some of my early experiences and testifying on the apostacy from the primitive church and the restoration of the gospel, and bore testimony to the truth.

"We had a very orderly and attentive congregation. I heard some neighbors saying that they liked our singing, though there were only two of us, and I sang alone once in Welsh.

“The following day brother George Rigby left for his field of labor, Manchester, and I have continued to go around attending to my duties trying to do good wherever I can.  I have an experience, that I have not had for many years, because I came in contact with so many varieties of peoples and creeds.

“The weather is pretty cold here this winter, colder people says than it has been for very many years. I here has been hard frost for several weeks. The river Thames is frozen over and also the river Mersey, at Liverpool, so that the people could travel over it. Several have died from exposure to cold towards London and other places.

“It is said from this part of Wales called Valley of Choyd, and the valley of Maelor, there is not their equal from sea to sea. It is an old Welsh rhyme and comes little better in Welch, but George Rigby and I have decided that we would not exchange our home in Utah for homes here with a great deal to boot. Several people have asked me if I was going back, which I answered in the affirmative.

“I remain, yours truly,
-- The Journal , March 19, 1895.

* * In the same March 19th, 1895 issue on page 2 this advertisement...
“Office next door to U.S. Land office, Salt Lake city.
Obtains patents for Agricultural, Desert and Mineral lands.
Correspondence solicited and information given.
Alfred Goodsell,
Sub Agent, at Newton, Utah.
-- The Journal , March 19, 1895.

* * * *
April 20, 1895 - page 5 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“Brother Jonas Beck, of Newton has been in Clarkston for a few days painting and paper-hanging at the Barson residence. Jonas is a fine painter and does his work cheap.”

“Bishop Griffin and Elder John Griffin of Newton occupied the pulpit Sunday afternoon. Bishop Jardine then imparted the conference news to us.”

* * Same April 20, 1895 issue on page 2 under “Local Points.” -
“John Jenkins of Newton will ship on Monday two cars of beeves to the Omaha market. The steers are in good condition and Mr. Jenkins will undoubted realize well on the lot.”
-- The Journal , April 20, 1895.

* * * *
May 18, 1895 - page 4 under “Missionary Matters.” -

“Arrivals, Releases and Appointments in the European Mission.”
“Among the missionaries arriving at Liverpool per American Line Steamer Ohio, on May 1, 1895. appear the names of the following young men from this section of the country.
“For the British Mission-- A. M. Ledingham of Newton. . . .

“Elder A. M. Ledingham has been appointed to labor as Traveling Elder in the Scottish Conference. -- Millennial Star .”
-- The Journal , May 18, 1895.

* * * *
May 23, 1895 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -

Excerpts from the Provo newspaper --
“Cache County has fully determined, it seems, to push her mining interests.  That is wise, and this is the exact time to do it. Her farmers are all well to do. She has plenty to live on, is not in debt to say great extent, and has plenty of idle muscle. She has both silver and gold mines within her borders and a little risk in the way of mining could do her not fatal injury. Let her go ahead and see what the hills have in store for her. -- Provo Dispatch .”
-- The Journal , May 23, 1895.

* * * *
May 23,1895 - page 7 under “Our Irish Relative.” -

“The Mysteries of Base Ball Opened to His Hibernian Comprehension.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--When will the phool killer be round this way Pon me soul. it seams sum people never will learn I want to tell yesz how a phellar made a phool or himself last Saterday. I shant tell yez his name because it's not proper to be personal thin every man knows who he is, be dad it--enough to say he lives outside av the town.  he saw a lot of tames and some on horseback coming from Clarkston and drivin in the fan town av Newton and seeing so many turn out, He thought it was a funeral so he runs and get his horses on ter h is wagon, and get his Baddu and all his little darlints, an so he  hurrah fur the furneral. Biddy ses who's dead, and sure it is Democracy ses he, and we will tend the burryin av it, all being ready away he goes ter the town and finds all the people gathered apart on the left hand side av square and drivin up to the crowd who was all Clarkston people, and is it a funeral ses I, noa ses they, phwat the divil is it ses I we've come ter the Aast Ball ses they, holy murthur ses I. If yesz had herd as many beasts balling as I did the other day sure and yesz wont yer sears stop up with hot lead.

Oh it not bauling cattle ses they itsa game, a game ses i, all right Ma Trilby ses I.  I'll see the game. So Mister Iditer after find that Democrats was not dead and there was to be no furneral. I tell yesz what I saw and perhaps you can give it a name. fur the soul av me I can't. Well they had a big square place marked out, then they pulled it or pushed it or something av the kind so it was out av square and they called it a diamon, but the divil a glittering was there to it. Then they scatted bhoys all around it and wan feller pulled an iron grating over his face and stuck wan hand in a horse collar and, whoop’ ses he than an other ferrer grabs a piece av a pole and swings it over his shoulder.

Holy Moses! ses I, he kill him, when all av a sudden a black lookin’ spalpheen cries out, play, then a feller standin in front av him get mad and throws a ball at the feller with the horse collar on, just as the feller with the pole was goin to hit him but thinkin the fellar throwed the ball at him, he hawled off and hit the ball the divil own lick but Holy Murther the ball whent off side ways and hit a gintleman on the nose who hadn't spoken a word, then this black feller out in the phwat yes called it cries out phool, now upon my soul that is the only true word he spake all the afternoon, fur the next he ses 1 ball, then I looked around, and he cries 2 balls. I looked agin and he ses 3 balls, now the dhirty her be was fur I whent all through the crowd an the divil a wun could I see balling but all was smiling and looke a plased than wan av the fellar nock a ball straete up and 2 fellers run fur it Och! bone! they come up again wan another, and wan fell down without any wind and hurt his hand and all the bhoys phwat was cattered around started to run when this spalpheen in the middle ses sumthin and they all sthop, and so they kept on fur about 2 hours and a 1/2, then this same feller and now I lernt they called him the damphire, he shouts our side out, now I couldn't see his side out, but I did see wan with somethin out and when I asked phwat that was he put his hand behind and ses he I did that when I slid in. Then this damshire shouts out Clarkston 50, Newton 38. That was another av his lies fur there was over 75 from Clarkston and that many from Newton; some from Logan, some from Idaho and Brig Benson from Trenton.

“Peter Bartender from Clarkston sat on a Bench along side of fat Jo Myler, Peter all the time blowin his mouth organ. The Clarkston people had about 200 pounds of Buttar sittin in the hot sun all the time. Then after dark they had a big dance.  “Now Mister Iditer if you know phwat they call this please tell.

NEWTON, May 21, 1895.”

* * Same May 23rd issue . . . page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“. . . P. O. Hansen and N. Sommers have some beautiful marble and stone monuments.  Several of them are to be put in place on Decoration day. Mr. Sommers called attention to some very monuments cut from Hyrum stone, and he wonders why the Hyrum people had to go to Newton for stone for their new church school when they had better material so near home.”
-- The Journal , May 23, 1895.

* * * *
May 28, 1896 - page 2 under “Newton Notes.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The people of Newton feel happy and cheerful at the present time and realize that we have much to be thankful for. The health of the people is good and everything looks favorable for a prosperous season. Our grains look very promising and our reservoir is well stored with water for irrigating purposes.

“Mr. Chas, M. Christensen has commenced the erection of a nice cottage on his lot in the western part of town.

“Our district schools are now closed; a good work has been performed the past season by our teachers Mr. Chas. M. Christensen and Miss Lucy Barker. The school board has greatly improved the school property this spring by erecting a good fence and setting out shade trees.

“Nephi and Moses Christensen are brothers and they are young men of enterprise, besides tilling a good sized farm they have this spring built a dairy, in the hills west of Newton, have purchased necessary machinery and are now turning out a first-class article of butter for which thy have a ready market in Salt Lake City. Success to the boys.

“Our people must surely expect good times to come for at least twelve home comfort ranges have been sold in Newton the last two weeks and of course the stove pedlers are all smiles. If those stoves were manufactured in Utah it would be all right but as it is our Territory will be deprived of many thousands dollars.

“Bro. Amos Clarke who have been on a visit to Wales is expected home in the early part of June. We will all be pleased to see Bro. Clarke.

“Base ball games are in fashion at present. Our boys have been defeated by the clubs of Mendon and Clarkston, but have won two games in combat with the Smithfield boys. They are soon to play with Clarkston again and then no doubt Moike will report you the result in grand style.

“What shall we do with the tramp nuisance? Our town is overrun with begging vagabonds and if we feed them all there would be nothing left for ourselves some of them when refused have insulted women and children and threatened them. This is one
of the blessing we enjoy by loving [ sic living] near a railroad.

NEWTON, May 24, 1895.”
-- The Journal , May 28, 1895.

* * * *
May 30, 1895 - page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“On Saturday C. F. Hendricksen of Newton secured permit to marry Miss Josephine Johnson of Alto precinct, and called upon Judge Warrum to perform the ceremony. In ten minutes it was all over and Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson were One.”
-- The Journal , May 30, 1895.

* * * *
June 18, 1895 - page 1 under “THE COUNTY SCHOOLS” -

“Held Their Commencement Exercises in Logan Opera House.”
“Commencement exercises for the District Schools of Cache county were held Saturday June 15 at 2 p.m. in the Thatcher Opera House. . . . .
“Names of Graduates.
Newton -- Mary C. Hansen, Jos. W. Jensen.
-- The Journal , June 18, 1895.

* * * *
June 20, 1895 - page 7 under “NEWTON NOTES.”

“An Interesting Budget from the West Side of the Valley.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--I am pleased to state that Bro. P. Benson, first counselor to Bp. Griffin, who has been seriously ill for several weeks is now slowly recovering.

“Last Sunday our ward was visited by Elders Reese and Low of the Stake Superintendency of Sunday Schools. A. M. Ledingham who is now on a mission to Scotland was honorably released from being first assistance of Newton Sunday Schools, and Bro. Jas. F. Hansen was sustained and set apart to fill the vacancy. our meeting on that occasion was well attended and the remarks of the visitors were duly appreciated.

“Bro. Amos Clarke has returned from Wales hale and hearty. He has enjoyed his visit to the land of his nativity very much and was well received by relatives and friends.

“Friday afternoon the presidency of our Relief Society had arranged for holding a meeting in the Alto school house for the benefit of the sisters who are living widely scattered in that branch of our ward. The meeting was well attended, encouraging remarks were made and a good spirit prevailed.

“The Alto people ought to be proud of their new school house, it is pleasing in appearance, and modern and very convenient in its construction. The school board is to be commended for the large number of shade trees set out on the grounds which are growing nicely, watered from a flowing well.

“But now comes our young ladies to the front. From their actions during the past week everybody could see that something was in the wind and last Friday night it came in the shape of one of the best social parties ever given in Newton. Everyone was cordially invited and the meeting house was well filled and a very pleasant time was enjoyed in dancing, interspersed with songs and recitations and partaking of delicious strawberries, ice-cream and cake, all of which was served in abundance by our charming girls. And all this enjoyment for an entrance fee of 10 cents per individual.  Why is was worth 50 cents. All went home more than pleased, and pronouncing it a grand success.

“The law of spraying fruit trees is both good and bad in its present state, quite a few stands of bees have been killed in Newton by careless parties spraying while the blossoms were yet on the trees and bee owners feel anything but pleased over the results. It seems there ought to be a penalty for careless spraying as for not spraying at all.

“Our farmers are anxiously watching the wheat market and daily expecting a chance to ship their surplus wheat of which there is about 24 carloads on hand. Quite a frost last night, garden truck and potatoes damaged. Have not examined wheat yet but there surely danger for grain which is now heading out.

NEWTON, June 17, 1895.”

* * In the same June 20th issue . . . on page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Marriage licenses were issued this week to the following named applicants. . . . George H. Robinson of Laketown, and Lucy Barker, of Newton. . . .”
* * And the June 20th issue on page 1 in the article “Salaries Reduced” briefly mentioned
Newton as follows--
“Court met June 17th at 10 o'clock a.m. Present the Probate Judge and all the selectmen. Prayer was offered by Mr. Pond. The road supervisor of Newton was present and asked the court to furnish his district with some tools for road work. Mr. Pond authorized to make the required purchase.”
-- The Journal , June 20, 1895.

* * * *
July 2, 1895 - page 3 under “NEWTON NUGGETS.” -

“A Number of Newsy Notes from the Northwestern Neighborhood.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Last Sunday Alto Sunday school was visited by Supt's Ormsby and Reese. The visit of these brethren was much appreciated by those present. On this occasion the visitors were pleasantly surprised to find a good Sunday school with 43 members present in that sparsely settled district.

“The people of Alto, are selling their milk to Smithfield creamery and are well pleased with the financial result. One family your correspondent visited are receiving between $4 and $5 per week from the milk of two cows, besides keeping milk enough for home use.

“John Griffin, Jr., has returned from the capital, having finished the normal course at the University and graduated with honors. I learned that Mr. Griffin is the only Cache valley boy who has graduated from the University this year.

“Your scribe had the good fortune of attending a Y.L.M.I.A. meeting held in Newton last Wednesday morning. Pres. Townsend, Sisters Sarah and Harriet Taylor were present, there was a good attendance of the sisters, but very few brethren were present owing to the busy times. The stand in the meeting house was adorned with many sweet flowers. The remarks of the visitors were very appropriate. Several songs were finely rendered.

“On Wednesday night a Democratic meeting was held in the school house. C. H. Hart and Wm. Edwards of Logan were present and the speeches made by those gentlemen were well received. Considering the time of the year there was a very good attendance of both sexes. A reorganization of the precinct was effected with the following named persons elected as officers. Wm. F. Jensen, president of Society and chairman of precinct committee; Mrs. Sevilla Christensen, first vice-president; Chas. Barker, second vice-president, Mrs. Anna F. Rigby, sec’y and treasurer; members of execution committee, John Larson, Christian Christensen, Amos R. E. Clarke, Mrs. Elizabeth Funk, Miss Olive Beck.

“Cache Junction has a busy appearance at present, at least 40 carloads of wheat have been shipped from that point the last ten days. Newton farmers alone have shipped about 12,000 bushels.

“Farmers are busy haying. Irrigating grain is looking well and potatoes are slowly recovering from the effects of the last frost.

“We are going to celebrate the 4th of July in grand style and committees are busy at work with preparations.

NEWTON, June 29, 1895.”
-- The Journal , July 2, 1895.

* * * *
July 23, 1895 - page 2 under “Women May Register.”

“So Says the Utah Commission--Cache County Registration Officers.”\

“. . . The work of selecting registration officers was then proceeded with and the following gentlemen were named for Cache County.

“Benson, Charles A. Reese; Clarkston, Peter S. Barson; . . . Newton, Wm. F. Jensen. . . . .

“Commissioner Letcher offered the following:
“‘In view of the uncertainty which prevails as to who may be entitled to registration, under the provisions of the enabling act and of the constitution for the proposed state of Utah, without assuming to direct the registrars or in any wise exercise a power or authority not granted by law, but only for the purpose of securing uniformity of action by those having in charge the registration of voters, the commission respectfully suggests:
“‘That the registrars should enroll all persons regardless of sex who are or may be qualified electors under the provisions of the enabling act and of the constitution.”
-- The Journal , July 23, 1895.

* * * *
August 1, 1985 - page 8 under “NEWTON NOISINGS.” -

“Newsy Correspondence From Our Thriving Western Town.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--The people of Newton did not forget Pioneer Day this year as we had a splendid celebration. Our committee for this occasion deserved praise for their successful efforts. Our meeting house was tastefully decorated. Shortly after 10 a.m. the house was well filled and exercises commenced. The program was lengthy but excellent and the audience showd [sic- showed] their appreciation by unstinted applause. Nice cool lemonade was frequently served during meeting. There were not many outdoor sports as the day was exceedingly hot. The dance in the evening was well attended and much enjoyed by those participating. What a pleasant change in our social parties now from those held ten years ago! Now everything is perfect order and harmony, then it was noisy talking and stamping of feet and other disorderly conduct.

“Wm. H. Griffin, Jr., and Jos. H. Larsen are attending summer school in Salt Lake.

“Martin Rigby and wife and Miss Mina Funk are visiting friends and relatives in Snake River Valley and Teton Basin.

“Amos Clarke, Jr., and wife are now enjoying a trip to Payson visiting relatives.

“Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis, daughter of our respected townsman Peter Benson is down from Teton Basin visiting her folks. She says the settlers of the Basin have sent their wives and children away for fear of the Indians. The people of Newton who have many friends and relatives in that country are very anxious for their safety under present trouble with the Indians.

“We regret to state that Bro. Peter Benson is still in very feeble health. We hope he may yet be healthy and strong and enjoy life for many years.

“Grain on day farms is ripening fast and our headers will commence harvesting this week.

“The second crop of lucerne are now being cut and gives a good yield.

“It now looks as if our potato crop will be almost a failure from the effects of the frost we had in June.

“Wm. E. Jenkins, one of our bright and talented young men will leave home sometime in August to fill a mission to the Southern States.

“Chas. M. Christensen and Miss Bessie Griffin have been engaged as teachers for our district school for the coming season.

NEWTON, July 28, 1895.
-- The Journal , Aug. 1, 1895.

* * * *
August 6, 1895 - page 6 under “Clarkston Cullings.” -

“Our school trustees have engaged Mr. John Griffin of Newton to teach our school the coming year.” . . . .

“Sisters Barber and Cardon paid us a visit on Tuesday and addressed a meeting of our ladies on the culture of silk. They exhibited some fine samples of silk produced in Cache Valley and showed that the raising of the mulberry and the cultivation of silk worms was possible as well as profitable.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 6, 1895.

* * * *
August 8, 1895 - page 6 under “OUR NEWTON LETTER.” -

“Interest in the Culture of Silk and Flax--Pleasant Sunday School Party.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--On Monday last Newton was favored with a visit from Prest. Adeline Barber and Sister Cardon of Benson. A meeting of our Relief Society had been arranged for that day which was well attended. The visiting sister gave valuable instructions on the work and duties of the society; encouraging the sisters to start silk and flax culture. Some beautiful samples of home-made silk and linen were exhibited by the visitors. The ladies of Newton are now quite interested in these matters, and no doubt a great number of mulberry trees will be set out in the near future.

“Bro. Jas. Parsons has half an acre of flax growing which he has generously offered to the sister to experiment with, and as we have several experts in the preparation of flax a thorough experiment will be made which will no doubt prove a success.

“On Monday night the members of the 2nd intermediate department of Newton Sunday School and a few of their friends, numbering in all about 60, had a very pleasant party in the school house gotten up for their enjoyment by the teachers of the department, Brother John Larsen and Sisters Ruth Griffin and Minnie Anderson. A nice programme was rendered consisting of songs, recitations, music and speeches. Beside the young folks danced to their hearts content. Delicious ice cream and cakes were served during the evening. All of the proceedings were a testimony of the harmony and kind feeling which exist between teachers and students of said department.

“Ludvig E. Larsen, formerly of Logan where he for years has worked, has opened a blacksmith shop in Alto. This was much needed and friend Ludvig is as busy as a bee from early morn till late at night.

NEWTON, Aug. 5, 1895.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 8, 1895.

* * * *
August 10, 1895 - page 8 under “County Court Minutes.” -

“Court Convened Monday August 5th. . . .
“Judge Warrum reported that he had been unable to negotiate satisfactorily with parties owning land on the proposed roadway from Newton to Smithfield bridge and it was agreed to let the matter rest till such time as the people of that locality decided to give the county a right of way.”
-- The Journal , Aug. 10, 1895.

* * * *
August 13, 1895 - page 2 under “Petersboro and Newton.”

“‘The Journal’ Man Visits the Towns of the West Side of the Valley.”
“. . . I threaded my way amongst the farms and came to Cache Junction. Everything here was as still as the grave. It was 11 a.m., Mr. Crookston gave me a kind reception.  I refreshed the inner man, and then came to Bro. Snyder's, put up my horses for noon, took dinner, crossed the Bear river over a splendid bridge for the first time in thirty years and then went on to Newton.

“The people are all busy as bees gathering the fruits of the toil. Everywhere you are met with the same story, ‘My husband is off on the header.’ So I rise with the lark and find many before they leave home, and also call in the evening. 

“Notwithstanding the many frosts that have visited Newton there is an abundant harvest, yet the June frost played smash with the tender vines. Then the one in July punished then again and the one on Friday morning last cooked the cucumbers’ goose in good shape. Mrs. Jensen, wife of your correspondent, says lat year she sold $11 worth of cucumbers besides giving away lost and for family use, this year Jack Frost has relieved her of all care on this account.

“Newton has not much fruit, still the crop is increasing and in the near future the inhabitants will have all they want. The trouble in early days from the breaking yearly of the dam of their immense reservoir was a great set back to the growth and development of the town. But for several years they have made a solid job of this dam and their water supply is good and sure.

“Newton shows a outward sign of great prosperity. They have many elegant houses and more in course erection. The public buildings are good and substantial. The district school house is of rock and is large enough for many years to come. A new brick tithing office and in fact every building hers is very substantial.

“The cause of education has never ceased to grow in this place since Mr. Charles England first taught the necessity of a higher education. One of the trustees says Mr. England gave our young people a taste for learning, and for its size Newton has more educated young people than other places. Each years since Mr. England was here ten or fifteen attend the colleges and universities. Last year there seventeen.

“The people of Newton are very kind and hospitable.

Aug. 10, 1895,”
-- The Journal , Aug. 13, 1895.

* * * *
August 24, 1895 - page 2 under “NEWTON NOTES.”

“List of Accidents--Visit of Stake Authorities--Work for Idle Men.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--A few days ago a little girl, the daughter of H. C. Hansen, while playing around a sulky rake with her brother, had the misfortune to have the end of her right index finger torn off by the rake lever which the boy was playing with. Though a painful wound the child is rapidly recovering.

“One evening last week while Mr. Thomas Ballard was running a header on his farm near Cache Junction, he gave one of the horses a last with a whip with the result that the animal gave him a vicious kick which sent Mr. Ballard flying from the machine. At the moment he thought he had a broken leg; fortunately this was not the case, but a very painful wound was inflicted on the shin of his right leg. Though recovering, Mr. Ballard is still quite lame from the accident.

“Since my last letter two bran new babies have come to town; the one, a boy, arrived at the home of Niels Jacobsen, Esq., on Aug. 11th; the other, a girl, made her appearance at the domicile of M. Marcus Benson a few days later. All parties concerned are doing well.

“We were just preparing to do dome loud grumbling on account of being slighted by our stake missionaries and other church dignitaries when lo and behold! last Sunday when entering our meeting house there were four such visitors present, namely, President Isaac Smith, Elder Lyman R. Martineau, President Roskelly and Elder Duce of the High Priest Quorum; so now we take it all back. Those brethren spoke well, and it is to be regretted that only a small congregation was present to listen to the excellent counsel given by the visitors.

“The wife of Brother Christian Larsen has been seriously ill for about a week, but is now improving a little.

“Peter Benson, Esq., who has been sick for several months was visited last Monday by a Logan physician who lanced a large abcess which had formed on Mr. Benson's right side. The Dr. says his patient will recover.

“Harvesting is still going on and threshing has commenced. Help is very scarce, and a few of the idle men in Logan could find employment here as elsewhere among the farmers of this county, perhaps long enough to earn their breadstuff for the coming winter.

“Grasshoppers are getting very numerous, and fears are entertained that they will be very troublesome next season.

NEWTON, Aug. 20, 1895.
-- The Journal , Aug. 24, 1895.

* * * *
August 27, 1895 - page 3 under “Denmark Defended.”

“Wm. F. Jensen of Newton Takes Exception to A. B. Irvine's Letter.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL:--In the JOURNAL of Aug. 15th 1895, appears a lengthy correspondence signed by A. B. Irvine, giving a description of Denmark and its people.

“The gentleman is a good writer and part of his letter is very pleasing and interesting to peruse, but parts of it are anything but pleasing to persons born and raised in that country on account of the many misstatements of facts it contains. Being a a native of said country and familiar with the conditions and customs of the people, if you will kindly allow me space in your columns, I wish to correct the erroneous impressions given in Mr. Irvine's letter so that the people who read THE JOURNAL may form a correct opinion of the Danish people.

“In the forepart of Mr. Irvine's letter are several facts which are overstretched, but they are of minor importance and we will pass them over, but when Mr. Irvine says that every male person over 15 years of age carries a walking cane and used tobacco in some form, it is too much to let pass by unnoticed. Such a statement is absurd to say the least. There are thousands upon thousands in that country who never use tobacco nor carry a walking stick. Mr. Irvine in his short visit to Copenhagen has not doubt seen a number of idle dudes, which by the way are found in every large city, and who answer his description and he has made the mistake that such were a fair sample of the people in general. Mr. Irvine also states that immense quantities of beer are consumed, and the readers of THE JOURNAL may naturally think that the Danish people are a set of bloated beer barrels, which is not the case. It is true that a great quantity is consumed but at least three-fourths of the beer used is a mild healthy beverage entirely void of intoxicating quantities and being very cheap it is in general use.

“I agree with Mr. Irvine in his comment upon the folly of that country maintaining a great standing army, and the expenses of keeping the same are sorely a burden to the poor by the reason of so many men while in the service being unable to provide for those dependent upon them, but not by direct taxation, as the really poor in Denmark pay very little or no taxes. Mr. Irvine further says that their methods of farming are rather crude. I wonder who gave him that information. It must have been a person either grossly ignorant of fact or else very ill disposed towards the Danish nation, for the statement is not true. The true facts are that when it comes to agricultural pursuits Denmark is in the front ranks among the nations and has been for many years. The farming implements are convenient, especially are the Danish plows of an excellent construction. The tillage of the soil is thorough and as perfect as anywhere else. Harvesting machinery as we use it in America is impractical as the crops are generally so heavy that the grain falls over, tangled up in all directions so that it is even difficult to cut with the sickle. Wherever conditions will permit modern machinery is used. In regard to threshing, nearly all large farms have their stationary steam engines, which are used for power for threshers and many other purposes, and on medium sized farms are generally found stationary horse powers which are used for the same purpose. Threshing with flail may be used by small holders, as traveling threshing machines are not much in use. Mr. Irvine says oxen are generally used for plowing and hard work. I lived in Denmark about twenty-three years, three years as a missionary in various parts of the country, and in all that time I have only seen one yoke of oxen at work, but many thousands spans of horses. There is one more point which needs an answer. I will admit that the morality of the Danish people is perhaps not better than among other European nations, but to say that many people live together and raise large families without being married I resent as an insult to the people. Such cases may be found but they are surely an exception to the rule.

“In conclusion I will say most Danish people in this country still love their native land and wish to see it fairly treated, hence my answer to Mr. Irvine's letter.

Wm. F. Jensen
NEWTON, August 21, 1895.
-- The Journal , Aug. 27, 1895.

* * * *
September 3, 1895 - page 1 under “Great Convention.”

“The Democrats of Cache County Assemble.”
“And Nominate Fifty-Four Delegates to the Judicial District and the State
Convention--New County Committee Elected.”
“The Democratic Convention of Saturday will be recorded in the annals of future
history as one of the hottest, most thoroughly contested bodies of that nature ever held
in this county . . . .
“The report of the committee on credentials was presented.
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:--Your committee on credentials beg leave to state
that the following members are entitled to seats in this convention: . . . .
CLARKSTON - Joshua Homer, Peter Barson, John Jardine, Maggie
Sparks, Eliza Barson.
NEWTON - Jno. E. Griffin, W. F. Jensen, Seville Christensen.
-- The Journal , Sept. 3, 1895.

* * * *
September 17, 1895 - page 3 under “‘Moike’ at the Capital.”

“He Sass Sights He Never Saw Before and Gets the Joke on Several People.”
“Hurrah, Mister Iditor, and its meselfish glad ter be home agin!
“Why have you been away
“Been away! Why ter be sure and al have, oi’ve been down ter the City, and it a moighty fine place it ish to be shure, but not fur bhoys that throw stones, fer all the houses have glass fronts, but that nothing to phwat oi saw, oi was crossin one ave the strates when hells below here comes a wagon helletesplitt without any hosses on ter it, and oi was lookin at it when people began ter chout out, loike there was murder goin on and oi looked around moighty quick when here was another av them murthering wagons without hosses almost atop av me. Holy murther sez oi, and jumped sidewoise agin a poor devil av a hosee and cart which oi nearly upsit with a man in it with a big empty box full av eggs. Get out av the road sez he. Out av the road yerself sez oi. How the divil is a amn ter git out av the road sez oi with all these screaming things in the way. Jist then a gintleman dressed in blue carrhing a big piece av belonia sassage or somethin lookin loike it, took me by the collar av the coat and landed me on ter the pavement. Kape out the road sez he. Thank ye sez oi, and all the people laffed at him while oi walked on wonderin how them dirthy wagons could go loike that, when a feller stop me. You come nearly gettin run over sez he. The divil a bit sez oi fur oi’ve been walkin all the toime.  Yer not used ter the city sez he. Oi aint sez oi. When yesz seen ould Dublin sez oi then we can talk ct’y ter me sez oi, and yer ought ter seen the smoile be smoiled. Phwat that up yonder sez oi pointin up ter the mountain, that camp Douglas ses he, phwats up there ses oi, sogers ses he. And phwat the divil are they up there fu ses oi, ter kape peace ses he, and can’t yer kape yer own pace ses oi; phwat av they got up there ses oi; canons ses he, and one av them is pointed straight fer here ses he. begorra and yes ought ter se mejump around the corner av a big house, feared every minit that gun would go off and kill me every strate. Oi run inter a beer house and called fer a glass av beer. Just then a little bell tingled somewhere, and the pheffer that should give me my beer run up to a box on the wall with a hole in it, and be sticke a plug inter wan av his ears. Hello, ses he, and commenced talking ter this box. He crazy ses oi and out oi run, whanting nothing ter do with him. And as oi run up the strate oi run up again, a big fine looking curly headed pheller. Oi beg yer parden ses he. Now thinks oi he a gentleman ter beg my parden for running up agin him, so oi axed a pheller standing there who that chap was. That's B. H. Roberts ses he. A robber ses oi; the divil oi thought him a gentleman. No robber ses he but Roberts. O ses oi and who is Roberts; that's the man we are going to send to Congress next witer ses he. And phwat as he done that yer goin ter lock him up in a place loike that, is he crazy ses oi. No ses he, he's gona there ter make laws for us. Oh come off ses oi, de yer think oi'm crazy. Just then oi heard some drums beating so oi run ter see the fun and it was a lot av phellers with white pants and red stripes on em, and brass hats on their heads, each man carring a pole with fire on the end av it. Whose them ses oi, ter an ould gentleman with a face loike a cheese, them Republicans ses he. O ses oi that Republicans is it, phwat do they carry them fires fur, to see ses he. Now ses oi if the Republicans can’t see with all the light here is in this place without carring extra fires, be dad oi’ll not join that party. Oi’ll be Coxey. Then the next thing oi sees was a man and a woman, with a wheel stuck between there legs, flying up the strate. Oi thought it was funny ter see wagon run without horses, but when oi saw a man and woman with wheels fixed to them, oi was plum confudled. Upon me soul Mr. iditer this is getting a foine whorld indade. Now they build their houses so high down there that they have to put up big trees all along the strates, and then set fire to the top av them so the man that slapes up stairs can see ter endress hisself. And all these strange sights are quite bewildering ter

NEWTON, Sept. 12, 1895.
-- The Journal , Sept. 17, 1895.

* * * *
October 1, 1895 - page 7 under “NEWTON NEWS NOTES.”

“Interesting Budget From the West Side of the County.”
“EDITOR JOURNAL.--Last Saturday Wm. E. Jenkins left home to fill a mission to the Southern States. On the previous evening a pleasant farewell party was given in the meeting in honor of the departing missionary.

“On Saturday night last Elder James A. Hansen returned home after an absence of two years and one month which time he spent as a missionary in Norway. Bro. Hansen looks and feels well, and expresses himself as having enjoyed h is missionary work very much. On Tuesday night a well attended party was given in the meeting house as a token of welcome to Bro. Hansen.

“John Hendricksen, a young man of this place, was arrested by officers from Clarkston on the complaint sworn against him by an Indian squaw for assault with intent to commit rape. The squaw was with the officers and pointed the young man out among the threshing machine boys he was working with.

“Moroni Beck, Frank Griffin and Joseph Jensen, three of Newton's bright and ambitious young men, left for Salt Lake City last Saturday to study at the University of Utah.

“Our district schools started last Monday with a fair attendance, with Mr. Charles M. Christensen as principal and Miss Bessie Griffin as teach of primary department.

“Mr. Samuel Clarke has again taken up his studies at the B. Y. College, and quite a number of our young folks are preparing to attend the Agricultural College this season.

“On the night of September 23rd Soren P. Hansen, a young man about 24 years old, died. It is supposed from typhoid fever, after only a few day’s sickness.

“On Friday last the Republicans trio, Wells & Co., held forth in the Newton meeting house to a fair sized audience: but the speaking was weak and a sore disappointment to those who expected to hear something grand. The Cannon must either be cracked or the powder supply exhausted, for it has no force whatever.

“Newton has today been favored with a visit from Hons. John T. Caine and B. H. Roberts, and also Richard W. Young, who came up from Salt Lake to join the first named gentlemen in their campaign work. A large and enthusiastic audience was present in our meeting house and listened with rapt attention and warmly applauded the sound Democratic talk made by the distinguished gentlemen.

NEWTON, Sept. 26, 1895."
-- The Journal , Oct. 1, 1895.
[NOTE: Caine was a candidate for governor; Roberts for delegate to Congress; and Young a candidate for the Utah Supreme Court.]

* * * *
October 12, 1895 - page 5 under “Religion Class Meeting.”

“Professor Karl G. Maeser, member of the Church Board of Education will hold meetings in the following wards at the hours named below-
Wellsville --Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, at 10 a.m.
. . . .
Clarkston --Friday, Oct. 25, at 10 a.m.
Newton -- Friday, Oct. 25, at 2 p.m.
Mendon--Friday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m.
“The subject treated upon will be necessity of Religion Class work, and we desire that all who can will attend these meetings, and representatives from the smaller wards which cannot be reached should attend the nearest points where they are held.

Orson Smith,
President of Cache Stake Board of Education.
-- The Journal , Oct. 12, 1895.

* * * *
October 19, 1895 - page 3 under “Notes From Newton.” -

“EDITOR JOURNAL.--A short time ago John Hansen, Jr., of Alto, while riding a horse had the misfortune to have the animal fall with him his [sic], badly bruising his leg and foot, the young man is slowly recovering but not able to walk yet.

“The other day Mr. Peter Clawson was hauling a load of hay in a header box from Newton to Cache Junction. When close to Bear river bridge the load tipped with the result that the box was made a perfect wreck, the team run away with the front wheels and Mr. Clawson was badly bruised and shaken up by the fall. Fortunately he was not seriously hurt.

“Elder George Rigby returned home last Sunday night from a two years mission to  Great Britain. Bro. Rigby feels first rate and has enjoyed his trip very much. He labored for a time in the Newcastle Conference but at the latter part of his mission he presided over the Manchester conference. Bro Rigby says, after all there is not place like home.

“Another Republican rally was held here last Friday night, it was well attended mostly by young people. The speakers were Judge Bishop and Jos. Stanford of Ogden. The first named gentleman spoke very fairly without abusing anybody, but that much can not be said of Mr. Stanford. especially was the latter part of his speech a tirade of abuse, and insult and gross misstatements of known facts. Send us more of them, they are doing a good work for the success of Democracy. The two boy singers with them are gems, and their singing was much enjoyed by all present.

“Our religious services yesterday were of a very interesting nature. Elder Wm. B. Preston, Jr., was present in the interest of the Y.M.M.I.A. Elder Wm. E. Jenkins, now on a mission was honorable released from being second counselor to President Chris Christiansen, and Brother George Rigby was called and sustained to fill the vacancy. The remarks of Brother Preston were very instructive and encouraging.

“Elder George Rigby gave a very interesting account of his recent missionary experience, which was much appreciated by the large congregation. Brother R. C. Easton sang ‘Oh My Father.’

“President Roskelley concluded the services with a few well chosen remarks. It was a Sabbath day to be fondly remembered for a long time to come.

NEWTON, Oct. 14, 1895

* * Same Oct. 19th paper on page 8 under “Local Points.” -
“Mr. C. Fonnesbeck, of Newton, was in Logan on Thursday on business. He gave THE JOURNAL a pleasant call.”
-- The Journal , Oct. 19, 1895.