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"Old News" of Newton, Utah

Part 5 – NEWTON, UTAH – Newspaper extracts from May of 1898 through 1911:

NEWTON, UTAH - In the newspapers from 1870 to 1898
By Larry D. Christiansen

Part 1 – Introduction and a Selected Topical Index, Newspapers coverage 1870 through December 1883.
Part 2 – 1884 through June 15, 1892.
Part 3 – June 18, 1892 through October 19, 1895.
Part 4 – October 22, 1895 through March 1898.
Part 5 – 1895 - 1909
Part 6 – 1910 to 1940s

(a). Introduction -- The following extracts primarily come from The Deseret Evening News, The Salt Lake Herald , Salt Lake Telegram with a few extractions from Ogden newspapers, Box Elder Journal and a few other newspapers. Beginning in 1911 for a short period (years 1911, 1914, 1917, 1920 and 1921) there is coverage of another Logan newspaper The Logan Republican. In the material presented as printed there will be few corrections along with an occasional explanatory note. The reader is advised as to spelling errors in regard to surnames with the names frequently spelled wrong (such as Patterson/Paterson, Roskelley/Roskelly, Clarke/Clark), and more troublesome in the instances where the name ending had either a “sen” or “son” (Andersen/Anderson, Christensen/Christenson/Christiansen, Hansen/Hanson, Jensen/Jenson, Larsen/Larson, Neilson/Neilsen, Petersen/Peterson, etc.). Some of the mistakes can be ascribed to what is now called typographical errors in composition, but apparently more came from Newton residents writing their local newspaper and not knowing the correct spelling of the names of their fellow Newtonites.

(b). Selected Topical Index for Parts 5 & 6: [Key – month/day/year, i.e., 5/14/1898 = May 14, 1898.]
Accident in Bear River Canyon -5/15/1901.
Automobile, ads and agents – 5/31/1910, 2/28/1914, 4/30/1914, 5/7/1914, 1/17/1915; 10/31/1915; 11/14/1915;3/12/1916, 12/18/1917, 4/7/1921, 7/19/1921, 10/1/1921.
Bank at Cache Jct. - 6/22/1910.
Busy Burglar at Newton - 5/11/1905.
Cache County strongly opposed new capitol building for Utah - 6/16/1909.
Cache Junction holdup - 3/22/1901.
Cache County schools consolidation - 3/9/1908, 3/24/1908, 4/3/1908, 10/23/1908, 11/28/1908.
Change in bishopric - 5/22/1903.
Col. Theodore Roosevelt at Cache Junction - 9/13/1912.
Co-op Store burned down - 3/14/1916.
Dances - 7/6/1904, 5/30/1911, 6/10/1911, 6/13/1911, 6/20/1911, 6/27/1911, 7/11/1911, 7/22/1911, 7/29/1911, 8/10/1911, 8/29/1911, 9/7/1911, 10/19/1911, 11/14/1911, 11/23/1911, 12/7/1911, 12/14/1911, 12/30/1911, 2/7/1914, 3/7/1914.
Death of Elder Clarke in Wales - 9/27/1899.
Death of Pres. Wm. F. Rigby - 3/13/1901, 3/15/1901, 3/21/1901.
"Dry & wet" towns - 6/9/1911.
Dr. J. F. Alton - 4/6/1911, 6/17/1911, 6/24/1911, 10/24/1911.
Dr. Arthur Cooley - 6/27/1911, 10/19/1911, 8/15/1916.
Dr. Wilford Beck - 9/7/1911, 10/7/1911, 10/12/1911.
Drowning in Bear River – 7/12/1924.
Earthquake relief fund - 5/16/1906;5/28/1906;6/2/1906.
Horses killed by lightning – 7/8/1926.
Humorous narrative from Cache Jct. - 4/7/1917.
Hurt by a cow – 6/9/1903, 7/29/1903.
Idea of dredging Bear River - 6/30/1899.
Improvements at Cache Junction - 2/3/1917.
John W. Nelson (aka "Black Jack") troubles - 3/8/1910; 3/12/1910;3/15,1910;3/22/1910; 10/10/1910; 10/29/1910;11/16/1915;12/23/1915;1/6/1916.
Killed by lightning - 8/22/1911.
Late plural marriage raid - 11/28/1899.
Moving picture shows - 3/7/1914, 2/3/1917,2/17/1917, 3/10/1917.
Lift Cache County out of the mud - 5/15/1920.
New store - 9/25/1903.
Newton Adopts Cash System - 1/17/1914.
Newton Brass Band - 2/7/1914.
Newton electric lights - 11/2/1911, 12/5/1911, 12/14/1911, 5/16/1916;12/15/1916.
Newton postmasters -2/14/1903, 7/1/1903, 2/6/1906, 6/29/1909, 4/10/1910, 1/24/1914.
Newton occasions – town incorporated, 3/13/1900, smallpox, 2/27/1901, ward incorporated, 1/24/1902, founding celebrated, 3/6/1903, stores, implement houses, 5/5/1903, telephone line, 5/23/1903.
Newton Reservoir - “gives way” or perhaps not - 3/18/1903; will strengthen , 5/4/1903; enlarge, . 3/34/1904; 12/27/1938;10/24/1940;10/10/1941;1/15/1942;11/21/1942.
Newton teachers - 5/4/1903, 9/11/1909, 6/8/1910, 3/2/1911, 8/26/1911, 9/14/1911, 11/18/1911, 1/24/1914, 3/21/1914, 5/14/1914, 8/27/1915, 8/30/1916, 9/12/1921, 8/23/1927, 8/27/1931.
Newton water system - 8/15/1911,9/7/1911, 9/12/1911, 11/2/1911, 12/5/1911, 12/14/1911.
Old Folks” party – 1/26/1903.
Parley P. Christensen - 9/19/1895,1/30/1902.
W. J. Paterson’s disappearance [finds himself] – 3/27/1902, 3/28/1902, 3/29/1902, 7/9/1902, 7/4/1903.
Post office, postmaster – 5/4/1903, 7/1/1903, 6/29/1909, 1/24/1914, 3/14/1916, 5/30/1933.
Pres. Taft at Cache Junction - 9/26/1909.
Steel bridge over Bear River - 1/15/1914, 6/4/1914.
Sugar Beets, vacation – 10/1/1898, 9/4/1901, 6/6/1910,10/16/1927;10/26/1917;10/7/1928.
Utah cleanest town contest - 11/21/1915.
World War I effects - 5/26/1917, 6/14/1917, 6/28/1917, 7/3/1917, 7/21/1917, 8/2/1917, 8/18/1917, 8/21/1917, 9/18/1917, 10/4/1917, 11/15/1917.
Worst annoyance in Cache Junction - 1/20/1917.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* *<<<>>>* * [Earlier bonus items from 1895 and 1896:]

<<<>>> Sept. 19, 1895 - p. 7 under "Logan Laconics. "

"Parley P. Christensen of Newton, a graduate of the B. Y. college, will leave in a few days for Cornell university where he will take the law course. "
--The Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 19, 1895.

<<<>>> Dec. 15, 1896 - p. 61 under "Cache County, Its Thriving Cities, Towns and People."
"Cache County embraces the larger part of the valley that bears its name. It is bounded to the north by the state of Idaho, on the south by Weber county and on the east and west by Rich and Boxelder counties, with a population of 20,000 and comprises the cities and towns of Logan, Wellsville, Smithfield, Richmond, Hyrum, Lewiston, Mendon, Paradise, Hyde Park, Providence, Clarkston, Newton, Millville and many hardy and growing villages, with well irrigated farms and ranches on every side, yielding large crops of garin [sic grain], hay . . . ." [ 116 page special]
--The Deseret Evening News
, Dec. 15, 1896.

* * * * *Newspaper extracts – May of 1898 through 1911:

May 14, 1898 - p.27 under "Weekly Crop Bulletin" Salt Lake City, Utah / May 3, 1898 "The weather conditions during the past week have been very favorable for general farm work, germination of seeds and growth of crops . . . .Warm weather during the coming week will make wonderful improvement in the condition of crops throughout the State. [Followed by reports from various communities. . .including for Cache County reports from Benson, Logan.] "Newton--Grain and gardens all in, fall grain 6 inches high; spring coming along fine since the rain; lucern 6 inches high; fruit trees budding and shade trees leafing out. A large crop of grain put in this spring."
--The Deseret Weekly, May 14, 1898.

[Following a series of “Weekly Crop Bulletin” reports.]
May 28, 1898 - p. 29 - "Newton--Grain and gardens are in good condition; early grain about a foot high; spring grain all up." [reports from Benson, Lewiston, Smithfield and Paradise.] June 4, 1898 -- p. 27- "Newton--Last week's weather will prove of great value to the farmers, nice growing weather." July 2, 1898 -- p/27 - "Newton--Last week the weather was warm. Grain advancing rapidly. Fall grain is heading. A small amount of lucern has been cut. No rainfall last week." July 30, 1898 -- p.26 - "Newton--Fall wheat is very heavy and some of it is damaged by smut. No smut has been observed in the spring grain. Potatoes are growing well." Aug. 1, 1898 -- p. 29 - "Newton--Haying in progress; grain ripening fast and some is being cut; second crop of lucern about ready to harvest; light shower 21st." Aug. 13, 1898 -- p. 27 - "Newton--The past week has been warm and windy. Harvesting going on fast. Grain heavy." Sept. 3, 1898 -- p. 30 - "Newton--The weather has been good; a few days were rather windy. Farmers are completing harvest. Threshing has commenced." Sept. 10, 1898 -- p. 27 - "Newton--We are through with harvest. Threshing is going on. Wheat is turning out beyond average. No rain last week." Sept. 17, 1898 -- p. 28 - "Newton--Thunderstorms during the night of the 30th and Sept. 1st furnished enough water to lay the dust. The threshers are busy. Some fall grain is smutty." Oct. 1, 1898 -- p. 28 - "Newton--The days are warm and the nights frosty; tender plants having been killed; lucern has been secured; threshing is progressing; the potato crop is light; sugar beets are still in the ground."
--The Deseret Weekly, various dates cited above, 1898.

July 9, 1898 - p. 32 under "Obituary Notes." “PETER BENSON "Elder Peter Benson, an old and highly esteemed resident of Newton, died last Tuesday evening after an illness of some months with stomach troubles. The deceased was born April 26, 1831, in Okor Sogn, Bornholm, Denmark and joined the Church in 1852; emigrated to Utah in 1853, and traveled by ox-team over the plains, an eleven months' journey. He arrived in Salt Lake City October 3rd, 1853; lived there two years and moved to Lehi, where he made his home for eleven years. He then moved to Clarkston, Cache county, where he lived a short time, about two years, and then moved to Newton, Cache county, and was one of the first settlers here. He was a counselor to our late Bishop Hans Funk; also a counselor to our present Bishop, W. H. Griffin, until is death. The deceased leaves seventeen children, 52 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. "The funeral took place from the meeting house last Thursday. The speakers were Elders Orson Smith, Jordain and W. H. Griffin, and Counselor Christian Larsen, who all spoke consoling words and of the good character and qualification of the deceased. The remains were then escorted to their last resting place on the Newton cemetery by a large host of relatives and friends. The deceased will meet beyond the vail one wife, eight children and twelve grandchildren. "Newton, Cache Co., June 26, 1898. / N. Jacobson. "
--The Deseret Weekly, July 9, 1898.

Aug. 27, 1898 - p. 19 under "Returned Missionaries."
"Elder William E. Jenkins of Newton, Cache county, is back from a Southern States mission. His field of labor was the South Alabama conference for which he departed on September 27, 1896. Mission work is in a thriving condition in South Alabama and barring a brief illness from la gippe [sic – grippe] Elder Jenkins had a delightful time."
--The Deseret Weekly, Aug. 27, 1898.

Oct. 1, 1898 - p. 19 under "In the European Mission."
"Arrivals--The following named Elders from Zion arrived on the American line steamship Belgenland on Tuesday, September 6, 1898: For the British Mission--William H. Griffin of Newton. . . .Samuel T. Clarke, Newton . . . . "William H. Griffin has been appointed to labor as a traveling Elder in the Birmingham conference. . . . "Samuel T. Clarke has been appointed to labor as a traveling Elder in the Welsh conference."
--The Salt Lake Herald, Oct. 1, 1898.

Oct. 1, 1898 - p. 17 under "From the Missionary Fields." . [A long letter from Caddo, Pittsylvania Co., Va. /Sept. 7, 1898 telling of the proceedings of a conference there on Sept. 3rd and 4th which the writer closed with these remarks:] ". . .May the time quickly come when our ranks will again be filled. During the winter months we will labor on the coast. Headquarters will be established at Hewlett's, Hanover Co., Va. Any information to be sent to the Elders will reach us there. "The blessings of the Lord were pronounced upon us and with light hearts all departed for their fields of labor. Your brother, JOHN E. GRIFFIN, Prest. Virginia Conference, Hewlett, Hanover Co., Va."
--The Deseret Weekly, Oct. 1, 1898.

June 30, 1899 - p. 8 under "Schemes Against the Railroads."

"Cache Valley Projects Looking to Better Transportation."

"Is Bear River Navigable?"
"There exists an urgent necessity for cheaper transportation of wheat out of Cache valley, and to Hon. Joseph Howell of Wellsville, superintendent of the Wellsville Co-0p. one of the heaviest wheat houses in the State, belongs the credit of a suggestion that seems quite feasible and promises to save the farmers of northern Utah and southern Idaho vast sums now paid for getting their wheat to market. "Mr. Howell suggests that Bear river between Newton and Collinston, and probably in other portions of its bed, be dredged so as to make the channel suitable for navigation by barges, and that locks be put in where necessary, transforming the river into a navigable canal. Mr. Howell suggests that these improvement in the channel of the river might extend as far as Montpelier, thus providing water transportation, the cheapest in the world, for the crops of a vast district.

"Your correspondent suggests that the river might be thus improved as far up as the coal fields of Wyoming, and thus coal could be transported on barges to points in Cache valley; to Corinne to be shipped thence westward by rail . .
--Deseret Evening News, June 30, 1899.

Sept. 27, 1899 - p. 7 under "NEWTON."

"Sad Death of a Missionary.”
"News of the Death of Elder Samuel T. Clark in Cardiff, Wales."
"Newton, Cache Co., Sept. 26.--The following, taken from the Logan Journal, given an account 
of the death of one of Newton's most respected young men, a brief announcement of which was made in the 'News' last week:

"A telegram from President Snow to Prest. Smith on Thursday evening, conveyed the sad intelligence that Elder Samuel T. Clarke of Newton, had passed away at Cardiff, Wales, where he was laboring as a missionary.

"The message contained no particulars as to the cause of his death; nothing but the bare announcement that he had passed to the great beyond.

"To Mr. Chas. England was delegated the sad and painful task of breaking the news to the family of the dead man, and he accordingly left for Newton that evening

"Mr. and Mrs. Amos Clarke, the parents of the deceased Elder, and his many other relatives, were over-whelmed with grief at the sad tidings, and the exhibition of their sorrow was heartrending; while gloom has settled over the entire village, as the young man was well known and cordially liked.

"Elder Clarke was 25 years of age, having first seen the light of day on Sept. 12, 1874, in Newton. He worked on the farm in his boyhood, and finally entered B. Y. College to obtain an education. He graduated from that institution and for two years thereafter was instructor in music at the college.


"In December, 1897, he was married to Miss Olive Beck of Newton, and the following August was called on a mission to Wales. Two months after his departure his wife gave birth to a babe, a handsome boy, which the father was destined never to see. The wife is now in Rexburg visiting with her sister, but has been informed by wire of the sad intelligence.

"The body may be sent home for interment. President Snow having been advised that such is the desire of the relatives of the deceased missionary.

"Elder E. R. Owens, who recently returned from the welsh mission, was well acquainted with Elder Clarke, of whom he speaks in most glowing terms of praise, while expressing the keenest sorrow at the news of his death. In fact, everyone who knew the young man is pained to hear of his demise."
--Deseret Evening News, Sept. 27, 1899.

Nov. 23, 1899 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS. "The marriage of Henry Jenkins and Miss Hattie Griffin of Newton, is announced for Thanksgiving day. Also the marriage of Frank Griffin of Newton and Miss Ballard of Cache Junction is announced for the early part of December."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 23, 1899.

Nov. 28, 1899 - p. 1 under "Owen's Cache County Raid.
Forwards a Long List of Accused Person to Attorney Nebeker. "Wants them all arrested. Includes Many Prominent Northern Utah Citizens. . . . "Logan, Nov. 28 --County Attorney Nebeker this morning received Charles Mostyn Owen's much heralded list of complaints against Cache county citizens, who are accused of violating the marriage laws. "Apostle Merrill is charged with unlawful cohabitation with Sarah Ann Merrill, Cyrene Stanley, Jennie Jacobson and Mrs. Toronto;. . . .C. O. Card with Sarah J. Paynter, Zina Y. Card and Lavinia Rigby. . . . John Jenkins of Newton with Mary O. Jenkins, Annie C. Jenkins and Martha Jenkins. . . . William Griffin of Newton with Elizabeth Jenkins and Elizabeth Clark . . . ."
--Deseret Evening News, Nov. 28, 1899.

Nov. 29, 1899 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"Henry E. Jenkins, 21, and Harriet M. Griffin, 22, both of Newton, were today granted permission to wed."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 29, 1899.

Dec. 7, 1899 - p. 7 under "Logan." Marriage Licenses "
Marriage licenses were today secured by Thomas F. Griffin of Newton and Jennie L. Ballard, of Cache Junction. . .. -
--The Deseret Evening News
, Dec. 7, 1899.

Jan. 22, 1900 - p. 7 under "Logan."
 "Sudden Death of James Hansen an Aged and Respected Citizen of Newton." Logan, Cache Co., Jan 21--News comes from Newton of Mr. James Hansen, an aged resident of that town. It seems that on the evening of the 19th Mr. Hansen went to the corral to feed his horses. He did not return to the house for supper, and his daughter, thinking her father had gone in town, took not notice and retired to bed. She awakened at 1 a.m., however, and as her father had not yet returned, suspected something was wrong and went out to look for him. She found him lying near the haystack, cold in death. A pitchfork, loaded with hay, lay near him. Mr. Hansen was 74 years old, and well respected."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 22, 1900.

Feb. 5, 1900 - p. 7 under "Logan."

"Mr. J. N. Hanson, on behalf of the residents of Newton, petitioned the commissioners to grant them the privilege of incorporation their town as a village. This petition was taken under advisement.

"An aged gentleman of this city named Nesson was kicked by a horse and badly injured, Saturday."
--Deseret Evening News, Feb. 5, 1900.

March 13, 1900 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"Newton Incorporated - Application of Paradise Laid Over. . . ."
"Logan, Cache Co. March 12--The county commissioners today granted the petition of the citizens of Newton for a village corporation. The officers of the town will consist of a president, secretary and three trustees, who will be appointed by the county court to serve until the next county election."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 13, 1900.

April 15, 1900 - p. 16 under "Personal Mention." "J. H. Barker, of Newton, Cache county, who was in Zion a few days ago, favored The Mining Review with a pleasant call while here. Mr. Barker is one of the pioneers in mining in Utah, and was employed at the famed Emma mine near Alta in its palmy days. He is now courting the fickle goddess of Fortune in the mountains near his home and is confident that he has the making of a paying mine in his prospects.”
--The Mining Review (Salt Lake City, Ut.), April 15, 1900.

April 25,1900 - p. 7 under "Logan"
"Mr. Andrew Hansen was in town from Newton today, and reported that a slight earthquake shock was felt in that town last Sunday."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 25, 1900.

May 15, 1900 - p. 5 under "Temperatures Up and Down."
"Newton, Cache Co.--Warm the first part of the week. High winds on the 11th, followed by heavy rain which continued into the 12th. No damage from the wind. No frosts. Grain and grass are growing very fast." J. N. Hansen.
--The Deseret Evening News
, May 15, 1900.

Sept. 21, 1900 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"SAD DEATH OF A YOUNG MOTHER.” "Mrs. Hattie Griffin Jenkins, wife of Henry Jenkins of Newton, died on Monday. She had been married but a year and leaves a husband and a babe three weeks old. Funeral services will be held tomorrow."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept 21, 1900.

Nov. 17, 1900 - p.24 under "Returned Missionaries."
"Elder William H. Griffin, of Newton, Cache county, returned home on the 14th of this month from the British mission. He was set apart on the 19th day of August, 1898, and has been laboring in the Birmingham conference. He says he had an enjoyable time during his mission."
--The Deseret Evening News
, Nov. 17, 1900.

Jan. 10, 1901 - p. 5 under "Extracts from Reports./Great Salt Lake Watershed."
"Newton--Less water flowing from the springs than at any time during the past fifteen years. The water in the wells has raised a little during the last month." J. N. Hansen.
--The Deseret Evening News
, Jan. 10, 1901.

Jan. 23, 1901 - p.7 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Jan. 22.-The board of education of Logan City has issued a call for a mass meeting to be held in the Logan tabernacle basement next Thursday evening, at 7:70 o'clock, for the purpose of getting a full public expression in regard to the vaccination problem. The sentiment hereabouts is strongly pronounced against compulsory vaccination, and the legislators will probably be memorialized in regard to the matter. SCHOOL FINANCES. "County Superintendent of Schools Thompson has announced the following apportionment of funds in the various schools of
Cache: Pupils -Amount.
Hyde Park 211 - $ 685.75; Smithfield 490 - 1,592.50; Richmond 449 - 1,459.25; Clarkston 165 - 536.25;
Newton 150 - 487.50; Mendon 163 - 529.75; Wellsville 451 - 1,465.75; Hyrum 534 - 1,735.50;
Paradise 236 - 767.00; Millville 188 - 611.00; Providence 333 - 1,082.25;Lewiston 216 - 702.00;
Benson 53 - 172.25; Coveville 119 - 386.75; Trenton 78 - 253.50; Petersboro 61 - 198.25;
Greenville 80 - 260.00; College 81 - 263.25; Riverside 69 - 224.25; Avon 62 - 201.50; Stephenson 85 - 276.25; Wheeler 68 - 221.00; Mt. Sterling 74 - 240.50 -- Totals. . . . 4,416 - $14,352.00.
--The Deseret Evening News
, Jan. 23, 1901.

Feb. 27, 1901 - p. 5 under "Smallpox Cases."
"There were reported to the city health board yesterday afternoon four new cases of smallpox, which are as follows: [Three named cases in Salt Lake City] "Dr. Beatty, secretary of the State board of health, reported last night that Parowan, Iron county, had been placed under quarantine because they disease was on the increase in that town, and it appeared the local health officers were not able to check the spread of the contagion. "The following reports were sent in to the State health board yesterday afternoon: From Wellsville, nine cases; Bountiful, two; Millville, four; Greenville, four; Newton, six; Logan, seventeen."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 27, 1901.

March 13, 1901 -p.8 under "President Rigby Dead."
"Dies at Logan from Dropsy and Bright's Disease."
"Logan, March 13.--President William F. Rigby, counselor to President Thomas E. Ricks, of the Fremont Stake, Idaho, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Lavinia C. Card, this morning, after an illness from Bright's disease and dropsy, covering a period of six or eight months. "The deceased was of English birth and was born in 1833. He came to Utah in 1857 and settled in Salt Lake, after which he lived at Lehi and Wellsville, going to the last named place in 1861. He was Bishop of Clarkston for several years and the Bishop of Newton which town he founded. "In 1881, when the 'Mormon' settlements were engaged in opening up the Teton valley, he was chosen first counselor to President Thomas E. Ricks of the Fremont Stake and held the position up to the time of his death. President Rigby also filled numerous civil positions, the duties of which were, as were the duties of his ecclesiastical offices, ever honorably and faithfully discharged. "He leaves a large family, many friends and wide interests. His funeral will probably be held from the Logan Tabernacle on Sunday. Interment will be at Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 13, 1901.

March 15, 1901 - p. 11 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., March 14.--The remains of President W. F. Rigby were shipped to Newton today for interment. Funeral services will be held there at 1 p.m., on Saturday.'
--The Deseret Evening News
, March 15, 1901.

March 21, 1901 - p. 7 under "Newton."
"Prest. William F. Rigby."
"Impressive Funeral Services - Close of a Brilliant Career."
"Newton, Cache Co., March 19.--The funeral services over the remains of the late President Wm. F. Rigby, of the Fremont Stake, whose death was announced in the 'News' last week, took place in Newton meeting house on Saturday, March 16th. The services were attended by a large number of friends and relatives from various parts of Utah and Idaho. Appropriate remarks were made by President Thomas E. Ricks of the Fremont Stake, Idaho, to whom Brother Rigby has acted as first counsellor since the colonization of southern Idaho by the 'Mormon' people; Brother Robert L. Fishburn of Brigham City, Bishop John Jardine of Clarkston, President Samuel Roskelley, Elder Amos Clarke and Bishop Wm. H. Griffin of Newton. All of the speakers bore testimony to the excellent character borne by the deceased, and to his indefatigable labors in the Church and as a pioneer. He was a wise counselor, a true friend, a loving husband and father. "William Roskelly of Smithfield sang a beautiful solo. Forty-two carriages followed the remains to the cemetery, where they were laid to rest among the remains of the large number of his family who have preceded him to the other side. Brother Rigby leaves a large family who keenly feel the absence of their loving father and husband. The family has the heartfelt sympathy of the people of Newton, where Brother Rigby was Bishop for a number of years and in that capacity gained their love and esteem. "William Frederick Rigby Sr. was born at Saddlesworth, Yorkshire, England, on January 29th, 1833. In July, 1848 he became identified with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1852 he married Miss Mary Clarke, and in April, 1893,[sic - wrong year] Brother Rigby and wife bid goodbye to their native land, and with a company of Saints took passage in the ship Camillus and started on their journey to Zion. Many were the trials and hardships they had to endure before they reached their destination. Brother Rigby was one of ten volunteers who were sent to Salt Lake City ahead of the company with letters to President Young requesting aid for the emigrants whose teams were exhausted, as was also their supplies. These volunteers arrived at President Young's office on October 5th, 1853, having walked 179 miles in five days. He remained in Salt Lake City the following eighteen months. In the spring of 1855, he removed to Lehi, where he resided for several years. In the spring of 1861 he went to Cache Valley and there made his permanent home, and consequently was one of the pioneer farmers of that county. In Nov., 1866, President Rigby was set apart as one of the presidents of the Sixty-fourth quorum of Seventy. Was called as Bishop of Clarkston in Sept., 1867; remained in Clarkston only three years, when in Nov. 1870, he was chosen as Bishop of Newton, which position he occupied until the spring of 1884, when he was called as first counselor to President Thomas E. Ricks, of the Bannock Stake, Idaho, (now Fremont Stake) which position he occupied at the time of his death, which occurred at Logan on Wednesday, March 13th, 1901, after a long illness, during which he suffered greatly. Elder Rigby filled a mission to England a few years ago. Also served a term as a member of the Idaho Legislature. "He was indeed one of the foremost colonizers among the 'Mormon' people, and was particularly efficient in building up the Idaho colonies. "President Rigby was a firm and practical believer in all the doctrines of the Gospel as taught by the Latter-day Saints; by his cheerful and genial disposition he gained friends among all classes of people, and his memory will be fondly cherished by all who knew him."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 21, 1901.

March 22, 1901 - p. 7 under "Logan. / Encounter With Holdups."
"Mr. J. Chofin, proprietor of the saloon at Cache Junction, had an exciting experience with holdups at 1 o'clock this morning. He was sleeping peacefully inside the saloon when a knock came at the door. He asked what was wanted and a man answered that he wanted a bottle of whisky. Chofin arose and admitted two men. As soon as they were inside one of the men pulled a revolver and the other leveled a shot gun at Chofin and commanded him to throw up his hands. At this juncture a large bulldog which was in the room sprang at the man with the shotgun, who threw down the gun and attacked the dog with a knife. Chofin struck out his arm and knocked the revolver from the other fellow's hand and a general struggle ensued. The man with the knife succeeded in killing the day with it, and then turned his attention to the bartender. He cut viciously at him and during their struggle the other holdup ran for the till. He secured about $40 in cash and a quantity of whisky, and then both intruders ran, leaving Chofin with an ugly gash across his head, but not seriously injured. The sheriff was notified and searching parties were at once put on the trail. The last heard of the desperadoes was that they passed through Newton in a buggy. As yet they have not been apprehended, and although they were doubtless making for the mountain fastness on the west of the valley, the officers hope to land them soon."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 22, 1901.

April 10,1901 - p. 7 under "Logan Early Close of School."
"Funeral services were held at Newton today over the remains of James P. Jenson, who died last Saturday. Mr. Jenson was one of the first settlers of Newton, and was formerly postmaster there. He was born in Jutland, Denmark, and 70 years of age. A wife and five children survive him. His daughter, Minnie Jenson, was the first child born in Newton, and his son Peter went with the Utah battery to the Philippines."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 10, 1901.

May 15, 1901 - p. 2 under "He Jumped to His Death."
"Lehi Henrickson Meets a Horrible Fate in Bear River Canyon."
"Boy Jumps from One Moving Train to Another and is Hurled Down a Cliff."
"Logan,Utah, May 15.--Information comes from Newton that a fatal accident occurred in Bear River canyon Monday. "A boy of that town named Lehi Hendrickson, was working on a trestlework in the canyon, and tried to jump from one train to another, both of which were in motion. He lost his balance and fell forty feet down the gorge, meeting death instantly. The death is a great loss to his parents who are advanced in age, as he was a most exemplary young man."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 15,1901.

June 5, 1901 - p. 7 under "Logan /Wedding Permits."
"Marriage licenses were today issued to the following applicants: Peter Jensen, 26, of Newton, and Laura Baker, 20, of Mendon."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 5, 1901.

July 13, 1901 - p. 18 under "In the British Mission."
"Arrivals--The following Elders from Zion arrived at Liverpool per steamship Commonwealth, from Boston, on Thursday, the 13th inst: For the Swiss Mission--Ephraim C. Schneider, of Newton, Cache county." “RETURNED MISSIONARIES:” "Elder L. T. Jenkins of Newton, Cache County was set apart on the 12th day of May, 1899, to labor under the presidency of the British mission. On his arrival at Liverpool he was appointed to labor in the Liverpool conference, where he met with fair success, and enjoyed his labors very much. The Elders of the conference, he says, are energetic, and filled with the love of the Gospel. Good work is being done throughout the conference. He arrived home July 3,"
--The Deseret Evening News, July 13, 1901.

July 27, 1901 - p. 22 under "Returned Missionaries."
"Elder G. M. C. Rigby, of Newton, Cache county, returned on the 19th of this month from a mission to Great Britain. He labored nineteen months in the Newcastle conference and the remainder of the time in Manchester conference. He was set apart on the 12th of May 1899. He says he has met with fair success in his labors."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 27, 1901.

Sept. 4,1901- p.8 under "Sugar Beets Are Doing Well."
"Remarks of Crop Correspondents."
"Newton.--Week warm and dry. Threshing goes on rapidly. Grain yield about average. The cutting of lucern both for hay and see is making rapid progress. No fall plowing done yet. --J. N. Hansen.
--The Deseret Evening News
, Sept. 4, 1901.

Sept. 11, 1901 - p. 9 under "Logan." DEATH OF PETER SORENSEN. "Peter Sorensen, a highly esteemed resident of Newton, died Saturday of general debility. He was a native of Denmark, aged 66 years, and had lived in Cache county twenty years. He was an earnest Latter-day Saint. The funeral was held in Newton Monday."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 11, 1901.

Sept. 12,1901 - p. 2 under "One More Juror Today."
"Talesmen for the Major Case Hard to Get." Logan, Sept. 12--One more juror who obtained in the Major case this morning. George L. Obray, of Paradise. "The following were excused: M. P. Evans and John H. Davis, Logan; W. A. McBride, Hyrum; Willard Parker, Wellsville; Joseph R. Thompson, Richmond; Samuel L. Adams, Logan; S. R. Telford, Richmond and Michael Anderson, Newton. "They had formed an opinion."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 12, 1901.

Sept. 14, 1901 - p. 5 under "Another Juror Chosen."
"Logan, Utah. Sept. 14.--One more juror was chosen in the Majors case today, named Henry T. Benson, of Petersboro, Cache county. Four jurors were excused, their names being George Wooley of Logan, Peter Larson of Mendon, Theodore Petersen of Newton, and Christian Jensen of Paradise. All had formed opinions excepting Theodore Petersen who was unable to be present owing to illness. There are now six jurors chosen. The court adjourned at 12:30 p.m. until 10 a.m. Monday."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 14, 1901.

Jan. 24, 1902 - p. 8 under "Ward Incorporations."
"Twenty of the ecclesiastical wards of the state have filed article of incorporation with the secretary of state under the new law passed by the last legislature permitting them to incorporate. "The list of the wards filed and their property follows: "Beaver county - [three wards]. "Cache county--Paradise, $4,500; Second ward, Logan, $4,000; Smithfield, $20,000; Seventh, Logan, $3,000; Newton, $5,000. . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 24, 1902.

Jan. 30, 1902 - p. 5 under "The First Two Supporters of the Telegram."
"E. W. Wilson and Parley P. Christensen Run a Dead Heat to Get on This Paper's Subscription List.
"The first two subscribers to The Evening Telegram were E. W. Wilson and Parley P. Christensen. They ran a dead heat to get on the subscription list. Their checks, which are herewith reproduced, promise to be memorable in the history of Salt Lake news paper. . . .

"PARLEY P. CHRISTENSEN. County Attorney of Salt Lake county, was born in western Idaho, just over the Utah line. He came to Utah with his parents when he was 2 years old and settled in Newton, Cache county, where his parents still live. At the age of 16 he entered the University of Utah and graduated in 1890. In the next year he took a position as principal of the schools at Murray, Utah, and remained there for one year. The next year he was called to take charge of the schools at Grantsville in Tooele county, Utah, where he remained for four years, being twice elected superintendent of the county schools. In 1895 he was chosen secretary of the Utah Constitutional convention. In the following August he went to the Cornell university and finished his course in 1897. He returned to Salt Lake and took up the practice of law. In November, 1900, he was elected County Attorney, which office he holds at the present time."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 30, 1902.

Feb. 4, 1902 - p. 3 under "Star Route Contracts Let."
"WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 4, 1902.-- Contracts for the following star routes in Utah have been awarded by the Post office department for the ensuing years:
. . . .from Trenton, by Ransom, to Railroad Station (n.o.), six times a week, to Hans J. Hansen, at $173; from Cache Junction, by Newton, to Clarkston, six times a week, to Hans J. Hansen, at $262; . . . . "
--Salt Lake Telegram, Feb. 4, 1902.

March 22, 1902 - p. 2 under "Utah State News."
"Legal proceedings are likely to be inaugurated by the citizens of Newton against the people of Clarkston. It has come to light, it is claimed, that the Clarkston people have illegally appropriated water from the Newton reservoir."
--The American Eagle (Murray, Ut.), Mar. 22, 1902.

March 27, 1902 - p.1 under "SUSPICIOUS OF FOUL PLAY."
"W. J. Patterson Leaves Grading Camp Near Ogden With $200 In His Possession and Drops Completely Out of Sight."
"Ogden, Utah, March 27.--The police are working on a mysterious case of disappearance which happened yesterday, and the friends of the missing man are unanimous in the opinion that there has been foul play. The man who is missing is W. J. Patterson, who has always borne the reputation of being a man of integrity. Patterson has been working for the Utah Construction company on the Lucin cut-ff, while his wife has been doing the cooking in the camp. "Yesterday morning Patterson left the grading camp west of this city early for Ogden, having in his possession a check for $100 on a Davis county bank, and an order on Brandon Bros. of Farmington for another $100. After leaving the camp at 7 a.m. he apparently dropped completely out of sight, and never put in his appearance in Ogden. Patterson is a man of good habits and his wife and friends are seriously alarmed at his absence. His home is at Newton, Cache county, but nothing has been heard of him from that place. "The description given out by the police of the missing man is as follows: Thirty-three years of age, slender, light complexion, light mustach. . . .His height is five feet seven inches."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 27, 1902.

[Note: No further reference to Mr. Patterson during remainder of March and first day of April, then all available issue of D. E. N. until September. Five references were found in other papers as noted below. Apparently the spelling of his name with a single “t” was the correct way.] March 28, 1902 - p.7 under "Hunt for Patterson."
"Man Left Grading Camp With Money and Has Dropped Out of Sight."
"The police have not yet located W. J. Patterson, who had been anxiously searched for since Wednesday by his wife and friends here. Patterson left one of the grading camps near the city . . . having in his possession $100 in money and an order on a firm in Farmington for $100 more. Nothing has been seen or heard of him since that time. Mrs. Patterson, who was employed at the camp, became much alarmed, and sought the aid of the police to discover the whereabouts of her husband. Patterson's home was at Newton, Cache county. The checks he carried, had not been presented to the banks for payment at the close of banking hours yesterday."
--The Salt Lake Herald, March 28, 1902. March 29, 1902 - p. 7 under "Paterson Found Himself."
"Was Quietly Spending Few Days in Town."
"W. J. Paterson of Newton, Cache county, who disappeared Wednesday morning from a grading camp of the Utah Construction company and whose wife and friends feared that had met with foul play, was found, or rather found himself, yesterday morning on lower Twenty-fifth street. "Paterson offered no explanation to the police as to where he has been putting in the time, except to criticize the taste of the public in making such a fuss over his spending a few days in town. Paterson stated that he still had the $100 check and the $100 order and was fully able to take care of himself."
--The Salt Lake Herald, March 29, 1902. July 9, 1902 - p. 5 under "Random References"
"A civil suit has been instituted by R. Stein against R. F. Brandon and R. L. Brandon, the railroad contractors, for the collection of a note for $100. The note was originally given to W. J. Patterson, of Newton, Cache county, but was assigned by him to Stein, an Ogden second-hand man."
--The Standard (Ogden, Utah), July 9, 1902. July 4, 1903 - p. 7 under "Ogden Briefs."
"Born yesterday, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patterson, a fine boy."
--The Salt Lake Herald, July 4, 1903.]

March 31, 1902 - p. 7 under "Logan Wedding Permits."
"Logan, Cache Co., March 30-- . . . "The following marriage licenses were granted . . . during the past week: "Edmund D. Jenkins, 21, and Elvena Hansen, 18, of Newton. "Henry Leroy Sparks, 20, and Lydia Jenkins, 17, Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 31, 1902.

July 15, 1902 - p. 8 under "Sugar Beet Most Paying Crop in This State."
"Bishop W. H. Griffin of Newton, who was in the city with the excursionists from Cache county, is one of the most extensive sugar-beet growers of Northern Utah. He made several interesting comments on the beet growing industry to show the reasons for its growth in this State. "'The sugar-beet industry,' said Bishop Griffin, 'is the most paying form of agriculture in the State. We have not had much experience up in our part of the State, but I have seen enough of it to know what I am talking about. To begin with, sugar beets are surer propositions than other products, because you can always contract for them before you even sow the seed. You can't do that with the rest. "'Beets bring around $50 an acre. Wheat and other small grains won't run more then $15 an acre, and sometimes not more than $4 or $5. Of course, the beets cost a little more to cultivate, but if a man has a family he doesn't have to hire and help on account of the beets. "'One funny thing about them is that the ground you grow them in becomes more fertile every year. You know if you are raising potatoes or corn or anything else, almost, the ground becomes sterile for that crop after a few years, but it is not so with beets. I guess it is because the foliage is cut off and rots on the ground before the beets are dug up. This acts as a fertilizer. The strongest elements of the plant must be deposited in the leaves and so when these are allowed to be deposited in the earth again they furnish new nourishment for the next crop. . "'The beet industry will continue to grow in this State. It had small beginnings. The sugar plant was built at Lehi, about ten years ago. Now there are plants at Ogden and Logan and one is going to be built, I understand, at Corinne."
--Salt Lake Telegram, July 15, 1902.

Jan. 26, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"The old folks of Newton were banquetted during the past week. One hundred guests sat down to a repast, and a program was rendered, comprising addresses by Bishop Griffin, Miss Sarah Jensen, A. M. Ledingham, C. Christensen, musical selections by Miss Alice Nuttall, Mrs. Bessie Ballard and Mrs. Nellie Carpenter. Prizes were distributed to the aged and to the wives of missionaries."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 26, 1903.

Feb. 5. 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Feb. 4.-- "The Cache county court met in regular session Tuesday, all the commissioners being present. "The following road supervisors were appointed. "Clarkston--George Godfrey. "Newton--Niels Christiansen. . . .” --The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 5, 1903.

Feb. 14, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Feb. 12.-- "Postmaster J. N. Hansen of Newton was in Logan Thursday and announced that the Scandinavians of the town are preparing to hold a great reunion on Friday, Feb. 20. A banquet, program and addresses in four languages will be features of the occasion."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 14, 1903.

Feb.14, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"West Cache Canal Project."
"Relief Society Conference- $63.50 Contributed to Swedish Fund."
"The citizens of Logan have contributed liberally to the Swedish famine fund, $63.50 being the amount collected. "Postmaster J. N. Hansen of Newton was in Logan Thursday and announced that the Scandinavians of that town are preparing to hold a great reunion on Friday, Feb. 20. A banquet, program and addresses in four languages will be features of the occasion.

"Mr. L. Peter Petersen is canvassing the county in behalf of the West Cache canal. The purpose is a most laudable one, and it is to be hoped his efforts will meet with success. The canal has cost over one hundred thousand dollars, and is bonded for between seventy and eighty thousand dollars. It is finished through the most difficult portion of the route and it is estimated by the engineers who have carefully surveyed the balance of the ditch, that $40,000 will be ample to complete the work. All who take stock will be given time to complete their payments, and the stock will represent a perpetual water right.

"All who own land under the canal should subscribe for a good block of the stock, in order that the canal may be completed this year. It will be far better for the people to own the ditch than for it to pass into the hands of capitalists."
--Deseret Evening News, Feb. 14, 1903.

Feb. 25, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"Mrs. Trena Hansen of Newton died Saturday at an advanced age. She had many relatives throughout the country. Mrs. A. C. Hansen of Pocatello, a relative of the deceased, came to Newton to attend the funeral."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 25, 1903 Feb. 28, 1903 - p. 7 under "Newton."

"Respected Citizen Lays Down Life's Cares at 68."
"Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., Feb. 27.--We were lately called to part with one of our respected and dearly loved mothers in the person of sister Trena Ericksen, who was born in Seerbery, Randers, Jutland, Denmark, July 29, 1835, and died in Newton, Cache Co., Utah, Feb. 21, 1903, aged 67 years, seven months and one day. "She embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in March, 1861, and emigrated to Utah in 1863, crossing the plains with ox teams in Bishop Preston's company. "She was married the same year to Ludvig Ericksen in Sanpete county. In March, 1864, they were called to assist in the settlement of Circleville on the Sevier river, she being the first whit woman to live in that section of country. They remained there during the Indiana troubles known as Black Hawk War. "They were released in 1867 and then moved to Logan, Cache county, residing in the fifth and third wars respectively. "On Feb. 16, 1876, they moved to Newton where she has ever since resided. She was a faithful and true woman. She leaves a husband, one son and three daughters and a host of grandchildren and friends to mourn her demise."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 28, 1903.

March 6, 1903 - p. 7 under "Newton."
"PIONEER ANNIVERSARY / Thirty-fourth Anniversary of Founding of Town Celebrated." Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., March 4.--On the 4th day of March, 1869, the first stake was driven in the settlement of the Newton ward. This first stake was driven into the ground by Surveyor Martineau, associated with Bishop William B. Preston and the late W. F. Rigby. The people of the ward today celebrated the anniversary of the founding of this now prosperous community. "In their celebration today all the hardships of the pioneer days were retold, but the young people cannot comprehended, and probably never will, the trials, poverty and hardships their parents underwent to give them the privileges and blessing they now enjoy. The day was one of festivity and pleasure. A meeting was held at 11 a.m. in the neat church; a children's party in the afternoon, and a ball in the evening closed a day long to be remembered. "Newton had today 106 families, with a population of 600 souls. It has a rock school building of two rooms, costing $5,000; a neat church, and two stores. When a wet season comes Newton raises a quarter of a million bushels of wheat, but there being much dry or arid farming, during the past year or two we have had but average crops. "The local agent for the Deseret News is Mr. John H. Barker, who has resided here from the start."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 6, 1903.

March 18, 1903 - p. 8 under "General Church News."
"Elder L. John Nuttall of the general Sunday School Union board has returned from Richmond, Cache county. . . . He says Cache valley is in great danger from floods and trains northward have been considerable interfered with. The Newton reservoir is filled nearly to overflowing and should a break come it would prove disastrous to property in that section. The recent thaw has put the roads in bad condition, much and slush rendering travel very disagreeable."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 18, 1903.

March 18,1903 - p.7 under "Newton."
"RESERVOIR DAM GIVES WAY / Heroic Efforts too Save Season's Irrigation Waters." Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., March 16.--For the third and it is much to be wished for the last time, one of the dams of Newton reservoir has broken and we are likely to lose our irrigating water this season. "Sunday morning at 3 o'clock we were awoke by the ringing of the school bell calling all hand out to work on the reservoir dams. About 10 teams and 35 men responded and hauled material to put on the dams. At daylight we concluded to go home, (four miles) and call all hands to a meeting by bell ringing, at which it was decided that after breakfast every team should go with scraper and wagon to haul dirt on to the dams. There was a general turn out of all men and boys who worked until 2 p.m., when the overflow ditch broke and cut out backwards, making our large dam safe, but the small dam was undermined by a leaking wooden flume and likely to at any time. "The floods are now undermining the small dam and cutting a new channel at its west end, which will empty our reservoir. It might have been worse, for had the dam given way and the water gone down in a body, the railroad track would have been washed out. "Superintendnt [sic - superintendent] Calvin of the O.S.L. was at the reservoir this morning and we are now cutting down shade trees and hauling rocks to protect the dam from the waste ditch which is cutting toward it and it also cutting a deeper channel. The water is coming in almost as fast as it runs out and is about three feet below high water mark. The reservoir covers 300 acres of land, and holds about 96,000,000 cubic feet of water; it is about two miles long. If we do not succeed in our efforts, the worse is yet to come."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 18, 1903.

March 18, 1903 - p. 7 under "Captured in Idaho."
"Word comes from Newton that the big reservoir above that place, and which supplies the town with water for irrigation purposes, is in danger of destruction. The warm weather of the past few days had melted the snow so rapidly that the reservoir discharges cannot carry the water off as fast as it comes it and the unusually pressure on the big dam is weakening it so fast that the total destruction of it is imminent. If it breaks the people of Newton will suffer a cash loss of between $20,000 and $30,000, and in addition will not be able to raise much of a crop this year. "The Short Line will also suffer, as its tracks are below the reservoir and directly in the path of its discharge. A big force of men is watching the dam day and night, and all efforts are being put forth to prevent its destruction."
--The Salt Lake Herald, March 18, 1903. [NOTE: Surprisingly no further reference to the Newton Dam until early May.]

April 14, 1903 - p.7 under "Clarkston."
"William Archibald Dead - Water Trouble Settled With Newton."
"The trouble with Newton over water rights seems to have been entirely harmonized. Our people generally feel that it is much better to settle our differences in this way than to have an expensive law suit."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 14, 1903.

April 15, 1903 - p. 7 under "Funds for Cache Schools."
"Logan, April 13.--County Superintendent of Schools Thompson has made the following apportionment of school money for Cache county: Young . . . . . . . $ 23.76 Smithfield . . . . 469.92 Richmond . . . . 411.84 Clarkston . . . . .163.68 Newton . . . . . . .124.08 . . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 15, 1903.

May 4, 1903 - p. 7 under "Newton."
"WILL STRENGTHEN RESERVOIR. / Precaution Against Floods / Work on Cash Basis - Two Good Schools." Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., May 3.--A new movement has been inaugurated by the Newton Reservoir company, they having adopted a rule that all work must hereafter be done on a cash instead of labor basis. It is the intention of the company to strength the banks of the reservoir so thoroughly that there will be no further danger during the season of high water. "Newton has two thriving stores, the Co-op., conducted by Bishop W. H. Griffin, and Peterson & Beck's. "We have had two good schools during the winter, taught by Prof. C. M. Christensen and Miss Emma Christensen. "We have two implement houses, Studebaker's, managed by Mr. McLachlan, and the C.W.& M. Co., managed by Mr. Burnett. "Our postoffice is in charge of Mr. J. N. Hansen, who is a most courteous and capable official."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 4, 1903.

May 13, 1903 - p.7 under "Logan.' "FUNERAL OF MRS. BALLARD."
"The funeral service over the remains of the late Mrs. Emily Ballard was held at Newton Sunday. The speakers were Bishop C. J. Larsen and Anthon Anderson, Elders Hugh Adams, W. McNiel, Paul Cardon and M. J. Ballard. All had been well acquainted with the deceased lady for many years and all spoke in the highest terms of her fidelity."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 13, 1903.

May 22, 1903 - p. 7 under "Newton."
"CHANGE IN BISHOPRIC. / Elder Martin Rigby Succeeds Bishop W. H. Griffin." Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache County, May 21.--At the annual conference of this ward held May 17, the Bishopric was reorganized. Elder M. W. Merrill of the Apostles quorum and Presidents William H. Lewis, Alma Merrill and B. A. Hendricks were present and spoke during the meeting giving much good counsel. The praised the integrity of retiring Bishop W. H. Griffin and Counselors John Jenkins and Christian Larsen and prayed that God would bless them in their future labors. The following officers were then appointed. "Bishop Martin Rigby, with Christian Christensen and William H. Griffin, Jr., counselors. "Bishop Rigby is a son of the late William Rigby, who was Bishop of Newton for so many years, and whose memory is held very dear by the people of this town. The new bishop is a young man of excellent character, steadfast and proven faithful. He will make an excellent presiding officer. His counselors are also worthy and honorable young men. To know all is to esteem all. "Our farmers are rejoicing over the bountiful rain of the past few days, and wheat is in fine condition as a result of the downpour."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 22, 1903.

May 23, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"The telephone line has been completed to the west side and now Clarkston, Newton and intermediate towns can shout 'hello' to Logan."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 23, 1903.

June 2, 1903 - p. 7 under "Cache County Graduates. "CACHE SCHOOL GRADUATES."
"The closing exercises of the Cache county schools will occur June 5. The following are the names of the graduates: "Newton, C. M. Christensen, Principal-- Swen Nelson, Esther S. Christensen."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 2, 1903.

June 6, 1903 - p. 8 under "Logan."
"The county court of Cache County held a two days' session this week. "James W. Lindley was appointed constable of Sterling, and J. E. Griffin of Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 6, 1903.

June 9,1903 - p. 7 under "Brigham Young College."
"Christian Anderson, aged 86, of Newton, while handling an unruly cow Thursday, was seriously injured by the animal, having both legs broken. Dr. Parkinson were called and attended to his injuries."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 9, 1903.

July 1, 1903 - p. 8 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., June 30.--Postmaster J. N.Hansen of Newton was in town Monday and states that the wheat crop will be somewhat light in that region this season, cold weather and drouth having hindered its growth. "NEWTON SUNDAY SCHOOL."
"The stake superintendency of Sunday schools of Benson stake visited Newton Sunday and reorganized the Sunday school John E. Griffin was elected superintendent. C. M . Christensen and Joseph J. Larsen assistants, and Eli Hansen secretary. The visitor made interesting addresses."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 1, 1903.

July 15, 1903 - p. 9 under "Logan."
"Presidents Lewis, Merrill and Hendricks of Benson stake visited Newton last Sunday and completed the ward organization. Elder W. H. Griffin, Jr., being chosen second counselor to Bishop Rigby. The new counselor is a young man of excellent character and will make a valuable counselor. "The visitors delivered addresses replete with good counsel. The advised the young people to get married, and urged them to by all means marry those of their own faith. President Hendricks stated that he had seen many cases while absent on the railroad, of Utah girls who had married abroad and had had cause to regret the step they had taken."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 15, 1903.

July 21, 1903 - p. 7 under "Logan."
"At College, in the recent school election, John Schank was elected trustee for three years, and J. D. Nutall for two years. W. F. Jensen was elected trustee at Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 21, 1903.

July 29, 1903 - p. 7 under "Newton."
"CHRISTIAN ANDERSON DEAD / Faithful Veteran of 83 Closes Eventful Career." Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., July 27.--Christian Anderson, Newton's oldest citizens and one of its earliest settlers, died at his home here on July 23. About two months ago deceased was knocked down by a cow, causing a bad fracture of his right leg and which caused him almost unbearable pain and suffering until at the above stated date death came to his relief. Funeral services were held at the meetinghouse yesterday, July 26, and the large congregation present evidenced the high esteem in which Brother Anderson was held in our ward. The speakers were Elders Wm. H. Griffin, Sr., John H. Barker, Jonas N. Beck and Bishop Joseph E. Cardon of Logan. All of the speakers testified to the many good qualities possessed by our departed brother, and of his devotion to the truth. A large number of carriage followed the remains to their resting place in the cemetery. "Christian Anderson was born in Bennebo, Holbek Amt, Denmark, Nov. 10, 1820, and embraced the Gospel in 1855, and was an active worker in the Copenhagen branch. In 1859 he emigrated to Utah, residing in Salt Lake for three and a half years, then moved to Grantsville and from there to Bear River city. In 1870 he moved to Newton, where he has resided ever since. He was a very energetic and active man in secular and religious work, having held many positions of trust. Two wives, a daughter and two grandchildren are left to revere his memory. "Scandinavian Star and Danish paper please copy."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 29, 1903.

Aug. 21, 1903 - p. 9 under "Logan."
"Mrs. Nephi Nesson, a former resident of Logan, died at Newton Wednesday of peritonitis. She leaves a husband and four children."
--The Deseret Evening News, Aug. 21, 1903.

Aug. 25, 1903 - p. 2 under "Have Reached An Agreement."
"One of the largest funerals ever held in Newton was that of Mrs. Josephine Larsen Nesson, wife of Nephi Nesson. The speakers were Elders W. F. Jensen, J. C. Griffin, W. H. Griffin, F. Jacobson of Logan, and Bishop W. F.Rigby. All spoke in high terms of the splendid character of the deceased lady, her devotion to her husband, her children and the Gospel she had espoused. Bishop Rigby spoke of her patience during her sickness, and of the efforts made by the physicians and family to save her life. The vast audience was moved to tears at the recital of the closing scene. "The deceased lady was born in Copenhagan, Denmark, on June 3, 1864, and came to Utah when a child. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her untimely demise, and general sympathy is expressed for the bereaved husband and family. Over 40 vehicles followed the remains to the grave, friends coming from many miles to pay their last respects to the departed lady."
--The Deseret Evening News, Aug. 25, 1903.

Sept. 25, 1903 - p. 3 under "New Company Formed."
"Logan, Sept.24.--Articles of incorporation of the People's Mercantile company of Newton were filed for record this morning. The new company is capitalized at $15,000, divided into $10 shares. George C. Rigby is president of the company; Andrew Petersen, vice president, and M. T. Beck, secretary, treasurer and general manager."
--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 25, 1903.

Oct. 3, 1903 - p. 9 under "Logan."
"The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Clerk. . . "Fred Frederickson, Weston, 22, Elizabeth Christensen, Newton, 20."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 3, 1903.

Oct. 23, 1903 p. 9 under "Newton." REPUBLICAN TICKET. "Nominees for President and Members of Town Board. Special Correspondence. "Newton, Cache Co., Oct. 17.--The Republicans of Newton held a meeting tonight. They had offered to join with the Democrats on a fusion ticket, but the latter declined. The Republicans nominated the following ticket. "President of the Town Board --M. T. Beck. "Town Board--J. N. Hansen for four year term; Niels Jacobson, P. E. Benson and J. H. Barker."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 23, 1903.

Oct. 24, 1903 - p. 9 under "Logan / Wedding Chimes."
"J. A. Hansen, Newton, 35, Mary Hansen, Newton, 24."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 24, 1903.

Oct. 31, 1903 - p. 9 under "Logan / Happy Wedding Bells."
"Carl Johnson, Newton, 32, Laura Henderson, Clifton, 22. "Lorenzo Y. Rigby, Rexburg, Ida., 25, Emma J. Holman, Rexburg, Ida., 24."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 31, 1903.

Nov. 28, 1903 - p. 26 under "In the European Mission."
"Arrivals--The following Elders arrived in Liverpool . . .For Scandinavia . . . Soren M. Petersen, Newton. . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 28, 1903.

Dec. 5, 1903 - p. 26 under "Agricultural College."
"Profs. Merrill and Rexell conducted a very successful Farmers' Institute meeting at Newton on last Monday."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 5, 1903.

Jan. 9, 1904 - p. 9 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Jan. 7.--Representative canal men and irrigators from every town in Cache county met at the Agricultural college at 1 o'clock today to hear State Engineer Doremus talk for nearly three hours on the new irrigation law. . . .At the close of the address Mr. Doremus answered a number of question, and altogether the meeting was a very interesting and profitable one. The chairman informed the convention that the new irrigation law printed in pamphlet form could be had of the Deseret News company at 10 ¢ [cents] each."
"Moroni Jenkins, Newton, 27, Alice Nuttall, Newton, 25."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 9, 1904.

Jan. 21, 1904 - p.9 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Jan 20.--County Superintendent George M. Thompson made the school fund apportionment as follows, based upon a school population in the whole county of 4,691, upon a basis of $3.57 per capita: Young, $99.96; Hyde Park, $753.27; Smithfield, $2,006.34; . . . Clarkston, $631.89; Newton, $535.50; . . . . total, $16,746.87."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 21, 1904.

Feb. 9, 1904 - p. 3 under "Where Snow Fell During January."
"An Abundance of it in the Mountains of the Northern and Middle Counties."
"According to a bulletin. . .of the U.S. department of agriculture the snow in the mountains at the close of January ranged from two to five feet in the northern and middle counties. Over the southern counties there was practically no snow on the ground. "SALT LAKE WATERSHED."
"Portage--The snow is fairly well drifted, though it is generally light. . . .Bear River City--More snow than for several years. . . .Newton--The snow is well drifted and packed in the hills. . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 9, 1904.

March 10, 1904 -p. 5 under "Wet In the North; Dry In the South.' "According to a bulletin just issued by the local weather observer, considerable rain and snow fell over the northern portion of this section during February, the amount being equal to or above the average. . . . "SALT LAKE WATERSHED."
"Newton.--The snow is well drifted in the hills, but on the level ground is all melted."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 10, 1904.

March 24, 1904 - p. 9 under "Logan.” "TO INCREASE RESERVOIR / Newton Company Transacts Important Business. . . ."
"Logan, March 21.--A meeting of the directors of the Newton Reservoir & Irrigation company was held last Thursday and steps taken to greatly improve the storage and distribution of the waters of Clarkston creek and the reservoir into which it flows. This is said to be the oldest reservoir in the state, having been built about 35 years ago. It is the only source of supply for the thrifty town of Newton, a mile from Cache Junction, ont he [sic - on the] west central side of Cache valley. A few years ago Mr. T. R. Martineau, who has a valuable farm near Newton, being unable to get sufficient water for irrigation, conceived a plan for doubling the capacity of the reservoir. The stockholders agreed to the plan and nearly 200 acres additional land was purchased from Clarkston neighbors upon which to back the waters raised three feet higher by elevating the dam. The best engineers were consulted and the project was completed much to the benefits of that entire precinct. It is now proposed to replace the old flumes with up to date pipe and valve, and to complete a rather expensive water ditch, began two years ago to carry off the flood waters, which sometimes endanger the great embankment. The present directors are L. R. Martineau, John Griffin, John Benson, Willard R. Ballard and John Larsen."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 24, 1904.

April 8, 1904 - p.3 under "North of State is Well Watered."
"According to the March snowfall bulletin. . . an excellent water supply is assured over the north half of the state. The heavy rains and snows during March were driven into the mountains by high wind and the snow is the canyons is now packed almost as solid as ice. . . . "SALT LAKE WATERSHED."
"Newton.--Heavy rain and snow all month."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 8, 1904.

April 11,1904 - p. 11 under "Newton."
"Demise of A. Ledingham, a Prominent Worker - Lived in Salt Lake City." Special Correspondence. "Newton, April 5.--The people of our ward were astonished to learn that during the early morning hours of March 25 A. M. Ledingham departed this life. The deceased had been suffering for about 10 days with the grippe and general debility though none had thought him seriously ill. "Impressive funeral services were held in the meetinghouse Sunday, March 27, at which prominent speakers took part. "Alexander Morris Ledingham was born Feb. 7, 1830, in Aberdeen, Scotland; joined the Church in 1852, immigrated to Utah in 1866; located in Salt Lake City where he resided until 1881, when he removed to Logan, where he remained but a short time. Locating again in Salt Lake City, where he engaged in the tin and hardware business. In 1890, he removed to Newton where he has since resided. From 1895 to 1897 performed a mission to Great Britain. "He leaves a wife and five children, 20 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, a wife and eight children proceeded him to the spirit world. He was a High Priest and died in full faith in the Gospel."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 11, 1904.

April 12, 1904 - p. 2 under "Spring Weather Over the State.: "REMARKS OF CORRESPONDENTS."
"Newton, Cache. --Generally fine weather was experience in this locality; fall wheat is beginning to grow; spring work is not begun yet, owing to the cold wet conditions of the ground."
--W. H. Griffin.
--The Deseret Evening News
, April 12, 1904.

April 20, 1904 - p. 9 under "Logan."
"County Superintendent of School Thompson announced the final apportionment of state school funds as follows: "Young, $26.04 "Clarkston, 164.61 "Newton, 139.50 . . . .
--The Deseret Evening News
, April 20, 1904.

June 11, 1904 - p. 5 under "Marriage Licenses."
"J. H. Henriksen, Newton, 26 and Anna A Whitmark, Salt Lake, 19."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 11, 1904.

June 25,1904 - p. 11 under "Girl Struck by Lightning/ Wedding Chimes."
"Earnest R. Ballard, Cache Junction, 27, and Amada Miller, Newton, 19."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 25, 1904.

July 6, 1904 - p. 9 under "The Fourth in Cache."
"Logan, Cache Co., July 4.--The Fourth passed off very quietly. There was no celebration but most of the people devoted the day to pleasure of some sort. Hundreds spent the day in the canyon fishing and picnicing and large numbers passed the day in the parks. The Fourth ward Sunday school, several hundred strong, went over to Smith's grove above Providence and had a genuine old time outing. In town there was a children's dance at the Thatcher pavilion in the afternoon and a dance for the Young people in the evening. There were celebrations at Hyrum, Wellsville, Smithfield and Newton and a great many Logan people went out to those Towns to take part in the festivities. "The baseball games at Wellsville took a large number of people to that town."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 6, 1904.

July 22, 1904 - p. 9 under "Twenty-Fourth in Cache / Wedding Bells"
"Oliver Jenkins, Newton, 20, and Maria Stevens, Newton, 19. "Hyrum E. Jensen, Newton, 20 and Mary J. Anderson, Mink Creek, 20."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 22, 1904.

July 23, 1904 - p. 7 under "Pioneer Day Attractions / Weddings, etc."
"A marriage license was granted yesterday afternoon to Charles Mason Brown, 28, of Hamilton, Missouri, and Miss Gladys Christensen, 17, of Newton, Cache county, the young lady's mother, Mrs. Mary Christensen, giving her consent. The marriage ceremony was performed by Judge J. A. Howell in the private office of Sheriff J. W. Bailey, and he and Sheriff Rigby, of Cache county, were the witnesses to the ceremony. "Brown was being held at the county jail awaiting trial on the charge of abducting Miss Christensen from Ogden last April and taking her to St. Louis, where he was arrested by Sheriff Rigby on the charge about two weeks ago and brought back to Ogden to answer to the same. After his arrival in Ogden he expressed a desire to marry the girl and thereby escape the prison, but the consent of the young lady's mother could not be obtained until now. Brown also paid all the costs of bringing him and the girl back to Ogden and the court costs so far incurred, amounting in all to nearly a hundred dollars. His having married the girl he abducted, the criminal action against him was dismissed. The couple with the bride's mother left the jail together, and took the train for their Cache valley home."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 23, 1904.

Aug. 8, 1904 - p.9 under "School Census."
"Logan, Cache Co., Aug 6.--Supt. G. M. Thompson has just completed the school census of Cache county, by school districts, as follows:"
"Newton - 79 boys, 83 girls for total of 163 --The Deseret Evening News, Aug. 8, 1904.

Sept. 23, 1904 - p. 9 under "Funeral of Charles Reese. / Wedding Chimes"
"Logan, Cache Co., . . . "WEDDING CHIMES."
"Wedding permits were issued to the following parties today: "Nephi Nisson, Newton, 37 Barbara E. Wildman, Smithfield, 30."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 23, 1904.

Nov. 9, 1904 - p. 1 under "Cache County."
"Claim from 350 to 750 Republican Majority.” "Logan, Nov. 5.--Cache County will go from 350 to 750 majority Republican and elect the entire state ticket. Howell's majority is 605 with some more precincts yet to hear from which will bring it up to 700. "Maughan majority over Hart is 847 with more to hear from. Wellsville and Richmond, heretofore strong Democratic centers, show remarkable changes. "The returns at noon were as follows: Howell Powers Cutler Moyle[,] Wellsville 279 211 262 237[,] Richmond 215 230 215 230[,] Newton 98 99 98 100[,] Clarkston 71 106 72 106 Cache Junction 13 11 13 11. --The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 9, 1904.

Jan. 11, 1905 - p. 9 under "Cache County Affairs."
"The county commissioners met in adjourned session yesterday. The following precinct road supervisors were appointed: Niels Christiansen for Newton; Robert Redford. . . ."
"G. M. Thompson, superintendent of schools, reported that he had distributed school money to the district schools on the basis of $1.61 per capita as follows: School pop. Amount. Logan 2,112 - $3,400.32, Young 31 - 49.91, Clarkston 178 - 286.58, Newton 162 - 260.82 . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 11, 1905.

April 10, 1905 - p. 9 under "School District Cut Out."
"Not Enough Children to Support It - Briefs and Personals."
"Logan, April 9,--The session of the board of county commissioners yesterday was devoted to hearing arguments pro and con on the question of disorganizing the Alto school district. There are not enough resident children in the district to justify holding a school there and consequently no tax levy for school purposes has been made for some time past. Representatives of Newton, Smithfield, Benson and Riverside districts were present and each made a talk in favor of their district getting a slice of the disorganized district. Richards of Alto made a protest against cutting up the district, but the commissioners decided in favor of dividing it with the understanding that when the population in the district should increase sufficiently to justify it the district should be reorganized. In the distribution Newton and Smithfield got the larger parts with two or three square miles each to Riverside and Benson. The schoolhouse and site goes to Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 10, 1905.

May 11, 1905 - p. 4 under "."
"Enters Co-op Store and Arrays Himself in New Outfit."
"Logan, May 10.--The Co-op store at Newton was burglarized last night. According to the
reports sent to the officers here, the thief entered the store by sawing out a panel of the front door.
Once inside, he divested himself of his clothing and obtained an entirely new outfit, including
shoes and socks. He then appropriated what small articles of value were handy, the lot amounting
in value to perhaps $50, and decamped.
"Two young men, returning from a social about midnight, saw the burglar climb out of the door
and pursued him for a distance, finally giving up the chase through fear of being shot."
--Salt Lake Herald, May 11, 1905.

July 27, 1905 - p. p under "M.I.A. Excursion to Saltair."
"A Young man named Benson of Newton had his hand badly lacerated by a bursting cartridge on Monday."
--Deseret Evening News, July 27, 1905.

Aug. 21, 1905 - p. 9 under "Cache County Affairs."
"The foundation walls of the court house addition are completed.
"The following local registrars were appointed for the respective districts:. . .
Geo. Godfrey, Clarkston; W. H. Ballard, Newton;. . . ."
"A great deal of wheat is now being shipped out of this valley. The price paid is 65 ¢ per bushel."
--Deseret Evening News, Aug. 21, 1905.

Sept. 18, 1905 - p. 9 under "October Jury List."
"Logan, Cache Co., Sept. 17.--The following jurors to serve during the October term of the district court were drawn today:
"Andrew Anderson, Millville; . . . Michael Anderson, Newton; . . . John H. Barker, Newton; . . ."
"Carl A. Hertig of Newton was admitted to citizenship by Judge Maughan today."
 Deseret Evening News, Sept. 18, 1905.

Dec. 15, 1905 - p. 11 under "Utah Art Exhibit."
"Supt. McCarrey yesterday distributed $12,054.24 of school money to the various districts as follows:
Logan - $3,699.52; Young - 61.60; Hyde Park - 378.40; Smithfield - 1,661.28; Richmond - 830.72; Clarkston - 308.00; Newton - 281.60.
--Deseret Evening News, Dec. 15, 1905.

Dec. 16, 1905 - p. 99 under "Cream Refining Room."
"The firm is the largest manufacturer of butter, and their factory, in this city, is the best equipped
west of the Rocky Mountains. They ship cream to this city from a radius of 250 miles, purchasing
milk and cream in nearly every county in the state and the southern part of Idaho.

"In addition to their churning plant here, they own or control the creameries and skimming
stations at the following places: Smithfield, Newton, Honeyville, Far West, Kaysville, Oakley, and
Sigurd. They also purchase the entire output in cream from many other creameries in the state.
They buy the product from about 10,000 cows.

"This firm is the only one in the state which makes sufficient butter to be able to ship fresh
butter in carload shipments. They have shipped out of the state, this year, eight carloads in carload
shipments and many thousands pound in shipment less than carloads.

"Their trademarks, Hazelnut and Eureka, are familiar to nearly everybody in the state. While
their butter business is the principal part of their business, they are the largest dealers in the state,
in sweet cream, also in creamery machinery and supplies, and among the largest in cheese, eggs,
and sweet milk. Their make of butter for the year has been over a million pounds.
[Three pictures of various rooms in the plant, apparently in Logan, with no name in article].
-- Deseret Evening News, Dec. 16, 1905.

Dec. 19, 1905 - p. 5 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Joseph H. Smith, Fielding, Bertha Jensen, Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 19, 1905.

Dec. 25, 1905 -p. 3 under "Christmas Weddings."
"The following jurors were drawn yesterday for the January term of the district court . . . Alma P. Benson, Carl Johnson, Newton. . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 25, 1905.

Jan. 31, 1906 - p. 4 under "Horse Fair Prize Awards."

"Logan, Cache Co., Jan. 30.-- . . .
"Detailed list of prizes awarded at the horse fair Saturday:
"Class 2. Three-year-olds and under four Percherons--First prize, won by Pott Bouilte, owned by Newton Horse Co. . . . "
--Deseret Evening News, Jan. 31, 1906.

Feb. 2, 1906 - p.9 under "Funeral of Mrs. H. A. Hansen / Briefs and Personals."
"C. M. Christensen of Newton, has purchased an interest in the furniture business of John Spande and will hereafter assist in the management of the same."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 2, 1906.

Feb. 6, 1906 - p. 1 under "Patents for Westerners."

"Washington, Feb. 6.-- . . .
"Ephraim C. Schneider has been appointed postmaster of Newton, Cache county, Utah, vice J. N. Hansen, dead."
--Deseret Evening News, Feb. 6, 1906.

[NOTE: 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the resultant fires were a major disaster with a
death toll in the neighborhood of 3,000 started on April 18th. It is estimated that 90% of the total
destruction came from the fires. Between 227,000 and 300,000 people were left homeless

May 16, 1906 - p. 10 under "Relief Fund Grows."

"Deseret News List Has Passed the $3,200 Mark.
"Contributions to the Deseret News fund for the relief of the sufferers in San Francisco continue to roll in from outside points . . . . The full list is as follows:
Parowan City- $132,60; People of Sigurd - 20.00; Chas. W. Seymour - 2.50; M. C. Rigby,
Newton- 2.50; John Griffin, Newton - 1.00; Jonas N. Beck, Newton - 1.00; J. H. Barker, Newton – 
1.00; Lorenzo Larsen, Newton - .50; K. M. Christensen, Newton - .50; A. G. Bowman - 1.00;
Fielding Sunday school - 18.05; . . . Clarkston ward - 75.70
Total [reporting week] - $339.85
Previously acknowledged - $2,885.56
Total Deseret News fund - $3.225.41
--Deseret Evening News, May 16, 1906.

May 28, 1906 - p. 6 under "Money For Relief Fund Is Still Coming In."
"Since the last report the following subscriptions have been received to the Deseret News fund for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers:

. . . M. Anderson, Newton - [$] 1.00; Mary Jenkins, Newton - 1.00; Minnie Bennion, Newton - .50; Karen Christensen, Newton - .10; L. A. Christensen, Newton - 1.00; Anna M. Hansen, Newton - .25; Cash, Newton, Utah - .50. “
--Deseret Evening News, May 28, 1906.

June 2, 1906 - p. 1 under "Religion Classes' Gift to the Relief Fund.

"Some weeks ago the general board of Religion classes sent out a request to the stakes of the Church to hold special exercises having as a subject the San Francisco disaster. It is the purpose of the Religion Classes to train children not so much theologically as in the practice of true and practical religion. . . . The whole amount received to date is $459.08, which has been received by the Deseret News . . . . The contribution by stakes are given below:
" . . .Benson stake [$]23.38; . . .Cache stake 41.25; . . . .
"Other subscription received by the 'News' up to date . . . .The full list to date is as follows:
Religion Classes - $459.08; Moab Sunday school - 13.00; Citizens of Monroe - 85.50; Citizens of
Garden City - 11.20; G. G. Selm , Benjamin -1.00; John Benson, Newton -1.00 . . . .
Total Deseret News fund - $4,498.32."
--Deseret Evening News, June 2, 1906.

June 11, 1906 - p. 9 under "Logan Department."


"Cache Election Registrars."
"Yesterday the county commissioners appointed the following registrars of their respective precincts: . . . Newton, Mrs. Elizabeth Funk . . . ."
--Deseret Evening News, June 11, 1906.

June 15, 1906 - p. 9 under "Logan Department."

"Will Honor the Fourth."
"Wedding Permits." "Arthur Crookston, 22, of Cache Junction, and Ida C. Jenkins, 22, of Newton."
--Deseret Evening News, June 15, 1906.

June 16, 1906 - p. 34 under "Returned Missionaries."
"Elder William Lewis Larson of Newton, Cache Co., passed through this city June 8 (?), 1906, on his return from the Scandinavian mission for which he was set apart April 17, 1906. The Copenhagen conference, Denmark, was his field of labor. On account of sickness Elder Larson was honorably released to return home."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 16, 1906.

July 7, 1906 - p. 15 under "Wellsville,"
"Wellsville, Cache Co., July 5.--The Fourth was celebrated here yesterday . . . .
"In the afternoon sports and games of various descriptions were indulged in, the chief event being
a baseball game between Wellsville and a scratch nine from Cache Junction, Newton and
Clarkston, resulting in a victory for the home team by a score of 13 to 3."
--Deseret Evening News, July 7, 1906.

Aug. 3, 1906 - p. 3 under "Session of City Council."

"Cache County Salaries--Tax Levy for 1906."

"County Taxes for 1906."
"The county auditor's office has completed the work of computing the taxes for the year 1906.
The total tax revenue in the county amounts to $206,200.95 compared with $196,603.51 for 1905.
The levy is distributed as follows: Paradise, $3,425.61; Hyrum, $10,737.70; Millville, $3,573.68;
Providence,$14,179.56; Mt. Sterling, $1,471.23; Wellsville, $8,242 [no cents]; Mendon,
$4,738.75; Peter[s]boro, $5,532.10; Newton, $5,410.02; Smithfield, $14,853.85; Hyde Park,
$5,677.33; Logan, $70,289.79; Richmond, $9,972.49; Coveville, $2,343.73; Mountain Home,
$875.97; Lewiston, $14,829.41; Stephenson, $2,640.24; Wheeler, $2,742.06; Trenton, $4,565.76; Riverside, $1,832.26; Greenville, $3,669.31; Benson, $2,303.54; Clarkston, $4,054.02; College, $3,578.12; Young, $1,860.02; Avon, $2,476.19; additional assessments, $326.21."
--Deseret Evening News, Aug. 3, 1906.

Aug. 14, 1906 - p. 9 under "Cache Co. School Census."
"The school census for the year, just completed, gives the following results:
Young – 28 (13 boys, 15 girls); Hyde Park – 202 (97 boys, 105 girls); Smithfield – 597
(273 boys, 324 girls); Richmond – 489 (246 boys, 243 girls); Clarkston – 176 (95 boys, 80 girls);
Newton – 162 (79 boys, 83 girls) . . .
--Deseret Evening News, Aug. 14, 1906.

Nov. 26, 1906 - p. 3 under "Brigham City."
"Funeral services over the remains of Morten P. Mortensen, a highly respected resident of the
Second ward, was held in the ward meetinghouse Monday at 1 o'clock. The speakers were
Christian Larsen of Newton, whom Mr. Mortensen had converted to the gospel nearly 50 years
ago, Christian Larsen, W. O. Knudsen, James Olsen, . . . Mr. Mortensen was 72 years of ago; he
joined the Mormon faith in Denmark and came to Brigham City in 1865, where he lived the
consistent life of a true and faithful Latter-day Saint."
--Deseret Evening News, Nov. 26, 1906.

Dec. 15, 1906 - p. 61 under "Cache County, Its Thriving Cities, Towns and People."
"Cache County embraces the larger part of the valley that bears its name. It is bounded to the
north by the state of Idaho, on the south by Weber county and on the east and west by Rich and
Box Elder counties, with a population of 20,000, and comprises the cities and towns of Logan,
Wellsville, Smithfield, Richmond, Hyrum, Lewiston, Mendon, Paradise, Hyde Park, Providence,
Clarkston, Newton, Millville and many tidy and growing villages, with well irrigated farms and
ranch on every side, yielding large crops of garin [sic grain], hay _?_, potatoes, fruits and all
the varieties of vegetables products raised in this latitude.

"Horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, as well as poultry, produce a large share of the wealth of the
county. There are two beet sugar factories which will produce this season 10,000,000 pounds of

"There are butter, cheese, condensed cream and milk factories within reach of every township
and settlement in the county, receiving and paying out many hundreds of thousands of dollars

"The Cache Valley Condensed Milk & Creamery company at its factories in Logan, Wellsville,
and Millville, produce nearly 22,000 cases of condensed cream and milk, 100,000 pounds of
butter, 700,000 pounds of cheese.

"The Utah Condensed Milk Co., of Richmond, is paying monthly for milk and labor, an average
of $15,000 at rates higher than are paid at any other point between the Missouri river and the Pacific
coast. The creamery at Paradise also as well as a number of other concerns are not a
whit behind those mentioned and whose products can also be found on the market far and near."
--Deseret Evening News, Dec. 15, 1906.

Jan. 31, 1907- p. 1 under "Marriage License."
"Marriage licenses have been issued at the county clerk's office this week as follows:
"A. L. Hansen, Newton, Cache Co., and Lana Rasmussen, Bear River City, Box Elder County."
--The Box Elder News, Jan. 31, 1907.

Feb. 13, 1907 - p. 3 under "Rexburg Briefs."
"The Rigby boys came on Sunday's train from Newton, Utah, where they went to attend the
funeral of their brother who was killed at Cache Junction by an engine."
--Inter-Mountain Republican (Salt Lake City, Ut.), Feb. 13, 1907.

Feb. 23, 1907 - p. 3 under "Logan. / Wedding Permits."
"Carl W. Jorgensen and Miss Estella N. Jenkins, of Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 23, 1907.

April 16, 1907 - p.3 under "Logan. / Hospital Notes."
"Mrs. Charles Simpson of Newton will undergo a very serious operation today at the L.D.S. hospital."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 16, 1907.

June 21, 1907 - p. 3 under "Logan. / Hospital Notes."
"Miss Lizzie Ecklund of Newton was operated on at the L.D.S. hospital the first of the week for appendicitis;
her case was considered a very serious one, as she had been affected for a long time, but she withstood the
operation and her condition is considered favorable at the present time."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 21, 1907.

June 29, 1907 - p. 11 under "Logan. / Hospital Notes."
"William Larsen of Newton was also operated on at the hospital on Wednesday for hernia."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 29, 1907.

July 7, 1907 - p. 15 under "Wellsville."
"Wellsville, Cache Co., July 5.--The Fourth was celebrated here yesterday with much display
and genuine enthusiasm. A parade. . . lengthy program . . . in the meetinghouse. . . "In the
afternoon sports and games of various description were indulged in, the chief event being a
baseball game between Wellsville and a scratch nine from Cache Junction, Newton and Clarkston,
resulting in a victory for the home team by a score of 13 to 3."
--The Deseret Evening News, July 7, 1906.

Aug. 22, 1907 - p. 1 under "Funeral Services."
"Funeral services over the remains of Arthur C. Neely, whose death was recorded in last
week's paper, were held in the tabernacle Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. . . .
"Elder Griffin of Newton, missionary companion of the deceased, paid a high tribute
to his worth; of the energy he displayed in the mission field, and to the lovable qualities
he possessed."
--The Box Elder News, Aug. 22, 1907.

Oct. 5, 1907 - p. 12 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Lemuel G. Clark, Newton; Sephorah Jones, Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 5, 1907.

Nov. 25, 1907 - p. 2 under "Effect Wearing Away."
"Cache County Hurt by the Financial Stringency."
"Logan, Nov. 24.--The money stringency, which has affected this section quite as badly as
the other parts of the state, shows signs of letting up, one of the big banks of the country
having announced that it is ready to resume cash payments if the other banks will agree to,
and there are indications that the others will so agree if the present hopeful tone of feeling
prevails. The flurry has caused a good deal of trouble in some parts of this country,
preventing the marketing of crops in many parts.
"On the west side of the valley, particularly in the Clarkston, Newton and Trenton districts,
where a great deal of dry farm grain is raised, it has been impossible to move the crops. There
are nearly 300 cars of wheat awaiting shipment, and the farmers say the prospects for getting
it off their hands appears very remote. One Ogden firm has contracted for 150 cars of wheat
and has paid out $4,500 in advance payments, but it cannot sell a pound of it at present, as
a result of which the farmers have been complaining greatly, but with the indications of a
general loosening up a much better feeling prevails. Business here had fallen off considerably
on account of the stringency and merchants are preparing but light orders for spring goods."
--Salt Lake Herald, Nov. 25, 1907.

Dec. 6, 1907 - p. 3 under "Jury Veinre for 1908.” "Newton--Willard R. Ballard, W. H. Griffin, John Jenkins, John H. Barker, John H. Hurtig, E. L. Larsen."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 6, 1907.

Dec. 19, 1907 - p. 3 under "Newton."
"CHALLENGE YOUNG FARMERS. "What a 12-Year-Old Boy Can Do on a Farm. "Special Correspondence.
"Newton, Cache Co., Utah. Dec. 18.
--Newton challenges any farmer or beet grower, who has a boy 12 years old, to show a better summer's
work than that accomplished by Roscoe Christensen during this season of 1907. He has raked 50 tons of
hay with a two horse sulky rake, plowed 100 acres of land with four horses on a success plow, dragged
200 acres of farming land with four horses and drilled 200 acres of grain in with four horses. This is hard
to beat and farmers here think this is a better challenge than that from Whitney, Ida., last week."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 19, 1907.

Jan. 18,1908 - p. 7 under "Dry Farmers Are Interested."
"'Success' is the only word that would fittingly describe what everything at the present time points
will be the outcome of the second session of the trans-Missouri dry-farming congress, which will
convene in this city next Wednesday. Up to 10 o'clock this morning President Fisher Harris had
received lists of the appointments of more than 400 delegates from sixteen western states and
territories. This by no means covers the total number of delegates who will attend. In dozens of
cases President Harris has been notified that extra delegates have been appointed and asking that
seats be provided for them. Every mail brings additional lists of the appointments of delegates.

"Among a few lists received this morning are the following:
" . . . Newton, Cache county, Utah, J. J. Larsen, J. H. Barker, W. J. Barker. . . .
[from Utah --Coalville had five, Weber club two; Morgan County six and Cache County five.]
--The Evening Telegram, Jan. 18, 1908.

Jan. 27, 1908 - p. 3 under "Local News / County School Moneys."
"County Superintendent J. L. McCarrey has just received $15,202.80 of state money which has been distributed to
the several school districts as shown in the table. The total population is 4,920. Amount per capita $3.09. School
Population Aport'm't Young 33 - $ 101.97 . . . Smithfield 611- 1,887.99 Richmond 480 - 1,483.20 Clarkston 190 - 587.10
Newton 177 - 546.93 . . .
--The Deseret Evening News
, Jan. 27, 1908.

March 9, 1908 - p. 3 under "County School Finances."
"Commissioners Issue Statement Showing Glaring Inequalities."
"Logan, Cache Co., March 8.--The following statement had been given out by the county commissioners to the
people of Cache county, which is self-explanatory: "Since the meeting held at B. Y. college last Saturday, we
have been giving the matter of redistricting the school districts of the county considerable thought and attention.
The more we go into the situation, the more we are convinced that something must be done. "The following
table will show the great inequality that exists; also the effort that has been put forth by the various districts to
maintain their schools for the past six years (the period of free text books): Population
Per capita Levy of 5 mills District 1907 valuation would give each child
Avon 63 - $1,784 -$8.92; Benson 64 - 1,847 - 9.23; Clarkston 190 - 1,195 - 5.97; College 69 -1,593 - 7.96;
Coveville 76 -1,148 - 5.74; Greenville 103 -1,854 - 9.27; Hyde Park 213 -852 - 4.22; Hyrum 632 - 659 - 3.23;
Lewiston 251 - 2,182 - 10.91; Mendon 156 -1,786 - 8.93; Millville 202 - 1,915 - 4.57 Mt. Home 51 – 913 - 4.56;
Mt. Sterling 43 - 1,728 - 8.66; Newton 177 -1,545 -7.73; Paradise 237 - 824 - 4.11; Petersboro 39 - 8,157 -42.78;
Providence 409 -1,197 - 6.00; Richmond 480 - 893 - 4.46; Riverside 87 -1,075 -5.37; Smithfield 611 -863 - 4.31;
Stephenson 96 - 947 - 4.73; Trenton 101 - 2,745 -13.72; Wellsville 471-793 - 3.96; Wheeler 66 - 1,396 - 6.97;
Young 33 - 3,045 -15.22;
“North of Logan, 1907--Total assessed valuation, $3,500,380; total school population, 2,566; average per capita valuation, $1,365.
"South of Logan, 1907--Total assessed valuation, $2,335,550. Total school population, 2,352; average per capita valuation, $992.
"The inequality is greater than one would at first suppose. Illustrations from a few districts will soon make conditions plain.
"Mountain Home, with a school population of 51 children, has $46, 597 worth of taxable property; while Young, with a
school population of 33 school children, has $100,496 worth of property with a much less school population.
Both districts have ungraded schools.
"Again, in Lewiston, with a school population of 251 schoolchildren, a 5-mill tax levy will give to each child $10.91;
while Hyde Park, with a school population of 213, a 5-mill tax will give each child only $4.26.
"Petersboro has three and one-half times as much property as Stephensen. Petersboro schools 39 children;
Stephensen schools 96. Newton gets more than twice as much money per capital [sic  capita] with the same tax levy as Hyrum;
Trenton more than three times as much as Smithfield; Benson nearly twice as much as Coveville;
Greenville two and one-fourth times as much as Paradise.
"In the matter of tax levy: in the past six years the time that free text books have been in use:
Avon has levied in six years 75 mills; Clarkston 18 ½ ; Hyde Park, 73, Richmond 33, Smithfield 45, Trenton 21½ ,
Wellsville 49.3, Mendon 26, College 55 ½ , in six years; Young 16 ½ in five years; Hyrum 41 ¼ , Millville 32.
"We find also that the amount of taxable property per capita school population south of Logan is $1,365, while it is only $990
per capita school population north of Logan.
"We consider these conditions to be unjust to the taxpayers and school children of the county and intend to remedy such
conditions either through county consolidation or changing the boundary of the school districts of the county."
[signed] A. M. Israelsen, J. C. Knowles, George Godfrey, County Commissioners.
--The Deseret Evening News
, March 9, 1908.

March 24, 1908 - p. 5 under "Cache Schools Consolidated."
"County is Formed Into One District With Five Subdivisions And Board Members."
"Goes Into Effect At Once."
"All the 27 Common School of the County Outside Logan City on An Equal Footing."
"Logan, March 24.--The long controversy is now ended, the school consolidation for Cache county is now an accomplished fact. All the common schools of the county, outside Logan city, 27 in number, are now on an equal footing, sharing alike in the benefits of advanced educational methods and in the advantages offered by the equalizing of the finances. . . . The county was divided into five division and a member of the school board appointed for each division. The subdivisions and members are as follows: "Division No. 1--Avon, Paradise, Hyrum and Millville. . . . "No. 2--College, Mt. Sterling, Providence and Wellsville. . . . "No. 3--Greenville, Hyde Park and Smithfield. . . . "No. 4--Lewiston, Mountain Home, Coveville, Richmond and Wheeler. . . . "No. 5--Clarkston, Mendon, Newton, Petersboro and Trenton. . . .
--The Deseret Evening News
, March 24, 1908.

April 3, 1908 - p. 11 under "Logan / County Board of Education."
"Board of Equalization--Protest Against School Consolidation.” "The county commissioners held their regular meeting yesterday. Protests were received from Wellsville, Petersboro, Clarkston, Lewiston, and Cornish in regard to the matter of the commissioners consolidating the county schools, but the protestors were informed that consolidation had passed, the board of education had been appointed and had qualified as provided by law and that the matter was now in their hands. "A meeting of the anti-consolidationists of Cache county was held at the B.Y. College yesterday afternoon where an organization was effected to raise funds by contribution, employ lawyers and fight the matter out in the courts."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 3, 1908.

April 11, 1908 - p. 27 under "Returned Missionaries.": "April 6.--Abram C. Cooley of Newton, Cache Co., from the Swiss and German mission."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 11, 1908.

May 15, 1908 - p. 3 under "Richmond."
"The Richmond Industrial club is rapidly forging to the front. . . .Some time ago the club took up the matter with the county commissioners of opening a road directly west from Richmond to the towns of Lewiston, Trenton, Clarkston and Newton, and were happily surprised by being notified that the county would bridge the two rivers of Cub and Bear and maintain the road providing the right-of-way was furnished by the people. The matter was referred to a committee which is meeting with such success as to insure the opening of the road."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 15, 1908.

June 3, 1908 - p. 3 under "Logan / Cache County Registrars."
"The following persons were named and appointed registration agents: "Newton, Mrs. Elizabeth Funk."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 3, 1908.

June 13, 1908 - p.6 under "Land Values Are Raised."
"Cache County Commissioners Comply With Request of State Board of Equalization."
"Logan, June 12.--Today the board of county commissioners made an increase of 10 per
cent in the assessment value of all real estate in the following precincts of this county:
Lewiston, Wheeler, Trenton, Stephenson, Cornish, Clarkston, Peterboro and part of Newton.
The increase was made in accordance with the expressed desire of the state board of
equalization, which visited here yesterday and informed the commissioners that unless an
increase was made, the state board would be compelled to make a blanket raise of all values
in the country."
--Salt Lake Herald, June 13, 1908.

June 25, 1908 - p. 2 under "With Game Warden."
"Irvine Heskel of Newton, was fined $10.00 in Justice Elmer's court at Beaver Dam this week 
for offenses against the fish and game laws."
--Box Elder News, June 25, 1908.

July 26, 1908 - p. 20 under "Logan Has Big Day of Sports. "Athletics, Baseball and Horse Racing Are Witnessed by Large Crowd."
"Logan, July 25.--The celebration yesterday turned out to be a big success . . . . "The baseball game was hummer. It was between the north and south ends of Cache, the Wellsville team defending the south while Newton, Petersboro and Logan made up the northern team. After nine innings of play the score was tied at 6, the northerners started a rally in the ninth which gave them three runs. In the eleventh Wellsville made two and then blanked the northerners, leaving the score 8 to 6 in favor of the south. "The line-up: South Position North Poppleton . . . . .C . . . . . .Be_?_ [unable the make out more than first two letters.] Settle . . . . . . . . P . . . . . . H. Kidman B. Maughan . . .First . . . .Rigby C. Maughan . . .Second . . .Wilson G. Maughan . . .Third . . . . [blank] [Note: Most likely two or three of the Stewart . . . . . . Short . . . . Jenkins players were from Newton.] Allen . . . . . . . .Left . . . . [blank] Walters . . . . . .Center . . .W. Kidman Smith . . . . . . . Right . . . .Adams "Umpire. Harry Stoney. "The game was for a purse of $100, winner to take all."
--The Salt Lake Herald, July 26, 1908.

Aug. 19, 1908 - p. 5 under "WEATHER FAR FROM A FROST." "Temperature Rises to a Point Where People Know Sun is Still Doing Business." "Yesterday's weather in Salt Lake was far from freezing. The maximum reached by the official thermometer was 84. . . .minimum temperature 62 degrees . . . ." "A summary of weather conditions in Utah during the last week. . . . "Newton, Cache--The first part of the week was warm, and brought light thunder showers. Heavy thunder storms took place on the 12th. accompanied by hail, which, however, caused no damage. The last part of the week was warm and partly cloudy." --The Salt Lake Herald, Aug. 19, 1908.

Aug. 27, 1908 - p. 4 under "Death of Mrs. J. P. Jensen."
"Mrs. J. P. Jensen was born in Odense, Denmark, Feb. 7, 1844, joining the Latter-day Saints and
emigrated to Utah in 1867, first settling in Brigham City, then moving to Newton, Cache County.
She was the mother of nine children, seven of whom survive her. Mrs. N. E. Mortensen, Mrs.
Joseph Mortensen, Mr. J. P. Jensen, Malad, Idaho; Prof. J. W. Jensen, Logan; Miss Sara Jensen,
Brigham ; Mrs. Joseph H. Smith, Fielding, and Hyrum Jensen of Newton.
"She has been sick since February with pernicious anemia, passing away August 18. The funeral
services were held in the First ward meeting house last Thursday, Bishop McMaster presiding.
The singing being furnished by the ward choir and Isaac H. and C. Elias Jensen. The speakers
were J. H. Barker and Bishop M.C. Rigby of Newton and Elias Jensen, N. B. Cheney and Bishop
McMaster. The remains were laid away in the city cemetery."
--Box Elder News, Aug. 27, 1908.

Sept. 21, 1908 - p. 7 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Wilford W. Beck, Newton; Emma P. C. Johnson, Salt Lake."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 21, 1908.

Oct. 23, 1908 - p. 3 under "Logan."
"Logan, Cache Co., Oct. 22-- . . . County Supt. McCarrey went to Cache Junction to arrange for the carrying of the pupils of that place to the Newton school."
--The Deseret Evening News, Oct. 23, 1908.

Oct. 30, 1908 - p. 9 under "Does It Pay to Farm, Right?"
"One of the best yields of dry farm grain ever reported has just come to my notice. Mr. Ecklund
of Newton, Cache Co. has just finished harvesting a field of 60 acres of wheat which average 60
bu. per acre. Mr. Ecklund grows Gold Coin wheat plows his land in the fall; keeps a good mulch
during the next summer; keeps down weeds; seeds at the rate of three pecks with a drill in Sept.
harrows his wheat the next spring. He selects his seed grain very carefully and has no trouble
with smut after using the formalin treatment.
"Not far from Mr. Ecklund's farm is a farm where the soil is just as good, but by carless [sic]
methods of farming the average yield per acre this year was only 18 bu.
"It pays to farm right, / Deseret Farmer.
--The Progess Review (Fillmore, Ut.), Oct. 30, 1908.

Nov. 21, 1908 - p. 29 under "Rexburg Pioneer Buried in Newton."
"William Milton Bell Was Early Settler in Two States."
"Rexburg, Idaho, Nov. 18.--The remains of William Milton Bell, the aged veteran who died here last week from general debility--gangrene of the feet being the immediate cause of death, were shipped on Saturday to Newton, Utah, and were interred on Sunday in the cemetery there. The deceased was one of the early settlers of Utah having settled in Chche [sic Cache] valley in 1860. He was also one of the early settlers of the Snake River valley, having located at Rexburg in 1878. Deceased leaves a number of grown up sons and daughters, some of whom live in the Snake River country and some in Cache valley, Utah. Mr. Bell was 75 years old at the time of death."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 21, 1908.

Nov. 23,1908 - p. 3 under "Logan."
"The public road leading from the northern limits of Newton to the Charleston-Trenton county road was accepted as a county road with the exception of that part which is occupied by the Newton reservoir dam."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 23, 1908.

Nov. 25,1908 - p. 3 under "Logan."
"Judges of School Election. "Newton--John Benson, Amos R. E. Clark, Wm. F. Jensen."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 25, 1908.

Nov. 28,1908 - p. 3 under "Logan / School Election Judges."
"A 'non-partisan' convention was held yesterday to nominate members of the county board of education. All the nominees named are Democrats, and most of them are known to be opposed to the county consolidation of the common schools. The nominees follow:
"Smithfield--Sylvester Low; Wellsville--John S. Leatham; Hyrum--C. C. Peterson; Richmond--G. A. Hogan; Newton--John E. Griffin."
--The Deseret Evening News, Nov. 28, 1909.

Dec. 5, 1908 - p. 31 under "Returned Missionaries."
"The thirty-eight elders named below have reported at the Church Historian's office in this city their return from the foreign mission fields on the dates given. All report a most enjoyable missionary experience and gratifying success in their labors. With exceptions noted, all return in the best of health and spirits. "Nov. 27.-- . . .Alma Benson, of Newton, Cache Co., from the Scandinavian mission; set apart Nov. 27, 1906."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 5, 1908.

Dec. 13, 1908 - p. 10 under "Official Chroniclers."
"Cache Commissioners Appoint Registrars of Birth and Deaths for That County."

"Logan, Dec. 11.--The county commissioners today made the following appointment of
registrars of births and deaths for this county:

"Avon and Paradise - Lewis Gibbs. . . . Newton - John H. Barker. Clarkston - Eliza M. Godfrey. Trenton - M. W. Butler. . . .”
--Salt Lake Herald, Dec. 13, 1908.

Dec. 15, 1908 - p. 3 under "Logan / Statistical Registrars."
"Logan, Cache Co., Dec. 13.--The county commissioners were in session Friday and appointed the following registrars of births and deaths: "Newton, John H. Barker."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 15, 1908.

Dec. 16, 1908 - p. 3 under "Logan."
"The following names have been drawn to serve as petit jurors for the January term of Court for the First Judicial district: "Newton--R. E. Dowdle."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 16, 1908.

Dec. 19, 1908 - p.86 under "Marriage Licenses."
D. J. Howell, Pocatello; Mary Jensen, Newton, Utah." [ Special edition of 100 pages]
--The Deseret Evening News
, Dec. 19, 1908.

Jan. 8, 1909 - p. 3 under "Logan /Wedding Permits. "Christian Miller and Agnes Benson, Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 8, 1909.

Jan. 23, 1909 -6 under "Logan."
"A drainage system is being installed to carry away the water that raises in the basement of the Wellsville and Newton schools."
--The Deseret Evening News, Jan. 23, 1909.

Feb. 11,1909 - p. 3 under "Precinct Road Supervisors."
"Logan, Cache Co., Feb. 10--In special session yesterday the board of county commissioners appointed the following road supervisors of their respective precincts: . . .Newton, E. L.Larsen."
--The Deseret Evening News, Feb. 11, 1909.

March 29, 1909 - p. 3 under "Cache County Fair Assured / Wedding Permits."
"Junius Jenkins and Mary A. Peterson, Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 29, 1909.

June 16, 1909 - p. 10 under "Returns Are Canvassed."
"Cache County Shows a Majority Against Erection of Capitol Building.
"Logan, June 14.--The county commissioners today canvassed the returns of the recent
state capitol election, and the count showed an overwhelming majority against the
proposition, every precinct casing a decision vote against it. The opposition of Cache
county was, in a large measure, due to the fact that in the fight over the retention of
certain courses at the A. C. Ogden always stood with the people of this county, while
Salt Lake, the people assert, has uniformly been against Cache; and when Ogden sought the
support of this county in opposition to the capitol scheme, it was given without hesitation.

The official count follows:
Avon – 5 yes, 7 no; Benson – 0 yes, 27 no; Greenville – 0 yes, 33 no; Cove and Mt. Home –
0 yes, 17 no; Clarkston – 2 yes, 54 no; College – 0 yes, 42 no; Hyde Park – 0 yes, 46 no;
Hyrum – 4 yes, 63 no; Logan (five wards) – 33 yes, 290 no; Lewiston – 0 yes, 42 no:
Mt. Sterling – 1 yes, 10 no; Providence – 5 yes, 52 no; Richmond – 2 yes, 88 no;
Millville – 0 yes, 74 no; Paradise – 4 yes, 59 no; Wheeler – 0 yes, 47 no; Petersboro – 6 yes,
13 no; Newton – 3 yes, 43 no; Smithfield – 10 yes, 117 no; Wellsville – 13 yes, 89 no;
Mendon – 1 yes, 54 no. Total – 90 yes, 1270 no.
--Salt Lake Herald, June 16, 1909.

June 29, 1909 - p. 2 under "Postmaster for Newton." (Special to the 'News.') "Washington, D. C., June 29.--Eliz M. Christensen has been appointed postmaster at Newton, Cache county, Utah. vice [?] E. C. Schneider, resigned."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 29, 1909.

July 1, 1909 - p. 10 under "Marriage Licenses."
"A. J. Christensen, Salt Lake City, Zina Miller, Newton, Utah."
--Salt Lake Telegraph, July 1, 1909.

Sept. 11, 1909 - p. 5 under "Teachers for Cache County."
"Only Two Schools Not Supplied--Ninety-Four Instructors Altogether."

"Logan, Sept. 10.--Superintendent R. V. Larsen has his teachers for Cache county all
selected but two for the opening of school Monday. There is yet a vacancy at Hyrum and one
at Cornish. In all there are 94 teachers. They are as follows:
. . . . "Clarkston -- Joseph A. Godfrey, Bertha Nish, Rose Atkinson.
"Newton -- James W. Kirkbride, Annie Christensen, Beatrice Burns. . . . .
"The county teachers' institute will convene at the B. Y. college on Saturday, with
two sessions. . . . Professor Howard Driggs of the University of Utah will lecture to
the teachers."
--Salt Lake Herald, Sept. 11, 1909.

Sept. 26, 1909 - p. 11 under "President to Speak At Cache Junction."

"Logan, Sept. 25.--A telegram received last night from Congressman Howell that
President W. H. Taft will make a short speech Sunday afternoon at Cache Junction.
A plan is on foot to run a special train around the loop at the south end of the
valley. The presidential train will stop fifteen minutes at the Junction."
--Salt Lake Herald, Sept. 26, 1909.

Dec. 2, 1909 - p. 3 under "Jury List For Cache District Court At Logan."
"Fritz E. Ecklund."
--The Deseret Evening News, Dec. 2, 1909.

March 2, 1910 - p. 3 under "Death of J. H. Barker."
"Logan, March 1.--Mr. J. H. Barker, an old and respected resident of the town of Newton, is dead, having succumbed to the effects of an operation performed some time ago. The funeral services are to be held in the Newton meetinghouse on Friday next at 1 p.m.."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 2, 1910.

March 8, 1910 - p. 3 under "Recent Deaths."
"Barker, John Henry--At his home in Newton, Cache County, one of Cache County's most respected citizens died after an illness of several months. He left Utah on April 9, 1909, to perform a mission in England, but the climate there did not agree with him, and on account of poor health he was released to return home the last of September. After his return he gradually grew worse until his affliction seemed to center in one of his legs which necessitated its amputation. He seemed to improve for a short time afterwards, but pneumonia set in later, and he was unable to battle against it. "Father Barker was born in England, April 1, 1842, and joined the Church in June 1859 and emigrated to Utah in 1862. He first lived in Salt Lake City, but afterwards lived in Paradise, Providence, Logan, and Clarkston, but finally settled in Newton when he has lived for many years. He was a man of culture, one of the first school teachers in Cache county, but for a number of years he has been merchandising and farming. He has been successful in his enterprises, and he was known as an honest, upright man, a kind husband and father, a model citizen, a true and faithful friend, and he leaves surviving him a wife, nine sons, ten daughters, 35 grandchildren and a host of friends who mourn his loss. The funeral was held on Friday, March 4, when many speakers enlogized [sic - eulogized] the noble life and worth of the deceased." [Photo of Mr. J. H. Barker with the article.]
--The Deseret Evening News
, March 8, 1910.

March 8, 1910 – p. 1 under “Local News.” [Tues.]
“John Nelson arrested last fall on a charge of grand larceny, was placed on trial in the
district court yesterday, and after spending the greater part of the day, the following jury
was secured to try the case: John L. Price, Lehi Bodrero, Alfred Chambers, Willard W.
Pitkin, George Holliday, Henry M. Shelton, Parley P. Bingham and Morris Swinyard.”
--The Journal, March 8, 1910.

March 12, 1910 – p. 7 under “Local News.” [Saturday]
“They jury in the case The State vs. John W. Nelson which had occupied the time of the district
court since Monday, cam in with a verdict of guilty at about midnight on Thursday. Judge
Maughan, set Monday, at 2 p.m. as the time for passing sentence. Nelson was charged with
having stolen grain from a granary at Clarkston last fall, and the case excited a great deal of
interest among people of the west side. There was a report yesterday that an appeal in the case,
will be taken.”
--The Journal, March 12, 1910.

March 15, 1910 – p. 8 under “Local News.” [Tues.]
“John W. Nelson came up for sentence before Judge Maughan yesterday and his attorney at
once gave notice of motion for a new trial, and asked further time in which to get ready to
present it properly. He asked that the judgment of the court be deferred until that time, and his
request was granted, next Saturday being fixed as the time for hearing the motion and also
passing sentence.”
--The Journal, March 15, 1910.

March 19, 1910 - p. 9 under "News Agency at Newton."
"Irvine Barker has been appointed agent for the Deseret News and for Church publications in Newton, Utah, in place of J. H. Barker, deceased. "Patrons of The News will kindly renew their subscriptions with him. He will also take orders for Church works, etc., which will be promptly delivered."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 19, 1910.

xxxMarch 22, 1910 – p. 8 under “Local News.” [Tues.]

“John W. Nelson, was sentenced to two years in the State Prison on Saturday morning, by

Judge Maughan. His attorney made and argued a motion for a new trial, but it was denied,

and sentence imposed. Notice of appeal was immediately given.”

--The Journal, March 22, 1910.

March 23, 1910 - p. 2 under "Director Approves Census Enumerators."
"Following is a partial list of census enumerators recommended by Supervisor Hugh A. McMillin, and approved by the director of the census at Washington: . . . . . . .Levi A. Christensen, Newton. . . ." [Alphonso Christensen.] --The Deseret Evening News, March 23, 1910.

March 29, 1910 - p. 8 under "Census Enumerators for Utah Approved by Census Director."

"The following is the list as approved, giving the number of the enumerator's district, the name

of the enumerator and his postoffice address:

1 - Fred T. Gunn, Adamsville. . . . .15 - Robert Pearce, Paradise. . . . .

22 - Levi A. Christensen, Newton. . . . .

--Salt Lake Telegram, Mar. 29, 1910.

March 31, 1910 - p. 8 under "Detailed Vote of the School Bond Election."
"Logan, March 31.--The vote of the bond election in detail is as follows, the first figure following the name of the town is the affirmative vote, the second the negative: "Stephenson, 5, 25; College, 2, 12; Providence, 2, 48; Mendon, 0, 71; Mt. Home, 10, 0; Petersboro, 0, 14; Richmond, 28, 47; Lewiston, 12, 27; Cove, 2, 9; Clarkston, 13, 40; Smithfield, 153, 19; Hyde Park, 3, 86; Newton, 12, 12; Greenville, 1, 29; Millville, 3, 60; Paradise, 67, 6; Avon, 2, 15; Wellsville, 105, 30; Benson, 3, 20; Hyrum, 64, 66; Trenton, 16, 5; total, yeas, 503; noes, 641. The returns from Mt. Sterling are the only ones missing and when they come in they will not alter the result as the precinct is a small one."
--The Deseret Evening News, March 31,1910.

April 15,1910 - p.2 under "Snowfall Bulletin Out."
"The local weather bureau publishes today the snow fall bulletin for March in Utah. It says: "There was practically no snowfall in Utah during March. The weather was unusually warm, and the snow melted rapidly on the lower levels leaving the ground well soaked. In the mountains less snow is reported on the average than last year and usually less than the normal. . . . "GREAT SALT LAKE WATERSHED. "Newton, Cache Co.--There was not as much snow as last year, through there was more than in some previous years. It was in good condition, being thoroughly frozen."
--The Deseret Evening News, April 15, 1910.

May 11, 1910 -p. 3 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Logan, May 10l--Marriage licenses issued today to the following couples: "J. T. Benson and Ella Jensen both of Newton."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 11, 1910.

May 30, 1910 p. 4 under "Closing Program and Field Day Cache Schools.: "Logan, May 28.--A good portion of the population of the county poured into Logan today to attend the closing exercises of the county schools, which were held in the Nibley Hall. Prof. I. B. Evans delivered the address to the graduates and Miss Ruth Goodsell of Newton delivered the valedictory. The musical part of the program was especially good."
--The Deseret Evening News, May 30, 1910.

May 31, 1910 – p. 8 under “Local News.”

“The first automobile to go into Newton is a Studebaker E.M.F. 30, sold to E. L. Larson.”

--The Journal, May 31, 1910.

[NOTE: Along with several other claimed “firsts” the first auto in Newton has been claimed by two or three others with Pearl Jenkins usually accredited by most old-timers with this honor.]

June 6, 1910 - p. 6 under "Dry Farm Grain Injured by Frost."
"Beet Crops Splendid and Prospects for Vegetables Are Exceedingly Good."
"Logan, June 5.--If the frost got at the dry farm wheat, as indications thus far show it did, and no rains comes to break the long drouth, the west side of Cache county will lost over a million dollars. Not in the history of the valley has such a long dry period prevailed. As for the frost of last Thursday night, grave anxiety is felt by the farmers, for the young heads have been frozen. "Reports are slowly reaching Logan from the fry farms around Clarkston, Trenton, Newton and Lewiston that alfalfa, potatoes and wheat suffered greatly when ice a quarter of an inch thick formed. This follow an exceeding hot day. . . . "Reports from the beet fields indicate a heavy crop. General Manager James Quinney, jr., of the Logan and Lewiston sugar factories, states that the beet cultivation for the year is well up to expectations. The frosts and the drouth have not affected the beets at all. In fact, on all the irrigated farms fine prospects make the farmers happy."
--The Salt Lake Herald, June 6, 1910.

June 8, 1910 - p. 8 under "Teachers Chosen for Cache County."

"List of Pedagogues for Year Given Out by Superintendent R. W. Larsen."

"Logan, June 7.--A partial list of teachers for the county schools was given out today

by Superintendent R. V. Larsen. In the list below the first name following the town is

the name of the principal, and the other names are those of the teachers: . . . .

"CLARKSTON --Bertha Nish.

"NEWTON --A. A. Johnson, Beatrice Burns, Elizabeth Shipley . . . ." --Salt Lake Herald, June 8, 1910.

June 22, 1910 - p. 2 under "Incorporations."

"The Farmers' Banking company of Cache Junction filed a copy of its articles of

incorporation with the secretary of state yesterday. The company is composed of nearly fifty

citizens of Newton, Cache Junction and Clarkston, with one or two stockholders living in Salt

Lake and Ogden. The capitalization is $25,000, in shares of $100 each. George C. Rigby is

president; John E. Griffin, vice president, and Thomas Griffin, J. H. Barker, jr., A. S. Heggie,

W. O. Kay and David Robbins are additional directors."

--Salt Lake Herald, June 22, 1910.

June 23, 1910 - p.8 under "Marriage Licenses."
"Logan, June 22.--These marriage licenses were issued today: "W. Frank Ecklund of Newton and Flora Mantle of Fielding."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 23, 1910.

June 27, 1910 - p. 3 under "Registrars Appointed for Cache County."
"Logan, June. 25.--The county commissioners this afternoon appointed the following persons registry agents for the various precincts of the county. "Newton, John Larsen."
--The Deseret Evening News, June 27, 1910.

June 28, 1910 - p. 2 under "Dry Farm Yield Looks Promising."
"Whenever dry farm lands were properly fallowed, the crops will yield abundantly despite the fact that it is the dryest year since 1876, according to the reports received by Prof. Lewis A. Merrill of the Agricultural college of Utah. In Cache county, Davis county, Boxelder county. . . where the grain was planted in fallowed ground, it has withstood the drouth [sic]and is now heading out fast, and some of it has begun to ripen, while on cropped ground, the spring sown crops and volunteer crops have burned up and the farmers will not even cut the stalks, using the ground for pasturing purposes. "On account of the drouth, Prof. Merrill. . . has gathered reports . . .throughout the dry farming districts. In Cache county the reports were favorable where the farmers had followed out the instructions of the institute and Agricultural college. . . . [citing several specific farms as examples]. ". . .Ballard Bros. of Cache Junction have a good crop on fallowed ground. In another field of about 60 acres which is cropped ground they will get about five bushels to the acre. Chris Nelson, who has a small farm near the junction, has a fine stand on fallowed ground. Andrew Peterson of Newton has 80 acres on fallowed ground which will yield 40 bushels to the acre. Griffith [Griffin] Bros. of Newton report a fine stand on the fallowed ground. Across the road on the west where they have a field of cropped land, the grain has burned up. George C. Rigby has a good crop on fallowed ground. His stubble and volunteer crops are all burned up and will bear nothing. In the same vicinity, J. E. Godfrey, Eugene Nelson, Clark Bros. and Ecklund Bros. have several hundred acres of grain which will bear from 45 to 50 bushels per acre. Some of this grain is the finest in Cache county." [continuing reports from the Clarkston and other areas.]
--The Deseret Evening News, June 28, 1910.

July 27, 1910 - p. 6 under "Big Yields in Cache."
"Dry Farmers Report Excellent Crops of Wheat In Spite of Continued Drought."
"Logan, July 26.--Reports from the wheat fields show more than ever the richness of Cache county land and the value of proper dry farming methods. Instead of the restricted yields, so much feared earlier in the season, farmers are actually reaping just as big crops as last year. George C. Rigby, whose farm lies between Newton and Clarkston, reports that he got 41 bushels off the land he has summer fallowed, and twenty-six bushels off land that produces for the second year. His land is divided into three sections, which he alternates each year in fallowing. "Amos Clark likewise obtained over forty bushels to the acre on fallowed land, while John Griffin reaped thirty-six bushels. The whole Clarkston district is confidently expected to yield an average of thirty-five bushels."
--The Salt Lake Herald, July 27, 1910.

Aug. 8, 1910 - p. 3 under "School Year Shortened for Lack of Funds."
"Logan, Aug. 6.--The county board of education was in session this afternoon and among other thins that it did was the fixing of the school year's length. On the account of a shortage of funds the board had to shorten the school year to seven and a half months, the schools to begin Oct. 3. ` "NORMAL CROPS ON DRY FARMS."
"Logan, Aug. 6.--As the harvest progresses it becomes more and more apparent that the fears of the dry farmers that the crops would be short this years, were groundless. The yields at the threshers show that the crop on the dry farms will be little if any short of that of former years. In the town of Newton, for instance, the report is that the yield will run from 27 to 43 bushels per acre."
--The Deseret Evening News, Aug. 8, 1910.

Aug. 31, 1910 - p.3 under "School Census for Cache--Schools Begin Sept. 26."
"Logan, Aug. 29.--The county school census returns were given out today by Supt. Larsen. They are given below."
"Avon, 78; Benson, 66; Clarkston, 191; Cache Junction, 33; . . .Newton, 169:. . . ."
--The Deseret Evening News, Aug. 31, 1910.

Sept. 1, 1910 - p. 6 under "Increase of Students."
"Logan, Aug. 31.--The census returns for the Cache county schools were given out Monday.... They show an increase of 214 over the returns of last year. The schools will begin their work of the present year on September 26, a short year being necessary on account of lack of funds. "The census by the various districts is as follows: Avon, 78; Benson, 66; Clarkston, 191; Cache Junction, 33; College, 68; Cornish, 45; Cove, 78; Greenville, 115; Hyde Park, 225; Hyrum, 625; Lewiston, 115; Mendon, 140; Millville, 206; Mt. Home, 44; Mt. Sterling, 35; Newton, 169; Paradise, 237; Petersboro,31; Providence, 444; Richmond, 479; Riverside, 79; Smithfield, 641; Stephenson, 90;Trenton, 74; Wellsville, 495; Wheeler, 104; Young, 38. Total, 5,152."
--The Salt Lake Herald, Sept. 1, 1910.

Sept. 15, 1910 - p.9 under "Recent Deaths."
"Clarke, Amos R. E. --The death of Amost R. E. Clarke of Newton, Cache county, Utah, took place on Aug. 27, 1910. Deceased had been operated upon for appendicitis, and complications ensued which resulted in his demise. He was born on Dec. 12, 1869, and was therefore 41 years. He leaves a wife and six children. "The deceased was universally esteemed for his many qualities of honesty, kindliness and Charity. The funeral service was attended by friends from far and wide, and many feeling tributes were paid to his worth. His untimely death is a great sorrow to his family and friends."
--The Deseret Evening News, Sept. 15, 1910.

October10, 1910 - p. 20 under "Logan News Notes."
"Jack Nelson was served with a warrant yesterday charging him with the theft of some wheat at Newton. He is charged in the precinct court with petty larceny."
--The Salt Lake Herald, Oct. 10, 1910.

Oct. 29, 1910 - p. 8 under “Local News.”

John Nelson was arrested again yesterday on a charge of having stolen some forty dollars worth of wheat from Mr. Roundy of Benson. He pleaded not guilty and was released on $100 bail.”

--The Journal, Oct. 29, 1910.

Jan. 3, 1911 - p. 1 under "Mendon News Items."

"A lively and spirited game of basketball was played Monday between the Newton and Mendon

teams. Score 13 to 21 in favor of Mendon." --The Logan Republican, Jan. 3, 1911.

Jan. 9,1911 - p. 8 under "Officials in Cache."

"Logan, Dec. 9.--The county commissioners met Saturday and appointed the following officers.

For county physicians, Dr. F. E.Clark of Logan, Dr. H.A. Adamson of Richmond, and Dr. P. A.

Merrell of Wellsville; for field assessors, Edward Wright for Logan, J. R. Jones for Providence,

C. O. Dunn for Millville, College and Young; John Welch for Paradise and Avon; James C.

Jensen for Hyrum; Franklin Gunnell for Wellsville; Peter Larsen for Petersboro; Fritz Ecklund for

Newton; Thomas Godfrey for Clarkston and Cornish; James Roskelley for Smithfield. Otto

Jenson was named as fruit tree inspector."

--Salt Lake Telegram, Jan. 9, 1911.

Jan. 31, 1911 - p. 1 under "Bonds Rejected By the People.

"Great Opposition To Bonding But Small Tax Favored."

"Death to Good Roads for the Present Year at Least."

"A big attendance of prominent men of various towns in the valley was at the Commercial

Boosters club last Saturday to listen to the complaints of the county commissioners regarding

the financial situation of the county, and to discuss some plan for relieving the situation. But

although there was plenty of talk there was no action that relieved the county commissioners

one jot. After discussing bonding and special tax, the meeting adjourned without doing a thing.

"After the meeting had been called to order, Commissioner Olif Cronquist explained the

situation confronting the county commissioners. He pointed out that the commissioners had done all in their power in the past to build up the roads with the little money they had. He indicated

other work demanding attention, but that nothing could be done because of the lack of means.

The county is overdrawn $30,000, while the banks refuse to further relieve them by granting

more overdrafts. Thus the commissioners are right at the end of their resources, and desired at the

meeting to find out the sentiment in regard to bonding for enough money to carry on the work of

road building as it should be done. By this bond issue, he thought the financial condition of the

board would be relieved and matters straighten out. In order to put the matter before the meeting,

W. G. Reese of Benson moved that [t]he county bond for the sum that the commissioners felt

would be sufficient to carry on the work of the county. This motion was met with a storm of

opposition. Frank Price, Samuel R. Oldham, Andrew Peterson of Newton and others were

strongly opposed to bonding but felt that they would stand for a tax for roads. C. M. Harris of the

Commercial Boosters club and W. G. Reese championed the cause of bonds, showing that it was

necessary to do so in order to get good roads. There was more talk until nothing whatever was

done to give the relief to the commissioners that they prayed for. Late in the afternoon, the

meeting adjourned, leaving the commissioners exactly where they were before the meeting was

called." --The Logan Republican, Jan. 31, 1911.

March 2, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton News Notes."

"Newton, March 1.--The ward conference last Sunday, Feb. 26, was well attended. There were

present of the Benson stake officers, Pres. Alma Merrill, Elders Kemp, William Wiser.[,] McCarry, (and others. A report was rendered from all the quorums and organizations showing

that a good work had been done. However, there was a decrease in attendance and donation

from last year. Still some of the organization[s] are in a plourishing [sic-flourishing] condition,

the relief society taking the lead, having on hand in cash $104.04 of wheat on handetaoin odid

$104.04 [repeated with errors in wording]; of wheat on hand, 880 bushels.

"Elder John E. Griffin was honorably released from Sunday school superintendent and W. F.

Jenson, Jr., sustained in his place.

"The visiting brethren spoke very encouragingly and the singing was good. A quartette was

rendered at the afternoon session by Mrs. Cooley and company. Another quartette was rendered

in the afternoon by Mrs. Lena Peterson and company.

"The public schools are in a splendid condition, the principal A. A. Johnson with Misses Burns,

Shepley, and Oldham are all doing a splendid work. A beautiful program was rendered at

Washington's birthday, which was a credit to the teachers. The house was crowded to overflowing

and the people did not go home disappointed." --The Logan Republican, Mar. 2, 1911.

March 14, 1911 - p.1 under "Road Commissioners."

"Frank Anderson of Hyrum was named last Saturday as County Road commissioner by the

county commissioners. The board met yesterday afternoon and named the following for the

positions of deputy commissioners.

"Lewiston, M. W. Jackson; Wheeler, Jos. Kent; Stephenson, George R. Allred; Smithfield,

Wm. Pilkington; Richmond, Wm. A. Bair; Clarkston, Wm. J. Griffin; Newton, Gene Nelson. . . ."

--The Logan Republican, Mar. 14, 1911.

March 25, 1911 - p. 1 under "Champs of North End."

"Lewiston Wins from Newton in Slow Game of Basketball for Northern Championship."

"The Lewiston district schools won the basketball championship of the north end of Cache

county, Thursday night by beating the Newton team 42 to 17. The game played in the B.Y.

gymnasium, was one sided and slow, but the boys representing each town, did good work. While

the Newton five did far the best passing, still they lacked the skill in basket shooting.

The basket shooting of Choat showed practice as well as skill, mingled with good luck."

--The Logan Republican, Mar. 25, 1911.

March 25, 1911 - p. 5 under "Local News."

"Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson of Newton were Logan visitors Thursday.

"Mrs. W. F. Jensen, Jr., of Newton was visiting with friends in the city the early part of the

week." --The Logan Republican, Mar. 25, 1911.

April 1, 1911 - p. 5 under "Local News."

"Mr. Christian A. Peterson and Fredrick C. Rasmussen, both of Newton, were in Logan

yesterday consummating a land deal at the office of John A. Crockett, abstractor."

--The Logan Republican, April 1, 1911.

April 6, 1911 - p. 3 under "Snap Shots of Home News."

"Medical Examiners Organize. "

"License to practice medicine in Utah was given to the following: . . .J. S. Alton of Newton. . . ." --Salt Lake Telegram, April 6, 1911.

April 11, 1911 - p. 5 under "Local News."

"Mr. Irvin Barker of Newton was in town yesterday on a short business trip.

"Miss Ila Wooley of Newton who has been in this ciyt during the winter months, returned to her

home yesterday." --The Logan Republican, April 11, 1911.

April 25, 1911 - p. 5 under "News from Round About."

"Miss Edith Larsen of Newton spent Saturday and Sunday here.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Christensen of Newton are in town on a short trip."

--The Logan Republican, April 25, 1911.

April 27, 1911 - p. 1 under "Young Girl Dies Suddenly."

"Maud Rigby, the twenty-six year old daughter of W. S. and Elizabeth Rigby of Newton, died

of heart failure at her parents' home at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Miss Rigby arose early, ate

breakfast and in the best of health started her day's work, when she turned suddenly dizzy. A

doctor was summoned, but the girl died about ten minutes after his arrival. Funeral services will

be held at Newton Sunday at 2 p.m." --The Logan Republican, April 27, 1911.

April 27, 1911 - p. 6 under "Notice."

"Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in Cache county on the 6th day of

May, 1911, in each election district. . . for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters and

taxpayers thereof the question of issuing and selling one hundred fifty thousand dollars,

$150,000.00, of bonds, for the purpose of raising money for the building of roads, and the

improvement of roads and bridges within the said Cache county, said bonds. . . to run for a period

of twenty years, the whole or any part thereof redeemable after the expiration of ten years from

date of issue.

"That the following named persons have been appointed as judges to conduct the said election,

at the following places, towit:

. . . "Newton at school house--Wm. Hansen, Niels Jacobsen, John Benson."

--The Logan Republican, April 27, 1911.

May 6, 1911 - p. 1 under "Cache County's Great Growth."

"Population of County for 1910 Given by the Census."

"Clarkston precinct, including Clarkston town - 607 - [1900 - 475; 1890 - 440]

Clarkston town - 564

Newton precinct, including Newton town - 562 - [1900 - 617; 1890 - 473]

Newton town – 515" --The Logan Republican, May 6, 1911.

May 11, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton News."

"Newton, May 10.--Mr. Isaac Benson departed this life last Saturday, May 6th, having been

suffering severely for five weeks with cancer of the stomach. Mr. Benson was born May 6th,

1872, at Clarkston, but removed with his parents many years ago, to Newton, where he has lead a

useful life until his death. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, and numerous

brothers and sisters. The funeral services were held yesterday the 9th inst. In the meetinghouse,

which was well filled, many relatives and friends from surrounding settlements being in attend-

ance. The beautiful oak casket was covered with flowers. Prayer was offered by Amos Clark,[.]

"The speakers were as follows: W. H. Griffin, Sr., Yeppa Benson of Weston, A. A. Johnson,

Alfred Atkinson, John E. Griffin Bishop M. C. Rigby. A quartette was rendered by Mrs. Alice

Jenkins and company. A duet by Geo. L Jones and L. Geo. Clarke, 'Jesus, Lover of My Soul.'

Benediction by John Jenikns [sic-Jenkins]." --The Logan Republican, May 11, 1911.

May 30, 1911 - p. 6 under "Interesting Notes From Newton Town."

"Newton, May 26.--One of the most interesting incidents of the week was a dance Friday night.

The attendance was fairly good the music being furnished by the Hanson orchestra.

"Mr. Amos Griffin is home from school for the summer.

"Mr. and Mrs. Andy Christensen of Bingham canyon are in Newton spending a few days with

their folks.

"The Newton ward held their annual primary meeting today. A splendid program was rendered

and followed by a children's dance." --The Logan Republican, May 30, 1911.

June 1, 1911 - p. 5 under "News From Round About."

"Mr. Emil Winnergren of Newton was in Logan yesterday.

"Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen of Newton were visitors to Logan on Tuesday."

--The Logan Republican, June 1, 1911.

June 8, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton Musings."

"Newton, June 4.--Miss Hazel and Norma Benson have returned home from school for the


"Miss Carrie Griffin has returned home from Ogden where she has been visiting with her folks.

"Miss Vera and Evaline Christensen of Newton have returned home from school for the


"Mr. Moser [sic Moses] and Parley Rigby of Newton were in Clarkston last Saturday.

"Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparks are rejoicing over their newly born babe.

"Mr. O. W. Israelson and others are in Newton surveying for a water system which is to be put

in this fall." --The Logan Republican, June 8, 1911.

June 9, 1911 - p. 1 under "'Wet' and 'Dry' Towns."

"G. M. MacDowell, manager of the Manufacturers' and Business Men's association, had compiled a list of Utah cities in which it is shown which are 'wet' and which are 'dry' and which will prove of general interest in view of the liquor election June 27. The 'dry' towns are:

"Alpine. . . Clarkston,. . .Hyrum, Hyde Park,. . .Lewiston, Logan,...Mendon,...

Millville,...Newton, Paradise, Providence, . . .Smithfield,...Wellsville. . . .

“The following towns are 'wet':

"Beaver,... Brigham City,...Garland,...Ogden,....Randolph,...Salt Lake,...Tremonton...."

--Carbon County News (Price, Ut.), June 9, 1911.

June 10, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton Items."

"Newton, Utah, June 8th.--Mr. David S. Haws a prominent farmer from this side of the valley,

has just completed a private water system which is a great improvement to his farm.

"Mr. Alphonzo Christensen of Newton spent a few days in Salt Lake City.

"Mr. William Barker of Newton has returned from his farm in Bancroft, Idaho.

"A dance was held in the Newton ward meeting house last Friday evening June 9.

"Two prominent citizens of Newton while discussing some business matter became vexed at

each other. After a little set to they were separated. No one seriously hurt.

"Miss Annie Benson of Newton is spending part of the summer in Rigby, Idaho.

"Mr. Moses Rigby of Newton is spending a few days in Bancroft, Idaho.

"Mrs. J. F. Hanson of Newton is not very well at present.

"Mr. Ephraim Christensen of Logan was in Newton last Wednesday."

--The Logan Republican, June 10, 1911.

June 13, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton News."

"Newton, June 12.--Mr. Moses Rigby of Newton had returned from Bancroft, Idaho.

"We have heard rumors to the effect that Miss Annie Benson of Newton had made her future

home in Rigby, Idaho. Miss Benson has highly respected in her home town and leaves with the

best wishes of her many friends.

"A large crowd from Newton were in Cache Junction Saturdays attending the ball game and the

dance in the evening. Music was furnished by the Hanson orchestra of Newton.

"Mr. James Neilson of Newton has returned from his farm in Bancroft, Idaho. He says the

crops in that section of the country are good.

"Mr. M.C. Harris of Logan was in Newton last Friday evening.

"Mr. John Griffin, Jr., of Newton was in Logan Saturday on business.

" Miss Lillian Wennergren of Logan is spending a few weeks here.

"Mr. Ira Mecham of Logan was in Newton Sunday for a short visit.

"Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Haws were in Logan last week.

"Things in this section of the country point to a bounteous harvest this fall, and from the

indications the ground will be in perfect condition for the next year's crop to be put it.

"Haying has started now and the crop seems to be all that could be expected. Farmers say there

is no hard times coming this year."

--The Logan Republican, June 13, 1911.

June 17, 1911 - p. 4 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, June 15.--Dr. J. F. Alton, who has resided in Newton for some time has been

thinking of leaving for the west. Since Dr. Alton came to Newton he has done considerable

work here and also in the neighboring towns. He has proven himself to be a man of experience

along his line. Mr. Alton has the best wishes of the Newton citizens and they hope he will remain

and continue his work the same as before.

"Mr. Edward Fish of Newton is in Malad at present, looking at some land.

"The stork has visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson, leaving them a beautiful baby


"Mrs. Thomas Griffin of Newton is undergoing an operation for floating kidney.

"A grand ball will be given at Cache Junction next Saturday evening. Everybody is kindly

invited. Good music.

"A majority of the people in this section of the valley have begun haying. The had crop is fairly

good considering the season.

"Mr. and Mrs. Moravia Jenkins of Newton were in Logan last Thursday."

--The Logan Republican, June 17, 1911.

June 20, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, June 18.--Mr. Junius Rigby of Newton was in Logan last Thursday on business.

"A social party was given at the home of [M]r. and Mrs. Christian Christensen. The crowd met

and a splendid evening was spent in singing, piano solos, cards and checker playing, and eating ice


"Mr. Oscar Winnergren of Logan, who has just returned from Ohio, was in Newton last

Saturday and Sunday visiting Emil Winnergren.

"Mr. Ira . Mechan of Logan was in Newton last Saturday and Sunday.

"Mrs. Mary B. Goody of Idaho Falls, is in Newton visiting with her relatives and friends.

"Mr. Henry and Irwin Haskell of Sublet, Idaho, is spending part of the summer in Newton

"Mr. Walter Cooley of Newton has returned from Bancroft, Idaho.

"Mrs. Mattie Griffin of Newton underwent an operation last Wednesday for kidney trouble.

She has been suffering considerable since.

"The dance at Cache Junction last Saturday evening was a success. The young folks of this

town are wishing they would still continue.

"Miss Lillian Griffin of Newton is home from Ogden for the summer."

--The Logan Republican, June 20, 1911.

June 24, 1911 - p. 3 under "From Newton."

"Newton, June 22.--Dr. J. F. Alton of Newton left for Malad the first part of the week

where he will take up his work. Mr. Alton labored for some time in Malad before coming to

Newton. The citizens of Newton feel that they have lost one that is needed very much in the

town and therefore wish they could have kept him.

"Mr. Oliver Peterson of Petersboro, was visiting last Sunday at the farm of Mr. D. E. Haws.

"Dr. Arthur Cooley of Newton who has been east for some time studying, has returned home.

Mr. Cooley expects to take up his work in Salt Lake City.

"Messrs. Ernest and Fritz Ecklund have returned home for the harvest.

"Mr. Edward Fish of Newton has returned from Malad.

"The most notable event of the week was the marriage of Miss Maggie Hanson to Leonard

Goodsey [Goodsell], both of Newton. The couple were married in the Logan Temple,Wednesday,

June 21. A reception was given by the young lady's parents. All seemed to enjoy congratulating

and showering blessings on the newly wedded couple. Mr. and Mrs. Goodsey [Goodsell] will

make their home in Newton at present.

"Dr. Wilford Beck of Newton, who has been east for some time studying has returned home.

Mr. Beck will start out in business for himself. He is one of our Newton boys and the citizens

wish him success in all he undertakes."

--The Logan Republican, June 24, 1911.

June 27, 1911 - p. 4 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, Utah, June 24.--Dr. Arthur Cooley of Newton left for Salt Lake City last week where

he will take up his work.

"The dance last Friday evening was a great success. A splendid crowd was on hand, Music was furnished by the Hanson orchestra.

"Miss Dorothy Sanders of Salt Lake City is in Newton spending a few days with her brother.

"Mrs. Mattie Griffin of Newton, who underwent an operation for kidney trouble is recovering

very nicely.

"The young men of Newton after lying dormant all spring are beginning to wake up. They are

taking steps toward having one of the best baseball teams on this side of the Valley. Newton has

some very good material, all they need is some courage and practice and they will make their mark

with the rest of them.

"Mr. Henry Miller of Newton has returned home from Bancroft, Idaho.

"The stork visittd [sic-visited] the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenson, jr., leaving them a

beautiful baby girl." --The Logan Republican, June 27, 1911.

July 4, 1911 - p.8 under "Newton News."

"Newton, July 1.--The young men of Newton and some of the older ones, broke loose last

Saturday for a good time. The boys played two games of ball, one with Cornish, and one with

Lewiston. They met the Cornish boys first and defeated them by a score of 15 to 3. Henry Miller

did the throwing. The next contest was with the Lewiston boys. The two teams met and had a

game like the first, only the score was opposite. The Lewiston team defeated Newton by a score

10 to 2. Wilford Jenkins did the pitching.

"Miss Ida Rigby of Newton spent a few days in Logan last week with her relatives.

"Miss Iva Nelson of Newton spent last week in Logan with her brother.

"Miss Clara and Lottie Hanson of Newton were in Logan last Saturday.

"Mr. Joseph Christensen of Newton was in Logan Saturday.

"Mr. Jessie Baker of Newton was in Logan last Saturday.

"Mr. Isvin [sic-Irvin] Haskell of Newton was in Logan last week.

"Mr. Nephi Christensen of Newton has returned from Bancroft, Idaho."

--The Logan Republican, July 4, 1911.

July 6, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton Jingles."

"Newton, July 5.--The Fourth was duly celebrated here from early morn til late even. The

daybreak appeared so beautiful that the boys commenced their saluting and the sound was like a

continuous thunder all during the night, and the people were ready bright and early to prepare for

the great even of the day. Our meeting house was very beautifully decorated. A good program

was rendered. Singing was good and the oration was delivered by Mr. John E. Griffin, and it was

most excellent. Comic speeches, recitation, dreams and quartettes were very inspiring. The

afternoon sports consisted of a game of baseball between Cornish and Newton which resulted in a

small gain in favor of our boys. The stores were well prepared in the line of refreshments. A

grand ball in the evening concluded the great day's doings.

"Our people are busy in the hay field, which is turning out good, ranging from two to three tons

per acre. The health of the people is very good with a few exceptions.

"Mrs. James T. Hanson is reported not very much improved.

"Very little improvement is going on the building line at present.

"Mr. Niels Jacabsen's home is nearly completed.

"A neat little cottage is being erected by Contractor Hanson for our postmistress and sisters." --The Logan Republican, July 6, 1911.

July 11, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton News."

"Newton, July 4.--The citizens of Newton celebrated Independence Day in a patriotic and

enjoyable manner. The citizens met in the meeting house at 10:30 and had a splendid program.

The program consisted of songs, recitations, musical solos and comic speeches. Mr. J. J. Larson

gave a splendid paper on 'The future destiny of Newton.’

"Oration was given by John E. Griffin.

"In the fore part of the afternoon a dance was given for the children and followed by a baseball

game between the boys of Newton and those of Cornish. The game was an interesting one. The

Cornish boys took the lead for some time but were soon confused and began falling. Vance Benson of Trenton threw the game for Cornish. Mr. Benson is young and unexperienced but has

a good future. The Newton boys played good ball and defeated the Cornish boys by a score of

5 to 7. The lineup was as follows:

Newton - - - - - - Cornish

Moses Rigby . . . 1B . . .V. Haws

H. Jenson . . . . . 2B . . .H. E. Bergeson

H. Miller . . . . . 3B . . .A. Troseth

Heber Becvk . . . C . . . Rawlins

Wilford Jenkins . P . . . Vance Benson

Walter Cooley . . SS . . . R. Dowen

Amos Griffin . . LF . . . E. Ecklund

Parley Rigby . . . CF . . . M. A. Butler

Leon Clark . . . . RF . . . W. Erickson

"James Neilson of Newton was umpire.

"The day closed with a dance in the evening. A large crowd was present.

"Mr. Parley Rigby and Willis Benson of Newton were in Clarkston last Tuesday.

"Miss Selma Barrett of Mendon was in Newton last Tuesday.

"Mr. Ernest Ecklund of Newton was in Ogden last Week.

"Mrs. Lara Hanson of Newton is very ill at present."

--The Logan Republican, July 11, 1911.

July 15, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, July 12.--Mr. Joseph Christensen and family of Newton are spending a few days in

Logan canyon.

"The quarterly conference of the Newton ward will be held next Sunday, July 16.

"Mrs. James F. Hanson of Newton is reported as being very sick at present.

"The young men of Newton, with the same old spirit, went to Hyde Park last Wednesday to

play baseball. The Hyde Park team was too much for our boys and defeated them by a score of 4

to 9.

"Hyde Park will return the game next Wednesday.

"Mr. D. E. Haws and family have returned home for a splendid fishing trip.

"Mr. Walter Cooley of Newton has left for Bancroft, Idaho.

"Mr. William Barker and family of Newton has left for Bancroft, Idaho. Bishop M.C. Rigby

and Junius Rigby of Newton were in Trenton last Wednesday.

"The grain crop in this section of the valley are ripening very fast. There will be some grain

ready of cutting in about a week or ttn [sic-ten] days.

"Mr. Emil Ecklund of Newton who is working for the O.S.L. railroad, is spending a short

vacation with his parents in Newton." --The Logan Republican, July 15, 1911.

July 22, 1911 - p. 4 under "Miss Rosanna Stone of Newton Laid to Rest."

"Newton, July 19.--The funeral services over the remains of Miss Rosanna Stone, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, was held in the Newton ward meeting today. The young lady has been confined to the State Mental Hospital for some time. The young lady was troubled with

epilepsy and passed away last Monday while under one of the spells. She leaves many relatives

and friends to mourn her loss.

"Newton, July 21.--The boys and girls of Newton ward Sunday school, assisted by the older

ones, had a jolly good time among themselves. The day began with a children's dance in the

morning. In the afternoon there were sports of different kinds consisting of ball games between

the boys and girls of different ages, also racing of different kinds. Prizes were given to the winners.

"Refreshments were served during the day. The day ended with a dance in the evening.

"Mrs. A. A. Bresse and son of Pocatello, Idaho, were in Newton last week visiting with Mr.

E. L. Larson and family.

"Mr. and Mrs. John Benson are rejoicing over their newly born babe.

"Mrs. Mattie Griffin of Newton who underwent an operation for kidney trouble is recovering

nicely." --The Logan Republican, July 22, 1911.

July 27, 1911 - p. 4 under "Pioneer Day At Hyde Park."

". . . After the racing came the ball game. Hyde Park vs. Newton. This was a well played

game. Both teams doing some good work. Score: Hyde Park 5; Newton 3. The game was a

peaceable one, unmarred by wrangling and ill feelings. The Hyde Park boys have defeated the

Newton team twice lately, but they are a good natured, gentlemanly lot, taking their defeat

gracefully." --The Logan Republican, July 27, 1911.

July 29, 1911 - p. 4 under "Newton Notes."

"The citizens of Newton joined with the neighboring towns on Pioneer day and had a splendid

time. The Newton baseball team went to Hyde Park and an interesting game was played. The

Hyde Park team defeated our home time by a score of 3 to 5. A dance was given in the Newton

Ward meeting house in the evening.

"The Jones Bros. of Newton have just began their independent heading and threshing outfit.

"Miss Orellia Rigby of Newton spent a few days in Paradise visiting with Miss Mabel Oldham.

"Miss Lillie and Amelia Wennergren of Newton spent Pioneer Day in Mendon.

"Mr. George Ecklund of Newton played baseball with the Mendon Stars last Monday and did

some good playing. . . .

"Mrs. Jane F. Hanson of Newton is reported as not improving very much."

--The Logan Republican, July 29, 1911.

Aug. 1, 1911 - p. 5 under "Surprise Party Held at Newton."

"Newton, July 29.--A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Larson in

behalf of their son Irner. The crowd met about 9:30 and did the act. After this there was music of

different kinds, games, etc., to pass away the evening. A large supper was served before the

crowd adjourned. All went home feeling they had spent a very enjoyable evening.

"Mrs. Laura Hanson, wife of Mr. James F. Hanson passed away the morning of the 29th. She

had been suffering for six weeks or more, from gall stones and liver troubles. Mrs. Hanson was a

good Latterday Saints and was highly respected by her fellow citizens. She leaves a husband and

nine children to mourn her lass. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock in the Newton

ward meeting house.

"Bishop M. C. Rigby and wife of Newton have just returned from Bancroft, Idaho. All the

farmers in that section are busy in the harvest field. The grain is very good, yielding from twenty

to thirty bushels to the acre." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 1, 1911.

August 5, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, July 31.--Funeral Services over the remains of Mrs. James F. Hanson was held last

Tuesday in the Newton ward meeting house. People who knew Mrs. Hanson, traveled many miles

to pay their last respects to her.

"The citizens of Newton turned out very well, most all headers and threshers stopped their work in sympathy. A very beautiful show of flowers were presented at the funeral. The singing was impressive as were the addresses given.

"Mr. N. Jacobson of Newton has his new home nearly completed."

--The Logan Republican, Aug. 5, 1911.

Aug. 10, 1911 - p. 3 under "Newton Paragraphs."

"Newton, Aug. 7.-- . . . A dance was given in the Newton ward meeting house last Friday

evening. A good crowd was present and passed the evening very well."

--The Logan Republican, Aug. 10, 1911.

August 15, 1911 - p. 4 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, Aug. 12.--Miss Beaulah Haws of Hyrum, who has been visiting in Newton for some

time, has returned home.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson and Oliver Peterson of Petersboro were in Newton last Sunday

evening visiting with Mr. D. E. Haws and family.

"Mr. George Nelson of Salt Lake City was in Newton for a few days last week.

"Miss Verna Larson of Newton is in Hyrum at present.

"Mr. Alphonzo Christensen and company of Newton has just purchased a new separator and

has contracted for a lot of threshing.

"Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Larson of Newton were in Logan last Saturday.

"Mr. N. Jacobson of Newton is now living his new home.

"The citizens of Newton are now taking steps towards making their little town a first class one.

A water system is now being laid which will be a great improvement to the town, also a great help

to the people. There was rumors about that the spring from which the water was to be taken was

condemned by the health officers, but there seems to be no truth in the report. The work is now

started." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 15, 1911.

Aug. 15, 1911 - p. 1 under "Commissioners Hold Session."

"Bids for the construction of bridges across Newton and Clarkston creeks were opened and

contracts awarded to Nephi Andrews as the lowest bidder, the bid being $431.25 for each bridge."

--The Logan Republican, Aug. 15, 1911.

Aug. 26, 1911 - p. 7 under "Cache Schools to Open."

". . .Teachers for Cache County, 1911-12.

"Newton -- A. A. Johnson, Emma A. Christensen, Elizabeth Shipley, Anna M. Ralph."

--The Logan Republican, Aug. 26, 1911.

Aug. 29, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton Items."

"The citizens of Newton are all enjoying good health with one exception. Mr. Peter Benson

is now sick with typhoid fever.. . .

"A dance was given in the Newton ward meeting house Aug. 18. A large crowd was present....

"The Larson Brothers of Newton are shipping their threshing outfit to Bancroft where they

will continue threshing for the season." --The Logan Republican, Aug. 29, 1911.

Sept. 7, 1911 - p. 3 under "Country Correspondence."

"Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Sept. 3.--At our service today, Mr. Amos Clarke was honorably release as choir

leader. Mr. Clarke has ben [been] working in this position for over fifty years with good success

having on hand many music books copied by himself. He has spared no time nor means for the

success of the choir. A more faithful leader could not be found. The choir was organized as

follows: Geo. L. Jones, president; L. Geo. Clarke, chorister; Miss Clara Hanson, organist; Miss

Ruth Jenkins, assistant; Mrs. Elizabeth Funk, secretary and treasurer.

"The progress of the work on our waterworks is succeeding nicely. A large number of people

is at work under the supervision of Wheelright Brothers, Ogden, they being awarded the contract.

The source of the water supply is a spring located about 13,000 feet from our public square. From

this spring the water will be brought through a six inch vitrified clay pipe line a distance of about

5,000 feet, where it will be received into a reservoir. This reservoir will be about 8,000 feet from

the square, and from it the water will be conveyed through a pipe line to the center of the town,

whence it will be distributed by a system of mains and laterals that will cover the town thoroughly.

There will be nearly one mile of six inch vitrified clay pipe, and about six miles of calamine pipes

of smaller diameter, besides laterals still small, the total cost being about $18,000 and sixty days

the time to be completed."

"Newton, Sept. 4.--The Larson Bros. of Newton have shipped their threshing machine to

Bancroft, Idaho, where they will thresh the remainder of the season.

"Miss Ida Rigby of Newton is in Bancroft, Idaho, at present.

"Miss Zina and Zylphia Pingree of Ogden, were in Newton and Trenton visiting with Mr.

Vaughn Haws and Vance Benson.

"Miss Amelia Wennergren of Newton was in Logan for a few days last week.

"Mr. James Neilson of Newton has returned from Bancroft for a few days.

"Mr. Nephi Christensen of Newton has disposed of his property in Bancroft and is living in

Newton at present.

"Dr. Wilford Beck of Newton, who has been working in Salt Lake City for some time, is now

in Newton with his folks.

"The Newton ward primary gave a splendid entertainment for the children last Saturday

evening. After the dance for the children, the time was given over to the adults."

--The Logan Republican, Sept. 7, 1911.

Sept. 12, 1911 - p. 1 under "Newton Briefs."

"Newton, Sept. 19.--One of the most interesting features of the week was the Anderson

Bros. merry go round.

"The pipe for the water system has now arrived and is being laid.

"Mr. Peter Benson of Newton, who has been sick for some time is reported as being very ill.

"Most of the grain in this section of the valley is now threshed, but as a rule has fallen short of

what the farmers expected.

"The annual conference of the Newton ward Primary was held last Sunday in the Newton ward

meeting house. A good attendance.

"Members of the stake primary board were present and gave some interesting speeches. A

splendid program was rendered by the children of the primary. Miss Hazen Benson gave a

splendid paper, 'The Benefits Derived from Primary.'" --The Logan Republican, Sept. 12, 1911.

Sept. 13, 1912 - p. 14 under "Talks to Crowd of 2000 at Cache Junction."

"Cache Junction, Utah. Sept. 13.--Col. Theodore Roosevelt made a stop of twelve minutes at

Cache Junction this afternoon. He talked to a crowd of over 2000, who had gathered from all parts

of Cache county. The former president showed little effects of his campaign. He was met at

Pocatello this morning by William Glasmann and other members of the party in Utah. Wesley

K. Walton, the state chairman, will join the party at Brigham City."

--Salt Lake Telegram, Sept. 13, 1912.

Sept. 14, 1911 - p. 5 under "Snapshots at Local News."

"Mr. Andrew Johnson of Richmond was in Logan yesterday. Mr. Johnson will act as principal

of the Newton schools this year." --The Logan Republican, Sept. 14, 1911.

Sept. 19, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton News."

"Newton, Sept. 16.--Mr. David E. Haws a prominent farmer near this settlement was seriously

hurt today, while removing a bale of fencing wire, weighing about 1,400 pounds from a wagon.

He and his son were in the wagon moving the wire to the rear end of the box when the front end

of the box went into the air, throwing them out. The spool of wire went rolling on the ground and

he fell upon it. The speed of the wire threw him backwards on his neck resulting in breaking his

chest bone. Dr. Parkinson of Lewiston was summoned to dress the wound. It will be some time

before he will be around again.

"Mr. James Johnson came nearly losing his finger while trying to belt an engine. The belt flew off the engine striking his finger bruising it very badly.

"Mr. Peter Benson of Newton, who has been seriously ill for some time, is recovering very


"Miss Lillian Griffin of Newton has returned to Ogden where she will attend school for the


"Mr. George Rigby of Newton has returned from Kansas City.

"Miss Mary Neilson of Newton has returned from Bancroft, Idaho."

--The Logan Republican, Sept. 19, 1911.

Sept. 26, 1911 - p. 2 under "Newton."

"Newton, Sept. 25.--The district schools of Newton have started and expect a very successful


"Mr. David E. Haws of Newton who was seriously injured last week, is now able to move


"A large crowd of the young folks of Newton were in Brigham City for Peach Day.

"The farmers in this section of the county are busy preparing their land for fall grain.

"Mr. Leon Clark of Newton has returned from Bancroft, Idaho.

"Miss ladys [sic-Gladys] and Mable Haws who have been spending the summer vacation on

their farm near Newton have returned to Logan for the winter."

--The Logan Republican, Sept. 26, 1911.

Sept. 28, 1911 -p. 5 under "NOTICE."

"State of Utah County of Cache.

"In the Newton precinct of said county"

"I Have in my possession the following described estray animal; if not claimed and taken

away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my corrall [sic]in Newton on

the 4th day of October, 1911, at the hour of one o'clock. One sorrel mare branded L and J

combined on left shoulder; wire cut on right front foot; has shoes on all four feet; left

front foot and left hind foot white; is about fourteen years old. Said estray was taken up

in said town on the 23rd day of September.


Poundkeeper of Newton. --The Logan Republican, Sept. 28, 1911.

Oct. 3, 1911 - p. 7 under "Newton News."

"Newton, Utah, September 29.--[?] that Mr. Verne Larson of this place is thinking of venturing

into the sea of matrimony with a beautiful Smithfield lady at the helm.

"Mr. Vaughan Haws of this place, while remaining in Trenton over night with his uncle, B. Y.

Benson, had the misfortune to lose his bicycle which he left behind the house during the night.

They tracked the bicycle to Lewiston, where they found a tramp had disposed of the bicycle to a

little boy for $5.00 and left with the money. Mr. Haws was compelled to pay the boy $2.50 for the

return of the machine. The tramp has not been located as yet, however, a warm reception awaits

him when he is found.

"The six-year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. George Rigby narrowly escaped passing through a

threshing machine today. The boy was playing around the feeder that projects from the cylinder to

the ground, and was being carried upwards when he was noticed and rescued before being injured

in any way." --The Logan Republican, Oct. 3, 1911.

Oct. 7, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton News."

"Newton, Oct. 4.--The storm which has just passed was a great help to the fall grain in this

section of the valley. Most all the farmers had their land in first class condition to hold moisture,

so by all prospects the grain crop for next year will be good.

"Dr. Milford [Wilford] Beck of Newton is in Salt Lake City taking his state examination.

Dr. Beck returned from the east last spring where he has been studying.

"Mr. Amos Griffin and Parley Rigby of Newton are enrolled at the Agricultural College.

"Mr. Alphonzo Christensen of Newton is spending a few days in Salt Lake City.

"Mr. George Ecklund of Newton is in Salt Lake City for a short visit.

"Mr. Pearly Jenkins of Newton has left for Bancroft, Idaho."

--The Logan Republican, Oct. 7, 1911.

Oct. 12, 1911 - p. 6 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, Oct. 5.--M.[Mr.] Niels Christensen was seriously hurt today. He was riding in a

wagon and made an effort to hit one of the horses when he was thrown out of the wagon and

struck on the back of his neck on the hub of the wheel, thus injuring him in such a way that one

side of his body is paralyzed. Dr. Beck is attending and thinks he will be on the improve within

a few days.

"Fritz Ecklund took a flying trip to Salt Lake City last week.

"Misses Hazel and Norma Benson are attending school at the B.Y.C. this year, also Misses

Vera and Eveline Christensen of this place.

"Mrs. Lucy Jenkins of Newton has returned from Ogden where she had been visiting with her


"Mr, Samuel Rigby has returned from Bancroft, Idaho."

--The Logan Republican, Oct. 12, 1911.

Oct. 13, 1913 - p. 10 under "Dry Farm Delegates Named by Governor."

"Gov. William Spry this morning announced the following as Utah's delegates to the

international dry farming congress which will be held at Tulsa, Okla., October 27 to 31.

"Dr. John A. Widtsoe, Logan; John Q. Adams, Logan; . . .W. R. Griffin, Newton; W. R.

Ballard, Newton; . . .F. W. Barson, Clarkston; . . . George L. Farrell, Smithfield; . . . ."

--Salt Lake Telegram, Oct. 13, 1913.

Oct. 17, 1911 - p. 2 under "Newton Notes."

"The Newton Irrigation Company has been figuring on building a large spill way in order

to protect the dam from washing away in times of high wastes. There is considerable cement

work to be done and cold weather coming on they have decided to let the work go until next

spring. The cost of the work is estimated at $1900.

"Nulce [sic-Niels] Christensen who was injured last week is on the improve.

"Bishop M. C. Rigby has returned from Salt Lake.

"Lester Rigby of Rexburg, Idaho, has been in Newton visiting with his relatives.

"John E. Griffin of this place has returned from a pleasant visit at Salt Lake."

--The Logan Republican, Oct. 17, 1911.

Oct. 19, 1911 - p. 7 under "Newton."

"Newton, Oct. 16.--The most notable event of the week was the marriage of Miss Ida Jacobson

to John Miller, both of this place.

"The ceremony was performed at the Logan court house on Friday last. On their return home

in the evening, a wedding reception was awaiting them, the guest being members, relatives and

intimate friends. All seemed to enjoy the time and many congratulations were heaped upon the

happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Miller expect to make their future home in Newton.

"On Friday evening last a dance was given in the Newton ward meeting house. Guest being

present from the neighboring towns.

"Dr. Arthur Cooley, formerly of Newton, has been here for a few days.

"Mrs. William Longhurst of Woodruff, Rich county, is in Newton at present visiting with her


"Mr. Nels [sic-Niels] Christensen of Newton is improving.

"Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Godfrey of Newton were presented last Wednesday with a beautiful

baby girl." --The Logan Republican, Oct. 19, 1911.

Oct. 24, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton Notes."

"Dr. J. F. Alton who resided in Newton up to a few months ago, has returned. Since Dr. Alton

went to Nevada last spring the citizens of this place have waited anxiously for his return. Dr.

Alton had done considerable work here and also in neighboring towns, and has proven himself to

Be a man of experience along his line. Just how long he will remain is not known.

"Nelce Christensen who was seriously hurt a short time ago and was on the improve is now

reported to be very ill." --The Logan Republican, Oct. 24, 1911.

Nov. 2, 1911 - p. 8 under "To Furnish Newton With Electric Lights."

"Newton, Oct. 30.--A citizens' meeting was held here last night to consider a proposition

offered to furnish our town with electric lights. A committee consisting of W. R. Ballard,

M. C. Rigby and M. T. Beck was named to investigate the cast [sic-cost] and details. A meeting

will be called in the near future to hear the report. A ticket was also name to constitute our town

board to be voted for in November, as follows: W. R. Ballard, W. F.Jenson, L. Geo. Clarke, Geo.

L. Jones and J. J. Larson.

"The work on our water system is progressing nicely and will be completed in a few weeks.

Everybody is busy digging trenches to their premises.

"Mr. Niels Christensen is very slowly improving after his accident, and it is doubtful whether he

will ever get the perfect use of his limbs.

"Last Friday evening our M.I.A. held its annual party with a large attendance. Dancing and

refreshments was the features of the evening, and a good time was enjoyed.

"Mr. Charles Christensen, formerly of Newton was here for a few days.

"Mr. Junius Rigby of Newton was in Logan last Saturday.

"Mr. Leo Richards of Logan has been in Newton for a few days lately."

--The Logan Republican, Nov. 2, 1911.

Nov. 4, 1911 -p. 5 under "Newton."

"Newton, Nov. 2.--We have heard a rumor to the effect that Mr. Henry Jenson and Mrs. Ida Rigby, both of Newton, after studying upon the question of matrimony, have finally decided to

follow the little god Cupid.

"Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rigby of Newton were present with a beautiful baby girl last Monday

evening. All are doing well.

"Mr. Pearl Jenkins is building a new residence."

--The Logan Republican, Nov. 4, 1911.

Nov. 14, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Utah, Nov. 3.--The Newton water system is nearly completed, which will be a great

help to most people. The citizens feel that they have invested their money to a wise purpose and

expect to receive double pay for their trouble. We expect the water to be turned in this week.

"On Friday last the Mutual Improvement workers of this ward turned out in a body for the

purpose of digging the trenches for all the widows and those whose husbands were on missions

or elsewhere. The young ladies served supper at 5:30 to all those who were working. In the

evening a dance was given in the meeting house which was fairly well attended.

"The Newton ward primary has established a branch at Cache Junction, which is to be

directed under the sisters of Cache Junction.

"Mr. Moses Rigby of Newton returned from Salt Lake City last Sunday where he has been for

a few days for the purpose of having his tonsils removed.

"Mr. M. C. Rigby of Newton is in Salt Lake City at present.

"The election went off very peaceably. The Citizen's ticket being the only ticket in the field.

The candidates were: Mayor Willard R. Ballard; City Councilmen, J. J. Larson, Wm. Jenson,

Jr., L. E. Clark, G. L. Jones.

"Mr. Henry Jenson of Newton has returned from Bancroft, Idaho, also Mr. Henry Miller has

returned from his farm in Bancroft.

"Mrs. Lizzie Peterson, wife of Mr. Christian Peterson, gave a social party in behalf of Mr.

Willard Rigby of Rexburg, who expects to leave for a mission in a few days. The evening

consisted of a splendid supper, followed by musical numbers and different games.

"Mr. E. L. Larson and Mr. Ernest Ecklund of Newton returned from Logan canyon last week

with two splendid deer.

"Mr. Moses Rigby of Newton returned from Bancroft, Idaho, a few days ago ill with qunsey.

Mrs. Ida Rigby came home at the same time.

"Mt. Alphonzo Christensen of Newton was in Trenton last Wednesday. "

--The Logan Republican, Nov. 14, 1911.

Nov. 18, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Nov. 16.--The ground this morning is again covered with the beautiful.

"Our district schools are in a flourishing condition. We have employed four teachers. The

school is graded as follows: The beginners and first is taught by Mrs. Anna May Ralph,

2 and 3 by Miss Elizabeth Shipley, 4 and 5 by Emma A. Christensen, 6, 7 and 8 grade by

Principal A. A. Johnson.

"Mrs. Anton Lauritzen had the misfortune of falling the other day and breaking her leg in three

places. Dr. Budge was summoned and set the limb. She is feeling as well as can be expected at

this writing.

"Mr. Niels Christensen is improving very slowly, and has not as yet got the use of his hands and feet.

"Our waterworks are now completed. The water was turned in the Mains last night."

--The Logan Republican, Nov. 18, 1911.

Nov. 23, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Nov. 20.--On Thursday evening last a social party was given at the residence of Mr.

James P. Hanson in behalf of Mr. Carl Johnson and Mr. Rex Wheelwright who have been here

helping to lay the Newton water system. The evening was spent in playing games, songs, piano

solos and refreshments.

". . . A dance was given last Friday evening in the Newton ward meeting house.

"Mrs. Anthon Lauritzen while walking around in the yard had the misfortune to slip, her leg

doubling under her, breaking the limb in three places.

"Mr. Peter Benson of Newton, who has been sick with typhoid for some time, is able to be

around at his usual work." --The Logan Republican, Nov. 23, 1911.

Nov. 28, 1911 - p. 6 under "Jury Commissioners Give Out Jury List."

"Jurors For the Year 1912 Drawn and Arranged According to Precincts."

"Newton Precinct.-- Heber Beck, Geo. W. Curtis, Henry Parsons, Wilford Jenkins, Peter E.

Benson, Andrew Petersen, M. C. Rigby." --The Logan Republican, Nov. 28, 1911.

Nov. 28, 1911 - p. 8 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Nov. 20.--The annual meeting of the Newton Irrigation company was held last Monday evening for the purpose of hearing the annual report and to elect new officers. The

meeting was somewhat a warm one from beginning to end, but ended with good results: The

officers for the nevt [sic-next] year are as follows: John Larson, president; Peter E.

Benson, vice-president; J. J. Larson, secretary; directors, David Clark and Henry Parsons.

The corporation is thriving and is a very beneficial one.

"Nr. and Mrs. Amos Rigby, formerly of Newton, have returned from Bancroft where they have

been spending the summer.

"Mr. Heber Beck of Newton was in Smithfield last Tuesday on business.”

--The Logan Republican, Nov. 28, 1911.

Dec. 5, 1911 - p. 6 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Dec. 2.--Our town is improving very fast. The water system which has just recently

been finished is a great success. We expect before long to have the electric lights in town. They

will be taken from the time which is being wired to Cache Junction.

"Mr. Moses Christensen is building an up-to-date barn also our post mistress has her new

residence nearly completed.

"Mr. Fritz Ecklund of Newton is reported to be ill with pneumonia.

"Mr. and Mrs. William Jones of Newton are rejoicing over their newly born babe.

"Miss Ida Rigby of Newton has returned from Logan where she has been visiting with her

friends." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 5, 1911.

Dec. 7, 1911 - p. 5 under "Newton Notes."

"Newton, Dec. 4.--The citizens of Newton spent Thanksgiving day in the same manner as usual.

A large number were blessed with a splendid 'Turkey dinner,' others were invited to dine with

their neighbors and friends. In the afternoon a dance was given for the children, which was

greatly enjoyed. The day ended with a dance for young and old.

"James Miller and M. Daniel Lander, both of Newton, have returned from Bancroft, Idaho.

"Mr. Arlington Haws and Mrs. Vernon Adams, formerly of Newton have been spending the

Thanksgiving recess on the farm." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 7, 1911.

Dec. 14, 1911 - p. 6 under "Newton Nuggets."

"The citizens of Newton are aroused over the electric lights. A meeting was held last

Wednesday evening to discuss the matter, but not final arrangements were made. A committee

Was appointed to investigate and find the most reasonable method of securing them. Some

Suggestions were made about building a power plant of our own, but there was great opposition

on account of not having a sufficient flow of water.

"Mr. Fritz Ecklund of Newton who has been seriously ill with pneumonia is now recovering.

"Mr. Joseph Christensen of Newton was in Logan last Wednesday.

"Miss Clara Hanson of Newton has been thinking for some time of residing in Ogden, but now,

after receiving a final answer had decided to go.

"Mr. Neilse Jacobsen of Newton agent for the Beneficial Life Insurance company had returned

from a tour in Idaho.

"The Newton primary convention will be held next Thursday. A splendid program is arranged


"Mrs. Fannie Baker of Newton was in Logan last Saturday.

"Mr. Christian Petersen and Thomas Griffin, both of Newton were in Logan Saturday.

"Mr. George Rigby of Newton is in southern Utah on business.

"On Friday evening last a dance was given in the Newton ward meeting house. A splendid

crowd was present." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 14, 1911.

Dec.21, 1911 - p. 8 under "Elder Ezra Cooley Returns From Mission."

"Newton, Dec. 19.--Elder Ezra Cooley of Newton, who has been laboring in the mission field

in Australia for about two years, returned home last Friday in excellent health. Md. [Mr.]

Cooley delivered a very interesting sermon in the afternoon services on Sunday last, to the

truthfulness and the testimony which he had concerning the true and everlasting gospel. He also

explained the good which young men would obtain in attending their priesthood meetings, how it

would prepare them for the mission field. The citizens of Newton are all glad to welcome Mr.

Cooley home again.

"Mr. James Nelson of Newton has returned from his farm in Alexander, Idaho. He reports there

being several inches of snow.

"Mr. Walter Cooley of Newton is in Stone, Idaho, teaching school as present.

"Mr. Eli Hanson and family have returned from their farm in Alexander, Idaho, for the winter."

--The Logan Republican, Dec. 21, 1911.

Dec. 28, 1911 - p. 6 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Dec. 24.--One of the most interesting features of the week was the marriage of Miss

Iva Nelson to Mr. Moses Rigby, both of Newton. The young couple were married in the Logan

temple on Thursday last. On their return home a splendid wedding reception was awaited them,

the guests being members of both families and intimate friends. All seemed to enjoy congratu-

lating and showering blessings on the newly wedding couple. Mr. and Mrs. Rigby will make their

future home in Newton.

"The district school of this place had a splendid celebration before closing for the holiday recess. The rooms were decorated very beautifully; also a splendid program was rendered, followed by a splendid feast.

"A new floor has been laid in our meeting house which will make it nice for the dancing public." --The Logan Republican, Dec. 28, 1911.

Dec. 30, 1911 - p.5 under "Newton Nuggets."

"Newton, Dec. 26.--On Saturday evening last a very nice entertainment was given by the

Newton Sunday school. It was given mostly by the smaller children. The play which the

Presented was: A Merry Christmas. The leading characters were: Mildred Benson, Royden

Benson and Cyril Clark. The children all did well. During the intermission, violin and piano

selections were rendered. Immediately after this a farce was presented by the Theological and

Parent class. The play was entitled: 'Freeing My Mother-in-Law.' The characters were: Edward

Fish, Ruth Jenkins, Henry Parsons, Leatha Anderson and Emil Winnergren. All went home

feeling that they had enjoyed a splendid evening and thanked the sisters who had taken part in

bringing this about.

"Miss Cloddy Johnson of Logan is in Newton on a visit.

"Mr. Amos Griffin and Parley Rigby of Newton have returned home for the holidays.

"Miss Hazel and Norma Benson of Newton have returned home from school for the holiday

recess, also Miss Vera and Evelyn Christensen has returned home.

"The Christmas celebration passed away very successfully. An entertainment was given for

the children in the afternoon, followed by a dance in the evening for adults."

--The Logan Republican, Dec. 30, 1911.