Welcome to Salem Township! Here you will find a growing amount of data pertaining to the township, the towns, the people and it's history. Contributions are welcome as this site continues to grow.
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Salem Township was created from Highland Township in July 1819 by the Muskingum County Commisioners. It is found in the north eastern part of Muskingum County between Highland Twp. to the east, Madison and Washington Twps. to the west, Adams Twp. to the north and Perry Twp. to the south. It is found in Range 6W in an area known as "The Military District" which was originally laid out following the Revolutionary War. The name "Salem" was taken from Salem, Massachusetts where some of it's early inhabitants had come from. The major town is Adamsville which once was a prospering community but has of late fallen the way of many towns bypassed by major highways.
Queries can be posted to the Muskingum County, OH query board
Last Updated on Mar 5, 2021
Denny Shirer