Washington D.C.

Washington DC 1822 Directory

Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salus

Transcriber's Notes

  1. This was the first general directory of the City of Washington to be published. It included residents, businesses, and some government offices. Women were included only if they were engaged in a business or widowed and head of household.
  2. Abbreviations: The editor used a system of contraction to indicate place of residence.
    F Street north is expressed by Fn; 12th street west, by 12w. Using the quadrant designations of today, the address Fn & 12w would be 12th & F Sts, NW.
    Other abbreviations include DW for dwelling; btw for between; flr for floor; and av for avenue.
    The side of the street is sometimes indicated by the appropriate compass indicator: s side An indicates the south side of A street in one of the northern quadrants.
  3. References: Union Street ran from M to O Streets between 4-1/2 and 6th, SW, Greenleaf s Point. References to Branch Bank probably refer to the Washington, DC, branch of the United States Bank, the headquarters of which was in Philadelphia, Pa. The term mansion house sometimes appears. This may refer to the Mansion Hotel which opened in March 1818 under the operation of Joshua Tennison. By early June, Strother had joined Tennison to operate the Mansion, but that partnership was dissolved on June 24, 1818, and Strother alone operated the Mansion Hotel, described as located in Tayloe s Row adjacent to the Washington Hotel.
  4. Occupations: Occupations don't always carry the same meaning as those in use today. Some of these occupation descriptions were unique to DC. To provide clarification, a list of occupations of old Washington is provided.

Businesses & Organizations

Business or OrganizationNotes
African Church at Navy Yard(Mr. Smith's), 4e btw Virginia av & Gs
Allen, S. & M. & Co.lottery and exchange brokers, n side Penn av, a few doors west of Brown's Hotel
Anderson & Meehanpublishers, Columbian Star n e corner En & 10w; DW a few doors east
Bank of the Metropoliscorner Fn and 15w, opposite the Treasury Dept
Bank of Washingtone side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
Baptist Church at Navy Yard(Mr. Barton's)
Bostock & Coopermillwrights, n side Penn av btw 17 and 18w
Botanic Gardenopposite west front of the Capitol
Branch of the U.S. Bankn e corner Fn & 13w
Brown, Robert & Archibalde side 12w btw F and Gn
Camalier & Obearcarpenters, cor Virginia av & 7e, Navy Yard
Cana's Wharftermination of 7w
Carusi's Washington Assembly Roomse side 11w btw Penn av and the Tiber
Catholic Burying Groundnear the north end of 3w outside the city limits
Catholic Seminaryn side Fn btw 9 & 10w adjoining Catholic Church
Cemetery ' Catholic Burying Groundnear the north end of 3w outside the city limits
Cemetery ' Eastern Burying Groundsquare 1026, btw H and In (Eye north) and 12 & 14e
Cemetery ' Episcopalian (new) Burying Groundsquare 276, btw 12 & 13 w and R and Sn
Cemetery ' Episcopalian Burying Groundnear the Eastern Branch, upper bridge
Cemetery ' Western Burying Groundsquare 109, btw S & Tn and 19 and 20w
Charles, William B. & Richard4e near Eastern Branch
Christ Church(Mr. McCormick's) square 877, Navy Yard
City Hotel (Rumpff's Hotel)Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
City Post Officeeast end of general post office
Clerk of Circuit Court's officecorner An (A north) & 1e Capitol Hill
Clerk of Supreme Court's officen wing Capitol, 1st flr
Colston & Loockerman Dry & Fancy Goodsstore, Varnum's Row, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Columbian Collegenear the north end of 14w
Columbian Tavern7 st, near the Centre Market
Coomb's Wharfnear the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch
Coote, Thomas & Clement T.brewers, w side New Jersey av near Eastern Branch
Coote's Brewerys end of New Jersey av near Eastern Branch
Council Chambersw side 13w btw E and Fn
County JailEn back of and near the City Hall
Croft & Norrbakers, n side Fn btw 11 & 12w
Davidson's Wharfwestern termination of Gn
Davis & Forceprinters, booksellers, and stationers, next door west of Brown's Hotel, Penn av
Dyer's Steam Millnear the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch
Eastern Burying Groundsquare 1026, btw H and In (Eye north) and 12 & 14e
Eastern Public Schoolcorner Ds and 3e
Education Society of the District of Columbia(est. 1818 for education of young men for the Protestant Episcopal ministry), Rev. William H. Wilmer, D.D. (of Alexandria), Pres
Episcopalian Burying Ground (new)square 276, btw 12 & 13 w and R and Sn
Episcopalian Burying Groundnear the Eastern Branch, upper bridge
Fales & Stowersgrocers, n e corner Penn av & 10w
Female Cent Society(est. 1820 as an auxiliary to the Education Society of the District of Columbia; fees 52 cents/year), Mrs. Hawley, President
First Baptist Church(Mr. Brown's) corner In (Eye north) and 19w
First Presbyterian Church(Mr. Post's) South Capitol street near the capitol
Foy's Seed Store(John Foy, prop.), Penn av near the Capitol, opposite the Botanic ground
Franklin Insurance Officen side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Friend's Meetinghousen side In (Eye north) btw 18 and 19w
Gales & Seatonproprietors, The National Intelligencer, n w corner 7w & Dn
Gardiner & Ennalsdry goods store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
General Post Officebtw E and Fn and 7 & 8w
Glass Houseon the Potomac near the southern termination of 20w
Guegan's Foreign Book Store(Henry Guegan, prop.), Penn av btw Strother's and Sanford's Hotels
Hamburgh's Wharfnear the Glass House, south end of 20w
Handy, S. W. & Cohaters, n side Penn av near Brown's Hotel; DW s side Fn btw 10 & 11w
Hines, C & Mgrocers, s w corner Penn av & 20w
Holmead, Anthony & Johndry goods store, s side Penn av near Centre Market; DW w side 7w btw D & En
Hyatt, Seth & Co.grocers, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
Ingle & Lindsleyhardware merchants, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel; DWs Capitol Hill near Bank of Washington
King & Langleylumber merchants, 12th st wharf
Lenox's Wharfend of 13-1/2 w near Washington Bridge
Mansion Hotel (Strother's Hotel)n w corner Penn av & 14w.March, Peter, plasterer, 4e btw D & Es
Marine Barrackssquare 927, btw G and Is (Eye south) and 8 & 9e
Marshal's Officecorner An (A north) & 1e Capitol Hill
Masonic Hall11w opposite Washington Assembly Rooms (Carusi's)
Masonic HallVirginia av btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Matlock & Vardenmerchant tailors, e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
McDuell & Gormanpainters, n e corner Penn av & 11w
McGrath, Daniel & Johncoach makers, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
McKean & Gullyblacksmiths, Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Methodist Church at Navy Yard(Mr. Peyton's)
Methodist Foundry Chapel(Mr. Bear's) corner of Gn & 14w
Military & General War Accounts Settlement & Claims Agency(Joseph Watson), Penn Av near the Patriotic Bank, btw 9 & 10 sts
Navy Departmentwest of the President's House
Navy Hospitalcorner 10 e & Penn av
Navy Magazine on Marine hospital reservationEastern Branch
Nicholls H. & Co.hat store, opposite Brown's Hotel (Penn av)
O'Neale's HotelPenn av
Orphan Asylum(females only; founded 1815), w side 7w btw H and In (Eye north)
Orphan's Courtw side 13w btw E and Fn
Passet & Fadeuilheupholsterers and paper hangers, s w corner Penn av & 10w
Patent Office2d flr, general post office
Patriotic Bankn side Penn av btw 9 and 10w
Peck's HotelGeorgetown
Pishey Thompson Booksellers & StationersPenn av, bet 11 & 12 sts
Pope & Thompsonchairmakers, s e corner Penn av & 13w
Presbyterian Church(Dr. Laurie's) s side Fn btw 14 and 15w
Printing Office(William Duncan), 12w btw E & Fn
Queen's HotelNicholas L. Queen, proprietor, Capitol Hill
Rapley & Averygrocers, 7w, opposite Centre Market
Register of Willsw side 13w btw E and Fn
Rumpff's Hotel (City Hotel)Penn av, opposite Brown's Hotel
Sanford's HotelPenn av
Sealer of Weights and Measuress side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Second Presbyterian Church(Mr. Baker's) New York av btw 13 & 14w
Seven BuildingsPenn av btw 19 & 20w
Smallwood's Wharfnear the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch
St. John's Church(Mr. Hawley's) corner Hn & 16w, opposite President's House
St. Patrick's Church(Mr. Matthew's) n side Fn btw 9 and 10w
St. Peter's Church(Mr. Lucas') 2e btw C and Ds
State Departmenteast of the President's House near the Treasury Dept
Stewart, Solomon & Davidcoach makers, Penn av west of & near the Capitol
Strother's Hotel (Mansion Hotel)2d ward, Penn av
Tobacco Inspection Warehouse3e btw M & N near the Eastern Branch
Treasury Departmenteast of the President's House near the State Dept
Unitarian Church(Mr. Little's) n e corner Dn & 6w
United States Bank(Washington, DC, branch), n e corner Fn & 13w
Van Ness's Wharftermination of 17w
War Departmentwest of the President's House
Washington Assembly Rooms(Carusi's), e side 11w btw Penn av and the Tiber
Washington Asylumsquare 448, 7w btw M and Nn
Washington Libraryeast end of general post office, btw E and Fn and 7 & 8w
Way & Gideonprinters & stationers, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Webb's Apothecary StorePenn av near Brown's Hotel
Western Academycorner In (Eye north) & 17w
Western Burying Groundsquare 109, btw S & Tn and 19 and 20w
Western Public Schools e corner Gn and 14w
Williams, John & Jamescabinet makers, n side Penn av btw 17 & 18w

Occupations of Old Washington, DC:

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This page was last updated 03/05/2025