Business or Organization | Notes |
African Church at Navy Yard | (Mr. Smith's), 4e btw Virginia av & Gs |
Allen, S. & M. & Co. | lottery and exchange brokers, n side Penn av, a few doors west of Brown's Hotel |
Anderson & Meehan | publishers, Columbian Star n e corner En & 10w; DW a few doors east |
Bank of the Metropolis | corner Fn and 15w, opposite the Treasury Dept |
Bank of Washington | e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill |
Baptist Church at Navy Yard | (Mr. Barton's) |
Bostock & Cooper | millwrights, n side Penn av btw 17 and 18w |
Botanic Garden | opposite west front of the Capitol |
Branch of the U.S. Bank | n e corner Fn & 13w |
Brown, Robert & Archibald | e side 12w btw F and Gn |
Camalier & Obear | carpenters, cor Virginia av & 7e, Navy Yard |
Cana's Wharf | termination of 7w |
Carusi's Washington Assembly Rooms | e side 11w btw Penn av and the Tiber |
Catholic Burying Ground | near the north end of 3w outside the city limits |
Catholic Seminary | n side Fn btw 9 & 10w adjoining Catholic Church |
Cemetery ' Catholic Burying Ground | near the north end of 3w outside the city limits |
Cemetery ' Eastern Burying Ground | square 1026, btw H and In (Eye north) and 12 & 14e |
Cemetery ' Episcopalian (new) Burying Ground | square 276, btw 12 & 13 w and R and Sn |
Cemetery ' Episcopalian Burying Ground | near the Eastern Branch, upper bridge |
Cemetery ' Western Burying Ground | square 109, btw S & Tn and 19 and 20w |
Charles, William B. & Richard | 4e near Eastern Branch |
Christ Church | (Mr. McCormick's) square 877, Navy Yard |
City Hotel (Rumpff's Hotel) | Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel |
City Post Office | east end of general post office |
Clerk of Circuit Court's office | corner An (A north) & 1e Capitol Hill |
Clerk of Supreme Court's office | n wing Capitol, 1st flr |
Colston & Loockerman Dry & Fancy Goods | store, Varnum's Row, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w |
Columbian College | near the north end of 14w |
Columbian Tavern | 7 st, near the Centre Market |
Coomb's Wharf | near the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch |
Coote, Thomas & Clement T. | brewers, w side New Jersey av near Eastern Branch |
Coote's Brewery | s end of New Jersey av near Eastern Branch |
Council Chambers | w side 13w btw E and Fn |
County Jail | En back of and near the City Hall |
Croft & Norr | bakers, n side Fn btw 11 & 12w |
Davidson's Wharf | western termination of Gn |
Davis & Force | printers, booksellers, and stationers, next door west of Brown's Hotel, Penn av |
Dyer's Steam Mill | near the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch |
Eastern Burying Ground | square 1026, btw H and In (Eye north) and 12 & 14e |
Eastern Public School | corner Ds and 3e |
Education Society of the District of Columbia | (est. 1818 for education of young men for the Protestant Episcopal ministry), Rev. William H. Wilmer, D.D. (of Alexandria), Pres |
Episcopalian Burying Ground (new) | square 276, btw 12 & 13 w and R and Sn |
Episcopalian Burying Ground | near the Eastern Branch, upper bridge |
Fales & Stowers | grocers, n e corner Penn av & 10w |
Female Cent Society | (est. 1820 as an auxiliary to the Education Society of the District of Columbia; fees 52 cents/year), Mrs. Hawley, President |
First Baptist Church | (Mr. Brown's) corner In (Eye north) and 19w |
First Presbyterian Church | (Mr. Post's) South Capitol street near the capitol |
Foy's Seed Store | (John Foy, prop.), Penn av near the Capitol, opposite the Botanic ground |
Franklin Insurance Office | n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w |
Friend's Meetinghouse | n side In (Eye north) btw 18 and 19w |
Gales & Seaton | proprietors, The National Intelligencer, n w corner 7w & Dn |
Gardiner & Ennals | dry goods store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w |
General Post Office | btw E and Fn and 7 & 8w |
Glass House | on the Potomac near the southern termination of 20w |
Guegan's Foreign Book Store | (Henry Guegan, prop.), Penn av btw Strother's and Sanford's Hotels |
Hamburgh's Wharf | near the Glass House, south end of 20w |
Handy, S. W. & Co | haters, n side Penn av near Brown's Hotel; DW s side Fn btw 10 & 11w |
Hines, C & M | grocers, s w corner Penn av & 20w |
Holmead, Anthony & John | dry goods store, s side Penn av near Centre Market; DW w side 7w btw D & En |
Hyatt, Seth & Co. | grocers, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel |
Ingle & Lindsley | hardware merchants, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel; DWs Capitol Hill near Bank of Washington |
King & Langley | lumber merchants, 12th st wharf |
Lenox's Wharf | end of 13-1/2 w near Washington Bridge |
Mansion Hotel (Strother's Hotel) | n w corner Penn av & 14w.March, Peter, plasterer, 4e btw D & Es |
Marine Barracks | square 927, btw G and Is (Eye south) and 8 & 9e |
Marshal's Office | corner An (A north) & 1e Capitol Hill |
Masonic Hall | 11w opposite Washington Assembly Rooms (Carusi's) |
Masonic Hall | Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard |
Matlock & Varden | merchant tailors, e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill |
McDuell & Gorman | painters, n e corner Penn av & 11w |
McGrath, Daniel & John | coach makers, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w |
McKean & Gully | blacksmiths, Penn av btw 17 & 18w |
Methodist Church at Navy Yard | (Mr. Peyton's) |
Methodist Foundry Chapel | (Mr. Bear's) corner of Gn & 14w |
Military & General War Accounts Settlement & Claims Agency | (Joseph Watson), Penn Av near the Patriotic Bank, btw 9 & 10 sts |
Navy Department | west of the President's House |
Navy Hospital | corner 10 e & Penn av |
Navy Magazine on Marine hospital reservation | Eastern Branch |
Nicholls H. & Co. | hat store, opposite Brown's Hotel (Penn av) |
O'Neale's Hotel | Penn av |
Orphan Asylum | (females only; founded 1815), w side 7w btw H and In (Eye north) |
Orphan's Court | w side 13w btw E and Fn |
Passet & Fadeuilhe | upholsterers and paper hangers, s w corner Penn av & 10w |
Patent Office | 2d flr, general post office |
Patriotic Bank | n side Penn av btw 9 and 10w |
Peck's Hotel | Georgetown |
Pishey Thompson Booksellers & Stationers | Penn av, bet 11 & 12 sts |
Pope & Thompson | chairmakers, s e corner Penn av & 13w |
Presbyterian Church | (Dr. Laurie's) s side Fn btw 14 and 15w |
Printing Office | (William Duncan), 12w btw E & Fn |
Queen's Hotel | Nicholas L. Queen, proprietor, Capitol Hill |
Rapley & Avery | grocers, 7w, opposite Centre Market |
Register of Wills | w side 13w btw E and Fn |
Rumpff's Hotel (City Hotel) | Penn av, opposite Brown's Hotel |
Sanford's Hotel | Penn av |
Sealer of Weights and Measures | s side Penn av btw 12 & 13w |
Second Presbyterian Church | (Mr. Baker's) New York av btw 13 & 14w |
Seven Buildings | Penn av btw 19 & 20w |
Smallwood's Wharf | near the Navy Yard, Eastern Branch |
St. John's Church | (Mr. Hawley's) corner Hn & 16w, opposite President's House |
St. Patrick's Church | (Mr. Matthew's) n side Fn btw 9 and 10w |
St. Peter's Church | (Mr. Lucas') 2e btw C and Ds |
State Department | east of the President's House near the Treasury Dept |
Stewart, Solomon & David | coach makers, Penn av west of & near the Capitol |
Strother's Hotel (Mansion Hotel) | 2d ward, Penn av |
Tobacco Inspection Warehouse | 3e btw M & N near the Eastern Branch |
Treasury Department | east of the President's House near the State Dept |
Unitarian Church | (Mr. Little's) n e corner Dn & 6w |
United States Bank | (Washington, DC, branch), n e corner Fn & 13w |
Van Ness's Wharf | termination of 17w |
War Department | west of the President's House |
Washington Assembly Rooms | (Carusi's), e side 11w btw Penn av and the Tiber |
Washington Asylum | square 448, 7w btw M and Nn |
Washington Library | east end of general post office, btw E and Fn and 7 & 8w |
Way & Gideon | printers & stationers, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w |
Webb's Apothecary Store | Penn av near Brown's Hotel |
Western Academy | corner In (Eye north) & 17w |
Western Burying Ground | square 109, btw S & Tn and 19 and 20w |
Western Public School | s e corner Gn and 14w |
Williams, John & James | cabinet makers, n side Penn av btw 17 & 18w |
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