Washington D.C.

Washington DC 1822 Directory

Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salus
 A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     XYZ   


Abbott, John - clk in third Auditor's office, first floor, Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Ackman, John - coppersmith, Hn btw 19 and 20w
Adams, B. L. - grocer, s side Penn av btw 21 and 22w
Adams, George - auctioneer and collector, 5th & 6th wards, corner 8e and Ls, Navy Yard
Adams, James - bricklayer, n side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Adams, John Alexander - librarian, Washington library; DW corner 7w and Gn
Adams, John Quincy - Sec'y of State, No. 1, 2d flr, State Dept; DW n side Fn btw 13 and 14w
Adams, Mrs. - widow, corner 7w and Gn
Adams, William - (colored man), plasterer, s side Gn btw 14 & 15w
Addison, Thomas B. - clk, Sec'y of War office, 2d flr War Dept; DW Georgetown
Aiken, Prudence - widow, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w
Aiken, William - corner 9e and Ms near the Navy Yard
Alexander, Charles - upholster, n side Penn av btw 12 and 13w
Allen, John - Dry Goods Store n side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Allen, Robert - carpenter, e side 13w btw E and Fn
Anderson, Hezekiah - laborer, corner Is (Eye south) and 11e, Navy Yard
Anderson, Joseph - first comptroller, No. 1, 2d flr Treas. Dept; DW w side 7w btw E and Fn
Anderson, Lucy B. - widow, n side Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Anderson, Thomas F. - clk 1st compt's office, No. 14, 2d floor Treas. Dept; DW s side Gn btw 11 & 12w
Anderson, William - blacksmith, Gn btw 21 & 22w
Anderson, William - clk, 1st comptroller's office, No. 14, 2d flr Treas. Dept; DW s side Gn btw 11 & 12w
Andrei, Giovanni - chief carver at the capitol; DW 5w opposite City Hall
Andrews, Christopher - clk, third Auditor's office, 1st fl, Navy Dept; DW n e corner Gn & 10w
Andrews, Timothy P - paymaster, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Brown's Hotel
Anthony, James L. - clk, Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 11, 2d flr, DW Georgetown
Appler, David - tavern keeper, n e corner Penn av & 12w
Appler, Jonathan - boarding house, 5w opposite City Hall
Appler, Jonathan - tavern keeper, s e corner Cn and 12w
Arbuckle, Thomas - clk, gen post office; DW Gn btw 17 & 18w
archer, William - carpenter, n w corner Fn & 12w
Ardry, Mrs. - (colored woman), widow, near the Glass House
Arguelles, Elizabeth Teresa - boarding house, n side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Armstead, Robert - master caulker, Navy Yard; DW w side 8e near Navy Yard barracks
Armstrong, Thomas - ship carpenter, Ks btw 10 & 11e, Navy Yard
Armstrong, William - master armorer, Marine barracks; DW w side 8e near Navy Yard barracks
Arnot, Mary - widow, corner 7w & Es
Arny, Joseph - confectioner, n side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Ashton, Henry - attorney at law, w side 12w btw Penn av & En; DW se corner En & 13w
Aukward, H. - shoemaker, n side Ls btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Ault, Henry - tinman, n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w
Austin, William - bricklayer, corner Penn av & 6e

Babcock, Rufus - tutor & librarian at Columbian College, near northern termination of 14w
Bacon, Samuel - grocer, s e corner Penn av & 7w opposite Centre Market
Bage, William - plasterer, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Bailey, John - clk, Sec'y State office, No. 14, 2nd flr, State Dept; DW Strother's Hotel.
Bailey, John - letter carrier & asst clerk, City Post Office; DW n w corner Gn & 7w
Bailey, Mountjoy - sergeant-at-arms of the senate, As fronting the capitol square
Baker, Anthony St. John - British consul general, n side Penn av near Georgetown
Baker, J. M. - clk, Sec'y State office, 2d flr State Dept; DW w side 12w btw G & Hn
Baker, James - blacksmith, w side 7e near the Navy Yard
Baker, James - gardener, 21w near western grave yard
Baker, James - private sec'y to British consul general, n side Penn av near Georgetown
Baker, Moses - blacksmith 4e btw K & Ls near the Eastern Branch
Baker, Rev. Daniel - pastor, 2d Presbyterian Ch; DW, w side 12w btw G & Hn
Baldwin, William - butcher, 11e near the bridge, Navy Yard
Ball, Henry W. - clerk, 5th Auditor's office, No. 7, 2d flr, State Dept; DW corner Bn & 1e Capitol Hill
Ball, Miriam - boarding house, n side En west of and near the general post office
Ballard, Richard - merchant tailor, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
Balser, Susan - widow n w corner Gn & 11w
Bane, John - ship carpenter, 5e near the Eastern Branch
Bannister, Richard - En btw 3 and 4w
Barber, Franklin B. - Sergeant of Marines commanding Navy magazine guard
Barber, Jonathan - M.D., at Brown's Hotel, Penn Av
Barber, Virgil Horace - at the Catholic Seminary, Fn
Barclay, John D. - clerk in register's office, No. 6, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW Hn opposite President's House
Barclay, Thomas - clk, 1st Auditor's office, No. 1, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW s side Gn btw 17 & 18w
Barcroft, Titus - carpenter, Ls btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Barnehill, Gabriel - printer, s e corner En & 10w
Barnes, William - lumber measurer, 3e btw M & Ns
Barns, Henry - s side In (Eye north) btw 20 & 21w
Barns, Jesse - mast maker, 5e near the river, Navy Yard
Barrett, Catharine - widow, n side East Cap st btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Barron, James - messenger, clk's office, House of Reps; DW in capitol square
Barron, Mary - widow, e side 11w btw G and Hn
Barry, Edward - Captain at the Navy magazine, above Eastern Branch upper bridge
Barry, Edward - turner, [and? ' unreadable] intelligence office, w side 8w near Penn av
Barry, Eliza - tavern keeper, Louisiana Av btw 6 & 7w
Barry, Thomas - gunner at the Navy Yard
Barton, Rev. Thomas - pastor, Baptist Ch at Navy Yard; DW at Mr. Dunn's, Capitol Hill
Bassett, Simeon - tavern keeper, s side Gn near 15w
Bassett, William Henry - grocer, corner Ls & 7e, Navy Yard
Bates, Nancy - widow, e side 7e near the Navy Yard
Bates, Thomas - soap & candle manufacturer, n side Cn btw 9 & 10w; DW n side En btw 8 & 9w
Batteus, John - Gn btw 2 and 3w
Bayler, William - porter cellar, n side Penn av a few doors west of Brown's Hotel
Bayley, George N. - w side 11w near the Tiber
Beale, Robert - attorney at law, s w corner Cn & 6w
Beall, B. W. - clk in Treasurer's office, No. 12, 1st Flr, Treas. Dept
Beall, Benjamin B. - clk in Treasurer's office, No. 12, 1st flr, Treas. Dept
Beall, Benjamin L. - clk in Sec'y War office, No. 5, 1st flr; DW Georgetown
Beall, George - clk of check at Navy Yard, e side New Jersey av btw K and Ls
Beall, Walter B. - clk, gen land office, No. 5, 1st flr, State Dept; DW n side Gn near 18w
Bean, Benjamin - carpenter, corner 3e & Ls near the Eastern Branch
Bean, George - spar maker, 3e near the Eastern Branch
Beans, Scipio - (colored man), carpenter, s side As btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Bear, Rev. John - pastor, Foundry Chapel Church (Meth); DW at Mr. Dashiell's, Fn next to the church
Beard, Mr. - laborer, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Beardsly, Joseph - grocer, s w corner Penn av & 19w
Beck, Joseph W. - police officer, corner As & 3e, Capitol Hill
Beckley, Alexander A. - (colored man), cobbler, 15w btw Penn av & Fn
Bede, Ann - milliner, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Bede, George - steward to Swedish Minister, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Bell, Charles - asst messenger, gen post office; DW btw 9 & 10w & E and Fn opposite Catholic Church
Bell, Dr. J. H. - e side New Jersey av btw L and Ms
Bell, Elijah - 8w btw G & Hn
Bell, George - (colored man), carpenter, 6e btw D & Es
Bellamy, James - laborer, s side En btw 9 and 10w
Belt, Benjamin M. - cabinet maker, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Bender, Jacob A. - bricklayer, 11w opposite Carusi's assembly rooms
Bender, Margaret - widow, boarding house, Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w
Benjamin, Aaron - clk, gen land office, 1st flr State Dept
Bennet, John - ship carpenter, Ks btw 10 & 11e Navy Yard
Berry, Brook M. - clerk in office of clk of House Reps; DW n side East Capitol street, opposite market
Berryman, Newton - w side 17w near the river
Bestor, Chauncey - clk in gen post office; DW e side 11w btw G and Hn
Bestor, Harvey - Bn btw Delaware av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Bezat, Charles - gardener to the president, 15 w. near Penn. av
Bibby, G. A. - clk in engineer office, 2d floor War Dept; DW Six Buildings, Penn. av
Bird, Alice - widow, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Birth, James - stone cutter, Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Black, Samuel - tavern keeper, Union St, Greenleaf's Point
Blackson, Charles - (colored man) shearer at the Glass House
Blackwell, G. W. B. - barkeeper at Brown's Hotel
Blagdon, George - chief stone cutter at the capitol; DW e side New Jersey av btw 1 and Ks
Blake, John H. - clk, gen land office, 1st floor State Dept; DW w side 10w near Penn av
Blake, Mrs. James H. - widow, w side 10w near Penn av
Blanchard, Ann - widow, w side 8w near gen post office
Bland, Delila - widow, 10e opposite the Navy Yard
Bolden, Alexander - carpenter, near corner Mn and 15w
Bollinger, Conrad - gardener, e side 7w btw B and Cs
Bomford, George - Colonel, ordnance office, 2d flr, Ward Dept; DW In (Eye north) btw 16 & 17w
Boone, Ignatius - clk, 2d Auditor's office, No. 11, 1st flr, War Dept; DW North Cap street near corner In (Eye north)
Booth, Edward - sawyer at Navy Yard, 3e btw M and Ns
Booth, George - sawyer at Navy Yard, South Capitol street near the Eastern Branch
Booth, Henry - Captain, 3w (2w?)w near the Eastern Branch
Booth, Lewis - boatman, 3e btw M and Ns
Booth, Mordecai - clk to commandant, Navy Yard; DW Virginia av btw 3 & 4e
Booth, Thomas - umbrella maker, n side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Borrows, Joseph - messenger, gen post office; DW n side En btw 9 & 10w
Boss, Abraham - carpenter, w side 9w btw E and Fn
Boswell, Clement - councilman, 5th ward, corner 1e & Os
Boswick, J. - blacksmith e side 13w btw E & Fn
Boteler, Charles - police officer, e side 8w btw Penn av & Dn
Boteler, John D. - gunsmith n side Dn btw 6 & 7w
Bowen, Benjamin - messenger, Navy Commissioners, w side 13w btw E & Fn
Bowen, Gracy - widow, w side 11w btw F and Gn
Bowen, James - constable, 6w btw D and En
Bowen, John - guard at the jail, w side 6w btw D & En
Boyce, Sarah - widow, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Boyd, William T. - clk in register's office, No. 6, 1st flr Treas. Dept; DW Georgetown
Boyer, R. M. - clk 2d Auditor's office, No. 11, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Georgetown
Boyle, John - clk in Navy Dept, 2d flr; DW near western termination of En
Bradfield, John - tavern keeper, 1st door from Georgetown upper bridge
Bradley, Abraham - 3rd., hardware store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w; DW w side 7w btw D & En
Bradley, Jr. - Abraham, asst postmaster gen; DW in country
Bradley, Phineas - asst postmaster gen; DW in country
Bradley, Phineas - asst. postmaster gen; DW next to the Bank of Washington, Capitol Hill
Bradley, Phineas J. - clk, gen post office
Bradley, Robert - carpenter, 4e btw K & Ls
Bradley, Thomas S. - clk, gen post office
Bradley, William A. - cashier, bank Washington, e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
Bradman, Mrs. - widow, 10e opposite Navy Yard
Brady, Andrew - (colored man), oyster house, Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w
Brady, Felix - bricklayer, Dn btw 12 & 13w
Brannan, John - blacksmith at the Navy Yard
Brannan, John - corner Louisiana av & 6w
Brannan, Nancy - s side As (A south) btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Brannum, John - weaver, corner Hn & 17w
Brent, Daniel - chf clk State Dept. No. 2, 2d flr; DW at Mrs. Digges', Capitol Hill
Brent, William - clk circuit court, Delaware av btw B and Cn, Capitol Hill
Brereton, John A. - asst surgeon, U.S. Army, No. 13, 1st flr War Dept; DW Gn btw 17 & 18w
Brereton, Samuel - grocer, 15w btw H & In (Eye north)
Bright, Jacob - gunsmith, 10e btw Virginia av & Ks, Navy Yard
Brightwell, John L. - sexton of eastern burial ground; DW Maryland av near the toll-gate
Briscoe, Richard S. - clk 1st compt's office, No. 13, 2d flr Treas. Dept; DW In (Eye north) near Western Market
Britingham, Mary - silk & woolen dyer, En btw 9 & 10w
Brodrick, Thomas - stone cutter, n side East Capitol street btw 2 and 3e, Capitol Hill
Brokenberg, Moore - (colored man), barber, 15w near Treas. Dept
Brook, Samuel - chf clk, Treasurer's office, No. 12, 1st flr; DW 19w btw G and Hn
Brooks, Ann - millinery and fancy goods store, s side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Brooks, Francis - grocer, corner Fn & 5w near city hall
Brooks, Nancy - (colored woman) Cn btw North Capitol street & Delaware av, Capitol Hill
Brower, Frederick - foreman at the Glass House
Brown, Andrew - carter, 11e near bridge, Navy Yard
Brown, Daniel - clk gen land office, 1st flr State Dept; DW next to Friend's meeting house
Brown, Elizabeth - milliner, opposite Navy Yard Market
Brown, Elizabeth - widow, oyster house, Ls btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Brown, Jacob - Major General, office 1st flr State Dept; DW Gn near Davidson's Wharf
Brown, James - senator from Louisiana, n side Penn av one door east of 14w
Brown, Jesse - proprietor of Indian Queen Hotel, n side Penn av btw 6 & 7w
Brown, John - hack driver, n side Dn btw 6 & 7w
Brown, Rev. O. B. - pastor, 1st Baptist Ch; DW s side En btw 8 & 9w near gen post office
Brown, Robert - (colored man) barber, opposite Navy Yard Market
Brown, Robert - foreman stone cutter at Capitol, 3e btw East Capitol street and As (A south), Capitol Hill
Brown, William - plasterer, 20w btw E & Fn
Brown, William - scavenger for the 3d ward, Slashes, btw 10 & 11w
Brumley, Joseph - collector, 1st and 2d wards, Penn av opposite the Seven Buildings
Brush, Mary - widow, btw 9 and 10w opposite Catholic Church
Bryan, Benjamin - tinman, 10e opposite Navy Yard
Bryan, Enoch - police constable, 8e opposite Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
Bryan, Joseph - carpenter, w side 6w btw D and En
Bryan, Samuel - laborer, Virginia av btw 9 & 10e, Navy Yard
Bryant, James R. M. - clk, gen land office, 1st flr State Dept; DW n side Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Buchly, Christian - confectioner, s side Penn av btw 9 and 10w
Buckly, Johanna - grocery, corner Penn av & 23w
Bulfinch, Charles - architect of capitol, e side 6w btw D and En near Unitarian Church
Bulfinch, G. S. - attorney at law, n side Penn av near 10w
Bulfinch, Thomas - commission merchant, n e corner Penn av & 10w
Bull, John - (colored man) hair dresser, n side Penn av btw 7 & 8w
Bulley, Michael - Captain, Anacostia porter cellar, n e corner Ks & 8e; DW w side 8e btw I & Ks, Navy Yard
Bunthron, John - stone cutter, 2w btw F and Gn
Burch, Benjamin - doorkeeper, House of Representatives; DW n side East Capitol street btw 1 & 2e Capitol Hill
Burch, Joseph A. - cabinet maker, Fn btw 7 and 8w
Burch, Mr. - carpenter, s side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Burch, R. - carpenter, n side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Burch, Richard - bricklayer, Fn opposite Catholic Church
Burch, Samuel - chf clk, office of clk, House of Reps; DW New Jersey av near In (Eye north)
Burch, Thomas - wood measurer, Hn btw 5 & 6w
Burdick, Henry - painter, e side 11w btw E & Fn
Burdine, Reuben - clk, ordnance office, 2d flr War Dept; DW 2 doors east Unitarian Church
Burdine, William - carpenter, Is (Eye south) btw 11 & 12e Navy Yard
Burford, Rosetta - widow, grocery, opposite Navy Yard Market
Burgess, Benjamin - near Navy magazine, above Eastern Branch upper bridge
Burgess, Richard - clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Burk, Edward - upholsterer, 26w near Georgetown upper bridge
Burk, Francis - printer, w side 7w btw G & Hn
Burke, John - clk, 1st compt's office, No. 13, 2d flr Treas. Dept; DW Penn av opposite Seven Buildings
Burns, Benjamin - merchant tailor, Weightman's buildings, 6w 2d door from Penn av
Burns, Charles - blacksmith, e side 7w btw G and Hn
Burns, Patrick - carter, e side 13w near the Tiber
Burr, L. S. - attorney at law, office at B. O. Tyler's near Brown's Hotel, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Burrows, John - boot & shoemaker, n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Burton, Charles - teacher of drawing, Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w
Bury, James - foreman blacksmith at Navy Yard; DW Is (Eye south) btw 6 &7e, Navy Yard
Bushed, George - carpenter, n side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Butler, Jr. - David & Co., crockery ware merchants, s side Penn av near Centre Market; DW Capitol Hill
Butler, Mr. - carpenter, s side En btw 9 & 10w
Butler, Thomas - blacksmith, corner Ms and 10e, Navy Yard
Byrne, Christopher - printer, s e corner Penn av & 10w
Byrne, Maria - milliner, s e corner Penn av & 10w

Caldwell, Elias B. - clk, Supreme Court, office n wing Capitol; DW corner Penn av & 2e, Capitol Hill
Caldwell, Josiah F. - clk, gen post office; DW Maryland av btw 12 & 13w
Calhoun, John C. - Sec'y of War, office 1st flr War Dept; DW s side En btw 6 & 7w
Callan, Nicholas - grocer, s side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Cammock, Mrs. - widow, corner 20w & Fn
Camp, Thomas - bricklayer, 5w btw E & Fn
Campbell, John - tailor, s side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Campbell, Margaret - widow, tailoress, one door west of Strother's Hotel
Cana, Mary Ann - widow, grocery, corner Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Canning, Stratford - British minister, n side Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Cannon, Abel - blacksmith 4e btw K & Ls
Carbery, James - inspector of timber at Navy Yard; DW near corner South Carolina av & 6e Navy Yard
Carbery, Thomas - mayor, office w wing city hall; DW 17w near the river
Carlan, James - wood merchant, w side New Jersey av near the Eastern Branch
Carlan, John - carpenter, corner As & 1e, Capitol Hill
Carlton, Edward - teacher, Western Academy, corner In (Eye north) & 17w; DW at Mrs. James', 14w btw F & Gn
Carothers, John - currier, s side Cn btw 10 & 11w
Carr, Overton - cashier, Patriotic bank, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Carrigo, William B. - carpenter, Ms btw 4-1/2 & 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Carroll, Daniel - grocery, s w corner Penn av & 6w
Carroll, Daniel - of Duddington, south of Es btw 1 and 2e
Carroll, David - (colored man) waiter, w side 14w btw Penn av and the Tiber
Carroll, Michael - blacksmith, Penn av btw 6 & 7e
Carter, Daniel - merchant tailor, n side Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Carusi, Lewis - dancing master, Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Carusi, Samuel - proprietor, city assembly rooms, s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Cashnel, Andrew - grocery, corner Penn av & 24w
Cassady, Nicholas - shoemaker, 8e opposite Marine barracks
Cassell, Charles - master sail maker at Navy Yard, Ns btw New Jersey av & 3e near Eastern Branch
Cassin, James - clk, 4th Auditor's office, 1st flr Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Catalani, Salvadore - sailing master at Navy Yard
Cathcart, Robert - laborer, s e corner 7w & Hn
Caton, Michael - printer, s side En btw 7 & 7w
Caulfield, Bernard - s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Causin, Nathaniel P. - M.D., e side 10w btw Penn av & En
Cavanaugh, Michael - shoemaker, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Cazenove, Mrs. widow - near the Washington Bridge
Chalmers, Rev. John - 1 e fronting Capitol square
Chambers, Benjamin - engraver, die sinker & copperplate printer, s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Chaney, Thomas - painter, An btw 2 & 3e, Capitol Hill
Chapman, John - bricklayer, w side 10w btw E & Fn
Charles, Elizabeth - widow, 4e near Eastern Branch
Charlton, Ralph - grocery & porter cellar, Penn av opposite Patriotic Bank
Chase, J. - teacher, w side 8w btw D and En
Chase, John - grocer, n e corn En & 10w
Chase, Rev. Ira - professor learned languages & Biblical literature, Columbian College
Chauncey, Capt. Isaac - Navy commissioner, 2d flr Navy Dept; DW s side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Chell, Charles - shoemaker, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Cheshire, Archibald - wood merchant, Maryland av near Washington Bridge
Chester, Samuel - boot & shoe manufacturer, Penn av opposite Centre Market
Claggett, William W. - clk, 4th Auditor's office 1st flr Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Clare, James - grocer, 3e near Eastern Branch
Clark, Edward W. - apothecary, n w corner Ls & 7e, Navy Yard
Clark, Eliza - widow, n side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Clark, Isaac - hat and shoe store and agent for Union Line, s side Penn av near Centre Market
Clark, Joseph S. - Dry Goods, store s side Penn av near Centre Market
Clark, Joseph S. - merchant tailor, opposite Brown's Hotel
Clark, Robert - carpenter, s side Virginia av btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Clark, Robert - intendant of the infirmary & asylum, 7w btw M & Nn
Clark, Walter - shoe store, s side Penn av near Centre Market
Clark, William - grocery, 8e opposite Marine barracks, Navy Yard
Claxton, Elizabeth - widow, boarding house, s side Bs btw N Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Clements, Jr. - Bennet, clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Clements, Mrs. - Ten Buildings, New Jersey av btw D and Es
Clephane, James - printer, s side Gn btw 12 & 13w
Clephane, Lewis - portrait painter, s side Gn btw 12 & 13w
Clifton, Frances (Francis?) - n w corner Gs & 7e, Navy Yard
Clokey, Samuel - carpenter, s side Gn btw 12 & 13w
Coad, John - cabinet maker, n side Cn btw 10 & 11w
Coale, James - (colored man) barber, s side Penn av btw 18 and 19w
Coale, Lydia - widow, Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Cobb, James D. - teacher, Union Academy, 26w near Georgetown upper bridge
Cobb, Lyman H. - constable, w side 10w btw E and Fn
Cochran, David - dry goods store, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Colclazer, Thomas - blacksmith, w side 7w; DW e side 8w near Penn av
Cole, Eli - laborer, Virginia av btw 8 and 9e, Navy Yard
Cole, Richard - blockmaker, 10e opposite Navy Yard
Coleman, William - baker, Fn btw 13 & 14w
Collard, George - carpenter, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Collard, Mrs. - widow, 1e near the Eastern Branch
Collins, Joseph S. - clk in gen land office, No. 3, 1st flr, State Dept; DW Georgetown
Collins, Martin - grocery, s side East Cap st btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Coltman, William - bricklayer, s side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Coltson, George - (colored man) waiter, En btw 13 14w
Colvin, John B - at Mr. Sardo's s w corner Penn av & 10w
Compton, John - clk in 3d Auditor's office 1st flr Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Coninx, Melchar - confectioner, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Connell, John - messenger Treas. Dept; DW n side Gn near 15w
Connelly, Bridget - widow, En btw 3 and 4w
Connelly, Francis - plasterer, As (A south) btw 3 and 4e, Capitol Hill
Conway, John - grocer, 7w opposite Centre Market
Cook, J. A. - Lieut., U.S. Navy, 1e near Eastern Branch
Cook, John - laborer, Ks btw 8 and 9e, Navy Yard
Cook, Mary - widow, e side 6w near the Unitarian Church
Cook, Nathan - bricklayer, 3w btw F and Gn
Cook, Peter W. - stone cutter, opposite city hall; DW n side Dn btw 7 & 8w
Cook, Thomas - clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr Navy Dept
Cook, William - clk in third Auditor's office, 1st floor Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Cookendorfer, Thomas - proprietor, Baltimore Stages, office next Brown's Hotel; DW e side 9w near Penn av
Coolidge, Mrs. - boarding house, Seven Buildings, n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Coombs, Griffith - lumber merchant, 3e near Eastern Branch
Coombs, William - butcher, corner Cn & 13-1/2w
Cooper, George - (colored man) messenger, s side As btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Cooper, Isaac - gilder, s side Penn av btw 13 & 13-1/2w
Cooper, Jr. - William, printer, e side 9w btw D & En
Cooper, Lieut. - Samuel, clk in adjutant General's office, No. 8, 1st flr State Dept; DW Georgetown
Coote, Clement T. - dry goods store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Corbet, Mrs. - school mistress, s side Gn btw 18 & 19w
Cosgrave, Andrew - carpenter, As (A south) btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Costen, William - (colored man) As (A south) fronting Capitol square
Cotes, Daniel - currier, e side 12w btw Penn av & En
Cottringer, Mrs. B. - seminary for young ladies, w side 13w btw E & Fn
Cox, George - ship carpenter, opposite market, Navy Yard
Cox, William - wine store, Penn av opposite Strother's Hotel
Coyle, Andrew - chf clk in gen post office; DW s side Penn av near Centre Market
Coyle, Francis - printer, s side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Coyle, John - clk, 1st Auditor's office, 1st flr Treas. Dept; DW n side Bs btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Coyle, Jr. - John, n side Bs btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Cozens, Dr. William R. - s side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Crabb, Horatio N. - Lieut. of Marines, at the barracks, Navy Yard
Crabb, John - magistrate, 8e opposite Marine barracks; DW se corner 6e and Gs, Navy Yard
Craig, Robert - stone cutter, near the intersection of the canal and New Jersey av
Crain, James - tavern keeper, w side 7w near Penn av
Crandall, George - carpenter, e side 11w btw Penn av & En
Crandall, William - carpenter, w side 8w btw G & Hn
Crandle, James - shoemaker, Ls btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Craven, Elijah - M.D., 19w near Baptist Church
Craven, John - clk in 4th Auditor's office, 1st flr Navy Dept; DW 19w near Baptist Church
Craven, Phillip - coppersmith, w side 7e btw G and Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Crawford, William H. - Sec'y of Treasury, office 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW near corner 14w & Mn
Creighton, James - carpenter, n side Gn btw 18 & 19w
Criddle, Jonathan - millwright, 7e btw G & Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Cripps, William M. L. - cabinet maker, n w corner Penn av & 11w
Crittenden, Harvey - shoemaker, e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
Cronin, Phillip - laborer, near corner Maryland av & 7w
Cross, Eli - grocer, New Jersey av btw I and Ks
Cross, Francis - carter, Ls btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Cross, Joseph - Lieut., U.S. Navy, Is (Eye south) btw 11 and 12e, Navy Yard
Cross, Maj. T. - clk, quartermaster general's office, No. 16, 1st flr, War Dept; DW next Bank Metropolis
Cross, Thomas - bricklayer, Ls btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Cross, William - bricklayer, Ls btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Crossfield, Jehiel - printer, e side 14w btw Penn av & Fn
Crowley, Patrick - printer, n w corner Fn & 6w
Crowley, Timothy - ship carpenter, 11e near bridge, Navy Yard
Crussell, Thomas - bookbinder, e side 9w btw D and En; DW btw 9 & 10w opposite Catholic Church
Cummerfod, John - tavern, Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Cummerfod, Mr. - shoemaker, 3e near the Eastern Branch
Cummins, Christopher - tailor, s side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Cunningham, John - printer, s side En btw 9 & 10w
Cutbush, Edward - surgeon, U.S. Navy, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Cutting, Nathaniel - clk in Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept
Cutts, Charles - Sec'y of the senate, e side Delaware av btw B & Cn, Capitol Hill
Cutts, Richard - second comptroller, off. 2d flr Navy Dept; DW Hn near St. John's Church

Danford, James - baker, e side 7e btw K and Ls, Navy Yard
Dann, Underhill - lottery & exchange office, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Darrah, Robert - dentist, over Webb's apothecary store, Penn av near Browns Hotel
Dashiell, George W. - clk, Treasurer's office, No. 3, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW Gn next to Methodist Church
Dashiell, Thomas B. - clk in Treasurer's office, No. 12, 1st flr, Treas. Dept
Datcher, Francis - (colored man) messenger, In (Eye north) btw 15 & 16w
Davidson, James - teller in Branch Bank; DW s side Fn one door east of 13w
Davidson, John - president, Franklin Insurance Office; DW near Davidson's wharf
Davidson, Jr. - James, clk in 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW opposite Branch Bank
Davidson, Nelson - coachmaker, corner Penn av and 13-1/2w
Davidson, Thomas - shoemaker, opposite Strother's Hotel
Davis, Catharine - widow, Gn btw 2 and 3w
Davis, Charles B. - messenger 1st Auditor's office; DW n side En btw 9 and 10w
Davis, David - tailor, 26w near Georgetown upper bridge
Davis, Gideon - clk, Sec'y War office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW Georgetown
Davis, John - of Abel, master plumber at Navy Yard; DW Is (Eye south) 10 and 11e, Navy Yard
Davis, John P. - s side Penn av btw 12 and 13w
Davis, Peter - carter, near corner Mn and 20w
Davis, Robert - (colored man) laborer, n side Hn btw 6 & 7w
Dawson, Hugh - ornamental plasterer, 2w btw F & Gn
De Krafft, Edward - printer and bookbinder, n e corner of Louisiana av & 7w; DW e side 7w btw E and Fn
De Krafft, F. Cornelius - clk in gen land office, No. 13, 1st flr, State Dept; DW En btw 13 & 14w
Delano, Judah - printer, s side Fn 2d door west of 6w
Delany, John - (colored man) laborer, corner Gn and 8w
Delany, Patrick - tavern keeper, w side 13w btw E and Fn
Delany, William - Lieut., Marine Corps, at barracks, Navy Yard
Delaplain, Githens - bricklayer, An (A north) btw 2 and 3e, Capitol Hill
Dement, R. - grocer, n side Penn a btw 7 & 8w
Deneale, James - brick maker 11e near bridge, Navy Yard
Denham, Lewis - w side 14w btw Penn av & the Tiber
Dennison, John - bricklayer, e side 10w btw Penn av & En
Dermott, John - attorney at law, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Deveny, Charles - dry good store, n side Penn av, 2d door east of 12w
Devereux, P. - grocery, Ls btw 4 and 5e, Navy Yard
Devon, Mrs. - w side 3e btw L and Ms
Dewees, William - clk, 5th Auditor's office, No. 5, 2d flr, State Dept; DW 13w next to Branch Bank
Dickens, Asbury - clk in Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 10, 2d flr, Treas. Dept
Didenhover, William - cloth manufacturer, near corner Vermont av & Ln
Digges, Edward - constable, 10w btw G and Hn
Digges, James - ship carpenter, Gs btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Digges, Mrs. widow - Delaware av btw B and Cn, Capitol Hill
Digges, William - bricklayer, Fn btw 17 & 18w
Dines, Henny - (colored woman) Gn btw 6 & 7w
Dix, John - merchant tailor, nearly opposite Brown's Hotel; DW Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w
Dix, Jonathan - coachmaker, w side 12w btw E and Fn
Dixon, Jacob - grocery, s side En btw 10 & 11w
Dixon, John - gardener, e side 1e btw B and Cn, Capitol Hill
Donoghue, Daniel - grocer, e side 7e near the Navy Yard
Donoho, Patrick - grocery, near intersection of the canal & New Jersey av
Donoho, Thomas - clk at Gales & Seaton's; DW n w corner Dn & 9w
Dorney, William W. - oyster house, n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w
Dorset, Fielder R. - carpenter, 13-1/2w near Washington Bridge
Dougherty, Daniel - laborer, Virginia av near 9e, Navy Yard
Dougherty, James - tavern keeper, s side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Dougherty, Joseph - commissioner, 2d & 3d wards, e side 11w near Penn av
Doughty, William - naval constructor at the Navy Yard
Douglass, Elizabeth - widow, n side East Capitol street, btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Douglass, John - (colored man) white washer, n side Fn btw 6 and 7w
Douglass, William - carpenter, s side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Dove, Joseph - n side Fn btw 11 and 12w
Dove, Marmaduke - sailing master at Navy Yard; DW 8e opposite barracks, Navy Yard
Dove, Mr. - bricklayer, s side En btw 12 & 13w
Dove, Samuel - carpenter, e side 8w btw G and Hn
Dove, Thomas - asst messenger, 3d Auditor's office; DW Vermont av btw H and In (Eye north)
Dove, Zachariah - carpenter, w side 9w btw D and En
Dowling, William - tavern keeper s side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Downing, Joseph - carpenter, 7w btw F and Gn
Downs, John H. - carpenter, Ds btw 3 & 4e
Dowson, Alfred R. - boarding house, An (A north) fronting the capitol square
Drain, Henry - tavern keeper, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Drain, Richard - grocer, e side 7w btw Penn av & Dn
Drake, Jesse - dyer and scourer, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Drake, Willard - carpenter, n side Fn btw 11 and 12w
Draper, J. W. - farrier, s side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Drean, Josiah L. - at Major Smith's, Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Drew, Solomon - tailor and boarding house, e side 7w btw Penn av & Dn
Drudge, George - laborer, Maryland av btw 5 & 6e
Drury, James - turner, n e corner Penn av & 11w
Dubuisson, Rev. Stephen - asst pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Fn btw 9 and 10w
Duckworth, George - grocer, corner 7e and Ls near Navy Yard
Duckworth, John - apothecary, n side Penn av btw 9 and 10w
Duff, John - (colored man) corner New York av & 21w
Dumbleton, John - tavern keeper, n side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Dumphy, John - grocery, e side 9w near Penn av
Duncan, William - printer, w side 12w btw E & Fn; DW n side En btw 12 & 13w
Dungan, Thomas - clk, Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 11 2d flr, Treas. Dept
Dunkin, Summerhays - at the mansion house, near corner Gs & 9w
Dunlap, Henry - coachmaker, 26w near Georgetown upper bridge
Dunn, James C. - printer of the Washington Republican, corner Penn av & 21w; DW nearly opposite
Dunn, John Oswald - asst door-keeper, House of Reps; DW w side 1e btw B & Cn, Capitol Hill
Dunn, Mr. - painter, Virginia av btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Dunn, Thomas - sergeant-at-arms, House of Reps.; DW w side 1e btw B & Cn, Capitol Hill
Dunning, John - butcher, Penn av btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Duport, P. L. - snuff & fancy store, n w corner Penn av & 12w
Durand, L. - pastry cook, at Mr. Drew's, 7w near Penn av
Duret, James - tailor, s side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Duvall, Edward W. - Naval store keeper, near corner South Carolina av & 7e
Duvall, Washington - blockmaker, 6e near Virginia av, Navy Yard
Dwyer, Thomas - stone cutter, n side East Capitol street, btw 2 & 3e, Capitol Hill
Dyer, Aaron - proprietor of steam mill, New Jersey av near the Eastern Branch
Dyer, Alexander - clk in gen post office
Dyer, Edward - clk in city post office; DW corner of 14w and Hn
Dyer, John R - clk in gen post office; DW corner of En and 8w
Dyer, Thomas B. - clk in gen post office; DW En opposite post office

Eakin, James - chf clk, 2d Auditor's office, No. 4, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Penn av west of the Seven Buildings
Easby, James - spar maker at Navy Yard, Es btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Easby, William - master boat builder at Navy Yard, Es btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Easter, Ann - milliner, s side Penn av btw 9 and 10w
Easter, Robert - carpenter, s side Penn av btw 9 and 10w
Easton, David - clk in 5th Auditor's office, 2d flr State Dept; DW n w corner In (Eye north) and 19w
Eaton, Nathan - messenger, Navy Dept; DW w side 13w btw E and Fn
Eckhart, Henry - butcher, near the Glass House
Eckhart, Jacob - butcher, 13-1/2w near Washington Bridge
Eckloff, Christian - merchant tailor, n side Fn btw 124 and 15w
Edelin, Ignatius - carpenter, w side 6w btw D and En
Edelin, James - Lieut, Marine Corps, at the barracks, Navy Yard
Edmonston, Mary - widow, w side 6w btw D and En
Edmonston, Sarah - widow, e side 13w near the Tiber
Edmonston, Thomas - wheelwright, w side 7w btw H and In (Eye north)
Edson, A. - Lieut., Marine Corps, at the barracks, Navy Yard
Edwards, James L. - chf clk, Pension bureau, No. 7, 1st flr, War Dept; DW 17w btw H & In (Eye north)
Edwards, Lewis - clk, Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW next door eat Unitarian Church
Eisenback, William - asst messenger, Treas. Dept; DW 14w near Tiber
Elder, William - grocer, 8e opposite Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
Elgar, Joseph - Commissioner, Public Buildings; DW w side 14w btw F & Gn
Elliot, Jonathan - proprietor, Washington Gazette, Penn av btw 3 and 4-1/2w
Elliot, Richard - stone quarrier, s side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Elliot, Rufus - stone quarrier, w side 13w near the Tiber
Elliot, William - clk in Patent Office; W North Capitol street near Capitol
Elliot, William G. - clk, gen post office; DW Ln btw 15 & 16w
Elliott, Robert - D.D., corner Virginia av and 4e
Ellis, John - tallow chandler, s w corner Fn & 9w
Ellis, Leonard - laborer, n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Ellis, Robert - clk in 2d Auditor's office, No. 4, 1st flr, War Dept; DW n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Ellis, William B. - engineer, steam engine, Georgia av opposite Navy Yard
Ellsworth, George - laborer, e side 9w btw D & En
Elzey, Henrietta - s w corner 18w & Gn
Emack, William - dry goods & grocery store, s side East Capitol street opposite market, Capitol Hill
Embree, Daniel - dairyman, n side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Ennis, Gregory - tavern keeper, 1e btw A and Bs, Capitol Hill
Eno, Richard - s side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Ensey, William - tailor, n side Ls btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Enslow, James - blacksmith, Virginia av btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Erskine, John - printer, n side Dn btw 7 & 8w
Esling, William - butcher, En btw 3 and 4w
Essex, Deborah - widow, s side Virginia av btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Estep, Alexander - clk, gen land office, 1st flr, State Dept
Etter, Joseph - watchmaker, n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Ettridge, William - stone cutter, corner As (A south) and 1e, Capitol Hill
Evans, George - laborer, 10 buildings, New Jersey av
Evans, Joseph - bricklayer, n side As (A south) btw 1 and 2e, Capitol Hill
Evans, Jr. - Jesse, ship carpenter, KS btw 10 and 11e, Navy Yard
Evans, Phillip - ship carpenter, 10e btw Virginia av and Ks, Navy Yard
Evans, Robert - collector, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Evans, Sr. - Jesse, grocer, corner Ks & 11e, Navy Yard
Evans, Walter - grocery, Ks btw 10 & 11e, Navy Yard
Ewell, James - M.D., corner of As (A south) & 1e fronting Capitol square, Capitol Hill

Fagan, Daniel - painter, s side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Fagan, Joseph - turner, e side 13w btw E and Fn; DW opposite
Fagan, Nicholas - carpenter, Maryland av btw 6 & 7e
Farlan, John - w side 7w btw D & Es
Farrow John, filer - 8e opposite Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
Faulkner, Capt. Peter - s e corner Penn av & 15w
Felch, William - clk in 1st Auditor's office, No. 4, 2d flr, Treas. Dept; DW e side 14w near Penn av
Fenner, John P. - clk in Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept
Fenwick, Richard - porter, Metropolis Bank; DW s side Fn btw 10 & 11w
Fenwick, Robert W. - messenger in Patent Office; DW s side Fn btw 10 & 11w
Fields, Amelia - widow, opposite market, Navy Yard
Fillebrown, Jr. - Thomas, clk in Sec'y Navy's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW Gn btw 20 & 21w
Fish, Francis G. - printer, n side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Fisher, George - (colored man) blacksmith, n side East Capitol street btw 1 & 2e Capitol Hill
Fisher, Robert - clk in 5th Auditor's office, No. 7, 2d flr, State Dept
Fitten, Thomas - ship carpenter, btw the bridge & Navy Yard
Fitzgerald, Edward - purser, U.S. Navy, n w corner 18w
Fitzhugh, Samuel - clk in gen post office; DW South Capitol street next to 1st Presbyterian Church
Flaherty, John R. - currier, n w corner Penn av & 8w; DW Fn btw 12 & 14w
Flanigan, Michael - stone mason, e side 8w near Penn av
Flemming, John - laborer, As (A south) btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Fletcher, Noah - clk in office of clk, House of Reps.; DW n side En btw 6 & 7w
Fleury, Eliza - widow, corner Penn av & 17w
Flinn, Thomas - carpenter, Gn btw 9 & 10w
Flinn, Zebedee - shoemaker, e side 10w btw E & Fn
Foillinsby, Joseph - carpenter, 3e btw L & Ms
Fonde, J. P. - sign painter & gilder, e side 9w btw Penn av & Dn
Fonde, Mrs. - ladies' fancy ware room, e side 9w near Penn av
Force, Peter - firm of Davis & Force; DW e side 10w btw Penn av & En
Ford, James - bricklayer, s side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Forrest, Alexander - Sergeant Major, Marine Corps, at the Barracks, Navy Yard
Forrest, Andrew - suttler to the Marine Corps, n w corner Ks & 8e, Navy Yard
Forrest, David M. - attorney at law, e side 14w near Penn av
Forrest, Henry - clk, 4th Auditor's office, 1st flr Navy Dept; DW In (Eye north) btw 21 & 22w
Forrest, John B. - commissioner, 5 & 6th wards, n e corner Ks & 8e, Navy Yard
Forrest, Joseph - clk to Commissioners, Florida Treaty; DW corner Fn & 20w
Forrest, Richard - clk in Sec'y State's office, No. 13, 2d flr State Dept; DW, s side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Forrest, Stepney - (colored man) laborer, 3e btw Virginia av
Forrest, William - grocery, opposite market, Navy Yard
Foster, Edward - asst draughtsman to Naval constructor, 8e opposite Marine barracks, Navy Yard
Fowler, Abraham - carpenter, Ks btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Fowler, Charles S. - (firm of S. & M. Allen & Co.); DW w side 7w btw E & Fn
Fowler, Samuel - carpenter, corner Ls & 8e, Navy Yard
Fowler, Thomas - tavern keeper, As (A south) btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Foxton, William - plasterer, New York av btw 17 & 18w
Foy, John - seedsman, Penn av west of and near the Capitol
Foyles, Thomas - butcher, w side 7e near Navy Yard
Frank, John - collector, 3d & 4th wards, n side En btw 9 & 10w
Franklin, Henry William - sailmaker, e side 7e btw Virginia av & Is (I south), Navy Yard
Franklin, Stephen P - paper hanger, at Rumpff's Hotel, opposite Brown's Hotel, Penn Av
Franzonia, Mrs. - boarding house, 4-1/2 opposite city hall
Frazer, John - blacksmith, 23 w near Penn av
Frazier, James - farmer 1/2w near the Eastern Branch
Frazier, Patrick - (colored man) sweep master, 1st & 2d wards, e side 13w btw G and Hn
Freeman, Constant - fourth Auditor, office 1st flr Navy Dept; DW corner Fn & 21w
French, Benjamin F. - bookseller, n w corner Penn av & 62; DW Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w
Friend, James - baker, corner Ks & 11e, Navy Yard
Fronk, Lewis - glass blower, near the Glass House
Frost, John E. - clk in Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW 4-1/2w near Penn av
Frost, John T. - clk in office of clerk of House of Reps; DW w side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, Capitol Hill
Fry, James - carpenter, South Capitol street btw C and Ds, Capitol Hill
Frye, Jr. - Nathaniel, chf clk, paymaster General's office, No. 3, 1st flr, War Dept; DW near Georgetown lower bridge
Fugitt, Joseph - grocer, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Funston, James - laborer, Georgia av btw 11 & 12e, Navy Yard
Furguson, John - clk at the lumber yard, Smallwood's Wharf, Eastern Branch

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This page was last updated 01/29/2025