Washington D.C.

Washington DC 1822 Directory

Transcribed and contributed by Susan Salus
 A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     XYZ   


Nairn, James - grocery, s e corner Dn & 9w
Nally, Aaron - carpenter, Hn btw 8 & 9w
Nally, Charity - widow, Ks btw New Jersey av & 2e
Nardin, Mary - e side 7w btw B & Cs
Nash, Patrick F. - shoemaker, w side 8e near Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
Naughton, John - tailor, Virginia av btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Neale, Henry - register of wills, w side 13w btw E & Fn
Neale, James - laborer, corner As (A south) & 1e, Capitol Hill
Neale, James - professor of mathematics at Catholic Seminary, Fn
Nesmith, Ann - widow, school mistress, 7e near Navy Yard
Nevitt, Ann - widow, Ls btw 4 & 5e, Navy Yard
Newell, Jonas - shoemaker, n side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Newell, Robert - clk in Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 11, 2d flr; DW n side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Newton, John - clk at Hughes' grocery, Penn av near Centre Market
Newton, Samuel - professor of English at the Catholic Seminary, Fn
Nicholls, Sarah - school mistress, Ten Buildings, New Jersey av
Nicholson, Charity - widow, e side 8e near Barracks, Navy Yard
Nourse, Charles J. - Major, acting adjutant general, No. 8, 1st flr State Dept; DW n side Penn av near Seven Buildings
Nourse, John R. - clk in register's office, No. 7, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW near western grave yard
Nourse, Joseph - register, No. 8, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW heights above Georgetown
Nourse, Joseph R. - clk in register's office, No. 8, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW heights above Georgetown
Nourse, Michael - Colonel, chf clk, register's office, No. 7, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW near western grave yard
Nowland, John - model maker at Navy Yard; DW 11e near the bridge, Navy Yard
Noyes, Catharine - widow, w side 7w btw G & Hn
Noyes, Thomas L. - clk to mayor and register; DW w side 7w btw G & Hn
Nutwell, Levi - shoemaker, In (Eye north) btw 21 & 22w

O'Brien, Michael - turner, corner Is (Eye south) & 11e, Navy Yard
Oehler, Andrew - tailor, w side 7w near Penn av
O'Hare, Richard - ship carpenter, Ms btw & & 8e opposite the Navy Yard
O'Lary, Jane - grocery, n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w
Oliver, Benjamin - stone mason, Gn btw 7 & 8w
O'Neale, Hugh - baker, n side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
O'Neale, John - gardener, 20w near western grave yard
O'Neale, John - weaver, s side En btw 9 & 10w
O'Neale, William - proprietor, Franklin Hotel, n side Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Orme, Resin - lumber merchant, 12th st wharf; DW s side Fn btw 9 & 10w
Ormes, Mary - widow, s side Fn btw 7 & 8w
Orr, John - gardener, n w corner Fn & 8w
Osgardby, Thomas - laborer, s side Gn btw 18 & 19w
Otis, William - clk in general land office, 1st flr, State Dept
Otterback, Phillip - butcher, corner Ms & 9e, Navy Yard
Ould, Henry - teacher, Western Public School, s e corner Gn & 14w; DW s e corner Gn & 12w
Owner, James - master shipwright at Navy Yard, DW n side Ks btw 9 & 10e, Navy Yard
Owner, William - dry goods store, n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w

Packard, Perez - dairyman, w side 11w btw E & Fn
Page, Daniel - carpenter, Is (Eye south) btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Pairo, Thomas W. - dry goods store, s side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Palmer, Daniel - watchman at the War office; DW Fn btw 12 & 13w
Palmer, Eli - butcher, near the western grave yard
Palmer, Howard - butcher, e side 12w btw E & Fn
Palmer, Morris - Sergeant, Marine Corps, at Barracks
Palmer, Pennell - hat store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Parish, Henry - private sec'y to British minister, n side Penn av btw 20 & 21w
Parker, David - General, 20w btw G & Hn
Parker, Lewis - rigger, 11e near bridge, Navy Yard
Parker, William - cabinet maker, n side Gn btw 19 & 20w
Parker, William - chf clk, 1st Auditor's office, No. 1, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW Six Buildings, Penn av
Parkinson, R. - livery stable, fronting Penn av btw 13 & 14w
Parson, Burnot - carpenter, corner Penn av & 6e
Parsons, Thomas - hatter, e side 9w btw D & En
Parsons, William - blacksmith, Georgia av fronting Navy Yard
Paskins, J. - shoemaker, n e corner Fn & 14w
Patterson, Ch. W. - baker, n side In (Eye north) btw 19 & 20w
Patterson, James - leather merchant, corner Penn av & 15w
Patterson, Thomas - clk in clerk's office, House of Reps; DW Georgetown
Paulding, J. K. - secretary to Navy commissioners, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW Seven Buildings, Penn av
Payne, Richard - tavern keeper, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Peabody, John - General, s side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Peake, John - pilot, Ls btw 4 & 5e, Navy Yard
Peake, Mr. - laborer, 4e near Eastern Branch
Pearl, Daniel - (colored man) carpenter, 13-1/2w btw Penn av & D
Pease, Alfred - s side Maryland av near Washington Bridge
Peck, Mr. - coachmaker, e side 9w near Penn av
Penn, William - brickmaker, e side New Jersey av btw K & Ls
Perkins, Jeremiah - painter, Ks btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Peters, John - clk in 2d Auditor's office, No. 11, 1st flr, War Dept; DW near Davidson's Wharf
Peters, Mr. - w side 4e btw K & Ls
Petit, John - scourer and dyer, near the circus, fronting Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Petry, John - French consul general, n e corner Penn av & 14w
Pettigrew, Ann - milliner, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
Pettigrew, James - printer, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
Pettigru, Theophilus - carver, 1e btw A & Bs, Capitol Hill
Pettit, Charles - carpenter, n side En near city hall
Peyton, Ann Eliza - boarding house, n side Cn near city hall
Peyton, Yelverton T. - Rev., pastor, Navy Yard Methodist Church; DW at Mr. Charles Venable's, Navy Yard
Phillips, Jonathan - grocer, s e corner 7w & Gn
Phillips, Stephen - carpenter, n e corner 7w & Fn
Pic, John - hardware & grocery, s side Bs btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Picket, Mason - hatter, e side 7w btw E & Fn
Pierson, Lawson - bricklayer, 8e opposite Barracks, Navy Yard
Pitts, William - printer, 20w btw E & Fs
Plant, Nathaniel - shoemaker, w side 13w near the Tiber
Pleasonton, Stephen - 5th Auditor, No. 8, 2d flr, State Dept; DW corner Fn & 21w
Polk, Ann - boarding house, corner Cn & 4-1/2w near city hall
Polk, David P. - clk in 1st Comptroller's Office, No. 2 2d flr, Treas. Dept; DW s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Polkinhorn, Charles - saddler, s side Penn av near Carusi's Assembly Rooms
Pomphrey, Ebenezer - blacksmith, Virginia av btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Pomphrey, James - gardener, near Ms btw 4-1/2 & 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Poole, Lewis A. - boot & shoemaker, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Poor, John - watchman, Treas. Dept; DW Fn btw 13 & 14w
Poor, Moses - auctioneer & commission merchant, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel; DW n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w
Poor, Nathaniel P. - auctioneer & commission merchant; DW near Washington Bridge
Pope, Eleanor - widow, Gs btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Pope, Frederick - blacksmith, Virginia av btw & & 8e, Navy Yard
Porter, Daniel P. - clk in 1st Auditor's office, No. 4, 2d flr, Treas. Dept; DW Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w
Porter, David - Capt., Navy commissioner, 1d flr, Navy Dept; DW Meridian Hill, north of President's House
Posey, Francis - (colored man) laborer, Gn btw 14 & 15w
Posey, Richard - (colored man) sawyer, n e corner Fn & 10w
Post, Reuben - Rev., pastor, 1st Presbyterian Church; DW at Dr. Bradley's next to Bank of Washington, Capitol Hill
Poston, Fielder - Captain, n side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Pottinger, Thomas B. - clk, 5th Auditor's office, 2d flr, State Dept
Potts, John - baker, s side In (Eye north) btw 20 & 21w
Pratt, Mrs. - boarding house, nearly opposite Brown's Hotel, Penn av
Prentiss, W. H. - clk at B. O. Tyler's; DW e side 11w btw E and Fn
Preston, Anthony - slater, at Smith's Tavern, near Washington Bridge
Preston, Nancy - plain sewer, Fn btw 13 & 14w
Preston, William - stone cutter, As (A south) fronting Capitol square
Preston, William - w side 7e near Navy Yard
Price, Benjamin - laborer, Georgia av btw 11 & 12e, Navy Yard
Pritchett, Samuel - laborer, Es btw 8 & 9e
Procter, Alexander - (colored man) bricklayer, n side Hn btw 6 & 7w
Procter, Mr. - (colored man) laborer, s side of the Tiber opposite the Centre Market
Prout, Jr. - William, dry goods store, n side Penn av near 9w
Prout, William - dry goods store, corner Ls & 8e, Navy Yard
Pullizzi, Felice - musician, Marine Band, at Barracks
Pullizzi, Venerando - fife major of Marine Band, at Barracks

Queen, Eliza - boarding house, Penn av nearly opposite Brown's Hotel
Queen, Elizabeth - boarding house, s side Penn av near Centre Market
Queen, John - master bricklayer at the Capitol; DW corner 2e & Bn, Capitol Hill
Queen, Nicholas L. - proprietor, Queen's Hotel, 1e btw East Capitol street & As (A south) fronting Capitol square
Queen, William - (colored man) s w corner 7w & Hn
Quigley, Michael - ship carpenter, 11 e near bridge, Navy Yard

Ramsay, Andrew - clk, paymaster general's office, 1st flr, War Dept; DW n w corner 20w & Fn
Ramsay, Ezra J. - carpenter, e side 6w btw D & En
Ramsay, William - clk in 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW n w corner 20w & Fn
Randall, Thomas - attorney at law, n side Penn av btw 13 & 14w
Randolph, Burwell - clk in Navy Commissioner's office, 1 flr, Navy Dept
Randolph, Elizabeth - widow, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Randolph, William B. - clk in register's office, No. 11, 1st flr, Treas. Dept
Ranscom, Elizabeth - corner 7e opposite the Navy Yard
Rapine, Daniel - bookseller, w side New Jersey av, first house south of the Capitol
Ratcliff, William - grocer, e side 3e near Eastern Branch
Read, Robert - clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW Georgetown
Reddish, Thomas - ship carpenter, 7e btw G & Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Redman, T. C. - widow, near the Mansion House
Reiling, John - butcher, As (A south) btw 3 & 4e, Capitol Hill
Reilly, John - clk, Bank of Washington; DW w side 12w btw Penn av & En
Reilly, William - w side 12w btw Penn av & En
Reynolds, Enoch - chf clk, 2d Comptroller's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Reynolds, Thomas - tavernkeeper, Ks near the Eastern Branch upper bridge
Reynolds, William - gardener, s side Penn av btw 18 & 19w
Rhodes, G. T. - chf clk, engineer office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW at Strother's Hotel
Rhodes, James - butcher, 9e opposite Navy Yard
Rhodes, William - dry goods store, s side Penn av near Centre Market
Rice, Edward - shoemaker, corner As (A south) & 1e, Capitol Hill
Rice, Patrick - stone cutter, As (A south) btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Rice, Thomas - currier, e side 9w btw D & En
Rich, Henry - clk, Sec'y Navy's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW corner En & 21w
Richards, G. H. - clk, Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 6, 2d flr, Treas. Dept
Richardson, Luke - fowler, corner Es & 10w
Richardson, Mr. - laborer, 10e opposite Navy Yard
Riddell, William - clk, Ordnance office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW En fronting Penn av btw 13 & 14w
Ridgeway, Eden - tavernkeeper, 21w near the western grave yard
Riggals, Thomas - scavenger, 1st ward, s side Penn av btw 17 & 19w
Rigsby, Stanislaus - blacksmith, Virginia av btw 13 & 14w
Ringgold, Tench - marshal of the District of Columbia, s side Fn btw 19 & 20w
Rittenhouse, Benjamin F. - clk, register's office, 1st flr, Treas. Dept
Roberdeau, Isaac - Major, topographical engineer, office 2d flr War Dept; DW Georgetown
Robinson, Ann - grocery, n side East Capitol street btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Robinson, Eliza - widow, Ks btw 5 & 6e, Navy Yard
Robinson, Gill - clk at Hough's, Penn av near Brown's Hotel
Robinson, John G. - carpenter, 3e btw 1 & Ks
Roby, Levi - near the Navy Magazine, Eastern Branch
Roby, Thomas - laborer, corner Georgia av & 11e, Navy Yard
Rodbird, Absalom - carpenter, n e corner Fn & 6w
Rodgers, John - Capt, president, Board Navy Com., 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW Ps btw 4-1/2w & the Potomac, Greenleaf's Point
Rogers, Patrick - saddler, n side Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Rogers, Samuel - grocery, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Rollins, John - carpenter, e side 12w btw Penn av & En
Rollins, John - painter, 11e btw L & Ms, Navy Yard
Ronckendorf, Mary - widow, confectioner, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Rone, Adam - (colored man) tailor, n side Penn av btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Roscop, Jacob - butcher, 13-1/2w near Washington Bridge
Rose, Robert - foreman, gun carriage maker at Navy Yard; DW corner 7e & Virginia av, Navy Yard
Rose, Sr. - John, machinist at Navy Yard; DW 8e opposite barracks, Navy Yard
Rowan, James - painter, s side En btw 6 & 7w
Rowe, Richard - bricklayer, n e corner 8w & Gn
Rowley, James - stone cutter, 10 Buildings, New Jersey av
Roxburgh, Absalom - boatman, Fn btw 24 & 25w
Ruggles, William - tutor at the Columbian College
Rumpff, Henry - proprietor, City Hotel, Penn av opposite Brown's Hotel
Russ, Rebecca - school mistress, e side 7e btw L & Ms, Navy Yard
Russell, Frederick A. - coachmaker, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w; DW Louisiana av opposite city hall
Rutherford, William - butcher, Union street, Greenleaf's Point
Ryan, Michael - laborer, As (A south btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill

Saloman, Lewis - clk, register's office, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW Penn av near Seven Buildings
Salter, William - blacksmith, 5w btw E & Fn
Sanderson, Thomas - plumber, 11e near the bridge, Navy Yard
Sanderson, William - plumber, near east side Navy Yard
Sandiford, Jr. - Thomas, carpenter, n side Gn btw 20 & 21w
Sandiford, Thomas - carpenter, n side Fn btw 24 & 25w
Sanford, Alexander - proprietor, Washington Hotel, n side Penn av btw 14 & 15w
Sanford, George - lumber yard at Coomb's Wharf; DW corner 3e & Ls
Sangster, Thomas - Capt., near the bridge, Navy Yard
Sardo, Michael - boarding house, s w corner of Penn av & 10w
Sawyer, William M. - carpenter, s side Louisiana av btw 6 & 7w; DW opposite Brown's Hotel, Penn av
Scallan, James - foreman plumber at Navy Yard; DW Virginia av btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Scam, Mrs. - widow, w side New Jersey av btw L & Ms
Schaeffter, George F. - baker, n side East Capitol street, btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Schneller, Joseph - professor of Latin & French at Catholic Seminary, Fn
Scholfield, Joseph - w side 8w btw D & En
Schumann, Frederick - porter cellar, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Schwartz, Conrad - draughtsman to Navy Commissioners; DW w side 6w near Unitarian Church
Scott, Henry - blacksmith, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Scott, James - tailor, s side East Capitol street btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Scott, Mrs. - boarding house, s w corner 12w & en
Scott, Rebecca - widow, Ks near Eastern Branch upper bridge
Scott, Theodore - blacksmith, Virginia av btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Scott, William A. - grocery, n side East Capitol street, btw 2 & 3e, Capitol Hill
Seaton, W. W. - (firm of Gales & Seaton); DW en opposite the general post office
Seaver, Jonathan - clk in 2d Comptroller's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept
Seaver, Martha - widow, fancy goods store, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Sedwick, Sally - milliner, w side 7e near the Navy Yard
Selden, Carey - coal merchant, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Selkin, Elijah - rope maker, Ms btw 4-1/2 & 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Sengstack, C. P. - house & sign painter, s w corner Penn av & 13w
Serra, Augustin - overseer of laborers at Navy Yard; DW e side 7e near the Yard
Serrin, William - constable, s side Penn av opposite Western Market
Sessford, James - tobacconist, n side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Sessford, John - messenger, 2d Comptroller's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW s side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Sewall, Josiah - Bn fronting the canal
Sewall, Thomas - M.D., s side Penn av near Centre Market
Sewall, William and Henry - corner Bn & 2e, Capitol Hill
Sewall, William H. B. - attorney at law, w side 12w btw Penn av & En
Shaddows, Ann - widow, e side 13-1/2w btw Penn av & Dn
Shanks, Michael - china and glass store, s w corner Penn av & 9w
Shaw, Ann - widow, 3e btw East Capitol street & As (A south), Capitol Hill
Shaw, Eleanor - widow, Gs btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Shaw, Mary - widow, 27w near Georgetown lower bridge
Sheckles, Richard - sweepmaster, 5th & 6th wards, opposite the Methodist Church, Navy Yard
Shelton, Moses - ship carpenter, Ks btw 10 & 11e, Navy Yard
Sherburne, John H. - clk in Sec'y Navy's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept; DW near the eastern limits of the city
Sherlock, Mary Ann - s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Sherlock, Sarah - n side Cn btw 6 & 7w
Shields, James - plasterer, 8w btw E & Fn
Shoemaker, David - clk in gen post office; DW s e corner 12w & Fn
Shoemaker, Jr. - David, clk in gen land office, 1st flr, State Dept; DW 8w btw G & Hn
Shorter, Peter - (colored man) s side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Sim, Thomas - M.D., Six Buildings, n side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Simmons, James - cooper, 11e btw L & Ms, Navy Yard
Simmons, William - stone cutter, Bn btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Simms, Edward - grocer, n e corner 8e & Ks, Navy Yard
Simpson, Josiah - 12w near the Tiber
Simpson, Tobias - (colored man) messenger, An (A north) btw 2 & 3e, Capitol Hill
Sims, Jesse - at Rumpff's City Hotel, Penn av
Sinclair, James - blacksmith w side 13-1/2w btw Penn av & Dn; DW opposite
Sinnott, Margaret - school mistress, w side 11w btw F & Gn
Skippon, John - carpenter, e side 19w btw F & Gn
Slye, Thomas G. - clk in 1st Auditor's office, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW Georgetown
Small, Jacob - carpenter, 4e near the Eastern Branch
Smallwood, Samuel N. - lumber merchant, Virginia av btw 3 & 4e
Smith, Ann W. - grocery, n e corner En & 9w
Smith, Cornelius - ship carpenter, Georgia av btw 11 & 12, Navy Yard
Smith, David - Rev. (colored man), pastor of the African Church; DW near the Catholic Church, Capitol Hill
Smith, Elizabeth - widow, e side New Jersey av btw L & Ms
Smith, F. L. - clk in Sec'y State's office, 2d flr, State Dept
Smith, Fleet - attorney at law, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Smith, Henry - carpenter, e side 11w btw E & Fn
Smith, Henry - ship carpenter, corner Georgia av & 11e, Navy Yard
Smith, James - (colored man) livery stable, Cn btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Smith, James - laboratory, w side 7e near the Navy Yard
Smith, John - clk of the Catholic Seminary, Fn
Smith, John - tavern keeper, Maryland av near Washington Bridge
Smith, John H. - sweepmaster, 3d & 4th wards; DW at Mr. J. Appler's, 52 opposite city hall
Smith, John L. - Capt., clk in engineer office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW Georgetown
Smith, Mary - widow, s e corner En & 7w
Smith, Mrs. S. - tailoress, In (Eye north) btw 18 & 19w
Smith, Richard - cashier, Branch of U.S. Bank; DW Fn next door to the bank
Smith, Samuel H. - president, Bank of Washington; DW in the country
Smith, Thomas - (colored man) laborer, near the Glass House
Smith, Thomas - (colored man) hackman, Virginia av btw 3 & 4e
Smith, Thomas - livery stable, In (Eye north) btw 18 & 19w
Smith, William - police officer, w side 3e btw L & Ms
Smith, William - Schoolmaster, Es btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Smith Nathan, carpenter - e side 7w btw E & Fn
Smitson, Hezekiah - bricklayer, Greenleaf's Point
Smoot, Elizabeth - boarding house, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Smoot, George - clk at King & Langley's lumber yard; DW s side En btw 12 & 13w
Smoot, George - grocer, s side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Smoot, John - carpenter, 8e near Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
Smoot, Samuel - n side Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Somers, John - plasterer, Penn av west of and near the Capitol
Southerland, Thomas L. - messenger in 4th Auditor's office; DW s side En near 11w
Southerland, William - stone cutter, 3e btw East Capitol street and As (A south), Capitol Hill
Spalding, Francis - bricklayer, n side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Spalding, Richard - constable, near the Navy Magazine
Speake, Mary Ann - widow, s e corner Fn & 10w
Speake, Mr. - shoemaker, n side Penn av btw 8 & 9w
Speake, Robert - Capt., 21 w near the western grave yard
Spear, Charles F. - Lieut., Marine corps, at Barracks
Speiden, William - clk at purser's store; DW Is (Eye south) btw 6 & 7e, Navy Yard
Spellman, Benjamin - (colored man) cook, Penn av btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Spencer, Sarah - e side 8w btw D & En
Spratt, James - dry goods store, e side 8e near Navy Yard
Spratt, Thomas - hat and shoe store, e side 9w near Penn av
Sprigg, Benjamin - clk in office of clk of House of Reps; DW w side 1e btw B & Cn, Capitol Hill
Sprigg, Thomas B. - (colored man) carter, e side 12w btw E and Fn
Stakelberg, The Baron - Swedish charge des affaires, n side Penn av btw 18 & 19w
Stanley, Thomas - painter, 4-1/2w near city hall
Stanwell, William - carpenter, 9e btw L & Ms, Navy Yard
Steele, Rachel - widow, Es btw 8 & 9e, Navy Yard
Steer, Henry - ship carpenter, 9e btw L & Ms, Navy Yard
Steiner, Henry M. - clk in registers office, No. 8, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW 19w btw F & Gn
Steiner, John C. - clk, register's office, No. 11, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW En btw 20 & 21w
Stelle, Pontius D. - clk, 1st comptrollers office, No. 13, 2d flr, Treas. Dept; DW Varnum's row, Penn av
Stellings, Benjamin - ship carpenter, w side 8e near the Barracks, Navy Yard
Stephens, Littleton - (colored man) oyster house, Penn av opposite Centre Market
Sterling, George - bell hanger, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Stettinius, John - dry goods store, n side Penn av btw 6 & 7w
Steuart, William - clk, 2d Auditor's office, No. 6, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Georgetown
Stevens, Edward - clk, Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept; DW 14w btw F & Gn
Stevens, Henry - (colored man) oyster house, e side 13-1/2w btw Penn av & Dn
Steward, Mrs. - widow, boarding house, s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Steward, Walter - s w corner Gn & 12w
Steward, William - carter, w side 11w near the Tiber
Stewart, Archibald - grocery, n e corner Penn av & 1w near the Capitol
Stewart, Nancy - widow, n side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Stewart, Phillip - General, near corner South Carolina av & Es
Stewart, Samuel - messenger, w side 11w btw G & Hn
Stewart, William H. - collector, 13w btw E & Fn
Stewart, William M. - clk, Sec'y War's office, 2d flr, War Dept
Stickney, Moses - Sargeant, Marine Corps, DW Is (Eye south) btw 10 & 11e, Navy Yard
Stinger, Frederick - grocer, s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w; DW opposite
Stinthicomb, Noah - carpenter, n side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Stockwell, John - printer, e side 11w btw E & Fn
Stone, Anna Maria - seminary for young ladies, n side Fn btw 19 & 20w
Stone, Henry - lithographic printer, n side Fn btw 19 & 20w
Stone, Lavinia - governess, orphan asylum, w side 7w btw H & In (Eye north)
Stone, William J. - engraver and copperplate printer, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Story, James - carter, 8w btw E & Fn
Stout, Ebenezer - clk, Sec'y War's office, 2d flr; DW Georgetown
Stowers, Samuel - (firm of Fales & Stowers) 13w near Fn
Street, John - tavernkeeper, s side Gn btw 18 & 19w
Stretch, John - clk, register's office, No. 6, 1st flr Treas Dept; DW 19w btw G & Hn
Strother, John - proprietor of Mansion Hotel, n w corner Penn av & 14w
Stubbs, Mr. - carter, e side 13w near the Tiber
Suit, John - shoemaker, e side 7e near Navy Yard
Sullivan, Jeremiah - grocery, w side 8w btw D & En
Sullivan, Jeremiah - tavern keeper, s side East Capitol street opposite market, Capitol Hill
Suter, Barbara - s side Penn av 1st door from 15w
Suter, John - clk, gen post office; DW s side Penn av 1st door from 15w
Suttle, Henry - gardener, near the Glass House
Sweeney, William H. - laborer, En btw 3 & 4w
Sweeny, George - chief clk, city post office; DW w side 7w btw D & En
Sweeny, Mary - fancy store, s side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Symington, James - shoe store, n side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Symonson, James - Lieut., commandant at the Arsenal at Greenleaf's Point

Tafe, Mrs. - widow, 5e near the Eastern Branch, Navy Yard
Tait, Alexander - stone cutter, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, Capitol Hill
Talbot, Alexander - carpenter, Gs btw 6 and 7e, Navy Yard
Talbot, Ellen - e side 8e near Marine Barracks, Navy Yrd
Talbot, Thomas - ship carpenter, Ks btw 11 & 12e, Navy Yard
Tanner, Jesse - carpenter, e side New Jersey av btw K & Ls
Tarlton, Merit - hatter, e side 6w btw E & Fn
Tasted, Nicholas - clk in gen post office; DW s side En btw 10 & 11w
Tate, Andrew - clk in gen post office: DW s side DN btw 6 & 7w
Tayloe, John - Colonel, corner New York av & 18w
Taylor, John - bricklayer, near the Glass House
Taylor, Joseph - clk at the Glass House
Taylor, Joseph - clk in gen post office; DW e side 10w btw Penn av & En
Taylor, Jr. - Thomas, wood corder, near the Glass House
Telfer, John - dry goods store, n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Tench, Mr. - laborer, Ls btw 8 and 9e, Navy Yard
Tennison, Joshua - s side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Terrett, William H. - Ns btw 4-1/2 & 6w, Greenleaf's Point
Thaw, Joseph - clk, 5th Auditor's office, No. 5, 2d flr, State Dept; DW n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Thomas, Eliza - widow, w side 7w btw E & Fn
Thomas, George - clk in Bank of the Metropolis, corner Fn & 15w
Thomas, John - ship carpenter, Virginia av btw 3 & 4e
Thomas, John V. - bookbinder, e side 8e near Navy Yard
Thomas, Robert - carpenter, corner 4-1/2w & Ms, Greenleaf's Point
Thomas, William - carpenter, corner 7e & Gs, Navy Yard
Thompson, Charles - wood merchant, corner Cn & 13-1/2w
Thompson, James - Colonel, chief clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW Mn near Georgetown upper bridge
Thompson, James - grocery, e side New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
Thompson, John L. - carpenter, near corner 20w & New York av
Thompson, Joseph - bricklayer, Fn btw 18 & 19w
Thompson, Pishey - bookseller, n side Penn av btw 11 & 12w
Thompson, Smith - Sec'y Navy; DW opposite War Dept
Thornton, Dr. William - superintendent, Patent office; DW n side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Thorpe, Thomas - grocery, n e corner 19w & Penn av
Thruston, Buckner - judge, circuit court, s side Bs btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Thruston, Thomas L. - clk in State Dept, No. 12, 2d flr; DW s side Bs btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Thumblert, William - shoemaker, n side Penn av near Brown's Hotel; DW Cn btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Ticer, Thomas - tavern keeper, 12w near the Tiber
Tietien, Henry - grocery corner Ms & 3e
Tilley, Ann - widow, n side Penn av opposite Western Market
Tims, Henry - doorkeeper of the Senate; DW As (A south) fronting the Capitol square
Tingey, Thomas - Captain, commandant of the Navy Yard
Tippett, Cartright - jailor, En back of city hall
Tippett, Edward D. - teacher of Eastern Public School, corner Ds & 3e
Tippett, John D. - opposite the market, Navy Yard
Toole, John - at Brown's Hotel, Penn av
Torrence, James - porter cellar, 15w near Treas. Dept
Townsend, Lemuel - grocer, corner 7e & Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Towson, Joshua - carpenter, w side 7w btw H & In (Eye north)
Towson, Nathan - Colonel, paymaster general, No. 1, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Kn near Georgetown lower bridge
Travers, Esias - baker, n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Travers, George - Captain, corner South Capitol street & Ns
Travers, Jacob - DW n side Penn av btw 12 & 13w
Tschiffely, F. D. - n side Gn btw 17 & 18w
Tucker, Elizabeth - widow, btw 5 & 6e near Maryland av
Tucker, Elizabeth - widow, corner 6e & Gs, Navy Yard
Tucker, John - blacksmith, 8e opposite Barracks, Navy Yard
Tucker, John - whitesmith & bell hanger, n side Penn av btw 10 & 11w; DW 12w near Penn av
Tucker, Micajah - Hn btw 6 & 7w
Tucker, Mrs. - boarding house, n w corner Penn av & 7w opposite Centre Market
Tucker, Thomas Tudor - treasurer, No. 3, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW at Mrs. Wilson's, Fn near Treas. Dept
Turnbull, Elizabeth - school mistress, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Turnbull, Mrs. - widow, corner As (A south) & 2e, Capitol Hill
Turnbull, Robert - stone cutter, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Turner, Mr. - carpenter, e side 9w btw D & En
Turner, Samuel - chf clk, Sec'y of Senate's office; DW Georgetown
Turton, Ferdinand - shoemaker, Penn av btw 18 & 19w
Tweedy, Margaret - widow, n w corner Gn & 12w
Tweedy, Robert - tavernkeeper, e side 9w btw D & En
Tyler, Benjamin O. - lottery office, 2 doors east of Brown's Hotel; DW w side 10w btw Penn av & En
Tyler, Edward - (colored man) laborer, 4e btw K & Ls

Underhill, Mr. - carpenter, w side 13w near the Tiber
Underwood, John - clk, 1st Auditor's office, 1st flr, Treas. Dept; DW New Jersey av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill

Vail, Aaron - clk, 2d Comptroller's office, 2d flr, Navy Dept
Vail, Eugene A. - clk, gen land office, 1st flr, War Dept; DW corner Gn & 19w
Vail, Mrs. - widow, corner Gn & 19w
Vail, Thomas - blacksmith, Penn av btw 6 & 7e
Vallard, Elizabeth - widow, w side 14w btw Penn av & the Tiber
Van Coble, Aaron - carpenter, next to Unitarian Ch; DW e side 9w btw D and En
Van De Venter, C. - chf clk, War Dept, 2d flr; DW Georgetown
Van Den Berg, H. V. S. - clk in 5th Auditor's office, No. 5, 2d Flr, State Dept; DW at Mrs. Arguelles', Penn av
Van Ness, Benjamin - carpenter, e side 10w btw E & Fn
Van Ness, John P. - General, president, Bank of the Metropolis; DW 17w near the river
Van Reswick, John - coal measurer, 4-1/2w btw N & Os, Greenleaf's Point
Vanzandt, Nicholas B. - land agent, w side 6w near Penn av; DW e side 7w btw H & In (Eye north)
Varden, Charles - coachmaker, Dn btw 12 & 13w
Varnum, Mrs. James M. - widow, e side 8w one door from Penn av
Veach, William - laborer, Ks btw 11 & 12e, Navy Yard
Venable, Charles - tinman, n side Virginia av btw 7 & 8e, Navy Yard
Venable, Joseph - boatman, 7e btw G [sic] & Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Venable, William - corner Virginia av & 7e, Navy Yard
Vermillion, Dennis - ship carpenter, 5e near Eastern Branch, Navy Yard
Vermillion, Henrietta - widow, 5e near Eastern Branch, Navy Yard
Vermillion, John - boat builder, 5e near Eastern Branch, Navy Yard
Vermillion, Otho T. - tailor, corner 7e & Ls, Navy Yard
Vidler, Edward - stone cutter, Ks btw 9 & 10e, Navy Yard
Vinson, Charles - clk in 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW In (Eye north) btw 17 & 18w

Wade, John H. - printer, n side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Wadsworth, Alexander A. - master commandant at the Navy Yard
Wadsworth, George - clk, 1st Comptroller's office, No. 3, 2d flr, Treas Dept; DW Maryland av
Wagler, F. A. - professor of music, Hn btw 17 & 18w
Wailes, Dorothy - w side New Jersey av btw K & Ls
Wailes, Isaac H. - (firm of S. W. Handy & Co., hatters), 2d door east of Brown's Hotel, Penn av
Wait, Samuel - Rev., tutor at the Columbian College
Walker, Charles - captain of the steam boat 'Washington,' Es btw 10 & 11w
Walker, George - butcher, In (Eye north) btw 18 & 19w
Walker, George W. - Lieut., Marine Corps, at Barracks, Navy Yard
Walker, Joseph - blacksmith, w side 13w btw E & Fn
Walker, Rosanna - widow, w side 8e near Barracks, Navy Yard
Walker, Zachariah - pump maker, 13w btw Dn & Penn av
Wallace, William - teacher, s side Hn btw 6 & 7w
Wallack, Richard - attorney at law, e side 6w near Penn av
Waller, Bradley - (firm of Butler & Co.), china ware store, e side Penn av near the Centre Market
Walsh, Peter - professor of English in Catholic Seminary, Fn
Ward, Alexander - tinman s w corner Penn av & 12w
Ward, Joseph - tailor, s side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Ward, Michael - grocery, s w corner En & 9w
Ward, William - dry goods store, n side Penn av near Brown's Hotel
Ware, Isaiah - livery stable, back of Strother's Hotel
Waring, Bazil - clk, 5th Auditor's office, No. 5, wd flr, War Dept; DW New York av near Navy Dept
Waring, Joseph - (colored man) messenger, corner Kn & 15w
Warner, Elizabeth - boarding house, s side Penn av near the Centre Market
Warner, Thomas - shoemaker, s side Es btw 9 & 10w
Warnsford, Amelia - n side Cn btw 4-1/2 & 6w
Washburn, Levi - grocer, s side Kn near the Georgetown lower bridge
Washington, Lund - clk, 1st comptroller's office, No. 14, 2d flr, Treas. Dept
Washington, P. G. - clk, Sec'y Treasury's office, No. 6, 2d flr; DW Union st, Greenleaf's Point
Waters, John - police officer, e side 10w btw G & Hn
Waters, Mr. - laborer, As (A south) btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Waters, William - magistrate, n side Penn av btw 19 & 20w
Watkins, Dr. Tobias - sec'y to com under 11th Article, Florida Treaty (Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819); DW Delaware av btw B & Cs, Capitol Hill
Watkins, John - carpenter, 6e near Virginia av, Navy Yard
Watson, Alexander - assist messenger, Treas Dept; DW 23w near Penn av
Watson, Alexander - carter, e side 13w near the Tiber
Watson, Elizabeth - widow, Gn btw 18 & 19w
Watson, James - carter, corner 1e near Eastern Branch
Watson, Joseph - Colonel, military & general, land, and tax agent, office near the Patriotic Bank; DW s side Penn av btw 10 & 11w
Watson, William - porter cellar, s side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Watterston, David - grocer, s side East Capitol street, opposite the market, Capitol Hill
Watterston, George - librarian of Congress library; DW 2e btw Penn a & Cs, Capitol Hill
Way, Jr. - Andrew, printer & stationer, and proprietor of Glass Works, side Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Wayson, Edward - blacksmith, 8e near Barracks, Navy Yard
Webb, John F. - at Gillespie's lottery office; DW w side 7w btw E & Fn
Webb, Thomas - apothecary, n side Penn av btw 6 & 7w
Webster, Samuel P. - clk, 1st comptroller's office, No. 2, 2d flr, Treas Dept; DW Georgetown
Wedd, Miss Mary - dressmaker, at Mr. Keyworth's, Penn av btw 9 & 10w
Weed, Elijah J. - Lieut., quartermaster, Marine Corps, at the Barracks, Navy Yard
Weightman, Henry T. - clk, Branch of the U. S. Bank; DW w side 7w btw D & En
Weightman, Roger C. - n e corner Penn av & 6w
Well, Cornelius - wood merchant, Bn fronting canal
Wells, Jr. - John, clk, 2d Auditor's office, No. 8, 1st flr, War Dept; DW 15w near Kn
Wells, Richard - carter, n side Hn btw 6 & 7w
Wells, Samuel - carpenter Fn next to the Catholic Seminary
Welsh, Mrs. - widow, s side Fn btw 6 & 7w
Welsh, Thomas - Dn 2d door east of Unitarian Church
Welsh, Valentine - Dn 2d door east of Unitarian Church
Wertz, Henry - Penn av west of and near the Capitol
Westcott, Mrs. - w side New Jersey av btw L & Ms
Westerfield, David - cabinet maker, e side 7w btw F & Gn
Wharton, Charles H. W. - magistrate, opposite gen post office; DW w side 12w btw E & Fn
Wheat, John - gardener, 4-1/2w btw N & Os, Greenleaf's Point
Wheat, Thomas - teacher, Hamiltonian School, Virginia av btw 4 & 5e, Navy Yard
Wheatly, Mrs. - widow, An (A north) btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Wheaton, Joseph - clk, gen land office, 1st flr, State Dept; DW s side Fn btw 13 & 14w
Wheeler, Augustin - quartermaster [unreadable], Marine Corps, at Barracks
Whetcroft, Henry - notary public, s side Penn av btw 13 & 13-1/2w
White, Ambrose - bricklayer, South Capitol street btw C & Ds, Capitol Hill
White, Amelia - widow, 20w near Penn av
White, Charles - shoemaker, Penn av opposite Strother's Hotel; DW Fn btw 14 & 15w
White, James - Captain, 1e near the Eastern Branch
White, James - laborer, Fn btw 13 & 14w
White, James C. - shoemaker, w side 8w btw G & Hn
White, Thomas - ship carpenter, Ks btw 10 & 11e, Navy Yard
Wiggins, Thomas - shoemaker, w side 8e near Barracks, Navy Yard
Wilbert, Ruel - blacksmith, e side 8e near Barracks, Navy Yard
Wilcox, Charles G. - clk, com. gen, subsistence, No. 12, 1st flr, War Dept; DW Georgetown
Wilcox, Eleanor - widow, at the Eastern Branch upper bridge
Wilkin, William S. - clk, 3d Auditor's office, 1st flr, Navy Dept; DW at Sanford's Hotel, Penn av
Wilkinson, John - carpenter, Gn btw 2 & 3w
Williams, Brooke - clk in adjutant general's office, No. 7, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW Georgetown
Williams, J. G. - Lieut., Marine Corps, at the Barracks, Navy Yard
Williams, Jeremiah - clk, 1st Auditor's office, No. 1, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW Georgetown
Williams, John - (colored man) w side 11w btw Penn av & En
Williams, Lydia - (colored woman) nurse, w side 11w btw Penn av & En
Williams, Phillip - grocer, In (Eye north) opposite Western Market
Williams, Thomas - blacksmith, n e corner En & 13w; DW 12w btw G & Hn
Williams, Zedekiah - laborer, 5e btw K & Ls, Navy Yard
Williamson, William - clk, 1st comptroller's office, No. 12, 2d flr, Treas Dept
Wilmot, C. Foley - attached to the British legation, n side Penn av btw 20 & 21
Wilson, Elizabeth - boarding house, n side Fn btw 11 & 12w
Wilson, James - printer, n side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Wilson, John - scavenger, 2d ward, s side Penn av btw 18 & 19w
Wilson, John A. - alderman, 2d ward, n side Gn btw 14 & 15w
Wilson, Joseph - messenger, land office, & boarding house, n side Fn btw 11 & 12w
Wilson, Mrs. - boarding house, s side Fn btw 14 & 15w
Wilson, Thomas - bricklayer, Fn btw 13 & 14w
Wilson, Thomas - carpenter, s side Penn av btw 17 & 18w
Wilstach, Charles F. - M.D., apothecary & chemist, corner Fn & 12w
Wiltberger, Charles H. - silversmith & jeweler, Penn av nearly opposite Brown's Hotel; DW Maryland av btw 1 & 2e, Capitol Hill
Wimsatt, Samuel - wood corder & coal measurer, 11w btw D & Es
Winn, Timothy - purser at Navy Yard; DW Is (Eye south) btw 10 & 11e
Wirt, William - attorney general, U.S., 2d flr War Dept; DW s side Gn btw 17 & 18w
Wirtz, Mary - Union street, btw & Ns, Greenleaf's Point
Wise, William - rope maker, Greenleaf's Point
Wiseman, Ignatius - grocer, e side New Jersey av btw L & Ms
Wiseman, Mr. - 1e near the Eastern Branch
Wolfet, James - armorer at Marine Barracks
Wood, Benjamin - laborer, As (A south) btw New Jersey av & 1e, Capitol Hill
Wood, George - clk, gen land office, No. 15, 1st flr, State Dept; DW s side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Wood, Joseph - portrait painter, Weightman's buildings, corner Penn av & 6w
Wood, William - (colored man) hair dresser, 1e fronting Capitol square, Capitol Hill
Wood, William - tavern keeper & silversmith, 8e near Navy Yard
Woodside, James D. - clk, register's office, No. 9, 1st flr, Treas Dept; DW Six Buildings, Penn av
Woodside, John - clk, 1st comptroller's office, No. 3, 2d flr, Treas. Dept; DW Six Buildings, Penn av
Woodward, Amon - city pump maker, s side En btw 12 & 13w
Woodworth, Ann - Globe Tavern, 10w near Penn av
Worthington, Jr. - William, cabinet maker, n side Penn av btw 21 & 22w
Wright, Francis - clk, War Dept, 2d flr; DW 18w btw H & In (Eye north)
Wright, James - grocer, corner Maryland av & 2e, Capitol Hill
Wright, Matthew - grocer, corner 8e and Is (Eye south), Navy Yard
Wright, Nathaniel - carpenter, n side En btw 10 & 11w
Wright, Richard - shoemaker, e side 9w btw D & En
Wright, William - watchmaker, n side Penn av btw 4-1/2 and 6w
Wrights, Frederick - glass blower, n side Penn av btw 13 & 14w
Wroe, Absalom - grocer, e side 7w btw G & Hn

Yates, Nathaniel - carpenter, e side 8w btw G & Hn
Yeats, William - pump maker, w side 13w near the Tiber
Young, David - butcher, e side 13w btw E & Fn
Young, David - n side Dn east of and near city hall
Young, Ezekiel - merchant tailor, n side Fn btw 12 & 13w
Young, James - grocer, s e corner New Jersey av & Bs, Capitol Hill
Young, Thomas - butcher, e side 7e near Navy Yard
Young, Thomas - ship carpenter, Ms btw 9 & 10e, Navy Yard
Young, William - saddler, e side 12w btw Penn av & En
Young, William C. - Lieutenant, at the arsenal, Greenleaf's Point

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This page was last updated 01/29/2025