Mecklenburg County

YANCEY Wills and Additional Probate Records

Will of Mary YANCEY

[Mary YANCEY was a wife of Richard YANCEY, Sr.]

Mecklenberg County, Virginia, Will Book 3, Page 247

Dated 1790; Proved 1795

In the name of God, Amen, I MARY YANCEY of the state of Virginia, Mecklenburg County, being low in health and weak in body, though of sound and perfect mind I do make and ordain this my last will and testament.

Item I give and bequeath to my son ROBERT YANCEY, one featherbed, two sheets and a blanket, one copper skillet, a half dozen of Puter plates, and a half dozen of earthen plates, one gallon bason and one puter dish, one spice mortar and one butter pot, to him and to his heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter MARY YANCEY, daughter of ROBERT YANCEY one side saddle and one chest, to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my daughter KEZIAH NUCHOLS all my Waring Cloaths [sic.] , to her and her heirs forever.

Item And it is my desire that all the rest of my estate should be equally divided amongst my children, to wit, WILLIAM YANCEY, ABSALOM YANCEY, ROBERT YANCEY, RICHARD YANCEY, CHARLES YANCEY and ZACHARIAH YANCEY.

Item I constitute and appoint my son ROBERT YANCEY my sole executor and trustee of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills do proclaim and declare this my last will and testament.

As witness my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of October One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ninety.

before signed

MARY (her X mark) YANCEY

JAMES (his X mark) GRIFFIN Senior

Will of Ricard YANCEY

[Richard YANCEY was a son of Charles and Mary (BARTLETT?) YANCEY]

Mecklenberg County, Virginia, Will Book 1, Page 349

Dated 1768; Proved 1781

In the name of God, I RICHARD YANCEY of the county [of] Mecklenburg in the Colony of Virginia, being in my perfect health, senses and memory do hereby make this my last will and testament revoking and setting aside all and every will and wills formerly by me made.

Imprimis. I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God and my body to be buried in a Christian-like manner.

Imps. I lend unto my beloved wife MARY my negroes Paul, Jane, Betty and Frank during her natural life.

Imps. I give, bequeath and confirm unto my daughter KEZIAH NUCHOLS the negroes Abram and Lucy - they and their increase to she and her heirs forever together with one featherbed and furniture all of which she has in possession formerly given by me in full of her part of my estate.

Imps. I give and confirm in like manner unto my son LEWIS YANCEY the negroes Jack, Beck, and Phil - them and their increase unto him and his heirs forever together with one horse and saddle; all of which he has in his possession formerly given by me in full of his part of my estate.

Imps. I give and bequeath in like manner unto my son WILLIAM YANCEY 200 acres of land be the same more or less whereon he now lives - beginning on the south side of Beech Creek in the province of North Carolina and County of Granville opposite to a mouth of a small branch which makes into the said creek on the North side, thence running South to my back line which joins JOHN STOVALL, thence West to my corner tree, thence North along my old line to Beech Creek, thence down the same as meanders to the beginning for the compliment aforesaid, which said land is hereby directed to be laid off by my executors of this my last will and testament hereafter mentioned together with one negro girl named Lucretia - she and her increase unto him and his heirs, forever, together with one featherbed and furniture of which he has in his possession formerly given by me in full of his part of my estate. Also every other thing and things formerly given by me be it of what kind soever.

Imps. I give and bequeath in like manner to my son ABSALOM YANCEY a tract of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg in the Colony of Virginia on Beech Creek containing three hundred acres be the same, more or less, on top joining JOHN TWITTY's Order of Council and THOMAS STOVALL, together with one negro boy named David one featherbed and furniture at the value of ten pounds, current money of Virginia, and one horse and saddle as he has already received, all of which in full of his part of my estate.

Imps. I give and bequeath in manner aforesaid unto my son ROBERT YANCEY the Negroes Milly and Jane and their increase with one featherbed and furniture which he has in his possession and thirty pounds current money of Virginia which said money is directed to be raised out of my perishable estate by my executors in full of his part of my other estate.

Imps. I give and bequeath unto my son RICHARD YANCEY three hundred acres of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg in the Colony of Virginia be the same more or less on top beginning at the mouth of the Russ branch thence down Beech creek as it meanders to the mouth of the branch from which my son WILLIAM is [directed?] as aforesaid thence North thirty- seven degrees East to the back line thence to the beginning together with one negro girl named Toney she and her increase unto him and his heirs forever, one featherbed and furniture at the value of ten pounds current money of Virginia and one horse and saddle which horse he has already received in full of his part of my estate.

Imps. I give and confirm unto my son CHARLES YANCEY all the remaining parts of my land joining my son WILLIAM and RICHARD as aforesaid both in Virginia and North Carolina together with one negro boy named Micajah one featherbed and furniture at the value of ten pounds current money of Virginia and one mare which he has in his possession in full of his part of my other estate.

Imps. I give and bequeath unto my son HEZEKIAH YANCEY the negroes Mary and they and their increase unto him and his heirs forever one featherbed and furniture at the value of ten pounds current money of Virginia one horse of ten pounds in value and twenty pounds in cash to be raised out of my estate.

Imps. I give and bequeath unto my son JOSEPH YANCEY one entry of land on the Russ Branch of Beech Creek in the County of Mecklenburg and Colony of Virginia which said entry of land is to be surveyed by my Executors and Administrators and cleared out of the Office for my said son, JOSEPH and to be paid for out of the profits of my estate together with one negro girl named Isabel she and her increase unto him and his heirs forever, one featherbed and furniture at the value of ten pounds current money of Virginia and twenty pounds of like money to be raised out of my estate as aforesaid in full of his part of my estate.

Imps. I give and confirm unto my son ZACARIAH YANCEY the land and plantation whereon I now live and one negro man named [_____?] which said negro is directed to be hired out by my executors during my said son's infancy and the profits arising therefrom to be applied to his [use?] with the interest of the money from year to year which may arise by such hire likewise one featherbed and furniture of the value of ten pounds current money of Virginia and that my said son ZACARIAH be sufficiently schooled boarded and clothed and educated out of my other estate without reducing any part of the above given and bequeathed legacies all of which in full of his part of my estate.

Imps. My will and pleasure is that if any of my children above mentioned should decease before they or either of them arrive at the age appointed by Law for disposing of their several legacies heretofore given and bequeathed as is above mentioned or without heirs lawfully begotten that then such estate so given and bequeathed be and are hereby directed to be equally divided between my then living children or their heirs forever.

Imps. My will and desire is that after my just debts being final paid together with the several legacies as above mentioned that all and everything and things be and remain in the possession of my beloved wife, MARY, during her life and after her decease to be equally divided between my several children as above mentioned.

I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved brother JAMES YANCEY and my son CHARLES YANCEY as my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness -- whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 24th day of August 1768.


Signed dated published and delivered in presence of

At a court held for Mecklenburg County, the 11th day of Sept. 1780, this will was proved by the oath of LARKIN JOHNSON, a witness thereto, and at a Court held for the said County the 12th day of February 1781. The other witnesses residing out of this State, ELIJAH GRAVES was sworn and deposed that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the testator and verily believes that the name RICHARD YANCEY to the said Will subscribed, is the proper handwriting of the testator and the court having compared sundry papers said to be written by the testator, with his name subscribed to the said will, is of opinion that the same was signed by the testator himself; whereupon the said will was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of CHARLES YANCEY, the surviving Executor therein named who made oath thereto and together with ELIJAH GRAVES, THOMAS JONES and JAMES HUNT has securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form and the letters of administration formerly granted MARY YANCEY, widow, on the estate of the said RICHARD are repealed.


Will of Robert YANCEY

[Robert YANCEY was a son of Charles and Mary (BOLLING?) YANCEY]

Mecklenberg County, Virginia, Will Book 8, Page 444

Dated 1819; Proved 1819
Last Will and Testament of Robert Yancey of Mecklenberg County, Virginia

In the name of God, Amen, I ROBERT YANCEY, Sen. of the county of Mecklenburg, state of Virginia of sound mind and memory do make, ordain and constitute this my Last Will & Testament trusting in a savior for redemption.

1 - Imprimis - I give unto my son JOHN YANCEY the track of land he is now living upon containing by estimation one hundred and forty acres to the same more or less, also another tract [againcey?] the former containing sixty acres be the same more or less, the first track of one hundred forty acres rated at twenty shillings per acre, the other track of sixty rated at [fifteen?] shillings per acre, with one negro girl Pink rated at sixty pounds. also one bed and furniture rated at ten pounds to him and his heirs forever.

2 - Imprimis - I give unto my son RICHARD YANCEY the track of land he is now living upon containing by estimation four hundred acres be the same more or less rated at ten shillings per acre, also one negro boy named Gabriel rated at fifty Pounds -- one featherbed & furniture rated at ten pounds, to him and his heirs forever.

3 - Imprimis - I give unto my son ROBERT YANCEY the track of land he is now living upon containing by estimation four hundred and twelve acres be the same more or less rated at ten shillings per acre also one negro girl named Jinney rated at one hundred dollars to him and his heirs forever.

4 - Imprimis - I give unto my son HEZEKIAH the track of land he is now living upon containing by estimation one hundred and ninety five acres be the same more or less rated at fifty shillings per acre, also one negro boy named Haborn rated at forty five pounds, featherbed and furniture rated ten pounds, also one hundred and twenty dollars that I have lent him to him and his heirs forever.

5 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter MARY WILLIAMSON one negro girl named Agga rated at sixty pounds, another negro girl named Matilda rated at fifty pounds, one featherbed at ten pounds, one horse at ten pounds to her and her heirs forever.

6 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter PHILADELPHIA TILLOTSON a negro girl named Amy & her children rated fifty five pounds. Featherbed and furniture at ten pounds, one horse at ten pounds. Also the track of land whereon she now lives containing by estimation three hundred acres be the same more or less rated at twelve shillings and sixpence per acre to her and her heirs forever.

7 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter ANNA OVERBY one negro boy named Buck rated at sixty pounds, one horse at ten pounds and one featherbed ten pounds with half of the track of land lying and adjoining Speed and Nelson containing three hundred and fifty acres rated at twenty two shillings per acre to her and her heirs forever.

8 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter ELIZABETH GRIFFIN one negro girl named Patsey rated at sixty pounds, also another little girl named Chana, one horse at ten pounds and also the other half of the land named above adjoining Speed and Neslon to her and her heirs forever.

9 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter SUSANA WILLIAMSON one negro girl named Anna rated at fifty pounds, one horse ten pounds, one bed and furniture ten pounds to her and her heirs forever.

10 - Imprimis - I give unto my daughter LUCY YANCEY the lands that I now am living upon containing by estimation two hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less rated at fifteen shillings per acre, also one negro boy by the name of Hammond at fifty pounds, also her choice of my horses, also her choice of a cow and calf, also a good sow and pigs, also a sufficiency of provisions for her and her family. But if my daughter LUCY should die before marriage the property shall return to my children or their Heirs.

11 - Imprimis - I give unto MILEY GRIFFIN one negro boy named Starling with a featherbed and furniture ten pounds value to him and his heirs forever.

Imprimis - It is my desire that the rest of my negroes not mentioned in this last will shall be [_______] in equal lots & that each of my children draw the lots & abide by such lots as shall be drawn by them.


July 20th 1819

Additional Probate Records


Court Records of Mecklenburg County, Virginia, which make reference to the descendants of Richard & Mary Yancey. From Order Books & Chauncery Records of Mecklenburg County: Chuncery Court 19 June 1810 - Mecklenburg County

Plaintiffs: Absalom Yancey, Robert Yancey, Zachariah Yancey, Thomas Yancey, William Nuckolls, Richard Nuckolls, Lewis Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, John Thompson & Elizabeth his wife, Austin Hancock & Ann his wife, Keziah Nuckolls, Patsy Nuckolls, Patsy Watkins, Anne Watkins, James Green & Ann his wife, Abel Gregory & Elizabeth his wife, William Overby & Susannah his wife, Charles Yancey, Dolly Yancey, Anthony Lumpkin & wife Mary, Abby Yancey, William Beadles & wife Ann, Richard Davenport, Bazel Thompson, (Kitty, Rhoda, Mary, John, Yancey, Francis & William Thompson) - infants sue by William Beadles, (Charles, Dolly & Abby [above mentioned] are infants and sue by Zachariah their next friend). Vs. Defendants: Lewis Tapp & wife Jane, Martha, Ann, Keziah, Mary, Absalom, Charles, William & Elijah Yancey - rep. of Charles Yancey decd. The defts. not appearing in court it appears they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth - ord. to be here 3rd Monday in October next. Which to be published in Newspaper in town Richmond for 8 weeks successively & posted at court days at front door courthouse.

20 November 1810 In this suit Thompson infants sue by William Thompson, published notice has been given. It is ordered that of the 432 acres mentioned in complainents bill & which was patented to Charles dec and conveyed by a former decree of this court to John Lewis together with 425A pat. to William Yancey to be sold to highest bidder for cash & credit. William, Thomas, Charles & his representatives to be reimbursed for taxes. Bal proceeds to be divided into 8 [eight] parts. 1 [One] each to: [1/8 part to: ] Absalom Yancey [1/8 part to: ] Robert Yancey [1/8 part to: ] Zachariah Yancey [1/8 part to: ] Thomas Yancey 1/8 part to be paid to representatives of Keziah Nuckolls decd - Richard, Lewis & William Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, John Thompson & wife Elizabeth, Austin Hancock & wife Ann, Keziah Nuckolls, remaining 1/8 of same part to be divided between Pasty & Ann Watkins. 1/8 part to be paid representatives of Lewis Yancey decd - divided into four parts: To William Beadle & wife Ann, Richard Davenport, Bazel Thompson, & infant children of Sarah Thompson decd - 1/7th to each - Kitty, Mary, Rhoda, John, Yancey, Francis, & William Thompson. 1/8 part to be paid to representatives of Richard Yancey, the younger, decd - in seven equal parts to: James Green & wife Ann, Abel Gregory & Elizabeth, William Overby & Susannah, Anthony Lumpkin & Mary, Charles, Abby & Dolly Yancey. Remaining 1/8 part to be divided among defendants: 8 equal parts: Lewis Tapp & wife, Martha, Ann, Keziah, Mary, Absalom, Charles, and Elijah Yancey. Taxes & Cost to be paid first.

[NOTE BY COMPILER: Dennis J. Yancey: Although it is uncertain under what circumstances these court proceedings and legal actions were taken - the records show the proceeds being distributed in eight equal parts among eight children of Richard and Mary Yancey - or in those cases where the child was deceased - among the grandchildren of Richard and Mary. This is one of the few documents that pretty much proves that Richard had eight children who lived to adulthood and left children and also lists those grandchildren living (in 1810) that descend from four of his deceased children: Keziah, Lewis, Richard Jr. & Charles. At least two other of Richard's children: Joseph & Hezekiah Yancey had died prior to this date without leaving any descendants.]


Order Book 8 page 525 - 1795 John Lewis vs. Edmund Taylor, Charles Yancey Exr & son of Richard Yancey, Absalom Yancey - son of sd. decedent, William Yancey - eldest son of sd decedent, Robert Yancey and Richard Yancey also sons of said decedent, and Zachariah Yancey, Keziah Nuckolls daughter of sd decedent. The subpoena against the deft. Complainants wants clear title of land bought of Edmund Taylor - wants title from Yancey heirs.

[Note from Compiler: Dennis J. Yancey: In the above record William Yancey is referred to as the eldest son. One should be careful in interpreting this - it is thought by some that this might have meant that he was the eldest 'living' son - but that his brother Lewis may actually have been the oldest son of Richard.]

Contributed 1999 Sep 21 by Richard Davis
with credit to Dennis J. Yancey for the additional probate records

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