Mecklenburg County


Will of David WALKER

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book No. 8, 1813-1819, page 264

In the name of God amen I David Walker of the County of Mecklenburg, being of Sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit

1 I Give unto my son Samuel Henry Walker my land I now live on and two negroes named Adam and Jacob one bed and furniture

Item I lend unto my daughter Elizabeth Elder two negroes by name Will and Tabitha during her life and after her death to be equally divided among her surviving children

Item I give unto my daughter Sally Cook two negroes by name Daniel and Nancy and their increase forever

(page 265)

Item I give unto my daughter Jenny Cheatham two negroes by name Archer and Elick to her and her heirs forever

Item I give unto my daughter Nancy Hudson two negroes by name Chancy and Toney and their incrase during her life and after her death to be equally divided among her surviving children

Item my will and desire is that my tract of Land lying in the County of Lunenburg containing one hundred fourteen and a half acres and all the remainder of my Estate of what nature or kind soever be sold and all my Just debts be paid and the balance of the money arising from the sale to be Equally divided among my four daughters Elizabeth Elder Salley Cook Jenny Cheatham and Nancy Hudson

Lastly I nominate and appoint my Son Samuel Henry Walker Executor to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made declaring this my last will and testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this first day of July in the year of our lord one thousand and Eight hundred & sixteen

David Walker {seal}

Signed Sealed and acknowledged by the testator in the presence of us
Henry Walker
Wilson Walker
Samuel Jordan
John Taylor

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 16th day of September 1816 This will was proved by the oaths of Henry Walker Wilson Walker and Samuel Jordan three of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Samuel Jordan and William Evans his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of fifteen thousand Dollars conditined as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form-

Teste Edwd. L. Table CMC

Contributed 2008 Dec by Beth Bond

Will of Richard WALKER

Signed Oct 7, 1801; Proved Dec 14 1801
Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 4, p. 353-354

In the Name of God Amen I Richard Walker of the State of Virginia and County of Mecklenburg being Sick and weak of body but thanks to Almighty God of sound Sense and memory knowing it is appointed for all men once to die as make ordain Constitute & I appoint this my last will and Testament in manner and form following

Imprimus first of all I recommend my soul to Almighty God with a full assurance of its Resurrection my body to buryed at the discretion of my Executors.

Item as to my worldly goods where with it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I bequest in the following manner.

Item It is my desire that all Just debts be paid in the most prudential manner.

Item I lend to my beloved wife Lucy Walker during her natural life all my estate both real and personal and at her decease I give my land whereon I now Live to my two sons David and Nicholas Walker to them and their heirs forever.

Item It is my desire that the residue of my Estate of every kind be equally divided between my children Allen Walker, David Walker, Nicholas Walker, Martha Hames, Barbara Boswell, Susanna Walker, Nancy Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Mary Walker, Agness Walker, and Lucy Walker to them and their heirs forever.

Item I do appoint my trusted friends John Boswell and Allen Walker and John Hames Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament.

In Witness whereof I have unalterably set and affixed my hand and seal this 7th day of October 1801.

Richard (his mark) Walker (seal)

Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged In presence of us
William J. Pattillo
John Crenshaw
Lewis Burwell

John Hames added as an Executor by
Richard (his mark) Walker
In the Presence of
William J. Pattillo
John Crenshaw

[WB 4 p.354]

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County this 14th day of December 1801

This Will and the codicil there under written were proved by the oath of John Crenshaw a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded as to the personal estate and the said codicil. And on the motion of Allen Walker and John Haines two of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with John Crenshaw and George C. Poindexter their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars conditioned as the Law directs Certificate was Granted them for obtaining aprobat of the said will in due form liberty being reserved for the other executors therein named to join in the probat when they shall think fit. And at a Court held for the same county the 14th day of January following the said will was proved by the oath of Lewis Burwell another witness thereto and ordered to be recorded as to the real estate

William Baskervill C.C

Abstract and Notes:

Richard Walker - decedent
Lucy Walker - wife (Lucy Williams Walker)
Allen Walker - son - Executor
David Walker - son
Nicholas Walker - son
Martha Hames - daughter – (wife of John Hames)
Barbara Boswell - daughter – (wife of John Boswell)
Susanna Walker - daughter
Nancy Walker - daughter
Elizabeth Walker - daughter
Mary Walker - daughter
Agness Walker - daughter
Lucy Walker - daughter

John Boswell - Executor
John Haines - Executor (Hames)
William J. Pattillo - witness
John Crenshaw - witness - gave bond
Lewis Burwell - witness
George C. Poindexter - witness - gave bond

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Will of Richard Ellis WALKER

Dated 20 Nov 1876; Proved, 21 Nov 1881
Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 24, p. 323,324

Being this day in sound mind have seated myself for the purpose of making My will first I commit my soul and boddy to my heavenly father.

1st I desire that all my just debts should be paid.

2nd that in addition to what Land I have given my son Thomas A. Walker that his wife and children Shall have the balance of my land on the west of the Clarksville road Where Peter Goode now lives.

3rd I give to my daughter Martha D. Butler the tract of land which Thomas Bulter now resides containing 125 acres.

4th I give to my daughter Ann P. Brame the tract of land on south east of roads leading to Clarksville containing 122 ½ acres together with seven ½ acres on both sides of the branch leading to James Cliborne line a part of the tract which William Gregory now resides.

5th I give to my daughter {Jinnie E. Gregory} the balance of the tract on which the said W. Gregory now lives which will leave 130 acres making it equal with Ann P. Brame tract in quantity but the for said Jinnie E. Gregory shall pay over to Ann P. Brame one hundred dollars to make hers equal in value Ann P. Brame tract.

6th I give the residue of my tract on which I now live to my daughters Mary W. Bulter, Roberta E.Jeter and Sophronia P. Walker giving Sephona P. Walker one hundred dollars avantage in division.

7th Before any sale I wish Saphorana to Have fifty dollars worth of furniture together with bed and furniture and cow and calf article.

8th, If after all my perishable property is sold it will not pay my debts then in that event each legatee shall pay their proportion of the balance due. If however there should be any over it shall be equally divided among them all.

It is my desire that each of my sons in law shall administer on my estate or any number of them that they may desire or chose among them this my last will written by myself this 20th day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy six.

Rich' E. Walker

[WB 24 p.324]

Mecklenburg County Court November 21st 1881

The last will and testament of Richard E. Walker late of this county deceased was this day presented to the court and there being no subscribing witnesses to the said will A. J. lehandder and W.E. Homes were sworn and severally deposed that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Richard E. Walker dec', and verily believe that the said will and the signature thereto subscribed are wholly in the handwriting of the said Richard E. Walker dec. Whereupon the same is ordered to be recorded as to the last will and testament of Richard E. Walker late of this county deceased. And on the motion of Jno R. Jeter one of The executors named in the said will, who made oath as the law directs and Entered into a bond in the penalty of $2000 conditioned according to law with J. W. Butler, R. H. Brame & W. H. Gregory his sureties therein who justified their oaths as to their sufficiency and which said bond being acknowledged by the obligors thereto is ordered to be recorded certificate is granted the said Jno R. Jeter for obtaining a probat of the said will and testament of Richard E. Walker late of this county deceased in due form. Liberty being reserved the other Exec.s therein named to join in the probat thereof when he shall think fit

teste R. B. Hughes CMC

R. E. Walker's Executor's Bond

Know all men by their presents, that we John R. Jeter, J.W. Butler, R.H. Brame & W.H. Gregory are held and firmly bound unto the commonwealth of Virginia in the sum of two thousand dollars, to pay which we bond ourselves heirs etc jointly and severally, firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 21st day of November 1881. And we whereby waiver the benefit of the Homestead Exemption as to this obligation. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the above bound John R. Jeter has this day qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Richard E. Walker late of this county deceased. Now if the said John R. Jeter shall faithfully discharge the duties of the said Executor according to law then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue

Jno R. Jeter Seal
J. W. Bulter Seal
R.H. Brame Seal
W. H. Gregory Seal

Abstract and notes:

Thomas A. Walker - son
Martha D. Butler - daughter
Jinnie E. Gregory - daughter
Mary W. Bulter - daughter
Roberta E. Jeter - daughter
Ann P. Brame - daughter
Sophrona P. Walker - daughter

Jno R. Jeter - son in law, executor
J. W. Bulter - son in law, executor
R.H. Brame - son in law, executor
W. H. Gregory - son in law, executor

Thomas Bulter
William Gregory
W.E. Homes
James Cliborne (Age 34 1850 Meck. Census)
Peter Goode (Age 55 1850 Meck. Census)

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Will of Silvanus WALKER

Abstract of Will of Silvanus WALKER, dated December 31, 1785, and proved June 12, 1786. Wife, Susannah Walker. Sons, George Hightower Walker, William Walker, Tandy Walker, Arelious Walker, and Benjamin Walker. Daughters, Ann Smithen, Elizabeth Reid, Paughlina Smith, and Molly Andrews. Grandson, Robert Walker, son of son, Tandy Walker. Will Book 2, page 175.

Contributed by Carol A. Morrison, Fayetteville, NC

Will of Wilson WALKER

Mecklenburg County
March 15, 1836

In the name of God, Amen. I Wilson Walker of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit. My will and desire is that after the payment of all just debts by my executors herein after named that the residue of my estate both real and personal be disposed of as follows:

Item 1. I loan to my beloved wife Angelica Walker during her natural life or widowhood the following property: the tract of land on which I now reside, also the tract of land called Bennetto, also the following Negroes: Esicks, Allen, Jim, Robert, Sylvia & 3 children, Sarah & Cynthia also three head of horses, a boy mare & colt & a horse known by the name of Davy, one yoke of ass, one ox cart & horse cart, sioo? Cows & calves, all the hogs & sheep, all the household & Rilehen furniture and plantation beds of every description and after her death it is my desire that the above property be equally divided among all my living children or the heirs of their body.

Item 2. I give & bequeath to my Granddaughter Angelica Evans one bed & furniture, a saddle & bridle and eighty dollars to her & her heirs forever.

Item 3. I give and bequeath to my Grandson Walker Evans (after he attains the age of twenty one) one horse worth about fifty dollars to be purchased by my executor saddle and bridle and fifty dollars to him & his heirs forever.

Item 5. It is my desire that all the balance of my Negroes not included in the loan to my wife together with all the stock of cattle, not otherwise given be sold; by my wish is that the Negroes be bought in the family and the proceeds of stock sale to be equally divided among all my children or their heirs of their body. To the heirs of Polly Evans one eighth part, Betsy Ezell one eighth part, to Edward Walker one eighth part, to Sally Evans one eighth part, to Fanny Cleaton one eighth part, to Hannah Farris one eighth part, to Emily Taylor one eighth part, to Nancy Tanner one eight part.

Item 6. I wish my wagon & gun and four horses to be sold and the proceeds distributed among all my children as divided in the preceding item.

Item 7. I nominate and appoint my son Edward Walker my Executor to this my last will & testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 15th day of March, 1836.

Wilson Walker

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of

Ben J. Walker
Thomas W. Walker

Contributed by Jonathan Taylor 30 Dec 2003

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