Mecklenburg County


Will of John SMITH

Signed Sep 3, 1792; Proved; Dec. 10, 1792,
Mecklenburg County, VA ; Will Book 3, p.142-144

In the name of God Amen. This third day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety two. I John Smith of the County of Mecklenburg, and the Parish of Saint James, being in a low state of health, but in a Sound State of mind and memory do make, Constitute and Ordain this to be my last will and Testament – in the manner and form following.

Imprimis. I lend to my loving wife Martha Smith the Plantation where on I now live, with all my household and kitchen furniture my stock of horses Cattle sheep, hogs, my Plantation tools there to belonging, together with the following Negroes, to wit; Joe and Enos, during her natural life and my will and Desire is that after her death the above household and kitchen furniture, my stock of all kind and their increase together with the aforesaid mentioned Negroes be divided as I shall here after direct.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Robert Smith, one hundred and fifty acres of land lying and being in the County and Parish aforesaid in the following manner Viz. Beginning at a marked pine in a Slash on the old Store path thence down the Slash to a pine on the kittle Creek thence up the creek to the road, thence down the road to a corner red oak, thence a new marked line to a corner hickory, thence to the beginning to him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Daniel one hundred and fifty acres of land lying in the south side of Middle Bluestone creek and tract of which on the north side Beginning at a corner red Oak thence up the creek to a corner hickory on the branch thence up the said creek to corner white oak, and this being lately chopped by Andrew Gregory and Robert Smith, as well as the remainder parts which with as followeth Viz. beginning at the above corner white oak, thence cross the creek to a hickory thence a straight line to the corner of the piney old field thence to the mouth of the Slave {Stone?} branch thence up the branch to William Callis line thence along Baptists line thence along Baptist's line to the creek thence up the creek to the Beginning together with the mill seat on said land and also One Negro man named Adam and a Negro boy named Hampton to him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Smith, one tract of land of One hundred and fifty acres more or less, lying in the manner and form following Vizt. Beginning at the mill path at the new cut line thence thence down the said line to a corner red oak South side of the creek thence down the creek to Baptists line thence Baptists line to the Kittle creek thence up the creek to a corner pine on Robert Smith's line thence said line to the mill path thence along the mill path to the beginning together with the mill seat on said land and likewise three negroes, Charles, Rose and George to him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son James [WB #3, p.143] James, one tract of land of One hundred and fifty acres more or less, lying In the manner and form following. Viz. beginning at Robert Smith line at a corner hickory thence along his line to the mill path thence down the mill path to the long branch, thence up to the long branch to the pond thence up the road to a corner red oak thence along Robert Smiths line to the beginning. Also one Negro named Jamiboy to him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to William Christopher, one tract of land containing twenty five acres more or less, lying in the manner and form following Viz. Beginning at the old Courthouse branch ____ a poplar An Murrays line, thence On said Christopher's line to a corner pine, thence down the creek to a branch thence to The fork of the said creek thence up to the old Courthouse branch to the beginning To him and his heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my four Daughters namely Frances, Lina, Elizabeth and Martha five shillings each, also to my daughter Sarah the same sum of five shillings to her and her heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Susanna the following negroes namely Oney and Delphy, to her and her heirs forever.

Item, I give and bequeath to my son Archer all the remaining tract{part?} of my land at my wife's death, and also one Negro man named Tom and likewise after my said wife's death the two negroes lent to her to him and his heirs forever.

Item, my will and desire is that my sons Daniel, Thomas Archer and Daughter Susanna shall give to the executors of this my last will and Testament good, and appraised Securities before the delivery of their legacies and make themselves liable for the payment of all the British and other debts, that I may have Contracted.

Item, my will and desire that out of the household furniture, and Stock, my sons Daniel, Thomas and Archer and daughter Susanna should have each one bed and furniture, one cow and Calf, two Ewes and Lambs, when ever they marry, an settle _____ part of the household furniture and the stock which I lent to my loving wife, also my desire is that at her death the remainder of my household and kitchen furniture, together with all kind of stock and Plantation Utencils, be equally Divided between my sons Daniel, Thomas, Archer, and daughter Susanna. My will and desire is that my present Crop should be appropriated to the use of my family and the balance, If any be applied to the payment of my debts. And Lastly I do appoint my son Daniel Smith and my friend Andrew Gregory, executors of this my last will and Testament, revoking all others for or by me made. In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and Year above written.

John (his x mark) Smith (seal)

Signed sealed and delivered In the presence of
Wit: Joseph Quinichett, William G. Baptist, Moses Overton & Richard Jeffries

[WB #3, p.144]

Memorandum this third day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.

In addition to my written bequest having omitted to bequest one negro boy, by the name of Lewis I give and bequest the said boy Linios to my son Archer Smith to him and his heirs forever and desire this codicile to be part of my will In testimony where I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal the date and year above written.

John Smith seal

In presence of
Wm G. Baptist
Moses Overton
Wm Christopher

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 10th day of December 1792

This will and codicil were proved by the oaths of Moses Overton and William G. Baptist Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the Motion of Daniel Smith one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with Robert Smith and Moses Overton his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of Two Thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs Certificate was granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form liberty being reserved for the other executor therein named to join in the probate when he shall think fit.

John Brown Ck Cort

Abstract and notes:

Martha Smith wife
Robert Smith Son
Daniel Smith Son, executor
Thomas Smith Son
Note: James, son, is named above after Thomas Smith/jgs
Archer Smith Son
Susanna Daughter [The will of Thomas Smith shows his sister Susannah was married to John Couch/jgs]
Frances Daughter Please note that in one abstract
Lina Daughter Frances, Lina, Elizabeth and Martha were said
Elizabeth Daughter to be daughters of Wm. Christopher. This is wrong!
Martha Daughter
Sarah Daughter
Andrew Gregory executor
William Callis neighbor (a William Callis married Frances Gregory, Dec 13, 1790)
Andrew Murray neighbor
Baptist neighbor
Slaves: Joe, Enos, Adam, Hampton, Tom, Charles, George, Jameboy, Linios?(Lenios or Senios)
Rose Oney and Delphy
Wm G. Baptist Witness
Moses Overton Witness
Wm Christopher Witness, neighbor (Not the father of girls name in a well know abstract.)
Richard Jeffries Witness
Joseph Quinichett Witness

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Will of Nancy SMITH

Will of Nancy (Norment) Smith
Dated Jan 19, 1855; Proved Jul 19, 1858,
Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 19, p. 356

In the name of God Amen. I Nancy Smith of the county of Mecklenburg and the state of Virginia being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills made by me. Viz.

First It is my will and desire that all my just debts & funeral expenses be paid out of my estate by my executor herein after mentioned.

Secondly I give and bequeath all my property of every character and description to my son Archer N. Smith to him and his heirs forever.

Thirdly It is my will and desire that no inventory and appraisement of my estate shall be made.

Fourthly I hereby constitute and appoint my son Archer N. Smith my executor to this my last will and testament and desire that he be not required to give any security in testimony of all which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty five.

Nancy Smith (seal)

Signed sealed & delivered In the presence of
William E. Dodson
Thos. C. Reekes
Robert I. Smith

Mecklenburg County court. July 19th 1858
The foregoing last will and testament of Nancy Walker decd. was this day produced in court and proved by the oath of the three subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Archer N. Smith the executor therein named who Made oath thereto and no security being required by said will entered into & acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $3000 conditioned according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probal thereof in due form.

RF Clack Clerk

Abstract and notes:

Nancy Smith - Widow of Robert Smith, 1828 [1858?/jgs]
Archer N. Smith - son – heir – executor (Age 54 1850 Census)
William E. Dodson - Witness - (Age 36 1850 Census)
Thos. C. Reekes - Witness - (Age 36 1850 Census)
Robert I. Smith - Witness - (a Robert L. Smith was listed on 1850 Census,Age 20)

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Will of Paulina SMITH

Mecklenburg County Virginia, Will Book 4, page 240, Paulina Smith Will

In the name of God amen I Pollina Smith of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind do make this my last will and Testament I give to my Son John P. Smith & his Heirs forever a negroe Man named Davy one white Cuched huckaback

Counterpin one blue flowered homespun Blanket Item I give to my Son Robert Smith one Cow and calf one Pine Table one new Bed quilt one Checked huckaback Counterpin and twenty Pounds to be paid him by John P. Smith within six months after my death Item I give to my Son Robert Smith one new bed quilt and new Cuched bed cover. Item I give unto my grand Daughter Patsey Pennington my riding saddle In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred

Paulina Smith

In Presence of
Joseph Sped Jr.
Jacob Ladd

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 6th day of December 1800

This will was proved by the oath of Joseph Speed Jr. a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded

Teste. William Baskerville, cc

Contributed 2014 May 09 by Shirley Lafleur

Will of Robert SMITH

Dated June 21 1827; Proved March 7, 1828
Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 11, p. 290

In the name of God Amen. I Robert Smith of the County of Mecklenburg and the state of VA, being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this being my last will and testament in the manner and form following to wit

It is my will and desire first that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid after wch{which} I lend unto my beloved wife Nancy Smith during her natural life or widowhood a part of the tract of land where on I now live. It is a new chopped {chopped} line beginning at a hickry in the line of the estate of Arch Smith decd and runs nearly an east course between the schoolhouse and the schoolhouse spring to Thos Peck‘s line including the whole of the track purchase of Wm Christopher and a part of the two tracks purchased of Moses Overton & Daniel Smith containing by estimation 500 acres be the same more or less.

I give unto my son William N. Smith the track of land whereon he now lives containing 200 acres be the same more or less. I lend unto my said son Wm Smith my man Nat & Paul and woman Tisk and her four children namely Peter, Dick, Lucy, Celia and her child and their future increase during his natural life, and at his death to be equally divided between his children, which land and negroes he now has in his possession.

I lend unto my daughter Polly Garner my woman Hannah and her four children to wit, Jane, Mariah Nancy and Simon and their future increase and at her death to be equally divided between her children which properties already advanced.

I give unto my son John Smith the residue of the two tracts of land purchased of Moses Overton and Daniel Smith lying south of the new choped line running by the school house containing by estimation 400 acres of land be the same more or less, and my women Mary with her child and their future increase together with one thousand dollars which sum of money he has received from the sale of certain negros hereafter mentioned in this will, two cows and calves one of which and four sheep he has in his possession.

I give unto my son Archer N. Smith my Loveless, Boy Adam, & girl Rachel and their future increase

Page 2

together with one bedstead bed & furniture, two cows & calves and four sheep. I give unto my daughter Nancy Smith my man Armistead and girl Lilly already advanced and girl Mariah not as yet advanced with their future increase.

I give unto my daughter Frances Finch my girl Emily, already already (repeated) advanced and her future increase with one thousand dollars which is the balance of the money arising from the sale of certain negros sold by my son John Smith & John Finch, namely Doeter, Laban, Molly, Betty, Lisha, Clarica, Daniel, Jane, & old Rachel which negros of value at two thousand dollars. One thousand of which I have before given to my son John Smith

I give unto my daughter Jane Smith, five negros to wit Becky and her two children Martha and Pips, Tamer, Hercules and their future increase with two cows and calves & four sheep one bedstead xxx bed & furniture.

I give unto my daughter Betsy my boys Minney and Gilbert, Prudence & her two children Cyllah and James and their future increase two cows and calves four sheep one bedstead bed and furniture

I give unto my daughter Harriet Smith four negros Dilsey, Banister, Silvia and Asia and their future increase two cows and calves four sheep one bedstead bed and furniture.

I give unto my daughter Eliza Smith four Negroes John Goode, Mike, Hannah and Peter and their future increase two cows & calves four sheep one bedstead bed and furniture.

I lend unto my beloved wife Nancy Smith all the rest of my property both real and personal not before disposed in this will during her natural life or widowhood. I give onto my son Archer N. Smith the tract of land lent to my wife Nancy Smith during her natural life or widowhood, the same being a part of the tract whereon I now live, containing by estimation 550 acres be the same more or less.

Page 3

It is my will and desire after the death of my wife that the land purchased of James Webb adjoining the lands of Elijah Gregory, Dan'l Smith and Others containing by estimation one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less should be sold and the money arising therefrom be so divided as to give my daughter Harriet 2/5 and the remainder to be equally divided between my daughters Jane, Betsy and Eliza Smith.

After the death of my wife it is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate lent to my wife during her natural life or widowhood and not previously disposed of in this will should be equally divided Among all my children namely Wm N. Smith, John Smith, Archer N. Smith, Nancy Smith, Frances Finch, Jane Smith, Betsy Smith Harriet Smith, Eliza Smith, and my daughter Polly Garner whoes proportionable part I wish to be deposited by my executors hereafter named in this will, in the hands of my two sons John and Archer Smith and be disposed of at their discretion for her benefit during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between all her children.

Lastly I hereby appoint my son Archer N. Smith and my son in law John Finch executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal this 21st of June 1827

Robert Smith seal

Signed sealed and Acknowledged in the presence of
Giles R. Smith
Edward S. Roffe
John F. Moseley
J. S. Couch

Page 4

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 7th day of March 1828

The foregoing Last will and testament of Robert Smith was produced in Court and duly proved by the oath of Giles R Smith and and John S. Couch and ordered to be recorded and on motion of John F Finch and Archer N. Smith the exers. Therein named who made oath thereto and together with Lyddall Bacon Jr., Richard C. Perryman Thomas C. Balle and James Cunningham their securities entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of $50,000 conditioned according to law, Certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form

E L Tabb CC
Robert Smith
Will Recorded

Nancy Smith - wife
Wm N. Smith - son
John Smith - son
Archer N. Smith - son
Frances Finch - daughter, m. John Finch
Jane Smith - daughter
Betsy Smith - daughter
Harriet Smith - daughter
Eliza Smith - daughter
Polly Garner - daughter

Archer Smith deceased before 1827? (Brother?) Page 1, line 8:
Giles R. Smith (Pastor of Clarksville Baptist Church)
John S. Couch (bother in law? m. Susanna Smith 1799 witnessed by Archer Smith)
Edward S. Roffe
John F. Moseley
Lyddall Bacon Jr (age 56 in 1850 Meck census) Lyddall Bacon
at the begging of the Civil War, Col. Bacon was the 2nd wealthiest planter in Mecklenburg Co., VA, owning 15 plantations and about 150 servants, valued on the assessor's books at half a million dollars. His home was called "Ten Oaks."
Richard C. Perryman
Thomas C. Balle
James Cunningham
James Webb - Bought land from
Wm Christopher - Bought land from, -Neighbor
Moses Overton - Bought land from
Daniel Smith - Bought land from, brother?

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

Will of Thomas SMITH

Mecklenburg County, VA, Will Book 15, p.219
Dated 7 May 1812; Proved 18 May 1840

In the name of God amen - I Thomas Smith of the county of Mecklenburg & state of Virginia of sound mind & memory do make this last will testament Viz –

I lend to my brother in law John Couch and his wife Susannah Couch all my estate real & personal their natural life & after their decease I give & bequeath the same all my estate real & personal to their son John Couch & his heirs forever.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my name 7th day of May A.D. 1812.

Sig: Thomas Smith

Wm. J. Pattillo
Martha M. Pattillo

At a court held for the county of Mecklenburg at the courthouse thereof on the 18th day of May 1840

The foregoing last will & testament was produced in court and proved by the oath of Martha M. Pattillo of the subscribing witnesses thereto and William J. Pattillo the other subscribing witness now being dead John F. Finch & W. ? Wall being sworn (copy bad at bottom, they verified sig of William J. Pattillo).

Contributed by David Clark Dorsey

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024