Mecklenburg County


Will of Benjamin JONES

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, Will Book 14, Pages 354-355

In the name of God amen. I Benjamin Jones of Mecklenburg County do by these presents make my last Will & Testament in manner & form following - my will & desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and for the payment of the same my will and desire is that my Exor: hereafter named shall sell the said land lately surveyed by Stephen P.Pool - adjoining Augustus D. Wade, David Purkins & others containing fifty three acres and from the proceeds of the same to pay all my just debts & funeral expenses and the surplus if any to be equally divided among my children & their heirs forever -- I do appoint my son John Jones Exor: of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made. Witness my hand & seal this 15th day of March 1832.

Benjamin (his mark) Jones (LS)

St: P.Pool
G. L. Wade.
St: Worsham

[Note: "P.Pool" = Pettypool.]

Mecklenburg County February Court 1838

The foregoing last will & testament of Benjamin Jones decd: was this day produced in open court & proved by the oaths of St: P.Pool & L. G. Wade two subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded --

teste Richard B. Baptist C.C.


Contributed 2000 by Ron Jones

Will of James JONES

Mecklenburg Co. Virginia Will book 4, page 153

I James Jones being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament. Viz:

It is my will and I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ednea Overbee my desk and book case to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Louisa her choice of my feather beds and furniture, also one sorrel mare called Diamond and one side saddle and her choice among my cows and calves of one cow and calf to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I lend unto my beloved wife Frances Jones all and singular the rest of my estate both real and personal for and during her natural or widowhood, and at her death or intermarriage, it is my will that the said loaned estate be equally divided among my four children, Viz: William, Hampton, Ednea and Louisa, to remain to them and their heirs forever.

Lastly, it is my will and I do ordain, constitute and appoint my sons William Jones, Hampton Jones and Sterling Yancey, executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and disannulling all former wills by me made.

In witness wereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29 day of September 1799.

Signed, sealed and Delivered
James Jones (Seal)

In presence of
John Bressie
James Griffin his mark
Archibald Loftis his mark

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 10 day of February 1800, this will was proved by the oaths of John Brossie, James Griffin and Archibald Loftis witnessess thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of William Jones one of the Executors therein named, who made oath thereto and together with Thomas Vaughn the security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. Certificate is granted him.

An account of the sale of the estate of Capt James Jones dec's sold the 12 day of January 1803. William Jones executor. Will Book 5 1802-1807

Account sales of the property of James Jones dec'd Mecklenburg County February 1805-Mecklenburg Co. Va. Will book 5 1802-1807. Buyer at this sale were Hampton Jones buys 52 acres of land and a mill. Robert Shotvall, Louisa Jones, __ Overby, William Jones, Robert Yancey, Peter Overby, Jr., ...


An Inventory with Appraisements of the Estate of James Jones, deceased, made this the 16th day of December 1836 by Samuel Simmons, John Wittshire, C. J. Simmons, and Woodson V. Johnson, appraisers.

Feather bed with furniture, $ 15.00 + ditto ditto $ 11.50 $26.00
Ditto ditto $15.00 + ditto ditto $14.00 $29.00
Sitting chairs $ 4.75
2 spinning wheels $ 2.50
1 beaufat $ 4.00
1 cupboard $ 1.55
1 pine table $ 0.25
1 chest $ 0.35
1 saddle, bridle and blanket $ 4.00
5 butter pots $1.25
2 parcel books $10.00
2 chamber pots $0.50
1 rule, saw & scales $0.50
2 dinner pots and hooks $ 0.50
2 dinner pots and hooks $ 0.50
2 oven + lids $ 0.12
2 dinner pots and hooks $ 0.50
2 oven + lids $ 0.12
shovel + tongs $ 0.30
1 pair of wedges $ 0.60
1 box of knives and forks $ 2.00
1 parcel earthenware $ 2.00
1 coffee mill $ 0.12
1 flax wheel and 1 reel $ 0.50
1 churn $ 0.25
1 pole axe $ 0.50
1 weavers slaie, canister candle stick $ 0.50
1 trundle bedstead $ 0.50
1 sorrel mare $40.00
1 red cow $10.00
3 heifers $10.00
1 yoke oxen $25.00
1 sow and 4 shoats $6.00
1 blanket $1.00
Total $184.84

Given under our hands this 16th day of December 1836

Sack H. Jones, Admr.
Samuel Simmons
Whitmore Simmons
W. V. Johnson

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 20th of November 1837, the forgoing inventory and appraisement of the Estate of James Jones, deceased, was this day produced in open court and ordered to be recorded.
TESTE Richard B. Baptist, C.C.

An account of sales of the Estate of James Jones, deceased, made the 16th day of December 1836 by Sack H. Jones, (ADMR:) and payable 16th December 1837.

Person's NamePropertyAmount
Isaac H. Jones1 bed and furniture$14.00
Elizabeth B Jones1 do do$15.00
Wm E Jones1 do do$15.50
Samuel Simmons, Jr1 do do$11.05
Samuel H. Jones1 chamber pot$0.25
Elizabeth B. Jones1 do do$0.25
Sack H. Jones1 chest$0.50
Saml H Jones1 buffet$4.00
Do Do1 corner cupboard$0.50
Do Do1 canister slaie set$0.50
Issac H JonesA parcel of Earthenware$1.60
Saml H Jones1 Table$0.25
Do Do3 Butter pots$ 1.20
Issac H Jones1 parcel of books$10.00
Samuel H. Jones1 trundle bedstead$ 0.50
Isaac H. Jones1 knife box and contents$ 1.75
Do doshovel and tongs$ 0.50$77.35
Samuel H. Jones1 pair iron wedges$ 0.625
Isaac H. Jones1 pole axe$ 0.25
Do do1 churn$ 0.40
Do do1 saw, rulers$ 0.50
Do do1 spinning wheel$ 2.00
Samuel H. Jones1 spinning wheel$ 1.00
Isaac H. Jones9 chairs$ 3.00
Do do1 reel and flax wheel$ 0.25
Wm E. Jones1 saddle, bridle and blanket$ 4.00
Samuel H. Jones2 pots, ovens and hooks$ 0.75
Do doa sorrel mare$30.00
Do doa yoke of oxen$25.00
Isaac H. Jones1 red cow$14.75
Do do3 heifers$11.00
Samuel H. Jones1 sow and 4 shoats$ 7.00
Do do1 blanket$ 0.75$102.275
$178.62 1/2

An account of sales returned to November Court 1837 by Sack H. Jones, ADM of James Jones, deceased.

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 20th November 1837.
The foregoing account sales of the Estate of James Jones, deceased, was this day produced in open court and ordered to be recorded.
TESTE Richard B. Baptist, CC

“Account of Sales of Land” of Elizabeth Holmes Jones and James Jones, deceased

Mecklenburg, VA Will Book #14, Page 374: “Account of Sales of Land” of Elizabeth Holmes Jones and James Jones, deceased:

a. Transcribed by Charles R. Jones and Dawn Hill.

b. A copy of this hand written document was furnished to me by my 9th Cousin Dawn Hill. Dawn and I are descendents of James and Elizabeth Holmes Jones.

c. Dawn is a descendent of James's son John S. Jones, who lived in Dallas County, Arkansas in 1850 and I am a descendent of either James's son Samuel H. Jones or Sack H. Jones. Samuel H. Jones lived in Dallas County, Arkansas in 1850.


Account Sales of the Land belonging to the Estate of James Jones deceased, made on the 16th day of December 1836 on a credit of one and two years from day of sale viz

Tract of land containing 133 1/3 acres, (more or less),
To Samuel H. Jones, (as per deed) for: $400.00
Deduct this sum paid for getting decree $11.00
Ditto to pay for recording papers $5.00
5 per commission allowed for selling $20.00
$36.00 - $36.00

Payable in one or two years
1/9 part one Wm E. Jones, as per decree $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Sack H. Jones for his part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Samuel H. Jones for his part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Isaac H. Jones for his part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Pennington L. Jones for his part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to John S. Jones for his part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Elizabeth B. Jones for her part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to Nancy A Jones for her part $40.44 4/9
1/9 to son Daniel's child, an infant named James D. Jones $40.44 4/9

Mecklenburg County Virginia

In obedience to the annexed secretal orders of the County Clerk of Mecklenburg, to me directed, (after given one notice), I have this day sold to the highest bidder, the tract of land, in said decree mentioned, containing one hundred and thirty three and a third acres, (more or less), unto Samuel H. Jones, he being the highest bidder for the sum of four hundred dollars. On a credit of one and two years from day of sale, (this day), and have divided the amount of sale after deducting the expenses 2c? into nine equal parts and have paid over to six of the plaintiffs and defendants in said decree mentioned, one ninth part, and have taken their receipt for the same. The other three nineths, one to Pennington L. Jones, one to Jno, S. Jones and the other to Daniel Jones's heir James D Jones. I have taken a bond for sixty dollars 66 6/9 cents payable 16 Dec 1837 and one other note for the same sum due 16 day of Decr 1838, payable to me as commissions, all of which will more fully appear by refferance to a/c sales hereto annexed - This report is respectfully submitted to the worshipped county court of Mecklenburg Co.

Sack H Jones Commissioner

Mecklenburg County Court 21st day of May 1838

The foregoing a/c sale of the land belonging to the estate of James Jones, decd was this day produced in court and ordered to be recorded~ Teste R B Baptist CC


(It has one more line underneath that I cannot read at all.)

Submitted by Dorothy Renaud
[Note: James JONES was the son of John JONES, Sr.]

Will of John JONES, Sr.

Mecklenburg Co., VA - Will Book 3, 1788 - 1798, Reel #23, Pages 85-86

In the name of God amen, I John Jones Senior of the Parish of saint James in the county of Mecklenburg and colony of Virginia being in perfect helth and sound memory thanks be to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life do make and declare this my last will and testament in the manner and form following Vizt.

first principally I recommend my Soul to God who gave it trusting in his Mercies and in the merits of my dear redeemer for the remissions of all my sins, desiring my body to be decently Entred? at the discreation of my Executors hereafter named and as to the temporal Estate it hath pleased Almighty God to be stow upon me, after all my just debts are paid, I give and bequeath and dispose of in the following manner Vizt.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Jones my Negroe man named Roger to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Jones all that tract or parcel of land and plantation he now live on also my Negroe man named Sam and his first choice of my horses to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son John Jones my Negroe man named Harry and his next choice of my horses to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Blanks my negro woman named Sarah and her first choice of my feather beds and furniture and my trunk to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Philadelphia Yancy her next choice of my feather beds & furniture to her and her heirs and assigns for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Amelia Vaughan her next choice of my feather beds & furniture to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Frances Wilkins my chest and her choice of two of my cows and calves to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my two grandaughters Sarah Griffin & Frances Griffin all the tract or parcel of Land joining the land of the revd Mr. John Camerons land and the land whereon Mr. John Wilburn now lives formerly calld Reeds land containing 433 acres to be Equally divided between them two to them and there heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my two gransons Joseph Blanks and John Blanks all the track of land and plantation whereon I now live to be equally divided between them two other wise to sell the land and divide the money Equally between them two, but not against their mothers consent in case she should want to live on it, to them and their heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I like wise give and bequeath to my said granson Joseph Blanks my copper still worm cap __ and my saddle and gun to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath all of the tract or parcel of land joining Smiths land and known by the name of the Mountain tract containing 470 acres to my four Daughters, namely Philadelphia Yancey Amelia Vaughan Ann Blanks and Frances Wilkins also all my other Estate not already mentioned to be equally divided between them four to them and their and assigns forever.

And I appoint my sons Benjamin Jones James Jones and Joseph Blanks Executors of this my last will and testament

In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and Seal this 27th of September 1791

John Jones (LS)

John (his + mark) Willburn
Peter (his + mark) Overbee
Mackodiah (his + mark) Overbee

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 9th day of January 1792 This Will was proved by the Oaths of Peter Overbee and Mackodiah Overbee Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Benjamin Jones one of the Executors therein named who made Oath thereto and together with John Worsham and Francis Lewis his securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds. Conditioned as the Law directs Certificate was granted him for obtaining aprobat of the said Will in due form liberty being waived for the other Executors therein named to join in the probat when they shall think fit.

John Brown

Contributed 2000 by Ron Jones

Will of Robert JONES

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 2, pages 39-40

In the Name of God Amen the sixth day of November One thousand seven hundred and eighty three I Robert Jones of Mecklenburg County being sick of Body but of perfect sense and Memory of mind thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the Mortality of men and that it is ____ appointed once for all men to die I do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament

Item it is My Will and desire that all my Negroes remain together till my daughter Frances Jones comes of age or marries then to be equally divided between my five Children to wit Frances Jones, Jane Jones, Matilda Jones, Edna Jones and Lucy Jones to them their heirs or assigns forever

Item I give and bequeathe to my oldest daughter Frances Jones one Gray mare named Sterling one saddle and bridle

it is also further my Will and desire that the above mentioned persons have one feather bed and furniture apeace when my daughter Frances comes of age or marries

it is my Will and desire that the remainder of my stock of all kinds and housebeds furniture not before given is equally divided amongst the above mentioned persons as they marry or come of age

Item it is also my Will and desire that all my lands be sold be sold (sic) to the best advantage and the money arising from such sale to be equally divided amongst the above mentioned persons when my daughter Lucy Jones comes of age or marries to them and their heirs and assigns forever

Item it is further my Will and desire that if any or either of the above mentioned persons should die with out heir their part if taken of to return to the common stock and equally divided amongst the rest

I do appoint my brother Richard Jones, Mrs Isaac Coles, James Jones, and Robert Erskine, Executors of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former wills by me written or made and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament

In presence of N.B. it is my Will and desire that my sorrel (great) horse and scubald [skewbald] mare be sold to the best bidder and the money to be equally divided amongst my above named Children to them their heirs or assigns forever

Robert Jones (LS)

Charles White
John (his mark) Griffin
Buckner (his mark) Griffin

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 8th day of December 1783

This Will was proved by the Oaths of Charles White, John Griffin and Buckner Griffin witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of Richard Jones one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto and together with Benjamin Pulliam, William Christopher and John Marshall his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of Five thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining aprobat of the said Will in due form liberty being reserved for the other executors therein named to join in the probat when they shall think fit

John Brown

Contributed 2000 by Ron Jones

Will of Thomas JONES [Sr.]

Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 1, pages 410-411

In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas Jones of Mecklenburg County being in my perfect sense & memory Thank the Almighty for the same and as for my worldly goods I give as followeth

Item I give to my daughter Johana Reade five shillings sterling to her & her Heirs for ever

Item I give to my son Daniel Jones five shillings starling to him & his Heirs for ever

Item I give to my son Thos Jones the following Negroes Viz James, La_nder, Phillis, Rachel & Annica to him and his Heirs for ever also I give to my son Thos Jones all the Remains of my Estate both real and personal to him and his Heirs for ever

I also appoint my son Thos Jones my Executor of this my last will & Testament witness my hand and seal this twenty Eight Day of December One Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy Nine
Signed, sealed &
Thos Jones

Delivered in the presence of
David Royster
James Pulliam
Daniel Jones

At a Court continued & held for Mecklenburg County April the 9th 1782 This will was proved and by the Oaths of James Pulliam and Daniel Jones Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
John Brown

Contributed 2000 by Ron Jones

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