Mecklenburg County


Will of Anne JEFFRIES

JEFFRIES, Anne - Will 7/360 (1813)

"My will and desire is that after my death the money which is due me for the hire of John the last year and the money which will be due me the first day of January next be equally divided between my GRANDSONS, Benjamin W. Jeffries, Richard S Jeffries, & Paul C. Jeffries, and I give to Nancy Garner my bed and furniture. Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of June, 1812." (SEAL) Witness None

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County this 13th day of February, 1813. This writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Anne Jeffries, dec'd was presented in Court by Richard S. Jeffries, one of the legatees therein named and there being no Witness to the said Will, the said Richard S. Jeffries relinquished the bequeath (bequest) therein made him and made oath that the said Anne Jeffries in her last il(l)ness acknowledged the said writing as and for her last Will and Testament and that she was in her perfect sense and memory; ordered that the same be admitted to record.

Submitted by Sadie G Sparks May 2008

Will of John JEFFRIES

In the name of God, Amen. I John Jeffries of the County of Mecklenburg being aged and infirm, but of perfect mind and memory. Thanks be to God. Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first I commend my soul into the hand of Almighty God who gave it and my body to be committed to the earth and buried decently at the discretion of my executors. Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as to ----- such worldly estate which it has please Go to bless me with after my funeral expenses and my just debts be fully satisfied and paid, I give as followeth. Viz:

----- by will and desire that my beloved wife continue her life with my son Richard Jeffries as long as she lives and in case of his death or any other unforeseen accident that she should lack or have as maintain and my will and desire is that them my three sons her after mentioned have a proportionable part in maintaining her out of their respective parts here after given them. I also give unto my wife the following Negroes (to wit) Jack, Moll, and Frank together with one bed and furniture and one horse called Logan with a saddle during her natural life.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Swepson Jeffries the following Negroes: viz. Waggoner, Cloe, George, Annica, Dick, Jane, and Marie.

Item: I give to my son Achilles the following Negroes: Viz. Tom, Harry, Judy, --- , Isaac, Letty, and Sarah with her future increase.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Richard Jeffries the tract of land whereon I now live containing six hundred and thirty acres to be the same more or less to him and his heirs. I also give unto my son Richard the following Negroes: viz. Charles, York?, Same, Dashey, and Frank at my wife's death. My will and desire is that at the death of my wife, Jock, Moll, and Frank. Increase bay be equally divided between my three sons, Swepson, Achilles, and Richard Jeffries.

Item: I also give to my son Richard all my household and kitchen furniture together with sixteen head of cattle, sixteen head of sheep, one dark bay horse, and all my stock of hogs provided he pays to my grandson Thomas Jeffries Forty shillings and to my granddaughter Jane Jeffries Forty Shillings and one bed and furniture and that he pay the balance due my grandson from me as guardian for which I give him my young sorrel mare and colt.

Item: My will and desire is that the residue of my horses, cattle and sheep not before mentioned to be divided between my two sons Swepson and Achilles. Also that the Negroes may be kept together this year to made a crop and that be applied to the purpose of paying my debts --- --- --- to the moneys due me which is to be collected and apply'd to that purpose and when complied with, the balance to be divided between my wife and three sons, Swepson, Achilles, and Richard Jeffries in proportion to their hands. Lastly I do constitute and appoint my loving wife and my beloved sons Swepson, Achilles and Richard Jeffries executors to this my last will and testament revoking and disannulling all former wills by me or for me made, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 10 day of January 1788.

John Jeffries

In presence of:
William -- Baptist
William --------------his mark
Robert Smith
Andrew Gregory

At a court held for Mecklenburg County VA 13th of Feb 1792:

This was proved by the oaths of Robert Smith and Andrew Gregory witness. Thereto and ordered to be recorded on the motion of Richard Jeffries one of the executors therein named who made oaths thereto and together with Thomas Burnett, Richard Winn, Thomas Norment and Thompson Fowlkes his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand pounds conditioned as the ------ direct certificate was granted him for obtaining ----- ----- thereof in due form liberty being reserved for the other executors therein named to join in the probate when they shall think fit.

John Brown

Contributed by Unknown

Will of Nancy H. JEFFRIES

Will of Nancy H JEFFRIES, September 13, 1833 Nicholas Co, Ky Proved November Term of Court, 1833 Book C, P 229-230

Nicholas County, Kentucky

In the name of God, Amen, I Nancy H JEFFRIES, being weak in body,but in soundness of my mind, Blessed be God for the same, I do make this my Last Will and Testament to revoke and set aside all former Wills.

First, I Will and bequeath that after death that my body shall be decently buried and laid in the ground.

Secondly, that all my just debts shall be paid.

Thirdly, that my son Joseph has been doing business for me and all the obligations now standing against him whether due or not due is to be considered as my debts and to be paid out of my estate.

Fourthly, that my son Joseph JEFFRIES is to be my executor and if he chooses may have the property of my estate by paying all my debts as above named, and paying to my daughter Mary Hornbsck ninety-six dollars in good property and to my son Giles JEFFRIES one hundred and eighty four dollars, allowing him to be free at my death, to be paid in such property as may suit a young man, and pay to my son John JEFFRIES one hundred and eighty-four dollars in good property when he becomes nineteen years of age, allowing him to remain with Joseph and under his control until he arrives at the said nineteen years old. Joseph is to give him sufficient schooling to do common business and confortably clothe him suitable to the seasons, and he is to be free at nineteen.

Given under my hand this thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty-three in the presence of

Test: John Hamilton, William Johnson.

Signed: Nancy H JEFFRIES

Nicholas County Court, Nov. Term, 1833

This instrument of writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Nancy H JEFFRIES, , dec'd, was produced in Open Court and proved by the Oaths of John Hamilton & William Johnson, the subscribing Witnessesm thereto; And thereupon confirmation established, and Ordered to be recorded, which hath been done.

Attest: J G Parks, Cn.Cle


P 246-Appraisement Bill and Inventory of the Estate of Nancy H JEFFRIES, Dec'd:

1 lot of Bedclothes, $25.00 3 Beds, $35.00, 1 Bureau, $12.00, 2 Tables $10.00, 1 set of chairs $5.00, 7 Head of Horses $300.00; 1 lot of Hogs, $50.00, 1 lot of Cattle $28.00, Plough gear, etc $10.00, 23 Head of Sheep $23.00, 1 Negro woman and girl $350.00, Cart & 2 Oxen (No amt given)

The foregoing Articles were pruduced to us by R J JEFFRIES, Exor. of the said decedent on the 23 day of this month, and by us truly & faithfully appraised to the best of our knowledge and Judgment. Given under my hand this 27th day of January 1834. Robert Westfall

Nicholas County Court, January term, 1834. This Inventory and Appraisement of the property of Nancy H JEFFRIES, Dec'd was produced in Court, examined, allowed, and ordered to be recorded, which is done.

Attest: J G Parks. Cn. Cle.

Submitted by Sadie G Sparks May 2008

Will of Richard JEFFRIES

In the name of God Amen, I Richard Jeffries of the county of Mecklenburg being weak in body but sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit:

My will and desire is that William Jeffries shall have a complete title made him to the land on which he now lives in Halifax County on the Southwest side of the road leading to Halifax Old Court House by my executrix and executors here after named on the said William Jeffries' paying them twenty shillings per acre for the same and twelve pounds for the last years rent of said lands which said money to be received of the said Jeffries together with what is now due me, I wish applied to the payment of my just debts and if the aforesaid sums of money should not be sufficient for the payment of all of my just debts, it is my will and desire that my executors and executrix hereafter named shall sell such part of my estate as they may deem most proper for to discharge the residue thereof. It is also my will and desire that Yellow Silea with her present increase and will be loaned unto my children Benjamin W. Jeffries, Richard Jeffries, Nancy Garner, Paul Jeffries and Jane Jeffries until my youngest son Achilles J. Jeffries is seven years old. It is also my will and desire that my executor and executrix shall at their option hire out Sam and Ned and rent out all of my land in Halifax County for the purpose of discharging certain bonds due to Colonel John Clark of Halifax County or H------ if they deem it most proper sell a sufficient quality of said land to discharge said bonds. It is also my will and desire that my reversion in the Dower land allotted to Benjamin Whitehead's widow as also William Whitehead's interest in the same which I have purchased of him to be sold and the money applied to the payments of my just debts if necessary, otherwise to be applied to the schooling of my children. It is also my will and desire that such of my children as shall become of lawful age as marry before my son Achilles shall become seven years old shall receive from my estate on horse saddle and bridle and one feather bed and furniture each. It is also my will and desire that the residue be kept together undivided both real and personal until my said youngest son Achilles J. Jeffries is seven years old. It is also my will and desire that my six younger children Prudence, John, Edward, David, Murria, Kitty R. and Achilles J. Jeffries be supported and educated out of estate at the discretion of my executors and executrix until they are marry able or capable of business. It is also my will and desire that as soon as my aforesaid son Achilles J Jeffries shall arrive to the age of seven years old that my beloved wife Prudence Jeffries shall receive as her Dower the whole of the lands and tenements whereon I live together with Annica, Lucy and her choice of two of my other Negroes. Also all the Negroes I hold as her dower of Barnard Rusels Estate, all my household and kitchen furniture except such beds as may advance to my children aforesaid together with three head of horses, fifteen head of cattle, fifteen head of sheep and forty head of hogs, all of which Negroes, land and tenements, household and kitchen furniture and stock. I lend unto my beloved wife Prudence Jeffries for and during her natural life or widowhood. It is also my will and desire that my children Benjamin W. Jeffries and Nancy Garner shall account for such property as has been advanced to them or return it unto my estate for any equal division, the advancement made to my son Benjamin being on stud horse Chanticlier which I value at three hundred dollars. It is also my will and desire that any and all my children that may receive advancement from my estate before the period of my youngest son Achilles' becoming seven years old shall account for the same. At which time it is my will and desire that all my estate both real and personal be equally divided between all my children.

VIZ: Benjamin W. Jeffries, Richard S. Jeffries, Nancy Garner, Paul Jeffries, Jane Jeffries, Prudence Jeffries, John E. Jeffries, David Jeffries, Murria Jeffries, Kitty R. Jeffries, and Achilles S. Jeffries and lastly I do hereby appoint and ordain my beloved wife Prudence Jeffries and my son Richard S. Jeffries and Richard Russell executrix and executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness where of I have her unto set my hand and seal the first day of January in the year of our Lord on thousand and eight hundred and nine.

Richard Jeffries

(this section has Ink? spill on it but I can make out witness: Hillary Goode, John Baptist and Joseph ?

Submitted by Kathy Awbrey 25 Nov 2003

Will of Richard Joseph JEFFRIES

Will of Richard Joseph Jeffries (who (M) Elizabeth C Sandys, Mecklenburg Co, Va-s/o Benjamin Whitehead & Nancy H Evans Jeffries)

Will of Richard Joseph Jeffries Vol 14, Page 96 Mecklenburg Co, Virginia

In the name of God, Amen, I, Richard Joseph Jeffries of Nicholas County, Kentucky, but at this time am in Mecklenburg Co., Virginia, do hereby make and publish this as and for my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit:

In the first place I desire that all of my just debts be first paid by my executors herein after named.

2ndly, I give to my beloved wife Elizabeth C. Jeffries the Negroes Washington, (Blacksmith) and Nancy together with all property and effects to which I have derived title to by marrying with her whether real or personal of every kind in nature whatsoever to her and her heirs forever, excepting to the amount of one hundred dollars which I require her to pay to my executor or contribute to the payment of my debts and also it is my will and desire to subject the bequest herein above made to my beloved wife is to be in lieu of all dower and on her complying with my desire in paying the above named sum of one hundred dollars and paying all debts which may be due from or contracted by her previous to her marriage with me. The bequest to her is intended by me to be absolute and a fee simple estate.

3rdly, My will and desire is that all the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal, of every kind and nature whatsoever (not herein given to my beloved wife Elizabeth) be equally divided between my brothers Giles N Jeffries and John R Jeffries which I give to them and to their heirs forever, requiring my executor to pay to my youngest brother, John R Jeffries the sum of one hundred and ninety dollars when he arrives to the age of nineteen years, which sum I owe him as executor of my mother, Nancy H Jeffries, as may be seen in reference to her will of record in Nicholas County, Kentucky.

Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my brother Giles N. Jeffries of Nicholas County, Kentucky, Executor of this my last Will and Testament . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the 24th day of March, in the year 1834.

Richard J. Jeffries (Seal)

Signed, sealed and declared as and for the last Will and Testament of the said Richard Joseph Jeffries in presence of us "the words" the payment of interlined before signed.
Wm. Baptist

Wm. N. Smith
David G. Smith

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County on the 17th of October, 1834. The foregoing last Will and Testament of Richard J. Jeffries dec'd. was this day produced in court and proved by the oath of Wm. Baptist and Wm. N. Smith his subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And at another court held for the said County on the 19th day of December, 1836, the said Will was again produced in court and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Giles N. Jeffries, the Exor. Named in said Will refuses to take upon himself the burthen of the execution thereof, on motion of Elizabeth C. Jeffries, who made oath thereto and together with C T Haskins* and Wm. A Smith, her securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $5,000. conditioned according to law certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of administration on the said Decedent's estate with the Will aforesaid annexed in due form. *Creed T Haskins is stepfather to Elizabeth C. Sandys Jeffries-sgs)Teste: Jno. G. Baptist

Submitted by Sadie G Sparks May 2008

Will of Swepson JEFFRIES

I Swepson Jeffries of Mecklenburg County, Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

(Viz) I lend unto my beloved wife Isabella Jeffries all my land that lays this side the North Fork Little Creek during her life or Widowhood, and in case she should marry she is to have one third part of my land. I lend unto my beloved wife Isabella Jeffries three beds and furniture, one cupboard, one trunk, one chest, two walnut tables, half dozen sitting chairs, two horses, one riding chair, ten head of cattle, twenty head of hogs, and ten head of sheep, with all my earthen and glassware and all my kitchen furniture and at her death the property left her to be sold (if any remaining, and the money arising from such sale to be divided between my three sons, Swepson Jeffries, John Jeffries and Achilles Jeffries, and all the rest of my stock and household furniture not lent to my wife except the beds and furniture to be divided between my two sons John and Achilles Jeffries.

Item: I lend to my wife Isabella Jeffries the following Negroes (that is) Tom and his wife Juno, Lyyda, Sina, Mima, Lott, Lewis, Lilla. I also lend unto my beloved wife Negroes Cloe and Juno during her life and at her death the following Negroes to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire and these are their names: Waguse?, Cloe and Juno, or if they choose they may live with any of my children they make choice of.

Item: My will is that the following Negroes to be hired out (Viz) Cain, Robin, Carey? and her children and the money arising from such hire to be applied the schooling of my three sons: Howel Lewis Jeffries, Charles Jeffries and Richard Jeffries. My will that at my wives death my land be divided between my two sons John Jeffries and Achilles Jeffries. I lend unto my son John Jeffries one Negro Boy named Seymore twenty one years if the said Negro should lived as long and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whosoever or any estate he may afterward acquire. I give unto my son John Jeffries one bed and furniture, also one Black Mare which he ----- away with John Bugg.

Item: I give unto my son Achilles Jeffries one bed and furniture, also one small colt name Flagelator. I also lend unto my son Achilles Jeffries the child that Tiller is now pregnant with twenty five years if it should live and do well and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whosoever or any estate (let be male or female) he or she may afterwards acquire.

Item: I give to my three sons Howel L. Jeffries, Charles Jeffries, and Richard Jeffries two Negroes Boys, Lot and Lewis, also to each of them a horse, saddle and bridle -- -- of my last named sons one bed and furniture.

Item: my will is that after my death my Man Billy be hired out for five years and the money arising from such hire to be divided between my three sons Howel L. Jeffries, Charles Jeffries, and Richard Jeffries.

Item: my will is that at my death my Black woman Tiller be hired out for five years and the money arising from such hire to be divided between my three sons Howell Lewis Jeffries, Charles Jeffries and Richard Jeffries and at the expiration of the five years the said Negro woman to be free from the Claim or Claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever on any Estate she may afterwards acquired.

Item: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Burnett one Bed and furniture which be and furniture my said daughter has received, also I lend unto my said daughter Elizabeth Burnett one Negro woman named Jain, with her increase during my said daughter life and after my said daughter’s death the said Negro woman to be free from the Claim or Claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever on any estate she may afterwards acquire and the said Negro woman increase to serve if any until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire but in case the said Negro should be removed out of the State the said Negro to be returned into my estate and to be free as foresaid.

Item: I give unto my daughter Martha Burnett one Mare, saddle, bridle, also one bed and furniture which property she has had, also my will is that my Negro girl Mille be hired out for ten years and the money arising from such hire to be for the use of my said daughter Martha Burnett.

Item: I give unto my daughter Sarah Bugg, one horse saddle and bridle also one bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Sarah Bugg, one Negro woman named Juno for five years and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any estate she may afterwards acquire. I also lend unto my said daughter Sarah Bugg the said woman’s increase until they arrive to twenty five years and to be judged by the Court and then to be free from the Claim or Claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire , and in case any of the said Negroes are to be removed out of the state for the said Negroes to be returned to my estate and to be hired out for the benefit of my three sons Howel L Jeffries, Charles and Richard Jeffries.

Item: I give unto my daughter Lucy Brown one mare, saddle and bridle, one bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Lucy Brown one Negro girl named Jain with her increase if any until they should arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any Estate they may afterwards acquire and in case of any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state for said Negroes to be returned to my estate for the benefit of my family.

Item: I give to my daughter Jain Barnes one mare and eighty dollars and bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Jain Barnes one Negro girl named Fanny for the space of fourteen years and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate she may afterward acquire. I also lend to my daughter Jain Barnes the increase of the said Negro if any until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterward acquire and in case any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state for the said Negroes to be returned to my estate for the use of my family.

Item: I give unto my daughter Susannah Jeffries one Horse bridle and saddle, one Bed and furniture. Also I lend unto my said daughter one Negro girl Sally with all her increase until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any Estate they may afterward acquire and in case any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state the said Negro or Negroes to be returned to my Estate for the use of my family.

Item: My Desire and Will is that after my death that each of my daughters should receive twenty shillings each which is all they are to have out of my Estate together with what I have given in my Will. I appoint my friend Richard Boyd, Alexander Boyd and my two sons John Jeffires and Achilles Jeffries Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony where of I have here unto at my hand and Seal this 27th day of Jan Eighteen hundred and three.

Swepson Jeffries

In Presence of
Samuel Scott
Samuel Bland
John Bugg

At court held for Mecklenburg county the 13 day of June 1803.

This will was proved by the Oath of Samuel Scott and John Bugg witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded

Contributed by Unknown

Will of William JEFFRIES

Will located at Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Boydton, Virginia, Will Book 1 pages 306 & 307

[Page 306]
In the name of God amen. The ninth day of March in the year 1777. I, William Jeffries, of Mecklenburg County, Virginia being a guine to the wars being persest of mind and memory be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, do make & ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I giveth recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and as to my body I commend to the mercy of my friends. I do leave my land to be sold by the powers of Jeremiah Lucas and John Thompson, executors of the money to be equally divided betwist all my children and fourty three pounds which now is in bonds and interest theron to be divided amongest all my children. I give to my son William one feather bed and to my son, Thomas one feather bed. And my desire is that my children shall be free at 16 years old. I conform this to be my last will and Testament In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and

[page 307]
and seal the day and year above written.
William Jeffries

Signed seald and delivered
In the presence of us
Jeremiah Lucas 
John (his X) Thompson
Salls Thompson

At a court held for Mecklenberg County the 12th July 1779 this will was proved by the oaths of Jeremiah Lucas & Salley Thompson witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Thompson the executor therein named who made oath thereto and together with Thomas Brown and Richard Thompson his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
John Brown Ct. Curt.

Deed located at Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Boydton, Virginia, Deed book 7, page 597

Jeffries to Thompson

This is to certify that I John Jeffries son of William Jeffries formerly of Mecklenburg county now deceased who left by his will Mr. John Thompson of the aforesaid County and Jarmiah Lucas executors to his will, and said Lucas moving out of the state and said Thompson becoming whole and sole manager of my deceased fathers estate and we John Jeffries, son of William and Isham Matthews who married Drusella Jeffries daughter of said William Jeffries and now of Spartenburg County South Carolina, being authorized by order on Mr John Thompson to receive for our brothers and sisters William Jeffries, Thomas Jeffries, Winiford Jeffries, & Effa Jeffries and our two sisters have this day received in full satisfaction the whole of our deceased Fathers estate of Mr John Thompson the whole sole acting executor, both for lands and all movable Estate that our deceased father was
----- of witness our hands and seals this sixteenth day of December one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
John (his X) Jeffries
In Presence of
Cluverius Coleman
Robert Allen and James Ming Thompson
Isham Matthews

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of June 1790 this Receipt was proved by the oaths of Clurius Coleman, Robert Allen and James Ming Thompson witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.
John Brown Ct. Curt:

Submitted by Sadie G Sparks May 2008

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