Mecklenburg County


Will of Fleming JACKSON

Inventory of Estate of Flemming Jackson
Mecklenburg Co., VA
Will Book 3, p. 408.
Dated 8 December 1796, recorded 10 April 1797
Returned by Thomas Ryland, Edward McDaniels, Mark Russell


1. Flemming Jackson was a son of Mathew Jackson and Elizabeth Avary.

2. Flemming Jackson married Patty Powers, in Mecklenburg County, bond dated 9 October 1792. Issue: one daughter Elizabeth who married Peter T. Farguson in Mecklenburg, bond dated 5 July 1809, Cavil Jackson security.

3. Martha Powers married (2) Cavil Jackson, brother of Flemming, marriage not of record. She was a daughter of Sampson & Sarah Powers.

4. See wills of Sampson Powers, Sarah Powers, Cavil Jackson and Martha Powers Jackson.

Will of Green JACKSON

Estate account and division of estate of Green Jackson
Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 14, pp. 92-95.
Waddy J. Jackson, administrator
Dated 21 July 1836; Recorded 15 August 1836.

Estate divided to widow ANN JACKSON, 1/3. Remaining portion divided equally to children JAMES F. JACKSON, SAMUEL D. JACKSON, STERLING N. JACKSON and MARY M. JACKSON.

Note: Green Jackson the son of Cavil Jackson and Martha Powers

Will of Martha JACKSON

Will of Martha Jackson (widow of Cavil Jackson).
Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 11, p. 85.
Dated 26 May 1826; Proved 17 July 1826
Executor: Friend, John Hutcherson, Jr.
Witnesses: Samuel Simmons, Jno. J. Moore


1. Two sons Archer and Cavil O. Jackson after the death of my mother, Martha Powers, to Archer $150 and to Cavil O., $250, to be raised out of the estate of Sampson Powers, deceased.

2. Balance of estate divided equally between all my children viz: WADDY J. JACKSON, REBECCA T. HOGAN, SAMUEL F. JACKSON, GREEN JACKSON, ARCHER JACKSON and CAVIL O. JACKSON


Waddy J. Jackson m. Martha G. Crook 5 FEB 1821, consent by Martha Crook, mother on bond dated 15 JAN 1821. James Smith, minister

Rebecca T. Jackson m. William G. Hogan, 29 DEC 1825, bond dated 19 DEC 1825, Waddy J. Jackson security. Stephen JONES, minister.

Will of Matthew JACKSON

Mecklenburg County, VA, Wills in Superior Court Book, pp. 1-2
Dated 11 June 1808; Exhibited by February 1809

In the name of God Amen. I Matthew Jackson of Mecklenburg County being weak in body though of perfect and sound memory do make ordain constitute and appoint this my last will and testament in manner and form following first knowing the certainty of death and that it [is] apointed for all men once to die I recommend my body to the earth from which it [was] taken.

Item. I lend unto Lucretia Meldrum two negros Polly and Cowey and at her death or marriage I give and bequeath the said negroes Polly and Cowey to Claricy I. Meldrum to remain hers and her heirs forever.

Item. I also lend unto the said Lucretia Meldrum during [her] life or widowhood 150 acres of land to be taken off of the lands I now live on Beginning at the bar branch and from thence to the uppeer line adjoining John Allen and at her death or marriage, I give and bequeath the said lands to her daughter Claricy I. Meldrum.

Item. I also direct that the said Lucretia Meldrum is to live in the house I now live in until my sons Cavel, Francis, Burwell, Bins, Nathaniel & Beckley bearing an equal proportion shall build the said Lucretia Meldrum a dwelling house on the above mentioned land sixteen feet square in a workman like manner which if either of the above mentioned shall fail to bear their proportionate part of building the said house my will is they shall receive no part or shear of my estate.

Item. I also lend unto the said Lucretia Meldrum the bed I now lie on, one choice cow and calf, one choice sow and pigs also one iron pot and Dutch oven, one hundred wieght of Port, five barrels of corn and five bushels of wheat is to be given to the said Lucretia Medlrum at the time she moves from the place I now live one womans saddle also one walnut desk also the above bed is to have the furniture belonging to the same all which at her death or marriage I give and bequeath to her daughter Claricy I. Medlrum to remain hers and her heirs forever.

Item. My will is that Nancy Thompson shall have no more of my estate but what she has now in [her] possession.

Item. My will is that my daughter Talathicuma shall have no more of my estate but what she has now in [her] possession.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Mabry Jackson after receiving an equal part with the rest of my sons one negro named Simon.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Beckly after receiving and equal part with the rest of my Sons one negro named Edmund.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Sons Cavil, Francis, Burrel, Bins and Nathaniel, Beckly and Mabra after paying all my just debts all the rest of my estate consisting of negros, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep with the crop of every kind and every other untensil belonging to the same with all moneys due me with all my Lands except that which I have already bequeathed and the negros given to my sons Beckly and Mabra all the rest of my estate is to be sold on a credit of twelve months and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between my sons Cavil, Francis, Burwell, Bins, Nathaniel, Beckly and Mabry.

Lastly I apoint my sons Francis Jackson and Burwell Jackson executors of this my last will & testament. In witness my hand and seal 11th day of June 1808.

Signed by signature, Matthew Jackson

Witnessed by:
Churchwell Curtis, Jr.
John T. Allen

NOTES: This will not proved in county court. It is recorded in Superior Court Wills, and was apparently contested. The appraisal of the slaves is recorded after this (p. 3), dated 27 December 1810 per order of the Superior Court, and returned to Mecklenburg Superior Court on 16 April 1813. An account of the sales of the slaves is recorded on p. 4, signed by Francis Jackson, executor of Matthew Jackson, deceased, returned to Superior Court on 1 August 1811.

Inventory of the balance of the estate is dated 28 February 1809, made by John T. Allen and Charles Colly, and returned to court 8 January 1810. It is recorded in Will Book 6, p. 288.

Accounts of estate Feb. 1809 - January 1811 presented by Cavil Jackson, administrator, recorded in Will Book 6, p. 73

Account of sales of balance of estate is dated March 1809, presented by Cavil Jackson, administrator, recorded in Will Book 7, pp. 178-186.

Account of Administration of Estate of Matthew Jackson from February 1809 through January 1811

Mecklenburg County, VA Will Book 6, p. 73, Presented by Cavil Jackson, administrator

Includes amounts paid to the following people:


Zack Shackelford
Henry Wilson, cryer
Zack Curtis, clerk
Beckley [Jackson?]
Tobacco Notes
Daniel Tucker
Thomas Coleman
Henry Wilson, cryer


William Coleman
Nathaniel Jackson
Thomas Coleman
James Wilson
John Hill, surveying
for brandy for when surveying
J. R. Lucas (sp?)
William Brown
James Hazelwood
John J. Moore
Beckley Jackson
Expenses to Richmond on account of tobacco
Expenses at hire of negroes


G. Green per account

Commissions on 881.10 for transacting the business as Administrator

Balance due the estate: 812.19.10

A List of Property Sold Belonging to Matthew JACKSON

Mecklenburg County, Virginia, March 1809, Will Book 7, pp. 178-186

This lengthy account of sales was presented to the court by Cavil Jackson, administrator of Matthew Jackson, on 17 January 1812. Each buyer is listed separately with a list of items he/she purchased or, in the case of negros, hired. At the end are two interesting items which will be presented here first, then followed by the list of purchasers.

p. 185, following total amount of all sales which was 1211.4.1 1/4:

"Specific bequests made by the Testator to Lucretia Meldrum now in hand:
One bed and furniture
One cow and calf
one Iron pot and Dutch Oven
One woman's saddle
one walnut desk
One hog taken by said Meldrum in lieu of a choice sow and pigs since dead."

p. 185. Following the above, "Debits due to the Testator by Bonds taken in his
life time":

Cavil Jackson, 25.00.0
Ditto, 17.00.0
Ditto, 80.09.7
Nathaniel Jackson with collateral, 80.00.0
Thomas Jones with conditions, 15.00.0
Charles Turner, 30.00.0
Burwell Jackson, 107.10.0
Ditto, 107.10.0
Ditto, 1.04.0
Nathaniel Jackson, 1.14.9
Charles Turner, 1.19.0
Barrington Avory, 54.19.7 [nephew by marriage]
Thomas Jones, 62.0.0

Total = 584.06.11

Purchasers at Estate Sale of Matthew Jackson, March 1809

1. Beckley Jackson

Rent that part of the planation to mill road, 15.0.6
Hire negro man Dick, 12.0.6
Hire negro man Sam, 12.0.6
Hire negro boy Elleck
Hire negro woman Dolly
5 2nd choice sheep
Other items
Total = 114.19.2

2. Benjamin Evans

Hire negro man Cowe
2 sides leather
Total = 11.12.00

3. Cavil Jackson

Hire negro boy Joe
Rent of Wheat patch
Rent of orchard adjoining Rylands
Rent of orchard at old place
Other items
Total = 44.14. 3 1/4

4. Edward Lett  one black horse, 20.00.00
5. Francis Jackson

Hire negro woman Keziah
Other items
Total = 38.4.3

6. George Edwards  Misc. items totalling 9.6.0
7. Hudgons Burton, 12.3.2
8. Jabez Northington, 10.7.0
9. James Wilson

Hire negro Susan
Other items
Total, 19.17.3

10. Matthew Agbawin, 14.1.3 1/2
11. Macans Hurt, 3.15.0
12. Nathaniel Jackson

Hire negro woman Dilcy
Other items
Total = 41.7.10 1/2

13. Jeremiah Bishop Hire negro woman, 8.2.0
14. Reubin Vaughan, Jr. a white heifer and 1 Friday mare, 19.2.6
15. Thomas Coleman a colt, 8.14.0
16. Thomas Brown, misc., 5.9.6
17. Thomas Daws, 1.8.1 1/2
18. Thomas Jones one old fiddle, one pair money scales & misc, 6.5.5
19. John Thompson, Jr., 3 fat hogs, 3.17.6
20. James Eubank, misc., 0.3.1
21. Wood Jones, 8.17.3
22. Jesse Parrish, 3.7.0
23. Jordan Hightower, a sifter
24. William Hightower, a pot
25. Zachariah Curtis, 4.15.2 1/2
26. Zachariah Shackleford, barred of vinegar and basket of walnuts
27. Benjamin Andrew, corn and potatoes
28. Binns Jackson Hire negro girl Polly, Misc. Total = 34.6.8 1/2
29. Benjamin L. Harrison, misc., 6.17.0
30. Charles Hutcherson S. R., a water tub
31. Dabney Phillips, garden peas, basket, a bag of onions
32. Drury Gee, misc., 10.10.2
33. Tedrick (Fedrick?) Watkins, 2 cows and w calfs
34. William Hutcherson, rent wheat patch, other, 1.12.6
35. Isaac Arnold hire negro man Arthur
36. John Harriss, calf and yearling
37. John Ingram, cow and calf
38. John Algood, corn and grindstone
39. Mathew H. Davis, misc.
40. Matthew Allen Rent rye field and wheat patch
41. Francis Jackson Hire negro Dick and Sam, ten days
42. Cavil Jackson hire negro Arthur and Simon, ten days
43. John Allen hire Cowe ten days

Rents the 21st October, Plantation, Matthew JACKSON, Dec'd

Nathaniel Jackson, the plantation next to John Allen & upper wheat patch and the old orchard, 5.6.3

Daniel Frashier, the field over the mill, orchard next to Ryland, 1.16.5

Peter T. Fagerson, the orchard where said Fagerson now lives, 0.13.10

Beckley Jackson, the plantation the rivers side of the mill road, 12.0.0

Hire of Negroes, the 28th December

John Tucker, boy Joe
Hundley Ryland, negro man Arthur
Robert Love, 2 negroe men Dick and Sam
Beckley Jackson, negro man Simon
Nathaniel Jackson, negro woman Dilcy
Francis Jackson, negro woman Keziah and child, negro boy Elleck, girl Matilda
Cavil Jackson, woman Critt and boy, man Cowe
Dabney Phillips, woman Dolly
Zachariah Curtis, woman Polly


By amount of Sales, 459.5.10 1/4
By rent of land, 19.16.4
By hire of negroes, 147.15.0
By Bonds due estate, 584.6.11

TOTAL: 1211.4.1 1/4

An Account of Sales of the Slaves and Lands belonging to the Estate of Matthew Jackson, dec'd

Mecklenburg County, VA Superior Court Wills, p. 4

Presented on 27 December 1810, by Francis Jackson, executor of Matthew Jackson; returned to Superior Court and recorded on 1 August 1811.

One tract of land, 2.2 acres, to Cavil Jackson, 21.9.0
One tract of land 92 acres to Francis Jackson, 73.12.0
One tract of land 290 acres to Jonathan Booker, 319.0.9
One negro woman Dolly to Cavil Jackson, 41
One negro boy Joe to Capt. James Wilson, 76.1.0
One negro girl Matilda to Bins Jackson, 99
One negro boy Eleck to Richard Apperson, 79.11.0
One negro woman Disely to Richard Apperson, 107.12
Two negro men Dick & Sam, to Cavil Jackson, 365.2
One negro man Arthur to William Stone, 160.3
One negro woman Keziah and child to R. Apperson, 131
One tract of land 175 acres to Beckley Jackson, 141.16.5 1/2
Crit and Harbart to Jeremiah Bishop, 160.15
Saws and other materials of a cotton machine to Francis Jackson, 6.6

Appraisement of the Slaves and Cotton Machine Belonging to the Estate of Matthew Jackson, Deceased

Mecklenburg County, VA Superior Court Wills, p. 3
Prepared by John Hutcherson, S.C.; Francis Gregory, and James Wilson on 27 December 1810. Returned to Superior Court and recorded on 6 April 1813

Negro man named Dick, 140
Negro man named Sam, 140
Negro man named Simon, 125
Negro man named Joe, 100
Negro man named Arthur, 140
Negro man named Cowey, 140
Negro woman named Dolly, 38
Negro woman named Dilcey, 100
Negro woman named Keziah, 85
Negro woman named Crit, 85
Negro woman named Polly, 112
Negro woman named Matilda, 81
Negro boy named Alexander, 65
Negro boy named Edmond, 65
Negro boy named Herbert, 65
Negro boy named Reuben, 28
Cotton machine, 6

Will of Waddy J. JACKSON

Will of Waddy J. JACKSON
Mecklenburg Co., VA, Will Book 19, p. 274
Dated 30 April 1857; Proved January Court, 1858
Executors: Wife Martha, son Robert
Wintesses: Robert G. Chappel, William S. Eubank


Son Charles, under age 21 and no children
Son William, $2000 to be invested and he to have the income therefrom, and upon his death the $2000 to be divided among sons James, Robert, Green, and Charles to each 1/5, and remaining 1/5 to be divided amont the children born or to be born of my daughter Carolne DAVIS.

NOTE: Louisa C JACKSON m. ----- DAVIS on 29 NOV 1845, consent by father, Waddy J. Jackson. Sureity by Robert Chappell.

Contributed 2001 Apr by Craig Kilby

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