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      Notice to take depositions may be given to non-resident parties, by publication 343. Printer's fees 343.
      Public lands in or near Richmond, except appropriated for the government to be sold, and proceeds applied to erection of the public buildings 399. Subscriptions to be opened in aid of other funds 400. Plan of capitol altered 496.
      Act empowering judges of general court to superintend and regulate the public jail further contained 108.
      How quakers and menonists exempt from personal service, in the war 18. If drafted not compelled to perform duty, but a substitute provided at his expense; if unable to pay, the price to be levied on the whole society 175, Exempted from penalties for non-jurying 252. Their purchases confirmed 253. Quakers exempted from attending musters 389. Provided they produce testimonials of their being members of that society 389. How they may marry 504.
      Quarantine in foreign vessels may be prescribed by governor
and council, by proclamation 329. Rules for observing quarantine 329. Penalty for breach 329. Enquiry when vessels come from infected places 329. Various penalties 330. Expenses how defrayed 331.
      In militia, how appointed 486.
      Due proprietor of Northern-neck sequestered 128. Restored to the proprietor 289. Not to be assessed, over and above the land tax 543.
      Of officers and soldiers of militia, when in service 487. Of what a ration to consist 488.
      Act for relief of persons injured by destruction of records of county courts, continued 72 −− Extended to all papers filed in court 72: Clerks of county courts not to remove records and papers out of the county 465: In what cases they may be removed 465.
      Prohibited from migrating into, or becoming citizens of this commonwealth 325.
      Form of register of vessel 259 −− Register of land office may receive surveys, although warrant not returned 372: Fees of land office to be paid into treasury, and register placed on civil list; when to account, and penalty for failure 443, 444:





Register of marriages, how to be preserved 505: −− Penalty for neglect 505.
      See Taxes.
      Treasurer to keep distinct accounts of the revenue 12. −− Appropriation 12.
      Letter from the Chancellors, on the revision of the laws 547.
      Town of Richmond incorporated, and to be stiled City of Richmond 45: qualification of electors to ballot for officers 45: Mayor, recorder, aldermen and common council 45: Term of service 45: Vacancies, how supplied 46: Oath of office 46: Style of corporation 46: Corporate powers 46: Power to erect public buildings 47: Market house 47: −− To regulate internal police 47 To impose taxes 47: To erect wharves and impose duties on vessels 47: To establish fairs 47: To fix fines on billiard tables, &c. 47: and demand fines on ordinary licences 47: Common hall, how constituted and convened 47: Court of hustings 48: Civil jurisdiction 48: Criminal jurisdiction 48: Exclusive power of licensing taverns and fixing their rates 48: Clerk of market, serjeant, constables 48: −− Assize of brad, &c. 48: Oath of office 48: Judicial powers of mayor, recorder, aldermen, &c. 49: Territorial limits of jurisdiction 49: Officers, how
removed 49: Property in trustees of town of Richmond, transferred to corporation 49. Ordinary keeper in Richmond incapable of serving as mayor, recorder, alderman, or common council 50: Courts of Henrico and Richmond authorised to adjourn their courts to a day when the courthouse will not be occupied by the superior courts 153: Two additional aldermen for city of Richmond, how elected 156: Six aldermen to be elected at triennial elections 156: Court of hustings, a court of record 156: Restriction as to proof of deeds and wills 156: Powers of directors of public buildings to improve the navigation of Shockœ creek, transferred to corporation 157: Lottery authorised 157: Charter of Richmond explained 314: Additional common councilmen to be elected; additional aldermen, how chosen 315: Mayor, recorder, 6 aldermen, and 8 common council men, to be elected at triennial elections 315: Criminal jurisdiction of court of hustings 387: Public lands in or near Richmond, except those set apart for public use, to be sold 399: Proceeds appropriated to erection of public buildings 399: Commissioners 399: Terms of sale 399: For money or certificates 399: Proceeds, how disposed of 399: Subscriptions





to be opened in aid in erection of public buildings 400: Sales for certificates, may be on credit 400.
      Survey of roads, through the passes in the Blue Ridge, to the seat of government, or to seaport towns, and from one seaport town to another, authorised, at the expense of the parties employing the surveyors 27, 28. Justices of Greenbrier county empowered to clear a waggon road from the Warm Springs in Augusta 131 Provision for keeping the road over Rockfish Gap in repair, by the courts of Augusta and Rockbridge 429.
      Trustees of clearing Roanoke river 250: Their powers 251. May appoint a receiver 251. Vacancies, how supplied 251. Hedges, stone stops, &c. across the river, how removed 251. Penalty for obstructing navigation of Roanoke, by bridges, stone stops, &c. 506.
      Anne and Margaret Rose, slaves of Walter Robinson, emancipated, and all his estate vested in them agreeably to his will 362.
      Certain entailed lands of Maximilian Robinson, formerly in King George, now in Westmoreland, vested in William Robinson, in fee 110.
      Provision for keeping the road in repair over Rockfish Gap, by the courts of Augusta and Rockbridge 429.
Rose, Anne and Margaret.
      Anne and Margaret Rose, slaves of Walter Robertson, emancipated, and all his estate vested in them agreeably to his will 362.
      James Rumsey granted exclusive privilege of navigating boats against the stream 502: Penalty for invading his privilege 502: Right may be abolished by paying a certain compensation to the inventor 502.
      Sailors and marines entitled to same emoluments as in land service 85: They and their representatives entitled to same land bounty and other emoluments as in Virginia line on continental establishment 162: Tax on sailors, for a hospital 161: Not more than one third of crew of river or bay craft to consist of slaves 404.
      Of inspectors of tobacco, at the several warehouses 335, 346, 391, 392: Of register of land office and his deputy 444: Of judges and attorney of supreme court in Kentucky 398, 498.
      Pay of scouts 181.
      Tax on seals of court 378, 439:





On seal of state 379, 440: −− On notarial seals 440.
      See Sailors.
      Their proportion of land bounty 85, 162: Not more than one third of crew of river or bay craft to consist of slaves 404: Suspension of act 404.
      Return of election of senators and delegates, when to be made by sheriffs 387: Penalty for neglect 387: Penalty on sheriffs interfering in elections of senators or delegates 387.
      Further time allowed for recording certificates for settlement rights 91: For returning certificates for settlement rights 291, 376, 476: Certificates of county courts, as to settlement rights, not conclusive 508.
      Sheriffs unable to give security, a collector of taxes to be appointed 66. To give receipts for taxes, and make distinct returns 67. Sheriffs to continue to collect taxes, tho' out of office 70. When and how to account 70. Receipts or certificates received by sheriffs for taxes under existing laws to be taken at the treasury 77. Damages and interest remitted to sheriffs who had offered to settle 78. Sheriffs to make oath as to certificates received by them for taxes 78. Bonds to be taken of sheriffs for collection of taxes 93. Certified copies
to be evidence 93. Sheriffs to account on oath, for actual sums received for taxes 94. When to collect and distrain for taxes 115. Property liable tho' comprised in deed or mortgage 115. Manner of sale 115. As to lands seized 115, 116. Unreasonable distress, how punished 116. Sheriffs, when to account and pay 116. How to account 116. −− Power in the court to remit damages and interest 117. −− Sheriffs to return a list of payments to the clerk 119. When to collect and account for fees of clerks of superior courts 163: Commissions for collection, and remedy against 163. Allowance for conveying idiots and lunatics to the hospital 167. Sheriffs, how nominated and commissioned 168: To give bond 168, 169. Copy sent to auditors, evidence 168: Penalty for refusing office 169. Executions against sheriffs for taxes suspended 190 On what conditions 190: Benefit of this act extended to all sheriffs owing a balance to the commonwealth 190: Distress for taxes postponed 194. −− Sheriffs to collect altho' the term of their appointment expired 194. How sheriffs fees due in tobacco to be paid 237: When distrained for 238: −− When accounted for 239. Provision as to sheriffs bonds 269: So much of former act as directs county courts to nominate





two persons, annually in the commission of peace, one of whom to be commissioned as sheriff repealed 278. −− When courts are to nominate for sheriffs 278: Courts may yet nominate sheriffs where they have failed 306: If sheriffs fail to give security for taxes, a new sheriff to be appointed 307: When courts are to recommend 307: Deputy sheriffs ineligible to assembly until two years after their quietus 308: Auditors to issue warrants to sheriffs attending general court in criminal cases which are receivable in taxes 319: Sheriffs tobacco fees, how payable in money 359: Return of election of senators and delegates when to be made by sheriffs 387: Penalty for neglect 387: Penalty on sheriffs interfering in elections 387: Penalty on courts failing to nominate sheriffs 463: Sheriff failing to give bond in two months, clerk to certify such failure in one month 463: −− Nominated and failing to apply for a commission in one month, executive may commission another 463: Executive may remit damages against sheriffs for non-payment of taxes 463: Sheriff having given bond, may collect taxes though his time expired 542.
      Slaves of which George Kerr died possessed, and supposed to be escheated to the commonwealth, vested in the children
of William Short, dec. by the daughter of the said Kerr 149.
      Rates of silver paid for taxes 117.
      Sale of lands mortgaged to him by John Connolly, suspended 276: So much of act establishing town of Louisville, as affects lands of John Campbell and Joseph Simon, repealed 322: Lands of Connolly to be sold, and mortgage paid off 475.
      Slaves, horses and other property lost during the war, how recovered 23: Persons having such property in possession, to advertise in Virginia Gazette 23: Penalty for failure 23: Proprietors may obtain warrants for taking their property, giving bond and security 24: Two justices may secure property suspected to belong to others, unknown 24: −− Wandering slaves may be committed to prison 24: Proceedings thereon 24: Penalties, how recovered and appropriated 25: Bona fide purchasers exempted from penalties 25: Act not to extend to property taken by the enemy, and re-taken in action 25: −− Act to authorise the manumission of slaves 39: How slaves may be emancipated 39: −− Aged or infirm, to be supported by former owner 39: Or, expense levied on, by order of court 39: Copy of instrument





of emancipation to be delivered to slave 39: Penalty for neglect on master 39: And on the slave travelling out of his county 40: Liberated slave neglecting to pay levies and taxes, to be hired out to raise them 40: Saving the titles of all but the person emancipating 40: Slaves permitted to go at large and hire themselves out, to be sold by order of court 57: Allowance to county and sheriff 59: Additional tax on slaves 93, 113, 418: Slaves may be tendered on executions 179: New execution, if creditor evicted 179: Slave tax appropriated 247: All slaves enlisted into the army, by appointment of their masters, and serving their term, emancipated 308: And may sue in forma pauperis, and recover damages, if detained in slavery 309: Aberdeen, for his long and faithful services at the lead mines, emancipated 309: Acts permitting lands and slaves to be tendered on executions, revived 349: Not more than one third of crew of river and bay craft, to consist of slaves 404.
      Court of Botetourt county authorised to levy a sufficient sum to pay the arrears due the Rev'd. Adam Smyth, incumbent of Botetourt parish 56: That act amended 338.
      Under sentence of death for treason, pardoned 21.
      Allowance to wives, parents and families of poor soldiers, how paid 11. Act providing more effectual funds for redemption of certificates granted the officers and soldiers 81. Injunctions to stay sale of escheated property, to be expedited 81. Fraudulent conveyances by British subjects 82. Payment of British debts into the treasury revived 82. Creditors may attach 82. Sales of forfeited estates 82. Officers and soldiers, how to pass their accounts 83. Guard against further depreciation 83. Officers and soldiers to give in their land claims 83: How their warrants are to be obtained 83, 133. Certificate from the commissioner of war 84: Land bounty for three years service 84: Additional bounty for six years 84: No locations within their bounds 84: their certificates to be received for public patent fees 84: Officers in Lee's legion and others credited to this state, included in pay and bounty 84. Navy officers, sailors, and marines, entitled to same emoluments as in land service 85. Treasury tobacco notes, payable to enlisted soldiers, receivable in taxes 94: Deputation of offices to provide for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 300. Warrants to be classed and drawn for by lot 311. −−




Priority of location to be determined by lot 311.
      Vestry parish of Southfarnham in Essex, dissolved, and a new vestry to be elected 537.
      See Commodities, Cmmutables, Taxes.
      To be proceeded against according to the law military 138.
      Duty on spirits imported 121. −− Direction as to casks 123, 198. Act imposing duty on spirits, repealed 289.
      Court day of, altered 315.
      Auditors to issue warrants to staff offices of the militia 193.
      County court of Stafford authorised to levy, upon the parishes of St. Paul and Overwharton, tobacco due to Henry Tyler, late clerk 320.
      Soldiers belonging to, authorised to enlist in continental army 135. may be discharged on relinquishing the bounty and pay promised 135.
State Army−−Land Bounty.
      Auditors to issue warrants for half pay to officers of state line and navy 265. Their lands, how to be surveyed 309.
      So much of act as prohibits swine going at large in Staunton, repealed 60.
      Town of, in Culpeper, established 36.
      Vestry of parish of St. Anne, in Essex county, dissolved 130.
      Steuben's military discipline adopted for the militia 484. −− To revert to commonwealth, on death, resignation or removal of officer 484.
      So much of act for establishing land office as gives proprietors of high lands, to which swamps, &c. contiguous, a pre-emption therein, for one year only, repealed 371: All entries for such declared void 372: Pre-emptions extended 372:
      Duty on sugar 122:
      So much of act for establishing land office as gives proprietors of high lands, to which sunken grounds, &c. contiguous, a pre-emption therein for one year only, repealed 372: All entries for such declared void 372: Pre-emptions extended 372: Patents to be obtained for sunken grounds as for surplus land 372.
      Of Kentucky, its jurisdiction 85.
      Surveyors on eastern waters, may be non-residents 160: −− Entries may be made with clerk where no surveyor 160. How to be surveyed 160: −−





Principal surveyor may appoint a deputy 160: Entries in Northern-Neck how made 160: How tobacco fees due surveyors to be paid 237: −− When distrained for 238. −− When accounted for 239: −− Surveyors how appointed 352 To give bond to the college 353. Tenure of office 353. −− To be sworn and give bond in court 353. How deputies shall be appointed 353. Their power and compensation 353. Penalty for giving principal more 353. Land warrants to be lodged with principal surveyor 353. Locations to be precisely made and entered in a book 354. Preference where different applications to locate the same land 354. Notice of time of surveying to persons out of the country 354. How a surveyor may locate his own warrants 354. Notice 354. −− Chain carriers to be sworn 354 Surveys how to be made 355. Plat and certificate when to be delivered and warrant returned 355. Provided fees paid 355. Plats to be examined 355 List of surveys, when and where returned 356. None to be clerk and surveyor of same county 356. How surveyor punished for neglect 356. Surveyors office annually inspected 356. When and to whom plats delivered 356. Surveyor's fees in tobacco 357. How payable in money 358. Table
of fees to be set up 358. Penalty for overcharging 358. −− Surveyors to reside in their county 358.
      Further time allowed to return surveys to land office 92, 291, 376. All plats and certificates of survey, in Kentucky, to be first lodged with deputy register 292. List of surveys to be annually returned to the college and clerk of the court 356 Register of land office may receive surveys, altho' warrant not returned 372. Tax on transfer of surveyor's certificate for land 379. Within what time surveys to be made of entries on the western waters 441. Forfeiture for neglect 441.
See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71, 195, 510. Penalties and their appropriations 71:
      Justices to take lists of taxable property annually 113. How lists made out and returned to clerk 113. Duty of clerk to make out three copies 114. −− How disposed of 114. His allowance 114. Penalty on clerk and justice for neglect 114. Lists of taxable property, how to be given in 114. −− Penalty for concealing property 115. How penalty may be saved 115.


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