to be opened in aid in erection of public buildings 400: Sales for certificates, may be on credit 400.
Survey of roads, through the passes in the Blue Ridge, to the seat
of government, or to seaport towns, and from one seaport town to another, authorised, at the
expense of the parties employing the surveyors 27, 28. Justices of Greenbrier county empowered to clear a waggon
road from the Warm Springs in Augusta 131 Provision for
keeping the road over Rockfish Gap in repair, by the courts of Augusta and Rockbridge 429.
Trustees of clearing Roanoke river 250: Their powers 251. May
appoint a receiver 251. Vacancies, how supplied 251. Hedges, stone stops, &c. across the river, how removed 251. Penalty for obstructing navigation of Roanoke, by bridges,
stone stops, &c. 506.
Anne and Margaret Rose, slaves of Walter Robinson, emancipated, and
all his estate vested in them agreeably to his will 362.
Certain entailed lands of Maximilian Robinson, formerly in King
George, now in Westmoreland, vested in William Robinson, in fee 110.
Provision for keeping the road in repair over Rockfish Gap, by the
courts of Augusta and Rockbridge 429.
Rose, Anne and Margaret.
Anne and Margaret Rose, slaves of Walter Robertson, emancipated,
and all his estate vested in them agreeably to his will 362.
James Rumsey granted exclusive privilege of navigating boats
against the stream 502: Penalty for invading his privilege 502: Right may be abolished by paying a certain compensation to
the inventor 502.
Sailors and marines entitled to same emoluments as in land service
85: They and their representatives entitled to same land
bounty and other emoluments as in Virginia line on continental establishment 162: Tax on sailors, for a hospital 161: Not more than one third of crew of river or bay craft to
consist of slaves 404.
Of inspectors of tobacco, at the several warehouses 335, 346, 391, 392: Of register of
land office and his deputy 444: Of judges and attorney of
supreme court in Kentucky 398, 498.
Pay of scouts 181.
Tax on seals of court 378, 439: