Pages 525-543  ======   ======  Pages 554-565  





FROM 1782 TO 1784.

Resolution of Virginia declaring any
proposition, from the enemy, for a
separate peace, insidious and
Proposition from the enemy for a separate peace, declared insidious and inadmissible.
                                            Friday the 24th of May, 1782.
      Resolved unanimously, that a proposition from the enemy to all or any of these United States for peace or truce, separate from their allies, is insidious and inadmissible.
      Resolved unanimously, that a proposition from the enemy for treating with any assembly or body of men in America, other than the congress of these United States, is insidious and inadmissible.
      Resolved unanimously, that this assembly will not listen to any proposition, nor suffer any negotiation, inconsistent with their national faith and fœderal union.
      Resolved unanimously, that this assembly will exert the utmost power of the state to carry on the war with vigour and effect, until peace shall be obtained in a manner consistent with our national faith and fœderal union.
      Resolved, that the above resolutions be transmitted to the delegates of this state at congress, as an instruction to the said delegates.
      JOHN BECKLEY, C. H. D.
1782, May the 25th.
      Agreed to by the senate unanimously.
            WILL. DREW, C. S.



Resolution of Congress, on the subject of a separate peace. No prop. for
a sep. peace.
October 4th 1782.
Resolution of congress on the subject of a separate peace.
      Whereas by the articles of confederation and perpetual union the sole and exclusive right of making peace is vested in the United States in congress assembled; and by the treaty of alliance between his Most Christian Majesty and these United States it is declared that neither of the contracting parties shall conclude peace or truce with Great Britain without the consent of the other; and the Ministers Plenipotentiary of these United States in Europe are vested with full power and authority in their behalf and in concert with their allies to negociate and conclude a general peace: Nevertheless it appears that the British Court still flatters itself with the vain hope of prevailing on the United States to agree to some terms of dependence upon Great Britain or at least to a separate peace; and there is reason to believe that commissioners may be sent to America to offer propositions of that nature to the United States, or that secret emissaries may be employed to delude and deceive: In order to extinguish ill founded hopes, to frustrate insidious attempts and to manifest to the whole world the purity of the intentions and the fixed and unalterable determination of the United States,
      Resolved unanimously, That congress are sincerely desirous of an honorable and permanent peace: That as the only means of obtaining it they will inviolably adhere to the treaty of alliance with his Most Christian Majesty and conclude neither a separate peace or truce with Great Britain: that they will prosecute the war with vigor until by the blessing of God on the United arms a peace shall be happily accomplished, by which the free and absolute sovereignty and independence of these United States having been duly assured, their rights and interests as well as those of their allies shall be effectually provided for and secured.
      That congress will not enter into the discussion of any overtures for pacification, but in confidence and in concert with his Most Christian Majesty.



      That to guard against the secret artifices and machinations of the enemy, it be and hereby is recommended to the respective states to be vigilant and active in detecting and seizing all British emissaries and spies, that they may be brought to condign punishment: That it be enjoined on all officers of departments charged with persons coming from the enemy under the protection of flags of truce to take special care that such persons do not abuse their priviledges but be restrained from all intercourse with the country and inhabitants which is not necessary for transacting the public business on which they may be sent; and lastly it is recommended to the several states that no subjects of his Britannic majesty coming directly or indirectly from any part of the British dominions, be admitted into any of the United States during the war. No prop. for
a sep. peace.
      Ordered, that the honorable, the minister plenipotentiary of France, be furnished with a copy of the above act, and that copies be transmitted to the ministers of these states at foreign courts and that in the mean time it be published.
CHA. THOMSON, Sec'y.      
Letter from the Chancellors on the
revision of the laws.
Letter from the Chancellors on the revision of the laws.
Richmond, November 24th, 1783.      
      After having approved the mode adopted by the evecutive for carrying into execution the resolution of the assembly in their last session* for a revision and collection of the laws and ordinances since the code in 1769, in order to a new impression thereof, we feel extream concern when we inform your excellency that we have not been able to compleat that work according to the wishes of the legislature and executive. A mistake occasioned by the miscarriage of letters, had retarded the progress of the business in vacation, and tho'
      * For the resolution, See Vol 9, page 176, note:



we have devoted to it, each leisure moment since our meeting, a necessary attention to official duty, hath permitted us only to examine some of the laws and form a general system, which will enable us soon to compleat the work in our retirement. This you will be pleased to mention to the legislature and executive, and present us in terms of perfect respect for both. Chancellors
      We have the honor to be,
Your excellency's most obedient servants.     
His excellency, Benjamin
      Harrison, esq.
      governor of Virginia
Letter from the Secretary of Foreign
Affairs, announcing the cessation
of hostilities
Letter from the secretary of foreign affairs, announcing the cessation of hostilities.
Philadelphia, 12th April, 1783      
      Permit me to offer you my congratulations on the important event announced by the United States in congress in the enclosed proclamation for the cessation of hostilities −− an event which is not only pleasing as it relieves us from the accumulated distresses of war in the bowels of our country, but as it affords the fairest and most flattering prospects of its future greatness and prosperity;
      I need not, I am persuaded, sir, use any arguments to urge your excellency and the state in which you preside to the most scrupulous attention to the execution of every stipulation in our treaty, which may depend upon you or them.
      A national character is now to be acquired. I venture



to hope that it will be worthy of the struggles by which we became a nation.
      I have the honor to be,
            With great respect and esteem,
Letter from
Secretary of
foreign affairs
Your excellency's most obedient, humble servant.        
His excellency the
governor of Virginia.
By the United States of America in congress assembled.
A proclamation declaring the cessation of arms,
as well by sea as by land, agreed upon between
the United States of America and his Britannic
majesty; and enjoining the observance thereof.
Proclamation of congress, declaring cessation of arms.
      WHEREAS provisional articles were signed at Paris on the thirtieth day of November last, between the ministers plenipotentiary of the United States of America for treating of peace, and the minister plenipotentiary of his Britannic majesty, to be inserted in and to constitute the treaty of peace proposed to be concluded between the United States of America and his Britannic majesty, when terms of peace should be agreed upon between their most Christian and Britannic majesties: And whereas preliminaries for restoring peace between their most Christian and Britannic majesties were signed at Versailles on the twentieth day of January last, by the ministers of their most Christian and Britannic majessies: And whereas preliminaries for restoring peace between the said king of Great-Britain and the king of Spain were also signed at Versailles on the same twentieth day of January last:
      By which said preliminary articles it hath been agreed, that as soon as the same were ratified, hostilities between the said kings, their kingdoms, states and subjects should cease in all parts of the world; and it was



farther agreed, that all vessels and effects that might be taken in the channel and in the North seas, after the space of twelve days, from the ratification of the said preliminary articles, should be restored; that the term should be one month from the channel and North seas as far as the Canary islands, inclusively, whether in the ocean or the Mediterranean; two months from the said Canary islands as far as the equinoctial line or equator; and lastly, five months in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or more particular description of time or place: And whereas it was declared by the minister plenipotentiary of the king of Great-Britain, in the name and by the express order of the king his master, on the said twentieth day of January last, that the said United States of America, their subjects, and their possessions shall be comprised in the above mentioned suspension of arms, at the same epochs, and in the same manner, as the three crowns above mentioned, their subjects and possessions respectively; upon condition that on the part and in the name of the United States of America, a similar declaration shall be delivered, expressly declaring their assent to the said suspension of arms, and containing an assurance of the most perfect reciprocity of these United States, did, on the same twentieth day of January, in the name and by the authority of the said United States, accept the said declaration, and declare, that the said states, should cause all hostilities to cease against his Britannic ma- majesty, his subjects and his possessions, at the terms and epochs agreed upon between his said majesty the king of Great Britain, his majesty the king of France, and his majesty the king of Spain, so, and in the same manner, as had been agreed upon between those three crowns, and to produce the same effects: And whereas the ratifications of the said preliminary articles between their most Christian and Britannic majesties were exchanged by their ministers on the third day of February last, and between his Britannic majesty and the king of Spain on the ninth day of February last: And whereas it is our will and pleasure that the cessation of hostilities between the United States of America and his Britannic majesty, should be conformable to the epochs fixed between their most Christian and Britannic majesties. Proclamation
of congress.



      We have thought fit to make known the same to the citizens of these states, and we hereby strictly charge and command all our officers both by sea and land, and others, subjects of these United States, to forbear all acts of hostility, either by sea or by land, against his Britannic majesty or his subjects, from and after the respective times agreed upon between their most Christian and Britannic majesties as aforesoid.
      And we do further require all governors and others, the executive powers of these United States respectively, to cause this our proclamation to be made public, to the end that the same be duly observed within their several jurisdictions.
of congress.
Done in congress, at Philadelphia, this eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and of our sovereignty and independence the seventh.
ELIAS BOUDINOT, President.     
By his excellency Benjamin Harrison,
esquire, governor of the common-
wealth of Virginia. A proclamation.
Proclamation of governor of Virginia declaring cessation of arms.
      WHEREAS the honorable the continental congress have published their proclamation, announcing the signature and ratification of the preliminary articles of peace between the several powers at war; and commanding the citizens of these United States to cease from any farther hostilities against his Britannic majesty and his subjects, both by sea and land:
      I have therefore thought fit, by and with the advice of the council of state, to issue this my proclamation, hereby enjoining all officers, both civil and military, together with all and every other person, of every rank and denomination, within this commonwealth, to pay due obediance to the said proclamation of congress.



Given under my hand, and the seal of the commonwealth, at Richmond, in the council chamber, this twenty first day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and seventh of the commonwealth.
of governor
of Virginia.
ARCH. BLAIR, Clk of the Council.
Resolution for procuring a Statue of
General Washington.
Resolution for procuring a statue of Gen. Washington.
                                    Tuesday, the 22d of June, 1784.
      Resolved that the executive be requested to take measures for procuring a statue of General Washington, to be of the finest marble and best workmanship, with the following inscription on its pedestal, viz:
      "The general assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia have caused this statue to be erected as a monument of affection and gratitude to George Washington, who uniting to the endowments of the Hero the virtues of the Patriot, and exerting both in establishing the liberties of his country, has rendered his name dear to his fellow citizens and given the world an immortal example of true glory. Done in the year of Christ, and in the year of the commonwealth Inscription.
JOHN BECKLEY, C. H. D.      
1784, June 24th.
      Agreed to by the senate unanimously,
                        WILL. DREW, C. S.



Resolution requesting the executive to
have two busts of the marquis De
La Fayette made in Paris.

for procuring
two busts of
the marquis
De la Fayette.
the 1st of December, 1784.            
      Whereas, it was unanimously resolved, on the 17th day of December, 1781, that a bust of the marquis De La Fayette be directed to be made in Paris of the best marble employed for such purposes, with the following inscriptions:
      "This bust was voted on the 17th day of December, 1781, by the general assembly of the state of Virginia, to the honorable the marquis De La Fayette (major general in the service of the United States of America, and late commander in chief of the army of the United States in Virginia) as a lasting monument of his merit and their gratitude." Inscription.
      Resolved, unanimously, that the governor with the advice of the council, be authorized and desired to defray the expence of carrying the said vote into execution out of the fund allotted for the contingencies of government; that he cause the said bust to be presented in the name of this commonwealth, to the city of Paris, with a request that the same may be accepted and preserved in some public place of the said city.
      Resolved, unanimously, that as a further mark of the lasting esteem of this commonwealth for the illustrious qualities and services of the marquis De La Fayette, the governor, with the advice to the council, be authorized and desired to cause another bust of him with a similar inscription, to be procured by draught on the said fund, and that the same, when procured, be fixed in such public place at the seat of government as may hereafter be appointed for the erection of the statue voted by the general assembly to general Washington.
  JOHN BECKLEY, C. H. D.      
1784, Dec. 13th.
      Agreed to by the Senate.
                  WILL. DREW, C. S.


  Pages 525-543  ======   ======  Pages 554-565  
