united and stiled Town of Petersburg 382.
Boundaries 382. Annual elections 382. mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common council how elected
383. Term of service 383.
Vacancies how supplied 383. Oath of office 383. Incorporated 383. Style
of corporation 383. Corporate powers 384. Power to erect public buildings, market house &c. 384. To provide against fire, regulate internal police, &c. 384. To impose taxes 384,
Fairs 384. Fines on billiard tables, tippling houses &c. 385. Tax on ordinary licences 385. Common hall how constituted and convened, its powers 385. Court of hustings jurisdiction 385. Criminal cases 385.
Exclusive power of licensing tavern keepers and fixing their rates, appointing clerk of market,
establishing assize of bread &c. and appointing constables, serjeants, surveyors of streets &c.
385, 386. Fees of
officers 386. −− Oath of office 386. Bond by serjeant 386.
Mayor, recorder, and aldermen, same powers as justices of peace 386. −− How removable from office 386. Court of hustings a court of record 386. Rules in probats of wills and granting administrations 386. Restrictions as to deeds 386. Ordinary keepers ineligible as mayor, recorder, &c. 386.
Of tobacco, how appointed, their
oath and duty 224. Their compensation 228. Penalty for being concerned in interest with inspectors 528.
Act establishing pilots and regulating their fees 185. Certain persons appointed to examine pilots, and grant
branches 185 Pilots to keep sufficient boats, under a
penalty 186. No more than two persons to be in partnership 186. Rules for masters of ships and pilots 186 Pilots incapacitated and liable to damage for losing ships
187. Rates of pilotage 187. Allowance for disappointment 188. Pilot to have one white apprentice at least 188. pilots to carry with them and produce a copy of this act 189. −− Branch pilots exempted from militia duty 189 Rates of pilotage increased 320. Four pilots may be in partnership 320 Additional fees allowed to pilots 507.
See Pork, Beef, &c.
Act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71, 195, 510. Penalties and
their appropriation 71.
Court day of, altered 315.
Further time to return to land office 92, 291, 376. All plats in Kentucky to be first lodged with the deputy
register 292. When plats and certificates of survey to be
returned 355. −−