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      Courts on western waters may license laymen to marry 281. Parties to produce a license or certificate of publication of banns 281. How publication of banns shall be made 281. −− Fees 281. Former marriages confirmed 282. Proviso to restrain incest and polygamy 282. Marriages how celebrated 503. By any ordained minister 503. To produce credentials 503. Testimonials 503. Not to be granted to itinerant ministers 504. Ministers ejected 504. Quakers and menonists how they may marry 504. Former marriages declared valid 504. Not to permit marriages within prohibited degrees 504. Fees 505. Register of marriages how to be preserved 505. Penalty for neglect 505.
      So much of act for establishing land office, as gives proprietors of high lands to which marshes &c. contiguous a pre-emption therein for one year only repealed 372. All entries for such declared void 372. Pre-emptions extended 372.
      Titles to lots in the town of Martinsburg, conveyed by Adam Stephen the original proprietor, as valid as if conveyed by the trustees 374.
      Proprietors of lands on Mattapony
river to remove artificial obstructions opposite their lands 531. Penalty for fixing hedges or other obstructions to navigation of river 531.
      John M'Lean permitted to take the oath of allegiance, and to reside in this state 111.
      Of deeds, administrations, &c. to be transmitted by clerks of county courts in Kentucky, to district court, and by clerks of other county courts to general court, and recorded 295, 466: Fees 295, 466.
      How quakers and menonists exempted from personal service in the war 18. If drafted, not compelled to perform duty; but a substitute provided at his expense; if unable to pay, the price to be levied on the whole society 175. Exempted from penalties for non-juring 252. −− Their purchases confirmed 253. How they may marry 504.
      Description of persons prohibited from migrating into or becoming citizens of this commonwealth 325.
      Artificers employed at iron works exempted from militia duty 21. Pay of militia called into service, regulated 75. Professors and students in Liberty Hall academy, and all other seminaries





and public schools, exempted from militia duty 166. Cavalry in militia, how organized and armed 173. Officers of cavalry, how appointed 173. Cavalry, how trained 173. Exempted from duty in main body of militia 173 −− Horses, &c. if lost, paid for by public 173. Militia in counties most exposed, and in Williamsburg and Norfolk, how armed 174. Arms, how disposed of 174. Fines for delinquencies 174. Fines for failing to return arms 174. −− Quakers or menonists drafted, not compelled to perform duty, but a substitute provided at his expense; if unable to pay, the price to be levied on the whole society 175. Delinquents of militia, condemned for not serving in continental army, to serve in next requisition of militia 175. On serving, exempted from penalties of desertion; otherwise declared regular soldiers to serve on board armed vessels 175. −− Pay of militia called in service the same as continentals 181. Branch pilots exempted from militia duty 189. Staff officers of the militia, to receive warrants for their services 193 Inspectors of tobacco exempted from militia duty 246. −− Who shall be enrolled in the militia 476. Who exempted 477. Organization 477. Oath of officers 477. Musters 477. Notice of musters 478. Officers and soldiers, how armed
and accoutred 478. Ammunition 479. Poor soldiers, how armed 479. Penalty for selling or concealing 479. −− Arms, how stamped 480. Delinquencies, how noted 480. −− Returns 480. Company and regimental returns 481. Field officers to be appointed by executive 481. Captains and subalterns to be recommended by a board of officers and magistrates 481. Executive may reject recommendations 482. Rank, how determined 482. Vacancies, how supplied 482. Vacancies, how supplied 482. Light companies 483. Steuben's discipline adopted 484. Time allowed to procure arms 485. Disobedience and misbehaviour 485. Colors, drums and fifes, how procured 485. On invasions or insurrections, how militia called out 485. −− Quartermasters, commissaries and other staff 486. Orders, to whom sent 486. Officers to command 486. Camp equipage 486. Impressments 486. Field officers 487. General officer and staff 487. Sudden invasion or insurrection 487. Articles of war 487. Courts martial 487. Pay and rations 487. Ration, of what to consist 488. Patroles, how appointed 489. Their duty and compensation 489. Arrest of officers 490. Courts martial for trial of 490. Courts of enquiry, how constituted 490. Their powers and duty 491. Fines for delinquencies 491. Arms exempted from execution





or distress, and militia from arrest 493. Arms lost in public service not to be paid for, unless loser killed or disabled 493. Militia in Williamsburg and Norfolk 494.
      Any ordained minister may celebrate rites of matrimony 503 Must produce credentials 503. Testimonial, form of 503.
      Courthouse of Monongalia, having fallen into the state of Pennsylvania, by the extension of Mason's and Dixon's line, the court to be held at the house of Zachwell Morgan 255. Proceedings of court at places other then the courthouse, confirmed 255. Justices of Monongalia authorised to fix on a place for holding courts, and purchase land whereon to erect public buildings 256. Separate elections authorised 317. Monongalia county divided, and Harrison formed 366.
      Court day of, altered 315.
      Further time allowed purchasers of lots, to build thereon 26.
      Pardoned, on condition of serving as a soldier during the war 129.
      Receivable in taxes 68.
      Property on land, liable to distress
for taxes, notwithstanding comprised in any deed or mortgage 115.
      Judgments on duty bonds recoverable on motion 201. Costs discretionary on motions 293.
      See Citizens.
      How foreigners may be naturalized 323.
      See Duties.
      Naval officers to be collectors of duties 182. Naval districts established 258. Where office to be kept, or forfeited 258. To give bond and be sworn 258. The oath 259. Vacancies, how supplied 259. Permits 259. Rules for observing embargoes 259. Oath to be taken by masters of vessels at clearing 259. −− Certificates as to ballast 259. Bond, on granting permit 260 Fees 260. Penalty for overcharging or conniving at a false entry 260. Table of fees to be set up, in different languages 260. What shall be done previous to clearing a vessel 261. Penalty on naval officer 261. His power to seize goods on board not inspected or branded 261. Form of register 261. Fees of register 261. Books to be kept of entries and clearances 261. −− Regulations for unlading ballast 262. Penalty for unlading ballast without a ballast





master 263. Masters of vessels held to bail 263. How goods transported from one district to another 263. How tonnage of vessels ascertained 263 Officers sued, indemnified 264. Naval officers for Kentucky district 398.
      Officers of the navy, sailors and marines, entitled to same emoluments as those in land service 85. They and their representatives entitled to the same land bounty and other emoluments, as officers and soldiers in Virginia line on continental establishment 162. Auditors to issue warrants for half pay, to officers of state line and navy 265.
      Nelson county formed from Jefferson 469. Boundaries 469: Court days 469.
      Quakers and menonists exempted from penalties for non-juring 252.
      Pardoned, on condition of serving as a soldier during the war 129.
      Power of courts and serjeants of Williamsburg and Norfolk, as to collection of taxes 127. −− Corporation authorised to make certain alterations in Main street, Market street, Catharine street, and Church street 157. Limits of borough of Norfolk defined 157. Damages
to individuals, by alterations in streets, how estimated and paid 157. Jurisdiction of hustings court, in criminal cases 158. Militia to be armed 174: Court of hustings a court of record 386: −− May receive proof of wills and deeds 387. Militia of Norfolk, how organized 494: Other alterations in Church street in Norfolk, authorised, instead of those specified in former law 529.
      Quitrents due proprietor of Northern Neck, sequestered 128. How entries for land to be made 160: Quitrents restored to proprietor 289: Where quitrents have been assessed in Northern Neck, over and above the land tax, the amount to be refunded 543. No taxes to be assessed in Northern Neck, more than those imposed by the equalizing law 543.
      Trustees appointed to receive subscriptions for cutting a navigable canal from Elizabeth river to North river 332.
North Western Territory.
      Delegates in congress empowered to convey to United States the north western territory 526 Conditions 527. Reservation in favour of French and Canadian inhabitants, settlers at Kaskaskias and St. Vincents, and General George Rogers Clarke, his officers and men 327:





All the lands ceded, to be a common fund for the members of the federal alliance, and for no other 328: −− Three members at least to execute the trust 328. papers relating to the cession of the north western territory, shewing the origin of the mistake, as to the reservation of lands, for the officers and soldiers on the state establishment 566. −− Deed of cession 571.
      Notaries public, how appointed 411. Bond and oath 411: −− Tax on notarial seals 440.
      Notice to take depositions may be given to non-resident parties, by publication 343. −− Printer's fee 343.
      Certain persons appointed to convey land to Edwin Gray, which he purchased at a sale of the lands of the Nottoway Indians 157. Additional trustees to appointed to lease out their lands 158.
      Oath of examiners of land tax 141. Of inspectors of tobacco 220: Of pickers of tobacco 224: Of naval officers 259: −− Of officers of Hampden Sydney college 274: Of trustees of Transylvania seminary 284 Of notaries public 411: Of clerks of county courts and their deputies 464. Of offices of militia 477.
      Certain escheated lands vested in
Bryan Obanian, the younger 61.
      Act providing more effectual funds for redemption of certificates granted the officers and soldiers 81. Injunctions to stay sale of escheated property to be expedited 81. Fraudulent conveyances by British subjects 82. Payment of British debts into the treasury revived 82. Creditors may attach 82. Sales of forfeited estates 82. Officers and soldiers how to pass their accounts 83. Guard against further depreciation 83. Officers and soldiers to give in their land claims 83. How their warrants are to be obtained 83. Certificate from commissioner of war 84, 133. Land bounty for three years service 84. Additional bounty for six years 84. No locations within their bounds 84. Their certificates to be received for public patent fees 84. Officers in Lee's legion and others credited to this state, included in pay and bounty 84. Navy officers, sailors, and marines entitled to same land bounty and emoluments as in land service 85, 162. Certain and adequate funds established for redemption of certificates granted to officers and soldiers 196. Deputation of officers to appoint superintendants for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 309. Priority of location





to be determined by lot 311. All the good lands on the Cumberland and Tenessee to be first surveyed, then on the north-west of Ohio, between the Scioto and Little Miami 312. Funds for payment of certificates and interest warrants apportioned among the holders 380. Proclamation suspending the surveying of their lands 447. −− Officers of militia, how appointed 481.
      Court of hustings of Winchester to have exclusive power of licensing ordinances and regulating them 34. Clerks to set up lists 34. Ordinary keepers incapable of acting as judges of hustings court of Winchester 34. So of Richmond 50. So of Alexandria 51. Tax on ordinary licences 93, 112, 418, Court of hustings of Petersburg, to have exclusive privilege of licensing ordinaries, & regulating them 385. Ordinary keepers ineligible as mayor, recorder, &c. of Petersburg 386.
      Liable for tobacco refused or burnt 225.
      To be elected in several counties on the dissolution of the vestries 62, 432. Their duty 63. Penalty on sheriffs 63. Suits by or against vestries or church wardens saved 63. Vestries to account 63.
      Further time allowed for returning and funding paper money 133 State or continental paper money to be received for land warrants 133. Warrants in paper money, for property impressed, may be re-audited in specie 184. Act for calling in and funding paper money further continued 193, 395, 501. Except as to purchasing land warrants 397.
      Granted to James Hughes, and Robert Smith, under sentence of death for treason 21. Pardon granted to Albridgton Holland, Henry Norfleet, John Caton and Levi Moore, convicted of treason, on condition that they serve as soldiers during the war 129. James Lamb and Joshua Hopkins, pardoned on condition that they leave the state 129. Pardon granted to Demsey Butler, convicted of treason 152. To John Holland convicted of treason 253.
      Allowance to wives, parents, and families of poor soldiers 11.
      Vestries of parish of Antrim in Halifax and of Westover in Charles city dissolved, and new vestries to be elected 73. Further time allowed to elect vestries 112. Vestry of parish of St. Anne in Essex dissolved 130. Vestry of parish of Lynnhaven in Princess Anne county dissolved, and new vestry





elected 279. Their powers 279. Vestry of parish of Antrim, in Halifax, authorized to sell their glebe and purchase a new one 404. Boundary line between glebe land of Manchester parish in Chesterfield, and lands of William Logwood altered 431. Vestry of parish of Southfarnham dissolved and a new vestry to be elected 538.
      Duty of commissioners of land tax in cases of alienations or partitions 143. List to be furnished 143.
      Tax payable on patents, except for military bounties 121. −− Lists of patents to be furnished commissioners of tax 144. −− How persons claiming lands under certificates from commissioners of tax 144. −− How persons claiming lands under certificates from commissioners and also from certain companies are to obtain patents 347. When tax on patents payable 445. Patents for pre-emption rights, and military bounties excepted 445.
      How appointed, their duty and compensation 489.
      Pay of cavalry 173. Of militia 181. Of scouts 181. Auditors to issue warrants for half pay to officers of state line and navy 265. Pay to be advanced to soldiers 267. That act repealed, congress having made provision 297. Pay of militia, when called into service 487.
      Resolutions of Virginia, and of Congress declaring any proposition from the enemy for a separate peace, insiduous and inadmissable 545, 546. Letter from the secretary of foreign affairs, announcing the cessation of hostilities 548. Proclamation of congress declaring the cessation of arms 549 −− Proclamation of the governor of Virginia, on the same subject 551.
      Estate of Robert Williams vested in Mace Freeland, Spice Pendleton and Elizabeth Jones 65.
      Report of commissioners appointed to extend Mason's & Dixon's line, and fix the south west corner of Pennsylvania 554.
      Pensioners to be examined by county courts, and state of their condition transmitted to general assembly 146. Act continued 316, 362, 446. Executive authorized to place persons on the pension list 446. County courts to certify condition of pensioners to executive instead of assembly 447.
      How granted by naval officers 259. Bond and security 260.
      Towns of Petersburg, Blandford, Pocahuntas, and Ravenscroft





united and stiled Town of Petersburg 382. Boundaries 382. Annual elections 382. mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common council how elected 383. Term of service 383. Vacancies how supplied 383. Oath of office 383. Incorporated 383. Style of corporation 383. Corporate powers 384. Power to erect public buildings, market house &c. 384. To provide against fire, regulate internal police, &c. 384. To impose taxes 384, Fairs 384. Fines on billiard tables, tippling houses &c. 385. Tax on ordinary licences 385. Common hall how constituted and convened, its powers 385. Court of hustings jurisdiction 385. Criminal cases 385. Exclusive power of licensing tavern keepers and fixing their rates, appointing clerk of market, establishing assize of bread &c. and appointing constables, serjeants, surveyors of streets &c. 385, 386. Fees of officers 386. −− Oath of office 386. Bond by serjeant 386. Mayor, recorder, and aldermen, same powers as justices of peace 386. −− How removable from office 386. Court of hustings a court of record 386. Rules in probats of wills and granting administrations 386. Restrictions as to deeds 386. Ordinary keepers ineligible as mayor, recorder, &c. 386.
      Of tobacco, how appointed, their
oath and duty 224. Their compensation 228. Penalty for being concerned in interest with inspectors 528.
      Act establishing pilots and regulating their fees 185. Certain persons appointed to examine pilots, and grant branches 185 Pilots to keep sufficient boats, under a penalty 186. No more than two persons to be in partnership 186. Rules for masters of ships and pilots 186 Pilots incapacitated and liable to damage for losing ships 187. Rates of pilotage 187. Allowance for disappointment 188. Pilot to have one white apprentice at least 188. pilots to carry with them and produce a copy of this act 189. −− Branch pilots exempted from militia duty 189 Rates of pilotage increased 320. Four pilots may be in partnership 320 Additional fees allowed to pilots 507.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71, 195, 510. Penalties and their appropriation 71.
      Court day of, altered 315.
      Further time to return to land office 92, 291, 376. All plats in Kentucky to be first lodged with the deputy register 292. When plats and certificates of survey to be returned 355. −−





      When and to whom plats to be delivered 356.
      Additional poll-tax 93, 113, 418.
      Overseers of the poor to be elected in several counties, on the dissolution of the vestries 62, 432. Their duty 63. Penalty on sheriff 63. Suits by or against vestries or churchwardens saved 63. Vestries to account 63.
Pork, Beef, Tar, Pitch, and
      Act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees, 71, 195, 510. Penalties and their appropriation 71.
      Town of Port Conway, in King Geo. county established 363.
      Foreign vessels restricted to certain ports 403. Duties payable at those ports only 403. Penalty for loading or unloading elsewhere 403. Suspension of act 404.
      Potowmack company incorporated 510. Books to be opened for subscriptions 510. −− Meeting of the subscribers 511. Amount of capital 511. In case of an overplus subscription, mode of reducing it 511. Capital to be divided into 500 shares 512. Unless one half of capital subscribed to the whole to be void 512. To be incorporated as a company 512. −− Style of corporation 512. −−
Rules for electing offices 512 Authority of president and directors to make contracts 513 To appoint offices, and fix their compensation 513. Bond and security by treasurer 513. Limitation of compensation 513. Mode of collecting amount of shares, subscribed for 514. May sell shares of delinquent subscribers 514. −− May sue for deficiencies arising on sales 514. Election of officers 514. Vacancies supplied 514: Officers how removed 515: Oath of office 515: Meetings of the company 515: Property vested in the holders of shares, as tenants in common 515: Declared real estate 516: Exempt from taxation 516: Tolls 517: In case of refusal to pay toll, passage of vessel may be refused 519: Or, vessel seized and sold 519: River and works deemed a public highway 519: Company may purchase lands 520: Or have them condemned by a jury 520: Proceedings thereon 520: Further damages, how estimated 520: −− Land, whereon to erect buildings, how acquired 521: No water to be used from canal, but for navigation, without consent of proprietors 521: −− Shares transferrable, in what manner 522: Restriction 522: Capital of company may be encreased 523: Conditions on which tolls payable 522: −− Charter how forfeitable 524: Treasurer to subscribe for





fifty shares 525: Fifty shares vested in George Washington esq. 525:
      Trustees of town of Portsmouth authorised to assess taxes on inhabitants 265: To appoint a collector 265: Power of distress 266: To erect a market house 266: Hogs belonging to inhabitants of the town not to run at large therein 266: −− Public lands called Gosport, annexed to town of Portsmouth 407, 497: To be laid off into lots and streets, and sold 407, 497: Terms of sale 497: Conveyances to purchasers 497: Additional trustees for town of Portsmouth to be elected 529.
      Time for locating pre-emption warrants extended 91, 291, 376, 476: Pre-emption warrants may be located on any waste lands, but to lose their force of pre-emption 92: Pre-emption in favour of proprietors of high lands, to which swamps, marshes, and sunken grounds are contiguous, extended 372: Certificates of county courts, as to pre-emption rights, not conclusive 508:
      Indemnified for assisting to suppress a conspiracy against the state 134.
      Place of holding courts in Prince George county altered 432.
      Act to enable congress to lay a
duty on goods and prizes repealed 171.
      Of governor, suspending the taking possession of, or surveying military lands, reserved for the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line, and the Illinois regiment 447.
      Property lost during the war, how recovered 23, 24. Judgment on motion against persons indebted to, or having property of United States 32.
Protestant Episcopal Church.
      Protestant episcopal church incorporated 532. Style of corporation 532. Corporate powers 533. Questions decided by a majority of votes 533. Minister to have no negative 533. Power to acquire and dispose of property 533. Meetings of society how convened 534. −− Power of appointing and removing offices 534. Vestries, how elected 534. Qualifications of electors of vestrymen 534. Mode of conducting elections 535. Churchwardens 535. Vacancies, how supplied 535. Inventory of property and amount of revenue to be exhibited to county court 535. If revenue exceed £800 per annum to be laid before the general assembly 536. −− Church released from all restraints imposed by former laws 536. All vestries dissolved 536. Church, in convention, to regulate its own religious concerns 536. Ministers how removed 537. Vestries to pay levies and provide for poor 537.


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