Pages 587-598  ======   ======  Pages 610-619  





      Horses, slaves, and other property lost during the war, how recovered 23, 24, 25. Additional tax on horses 93, 113. On covering horses 113.
      Tax on sailors and marines, for a hospital 161.
      Under sentence of death for treason, pardoned 21.
      See Lunatics.
      Act making provision for, further continued 167.
      Lands granted the Illinois regiment, how apportioned, surveyed and patented 335.
      All acts and ordinances prohibiting the importation of British goods repealed 195. Congress empowered to restrict importation, in vessels of subjects of powers with whom we have no commercial treaties 388.
      Auditors to settle claims for property impressed for public service 79. At what prices 79. Not to grant certificates for damages done to houses and plantations, except where allowed against the U. States 80. Power of auditors in adjusting claims for property impressed 183. County courts to be allowed further time to receiver claims 184. Sheriffs permitted to pay taxes in such certificates 184. Warrants in
paper money, for property impressed, may be reaudited in specie 184, 192. Commissioners to settle claims for property impressed for public service 191. To keep a register of warrants issued and return it to auditors 192 Warrants or certificates issued by commissioners receivable in taxes 192. County courts to adjust claims for a limited time, and certify them to commissioners 192. Commissioners to grant warrants 192. Act for adjusting claims for property impressed for public service, further continued 337, 449. −− County courts authorised to act on certificates given by continental officers 338. For militia, when called into service 486.
      Act to ascertain the quantity of land, the improvements thereon, and the number of people within this commonwealth 415.
      Indemnity granted to William Preston, Robert Adams, jun. James Callaway, and Charles Lynch, for suppressing a conspiracy against the state 135. To those who committed insult or injury against the person of Joseph Williamson 373.
      Certain persons appointed to convey land to Edwin Gray which he purchased at a sale of the lands of the Nottoway Indians 157. Additional trustees appointed





to lease out their lands 159.
      Injunctions and pleas to stay sales of escheated property, to be expedited 81.
      Inspectors liable for tobacco lost, except by fir, floods, or the enemy 95. To give bond for collection of export duty 96. Their commissions 96. Remedy against them by motion 96. To give receipts for tobacco as delivered 97. Inspectors of tobacco, how nominated and commissioned 217. Additional inspector, when to act 218. No inspector to take a reward for resigning 219 −− Penalty on giver and receiver 219. No inspector to vote in recommendation 219. Inspectors in office recommended, continue without new commission 219. Inspectors to give bond and take an oath 219. −− Form of oath 220. Time inspectors to attend 220. Penalty for neglect 221. Where inspectors disagree 223. Inspectors or servants not to be concerned in picking tobacco 223. Remedy against inspectors 227. Penalty on inspectors changing tobacco 228. −− Or failing to deliver it when demanded 228. To transfer crop tobacco 228. Penalty for delivering tobacco without order from proprietor 229. −− And for delivering fictitious notes 229. Inspectors to give
crop notes in exchange for transfer 230. And at September court yearly, account and sell the tobacco for all notes outstanding 230. Also tobacco gained by allowance for shrinkage 230. To account with the treasurer, when and how 231. To return an account annually of all tobacco shipped 231. Inspectors ineligible to the general assembly 233. Salaries of inspectors 235, 346, 391, 392. Method of detecting inspectors, who shall fail to do their duty 236. New inspectors to give their predecessors receipts for tobacco in warehouse 243. Inspectors exempted to give bond for payment of duties 527. Penalty on inspectors, concerned in interest with pickers 528.
      On invasion or insurrection, how militia to be called out 485, 487.
      See Fee Taille, and page 271.
      Interest on military certificates, where and how paid 105. Interest warrants receivable for taxes 202. Funds for payment of certificates and interest warrants apportioned among the holders 380.
      On invasion or insurrection, how militia called out 485, 487.





      Artificers employed at iron works exempted from militia duty 21.
      Act empowering judges of general court to superintend and regulate the public jail, further continued 108: Prisoners taken on civil or criminal process in James City, may be committed to public jail in Williamsburg 381.
      Prisoners taken on civil or criminal process in James City, may be committed to public jail in Williamsburg 381.
      Trustees appointed for improving navigation of James River through the south mountains 341. "James River Company" incorporated 450: Books to be opened for subscriptions 450: Meeting of subscribers 451: Amount of capital 451: Capital divided into 500 shares 451: Unless one half of capital subscribed, the whole to be void 452: To be incorporated as a company 452: Style of corporation 452: Rules for electing officers 452: Authority of president and directors to make contracts 452: To appoint office, and fix their compensation 453: Bond and security by treasurer 453: −− Limitation of compensation 453: Mode of collecting amount of subscriptions 453: −− May sell shares of delinquent
subscribers 453: May sue for deficiencies arising on sales 454: Election of officers 454: Vacancies, how supplied 454: Officers, how removed 454: −− Oath of officers 454: Meetings of company 454: Property vested in holders of shares as tenants in common 455: Declared real estate 455: Exempt from taxation 455: Tolls 455: On refusal to pay tolls, passage may be refused 457: Or vessel seized and sold 457: Tolls may be reduced 457: −− River, and works, deemed a public highway 457: Company may purchase lands 457: Or have them condemned 458 Proceedings thereon 458 −− Further damages, how compensated 458: Land whereon to erect buildings, how acquired 459: No water to be used from canal, but for navigation, without consent of proprietor 459: Shares transferable, in what manner 459: To be first offered to the public 460: Capital may be augmented 461: Conditions on which tolls demandable 461: On failure, charter forfeited 462: Treasurer to subscribe for 100 shares 462: And vote and receive tolls in proportion 462: One hundred shares vested in Geo. Washington, esq. 525.
      Jefferson county divided, and Nelson county formed 469: −− Boundaries 469: Court days 469.
Jones, Elizabeth.
      Estate of Robert Williams vested





in Mace Freeland, Spice Pendleton and Elizabeth Jones 65.
      Act empowering judges of general court to superintend and regulate the public jail, further continued 108.
      Tax on 378: Repealed 438:
Justices of the Peace
      To take lists of taxable property annually 113: How lists made out and returned to clerk 113. Penalty for neglect 114.
      Town of Kempsville in Princess Anne county established 270: Lots, how disposed of 270: −− Power of trustees 270: Privileges of inhabitants 271: Powers of trustees enlarged 442.
      Certain lands belonging to estate of William Kennon, dec. to be sold for the benefit of his children 147.
      See District Court.
      District court established on the western waters, called the Kentucky district, how constituted, its jurisdiction, and rules of proceeding 85, 90. Books and papers of Kentucky commissioners, to be returned to land office 91: All plats in Kentucky to be first lodged with the deputy register 292: Memorials of deeds and certificates of administrations, to be transmitted by clerks of county courts in Kentucky, to district court, and recorded 295. −− Fees 295: Act authorising
courts in Kentucky to direct surveys to poor persons, actual settlers, further continued 296: Fees of office and state price of land, when to be paid 296: Forfeitures for non-payment 296 Provision for better support of supreme court in Kentucky 397: Tax on law process the same as in general court 397: Certain taxes, fines and duties appropriated 397: naval officers for Kentucky district 398: Salaries of judges and attorney 398: Salaries increased 498: To be paid by deputy register 499: Court-house, &c. how erected 499.
      Slaves of Walter King escheated and purchased on behalf of commonwealth, restored to Walter King Cole 35.
      Town of Kinsale in Westmoreland county established 369.
      Pardoned on condition of leaving this state 129.
      Officers and soldiers to give in their land claims 83: How their warrants are to be obtained 83: Certificate from commissioner of war 84: After abolition of that office from executive 133, 134: Bounty for three years 84: Additional bounty for six years 84: −− No locations within their bounds 84: Officers and soldiers in lee's legion, and others, credited to this state, included in pay and bounty 84:





Navy officers, sailors and marines, entitled to same emoluments as in land service 85, 162: Land bounty to Dr. William Brown 106: Office of commissioner of war abolished, and duties transferred to executive; consequently, certificates for land bounties to be ordered by executive 133, 134: Officers of the navy, sailors, and marines, entitled to same land bounty and other emoluments, as officers and soldiers in Virginia line on continental establishment 162: Deputation of officers to choose superintendants, for locating and surveying lands granted to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 309: One sixth of surveyor's fees reserved for William and Mary college 310: Warrants for bounty lands, when to be delivered 310: Limitation as to number of surveys 310: −− Warrants to be classed and drawn for by lot 311: Priority of location determined by lot 311: Locations and surveys to be made under the direction of the superintendants 311. Assignees of warrants to pay one dollar a hundred, besides legal fees 311: All the good lands on the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, to be first surveyed, then on the north west side of the Ohio, between Scioto and Little Miami 312: Governor, if necessary, may furnish military aid 312: Four thousand acres of
a prime tract, on the Mississippi, may be laid off for a town 312: Lands granted to George Rogers Clarke, his officers and men, how apportioned, surveyed and patented 335: Proclamation suspending the surveying of military lands 447: Digest of laws on the subject of land bounties 559.
      Fees of land office to be paid into treasury 443: When register to account 443: Penalty for failure 443: Bond and security 443: Fees to be paid down 444: Fees credited, to be accounted for, as if paid 444: Register placed on the civil list 444: His salary and that of his deputy 444: Vacancy in office of register, how supplied 444: Fees on determination of caveats, how paid 444.
      Military warrants & certificates to be received for land-warrants 22: Lands of Richard Goodall, liable to escheat, vested in Parke Goodall 55. −− Charles Carter re-vested of certain entailed lands remaining unsold, under a former law 55: How lands distrained for taxes shall be sold 68, 115, 116: Officers and soldiers to give in their land claims 83: −− How their land warrants are to be obtained 83, 133: Bounty in lands confirmed 84: Additional bounty for six years 84: No locations within their bounds 84: Their certificates




to be received for public patents fees 84: Officers in Lee's legion and others, credited to this state, included in pay and bounty 84: Navy officers, sailors and marines, entitled to same emoluments as those in land service 85: Power of commissioners for adjusting titles to lands continued; and time for locating pre-emption warrants extended 91: And to have certificates recorded 91: Books and papers of Kentucky commissioners to be delivered to register 91: Lands saved if duties performed before caveat 91: Tax on litigants before commissioners 92: Specie certificates or warrants to be taken for land 92: Further time to return surveys 92: Pre-emption warrants may be located on any waste land, but to lose their force of pre-emption 92: Certain entailed lands of Maximilian Robinson formerly in King Geo. now in Westmoreland, vested in William Robinson 110: −− Additional tax on lands 93, 112: State or continental paper money to be received for land warrants 133: The last act repealed 397: Act for equalizing land tax 140: Certain lands belonging to the estate of William Kennon, dec. to be sold for the benefit of his children 147: Recital of act of May 1779 (Vol 10, pa. 47) in favour of settlers on lands surveyed for sundry companies 149: Former act declaring
forfeiture of land on non-payment repealed 149: Further time allowed to make payment 150: Sales of two lots in Falmouth, and a tract of land in Stafford, made by Andrew Wodrow, administrator of Alexander Wodrow confirmed 150: Other lands of Alexander Wodrow, remaining unsold, subject to future direction of general assembly 151: Lots of James Buchanan, in Falmouth, vested in Isaac Hite, for the use of Anne Buchanan his widow 155: −− Lots may be sold if personal estate insufficient for payment of debts 155: Certain persons appointed to convey land to Edwin Gray, which he purchased at a sale of the lands of the Nottoway Indians 158: Additional trustees appointed to lease out their lands 159: −− Surveyors on the eastern waters may be non-residents 160: Entries may be made with clerk, where no surveyor 160: Principal surveyor may appoint a deputy 160: Entries in Northern Neck, how made 160: Officers of navy, sailors and marines entitled to same land bounty and other emoluments as officers and soldiers in Virginia line on continental establishment 162: Lands may be tendered on judgments 178: How executions therefor may issue 178: Proceedings on such executions 178: New execution, if creditor evicted 178:





Purchasers of lands from sundry companies, entitled to benefit of act 180: Tax on lands, how regulated 269: −− County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners 269: Lands or slaves escheated, in consequence of the act for destroying entails, to go according to the donation 271: Not to restrain the tenant from conveying, or exempt from debts 272: Sale of certain lands whereon town of Louisville in Kentucky is laid out, escheated as the property of John Connolly, but mortgaged to John Campbell and Joseph Simon, suspended 276: Escheated lands in Kentucky, formerly vested in trustees for a public school, transferred to Transylvania seminary 282: −− Congress authorised to procure ten acres of land, for the purpose of erecting a magazine 288. Further time allowed for entering certificates for settlement rights, and locating warrants upon pre-emption rights 291: Also for returning surveys to the register's office 291 −− All plats in Kentucky to be first lodged with the deputy register 292. Affidavit to prevent friendly caveats 292: Caveat dismissed if summons not returned executed 292: List of caveats ended, to be returned to registers after general court 292: Act authorizing courts in Kentucky to direct surveys to poor persons, actual settlers,
further continued 296. Fees of office and state price for the land, when to be paid 296. Forfeiture on non-payment 296. Deputation of officers to choose superintendants and surveyors for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers, on continental and state establishments 310. One sixth of surveyor's fees reserved for William and Mary college 310. When warrants for bounty lands to be delivered 310. Limitation as to number of surveys 310. Warrants to be classed and drawn for by lot 311. Priority of location determined by lot 311. Locations and surveys to be made under direction of superintendants 311. Assignees of warrants to pay one dollar a hundred besides legal fees 311. All the good lands on the Cumberland and Tenessee rivers to be first surveyed, then on north-west side of Ohio, between Scioto and Little Miami 312. Governor, if necessary, may furnish military aid 312. Limitation thereof 312. Four hundred acres of prime tract on the Mississippi may be laid off for a town 312. Commissioners to adjust claims for lands granted to George Rogers Clarke, his officers and men 335. When claims to be given in 335. Contribution 335: Surveyors and deputies to be appointed 335. When and how their lands shall be surveyed, divided by lot, patented





and conveyed 335. Town of Clarkesville established within the grant 336. Persons claiming lands, under certificates of commissioners, and also by purchase from certain companies, may return their surveys made in conformity with such certificates and obtain patents 347. But must pay the company £3 per hundred and interest 347. After December 1784, distress may be made of the land, for arrears of purchase money, and forfeitures to cease 348. Public to pay the expence of ascertaining titles before commissioners, since evicted by court of appeals 348. Acts permitting lands and slaves to be tendered on executions continued 349. Surveyors how appointed, their duty as to locating and surveying lands, and fees 352, 358. So much of act for establishing land office, as gives proprietors of high lands, to which swamps, marshes and sunken grounds contiguous, a pre-emption of one year only, repealed 372. All entries for such declared void 372. Pre-emption extended 372. Patents to be obtained for sunken grounds, as for surplus land 372. Register may receive surveys, although warrant not returned 372: Further time allowed to return plats and certificate of survey to the land office 376. Certain lands of Spiers & Co. escheated to the
commonwealth, vested in Hampden Sydney college 392 Public lands in or near Richmond, except those set apart for use by the government to be sold 399. Proceeds appropriated to erection of public buildings 399: Commissioners 399. Terms of sale 399. For money or certificates 399. Proceeds how disposed 399: Sales for certificates may be on credit 400. Vestry of parish of Antrim in Halifax authorized to sell their glebe and purchase a new one 404. Sale of public lands directed 405: Commissioners 405: Mode and terms of sale 405: For money or certificates 405. Proceeds how recovered and disposed of 406: Palace lands adjoining Williamsburg, the Vineyard, lands near Jamestown, and lots in Williamsburg belonging to the public, vested in William and Mary college 406. To be disposed of under controul of visitors 406. Commissioners to report to executive, and pay proceeds into the treasury 406: Their allowance 407: Remedy for non-payment 407. Gosport lands adjoining Portsmouth, to be laid off into lots uniform with the town and sold 407. Mode and terms of sale 407. Proceeds how recovered and disposed of 407: Act to ascertain quantity of land, the improvements thereon and the number of people, within this commonwealth 415





Boundary line between glebe lands of Manchester parish, and lands of William Logwood altered 431: Limitation for surveying entries on the western waters already made 441. Of future entries 441. Forfeiture for neglect 441. Fees of land office to be paid into treasury, and register and his clerks placed on civil list 443: Governor authorised to suspend, by proclamation, the taking possession of, or surveying the lands reserved for the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line and the Illinois regiment 447. The proclamation 447 note. Further time allowed to enter certificates upon settlement rights, and locate warrants on pre-emption rights 476, Public lands called Gosport annexed to town of Portsmouth 497. Commissioners how appointed 497: −− To lay off into lots and streets 497: Sale directed 497: Notice of sale 497: On credit 497: Mode of recovery 497: Conveyances to purchasers 497: Sale for specie or certificates 497: Bond of commissioners 498: Majority may act 498: On trial of caveats, certificate of county courts, of settlement or pre-emption rights, not conclusive evidence of title 508: Proof of testimony on which certificates granted admissible 508:
      How lands distrained for taxes shall be sold 68, 115, 116. Additional
land tax 93, 112, 418. Lands classed, by counties, for equalizing land tax 140. Examiners appointed to regulate tax by assessments 141. Their oath and compensation 141. Standard tax of each class 141. Books for collection, how made out and disposed of 142. −− Commissioners of the tax to be chosen for three years 142. Their oath 142. Their duty in case of alienations or partitions 143. Also in case of lands not before valued, or newly patented 143. To correct former errors 143. Lists of conveyances and partitions to be furnished county commissioners 143. And lists of all patents 144. Certain alienations and partitions to be valued 144. Allowances to count commissioners 144. Penalties on various officers for neglect of duty 144. Rules as to lots in towns 145. Vacancies in examiners, how supplied 145. Land tax appropriated 247. −− County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners, in extension of taxes 269. Courts having failed to appoint commissioners, for equalizing land tax, now to do it 526. Sheriffs to collect the land-tax as if requisitions of the former law had been complied with 526. Quit-rents not to be assessed, in Northern Neck, over and above the land tax 543.
      Military warrants and certificates to be received for land warrants 22:





How land warrants of officers and soldiers obtained 83: Certificate from commissioner of war 84, 133: Specie certificates or warrants on the treasury, to be taken for land 92: State or continental paper money to be received for land warrants 133: The last act repealed 397: Office of commissioner of war abolished, and duties transferred to executive, consequently land warrants, for bounties, to be issued by executive 133.
      Tax on 378, 439: To be paid down 440:
      Officers and soldiers in Lee's legion and others, credited to this state, included in pay & bounty 84:
      Soldiers belonging to the two legions, raised for the defence of the state, authorised to enlist in continental army 135: May be discharged on relinquishing the bounty and pay promised 135. Continental army may be recruited from col. Dabney's legion 170: Executive may order it to eastern or western frontier 170:
      How tobacco due for levies shall be paid 237: When distrained for 238: When sheriff to account 239: List of tithables to be taken for levies 290: −− How levies due in parish of St. Thomas, in Orange county, may be discharged by Wm.
Buckner, late collector, & by the people 539:
      Town of Lewisburg in Greenbrier county established 139: Lots how disposed of 139: −− Conditions as to building 139 Power of trustees 139. Vacancies how supplied 139. Privileges of purchasers 140.
      Town of Lexington, in Fayette county Kentucky, established 100: Trustees to make conveyances to settlers 100: Power of trustees 100. Vacancies how supplied 101, Privileges of settlers 101. Survey and plat where to be recorded 101.
      Town of Liberty in Bedford county established of 171. Lots how disposed of 172. Conditions of building 172. Two acres reserved for public buildings 172: Powers of trustees 172: Vacancies how supplied 172: Privileges of purchasers 172.
      Academy incorporated 164: −− Style of corporation 165: Corporate powers 165. Professors, masters and tutors 165: Degrees conferred 165. Treasurer 165. Oath of officers 166: Professors and students exempted from militia duty 166.
      Parties to be married must produce a licence or publication of banns 281.





      Of militia how organized 483.
      New trustees for light house at Cape Henry appointed 58. Former duties appropriated 58 Directors to be trustees of the common 58.
      Period excepted out of the act of limitations 294. Proof of deeds, within what time valid 294: Act extending time for proof of deeds repealed 340.
      May be made with the clerk, where no surveyor 160: How surveyed 160: Entries in Northern Neck, how made 160: How locations of lands to be made 353, 354: Within what time to be surveyed, on the western waters 441: Forfeiture for neglect 441.
      Boundary line between glebe of parish of Manchester, and lands of William Logwood altered 431.
      Corporation of Richmond, authorized to raise by lottery, a sufficient sum to erect a stone bridge over Shockœ creek 157: Lottery for benefit of grammar school in Williamsburg authorized 407.
      Sale of certain lands whereon town of Louisville in Kentucky, laid out, escheated as the property of John Connolly, but mortgaged to John
Campbell and Joseph Simon, suspended 276: So much of that act as affects their lands repealed 322. Partition line between Connolly and Campbell to be run 475: −− Escheated lands of Connolly to be sold and mortgage to Campbell and Simon paid off 475: Titles to purchasers of lots in Louisville confirmed 475.
      Act making provision for idiots and lunatics further continued 167. Annual appropriation to be paid out of the treasury 167. Allowance to sheriffs for conveying idiots and lunatics to the hospital 167.
      Place of holding courts in Lunenburg county removed 31.
      Indemnified for assisting to suppress a conspiracy against the state 134.
      Trustees of town of Manchester appointed 57. Boundary line between glebe lands of parish of Manchester, and lands of William Logwood altered 431.
      See Emancipation.
      Sailors and marines entitled to same emoluments as in the land service 85, 162. Tax on marines for a hospital 161.
      Tax on sailors and marines for a hospital 161.


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