as the property of John Connolly, suspended 276.
Escheated lands in Kentucky formerly vested in trustees for a public school, transferred to
trustees of Transylvania seminary 282. Certain lands of
Spiers & Co. escheated to the commonwealth, vested in Hampden Sydney college 392.
County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries from
depredations of the enemy 27, 109, 193, 317, 361. Certified copies
of sheriffs bonds, evidence 93, 168. On trial of caveats, certificates of county courts, as to
settlement or pre-emption rights, not conclusive evidence of titles 508. Proof of testimony on which certificate granted, admissible
Appointed to regulate land tax by assessments 141. Their powers, duty and compensations 141, 142. County
commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners, in extension of taxes 269.
Tobacco, hemp, and flour may be tendered in payment of executions
76. At what price 76.
Judgments on future contracts excepted 76. Flour and hemp
tendered on executions to be inspected 99. Lands may be
tendered on judgments 178. How executions thereon may issue
178. Proceedings on such executions 178: Slaves may be tendered on
executions 179. New execution, if creditor evicted
of land or slaves 179. Debtor may be committed, on confessing
judgment in custody, or on being surrendered 179. Purchasers
of lands from sundry companies entitled to benefit of this act 180. What contracts excepted 180. Act permitting lands and slaves to be tendered on
executions revived 349. Arms of militia exempted from
execution 493.
Offices of commissioner of war, and commercial agent abolished and
duties transferred to executive 133. Executive authorized to
place persons on the pension list 446. County courts to
certify condition of pensions to executive instead of assembly 447. Executive may remit damages against sheriffs for
non-payment of taxes 463. May remit forfeited estates of
criminals to wife and children 509.
Who exempted from militia duty 21, 166, 175, 189, 246, 477.
How a citizen may expatriate himself 323.
Duty on tobacco exported 95, 201, 203.
Expresses for military purposes, how procured 18.
Allowance to wives, parents, and families of poor soldiers 11.