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      Allowed inspectors, for collecting duties on tobacco exported 96: To sheriffs for fees of clerks of superior courts 163.
      Further time allowed to pay taxes, in certain enumerated commodities 10: Deer skins to be received for taxes 66: New places to receive articles 66: Tobacco, hemp, flour & deer-skins, receivable in taxes 118, 128: How received 118, 128. Act allowing commodities to be received in taxes repealed 289: Revived 299.
      Tobacco, hemp, flour and deer-skins, declared commutable articles, and receivable in taxes 118, 128. Act allowing commutables for taxes repealed 289. Revived 299.
      Commutation of five years full pay, for half pay for life, resolutions of congress concerning 557.
      Recital of act of May 1779 (vol. 10, pa. 42, 47) in favour of settlers on lands surveyed for sundry companies 149. Former act declaring forfeiture of land on non-payment repealed 149. Further time allowed to pay their money 150. Forfeiture on non-payment 150. Purchasers entitled to the benefit of the act for tendering lands and slaves on executions 180. How grants obtained,
where they claim also under certificates from commissioners 347. Must pay principal and interest 347. Land may be distrained for arrears of purchase money, but forfeitures to cease 348.
      Delegates in congress, from this state, authorized to subscribe and ratify an amendment to the 8th article of the confederation, by declaring that the contributions of the states, to the general treasury, shall be in the proportions of their free white population and three fifths of their slaves, instead of the value of their lands and improvements 401.
      No future confiscations to be made 446.
      Limitation to three years service of delegates to congress repealed 31. Future provision for delegates 32. Act to enable congress to lay a duty on goods and prizes repealed 171 Delegates to congress ineligible to either house of assembly 249. Congress authorized to procure ten acres of land for the purpose of erecting a magazine 288. Congress empowered to prohibit importations from the West Indies, in British vessels, &c. 313 Delegates in congress authorized to convey to the United States, the north-western territory 326. Conditions and reservations 327.





Congress authorized to lay certain duties and appoint collectors 350. Limitations and restrictions 351, 352. Former acts concerning appointment and wages of members of congress repealed 365. Five delegates to congress to be annually chosen 365. Three constantly to attend 365. Credentials 365. Those elected to supply vacancies, how long to serve 365. Wages 366. Congress impowered to prohibit the importation and exportation of goods to or from this state in vessels belonging to subjects of powers with whom they have no commercial treaty 388. Delegates in congress authorized to subscribe and ratify an amendment to the 8th article of the confederation, by declaring that the contributions to the general treasury shall be in proportion to population, instead of lands 401.
      Sale of certain lands whereon town of Louisville, in Kentucky, laid out, and contiguous thereto, escheated as the property of John Connolly, but mortgaged to John Campbell and Joseph Simon, suspended 276. So much of that act as affects their lands, repealed 320. Surveyor to run dividing line between John Campbell and John Connolly 322, 475. Escheated lands of Connolly to be sold and mortgaged to Campbell and Simon paid of 475.
See Army.−−Land Bounty.
      Deputation of officers to choose superintendants and appoint surveyors, for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 309 various regulations 310, 311, 312.
      In what cases general court may award costs 293 Costs discretionary on motions 293. Where costs governed by existing laws 293.
      Death to counterfeit receipts for flour or hemp 99. Or warrants or certificates issued to army or navy 203. Or tobacco notes 241. Forging or counterfeiting certificates issued by congress or this state, death without clergy 495.
      Monongalia county divided and Harrison formed 366. Boundaries and court days 366, 367 Jefferson county divided and Nelson formed 469. Boundaries 469. Court days 469.
      County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries to property, from depredations of enemy 27. Act continued 109, 193, 317, 361. Act for relief of persons injured by destruction of records of county courts, continued 74. Extended to all papers filed in court 74. Any court whose court





house is burnt may sit elsewhere 275. Oath of clerk of county courts and their deputies 464. To give bond 465. In what cases they may be removed 465. Every clerk appointed since the 4th of June 1776, to reside in his county 466.
See County Courts.−−District
      Any court, whose court-house is burnt, may sit elsewhere 275. Act for establishing courts of assize 421, 429.
      For assessment of fines on militia, how constituted 490. Their powers and duty 491.
      For trial of militia 487, 490.
      Tax on 113.
      Citizens of this state, committing crimes out of its jurisdiction, how apprehended and surrendered 471. Crimes committed within the territory of any Christian nation, or Indian tribe, in amity with United States, how punishable 471. When offenders may be bound to the good behaviour 472.
      Governor and council may remit forfeited estates of criminals to the wife and children 509.
      Court house of Cumberland
county having been burnt, proceedings of subsequent court legalized 275. Any court, whose court house is burnt, may sit elsewhere 275.
      Continental army may be recruited by enlistments from col. Dabney's legion 170. Executive may order legion to defence of western frontiers, or on board armed vessels, if willing to serve 170. If legion reduced, horses to be sold 170.
      Power of court to remit interest and damages against sheriffs, for taxes 117. Executive may remit damages against sheriffs for non-payment of taxes 463.
      Due the United States recoverable on motion 32. British debts not recoverable, tho' assigned, renewed or altered 76, 176. Acts revived and continued 349:
      Tax on 378: Repealed 438.
      Proof of deeds within what time valid 294: General court may receive probat of deeds at any term 295: Memorials of deeds, to be transmitted by clerks of county courts, in Kentucky to district court, and by clerk of other county courts to general court, and recorded 295, 466. Fees 295, 466: Act extending time for proof of deeds repealed 340: General court may receive proof of deeds at June





and December terms as well as at April and October 340: Tax on deeds recorded 378:
      Receivable in payment of taxes 66, 128: Act repealed 289: Revived 299.
      To congress, not restricted to three years service 31: Provision for delegates 32: Ineligible to either house of assembly 249: Delegates in congress authorized to convey to the United States, the north-western territory 326. −− Conditions and reservations 327. How many delegates to attend congress 365. Credentials 365: Wages 366: Return of senators and delegates to general assembly, when to be made by sheriffs 387: Penalty for neglect 387: Penalty on sheriffs interfering in elections of senators or delegates 387:
      Notice to take depositions may be given to non-resident parties, by publication 343: Printers fees 343: Clerk of general court, upon affidavit filed, to issue commissions 343.
      County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries to property from depredations of the enemy 27: Act continued 109, 193, 317, 361.
      Principal surveyor may appoint a deputy 160, 353: Their power and compensation 353:
Penalty for giving their principal more 353.
      Of public buildings authorized to change the plan of the capitol, so as to furnish apartments under one roof, instead of separate apartments 496.
      Land distrained for taxes, how sold 68, 115, 116: When sheriff to collect and distrain for taxes 115: Property liable tho' comprised in deed or mortgage 115: Manner of sale 115 As to lands distrained 115, 116: Unreasonable distress, how punished 116: Arms of militia exempted from distress 493.
      Kentucky district court established 85: −− District described 85: −− Supreme court 85: −− Jurisdiction 85: Three judges to reside in the district 86: Their oath 86: Sessions 86: Mode of adjournment 86: Allotment of business to different days 86: Power as to deeds and wills 86: Escheats and forfeitures 87: Caveats and local actions 87: Process 87: May be sent out of the district in certain cases 87: Return days 87: Proceedings at rules, when to be regulated 87: −− Grand jury 88: Trial of criminals 88: Their execution respited 88: Suits now in the chancery or general court, transferred 88: −− Appearance day 88: Rule days 88: Docket to be regulated 88: Judgments





to be final, except the power of the court of appeals 89: To appoint clerk and jailor and superintend jail 89: −− Build courthouse and prison 89: Jailor to impress guards 89: Provide seals 89: Power of one judge out of session 89: Attorney for commonwealth 89: He and the judges to hold their offices during good behaviour 89. General rules for court and officers 89: Tax on process 90: How disposed of 90: Present place of session 90: Governor to make temporary appointments of judges and attorney 90: Provision in case judges do not attend 103: Return of process sent out of district 103: Certain transitory actions provided for 103: Provision for better support of supreme court in Kentucky 397: Tax on law-process, same as in general court 397: Certain taxes, fines and duties appropriated 397: Salaries of judges and attorney 397: Salaries increased 498: To be paid by deputy register of land office 499: Courthouse, &c. how erected 499.
      Drafts of soldiers for three years, how made 15, 16.
      Duties on ships and goods to be paid to naval officers 67. −− If none, or importation by land, to be paid to county court clerks 67: Bonded duties recoverable on motion 68.
Tonnage on vessels, explained 70: Export duty on tobacco 95: Tonnage duty on vessels 121: duty on spirits and wine imported 121: On sugar & coffee 122: On other goods 122: Masters of vessels, when and how to report 122: Penalty for neglect 122: Dutiable goods landed before entry, forfeited 122: −− Importation by land to be entered with clerk of court 123: Direction as to casks 123: Penalty for a false entry 123: Collectors may seize goods on board a vessel, if duty not paid 124: Penalty on collector receiving a bribe or conniving at a false entry, and on the person offering it 124: Collector, by warrant, and with a constable, in the day time, may break open doors 124: Indemnified 125: Proof to be on the claimant of goods seized 125: Master may detain dutiable goods consigned, till duty paid or secured 125: How goods entered may be carried to another district 125: Bonded duties, how to be recovered 126: Allowance to collectors 126: Penalty for not accounting and paying 126: Act top enable congress to lay a duty on goods and prizes, repealed 171: Naval officers to be collectors of duties 182: Tax or duty imposed on particular goods imported, in aid of funds for redemption of military certificates 196: Master of vessel, when and how to report 197:





Dutiable goods not be landed, till entry and payment, or securing the duties 197: Forfeiture of goods otherwise landed 198: Contents of certain casks ascertained 198: −− Penalty for false entry 198: −− Officers may enter vessels and bring away dutiable goods, if duties not paid or secured 198: Proceedings thereupon 199: −− Penalty on collector receiving a bribe or conniving at a false entry, and on the person giving or offering such bribe 199: Collectors, by warrant, and with a constable, in the day time, may break open houses to search for dutiable goods not paid for 199: Onus probandi, on whom 200: How masters of vessels may secure duty on goods imported by others 200: Proceeding, where imported goods transported form one dist. to another 200: Bonded duties recoverable on motion 201: Collectors commissions 201: Wen to account 201: Penalty for failure 201: Duty on tobacco exported 201: Duties appropriated to payment of military certificates 201: Deficiency supplied by slave tax 202: Proceeds of duties apportioned among holders of military certificates 202: Payments to be endorsed on certificates 203: Export duty on tobacco 202: Act imposing duties on wine and spirits, and tonnage of Virginia vessels, and small
vessels of Maryland repealed 289: Congress empowered to levy a duty on goods imported and make regulations for collecting 350. Duty on particular articles 350: Five per cent ad valorem on all other goods 351: Appropriation and continuance of duties 351: To be accounted for annually 351: Governor and council to appoint collectors, removable by congress 351: Commencement and continuance of act 351: Collectors not to be carried for trial or compelled to answer a suit out of the state 352: Other regulations 352: Trials for seizures here to be in the court of admiralty, and appeals to the court of appeals 352: Additional duties laid on certain goods 375: Appropriation of duties 375.
      Separate elections authorized in Monongalia county 317: Return of election of senators and delegates, when to be made 387: Penalty for neglect 387. Penalty on sheriff interfering in elections 387: Meetings of general assembly to be annual 388.
      Trustees appointed to receive subscriptions for cutting a navigable canal from Elizabeth river to North river 332.
      How slaves may be emancipated 39: Aged or infirm, to be supported by former master 39.





Or expense levied on, by order of court 39. Copy of instrument of emancipation to be delivered to slave 39. Penalty for neglect, on the master 39. And on the slave travelling out of his county 40. Liberated slaves neglecting to pay levies and taxes to be hired out to raise them 40. Saving the titles of all but the person emancipating 40. All slaves enlisted by appointment of their masters, and serving their term emancipated 308. And may sue in forma pauperis and recover damages, if detained in slavery 309. Aberdeen, for his long and faithful services, at the lead mines emancipated 309. Anne and Margaret Rose, slaves of Walter Robertson emancipated 362.
      Rules for obtaining embargoes 259.
      County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries from losses of enemy 27. How to report their proceedings 27. Act continued 109, 193, 317, 361.
      Entries for land may be made with clerk, where no surveyor 16. How surveyed 160. Entries in Northern Neck, how made 160. Naval officer to keep a book of entries and clearances of vessels 261. How entries for lands, to be made with the surveyor 353, 354.
Limitation for surveying entries on the western waters already made 441: Of future entries 441. Forfeiture for neglect 441.
See Land Tax.
      Act for equalizing the land tax 140. County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners, in extension of taxes 269. Act amended 526.
      Slaves of Walter King, escheated and purchased on behalf of commonwealth, restored to Walter King Cole 35. So much of former act as gives Walter King Cole any compensation, except reasonable hires, while slaves in public service, repealed 35. All the estate formerly belonging to John Harmer declared not subject to escheat 36. George Harmer authorized to recover said estate, and subject to debts of John Harmer 36. Injunctions and pleas to stay sale of escheated property to be expedited 81. Sale of escheated property 82. Certain escheatable property of George Kerr vested in William Short 149. Lands or slaves escheated, in consequence of the act destroying entails, to go according to the donation 271. Not to restrain the tenant from conveying, nor exempt from debts 272. Sale of certain lands in and contiguous to town of Louisville, escheated





as the property of John Connolly, suspended 276. Escheated lands in Kentucky formerly vested in trustees for a public school, transferred to trustees of Transylvania seminary 282. Certain lands of Spiers & Co. escheated to the commonwealth, vested in Hampden Sydney college 392.
      County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries from depredations of the enemy 27, 109, 193, 317, 361. Certified copies of sheriffs bonds, evidence 93, 168. On trial of caveats, certificates of county courts, as to settlement or pre-emption rights, not conclusive evidence of titles 508. Proof of testimony on which certificate granted, admissible 508.
      Appointed to regulate land tax by assessments 141. Their powers, duty and compensations 141, 142. County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners, in extension of taxes 269.
      Tobacco, hemp, and flour may be tendered in payment of executions 76. At what price 76. Judgments on future contracts excepted 76. Flour and hemp tendered on executions to be inspected 99. Lands may be tendered on judgments 178. How executions thereon may issue 178. Proceedings on such executions 178: Slaves may be tendered on
executions 179. New execution, if creditor evicted of land or slaves 179. Debtor may be committed, on confessing judgment in custody, or on being surrendered 179. Purchasers of lands from sundry companies entitled to benefit of this act 180. What contracts excepted 180. Act permitting lands and slaves to be tendered on executions revived 349. Arms of militia exempted from execution 493.
      Offices of commissioner of war, and commercial agent abolished and duties transferred to executive 133. Executive authorized to place persons on the pension list 446. County courts to certify condition of pensions to executive instead of assembly 447. Executive may remit damages against sheriffs for non-payment of taxes 463. May remit forfeited estates of criminals to wife and children 509.
      Who exempted from militia duty 21, 166, 175, 189, 246, 477.
      How a citizen may expatriate himself 323.
      Duty on tobacco exported 95, 201, 203.
      Expresses for military purposes, how procured 18.
      Allowance to wives, parents, and families of poor soldiers 11.





      Two busts of the marquis De La Fayette to be procured 553. Inscription 553.
      Of inspectors of pork, beef, tar, pitch, and turpentine 71, 195, Repeal of act, reducing lawyers' fees 76. When fees of clerks of superior courts to be delivered to sheriffs 163. When to be collected 163. When accounted for 163. Commissions for collection 163. Remedy against sheriffs 163. Act of 1745, concerning officers fees revived 182. How tobacco fees paid in money 183. Act concerning attornies fees revived 183. How tobacco due for levies and officers fees shall be paid 237. When they may be distrained for 238. When sheriffs to account 239. Fees of naval officers 260. Table to be set up in different languages 260. Fees for register of vessels 261. Fees for marriage 281, 505. For transmitting and recording memorials of deeds &c. 295, 466. Surveyors' fees, in tobacco 357. How payable in money 358. Clerk's sheriffs' and other officers tobacco fees, how payable in money 359 Fees of land office to be paid into treasury 443.
      Lands or slaves escheated, in consequence of the act destroying entails, to go according to the donation 271. Not to restrain the tenant from
conveying, nor exempt from debts 272.
      So much of act as discontinues Lynch's ferry repealed 38. Shipwith's ferry established, and its rates 344. Penalty on private persons ferrying others over for reward 344. Chowning's ferry over Rappahanock to Urbanna established, and Shelton's ferry discontinued 370. New ferries established and their rates 442.
      In the militia, for various delinquencies 491, 492.
      Intercourse with flag vessels, from the enemy, how conducted 136.
      Flour may be tendered in payment of executions 76. Contents of barrel of flour 98. Flour paid for taxes to be inspected 98. Flour and hemp tendered on executions to be inspected 99. Warehouses for flour and hemp tendered on executions to be inspected 99. Warehouses for and hemp may be rented 99. Fees for rents 99. Death to counterfeit receipts for hemp or flour 99. Flour receivable in taxes 118. Inspectors of flour to return lists monthly to the treasurer 119. Courts to provide warehouses for hemp and flour 120. And appoint receivers 120. Their duty 120. To give bond 120. Penalty for neglect 120. Hemp and flour how to be





weighed 121. Act making flour receivable in taxes repealed 289. Revived 299.
      Recital of act of May 1779 (vol. 10, pa. 42, 47) in case of settlers on lands, surveyed for sundry companies 149. Former act declaring forfeiture of land, on non-payment repealed 149. Further time allowed to pay their money 150. Forfeiture on non-payment 150. Land may be distrained for arrears of purchase money but forfeitures to cease 348. Executive may remit forfeited estates of criminals to the widow and children 509.
      Forging or counterfeiting certificates issued by congress, or this state, death without clergy 495.
      Territorial limits of jurisdiction enlarged 49. Court of hustings declared a court of record 49. Proviso, as to proof of deeds and wills 50. Court of hustings may appoint attorney for commonwealth 50. Gun factory at Fredericksburg vested in trustees for an academy 204. Power of trustees to raise funds and appoint teachers 204. Further power of trustees as visitors 204. If not converted into an academy in five years to revert to commonwealth 205. Fairs in Fredericksburg revived 314. Court day altered 314.
Jurisdiction of court of hustings 314.
      Estate of Robert Williams, vested in Mace Freeland, Spice Pendleton and Elizabeth Jones 65.
      Act empowering judges of general court to superintend and regulate the public jail further continued 108. Special term to give judgments against sheriffs 290. In what cases general court may award costs 293. Costs discretionary on motions 293. Where costs governed by existing laws 293. Clerk of general court upon affidavit filed, to issue commissions for taking depositions 343.
      Estate of Samuel Gist a British subject vested in Mary Anderson, his daughter and only child 54.
      Vestry of parish of Antrim in Halifax, authorized to sell their glebe and purchase a new one 404: Boundary line between glebe of Manchester parish and lands of William Logwood altered 431.
      Rates of gold paid for taxes 117.
      Retribution to be made to Parke Goodall presumptive heir to Richard Goodall, a British subject, for amount of sales of a tract of land in Caroline, 54.





Lands in Caroline liable to escheat, as the property of Richard Goodall, vested in Parke Goodall 55.
      British goods found on land, liable to seizure and confiscation 101: Proceedings to determine validity of seizure 102 Suspension of act 102: To go into operation 162: Duty on goods imported 122: All acts and ordinances prohibiting importation of British goods repealed 195.
      Gosport lands adjoining Portsmouth, to be laid off into lots uniform with the town, and sold 407: Public land, called Gosport annexed to town of Portsmouth 497. To be laid off into lots and streets 497: How sold 497: Conveyances to purchasers 497.
      Certain persons appointed to convey land to Edwin Gray, purchased at a sale of the lands of the Nottaway Indians 158.
      Town of Greensville at Buckingham court house established 29.
      Executive may enlist guards for the public prison and stores 276.
      At Fredericksburg, vested in trustees for an academy 204. Power of trustees to raise funds
and appoint teachers 204. −− Further power of trustees as visitors 204. If not converted into an academy within five years, to revert to common-monwealth 205.
      Mode of suing out and prosecuting writs of habeas corpus 408, 410.
      Auditors to issue warrants for half pay to officers of state line and navy 265. Commutation of half pay for life, for five years full pay, by congress 556.
      Hampden Sydney academy incorporated by the name of the College of Hampden Sydney 272. Trustees appointed 273. Style of corporation 273. −− Corporate powers 273. Power of trustees to confer degrees 273. Caution to elect professors and masters attached to the principles of the revolution 274. Treasurer for colleges how elected and qualified 274. Power of trustees to remove officers 274. Vacancies, how supplied 274. −− Meetings of trustees, how called 274. Oath of officers 274. Certain lands of Spiers & Co. escheated to the commonwealth, vested in Hampden Sydney college 392.
Harmer, John and George.
      Recital of conveyance from John Harmer to George Harmer, of all his estate, real and personal, in this state 35. All the estate formerly belonging to





John Harmer, declared not subject to escheat 36. George Harmer authorised to recover said estate, and subject to debts of John Harmer 36. So much of former act as authorises the governor to draw warrants on the treasurer, in favor of Geo. Harmer, repealed 275.
      County, formed from Monongalia 366. Boundaries 366 −− Court days 367.
      Hemp may be tendered in payment of executions 76. Flour and hemp tendered on executions to be inspected 99. −− Warehouses for flour & hemp, may be rented 99. Fees for rents 99. For inspection of hemp 99. Death to counterfeit receipts for flour or hemp 99. Hemp receivable in taxes 118. Courts to provide warehouses for hemp and flour, and appoint receivers 120. Their duty and allowance 120. −− To give bond 120. Penalties for neglect 120. Hemp and flour, how to be weighed 121. Hemp receivable in taxes, and at what rate 191. Act making hemp receivable in taxes, repealed 289. Revived 299. Warehouses for inspection of hemp established 412. How erected 412. Inspector, his appointment and duty 413. −− Hemp to be prized in bales, and labelled 413. Not to be transported till inspected 413. −− Nor manufactured at rope
walks 414. Refused, may be picked 414. Fee and oath of inspector 414. Penalty on courts for neglect of duty 415.
      Courts of Henrico & Richmond, authorised to adjourn their courts to a day, when the superior courts will not be setting in the courthouse 153.
      Peter Heron, a subject of his Most Christian Majesty, permitted to enter his ship, tho' liable to seizure 254.
High Court of Chancery.
      Notice to take depositions may be given to non-resident parties by publication 343. −− Printers fees 343. Ordinary trial by jury in chancery repealed 344. Former mode of trial revived 344.
      Pardoned, on condition of serving as a soldier during the war 129.
      John Holland, convicted of treason, pardoned 253.
      John Hoomes granted exclusive privileges of carrying persons in stage coaches, between certain places 467. Rates 467. Penalty for exceeding legal rates 467. Penalty for infringing his privilege 467. −− To give bond 467.
      Pardoned, on condition of leaving the state 129.


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