Pages 566-575  ======   ======  Pages 587-598  







      Slave Aberdeen, for his long and faithful services, at the lead mines, emancipated 309.
      Commissioners appointed to settle accounts between this state and United States, authorised to summon witnesses 33.
      Tax on private acts of assembly 127.
      Indemnified for assisting to supress a conspiracy against the state 134.
      Tax on grants of administration 378, 439.
      Corporation of authorised to impose a wharfage tax 44. Water street and Union street to be extended 44. Court of hustings to have exclusive power of licensing taverns 50: −− Ordinary keepers incapable of acting as judges of court of hustings 51: −− Court of hustings declared a court of
record 156. Restriction as to proof of wills and deeds 156. −− Common seal, how affixed, and its authenticity 156. Court day altered 158. Jurisdiction of court of hustings 314.
      Duty of commissioners of land tax, in cases of alienations or partition 143. Lists to be furnished 143.
      Penalty for administering oath of allegiance to an alien enemy, or British subject 138.
      Militia to furnish themselves with 478. A quantity to be imported 494.
      Estate of Samuel Gist, a British subject, vested in Mary Anderson, his daughter and only child 54.
      Vestry of parish of Antrim, in Halifax, dissolved, and a new vestry to be elected 73. Further time allowed to elect vestry 112. Authorised to sell





their glebe, and purchase a new one 404.
      Tax on 378, 439.
      See Taxes.
      Appropriation of revenue 12. −− Land tax appropriated 247: Slave tax 247. All other taxes 248. Tonnage duty 249. Acts for appropriating the public revenue amended and reduced into one act 433. −− Appropriation of the land tax 433. Of the slave tax 433. Of the poll-tax and tax on personal property 434. Of the duties on goods imported, and tobacco exported 435. Of tax on patents 436.
      Arms and accoutrements belonging to the state to be delivered up to commandants of regiments 132. Proclamation for that purpose 132. Penalty on those who detain them 132. −− County lieutenants to return an account of arms received 132. Penalty 132. Saving as to arms placed on frontiers 132. Cavalry, how armed 173. Militia in counties most exposed, and in Williamsburg and Norfolk, to be armed 174. Arms, how disposed of 174. −− Fines for failing to return arms 174. Militia, how armed 478, 479. Arms not liable to execution or distress 493. If lost in service, not to be paid for, unless loser killed or disabled 493. Arms and accoutrements to be provided 494.
If imported, to come from France 494.
      Three thousand troops for continental army to be raised 14. Counties to be divided into classes 15. If not enlisted for three years or the war, to be drafted for three years 15. −− Recruits, how disposed of 17. Officers of the line to receive recruits 17. Bounty, pay and emoluments 17. Quakers and menonists, how exempted from personal service 18. Expresses, how procured 18. Fines for delinquencies 19. Surplus of funds, in a class, how disposed of 19. Furnishing a recruit exempts the class 19. Counties failing to furnish the former quotas, to be reported to the general assembly 19. −− Returns of officers resigned, to be made 20. Act to provide more effectual funds for the redemption of certificates granted officers and soldiers 81. Injunctions or pleas to stay sales of escheated property to be expedited 81. Fraudulent conveyances by British subjects 81. Payment of British debts into the treasury revived 82. Creditors may attach 82. Sale of forfeited estates 82. Officers and soldiers to pass their accounts upon oath 83. Guard against further depreciation 83. Officers and soldiers to give in their lands claims 83. How their land warrants are to be obtained 83.





Certificate from commissioners of war 84. Bounty in lands for three years service 84. Additional for six years 84. No locations within their bounds 84. Their certificates to be received for public patent fees 84. Certain officers included in pay and bounty 84. Navy officers, sailors and marines, entitled to the same emoluments as those in the land service, 85, 162. Soldiers in state legions authorised to enlist in continental army 135. May be discharged, on what terms 135. Legion under col. Dabney may be enlisted into continental army 170. Executive may order them to defence of western frontiers, or on board armed vessels, if willing to serve 170. If reduced, horses to be sold 170. Three months pay to be advanced to the soldiers of this state, on continental establishment, late from the southern army 267. That act repealed, congress having made provision 297. Monies levied for recruiting service to be paid into treasury, instead of to order of executive 280. Deputation of officers to choose superintendants and appoint surveyors, for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 309.
      Of militia officers, 490. Militia, when privileged from arrest 493.
      Militia governed by when in actual service 487.
      Employed at iron works, exempted from militia duty 21.
      Inspectors of tobacco ineligible to the general assembly 233. Delegates to congress ineligible to either house of the assembly 249. Three fourths of the wages of the members to be paid for the present 280. Deputy sheriff ineligible to assembly, until two years after quietus 308. Return of election of senators and delegates, when to be made 387. Penalty on sheriffs interfering in elections 387. Meetings of assembly to be annual 388.
      Act for establishing courts of assize 421. When and where courts of assize to be held 422. In suits depending in the general court, issues to be tried at the assizes, accordingly as the venue is laid 422, 423. Counties assigned to each court of assize 423. Venue, in transitory actions, where laid 424. What judges to attend assizes, and how allotted 424. Juries 424. Verdicts certified to general court 425. Judgment on postea, when entered 425. −− Trials at bar 425. Clerks of assize, how appointed, tenure of office and duty 425. Dockets 425. Depositions 426. −− Habeas corpus 426. Criminal





jurisdiction 426. Proceedings therein 426. Presentments, proceedings on 428. Attornies for commonwealth 428. −− Witnesses and jurors failing to attend 428. Commencement of act 429.
      Taxes due from persons, about to remove out of the county, may be recovered by attachment 542.
      Auditors to settle claims for property impressed for public service 79. Not to issue certificates for damages done to houses and plantations, except where allowed against the U. States 80. Their powers extended 183. Warrants for paper money, for property impressed, may be re-audited 184, 192. Commissioners appointed to settle the claims for property impressed, who are to keep a register of warrants and return it to auditors 192. Auditors to furnish treasurer with distinct accounts of each branch of revenue 249. May issue new warrants and certificates where originals lost 254. Oath and bond by applicant 254. Auditors to issue warrants for half pay, to officers of state line and navy 265. −− So, to sheriffs, venire men and witnesses, attending general court, in criminal cases 319.
      Repeal of act reducing lawyer's fees 76. Act concerning attornies'
fees, revived 183. −− Tax on admission of attornies 378, 439.
      Tax on recognizance of bail 378. Repealed 438.
      Regulations for unlading ballast 262. Penalty for unlading without a ballast master 263.
      Parties to be married must produce a marriage licence or publication of banns 281. How publication of banns shall be made 281.
      Further time allowed purchasers of lots, in town of, to build thereon 26.
      Vessels to be provided for protection of Chesapeake bay 38, Act amended 161.
      The late courthouse, prison, and lots of Bedford county, to be sold 61.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71, 195, 510. Penalties and their appropriation 71.
      Tax on 93, 113, 418.
      Trustees of town of Blandford appointed 57.
      James Rumsey granted exclusive privilege of navigating boats against the stream 502.





Penalty for violating his privilege 502. Right may be abolished by paying a certain compensation to the inventor 502.
      Duty bonds, how recovered 126, 201. Sheriffs to give bond 168, 169. Copy sent to auditors, evidence 168.
      See Army.
      Bounty, pay and emoluments of soldiers for three years, or the war 17. Officers and soldiers to give in their land claims 83. How their warrants are to be obtained 83. Certificate from commissioner of war 84. −− Bounty in lands for three years 84. Additional, for six years 84. Officers and soldiers in Lee's legion, and others, included in pay and bounty 84. Navy officers, sailors and marines, placed on same footing as in land service 85. Entitled to same land bounty and other emoluments as officers and soldiers in Virginia line on continental establishment 162. Digest of the laws on the subject of land-bounties 559.
      Court of Botetourt county authorised to levy a sufficient sum to pay the arrears due the Rev. Adam Smyth, incumbent of Botetourt parish 56, 338. −− Court day altered 315.
      Penalty on collector of duties for receiving a bribe, or conniving at a false entry, and on the person offering it 124, 199.
      British debts assigned, not recoverable 76. Payment of, into the treasury, revived 81. Creditors may attach 82. British debts not recoverable, altho' assigned, renewed, or altered 176. How fraudulent assignments detected 176. Treple costs to defendant, on proof of fraud 177. Citizens partners with British creditors, may proceed by attachment 177. −− How far such citizen partners exempted from debts of copartnery 177. Acts prohibiting recovery of British debts, revived 349.
      Fraudulent conveyances of, proceedings on 81. British goods found on land, liable to seizure and confiscation 101. Suspension of act 102. To go into operation 162. All acts and ordinances prohibiting importation of British goods, repealed 195. Congress empowered to prohibit importations from the West Indies, in British vessels, &c. 313.
      Fraudulent conveyances by, proceedings on 81. Intercourse with, and admission of, British subjects, prohibited 136. Flag vessels, how to be received 136. British subjects declared





prisoners of war 137. −− Proviso, in favor of pilots 137. British subjects not to be admitted, except in cases of shipwreck 137. How apprehended 137. Restrictions as to intercourse in case of shipwreck 137. Penalty for administering oath of allegiance to an alien enemy, or British subjects coming into this state contrary to law, declared prisoners of war 138. Copies of act, how distributed 138. Spies to be proceeded against according to the law military 138.
      Congress empowered to adopt countervailing regulations respecting the British trade, to the West Indies 313.
      Provision for pay and depreciation of Dr. William Brown 106. His land-bounty 106.
      Justices of Brunswick county authorised to appoint a place for holding courts, near the centre of the county 256.
      Lots of James Buchanan in Falmouth, vested in Isaac Hite, for the use of Anne Buchanan, his widow 154. Lots may be sold, if personal estate insufficient for payment of debts 155.
      William Buckner, collector of levies, in parish of St. Thomas, in county of Orange, authorised to discharge a judgment
for the same, in tobacco or money in lieu thereof, at 10s. per hundred 539. Persons in arrears for levies, may discharge them at the same 539.
      Demsey Butler, convicted of treason, pardoned, in consequence of pardon having been promised him, by col. Josiah Parker 152.
      Indemnified for assisting to suppress a conspiracy against the state, 134.
      Sale of lands mortgaged to him by John Connolly, suspended 276. So much of act establishing town of Louisville as affects lands of John Campbell and Joseph Simon repealed 322: Surveyor to run dividing line between Campbell and Connolly 322, 475. Lands of Connolly to be sold, and mortgage to be paid off 475.
      New trustees for light house at Cape Henry appointed 58. Former duties appropriated 58. Directors to be trustees to the common 58.
      Directors of public buildings authorized to provide apartments for legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the capitol, instead of erecting separate buildings 496.
      Tax on carriages 93, 113, 418.





      Charles Carter re-vested of certain entailed lands, remaining unsold under a former law, 55.
      Pardoned on condition of serving as a soldier during the war, 129.
      Tax on cattle 93, 113, 418.
      In militia, how organized and armed 173. Officers of cavalry, how appointed 173. Cavalry, how trained 173. Exempted from duty in main body of militia 173. Pay 173. Horses &c. lost, paid for by public 173.
      Lands saved if duties performed before caveat 91. Affidavit to prevent friendly caveats 292. Caveat dismissed if summons not returned executed 292. List of caveats ended to be returned to register, after general court 292. Fees on determination of caveats, how paid 443. ON trial of caveats, certificate of county courts, of settlement or pre-emption rights, not conclusive evidence of title 508. Proof of testimony on which certificates granted admissible 508.
      Number of people in the commonwealth, to be ascertained 40. Act continued 108, 193. Act to ascertain the quantity of land, the improvements thereon,
and the number of people 415.
      Military warrants and certificates to be received for land-warrants 22. Militia or military certificates, when to be received by sheriffs for taxes, agreeable to existing laws to be taken at the treasury 77. Damages and interest remitted to sheriffs who had offered to pay 78. Sheriffs to make oath as to certificates by them received for taxes 78. Auditors to issue certificates for property, impressed for public service 79: At what prices 79. Act providing more effectual funds for redemption of certificates granted officers and soldiers 81. Guard against further depreciation 83. Their certificates to be received for public patent fees 84. Further time allowed for recording certificates of settlement rights 91. Specie certificates or warrants to be taken for land 92. Provision for redeeming military and other certificates 93, 169. Additional taxes 93. Certificates and warrants to be divided into small sums for conveniency of change 94. Taxes payable in military certificates 94. to be divided by auditors in to small sums for conveniency of charge 94. Interest on military certificates, when and how to be paid 105. Certificates





receivable in taxes of officers and soldiers 106. Restrictions in issuing certificates repealed 107. Oath to prevent paying taxes of others with certificates 107. What certificates receivable for taxes, what not 126, 127. All specie warrants and militia certificates receivable for taxes 170. Sheriffs allowed to pay taxes in certificates for property impressed 184. Warrants in paper money, for property impressed, may be re-audited 184, 192. Certificates issued by commissioners for settling claims for property impressed for public service, receivable in taxes 192. Act to establish certain and adequate funds, for redemption of military certificates 196. Tax or duty on certain goods imported 196. Duties appropriated to payment of military certificates 201. Proceeds to be apportioned among holders of certificates 202. Payment to be endorsed on certificates 203. Death to counterfeit warrants or certificates issued to army or navy 203. New warrants and certificates may be issued by auditors, when originals lost 254. Oath and bond by applicant 254. Principal of officers certificates not to be discounted for their taxes 290. Further time allowed for entering certificates for settlement rights 291. Funds for payment certificates and interest warrants apportioned
among the holders 380. Treasurer to advertise 380. To endorse payments 381. Holders to receive in equal proportions 381. Further provision for calling in and redeeming certain certificates 417. Additional taxes 418. Forgery of certificates issued by congress or this state, death without clergy 495. Impositions in adjusting military claims on forged or insufficient vouchers, how remedied 500. Remedy where certificates have been drawn 500.
      Chain carriers to be sworn 355.
      Letter from the Chancellor's on the revision of the laws 547.
See High Court of Chancery.
      Notice to take depositions, when given by publication 343. Ordinary trial by jury in, repealed 343.
      Vessels to be provided for protection of Chesapeake bay 42. Money to be raised and paid to commissioners 42. Tonnage and import duty appropriated 42. Commissioners how to be appointed 43. To be under the direction of the executive 43. And concert with Maryland, measures for defending the bay trade 43. Power to adjust disputes between the officers of the two states 43. Vessels not to be sent out of the capes 43. Prizes to be divided among captors 44. Vacancies





in the commission, how supplied 44. Act for protection of Chesapeake bay, amended 161. Tax on seamen and marines, for a hospital 161. Wages of seamen how paid 161. Land bounty to officers, seamen, and marines 162. Their fitness to be enquired into 162.
      Proceedings of the court of Chesterfield, had in a house contiguous to the court house, lately burnt by the enemy, confirmed 154. Court day of Chesterfield county altered 431.
See Protestant Episcopal Church.
      Protestant episcopal church incorporated 532. Various regulations 532, 537.
      Presley Thornton, Philip Turpin, and John Wormeley admitted citizens, on taking the oath of allegiance, but John Wormeley ineligible to any office of trust or profit for four years 316. Who shall be deemed citizens of this commonwealth 323. Citizenship how acquired 323. When they may hold offices 323. Exception as to those holding place or pension under foreign prince or potentate 323. How a citizen may expatriate himself 323. Description of persons prohibited from migrating into this commonwealth, or becoming citizens 324. Refugees prohibited 325. All other former residents allowed to return, but
not to vote in elections, or hold offices 325. Not to contravene treaty of peace 325. Protection to all, not prohibited coming on lawful business 325.
      Reservation of land, in northwestern territory, for general George Rogers Clarke, his officers and men 327. Lands how apportioned, surveyed, and patented 335. Town of Clarkesville established with in the grant 336.
      Town of Clarkesville, in north-western territory, laid off 336. Lots to be sold for the benefit of the inhabitants 336. Subject to the condition of building 337. And sold again if forfeited 337.
      Of vessels, what shall be done previous to 261. Naval officers to keep a book of entries and clearances 261.
      Entries for land may be made with clerks of court, where no survey 160. When fees of clerks of superior courts to be delivered to sheriffs 163. −− When to be collected 163. −− When accounted for 163. −− Commissions for collection 163: Remedy against sheriffs 163: How tobacco due for clerks' fees shall be paid 237: When distrained for 238: −− When sheriffs to account 239: Clerk's tobacco fees may be paid in money at one penny





half penny, per pound 359: −− Oath of clerks of county courts and their deputies 464: −− Penalty for acting without 464: To give bond 465: −− Not to remove records and papers out of the county 465: In what cases records may be removed 465: Every clerk appointed since the 4th June, 1776, top reside in his county 466:
      Trustees for the town of Cobham appointed 57.
      Duty on coffee 122.
      Slaves of Walter King escheated and purchased on behalf of the commonwealth, restored to Walter King Cole 35: So much of former act as gives Walter King Cole any compensation, except reasonable hires, while slaves in public service, repealed 35.
      Sheriff not able to give security, a collector of taxes to be appointed 66: Collectors of duties, their powers 124, 199: −− Allowance for collection 126, 201: When to account and pay 126, 201: Penalty for default 126, 201: Penalty for receiving a bribe, or conniving at a false entry 124, 199. Naval officers to be collectors of duties 182: Collectors of certain duties, appointed by governor and council, but removable by congress 351: −−
Restrictions as to their trial 351.
      Rates of gold and silver coin paid for taxes 117.
      Offices of commercial agent, and commissioner of war abolished, and duties transferred to executive 133: Books, &c. to be delivered to executive 134.
      In the militia, how appointed 486.
      To grant warrants for land bounties 83, 84: Office abolished and duties transferred to executive 133.
      Appointed to settle accounts between this state and United States, authorised to summon witnesses 33: For providing for defence of Chesapeake bay 39: Powers of commissioners for adjusting titles to lands continued 91: Books and papers of Kentucky commissioners to be returned to register 91: Tax on litigants before commissioners 91: Commissioners of land tax to be appointed for three years 142: −− Their oath, duties, and compensation 142, 143, 144: −− Commissioners to settle claims for property impressed for public service 191: Their oath, duties and compensation 191, 192, 193: County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners 269.


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