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Not to be empannelled on the trial of a slave, 103, 270. Qualification of jurors, in general and county courts, 175, 176. Laws concerning, re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 367. Grand Juries in county courts, 367. In general court, 368. Petit juries for civil causes, 369. Venire for criminal causes, 369. Qualification of, in civil and criminal causes, 370.
Actions against, 296. Oaths of, 504, 507. In chancery, 508. Four to constitute a court, 506. Authority and jurisdiction of, 507.
County, formed from New Kent, 94. Boundaries, 94. Alteration in boundaries of St. Peter's and St. John's parishes, 94. Court days of King and Queen, 95. Divided, and King William formed, 211.
Formed, from King and Queen, 211. Boundaries, 212. Court days, 212. Proceeds of sale of town lands at West Point, to be apportioned between inhabitants of King William and King and Queen, 212. Parish of, consisting of French refugees, 201, 478.
What deemed public, 394.
Proceedings in, 510. Papers in, to be recorded, 511.
Time for processioning, altered 82. Boundaries of Indians on south side James river explained, 85. Surveyor to mark the lines, 85. Patents for lands without those boundaries, void, 85. A road to be laid out and cleared, from above the inhabitants on the north side of James river, to a place above
the inhabitants on Rappahannock river, 85. No surveys of lands, above that orad, to be made for three years, 85. Confirmation of, 101. Lands added to a patent already seated, not to be forfeited for want of seating, provided it be done within three years from the passing of the act, 101. But such lands hereafter to be forfeited, if not seated within the time prescribed by law, 101. Not to extend to surplus land or marshes, or sunken grounds, 101. Lands in towns, under act for ports, &c. how acquired, 55, 186. Granted to settlers on the frontiers, as tenants in common, 205. Surveys to be made, and quit-rents paid by the public, for the first twenty years, 206. Settlers exempted from taxes or levies for twenty years, 206. Also, from military service, except for their own defence, 206. Settlement rights, 206. Conditions, that for every five hundred acres of land, one able man, completely armed, shall be constantly kept, 207. On failure of condition, land to revert to the crown, without inquest, 208. Laws concerning, re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 304. Various modes of acquiring, 304, &c. Importation rights, 304. Mode of obtaining patents for, 305. Surveys how and by whom made, 305. How patents, on composition rights obtained, 305. Surveys, on composition rights, how to be made, 305. Patents, how to issue, 306. Confirmation of former patents, 306, 523. Limitation of quantity of land, which may be taken up by one person in a tract, 306. Swamps, marshes, and sunken grounds, how taken up, 307, 527. Confirmation of former patents, to those in possession,






508, 320. Duty of secretary in future, 308. Form of patents for importation rights, 308. For composition paid to the receiver general, 309. For lands forfeited, 310. Form of patents for escheated lands, 311. Rights of patentees, 312. What shall constitute a seating and planting, 313. Proviso, as to swamps, marshes, &c. 313. New patents for surplus lands ,how obtained, 313, 524, 528. Double patents heretofore issued, confirmed, 313, 524. No double patents hereafter to avail, without seating and planting, 314, 524. Lands not seated and planted within three years, lost, 314, 525. Patents for forfeited or lapsed land, when and how obtained, 314, 525. Proviso, as to those who seated and planted before exhibition of the petition, 315, 526. Further time allowed to heir of patentee, dying before expiration of three years, 315, 526. Recital of a charter of Charles II. and of previous inquest of escheats, 315, 316. Exposition of that charter, 316. No office of escheat shall operate to devest those in possession prior to the date of the charter, 316. Rules in taking inquests of escheat, 317. Right of composition, to possessors of escheated lands, 317. By whom to be paid, 317. Who deemed tenant in possession, 317. Rights of widows in escheated lands, 317. Rules, as to descent after the death of widows and femes covert, 318. Where the claimants, by descent, are in equal degree, 318. No estate of inheritance, in lands, to pass, unless by deed in writing, 318, 516. When, where, and how proved and recorded, 319, 516. Deed by
husband and wife, how to pass the wife's estate, 319, 517. Estate tail, not to be barred but by act of assembly, 320, 517. Fines and recoveries prohibited, 320, 518. Former conveyances confirmed, 320, 518. Conveyances heretofore acknowledged, and registered in the council books, and recorded in any county court valid, 321, 518. Deeds, though not indented and sealed, if for valuable consideration, and all assignment of patents, adjudged good, 321, 519. So, if proved by two witnesses only, 322, 519. Also, if livery of seizin were not made, 322, 519. Livery of seizen, when to be taken, 323, 520. Limitation of real actions, 323, 520. Writs of, formedon, 323, 520. Right of entry, 323, 520. Saving to infants, femes covert, &c. 324, 522. Also, to persons out of the country, 325, 522. Processioning of lands, when and how to be made, 325, 529. Penalties for failure of duty, 327, 530. How excused from the penalty, 327, 531. Bounds of land, three times processioned, unalterably fixed, 327, 531. Shooting, hunting, &c. on lands of others, prohibited, 328, 533. Penalty, 328. When game may be pursued on the lands of others, 328. Surveyors of lands to be sworn, 329. Penalty for refusing to survey, 329. Duty of surveyors in marking and bounding lands, 329. When plats to be delivered, 330. Surveyors' fees, 330. Penalty for exceeding legal fees, 330. Chain-carriers to be sworn, 330. Entries to be surveyed within one month, 330. Plats, when to be delivered, 331. Plats and surveys to be entered






in books, 331. Penalty for failure, 331. Inspectors of surveyors' books to be appointed, 332. On the death of a surveyor, how his books to be disposed of, 332. Fees for surveying town-lots, 332, 418. Titles to town lots confirmed, 432. Lands purchased of aliens, confirmed, 435. Tributary Indians disabled from conveying their lands, 465. Penalty for taking conveyances from Indians, 465. Owner refusing to have his land processioned, court may direct it, at his expense, 532. Heir may controvert bounds, within six years, 532. Bounds processioned under act of 1705, confirmed, 533. Certain lands and slaves, of the estate of Benjamin Harrison deceased, authorised to be sold by his widow and administratrix, 537, 538, 539.
When lands lapsed for want of seating and planting, 314, 525. How title to lapsed or forfeited lands acquired, 314, 315, 525. Saving as to heir of patentee, dying before expiration of three years, 315, 520.
Fee for copy of, 25, 39, 107, 118, 125, 167. Negative power of governor, in passing, contested by house of burgesses, 40. Committee appointed for revisal of, 181. Their powers and duty, 181, 182, 183, 184. Fee for copy of the laws of 1705, pa. 481. For a copy of the laws of 1710, pa. 536.
Appropriation of duties, towards encouragement of, 67.
Duty of tanners, curriers, and shoemakers, or cordwainers prescribed, in relation to, 75, 76, &c. Persons
to be appointed by every court, to examine and seal leather, after it is curried, 76. Fees of inspectors, 76. Searchers to be appointed to seal leather, well tanned, 77. Their duty to seize all leather not well tanned or curried, or boots, or shoes, &c. made of such leather, 77. Examiners to be appointed, of the leather, boots, shoes, &c. seized 77. Examination to be made, on a court day, 77. Examiners liable to fines, for failing to do their duty, 77. Penalty on searchers and seizers, failing to do their duty, 78. For receiving a bribe, or exacting more than legal fees, 78. Penalty for resisting searchers and sealers, in the execution of their office, 78. Penalty for selling or exchangeing leather, before it is searched and sealed, 79, 80. Definition of, 80.
Or permit, fee for, 111.
Levari Facias.
Writs of, how executed and returned, 386.
See Public Levy, Taxes.
Sheriffs to be appointed collectors of public and county levies, 264. Must give bond, 264. On refusal of sheriff court may appoint another, 264. Allowance for cask, in collection of tobacco, 264. Tobacco paid away and marked not to be seized, if other tobacco be offered, 265. Discounts to be allowed, 265. When collectors to pay creditors, 266. Judgment on failing 266. Proviso, if the sheriff be absent, 266. Tender, how to be made by sheriff, 266.
Penalty, for frequenting the company of lewd women, or entertaining, or providing for them, 74.






Marriage, how to be granted, by clerks of county courts, 150. Penalty for granting them otherwise, 151. Ordinary, how granted, 397. Penalty, for selling liquors, without, 396.
Of actions on bills, bonds, and judgments, 145, 146, 377. Saving, as to cases, where the debtor removes out of the county, 146. Of the collection of clerks' fees, to three years, 163. Of real actions, 323, 324, 520, 521. Of personal actions, 381, 382. Further time allowed, if judgment reversed, 382.
Act encouraging manufacture of, repealed, 16. Revived and continued, 121.
Duty on, 23, 88. Regulations for collecting, 23, 24. Act imposing duties on continued, 38. Re-enacted, with additions, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92. Re-enacted, 129. Again re-enacted, with additions, 189, Continued, 212. Act laying duties on liquors and slaves, re-enacted, 229. Penalty for retailing, without licence, 396.
When to be taken and recorded, 323, 520.
To be appointed, for Accomack and Northampton, 208. For Elizabeth City, Princess Ann and Northampton, 364.
See Sabbath.
County, divided, and Princess Anne, formed, 95.
French refugees at, to form a distinct parish, 201, 478. Exempted
from levies for 7 years, 201. Further exemption, 478. Allowance to minister, to be at discretion of the parish, 479.
Of linen and woollen cloth, act encouraging, repealed, 16. Revived, 30. Again revived, and continued for 3 years, 50. Further continued, 121.
Established, 408, 416, 417. In Williamsburg, 428.
Not to be solemnized, except as the rubrick in the common prayer book prescribes 150, 441. Penalty on ministers for marrying otherwise, 150, 442. How licences, to marry, to be granted by clerks of courts, 150, 442. Females, between 12 and 15 years of age contracting marriage, without consent of parent or guardian, or publication of banns, forfeit their inheritance, 151. How it shall descend after their death, 151, 443. Fee for registering, 153. Banns, how published, 442. By whom licenses signed, 443. Penalty on ministers marrying servants, without leave, 444. On servants, 444. On free person marrying with servant, 444. List of marriages to be returned to governor, annually, 445. Fees for, 445. Penalties, for refusing to celebrate, 446.
Not to be forfeited, for want of seating, 101. How taken up, 307. Not necessary to be seated, 313, 527.
Debts contracted in, recoverable 29.
Carrying persons out of the country, without a pass or license, liable






for their debts, 270. Penalty for carrying servants, or slaves out of the country, without leave of owner, 271.
Arms and ammunition of, exempted from execution, or distress, 13. What arms and ammunition to provide, 3. Penalty, for failure, 14. Musters, when to be, 14. Pay of, when called into service, 21, 209, 365. Power and duty of commanding officers of, on the frontiers, in case of invasion, 209, 364. Act for settling the militia, 335. Persons from 16 to 60, liable to duty, 335. Who exempted from, 336. Proviso, as to overseers, 336. Persons exempted to provide themselves with arms, 337. And on invasions and insurrections must perform duty as gentlemen, 337. Militia to be enrolled, and divided into troops or companies, 337. Arms, &c. to be provided by each foot soldier, 338. By the cavalry, 338, 365. Fines, on militia, 338. Time allowed to provide arms, &c. 338. Horse, arms, &c. exempted from distress, execution, &c. 339. General muster, 339. Company musters, 339. Punishments, for disobedience or mutiny, 339. Fine, for not attending alarms, 340. For not serving as non-commissioned officers, 340. Delinquencies, how noted, 340. Fines, how assessed, 341. How remitted, 341. How collected, 341. How appropriated, 342. Clerk of court martial, 342. Clerk of troop or company, 322. Power of governor to call out in cases of invasion and insurrection, 362.
Person owning land one side a run, how to obtain an acre on the
other, for the purpose of building a mill, 401. Proviso, as to houses, orchards, &c. 401. Valuation money, to be paid down, 401. Further proviso as to building and keeping the mill, 401. As to rebuilding, when burnt, &c. 402. Restriction as to number of mills on the same run, 402. Proviso, as to mills already begun, 402. Remedy, where another mill is built on the same run, 402. Duty of millers, 402. Toll, 402. Sealed measures to be used, 403. How servants or slaves punished, 403.
Salary of, fixed at 16,000 lbs. of tobacco a year, besides perquisites, 152. Vestry to appoint collectors, who may make distress, 152. To purchase a glebe at the charge of the parish, and build a house for the minister, 152. Not to celebrate rites of matrimony, without license or publication of banns, 441. In what form, 441. Banns, how published, where no minister, 442. Penalty on, for marrying servants, without leave, 444. Fees of ministers, for marrying, 445. Ministers entitled to all fees, of their parish, 446. Allowance to, in French settlement, at Manakin Town, to be at discretion of parish, 479.
To be read and signed, in county courts, 511.
MONEY −− See Coins.
Ancient mode of writing them, by contractions, computing the beginning of the year from the 25th of March: thus, "7 ber," September, or seventh month; "8 ber," October, or eighth month; "9 ber," November, or ninth






month; "10 ber," December, or tenth month, 50, note (a).
See Slaves.
Free white woman, having a bastard b a negro, or mulatto, to pay 15l. and in default of payment, to be sold for five years, 87. Such bastard child to be bound, as a servant, till 300 years of age, 87. Servant woman thus having a bastard, to be sold, for five years, after expiration of her time, 87. Not to be set free, unless the person freeing them pay for their transportation out of the country, within 6 months, 87. Penalty to be applied towards the expences of transportation, 88. Children bond or free according to the condition of their mothers, 140. Declared incapable of bearing office, 251. Who deemed mulattoes, 252. Incapable of being witnesses, 298. Women servants, or free women having bastards by negroes or mulattoes, penalty for, 453. How long the child to serve, 453. Penalty on free persons marrying with negroes or mulattoes, 453. On ministers marrying them, 454.
To conceal the death of a bastard child, 515.
Regimental, and company, when, 14. Process executed at, void, 248.
Dividing lines between, and Prince George, Surry, and Isle of Wight settled, 480.
Aliens, how naturalized, 434. Fees to governor, 435. Lands purchased of aliens confirmed, 435. Proviso as to privileges of foreigners, 435. Of certain individuals, 479.
Fees of, ascertained, 195. Penalty for exceeding legal, 196. Table of fees, to be set up, 197, 353. Fees of, 351. Penalty for exceeding legal fees, 352.
See Slaves.
Free white woman, having a bastard b a negro, or mulatto, to pay 15l. and in default of payment, to be sold for five years, 87. Such bastard child to be bound, as a servant, till 30 years of age, 87. Servant woman thus having a bastard, to be sold, for five years, after expiration of her time, 87. Not to be set free, unless the person freeing them pay for their transportation out of the country, within 6 months, 87. Penalty to be applied towards the expences of transportation, 88. Children bond or free according to the condition of their mothers, 140. Duty laid on, towards building a capitol, 194. Billy, an out-lying slave attainted, 210. Declared incapable of bearing office, 251. Incapable of being witnesses, 298. Women servants having bastards by negroes or mulattoes, penalty for, 453. How long the child to serve, 453. Penalty on free person marrying with negroes or mulattoes, 453. On ministers marrying them, 454. Negro emancipated, as a reward for having discovered a conspiracy, 536.
County divided, and King and Queen, formed, 94.
English or Indians, bringing in any news, how to be dealt with, 100, 121, 128.
Donation, for relief of province of, 132.






When return to be made, 250.
County, so called on division of Lower Norfolk, the upper part retaining the name of Norfolk, and the lower called Princess Anne, 95. Town, established, 415, 416.
Debts contracted in, recoverable, 29.
Memorial, from inhabitants of, respecting the titles of their land, 26. Answer of the governor, 27.
Account against, 25, 39, 107, 118, 125, 167. Memorial from inhabitants of, respecting lands in the Northern Neck, 26. Answer of the governor, 27. Governor's letter to, on the proceedings of the house of burgesses, 40.
Limitation of actions on, 377. Not to extend to person, absconding or removing out of the county, 378.
Anciently written "9 ber," or ninth month; computing from the 25th of March, as the first month, 50, note (a).
Of voters, at elections, 240. Of governor and council, acting as judges of general court, 290. As judges in chancery, 291. Of justices of the peace, 504.
Anciently written "8 ber," or eighth month; computing from the 25th of March, as the 1st month, 50, note (a).
Convicts, negroes, mulattoes and Indians declared incapable of holding any office, 250. Penalty
for exercising an office, 251. No other person to bear office, till after a residence of three years, 251. Not to extend to natives, or those holding commissions from the crown, 252.
Of each day, in the general courts to be drawn up, 296.
Ordinary keepers, selling drink to any person, not owner of 2 servants, or worth 50l. sterling, to the amonnt of 300 lbs. of tobacco, shall lose the overplus, 45. Or taking any obligation, &c. for such overplus, rendered incapable of keeping ordinary, and forfeits double the amount, 45. How recoverable, 45. Entertaining sailors, after being warned by their masters, liable as for entertaining runaway servants, 45. To sell by sealed weights and measures only, 395. Exception, as to liquors in bottles, 396. Penalty for retailing liquors without licence, 396. Licences, how and when to be granted, 396. Form of bond, 397. Licenses, how signed, and how long to continue, 397. Governor's fee, 397. Gaming, tippling, or sabbath breaking at ordinaries, &c. how punishable, 398. Tavern rates, 398. Penalty for exceeding legal rates, 398. Table of rates to be set up, 399. Penalty on conviction of keeping a tippling house, or retailing liquors without licence, 399. For selling liquors to sailors, on credit, 400. Limitation of credit to others. 400. Selling to sailors or servants, without leave, 400. Exception as to Williamsburg, 400. Penalty on ordinary keepers, for entertaining or concealing runaway seamen, 488.






Debts due to, of first dignity, 375. Guardians of, to give good security, 375. When they may be removed, 375. Complaints of, how redressed, 375.
Billy, an out-lying slave outlawed by an act of assembly, 210. −− Reward for killing him, 210. −− Penalty for harbouring, concealing or dealing with him, 210. Outlying slaves, how apprehended, 86, 460. When they may be killed, 86, 460. When dismembered, 460. Value of, to be paid by public, 461.
If white overseer not kept at a quarter, the owner liable for all damage done by slaves, 103, 460.
Court of, for trial of slaves, how constituted, 102, 269. For trial of crimes committed on the high seas, 178.
To be built for the governor, at Williamsburg, 258, 482. Dimensions and materials, 285. −− Kitchen and stable, 286. Directors authorised to send to England for materials, 286. Governor authorised to draw on the treasurer, 286. Appropriation, 286. Overseer or director appointed, 286. Salary of director, 287. Appropriation, for repairs, 287.
King William parish, composed of French refugees at Manakin town, 201, 478. Allowance to minister, to be at discretion of parish, 479.
Masters of vessels, carrying any person out of the country, without a pass, or licence, liable for
their debts, 270. Form of, 272. Caveat against, 272. Secretary to appoint deputies, for granting passes, 273. Certificates of publication to be returned by county court clerks, and passes to be registered, 274.
Duties on, 346, 492.
Form of, on importation-rights, 308. On composition-rights, 309. For lands forfeited, for not seating and planting, 310. For escheated lands, 311. Rights of patentees, 312. How obtained for surplus land, 313, 524. Double patents, confirmed, 313, 524. No double patents hereafter to avail, without seating and planting, 314, 524. Patents, for forfeited land, how obtained, 314, 525. −− Assignments declared good, 321.
Allowed to wounded soldiers, 22.
Or coasting coquitt, or lett-pass, fee, for, 111.
For the trial of civil causes, their number and qualifications, 369. Fine for not appearing, 369.
So much of act, 92, March 166½ as authorises a person disputing a physician's account to arrest him, repealed, 103. Allowed 100 per cent. on their medicines, 103. Court to allow for visits and attendance, 104. Courts may reduce their accounts, 379.
Penalty, for stealing, 276.
To be erected, in each county, 267. Penalty on justices, for failure, 267.






Pirates, privateers, or sea-robbers, landing, or being found on shore may be apprehended by any officer, civil, or military, 177. In case of resistance may be killed, 177. Penalty on officers, neglecting their duty, 177. -- Crimes committed on the high seas, may be inquired into and punished in the same manner as if committed on land, 178. Commission of oyer and terminer, how to issue, 178. Penalty for concealing pirates, 178.
See Pork, Beef, Tar, and Pitch.
Treason, unlawfully to assemble, to cut up tobacco plants, 11, 12.
Of surveys, when to be delivered, 330, 331. To be entered in surveyors' books, 331.
Dilatory, discountenanced, 511. Rules, for filing, 510.
Not entitled to vote at elections of burgesses, 172, 238. Incapable of being witnesses, 298.
Encouragement of, 91, 92.
Size of barrels for, 148, 254. −− Penalty for making, exposing to sale, or exporting, in barrels of less dimensions, 148. Packers of beef and pork to be appointed, in the counties where deemed necessary by the justices, 148. Justices to appoint a mark to be on barrels, 149. Acts concerning, re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 254, &c.
Pork, Beef, Tar and Pitch.
Size of barrels for, 254. Quantity of pork or beef, in a barre, 254. Quality of tar and pitch, 255. Penalty
for making smaller barrels, 255. For packing a less quantity of pork or beef, 255. On exporter of beef or pork, 256. On exporter of tar and pitch, 456. For bartering or selling pork or beef, in barrels, contrary to law, 257. Also, tar and pitch, 257. The like penalty for pork, beef, tar or pitch, imported in barrels of less size than prescribed by law, 257.
Vessels to load and unload at certain ports only, 54. Goods to be bought and sold at those places only, 54. Justices to lay out 50 acres of land, for warehouses, stores, &c. 55. How such land acquired, if the owner refuses to sell, or be absent, 55. How the value to be paid, 56. Owner to convey to trustees, in trust, 56. How trustees to convey, 56. Contions of sale, 56. Feoffees absolutely seized, on refusal of owner to convey, 57. Fees of surveyor, 57. At what places ports established, 58, 59. Certain places appointed for buying and selling goods, but not for ports of entry and clearing, 60. How and from what place, tobaccoes and goods to be exported, 60. Vacancies. in feoffees, how supplied, 62. Where owner of land is tenant by the curtesy, the value to be apportioned, 62. Act for ports suspended, 108. Purchasers of lands, under act for ports, confirmed in their titles, 186. Rights of counties, in such lands, 187. Act for establishing ports and towns, 404.
−−− See Towns.
General Post-Office established, 112. By letters patent to Thomas Neale, 112. A Post-Office in each county, 112. Rates of postage, 113. Proviso




as to merchants, 113. Not to extend to public letters, 113. Duty of post-master as to foreign letters, 113, 114. Letters from the governors and public officers, free of postage, 114. Certain exceptions out of this act, 114. Limitation of act, 114, 115.
Rules of, 510.
County, formed from Charles City, 223. Dividing line between, and Surry, Isle of Wight, and Nansemond settled, 480.
County, formed from Lower Norfolk, 95. Boundaries, 95. −− Court days, 96. Court days altered, 105. Bounds of enlarged, 128.
Of burgesses, 244. Of witnesses, from arrests, 299.
To be laid out, and recorded, 16, 268. Who may have the benefit of, 268.
Public prison, to be built near capitol, in Williamsburg, 214.
Former laws, concerning, repealed, 15. How to be built, in each county, 15, 237. Penalty on justices, for failing to build, 15, 267. Privileges of persons confined in, 15, 267. Bounds of, 15, 267.
To be executed, by sheriff or his deputy, 247. Executed, on Sunday, or at musters, or elections, void, 248. Except as to treason, felony, and breaches of the peace, which may be executed at any time, 248. How issued, executed and returned in the general court, 291, 292. Rules, for issuing and
returning in county courts, 509. Must be executed three days before return, 509. Proviso, as to criminals, 509. Process against a member of the council, or governor, 510.
Time for, altered, 82. When and how to be made, 325, 529. Penalties for failure of duty, 327, 530. What will excuse from the penalty, 327, 531. Bounds of land, three times processioned, unalterably fixed, 327, 531. Proviso, 327. Persons refusing to have their lands processioned, 531. Heir may controvert bounds within six years, 532. Bounds processioned under act of 1705, confirmed, 533.
Penalty for profaning God's name, 72, 138.
Slaves incapable of holding, 103.
Court of, to be held in each county, 43, 261. Proceedings in, 44, 262, 263.
Taxes for the year 1686, pa. 25; for 1691, pa. 96; for 1692, pa. 106; for 1693, pa. 117; for 1694, pa. 124; for 1695, pa. 135; for 1696, pa. 164; for 1697, pa. 166; for 1699, pa. 199; for 1700, pa. 202. Laws for collection of, re-enacted in revisal of 1605, pa. 264. Sheriff to be the collector, 264. To give bond, 264. When and how to make seizure, 265. When to pay creditors, 266. Judgment against, 266. Tender by sheriff, how made, 266. For 1605, pa. 481. For 1710, pa. 535.
To be built near the capitol, 214.


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