Pages 98-118  ======   ======  Pages 137-153



Generall Assembly,

DOMINI 1693.


Sir Edmund Andros, governor.
An act appointing Rangers on the frontiers of the four great rivers. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS it is very necessary and beneficiall for the defence of this their majesties dominion and the inhabitants thereof, that rangers be levied on the frontiers of the four great rivers, Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the last day of Aprill next, one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers and two Indians well furnished with horses and other accoutrements be levied, armed and mustered to range and scout about the heads of the great rivers and in such other places as shall be most likely to discover our enemies and that the pay of each officer and soldier levied or to be levied, armed and mustered, to range and scout about the heads of the great rivers and in such other places as shall be most likely to discover our enemies and the pay of each officer and soldier levied or to be levied, armed and mustered, shall be as follows, viz. the lieutenant or commander of each party of soldiers finding himselfe horse, furniture, armes amunition and provision shall have and receive out of the publique levie five thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one whole yeare, and soe after that rate for a shorter time, and each soldier finding himselfe horse, armes, furniture amunition and other necessaries three thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one whole yeare and soe after that rate for a shorter time. Rangers and scouts continued.

Their pay.




      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the two Indians by this act appointed shall each of them have and receive from the lieutenant of the rangers to whome he belongs eight yards of duffils and two barrells of Indian corne for his service for one yeare and soe proportionably for a shorter time, and the said lieutenant shall be reimbursed by the publique and that the said lieutenant shall be reimbursed by the publique and that the said lieutenant doe take care and provide by warrant from the commander in chiefe of the county where he resides for each of the said Indians an able horse, bridle and saddle for which the owner or owners of the said horse or horses furnished as aforesaid shall have and receive from the country in the next publique levie after the rate of eighty pounds of tobacco and casque for one month and soe proportionably for a longer or shorter time and that the comander in chiefe respective counties take care that the said officers and soldiers be duely mustered and an account thereof sent from time to time to the secretaryes office, and forasmuch as there is noe certainty of future events and therefore incertaine how to provide for the effectual defence of the country and to the end it may be provided for with the least charge.
Pay of the two Indians.

Horse, &c. to be provided for each.

Duty of commander in chiefe, in each county.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That upon any emergencye all such soldieres which the governour with the advice and consent of the councell shall levie, arme and muster for the better defence of this country, shall be paid out of the publique levie and that the governour may from time to time and att all times by and with the advice and consent of the councell disband and discharge all forces raised or to be raised by virtue of this act as to the said governour with the advice and consent of the councell shall seem most conducible to the advantage of this their majesties dominion, which said soldiers shall receive pay and be satisfved proportionably to the time they shall be in service, and after these rated (viz.) Each captain finding himselfe horse, armes amunition and provision and all other necessaryes, ten thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one yeare and soe proportionably for a shorter time, each lieutenant finding       Governor with advice of council, may raise soldiers in cases of emergency.

Pay of such officers and soldiers.

      * The running title to the acts of this session in the editions of 1733 and 1752, is, "Anno Regni Gulielmi and Mariæ quinto."




and providing himselfe with horses, armes, amunition and provision and all other necessaries five thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one yeare and soe proportionably for a shorter time, and every private soldier finding and providing himselfe with horse, armes, amunition and provisions and all other necessaries, three thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one yeare and soe proportionably for a shorter time.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That for the ffuture if any English or other christians or Indians shall bring any news or give any intelligence to any of their majesties officers civill or military such officers to whome the same shall be brought shall diligently inquire into and examine the grounds thereof, and if such news prove true and be of service to the government that then he or they bringing the same shall be rewarded, but if false punished as the crime shall deserve, and the county courts where such inteligence shall be given are hereby impowered to consider what rewards such person bringing news and giving inteligence shall deserve, and certifie the same to the next generall assembly for allowance, and if the news and intelligence be false to cause such punishment to be inflicted on the person telling the same as his crime shall deserve. This act to continue in force until the last day of Aprill, which shall be in the yeare 1695 and noe longer. Divulgers of news, to be rewarded or punished, as the same may be true or false.

Limitation of this act.

An act for the encouragement of the manufacture of Linen Cloth. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      Be it enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the justices of the peace of every respective county within this colony doe annually in November or December meet at theire usuall places of holding courts, and then and there set, appoint, and establish three severall and distinct rewards to be levied on the inhabitants of their severall countyes and to be disposed by the said justices as an incouragement to such person or persons who shall produce to the justices at the next court ffor laying the levie Rewards, for the encouragement of linen, to be established, by the justices.




the three best peices of lining of their own makeing to containe in length ffifteen ells at the least three quarters of a yard wide: provided, the reward exceed not eight hundred pounds of tobacco and casque for the first peice six hundred pounds of tobacco and casque for the third piece. This act to continue in force six years and noe longer.


An act ascertaining the place for erecting the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS their majesties have been most graciously pleased upon the humble supplication of the generall assembly of this country by their charter bearing date the 8th day of Ffebruary in the fourth yeare of their reign to grant their royall lycence to certain trustees to make, found, erect and establish a college named the college of William and Mary in Virginia at a certaine place within this government known by the name of Townsends Lane, and heretofore appointed by the generall assembly, or if the same should be found inconvenient at such other place as the generall assembly should think fitt, and whereas the said fformer designed place for divers causes is found to be very unsuitable for such an use and severall other places have been nominated in the room thereof upon consideration of which and a full enquirie into the conveniences of each one of the said places the Middle Plantation situate between York and James Rivers appearing to be the most convenient and proper for that designe, Preamble, reciting the charter, for founding the college of Wm. and Mary.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted That Middle Plantation be the place for erecting the said college of William and Mary in Virginia and that the said college be at that place erected and built as neare the church now standing in Middle Plantation old ffields as convenience will permitt. To be erected at Middle Plantation, (now Williamsburg.)




An act laying an imposision upon skins and ffurrs for the better support of the Colledge of William and Mary in Virginia. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      BE it enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the first day of January next, there shall be sattisfyed and paid to theire majesties theire heires and successors for and towards the better support and maintenance of the colledge of William and Mary in Virginia speedily intended by Gods grace to be erected at Middle Plantation within this government. The following dutyes, customes and impost for the following goods, wares and merchandises which shall be exported, carryed out of this their majesties dominion either by land or water (that is to say) for every rawhide three pence for every tan'd hyde six pence, for every dressed buckskin one peney three ffarthings, for every undrest buckskin one peney, for every doe skin dressed one peney halfe peney, for every undrest doe skin three farthings, for every pound of beaver three pence, for every otter skin two pence, for every wild catt skin one peney halfe peney, for every minx skin one peney, for every fox skin one peney halfe peney, for every dozen of racoon skins three pence and soe proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity, for every dozen muskrat skins two pence, and soe proportionably for a lesser or greater quantity, and for every elke skin four pence halfe peney.
      Duties, customs, and imposts, for the support of the college.

On raw hides, Tanned hides.
      Buckskins dressed and undressed.
Doe skins,
Otter skins.
Wildcat skins.
Minx skins.
Fox skins.
Raccon skins.
Muskrat skins
Elk skins.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the said dutyes, customes and impost shall be paid and satisfyed by the person or persons exporting or carrying out the same either by land or water to the collector or collectors which shall be appointed by the governour or commander in chiefe for the time being to receive the said dutyes, customes and impost before the said goods, wares or merchandises shall be shipped off exported or carryed out of and from this dominion either by land or water and a certificate thereof obtained from the collector or collectors of the district where such goods wares and merchandises shall be soe exported or carryed away signifying the payment and sattisfaction of such dutyes, customes and

Duties to be paid by exporter.

Certificate of payment of duties, how obtained.




impost as aforesaid, under the penalty of fforfeiting such of the said goods, wares and merchandizes which shall be shiped off or loaden on board of any boat, sloop, shipp or other vessell, in order to the exportation thereof by water or endeavoured to be carryed out of this countrey by land, the one moyety thereof to their majesties, their heires and successors to and for the better support of the government and the contingent charges thereof the other moyety to him or them that shall sue or prosecute for the same in any court of record within this colony by action of debt, bill, plaint or information wherein noe essoyn protection or wager of law shall be allowed. Penalty for a breach of this law.
      And be it further enacted, That the severall collectors or officers appoynted to collect and receive the said duties, customes and imposts shall from time to time be accountable and pay the same to the governour of the said colledge of William and Mary, or such other person or persons as shall be by them lawfully deputed, and that for the receiving and paying thereof the said collector or collectors shall be allowed ten per cent. Collectors to account to governors of the college.

      Commission for collection.

An act for raising a publique levy to be paid in the yeare 1694. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      BE it enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the sum of one and twenty pounds of tobacco be paid by every titheable person within this theire majesties colony and dominion of Virginia in the yeare 1694 ffor the defraying and payment of the charge of keeping and maintaining one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers and two Indians at the heads of each of the four great rivers ffor the terme of seaventeen months from the first day of December next, and for the sattisfaction of all such other claimes and allowances as have been made by this generall assembly, and that the same be paid by the collectors of the severall countyes in the said yeare to the severall persons to whome it is now proportioned, and if it shall happen that there shall be more tithable [tithables] in any county, then the said levie of one and twenty pounds of tobacco is now layed on, then such county to have credit for soe
      Taxes, or public levy, for 1694.




much to the use of the county and if there shall happen to be less in any county then such county shall beare the loss.
Vera Copia,       
      Teste, PETER BEVERLEY,
Clerke of the House of Burgesses,

Att a Generall Assembly begun at James Citty the 10th day of October 1683.
Northumberland county, Dr.
      To sallary 1871
      To Capt. Wm. Lee 0200
      To Coll. Samll.
      To the lieut. and
            rangers at the head of
            Potomac River
Ditto Dr.
      To Peter Beverley
            ffor a copy of the
      Ffor a copy of the
      Contra Cr.
By 980 tithables at
      21 lbs. tobacco per
      pole,             20580
Clerke of the House of Burgesses,

Signed by SIR EDMUND ANDROS, Govr.            
THOMAS MILNER, Speaker.      
  (Note to editions 1733 and 1752.)                       



Generall Assembly,

DOM. 1695.


Sir Edmund Andros, Gov.
An act appoynting Rangers att the heads of the four great rivers. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS it is verry necessary and beneficiall for the defence of this their majesties dominion and the inhabitants thereof that rangers be levied on the frontiers of the fower great rivers,
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the first day of May next one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers and two Indians well furnished with horses and other accoutrements be levied, armed and mustered, to range and scout about the heads of the great rivers and in such places as shall be most like to discover our enemies, and that the pay of each officer and soldier levied or to be levied armed and mustered shall be as followeth, viz. the lieutenant of commander of each party of soldiers finding himselfe horse, furniture, armes amunition and provision shall have and receive five thousand pounds of tobacco and casque out of the publick levy for one whole year, and soe after that rate for a longer or shorter time, and each soldier finding himselfe horse, armes, furniture, amunition and other necessaries, three thousand pounds of tobacco and cask for one yeare and soe after that rate for a longer or shorter time. Rangers continued at the heads of the four great rivers.

Their pay.




      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the two Indians by this act appoynted shall each of them have and receive from the Lieutenant of the Raingers to whome he belongs, eight yards of duffils and two barrels of Indian corn for his service for one yeare, and so proportionable for a longer or shorter time, and the said lieutenant shall be reimbursed by the publique, and that the said lieutenant doe take care and provide by warrant from the Commander in chiefe of the county where he resides for each of the said Indians, an able horse, bridle and saddle, for which the said owner or owners of the said horse or horses furnished as aforesaid shall have and receive from the county in the next publique levy, after the rate of eighty pounds of tobacco and casque for one month, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time, and that the commander in chiefe of their respective counties take care that the said officers and soldiers be truly mustered and an account thereof sent from time to time to the secretaries office, and forasmuch as there is no certainty of future events and therefore uncertaine how to provide for the effectuall defence of the country, and to the end it may be provided for with the least charge, Pay of the two Indians.
      Bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That upon any emergency all such soldiers which the governour with the consent and advice of the councill shall levy, arme and muster for the better defence of this country shall be paid out of the publick levy, and that the governour may from time to time and att all times by and with the advice and consent of the councill disband and discharge all forces raised or to be raised by virtue of this act, as to the said governour with the advice and consent of the said councill shall seem most conducible to the advantage of this their majesties dominion, which said soldiers shall receive pay and be satisfied proportionably to the time they shall be in service pay and be satisfied proportionably to the time they shall be in service and after these rates viz. Each Captain finding himselfe horse, armes, amunition, and provision, and all other necessaries, ten thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one year, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time, each Lieutenant finding and providing himselfe with horse, armes, amunition and provision and all necessaries five thousand Soldiers may be raised by Govr. & Council, in cases of emergency.

Their pay.




pounds of tobacco and casque for one year, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That for the future if any English or other christians shall bring any news or give any intelligence to any of their majesties officers civil or military, such officers to whom the same shall be brought, shall diligently inquire into and examine the grounds thereof, and if such news prove true and be of use and service to the government, that then he or they ringing the same shall be rewarded, but if false punished as the crime shall deserve, and the county courts where such intelligence shall be given are hereby empowered to consider what reward such person bringing news and giving intelligence shall deserve and certifie the same to the next generall assembly for allowance, and if the news and intelligence be false to cause such punishment to be inflicted on the person telling the same, as his crime shall deserve. −− This act to continue in force untill the last day of October, which shall be in the year 1696 and noe longer. Divulgers of news how to be dealt with.

An act for inlargeing the bounds of Princess Ann County. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as the division of Lower Norfolk county into Norfolk and Princess Ann county by reason of misrepresentation to the assembly, begun att James Citty the 16th day of April 1691, appears to be unequally assigned and made, of which the inhabitants of Princess Ann county and that part of Norfolk county which belongs to Lynn Haven Parish have made complaint to this assembly and desired therein to be redressed. Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the limits and bounds of Princess Ann county be inlarged and extended unto the utmost bounds of Lynn Haven Parish, and that the respective inhabitants in that part of Lynn Haven parish which by the xxth act of assembly 1691 entituled an act for dividing Lower Norfolk county, Bounds of P. Anne county.




is taken within the bounds of Norfolk be hereafter deemed accounted taken and held for inhabitants of Princess Ann county and as such be constantly reckoned the tithables of the said county and make their payments accordingly, any law, usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding.

An act for lessening the levy by the pole and laying imposition upon Liquors. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as a more suitable expedient cannot be found to lessen the levy by the pole on the inhabitants of this their majesties dominion of Virginia than to lay an imposition on all liquors to be imported into this country, Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That for every gallon of wine of any sort whatsoever, brandy, rum, cyder or any other spirits or liquors imported into this dominion (except allways what shall come directly from England, Wales, or the towne of Berwick upon Tweed) from and after the first day of June in the year 1695 and before the last of October in the year 1696, the imposition or custome of fower pence shall be paid by the merchant or merchants, owner or owners, importer or importers of the same to their majesties their heirs and successors to and for the uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned and to no other use intent or purposes [purpose] whatsoever. And for the better levying and collecting the imposition or custome by this act laid on all liquors to be imported (except as before excepted,)       Impost duty on wine, brandy, rum, cyder, or other spirits or liquors.
Except imported directly from England, Wales, or Berwick on Tweed.

Duties, how secured.
      Be it enacted by the Governour, Councill and Burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That noe liquors to be imported within the time before limitted (except as before excepted) shall be landed or putt on shoar out of any shipp or other vessell from beyond the seas, before due entry be made thereof with the officer or collector appointed for the customes in the port or place where the same shall be imported, or before the duty due and
Entry, how to be made.




payable for the same to be fully satisfied, and that every warrant for the landing and delivering of any such liquor shall be signed by the hand of the said officer or collector in the said port or place respectively upon pain that such forreign liquors as shall be landed, putt on shoar or delivered contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and the value thereof shall be forfeited and lost and to be recovered of the importer or proprietor of the same, and that noe person or persons whatsoever bringing any of the before recited liquors (except as before excepted) into any port or place of this country, or any person or persons to whome the same or any of them shall be consigned shall land, or cause any such liquors to be landed or putt on shoare without makeing or causing due entry to be made of the same and giveing a true account of the gallons every casque did containe upon oath with the officer or officers for the time being appoynted to receive and take such entries within the port or place where the same shall be landed or putt on shoar upon pain in every such case as aforesaid to forfeit double the value of the said liquors landed or putt on shoar contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act. And that the master or purser of every shipp barque or other vessel, shall make a true and just entry upon oath, which the collector or other officer is hereby impowered and required to administer, of the burden, contents and ladeing of such shipp, barque or other vessell with the particular marks numbers qualities and contents of every cask therein laden with liquors to the best of his knowledge and also where and in what port she took in her ladeing, how named, who was master dureing the voyage, and who are owners thereof upon penalty of forfeiture of one hundred pounds sterling, and for the better encouragement of all masters, merchants, owners and other persons whatsoever to make due entry and payment of the imposition or duty laid by virtue of this act, and in consideration of filling and leakage there shall be abated and allowed twenty gallons in every hundred, which said allowance and abatement the said collectors to be appoynted to receive the said duties are hereby authorised to allow and make accordingly. Provided always, That where any master, merchant, owner or other person whatsoever shall wittingly or willingly make a false Entry of vessel, and cargo, captains name, and from what port to be made.

      Abatement for leakage.




entry and be convicted for the same, in that case such master, merchant owner or other person shall forfitt and pay one hundred pounds sterling, and that the said person or persons which are or shall be appoynted shall receive the duties or imposts arising by virtue of this act, and their deputies are hereby authorised and impowered to goe and enter on board any shipp or other vessell and from thence to bring on shoare all the before specified liquors (except as before excepted) for which the duties are not paid or compounded within ten dayes of the first entry of the said shipp or other vessell, and that the officers of the customes and their deputies may freely stay remaine on board untill all the goods are delivered and discharged out of the said shipp or other vessell and if any officer or officers be appointed to receive the duties by this act ariseing or any other person or persons deputed and appoynted by or under them or any of them or any other authority whatsoever shall directly or indirectly take or receive any bribe, recompence or reward, in any kind whatsoever, or shall connive att any false entry of any wines or other liquors aforementioned, whereby the duties be defrauded the person or persons therein offending shall forfitt the sum of one hundred pounds sterling and be forever afterwards uncapable of any office or imployment within the dominion as also the master, merchant, marriner or other person whatsoever who shall give or pay any such bribe, reward or recompence, shall forfitt the sum of fifty pounds sterling, and that all officers, captains, commanders of shipps, as also all justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables, headboroughs and all other their majesties officers, ministers and subjects whatsoever whome it may concerne, shall be aiding and assisting unto all and every person or persons which are or shall be appoynted by the governour to receive and collect the duties by this act laid, and the collector or collectors and their respective deputies in the due execution of all and every act and thing in and by this present act required injoyned, and all such who shall be aiding and assiting unto them in the due execution hereof shall be defended and saved harmless by virtue of this act, and forasmuch as severall forfeitures and penalties may by virtue of this act arise,       Penalty, false entry.

      Collectors, and their deputies authorised to make searches and seizures.

      Penalty on officer for receiving a bribe.

      On master or owner for giving it.

      All civil officers to aid in the execution of this law.




      Bee it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all such forfeitures shall be divided into three equall parts, one third part thereof shall be paid to their majesties their heires and successors towards the better support of the government and defraying the contingent charges thereof, one third part shall be paid to the governour for the time being to and for his own proper use and behoof, and the other third to him or them that will sue for the same by byll plaint information or action of debt in ay court of record in this dominion in which no essoigne protection or wager of law shall be allowed.       Forfeitures, how appropriated.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the governour for the time being with the advise of the counsell shall be and is hereby impowered from time to time and att all times hereafter (dureing the time in this act before limitted) to nominate, constitute and appoint such and soe many collectors and other officers as also such sallaries methods and orders (not exceeding ten in the hundred) for the collecting the said duty as to them shall seem best.       Governor with advice of council may appoint collectors.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all and every sum and sums of money raised or to be raised by vertue of the imposition aforesaid be constantly accounted for by the collector or collectors thereof to the treasurer of Virginia for the time being upon his or their oath, and by him to the governour, councell and burgesses of the generall assembly upon oath also, and convirted to the uses by them directed according to the true intent and meaning of this act and to and for noe other use intent or purpose whathsoever, any thing in this act contained or any other matter or things to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. This act to continue in force from the first day of June 1695 untill the last day of October 1696 and no longer.       Monies collected by this act, to be accounted for to the treasurer, and by him to the general assembly

Limitation of this act.

An act impowering the governour with the advice of the councell to apply five hundred pounds sterling out of the imposition of liquors raised this assembly to the assistance and preservation of New-York, if fouad necessary.
Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      THIS Assembly taking into their most serious consideration their majesties comands signified to




their governour here relating to a quota of men or other assistance to be given to their majesties province of New York, as application should be made from that government for the same in proportion with their majesties other collonies, plantations and provinces adjacent, and being willing to manifest their readiness on all occations to give such supply for the defence and preservation of their majesties provinces as the circumstances of this needy and poor country will admitt have with due regard to their majesties royall commands and care for the peace, safety and preservation of this their dominion, inquired into the present state of this countrey, and notwithstanding they find the same very needy and poor, haveing for a long time been and still continuing to be attended with great charge of keeping and maintaining soldiers att the heads of the rivers, and under daily feares of having too great occasion for raising more without any fund or other supply for the same then a levy from time to time raised upon the poll, yet to show their loyall and dutifull inclinations to the verry uttmost of their abilities and rather beyond, in hopes that nothing but such supply as shall be directed by this act be required either of men or money, and that for the future their majestie will be graciously pleased to take the low circumstances of this their country into their princely consideration, and thereupon to excuse their loyall subjects here;
      The councill and burgesses now assembled pray your excellency that it may be enacted, And be it enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present Generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That whereas by one act intituled an act for lessening the levy by the poll and laying an imposition upon liquors made this session of assembly, an imposition upon liquors made this session of assembly, and imposition of four pence per gallon is raised upon certain liquors to be imported from and after the first day of June next, untill the last day of October 1696, the governour for the time being, by and with the advice of the councill be empowered to take and apply such a sum of money not exceeding the sum of five hundred pounds sterling as it shall arrise from the imposition upon liquors in and by vertue of the said act and noe otherwayes, and by the said governour with the advice of the councill shall from time to time be found necessary Governor authorised to apply a sum, not exceeding 500 pounds sterling, to be raised from




and convenient for the immediate preservation of their majesties province of New-York, upon application of their majesties province of New-York, upon application of their majesties governour or commander in chiefe of their said province, any thing in their said act laying an imposition upon liquors as aforesaid notwithstanding, Provided alwayes, and it is hereby intended, that if between the end of this session of assembly and the expiration of the said act intituled an act for lessening the levy by the poll and laying an imposition upon liquors noe application be made from the governour or commander in chiefe of the province of New York for assistance or supply in and by vertue of their majesties comands relating thereto, or that upon such application it shall be found necessary and convenient by the governour and councill of this their majesties dominion to forbear the imploying useing or remitting the said sum of five hundred pounds sterling, or any part thereof, as it may be required, that then the said intire sume of five hundred pounds sterling or such part thereof as shall not be imployed made use of or remitted to their majesties said province of New-York for the intents and purposes aforesaid, shall be accounted for to the generall assembly and thereby applyed to such uses intents and purposes as by the governour councell and burgesses of the said general assembly shall be thought fitt for lessening the levy by the poll, according to the first intent purport and meaning of the said act made this assembly, by verture of which the same was levyed and raised, any thing in this act to the contrary or seeming to the contrary notwithstanding. the imposition on liquors to the relief of the province of New York.

An act for reviving the 7th act of assembly made att James Citty the 16th day of Aprill 1691, and for the ascertaining the size of tobacco hogsheads. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as the seventh act of assembly made att James Citty the 16th day of Aprill 1691, intituled an act reviveing the 6th act of assembly made att James Citty the 20th October 1686, regulateing the tares of tobacco hogsheads hath been found verry advantageous and usefull for the prevention of frauds and abuses in the tares of tobacco hogsheads and damages Preamble.




that accrue from unseasoned timber and slight staves.
      Bee it therefore enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the said seventh act of assembly in all its parts and clauses as well such as relate to the said 6th act of assembly made att James Citty the 20th October 1686 as otherwayes be from henceforth revived and putt in force, and for the future ascertaining the size of tobacco hogsheads.       7th act of 1791 revived.
      Bee it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the certain size of every tobacco hogshead be as followeth, that is to say in the length of the stave forty-eight inches and noe more, and in the diameter of the head thirty inches and no more, and whatsoever cooper or coopers shall make tobacco casque contrary to this act if he be a freeman and in case he be not his master or mistress, or whatsoever planter or other person shall pay away or putt to sale, or putt on board any boate, sloope, shipp or other vessell in order to exportation any tobacco whatsoever packed in cask of a greater size than is herein expressed and sett downe, such cooper, planter or other person shall for ever tobacco hoggshead soe made paid away, putt to sale or shipped forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred pounds of tobacco one moyety thereof to be to our sovereigne lord and lady the king and queen, their heirs and successors for and towards the better support of this government and the contingent charges thereof and the other moyety to him or them that shall sue for the same in any court of record within this collony by bill, information, plaint or other action, wherein noe essoign protection or wager of law shall be allowed, And be it enacted, that this act continue in force seaven years and no longer. Size of tobacco hogsheads.


An act for raiseing a publique levy. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      Be it enacted by the governour, councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the sum of twenty two pounds and three quarters of tobacco be paid by every tithable person within their majesties collony and dominion of Virginia in this present year 1695 for the       Taxes, or public levy, for 1695.




defraying and payment of the charge of keeping and maintaining one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers and two Indians att the heads of each of the four great rivers for the terme of twelve months from the last day of this instant month of April and for the satisfaction of all such other claims and allowances as have been made this generall assembly, and that the same be paid by the collector of the severall counties in the said year to the severall persons to whom it is now proportioned, and if it shall happen that there shall be more tithables in any county than the said levy of twenty-two pounds and three quarters of tobacco is now laid on, then such county to have credit for soe much to the use of the county and if there shall happen to be less in any county then such county shall bear the loss.
A true copy,  
      Teste, PETER BERVERLY,
Clerke of the House of Burgesses.      
      [Here follows in the MS. an appropriation of the taxes of Northumberland county, among sundry public creditors, which it is unnecessary to insert]

Signed by                   SIR EDMUND ANDROS, Gov'r.
                        PHILIP LUDWELL, Speaker.
(Note to editions 1733 and 1752.)


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