Pages 168-185  ======   ======  Pages 200-215




An act prohibiting the exportation of Indian Corne till the 25th day of December 1700. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as the unseasonableness of the last two summers have caused a generall scarcity of Indian corne in all the parts of this his majestyes colony and dominion, to the end that corne may be kept in this his majesties colony and dominion, and that the same in this time of scarcity be not exported. Preamble.
      Be it enacted by the Governour, Councill and Burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the fifteenth day of June 1699 no Indian corne of the produce of this his majesties colony and dominion shall be exported out of this country or laden or put on board any shipp or vessell in order to such exportation upon pain that the master of such shipp or vessell who shall export the same or suffer to be laden or taken on board his shipp or vessell any Indian corne in order to such exportation shall forfeit and pay for every barrell of corne so exported or so laden or putt on board the sume of five pounds sterling money, one moyety thereof to our sovereigne lord the king, his heirs and successors for and towards the better support of the government and the continent charges thereof, and the other moyety to him or them that will sue or informe for the same by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any court of record in this his majesties colony and dominion,
Exportation of Indian corn prohibited.




in which no essoign protection or wager of law shall be allowed.
      Provided alwayes, And be it enacted by the authoity aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That this act shall not be deemed or taken to extend or prohibit any master of shipp or vessell or any passenger from ladeing or takeing on board such shipp or vessell for exportation any corne for the use and necessary provision of the shipp dureing her voyage, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.
      Provided likewise, that every such master of shipp or vessell shall make oath to the collector and naval officer with whome he clears his shipp or vessell who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same of the true quantity to the best of his knowledge of Indian corne laden and put on board his said ship or vessell and at that the same is truely and bona fide for the sue and necessary provision of the said shipp or vessell and neither directly or indirectly, for any other use intent or purpose whatsoever.
      Provided, that this act shall continue in force till the 25th day of December anno domini 1700, and no longer.

An act for confirming titles to towne Lands. (b) Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS the execution of the eighth act of assembly made the 16th day of Aprill 1691, entituled an act for ports, &c. stands suspended by the first act of assembly made the second day of March 1692-3 entituled an act for suspending the execution of the act for ports, &c. and forasmuch as pursuant to the said act for ports divers tracts of land have been purchased and laid out for ports and towns in the respective places appointed by the said act and vested in trustees many of Preamble.

      (b) This act was re-enacted almost verbatim, in the 44th chapter, Anno 1705, only two provisos in this act for vesting lands purchased, pursuant to the act for ports, in the trustees, altho' the same land had not been conveyed by the proprietors; and for giving twelve months time to build upon lots, are omitted.
(Note to editions 1733 and 1752.)




which conveyed lots or halfe acres therein to severall persons who have built thereon and have made considerable improvements and severall others having accepted lots of halfe acres for which they have no conveyances and by reason of the aforesaid act for suspention they cannot obtaine also some of the trustees being dead and others departed the country, so that the remaining lands cannot be conveyed to such persons as desire to build thereon −− For remedy of all which,
      Bee it enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That where any county or countyes have purchased, laid and paid for any lands for ports or townes pursuant to the said acts for ports, &c. or to any other act of assembly and have vested the same in feofees or trustees according to the said act or acts such feofees or trustees so invested are hereby declared to have a good, absolute and indefeasible estate in fee in such lands respectively which have not been disposed of by former trustees in trust and confidence to and for the uses in the said act for posts, [ports,] &c. mentioned, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever and the said land or lands are hereby confirmed to the said feofees or trustees in fee to such use or uses −− any thing in the said suspention or any other law, statute, usage or custome to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Lands heretofore vested in trustees, for ports &c. confirmed.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That where any county or countyes pursuant to the said act for ports or any other act of assembly have purchased, laid out and paid for fifty acres of land and the same by the death or refusall of the proprietor or other accident hath not been conveyed to trustees according to the said law or laws such land or lands shall be and are hereby confirmed to such feofees or trustees as hereafter by virtue of this act shall be appointed by the county courts to and for the sues aforesaid, in as full and ample manner as if the said land or lands had been really and actually conveyed in law by such proprietor or proprietors to such feofees or trustees in manner as by the said act for ports is expressed. Where lands purchased, by counties, and not conveyed, how title to be acquired.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That if in any county, the feofees




or trustees already appointed by virtue of the said act for ports be dead or departed out of this country the county courts of such respective county is hereby empowered and required to appoint other feofees or trustees who are hereby invested and confirmed in the fee of all such land or lands not by the former trustees disposed of to the use or uses aforementioned, and to no other use or purpose whatsoever, and all feofees or trustees by virtue of the said act for ports &c. already made or by virtue of this act hereafter to be made are hereby impowered and required in their respective countyes to convey and make over any lot or lots, halfe acre or half acres of land to such person or persons as shall desire to take up the same according to the said act for ports, and upon the conditions therein specified as if the said act for ports had never been suspended, any thing in the said act for suspention or any other law statute or custome to the contrary notwithstanding. Vacancies in trustees, how supplied.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That if any person or persons have purchased and paid for any lott or lotts, half acre or halfe acres of land in any of the said places of any feofees or trustees pursuant to the said law and have fully complyed with the conditions in the said law mentioned and sett downe, such person and [or] persons are hereby invested with and declared to have a good, absolute and indefeasible estate in fee to such lott or lotts, halfe acre or halfe acres of land, and the same is hereby confirmed to such person and persons and to his and their heirs forever.       Purchasers, who have paid for their lots, confirmed in their titles,
      Provided alwayes, And be it further enacted by the authoity aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That if any person or persons have taken up and paid for any lott or lotts, halfe acre or halfe acres in any land laid out for ports or townes, &c. as aforesaid, and have yet received no conveyance for the same, the respective feofees or trustees already made or by virtue of this law hereafter shall be made are hereby impowered and required to give and make a firm and absolute estate in fee to such person or persons for such lott or lotts, halfe acre or halfe acres, as if the said suspention had never been made. and trustees to convey to them.




      Provided alwayes, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That if any person or persons have taken up and paid for any lott or lotts, halfe acre or halfe acres in any such lands for ports and townes, &c. pursuant to the said law an have laid timbers upon the same or any wayes proceeded in order to comply with the conditions of building upon such lott or lotts, halfe acre or halfe acres according to the said act for ports, &c. but upon suspention thereof have neglected to proceed to therein, such persons or persons are allowed and permitted twelve months time for the same after publication of this act. Further time allowed for completing buildings.

An act for lessening the levy by the pole, and laying an imposition upon lyquors for and towards the building a Capitoll and other publick uses. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as a more suitable expedient cannot be found to lesen the levy by the pole on the inhabitants of this his majesties colony and dominion of Virginia then to lay an imposition on all lyquors to be imported into this country, Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That for every gallon if wine of any sort whatsoever, brandy, rum, syder or any other spirits imported into this his majesties colony and dominion, except alwayes what shall come directly from England, Wales or the towne of Berwick upon Tweed, from and after the publication of this act the imposition or custome of four pence shall be paid by the merchant or merchants, owner or owners, importer or importers of the same to his majestie, his heirs and successors to and for the uses, intents and purposes hereafter mentioned, and to no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever, and for every gallon of beer or ale imported as aforesaid, except what shall come directly from England, Wales or the towne of Berwick upon Tweed, the imposition or custome of one penny shall be paid as aforesaid, to the uses aforesaid, and for the better levying and collecting the imposition or custome by this act laid on all lyquors to be imported, except as before excepted, Duty of four pence a gallon on wines and spirituous liquors.

      One penny on beer and ale.




      Bee it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That no liquors to be imported within the time herein limited (except as before excepted) shall be landed or putt on shoar out of any shipp or other vessell from beyond the seas before due entry be made thereof with the officer or collector appointed for the customes in the port or place where the same shall be imported or before the duty due and payable for the same be fully satisfied, and that every warrant for the landing and delivering of any such liquors shall be signed by the hand of the said officer or collector in the said port or place respectively, upon paine that all such lyquors as shall be landed, put on shoar or delivered contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act or the value thereof, shall be forfeited and lost and to be recovered of the importer or proprietor of the same and that no person or persons whatsoever bringing any of the before recited lyquors (except as before excepted) into any port or place of this his majesties colony and dominion or any person or persons to whome the same or any of them shall be consigned, shall land or cause any such liquors to be landed or put on shoar without makeing or causeing due entry to be made of the same and giveing a true account of the gallons every caske did containe upon oath which the officer or officers for the time being appointed to receive and take such entrys within the port or place where the same shall be landed or put on shoar upon paine in every such case as aforesaid to forfeit double the value of the said liquors landed and put on shoar contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and that the master or purser of every shipp, barque or other vessell shall make a true and just entry upon oath which the collector or other officer is hereby impowered and required to administer of the burthen, contents and ladeing of such shipp, bark and other vessell with the particular marks, numbers, quantityes and contents of every caske therein laden with liquors to the best of his knowledge, and also where and in what port shee took in her laden, how maned, who was master dureing the voyage and who are owners thereof upon penalty of forfeiting one hundred pounds sterling. And for the better encouragement of all masters, merchants owners and other person whatsoever to make due entry No liquors to be landed, till due entry be made, and duties paid.


How entry to be made.




and payment of the imposition or duty laid by virtue of this act, and in consideration of filing and leakage there shall be abated and allowed twenty gallons in very hundred which said allowance and abatement the said collectors to be appointed to receive the said duties are hereby authorised to allow and make accordingly: Provided, that where any master, merchant, owner of other person whatsoever shall witingly or willingly make a false entry and be convicted for the same, in that case such master, merchant, owner or other person shall forfeit and pay one hundred pounds sterling, and that the said person or persons which are or shall be appointed to receive the dutyes and impost ariseing by virtue of this act and their deputyes are hereby authorised and impowered to go and enter on board any ship or other vessell and from thence to bring on shoar all the before specified lyquors (except as before excepted) for which the duties are not paid or compounded for within tenn dayes after the first entry of the said shipp or other vessell and that the officers of the customes and their deputyes may freely stay and remaine on board untill all the goods are delivered and discharged out of the said shipp or other vessell, and if any officer or officers be appointed to receive the dutyes by this act ariseing or any other person or persons deputed and appointed by or under them or any of them or any of them or any other authority whatsoever shall directly or indirectly take or receive any bribe, recompence or reward in any kind whatsoever, or shall connive at any false entry of any wines or other liquors aforementioned, whereby the dutyes be defrauded the person or persons therein offending shall forfeit the sume of one hundred pounds sterling, and be forever afterwards disabled and made incapable of any office or imployment within this his majesties colony and dominion, as also the master, merchant, marriner or other person whatsoever, who shall give or pay any such bribe, reward or recompence shall forfeit the sume of fifty pounds sterling, and that all officers, captains and commanders of ships or other vessells, as also all justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables, headboroughes and all other his majesties officers, ministers and subjects whatsoever whome it may concerne shall be aiding and assisting unto all and every person and persons which are or shall be appointed by       Allowance for leakage.

      Penalty for false entry.

      Power of search.

      Penalty for bribery.

All officers to assist in the execution of the laws.




the governor to receive and collect the dutyes by this act laid, and the collector and collectors and their respective deputyes in the due execution of all and every act and thing in and by this present act required and enjoyned, and all such who shall be aiding and assisting unto them in the due execution hereof shall be defended and saved harmeless by virtue of this act. And forasmuch as severall forfeitures and penaltyes may by virtue of this act arise,
      Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all such forfeitures and penaltyes shall be divided into three equall parts, one third part whereof shall be paid to his majestie, his heirs and successors towards the better support of the government and defraying the contingent charge thereof, one third part shall be paid to the governor for the time being to and for his owne proper use and behoofe, and the other third part to him or them that will sue for the same by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any court of record within this his majesties colony and dominion, in which no essoigne protection or wager of law shall be admitted or allowed.       Forfeitures, how appropriated.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the governor for the time being with the advice of the councill shall be and is hereby impowered from time to time and att all times, hereafter during the time in this act before limited to nominate, constitute and appoint such and so many collectors and other officers as also such salleryes, methods and orders (not exceeding six in the hundred) for the collecting the said duty as to them shall seem best.       Collectors, how appointed.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all and every sume and sumes of money raised or to be raised by virtue of this act shall be constantly accounted for by the collector or collectors thereof to the treasurer of Virginia for the time being upon his or their oath and by him to the governor, councill and burgesses of the generall assembly upon oath also and converted to the uses by them directed according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and to and for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever, any thing in this act contained, or any other matter or thing to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.       To account and pay to the treasurer




      This act to continue in force three years from the day of publication thereof, and no longer Limitation of this act.

An act for laying an imposition upon servants and slaves imported into this country, towards building the Capitoll. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS the state house of this his majesties colony and dominion in which the generall assemblyes and general courts have been kept and held hath been unhappily destroyed and burnt downe, and it being absolutely necessary that a capitoll should be built with all expedition, and forasmuch as a more suitable expedient cannot be found for avoiding the laying a levy upon the poll for the building the same than for laying an imposition upon servants and slaves imported into this his majesties colony and dominion, Preamble.
      Be it enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the publication of this act the sume of fifteen shillings per poll for every servant not born in England or Wales and twenty shillings for every negro or other slave which shall be imported into this his majesties colony and dominion shall be from time to time paid and satisfyed to his majestie, his heirs and successors for and towards the erecting and building a convenient capitoll for this his majesties colony and dominion and for no nother use, intent or purpose whatsoever, which said sume or sumes shall be paid by the importer or importers of such             and for the better levying and collecting the said duty and impost. Duty on servants and slaves imported.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the publication thereof no servant or servants, negro or negroes imported into this country shall be landed or put on shoar out of any shipp or vessell before due entry first made with the officer or collector appointed for the customes in such port or place where the same shall be imported, nor before the master of the said shipp or vessell hath made oath to such officer or collector who is hereby impowered and required to administer the same of the No servant or negro to be put on shore till due entry made, and duty paid




number of servants or slaves imported in such shipp or vessell and of the reputed place of the birth of such servant or servants, nor before the duty due and payable for the same shall be fully paid and satisfyed to such officer or collector, and that every warrant for the landing of such servants or slaves shall be under the hand and seale of the said officer or collector respectively upon paine that all such servants or slaves as shall be landed or putt on shore contrary to this act or the vallue thereof shall be forfeited and lost and shall be recovered of the importer or proprietor of the same. Penalty.

      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That if any master of shipp or vessell shall witingly or willingly make a false entry of any such servants or slaves and be thereof convicted he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sume of one hundred pounds sterling, and if any collector or officer shall directly or indirectly take or receive any bribe, recompence or reward to connive at any false entry of such servants or slaves, or if any person or persons shall give or pay any such bribe or reward, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sume of one hundred pounds sterling, all which penaltyes and forfeitures in this act expressed shall be divided into three equall parts, one third part thereof to his majestie, his heirs and successors towards the better support of the government and the contingent charges thereof, one other third part to the governor for the time being, and the other third part to him or them that will sue or informe for the same by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any court of record within this his majesties colony and dominion, in which no essoigne protection or wager of law shall be allowed.
      Penalty for false entry.

For bribery.

      Forfeitures, how appropriated.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the governor for the time being with the advice of the councill, shall be and is hereby impowered from time to time and at all times hereafter to nominate, constitute and appoint such and so many collectors or other officers, as also such salleryes not exceeding six in the hundred, for the collecting the said dutyes as to him shall seem best.       Collectors, how appointed.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all and every sume and sumes of money raised or to be raised by virtue of this




act be constantly accounted for by the collectors thereof to the treasurer of this his majesties colony and dominion for the time being, and by him to the governor, councill and burgesses of the generall assembly and converted to the uses by them directed according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and to and for no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever. Duties, how accounted for.
      And be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That this act shall continue in force for three years from the publication thereof, and no longer. Limitation of this act.

An act ascertaining Collectors and Navall Officers fees. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS the offices of the collectors and navall officers was formerly executed by one and the same person, and being now divided into two distinct offices, and forasmuch as the laws already made relateing thereto do not sufficiently provide for the same, and to the end that to each officer may be ascertained proper fees. Preamble.
      BE it enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That one act of assembly made at James City the 5th of June 1676 entituled an act ascertaining the price of cocquets and one other act made at James City the 25th of Aprill 1679, entituled an act ascertaining collectors fees for entry and clearing ships, &c. another act of assembly made at James City the 2d day of March 1692, entituled an act for ascertaining the price of coasting cocquets and requireing officers attendance, and all and every classes and articles in all and every the said acts contained, shall be and are hereby repealed and made void, null and of no effect to all intents, constructions and purposes as if the said acts had never been made, any thing in the said acts had never been made, any thing in the said acts or any of them to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Certain acts repealed.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That no collector or navall officer shall from and after the publication of this act




charge, demand, exact and take any more or greater fee or fees for any business, matter or thing by such collector or navall officer to be done or performed than hat is hereafter particularly enumerated, sett downe and expressed in the following tables (to witt) that the navall officers fees shall be as followeth: first, for entring and clearing any vessell if under fifty tuns, seven shillings and six pence; for taking a bond 2s. 6d.; for a permit to trade 2s. 6d.; for every loading cocque there 1s.; for a permit to sale 5s.; for a certificate for all imported goods that shall be removed out of one district into another after they are once landed 2s. 6d.; for entring and clearing any shipp or vessell if above fifty tuns and under one hundred tuns, tenn shillings; for entring and clearing any ship or vessell if above one hundred tuns, one pound five shillings−−

            That the collectors fees shall be,
Fees of naval officers.
      For entring and clearing any ship or vessell under fifty tunn and all fees whatsoever incident thereunto, tenn shillings; for entring and clearing any shipp or vessell if above fifty tunn and under one hundred tunn, and all fees incident thereunto, fifteen shillings; for entring and clearing any shipp or vessell if above one hundred tunn and all fees incident thereunto one pound five shillings: and if any collector or navall officer shall charge, exact, demand and take any other fee or fees that what is by this act particularly sett down and exprest and shall exact and take any larger or greater fee or fees for any matter or thing than s by this act allowed and given, he or they so offending and being thereof lawfully convicted shall for the first offence forfeit and pay the sume of one hundred pounds sterling, one moyety to the kings most excellent majestie, his heirs and successors for and towards the better support of the government, and the contingent charges thereof, and the other moyety to the party injured to be recovered in any of his majesties courts of record in this colony and dominion by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in which no essoigne protection, wager of law, privilege or more than one imparlance shall be admitted or allowed, and for the second offence, being lawfully convicted as aforesaid, shall be utterly incapable and disabled in law to hold, execute and enjoy the place and office of collector or navall officer or any profits or advantage ariseing therefrom for ever, and Fees of collectors,

Penalty for exceeding legal fees.




the said place or office shall imediately after such conviction be void to such person or persons to all intents and purposes as if he or they had been naturally dead. Provided alwayes, the sute be commenced within twelve months after the breach of the said act by any officer aforesaid. Within what time prosecution to be commenced
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That every navall officer and collector shall by this act enjoyned within             months after the publication hereof to sett up or cause to be sett up fairly written in his respective office a table or copy of the fees in this said act before recited, which being so sett up shall be from time to time so continued by each navall officer and collector. Table of fees to be set up.

An act directing the building the Capitoll and the City of Williamsburg. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      [====== This act, together with the title, is repeated verbatim in the revisall of 1705, chap XLIII. and declared to be in force; and several clauses added for the better execution thereof. −− It is therefore unnecessary to print it here.]

An act appointing a Treasurer. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS by one act of assembly made this present sessions, intituled an act for laying an imposition upon servants and slaves imported into this country towards the building a capitoll, and by one other act for lesening the levy by the pole and laying an imposition upon liquors towards the building a capitoll and for other public uses,
      It is enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That all and every sume and sumes of money raised or to be raised by virtue of the said acts shall be constantly accounted for and paid by the collectors thereof to the treasurer of this his majestyes colony and dominion for the time being.




And forasmuch as there is no express nomination of any person in certain to be treasurer.
      Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That Coll. Robert Carter shall be, and is hereby nominated, constituted and appointed treasurer of the revenues ariseing by the two before specified acts and is hereby authorised, impowered and required to demand, receive and take of and from every collector and collectors all and every sume and sumes of money ariseing by force of the two before specified acts of assembly. And the said coll. Robert Carter is authorised and required to keep and retaine all such money in his owne custody and possession untill he shall be ordered and required to dispose of the same in such manner and by such warrant, and for such uses, intents and purposes, and not other as are limited appointed and directed in the said acts, and in one other act made this assembly, entituled an act directing the building of the capitoll, &c. And forasmuch as by the before recited acts there is no provision made of sallery to the treasurer of the said impositions, Robert Carter appointed treasurer.

His duties.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the sallery of four per cent shall be allowed and paid unto the treasurer of this his majestyes colony and dominion for the revenues aforesaid, out of all and every sume and sumes of money ariseing by virtue of the said acts and accounted for to the governor, councill and burgeses of the generall assembly by the said treasurer, according to the directions of the said acts. Salary.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the said Coll. Robert Carter before his entry and admission into the aforesaid office and before his takeing upon him to execute and manage the same shall give bond in the secretaryes office with good and sufficient security in the sume of five thousand pounds sterling, payable to his majesty his heirs and successors for the true and faithful performance and discharge of the aforesaid office and place of treasurer according to the true intent and meaning of the aforesaid three acts of assembly. Provided alwayes, that in case of the death, departure out of the country or other disability of the treasurer hereby appointed before the next sessions of assembly, then it

Treasurer to give bond.




shall and may be lawfull for his excelency the governor and the governor or commander in chiefe for the time being, with the advice of the councill to appoint and constitute such other person as he shall think fitt to execute the said office of treasurer according to the severall rules and directions in this act expressed, who shall have, hold and enjoy the said office with all and singular its rights and profits, untill the next session of assembly, giveing such bond and security as is herein before directed, any thing in this or any other act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.       Vacancy in the office of treasurer to be supplied by the governor with the advice of council.

An act for raising a Publick Levy. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      BE it enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the sume of nineteen pounds of tobacco be paid by every tythable person within this his majestyes colony and dominion of Virginia for the defraying and payment of the publick charge of the county being the publick levy from the 24th day of September 1697 to this present time, and that it be paid by the collectors of the severall countyes to severall persons to whome it is proportioned by this generall assembly, and if it shall happen that there shall be more tythables in any county then the present levy is laid on, then such county to have creditt for so much to the use of the county, and if there shall happen to be less in any county, then such county shall bear the loss.       Taxes, or public levy, from 1697 to the present time.

Signed by                   FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Esq. Govr.
(Note to editions 1733 and 1752.)


  Pages 168-185  ======   ======  Pages 200-215
