Pages 82-97  ======   ======  Pages 119-136



General Assembly,

      Francis Nicholson, Esq. Govr.
And thence continued by prorogation to the first day of
1692, in the fourth yeare of their Majesties

An act for the better defence of the Countrey. Edit. 1733 and 1752.
      BE it enacted by their majesties lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgess of this present Generall Assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That one act of assembly made at James City, the 16th day of Aprill last, entituled an act for the better defence of the Countrey, and all clauses therein be, stand, and are from henceforth repealed and voyd, to all intents and purposes whatsoever.       Act XV. of last session repealed.

      And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, that whereas one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers, and two Indians well furnished with horses and other accoutrements,

Various Readings
      * The commencement of the acts of this session, precisely agrees in all the MSS. −− In the editions of 1733 and 1752 it is, "At a General Assembly, begun at James City, the sixteenth day of April, in the third year of the reign of our sovereign lord and lady William and Mary, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, king and queen, defenders of the faith, &c.; and in the year of our Lord 1692: And thence continued, by prorogation to first day of April 1692; in the fourth year of their majesties reign, being the second session of this present General Assembly."




are already listed on the head of each river to range and scout at the heads of the said great rivers, for which they serve, and in such other places, as shall be most likely to discover our enemies, that the said soldiers be, and are hereby continued as already settled, for soe long time not exceeding the last day of Aprill 1693, as the governour with the advice of the councell shall think convenient and necessary, and that the pay of each officer and soldier shall be as followeth, the lieutenant or commander of each party of soldiers finding himself horse, arms, amunition and provision, shall have and receive five thousand pounds of tobacco and casque out of the publique Levy, for one whole (a) year, and soe after that rate for a longer or shorter time, and each soldier finding himself horse, armes, furniture, amunition and other necessaries, three thousand pounds of tobacco and casque, and so after that rate for a longer or shorter time. And whereas it is impossible at present soe to provide that the countrey be effectually defended with the least trouble and charge to the inhabitants thereof,

Rangers and scouts already in service to be continued.

      Pay of officers and soldiers.
      Be it enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the Lieutenant Governour or Commander in Chiefe for the time being, with the advice of the Councell, have power upon all occations between this time and the last day of Aprill, which shall be in the year 1693, to raise, levy and muster soe many and such a number of men, horses, arms and amunition, for the better defence of the same, and such forces already raised or to be raised, at all times to disband and discharge, as to them shall seem most conducing to the advantage of this dominion, which said soldiers already setled or to be raised by force of this act, are upon all occations to observe, performe, and keepe all such directions, orders and commands, as shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governour or Commander in Chiefe for the time being, with the advice of the Councell, and Governor and council authorised to raise additional forces;

who are to obey the orders of the governor.

Various Readings
      (a) The word "whole" omitted in Ch. Cit. MS. but inserted in Northb. and P. Rand. MSS.




shall receive pay and be satisfyed proportionably to the time they shall be in service and after these rates, viz. and receive pay in proportion to their time of service.
      Each Captain finding himselfe horse, arms, amunition, provision, and all other necessaries, ten thousand pounds of tobaccoe and casque for one whole year, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time, each Lieutenant finding and providing himselfe as aforesaid, after the rate as in this act before exprest, and every private soldier mounted, armed and provided as aforesaid, after the rate in this act before exprest and mentioned. Rates of pay of officers and soldiers..
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the two Indians by this act appointed shall each of them have and receive from the Lieutenant of the Raingers to whome he belongs, eight yards of duffils and two barrels of Indian corn for his service for one yeare, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time, and the said lieutenant shall be reimburst by the publique, and that the said lieutenant doe take care and provide by warrant from the Commander in Chiefe of the county where hee resides for each of the said Indians, one able horse, bridle and saddle, for which the owner or owners of the said horse or horses furnished as aforesaid shall have and receive from the countrey in the next publique levy, after the rate of eighty pounds of tobacco and casque for one month, and so proportionably for a longer or shorter time. of the two Indians.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That for the future if any English or Indians shall bring any news or give any intelligence to any of their majesties officers civil or military, that he or they bringing the same (a) be kept in custody till it may reasonably be known whether what they report be true or not, and if it prove true and be of use and service to the government he or they shall be well rewarded, but if false, punished as the crime shall deserve, and the court of the county where such intelligence shall be given together with the militia officers English or Indians bringing in any news, or giving intelligence, how to be dealt with.

Various Readings
      * The running title to the acts of this session in edi. 1733 and 1752 is "Anno regni Gulielmi et Mariæ quarto."
      (a) The words "the same" omitted in Northb. MSS. but inserted in Ch. Cit. and P. Rand. MSS.




are hereby impowered to consider what reward any person shall deserve, and certifie the same to the next generall assemble for allowance, as also to cause to be inflicted such punishments as any persons crime shall deserve.

An act for Confirmation of Lands. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS severall doubts and controversies have arisen and daly doe arise upon the fifth act of assembly made in anno 1677, entituled an act ascertaining the price of double pattents, the same having been variously expounded, for the clearing therefore of all doubts and ambiguities as may be therein, Preamble.
      Be it enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authoritie thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That where one or more tract or tracts of land have been taken up and added to a pattent already seated, that no such tract or tracts of land shall henceforth be deemed forfeited for want of due seating, Provided such tract or tracts of land be duly seated within three years from the publication of this law, as is by law required, but that the same be and are hereby confirmed to such persons or persons as are the present owner or possessor thereof, as fully as if such tract or tracts had been actually seated as the law enjoyned, this law nor any thing herein contained not prejudiceing the grants already made of any lands, which were joyned with former seated dividents, and were not themselves seated, but that the present proprietors enjoy the same according to the grants made them, Provided they have or shall within the time limited by the said grants comply with the condition of them. Lands added to a patent already created, not to be forfeited for want of seating, provided it be seated within three years, from the passing of this act.
All such confirmed to the present possessors.
      Provided nevertheless, That all lands hereafter to be taken up and pattented as aforesaid, shall be adjudged forfeited for want of due seating unless, according to the time by pattent limited, they shall be duly seated as the law requires: Provided alwaies, that no land found by a survey of any seated tract to be within the bounds of the said tract or any not habitable marshes or sunken grounds taken up or to be taken up as aforesaid,       But such lands hereafter to be adjudged forfeited, unless seated within the time prescribed by law.
Not to extend to surplus.




shall be liable to the penalties thereof, any law, usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding, Provided the said marshes or sunken grounds be exactly surveyed and their majesties quitt rents paid for the same. within the bounds of a patent, or marshes or sunken grounds.

An act for the more speedy prosecution of slaves committing Capitall Crimes. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS a speedy prosecution of negroes and other slaves for capital offences is absolutely necessary, that others being detered by the condign punishment inflicted on such offenders, may vigorously proceed in their labours and be affrighted to commit the like crimes and offences, and whereas such prosecution has been hitherto obstructed by reason of the charge and delay attending the same.       ====== This is the first law constituting a tribunal expressly for the trial of slaves.
      Be it therefore enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That every negro or other slave which shall after this present session of Assembly commit or perpetrate any cappitall offence which the law of England requires to be satisfyed with the death of the offender or loss of member, after his commiting of the said offence, shall be forthwith committed to the common gaol of the county within which (a) such offence shall be committed, there to be safely continued, well laden with irons, and that the sheriff of the said county doe forthwith signifie the same to the governour for the time being, who is desired and impowered to issue out a commission of oyer and terminer directed to such persons of the said county as he shall think fitt, which persons forthwith after the receipt of the said commission are required and commanded publicly at the courthouse

      Slave committing a capital offence, to be committed to the jail of the county.

      Sherif to give notice to the governor;

who is to issue a commission of oyer and terminer, to such persons as he shall think fit.

Various Readings
      (a) The word "which" omitted in Ch. Cit. MS. but inserted in Northb. and P. Rand. MSS.




of the said county to cause the offender to be arraigned and indicted, and to take for evidence the confession of the party or the oaths of two witnesses or of one with pregnant circumstances, without the sollemnitie of jury, and the offender being found guilty as aforesaid, to pass judgment as the law of England provides in the like case, and on such judgment to award execution.       Offender to be arraigned and indicted.
No jury.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That all horses, cattle and hoggs marked of any negro or other slaves marke, or by any slave kept, and which shall not by the last day of December next, be converted by the owner of such slave to the use and mark of the said owner, shall be forfeited to the use of the poore of the parish wherein such horse, beast, or hogg shall be kept, seizable by the church wardens thereof. Horses, cattle and hogs, marked with the mark of slave to be converted by the owner of the slave to the uses and marks of the owner, otherwise forfeited to the parish.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That where it shall happen that any damage shall be hereafter commited by any negro or other slave living at a quarter, where there is noe christian overseer, the same damage shall be recompence by the owner of such slave to the party injured. Damage done by slaves, at a quarter, where no white overseer, to be paid by the owner of the slaves.

An act about Physicians and Chyrurgeons accounts. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS it is expressed and declared in the 92 act of assembly entituled Chyrurgeons accounts regulated, that it shall be lawfull for any person or persons conceiving the accounts of Physician or Chyrurgeon unreasonable, to arrest the said Physician or Chyrurgeon to the generall or county court,       Act 92, of March 1661-2 amended.
(See vol. 2, pa. 109.)
      Be it enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the same clause be henceforth repealed, and it is hereby repealed, the same being in itselfe unreasonable.

      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That every Physician or Chyrurgeon be allowed the true vallue of his druggs and means, with cent per cent upon the first cost, he making oath to the same, and that where the Physician and Chyrurgeon
      Physicians and surgeons hereafter allowed, one hundred per cent on the value of their drugs and medicines.




cannot declare upon his oath the first cost of his medicines the court wherein any controversey shall depend about the same, shall and are hereby empowered to give judgment therein according to the best of their knowledge, allowing the physician or chyrurgeon for his care, visitts, and attendance, a recompence suitable to his deserts.       To declare on oath the value of their medicines.
      Otherwise the court to decide according to their best judgments.

An act for dividing Rappahanoc county. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS sundry inconveniences attend the inhabitants of Rapahanoc county and all others who have occations to prosecute law suits there, by reason of the difficulty in passing the river.
      Be it therefore enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, councell and Burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the aforesaid county of Rappahanoc be divided into two distinct counties, so that Rappahanoc river divide the same, and that that part which is now on the north side thereof be called and known by the name of Richmond county, and that that part which is now on the south side thereof be called and known by the name of Essex county; and for the due administration of justice,
      Rappahannock county formed into two distinct counties
That part lying on north side of the river, to be called Richmond; and that on the south, Essex.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the court of the said county of Richmond be constantly held by the justices thereof on the first Wednesday of the month, in such manner as by the laws of this countrey is provided, and shall be by their commission directed.       Court days of Richmond county.
      And the court for the said county of Essex be constantly held by the justices thereof on the 10th day of the month, in such manner as by the laws of this countrey is provided and shall be by their commission directed. Of Essex.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That whereas the town land lying at




Hobs hole (a) on the south side of the said county was purchased by the intire county as now it is, the charge thereof being equally defrayed by the whole number of the tytheables of the said county, that the moyety of the tobacco arising from the sales thereof, to the severall takers up of the aforesaid lands, be repaid unto the inhabitants of the north side thereof, upon the takeing up of the said land at the town aforesaid.       Town land, at Hobs hole how appropriated.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the records belonging to the county of Rappahanoc before this division be kept in Essex county, that belonging wholly to their majesties and the other to the proprietors of the Northern Neck.       Records of Rappahannock county, to be transferred to Essex.

An act for the altering the day for Princess Ann county court. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      FORASMUCH as it is by experience found that the day appointed for holding courts in Princess Ann county according to the 20th act of the last session of assembly, entituled an act for dividing Lower Norfolke county, is very inconvenient for the inhabitants of that and adjacent counties, whose affaires frequently require their attention at that court, and forasmuch as is desired that the said day may be altered, and another day appointed by an act of assembly. Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That so much of the said act as appoints the day for holding courts in Princess Ann county be, and is hereby repealed.
      And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That for the future the court for the said Princess Ann county be constantly held by the justices thereof on the first Wednesday of the month in such manner as by the laws of this country is provided Court days of Princess Ann county altered.

Various Readings
      (a) "Hops" hole in the Chs. Cit. MS. "Hobs hole" in Northb. and P. Rand. MSS.




and shall be by their commissions directed, any law usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding.

An act for raising a publique levy.(a) Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      Be it enacted by their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authoritie thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the sum of 17lb. and one quarter of tobaccoe be paid by every person within this their majesties colony and dominion of Virginia, for the defraying and payment of the publique charge of the countrey being the publique levy from the 16th day of Aprill 1691 to the first day of this present Aprill (b) being in the year of our lord 1692, and that (c) it be paid by the collectors of the severall counties to the severall persons to whom it is apportioned by this present generall assembly, and if it shall happen that there shall be more tytheables in any county, then this present levy is laid on, then such county to have credit for so much to the use of the county, and if their shall happen to be less in any county then such county shall beare the loss.

      Taxes, or public levy for 1692.

      How appropriated.
Vera Copia,            Teste, PETER BERVERLY,
Clerke of the House of Burgesses.

Various Readings
      (a) The title of this act omitted in Northb. MS. but it is inserted, as above, in Ch. Cit. and P. Rand. MSS.
      (c) The word "Aprill" omitted in Northb. MS. but inserted in Ch. Cit. and P. Rand. MSS.
      (c) The words "and that" omitted" omitted in Northb. MS. but inserted in Ch. Cit. and P. Rand. MSS.




Att a Generall Assembly begun at James Citty the 16th day of Aprill 1691, and thence continued by prorogation to the first day of Aprill 1692.
Northumberland countie, Dr.
      To salary 1536
      To the Lieut on Potomack
            river over the Rangers
      To the 11 soldiers at Ditto 13200
Ditto Dr.
      To Peter Beverley for a
            copy of the laws.
      To a copy of the
P. R. cl. H. B.
      Contra Cr.
By 980 tithables at 17 1-4 per pole,
Vera Copia,
Clerke of the House of

Signed by             FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Esq. Gov'r.
            THOMAS MILNER, Speaker.

(Note to editions 1733 and 1752.)



Generall Assembly,



Sir Edmund Andros, Governor.
An act for suspending the execution of the act for ports, &c. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS at a Generall Assembly begun and holden at James Citty the 16th day of Aprill in the 3d yeare of the reign of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King and Queen, an act was made and established entituled an act for portes, &c. to be of full force and effect from and after the first day of October last past, and whereas the said act is of great moment, weight and consequence and the said act lying before their majesties, and their majesties pleasure relating thereto not yet signified,

Various Readings
      * The commencement of the acts of this session precisely agrees in all the MSS. −− In the editions of 1733 and 1752, it is different, thus, 'At a General Assembly, begun at James City, the second day of March, in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign lord and lady William and Mary, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, king and queen, defenders of the faith, &c. and in the year of our Lord 1692.' −− The omission, in the editions of 1733 and 1752, to annex the figure "3" to the date of the year, as in the MSS thus, 1692-3, exhibits this strange appearance, that the acts of the preceding session, of April 1692, are inserted before those of March 1692; but, by annexing the figure "3" according to the custom, of that day, no such impropriety appears.




      Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this Generall Assembly and the authority thereof and it is hereby enacted, That the execution of the said law and every article, clause, branch and provision therein contained shall be and is hereby to all intents, constructions and purposes, suspended till their majesties pleasure shall be known therein or till the next assembly. Act of 1691, for ports, &c. suspended, till the pleasure of the king and queen should be known, or until the next assembly.

An act concerning Indian hoggs. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS the 6th act of assembly made in the yeare 1674, intituled an act comanding such Indians who keepe hoggs, to marke the same, injoynes all Indians that keepe hoggs to have a particular marke for their towne, and forasmuch as it hath been represented to this assembly that the Notoway Indians and others keeping hoggs have divers markes and more especially the markes of sundry English adjacent to them and under colour thereof doe kill and dispose of the hoggs belonging to the English and it seeming disputable what county courts shall assign the marke of the Notoway and Weyonock Indians.

      Be it therefore enacted by the Governour, Councell and Burgesses of this Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That Surry county court be appoynted and is hereby authorised and impowered within this six months after the publication hereof to assign a particular marke to each of the townes of the Notowayes and Weyonock Indians, and that for the future if any English whatsoever shall buy or receive from any Indian whatsoever shall buy or receive from any Indian whatsoever any porke, and is not able to prove such porke soe bought or received as aforesaid to be of the proper marke belonging to the towne of Indians to which the said Indian or Indians that sell the same doe belong, shall forfeit and pay one thousand pounds of tobacco one halfe to their majesties their heires and successors for and towards the better supporte of this government and defraying the contingent charge thereof; and the other halfe to him or them that will sue for the same to be recovered by action of debt, by bill, plaint or information in any courte of judicature in this country.
Surry county court authorised to assign a mark for the Nottoway and Weyonock Indians.
      Penalty for buying or receiving pork of an Indian, without being able to prove it to have been of the proper Indian mark.




An act for giveing encouragement to erect Fulling Mills. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS by the third act of assembly made at James Citty the 23d of September 1667 entituled an act for encouragement for erecting of mills, it is enacted that if any person willing to erect one or more mills upon convenient places hath land only on one side the said place and the owner of the land on the other side refuse to lett him have an acre of land to the use aforesaid, that then the county courte upon the request of the party soe refused shall order and impower two of their commissioners or such other credible persons as they shall thinke fitt to view the said land, and if it take not away howsing orchards and other immediate conveniences then to value the said quantity of land and put the same in the possession of the party building the same in the possession of the party building the said mill or mills, he paying the consideration the land is valued at; for the encouragement therefore erecting fulling mills in this countrie,

      Be it enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the same priviledge, advantage and benefitt be hereafter deemed construed held and taken to extend and be accordingly given and allowed unto all and every person or persons who shall be minded to erect and sett up one or more thereof.       Provisions of act of 1677, for erecting grist mills, extended.

An act for ascertaining the price of coasting coquitts and requireing officers attendance. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS complaint hath been made to this assembly that collectors for the time past have usually taken and received divers and distinct sums of money from the inhabitants of, and traders into this collony for coasting permitts, let passes and cocquitts although there be noe fee ascertained or established for the same by law. Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That for the time to come nothing shall be demanded received or




taken by any collector, sub-collector or any other manner of person or persons whatsoever they be, which now have or which at any time hereafter shall have power and authority to enter and cleare shipes, sloopes or other vessells by himselfe or themselves or by any other of his or their ministers for a coasting permitt, let pass and cocquet above one shilling current money except for the enumerated comodities according to law, and that every collector, sub-collector, and other person and persons having or which hereafter shall have power and authority to enter and cleare shipes, sloopes, or other vessels and all other their ministers whatsoever they be, that shall doe or attempt or cause to be done or attempted against this act in any thing shall forfitt and loose for every time soe offending to the party grieved in that behalfe soe much money as any such person aforesaid shall take contrary to this present act, and over that shall loose and forfitt ten pounds sterling, whereof one moyety shall be to their majesties theire heires and successors to and for the better suport of this government and other the contingent charges thereof, the other moyety to the party grieved in that behalfe, that will sue by action of debt by bill information or otherwayes, in any court of record within this country for recovery of the same in which action by bill or information noe essoigne protection nor wager of law shall be allowed or admitted; and whereas many of the inhabitants of and traders into this colony are divers times exposed to great charge and trouble in coming to collectors to make entry of and cleare their shipes, sloopes or other vessells when the said collectors are absent from home and none their attend that are qualified to enter and cleare ships sloopes or other vessells, for the removeing such inconveniences for the future,

Price of coasting permit, let pass, and cocquet ascertained.

      Penalty for exceeding legal rates.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That every collector and collectors and every other manner of person or persons they be which now have or which at any time hereafter shall have power and authority to enter and cleare shipes sloopes or other vessels shall by himselfe and themselves or by sume other his or their ministers or substitutes be constantly resident at and abide at the place he holds his office, to be ready at all lawfull times to make entry of and cleare shipes, sloopes or other vessells.       Officers authorised to clear ships or vessels, to reside at the place where the clearance is to be granted.




An act for encourageing the erecting of a Post Office in this country. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS the erection and establishment of a post office within this collony is conceived to be of generall concernement and of great advantage for the increase and preservation of trade and comerce therein for thereby speedy and safe dispatch may be had, and whereas their majesties by theire letters patents under the greate seale of England bearing date the 17th day of February in the 4th yeare of their reigne have given unto Thomas Neale esq his executors administrators and assignes full power and authority to errect, settle and establish within the chiefe portes of their severall islands colonyes and plantations in America, an office or offices for the receiving and dispatching away of letters and pacquetts, and to receive, send and deliver the same under such rates and sumes of money as the planter or inhabitants should agree to give or should be proportionable to the rates for the carriage of letters ascertained in the act of parliament for the erecting and establishing a post office to hold and enjoy the same for the terme of one and twenty yeares under the yearely rent of six shillings and eight pence as by the said letters patents relation thereunto being had will more fully appeare.
      Preamble, reciting an act of parliament, which authorises Thos. Neale, esq. to establish a post office, in the several islands and American colonies.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present Generall Assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That if the said Tho. Neale his substitutes substitute or deputy shall by virtue of the said letters patents erect settle and establish in some convenient place within this colony and dominion one generall post office from whence all letters and pacquetts whatsoever may with expedition be sent unto any part of this colony and to every other place whatsoever and at which said office all returnes and answers may be received and shall alsoe in each county within this colony, setle and establish one or more post office or post offices as is in this act hereinafter provided, then it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Tho. Neale Esqr. his substitutes and deputyes by him thereunto sufficiently authorised to demand, have, receive and take for the postage and conveyancy for all

General post office establishment;

and a post office in each county.




such letters which he or they shall soe conveye, carry or send post, according to the severall rates and sumes of current money hereafter mentioned, not to exceed the same, that is to say, for the post of every letter not exceeding one sheet to or from any place not exceeding fourscore English miles distance from the place where such letter shall be received three pence, and for the like post of every letter not exceeding two sheets six pence, and for the like post of every pacquet of letters proportionable unto the said rates, that is to say for every letter not exceeding two sheets, to advance five pence and noe more, and for the like post of every pacquet of writs deeds and other things after the rate of twelve pence for every ounce weight, and for the post of every letter not exceeding one sheet above the distance of fourscore English miles from the place where the same shall be received four pence halfpenny, and for the like post of a letter not exceeding two sheets nine pence, and proportionable to rates for the like post of all pacquets of letters, that is to say, for every sheet exceeding two sheets to advance four pence half penny and noe more, and for the like of every pacquet of and writs, deeds and other things after the rates of eighteen pence for every ounce weight; Provided alwaies, that all merchants accounts and bills of exchange, invoyces and bills of loading are and shall be understood to be allowed at the rate and price of double letters, and shall be understood to be allowed to pass at the same rate and payment.

Rates of postage.

Proviso as to merchants accounts and bills of exchange, &c.
      Provided alwaies, That nothing in this present act contained shall extend or construed to extend to restraine any marchants masters or others from sending any letters or pacquetts to or from this collony by any masters of ships or other vessells or by any other person or persons which such merchants masters or others will specially imploy or intrust for the carriage of the same according to the respective derections, provided likewise, that all letters superscribed for theire majesties countries service comonly called state letters which are usually carried postage free in England shall pass free throughout this collony; provided likewise, that the said Thomas Neale his executors administrators or assignes or such person or persons as he or they shall nominate shall and will from time to time This act not to prevent merchants from sending letters by masters of vessels, or others.

Not to extend to public letters.

Duty of postmaster in relation to letters




upon his or theire receipt of any letters or pacquets which shall be directed into this collony from England or any other parts, or from any parts or parts within this collony to any other parts or places within the same, cause the said letters or pacquetts to be forthwith dispersed caried and delivered in the severall parts of this collony as they shall be directed, and from time to time as he or they or any of them shall collect or receive any letters or pacquets to be sent from this collony to England shall dispatch and send away the same by the first ship that shall be bound for any part of England, to be there delivered to the next deputy postmaster and where any letters or pacquetts shall be derected from this collony to some other foreigne parts that he or they shall dispatch and send away the same according to their respective derections by the first conveniancy of carriage or conveyance thereof, and that those services shall be performed with care and without any neglect or delay at the rates and prices before mentioned. received from England, and to be sent there, and to other foreign parts;
      Provided likewise, That all publique orders which the governour councell and other theire majesties officers for the time being shall issue out from time to time for the imediate service of theire majesties and this countrie shall be dispatched and distributed by the respective post officers with this collony without any charge, provided likewise, that the said Tho. Neale Esqr his substitutes or deputies shall at theire owne proper costs and charges errect setle and establish or cause to be errected setled or established one or more post office or post offices in every respective county of this collony at the most convenient places of the same; except alwaies out of this act letters of masters and merchants which shall be sent by any masters of any shipes barques or other vessells of merchandise or by any other person imployed by them for the carriage of such letters aforesaid according to the respective derections, and alsoe except letters to be sent by any private friend or friends in theire wayes or [of] joyrneye or travell or by any messenger or messengers sent on purpose for or concerning the private offices of any person or persons whatsoever. and, in relation to public orders from the governor and council.

To establish a post office, in each county.

      Exceptions, out of this act.
      Provided alwaies, That this act shall continue in force for and during the terme granted by theire majesties letters pattents before receited unto Tho. Neale Limitation of act.




Esqr. his executors administrators and assignes under the greate seale of England bearing date the 17th day of February in the 4th yeare of theire reigne and noe longer.

An act for continuing the Rangers at the head of the four great Rivers. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      WHEREAS it is verry necessary and beneficiall for the defence of this theire majesties dominion and the inhabitants thereof that the rangers at the heads of the four grate rivers be continued. Preamble.
      Be it therefore enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly, and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That from and after the last day of Aprill, one lieutenant, eleaven soldiers and two Indians well furnished with horses and other accoutrements be continued leived armed and mustered to range and scout about the great rivers and in such other places as shall be most likely to discover our enemies and that the pay of each soldier leived or to be leived armed and mustered shall be as followes, viz. the leiutenant or comander of each party of soldiers finding himselfe horse, accoutrements, furniture, amunition and provisions, shall have and receive five thousand pounds of tobacco and casque out of the publique levie for one whole yeare, and soe after that rate for a shorter time, and each souldier finding himselfe horse, armes, furniture, ammunition and other necessaries, three thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one yeare, and soe after that rate for a shorter time. Rangers continued at the heads of the four great rivers.

Their pay.
      And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That the two Indians by this act appointed shall each of them have and receive from the lieutenant of the rangers to whom he belongs eight yeards of duffils and two barrels of Indian corne for his service for one yeare, and soe proportionable for a shorter time, and the said lieutenant shall be reimbursted by the publique, and that the said lieutenant doe take care and provide by warrant from the commander in chiefe of the county wherein he resides, for each of the said Indians an able horse bridle and sadle for which the owner or owners of said horse or horses furnished
Pay of Indians.

Horses to be provided.




as aforesaid shall have and receive from the county in the next publique levie after the rates of eighty pounds of tobacco and casque for one month, and soe proportionable for a longer or shorter time and that the said comander in chiefe of the respective counties take care that the said officers and souldiers be duly mustered and an account thereof sent from time to time to the secretaries office, and forasmuch as there is no certainty of future events and therefore uncertaine how to provide for the effectual defence of the country, and to the end it may be provided for with the least charge, Duty of commanders in chief of the several counties.
      Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That upon any emergency all such souldiers which the governour with the advice and consent of the councell shall levei arme and muster for the better defence of this country shall be paid out of the publique levie and that the governour may from time to time and at all times by and with the advice and consent of the said councell disband and discharge all forces raised or to be raised by virtue of this act, as to the said governour with the advice and consent of the said councell shall seeme most conduceable to the advantage of this theire majesties dominion, which said souldiers shall receive pay and be satisfied proportionably to the time they shall be in service and after these rates: viz. Each captain finding himselfe horse, armes, ammunition, provision and all other necessaries ten thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one year and soe proportionable for a shorter time, and every private souldier finding and providing himselfe with horse, armes, amunition, provision and all other necessaries three thousand pounds of tobacco and casque for one yeare and soe proportionable for a shorter time. Soldiers to be raised by governor and council, in cases of emergency.

How paid.
      And be it further enacted by the authority oforesaid, and it is hereby enacted, That for the future if any English other christians or Indians shall bring any newes or give any inteligence to any of theire majesties officers civill or military such officer to whome the same shall be brought shall diligently inquire into and examine the grounds thereof, and if such newse prove true




and be of use and service to the government, that then he or they bringing the same shall be rewarded, but if false punished as the crime shall deserve, and the county court when such inteligence shall be given are hereby impowered to consider what reward such person bringing newes and giveing inteligence shall deserve, and certifie the same to the next generall assembly for allowance, and if the newes and inteligence be false cause such punishment to be inflicted on the person telling the same as his crime shall deserve. Divulgers of news, to be rewarded or punished according to the fact.
      This act to continue in force untill the last day of Aprill, which shall be in the year 1694 and no longer.

An act for raising the publique Levie. Edi. 1733 and 1752.
      Be it enacted by the governour, councell and burgesses of this present generall assembly and the authority thereof, and it is hereby enacted, That the sume of thirteen pounds and three quarters of tobacco be paide by every tithable person within this their majesties collony and dominion of Virginia for the defraying and payment of the publique charge of the countrey being the publique levie from the first day of Aprill 1692 to this present time, and that it be paide by the collectors of the severall countyes to the severall persons to whome it is proportioned by this present generall assembly and if it shall happen that there shall be more tithables in any county then the present levy is laid on then such county to have credit for soe much to the use of the county, and if there shall happen to be less in any county then such county shall bear the loss. Public taxes for 1692.
Vera Copia,        
      Teste, PETER BEVERLEY,
Clerke of the House of Burgesses.




At a Generall Assembly begun at James Citty the 2nd day of May 1692.
Northumberland county, Dr.
      To sallary 1224
      To Col. Samll.
      To James Crawley, 3240
      To the Lieut. and 11
            souldiers for
            Patomack River
Ditto Dr.
      To Peter Beverley
            for a coppy of the
      For a coppy of the
      Contra Credr.
by 980 tithables at
      13 3-4 per pole 13475
Teste, PETER BEVERLY,     
Clerke of the House of Burgesses.
Northumberland county.

Public taxes.

For a copy of the laws.


  Pages 82-97  ======   ======  Pages 119-136
