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Statutes at Large.

Writ against a non-resident of a county to abate the return, 250.
Attachment against, 507.
Court days of, altered, 30. Again altered, 140.
ACCOUNT, Action of.
Limitation of, 381. Further time allowed, after reversal of judgment, 382. Saving to infants, &c. 383. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Limitation of actions on, 378, 381. Not to extend to persons removing out of the country, 378. Proof of accounts, how to be made, 379. When defendant may deny an oath, 379. How proved by executors or administrators, 379. Where the defendant does not appear, 379. Courts may reduce physicians' accounts, 379. Proof against executors and administrators, 380. When plaintiff may make oath, 380. When he is unable to travel to court, 380.
Limitation of real actions, 323, 324. Of personal actions, 381, 382. Further time allowed, after reversal of judgment, 382. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Of county courts, 505.
Of intestates' estates, when to be committed to sheriff, 374.
Debts due as, of the first dignity, 375. See Executors and Administrators.
Penalty for, 74, 139, 361. By servants, how punishable, 139.
Made to children, how accounted for, 371.
Of Quakers, allowed in evidence, 298.
How naturalized, 434. Fees to governor, 435. Lands purchased of, confirmed, 435. Proviso, as to privileges of, 435.






Exempted, from execution or distress, 83. What quantity the militia must supply themselves with, 13. Penalty for failure, 14. Appropriation of duties, for procuring, 66.
Term, applied to Virginia, 181.
Certain acts concerning, repealed, 143. Fifteen per cent. damages, on affirmance, on the principal, damages and costs of the county court, 143. No appeal to be allowed, without bond and security by the appellant, 143. From judgments and decrees of general court, 300. Rules as to assigning errors, 300, 301. Damages on affirmance, 301. Days for appeals, 301. From county courts to general court, 513. Bond and security, 513. Damages, in personal and mixt actions, 513. In real actions, 513. Bail bond, where plaintiff appeals, 514. Penalty of bond, 514. Right of, from the general court to the assembly, abolished by an order of the king. From the general court to the king, in council, limitted, 546.
Of goods, taken in execution, 385.
When orphans to be bound, 375. Duty of their masters, 375. Power of courts, in hearing their complaints, 375.
Of slaves, 103, 269.
Exempted from execution and distress, 13. What arms, &c. the militia to supply themselves with, 13. Penalty, for failure, 14. Appropriation of duties, for procuring, 66. Arms, &c. be provided
by each militia man, 338. Time allowed to provide arms, &c. 338. Horse, arms, &c. exempted from distress, execution, &c. 338.
Regular, raised, 17. Number of, 17. Officers, how appointed, 18. Pay of officers and privates, 18. Troops to be mustered, 18. When and where to scout and range, 18. When and where to scout and range, 18. Duty of officers on approach of an enemy, 19. Horses, first mustered, not to be changed, except in cases of accident, 20. Troops to be quartered near the frontiers, 20. Horses lost in service to be paid for, 20. Militia, when to be called out, 20. Pay of militia, if continued in service over six days, 20. Boats, where and by whom to be provided, 21. Troops, raised under a former law continued, 22. Pensions allowed wounded soldiers, 22. Army disbanded, 38. Raised for the defence of the country, 82. To consist of 1 lieutenant, 11 soldiers and two Indians, 83. Their pay and duty, 83, 84. Continued, 99, 100, 115, 119, 126.
Privilege of burgesses from, 244. Of witnesses, 299.
May be impressed, 365. Pay of, 366.
Limitation of actions for, 382. Further time allowed after refusal of judgment, 382. Saving to infants, &c. 383. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Letter of king James II. complaining of proceedings of house of burgesses, in contesting the governor's negative in passing laws, 40. Ordered to be dissolved, 40. Clerk of house of burgesses, to be appointed






by governor, 41. When public claims to be laid before, 44. Mode of electing burgesses for, 172. Qualification of electors, 172. Penalty for giving money, meat, drink, &c. to be elected, 173. How the poll to be taken, 172. Form of return, 173. Vacancies, how supplied, 174. Penalty on sheriff for not taking poll, or to give notice of an election, or for making a false return, 174. Qualification of those to be elected, 174. To be continued, notwithstanding the demise of the crown, 216. Act regulating elections of burgesses, &c. re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 236. See Elections. Privileges of members of, 244. When a town or borough, entitled to send a burgess, 414. General assembly not to be dissolved by demise of the crown, 355. Official acts, between death of king, and proclamation of successor valid; and crimes punished, as usual, 356. Not to limit power of governor and council, 356.
Of patents, adjudged good, 321, 519. Of bonds or bills allowed, 378. Assignee may sue in his own name, 378. But must allow all discounts against himself or first obligor, 378.
How punished, 168, 169, 358, 359.
When to issue to compel an appearance, 249. Remedy of bail and sheriff, by attachment, in the general court, 295. Attachments against absconding debtors, 508. May be replevied, 508. bonds, on granting attachments, 508.
Billy, an out-lying slave attainted, 210. Reward for killing him, 210.
Penalty for harboring, concealing, or dealing with him, 210.
Collectors to account with, 24.
How to be taken and returned, in the general court, 294. Liability of, 294. Defence by, 294. Special bail, 295. Remedy of bail and sheriff, by attachment, 295. In criminal cases, 391. Special bail, when liable, 511. Court may rule to bail, 511. No special bail for breach of penal law, 511. Bail bond where plaintiff appeals, 514.
Ballast to be unloaded, on the land only, above high water mark, under penalty of 10l. sterling, for every offence, 46. How the penalty recovered, 46. Provided that where it shall appear that the throwing ballast into a river or creek will improve the navigation, the justices of the county may give permission to do so, 47. Penalty for casting into rivers and creeks, 353.
White man or woman, bond or free, intermarrying with a negro, mulatto or Indian, to be banished forever, 87.
Ministers not to marry without licenses or publication of banns, 441. Banns, how published, where no minister, 442. Fees for, 445. Penalty for refusing to publish banns, 446.
Of slaves, no exemption from bondage, 469.
Size of, for pork, beef, tar, and pitch 254.
Free white woman having a bastard






by a negro, or mulatto, to pay 15l. sterling; and in default of payment to be sold for five years, 87. Such bastard child to be bound, as a servant, till 30 years of age, 87. Servant woman, thus having a bastard, to be sold for 5 years, after expiration of her term of servitude, 87. Term of servitude altered, 139, 140. Reputed father to indemnify the parish, 140. Woman servants having bastards, how long to serve, 452. Duty of reputed father, 452. Master getting his servant with child, not entitled to additional service, 453. Woman servants or free woman having bastards by negroes or mulattoes, penalty for, 453. How long the child to serve, 453. Murder to conceal the death of a bastard child, 515.
Size of barrels for, 148. Penalty for making, exposing to sale, or exporting barrels of less dimensions, 148. Packers of beef and pork to be appointed, by the justices, in counties where deemed necessary, 148. Justices to appoint a mark to be put on the barrels, 149. Acts concerning, re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 254, &c.
To be chosen in towns, 408. Their power an duty, 410.
Letter of king James II. ascribing to him the proceedings of the assembly of 1685, pa. 40, 41. Ordered to be prosecuted, and declared incapable of holding any office, 41. Clerk of the house of burgesses, in his place, to be appointed by governor, 41. Robert Beverley committed a prisoner on board the Duke of York, 543. Warrant of commitment, 543. Order to receive
him, 544. Beverley's letter, 545. His papers ordered to be seized, 545. Transferred from the Duke of York to the Concord, 545. Sent to the Eastern Shore, 546. Escapes, is retaken, and ordered before the council, 546. Petitions for a habeas corpus, 446. Refused, till the king's pleasure known, 546. His submission and pardon, 548. His death, 550. −− [Testimonies of his services in the Rebellion, 1676, from an ancient MS. 551.] His petition to be admitted to bail, 551. Order of council, that sheriff of York county take him into custody, 552. Order of council, that he remain in custody until he give security, &c. 553. Copy of the bond, 553. Petition for enlargement from confinement, 554. Rejected, 555. Petition for a speedy trial, or an extension of his limits, 555. His appearance at the general court, and the order made thereat, 556. His former bond discharged, and new bond with security, ordered by the court, 557. His motion to be heard to speak for himself, but is prevented, 557. Copy of remarks which he intended to make, 557. Copy of new bond for good behaviour, 560. Warrant to sheriff of Middlesex, to summon Beverley to appear before the council, 561. Questions put to him on his appearance, about opening a certain packet containing writs, with his answers thereto, 561. Richard Farmer's declaration about the packet, 561. Proclamation of the governor, pardoning every person engaged with or adhering to the rebellious plant cutters and plant destroyers, on his taking the oath of obedience, except Robert Beverley and some others, 564.






Proceedings in Gloster court on Beverley's appearing to act as an attorney, 565. Opinions of the justices thereupon, 565. Letter of N. Spencer to the justices, 566. Copy of commission of sir William Berkeley, governor, to major R. Beverley, 567. His letter of credit from sir William Berkeley to masters, supercargoes, &c. of vessels, 567. Letter from sir. Wm. Berkeley to him, 568. Another from same, 569. Another do. 569. Certificate of the house of burgesses, of his great faithfulness and ready abilities, and petition that he may be continued in office as clerk to the house, 570. Order of council continueing him in the appointment, 571.
Limitation of action on, 146. Not to extend to cases where the debtor removes out of the county, 146, 378. Assignment of, allowed, and assignee may sue in his own name, 378.
Damages on, protested, 381.
Fee for registering, 153.
To deny the being of a God, or the trinity, or to assert that there are more Gods than one, or to deny the Christian religion to be true, or the scriptures to be of divine authority, subjects the party, for the first offence, to incapacity to hold any office; for the second offence, to disability to sue, and incapacity to be guardian or executor, or to take any gift or legacy, besides incapacity to bear any office, ecclesiastical, civil or military; and to imprisonment for 3 years, 168, 169, 358. Provided,
the prosecution be commenced within three months, 169. A person convicted, may be discharged from the penalties by renouncing his opinions within three months, 169.
Adrift, how taken up, and advertised, 275. Penalty for taking without leave, 281.
Limitation of recovery on, 146, 377. Not to extend to cases where the debtor removes out of the county, 146, 378. Assignments of, allowed, an assignee may sue in his own name, 378.
To be chosen in towns, 412, 413.
Penalty on officers receiving a bribe, or conniving at a false entry of liquors, 91, 131, 232. On persons giving it, 131, 191, 233.
How erected, 394.
Letter of king James II. complaining of proceedings of, in 1685, pa. 40. Contest the negative power of the governor, in passing laws, 40. Clerk of house of, to be appointed by governor, 41. None to vote for, but freeholders, 172. Penalty for voting, not being qualified, 172. No woman, infant, or popish recusant entitled to vote, 172. How the poll to be taken, 172. Oath to be taken by freeholder, if required by a candidate, 172, 173. Consequence of giving money, meat, drink or provisions, or promising it, in order to be elected, 173. Form of return, 173. Elections, to supply vacancies, how to be conducted, 174. Penalty, on sheriff for refusing to hold a poll,






or to give a copy; or to give a notice of an election, or to make a false, or improper return, 174. Fines, how appropriated an recoverable, 174. No person eligible who is under 21 years of age, 174, 175, 244. Act regulating elections of burgesses, &c. re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 236. See Elections. Privileges of burgesses, 244. Wages of, 244. Propositions and grievances and public claims, how made, 245, 246. When a town or burgh entitled to send a burgess, 414.
Established, 408, 416, 417. When entitled to send a burgess, 414.
Fee for registering, 355.
How constituted, 390.
Penalty, for taking without leave, 281.
Capias ad Satisfaciendum.
Writs of, how executed and returned, 386. How the body may be discharged, on tendering property, 386, 387.
Duty laid on liquors imported towards building, 189. Duty on servants and slaves, for the same purpose, 193. Act for building the capitol and the city of Williamsburg, 197, 419. Further directions for building, 213, 420. Form and dimensions, 420. To what uses appropriated, 421. Committee for revisal of the laws, to superintend the building of the capitol, 421. Materials, 421. Money appropriated, 421. How accounted for, 422.
No tobacco to be brought from, on pain of forfeiture, 253.
Case, Action on the,
Limitation of, 381. Further time allowed after reversal of judgment, 382. Saving to infants, &c. 383. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Of a slave, when permitted, 461.
Against granting a pass to a person to leave the country, how entered, 272.
To be sworn, 330.
Oath of governor and council, acting as judges in chancery, 291. Of justices of the peace, 508.
County, divided, and Prince George formed, 223.
Bond or free, according to the condition of their mother, 140. Bastard, how long to serve, 87, 453.
Penalty for denying it to be true, 168, 169, 358.
Penalty for neglecting to attend, 170, 360. Proviso, in favour of Protestant dissenters, qualified according to the toleration act of 1 Wm. & Mary, 171.
To prevent cursing, swearing, profaneness, sabbath breaking, fornication, adultery, &c. 140.
Court of, to be held in each county, 43. How accounts against the public to be passed, 44. Fee to the clerk for certificates, 44. When claims to be presented to the assembly, 44. Laws concerning public claims, re-enacted in revisal of 1705, pa. 261. Court of public claims, to be held in each county,






261. Penalty on sheriff, clerk, and justices failing to attend, 261. Proof of public claims, how made and certified, 262. Fees of clerk, 262. Limitation of public claims, 263. Fees of sheriff for public services, 263.
Appropriation of duties, towards maintenance of, 67. Salary of ministers fixed at 16,000 lbs of tobacco a year, 152. Vestry to appoint collectors, who may make distress, 152. To purchase a glebe and build a house, 152. Not exempted from punishment, for certain crimes, 362.
Of house of burgesses, to be appointed by governor, 41.
CLERKS, of Registers.
Their fees for registering births, marriages and deaths, 153.
CLERKS, of County Courts.
How to grant licences, for marriage, 150. Penalty for granting them otherwise than prescribed by law, 151. Laws establishing their fees collected, 153. What fees may be demanded after the last day of Nov. 1696, pa. 154. Table of fees, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161. Allowance to, for public services 162. Not to charge for copies, unless require and had, 162. Allowed the same fee for showing an order or record, on a trial, as for a copy 162. No fees to be taken, except those specified, 162. Penalty for breach, 162. Limitation of prosecution, 163. Limitation in the collection of fees, 163. When sheriff liable for, 163, Clerk bound to take the property distrained, by the sheriff, 163. Table of fees to be set up, in office, 164. Penalty for neglect,
164. Limitation of the act, 164. Fees, for certifying public claims, 263. To preserve papers, 510. Land causes, 510.
Penalties, for violations of the law prescribing the duty of tanners, curriers, and shoemakers, 79, 80.
Rates of foreign coins, 501. Penalty for refusing to receive them, 502. Copper coins, 502. In what proportion, 502. Penalty for counterfeiting, 502. To what payments, not to extend, 503.
How appointed, 24, 64, 92. To account with auditor, 24. Power and duty, 64. When to account, 65. Their allowance, 65. Vacancies, how supplied, 66. To pay monies to treasurer, 92. Power of, in securing duties, 90. To reside, where their office is kept, 111. Of minister's salary, 152. Fees of collectors and naval officers ascertained, 195. Penalty for exceeding legal fees, 196. Power of collectors, in making searches and seizures, 232. Empowered to administer oaths, 234. Governor and council to appoint collectors, 235. How to account for duties, 235. Fees of, 351. Penalty for exceeding legal fees, 352. Table of, to be set up, 353. Salary of 493.
William and Mary, founded, 122. Duty on hides and skins, for support of, 123. How collected and accounted for, 123, 124.
How obtained, for taking depositions in the General Court, 297. To take depositions de bene esse, 512.






Or brethren assistants, to be chosen in towns, 413.
Lands, how acquired by, 305. Form of patents on 309.
Negro Will emancipated, for having discovered a conspiracy, 536.
Of Bruton parish, may act in Williamsburgh, 303.
How estates of inheritance to pass, 318, 516. when where, and how deeds to be proved and recorded, 319, 516. How wife's estate in lands may pass, 319, 517. Former conveyances confirmed, 320, 321, 322, 518.
Incapable of bearing any office, in this country, 250.
Of tobacco hogsheads to be sworn, 437.
COPPER−−See Coins.
Coasting, or permit, fee for, 111.
Shoemakers, so called, 76.
Exportation of, prohibited, 185. Act prohibiting, continued, 200.
In case for slander, when no more costs than damages recoverable, 383. Security for, when to be given, 384.
Allowance of, to be paid according to attendance, 348. Process against member of, 510.
Process against, 291.
Penalty for counterfeiting coins, 502.
New Kent divided, and King and Queen formed, 94. Lower Norfolk divided, and the upper part to retain the name of Norfolk, and the lower to be called Princess Anne, 95, 96. Rappahannoc divided, and Richmond and Essex formed from it, and Rappahannoc became extinct, 104. King and Queen divided, and King William formed 211. Charles City County divided, and Prince George formed 223. Conditions on which Counties on the frontiers may be divided, 284.
Empowered to license ferry-keepers, and prescribe the number of boats and hands, 220. To be courts of record, 302. County courts, where held, 503. Oaths to be taken by justices, 504. −− Court days, of the several counties, 505. Courts to be regularly held, 506. Power of adjournment, 506. Four justices, to constitute a court, 506. Jurisdiction, 507. Proviso, where the sum is reduced by discounts, 507. Authority, and jurisdiction of justices of the peace, 507. Oath of a justice of peace, 507. In chancery, 508. Attachments against absconding debtors, 508. May be replevied, 508. Bonds, on granting attachments, 508. Rules for issuing and returning process, 509. Must be executed 3 days before return, 509. Proviso as to criminals, 509. Process against a member of the council, or a sheriff, 510. Rules of practice, 510. Clerk to preserve papers, 510. Land causes, 510. Criminal cases, 511. Vestries how sued, 511. Minutes to be read and signed, 511. Special bail, when liable, 511. Court may






rule to bail, 511. No special bail, for breach of penal law, 511. Dilatory pleas, 511. Discontinuances not take place, by court failing to sit, 512. Witnesses, how summoned, 512. Commissions to take depositions de bene esse, when to issue, 512. Penalty on witnesses failing to appear, 513. Appeals, 513. Bond and security on, 513. Damages, in personal and mixt actions, 513. In real actions, 513. Bail bond, where plaintiff appeals, 514. Penalty of bond, where plaintiff appeals 514. Executions against a person removing out of his county, 514.
To be held in each county, 43, 261. Proceedings in, 44, 262, 263.
In each county, 505.
COURT of Examination
For trial of criminals, how constituted, 390.
Slaves, committing crimes, how to be tried and punished 102, 103, 269. Offences committed on the high seas, to be enquired into and punished, as if committed on land 178. Recognizance of witnesses, in criminal cases, to be taken 299. Examining courts, how constituted, 390. Prisoners, how removed to Williamsburg, 390. In bailable offences, when to be removed, 390. Bail after removal, 391. Witnesses for prisoner, how summoned, 391. Guards may be impressed by jailor, 391. Fees of sheriff, for removal, 392. For diet, 392. Papers in criminal causes, to be recorded, 511.
Their duty prescribed, as to the mode of currying leather, 76. −− Leather, after being curried to be
inspected, 76. Penalties, for violations of the law, 79, 80.
Penalty for, 72, 138, 170, 358.
See Duties.
Fifteen per cent. on principal, damages, and costs of county court, on affirmance in general court, 143. On witnesses, failing to appear, 144, 145. On affirmance of appeals from general court, 301. On protested bills of exchange, 381. On appeals from county courts, to general court, 513.
Penalty for casting into rivers and creeks, 354.
Limitation of action of, not founded on specialty, 382. Further time allowed, after reversal of judgment, 382. Saving to infants, &c. 383. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Debts due as executor or administrator, or to orphans, of the first dignity, 375.
Masters of vessels, carrying any person out of the state without a pass, or a license, liable for all their debts, 270. Absconding, attachments against, 508.
Anciently written "10ber," or tenth month; computing from the 25th of March, as the first month, 50, note (a).
Rules for filing, 510. If good, in substance, form to be disregarded, 511.
No estate of inheritance, in lands to






pass, unless by deed, in writing, and recorded, 318, 319, 516. −− When and where to be recorded, 319, 516. How proved, 319, 516. Deed by husband and wife, how to pass the wife's estate, 319, 517. Confirmation of former deeds, tho' not conformable to law, 321, 518.
Penalty for killing deer between certain periods, 180, 462, 463. Where servants or slaves kill deer, by order of their masters, 462. Where without orders, 463. Fines appropriated, 463.
Provision, for defence of the country, 82. One lieutenant, eleven soldiers, and two Indians to be employed as scouts and rangers, 83. Governor authorised to raise men in cases of emergency, 84. Pay and duty of scouts and rangers, 83, 84. Act for better defence of the country, containing nearly the above provisions, 98, 99, 100, 115, 119, 362.
How punished, 168, 169, 358, 359.
Of witnesses, when to be taken, in the general court, 297. Commissions to take depositions, de bene esse, how to issue, 512.
Limitation of action of, 381, 382. Further time allowed after reversal of judgment, 382. Saving to infants, &c. 383. Persons removing or concealing, 384.
Ten hides of leather, 76.
To be chosen, in towns, 408. Their power and duty, 410.
When defendant may disclaim, and tender amends, 382.
No discontinuance of process on account of failure of court to sit. 175, 512.
May be proved on trial 378. Assignees of bonds, &c. must allow against himself and first obligor, 378.
Of a slave, when permitted, 460, 461.
Protestant dissenters qualified according to the toleration act of 1 Wm. and Mary exempted from penalty, for not repairing to church, 171, 360.
Arms, horses, &c. of militia exempted from, 339.
See Intestates' Estates.
When distribution of intestates' estates to be made, 373. How made, 371, 372.
Virginia, called "Ancient Dominion," 181.
Widow, sending dower slaves out of the country, forfeits her right, 335. So, of her husband, 335. Dower of wife, in personal estate, where there are children, 371. Where there are no children, 372. Dower in real estate, 374. Quarantine, 374. Jointure of widows, when a bar to dower, 374.
Allowed, on exportation of liquors servants, and slaves, 213. On liquors and slaves, 233.


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