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JoLee Gregory Spears

This page was updated April 20, 2008

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J. F. Gilmer Confederate Map Charlotte County
Courtesy of the Virginia Historical Society

Section Twenty
(Click on arrows for adjoining sections)

Index of Names in Section Twenty

  • Corrections and additions to Index of Names needed
  • If you know of present-day exact locations of any of the homesites, please let JoLee Spears know.
  • Report to me any broken links.
— JoLee

__year, Dr. 20
Adkins 20 (Atkins 1850)
Adkins, A. J. 20 (1850)
Allen, Mrs. 20
Antioch Ch. 20
B.S. 20
Bacon, Mrs. 20 (1850)
Barn 20
Barnes, Col Reps Barnes 20 (1850)
Barns 20 (1850)
Bluestone Creek 20
Booth, Mrs. Mary 19,20 (1850) (Patrick Booth family)
Boswell, L.R. 19,20
Britton 20
Brooks, Mrs. E. H. 20
Bruce, Jno N. Sr. 20 (1850)
Burroughs 20
Chaffin, Jno 20 (1850)
Farrell, Jas 20 (Ferrell 1850)
Freeman, T. 19,20 (1850)
Glen, Mr. 20 (1850)
Grier, Rev. Mr. 20
Het? Rd 20
Horne?, Mrs. 20
Jeffress Store 20
Jeffress, A 20 (1850)
Jones 20
Jones, Jno. 20
McCargo, George 20 (1850)
McCargo, Geo. 20 (1850)
Moseley, Wm. 20 (1850)
Mosley, Jas. 20
Mosley, R.? 19,20 (1850)
Mosley's Mill, Jas 19,20
Mullen?, Mr? 20
Old Saw Mill 19,20
Porcelain Works 20
Roberts, W. P. 20 (1850)
Robinson, Capt. 20 (1850)
Sandy Creek 20
Talley, O. 20
Whitehead, Jno. M. 20 (1850)
Wylesburg 20 Wylesburg Ch? 20

Updated April 20, 2008