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JoLee Gregory Spears

This page was updated April 20, 2008

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J. F. Gilmer Confederate Map Charlotte County
Courtesy of the Virginia Historical Society

Section Nineteen
(Click on arrows for adjoining sections)

Index of Names in Section Nineteen

  • Corrections and additions to Index of Names needed
  • If you know of present-day exact locations of any of the homesites, please inform JoLee Spears.
  • Report to me any broken links. — JoLee

Ballard Br? 19
"Black Castle" 19
Booth, Mrs. Mary 19,20 (1850) (Patrick Booth family)
Boswell, L.R. 19,20
Cabin 19
Chisholm, 19
Elliott 19
Falkner's? Mill 19
Farley, Mr. 19
Farrell 19
Farrell, Jas. 19,20
Farrell, Y. or V. 19
Freeman, T. 19,20
Little Roanoke Riv 8,13,14,19
McPhail, Jno. 19
Moon 19
Morton, J. 19
Moseley, Mrs. 19
Mosley, R.? 19,20 (1850)
Moseley's FY.Private 19,24
Moseley's FY. Private, Jas. 19
Moseley's Mill, Jas. 19,20
Newcome 19
Old Saw Mill 19,20
Palmer, _?_ 18
Position of Yankee Batt. 19
Quarters 19
Rail-Road Bridge 600 ft.long 19
Randolph, John of Roanoke, Homestead of 18,19
Richmond and Danville Rail Road 4,9,14,19
Roanoke Riv 12,13,16,17,18,19,24,25
Roanoke Sta. 19
Roberts' Mill 19
Roberts, Edwd. 19
Skelton, Mrs. 19
Thorp?, W. 19
Toombs, Mary 19

Updated April 20, 2008