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December 4, 2008
Seeking info on murder in Piper's Gap, VA. The crime was commited by a James (R) Wolfe upon my gggrandpa William Jackson "Honest Jack" Harold in September 5, 1878. We've all been waiting for the circumstances that led to this crime throughout the generations. I found a James Wolfe mentioned by the Mormons as being born in the 1840s in Mobile Alabama, 9th ward, working as a clerk in the railroad. Then I found a James R. Wolfe in the 1st Alabama Cavalry. Not sure that's the guy. I wonder how they met. They were both in the war together but Mr. Harold was captured at Cloyd's Farm and taken to Point Lookout, Maryland, then exchanged to Richmond Hospital. Following the murder his father, Moses Pitts Harold, took the family in, including WJ's widow Virginia Branscome and six kids. I will appreciate greatly anything else you can tell me.

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October 23, 2008 from
Do you have any information on James Thompson b1738-1746 married to Sallie Renfro Thompson. They lived in Montgomery Co., and Carroll Co., Virginia most of their lives. I would like to know if you have land records or tax records. Their Children which were 12 lived close by. If you have any information I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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October 1, 2008 from
Henry Hardy married Rachel Beasley in January of 1822 in Grayson County, Virginia; likewise, John Hardy married Martha Allin in February of 1822. I believe they were brothers and the sons of John Hardy who deeded property to his daughter, Polly Hardy, in 1819 (Polly Hardy married Abram Brown in May of 1822). Would like to correspond with descendants of these families.

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August 10, 2008 from
I am interested in an obituary of Loal E. Rorrer whose last residence was Hillsville, Carroll Co., VA 0n 4/6/1995 according to the SSDI.

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August 1, 2008 from
Looking for information on the parents or other relations of my paternal grandmother Pearl Tolbert, born late 1800s in Carroll County, later married (approx. 1900 - 1910) to John C. Rose of Surry County, NC. She died in 1969, is buried in White Plains Baptist Church cemetery (behind old church building) in White Plains community outside Mt. Airy, Surry County, NC. My father and several other relatives believe her biological father was a Doctor, his name may have been Frill Webb .... was orphaned and raised with Tolbert name.
Michael A. Rose
Madison, NC

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July 1, 2008 from
I am searching for the parents of Caldwallader Massey. He was born in Patrick Co. in /or about 1825. He married Matilda Hardy in 1842 in Grayson County, but they are in the 1860 Carroll Co. census. He was killed in the Civil War and buried in Lexington, KY in Oct. of 1862. He was my Ggg-grandfather on my father's side. My maiden name was Smith. My gg-grandfather John Smith married Priscilla Massey in Wythe County, Va in the early 1870's. Any information anyone has would be awesome. Thank You,

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April 19, 2008 from
Is the Rufus Bond that married Christina Anna Marshall daughter of Joseph & Julia Ann the same as Rufus Stephen that married Martha Ann Marshall daughter of Levi and Carolyn?
Both girls are part of the Simon G. Marshall descendents and I'm trying to maintain and update a backup copy of the database of the 2001 Simon Granser Marshall Family book edited and compiled by Payne Marshall.
Thanks, Denise

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February 28, 2008 from
William Richardson from Carroll County, VA, born Dec. 23, 1840. I would like to have a round table discussion (by email) with researchers interested in determining who were Wiliiam's parents. There are very good reasons to believe the present accounts are in error. Please send me your email address if you would like to work on this project.
Jim Richardson

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February 5, 2008 from
I am looking for any help at all. Great-grandfather William Dalton b. 1846-1850 Carroll co. d.1937 Married Sarah Whittaker 1873 Pulaski co. I can find him from 1873 till death. All I have on his parents is J.& M. I don't know names of any siblings or if there were any. I am completely blocked from going back any further. If anyone can help or advise where to turn to next, I would be most grateful. Thanks!

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January 4, 2008 from
Seeking birth record of male child born to John Martin and Maud Coleman about 1908. He is in 1910 Carroll Co. census as 1 11/12 yrs old. I can't read the first name. Thanks,

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Updated August 15, 2015