Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


An organized flight of five privately owned and piloted Grand Island airplanes left the Grand Island municipal airport at ten o'clock Sunday morning, May 29, headed for the National Air Races at Omaha.

In charge of the flight was Flight Commander Stover Deats, superintendent of the local airport. Other pilots were Major Emil Wolbach, George Bartenbach, Tom Kelly, and Dr. W. W. Arrasmith, all sportsman pilots. Passengers included W. E. Buechler, L. H. Tilse, Verne Hainline, and Mr. Hoppes who is trainer and coach for the Hall County Whisker Club.

The squadron reached Fort Crook, south of Omaha, about eleven o'clock. Here they ate lunch and prepared for the jump over to the municipal airport. At 12:15 they hopped off and carne into Omaha at about 3000 feet altitude, flying in a five-plane "V" formation.

Directly over the grandstand the formation broke up and the planes landed on the field, immediately upon arrival of the squadron, Russell Boardman, transoceanic flier and holder of the world's long-distance non-stop flight record, was made honorary flight commander, Boardman took charge of the unit for the day s activities.

Marching to a prominent place in front of the grandstand, the Whisker Club Flight Squadron was given a warm reception and welcome by the Mayor of Omaha and the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce. Movie cameramen and press photographers crowded around for snaps of the bewhiskered birdmen. General publicity was given to the Whisker Club and the Grand Island celebration via the loud-speaking system at the field and radios WOW and KOIL.

After the big ''Free for All Sweepstakes" race which Russell Boardman won in his Gee-Bee 500 H. P. racing plane, donned his 16-inch false beard presented by Major Emil Wolbach. Boardman insisted upon the Whisker Club Squadron accompanying him while movie and press photos got into action.

Boardman at that time expressed his desire to come to Grand Island for the celebration. However, since his home is in New England, the Aviation Committee of the local Chamber of Commerce felt that the expenses of bringing him here for the event would be prohibitive.

According to members of the Flight Squadron, Omaha is to be complimented upon its whole-hearted reception for the Whisker Club Squadron.

Secretary Dave Traill of the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce deserves much appreciation for his efforts in making the flight a big success. Secretary Traill went to Omaha the day before the flight and finished arrangements for the fliers' reception.

Pearl Willis and his Dutch Band helped make the stunt go over with the crowds by their array of whiskers and "Dutchy" music.

To North Platte
and McCook

The same squadron which made the trip to Omaha also attended the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration at McCook.

Upon landing at McCook, the squadron joined the Liederkrans Quartette, Dave Traill, and other Whiskerites, for the public presentation of Whiskerites at the city park.

After attending the McCook celebration George Bartenbach flew to North Platte. Arriving in late afternoon, he joined the Liederkrana Quartette, Bud Heyde, Lloyd Kelly, and other Whiskerites who had motored over to North Platte.

Following a short broadcast from the radio station, the Whiskerites paraded through the downtown streets. Every courtesy was extended to the Whiskerites during their stay in North Platte.



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