Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.
"Gate Crasher"
Joins Whiskerites

One-Eyed Connelly, notorious gate crasher, who holds the distinction of never having paid to see a big fight, world series or any other sporting event of interest, joined the Grand Island Whisker club, and what's more he paid his "hard earned" money to join.

George Cowton, president of the Whisker club, presented Connolly with the badge that officially made Connolly a member of the club. Cowton then accepted the fifty cent fee and declared "this is one gate Connolly was unable to crash."

Club Secures
An "Inspiration"

L. Hoppes, a member of th'e House of David, who stopped in Grand Island en-route from Oregon to his home at Benton Harbor, Mich., immediately became interested in Grand Island's big crop of beards and agreed to remain in the city a week and be a model for whiskerites.

And what a model Hoppes offered. His beard represents a growth of three years and his hair, which he carries in braids today, comes down to the middle of his back. Earnestly too, he's an exponent of whiskers, now and forever, and he willingly accepted several propositions from members of the local club, to occupy his time, while in the city.

He was the guest of Max Eller, at Eller's Cafe, for his meals while in the city, and each afternoon he was in the men's department at S. N. Wolbach Sons, from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock, for the edification of members of the Whisker club and people of the city generally.

Directors and
Whisker Committee

President George Cowton announced the appointment of a board of directors and a committee of barbers, the latter being charged with the highly technical task of the determination of just what constitutes whiskers within the meaning of the requirements of membership in the club. Members of this committee include Bill Smith, Jess Beachler, Jim Taylor, Bill Fisher, Herb Eberly and Frank Donner.

The board of directors includes, besides President Cowton, Vice-president George Bartenbach, and Secretary-Treasurer Jim Webb, Mike Augustine, Roy Brewer, Dr. W. W. Arrasmith, W. E. Buechler, C. E. John, W. E. Clayton, M. C- Weber, Paul Huston, Dave O'Kane, of Wood River, Frank Denman, of Alda, Don Burger, of Doniphan, and Bud Lowry, of Cairo.

Bearded Lady In
the Whisker Club

Believe it or not, the Grand Island Whisker club officially numbers in its membership today, one of the so-called wiser, fairer and gentler sex. She is none other than Madam Lavarcoe, on tour with the Al G. Barnes circus, as the featured bearded lady.

With President George Cowton officiating, she was officially inducted into the organisation late Thursday afternoon, June 9th, and expressed herself as tickled to death to be a member of such a unique organization.

The madam, over thirty years of age and weighing over 300 pounds, says she had always had whiskers. And what's more, she can even go a majority of the male members of the club one better, since her back is well covered with hair.



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