This excerpt is broght to you by History of Hall County Nebraska (1920)
The social advantages of Hall County have been all that could be desired by any community. Every noteworthy fraternal .organization has been represented in this county, and many extraordinary social organizations have organized here. A review of these gives a kaleidoscopic view of the development of the community, and the changing habits and tastes of the people from decade to decade.
A careful compilation of these organizations from year to year has brought to this list many organizations, clubs and lodges which formed, flourished a few years, and disappeared from public view. Of many of these which have ceased activity no lengthy details have been collected, but it has been felt that they should not be entirely forgotten. An equal opportunity has been given to all the existing organizations to furnish
facts relating to their history, and it will be noted that a majority of them have responded, at least in so far as the present officers could do so. In several instances past records seem to have been lost or misplaced, and in a few other instances no response has been received, though about seven months of opportunity has been extended to furnish such information. This explanation is made so that the reader will understand there has been no intention to favor any one order or organization with more attention than any other. An organization which has been conducted for thirty or forty years steadily and whose records are such that full detailed roster of the members who have carried its burdens and responsibilities are available, naturally and deservedly receives a liberal space for its historical presentation.
A. F. Buechler and R. J. Barr, editors. "Fraternals and Social Organziations of Hall Cuonty," History of Hall County Nebraska (Lincoln, NE: Western Publishing and Engraving Company, 1920): 368-391. Provided by the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society, Grand Island, Nebraska.
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