Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Crab - Fisher


Crab, W. Dean, Wayne Dowse, Philip Engstram, Earle
Crabtree, Charles S. Deate, Stover Draper, D. O. Enzminger, John
Crabtree, Bid Degan, E. Dreher, John M. Enzminger, L. O.
Crabtree, Vern Degen, Wm. Dreher, M. M. Erdbruger, R.
Cravens, Ray DeGraw, G. A. Dreisbach, F. D. Erdbruger, Theodore
Crawford, Chas. C. Delahoyde, W. Drulinger, D. J. Ericksen, Art
Creason, Everett Delaney, Wm. Drulinger, W. H. Ericksen, Chris
Cronin, Dan DeLay, Zura V. Dryer, Ctias. F. Ericksen, Lewis
Crusinberry, H, M. Denker, Max Dryer, John Erickson, John W.
Culberlson, Harley Denman, Charles Dubbs, Dan Erickson, John
Cummings, W. U Denman, Jerry Dubb;, H. H. Erickson, Otto W.
Cummings, W. Denman, Bert Dubbs, Gerald Ernst, Walter
Comnogolowski, Frank Denman, Harry Dudey, W. A. Evans, Boyd
Cunningham, Jack Denman, Loyal Dudschus, O. E. Evans, Fred
Cunningham, Dr. Royle Dennis, Joe Duff, R. L. Evans, R. V.
Cunningham, Chet Dennisse, M. Dukes, Eurt Evans, V. E.
Cunningham, G. W. Densmore, Wallace Dunn, F. J. Everhart, Jake
Cunningham, Donald Deolin, Joe Dunn, W. G. Everhart, Virgil
Cunningham, Orrin Detweiler, M. G. Dunnuck, Robt, Evers, Dr, A. A.
Cunningham, Ross Dever, J. F, Dunphy, Pat Evers, Anton
Cunningham, E. Devore, G. G. Durant, G. W. Evers, Ira A.
Cunningham, B. J. Dexter, G. W. Duryte, Al Evers, John
Cupp, Joe Dibbern, Harvey Dutcher, Ed Evers, Leo
Curry, Eugene Dibbern, Henry Dwyer, A. D. Evers, Walter H.
Curtis, L. G. Dibbern, O. J. Evers. Wm.
Cusick, James Dibbern, Raymond Eaton, A. W. Ewoldt, Edmund
Cutter, Wm. A, Dice, Wm. Eaton, Geo. W. Ewoldt, Otto
Dick, W. R. Eaton, O. Eychner, V. R.
Dahlke, R, Diechman, Carl Eaton, R. W.
Dahlke, John Dietrich, Henry H. Eberl, Joseph Faidley. L. F.
Dahlke, Otto Dietz, W. L. Eberly, Herbert Fairbanks, C. A.
Dahlman, Cecil E- Dillon, /Thos. M. Eck, C. A. Farnsworth, Dr. Earle
Dahlman, Lester F. Dinkius, R. E. Edwards, A. C. Farrall, R.
Dahms, Fred Dirke, G. H. Edwards, E. F. Farris, B. E.
Dalgas, Ernest Ditrich, Henry Egan, Bob Farris, Dick
Dallas, Earl Ditter, Johnny Egan, J. F. Farris, Ed
Damgaard, Geo. A. Doan, W. L. Egelhoff, Stan Farris, E. G.
Danaher, Bill Dodd, Edw. Egge, Dr. Max J. Farris, Floyd
Danes, F. L. Dodd, D. Eghert, Lloyd Farris, W, L
Dang lor, Percy Dodendorf, Harry Ehlers, Henry Farsley, L. H.
Daniels, Neil Dohrn, John Ehlers, H. H. Favinger, C. F.
Danker, Del Doms, Lloyd Ehlers, R. L. Feeney, John P.
Dankert, Ted Donald, L. K. Ehlers, Lester Feinberg, Max
Darling, A. Donald, Brute Ehrsam, W. H. Fenney, Col.
Darling, F. L. Donald, Jack, Sr. Eldridge, David Fent, C. P.
Dau, Bernard Donald, Jack, Jr, Elerlich, Bill E. Fent, O. V.
Davenport, Arthur Donald, R. C. Elijah, Mike Ferguson, John
Davidson, Davy Donaldson, L. W. Elijah, Ralph Ferguson, R. H.
Davidson, O. H, Donigan, James Ellenberger, C. C. Ferguson, Wm. C.
Davis, A. J. Donnell, Frank Eller, Max Ferguson, Lawrence G.
Davis, Bayard Donnell, D. J. Ellis, Roy Fern, John
Davis, C. L. Donnelly, E, W. Ellsberry, T. J. Fierstem, Ed
Davis, G. E. Dunner, Frank Ellsworth, Alien E. Fillmore, Raymond
Davis, Manley J. Donovan, D. G. Elstermeier, Henry Fillmore, Ira
Davis, Mareelas Donovan, Pat Emery, Joe Filse, L. H.
Davis, Joe Donovan, N. E. Emery, R. J. Finch, Dr. D. A.
Davis, Harry Dort, E. N. Emery, R. F. Finch, E. T.
Davis, Richard N. Doty, C. M. Engel, Albert Finck, Frank
Davis, R. E. Douthit, B. F. Engel, W. B. Fink, J. J.
Davison, W. W. Dove, E. W. England, G. A. Finnie, Earl 0.
Dean, Denny Dove, C. H. Engle, Fred H. Firth, Dean
Dean, Bob Dowd, Dr. M. J. EnglEhardt, Walter Fisher, Bill

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