Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Boyden - Cox


Boyden, Dr. H. B. Buckow, Albert Campbell, Willard Clark, C. L.
Boyer, C. B. Budde, F. G. Candish. H. G. Clark, George
Boyer, W. K. Buecnler. A. F. Candish, George Clark!, D. C.
Boyle, Harvey Buechler, W. E. Canning, John Clams, W. A.
Boyle, J. Buefeldl, Jake Cannon, V, E. Claussen, Nick
Boyle, Wesley Buenz, Richard Caredis, Tom Claussen, Albert
Boyll. Walter Bunrman, Louis Caredis, Nick Claussen, John
Bozell, D. Buhrrnan, J. C. Caredis, Peter G. Clayton, W. E,
Bradley, H. H. Buhrman, Tfieo. Caredis, Christ Cleary. J. L.
Brady, Jas. Bullock, Wm. Carey, John Cleary, F. J.
Brandt, Ernest Burd, E. E. Carlson, C. H. Cleghorn, A. R.
Brandt, Will Burdick, C. W, Carlson, E. E, Clement, W. R.
Brase, Frank Burford, Ralph Carlson. Walter Cline, H.
Brase, Dick Buriscrr. Victor Carlson, Swede Cline, C. H.
Brase, Fritz Burish, Dick Carner, Floyd W. Clinger, E, E.
Brase, Martin Burke, N- B. Csrr, Clarence Coffman, Robert
Brase, Ed Burkman, C. W. Carruthers, Ralph F. Colby, Earl
Braun, P. Burkman, D. C. Car:on, R. W. Cole, C. S.
Brayton. B. C. Birrrriood, Donald Carson, Ross A. Cote, Clarence W.
Braytoti. C. W. Burmood, Harley Carthouse, C. P. Cole, Sid
Brazelton, D, J. Burmood, Ralph Cartwright, J. D. Colfack, V. F.
Bredemeier, A. Burmood, Virgil Casler, E. J. Collier, R. A.
Bredemeier, G. L. Burnight, C. R, Cassel, Frank Colton, Chas.
Brehm. John Burt, Wally Cates, Dr, L. A. Combs, Kenneth T.
Brertinslein. W. F. Burton, W. F. Castle, Elwood Concannon, W. H.
Brewer, F. C. Bushman, Sherman Cave, Lawrence Condray, Glen
Brewer, Roy M. Busier, Raymond Cavett, A. A. Cone, Arvine
Bright, Tom Butler, G'en Cavett, A, B. Cone, A. D.
Briseno, R. Butler, Dr. S. R. Cazier. W. Conger, A, W.
Brittin, Carl E. ButterfiFtd. Leonard Ce'mer, Walter Conklin, Paul W.
Brittin. Ed E. Bulzirus. R. J. Chamberlin, Dan E. Conklin, H. P,
Brittin, Earle Byllesby, R. B. Chamberlin, Raymond Conklin, C. T.
Brix, V. L. Chandler, Jim Connetl. 0. E.
Broas, Adjutant S. V. Cabler, Roy Chaney, O. K. Connell, W, W.
Brodine, H. R. Caller, George Chaplin, A. B. Connor, W. P.
Brookhaus. Sonny Cady, C. A. Chapman, E. L. Connor, W. R.
Brooks, Ed Cad/, A, E. Chappell, R, H. Connor, Thomas
Brosseau, Ed Cahalane, Raymond Charais, Paul Conow, R. J.
Brothendick, W. E. Cain, Chas. E. Charlton, H. L. Cook, John
Brown, Ed Cain, H. C. Chelsey, ____ Coonrod, C. S.
Brown, Byron Calhoun, Edw. Chew, F. C. Cordell, Glen
Brown, Clarence E. Calland, Clarence Cholcher, Herm Cordes, Theo
Brown, F. W. Callihan, _____ Chollette, J- C. Cords, C.
Brown, Homer T. Callihan, Chas. Christensen, Andrew Cornelius, Walter
Biown, H. T. Callihan, Dewey Christensen, F. G. Corner, W. A.
Brown, John Callihan, Wi'mer Christensen, Chris P. Cornett, F. S.
Brawn, Les Calnon, Ed Christensen, John Cornell Charles
Brown, Roy Calvin, Curt Christensen, J. H. Corwin. A. E.
Brown, W. A. Camaras, James Christensen, L, P. Cosgriff. Stanley
Brown, W, V. Camaras. Gus K. Christensen. Raymond Cosh, A.
Browne, Bab Camp, Jack Crrristensen, Jack Cosmas, Peter
Brute, E. D. Campbell, H. W. Ciochan, T. E. Costelfo, L.
Bruenecke, B. F. Campbell, E. L. Clanten. Orvilte Costello, P. N.
Biule, Joe Campbell, Bob Clanton, Bill Cottingham. R. C.
Brummond. R. A. Campbelt, Clyde Clanton, Fred H. Cottingham. Roy
Brundage, Kenneth Campbell, Jno. A. Clark, C. C. Cousins, 0, G,
Bryan, Chas. W,, Governor Campbell, W. C. Clark. C. M. Couer, W. M.
Bryant, P. E. Campbell, F. P. Clark, Fred Cover, Duane
Bryant. Walter A. Campbell, A. W. Clark, M. A. Cowton, Geo.
Buck, Jas. E. Campbell. C. Clark, C. W. Cox, Oscar
Buckow, Alex H. Campbell, Ray Clark, G. M. ox, Charlie
Buckow, Herman F. Campbell, Frank Clark, Paul Cox, E. B.

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