Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "St-Sz"

STAEUBLI, Fredericka (d. 1917)

Mrs. Fredericka Staeubli, one of Blaine's earlier settlers, passed away last Friday morning at her home after lingering a week following a stroke of paralysis. She was 80 years, 10 months, and 19 days old, and had always been hard working and active up until a week before her death. A great lover of flowers, she cared for one of the largest flower gardens in Blaine, seemingly taking the greatest enjoyment in this diversion. Funeral services were held at the home on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial was made beside her husband in the Blaine cemetery, who preceded her in 1895. Rev. Long of the M. E. church officiated, the deceased having been a life-long member of the German Methodist church.

Fredericka Liebenow was born June 12, 1836, in Germany. With the parents she migrated to America in 1854. She was united in marriage to Theo. G. Staeubli at Milwaukee, Wis., June 6, 1867. She was the mother of four children - Josephine, Verena, Victor and Georgianna - of whom the latter two survive, Victor of Blaine and Georgianna of Sedro-Woolley.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 4, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

STAEUBLI, Theodore G. (d. 1895)

STAFFORD, John A. (d. 1909)

Mr. John A. Stafford died yesterday morning at the family residence, 1121 1-2 Thirteenth Street, aged 61 years. He is survived by Mrs. Stafford, widow, four sons and three daughters, Messrs. A. W., T. J., F. L. and J. C. Stafford, Mrs. J. M. Neely, Mrs. G. W. Yeager, all of Bellingham, and Mrs. R. H. Ewing, residing in Oklahoma. He followed the ministry until failing health forced him to give up the work. He was a member of the G. A. R., his membership still being in Arkansas. The funeral services will be held from the parlors of Undertaker H. O. Bingham, 1319 Dock Street, Friday morning at 10 o'clock April 9, Rev. Edward J. Smith, pastor of the South Bellingham Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating. The funeral car will leave the corner of Harris Avenue and Thirteenth at 9:20 a.m. to convey the family and friends to the place of service. Interment in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Morning Reveille, April 8, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

STAFFORD, Joseph (d. 1912)

Died, of pleurisy of the heart, Mr. Joseph Stafford, at Peardonville, B. C., March 7th, 1912. Mr. Stafford was born in St. George, Boyce County, Canada, in the year 1841, and had reached the age of seventy one years and six days. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss. At home with the mother are two sons, William and Irvin, while Winfield and David reside at Vancouver, B. C. The daughters are Mrs. George Mundell and Mrs. M. C. Wampler, both of Everson, R. F. D. No. 3, and Mrs. C. C. Garner, of Sumas, B. C. Mr. Stafford was a pioneer of Lynden, coming here January 1, 1887, and remaining until a few years ago when he moved to Peardonville. Interment was made in the Lynden cemetery on March 9th, Rev. Case officiating.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 21, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

STAGLUND, Anna (d. 1929)

The wide circle of friends of Mrs. Anna Staglund and family gathered at the George Monroe chapel Sunday afternoon, to pay final respects to her who passed away last Thursday night after a lingering illness. Rev. A. Sorenson of the United Lutheran church officiated. Interment was made in the Woodlawn cemetery. In her twenty-eight years of residence here, Mrs. Staglund had made many friends who mourn her loss. With her husband they came here in 1901 and settled on a ranch near Ferndale, which they owned for many years. She came to America from Denmark in 1883. Mrs. Staglund was a beloved member of the Legion Auxiliary. She is survived by two sons and four daughters, Chris Staglund of Ferndale and Hans of Lynden; Mrs. Carl Erickson, Seattle; Mrs. Peter Nipges, Lynden; Mrs. Joe Zach, Sultan. Pallbearers were Peter Hendricksen, Martin Evjen, Jacob Snortland, Dick Tjostem, P.E. Pederson and Pete Jenson.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 1, 1929)

STAGE, Edward E. (d. 1902)

STANDISH, William S. (d. 1920)

William S. Standish, a resident of North Bellingham, while driving near home Sunday, was suddenly stricken with heart failure and fell from his buggy, one wheel passing over him. He leaves to mourn his death, his widow, Mrs. Nellie Standish; three sons, Ernest, Laurence and Leo, and two daughters, Gladys and Laurena. He was a member of Bellingham lodge W. O. W. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, September 21, at 3 p.m. from Monroe's undertaking parlors at Ferndale. Burial will be at Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 20, 1920)

STANGROOM, Mark L. (d. 1913)

The passing of another Whatcom county pioneer was recorded this morning when announcement of the death of Mark L. Stangroom was received from Seattle. Mr. Stangroom died yesterday and at the time of his demise was 79 years old. The remains will arrive in Bellingham tomorrow morning and a private burial service conducted at the Mock & Harlow undertaking establishment.
Mr. Stangroom came to Bellingham in 1888, and as a civil engineer was the original builder of the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railroad. He was in active charge of that corporation for a number of years, and in 1895 returned to his private practice. Since that time his residence has been with his family. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joseph W. Kindall and Mrs. D. D. Egan, and one son, John Stangroom, of Samish.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 23, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

STARK, James R. (d. 1903)

J. R. Stark was born in Sullivan Co., Indiana, June 5th, 1831 and died at his home in Lynden Thursday morning, March 5th, 1903. Mr. Stark spent his boyhood days in Virgo Co., Ind., but moved with his parents to Wisconsin in 1849. He removed to the state of Oregon in 1852. He was married to Miss Elizabeth L. Clark on Jan. 25, 1864, the bride being a student of Umpqua Academy where he was one of the instructors. They later moved to White River, this state, where there was seemingly no visible civilization to begin another pioneer home. He was converted to the Christian faith in the year 1851 and united with the M. E. Church in July 1854. In pioneer days when there was no regular pastor Mr. Stark was often called upon to bury the dead. He was Sunday School Superintendent and ever did much to open the way for religious teachings in the community where he lived. He was a subscriber to the first issue of the Pacific Christian Advocate published at Portland and was a loyal friend of it to the last. Wherever he lived he was a staunch advocate of temperance. For more than seven years he was Superintendent of Stickney Memorial Industrial Indian Home of this city and did very good work among the Indians.

Mr. Stark leaves a widow, four daughters and three sons to mourn his loss. Five children, Jess, Jim and Miss Esther of this place, Mrs. Finnell of Des Moines, this state, and Mrs. Smith of Kent, this state, were present at the funeral service which was held from the M. E. Church here Friday afternoon. A son, C. Wilbur Stark, pastor of the M. E. Church at Long Prairie, Minnesota and a daughter Mrs. Mollie Williams of Cebu, P. I., were unable to be present. In the death of Mr. Stark the church has lost a faithful brother and ernest worker and the community a good citizen.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 12, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEADMAN, George B. (d. 1931)

Early today George Barnes Steadman, for twelve years a Bellingham resident, died at a local hospital, aged 73 years. He had been ill two years. He was a member of Fairhaven Lodge No. 73, F.&A. M. Surviving relatives are one son Chauncey A. Steadman, Seattle; one daughter, Mrs. Helen Seibert or Solbert, Bellingham; two sisters, Mrs. Todd Maguire, York, Neb., and Mrs. Helen Brewer, Fullerton, Cal., and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Members and officers of the Fairhaven lodge will give their ritualistic services. Burial will be in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 20, 1931) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

STEADWELL, Levi (d. 1886)

STEARNS, Anna aka Jennie (d. 1910)

Mrs. Anna Lucien Stearns, Wife of S. D. Stearns, Succumbs to Sudden Attack of Apoplexy While Riding Home on Court House Car
Efforts of Two Doctors Fail to Restore Woman to Consciousness After She Had Been Removed to St. Luke's Hospital
Struck by a sudden attack of apoplexy of the heart while on her way home to her residence, 2315 Elm street, Mrs. Anna Lucian Stearns, wife of S. D. Stearns, of this city, died last evening. She was riding on the courthouse car No. 54 last evening at about 8 o'clock and without any warning was attacked by what was at first believed to be a fainting spell. The car was halted and aid was immediately summoned in the effort to revive her. At first it was believed to be an ordinary fainting spell, but when the combined efforts of the two doctors, Drs. Kirkpatrick and Cook, who were called, failed to revive her, it was seen that the case was a serious one. An ambulance was immediately summoned and she was removed to St. Luke's hospital. There the doctors made an examination which disclosed the fact that the unfortunate woman was the victim of a stroke of apoplexy. She was worked over with ceaseless energy and all restoratives were applied without any visible effect, and the heart stopped at about 10:30 in the evening. She lost consciousness as soon as struck on the car and never regained it. The members of her family, who reside in this city, were summoned to the bedside of Mrs. Stearns in the hospital and every effort was made to revive her sufficiently to say farewell to her husband and sons, but they proved fruitless. According to the statement of Lucian Stearns, her son, who resides on Williams street, in this city, Mrs. Stearns went down town yesterday evening apparently in good health and spirits, to do a little shopping and had completed her work and was on the car to return home when the tragedy occurred. The body lies in St. Luke's hospital awaiting disposition. Mrs. Stearns was the wife of S. D. Stearns, 2315 Williams street, and leaves besides her husband, seven children to mourn their loss. The children are: H. J. Stearns, residing in Salt Lake City; Mrs. Murphy, also a resident of Salt Lake City; Roy Stearns, of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Nettie Lilley, of Bridgeport, Wash.; A. D. Stearns, of Seattle; Lucian E. Stearns, of this city, and Ralph Stearns, of Vancouver, B.C. The children have been notified and will arrive in this city to attend the funeral. Mrs. Stearns was 50 years of age and was one of the pioneer women of the city, having resided here for a number of years, and was the wife of a civil war veteran. She has been prominent in social and church work, being affiliated with the First M. E. church of this city. She was also an active worker in the Steedman post, Women's Relief Corps, serving as president of that society.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 27, 1910) Submitted by Merrily Lawson

STEARNS, John J. (d. 1908)

J. J. Stearns, aged 67 years, a former resident of this city and a veteran of the Civil War, died at the home of his cousin, E. H. Stearns, near Edison, Skagit County, at an early hour yesterday morning, after a brief illness. Mr. Stearns was an Odd Fellow and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He served with the Twelfth regiment, Iowa volunteer infantry, during the war. Mr. Stearns is survived by his widow, who was with him when the end came, also two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Johnson, wife of a shingle manufacturer of this county, and Mrs. C. W. Webber, of Virginiadale, Colo. The body was brought to this city yesterday afternoon and now lies at the private receiving room of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple Block. Funeral announcements will appear later.
(From The American Reveille, September 13, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEARNS, Ralph B. (d. 1921)

Ralph B. Stearns, age 29 years, passed away at the home of Mrs. Marie Pond, 816 High street, on the morning of Thursday, April 21, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Stearns resided in Bellingham for several years, being a student of the Bellingham public schools, but for the past few years had resided in Juneau, Alaska, being employed as bookkeeper for the Alaska Light & Power company. He was a member of the B.P.O.E., of Juneau and is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Otella Smaby. Also four brothers and two sisters, Harold J., of Salt Lake City, Utah; Roy N., Clackamas, Ore.; Arthur D., Portland, Ore.; Lucien E. Burlington; Mrs. W. A. Murphy, Payson, Wash., and Mrs. L. R. Lilly, Bridgeport, Wash. The remains are being cared for at the service parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 21, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEARNS, Rufus (d. 1907)

Rufus Stearns, who died in Bellingham last Friday, was buried in the Nooksack cemetery last Monday. Mr. Stearns was a pioneer of this county, having come to Nooksack in 1886 from King Co., Wash., where he had served as county commissioner. He built and managed a mill at Tuxedo, near Nooksack, and moved to Whatcom, now Bellingham, in 1893. He was 71 years old. The funeral sermon was preached in Bellingham by Eld. A. W. Merritt, pastor of the A. C. church. Remarks were made at the grave by Eld. Carmen and Eld. A. W. Steers, pastor Nooksack A. C. church, and prayer by Eld. J. L. Massey. Mrs. Jno. Cade, of Bellingham, is the only child of the deceased.
(From The Nooksack Reporter, December 6, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEARNS, Silas D. (d. 1918)

Silas D. Stearns, aged 82 years, passed away at the Soldiers' Home, Orting, Wash., April 30, after a few weeks' illness. Mr. Stearns resided in Bellingham for a number of years. Until the last two years he made his home at Burlington and the place of death. He was a member of the First Methodist church of Burlington and of J. B. Steedman post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic, at Bellingham. Those who survive are five sons and two daughters, Harold J. Stearns, Salt Lake City; Ray N. Stearns and Arthur D. Stearns, Portland, Ore.; Lucien D. Stearns, Burlington; Ralph B. Stearns, Vancouver, B. C.; Mrs. William Murphy, Payson, Utah, and Mrs. Nettie B. Lilly, Bridgeport, Wash. Funeral services will be held Friday, May 3, at 2:45 o'clock p.m., from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. Paul Ashby, pastor of the South Bellingham Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery according to the ritualistic burial service of the Grand Army of the Republic.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 2, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEEN, Amos W. (d. 1895)

STEINHAUER, Henry S. (d. 1933)

Henry S. Steinhauer, 79, for thirty-two years a resident of Bellingham and Lynden, and a member of the I. O. O. F. for fifty-two years, died at his home 304 Prospect street Friday, after a lingering illness. For about twenty years Mr. Steinhauer conducted a harness store at Lynden. He came to this country from Germany at the age of 13 years. At the time of his death Mr. Steinhauer was a member of Rising Star lodge No. 2002, I. O. O. F. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Emma Steinhauer; two daughters, Mrs. Walter *Summor and Mrs. Arthur *Garlard, both of Portland; one son, William, of Vancouver, B. C., and nine grandchildren. Funeral rites will be held at the Bingham-Dahlquist funeral home Monday at 3 p. m. Rev. James M. Wilson will officiate. Rising Star lodge will give its ritualistic service.
*Another account names the daughters as Mrs. Walter Fommor and Mrs. Arthur Goulard.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 25, 1933) Submitted by Jennifer Moore

STENGER, John Henry (d. 1919)

John Henry Stenger age 63 years passed away at the family home 315 Prospect Street on Friday evening February 7, 1919 after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Stenger had resided in the city for the past 37 years, engaging in the theater, hotel, and real estate business. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Clara Stenger, two daughters and one son, Misses Cecil and Mona Stenger of Bellingham; son Carl in the army in Belgium; three brothers, Edward Stenger of Rapid City, SD., Lewis Stenger of Piedmont, WA., and Leonard U. of San Francisco, CA, two sisters, Mrs. Amelia Smith and Clara Gamble of Chicago. Funeral services will be held Monday Feb. 10, at 9 a.m. at Church of Assumption. Interment will be at Bayview cemetery in the family plot.
Submitted by John Rauch

STENGER, Lewis (d. 1939)

Lewis Stenger, aged 79 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Lola Stenger, passed away at the family home, 118 East North Street, Thursday, July 27, after a brief illness. Mr. Stenger had been a resident of Bellingham for the past fifty-one years and was a member of B. P. O. E. No. 194 of Bellingham. Aside from a host of friends who will mourn his passing he leaves to survive him his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Lottie Moultray, of Seattle; two sons, Edward L. Stenger, of Glendale, Ore.; Walter W. Stenger, of Bellingham; one sister, Mrs. Clara Gamble, of Chicago, Ill.; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The remains are resting at the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home, 210 Prospect Street, and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 27, 1939) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEPHENS, Mary F. (d. 1924)

Died, Monday night, January 29, 1924, Mrs. Mary F. Stephens, of Acme. Mrs. Stephens had long been an invalid, but a sudden attack of pneumonia was the cause of her death. She was a pioneer of Acme, having been among the first white women to come to this valley. Mrs. Stephens was widely known and had hosts of friends who extend to the bereaved members of the family their sincere sympathy.

Acme lost one of its pioneers and beloved characters at 12:30 Tuesday morning, January 29, when death claimed Mrs. Mary F. S. Stephens, one of the founders of the Presbyterian church at Acme, where she had resided since 1884. For the last eighteen years Mrs. Stephens was an invalid. She was noted for her fine Christian character. She was 70 years of age. Mrs. Stephens came to Whatcom county from Texas in 1884. On the 21st of July, 1887, she was married at Acme to Thomas H. Stephens, who survives her. Mrs. Stephens was a great reader and was well informed on history and current events.

The surviving relatives, aside from the husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Anna M. Morell, at whose home she died, and Mrs. Mabel E. Douglas, both of Acme; one sister, Mrs. R. M. Thompson, of Spokane, and three grandchildren. A brother, W. E. McDaniel, former Whatcom county commissioner, died some years ago. A niece, Mrs. Frank Chinn, of Lynden, also survives. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at Acme Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. P. M. Ford, pastor of the church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. B. K. McElmon, of Bellingham. Interment took place at Bay View cemetery under the direction of Arthur C. Harlow.
(From The Deming Prospector, February 1, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEPHENSON, Sarah A. (d. 1913)

Mrs. Sarah A. Stephenson died at her home on the corner of Boblett street and Mitchell avenue Saturday, April 12, at noon, at the age of 53 years, after an illness from dropsy and erysipelas covering eight months. Funeral service was held at the home Sunday by Rev. R. C. Hartley, of the Methodist church, and the remains were buried in the Blaine cemetery. The deceased leaves nine children, six of whom reside here. They are as follows: Mrs. Geo. Roose, of Portland; Geo. Doidge, of Portland; Perry Doidge, of Tacoma; Mrs. J. S. Shawver, Mrs. Steve Johnson, Eber, Ray and Ruby Doidge and Lessie Stephenson, of Blaine. Mrs. Stephenson moved here from Portland about two years ago.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 18, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

STERRETT, Leila J. (d. 1919)

Mrs. Leila J. Sterrett passed away at the family home, 2307 A street, on the morning of Thursday, September 4. Mrs. Sterrett was born in Flohrs, Adams county, Pa., August 1, 1843, and was 76 years of age at the time of her death. She had been a resident of Washington for the last nineteen years, having made her home in Wenatchee for seven years prior to coming to Bellingham in December 1916. For the past several years she has been in failing health, which confined her to her home most of the time, and the last illness has dated since early in July. At the time of her death she was a member of the First Congregational church, of Forrest, Ill. Surviving her are her aged husband, David W. Sterrett; one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Van Cleve, of Bellingham, and two sisters, Miss Anna R. Hoke and Mrs. Mary D. Searight, of Atlantic City, N. J., besides a large circle of friends, whom she had made since coming to Bellingham and who will greatly miss her. The body of Mrs. Sterrett is being cared for at the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, and funeral services will be announced later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 4, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEVENS, Charles (d. 1922)

SUMAS, March 9. - Charles Stevens was electrocuted near Chilliwack, B. C., yesterday in the presence of a working companion, Richard Tunath, whole on a pole of the British Columbia Electric railway. The accident is reported to have been caused by a high tension wire, carrying 2,300 volts, getting crossed on the railway telephone wire a mile from where the men were at work. Stevens, 36 years of age, married and the father of two small boys, has lived here and in Huntingdon eleven years. Tunath is a resident of Hundtingdon.

The men, linemen for the company, had gone almost to the edge of Chilliwack. Stevens was on a pole, one hand on the iron bracket or arm, it is understood, that supported the trolley wire. With the other had he touched the telephone wire. His body set up a short circuit. He did not drop, as he was fastened to the pole by his climbing outfit. Tunath climbed up and let Stevens down. People in a passing automobile gave assistance, but there being no sign of life, the car was driven on to the town for a doctor. A physician was on the scene within a few minutes after the accident and an effort was made to resuscitate, but without avail. The only blemish on the body were slight burns on the hand that touched the telephone wire. A British Columbia coroner's jury began an investigation yesterday afternoon and extended it this forenoon as to the responsibility for the high tension wife being down on the telephone wire.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 9, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEVENS, Cora A. (d. 1908)

Cora A. Stevens was born in Minneapolis, Minn., March 26, 1874, and departed this life in Nooksack, Wash., Oct. 3, 1908, aged 34 years 6 months and 7 days Mrs. Stevens' maiden name was Cora A. Medcalf. She was educated in the public schools of Minneapolis, and grew to woman's estate in that city, where she was married in November, 1897 to Dr. F. C. Palmer. Two: children were born to this union of whom Russell, aged 10, survives. Dr. Palmer and Virginia died in Minneapolis. Mrs. Palmer came to Washington in 1900 and was married to C. W. Stevens April 12, 1905. Her husband, son, father, sister and two brothers are. left to mourn her loss. The funeral was held from the Methodist church on Oct. 4, the Rev. E. H. Hughes of Sumas, conducting the services and preached from Gen. 30, last clause of 27th verse "I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for thy sake," after which all that was mortal was laid to rest in Nooksack cemetery. Mrs. Stevens has been a long and patient sufferer. Never robust from childhood she has known almost constant pain, but through it all has shown her beautiful Christian character that could always say "Though he slay me yet will I trust him." These last months have been so hard, the poor body crushed by such intense pain, yet her sick chamber has always been one of the brightest spots in Nooksack. She ever spoke lightly of her illness and was always, by her life her lips and her hands, making life more beautiful for others. But God will not try his patient ones o'er long and so he has called her home. "I cannot say and I will not say that she is dead, she is just away." With a tender smile and a wave of the hand, she has wandered into an unknown land, and left us thinking how very fair it needs must be since she lingers there. And you, O You, who the wildest yearn for the old time look and the glad return; think of her as fareing on as dear in the love up there as the love of here. Think of her the same I say: she is not dead, she is just away."

And so closed a life dedicated from youth to Christ and his service; one who counted it more joy to minister unto others than to be ministered unto. And every life that has touched hers has gained therefrom some good, some courage, and for her sake, While we grieve for those left behind, we can truly say "He doeth all things well."
(From The Nooksack Reporter, October 9, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEVENS, Minnie (d. 1932)

Mrs. Minnie, aged 63 years, passed away at her home, 2530 Yew St., at an early hour Monday, June 27. Mrs. Higgins (sic) was a former resident of Ferndale, having lived in Bellingham for the past eight years. She is survived by her husband, W. H. Stevens; three daughters, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. Paul Sorenson, of Bellingham; Mrs. Fred Thednes, of Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. B. Bockover, Mrs. J. Keller, of Ferndale; Mrs. Wm. Zimmerman, of Portland, Ore.; four brothers, C. M. Burrous, Drue Burrous, Douglas Burrous, of Ferndale; John Burrous, in the East. The body is resting at the Monroe Mortuary, Ferndale. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 27, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEVENSON, Ejolfur (d. 1920)

Ejolfur Stevenson, for 19 years a resident of Blaine, passed away at his home here at 1:00 a. m. Wednesday after a sickness lasting three years. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Sig. Olafsson officiating. Deceased was born in Iceland, May 14, 1847. He left Iceland in 1882 and settled in Winnipeg, where he resided 7 years. He came west and lived in Seattle three years, in Bellingham eight years, and came to Blaine 19 years ago. In 1877 he was married to Ingiborg Anderson, who survives him. The surviving relatives are six sons, all married, and 15 grandchildren. The sons are Sigfus, residing in Iceland, Andrew, Fred, Oliver, Louis and Oscar, all of Blaine. Mr. Stevenson was a member of the Lutheran church. He taught school in his native country before coming to America, and was a great lover of books.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 11, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

STEWART, Dewitt (d. 1900)

STEWART, Elbert N. (d. 1924)

Elbert Neil Stewart, a Whatcom county pioneer, died at a Bellingham hospital at 3:45 a.m., February 20, at the age of 68 years. He had been ill since the Sunday before. Mr. Stewart came to Whatcom county in 1888, coming originally from Texas, where he started life as a cowboy. He became widely known. He helped to build the Deming trail to Mt. Baker and for fifteen years held a timber claim on the middle Fork of the Nooksack river. The claim was sold to Jim McCoy of Wickersham and it is now owned by the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber company. His cabin was long the stopping place for hikers to Mt. Baker and he will be remembered as a genial and hospitable host. In pioneer days he hauled the stone for the county courthouse and the Lincoln school. He was also a member of the first volunteer fire department of Bellingham.

The survivors are two brothers, James J. Stewart and Andrew J. Stewart of Texas; one sister, Mrs. Alice Bell Patterson, Bellingham; two nieces, Mrs. Ivie Waldroop and Miss Ida Patterson, both of Bellingham; one nephew, Homer B. Patterson, Bellingham; and a number of nieces and nephews in Texas. For many years he made his home with his niece, Mrs. Ivie Waldroop. Funeral services were held at Arthur C. Harlow's mortuary home on Sunday, February 23, at 1 p. m. Interment took place in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, February 29, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

STILL, Catherine (d. 1923)

Mrs. Catherine Still, mother of Richard, James and Albert Still and Mrs. George Willison of this city, passed away at seven o'clock Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Willison, at the age of 86 years. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Willison, Rev. O. Congdon of Sumas officiating, and the remains shipped to Harwood, North Dakota, on the evening train for burial. Mrs. Still's two daughters, Mrs. Willison & Mrs. Lewis of Fargo, N. D., accompanied the remains.

Catherine Wilson was born in Scotland Dec. 15, 1836, and emigrated to Canada with her parents in 1849. In 1852 she was married to David Still and in 1878 they moved to Fargo, N. D. To this union 12 children were born, of whom six are now living, four sons and two daughters as follows: Richard, James and Albert Still of this city, Mrs. George Willison of this city, H. D. Still of Prineville, Oregon and Mrs. W. M. Lewis of Fargo, N. D., all of whom were present at the funeral. Her husband passed beyond 13 years ago. She came to Blaine 13 years ago and has since lived with her children here since. During these years she became endeared to everyone through her sturdy, Christian character and upright living. There are also surviving 27 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 15, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

STILLMAN, Mary C. (d. 1925)

Mrs. Mary C. Stillman, aged 61 years passed away at her home _29 Thirteenth street, Saturday morning, May 2. Mrs. Stillman had been in Bellingham for the past three years, coming here from Shaw island. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. H. Clift of this city and Mrs. Kirkwood McLachen of Deer Harbor; one son George H. Stillman, this city; seven brothers, Deviell Shaw, Spokane; Thomas and Albert, North Dakota; Richard and William, Shaw island; Milton and Charles, Minnesota; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Moats of Minnesota and Mrs. Dora Richter, Michigan; besides five grandchildren. She was a member of the Episcopal church. The body rests at the Harlow mortuary home, Holly and Forest streets, where funeral services will be held Monday afternoon, May 4, at 1:30 o'clock, with the Rev. James M. Wilson of St. James Presbyterian church officiating, and interment will follow in the family plot in Bay View cemetery, beside the body of her husband, who passed away in April, 1922.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 2, 1925)

STILLWELL, Charles A. (d. 1902)

On Tuesday the large saw in the saw mill of Story and Harvey broke and a piece of it struck Mr. Stilwell injuring him so that he died within two hours. Mr. Stilwell was head sawyer in the mill and was helping one of the men move a "cant." One end of this piece of timber struck the saw and caused it to fly to pieces. A large piece of the saw struck Mr. Stilwell in a most peculiar manner. It seems it came flat against his breast. Not a scratch was made on the body. The force of the blow was so strong that he was knocked senseless and injured internally. He rallied and became conscious and remained so until he died about two hours after being struck. Mr. Stilwell was a former resident of this city and is well known here. He was a brother-in-law of Emmet McDonald. Mr. McDonald left on the noon train yesterday to be present at the funeral. The funeral took place yesterday at Lynden, the home of the deceased, where he leaves a wife and four children. The Harvey Bros. took charge of the funeral arrangements and yesterday a subscription paper with a large amount as the sum total was circulating around Everson with the object in view of aiding Mrs. Stilwell, who is said to be almost destitute by the untimely accident as far as ready money is concerned.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 3, 1902) Submitted by site coordinator.
another account of the accident

STITES, Rachel M. (d. 1903)

STODDARD, Benjamin F. (d. 1921)

Benjamin Franklin Stoddard, a civil war veteran and for twenty years a resident of Deming, died Saturday evening at that place at the home of his son, B. P. Stoddard, at the age of 78 years. He served in the Indiana volunteers. The survivors are the widow, Mrs. Cynthia Stoddard; one son, B. P. Stoddard, and three daughters, Miss Martha Stoddard, Deming; Mrs. George Shumway, Deming, and Mrs. John Robinson, Mollala, Ore. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at Deming this afternoon with the Rev. E. O. Quall, of Avon, officiating. Interment took place in Mount Hope cemetery, Deming, under Arthur C. Harlow's direction.       Image
(From the Bellingham Herald, November 28, 1921)

STODDARD, Jessie E. (d. 1920)

Jessie E. Stoddard, aged thirty-two years, passed away at her home, 1514 Grant street, Wednesday evening, February 18 after a brief illness. Mrs. Stoddard has resided in Bellingham her entire life, and leaves to survive her, her husband, Ralph Stoddard, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stave; two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Woodall, of Seattle, and Mrs. Clara Hall; one brother, Maxwell Stave, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Markhart, all of Bellingham. She was a member of the First Christian church. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon February 21, at 2 o'clock, from the chapel of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street with the Rev. W. F. Reagor officiating, after which interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From the Bellingham Herald, February 19, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

STODDARD, Martha (d. 1928)

After an illness of three weeks Miss Martha Stoddard, a resident of Deming for the past 25 years passed away at the family home, west of Deming, on Thursday, May 31. The funeral was conducted under the direction of the Gillies Funeral Home of Sumas. Interment was made in Deming cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Rev. O. A. QUALL of South Bellingham officiating. Surviving relatives are her mother Mrs. Cynthia Stoddard, one brother, Ben, at home; two sisters, Mrs. G. M. Shumway of Deming, and Mrs. J. H. Robinson of Bend, Oregon.
(From The Deming Prospector, June 8, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.

STODDARD, W. J. (d. 1901)

Death of Captain Stoddard
Last Monday morning at 6 o'clock, Capt. W. J. Stoddard, of the steamer Royal, died at his residence at Semiahmoo from blood poisoning. Captain Stoddard was one of the best known navigators at this port having been in command of A. P. A. company's steamers for a number of years, and was universally respected. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity as well as the A. O. U. W. The illness which carried him off commenced six or seven months ago from a sore on one of his fingers, which at first was considered of no consequence, finally resulting in blood poisoning ending in death. He leaves a wife but no children to mourn his loss. His remains were taken to Seattle last Tuesday for interment.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 8, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONE, Delos S. (d. 1896)

On Saturday, June 20th, 1896, the community was shocked and startled by the sudden death of Delos S. Stone, of this city. Mr. Stone had been suffering for a long time, but has kept on his feet and been able to attend to his personal affairs, and could have been seen upon our streets almost any day up to the time of his death. He was a victim of that dreaded disease known as paralysis, that comes with the rush and weep of a cyclone, and invariably leaves a prostrated and helpless form or corpse in its wake.

Mr. Stone was born in Jamestown, in the now noted and historical county of Chautauqua, in the state of New York, on Aug. 12th, 1833. He afterwards moved to Ohio, and in the early days of the rebellion enlisted as a private soldier for three years in company B, 12th regiment, Ohio Infantry. He was honorably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., on May 1st, 1863. At the age of 17 he became a member of the church, and since that time has been a zealous and consistent Christian. The deceased came to Blaine in 1889. After viewing the country around about, he decided to locate on a tract of government land near Langley, B. C. He and his family settled there and remained until about three years ago, when they returned to Blaine. Mr. Stone came to Blaine from Marshalltown, Iowa. Prior to his residence in Iowa, he had lived in Jackson county, Kan. Part of his allotted years were spent as a school teacher. He was a regularly ordained United Brethren minister, and spent several years in church work.

His father died when he was eleven years of age. A brother, who has not been heard from for four years is the only blood relative who survives. To Mrs. Alice Stone, the widow of the deceased, the sympathy of the whole community is extended. Mr. Stone was an upright, conscientious, pure minded, whole souled citizen, and we venture to say that he had not an enemy in the world. Funeral exerciSes were conducted at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday last, Rev. J. W. White preaching the funeral sermon from II. Timothy iv., 6-8. The deceased being a member of Reynolds Post G. A. R. of Blaine during his lifetime, the exercises at the Blaine cemetery were conducted under the auspices of the post. A large concourse of our people attended the exercises at the church and at the cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 26, 1896) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONE, Freeman N. (d. 1913)

The funeral service for Mr. Freeman N. Stone, who met his death by being accidentally electrocuted in his barber shop at the Hotel Swail, Sumas, Wash., November 28, will be held Tuesday, December 2, at 1:45 p. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. N. M. Temple, pastor of the First Methodist church officiating at the parlor service, after which interment will be made in Bay View cemetery according to the ritualistic burial service of the Fraternal Order of eagles, conducted by the officers and members of Whatcom aerie No. 31, F. O. E. Mr. Stone at the time of death was 32 years old, was a member of Snohomish aerie No. 195, F. O. E., and of the Journeyman Barbers' union, local No. 457, of Bellingham. The funeral car will leave from the corner of Elk and Franklin streets at 1:30 p. m. for the convenience of the relatives.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 1, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONE, Mark (d. 1916)

Mark Stone, Whatcom County pioneer, passed away Friday at St. John's Hospital at Port Townsend. In the presence of a great gathering of friends, funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church, and he was laid to rest in the Lynden cemetery. Mark Stone was born in California Sept. 11, 1860. He settled in Whatcom County in 1883. On Christmas Day, 1890, he was married to Miss Nellie Packard. Left to mourn are two daughters, Thressa and Lida, and two sisters, Mrs. John Hess of Canby, Cal., and Mrs. Ida Edelen of San Francisco. Stone's generosity, kindliness and many good qualities won for him a warm place in the hearts of his neighbors throughout the district, and the news of his death was received with sorrow. The Rev. Paul Ashby officiated at the funeral, and a special choir sang.
(From The Lynden Tribune, July 6, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONE, Mary A. (d. 1912)

Mrs. Mary A. Stone, whose funeral was held in Lynden on Saturday, February 24, was born August 17, 1833. Her parents were Levy and Lura Eddy. Mary A. Eddy lived in New York until she was eleven years of age, when she moved with her parents to Burlington, Cane County, Illinois. This was her home until she reached the age of twenty, when she was married to Norton Stone. Within three weeks, occurred her wedding, and that of one of her brothers, and also a sister, and together they started across the plains to California, March, 1854. Thirty-six friends composed this company, and the journey occupied six months and four days. They settled first near Yreka, California. Mr. and Mrs. Stone remained at this place until 1871, when they moved to Lassen County, where Mr. Stone died in 1891. Mrs. Stone made Lassen County her home until 1909 when she came to Lynden to live with her son, M. W. Stone.

Mrs. Stone's brothers and sisters are Harvey Eddy, of Yreka, California; Cadelia Stone, of Weed, California; Henry Eddy, of Winthrop, Iowa, and Charley Eddy, of Seattle. She was the mother of nine children, three of whom, Mrs. Etta Hess, of Canby, California, Mrs. Eda Edelen and M. W. Stone, both of Lynden, survive her. The death of Mrs. Stone leaves but three of the company that started for California in 1854, Andrew Soule, of Adin, California, Harvey Eddy, and Cadelia Stone, of Weed, California, brother and sister of Mrs. Stone.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 7, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONE, Nellie (d. 1912)

Mrs. Nellie Packard Stone, wife of Mark W. Stone, died at her home in Bellingham Monday afternoon, and was buried Wednesday morning, interment taking place in the Lynden cemetery. Funeral services were held in the First Methodist church, the Rev. Herbert Jones conducting the same, and a quartet composed of Mrs. Harry Fountain, Miss Beatrice Handy, Mr. E. Edson and Mr. F. E. Knapp, with Mrs. H. H. Jamieson at the organ, rendered several musical selections. The services were attended by many friends of the deceased who feel that in Mrs. Stone's death they have lost a true and tender associate. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, mute tributes of love and respect to the departed. The Fraternal Union of which Mrs. Stone was an active member conducted the services at the cemetery.

Mrs. Stone, whose maiden name was Nellie A. Packard, was born in Wisconsin in 1873, and had attained the age of thirty-nine years. She came with her parents to Lynden in 1887, when her family came up the river on the old steamboat, "Edith." On Christmas day, 1890 she was married to Mark W. Stone, three children blessing the union. The eldest child died at the age of seven years. Mrs. Stone is survived by her husband, two daughters Lida and Theresa, a brother who lives in Lynden, and another brother in the east. From early summer Mrs. Stone's health was failing and in August the family moved to Bellingham where everything possible was done to restore her waning strength, but to no avail, and for several weeks her life was despaired of. Of a loving and self-sacrificing nature, kind and sympathetic, Nellie Stone, as she was familiarly known to very many of the older residents of Lynden and vicinity leaves many friends, who extend sincerest sympathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. Stone was a member of the Brotherhood of American Yeoman, the Fraternal Union, and of Delta Grange.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 21, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

STONEHOUSE, Susannah (d. 1926)

Mrs. Susannah Stonehouse passed away on Tuesday evening, August 24, (1926) at the age of 85 years 10 months and 25 days. "Grandma" as she was lovingly called, had been in failing health for some time. The deceased was a native of Scotland, coming to Ontario in early youth, where she was united in marriage to William Stonehouse, making her home there for several years before moving to Bynum, Mont., where they resided until five years ago, when they came to Clearbrook to make their home with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stonehouse, where they resided until the final summons came. She is survived by four sons and three daughters, R. L. of Bynum, Mont.; J. N. of Seattle, K. C. of Bellingham, and E. D. Stonehouse of Clearbrook. The daughters are all residing in Ontario. Several grandchildren and great-grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were held at the Clearbrook church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Squires of Nooksack officiating. The pallbearers were J. A. Greenough, Charles Serl, A. Swanson, Ed Hagen, S. Bailey and Ed Bollerud. She was laid to rest beside her husband in the Clearbrook Lakeside cemetery, with the Gillies funeral home in charge.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 28, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

STORFIELD, Andrew J. (d. 1920)

Andrew J. Storfield, aged 55 years, passed away at a local hospital on the morning of March 20, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Storfield had been a resident of the city for nineteen years. He was a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church; also of the Sons of Norway and the Shipwwrights' Union of this city. He is survived by one son, Arthur, of Bellingham; two brothers and two sisters, Ove J. Storfield, of Norway; John, of Robstart, Sask.; Mrs. Paulianna J. Stjern and Miss Sofia Storfield, of Norway. The body is being cared for at the undertaking parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 20, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

STORREY, Charles H. (d. 1905)

Charles H. Storrey, one of the aged and respected citizens of this city, died at his home in this city Saturday evening, June 24, 1905, aged 77 years, 2 months and 19 days. He had been sick for several months. The funeral was held from the M. E. church in this city on Monday afternoon, the Rev. B. W. Rinehart officiating, and the interment was made in the Lynden cemetery.

Charles H. Storrey was a native of England, being born in that country on April 5, 1828. With his parents, he came to Toronto, Canada, when but a boy of seven and remained in that section until he reached manhood's estate. At the age of twenty he married Miss Jane McCutheon, and to this union seven children were born, five of whom are living. Two have passed away, Chas. H. died in Aberdeen, N. Dak., and Mrs. Jennie Roberts, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Besides the widow, the following children are left to mourn his death: Mrs. Mary Collins, Mrs. Minnie Nichols, Mrs. Hattie Steffe, T. J. and G. W. Storrey, all of this place. After leaving Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Storrey spent a number of years in the states of Michigan, Iowa and North Dakota, and about eleven years ago came to Washington and have since resided here. He was well known in this section, standing high in the esteem of his neighbors. Being an ardent and active member of the Methodist Church, he will be greatly missed by that organization here. Mr. Storrey was a kind and loving husband and father, a good neighbor and friend, and a citizen who took a deep interest in the welfare of his country and the community in which he lived. The bereaved ones have the deep sympathy of their many friends in their grief.
(From The Pacific Pilot, June 29, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

STORREY, Jane (d. 1909)

   A ray of sunshine has gone out from Lynden. Mrs. Charles Storrey, better known, perhaps, as Mother Storrey is dead. The end came last Sunday morning after an illness of many months. The funeral was from the house Monday afternoon, Rev. Wilder officiating.
   The writer did not know Mrs. Storrey well, yet he will miss her. So will all who did know her even slightly. We first saw her early in the spring when the leaves were green and the early blossoms were coming out. She was 84 years old, wrinkled and bent and grey, but the smile she gave to our passing nod was the smile of a Godly heart - so cheering and warm and welcoming that one felt he had known her always. And so through the spring and the summer time we watched for the bent form in the little yard back of her son's home, and when she was not there we felt someway that we had missed a part of what the day owed us. There was never any real conversation. We were strangers according to the world's ways, but her influence reached us. We were happier for having known her. We are sorry for ourselves now she has gone away, though glad for her. The last few months Mrs. Storrey had not been able to be out doors. Toward the end her mind as well as her body gave way, until for her sake her friends and relatives were glad to welcome the end.
   Jane McCutchin was born Feb. 5, 1825, in Ireland and came to Toronto, Canada, with her parents when but a child. She was married to Charles Storrey at the age of 24. Seven children blessed the union, four of whom are still living. She and her husband who died four years ago came to Lynden 17 years ago, and she has made her home with her son, T. J. Storrey of recent years. She was a member of the Methodist church.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 4, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

STOWELL, George (d. 1901)

George Stowell, a veteran of the civil war, died at his home on Donovan avenue, Fairhaven, at 8:20 p. m. Thursday, May 30th. He passed away peacefully, conscious to the last, surrounded by his large family of devoted sons and daughters who for many weeks had watched at his bed side. He dropped to sleep at the close of Memorial day; while the last refrains of patriotic music were trembling on the evening air; while the praises for our noble dead were still echoing in the veteran hearts all over the land, George Stowell passed over the river to bivouac with that Grand Army which had already gone before.

George Stowell was born in Windsor, Vt., 73 years ago, May 4th, 1901 (sic) [1828?]. He was married to Emily Forsythe in Adams county, Wis., Feb. 23d, 1852. His devoted wife departed this life March 20th of this year, aged 68 years, and from that day the old veteran, and devoted husband and father, lost his hold on this world. He was the father of eleven children, seven of whom survive him. They are J. F. Stowell, of Stanwood, Wash., Mrs. Marietta Buckley, of Buffalo, N. D., Charles C. Stowell, George W. Stowell, Mrs. Maud Scott, Mrs. Blanche Swainston and Mrs. Nellie Goe, of Fairhaven.

The funeral will take place at the residence at 10 o'clock, Sunday, June 2d, Rev. C. B. Sears conducting the services. Cars corner Harris avenue and 12th street for Bay View cemetery at 10:45 a. m., Grand Army veterans in charge. At the cemetery the burial services of the G. A. R. ritual will be read by officers of C. R. Apperson Post, of Fairhaven. Pall bearers: John Fernley, D. Alverson E. M. Day, J. M. Darling, T. W. Gillette and W. M. Toles.
(From The Daily Reveille, June 1, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

STOWELL, John F. (d. 1915)

John Forsythe Stowell was born in Wisconsin in July 1854. His early life was spent in Portage and Kilbourn, Wis. His folks kept a tavern and his father George Stowell served in the Union Army during the Civil War. At the age of seventeen he began teaching school, which occupation he was engaged for the next seventeen years during the autumn and winter seasons in the states, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin and the Dakotas. During spring and summer he worked on lumber rafts on the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers and was also engaged in general farming.

In 1887 he married Louise Schobinger, formerly of Schaffhausen, Switzerland. In 1889, with his family he came to Whatcom, Wash., then a mere cluster of huts. He worked in a lumber yard for a few years. In 1893, he started working for the Great Northern Railroad Co. He was employed as operator and agent on the railway until 1910 when his ill health forced him to retire. His remaining years were spent on the farm near Ferndale, Wash., where he was engaged in light farm work, until within a few hours of his death. He succumbed December 29, 1915 to the third stroke of paralysis, fully prepared for the end. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and six children, Edward, Ernest, Annie, Emily, Ralph and Louise. Also two brothers and three sisters, Charles C. Stowell, of South Bellingham, Wash., George W. Stowell of Blanchard, Wash., Mrs. Marietta Buckley of Buffalo, N. Dak., Mrs. Blanche Swainston of Polson, Mont., Mrs. Maud Maltby of San Antonio, Tex., and Mrs. Nellie Goe of New Westminster, B. C.
(From The Ferndale Record, January 7, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRACHE, Emil K. (d. 1921)

Emil K. Strache, a pioneer farmer of Laurel, passed away at his home Thursday at the age of 72 years, and the funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at the church near the Woodlawn cemetery. Mr. Strache came to Whatcom county years ago and took up a homestead near Laurel. His farm is one of the finest in that section of the county. He was unmarried. The deceased is survived by a brother of Portland, Ore., who has been visiting in this county, and a sister, Mrs. W. A. Perry, of Clearbrook.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 5, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRACHILA, John (d. 1923)

STRACHILA, Stanley (d. 1933)

STRACHILA, Victoria (d. 1932)

Miss Victoria Strachila passed away at Portland, Oregon, Thursday, December 1, 1932, after an illness of several months' duration. Miss Strachila had been a resident of Whatcom county for many years and had gone to Portland for the benefit of her health. She was born in Clipper on December 20, 1900. She leaves to survive her, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Strachilla (sic), of Clipper, three brothers, Joseph of Portland; Stanley, Jr. and Adolph of Clipper; four sisters, Mrs. F. Biemba, of Clipper; Miss Rosalia and Cecelia of Bellingham, and Evelyn Strachila of Sedro-Woolley. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the st. Joseph's Catholic church at Clipper, with the Rev. Father Benedict of Lynden, officiating. Interment took place in the family plot at the Clipper cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, December 9, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRACHILA, Vlandy (d. 1927)

It was with great sorrow the many friends of Vlandy Strachila heard of the sad accident at the Flannigan mill in Saxon, a piece of timber going entirely through his body which caused his death the next morning about 9 o'clock. The funeral was held on July 4, at the Catholic church in Clipper and the remains were interred in the Clipper cemetery. He leaves to mourn his death a father and mother, five sisters and three brothers. What made this seem more sad was the fact of his elder brother, John, having been killed in the woods by a log rolling on him less than four years ago. He was raised here and lived in the community all his life, was well liked and respected by all, was a shining example to others in all that was upright and good. He was only 24 years of age, just in his prime. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole community is extended to the sorrowing relatives.
(From The Deming Prospector, July 8, 1927)

STRANDELL, Andrew (d. 1939)

Andrew Strandell, 77, a pioneer of Whatcom county, tragically ended a long career Tuesday afternoon by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. For years he has been living alone on what is known as the Siper road north of Lawrence. The aged man threatened to a neighbor on several occasions that he would end his own life, the last threat being made Tuesday. That evening his body was found in his home. Coroner W. A. Hulbush was called and, with Sheriff W. T. Farmer, investigated the case. Both officers were convinced Strandell took his own life.

Strandell came to Whatcom county in 1895 and settled on a piece of land and opened a store at a point which since has borne the name of Strandell. He was made postmaster of that place, bought the sawmill there and took an active part in the development of that section. On November 8, 1899, he opened a bank under the name of the Scandinavian-American Bank of Strandell, operating as a partnership under the name of Strandell, Olson & Company, with H. St. John Dix as the principal banker and with Mr. Strandell as second vice-president and a director. On January 14, 1901, Mr. Strandell retired from the bank, which on the following February 27 closed its doors. Mr. Strandell later moved to Lynden where he was in business until 1920 when he moved to Bellingham, later moving to the farm near Lawrence.

Surviving relatives are the widow, Freda, and a daughter, Mamie E. Strandell, living in Bellingham, and three sons, Lewis A. Strandell, Vancouver, B. C.; Edwin Strandell, Upper Jay, N. Y., and George M. Strandell, of Los Angeles. There are also two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Wright of Minneapolis, and Christine Collins, Lewis, Iowa. The body was brought to the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home, where services will be held Saturday, January 14, at 10 a. m., with the Rev. George E. Cooprider and Rev. L. L. Gaylord officiating. Interment will be in the Nooksack cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 11, 1939) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRANGE, Mary A. (d. 1920)

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hardeman received the sad intelligence Sunday morning that their eldest daughter, Mrs. S. A. Strange, had been killed near Portland, Oregon. The accident which caused her death took place about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at a small station out from Portland, where the Strange's lived. Mrs. Strange was crossing the railroad track near her home when an oncoming train whistled. Although some distance away, the whistling apparently startled her into an immovable state, and before the train reached her she fell in a collapse. Deceased was 46 years of age and was born in Texas. In 1899 she was married to S. A. Strange and lived nearly all of the time since in this county, moving to Oregon about a year ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Bellingham with Rev. W. F. Reagor officiating, and burial made in the Bay View cemetery there. A husband and two step sons survive in addition to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hardeman, of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. L. Harvey McRae of Kendall, Mrs. Herb Everist of Everett, and Mrs. Gordon McElmon of Blaine. Mrs. Strange had been a member of the Christian church for the past 20 years and was a sincere Christian woman. The aged parents and relatives have the sympathy of everybody in their sorrow.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 26, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRATTON, Margaret A. (d. 1916)

Mrs. Margaret A. Stratton, aged 77 years, residing at 1926 Ellis street, passed away at an early hour Saturday, November 25, after only a few days' illness. Mrs. Stratton was a member of the Presbyterian church and of the Order of the Eastern Star and of the daughters of Rebekah at Vernon, Ind. She is survived by three sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Annie S. Gwinnup, Miss Carrie V. Miller, of Bellingham, Mrs. Lizzie Watkins, of Chicago; T. W. Miller, C. E. Miller and J. B. Miller, all of Bellingham. Funeral services will be held Monday, November 27, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. George A. Crawford officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View Cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 25, 1916) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

STRICKFADEN, Grace D. (d. 1921)

After an illness of nearly three years Grace Dorine Strickfaden died at the Marshall Sanitarium at the age of 23 years. She is survived by her husband, Allen Strickfaden, one son, Billy, aged 3 years, her mother, Mrs. John Marshall; one sister, Mollie; one brother, John Strickfaden, of Regina, Saskatchewan. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church of Maple Falls and interment was made in the Kendall cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 28, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

STRICKFADEN, Henry J. (d. 1936)

H. J. Strickfaden, Veteran Publisher Succumbs
Owner of Deming Prospector, Maple Falls Leader
dies Here At Age of 74 Years
Henry James Strickfaden, veteran publisher of Whatcom county weekly newspapers, died early Thursday at his home, 3043 Marine Drive. He was 74 years of age and was widely known in Northwest Washington. He had published the Maple Falls Leader more than thirty years and at the time of his death was editing both it and the Deming Prospector. Mr. Strickfaden was a member of the Presbyterian church at Maple Falls. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lula Strickfaden; one son, Allen Strickfaden; one daughter, Mrs. Lurline Hawkins, and one grandson, Billy Strickfaden, all of Bellingham, and several nieces and nephews, of whom Joe Berger lives in Bellingham. Funeral announcements will be made by the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home.

Mr. Strickfaden was born at Huntingburg, Indiana. He lived there until he was 18 years of age, when he removed to Fort Worth, Texas, where he also remained eighteen years. On October 28, 1889, at Bowie, Texas, he married Lula Yelton. In 1897 the family removed to Heppner, Oregon, and one year later to Whatcom county. For a time he and the late Frank Teck conducted the World-Herald in Fairhaven. Subsequently he established the Fairhaven Times. Removing to Maple Falls in 1902, Mr. Strickfaden established the Maple Falls Leader. He acquired the Deming Prospector many years later. At that time Maple Falls was one of the most active communities in Whatcom county, due largely to mining operations in the mount Baker district. Among the large operators were the Post-Lambert and the Great Excelsior. Prospectors were numerous and owners of pack-horses were kept busy. They made Maple Falls their headquarters.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 23, 1936)

STRICKFADEN, J. F. (d. 1925)

Brother of Publisher Claimed By Death
Last week word was received here announcing the death of J. F. Strickfaden, brother of the editor of this paper, and uncle of J. W. Berger of Bellingham, at his home in Compton, California. Mr. Strickfaden formerly resided in Idaho and about eight years ago visited his brother in Maple Falls, not having seen each other for more than twenty years. Since that time he has resided in Southern California, locating in the suburban section of Lynwood. The following account of his sudden passing appeared in the Lynwood (Cal.) Tribune of the issue of May 1:
On Monday morning about 10 o'clock, Mr. J. F. Strickfaden died of chronic heart disease at his home on Palm Ave. Mr. Strickfaden, who was 76 years old, was in the garage, working, when he was stricken with heart failure, and fell backwards to the floor. In his fall he cut the back of his head on a sharp edge, but the gash was not sufficient to have caused death... Dr. David Bell was immediately summoned and by the time that he arrived, ten minutes later, the man was dead.

The deceased was born in Huntingburg, Indiana, November 18, 1849. On July 6, 1882, he was married to Eleanor E. Handy. A widow and eight children survive him: Mrs. J. A. Gaul, Compton; Mrs. Irene Cargill, Seal Beach; J. F. Strickfaden, Jr., Los Angeles; Sarah Strickfaden, Lynnwood; Henry I. Strickfaden, Gifford, Idaho; Charles and John Strickfaden, Ferdinand, Idaho; Lee A. Strickfaden, Lewiston, Idaho. He has two brothers living H. J. Strickfaden, Bellingham, Washington; J. W. Strickfaden, Chrisney, Indiana. The Strickfadens are old settlers in Lynnwood, and they have made many friends in the local community who sincerely regret the passing of Mr. Strickfaden, and who offer the deepest sympathy to his bereaved family. The funeral arrangements were attended to by Undertaker King of Compton, and services were held at the Compton Catholic church at 10 o'clock Thursday morning with burial in Calvary cemetery, Los Angeles.
(From The Deming Prospector, May 15, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

STROMBITA, Eva (d. 1925)

Mrs. Michael Strombita died at the hospital in Sumas at an early hour Thursday morning, after a short illness. She was about 40 years of age at the time of her death. On Wednesday morning she had an attack of fainting spells and her condition became so serious that an ambulance was sent for and she was taken to the hospital at Sumas where an operation was performed and she seemed to recover, but passed away early Thursday morning. She leaves a husband, two sons, Nick and George, and four daughters, Lena, Rena, Rosa and Violet. Funeral services will be held in the church at Maple Falls Sunday afternoon at 1:30. The body is in charge of Mr. Gillies at Sumas. The Strombita family have been residents of Maple Falls for a number of years.
(From The Deming Prospector, February 6, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

STROMME, Laura M. (d. 1938)

Following a long illness, Mrs. Laura Marie Stromme, who came here two years ago from New York city, died Wednesday at her home on Chuckanut Drive. She was 81 years of age and was a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran church. Surviving relatives are one son, Olaf Stromme, a member of the Whatcom Junior high school faculty; four daughters, Mrs. Samuel W. Chase, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Frazier Peters, Warwick, N.Y.; Mrs. Joseph Dexter, Leonia, N.J., and Mrs. Lucian Cary, New York city; twelve grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Seibert, Seattle, and Mrs. C. J. West, Pasadena, Cal. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home Friday at 1:30 p.m. rev. Clarence Haugen will officiate. Cremation will follow.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 3, 1938)

STUART, Matthew L. (d. 1909)

M. L. Stuart died yesterday at 2 o'clock and will be buried tomorrow in the Lynden cemetery. The funeral services will be at the house at 2 o'clock. Rev. C. E. Hodgess officiating. Mr. Stuart had been a resident of this neighborhood for about two years and had one of the finest farms near Lynden. He came here from Dows, Iowa. He was 63 years, 10 months old, having been born in New York state. In Iowa he married Miss Matilda Wall, who survives him. The children are Herbert E., R. R. and Pansy and Daisy. The deceased had been sick for some time, death resulting from a complication of several diseases of which asthma was the most pronounced. Though his residence here has been short he had won a host of friends who sympathize with the family in its affliction.
(From The Lynden Tribune, October 28, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

STURGEON, Eli (d. 1923)

The impressive Masonic funeral ceremony, conducted by the officers and members of Bellingham lodge, No. 44, F. & A. M., at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, in Bay View cemetery, marked the final obsequies of Eli Sturgeon, well known pioneer of this city. He is the last of the Sturgeon family laid at rest in the Sturgeon-Dobbs burial area, one of the most beautiful in all that silent city - Miss Anna Sturgeon died in 1898, Mrs. Sturgeon died in 1913, Dorothy (Mrs. Beverly B. Dobbs) died in 1922, and the husband and father, Eli Sturgeon, died in Seattle last Friday at the age of 80 years and 1 month.

Mr. Sturgeon was born in Columbus, Ohio, October 3, 1843. He was a Union soldier during the Civil war, a sergeant of a company of the 143d Ohio infantry. In 1867 he married Harriet Luella Yoley, of Pittsburg, and in 1889 they arrived in this city with their two daughters. Mr. Sturgeon was for more than fifteen years chief timekeeper of the Bellingham Bay Lumber company (at what is now the Bloedel Donovan mill). He later spent a year in the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Dobbs, at Nome, Alaska, and of late years has been living in Seattle, where Mr. Dobbs and Mrs. Sturgeon's sister now reside. Mr. Dobbs made all the arrangements for the funeral and was accompanied here by his elder brother, W. H. Dobbs, who published the Lynden Pioneer Press for fifteen years and who now also resides in Seattle.
Funeral Notice lists sister, Mrs. Todd of Pittsburg, Pa. as a survivor.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 12, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

STURGEON, Harriet L. (d. 1913)

Mrs. Harriet L. Sturgeon, aged 62 years, a pioneer resident of this city, passed away at the family residence, 2036 Ellis street, at an early hour Monday, December 1, after an illness of six weeks. Mrs. Sturgeon, with her family came to Bellingham twenty-four years ago, and the sad news of her departure will be much mourned by many friends and acquaintances. She was a member of the First Church of Christ Scientist, and is survived by husband, one daughter and one sister - Mr. Eli Sturgeon, city; Mrs. B. B. Dobbs and Mrs. Mary A. Pry, of Seattle. The funeral service will be held Wednesday, December 3, at 2:15 p. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave from Ellis and Kentucky streets at 2 o'clock p. m. for the convenience of the relatives and friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 1, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

SULLENDER, Mr. L. A. and Mrs. Katherine (d. 1934)

A letter received this week from Mr. Samuel Sullender, son of A. L. Sullender, of Overland, Mo., announced the death of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sullender, his father passing away on June 21, followed by the death of his mother, Katherine Sullender, eight days later, June 29.

Mr. Sullender purchased the Prospector, which was then located at Acme, from the late Major Joseph W. Kelly and later moved the plant back to Deming where it was originally founded some thirty-seven years ago. Mr. Sullender published the paper for a year or more at Deming, sold the plant to its present owner and returned to his home at Overland, Mo., where he remained up to the time of his death. Mr. Sullender was an excellent newspaper man and had traveled in nearly every continent on the globe. When he first came to this part of the country he became associated with this publisher in the publication of the Maple Falls Leader for about six months, after which he returned to his home at Overland. Some months later, however, he became homesick for the Puget Sound country and returned to take over the Acme Prospector, which he later on removed to Deming, its present location. A year or more later he decided to return home and sold the plant to its present owner and departed for Overland, a suburb of St. Louis. Mr. Sullender made many friends throughout this section, all of whom will regret to learn of his passing.
(From The Deming Prospector, July 20, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.

SUTLEY, Seth A. (d. 1909)

The funeral of S. A. Sutley was held Sunday with services in the M. E. church that were attended by many of his friends and acquaintances. It was one of the largest funerals of recent years. Rev. Rinehart an old time friend and neighbor preached the funeral sermon and in the services were assisted by Rev. Wilder and the presiding elder of the district. The pall bearers were intimate friends and business associates.
Mr. Sutley's death as noticed in the Tribune last week came as a shock to the entire community. No one realized that he was so dangerously sick and in fact until the very last it is not believed that he knew it. Only a few hours before his death he had supervised the drawing up and signing his will. The following obituary was written by a friend of the family;

Seth Alfred Sutley was born at Omaha, Nebraska, July 25, 1859, and died at Lynden, Wash., April 29, 1909. He was the youngest son of nine children of which one brother and four sisters survive him. His parents died in his boyhood leaving him in early life to care for himself. His early life was spent at his birthplace. In 1891 he moved to Harlan ____d, here on Dec. 2, 1894 was married to Miss Zada Horton. To this union three children were born Veda, Melvin and Mirth. In 1902 he with his family came to the coast and in April 1903 they settled in Lynden and since that time have made this their permanent home. In the death of Mr. Sutley Lynden loses one of its most honored and prosperous citizens and the vacancy caused by his demise has cast a shadow of gloom over a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Sutley was a man of deep sterling qualities; honest and considerate in all his acts and dealings, and a kind accommodating neighbor. He was frank and outspoken in conversation and a hater and despiser of sham and hypocrisy. He possessed one trait of character which deserves mention: He always put the worst side out and concealed the better. He was sympathetic to those in trouble or need of a friend, and would put himself out of his way to do a good deed. But he never advertised these kindnesses, simply concealing what most men delight to do openly and above board. Mr. Sutley was an inveterate worker and by his thrift and energy succeeded in amassing a considerable fortune consisting of a large tract of land in Alberta, some property in Omaha, a farm just outside the limits of Lynden and a fine home in Lynden besides various buildings, lots mortgages, securities and other property. Mr. Sutley was not allied with any religious sect, but was a real humanitarian, a true husband, good father and an honest citizen.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 6, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWAN, Isaac W. (d. 1927)

Isaac W. Swan, 87, Civil war veteran and member of J. B. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., died at his home, 2731 Vallette street, this morning, after a brief illness. He was a member of the First Baptist church. He had lived in Bellingham twenty-one years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Frances Swan; four sons, Guy A., St. Paul, Minn.; Charles L., Seattle; George T. and William P., Bellingham. Funeral services will be held at the O. R. Hollingsworth Funeral Home Saturday at 2 p. m. with the Rev. Ivan Sayler officiating. G. A. R. ritualistic services will be read by members of the J. B. Steedman post, all members of which are asked to attend. Interment will follow in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 22, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWANSON, Carl (d. 1924)

Carl Swanson, who recently started a chicken ranch, in the northeastern part of town, was found dead Tuesday afternoon in his chicken house. He had ended his life by hanging. Deceased had been in poor health for the past three years. Since having a severe attack of influenza three years ago he has not been well and for some time past he has been suffering with dizzy spells and was nearly unable to walk. Always having been of strong body, this preyed upon his mind and caused him finally to give up. He was 39 years of age and for many years worked for the Alaska Packers Association. He was of a retiring disposition, but well liked by all who knew him honest and reliable in all matters. He leaves his wife any baby, one brother, J. A. Swanson, living here, and his parents and several sisters residing in Tacoma, in which city he was raised. Funeral services will be held this afternoon in the Icelandic Lutheran church, Rev. H. E. Johnson officiating. The sorrowing wife and relatives have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, October 23, 1924) Submitted by Karen Swanson-Woolf

SWANSON, Emma C. (d. 1905)

The funeral of Emma C. Swanson, wife of John Swanson, who died at the residence, 2426 James street, Sunday, was held from the Swedish Baptist church, on Champion street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Charles Asplund officiated. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery under the direction of W. H. Mock & Sons.
(From the Bellingham Herald of August 1, 1905) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

SWANSON, Joseph (d. 1926)

Joseph Swanson passed away Wednesday afternoon after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 at Monroe's chapel, Rev. H. A. McPheeters officiating. Interment will take place in the Enterprise cemetery. He was born in Sweden Dec. 12, 1843, and came to America in 1869, living in Chicago, Iowa and California before locating in Whatcom county in Delta township in 1893, where he was engaged in farming. He moved to Ferndale in 1910 where he resided until his death. In 1878 he was married to Anna Wilson, who passed away in 1890. To this union were born four children, three of whom survive him. They are Mrs. Clara Heidman, Ferndale; Mrs. Hattie Sundean, Custer and Edward W. Swanson, Ferndale. He is also survived by nineteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 9, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWARTWOOD, Sarah A. (d. 1924)

The funeral of Sarah Alta Swartwood, who passed away at St. Joseph's hospital July 25, after a brief illness was held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the J. C. Gillies mortuary chapel at Sumas and the remains were interred in the Sumas cemetery. She was aged 36 years, 5 months and 23 days. She leaves to mourn her death a husband and two sons, Vern, aged 13 and Karl, aged 12; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Thomas, of Sumas, and one brother, L. B. Thomas of Seattle.

Alta Thomas was born at Alma, Nebraska, February 2, 1888. At the age of 14 years she, with her parents went to Sumas, where she entered high school from which she graduated and followed teaching until 1909. On November 26, 1909, she was united in marriage with her school classmate, David C. Swartwood, of Sumas. For a few years the young couple resided in Sumas, removing from there to Maple Falls and at the time of her death, they resided in South Bellingham. A large number of relatives and friends were in attendance at the funeral. -Maple Falls Leader.
(From The Deming Prospector, August 1, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWARTZ, Frank C. (d. 1914)

Subsequent to a sudden attack of acute indigestion and neuralgia, Frank C. Swartz, a well-known resident of this city died at his home, 306 Lake street, at 8:30 o'clock last night. The attack developed on Tuesday while Mr. Swartz was at his office, and during the subsequent sickness he is believed by the physicians to have ruptured an artery, which resulted in his death. Yesterday morning Mr. Swartz arose as usual, but was attached with nausea and sank into a critical condition which was culminated with his demise last evening. Mr. Swartz was 67 years old and a native of Illinois, coming to Bellingham about twelve years ago from St. John's, Kansas. He was a Civil war veteran and a member of the local G. A. R. corps, and also an Odd Fellow. He is survived by a widow and three married daughters who are Bellingham residents: Mrs. L. R. Mullin, Mrs. Edith Moon and Mrs. M. R. Kirkpatrick. Engaged in business as a real estate operative almost from the beginning of his Bellingham residence, Mr. Swartz was formerly the senior member of the realty firm of Swartz & Britton, which was changed to Swartz & Conlee about four years ago. Yesterday morning Mr. Conlee said that the death of his partner was absolutely an unexpected event, as Mr. Swartz was about as usual on Tuesday, and apparently in his customary good health. He was nominated on the progressive ticket for state representative at the recent primaries. The wife and the three daughters were at the bedside when the end came, and the remains were removed to the undertaking establishment of Harlow & Livingston, where they will remain pending arrangements for the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 24, 1914) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

SWEARINGEN, Thomas B. (d. 1905)

SWENSON, Albert (d. 1922)

Funeral services for Albert Swenson, who passed away March 2, will be held on Tuesday afternoon, March 7, at 2 p. m. from the Bethany Lutheran church at Lawrence. The Rev. T. J. Moen will officiate and interment will be in Bethany cemetery. Albert Swenson was born in Bellingham nearly thirty-one years ago and had lived here all his life until two months ago, when he went to Centralia, Wash., to work and at which place he died on March 2. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Swensen, residing at 1511 James street, Bellingham; two sisters, Mrs. T. D. Messick, of Seattle, and Mrs. Amelia Rekhus, Bellingham; also one brother Swen Swenson, of this city. The remains arrived in Bellingham early Saturday morning and are in charge of Undertaker J. W. Whitfield.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 6, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWENSON, Carl (d. 1939)

LYNDEN, March 1. - Carl Swenson, a resident of Lynden for many years, passed away Thursday at the home of his brother-in-law, J. J. Booman, after a short illness. Mr. Swenson was born in Sweden May 19, 1865, and came to the United States in 1889, settling in Chicago. He returned to Sweden in 1891, and came back to this country in 1892, and to Lynden in June of that year, and has resided here ever since. He was married to Miss Cecelia Lind, May 19, 1894 and to this union three children were born, Mrs. Esther Cole, who passed away in 1919, Arthur of Spokane, and Elmer of Portland, Ore. Mrs. Swenson died in 1928. He is also survived by eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Knapp & Knapp Funeral Home, Rev. Gustafson conducting the services, interment in Lynden cemetery. Among the out of town people here to attend the funeral services were Arthur Swenson of Spokane, Elmer Swenson of Portland, Mrs. G. A. B. Dozell of Tacoma, Misses Mildred Cole and Bess Handy of Seattle.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 1, 1939) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWIGER, Jeremiah (d. 1924)

Jeremiah Swiger, Civil war veteran and a member of J. B. Steadman post, No. 24, of the G. A. R., died at an early hour today at his home, 2300 Park street, at the age of 86 years, after a residence of forty-two years in Whatcom county. He had lived in Bellingham more than thirty years. He was the last survivor of six children. The close surviving relatives are two sons, Arthur Elmus Swiger, Bellingham, and Miner Emerson Swiger, Phoenix, Ariz.; three daughters, Mrs. Loretta Pitman, Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Ella V. Musser, Bellingham, and Miss Anna Swiger, Long Beach, Calif.; nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mr. Swiger was born in Pennsylvania and after residing in Illinois and Kansas, removed to Seattle, where he lived for one year. In 1882 he came to Bellingham. The Homer Mark mortuary will make the funeral announcements.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 5, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

SWITZER, Abraham F. (d. 1934)

Abraham F. Switzer, Retired Contractor Dies at Family Home
Abraham F. Switzer, a retired contractor and carpenter, who had lived here thirty-four years, died early Friday at his home, 618 Garden street. A Civil war veteran, he was a member of Lawton post No. 54, G.A.R., at Orting. He was 89 years of age. Mr. Switzer is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Switzer, one daughter, Miss Grace Switzer, Pasadena, Cal., who for nine years prior to her removal to that state was librarian of Bellingham's two libraries, and several nieces and nephews.
Services Announced For A. F. Switzer
Funeral rites for Abraham F. Switzer, Civil war veteran, who died Friday, will be held at the Homer Mark mortuary at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Rev. John R. Macartney will officiate. Casketbearers will be B. Drake, Fred Siemons, Vaughan Brown, C. C. Stoner, I. G. Harmon, William Gouinan and J. P. Loomis.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 4 & 6, 1934) Submitted by Merrily Lawson

SWITZER, John (d. 1923)

John Switzer passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. R. McKenzie, on Tuesday after a long illness. He was in his 80th year. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the M. E. church, Rev. Bushong officiating, and burial will be made in the Blaine cemetery.

John Switzer was born in Ireland March 3, 1844, coming to Canada with his parents at the age of four years and settling near St. Marys, Ontario. In 1869 he came to Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he was a volunteer in the Reil Rebellion of 1869-70. Later he took up a homestead in the Gladstone district and there he married Miss Nancy Ross, who passed away in 1888. To this union 8 children were born, 6 of whom are now living. In 1893 he was married to Mary Ann Whaley, who died 15 years ago. To this union two children were born, one of whom, Mary McComb, still lives and resides at Lanigan, Sask.

The other six surviving children are Reuben, of Gladstone, Man., Lizzie Freer of Winnipeg, Man., William of Guernsey, Sask., and Edith Custella and Maggie Custella, also of Guernsey, Sask. Mr. Switzer came to Blaine in 1920 with his daughter, Mrs. McKenzie, and lived here since. He was a faithful Christian and attendant of the M. E. church and loved and respected by all who knew him.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 25, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

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