The Blaine Journal

Friday, January 4, 1895:

W. M. GAMBLE of New Whatcom has secured a patent for a shoulder brace.

Ice skaters enjoyed themselves highly this week, Campbell creek being frozen over.

The Washington avenue livery stable has changed hand, S. H. HORTON purchasing the same from John R. MILLER, who is about to remove to Colorado.

DIED - On New Years day there passed away in this city, after a lingering illness, Amos W. STEEN. Mr. STEEN was born March 9th, 1851, in Charlotte county, New Brunswick. he remained in New Brunswick until 1877, when he moved to Carson, Nev., and engaged in the freighting business. He married Miss Millie TURNER in 1880, and four years later left Nevada and came to Washington, settling first in Seattle, but later emigrating to this city where he remained until the messenger overtook him. In 1892 he, in common with many more, failed in the general business which he was then conducting here, owing to the panicky condition of financial affairs and inability to collect outstanding accounts. He was the first city treasurer of Blaine. he was converted to God in 1887 by the Rev. B. T. ORGAN and was sanctified and became a member of the Free Methodist church in that year. He had been failing in health for the past two or three years, but did not take to bed until about nine months ago. His malady was of a description which baffled the skill of the physicians. The widow and four daughters survive him. His remains were laid away in the tomb on Thursday morning, there to await the final summon to come up higher. [Note: The family name was spelled STEIN in many early newspapers.]

Gordon WALLER and Harry CHANTRELLE are over from school to spend the holidays.

Miss HOLLY of the Blaine seminary returned Wednesday from a two weeks' holiday visit among friends at Everett.

Miss Estelle BARNES, daughter of James BARNES is at present in the city for the holidays. She resides at Seattle.

Mrs. E. L. MORAN of the Blaine school returned Wednesday from a new years visit to her parents who reside near Whatcom.

Mrs. M. J. MALONEY and daughter returned to Whatcom on Tuesday, having spent a week in Blaine visiting with the family of Inspector KENNEDY.

Last Sunday Ira ROBINSON and Miss WHEELER of Ferndale had a narrow escape from meeting a watery grave. They were both skating on Nooksack river, when the ice gave way and they were precipitated into water far beyond their depth. Henry ROZELLE happened to be near, and assisted by others put out fence rails and rescued the young lady, and Mr. ROBINSON reached shore by his individual exertions.

Friday, January 11, 1895:

The public schools opened again on Monday last after a two weeks' holiday vacation. The term will end about March 1st.

Owing to the low price of shingles the D. S. MILLER mill closed down early in the week. It is hoped that this industry will soon revive, but at the prices offered at present it is impossible to cut shingles and make the cost balance with price received.

The STEVENSON logging camp is reported as among the things that were.

A new house of rather imposing appearance, according to the projected plan, is soon to be constructed by C. C. OSIER on Washington avenue on the lots adjoining Chas. DAHL's place.

Mrs. DAVENPORT wishes to reach by this card all the ladies and gentlemen who are fond of chorus and solo singing, and to invite them to meet on Monday night next at the music room to form a winter class for choral singing. There will be no charges except for the printed music used.

H. B. STRAND of Whatcom, a former resident of this city, was in town Thursday.

Chas. KERR of Brownsville, B. C., was in town last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. BOBLETT.

T. B. SHANNON returned Saturday from Toronto, Kan., coming over the new Burlington route so far as Billings. Mr. SHANNON has a host of sympathizers in the bereavement he has been called upon to pass through.

The school at Hall's Prairie, B. C., over which Miss Annie WALLER presides opened Monday after the usual fortnightly holiday vacation.

Harry CHANTRELL and Gordon WALLER returned Monday to Westminster College, having been in the city spending the holidays with their parents.

Henry HORTON will return to college at Seattle early next week. He came home to spend the holidays, and illness has prevented his return sooner.

Robert STEVENSON is soon to move his shoe shop into the small frame on Martin street which has just been vacated by Allen BOGARD.

C. A. LOOMIS has purchased the frame on the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street of C. C. OSIER, who recently built it for a meat market.

Ted THOMAS, who has been a sufferer for the past three or four weeks, was taken to St. Luke's hospital at Whatcom Tuesday for treatment. His case developed into Bright's disease, and it was thought advisable by the relatives and friends to place him where the proper treatment could be had. At last accounts he was improving and gave every evidence of ultimate recovery. His many friends in Blaine will earnestly wish that he may soon be about again. Ted has been connected with the mechanical part of the Journal for the past two years and a half.

Dr. REEVES has moved into his new quarters over the City Bakery and now has as neat and convenient an office for a physician as can be found.

Married, at Seattle Tuesday evening, January 8th, 1895, in Taylor Congregational church, Miss Isabelle L. EVANS of Seattle to Mr. William ZEHRING, also of Seattle. Officiating minister, Geo. H. LEE, pastor of Taylor church.

Jan. 4th the following persons were installed as officers of Reynold's Relief Corps, No. 12, to serve for the year, Mrs. Lizzie GOTT acting as installing officer:

Pres. - Mr.(sic) O. D. MCDONALD.
S. V. - Minnie MILHOLLIN.
J. V. - Mrs. Adaline CRABB.
Sec. - Annie KINGSLEY.
Treas. - Mrs. Charlotte HUGHES.
Chap. - Mrs. Sarah DAVIES.
Con. - Mrs. Alice STONE.
Guard - Mrs. WHIFFLER.
Ass't Con. - Ona PAUL.
Ass't Guard - Mrs. Rosie OSIER.

Friday, January 18, 1895:

The Klu Klux Klan Klub are to give an invitation dance at Kingsley hall on Friday evening Jan. 18.

Capt. MATHEWS, who has been in charge of the Blaine Cannery company's tug boats the past season, say the tugs Puritan and Chinook are laid up until March 1st, when the company will resume business.

In the suit of the Blaine Grocery company against J. M. GORE, Judge WINN last week entered a dismissal and ordered the Blaine Grocery company to pay all costs.

Stella KENNEDY, who recently fractured her collar bone while at play on the ice, is making rapid strides toward recovery, and will soon be about again.

At a regular meeting of Reynold's Post, No. 32, Dept. of Washington and Alaska, G. A. R., January 12th, 1895, the following persons were installed as officers for the ensuing year:

Post Commander - O. D. MCDONALD.
S. V. - A. J. LOOMIS.
J. V. - J. N. LINDSEY.
Chaplain - D. S. STONE.
Quartermaster - Geo. DAVIES.
Officer of the Day - S. P. HUGHES.
Officer of the Guard - John FOLEY.
Adjutant - John WIFFLER.

W. J. MOGGRIDGE, who was seriously shot in the shoulder by robbers last April at his home on Belle Meade farm, has returned from England. He left there Dec. 29th. Although not quite as rugged in appearance as before the attack, he has fully recovered.

Married - At Ferndale on the 9th inst., Frederick SCHNEIDER and Miss Maggie GRANT. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. J. MALLOY of Ferndale.

Oscar LEE of Birch Bay received a terrible gash in the neck Sunday. He was engaged in chopping wood when in some manner the axe slipped and struck him in the neck.

Last Friday night burglars effected an entrance into the rear of G. M. ROBERTS' drug store on Martin street, and carried off a quantity of perfumery, liquors, etc. A bolt on the rear door was broken to effect an inlet. Mr. ROBERTS estimated his loss at $25.

The Blaine Cemetery Association at its annual meeting elected the following officers:
Trustees: Byron KINGSLEY, director; J. A. MARTIN, treasurer; James H. MILHOLLIN, clerk. Soliciting Committee - A. WARREN, W. J. GILLESPIE. Sexton - I. LIVINGSTONE.
The association will commence immediately to improve the grounds, under the direction of Mr. LIVINGSTONE, and those wishing to donate their labor can arrange with him.

On Tuesday evening International lodge No. 57, K. of P., installed officers for the ensuing term as follows:

C. C. - John KALLSEN.
V. C. - T. A. KENNEDY.
P. - Thomas QUIRT.
M. of E. - John DAHL.
M. at A. - L. E. LAMAR.
M. of W. - S. F. SMITH.
K. of R. & S. - Frank MCCALL.
I. G. - G. A. GEIGER.
O. G. - A. NELSON.

Geo. HOYT, who was employed as book keeper the past year by the Alaska Packer's Association, has engaged with the company for another year.

Preparations are under way for the laying of a telephone cable across the channel to the Alaska Packing association's cannery on the spit.

Inspector T. A. KENNEDY and Frank McCALL, customs broker, were called to Whatcom Thursday as witnesses in the case of NASSE, the Assyrian smuggler.

On Thursday evening, January 3d, Blaine lodge No. 80, I. O. O. F. installed their officers jointly with Deborah Rebekah Degree lodge, No. 50, I. O. O. F. D. D. G. M. Fannie I. ELLIS being confined to her house by a severe illness the installation ceremony of the Rebekah lodge was conducted by Sister P. G. Jennie L. KING. The officers installed were:

N. G. - Sarah A. JOSEPH.
V. G. - Lucy E. WEBSTER.
R. Sec. - Caroline B. ADAMS.
Treas. - Laura B. WILSON.
Con. - Drusilla GILLESPIE.
War. - Mary A. CARVER.
I. S. - L. B. JOSEPH.
O. S. - W. G. SEVIER.
R. S. N. G. - E. M. ADAMS.
L. S. N. G. - O. P. CARVER.
R. S. V. G. - Jennie L. KING.
L. S. V. G. - John PETEY.

The installation ceremony of the Rebekah lodge being concluded the meeting was called to order by the N. G. of the Blaine lodge, No. 80, and given in charge of D. D. G. M. E. M. ADAMS, who conducted the installation ceremony, and installed into their respective offices for the present term the following elective officers:
N. G. - W. A. KING.
R. S. - E. M. ADAMS.
Treas. - O. P. CARVER.

On Wednesday evening the S. L. S. consisting of some thirty odd members, found themselves congregated at the residence of 'Squire' ADAMS for the purpose of celebrating the anniversary of Mrs. ADAMS' birthday. Games and music were the principal features of the evening.

E. A. WADHAMS and Miss Laura WADHAMS left Friday, via the Great Northern Rail Road for New Westminster. Owing to the delayed trains they started to drive back Monday when about two miles from Blaine a tree across the road compelled them to complete their journey a foot.

Friday, January 25, 1895:

Sheriff BELL proposes to institute a little economy in his office; he will ask that forty cents per day be allowed him for feeding prisoners, all of which will be used for providing substantial meals for those confined in the jail. Heretofore the sheriff has been allowed fifty cents per day per capita for feeding prisoners and he then sub-let the feeding part to the jailer at thirty cents per capita. -Whatcom Blade.

Joe WHITE, whose death was reported in the Journal a short time ago, met his fate in the following manner. He had been working near Grangeville, Idaho, and had planned on a hunting trip of a few days in the mountains. When about ready for the start he told his companions he would be ready in a few minutes. He went upstairs, got his gun and started down, when they were startled by the report and his cry. His death was instantaneous, the bullet passed directly through his heart. He was alone and the stair door being shut no one knows exactly how it happened. He is a son of Mrs. Chas. VOGT and a young man of good character. He had many friends in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen CHENEY have made arrangements to move back on their farm near Snohomish. They will leave on the Utopia between the 1st and 10th of February. The boat will got up the Snohomish river to their home. They have resided here about three years and will leave many friends.

Samuel WADE has returned from Paonia, Col., and intends to build a residence and make his home in Blaine in the future. He has just disposed of his fruit ranch at that point, containing 155 acres of land, for $20,000. Last season he marketed $3,000 worth of fruit from it. He says many things are sold at a low price in Colorado and instances the sale which he made of 23 head of horses at $2.50 a piece.

DIED - At St. Luke's hospital, New Whatcom, on Wednesday morning, Jan. 23d, 1895, at 2 o'clock, TED THOMAS, aged 18 years and 5 days.
Thus passed away a young man whose demise will be mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Ted was born in Centralia, Kan., and came to reside at Blaine about 12 years ago. From a mere child he grew up in our midst, and from his genial and unassuming ways gradually enlarged his circle of friends until at the time of his death he was perhaps as well and favorably known as any young man in our midst. His early demise will leave a void in the family circle, and father, mother, sister and brothers will long remember the association of the departed. Ted had been intimately associated with the writer of this for nearly three years past and was always found true to the varied trusts imposed on him. It is with no small regret that the editor of the Journal chronicles his early and untimely death. The remains were brought from Whatcom on Wednesday's train, accompanied by the mother, sister and brothers and on Thursday at 11 o'clock an appropriate burial service was had at the Methodist church. The edifice was filled to its utmost limit by the multitude of friends who came to testify their regard for the departed. With the death of Ted THOMAS there passed away a young man whose life and worth should be a lasting example to the many young men of his acquaintance.

C. D. MOGGRIDGE his wife and Miss ALEXANDER left Monday afternoon for Westminster, B.C., where they have secured a furnished house and will spend the winter.

During the past two or three weeks S. H. HORTON, of the Hotel Blaine, has been confined to his room by an attack of rheumatism.

Mrs. W. R. PETTIBONE has secured a divorce.

Under the new civil service rules all customs employees in this district except the collector himself are in office for life, and cannot be removed except for some crime.

J. H. WHITE and family are moving into the house at the foot of E street near the beach.

A. L. JOHNSON, one of our most prosperous merchants, has purchased the property occupied by Inspector KENNEDY. It is a very neat six room cottage and two lots. The consideration was $1000. He will occupy it as soon at it is vacated.

Geo. HOYT has leased the CHENEY residence for a year, and will occupy the same some time next month.

Prof. J. W. TANNER has under advisement the acceptance of the principalship of the Blaine Seminary, it having been offered him.

Mrs. M. A. FOX, mother of [torn] FOX, left on Sunday's train for the [torn] going by way of Portland, where [torn] will make a visit, and also at Salt Lake City. She was well pleased with [torn] visit to Blaine.

M. W. KEITHLEY, who assaulted Robert SHIELDS at Enterprise last week came to the sheriff's office Monday and gave himself up. He was taken before the Justice and placed under a bond of $1000, which, being unable to give, he was placed in confinement. He claims he hit SHIELDS in self defense, as SHIELDS, who is much larger, was making a deadly assault on him with a shovel.

Among the names selected from which to draw persons to serve on the grand and petit jurors for the present year are the following:
P. EARLY, C. O. PERLEY, C. L. WADHAMS, C. CAIN, A. GEERY, J. N. LINDSEY, G. L. MILLER, D. S. MILLER and M. H. UPSON of Blaine, and W. H. PIN(C)KNEY and Chas. L. UPSON of Semiahmoo.

Miss Nell THOMPSON is preparing a drama entitled, "Anita's Trials," or "Our Girls In Camp." She has selected the following cast:
Misses Iola LOOMIS, Maggie OSIER, Ona GORE, Della BARRETT, Gertie OSIER, Kate DORR, Maude OSIER and Mrs. LOOMIS.

Hackman Bros. Store a Prey to the Flames
Monday evening last at about 11:30 o'clock, as Mr. FLETCHER was returning to his hotel he noticed flames issuing from the rear of the HACKMAN Bros. dry goods and clothing store, located under the Hotel Blaine, on Martin street. He promptly gave the alarm, and in a very short time both of the hose carts and a large number of our citizens were on the ground. An entrance was made through the front of the store by breaking in the doors and streams of water poured in both from the front and rear. This had the effect of subduing the fire, and after a time it was completely extinguished. A search for the origin of the fire showed that it had caught in the office in the rear of the store, a small place which had been partitioned off for privacy. Since the robbery of the store a short time since, a small hand lamp has been left burning each night in this enclosure as a means of precaution, and in some manner this had exploded and set fire to the light frame work surrounding it, and the flames had worked their way back to the wooden window shutter and burned it out before this discovery. Had the extinguishment of the flames been delayed a few moments longer they would have broken through the floor of the hotel dining-room, and when the fire had once entered there it is difficult to foresee what the destruction might have been. As it is, the wainscoating and walls of parts of the building on the floor above the store show signs of intense heat to which they were subjected, and at one time every hall and nearly every room of the hotel were so filled with smoke that it was impossible to enter them. Fortunately the destruction of the finest building in Blaine was averted. The stock of Messrs. HACKMAN Bros. inventoried between nine and ten thousand dollars is almost a total loss, with a partial insurance. The store room is damaged to the amount of $500, and is fully insured. Messrs. HACKMAN Bros. and SEELY Bros. were the only parties in the building who carried insurance, and had the Lindsey block burned the loss would have been large, as it would have destroyed the principal business part of Blaine.

Friday, February 1, 1895:

Dan HICKEY has been under the doctor's care for the past three weeks, suffering from an internal complication of complaints. Dr. REEVES, who has charge of his case, says he will soon be about again.

R. SHIELDS, who was badly used up with a shovel in the hands of W. M. KEITHLY at Enterprise a few days ago is better.

N. S. OAKLEY of Vancouver, B. C., has effected an exchange of Vancouver property for the STENDER place, containing 148 acres and located about half a mile north of the Great Northern depot, and is desirous of renting it.

The Whatcom County bank closed its doors on Monday last, P. E. DICKENSON the owner, making an assignment to William REILLY for the benefit of the creditors. Lack of business and the poor health of Mr. DICKENSON are stated as the cause of the failure. Mr. FAIRCHILD, his attorney, makes a statement, placing the liabilities at $5,458.38 and the assets at $6,456.84.

Married - On Sunday last, at Custer, by Rev. Mr. SAUNDERS, of Ferndale, Thomas KING and Miss Annie L. VANLEUVEN, both of this city. We are told the young couple are to reside in the eastern part of the state, where the father of the groom has a ranch.

The OTLEY house on the corner of Boblett street and Harrison avenue, which has been vacant for some time, has been taken by Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN, who is arranging it for the reception of his family.

A new bridge is soon to be constructed across California creek at a point near the old school house. This will be a great convenience to those who have occasion to travel in that direction, as at the present time it is a difficult matter to make a crossing in this locality. The bridge is to be 260 feet in length.

Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN expects to remove his family from Friday Harbor sometime during the next fortnight. He has made many friends during the brief time he has been with us.

Miss Fannie I. ELLIS, who has been confined to her bed by illness for some days past, is once more about.

Last Saturday P. W. BROWN, A. H. FLETCHER, Arthur WADHAMS and Geo. ELLESPERMAN (sic) were at Vancouver to witness the performance of the Calhoun opera company.

Inspector KENNEDY and Frank MCCALL, who were in attendance on the court as witnesses in the case of A. NASSE, charged with smuggling, returned Sunday. The commissioner discharged the prisoner.

Inspector KENNEDY has vacated his former place of residence on Clark street, and moved into the Fourth street house which was vacated by E. R. WHEELER last summer.

Miss GRANT and Mrs. LANGELLE, modistes, who left here last summer and have since been located at Whatcom, are now in the city on a visit among friends, prepatory to their locating at Donald, B. C., where the outlook is more promising than at Whatcom.

John STOOPS, proprietor of the shingle mill on Dakota creek, met with an accident last Friday while engaged in sawing shingle bands. The fingers of his right hand came in contact with the saw, severing the first finger at the first joint and lacerating the ends of the second and third digit. The injured members were dressed by Dr. KING, and are doing nicely.

George TERRY has moved his stock of groceries into the building on Martin street recently vacated by Mr. WHITE. It is a much better location for business than the store he vacated.

Friday, February 8, 1895:

Horace BREWSTER of Point Roberts went up sound Saturday.

W. H. DINGLEY of the Sperry Flour company was at the Hotel Blaine early in the week.

D. S. RICHARDS, who has been basking in the sunshine of Vancouver for the past fortnight, returned early in the week.

B. W. MORGAN, representing the American Biscuit company of San Francisco, was in the city Wednesday.

Geo. M. RICE, engineer in charge of the projected Blaine and Eastern line, returned to Seattle Wednesday.

W. B. DUNN left on Saturday's train for Seattle, taking the boat on Monday for San Francisco, from thence he will go to Oroville, Cal., where he intends to locate.

H. D. WARD, a former resident of Blaine, but now located at Osawattimie, Kan., is the father of a bouncing baby girl, at least the local papers there so chronicles it.

The advance grade of the public school has been transferred to the North ward school house.

Peter FOSTER is again laid up with an attack of rheumatism, a fact which will be regretted by his many friends.

Friday, February 15, 1895:

C. C. PAUL, Jr., is erecting a residence west of the south ward school house, which will soon be ready for occupancy.

J. W. TANNER is now at Whatcom engaged in conducting the quarterly examination for the teachers of Whatcom county.

The Whatcom County Fair association was organized on Saturday last by the election of the following trustees:
J. J. EDENS, Marietta
L. B. CARTER, Friday Harbor, San Juan county
H. A. SMITH, Ferndale
John SIMPSON, Everson
R. L. KLINE, Columbia Valley
Lester W. DAVID, Blaine
T. W. GILLETTE, Fairhaven
Roland G. GAMWELL, Fairhaven
Edward FISCHER, T. C. DARNELL and W. M. FIZELL, Whatcom
The trustees then met and elected the following named officers:
President - Edward FISCHER; vice president, C. P. CONNER; secretary - William REILLEY; treasurer - M. C. LATTA.

On account of close competition, the passenger rates to Alaska have been greatly reduced, the first class rates being reduced from $52 to $20, and second class from $30 to $10. It is probably that this will induce a large immigration into Alaska the present season.

The depositors of the defunct Whatcom Columbia bank have only received 15 per cent of their deposits since that institution closed its doors in June, 1893.

Elmer C. WILSON and family of Seattle, formerly residents of Blaine and publisher of the Blaine Tribune, mourns the loss of his 4-months-old babe, which recently died of croup. Both Mr. and Mrs. WILSON are well known to all residents of this city, and the death of their loved little one will be a source of sorrow to many.

Emmet MCDONALD is engaged in building a new cottage east of the Byron KINGSLEY mansion, for his own use.

Peter FOSTER, who has been a sufferer from rheumatism for some time past, is now able to be about.

George DAVIES has been granted a pension.

The work of repairing the fire damaged rooms in the Lindsey block recently occupied by Messrs. HACKMAN Bros. is progressing under the direction of Wm. NOFFSINGER, and will soon again be in shape for occupancy.

A. L. JOHNSON has taken possession of his new house on Clark street.

Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN and family are now occupying the house on the corner of Boblett street and Harrison avenue.

The announcement is made of the coming nuptials of G. M. ROBERTS and Miss Lola OSIER of this city, which happy event will occur at Christ Church in this city on Monday, Feb. 25th. Rev. Dr. NEVIUS officiating.

The Palatine Insurance company's agent, Emery MCGINNIS of New Whatcom, was here Wednesday to pay the loss by fire on the Holland building. The fire occurred Jan. 21st, and in less than ten days from the time Adjuster CHALMERS made his report the money was here. This speaks well for the Palatine.

The comic opera "Penelope" will be given Feb. 26th in CAIN's hall. Mrs. NORTON of Hamilton will appear as "Mrs. Creaker."

John H. ELDER, owner of the old International Shingle mill, is at present in the city on business.

The entertainment given by the society of Willing Workers at the opera house on Tuesday evening was a fine affair and was well attended. The various participants did credit to themselves, and for amateurs ably sustained the various roles assigned to them. The sum of $16 was realized, which will be used to purchase prayer books for Christ church. Below will be found the cast of character, to all of whom much credit is due.
Anita, an Italian peasant -- Maud OSIER
Mrs. Deacon Pippin, with an eye to business -- Ona GORE
Luella Ann Pippin, daughter of Mrs. Pippen -- Della BARRETT
Dorothy Pippen, daughter of Mrs. Pippen -- Mattie DUNN
Aunt Matilda, everybody's aunt -- Mrs. LOOMIS
Clover Wells, Aunt Matilda's right hand -- Gertie HALL
Ethel Manning, ready for anything -- Gertie OSIER
Kate Fortesque, a bride of three months -- Nellie CRILLY
Nan Fortesque, a victim of the camera -- Kate DORR
Mary Hyde, our athlete -- Ola LOOMIS
Helen Joy, our athlete -- Maggie OSIER

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. LARGAND of Blaine, Feb. 13th, an eight-pound daughter.

C. John H. DAHL, who has been sick for the past three weeks with an attack of typhoid pneumonia, complicated with an attack of erysipelas, is rapidly recovering, and if he meets with no drawbacks, will soon be about again.

Chas DAHL will remove his recently purchased dry goods and notions stock from the BARNES building to his own building, adjoining C. A. LOOMIS', next week.

D. S. MILLER returned Saturday from a trip down the Samish river, where he has been negotiating for the purchase of logs. If the arrangements Mr. Miller FOW has in view do not miscarry he will soon begin cutting shingles again, possibly next Monday. This will be cheering news to a large number of his former employees who are anxious to once more be at work.

Mrs. G. H. SMITH, residing on E street, nearly opposite the CAIN building, is anxious to obtain laundry work to enable her to provide for her three little ones and herself. It is hoped this will meet the eye of those disposed to assist her.

Friday, February 22, 1895:

A list of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Blaine, Wash., on Feb. 15, 1895:
J. K. ANDY, W. BAIRD, Samuel BELL, Charlie BURMAN, Hugh CAMERON, Margaret DAY, Louie Manuel DESILVER, W. T. FINDLAY (2), Otto HAHN, H. KENTZELL (2), W. J. MORPHY, Francesso PENNINPEDE (2), W. C. SELIG, Thomas SNYDER, Elma SMITH, Mamie STEDWELL, Robt. W. SMITH.
L. W. DAVID, P. M.

The following are the petit jurors drawn for the March term:

Senator DORR has introduced a bill in the senate appropriating $60,000 for a normal school at Whatcom.

C. A. PUARIEA, county clerk at Whatcom, received a telegram Tuesday at 2 p. m., from W. P. JOHNSON, Nooksack City, which read as follows: "Your father was found dead, this morning, in bed, undressed. Indications are of natural death." Mr. PUARIEA went immediately to Nooksack City.

A good many people in this vicinity have the Alaska fever, and talk of going hither as soon as the summer months open up. Attorney WAUGH of this city received a letter from a gentleman named HAWLEY, formerly of this place, who has been along the Yukon river for some time past, says that anyone contemplating a trip to that country should have at least $500 in his pockets to defray necessary expenses. He says that a good many people imagine that they can go to Alaska with a few dollars in their possession, stay there a short time, and come away loaded down with gold nuggets. This is a mistake. --Skagit News.

Invitations are out for the nuptials of G. M. ROBERTS and Miss Lola OSIER, which event will occur at Christ church, Blaine, on Monday evening, Feb. 25th, at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. R. D. NEVIUS officiating. A reception will be held at the residence of the bride's parents after the ceremony.

Samuel WADE is expecting his son William this week. He has been a pupil at the Port (sic) Collins, Col., agricultural college, but failing health has compelled him to temporarily abandon his studies.

Friday, March 1, 1895:

Inez Pearl, infant daughter of James KEMP, was born Jan. 28th, 1894, died Feb. 24th, 1895, aged 1 year and 26 days. Funeral services were held at the home, conducted by the writer. Inez has joined her mother who preceded her to the better land four months ago, where both are forever free from care. -J. W. WHITE.

MARRIED - On Monday, Feb. 20th, 1895, D. S. RICHARDS of Blaine, Wash., was united in marriage to Miss Sarah A. WILLIAMS of London, England, at St. James church, Vancouver, B. C., Rev. H. G. F. CLINTON officiating. D. S. RICHARDS has been a resident of Blaine for many years and is well known and respected as the Blaine-Semiahmoo ferryman. He spent the winter in Vancouver, where he became acquainted with Miss WILLIAMS, and they had a very happy wedding. Miss Sadie BROWN being bridesmaid and H. WARBITON giving away the bride. After the ceremony the happy couple started for Victoria with the best wishes of their many Vancouver friends, and pounds of rice were showered after them. They returned to Blaine Monday, where they were welcomed by the North Star band and the tin can brigade, meeting with the kindest congratulations of their many friends. [Note: B. C. Marriage Records list the groom as Daniel S. RICHARDS]

Teachers' Examination
At the teachers' examination the following received certificates:
1st Grade - E. E. WHITE, Arthur T. WILLIAMS, Everson; Ellen A. PRENTICE, Fairhaven, Spokane certificate endorsed.
2nd Grade - H. M. BUTLER, Arkansas life diploma; Lillian GRIFFITH, Mattie BIRD, F. W. SMITH, W. B. FREER, Nellie ABBOTT, Mina WOODIN, Carrie PALMER, Leonidas SWAIM, Annie L. MCBRIDE, Carrie WILMORE, David DUNAGAN, Florence KING, Nellie LEE, W. M. SELBY, Alice SMITH, Laura CADE, A. C. VAIL, Geo. H. ROBINSON, Rose ROGERS, Nettie LEHMAN.
3rd Grade - Lillie B. JOHNSON, Florence LEES, Katie DUFFNER, Bertha O. GARNESS, Laura SMITH, Clara A. MARCH, Harvey MCRAE, Nettie COLEMAN, Mollie BROWNE, Louise M. JOHNSON, Jessie KNIGHT.

Both Frank and Chris OSIER have new dwellings under way, the former on Harrison avenue and the latter on Washington.

Peter FOSTER has taken possession of his house on Martin street, and finds it much more convenient that his former up-stair abode.

Duncan MCKINNON is suffering from a bruised knee, caused by a horse kicking him early in the week.

There is a strong probability that work on the new Episcopal school building will soon be suspended, owing to an alleged lack of funds.

BORN - Birch Bay, Wash., Feb. 25th, to the wife of John STEELE, a son. Both mother and baby are doing well.

The accidental discharge of a revolver Tuesday evening in the hand of Joe McNALLY sent a ball coursing through the left thigh of Young MERRILL. Dr. REEVES extracted the ball, and at the present time says the indications are favorable to a speedy recovery for the injured.

The welcome sound of the whistle of the MILLER shingle mill greeted our citizens last Monday morning, an evidence that this mill is once more in operation. It has been idle for a short time, owing to the low price of its products and a dearth of desirable material to saw. Mr. MILLER gives employment to some 20 people and the energy he puts into the business in these depressed times is worth of emulation.

Messrs. SEELY Bros., the grocers, have taken the store now occupied by the postoffice, and are arranging to open the same with a full and complete stock of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, cap and furnishings in a very short time. It is their intention to cut an arch through from one store to the other, and this will add to the convenience of both places of business. This is one of the older firms of Blaine, having gone into business in the spring of 1890 on H and Third streets, and being possessed of good business ability and abundant capital they cannot but make a success of the general store problem.

Friday, March 8, 1895:

The old Bellingham bay electric power house is being converted into a shingle mill and broom handle factory.

Turkey dinner at the Hotel Blaine next Sunday, twenty-five cents.

A transcript has been prepared of the evidence given in the justice court at Blaine in the case of the state vs. Andrew MILLER to decide whether or not the same will be tried by jury. This is the case in which MILLER was accused of attempting to shoot his nephew, Ed HOLTZHEIMER, last October on California creek.

C. A. LOOMIS has purchased of G. A. CORNISH the frame building occupied by him for $80, and of G. M. ROBERTS his frame store building for $116.

Our townsman M. ROSBRUGH, who has been visiting in Indiana for some months, has gone to Ohio among relatives.

Friday evening last the wife of Harry CORDRAY presented him with a bouncing ten-pound heir.

John W. MERRITT returned Wednesday from Leavenworth, where he has been since Nov. 23d last, in the employ of the Great Northern railroad.

William WADE, a son of our townsman, Samuel WADE, arrived Monday from Colorado, where he had been attending college.

Mrs. G. DAVENPORT and Miss Nellie CRILLY left on Thursday morning's train for LaConner, where they are to take part in a musical recital.

Last Saturday morning young Egbert CARTER, one of the Star route mail carriers, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by S. P. HUGHES, charging a violation of the city ordinance in driving his horse over the side walk, instead of in the road. On a hearing before Police Judge McDONALD Wednesday a fine of $5 and costs, amounting to $13 in all, was assessed against him. An appeal is to be taken.

We learn that Mrs. Henry HEIDMAN died at her home near Haynie, on Feb. 6th. She will be buried to-day in the Blaine cemetery. Funeral services will be held at the residence, conducted by J. W. WHITE of this city.

A new boy has arrived in the family of S. A. HOTCHKISS, Dr. REEVES acting as accoucher.

Charley, the 10-year-old son of Mayor JOHNSTON, met with an accident Saturday which will perhaps cause him some suffering before his recovery. The lad's mother was absent from the home for a short time and Charley conceived the idea of blasting open a large log which lay a short distance from the house. Patterning after what he had perhaps seen older ones doing, he bored a hole some distance into the log, put in a goodly charge of powder, some wadding on top of which he placed a quantity of shot and more wadding. He was then at a loss as to a fuse to ignite the charge. He finally hit upon the plan of again boring through the blast and running a paper tube down to discharge the load. When it was ignited the flame traveled very swiftly exploding the load and blowing it full into the boy's face, from which none of the powder has yet been extracted, owing to the swelling. A portion of the interior of both hands and the flesh between the fingers is very badly lacerated and may cause some stiffening of the digits. Fortunately, so far as can be discovered his eye sight is unharmed. It was a miraculous escape, and should serve as a warning to other boys of his age to give wide berth to gunpowder. At last account the little fellow was coming on nicely, but will suffer much pain before his face and hands heal up completely.

Paul RODFORD with his family has moved from the British Columbia possessions and taken up some land on Birch Point.

Friday, March 15, 1895:

Rollan M. PORTER, the court stenographer, has the thanks of the editor of the Journal for favors shown.

The work of overhauling the CAIN shingle and lumber mill is progressing rapidly, and before many days it will again be in full operation. W. E. SMITH is to have charge of the shingle portion and Laurence ENGLE the lumber cutting. The former operation of the mill, over which Mr. SMITH had charge, was very creditable.

Born, March 8th, 1895, to the wife of Ray PASSAGE, a daughter, Dr. KING in attendance.

M. F. KNIGHT, engineer in the Custer shingle mill, met with a serious accident last week. He was at work on the engine when the water gauge burst, and a small piece of glass struck him in the left eye, inflicting a painful wound.

On March 8th, 1895, there was born to the wife of A. H. GLEN, a son. Dr. W. A. KING acting as accoucher.

The family of James McGAHAN have removed to Seattle.

Peter NIELSEN is constructing a feed and grain shed for the use of the Consolidated Mill and Merchandise company on Washington avenue, adjoining their store. Its dimensions are 20x10 feet.

Mrs. Albert MILLER, nee Jennie CRESIE of Custer, aged 26 years, died in this city at the residence of C. A. LOOMIS on last Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock. Deceased leaves a husband and two children. The remains were buried at Enterprise on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. SAUNDERS of Ferndale officiating.

Friday, March 22, 1895:

Fred YORK and family have taken possession of the house on E street recently vacated by W. B. DUNN.

Chas. DAHL has gone to the California hot springs in search of health.

On Thursday evening last, at the residence of the bride on E street, Mr. Peter W. BROWN was married to Miss Minnie Myrtle WEBSTER, Rev. J. W. WHITE of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The groom is the well known agent of the great Northern railroad at this place, and the bride has been employed in teaching school. They both have hosts of friends who, with the editor of the Journal, wish them a happy voyage over the matrimonial sea. They have taken the ROBERTSON house on Harrison avenue, and furnished it throughout.

Mrs. Fannie I. ELLIS AND Miss Ethel MCELMON will open a private school in the south ward school house, Monday, April 1st. Mrs. ELLIS will have charge of the primary department, and Miss MCELMON the more advanced pupils.

William QUIRT was made the proud father of a baby boy on Friday last.

Friday, March 29, 1895:

C. W. AUSTIN, in charge of the Lynden creamery, has our thanks for courtesies shown during a recent visit to this model institution.

Miss Ora WYRICK, who for the past six months had made her home at Mr. G. H. ABERS, celebrated her 12th birthday Tuesday, the 26th. At two o'clock a number of her young friends came in for a surprise, and a very enjoyable time was had playing games, etc.

The grocery store of P. J. HALBERG at Goshen was burned last Friday night between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock. Mr. HALBERG was assorting potatoes and had the lamp setting on a box; the lamp was upset and exploded, setting fire to the store, and everything in the building was destroyed, including his groceries and household goods. He carried no insurance; loss not stated.

Total Destruction of the Residence of C. C. PAUL.
  Last Friday night at about 9 o'clock our citizens were startled by an alarm of fire. It was promptly responded to, and proved to be the residence of C. C. PAUL, on the southeast corner of Fourth and Cherry streets. The family had left the house about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and were on a visit to the family of Mr. BOBLETT. The origin of the fire is a mystery, as there was no fire left in the stove at the time the family departed, and the surrounding circumstances were such as to leave a possible surmise that it might have been caused by an incendiary.
  The house was quite a fine affair in its time, and was constructed seven years ago by Mr. PAUL. The building and contents are a total loss, with the exception of a mattress and a very small amount of bedding which was hurriedly brought out, as at the time of the discovery the place was a sheet of flames, which seem to have originated in the rear of the domicile.
   There was an insurance of $500 on the building, and $340 on furniture, clothing, etc. The total loss is estimated at $2,500. Several persons passed the house on their way home from the Congregational church a short time before the fire burst out, but saw no indications of anything wrong.
  At one time the church structure opposite was threatened, but the presence of P. A. HENEY and Mr. TOLFORD on the roof with water buckets no doubt had much to do with extinguishing the sparks which alighted on the roof. The fire department were powerless from a want of water, our city council having ordered the water plug near the burning premises turned off. The insurance is held by the State Fire insurance company of Salem, Ore. Mr. PAUL and family will have the sympathy of all in the loss of their property.

O. D. McDONALD has been appointed justice of the peace for Blaine precinct, vice W. B. DUNN, resigned.

C. E. OTLEY of Spokane, who has been making a visit among friends in this vicinity, returned home last Monday, taking with him G. M. OTLEY, a son of John OTLEY, who has a position in the construction department of the Northern Pacific railroad.

Marcus SNYDER, wife and daughter, old friends and neighbors of Mayor JOHNSTON at Spirit Lake, Iowa, have been on a brief visit to Mr. JOHNSTON and family during the present week. Mr. SNYDER is a retired banker and a man of wealth, who usually spends his winters in Florida.

The many friends of the family of E. A. WADHAMS will be gratified to know that his daughter, Mrs. Lucy HUTCHENSON of Ladners Landing, is slowly recovering from her recent dangerous illness. Her sister Laura is with her.

Friday, April 5, 1895:

The new precinct created by the county commissioners last week is known as Slate precinct. It is on Slate creek and takes in all east of the Skagit river, running from the Skagit county line to British Columbia, a distance of twenty-five miles.

Strayed to my farm at Birch Bay, one hornless black steer with a V split in each ear. Owners can claim property by paying expenses incurred.
Doratha HENSPETER, Birch Bay.

Last week while the workmen were employed in bolting one side of the Welcome bridge on the Nooksack river a portion of the structure gave way, injuring several men.

T. E. GARRISON, New Whatcom, for inspector; W. F. MOYER, Fairhaven, for clerk; Francis WILSON, Lynden, and G. H. HOHL, Fairhaven, for watchmen, is the list of applicants to be examined at the meeting of the civil service board April 5th, at Port Townsend.

Mrs. D. ALVERSON, of New Whatcom, will have a fine display of Easter Millinery on exhibition at the store of Peter FOSTER, for a few days only, beginning Monday, April 8th. The ladies of Blaine are cordially invited to call and examine.

Last Thursday night there was born to the family of Mr. and Mrs. John HOLZER, a daughter. Dr. KING was present on the interesting occasion.

Sumas is endeavoring to have the temporary terminus of the Blaine, Lynden & Nooksack railway located at that point.

Geo. TERRY's Store Visited by Burglars
  The bold burglar got in his work on Monday night, whereby George TERRY is minus some $30 or $40 worth of groceries from his store on Martin street. The rooms above his store have been vacant for some time and entrance was effected by a large key, which enabled the burglars to operate from above to good advantage. Passing through the floor was formerly a stove pipe which had been removed. Around this opening auger holes were bored which permitted the removal of a section of the floor large enough to permit the passage of a man's body, which it appears was let down by a rope. Once in the store room it was an easy matter to unfasten the rear door and remove such property as the burglars wished. The selection they made shows that they were familiar with the lay of the stock, as only such goods as were staple and necessary were taken. The articles missing consist of bacon, flour, baking powder, tea, condensed milk, canned beef, etc., the value of which is perhaps between $30 and $40. The weight of the goods was perhaps in the neighborhood of 200 pounds. Diligent search has been made by Constable BARRICKLOW to discover some trace of the missing property, but thus far he has not been rewarded with success. The frequency of these burglaries calls loudly for some protection to our merchants and others, and it has been suggested that a night watchman be employed and a merchant's protective association formed to bear the expense of the same.

Mrs. D. E. KING and Mrs. S. A. SIMMS of Minneapolis, Minn., mother and sister of Dr. W. A. KING, left on Tuesday over the Canadian Pacific for their home. These ladies have been on a visit to the doctor for several months.

Wednesday afternoon the steamer Buckeye, returning to Whatcom from Friday Harbor, capsized off chuckanut quarry. There were six members of the crew and five passengers on board, all of whom were rescued with the exception of a Mr. KAUTZMAN (sic) of Anacortes, who met a watery grave, he being a portly man and unable to effect his escape through the windows from which the rest fortunately made their exit. The passengers consisted of Mr. and Mrs. KANTZMAN (sic), Messrs. ASHER, BENNETT and Will D. JENKINS. The cargo consisted of cattle, sheep and hay.

The liberality and promptness of the State Fire insurance company of Salem, Ore., in adjusting the recent loss of C. C. PAUL on his house and furniture is worthy of mention. The total amount of the face of the policy, $840, less $52 for depreciation was allowed, and within a short time Mr. PAUL will be in receipt of $788 allowed by Adjuster A. W. CHILDS.

Ex-Councilman N. F. BLOMQUIST of Whatcom was found dead in his bed Tuesday morning. A complication of ills is presumably the cause of his sudden death.

D. DRYSDALE arrived from San Francisco yesterday and preparatory work at the two canneries will commence at once. The steamer Utopia is expected to arrive to-day with 100 Chinamen, who are to be put to work at once at can making. It is anticipated that the pack will be somewhat smaller this year than last. Work will be commenced simultaneously at both Semiahmoo and Point Roberts. Four different crews have been for some time past engaged in preparing new piles for trap purposes.

Mrs. W. B. DUNN and family arrived safely at 'Frisco.

Pierce BUTLER has gone east of the mountains for a visit.

Miss Estelle BARNES was up early in the week from Seattle on a visit to her parents.

M. A. CONANT of Jefferson, Iowa, a nephew of Rufus WILSON, is in the city on a visit.

Geo. DAVIES left on Thursday's train for Seattle. The family will follow him next week.

Mrs. E. M. JOHNSON, mother of A. L. JOHNSON, left on Tuesday's train over the Canadian Pacific for her home in Minnesota. She has been on a visit here for several months past.

Conductor REID of the Great Northern has been called to Minneapolis on account of the death of a sister. Conductor MELIGH has charge of the train during Mr. REID's absence.

Friday, April 12, 1895:

The friends of Mr. & Mrs. E. J. TOLFORD will note the arrival of an heir in their home Wednesday morning.

An explosion from supposed fire damp occurred at the Blue Canyon coal mine near Whatcom at 3 o'clock last Monday. Twenty-four men were employed in the mine and all but one perished. This in point of fatality is one of the largest accidents which has ever befallen our county. The list of dead include the superintendent, D. Y. JONES, and the following miners; James KIRBY, Andrew ANDERSON, James MCANDREW, Charles SILVERSON, Mike LEILSKI. The unmarried ones are: John WILLIAMS, William LYSTER, E. P. CHASE, Alexander ANDERSON, George ROBERTS, Benjamin MORGAN, Charles RAMBERG, Lon LATKA, Thomas CONLIN, Ike JOHNSON, Martin BLUNN, William EVANS.

John F. TARTE of Pleasant Valley was made the father of twins early in the week, but one of which, the girl, survives.

Last Tuesday Nate HACKMAN and C. W. HOMOYER went on a fishing expedition to Campbell creek and returned with ninety fine finny specimens.

Last Tuesday a pleasant party of young ladies and gentlemen paid a visit to Campbell creek on a fishing excursion and returned at night with a goodly supply of fine trout. Among those who made up the expedition were the Misses Flora and Jessie DAVIES, Dora TYSON, Alice LIVINGSTONE, Janie SMITH, Kate DORR, Della BARRETT, Lottie THOMAS, Nellie and Winnie MCELMON, and Messrs. G. A. GEIGER, Ed and Harry THOMAS, J. H. HITCHCOCK, Geo. M. RICE, J. P. STUART, P. A. HENEY and the editor.

The Blaine school closed the third term of the year yesterday with an examination. A report of which with the standing of the pupils in the different subjects will be given in next week's issue. The new term begins April 16th. Application for admission of pupils should be made at once to Mrs. J. Y. MILLER, principal of the school. The musical department has been placed in the hands of Miss Eleanor CRILLY. The patronage of the town is respectfully invited.

William DICKENSON has his new boat well under way, and it is a fine model. Its dimensions are 33 feet 6 inches in length and 9 feet 6 inches breadth of beam.

Dr. Dean CLARK delivered an address at the opera house on Sunday afternoon in the interest of the A.P.A. It was interesting and well attended.

The G. M. ROBERTS drug store was taken possession of by Mrs. S. WADE Thursday morning under a bill of sale.

Joe HALL, at FOX's drug store, has now secured the exclusive agency for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for Blaine and vicinity, and will supply the same to all desiring it. The leading 'Frisco dailies can also be had of him.

W. L. FOX, the druggist, has during the present week purchased from Frank OSIER the uncompleted (sic) residence which Mr. OSIER had in process of erection on Harrison avenue, between Steen and Boblett streets. The property comprises four good lots and a finely modeled half completed structure of a house, which, when Mr. FOX finishes it up, will be as fine and convenient a home as one could wish.

H. ROSENKRANK of Haynie was in town Tuesday.

Harvey CHANTRELL is now home from British Columbia on a brief visit.

Gordon WALLER, who has been in attendance at school is now at home.

S. A. HOTCHKISS is soon to take up his residence in Colorado, where his father has an extensive ranch.

Mrs. John VOGEL of Tacoma, a friend of Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN and family, arrived on the Utopia today.

The Misses Flora and Jessie DAVIES leave on Monday to join their parents in Seattle, which is to be their future home.

D. DRYSDALE returned to San Francisco Tuesday, having gotten matters in shape for can making, etc., at the Alaska Packing associating canneries. He will return with his family about May 15th.

Mrs. C. E. THOMAS of Chicago, a sister of Attorney MCPHERSON, is at present in the city on a visit. She will return early next week.

Ed A. ROBERTS left on the steamer Farralon Monday for San Francisco. Mr. ROBERTS has been engaged in the drug business here and has also occupied the position of deputy assessor for this city. He leaves behind him many friends who will wish him every success in whatever capacity he may embark in the golden state.

Messrs. SEELY Bros. have been treating the interior of their grocery store to a coat of calcimine, thereby improving its appearance very materially.

Friday, April 19, 1895:

Unclaimed letters at the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., on April 15, 1895:

Last Tuesday evening a farewell surprise party was tendered the Misses Flora and Jessie DAVIES at the residence of Mrs. J. A. MARTIN on H street. The young ladies go from here to reside at Seattle with their parents. They will take with them the best wishes of a large number of friends. Among those present at the gathering were the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Pete FOSTER, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WHITE, The Misses Flora and Jessie DAVIES, Janie SMITH, Jessie DICKERSON, Vina HOUGH, Alice SAVINGS, Ella CROY, Cora MANEVAL, Lottie THOMAS and Alma MATRIN [MARTIN?], Messrs. Ed and Harry THOMAS, P. A. HENEY, Geo. D. C. PRUNER, Geo. CAIN, Geo. DICKERSON, J. P. STUART, J. H. HITCHCOCK, Willie HOYT, W. L. WADE and Alex B. EAGAN.

Frank, the three-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McDONALD, was kicked by a horse Sunday and sustained quite a severe bruise. A portion of the flesh on the forehead of the little one was laid open.

C. A. LOOMIS is to occupy the store recently vacated by G. M. ROBERTS on Martin street.

Report of the standing of the pupils in the Blaine school at the Easter examination:
French: Eleanor CRILLY - 75; Gertrude HALL - 90; Cordia EVANS - 90; Clare MILLER - 100.
Geometry: Eleanor CRILLY - 95; Gertrude HALL - 75; Emerson EDWARDS -100.
Elocution: Eleanor CRILLY - 95; Gertrude HALL - 98; Alice SPENDLOVE - 90; Cordia EVANS - 75; Clare MILLER - 90; Mabel HALEY - 70; Eddie HALEY - 60.
Grammar: Alice SPENDLOVE - 95; Cordia EVANS - 85; Mabel HALEY - 94.
Writing: Clare MILLER - 75; Mabel HALEY - 70; Eddie HALEY - 60.
Geology: Eleanor CRILLY - 84; Gertrude HALL - 68.
Literature: Eleanor CRILLY - 90; Gertrude HALL - 85.
Arithmetic: Alice SPENDLOVE - 75; Cordia EVANS - 89; Clare MILLER - 95; Mabel HALEY - 45; Eddie HALEY 75.
U. S. History: Alice SPENDLOVE - 75; Cordia EVANS - 47.
General History: Alice SPENDLOVE - 80; Cordia EVANS - 80.
Music: Gertrude HALL - 99; Alice SPENDLOVE - 86; Cordia EVANS - 100; Clare MILLER - 100.
Spelling: Alice SPENDLOVE - 86; Cordia EVANS - 54; Clare MILLER - 90; Mabel HALEY - 85; Eddie HALEY - 70.
Physics: Emerson EDWARDS - 89.
Physiology: Clare MILLER - 95.
Algebra: Emerson EDWARDS - 95; Alice SPENDLOVE 27.
Geography: Clare MILLER - 77; Mabel HALEY - 70.
Eleanor CRILLY - 88; Gertrude HALL - 86; Emerson EDWARDS - 94; Alice SPENDLOVE - 76; Cordia EVANS - 77; Clare MILLER - 90; Mabel HALEY - 72; Eddie HALEY - 73.

The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a basket social at the opera house Tuesday evening, April 23d. All ladies are invited to bring baskets with lunch for two. Gentlemen will be charged an admission of 10 cents, which will be refunded to those who purchase baskets. Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN has kindly consented to act as auctioneer.

Friday, April 26, 1895:

Miss E. F. MORGAN left Wednesday morning over the Canadian Pacific for the east.

Geo. H. WEBBER of Port Townsend, an attache of the customs department, is now in the city.

H. GREENBURG of Port Angeles, connected with the U. S. store at that point, was in town Wednesday.

Rev. J. L. PARMETER and wife of Ferndale were in the city this week on a short visit to the family of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. WHITE.

Miss Minnie KEELER of Blaine will return to Whatcom Sunday to finish her short-hand course. She will make her home with Mrs. LIKINS during her stay.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. BREWER of Toronto, Kan., father and mother of the late Mrs. T. B. SHANNON, are spending the summer in the city with Mr. SHANNON.

Chas. GOTT met with an accident last week which will cause him the loss of the third finger on the right hand at the second joint. He was handling freight and in some way ran a sliver of wood into the injured member. It seems to have centered an amount of inflammation which it was impossible to reduce; blood poisoning set in and now Dr. REEVES has hopes of saving the remainder of the hand by prompt attention.

At the picture drawing at FOX's drug store last Monday evening, Mrs. Thos. PAYNE secured the first prize and E. A. WADHAMS the second. Both of the pieces were in oil from the brush of Miss Nell THOMPSON.

Mr. E. C. SEELY of the firm of SEELY Bros., left on Tuesday's train over the Canadian Pacific for St. Paul where, on Tuesday next, he will be united in marriage with Miss Jennie McMILLEN of that city, daughter of ex-United States senator McMILLEN of that state. The groom is well known to us all and will receive a host of congratulations. The happy couple are to reside on H street on their return.

Frank McCALL is suffering from blood poisoning. Some days since he noticed a slight abrasion on one of the fingers of the left hand, the fingers of which have since swelled to that extent that he was compelled to leave his position and nurse the diseased member.

Everything is now in readiness at the two Alaska Packing association canneries for the commencement of business. The supplies are all in, the workmen engaged, and soon can-making will be under way. Mr. DRYSDALE, the manager, will return with his family from San Francisco on or about May 15th.

Contributions to the Blaine, Lynden and Nooksack Railway

In this work of subsidy collecting the ladies of Blaine are entitled to a full meed of praise. The committee appointed at the public meeting consisting of:
Mesdames L. GOTT, A. E. MEAD, L. BOBLETT, B. N. KINGSLEY, M. A. SCOTT, D. S. MILLER, W. J. GILLESPIE, C. O. PERLEY, Geo. TERRY, Fannie I. ELLIS, O. D. McDONALD, J. S. CRILLY, C. A. LOOMIS, R. HAZEN, S. P. HUGHES, A. GEERY, L. B. JOSEPH, T. G. STEAUBLI, H. LOOMIS, C. C. OSIER, Penelope MILLER, J. A. MARTIN, P. FOSTER, John WAGGONER, E. A. STONE, L. SHAFFNER and John DAHL met at the city hall .... Mrs. L. GOTT chairwoman ........

The new store of Messrs. SEELY Bros. was formally opened on Monday last and the sales of the first day were very gratifying. They have perhaps as fine a stock of dry goods, shoes, clothing, hats, notions, and ladies' and gents' furnishings as has been brought to our city in a long time. They certainly merit a share of patronage from the public and are in a position to satisfy any reasonable want at a price as low as like goods can be had at Whatcom or Seattle.

The Man-of-war Mohican, according to a letter recently received by Deputy collector ELLSPERMAN, will visit this port on or about May 7th.

At a special meeting of the city council on Thursday afternoon D. R. GOTT was appointed street commissioner, vice Louis SHAFFNER, resigned.

Letters uncalled for at the post office at Semiahmoo:
Mrs. E. M. KING, Mrs. William A. DELL.

Frank S. FULLERTON, who was pressman of the Journal during the boom days of '90, is now publishing a paper at Sherrard, a flourishing town near Rock Island, Ill.

Friday, May 3, 1895:

Last Friday evening the 76th anniversary of the establishment of Odd Fellowship in America was appropriately observed by both the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges at their new hall in the Rutledge building. A pleasing program was gone through with a superb luncheon served and a social dance provided for such as cared to participate. It was a pleasant and joyous occasion and one which will long be remembered by those who attended. The members of both lodges, some 60, were present in full force, and did the honors of the occasion with grace. In addition to the lodge membership the following, among others were invited guests: Hans NIELSEN, J. J. PINKNEY [PINCKNEY], Chas. WADHAMS, H. B. KIRBY, Wm. QUIRT, and wife, T. B. SHANNON, J. S. CRILLY, and wife, Mrs. and Miss Anna WALLER, Byron KINGSLEY, and wife, L. W. DAVID, and wife, Nell THOMPSON, Frankie TOLFORD, E. J. TOLFORD, Dora WEST, T. A. HUNTER, M. J. HENEY, Ethel, Winnie and Nellie McELMON, A. B. BARRETT, wife and daughter, Lottie THOMAS, Ed THOMAS, Lee WHEELER, G. GEIGER, Geo. M. RICE, C. SHAFFER, L. COLE and wife, L. E. LAMAR and wife, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. WHITE, Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY and wife, Louis SHAFFNER and wife, J. B. RAMAGE and wife, P. A. HENEY, J. P. STUART, James MARTIN, and wife, H. HENSPETER and wife, W. L. MATTHEWS and ladies, C. O. PERLEY, and wife, John KEAN, Geo. POLAND, and wife, Fred BROWN and wife, John WAGGONER and wife, Arthur WADHAMS, Joe. HALL, Lester LIVINGSTONE, Alice LIVINGSTONE, C. A. LOOMIS, wife and daughter, Mrs. Geo. PERLEY, C. C. McDONALD and wife, A. FELIICIANNA and wife, P. W. BROWN and wife, T. A. KENNEDY, S. HUGHES, J. F. STANTON, A. T. BENNETT, Fred YORKE, W. H. PINKNEY [PINCKNEY], F. WILLIAMS, P. MATTERSON, W. A. STEAD, G. D. C. PRUNER, C. D. MOGGRIDGE, H. W. WHEELER, C. E. FLINT, Alice SAVINGS, Cordelia M. EVANS, Minnie KEILER, Gertrude HALL, Mrs. Geo. H. KEELER, Vina HOUGH, Nellie CRILLY, Maude OSIER, Mrs. G. M. ROBERTS, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. BREWER.

Capt. John O. DAVIES, the former master of the Maggie Yarno, is now engaged on the steamer San Juan from Whatcom to the Islands.

Rev. A. R. JOHNSTON, late of the Congregational church of this city, but at present a resident of Whatcom, returned Monday from a three month's visit to Southern California.

M. A. BARRICKLOW was made the father of another heir Thursday morning. Dr. REEVES was present, and reports his patient doing nicely.

Harry COWDERAY has leased the building on the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street, and will remove his restaurant therein next week. He is to have the premises formerly occupied by C. C. OSIER.

L. E. LAMAR has recently put a fine specimen of gilt lettering upon the window of the sample room of Messrs. GARNDER & WILLIAMS.

Under a proclamation by the governor last Saturday was made "Arbor Day" and a legal holiday. The services at Blaine were initiative in the observance of this day, and owing to the hurry of preparation, were somewhat crude in arrangement and consummation. As it was, however, a fairly good program was arranged by Miss Etta ROBERTS and others, and the aims and purposes of Arbor (or tree planting) day beautifully impressed upon the minds of all those who attended. Six trees in all were planted, which were named and located as follows: James G. Blaine, opposite the residence of D. L. STONE, on Washington avenue; Miss Francis E. Willard, Methodist Church ground; Gen. U. S. Grant, front of residence of Mrs. A. GEERY on Martin street; Abraham Lincoln, corner of Harrison avenue and Cherry street, and Benjamin Harrison, opposite yard of Byron KINGSLEY. The exercises were participated in by a number of persons, including the Sabbath school of the Methodist church.

C. A. LOOMIS has moved a portion of his stock into the store room recently vacated by the ROBERT's drug store.

S. H. HORTON, of the New York Meat Market, is putting in a new ice box, six by nine feet in dimension and eight feet high. It will contain 432 cubic feet of space. With this addition to his present advantages for business he will be better equipped than ever to meet the wants of his customers.

Last Saturday Dr. REEVES found it necessary to amputate the third finger on the right hand of young Charles GOTT, in order to check the sway of blood poisoning which had already destroyed a portion of the finger. The condition of the young man is still critical, but the physician has hopes he will ultimately recover.

Halibut fishing is now in full blast off Blaine, and several large fish were brought in this week. Last Friday William BERTRAND had one, the weight of which was 150 pounds.

Wednesday evening there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McDONALD a daughter. Dr. REEVES was in attendance.

The approaching nuptials of Chas. L. WADHAMS and Miss Mabel SHAW, both of this city, are announced to occur at high noon at Christ Church, on May 9th, Rev. Dr. NEVIUS officiating.

Ed. A. ROBERTS returned from 'Frisco Tuesday. Ed says the country is over run with idle men and that Washington suits him.

The residence of D. D. LEWIS at Ferndale had a narrow escape from the fire destroyer last week. Mr. LEWIS was formerly in business here.

Sidney SMITH returned from Ellensburg Thursday.

S. A. HOTCHKISS and family leave to-morrow for Montrose, Col.

F. A. CLEVELAND, a Bay city attorney, was in town Thursday on business.

Mrs. R. J. GLEN intends visiting Newport, R. I., starting on the journey next week.

Mrs. E. A. TAYLOR, of Lopez, Wash., is a visitor with the family of Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN.

Miss Libbie BRADSHAW of Friday Harbor is visiting the family of Deputy Collector ELLSPERMAN.

F. P. SMITH of Spokane, claim agent of the Great Northern railway, was in town this week.

H. BREWSTER of Point Roberts returned Thursday from Whatcom. Friday morning he went to the point.

J. A. McCLELLAN, traveling representative of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, was in town early in the week.

E. A. WADHAMS, Miss Laura WADHAMS and Miss GREEN were at Westminster last Friday in attendance on the opera.

Ex-Mayor WESTCOTT and wife returned from Southern California Sunday. He says our own state has many advantages over the much praised Golden state.

The alley between C. A. LOOMIS' store and Allen BOGARD's is being made more passable by a narrow walk on each side.

C. C. OSIER has his new residence on Garfield and Washington avenue in a fair state of completion, and on Thursday moved into it with his family.

J. B. RAMAGE mourns the death of his father, which sad event occurred at Seattle on Wednesday last.

Friday, May 10, 1895:

L. D. PIKE of Point Roberts was at Seattle early in the week.

Capt. WYMAN and wife of Seattle came up on the Island Belle Saturday.

William STUART has secured a position at Point Roberts, and took his departure Saturday.

Henry TURNER left on Thursday's train, over the Canadian Pacific railway for St. Stephen, N. B.

Geo. M. RICE was called to Whatcom Tuesday on business connected with the Blaine, Lynden and Nooksack railway.

G. E. CAMERON, representing W. H. HECHT & Co. of Seattle, was doing business with the C. M. & M. company Tuesday.

R. J. GLEN and family left on Tuesday's train. Mr. GLEN going to Leavenworth, Wash., and Mrs. GLEN to Newport, R.I.

Chas. SCHAFFER, who has been for some time past in the employ of the New York Market, left on Wednesday over the Canadian Pacific for his home in Cassopolis, Mich.

Ansel WHITE who left Santa Cruz early in 1866 is wanted. Any tangible information concerning him will be liberally paid for.
E. O'HARA, No. 469 S. Seventh St., San Jose, Cal.

G. M. KEELER has rented the photograph gallery on Harrison avenue and is prepared to do all kinds of work in that line. I have purchased new scenery and guarantee good work. Come and try me. G. M. KEELER.

DAHL Bros. have ornamented their store with a new sign. It is an attractive piece of work and is from the shop of L. E. LAMAR on Washington avenue.

The residence of Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY, pastor of the Union church, is being enclosed with a very handsome picket fence.

D. S. MILLER has added an addition to his dry house, rendered necessary by the increase in output.

Prof. HITT, county superintendent of schools, was at Tacoma last week, attending a state gathering of school superintendents.

On May 12th Miss Edith COLE will attain her 18th birthday. It will be made the occasion for a gathering of a few of her chosen friends.

Another installment of colonists from Minneapolis and Chicago has arrived at the Repperswyll colony near Acme, Washington.

Last Thursday at high noon was celebrated the nuptials of Charles E. WADHAMS of this city and Miss Mable SHAW, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. SHAW, at Christ (Episcopal) church, Rev. Dr. NEVIUS officiating. Geo. A. HOYT and Arthur WADHAMS were groomsmen, and the Misses Birdie SHAW, Laura WADHAMS and Laura HUTCHERSON acting as bridesmaids. The bride was clad in white silk with the regulation veil and wreath. Miss Laura WADHAMS wore a costume of nun's veiling of a canary hue. Miss Birdie SHAW light green chambray and Miss Laura HUTCHERSON cream silk. The ceremony was the beautiful and impressive service of the Episcopal church. The bride was given away by the father. The church was crowded almost to suffocation, and was tastefully and elaborately decorated with flowers, and as the contracting parties stood beneath the floral bell to plight their troth the picture was one of happiness. At the conclusion of the service at the church a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride at which were present Mr. and Mrs. J. T. SHAW, E. A. WADHAMS, Miss Laura WADHAMS, Arthur WADHAMS, Chester WADHAMS, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. HUTCHERSON, Miss Birdie SHAW, Dr. NEVIUS, T. A. KENNEDY and wife, Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN, Geo. A. HOYT and wife, Miss Nell THOMPSON, Miss Eleanore CRILLY, Miss Cordia EVANS, E. H. THOMAS, Chas. MERRITT and H. THOMAS. The happy couple are to reside at Semiahmoo, where the groom has a very pleasant and cosily furnished home. The editor of the Journal in common with a host of friends, extend to them a wealth of congratulations and good wishes.

On Tuesday, April 30th, Mr. E. C. SEELY of this city and Miss Jessie Gormally McMILLEN were united in marriage at the residence of the bride in St. Paul, Minn., Rev. D. M. EDWARDS officiating. Mr. SEELY is one of our best known and largest business men, and the bride is the daughter of ex-U.S. Senator McMILLEN of Minnesota. The happy pair returned to this city on Tuesday last, coming over the Canadian Pacific, visiting at Banff Springs and Vancouver on their return. Mr. and Mrs. SEELY are to occupy the former rectory of the Episcopal church on Fourth street. We extend to them both our hearty good wishes, and may their wedded life be one of bliss and happiness.

On Thursday, April 25th, James CRITCHLY of Hall's Prairie, B. C., and Miss Lottie EVANS of this city were united in marriage at New Westminster.

The family of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. UPSON have been called upon to mourn the loss of two of its members in California within a very short time. By the subjoined obituary it will be seen that on April 19th the beloved mother of Mr. UPSON passed away, and on May 1st his father, at the age of 89, was also called home. The extract best sets forth the worth and esteem of Mrs. UPSON, and eminates from a locality where she was best known. The family here have a full measure of sympathy in their double bereavement.
(From the Healdsburg (Cal.) Tribune, April 25th.)
"In this city Friday morning Mrs. Mary S. UPSON, died as though she sank in sleep. The venerable woman has been suffering long and patiently from asthma and her death did not come wholly unexpected, but the final was quick and the day prior she appeared to be much improved and more relieved than she had been during the last two weeks of her life. Heart failure was an affliction which came with suddenness and hastened her demise.
"The maiden name of the deceased was Mary S. BILLINGS and she was born in Vermont on the 8th of June, 1816, being at her death nearly 79 years of age. At an early age she and her parents removed to Ohio where she lived until she attained womanhood, and became united in wedlock with A. UPSON, which occurred October 16, 1834, their conjugal era extending over sixty years. Six years after the marriage of the estimable couple they migrated to Indiana, later removed to Wisconsin, and in the last named state they resided for about eighteen years. In the year of '64 Mrs. UPSON and her husband emigrated to California, coming across the plains in what was termed a prairie schooner, the trip requiring some six months. Their first home in California they made in Lake county, but their residence there was only of a few months' duration. They subsequently came to Sonoma county and settled in Petaluma. After four years' residence in Petaluma they removed to Dry Creek Valley where Mr. UPSON engaged in farming. After a few years they removed to Healdsburg where she passed the remainder of her declining days.
"Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. UPSON and but four survive their mother. They are: M. H. UPSON of Washington, Wm. UPSON of Healdsburg, Mrs. S. E. POWERS of Modac and Mrs. Lucy N. HAWTHORNE of Carson City, Nevada.
"Mrs. UPSON has since 1840 been a faithful and devout member of the Christian church. She was a woman of tender loving disposition, ever ready to aid her neighbor and extend a willing hand to the needy. In this the dark hour of the family's affliction they have the sympathy of everyone. The funeral which was very largely attended, took place Sunday afternoon and the interment occurred at Oak Mound Cemetery where services were conducted by Elder WALLACE."

The Prospects at Northport
Interesting Letter from Three Blainites
Northport, Wash., April 28th, 1895.
To The Editor:
In answer to your request, and many who wished us to write them in regard to this country, will say that our judgment tells us that this is the best country we know of; the prospects are wonderful. What makes this country is the gold mines, as Rossland, B. C., is 14 miles from here. There are 7 gold mines in operation. The mines average 3 ounces of gold to the ton, besides the silver, copper, lead and iron, which is enough to pay all expense of mining, smelting and refining. Rossland is located on a mountain bench. The land company owns one street, the rest is government land and anybody can build on that land. There are about 300 buildings or shacks and 1,000 people there, it has been built up in little over two months. You can find most any branch of business there, except churches. Northport is on the American side on the Columbia river. All the ore from Rossland mines and Trail Creek district must be hauled here for shipment. As there is no railroad into Rossland and the ore has to be hauled here with teams, there are 150 teams hauling now, and in a week or so there will be 300. The roads have been very bad which has put them back a great deal. Each team makes nearly $8 per day clear. The wages for men in the mines is $3 and $3.50 per day for eight hour shift. Work is not very plenty at present, but it will be in a short time.
   The president of the Spokane Falls and Northern is here now, and is having a survey made for a railroad between here and Rossland. He says it will be completed by 4th ult., as they are going to commence work at once. Men are at work now building more switch tracks so they can handle the ore. Parties have been here looking over the ground to put in a smelter, and they claim it will be a go at once. Just opposite Northport across the Columbia river is the Colville Indian reservation, which is the richest gold prospect in the country, but the Indians will not allow white men to work the claims, but is expected to be thrown open soon and when it is it will surely make Northport a hummer. We are looking every day for 300 surveyors, which are on their way now to survey the reservation and all unsurveyed government lands in this part of the country. Large steam boats run from here to Revelstoke, and they make 3 trips a week here with ore from the upper country. There is a ferry boat here that makes from $30 to $50 a day ferrying people and teams. Anybody going to Rossland must cross the river. Northport is a division station. There are three custom house officials here and Mr. McCOOL, the collector, told us that they needed two more inspectors to do the business. Heretofore there has only been three mail and passenger trains a week, but commencing Monday, April 29th there will be a daily mail service. Northport contains about 75 buildings and about 300 people. We have pitched our tent and are camping out. We couldn't stand the hotel and restaurant rates. Every time we move it costs us a dollar. We have rented two store rooms and expect to be in business by the latter part of next week. We had a very pleasant trip coming over the Cascades. The scenery was beautiful. Spokane is a fine city. While there we spent a pleasant evening with N. A. CORNISH and family. They are all well but Mrs. CORNISH, she has been sick for some time. Mr. CORNISH has a good practice in his law business. We can move and that is about all. We wanted to save our stage fare from here to Rossland which amounts to $15, so we thought we would walk. It took us nearly 7 hours to walk there, a distance of 14 miles, but called it 20 miles before we got there. It is uphill all the way. We stayed one night in Rossland and then walked back. That fixed us plenty. We'll not walk it anymore. We are camping at the foot of Silver Crown mountain, and within a space of a quarter of a mile you can see between 30 and 40 camps and nearly 100 teams. There is no snow here, but we found a little between here and Rossland. The weather is very warm. We bought a hind quarter of venison for 50 cents, and we are living fine. This letter is as near the correct situation of things here as we can possibly explain.

L. E. LAMAR, Plaintiff, vs George DAVIES and S. A. DAVIES, his wife, William B. DUNN and Hannah B. DUNN, his wife, Defendants
.... judgment rendered herein on 16th day of March, 1895, in favor of plaintiff and against defendants for the sum of $699.80, and attorney's fee of $25, and costs of suit amounting to $20, ... (legal description of property follows)

Friday, May 17, 1895:

Saturday last Mrs. Nancy THOMPSON and her 14-year-old daughter Mable were taken to St. Luke's hospital at Whatcom. Mrs. THOMPSON is suffering from some chronic ailment, and appears to get no relief among our local physicians. She is a sister of George and Frank ALLEN of this city.

The state convention of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor is now is session at Seattle, having convened on Thursday for a four day's session. Rev. C. T. WHITTLESEY, Miss Della BARRETT, Miss Kate DORR, Miss Maude UPSON and Geo. A. CORNISH were in attendance from this city.

J. J. RUTLEDGE and wife, who are now located at Juneau, Alaska, had a narrow escape from poisoning recently. They had both partaken of canned corn which is supposed to have gathered some unwholesome property from the tin in which it was enclosed.

Mrs. DAVENPORT, late of the Blaine school, is now located at Juneau, Alaska, engaged in giving musical instruction.

MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents in Haynie on Sunday last, by Rev. N. E. HOUGH, Miss Annie H. PENNINGTON to Joseph O. LACOST.

J. T. RAINS begs to inform his friends and citizens of Blaine and surrounding vicinity that he will open his new studio on Martin street May 22d, and will be ready to do a better grade of photographic work than heretofore, and at a very reasonable rate. Everybody invited to call and see for themselves. Watch for the sign "The Elite Studio."

Fish Commissioner CRAWFORD has this season issued licenses for 378 1-lb nets at $10 each, 131 set nets $2.50 each, 36 fish wheels $10.00 each, total $4,467.50, for establishing and maintaining a hatchery.

Henry LOOMIS has been suffering from a case of poisoning during the present week, but is now, we are glad to learn, improving. His experience should prove as a warning to all those who are now indulging in tree spraying, an occupation found necessary among our orchard owners. Mr. LOOMIS procured from Whatcom a preparation known as "London Purple," and in the course of application in some manner got a portion of the solution into his throat and stomach, with the result that he had a close call. Too much care cannot be exercised with these unknown preparations for tree spraying.

H. M. GOODELL of Lynden has just secured the contract for carrying mail on the Whatcom-Lynden route. The mail is to be carried six times a week for three years, at $296 per year.

At a sale of unclaimed goods made by the local custom house on Wednesday last Sidney SMITH bid on a package of female apparel for $1, A. WIMPER a second-hand coat and vest for $1.50 and N. S. HACKMAN a very valuable locket for $1.50.

Just now cycling seems to be all the rage and new wheels are coming to Blaine each week. E. R. WHEELER and Frank McCALL were recipients during the present week.

Work at the two salmon canneries will now soon commence in earnest. At present the workmen are engaged in building dory, enlarging the dock, etc., at the Point Roberts (Semiahmoo) cannery, and next week will begin can making. At the boundary line cannery (Point Roberts) a large number are already at work manufacturing cans, making nets, and doing such work as necessary to begin the pack. All told some sixty whites are at work and 130 Chinese.

Alaska Packer's association now has two steamers, the Gertie Story and Chinook, which are kept at work constantly. Thursday the Gertie Story was at Whatcom for tar and coal. While the run of fish will probably be light this year, every effort is being made to secure a full share of the catch.

Charley GOTT is still quite low, but Dr. REEVES thinks there is a slight improvement in his critical condition.

Mr. McQUEEN, late an attache of the post office, has changed his location and accepted a situation with the Consolidated Mill and Merchandise company, as general salesman. Mac would be glad to meet his many friends at his new stand.

John GRELUICH of Whatcom was in town Saturday.

Mayor JOHNSTON left on Sunday for a brief visit at Seattle.

Chas. FLINT and wife of Whatcom were up on the Island Belle Saturday.

E. H. THOMAS was at Custer Thursday on business connected with the assessment.

D. DRYSDALE returned from San Francisco Tuesday and will remain at Semiahmoo during the season.

Misses Maggie and Gertie OSIER are spending the week with Miss Carrie HENSPETER at Birch Bay.

A meeting of the Blaine University association was held Thursday evening at the study of Dr. NEVIUS on Fourth street, at which Dean APPLEGATE was present. Arrangements were put under way to complete the unfinished building the society is now erecting on the site of the recently burned school building.

John STOOPS is suffering greatly from an attack of muscular paralysis. He was taken on Thursday afternoon.

Friday, May 24, 1895:

--The Blaine University Association--
Blaine, Wash., May 16th, 1895.
The board of trustees of the Blaine University association met is special session and called to order by the president. Object of the meeting, to confer with Rev. L. W. APPLEGATE in relation to the school building now being constructed by the Church Charity association of Tacoma, located on block 17, Warren's 1st add. to Blaine. On motion it was decided to meet at said building on Friday, May 17th, at 8 a.m. to inspect said building and decide on matter in connection therewith. No further business, and on motion, meeting adjourned.

Blaine, Wash., May 17th, 1895.
The board of the Blaine University association met pursuant to adjournment and called to order by the president, Albert WARREN. Members present: G. H. WESCOTT, C. O. PERLEY and Geo. CAIN. Vice President George DAVIES, having removed from the city, E. A. WADHAMS, Esq., was unanimously elected vice president to fill out the unexpired term of the board of trustees.

Wm. SIMPSON Instantly Killed
   Last Thursday morning shortly after work began at the C. M. & M. shingle mill, one of the most distressing and harrowing accidents occurred which has perhaps happened in this county for a long time. Among those who operate and assist about the knee-bolting saw at the mill are C. M. SEARS who operates the bolter, M. A. CONANT who assists as off-bearer at the saw, and the deceased, William SIMPSON, who was employed as sap-picker. In some manner young CONANT, in grasping hold of a block with his hook, made a slip and threw SIMPSON and himself back upon the saw with most horrible results.
   SIMPSON seems to have fallen in such a manner that in striking the saw the head was cut it two, and a portion of the face attached to the shoulder and an arm were completely cut from the body and lodged upon one side of the saw, while the trunk was left upon the opposite side. M. A. CONANT in falling was caught by the bolter, C. M. SEARS, and saved by a hair's breadth. Mr. SEARS himself had a narrow escape. The deceased was born in Dundee, Scotland, was 24 years of age and left no address by which his parents, who are said to reside in London, Eng., can be communicated with. Among his effects were twelve certificates of discharge issued from various English ports showing him to have been a fireman and storekeeper on as many different voyages. He has traveled over a large amount of territory. A companion named George BECKWITH, who came here some six weeks ago with the unfortunate young man from Japan, says SIMPSON has a father who is a foreman in some chemical works in London. In a small book we found the address of "W. CROSS, No. 46 Locknegar st., Brunswick Road, Bromley, London,"Wm. KELLEY, 148 Monea Road, Bow, London, Eng." and "Mr. F. BENNETT, 8 Mayfield Road, Wimbledon, Eng."
   The remains were taken in charge by Geo. D. C. PRUNER, J. P. acting as coroner, and interment ordered. It was not deemed advisable to hold an inquest as all the circumstances point to an unavoidable accident. The remains were buried from the Methodist Episcopal church on Friday morning, Rev. J. W. WHITE officiating. The attendance was very large. Every effort will be made to find the parents of young SIMPSON.

Miss Cordie EVANS is quite ill at the residence of her parents.

Dan HICKEY, who has been at the hospital for a long time, is once more about.

T. J. SPAHN, a brother-in-law of the DAHL Bros., a native of Omaha, Neb., has cast his lot among us.

In this city on Friday, May 17th, Mrs. Maggie B. WILSON, nee SMITH, aged 22 years, 3 months and 7 days.
Deceased was born in Oakfield, Genesee county, N. Y., on Feb. 10th, 1873, and leaves a husband and infant son. Mrs. WILSON came to Blaine in 1890 with her parents and was married to James WILSON on Nov. 13th, 1893. She was well and favorable known and leaves a host of warm friends to mourn her early demise. The funeral obsequis were held at the Methodist Episcopal church on Saturday afternoon last and were attended by an immense number. In the taking away of Mrs. WILSON in the prime of life a father, mother, brother, sisters and husband are left to mourn the loss of one who was a light to the household.

May 20th, 1895 in this city, Charles Hinton, son of D. R. and Lizzie GOTT, aged 18 years, 8 months and 23 days.
   In this demise, the second since the last issue of the Journal, we record the death of a young man who was known to us all. Quiet, unassuming, honest and industrious are some of the characteristics of young GOTT. Charles was the eldest of the sons and was born in Guthrie county, Iowa on Aug. 27th, 1875. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon last, and was made the occasion for a most affecting discourse by the pastor, Rev. J. W. WHITE, and an example portrayed to the younger portion of the large congregation, which cannot help but bring forth good fruit. The family and relations have sympathy from the entire community in their sad bereavement.

On Monday, the 13th inst., Charlie STUART, brother of John P. STUART of this city, died at Sioux City, Iowa, at the age of 25 years. The remains were buried at Traer on the following Wednesday amid a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The local paper speaks of Mr. STUART as a very exemplary young man, and his brother, who resides among us, will have the sympathy of many in his bereavement.

Friday, May 31, 1895:

Monday last a serious accident occurred at the logging camp of PENDERGAST Bros., near this city whereby John SHAFFER received an ugly gash in the left hand from a saw severing an artery. Dr. REEVES dressed the injured member, and everything was done for the comfort of Mr. SHAFFER, who is now doing nicely.

Miss Nancy ROPER of Seattle is on a visit to friends and relatives here.

Henry HORTON returned home Saturday from Seattle, where he has been attending college.

Elias HACKMAN left on Tuesday for Whatcom. His objective point is as yet undetermined.

Frank WILLIAMS and Sidney SMITH are among more recent departures for the gold fields of Northeastern Washington.

The regular election for school district No. 25 (Blaine) will occur at the school house on H street on Monday, June 10th. Polls open from 1 p. m. until 8. At this election one director for a three years term, one for a two years term, and one clerk of the board for one year will be voted upon. A special tax of seven mills will also be acted on. All females above the age of 21 years are entitled to vote at this election.

Miss Cordia EVANS is slowly recovering from her recent illness.

Saturday in D. S. MILLER's shingle mill, in a ten hours' run on a Challoner double block machine, 212,750 Star A Star shingles were sawed and packed. George POLAND was the filer, Fred YORK sawyer, A. C. CRAWFORD knee bolter and John PETEY engineer. This cut can be substantiated by the affidavit of a dozen men. The highest record the maker of this machine claims is 211,000 for a run of eleven hours.

Friday last there was born to the family of Earnest W. DICKERSON a boy. Dr. REEVES was present.

Mrs. V. D. BARRICKLOW is still quite ill, but her condition has not changed materially since last week.

Hans NIELSEN has subscribed his name and entered the service of Uncle Sam, shipping on board the Mohican. Hans will be missed by many friends who know his worth.

Friday, June 7, 1895:

John KEAN, the barber, has just placed a new Koch chair in his place of business, and will give all an opportunity to rest in it, providing they have work in his line.

W. J. GILLESPIE has taken possession of his new house on Clark street, next door to C. O. PERLEY's. He has a pleasant location.

C. C. PAUL has received a draft for $780, amount of insurance recently adjusted on his house. The policy was written by the State of Salem, Oregon, represented by S. P. HUGHES of this city.

Through the efforts of D. S. MILLER and the city officials the hill leading down the Cain wharf has been restrung and replanked with four inch timber, rendering it possible to now materially increase the loads drawn over it. Mr. MILLER should have credit for his labors and interest.

The customs service at this port has been supplemented by the arrival of a young deputy collector, which put in an appearance at the home of Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN early last Monday morning. Dr. W. A. KING performed the offices of the occasion. Inspector KENNEDY says the arrival is fully up to regulation.

Lee WHEELER of the consolidated Mill and Merchandise company of the city and Florence B. TILLMAN of Seattle, were united in marriage by the Rev. Father EMMONS of Tacoma, at his residence in that city on May 26th. The bride was formerly of Concord, Contra Costa county, Cal., but has resided in Seattle for the past year. The happy couple returned friday to this city and have the wish of all that they may enjoy a long and happy wedded life.

Last Friday evening at about 7 o'clock an alarm of fire was sounded, which proved to be caused by flames issuing from the home of Mrs. G. H. SMITH on E street. Mrs. SMITH was ironing in the front room of the house and in some unknown way the rear part of the house caught fire suddenly from the kitchen stove and must have burned very rapidly as Mrs. SMITH had been absent from the rear room but a very short time, when she discovered the wall on fire and the flames rapidly coursing up to the ceiling. By the time the hose cart and help arrived the house, which was an inexpensive affair, was one sheet of burning flames. Nearly all the furniture was saved. Mr. SMITH will be remembered as the one who lost portions of both hands in the shingle mills last fall. He is now at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Mrs. SMITH has three small children, and as she has only her own efforts to support them, the loss falls heavily. Mrs. SMITH's effects were temporarily removed to the late residence of A. BEHM near the north ward school house. The burned cottage was the property of L. E. LAMAR.

Mrs. C. T. WHITTLESEY, wife of the pastor of the Union church, presented her husband with a boy Wednesday night. Dr. KING was in attendance.

Harry POWER is engaged in laying a telephone cable from the Blaine office to the cannery on the spit.

Paul WOLTEN, Frank McCALL, Sam ANDERSON and Vaughn TANNER were cycle tourists at Custer last Sunday.

Mr. Wm. B. MEAD, father of City Attorney MEAD, left on Sunday's train for San Mateo, Cal., to assume a lucrative position.

J. B. PINCKNEY of Seattle, has returned to Blaine after an absence of 15 years. He is much pleased with the progress Blaine has made, and says he will remain here.

Dr. COBB, of the United States marine hospital at Port Townsend, was in the city Saturday looking over quarantine matters.

Miss Minnie SEAVEY of Oakland, Cal., is in the city, visiting the family of Geo. A. WESTCOTT. Miss SEAVEY's father is one of the pioneers of the Golden state, having located there in 1849.

Friday, June 14, 1895:

Alfred TART (TARTE) intends going to Alaska, to operate a tug for one of the salmon canneries.

J. B. BLAKE, manager of the Postal Telegraph company at Seattle, was in the city Tuesday on his way to Vancouver, B. C.

W. E. PERKENSON, sheriff of Skagit county, was in the city Thursday.

W. B. WALLACE, wife and child of Seattle, were guests at the Hotel Blaine this week.

Inspector KENNEDY and daughter were at Vancouver Tuesday, on a visit to his sister Maude.

Last Tuesday evening the man-of-war Mohican dropped anchor outside the harbor of Blaine for a few hours. She was on her way to Vancouver to make a coal test, but the low tide compelled a stop. She is to remain at Vancouver a week. The Mohican has orders to be at Everett on July 4th.

Dr. D. R. NEVIUS of Christ church is to preach the Baccalaureate sermon before the Annie Wright seminary at Tacoma next Sunday.

Standing of pupils in June examinations at the Blaine school:
Elocution: Eleanor CRILLEY - 98, Alice SPENDLOVE - 98, Clare MILLER - 95, Gordon WALLER - 75, Mabel HALEY - 65, Tina WALL - 70.
Arithmetic: Alice SPENDLOVE - 89, Gordon WALLER - 57, Clare MILLER - 99, Mabel HALEY - 77, Tina Wall 72.
French: Eleanor CRILLEY - 95, Clare MILLER - 99.
Grammar: Alice SPENDLOVE - 86, Gordon WALLER - 80, Mabel HALEY - 76, Tina WALL - 97.
Spelling and definitions: Alice SPENDLOVE - 95, Gordon WALLER - 88, Clare MILLER - 88, Mabel HALEY - 92, Tina WALL - 76, Eddie HALEY - 80.
Geology: Eleanor CRILLEY - 97.
Geometry: Eleanor CRILLEY - 100, Emerson EDWARDS - 90.
Physics: Emerson EDWARDS - 79.
General and United States History: Alice SPENDLOVE - 93.
In Christian Doctrine: Eleanor CRILLEY - 100, Alice SPENDLOVE - 99, Gordon WALLER - 75, Emerson EDWARDS - 95.
General Averages: Eleanor CRILLEY (prize) - 98, Clare MILLER - 95, Alice SPENDLOVE - 93, Tina WALL - 85, Emerson EDWARDS - 84 1/2, Mabel HALEY - 81, Gordon WALLER - 78, Eddie HALEY - 75.

Monday morning a little girl arrived to gladden the household of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TART (TARTE). Dr. KING was present.

C. C. PAUL and family left on S___day's train for Santa Cruz, Cal., where they have landed interest, and intend to make their future place of abode in the Golden state. Mr. PAUL and family migrated to Blaine some nine years ago, coming from Los Angeles. Mr. PAUL was one of the pioneer fe___man here, operating a line of b___ previous to our city assuming its pre___ proportions. Mr. PAUL leaves a large number of friends among the c___ citizens of Blaine who will wish ___ and his estimable family abundant prosperity in their new home.

The annual school election for district No. 25 (Blaine) was held at the city hall on Monday last and the following vote cast:
For director, two years term: Etta ROBERTS - 7, J. A. MARTIN - 49.
For director, three year term: Mrs. Annie KINGSLEY - 29, C. A. LOOMIS - 37.
For clerk: W. H. WEST - 40, Mrs. Jennie L. KING - 24.
Special tax: For - 11, Against - 54.
The election failed to evoke any particular enthusiasm, only about 75 votes being cast out of a possible 400. At the present time the prospects for a public school during the present years are far from encouraging.

Friday, June 21, 1895:

Last Sunday a bicycling party, composed of W. C. R. BAKER, D. CAMERON, Bart. GREGORY, Walter HODDEN and C. J. MARSHALL, all of New Westminster, B. C., came over on their wheels and had lunch at the Hotel Blaine. The boys left their starting point about 11 o'clock and arrived here soon after 1 p. m. Owing to the threatening weather a large number of who intended coming were kept at home.

Mrs. Grace DAVENPORT, late of the musical department of the Blaine school, arrived from Juneau, Alaska, Sunday, on a visit.

Mayor JOHNSTON and J. A. MARTIN returned Sunday from Olympia, where they were in attendance last week on the annual session of the Masonic grand lodge.

John ELWOOD was among the Lummi Indians Monday, acting as interpreter in the trap injunction case.

In Whatcom 220 bicycles are in use, and in Blaine 18.

W. L. FOX is erecting himself a model residence on Harrison avenue. From an inspection of the plans we feel quite sure that for convenience and comfort, the new abode will be hard to excel.

Friday, June 28, 1895:

The petition (to County Commissioners) of Lewis SEANOR and others asking for plank to floor a bridge across Ten Mile creek was granted.

Attorney PAYNE is adding a bathroom to his home on Washington avenue.

The much-needed watering trough has again been placed in position at the corner of Martin street and Washington avenue, where man and beast can now quench their thirst.

W. C. STAYT, a young man who has been studying law in the office of MACKINNON & MURANE, was on Saturday admitted to the bar, after having passed a very satisfactory examination.

On Thursday, June 6th, Samuel P. THOMSON and Miss Mabel YOUNG of Haynie were united in marriage by the Rev. J. A. McARTHUR of the First Presbyterian church of Whatcom. The happy couple passed the honeymoon in Seattle. Sam is one of the prosperous farmers of Haynie, and in taking unto himself a wife he has exemplified his belief that it is not good for a man to be alone. The happy couple are residing in Mr. THOMSON's new house.

The recent school census of this district, made by clerk WEST, shows a school population of 257 against 299 on June 1st, 1894.

Whatcom county has now but four prisoners in her jail, two of whom are from Blaine.

Henry DEWITT and Miss Annie GRANT of Ferndale have procured a marriage license.

William NOFFSINGER is engaged in recaulking and overhauling the tug Portland, at the MILLER wharf, which is soon to go to Alaska under the mastership of Capt. Fred WYMAN in the interest of the Alaska Canning association. The Portland is of about twenty tons gross, is 58 feet long and has beam width of 14 feet. Her depth of hold is 6 feet. She is quite a serviceable looking craft and Capt. WYMAN has the wish of many, both here and in Seattle, that his new base of action my prove lucrative and pleasant.

Early Monday evening an alarm of fire was sounded and smoke was seen issuing from one corner of the roof of the old QUIRT & MORGAN blacksmith shop on Boblett street, between Third and Fourth streets. The lower part of the structure was vacant, but the upper part which had been finished off, was occupied by the family of Andrew WEST. The father and mother were both away at work at the time the fire broke out and only the children were at home, whom, it is supposed, had started a hot fire, which in some manner ignited the roof. The effects of the WEST family were all saved, but the building, which was owned by D. S. MILLER and valued at perhaps $400, is a badly demoralized piece of property. There is no insurance.

A band of missionary evangelists under the leadership of Geo. w. SEDERQUIST, are to pitch a tabernacle tent on Martin street, opposite J. B. SMITH's and hold services. W. R. HAWKS and his daughter Lillian are with the leader. Their teachings are undenominational, and a strange feature is that no collections are taken, exemplifying the labors of the apostles, who were sent out by Christ to preach the gospel without money or script.

Dr. A. A. SUTHERLAND of Cloverdale was in town Thursday.

Richard LESTER of New Westminster, a deputy sheriff was in the city this week.

Miss Phebe BOND of Cloverdale, B. C., is visiting Miss Cordie EVANS for a few days.

J. E. ATHERTON, superintendent of the Great Northern Express company, was in the city Wednesday.

L. L. WORK, vice president of the Puget Sound Loan, Trust & Banking company, was at Blaine Thursday.

M. A. CONANT of Farlin, Iowa, who has been in the city for some weeks, returned home via the Canadian Pacific Sunday.

N. S. HARSHMAN of Seattle arrived on Tuesday's train. Mr. H. is to have charge of the engine of the C. M. & M. shingle mill.

Miss Minnie SEAVEY of Oakland, Cal., left on Wednesday's train over the Canadian Pacific, to visit a sister at Boston, Mass.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2002


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