The Blaine Journal

Thursday, April 22, 1886:   Vol. 2,  No. 1    Louis R. FLOWERS, publisher

Mr. Henry STOLTENBERG has been treating himself to a new wagon.

Miss ELLIOTT, we are told is to teach the summer school in the Pennington district.

School was begun in the Blaine public school house last Monday for the summer term. Miss Laura LINDSEY is teaching.

The summer term of school in the California creek district will probably begin about the first of next month. Miss BANNESTER is to teach.

The logging paraphernalia and a boom of logs belonging to FOSTER's logging camp on California creek have been seized by the sheriff and advertise for sale to satisfy the judgment of John FOUNTAIN for some $480.

Mr. C. O. YOUNG and family arrived this place last Friday. Mr. YOUNG has for the past three years had charge of the engine in HALL & PAULSON's factory at Seattle, and comes here to take charge of the engine in the Blaine lumber company's mill. Mrs. YOUNG is a step-daughter of Mr. Wm. MILOW, of Semiahmoo.

Enterprise - Born to the wife of John AITKEN, a daughter; weight 14 3/4 pounds.

Messrs. Andrew HENRY, a brother, and Alexander MCCLAIN, a cousin, of Mrs. Jas. MARTIN, of Semiahmoo, arrived here last Saturday night, and have been this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN.

Thursday, April 29, 1886:

Mr. Chas. MOORE is engaged this week re-surveying and staking out the lots on the Blaine townsite.

Levi STEADWELL, whose sudden death this week cast a gloom over this community, was one of the Union boys in the late rebellion, and participated in some of the hottest fought battles of the war.

Mrs. TARTE, of Semiahmoo, left on the Evangel last Friday on her way to Tacoma, whether she goes on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. WHITE.

Levi STEADWELL died at his home near Blaine on Sunday evening, April 25, 1886, of injuries received by the kick of a horse the evening before. Mr. STEADWELL was a native of Warren county, Penn., and his age was 41 years, 6 months and 25 days. He came to this coast, and neighborhood, about two years ago, where he soon surrounded himself with a large circle of friends and neighbors who held him in highest esteem. The circumstances surrounding his death are peculiarly sad. While unhitching a team Saturday evening one of the animals kicked, striking him on the left side in the region of the heart, from the effects of which death ensued between six and seven o'clock Sunday evening. He was fully conscious the whole time, and suffered most severe pain. The funeral took place from his late home at ten o'clock Tuesday morning, the 27th. He leaves a wife a little daughter to mourn his loss. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. W. KAGER, of the Dakota Creek Baptist Church.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T.  March 26, 1886
Notice is hereby given that MYRON YOUNG has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of District Court at his office, in Whatcom, W. T., on Friday the 14th day of May, A. D. 1886, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 9241, for the Lot 1 and E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Section 19; Lot 4 and SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 40 north, range 2 east. He names as witnesses: J. D. WHEELER, O.N. RETON, C. W. ADAMS and W. W. BAILEY, all of Ferndale, W. T.
   John F. GOWEY, Registrar of the Land Office

Thursday, May 6, 1886:

Mrs. EDWARDS has turned her lease of the Blaine hotel over to Mrs. ROGERS, who is now running the hotel.

Rev. WICHSER, Baptist minister from Whatcom, has been holding evening services in the Blaine school house this week.

Mr. C. C. SMITH, of Fairmont, Minnesota, arrived in Blaine last Friday, accompanied by his wife. Mr. SMITH came principally for his health, which has greatly improved since his arrival on the coast. After less than a weeks' sojourn in Blaine he decided to locate permanently, and accordingly bought seven lots of the CAIN Brothers, in the best part of the town-site, near Mr. STEAUBLI's property and will build a dwelling house thereon as soon as the material can be obtained. Mr. SMITH came to the Territory via California.

Thursday, May 13, 1886:

Mr. Wm. FRANKS is getting lumber from the mill to build a dwelling house on a lot obtained from Mr. BOBLETT, near Mr. BARRICKLOW's house.

Mr. Frank ROGERS has procured a lot from the CAIN Brothers, near the Blaine hotel, and will erect thereon a building for a meat market as soon as the material can be got on the ground.

Thursday, May 20, 1886:

The public schools which were closed last week for teachers' examination resumed operation Monday.

Prof. GRIFFIN, of Blaine, bore away the only first grade certificate from the teachers' examination at Whatcom last week.

The commissioners declared the township line road from Blaine east a public highway, and directed that it be opened for travel.

The Port Townsend Call says that Customs Inspector J. H. STITZEL, during the past winter stationed at Semiahmoo, has retired from the service.

Mr. S. P. HUGHES has the contract for building Mr. C. C. SMITH's house, and also a barn for the Blaine hotel and has both buildings under course of construction.

G. W. WHITFORD, Esq., of Whatcom, paid Blaine a brief visit yesterday on business. He brought the report that Mr. JE__IE?, of Ferndale, died of heart disease on Tuesday.

The citizens of California creek will build a bridge across said creek near Mr. ALBERT's place, which will be quite a convenience to the settlers in the immediate vicinity, doing away with "accommodation ferrying" in small boats. The commissioners appropriated $75 to buy planking, and the settlers will do the work themselves.

Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN has been engaged to teach in the Thomas district, and school will begin next Monday. This is a new district, lying just east of the Blaine district and in the Blaine precinct, and is one of the smallest districts in area in the county. The school house has just been finished, and the people there are congratulating themselves on securing the highest grade teacher in the county for their first school. There are forty-seven scholars in the district, principally large scholars.

There were eleven applicants in attendance at the teacher' examination held at Whatcom last Wednesday and Thursday. Some of the papers examined and credited: Prof. J. F. GRIFFIN, of Blaine, for 1st grade certificate; Mrs. BEAVERS of Ten Mile, Miss PARR of Custer, Mr. Geo. BROWN of Whatcom, and Miss Maggie BANNESTER of Blaine, for a 3d grade certificate each; leaving yet to be passed upon the papers of Miss Emma EVANS of Blaine, Miss Laura LINDSEY of Hillsdale, Miss Nellie SMITH and Mr. NORTON of Mountain View, Mr. CHAPMAN of Hog Prairie and Mr. HARTSHORN of Lummi.

Mr. P. C. McPHERSON met with quite a painful accident a few days ago. While working at the saw mill he fell from a ladder on which he was standing and in some manner one finger was caught and held fast, and was severely strained by the undue responsibility suddenly thrown upon it of arresting the downward progress of two hundred pounds of falling humanity. The injured digit was dressed by Dr. DEMENT, and now Pete carries his hand where it will do the least good and sends somebody else up the ladders.

Mr. Dave MILLER returned Tuesday night from a trip to New Westminster with his stage, bringing the news of the accidental death at Coal Harbor on Monday afternoon of a Whatcom county man named MARSHALL, who was killed by a falling tree while working with a gang of slashers on the town-site. MARSHALL lived near Nooksack crossing, and leaves a family.

Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY, of Blaine, is at Birch bay, where she has gone on a visit to relatives, and particularly to meet her aunt, Mrs. PRIESTER, who accompanied by her daughter, arrived recently from Chicago. Mrs. PRIESTER is a sister of Mrs. HENSPETER and Mrs. BRUNS, of Birth bay. She expects to remain a year visiting her sisters, and may decide to make her future home in this county.

Every precinct in the county excepting Lummi petitioned the board of commissioners for an election under the local option law, and accordingly such election was ordered to be held on the 28th at the "usual polling places" of the several precincts, except Licking, where the polls will be held at the school house, and Semiahmoo, where the voting will be in A. W. STEWART's house on California creek.
The following judges and inspectors of election were appointed for their respective precincts: Baker, A. A. GILBRAITH, inspector; Mrs. McCARTY, Mary McDANIELS, judges. Bellingham, G. A. KELLOGG; Mrs. WOODIN, Susie WEED. Ferndale, Joseph LOPAS; Mrs. George BAKER, Mrs. C. W. MATHEWS. Lynden, Oscar FARRER; Mrs. P. N. JUDSON, Mrs. M. J. WELLMAN. New Whatcom, M. CONNELL; J. E. HADLEY, C. J. HOFFERCAMP. Semiahmoo, R. RICHARDS; Mrs. M. A. UPSON, Lina B. MOORE. Blaine, J. W. KAGER; Kate E. THOMAS, Catherine KINGSLEY. Birch Bay, B. H. BRUNS; Mrs. A. VOGHT, Priscilla LINDSEY. Ten Mile, J. K. REED; Mrs. M. E. COLLINS, Mrs. M. McLEOD. Delta, A. RAND; Mrs. K. A. THYBURG, R. E. McPHERSON. Whatcom Lake, M. C. LATTA; Mrs. NESSELROAD, Mrs. M. ANDERSON. Sumas, E. SMITH; Lucy ROGERS, E. R. THALLHEIMER. Nooksack, Jas. ELDER; Annie GILLIS, Maggie OSTERMAN. Licking, E. McGRATH; Martha A. JOHNSON, S. A. PURIEA. Whatcom, C. DONOVAN; Mrs. W. GARDNER, Mrs. S. E. STEINWEG.

The following are the jurors for the ensuing year, chosen by the county commissioners and published in the Reveille last Friday:
Grand Jurors
Petit Jurors

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. May 1st, 1886
Notice is hereby given that RICHARD HUGHES has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of District Court at his office in Whatcom, W. T. on Friday the 25th day of June A. D. 1886 on Pre-emption D. S. No. 7632, for the E 1/2 of SE 1/4, sec. 33, and W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of sec. 34, Tp 40 north Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Fred ZIER, W. W. STRYKER, Joseph BIGS and D. D. LEWIS, all of Ferndale, W. T.
   JOHN F. GOWEY, Register.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. April 29th, 1886
Notice is hereby given that WM. W. BAILEY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge, or in his absence the Clerk of District Court at his office in Whatcom, W. T. on Saturday the 19th day of June A. D. 1886 on Homestead application No. 6269, for the NW 1/4 of sec. 20, Tp 40 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Myron YOUNG, Robert MILLSAPS, J. D. WHEELER and O. N. RITON, all of Ferndale, W. T.
   JOHN F. GOWEY, Register.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. April 30th, 1886
Complaint having been entered at this office by Gottfried PETRASCH against William ZIRKENBACH for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 6098, dated June 30th, 1884 ....

Thursday, May 20, 1886:

Miss LINDSEY, teacher of the Blaine public school, has just made out the reports of the standing of the scholars in their studies for the first month of the school. Following is the average standing of some of the larger scholars: Jas. THOMPSON, 88; Thos. THOMPSON, 85; Annie STAEUBLI, 74; Leslie DEMENT, 70; Aleck RUNGE, 70; Willie HUGHES, 61; Jas. CAIN, 56.

Thursday, June 3, 1886:

Mr. SYVIER went to Coal Harbor this week to work.

The California creek school district will on the 19th vote on a $100 tax proposition for school purposes.

Miss Alice SAVINGS arrived home on Mr. MILLER's stage last Saturday. Miss SAVINGS has been in New Westminster all winter.

Mr. STEIN, of MOORE & STEIN, loggers, has given the order to the saw mill for the lumber for a dwelling house to be built on his property in Blaine.

Mr. PINCKNEY has set a man to slashing on his place at the head of Semiahmoo Spit, and will keep him at work all summer making improvements.

Mr. UPSON has started his logging camp on California creek. He is putting piles for the saw mill in the water this week, and may not commence putting in logs until next week.

While some men were at work with a team clearing land on Mr. ADAM's place last Tuesday Rev. A. WARREN was severely hurt by a chain breaking and one end striking him on the knee. He was placed in a wagon and brought to Blaine for treatment of the injured limb.

Thursday, June 10, 1886:

The first landing at the new Blaine dock was made yesterday by Captain James TARTE, with the steamer Evangel. The sawmill welcomed her with blasts of the whistle, which were vigorously answered by the steamer. She loaded from the wharf 100,000 shingles belonging to Mr. STAEUBLI, for Seattle.

Thursday, June 17, 1886:

Hon. G. W. WHITFORD has been this week addressing the residents of the various precincts in this end of the county in the interest of prohibition.

The ballots at the local option election this month must read "For Prohibition," or "Against Prohibition."

The funeral sermon of the late John McSWEENEY was preached at Semiahmoo last Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. W. KAGER. The service was well attended.

Ferndale will celebrate the coming Fourth of July on Monday the 5th, with the usual patriotic ceremonies, a basket dinner, horse races, foot races, sack races, etc., winding up with a ball in the evening in the hall of the K. of P.

On last Friday evening Mr. Charles ROSEBRAUGH, while work clearing land had the misfortune to strike the ax into his right foot, inflicting a very bad and painful wound. The ax was one of the narrow bitted sort used by loggers, and very sharp, and striking the foot on top cut through and into the sole of the boot. The gash is lengthwise of the foot, and of course corresponds in size with the instrument that made it. The injured foot was at once put under the care of Dr. DEMENT and is doing as well as could be expected.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. June 5th, 1886
Notice is hereby given that ROBERT SHIELDS has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of District Court at his office in Whatcom, W. T. on Friday the 30th day of July A. D. 1886 on Homestead Application No. 3586, for the N-W 1/4 of Sec. 1, Tp. 39 north, Range 1 east. He names as witnesses: M. T. GEE, D. R. HENDERSON, David WALLACE and John BIKINS, all of Ferndale, W. T.
   JOHN F. GOWEY, Register.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. June 7th, 1886
Notice is hereby given that G. C. CRAIN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of District Court at his office in Whatcom, W. T. on Thursday the 5th day of August A. D. 1886, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 9869, for the N 1/2 of SW 1/4 and S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 25, Tp. 40 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Honda BIRTHASON and Frank S. NORTON, of Lynden, W. T. and Fred L. WHITNEY and Dan LEWIS, of Ferndale, W. T.
   JOHN F. GOWEY, Register.

Thursday, June 24, 1886:

Scarlet fever made its appearance in the family of Mr. BROWN, of Custer, last week. The patient is reported in no danger, and every precaution has been taken to prevent the disease spreading. Dr. VAN ZANDT was called.

One day last week while Mr. WYNCOOP was working in a slashing on his place on Dakota creek he had the misfortune to cut his foot so as to lay him up for some time. Mr. STEIN, of MOORE & STEIN, loggers on Drayton Harbor, also met with a similar accident last week. While working in the woods one day a mis-stroke of the ax split one of the toes of his right foot.

The CAIN Brothers, with the assistance of a force of men, Tuesday raised the frames for bridges across the two small creeks which run through the town site, emptying into the bay on either side of B. F. HURD's store. One of the bridges is 85 feet long and ten feet high, and the other 80 feet long and 15 feet high. These bridges when planked will be a great improvement in the road along the front of the townsite.

Thursday, July 1, 1886:

Mr. BARRICLOW has well under course of construction a neat one story cottage for Mr. Chas. YOUNG on the lot next to Wm. FRANK's property, obtained from Mr. BOBLETT.

The voters of the Birch Bay school district last week voted down a proposition to raise money by special tax for a summer school. However, they are to have a three month's subscription school, to begin about the middle of August. Prof. GRIFFIN is to teach.

Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY, of Blaine, and Mr. Henry HENSPETER, of Birch Bay, went to Seattle on the steamer last week, to be present at the marriage of their sister, Miss Benia HENSPETER, to Mr. BICKEMAN or RICKEMAN, of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. BICKMAN or RICKMAN will make their home near Astoria, where Mr. RICKMAN has a farm.

Mr. J. E. MURNE, in swearing in his vote last Monday, said that he was of foreign birth, but that he took out his naturalization papers "five or six years ago, perhaps seven years ago." In a remonstrance against the removal of the postoffice from John ELWOOD's store three or four years ago he stated that he had been U. S. postmaster for the ten years preceding.

There seems to be a danger of a scarlet fever epidemic in this vicinity, and it behooves everybody to take all proper precaution to prevent it. In addition to the cases mentioned last week it has appeared in the family of Mr. STEIN, of Birch Bay, several of whom were taken, and the family of Mr. R. A. BUTTLER, of Drayton Harbor, two of whom are down with it. Fortunately, so far no case has resulted fatally.

Hall's Prairie School Exercises
ED. JOURNAL: A very enjoyable time was had at the "commencement exercises" of the Hall's Prairie school yesterday, and there was a fair turnout to witness the examination of classes. The exercises began at 9:30 a. m. and closed at 4:30 p. m. The patrons of the school had been requested through the children to be in attendance at that hour, and all answered promptly, and when the dinner hour arrived parents and children ate their dinner together, doing ample justice to the "meat and fatness," and everything was done "decently and in order."
  The examination was conducted by the teacher, Mr. J. C. McLENON, (sic) assisted by Mrs. E. Clay JOHNSON, of Hall's Prairie, and Mr. Robie L. REED, of Clover Valley. Miss LINDSEY, of Blaine, was expected but did not come. Examined and examiners acquitted themselves well, and everyone was satisfied with the methods used and progress made, and trustees and people publicly commended Mr. McLENNON (sic) for vigilance and thoroughness.
  The educational department offered three prizes, or rolls of honor, for: (1) deportment, (2) punctuality and regularity, (3) proficiency. The first named was awarded to Miss Ida HART, the second to Master Davis S. BROWN, and the third to Miss Ellen HART. These names, then, will be published on the provincial roll of honor, in the 15th annual school report, and also in the Educational Gazette. There was a prize awarded to every pupil for proficiency or advancement in certain studies. Miss Jessie BROWN captured first prize (a book) in penmanship; Miss Maggie BROWN "first over all competitors for rapid advancement in reading;" Warren LAMPHIER first prize in Canadian history, and Ida HART for deportment, Ellen HART for general proficiency, and Ida WEBSTER in spelling. There was a special prize given by Mr. Henry T. THRIFT to the student making most rapid advancement in all studies, and it was awarded to Miss Ida HART. The provincial prizes could not be awarded to any that had not attended throughout the year, and but one prize could be awarded to any one pupil.
  There will now be a five weeks' vacation, and then the next eleven months' term will begin, with Mr. McLENNAN (sic) as teacher, if he will accept. The salary paid is $50 per month, and is drawn during vacation just the same as when teaching. There are twenty-six pupils enrolled, and people and pupils are proud of their teacher.
  Au revoir, B. WEBSTER
Hall's Prairie, June 25th.

Thursday, July 8, 1886:

The Local Option Election
Following is the vote of this county for and against prohibition.
FOR AG'NST TOTAL Whatcom 61 123 184 Ferndale 65 81 146 Nooksack 43 51 94 Ten Mile 19 39 58 Bellingham 8 29 37 Licking 17 19 36 Sehome 3 27 30 Whatcom Lake 2 3 5 Lynden 60 4 64 Blaine 48 5 53 Semiahmoo 27 20 47 Delta 21 15 36 Birch Bay 23 9 32 Sumas 16 9 23 Baker 9 0 9 Total 422 432 854

On June 26th 1886, at the Brunswick Hotel, Seattle, by the Rev. F. G. STRANGE, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, D. C. RYCKMAN to Miss Benie D. HENSPETER.

Mr. BOBLETT has gone over to Point Roberts to build a fish house for Mr. MURNE.

But one additional case of scarlet fever is reported in this vicinity since last week, that of Miss Day BUTLER, and she is now recovering.

Miss PRESTON, of Montreal, lately of Toronto, Canada, is in Semiahmoo, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN. Miss PRESTON is an old friend and former teacher of Mrs. MARTIN.

On Sunday last the eight year old son of Mrs. LARSON, of Delta, celebrated the eleventh decennial of the emancipation of Liberty and the supremacy of the bald eagle by accidently chopping off one of his toes.

The Laconner Mail says that Miss Mollie CRANEY was married to Captain CLAPP at Coupeville one day last week. Miss CRANEY "uster was a Semiahmoo schoolmarm," and many friends here wish her well in her new relation.

We are requested to announce that on Saturday evening the 17th at seven o'clock there will be a meeting held at the Blaine school house, for the purpose of organizing an Assembly of the Knights of Labor. The meeting will be addressed by J. S. BEACH, general organizer, and others.

The new building which Jack LEVY, of Seattle, is putting up at Mrs. WALTER's on Point Roberts, for fishing purposes, can be seen tolerably distinctly from the mainland on a clear day, looking like a pile of new lumber, newly cut cord wood, or something of the sort. A pretty good glass is required to show the symmetrical outlines of a building.

U. S. LAND OFFICE AT OLYMPIA, W. T. June 18, 1886
To Robert SHIELDS, and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that James D. HANNEGAN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Clerk of the District Court at his office in Whatcom, W. T., on Saturday, the 28th day of August, A. D. 1886, on Pre-emption D. S. No. 9858, for lots 1, 2 and S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 6, Tp. 39 north, Range 2 east.
He names as witnesses: Henry DEWITT, G. W. MEAD, W. W. STRICKER and J. D. WHEELER, all of Ferndale, W. T.

Thursday, July 15, 1886:

Rev. Mr. FLYNN has invested in two choicely located lots, bought of the CAIN Brothers.

The residents of Blaine school district on Monday evening unanimously voted a special tax to raise $170 for school purposes.

Mr. Chas. MOORE, while in Seattle, invested in a trim little sail boat - a "double ender" - which be bought of R. S. CLARK.

STEIN, MOORE & RICHARDON, loggers of Semiahmoo, have sold a boom containing over 600,000 feet to the Hadlock mill company.

The Blaine public school closes tomorrow for the present term. Miss LINDSEY, the teacher, has given good satisfaction, and may teach a two or three months' subscription school between this and the winter term.

Sheriff DE LORIMER was in Blaine and Semiahmoo last Tuesday and on his return to the county seat took with him the administrator of the CARR estate, Mr. LOGAN, on the strength of a warrant sworn out by Mr. TARTE, one of the creditors of the estate.

The following is a list of the scholars in the California creek school, district No. 5, whose average was above 75 per cent at the examination for the month of June: A class - Floyd CAIN 97, Dannie BANNESTER 93, Jasper CAIN 90; B class - Hattie MILLER 90, Henry MILLER 87, Frank CAIN 83; D class - Charlie MILLER 85, Frank BICE 77. Miss Maggie BANNESTER, teacher. Scarlet fever in the neighborhood reduced the attendance at school and materially affected the result of the examination.

While at work on the wharf last Monday Mr. MELHOLLN [MILHOLLIN] attempted to kick a stay plank loose and struck his foot onto a large nail, tearing the sole of his boot loose and cutting a gash in his foot two inches long and to the bone in depth. The wound, from the nature of the instrument making it, is a peculiarly ugly one, and Mr. MELLHOLN is likely to be lame for some time. At any rate he will not indulge in any more vigorous kicking for awhile.

Thursday, July 22, 1886:

Mr. BOBLETT and Frank ROBERTSON returned last week from Point Roberts, where they put up a couple of buildings for John ELWOOD.

Mrs. T. A. HUNTER and son, of Union City, Pennsylvania, arrived in Blaine on the Evangel last Monday. Mrs. HUNTER is a sister to Mr. BARBER and Mrs. STEADWELL. Mr. HUNTER and the rest of the family will come sometime within a year.

Wm. LOGAN, taken to Whatcom last week on a warrant sworn out by Mr. TARTE, was dismissed after being taken into court, though the Reveille says the accounts of the probate judge show a shortage against him as administrator of the CARR estate of $575.

John ELWOOD, of MURNE & ELWOOD, of Semiahmoo, has had two buildings put up on Point Roberts, on the premises and within the fenced enclosure formerly held by the late John McSWEENEY, for whose murder Wm. POLLARD is now awaiting trial. The two buildings, which were finished last week, stand side by side, and are to [be] used, one as fishery, the other for a store building for the purpose of trading with the Indians during the fishing season. The fishery is, we are informed, a substantial construction 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. The store is 16x24 feet in size. Jack LEVY, of Seattle has also finished a large shed on the premises held by Mrs. WALLER, to be used for fishing purposes.

Thursday, July 29, 1886:

Mr. HURD returned last Friday on the Evangel from Seattle, bringing with him eight tons of merchandise for the Blaine store.

Mr. Chas. ROSEBROUGH, who a few weeks ago cut his foot so badly, is able to go to work again, and will go to Ladner's Landing in a day or two to take charge of an engine.

Mr. R. S. YEOMANS is in Chicago working at his trade, paper ruling. In a private letter he writes that he like that big city less than he used to, and for real enjoyment of life much prefers his Surrey farm.

Mrs. FOLLETT, of Ferndale, has returned from Iowa, where she went last March, expecting to remain permanently. But when the mercury got above 120 degrees Fahrenheit she concluded that was a little nearer the temperature of Hadies (sic) that she cared for just yet, and she decided right away that Washington Territory, with all its drawbacks, is good enough yet for her.

Neither of the mail contractors have yet reported, and Mr. LINDSEY continues to carry the overland mail, and also the steamer mail, which is now sent from Sehome to Whatcom, and thence overland to this place. This makes Mr. LINDSEY's work excessively heavy. It strikes us that so long as Mr. LINDSEY thus performs the service of both routes he is justly entitled to corresponding remuneration.

On Saturday last while working with a number of men placing the stringers in position on the frame of the new bridge near his father's store, Victor STAEUBLI sustained a heavy fall and narrow escape from serious, perhaps fatal, consequences. One end of a stick of timber on which he was working fell to the ground, giving him a fall of over fifteen feet. He was stunned by the fall, and bruised somewhat, though a few inches to one side would have thrown him on a rough log, doubtless with different results.

Thursday, August 5, 1886:

Mr. C. O. YOUNG, engineer at the Blaine sawmill, moved into his new house, near Mr. BOBLETT's, last Monday.

Constable ADAMS sold NELSON's blacksmithing outfit at Ferndale one day last week, at public auction, to satisfy a claim of Messrs. THOMSON and MILOW, of this place. The articles all brought good prices.

The work of clearing the building site for Prof. BRADLEY's normal school at Lynden was commenced last Tuesday. The citizens in that vicinity have subscribed $800 toward the school, and the professor himself becomes responsible for $500 of the expense of establishing the school.

Mr. J. A. MARTIN removed his store and the Semiahmoo postoffice into his new building this week. Mr. MARTIN now occupies the finest, best furnished building in either Semiahmoo or Blaine. Both the store and residence additions were planned for convenience and comfort, and have been furnished up in a substantial, tasty, and workmanlike manner. Mr. KAGER did the carpenter work and Mr. LOOMIS the plastering.

Mr. Jas. BUCHANAN, of Ferndale, has taken the sub-contract for carrying the overland mails over the Semiahmoo-Whatcom route, and made his trip last Monday. He will make the trip between Ferndale and Whatcom with a stage, carrying passengers for 75 cents each. He goes to the county seat on Mondays and Fridays; returning, will leave the "Whatcom House" at seven o'clock on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Small packages he will carry to and from any point on the route. Mr. BUCHANAN intends removing to Blaine, making his home at this end of the route. Mr. LINDSEY, of Hillsdale, has performed the service on this route, between Semiahmoo and Ferndale, for nearly three years, and since the 1st of July has carried the mails through to Whatcom.

Mt. Hood indulged in an eruption on a small scale recently.

Thursday, August 12, 1886:

Mr. John BURTSCH is building a fine barn on his place.

Mr. MILTON, who has the contract for building across Campbell river, commenced the work of getting out timbers this week.

Mr. R. S. CLARK, of Seattle, owner of the Semiahmoo town-site, has gone to San Francisco to attend the Grand Army encampment. He is accompanied by his wife.

The salmon fishing at Point Roberts is about over for the season, and the Indians are talking of going up the Sound to pick hops. The salmon run has been light this summer.

Old Mr. PORTER expects to start to-day for Massachusetts on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. PORTER has a daughter living in that state. He will be gone about a month.

Mrs. WHEELER, of Ferndale, who has been in New Westminster visiting her daughter, returned home this week, coming on MILLER's stage Saturday to Blaine, where she was met by Mr. WHEELER.

The fishermen on the Frasier (sic) river, we are informed, put their nets away last Monday, the salmon having ceased running. The run this year has been exceedingly light, there not being more than a fourth as many fish caught as the cannerymen had depended on taking. The cannerymen will now turn their attention to preparing for the run of cohos, which comes later in the season, and are an inferior salmon to the sockeye, the run of which has just stopped.

Mr. C. H. STADDLEMAN, Whatcom machinest (sic), arrived in Blaine yesterday from the county seat. He is here, we understand, for the purpose of taking measurements for the construction of another boiler and engine for the mill and furniture company.

-Rev. Mr. LEWIS, of the "Christian" denomination, preached in the Ferndale school house on Sunday.
-Dr. VAN ZANDT, of Whatcom, has made two trips to Ferndale this week, to attend the case of Mrs. MUNROE, who is very sick.
-Mrs. HOLCOMB and Mrs. Lyle HICKS spent a few days visiting friends in Mountain View.
-The ladies prayer meeting was well attended at Mrs. C. M. McCOMBS'.
-Capt. BROWNFIELD is having five acres slashed on his place

-Ed BROWN is building a new barn on his ranch this summer.
-F. BRUNSON has 20 acres of this summer's slashing which he will burn when he can get a favorable wind.
-Mr. EVERETT is cutting hay on Mr. TARTE's place, on California creek.
-John BROWN shot a cougar last week. It had caught a hog and was quietly eating when the dogs found it.

Thursday, August 19, 1886

Mr. Jas. ELLISON, of British Columbia, on Tuesday bought of the CAIN Brothers two lots near the Blaine hotel.

Rev. NELSON, of Tacoma, arrived at this place last Monday, and on next Saturday will organize a Swedish Baptist church at Mr. OHLSON's on Dakota creek.

An eight year old boy of Mr. HINTZ's, in the SHIELDS settlement, on Sunday last fell from a tree up which he had climbed, striking his hand on an ax and cutting an artery. There was no one at home but himself and a sister near the same age, and by the time the little girl could go to a neighbor's and return with help the little fellow was nearly dead from loss of blood.

Mr. D. S. RICHARDS, the Blaine-Semiahmoo ferryman, this week invested in two of the most choice lots in the Blaine town-site. Mr. RICHARD's lots are on the corner of the block opposite and just east of Mr. STAEUBLI's store. "Dick's" faith in Blaine is unbounded, and he expects by and by when he gets tired ferrying people across the channel to take life easier and live on the rent of his real estate.

Mr. John PINCKNEY, of Sioux City, Iowa, and his brother, Alfred PINCKNEY, of Seattle, came to this place Monday evening on the Evangel, and left on the same steamer Tuesday evening. Mr. John PINCKNEY is engaged in the mercantile business in Sioux City. He came to San Francisco with the Grand Army excursion, thence up the coast on a visit to relatives. He is a brother of Mrs. S. P. HUGHES, of Blaine.

Thursday, August 26, 1886:

Prof. GRIFFEN commenced a three months' term of school at Birch Bay last Monday.

We have recently heard Mr. STAEUBLI frequently and favorably mentioned for local justice, if he would accept.

Mr. Wm. PINCKNEY, of Seattle, and wife, arrived last Monday by the Evangel, for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. HUGHES.

Mr. STEIN, the Drayton Harbor logger, has rented Mr. Wm. FRANK's little house in Blaine, and expects to remove his family to this side of the bay this week.

Yesterday the loggers at Messrs. MOORE & STEEN's camp, on Drayton Harbor, put into the water a log scaling 4500 feet, the largest sawlog yet got out at that camp.

The steamer Brick, owned by Capt. James W. TARTE, is now in command of Capt. Harvy HANNAH, who will run her on White river, and do general jobbing. -Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Mrs. R. A. BUTTLER left on the Evangel last Tuesday for Seattle, where she goes to place herself under medical treatment. Mrs. BUTTLER has been failing in health for several weeks, and is now troubled with a severe cough. She is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Day BUTTLER. Mr. Chas. MOORE, Mrs. BUTTLER's son-in-law, accompanied them to Seattle.

On Tuesday evening last Miss Laura LINDSEY, of Hillsdale, placed a lamp on a shelf in her room, and while reclining on her bed studying, the lamp exploded, the force of the explosion going upward and tearing a hole through the ceiling and roof of the house. The young lady was stunned by the shock, but as nothing caught fire no serious damage was done.

The school term opened May 24, 1886, and closed Aug. 16, 1886. Number of pupils enrolled, 25; average attendance, 22; percentage of attendance, 88. Pupils having no tardy marks: Kittie ROGERS, Belle ROGERS, Docia ROGERS, Nellie ROGERS, Lottie THOMAS. Pupils not absent more than half a day during the term: Eddie KAGER, Charles KAGER, Percy MANEVAL, Lillie BERTSCH, Cora MANEVAL, Kittie ROGERS, Docia ROGERS, Lottie THOMAS.
J. F. GRIFFIN, Teacher.

-Mr. and Mrs. STOLTENBERG were in town on the 7th. Mrs. S. finds some changes since her last visit in '79.
-A daughter of Mr. ROSSELLE recently arrived from the east; also two daughters from up the Sound.
-The Ferndale school, taught by Miss THARLTON, closed last week.
-Mr. HATCH is building a frost proof warehouse on the banks of the river.
-Mr. Allen CONNELLEY, a resident of Ferndale precinct for thirteen years, has sold his ranch and will soon return to his former home in Iowa.
-Duncan McDOUGAL is hauling lumber for a new house, which will add greatly to the appearance of his twenty acre tract of cleared land.
-Mr. C. M. McCOMB is dyking his marsh land.
-Joseph LOPAS and wife accompanied their son, Henry, to Seattle, on his return to his home in Idaho.

Mr. Ed SMITH started Monday for Pilot Rock, Oregon, his home, and where he came from to this place in company with Mr. MARR and BARRICKLOW a short time ago. Mr. SMITH goes for the purpose of assisting his father in arranging his business affairs prepatory to removal with his family to Blaine. It is uncertain whether they will come to the Sound this fall or next spring. Mr. Ed. SMITH is a brother-in-law of Mr. George McPHERSON, of this place, and Mrs. McPHERSON will come to Blaine with the others.

Following is the list of election officers appointed by the county commissioners for the general election in November:
Blaine Precinct: E. C. PORTER, inspector; I. M. SCOTT, Geo. PENNINGTON, judges. Polls at Excelsior school house.
Semiahmoo: T. H. BICE; R. A. BUTLER, J. F. TARTE. Polls, usual place.
Birch Bay: Wm. STARRIT; J. W. WALDO, Geo. McHEFFY. School house District No 3.
Lynden: E. M. CUDWORTH; W. I. BAKER, E. B. EBEY. Usual place.
Nooksack: John PETERSON; A. C. HOWE, Danl KILCUP. Usual place.
Sumas: M. ROGERS; J. SWINEHART, J. HALL. Eaton school house.
Licking: E. McGRATH; T. G. MAYER, H. BRAITHWAIT. School house, district No 21.
Baker: T. H. STEVENS; C. M. PARK, M. F. WILSON. T. H. STEPHEN's house.
Whatcom Lake: T. J. SMITH; H. AUSTIN, C. HILDEBRAND. T. J. SMITH's house.
Ten Mile: C. A BEAVER; E. S. WHITTIER, W. G. SMITH. Usual place.
Whatcom: M. W. SCOTT; R. JAMES, J. GEER. Usual place.
New Whatcom: A. D. HYATT; C. W. CARTER, R. I. MORSE. Usual place.
Bellingham: W. H. HARRIS; H. OESER, M. M. DELANEY. Usual place.
East Ferndale: J. D. ROGERS; M. B. HAYWARD, J. EVANS.
West Ferndale: D. R. HENDERSON; H. ROESSEL, C. M. McCOMB. Usual place.
Island: C. TUTTLE; F. F. LANE, J. FULTON. J. HARPER's house.
Lummi: J. MUNROE; C. E. FRANK, M. GLENDON. School house.

Thursday, September 2, 1886:

W. R. MOULTRAY of Nooksack Crossing was in town one day this week. He reports the farmers busy harvesting crops and clearing their summer's slashings.

Mr. George ELLIOTT and daughter Miss Sarah, left on the steamer Evangel last Tuesday for their former home at River Falls, Wisconsin. They will be absent for an indefinite length of time, owing to important business matters which must necessarily be attended to.

Again the sound of the pile-driver hammer is to be heard. Mr. MILHOLLIN with a force of men, is busily at work driving piles, whenever the tide admits. It will not be long ere the gap in the wharf will be entirely closed, and then stringers, planking and other timbers laid. Connection with steamers and boats will add greatly to our interests.

Thursday, September 9, 1886:

Mrs. THOMAS died at her home in Lynden, on the 24th ult. The bereaving family have our sympathies.

Willie FRANK, who has been in British Columbia for the past few months, was in town for a few days, visiting his father, L. D. FRANK.

The coho salmon have commenced running, and the fishermen are preparing their nets and fixing things generally. They expect a large run of salmon.

Mr. E. A. BOBLET of this vicinity, has gone to Boundary Bay to work on the new school house, now under construction. He expects to return in about three weeks.

Mr. J. D. WHEELER of Ferndale, has obtained a contract for telegraph poles, to be placed along the new telegraph line on that part of the route from Ferndale to Whatcom.

Rev. W. H. ZELLERS, recently appointed by the Methodist conference, will hold services at the Blaine school house Sunday at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. All are invited to attend.

We regret that the steamer Evangel is to be withdrawn from the Semiahmoo-Sehome mail route. We hope her owners may find it profitable to continue the steamer on this route during the fall.

Dick RICHARDS, the ferryman, has added to his fleet of boats a fine keel boat - the best on the bay - which he calls the "Grace Darling."

The dam for the saw mill, McPHERSON Bros., contractors, is progressing rapidly. The lumber and timbers are now on the ground. The size of the dam is 18 feet high, 32 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 14,000 feet of lumber is required.

John KIERNAN, a pioneer of this county, died at the residence of Mr. B. N. McDONOUGH, at Lummi, on the 7th inst., and was buried with Masonic rites on the 8th. Jack NORTH, as he was familiarly called, leaves a host of friends and acquaintances to mourn his loss.

Miss Laura LINDSAY of Hillsdale, who was so unfortunate as to be injured by the explosion of a coal oil lamp recently, is undergoing medical treatment with Dr. VANZANDT at Whatcom. Several pieces of glass penetrated the flesh, causing intense pain, almost beyond bearance. The young lady is now in a fair way of recovery.

Since putting in the above type we learn that Miss Laura LINDSAY is suffering intense pain caused by the penetration of the glass. Dr. VANZANDT was called to attend the prostrated young lady.

Died - At Sumner, Pierce county, Wash. Ter., August 27th, Linnett Myrtle, only child of William W. and Lettie M. STEWART, aged 7 months and 14 days.
Mr. and Mrs. STEWART, (the latter a daughter of M. H. UPSON of California creek,) were formerly of this place, and have the heart-felt sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. Custer, Sept. 8, '86.

-Rev. George BAKER officiated at the funeral of the 4-year old son of Mr. KE__NER's, who was accidentally killed by a falling limb.
-The 18-month old son of Mrs. LEWIS fell from an old gig and broke his arm above the elbow; a few weeks ago this same little fellow burned his feet very badly. On first coming to the country, three years ago, a 10-year old son broke his arm. A few weeks since Mr. LEWIS cut his foot with a brush-hook.
-Mr. and Mrs. HARDAN have gone to Goldendale, W. T. to spend a year.

-At the residence of B. F. HAYWARD, Sept. 2d, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. S. L. FOX and Miss Nettie M. HAYWARD, the Rev. George BAKER performing the ceremony, only the immediate relatives being present.
-Mr. A. SHEARER, superintendent of bridges on the Idaho division of the N. P. R., who was recently drowned at Ainsworth, was formerly a resident of Mountain View.
-Mr. HAYWARD is quite feeble with rheumatism.

Thursday, September 16, 1886:

The Semiahmoo salmon cannery, J. FIELDS foreman, intend to salt and barrel the cohoe (sic) run of salmon.

A substantial and elegant dwelling house is in course of construction on the farm of I. M. SCOTT.

Mr. Chas. YOUNG, chief engineer of the Blaine sawmill, met with an accident one day last week, resulting in a mashed finger, and which caused him to quit work for several days.

Mrs. W. W. STEWART, nee UPSON and Miss Maggie STEWART of Sumner, arrived in Semiahmoo on the Evangel last Monday. Mrs. STEWART is here on a visit to her parents, and Miss STEWART on a visit to her sister, Mrs. STOLTENBERG.

It is said that a weekly newspaper will shortly be established at Lynden, with C. E. CLINE as editor. Whatcom county might support one or two papers, reasonably well, but a third one entering the field is surely evidence that one of the three must necessarily fall to the ground; however, we wish the proposed venture success.

Prof. BRADLEY will open the Northwest Normal School at Lynden, for the initial term on the fifth day of next month. The prospects are that the first term will begin with fifty or more pupils. It is the intention of Prof. BRADLEY to make this the best Normal school in the Northwest and equal to those of the East. It is an enterprise that the people of Whatcom county can well afford to encourage.

Mr. W. L. ROGERS will soon retire from the hotel business.

Born - near Blaine, Sept. 15th, to the wife of S. P. HUGHES, a son - 9 pounder. Mother and child doing well.

Thursday, September 23, 1886:

Born on Sunday evening, to the wife of Walter MOORE, a daughter.

Mr. NYMAN, of Delta, is preparing to build a new house on his homestead.

Born September 4th unto the wife of Rev. H. BELL, of Surry, (sic) B. C., a daughter.

The family of Mr. STRAUCH, of Birch bay, was increased by two arrivals last Saturday, a son and a daughter.

Rev. Mr. LEWIS, a new settler in the Delta settlement, is building a 2-story dwelling house on his pre-emption claim.

There will be a meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the Blaine school house, Wednesday, September 29th, at 2 p. m. All are invited.

The bridge across the Campbell river at Hall's prairie will be finished about October 1st, and the residents of the prairie will celebrate the event with a picnic.

A man by the name of Hugh CORBIT, recently from Coal Harbor, and who, with a comrade, was camping on the beach at Whatcom, died suddenly last Sunday evening.

Miss Maggie TURNER left on Tuesday for her home at Edison, Skagit county, after a five month's stay with her sister, Mrs. BROWN, on California creek.

Mr. Jasper LINDSEY was treated to the benefit of a "logging bee" one day last week, and rolled the logs together for burning on a piece of newly cleared land.

Miss Maggie BANNISTER closed her school on California creek last week, and left the first of this week for Puyallup, where her parents are at present, to remain until after the hop-picking season.

Chinamen are beginning again, as of old, to cross the line near Blaine from British Columbia into the United States. These Chinamen are coming into this country illegally, and the government authorities make no provisions for preventing their coming. Yet if any of the citizens here should take it upon themselves to resist this violation of the law and escort the self-smuggled aliens back to British soil Gov. SQUIRE and his allies would probably have another attack of "law and order loyalism," and such citizens would be treated to a dose of "home guardism" and be prosecuted for conspiracy.

Mr. D. R. HERRINGTON, on Monday last, sold his household goods at public sale, at his home on California creek. The goods all brought fair prices, almost all articles bringing retail market prices, so we are told. Mr. HERRINGTON is the senior member of the firm of HERRINGTON, BROWN & Co., undertakers, in Tacoma, and has lived in that city since last summer, his wife remaining on their place here. She now goes with him to Tacoma, where they will make their future home.

Building is going steadily on in Blaine. Mr. S. P. HUGHES moved his family into a new dwelling house. The frame for Mr. MILLOW's 2-story dwelling has been raised, and the foundation for Mr. STEIN's house was laid this week. The CAIN brothers will soon commence work on their new residence, and Mr. Geo. McPHERSON has part of the lumber on the ground for a new dwelling house. Mr. J. H. MILHOLLIN is building Mr. MILLOW's house, and Mr. BARRICKLOW is building Mr. STEIN's house.

Mrs. MURDOCK was arrested on the Victoria steamer the other day for wearing underskirts trimmed with opium cans. She was informed by the customs officials that while sumptuary laws was (sic) exactly within their jurisdiction, yet that style of traveling dress did not suit the government, and the fashion would not be tolerated, and she was turned over to the tender mercies of the district court at Seattle. She has been a frequent traveler over the route for some time past.

Thursday, September 30, 1886:

Messrs. KALE and STEARNS, we understand, will build a grist mill at or near Sumas.

Mr. GILLIS expects to have his new grist mill at Nooksack ready for business by November 1st.

Capt. BEACH, general organizer, will probably institute a Knights of Labor assembly at Ferndale on Saturday evening next.

Nearly enough money to purchase the material for building a Methodist parsonage at this place was raised last week by subscription, and the order for the lumber has been handed in at the mill.

Mr. Henry STENDER, owner of the Blaine hotel, will make some improvements about the building and premises during next month, and on November 1st, when the present lease to Mrs. ROGERS expires, he will take charge of the hotel himself.

Offices will be established on the new telegraph line between New Westminster and Seattle at the following places: Blaine, Ferndale, Whatcom, Edison, Mt. Baker, LaConner, Stanwood, Lowell and Snohomish. The president of the company, Henry ROSNER, says there are four hundred men at work on the line between San Francisco and New Westminster. It is expected to have the line completed by the end of the year.

-Mrs. MOHRMAN, of Port Townsend, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TAWES.
-Miss MAYFIELD and her sister Mrs. SLATER, are visiting friends in Mountain View.
-Mrs. MONROE, who has been quite sick while visiting her daughter, Mrs. WHITNEY, in East Ferndale, was able to ride home on Tuesday.

Thursday, October 7, 1886:

Mr. Ed. SMITH has returned from Pilot Rock, Oregon. His father will remove with his family to Blaine next spring.

Mr. James MILLHOLLIN [MILHOLLIN], of Minneapolis, Minn., a brother to Mr. J. H. MILLHOLLIN [MILHOLLIN], of Blaine, accompanied by his family and his mother, arrived at this place last Tuesday on the Brick, and expect to make Blaine their future home. Mr. J. H. MILLHOLLIN left for Seattle on Monday, in response to a telegram from his brother, to receive a car load of goods coming over the Northern Pacific.

Arrangements have been made whereby there will be religious services in the Blaine school house every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Rev. A. WARREN, the Methodist supply here last year, did not join the Puget Sound conference at its late session, having taken some land that he wished to remain upon. He is therefore free from regular ministerial work, and has undertaken to occupy all Sundays left vacant between regular appointments of other ministers.

Mr. R. WHITFIELD, of Nanaimo, B. C., bought a couple of lots in Blaine this week, of the CAIN Brothers, and will open a shoe store thereon as soon as he can put up a building. He expects to commence work on the building in two weeks. It is probably that a Nanaimo blacksmith named RENWICK, who has sold out his business in that city, will come to Blaine and open a shop.

Thursday, October 14, 1886:

Mr. B. E. MUSSER, of Ferndale, was in Blaine this week on business.

Mr. Ed. PORTER, jr., is building a good dwelling house on his place in the east end of Blaine precinct.

Mr. LOPAS, of Ferndale, has finished threshing in the vicinity of Custer, and is at present at Birch Bay with his machine.

Miss Edith BENJAMIN, daughter of Capt. A. O. BENJAMIN, was married to a Mr. WARD at Fresno, California, recently.

The McPHERSON Brothers returned last week from British Columbia, having just finished and turned over to the government a fine large school house at Boundary bay.

One day last week the wind "raised" a portion of the shingles from the roof of Mr. C. H. STOLTENBERG's new barn, leaving a good sized hole, and now Mr. STOLTENBERG is pushing the work of boarding up the open sides of the building.

A petition was circulated amongst our democratic citizens requesting the county central committee to substitute the name of R. A. BUTLER, of Drayton Harbor, for that of B. F. HURD for county commissioner on the democratic ticket, Mr. HURD having declined the nomination.

Mr. J. H. MILHOLLIN returned last Saturday from Seattle, where he had gone to meet a car-load of goods shipped from Minneapolis by his brother. He brought a portion of the goods including a wagon and buggy and several head of stock, home with him, and arranged for the rest to come by steamer.

Mr. J. W. WALDO, of California creek, has leased his place to Mr. J. N. RUCKER for twelve months, and started this week with his family to Pomeroy, Garfield county, where they will remain a year, when they will probably return again to Semiahmoo. Mr. WALDO has relatives at Pomeroy. Mr. RUCKER will use the place in connection with his logging interests on the creek, and for that purpose he bought this years crop of hay of Mr. WALDO, in connection with the lease.

-Mr. M. C. WYNKOOP has been having plowing done. He has his winter grain almost ready to sow. He has dug all the stumps out of the land he is to sow, and it is a nice looking piece of land.
-Mr. C. H. NORTON is also getting ready to sow his winter wheat. Mr. NORTON is making considerable improvement on his place. He has build a fine root house, and will build a large barn soon.
-Mr. G. PENNINGTON has returned home from the logging camp. He is now clearing land on his place and contemplating the building of an addition to his house.
-We have preaching in our schoolhouse (Union) every Sunday. Rev. J. W. KAGER preaches every alternate Sunday with Rev. LEWIS.

Mr. John MORGAN and his sister, Mrs. EGAN, and her two daughters, the Misses EGAN, arrived in Blaine last evening, from Ontario, Canada, having come over the Canadian Pacific road to New Westminster, where they were met by Mr. J. A. MARTIN, of Semiahmoo, and from there they were brought to Blaine by Mr. BROWN. Mrs. EGAN is Mrs. J. A. MARTIN's mother, and the party are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN.

Sheriff's Sale -- William LOGAN, Admin. of Estate of William Riley CARR, deceased vs George D. DEMENT ....

Thursday, October 21, 1886:

Mr. CRABB is building a new dwelling house on his place near Hillsdale.

Mr. EDWARDS, of the Blaine mill and furniture company is building a fine large dwelling house at Semiahmoo.

Mr. P. C. McPHERSON is building a new dwelling house on his property in Blaine near the National boundary, back of Dr. DEMENT's place.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer of last week said that Mr. Geo. H. JUDSON, of Lynden, was in Seattle, and that Mrs. JUDSON and two children were about to start on an extended trip east - especially to her old home in Waterloo, Iowa.

Chas. KERR, well known in Blaine and Semiahmoo, has become a Britisher and taken a place near Comax, on Vancouver Island, about 150 miles north of Victoria. he claims to have an excellent place on a fine grassy prairie.

Mr. B. F. DELASHMIT has returned to his home on Dakota creek, after an absence of five months on the Samish and White river in King county. Mr. DELASHMIT was investigating the hop growing business on White river, with a view to trying the same here.

District court at Whatcom adjourned last Friday, having finished its work. The most important case was the trial of Wm. POLLARD for killing John McSWEENEY on Point Roberts last June. POLLARD was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eighteen months in the penitentiary. Those who heard the testimony were surprised at the result, as they expected a much more severe punishment.

-Lee PLASTER, while taking a boat load of sheep down the river, upset and drowned three.
-Mr. HORN and family came down the river on Sunday to have Rev. BAKER christen a child.
-Mr. ROBINSON, visiting friends in this vicinity, is in very poor health.
-Jas. WINDUST, who went east of the mountains over a year ago, has returned to his ranch near Ferndale.

-Grandma WHEELER, after a visit of nearly two months, has returned to her home in Ferndale.
-Mr. and Mrs. B. F. SMITH and daughter, of Ferndale, came over to take a look at the old place, now the property of Mr. POTTER.
-Mrs. HOSKINS and Mrs. MILLER attended court as jurors.

Thursday, October 28, 1886:

Mr. E. C. PORTER, sr., has arrived from the east.

Miss Emma EVANS left last Tuesday on the Brick for Puyallup.

There is to be a dance in the Blaine schoolhouse to-morrow, Friday night. Supper will be served by Mrs. ROGERS at the hotel.

Mr. Jas. MILHOLLIN has the frame up for a good sized two story dwelling house, and work progressing on the building, near STAUBLI's store.

Mrs. STENDER, wife of Henry STENDER, proprietor of the Blaine hotel, arrived on Tuesday last from Iowa. On Monday next Mr. STENDER will take charge of the hotel, Mrs. ROGERS' lease expiring with this month.

According to district court decree it was a great crime about two years ago for a couple of fifteen year old boys to enter Mrs. PERRY's house and steal a dollar and a half as it was this year of Wm. POLLARD to kill a man - the punishment being the same in both cases, eighteen months in the penitentiary.

Some petty thief on Saturday afternoon last broke into Mr. McCEFFY's house, near Birch Bay, during that gentleman's absence and stole about $60, all the money there was in the house. Mr. McCEFFY is a cripple who can very illy afford to loose even that amount of money, and which fact renders the theft all the more dastardly. Suspicion rests on a certain individual who had business across the British line immediately after the robbery and ahead of the constable.

Voters should bear in mind that by reason of changes made last winter in the election law a person cannot legally vote at any polling place outside his own precinct. Formerly that was not the case, and electors have heretofore been in the habit of voting in any precinct in which they happen to be on election day. To be entitled to vote a citizen must have resided "six months in the Territory, sixty days in the county, and thirty days in the precinct, next preceding the day of election."

Thursday, November 4, 1886:

There is a telegram at the Blaine post office for Richard HURD. It was mailed at Nooksack.

The telegraph construction force on Sunday moved their camp from California creek to the Nooksack river at or near Ferndale.

DIED -- WYNCOOP - In Whatcom, October 29th, 1886, Frankie L., beloved wife of M. C. WYNCOOP, of Dakota creek, aged 20 years 4 months and 16 days.
It was with universal sorrow that the news was received in this community of the death of Mrs. WYNCOOP, wife of M. C. WYNCOOP [WYNKOOP], of Dakota creek, which occurred at Sehome last Saturday morning, from quick consumption. Mrs. WYNCOOP was universally respected and liked by all who knew her, and the sympathy of many friend extends to the sorrowing husband in his sad bereavement.

Mrs. PRIESTER and her daughter, Miss Anna PRIESTER, who have been visiting relatives at Birch Bay during the past summer, started this week for their home in Chicago.

Miss Maggie STEWART, who has for several weeks past been visiting her sister, Mrs. STOLTENBER, near Custer, returns to her home in Sumner, Pierce county, this week.

The McPHERSON Brothers are framing the timbers for a dam across the small canyon between STAEUBLI's store and the Blaine hotel. The dam is to be built for the use of the Blaine saw mill as a reservoir.

There were cast in Blaine precinct last Tuesday five straight republican tickets, one straight people's ticket, and one democratic ticket with only the name of the party candidate for coroner scratched.

Mr. Preston HOTCHKISS and wife arrived at this place last Saturday from Colorado, and will remain about a month on a visit. Mrs. HOTCHKISS is a sister of Mrs. BOBBLETT [BOBLETT] of Blaine and Mrs. DEXTER of Drayton Harbor.

-Mr. HATCH is our most enterprising merchant. He helps and encourages the farmer by finding a market for his produce.
-The Edith brought up a new range for ROGERS' hotel.

-Mr. and Mrs. MEAD, from the new settlement above Ferndale, have been visiting Mrs. DUDS.
-Mr. Joseph LOPAS is talking a taking a trip to his old home, Quincy, Ill., mostly on business.

Thursday, November 11, 1886:

Mr. James MILHOLLIN says its a boy, and just a week old to-day.

Miss Carrie HENSPETER, of Birch Bay, is visiting in Blaine with her sister, Mrs. KINGSLEY.

Chas. ROSEBROUGH will arrive home this week from Langley, B. C., where he has had charge of a thresher engine during the harvesting season.

The postal telegraph line crosses the Nooksack river at Ferndale from the top of two eighty foot poles, one on each bank, we are told. This will be above the reach of any vessels that will go up the Nooksack for some time.

Chas. HUNT one day this week brought in a number of red cod fish, caught in the Gulf of Georgia off Point Roberts. Mr. HUNT says there is an abundance of these fish in the Gulf. They look like huge gold fish.

At the Blaine school election last Saturday A. STEIN was elected director for three years, Geo. McPHERSON for two years and E. A. BOBLETT for one year. Geo. McPHERSON was re-elected. S. P. HUGHES was re-elected clerk. In Excelsior district all the old board were re-elected.

The funeral sermon of the late Mrs. M. C. WYNCOOP will be preached at Union school house next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, by Rev. J. W. KAGER.

Last Tuesday night another gang of Chinese, about a dozen in number, crossed the line from British Columbia at this place. They came on the New Westminster road and passed Byron KINGSLEY's about half past nine o'clock, all loaded with packs strung over their shoulders on poles. In is not at all improbable that coolee smuggling is a matter of very frequent, if not almost continual occurrence at this place, as there is absolutely nothing to prevent their crossing the line in the timber east of Blaine, or passing along the Westminster road late at night and on toward Whatcom, at any time, free from any likelihood of detection, and with no fear of legal hindrance if they were detected. There is not an American customs official nearer than Sehome, nearly thirty miles away, and only one there. Two weeks ago the Blaine constable arrested two Chinese that were passing through Blaine on Sunday forenoon from British Columbia on their way south, and took them before justice of the peace ROGERS; but the justice said he could do nothing with them, and they were escorted to the national boundary and turned loose, free to come back at their pleasure.

MARRIED - At the residence of the officiating minister, Nov. 10, 1886, by the Rev. J. W. KAGER, Mr. Amos RAND and Miss Katherina M. OHLSON, all of Delta.

Thursday, November 18, 1886:

Mr. L. D. FRANK has been making some repairs and improvements on his dwelling house.

Mr. BERTRAND has a carpenter at work making some improvements on the Blaine store building.

Mr. Martin THOMSON is preparing the foundation for a new dwelling on his property near the Blaine hotel.

Mr. Jas. BERTRAND has sold his place on Bertrand's prairie to an eastern gentleman by the name of J. A. ESTY.

Mr. McCAULY, of California creek, who has been very unwell for several weeks, continues in failing health we are told.

Mr. BERTRAND has under contemplation the opening of a butcher shop, and also a feed stable where horses will be kept for hire.

One day last week the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RUCKER, of Hillsdale accidentally fell and burned her hand very severely in the open fire.

Mr. John MORGAN started on Tuesday for his home in Ontario, after a few weeks' visit in Semiahmoo with his niece, Mrs. J. A. MARTIN, and other friends.

Mr. C. H. BANNESTER has removed with his family from his place on California creek to Blaine, and now occupies Will FRANK's house, recently vacated by Mr. STEIN.

Mr. Amos STEIN has removed with his family into the neat dwelling house just built on his property in Blaine, and they are now comfortably settled in a very desirable home.

Miss Alice SAVINGS arrived home last Saturday from New Westminster, where she has been staying for several months past. She will remain at home during the coming winter.

At the teachers' examination last week in Whatcom there were only five applicants. Four certificates were granted, to-wit: Second grade to Kate SMITH and Edith THORNTON, and third grade to Hattie ROGERS and George BROWN.

On Saturday last the Blaine store changed hands, Mr. B. F. HURD selling the stock and business of the store to Mr. James BERTRAND. Mr. HURD has been in business in Blaine just a year, and during that time has built up a good trade. It is Mr. BERTRAND's intention to carry a stock of hardware, in addition to a full line of groceries and provisions, and he may in the spring put in a stock of dry goods and general merchandise. Mr. BERTRAND also bought of the CAIN Brothers the building occupied by the store, and three lots. Mr. HURD says it is his intention to remain in Blaine, and that he will probably soon begin the erection of a new building. Meanwhile he will be on the lookout for a good business opportunity.

November 19th, 1885 the Journal contained the announcement of the opening of the Blaine store by Mr. B. F. HURD; news of the commission of Jas. CAIN as postmaster at Blaine; a burlesque proposition to schooner rig Prof. GRIFFIN's old skiff for an opposition to Capt. BENJAMIN's steamer "Rustler" on the Port Townsend mail route; and the statement that the establishment of a menagerie in Blaine was under contemplation by the McPHERSON Brothers, who had "already succeeded in capturing a black bear, a wild swan and a duck." To-day is chronicled the sale of the store by Mr. HURD and the demise of bruin; Prof. GRIFFIN's "yacht" was stranded in a sea breeze last winter and wrecked; and the swan and the duck have long since gone.

About twenty wide-awake and active citizens of Blaine met in the public school house last night and organized the "Blaine Literary and Debating Society," with J. H. MILHOLLIN president, Jas. MILHOLLIN secretary and treasurer, Chas. O. YOUNG critic, and Ed. SMITH marshal. The next meeting will be held at the same place on next Tuesday evening, when will be decided, at least so far as Blaine is concerned, whether or not it would be advisable, in the interest of the welfare of mankind, for the general government to acquire ownership of and to operate the railway and telegraph lines.

----BIRCH BAY----
-Mr. John GERSHER [GISCHER], one of our most enterprising ranchers, lost two of his most valuable cows a few days ago, which were supposed to have been poisoned by wild parsnips growing in his marsh where they had been grazing.
-Miss Melissa ANNAN, of British Columbia, who has for some time been visiting her sister, Mrs. McHEFFY, of this place, was pleasantly surprised on Thursday last by the arrival of a party of young friends from Birch Bay and Custer, bringing with them a skillful violinist, baskets filled with everything necessary for a grand supper, and pockets full of presents, and who cooly informed her that they had come for a dance on the eve of her twentieth birthday.

-At the school election held the 6th of this month W. J. MALLOY was elected director by a majority of three votes over John HOPE, and G. MUNROE by a majority of two votes over W. S. MAYFIELD for clerk. There were 41 votes cast.
-I have just returned from a social given by the Sunday school, at which Prof. GRIFFIN favored the audience with some choice music on the organ. He is a first-class player and knows what he is doing. We will have another social, the 24th of next month I believe the time was set. Tickets will be 50 cents, and the proceeds will go to buy an organ for the Union Sunday school.

The telegraph line has passed this point. The men are at present camped about three miles from here on the road to Whatcom.

Thursday, November 25, 1886:

The Brick is to be lengthened fifteen feet.

Mr. MILLOW's new house, when completed, will be the neatest residence in Blaine.

The family of Mr. Jas. BERTRAND removed to Blaine last week from Bertrand's prairie.

Mr. John BEARTSCH arrived home this week from his old home in Wisconsin, whither he was called a couple of months ago by the death of his mother. He came over the Canadian Pacific.

The Literary and Debating Society on Tuesday evening, after thorough discussion, decided that the government has no business assuming the role of railroad and telegraph magnate. The question for next Tuesday evening is: Resolved, That private ownership of land is unjust.

Mr. Preston HOTCHKISS and wife, who have for several weeks past been visiting relatives in Blaine and Semiahmoo, left on the Brick this morning for their home in Colorado. They will go via San Francisco and the Southern Pacific railroad. Mrs. HOTCHKISS is a sister to Mrs. BOBBLETT and Mrs. DEXTER, of this place.

BORN - To the wife of Lewis HENSPETER, of Sacramento, Nov. 14th, 1886, a son; weight, 10 1/2 pounds.

-School will begin here on Monday next, with Mr. Augus MCINERNEY as teacher.
-Mr. J. D. WHEELER is building a shed on his place in East Ferndale.
-Mrs. Jas. BUCHANAN is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. WHEELER, of this place.
-MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Geo. BAKER, on the 17th inst., Mr. James BROWN to Miss Belle AITKEN, both of Enterprise.
-School closes to-day at Mountain View.

-BORN - Tuesday, Nov. 16, to the wife of F. WHITNEY, a son.

Thursday, December 2, 1886:

Rev. A. WARREN conducted the union Thanksgiving services in Blaine.

Mr. STAEUBLI is manufacturing some good lounges and spring mattresses to add to the stock of his store.

Mr. and Mrs. VOGHT, of Birch Bay, sends word that their "Thanksgiving turkey turned out to be a twelve pound girl" Wherefore they are somewhat elated, as it is the only girl in a family of eight.

Mrs. HENSPETER, of Birch Bay, was stricken with a very severe attack of pneumonia about a week ago, and for a while serious apprehensions were entertained, but we are glad to say that she is now convalescent.

We understand that Mr. BRUNS has grown tired of the post office business in an office where there is more honor than lucre, and more annoyance than honor, and contemplates resigning the postmastership of the Birch Bay office about the first of January.

MARRIED: - On Sunday last Mr. L. D. FRANK, of Blaine, and Mrs. RINCHED, of Birch Bay, were united in marriage by Justice UPSON, at the home of the latter on California creek. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom proceeded to the home of the latter [former] in Blaine, where, on Monday evening their hospitality was extended to about a hundred callers who came to offer their congratulations. Mr. FRANK is one of the proprietors of the Blaine sawmill; the bride owns a fine homestead near Birch Bay, and is a most estimable lady.

The little state of Rhode Island has eleven thousand more unmarried women than unmarried men. If some means could only be brought to bear to induce a colony of Rhode's surplus girls to emigrate to Washington Territory and transform into happy homes some of the lonely bachelor lodges of Whatcom county what a blessing it would be to our newly developing community.

-School began here on Monday last, with an attendance of 28 pupils.
-Chas. TAWES, of this place is in Whatcom running a shooting gallery.
-The blacksmith shop here is open again, and Mr. NELSON is ready to do all kinds of work in that line of business.
-DIED - On Nov. 23d, Mrs. CONNOLLY, (mother of Mrs. J. W. HARDAN of East Ferndale) of old age, after a short illness. The funeral was held at one o'clock p. m. on Thanksgiving day.

The Coupeville academy opened up with thirty pupils. It has been open a month.

Thursday, December 9, 1886:

Mr. Henry LOOMIS has returned from Steilacoom, where he has been at been at work for some time on the new insane asylum building.

A social entertainment was given last evening at the home of Mr. Wm. PARR, near Custer, in honor of the 20th birth-day of Miss May PARR.

Miss Minnie THOMSON, daughter of Mr. Martin THOMSON, arrived home on the Evangel last Thursday, from Seattle, to remain permanently.

Mrs. Lettie STEWART, of Sumner, for the past three months visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, UPSON, on California creek, started home yesterday morning on the Evangel.

A force of men were at work last week on the new school house in Excelsior district, finishing it up in fitting condition for the winter term of school soon to begin. The house was built last spring, but was not finished inside at that time.

Mr. A. W. STEWART, of Sumner, formerly of Semiahmoo, arrived at the home of his daughter, Mrs. STOLTENBERG, last Thursday, and after nearly a week's visit started on the Evangel Wednesday morning on his return to Sumner. He was accompanied by Mr. REWEY, a blacksmith from Sumner.

Arthur ROGERS, proprietor of the Ferndale hotel, was in Blaine last Saturday and Sunday, and has one of the company of men tendering their services on Sunday to the deputy sheriff to aid him in maintaining the and preventing the logs left in his charge (on California creek) being forcibly taken from his possession by out-law MURNE and his hired crew.

The new settlers in the settlement made this summer on Dakota creek, west of Delta have, we are told, decided to name their neighborhood the Lewis Center settlement. Among the most noticeable recent improvements are a new house built by Mr. NYMAN on his homestead, and an addition to Rev. LEWIS's house. Miss Christina OHLSON has cleared and ditched considerable land on her homestead, and has made a quarter of a mile of excellent road from her place to the main road.

Sheriff DELORIMER was in Blaine last Saturday on business connected with the lien of John LOWREY and Geo. McPHERSON on a boom of logs put into California creek some time ago by Geo. FOSTER, who for a while ran a logging camp on the creek for MURNE of Semiahmoo. A judgment has just been rendered in the case by Judge GREENE in favor of LOWERY and McPHERSON, and Mr. DELORIMIER's (sic) visit here was to take charge of the logs until sold to satisfy said lien. He commissioned Geo. McPHERSON as his deputy to guard the logs, and after watching the boom himself Saturday night, he left for the county seat Sunday forenoon, leaving Mr. McPHERSON in charge of the boom. Mr. DELORIMIER says that immigrants are arriving in Whatcom by every steamer, and the empty houses in town are rapidly filling up with families.

-The river is quite high, and the boys are picking up stray canoes at this place.
-Harry COWDAN and son Frank are cutting wood for Mr. HATCH of East Ferndale.
-Mr. J. B. HATCH has, it is rumored, purchased the St. Charles hotel in East Ferndale.
-W. S. MAYFIELD has the good luck to have his canoe smashed by the steamer Edith as the steamer was trying to turn around. The Captain told Wes to have Mr. RUSSELL make repairs at his expense.
-It is reported that Harry WELLMAN, of Lynden, and a friend, undertook to cross the river at that place in a small canoe, and took a bath. Rather cold bathing I should think this time of the year, was it not, Harry?
-The committee of arrangements to make preparations for a Christmas tree in Ferndale on Christmas eve, are: Miss MAYFIELD, Mrs. Geo. BAKER, Mrs. WHEELER, Mrs. COWDAN, Mrs. SISSON, Mrs. FOLLETT, Mrs. RUSSELL, Mrs. MATZ, Mrs. MALLOY, Miss Julia WYNN, Miss Edith WHEELER and Messrs. Thos. B. WYNN, A. D. ROGERS and A. E. MCIRNEY. I am informed by the committee that all arrangements will be undenominational in every respect, and that a cordial invitation is extended to every one. Also, that the above will be postponed indefinitely of [if] the Boys of the K. of P. intend giving an entertainment at that time. In either case there will be due notice given.

Thursday, December 16, 1886:

Customs Inspector C. M. BRADFORD is at present located at Semiahmoo, and Inspector BOYD is at Whatcom.

Prof. GRIFFIN closed his school on Birch Bay last Friday, and on next Monday will open the winter term in Excelsior district.

A set of patent seats for the Excelsior school house arrived on the Evangel Tuesday morning. They will all be placed in the school house this week, if possible, to be ready for use when school opens Monday morning.

Mr. McLENNON, teacher of the Hall's Prairie public school, tells us that the semi-annual examination will be held in his school on Friday, after which there will be a two weeks' vacation. Also, that Fred HIMES has sold his place to John BEURTSCH.

Mr. C. C. SMITH has been making some improvements on his dwelling house, and is also building a good row and sail boat for his own use. Mr. HUGHES did the work on the house, and Mr. SMITH is well pleased with it, and declares that "Mr. HUGHES is the man that can do a good job."

J. T. LLEWELLYN, formerly a resident of this vicinity, returned with his family on the Evangel this week from Pierce county, where he has been living for some time. We understand that he has bought Chas. MORGAN's place on Dakota creek, and will make his future home thereon.

Mr. A. HUNTER and his mother, who for several months have been living at the home of Mrs. STEADWELL, near Blaine, started on Wednesday last for their home in Pennsylvania. Mrs. HUNTER was not at all pleased with Puget Sound, and thinks she will be contented hereafter in the Keystone state. Perhaps when she gets home and compares New England winter weather with the article apportioned by the weather clerk to Washington Territory she will alter her opinion. Mr. HUNTER said that he would probably return. Mrs. HUNTER and Mrs. STEADWELL are sisters.

-The winter term of school opened on the 6th. Miss Alice ROGERS is teacher.
-Harry McCOMB, of California, who has been spending a few days with his brother and sister, has returned to Seattle for the winter.
-Frank and Orsey NORTON will attend the next term of the Normal academy.
-H. A. SMITH recently received news of the death of his grandfather, aged 93, in Illinois.
-Mrs. DEED's daughter arrived with her family, from Kansas, this week.

----BIRCH BAY----
-Prof. GRIFFIN closed a four months' term of school on Friday. He has given general satisfaction while teaching in this district.
-The tail end of a cyclone passed through Mr. VOGHT's house the other evening. Josiah was the only one that received any injury.
-Last Wednesday evening the young folks again gave a surprise party. This time to Miss Mary PARR. They came from Birch Bay, Blaine, Custer and Ferndale. It was intended as a birthday party, but was a farewell party as well, as Miss May will leave home to be absent in British Columbia for some time. The many beautiful and valuable presents she received served as an evidence of the esteem in which she is held by her young friends. She will be old enough to vote at her next birthday. Dancing was the order of the evening. Messrs. BLACK and WHITE Bros. furnished the music. The party concluded with singing, Misses Nellie and May PARR and Mr. PETERSON favoring the company with some excellent selections.

Thursday, December 23, 1886:

John EVANS and Miss Ilie MAYFIELD were married at Ferndale on the evening of Thursday, the 16th.

David MILLER and Mrs. STEADWELL, both of Blaine, were married in New Westminster last Saturday.

Miss PRESTON, the lady who came to Semiahmoo last spring from Canada on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN, and who has been in British Columbia for several months, is again in Semiahmoo.

Peter LARSEN and Nels JENSEN, who have been working for J. H. MILHOLLIN since last spring, left Friday morning for Los Angeles, Cal., to spend the winter. They expect to return about next April.

Thursday, December 30, 1886:

The extra carpenter work on the Blaine school house is nearing completion. The McPHERSON brothers are doing the work.

BORN - On California creek, Dec. 25, to the wife of Thos. H. BICE, a bouncing daughter. Weight 9 pounds.

The examination of Hall's Prairie public school was held on the 17th inst. Mr. R. S. HANNA, school teacher of Mud Bay, B. C., assisted Mr. McLENNAN, the teacher, in the various exercises. Many visitors were present, and all expressed themselves well pleased with the progress made by the scholars.

-MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Mollie SHIELDS to Mr. Ed. HINTZ, both of Enterprise.
-School has closed for the present, account of some trouble between the district and the teacher.
-S. W. HARDAN, of this place has sold his store and stock to Mr. John MITCHELL and Mr. J. B. HATCH, who will continue at the old stand - East Ferndale.
-DIED - Dec. 24, 1886, Mr. SHUTTLER of East Ferndale, after a long illness. The funeral will take place on Monday next, at 10 o'clock a. m. The sympathy of all are with the bereaved ones.
-BUCHANAN & HICKS have withdrawn the stage business between this place and Whatcom for the present, owing to bad weather.

DIED - In Seattle, October 30, 1886, of typhoid fever, Miss Maggie OLESON; aged 20 years 2 weeks and 3 days. Miss OLESON had many friends in Whatcom county and British Columbia. Her brother, and only living relative, Mr. Wm. OLESON, of Clover Valley, B. C., has the sympathy of all in his bereavement. Miss OLESON was working in a tailoring establishment in Seattle, and for some unknown reason her friends here were not notified of her sickness even, until after her death.


Copied by Susan Nahas


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