Wednesday, January 3, 1905:
Marriage licenses were yesterday issued to Welgan OLESON and Miss Mary Mellina HOWARD, both of Bellingham, to F. M. THOMPSON of Custer, and Miss Belle McCLELLAND, of Lynden, and to David S. MILLER and Josephine PETERSON, both of Blaine.
S. G. BANGS for a $300 residence at 2317 Franklin street; STOCKLEIN Bros. for a $300 foundation to their building at 133 Holly street; E. B. FOLLET for a $300 residence at 2315 Franklin street; Chas. SILBERG for a $1200 residence at 1457 Grant street. A fitting illustration of the union of the old year and the new occurred yesterday in Judge NETERER's office he joined in holy bonds of matrimony, D. S. MILLER aged 75 and Miss Josephine PETERSON aged 20 years. The happy couple live in Blaine. F. M. THOMPSON of Custer and Miss Belle McCLELLAND, of Lynden, were also married yesterday in the superior court, Judge NETERER officiating.
January 15, 1905:
Patrick LYNCH, an Irishman by birth, a hobo by inclination, and a vendor of needles and pins by trade, was yesterday arrested by Captain of Police PARBERRY, on a charge of peddling without a license. Patrick was taken before Police Judge WILLIAMS and given a fine of $50. Trade has been dull for the past few days and the vendor was unable to produce the necessary capital so he was consigned to the city wood pile. George SWILOOS, the Indian who has for the past few days been occupying a cell in the city jail, was released yesterday on the payment of his fine. SWILOOS was arrested for drunkenness.
George BURKE and Thomas FUGDEN were yesterday fined $25 and costs each, in Police Judge WILLIAMS' court for vagrancy. They were sent to aid the force now at work on the wood pile where an endeavor will be made to instill in them a greater love for labor. January 17, 1905:
April 7, 1905: The funeral of John T. CAMPBELL, the mail carrier who died at Everson, Wednesday, took place yesterday afternoon from the Presbyterian church at that place under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America. Rev. B. K. McELMON conducted the funeral services. Interment took place in the Hopewell cemetery. April 9, 1905:
The mangled remains of Will SELBY, of Deming, were picked up by members of the crew of the Clipper shingle mill at Clipper, near Deming, yesterday morning. The man had been run down by a Northern Pacific train the previous night. The sight that met the eyes of the discoverers was a sickening one. The unfortunate man had apparently been carried along under the wheels for a considerable distance, and the body was frightfully dismembered. Both arms were cut off, the legs were terribly lacerated, and the forehead was bruised and cut and the remains thrown thirty feet from the track.
Not Noticed By Train Crew.
The train which struck the unfortunate man was the southbound on the Northern Pacific, which passed through Clipper about 9 o'clock Friday night. The train carried a number of box cars ahead of the engine, and it is believed that this prevented SELBY, who was walking homeward from Clipper, from noticing its approach until it was upon him. The road is considered dangerous in that vicinity, having sharp curves. The train crew, evidently, were not aware of the accident, and the body was left lying on the track all night, until discovered by the mill crew this morning.
A telephone message was sent for Coroner THOMPSON, of Bellingham, but he was out of the city and beyond immediate reach, working on the case of young Otto BEYER, who accidentally shot himself at Birch Bay. In default of the regular coroner, Justice of the Peace A. J. CLODE, of Deming, was summoned and made an investigation of the facts of the case. Without holding an inquest, which he deemed unnecessary, Acting Coroner CLODE declared the case one of accidental death. SELBY had been working for some time at the Blue Front mill, near Clipper, and was well known in that vicinity. Friday he was seen drinking more or less; and while it is not known that he was intoxicated, it is thought probable that he was not alert as he would have been had his brain been absolutely clear. Will SELBY was about thirty-five years old. He was married and leaves a family residing in Deming, where he had lived since his arrival some years ago from Missouri, where the majority of his relatives are living. Just what arrangements have been made for the funeral has not yet been announced. The body was held yesterday at the Clipper mill, and the employes at the plant have taken charge of the arrangements for the funeral.
Elect New Janitor.
Charles CUDWORTH, who for many years has been janitor at the county court house, will in the near future be supplanted by John ZETTLER. The county commissioners have for some time had this change in view but it was postponed from time to time for different reasons until yesterday when the appointment was made. SLATER voting against the change and KEMPER and FRASER in favor of it.
Visitors From Aberdeen.
N. G. KAUFMAN, Sr., and S. G. KAUFMAN, both of Aberdeen, uncle and brother, respectively, of the members of the firm of KAUFMAN Bros., of this city, are here on a short business visit. Both express themselves as impressed with the generally improved appearance of Bellingham. The visitors have charge of the KAUFMAN store in Aberdeen and are interested in the local concern.
Licenses to Wed.
Licenses to wed were yesterday granted to William MUIRHEAD, of Seattle, and Miss Elizabeth McGreery CALDER of Vancouver, B. C., and to Arthur HOWARD of Portland and Mrs. Mary WALDBRIDGE of Chicago.
April 11, 1905:
April 21, 1905:
April 29, 1905:
His first impression was, that UNGMAN had fallen asleep on the bed, and he tried to awake him that he might removed his clothes. To his surprise and horror he discovered that the man was dead. Coroner THOMPSON was sent for, and after an examination the body was removed to MAULSBY's undertaking parlors. An autopsy will be held today to discover the cause of death. UNGMAN had been suffering for years with stomach trouble, but he was not known to have any other ailment. Mr. GLAD states that his cousin had evidently returned to the room after getting a bucket of water and sat down on the bed to remove his shoes when he fell over dead. No sign of any pain or suffering was to be seen on his face. There was no evidence that any one had been in the room with him. Mr. GLAD does not think it possible that his cousin could have taken poison by mistake for medicine, or with the intention of relieving the pain he suffered, for UNGMAN was careful about such things. UNGMAN came to this country twenty years ago and for the past ten years had resided in this county, making his home when in the city with his cousin. For the past few months he had been employed at the MOODY camp, at Belfast. About a month ago he came to the city to receive medical treatment and did not return. UNGMAN was 47 years old. He has a father, two brothers and three sisters in his native town, Alfta, Sweden, besides a niece in Chicago. His mother is dead. For five years UNGMAN had been a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, entering the lodge soon after its organization. He was not married. April 30, 1905:
When the fire was discovered, about 10:45, it had gained such headway that it was impossible for the volunteer firemen to get to the burning building, although it was known that the old man was within. When the body was picked up out of the ashes it could not be held together and was absolutely unrecognizable. The cottage, owned by the aged gentleman, stood near the B. B. & B. C. railroad depot, in the heart of town. The origin of the blaze is not known, but as there were no hot fires in the stove the opinion is advanced that the old man may have in some way upset a coal oil lamp or lighted a match for some purpose or other, from which the building caught fire. Mr. BENJAMIN had resided here for many years and was known and well thought of by nearly everyone residing in this vicinity. Aside from the two already mentioned he leaves a son, residing near here, and also a daughter, Mrs. LIBERTY, who resides in the country near this place. May 9, 1905:
T. R. MURRY, of Columbia Valley, died at his home, Friday, April 22. Consumption, from which the deceased had suffered for years, was the cause of death. Elder E. H. CARMAN officiated at the funeral and spoke on the significance of the rising from the dead. The funeral services were attended by a large number of friends of the deceased. Mr. MURRY was born in Missouri in 1861, coming to this country in 1902. He was a kind husband and father and leaves a wife and nine children to mourn his loss. The funeral of Floyd L. DESNOYER, an account of whose tragic death in a shingle mill at Goshen appeared in The Reveille Sunday morning, was conducted at the Silver Lake schoolhouse yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Zella BRAND, a missionary of the Mennonite church, had charge of the services. Interment took place in the Ten Mile cemetery under the direction of W. H. MOCK & Sons. Earnest CROWE and Frank WINEMILLER left last night for Portland. Both have been employed in the Byron hotel. Mr. CROWE will have charge of the bar in the new Hotel Oregon, soon to be opened by WRIGHT & DICKENSON in the Webfoot metropolis and Mr. WINEMILLER will be employed in the same hostelry.
June 20, 1905:
September 1, 1905: Judge NETERER of the superior court was absent from the city yesterday, having gone to Lynden to attend the funeral of J. M. LOCKHEAD. September 5, 1905:
-Misses Ruby HULBERT, Ida ZOBRIST, Gertie ZOBRIST, Annie HODSON and Richard HUDSON, leave for school the coming week. Two go to Seattle High school, one to Nooksack High school, one to Bellingham Normal and one to Business College. -Miss Annie PLACE left last Tuesday for Bowling Green, Ohio. She accompanied her uncle, Mr. Robert PLACE, and family and will attend High school there. On their way east, they visit the Portland fair, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs and Denver. Mr. John PLACE had not seen his brother and family for 22 years and it was a happy reunion for them. -John SHILDS' new residence will soon be completed. It has seven rooms and is a neat and commodious building costing about $1000 when finished. -Paul ROTHENBUELER and Richard HUDSON took the Eighth grade examination in Bellingham this week. -Miss Minnie FRISKE of Elma is a recent arrival. -Carl and Grace HULBERT spent about a week at the Portland fair recently.
Howard BUTLER Buried.
Howard BUTLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. BUTLER, of Lookout, Wash., died at the residence of W. R. BEECHER in Eureka addition, Saturday forenoon. The body was shipped to Lookout yesterday, interment taking place at 2 p.m.
September 17, 1905:
Mrs. Ella LITTLEFIELD, living at 1309 F street, died last evening at 11:45 o'clock of paralysis. She had been stricken Tuesday last and had never rallied. Mrs. LITTLEFIELD was the wife of Frank LITTLEFIELD of this city. She had lived here sixteen years, and had been, ever since coming to Bellingham, the proprietress of the "Quiet Home," a rooming house on F street. She leaves, besides her husband here, a brother in Maine. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made.
Mr. and Mrs. Abel GEORGE, of Ferndale, both pioneers of the Northwest, were in the city yesterday on their was to Sumner on a visit. They were among the first settlers of Oregon, having come to that state, then territory, across the continent by wagon in 1845. Mr. GEORGE, an old man of 80 years, remembers vividly the incidents of the early days in Oregon as though it were yesterday, of time when Oregon City was the metropolis of the territory. At that time, he said, Portland was only a hamlet of board and canvas and was not expected ever to amount to much. He also talked entertainingly of the Indian troubles attendant upon the early settlement of Oregon. He had taken part, he said, in numerous campaigns against the natives as captain of a volunteer company which was on duty year in and year out until about 1856, when the last big fight occurred, with the band lead by Chief John, one of the most formidable leaders of the savages.
Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE have been residents of Ferndale for several years past. They were married in 1848, three years after his arrival in the new country. Mrs. Hugo DAVIS will open the upper floor of the Sunset block as a rooming house Monday. The place has been repainted, repapered, and renovated, and fitted with all modern conveniences.
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