Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Be

BEACH, Henry C. (d. 1922)

Death removed Judge Henry Crane Beach, one of the best known persons in Bellingham, this morning about 3 o'clock, the end coming when the aged judge was unattended, but there is reason to believe that he had just passed away when a member of the Elk's lodge went into the Judge's room in the Elks' club at this hour. He died at the age of 69 years from an illness which had bothered him for several years and which had forced him to remain in bed for periods of several days from time to time, the final attack coming about three weeks ago. Out of respect for Judge Beach, his successor in the office, Judge W. H. Heaton, today closed justice and police court in the city hall, over which Judge Beach presided as justice of the peace for twelve years, up to 1921, part of the time as police judge, and since 1921 had been acting as clerk of the court. The office also will be closed on the day of the funeral, to be announced later by Harry O. Bingham, who has charge of the body.

Judge Beach, a brilliant attorney when a young man, and an unusual character, was noted for his attention to duty during the late years of his life. He was a man who took determined stands politically and otherwise, and while his aggressive policies caused him to have political enemies, he had a huge following of friends. Equipped with a splendid education, having been graduated from Princeton and Columbia universities. Judge Beach came West thirty-three years ago. He came to the Territory of Washington in October, 1889, and practiced law at Tacoma, where he was one of the best known attorneys, until 1900, when he came to Whatcom. He was in the United States customs office for a time and became police judge for Whatcom in 1902, but was legislated out of office a year later when Whatcom and Fairhaven consolidated into Bellingham. He was this city's second city attorney, holding office in 1906 and 1907. In 1909 he was elected justice of the peace and held this office continuously twelve years, part of the time also serving as police judge. He was defeated in 1920 by Judge W. H. Heaton, who then made him clerk of the court.

Since the death of his wife, about two years ago, Judge Beach often expressed that wish that he might follow her to the grave soon. He was greatly attached to her and the mention of her always brought tears. Soon after her death Judge Beach wrote out his own obituary and left it with Harry O. Bingham. He made out a will and left it with Attorney Charles Sather. From time to time he changed the will, the final changes being made rather recently. He left instructions with Attorney Sather as to what he would like done in the event of his death. While Judge Beach always held good positions, he was unable during the closing years of his life to accumulate wealth after having been, as he often said himself with regret, a "reckless spender" until he steadied down the last few years of his career. He died, it is said, practically penniless, but had wanted for nothing, the Elks lodge, of which he was a member, attending to all of his needs. Judge Beach had no relatives in or near Bellingham, the nearest being a cousin, it is understood, living in California. In his will the only relatives he mentions are two nephews, Donald Wallace, of New York city, and William V. Buton jr., of Toronto, Canada.

Attorney Sather, who was named executor of the will, says that Judge Beach was under the impression that he had a $1,000 fraternal insurance policy payable upon his death, but investigation has disclosed the fact that that the insurance police was payable to his wife in the event of his death, and her death caused the insurance policy to lapse. Consequently he left nothing, as far as known, but personal effects. The will was made out November 1, 1921. Under date of June 3, 1920, he sent instructions to Sather to notify a relative, Mrs. William L. Wallace, of East Orange, N. J., in the event of his death. He asked that Harry O. Bingham be the undertaker and that the following be the pallbearers: F. F. Handschy, representing the Elks and Knights of Pythias lodges; Richard Pierron, representing Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows' lodges; H. Cowden, representing Knights of Pythias; Walter A. Martin, representing Odd Fellows and Whatcom County Bar association; Ed E. Hardin, representing Odd Fellows and judiciary. "I would like to be buried from the Elks' lodge hall with their ritual, conducted by Rev. James M. Wilson, and the I. O. O. F. ritual at the grave," he wrote, also requesting that he be given decent burial in Bay View cemetery by the side of the remains of his wife. Arrangements are being made to carry out his wishes.

Judge Beach was born in New York city on November 28, 1852. In 1860 he moved to Orange, N. J. He attended private schools and went two years in Riverview military academy, later entering Princeton university, where he became prominent in athletics, having played on the Princeton baseball and football teams. Graduating from Princeton in 1874, he then went two years to the Columbia university law school, graduating with the class of ____.

In his "History of American Football," Walter Camp devotes considerable space to the efforts of Judge Beach to organize inter-collegiate football, while captain of the Princeton gridiron team between the years 1872 and 1875. He was captain of this team when the first inter-collegiate football game was played in the United States, at which time Princeton defeated Rutger's college. It is also known that Judge Beach was an enthusiastic baseball fan and played on the Princeton team, helping to organize the sport in that college. About fifteen years ago he was presented with a small "Princeton Tiger" by the alma mater, the significance is known only to the Princeton college man. All his life Judge Beach was keenly interested in athletics, especially baseball. For many years, until about five years ago, he was official scorer here and never missed a game until his feeble condition during the past two years forced him to remain indoors.

In his will Judge Beach bequeathed his watch, chain and locket to Donald Wallace, a nephew of New York city, to William V. Ruto_ jr., also a nephew of Toronto, Canada, a stickpin and a pearl set in a gold ring; to the Whatcom County Bar association, his law books; to Harrison Cowden, city constable, his fountain pen; to Edward B. Dean, of the Leopold buffet, miscellaneous books as a nucleus of a library, together with a gr_p full of duplicate city ordinances; to Charles A. Sather his scrap books of ordinances, eight in number; to Mrs. Robert Shaw, of Bellingham, all furniture, clock, silverplated ware in his room at the Elks club; to the Salvation Army his wearing apparel. Judge Beach asked that the estate be managed and settled without the intervention of the courts, giving all power to executor. While conscious to the last, it is believed Judge Beach's condition became critical about a week ago and slight hopes for his recovery were entertained. Many friends called to visit him including some last night, but often the Judge preferred to be left alone. Illness forced him to bed several times during the winter previous to the last sickness, but each time he rallied when there seemed to be practically no hope for his recovery. He loved to compile records of all sorts and was seldom __ at his desk or in his room. Recently he engaged in a newspaper word contest that kept him busy more than a month. Persons coming into police court before Judge Beach learned of his remarkable memory. Oftentime the men charged with speeding or drunkeness attempted second or third appearances before him in an attempt to avoid a heavier fine, but Judge Beach was seldom if ever, misled, having a keen knack of recalling faces and names and other details. Funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 17, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEACH, Lucretia (d. 1920)

Wife of Local Police Judge Passes Away at Age of 68.
After several years' illness Mrs. Lucretia Schieffelin Beach, wife of Police Judge H. C. Beach, died yesterday (April 21, 1920) afternoon at the age of 68 years. She had lived in Bellingham for twenty years. Judge Beach was ill at a local hospital when death came and he has been confined there several days, but is improving and will be able to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Harry O. Bingham's parlors on Prospect street, with the Rev. Mackey, formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery. The following sketch of Mrs. Beach was prepared by Judge Beach:
Lucretia Schieffelin Hazard, wife of Judge Henry C. Beach, died on the 21st day of April, 1920, after a long illness. She was the daughter of Jabez H. Hazard, a retired wholesale drug merchant of New York City, and niece of Samuel B. Schieffelin, founder of the wholesale drug house of Schieffelin & Co. of New York. She was born in New York City on the 23rd day of April 1852, and resided there until the early sixties, when her parents removed to Orange, N. J. She joined the Presbyterian church when thirteen years of age and thereafter was a consistent member. When old enough she taught in the Sunday school, belonged to the various church societies, in which she always took a prominent and active part, and endeavored in every way to do good. She was one of the organizers of the Orange Charity society, which consisted of a number of ladies meeting every Saturday to cut out and make garments for the poor. She came west in 1889 with her husband and located at Tacoma. Here her desire to do good continued to manifest itself. She joined the Presbyterian church by letter, identified herself with all the church societies; was a director of the children's home, and during the Spanish-American war was an active member of the Red Cross. In 1900 she followed her husband to Whatcom, now Bellingham, where she since resided. Here she identified herself with church and church work. She was one of the founders of the Young Women's Christian association and was its secretary. Two years later the organization, which had heretofore been local, was nationalized and she was its first secretary, resigning in 1903. She was, however, a director in the organization and retained the position up to the time of her death, though for the past five years she had been incapacitated from doing any active work. She had many friends and was herself a true friend.
Mrs. Beach is survived by two sisters, Mrs. William I. Wallace and Mrs. George H. Richmond, both widows, living in East Orange, N. J., and a brother-in-law, William V. Ruton, a widower, residing in Orange, N. J., besides a large number of nephews and nieces and their children.
(The Bellingham Herald, April 22, 1920 p. 10),

BEAL, Charles N. (d. 1920)

Charles Napier Beal, well known republican of Bellingham and during 1914 and 1915 water superintendent in this city, died this morning at a local hospital at the age of 65 years, after a few days' illness. Mr. Beal served for five or six years as deputy state fish commissioner under former Commissioner John L. Riseland, of Bellingham. Mr. Beal had lived in Bellingham for the last seventeen years. At one time he was state oil inspector. He was a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., Bellingham chapter No. 12, R. A. M., and of the A. O. U. W. in Kansas. He also was a member of the Presbyterian church at Enid, Okla.

The survivors are the widow, Mrs. Frances A. Beal, 2211 A street; three sons and two daughters, Fred N. Beal, Wallville, Wash.; Malcolm J. Beal, Seattle; Clarence M. Beal, Golconda, Nev.; Miss Harriet C. Beal, Seattle, and Mrs. Ira V. Wilson, Bellingham; also two brothers, Frank Beal, North Plain, Ore. Harry O. Bingham will make the funeral announcements. Mr. Beal was born in Boston, Canada, April 7, 1854. At an early age he went to Kansas, where he spent most of his life. His well known hospitality and genial disposition won the hearts of all who knew him and the family has the sympathy of a host of friends all over the country. The widow is a sister of the late Governor Albert E. Mead.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 2, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEAL, Charles Wesley (d. 1911)

Judge Charles Wesley Beal, aged 66 years, a resident of Maple Falls, Wash., for more than thirteen years, died at his home at Maple Falls Saturday night (Jan. 1, 1911) at 10 minutes past 12 o'clock, after a brief illness with pneumonia. Judge Beal was a well known citizen of Maple Falls, formerly being justice of the peace at that place, and at the time of his death held a commission from the United States land office. He moved to Maple Falls from Pensacola, Fla., more than thirteen years ago. Judge Beal is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annette Eliza Beal; two sons, Richard R. Beal, of Pensacola, Fla., and Harley W. Beal of Portland, Ore.; also one daughter, Mrs. Persis E. Matson, of this city. George W. Mock, of the local undertaking firm of Mock & Hill, went to Maple Falls last evening and prepared the body of Judge Beal for shipment to this city, interment to be made in Bay View cemetery. Funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church at Maple Falls this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and the body will be brought to Bellingham Tuesday morning, accompanied by the family of the deceased.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 2, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEARSE, Mary (d. 1903)

At 2 o'clock a. m. August 17, 1903, Mary Hindman Bearse, daughter of William and Elizabeth Elder, and wife of James M. Bearse, died very suddenly of heart failure. She was born in Maryland, December 13, 1828, and was married to Mr. Asher, August 16, 1846, of which one son, W. L. Asher, of Whatcom survives her. Later she was married to Frances Hindman of whom she was bereft. November 24, 1899 she was married to James M. Bearse, who survives her.

Mary Elder, while still a young girl, embraced the faith of the Swedenborgian church of which she has been a faithful, earnest follower, until the time of her death. Most of her life was passed on the frontiers among the pioneers where she endured all the vicissitudes and privations incident to such a life, but wherever she went she was ever zealous for the advancement of her faith and was continually distributing tracts and papers, published by her church, and trying to interest others in the book she loved. She was for many years an invalid and suffered much, but her last moments were peaceful and the last she fell asleep in her arm chair to waken only in the land of her hope. The deceased had a wide circle of friends in Ferndale, Whatcom and Seattle, who join with the bereaved husband and son in mourning the loss of their loved one.
(From The Ferndale Record August 21, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEATTY, Forbina (d. 1931)

Mrs. Forbina Beatty, who, as Mrs. J. D. Wheeler, was a pioneer resident of this community for more than forty years, was buried Sunday afternoon after a large crowd of relatives, friends and old pioneers had paid their last respects at a service held at the Methodist church. Rev. Dow Delong officiated. Interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery under the direction of the Monroe mortuary.

Mrs. Wheeler, her husband, the late J. D. Wheeler, and five children came to this county forty-eight years ago, locating in Ferndale. Mr. Wheeler purchased a general merchandise store from D. Rogers, on the banks of the Nooksack river on the site of the present Ferndale Creamery, the spring after their arrival. He was also postmaster for three years, the family assisting. The old homestead of eighty acres was the family home for many years, where Mrs. Beatty passed away Wednesday evening, located across from the Columbia Lumber Co. yard. Most of this homestead has been sold off, Mrs. Beatty only retaining ten acres at present. Mr. Wheeler passed away thirty years ago. Seven years ago Mrs. Wheeler was married to W. H. Beatty, who survives her, and lived for seven years in Bellingham, only recently moving to Ferndale. She had been ill a year, although very active until then for a lady so old - eighty one years of age when she died. Mrs. Beatty had been a member of the Methodist church for many years and also always interested in the Old Settlers association of which she had been a member for some time. Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Beatty's daughter, recalled Monday that her mother was a very capable practical nurse. Mrs. Hamilton can remember her mother being away many times for days at a time nursing some neighbor or friend. The deceased is survived by four children, besides her husband, Mr. Beatty; four daughters, Mrs. T. B. Wynn, Mrs. George Hamilton, both of Ferndale; Mrs. Henry Slater of Bellingham and Mrs. William Hanlon, Seattle; a sister in Oakland, Calif., and another in Seattle; two brothers, one in San Jose, Calif., another in Vancouver, B. C.; twenty-one grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, survive her. Many relatives and friends attended the services Sunday.
(From The Ferndale Record, January 22, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEATTY, James R. (d. 1926)

The Ferndale district lost a true pioneer Monday, when a man who had been a resident of Pleasant Valley for forty-eight years passed away. The present generation can not imagine the hardships and discomforts this man must have felt - neither can they visualize what this country must have been in those days. Ferndale mourns the loss of one of her oldest pioneers.

James Robert Beatty, who died at Pleasant Valley on July 12, was born at Mount Morris, New York on the 15th day of May, 1840, the youngest of twelve children. His mother died when he was three years of age, and when he was about six years of age, his father, William Beatty moved with his family to Gray county, Ontario, where he took up a homestead on the shore of a beautiful lake which afterward took the name of Beatty's lake, where the family lived for many years. In 1865 James Robert Beatty moved to Iowa Falls, Iowa, and was married in 1866 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Mary Ann Brown, whose family had come to Iowa Falls at the same time from the same locality. In 1871 the family moved to a farm west of Crete, Nebraska, and remained there until 1877 in which year Mr. Beatty moved to the state of Washington, and in 1878 took up a pre-emption claim six miles west of Ferndale in the then almost impenetrable forest, where he resided forty-eight years up to the time of his death. His wife passed away in May, 1884. He leaves to mourn his loss the following sons: W. H. of Seattle, James R. of Ferndale, David of Custer; one daughter, Margaret McCourt of Custer.

In the passing of Mr. Beatty Whatcom county has lost one of its most enterprising citizens, whose efforts have ever been for the upbuilding of the community. In the early days of the county he served many times as school director and did much towards assisting in the building of roads and highways; it can be truthfully said that he was a friend to all and an enemy to none. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at two at George Monroe's chapel, Rev. J. W. Moles of Custer officiating. Interment took place at the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 15, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEAUDET, Josephine (d. 1928)

Mrs. Josephine Beaudet, wife of Immigration Inspector T. F. X. Beaudet, veteran of the local office, passed away at her home here last Friday night. While she had been in very feeble health for the past two years, and had suffered a recent sick spell, still her passing came as a shock to the many friends of the family. Funeral services were held in the chapel of Purdy & Sons' establishment Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Dr. Robert Pallen of Vancouver, B. C., officiating. The funeral was largely attended and the floral tributes most extensive and beautiful.

Josephine Beaudet was 70 years of age and had lived in Blaine for the past 16 years. Previously she had lived in Sumas for six years. She was married to Mr. Beaudet June 17, 1880, in Minneapolis, Minn., and they made their home in that city for many years afterward. Mrs. Beaudet was a member of Eastern Star and was loved by all for her gentle, kindly disposition. Nieces and nephews from Seattle and friends from Sumas attended the funeral.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press March 15, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEAVER, Anna E. (d. 1926)

Mrs. Anna E. Beaver, 52, for eleven months a local resident, died at her home, 2921 Kulshan street, early today. She is survived by five sons, Carl F. Ehle and Oliver J. Ehle, of Aberdeen; Frank J. Ehle, of Seattle; Morris H. Ehle, of Anacortes and Clarence W. Ehle, of this city; four daughters, Mrs. Irene Trecker and Miss Beulah Beaver, of this city; Mrs. A. W. Nordeck, of Deming, and Mrs. Mabel Rogers, of Castle Rock; four sisters, Mrs. A. G. Sterhein, of Lynden; Mrs. Josephine Dickenson of Okanogen; Mrs. A. Loubenhein, of Amherst, Neb., and Mrs. Elizabeth Corhem, of Burlington, Iowa; one brother, George Brucker of Amherst, Neb., and fifteen grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30 p. m. at the Harlow mortuary. Interment will be made in Greenwood cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 9, 1926) Submitted by Annie (Teshera) Glass

BEAVERS, Cary A. (d. 1903)

The sad news reached the city yesterday that Mr. C. A. Beavers had died while out hunting. He, in company with Mr. N. Bame of this place, and Mr. A. M. Vannetta of Aldergrove, B. C., went out hunting Tuesday to be gone for a couple of days. When the other two gentlemen stopped hunting for the day they could not find Mr. Beavers. They immediately began to shout and search for him, thinking him lost in the woods. They received no response to their calls and so continued the search until about midnight when it became cloudy and they could not see. Early yesterday morning the search was renewed and he was found lying dead. It is supposed that he died suddenly of heart failure as he had suffered before with that trouble. He evidently dropped dead without a struggle. The remains were brought to his home here last afternoon.

Cary Allan Beavers was born near Canton, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1832. He lived for a number of years in Villisca, Iowa, and later at Wakieney, Kansas, where he engaged in real estate business. He came to Lynden in 1888 and established a real estate business to which he devoted himself till his death. He was treasurer of Lynden from its incorporation in 1891 until last year. Mr. Beavers was a member of the Gospel Mission Church which he aided largely in establishing. He was also a prominent member of the local G. A. R. He was a good Christian man and was straight and upright in all his dealings with his fellowmen.

He leaves surviving him a widow, Mrs. Emma Beavers, here and a brother in Ohio. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at ten o'clock from the Mission church. Mr. Beavers was one of the pioneers of this section and has always been interested in the growth and development of this place. He always had a good word for everybody and he will be greatly missed. To the sorrowing widow the entire people extend condolences.
(From The Pacific Pilot, October 8, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEBB, John (d. 1901)

John Bebb, age 42 years, died in the Sisters' hospital on Tuesday. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia, which attacked him on Monday morning. Bebb was a physical wreck from the effects of liquor. He came here from Michigan in 1889 and settled on a ranch near Wickersham. Last June he sold the ranch for $2,500 cash and since that time he had been carousing almost constantly in this city. He spent the $2,500 in less than eight months and at the time of his death he hadn't a dime left. His mother, a half-brother and two sisters reside in Travers City, Michigan. Funeral services were held in Warinner's chapel at 2 o'clock this afternoon, interment taking place in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Weekly Blade, February 20, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

BECK, Jacob (d. 1914)

Jacob Beck Passes Away at the Family Residence Following a Short Acute Illness
Came to Bellingham in 1884 and Contributed a Great Deal to the City's Upbuilding
After an illness of several months, but which did not become acute until yesterday, Jacob Beck, one of Bellingham's most prominent citizens and builders, passed away this morning (Sept. 24, 1914) at 6:30 o'clock at the family home, 610 Magnolia street. Death was due primarily to liver trouble, which appears to have developed last spring while Mr. Beck was on a visit to San Diego, Cal. The members of the immediate family were at the bedside when the end came, but Mr. Beck lapsed into unconsciousness yesterday, did not recover sufficiently to recognize any who had maintained a constant vigil over him throughout the night. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Last spring Mr. Beck planned to make a trip back to his old home in Germany. At the last moment, however, he abandoned his plans and instead went to California, where he examined some farm lands which he owned there. When he returned he complained of not feeling well, and since then he grew gradually worse until death came. He was down town almost daily, however, and was able to be about until yesterday. On returning home from a walk downtown he lay down and shortly afterward lapsed into unconsciousness, from which he did not recover.
Pioneer of County.
Mr. Beck was a pioneer citizen of Whatcom, now Bellingham, and was active for many years in community building. He owned at the time of his death the Metropolitan theater, formerly known as the Beck theater, and the Rice block, adjoining. He formerly owned the site on which the Bellingham National bank building, at the corner of Holly and Dock streets, now stands. This he sold two years ago and the old hotel, which stood on the corner from 1888, was razed for a more modern structure. Jacob Beck was born at Saariouis, Germany, in 1855, and was 59 years of age at the time of his death. His parents were thrifty Germans, from which much of the population of the United States was recruited for many years, but were unable to offer the son the opportunities he craved. At that time in particular the tide of European immigration from Europe to the United States was strong and young Beck, at the age of 15, started alone for the new country which was famed as the land of opportunity. Landing in New York in 1870, with no greater means than the average immigrant brings with him to this country, he cast about for something to do and finally took up mining, an occupation which he followed for many years. On leaving New York he worked westward to Missouri. There he followed mining for a number of years, when he finally decided to move on toward the Pacific coast. In 1883 the Town of Whatcom was just being incorporated and there was a large influx of people from all parts of the Northwest. Mr. Beck chose the Bellingham Bay town as his home and settled here. The city was then growing rapidly and he began to make money. In 1888, five years after he arrived, he built the Beck hotel building, at that time in a place that might almost be called the outskirts of town, for the principal business section was then in Old Whatcom.
Built Theater in 1902
It was in 1902 that the Beck theater, now the Metropolitan, on Dock street, was built by Mr. Beck. This theater at the time and for a number of years afterward was the finest showhouse west of Chicago. It had a capacity of almost 2,000 people and cost about $150,000. Even today, twelve years after it was built, it ranks well among the opera houses on the Pacific coast in size and modernity. Mr. Beck was not a show man, for foresaw the growth of Bellingham, and, with characteristic enterprise, erected a theater which was then far ahead of the city. It has since been leased to Klaw & Erlanger, who have changed the name to Metropolitan. A few years ago Mr. Beck acquired the building adjoining the theater, built by J. E. Rice. Until he sold the site of the old Beck hotel, at the corner of Holly and Dock streets, he owned practically the entire frontage on Dock street between Holly and Magnolia. At the time of his demise he owned small tracts of land in Whatcom county, some farm lands near San Diego, Cal., and some residence property in Bellingham.
Survived By Family.
Mr Beck is survived by a widow, two children, Edward J. and Helen M. Beck, both of Bellingham, and a sister, Mrs. J. Wegert, living in Seattle. Mrs. Wegert was notified of her brother's death this morning and was expected from Seattle this afternoon, when funeral arrangements were to be made. The body lies at H. O. Bingham's undertaking parlors, on Dock street, pending interment. It is announced that interment will be made either at Bay View cemetery or at the mausoleum.

BECK, John (d. 1903)

John Beck, an old soldier living at Acme, was found dead in his bed about 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Acting Coroner Gifford was summoned and states that after an investigation, it was decided that Mr. Beck's death was due to a cold on the lungs and old age. The deceased has no known relatives and came from Illinois about eight years ago. He built himself a home in Acme and has resided there until the time of his sudden death. He ate his breakfast at the Canedy home, where he boarded, and appeared to be in his usual health. He did not appear at dinner, however, and at 2 o'clock Mr. Canedy went to Beck's home and was surprised to find him dead. Mr. Beck left a will in which he leaves a small estate to E. M. Kennedy [Canedy] and Josephine M. Kennedy [Canedy]. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. White officiating.
(From The Weekly Blade, October 7, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

BECK, Marie E. (d. 1920)

Funeral services were held in Lynden Tuesday afternoon for the late Mrs. Marie E. Beck, wife of John Beck, who formerly resided in Lynden. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services at Knapp's Parlors, and the Eastern Star ritual was read at the cemetery. Mrs. Beck passed away Saturday at Revelstoke, B. C. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. J. A. MacMillan of Vancouver, B. C., and Mrs. E. A. Dixon of Revelstoke, B. C.; her father, G. W. Quimby; two sisters, Mrs. D. F. Smith of Bellingham, and Mrs. W. R. Parker of Lynden, and three brothers, Walter of Vancouver, B. C., and Willard and Fred of Bellingham.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 26, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

BECK, Susan A. (d. 1923)

After an illness of three days, Mrs. Susan A. Beck aged sixty-eight years passed away at her home on Lincoln street at an early hour Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be held from the home Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Burial will be made in the Nooksack cemetery beside her husband William L. Beck, who passed away six years ago. The survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Eugene Conrad, of Blackwell, Oklahoma, Mrs. Ethel Wheeter, of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Mrs. Bertha Trowbridge, of Everson and Miss Errol Beck, of Everett.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, November 29, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

BECKWITH, Nora L. (d. 1902)

Miss Nora L. Beckwith, a well known and popular young lady of Whatcom, died on Bright's disease last Sunday morning in St. Luke's hospital. The young lady had been ill only a week and the critical stage assumed fatal aspects so suddenly that her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Beckwith, did not realize her danger until a very few hours before her death. Funeral services were held in the home of the bereaved parents, J and Fifteenth streets, on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. Sulliger conducting the services. A large number of sympathizing friends joined in the final rites. The floral tributes were beautiful and profuse and the entire burial service was one of affecting gentleness and tender sorrow.
(From The Fairhaven Times, January 3, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

Well Known Young Lady Passed Away After Short Illness-Funeral Services Today.
   Nora L. Beckwith, aged 22, daughter of L. A. Beckwith, succumbed to Bright's disease Sunday morning at 9:20 o'clock at the St. Luke's hospital. She had been ill less than a week, having gone to the hospital the day before Christmas. He members of her family did not realize her serious condition until called to the bedside at 7 o'clock Sunday morning, and her death is a sad blow to her parents, as she was the only daughter left at home.
    Miss Beckwith was born at St. Albans, West Virginia, where she made her home until coming here about a year ago. Since then she has held a position with the Bolcom Lumber Co. She was to have been married shortly to Mr. William Cassils, who arrived here lately from her old home in West Virginia to make her his wife.
    The deceased was a very lovable young lady, and her loss will be keenly felt by the large circle of friends that her sunny disposition and noble character had made for her.
    Besides her parents, she leaves two sisters-Mrs. Walter Griffith and Mrs. Claude R. Wade-and a brother-Roy L. Beckwith. The funeral services will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at the residence of the deceased's parents, corner J and Fifteenth streets, Rev. S. S. Sulliger officiating. Messrs. A. S. Wilson, E. T. Nobles, Geo. M. Crawford, S. A. D. Glasscock, J. D. Rockey and B. H. Silver will act as pallbearers.
(From The Daily Reveille, December 30, 1902) Copied by Merrily Lawson

BEEBE, Lemmon G. (d. 1922)

Dr. Lemmon G. Beebe, aged 71 years, passed away at a local hospital at an early hour this morning, March 13, after an illness of several months. Dr. Beebe had resided at the family home, Silver Beach, for the past eighteen years, and leaves many friends who will mourn his loss. He was a member of the Presbyterian church at his former home, Winnebago, Wis. Besides his wife, Mrs. Frances A. Beebe, he is survived by one son, William J. Beebe, residing at the family home; two brothers, C. H. Beebe and Lewis Beebe, Bellingham, R. F. D. No. 4. The remains are being cared for at the service parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect street, where funeral services will be held Wednesday, March 15, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. with Rev. H. S. Templeton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 13, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEEBE, William (d. 1910)

Funeral of William Beebe
Funeral services over the remains of William Beebe, the civil war veteran who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eva B. Hawk, living on the Kelly road, Wednesday morning, will be held at the chapel of Mock & Hill at Hill at 1055 Elk street Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Fred Alban Weil, minister of the Unitarian Society, will officiate. The Pilgrim quartet will furnish music. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 27, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEERNINK, Lydia (d. 1913)

Mrs. Lydia Beernink passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. H. Jamieson, in Everson at 8 p. m. Friday, February 21, in her seventy-ninth year. She had been ill but a few days with a heavy cold. Death resulted from this and her advanced years in addition to the shock of a fall sustained a few days before. Her husband passed away twelve years ago, at the home in Wisconsin. Surviving the deceased are seven children, nine grandchildren, and a brother and sister these last and two sons and two daughters living in Wisconsin. Two sons, James, of Lynden, and Henry of Everson, and her daughter, Mrs. Jamieson, were with their mother at the time of her death. Mrs. Bernink (sic) had lived more than the allotted span, and all of her life had been a devoted Christian. The family is bereaved, but should we not rather rejoice that one so? ready to respond to the Master's call has passed into rest? Mrs. Beernink came to Lynden from Wisconsin eight years ago and for the past six years has made her home with Mrs. Jamieson. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Reid officiating with the solemn and beautiful ritual of the Presbyterian church. Many friends from Everson, Lynden, and vicinity were in attendance. The floral offerings were beautiful. Interment was in the Nooksack-Everson cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 27, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEESON, Effie (d. 1901)

News reached the city yesterday of the drowning of Miss Effie Beeson at Sunnyside, Lake Whatcom. Miss Beeson had been engaged as teacher of the school at Sunnyside, but owing to illness had not taught for two weeks. She had been in town at the home of her mother, corner of Iron and Kentucky streets, and Sunday afternoon went to the residence of Mrs. A. L. Meeker at Sunnyside, where she was to board, intending to resume her duties at the school Monday morning. Monday morning Miss Beeson went to the small wharf where steamers landed, and as she did not return search was made for her, with the startling result of finding her body floating on the water of the lake. Miss Beeson was only away from the house about 20 minutes before she was found in the lake. It is generally believed that she fainted and fell into the water, and probably from heart failure. Miss Beeson was an estimable young lady and had many friends. She was about 23 years.
(From The Weekly Blade, September 18, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEHME, Anton (d. 1913)

Custer Pioneer Passes On
Anton Behme, a pioneer resident of this part of the country, passed away Tuesday evening at his home in Custer, death resulting from cancer of the stomach and bowels. The deceased was 67 years and two months of age and served four years in the Civil War as a member of the 67th Ohio Volunteers. The funeral services were held from the home at Custer yesterday afternoon. A number of Blaine Odd Fellows went down to attend the funeral. Mr. Behme came to Whatcom county in 1891, settling at Blaine. In 1894 he moved to Custer and has resided there ever since, at one time having served a term as county commissioner from this district. He is survived by a wife and seven children.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 31, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEHME, Hugh (d. 1910)

Custer Boy Dies Very Suddenly
The sad news of the sudden death of Hugh Behme, the 21-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Behme, of Custer, reached here Sunday last. The young man was a member of the Custer ball team and was known to a number here, besides being a nephew of Mrs. A. H. Wilson, of this city.
The Good Templars of Custer held a picnic at Birch Bay Saturday afternoon last which was attended by a large number of Custer young people, among them being Hugh Behme. At about nine o'clock in the evening a load of young people started for home on a hayrack. Near Pleasant Valley the young man stopped while the wagon load continued. He was compelled to run to catch up with the load, and it is estimated that he ran about two miles, much of the way up hill, before he overtook the wagon. On reaching it he gave one spring to get aboard and fell prostrate, passing away in a few minutes. Physicians state that the extra exertion necessitated by that leap into the wagon, caused the bursting of a blood vessel near the heart and almost instantaneous death.
On reaching Custer the mother was immediately notified at North Yakima. Besides the parents, who have conducted the hotel at Custer for years, four sisters, Amy, Grace, Bessie and Edna, and three brothers, Percy, Claude and Elmer, are left to mourn the loss of a brother in the prime of his manhood. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock at Custer and the interment made in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 10, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEHME, Julius C. (d. 1924)

Julius C. Behme, a pioneer settler of the Custer district, died Wednesday evening, June 18, in a Bellingham hospital, after an illness of three weeks. Behme was born at Tontogany, in Wood County, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1855. He was thus, at death, 69 years of age. He had been a resident of this county for the past 21 years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Deborah Behme; three sons, Robert, of Okanogan, Wash.; Boyden, of Seattle, and Orville, at the family home; two daughters, Mrs. Lena Pearl Ogle, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Ruby Benefield, of Custer; a sister, Mrs. Mary Jeffers, of Custer, and six grandchildren. He was a member of Haynie Grange. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, June 21 from the M. E. church at Custer, the Rev. J. W. Moles officiating. Interment was in Haynie cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, June 27, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEHME, Nathaniel (d. 1914)

Nathaniel Behme died at his home in Custer Friday last, September 4th, at 9:30 a.m., after an illness of five years. He was born in Ohio and was 63 years of age June 18th last. He resided at Custer 12 years. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in charge of the Odd Fellows and the Rebeckah's, Rev. Wood officiating. Three children survive, a daughter, Mrs. J. L. Jensen of this city and two sons, Fred and Samuel, of Custer. One brother survives, Julius at Hayne, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Jeffers, at Custer.
(From The Ferndale Record, September 11, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

BELANGER, Henrietta (d. 1903)

Mrs. Henrietta Belanger, wife of L. P. Belanger, the owner of the Silver Beach boat house, died yesterday morning at 6:45 o'clock. Mrs. Belanger has been suffering for over a year with consumption, and for some time it has been expected that the end was not far off, but nevertheless her death comes as a shock to her friends.
Deceased was born in Canada 55 years ago. She came to the United States with her husband in 1866 and located in Whatcom in 1886. She is survived by her husband, four daughters and four sons. Her daughters are: Mrs. F. J. Ward, of The Dalles, Oregon; Mrs. J. H. Osburn, of Waterville, Oregon; Mrs. F. L. Moore and Mrs. Harold Dahlin of Silver Beach. Her sons are L. L. Belanger, of Seattle; F. C. R. Balanger of Lake Samish; L. P. and Alphonse Belanger, of Silver Beach. The funeral will occur Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence. Funeral car will leave Dock street and Holly at 1:30.
(From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, February 2, 1903)

BELKLE, Herman (d. 1940)

BELL, Jesse H. (d. 1916)

BELL, Mary (d. 1901)

News has reached this city of the death of Mrs. J. H. K. Bell at Oakland, California. Mrs. Bell was Mary Bird of Everson and was a charming and loveable lady. Mr. Bell is employed in the postal service at Oakland and is rapidly rising in the service to prominence. Mr. Bell and Miss Bird were married last fall and Mrs. Bell's death will be heard of with great sorrow by her many friends in Whatcom county. She died in the East May hospital. Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. J. W. Bell of Everson, left for Oakland on Sunday. Mrs. Joyce of Everson, a sister, was visiting Mrs. Bell at the time of her sickness.
(From The Weekly Blade, July 31, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

BELL, Prudence (d. 1909)

Wife of Deming Pioneer Dies.
Mrs. Prudence Elize (sic) Bell, wife of Jesse H. Bell, died Sunday last after an illness of but four days, aged 60 years. The funeral was held to (sic) the Odd Fellows' cemetery from Union church yesterday, Revs. Shock and Reid conducting the services. Mr. and Mrs. Bell came to Deming in 1889, and here their four boys grew to manhood, and are now married and have families of their own. Mrs. Bell had been active in church work in Deming, and had a large circle of friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 2, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

BELLEW, Patrick (d. 1899)

Dr. and Mrs. S. N. Kelly received the sad intelligence today of the death of Patrick Bellew, Mrs. Kelly's father, on the Mayon river 150 miles above Dawson City, May 24. Death was caused by heart failure. Mr. Bellew left this city a year ago last May for the Klondike gold fields. He was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1843. He came to America at the age of 12. Mr. Bellew arrived on the Bay about ten years ago. He had charge of the water mill from 1889 to 1895 and afterwards was manager of C. T. Moore's mill at Blaine. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. S. N. Kelly, both residing this city. Mr. Bellew was a highly respected citizen, held in high esteem by all who knew him. Requiem mass will be celebrated for him at the Church of the Assumption Monday morning at 2 o'clock.
(From The Blaine Journal, August 18, 1899) Submitted by site coordinator.

BELLMAN, Emma A. (d. 1927)

BEMIS, Charles E. (d. 1933)

News of the death of Charles E. Bemis, age 88, who passed away on Sunday, was received here and graveyard services were held Wednesday afternoon in the Blaine Cemetery where the body was laid to rest in the family plot. Funeral services were held in Seattle on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Bemis and family were formerly of this city and quite a number of their old friends remember them. The body was accompanied by his two daughters, Mrs. Cora Shafer, of Mount Vernon, and Mrs. Adeline Chapman, of Seattle, and a son, Ed. Bemis, residing in Victoria, B.C.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 23, 1933) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

BEMIS, Susan (d. 1897)

After an illness for upwards of one year Mrs. Susan Bemis, wife of our townsman Chas. Bemis, died at her home in Blaine at five o'clock on June 21st, 1897. Mrs. Bemis was 48 years of age. Mr. Bemis' family came from Muskegon, Mich., to this state in 1890. Chas. Bemis, husband of the deceased, is engaged as a filer in the Taylor & Ferguson shingle mill. Until a few weeks ago the family resided at Edmunds. Mr. Bemis was a member of what was known several years ago as the "Michigan Syndicate," being one of several shingle operatives, who came to Blaine from Michigan to work in the Chown shingle mill. With the exception of Mr. Bemis and a few others all of the syndicate have returned to their heath in Michigan.

The deceased was the mother of two daughters and a son. The son, Edward, now resides in Hamilton, Wash. Impressive funeral exercises were held at the Congregational church on Tuesday afternoon under the direction of Rev. Bailey. Wives and daughters of brother Odd Fellows of Mr. Bemis, skillfully arranged beautiful tributes that were placed upon the bier of the deceased, representing crosses, a heart and anchor and the three links. A wreath containing the picture of Mrs. Bemis and a general profusion of white roses were also contributed. The Odd Fellows attended in a body and extended their sympathy and assistance to the husband who is a member of the order. Burial ceremonies followed at the Blaine cemetery. Mr. Bemis is a reliable and industrious workman and has many warm friends in Blaine. He and his family have the sympathy of the entire community in the hour of their deep distress.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 25, 1897) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENCE, William (d. 1918)

Struck by a heavy pulley brought down from the top of a lead tree, which suddenly snapped yesterday morning about 10 o'clock in the McCoy-Loggie camp near Welcome, William Bence, of Seattle, was instantly killed and fifteen other men narrowly escaped death or injury. Bence's skull was crushed. It is believed to be the first accident of the kind in the Northwest since the high lead was introduced into logging operations. When the tree toppled Bence and fifteen other men who were working with him near the base of the tree sought shelter behind and under the donkey outfit. The rest of the men succeeded in reaching safety, but before Bence could dodge to a place of security the heavy tackle struck him.

Bence had been employed in the camp about two months. He came from Seattle and had worked at Everett and other camps. He was a Spanish war veteran and a member of the Bolo club of Seattle, an Auxiliary of the Vets. He served in the war in Company H, Second Battalion, Second Regiment, North Carolina. He carried a Vet's card in George Fortson Camp No. 2, of Seattle, and was a member of the Loyal Legion of Loggers. Relatives of the dead man have not been located, but friends will arrive from Seattle and Everett today to take charge of the body which is at the Harlow parlors. Coroner N. W. Wear investigated the case.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 25, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENEDICT, Orville L. (d. 1926)

BENEDICTSON, Bjorn (d. 1931)

Bjorn Benedictson for nearly 28 years a resident of Blaine, passed to the Great Beyond Monday night of this week. He had been sick for several months and for four months confined to bed and suffered much. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Icelandic Free church with Rev. F. A. Fredrickson and Rev. H. E. Johnson officiating, and burial was made in the Blaine cemetery. Deceased was born in Iceland Sept. 14, 1858. He was married in 1882 in that country to Kristin Johnson and they came to Canada in 1888, later moving to Blaine in 1903. Besides the widow six children survive as follows: Paul of Blaine, Mrs. Roy Dodd of Bellingham, Barney C. of Naches, Wash., Mrs. A. M. Farnum, Mrs. Percy Willoughby of Bellingham, and Mrs. Don Bourne of Portland. Also 14 grandchildren. Mr. Benedictson was a kind husband and father and leaves many friends here to mourn his passing.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, January 8, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENEDICTSON, Kristin (d. 1933)

Kristine (sic) Benedictson, a resident of Blaine for thirty years, passed away at the home of her son, Paul Benedictson, Monday, October 2nd. She had been confined to her bed for the past three weeks. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, in the Icelandic Free Church with the Rev. Albert Kristjanson officiating, and burial was made in the Blaine cemetery under the direction of E. E. Purdy & Sons. Mrs. Beneditson (sic) was born in Iceland June 8, 1856. She was married in 1882 in that country, to Bjorn Benedictson, who passed away January 5, 1931. They came to Canada in 1888 and moved to Blaine in 1903. Surviving are six children, Paul, of Blaine, Mrs. Roy Dodd, Mrs. A. M. Farnham, Mrs. Percy Willoughby and Mrs. Don Bourne, all of Bellingham, Wn., and Barney C. of Naches, Wn., also sixteen grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 12, 1933) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

BENJAMIN, David (d. 1905)

BENNETT, Alonzo L. (d. 1935)

Alonzo L. Bennett, aged 88, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. L. Baillie, 1414 J street, Friday, January 25, following a three months' illness. Mr. Bennett had been a resident of this county for the past twenty-eight years and was a member of J. H. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., holding the office of officer of day in the past; also an affiliated member of the Spanish-American War Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and of the United Brethren church, of Putnam, Ohio. Surviving relatives aside from Mrs. Baillie are one son, Herbert V. Bennett; two daughters, Mrs. F. P. Marsh and Mrs. Mabel Manning, all of this city; also ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren and two sisters in the East. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, where funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. R. L. Peterson, pastor of the Christian Advent church. Sunday, January 27, at 3:30 o'clock, followed by the ritualistic services of the Spanish-American War Veterans. Interment in Bay View Abbey.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 26, 1935) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENNETT, Charles (d. 1899)

This community was startled Saturday morning by the announcement that Charles Bennett was dead. He had been suffering for some time with a slight attack of la grippe but at no time was he thought to be in a dangerous condition. A few days ago he had some trouble with his heart, suffering intense pain. And at one time he thought he would not live, but the trouble passed away and he looked, hopefully forward to the time when he could resume his work. On Saturday morning he went to the barn to feed his cow, and while handling some hay he was attacked with a severe pain in the region of the heart. He went to the house, and his wife prevailed on him to get into bed. Remedies that had been used successfully in the previous attack, were applied but without visible affect. And in a few moments he breathed his last.

Deceased was born in the Providence of Ontario, Canada, in 1835, and continued to reside there until sometime after his marriage which occurred in 1855. He then removed to the United States, coming to Blaine 13 years ago, where he has since resided. He left a wife and four children, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of affliction. Mr. Bennett was a faithful and consistent member of the M. E. Church of this City and this society will feel deeply his loss. His funeral was held from the church, which was filled to over flowing by the citizens of the town, the sermon being preached by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Kendall.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 13, 1899) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENNETT, Eliza (d. 1922)

BLAINE. - Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza Bennett were held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. G. C. Squires conducted them. Interment will not be made until the arrival of a daughter, Mrs. Eugene Wells, who is coming from Ketchikan, Alaska. Mrs. Bennett passed away Friday morning, November 17, (1922) having suffered a stoke of paralysis from which she never rallied. Mrs. Bennett was born in Portland, Ontario, August 17, 1838, and on October 18, 1855, married Charles E. Bennett, who receded her to the great unknown in 1899. The Bennetts came to York state in 1864, where they lived for fifteen years, going to Wisconsin and lived there seven years. Then to Blaine in 1887, where their home had been ever since. There were eight children, six daughters and two sons, of whom four are living - Jane A. G. Gilfillan, of Victoria, B.C., Cynthia Kemp, of Blaine; Lottie M. Wells, Ketchikan, Alaska, and Edwin H. Bennett, of Hazelmere, B.C. Mrs. Bennett is the last of the family and had been a member of the Methodist church since her childhood, as her father was before her. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mrs. A. G. Gilfillan and Mrs. Nettie Nelson, of Victoria, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. James Gilfillan and family of Ioco, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennett and family, of Hazelmere, B.C.; Mrs. H. Croman and son, of Tacoma, and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Van Luven and John West, of Bellingham; and Miss Mildred Wells, of Ketchikan, Alaska.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 22, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENNETT, John (d. 1901)

A Great Naturalist. One of the First to Scale the Side of Mt. Baker.
This morning at 5 o'clock Uncle John Bennett, as he was familiarly known by every one, died at his residence over-looking Bellingham Bay, one mile west of the city limits. Uncle John Bennett was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on the 10th day of February, A. D., 1819, and was in his 83d year. He came to Whatcom county during the great gold excitement of 1858 and has resided here ever since. Prior to that time he had traveled all over the world, in Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, arriving in California in the early fifties. His pride, his hobby, his desires and inclinations were with the orchards and among the flowers. Highly educated, he studied nature's methods in all the climates in which he traveled together with soil best adapted to his chosen pursuit. In all his travels he found nothing to suit him as well as the regions around Puget Sound, consequently he chose Bellingham Bay as the place best adapted for his purposes. In 1860 he located the homestead on the Bay, joining the townsite of Whatcom on the west and has lived there up to the time of his death. He had never married and for years he had lived there alone, laboring, striving and experimenting with fruit, flowers, shrubbery and bulbs, many of which were in the shape of cuttings from foreign lands and sending for others at fabulous prices. By degrees his nursery began to assume shape and form. The country at first settled slowly, his neighbors were few and the market for his stock was limited. This did not discourage him but he managed to sell sufficient to give his nursery a name all over the settled portions of this state and Oregon. During this time he produced several varieties of fruit, which attained an envied reputation in many other states besides Washington, among which the most noted may be mentioned Bennett's Champion Plum, Bennett's Challenge Plum and Bennett's Pear. His experiments with apples had been no less extensive and in the early 70's he introduced into the country the Magnone apple, claiming it the most suited to this climate of any variety and his opinion is substantiated by many other fruit growers of the country. Among flowers and shrubbery he was also an arduous worker and at his home may be seen what is called the Variegated Holly which is the admiration of all.

In geology he was also a great student and in the early years of his residence here he took many trips into dense forests, hills and jungles. Some time in the '60's he an a party of four or five made a journey to Mt. Baker which Mr. Bennett was always delighted to describe.

In the '70's his niece, now Mrs. McAlpine, came from the East and remained with her uncle until her marriage a few years later to Mr. McAlpine and her removal to Skagit county. In 1885 Uncle John built a new residence and Mr. McAlpine and family removed from their Skagit county home to the new residence. Mr. Bennett survived, him however, his wife and several children remaining to mourn this last affliction. In the death of Uncle John Bennett the county loses a good citizen, upright in his dealings and a benefactor to our people. The funeral will take place from his residence on the Marietta road tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock and the remains deposited in Bay View cemetery. Rev. N. R. Cox will officiate. Cars will run from the end of the line at Squalicum creek.
(From The Weekly World-Herald, Fairhaven, WA, June 21, 1901; WGS collection)

BENNETT, Sally (d. 1905)

Mrs. Sally Bennett, wife of Amos G. Bennett, died at the family residence, on Fifteenth street, between Mill and Knox, on the south side, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning of a complication of diseases, aged 50 years. Her husband arrived here about a week ago from Wrangle, Alaska, where he has been in business for some time. She also leaves brothers and sisters. Deceased was a member of the Eastern Star Lodge. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock today from the family residence. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery under the direction of A. R. Maulsby.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, April 21, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENSON, Anna L. (d. 1954)

In the passing of Mrs. Anna Laura Benson Thursday, death stilled busy little hands that kept performing useful tasks nearly a century. Ninety-two years old last August, Mrs. Benson enjoyed what she called perfect health until about eight months ago when she suffered a slight stroke. A recurrence made her a hospital patient. But until that time, at her home at 1112 Roland St., she went about household tasks and busily pieced quilts, for one thing. She couldn't stand to be idle. Until a few years ago she chopped her own kitchen wood, bought it by the load, split it and stored it away. On her 85th birthday she posed for a news picture sailing into a big pile of wood. She swung the ax with swift precision and said she had been chopping wood since she was a child on a huge Eastern Washington farm. At the time of this exhibition of skill and strength she only weighed 100 pounds, was snowy-haired but erect and quick in her movements and her black eyes snapped with interest in everything that went on. That is the way she remained until a few months ago. The last few years, however, she had passed up the wood chopping.

Also she rode horseback until a few years ago. She had learned to ride a horse as a child of five on the Eastern Washington farm, rode and drove all through her girlhood and young womanhood, as that was the chief mode of transportation. She had vivid memories of spirited horses she had ridden and pictures of herself in long flowing riding habits when she rode sidesaddle. It was unheard of then for a woman to ride astride, but she confessed, with a twinkle and a smile, that she like riding with a blanket and surcingle, completely minus saddle, best of all.

Mrs. Benson was born Aug. 23, 1862, in the Walla Walla valley to which her parents had come the years before from Kansas. Her father was R. C. Newland who became a large landowner in that part of the state, and her mother's brothers, the Day brothers, were doctors and lawyers. The town of Dayton, Wash., took its name from her uncle, Jesse Day. She was widowed in 1936 with the death of her husband, Charles D. Benson. They came to Bellingham to live in 1924. She is survived by two sons, former Police Chief C. Fred Benson and Dean (Jack) Benson of Ferndale; twin daughters, Miss Vester Benson and Mrs. Esther Sapp, both of Bellingham, and another daughter, Mrs. Edna Westerland of Snoqualmie; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services have been arranged for Monday at 2 p. m. in the Cathedral Chapel of the Westford funeral home. The Rev. C. Eugene Sabine of the First Christian Church will officiate, and burial will follow in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 5, 1954) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENSON, Charles A. (d. 1925)

CLEARBROOK, June 3. - Funeral services for the late C. A. Benson who passed on at his home at North Bellingham Thursday evening were held at the Clearbrook Lutheran church Sunday at 1:30 p. m. Rev. O. Westling, pastor of the church and Rev. L. Cornay of Bellingham, former pastor, officiating. The church was crowded to overflowing with friends and neighbors. The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and three children, two sons, Alvin and William, and one daughter, Anna, all at the family home, to mourn his loss. Mr. Benson and family were residents of this locality since 1911 coming here from Montana and locating on what was known as the Titus place on the Clearbrook-Everson road, living there until one year ago when due to failing health he sold the farm and moved to the home where he died. Four of his old neighbors here were among the pallbearers, Messrs. A. Gillis, P. J. Rasmussen, Otto Swensen and Carl Loreen. A large concourse of friends followed him to his last resting place in the Nooksack cemetery, with the Sumas funeral home in charge.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 3, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENSON, Mary Katherine (d. 1922)

Mrs.Mary Katherine Benson, a prominent member of St. Pauls' Episcopal church, died Saturday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Paige, 1020 Garden street, at the age of 50 years, after several weeks' illness. Private funeral services were held this morning at that church, with the rector, the Rev. W. B. Turrill, officiating. The body was shipped to Seattle, accompanied by relatives and Arthur C. Harlow, local undertaker, for cremation at the Bonny Watson chapel. The survivors are the husband, W. H. Benson; three children, John F. Benson, a member of the Reveille staff; Mary Rees and Harding, all living at 814 High street; three sisters, Mrs. H. B. Paige and Miss Waldrip, Bellingham, and Mrs. R. W. Peters, Seattle, and two brothers, Elmer Waldrip, of Florida, and Frank H. Waldrip, of this state.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 7, 1922) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

BENTHIEN, John J. H. (d. 1911)

J. J. H. Benthien, who had been at the point of death for several days, passed away last Friday night at his home here at the ripe age of 78 years. An aged wife, three sons, who reside at Milltown, Skagit County, and two daughters, one a teacher in the local schools, and one a returned missionary from Indian (sic), survive him. The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at the home by Rev. C. B. Seely and the body taken that evening to Milltown for burial.

John Jochin Herman Benthien was born in Lubeck, Germany, November 1, 1832, and when a young man learned the ship carpenter's trade and followed the sea for many years. He was a man of great travel and of unusual natural talent, there scarcely being a place that he could not describe with interest from personal observation. September 7, 1865, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Linford at Liverpool, England, where they resided for four years. They removed to the State of Illinois and lived there for thirty-eight years and came to Whatcom County in 1906, making their home here since. All the the children were present at the funeral.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 19, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENTLEY, Daniel (d. 1899)

The funeral of Daniel Bentley, aged 55 years, whose death occurred at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday, was held at the Church of the Assumption yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Father Boulet, assisted by Father Williams of Tacoma. The burial service was conducted by Undertaker Warinner. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Blade, May 18, 1899) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENTLEY, Edward H. (d. 1914)

Edward H. Bentley, aged 73 years, passed away at the family residence, 2430 Franklin street, Sunday, July 19, after an illness of several years. He was a member of the Christian church and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Sweet Springs, Mo., and of J. B. Steedman Post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic, Bellingham. He is survived by Mrs. Bentley and one son, T. C. Bentley, of this city. The funeral service will be held Tuesday, July 21, at 10 o'clock a. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. F. B. Culver, pastor of the Evangelical church officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave from the corner of North and Franklin streets at 9:50 for the convenience of the relatives.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 20, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENTLEY, George R. (d. 1926)

George Richard Bentley, aged 61 years and a Bellingham resident for the past four years, passed away at his home, 1911 Larrabee avenue, Wednesday afternoon, August 11, after a brief illness. Mr. Bentley is survived by his widow, Mrs. M. R. Bentley; three sons, Charles of this city and Sylvester and Milford of Grand Rapids, Mich.; five daughters, Mrs. Maud Clemence, Mrs. Jessie Clemence and Mrs. Thelma Shaver, all of Grand Rapids, and Eleanor and Jean of this city; two brothers, Edward Bentley and Andrew Bentley, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Kanouse, all in Michigan, besides nineteen grandchildren. He had been employed at the cargo plant of the Bloedel Donovan mill. The body is resting at the Harlow mortuary home.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 12, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

BENTZEN, Per (d. 1918)

Per Bentzen, one of the respected pioneers of Whatcom county, died at the family residence at Ferndale Monday, August 12, at 8:45 p.m., at the age of 75 years, 10 months and 27 days. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, Johanna Bentzen, and one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Swanson, of Ferndale. He was born in Sweden September 16, 1842. He came to Utsalady, Wash., in 1873, and one year later removed to Lynden, where he resided until about ten years ago, when he came to Ferndale, where he has since lived. Funeral services will be held Thursday, August 15, at 10 o'clock a. m. from the chapel of George A. Monroe, and burial will be at the Bellingham mausoleum.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 12, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERG, Ellen (d. 1927)

Mrs. John Berg passed away at her home Friday after a long illness, at the age of 61 years. She leaves beside her husband, one son Fred, of Bellingham, and one daughter Mrs. Arthur Bargewell, of Nooksack; also five brothers and two sisters. Her brothers; Charles Nelson of Anacortes, Columbus Nelson and wife of Salem, Ore., Harvey Nelson and wife of Bellingham, Hugh Nelson of South Bend, Wash., and one sister, Mrs Welty of Enumclaw, were here to attend the funeral Sunday. It was held at the Advent Christian Church, with Rev. Keepers, officiating, and interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery.

Ellen Nelson was born at Howard Lake, Minn., on April 14, 1867. She moved to Washington with her family in 1882. On November 18th, 1885, she was married to John L. Berg. To this union were born three children, two daughters and a son. Alice, wife of Lewis Weeks of Nooksack, preceded her in death last spring. Fred Berg, who resides in Bellingham, and Bertha, wife of Arthur Bargewell, who lives near home. Her husband is also left to mourn her death. She died on Friday, August 26th, 1927, at the age of 60 years, 4 months and 12 days, at her home near Nooksack. Besides the above relatives she leaves four grandchildren and several brothers and sisters, as well as a host of friends. The funeral was held from the Nooksack A. C. Church on Sunday afternoon August 28th, at 2:30 p. m. She had been a member of the A. C. Church for some years and remained a Christian to her death. The pastor, Rev. John B. Keepers officiated at the funeral, which was largely attended by her friends and relatives. She sleeps sweetly in the Nooksack cemetery, awaiting the call to eternal life.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, September 1, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERG, Priscilla (d. 1914)

Mrs. Priscilla Berg, aged 82 who came to Whatcom County in 1883? and has since then continually resided on the farm near Nooksack, which her husband homesteaded, died on Tuesday, June 16 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Germain. She leaves seven children to mourn her loss.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 25, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERGMAN, Reuben H. (d. 1924)

Reuben Herman Bergman, aged 14 years, beloved son of Mrs. N. J. Tangvald, passed way at the family home, 1452 Grant street, after a short illness. Reuben was a student of the Whatcom high school, belonging to the freshman class and a member of the Swedish Baptist church. Besides the many friends who will sadly mourn his loss he is survived by the mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Tangvald, and four sisters, Mrs. Hazel Anderson of Arthur, Iowa; Helen and Vancel Bergman and Caroline Tangvald; and one brother, George Tangvald, all at the family home. The remains are resting at the O. R. Hollingsworth funeral home and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 28, 1924) Copied by Merrily Lawson.

BERGMANN, Erlinger A. (d. 1933)

BERKMAN, Hannah (d. 1905)

Miss Hannah Berkman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Berkman, of Bellingham, died at the Parker Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, last Wednesday, March 15th, 1905, of tumor. The burial was made in the cemetery west of this city Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. George R. Varney, of the First Baptist Church of Bellingham, conducting the services. Miss Berkman was born November 25, 1871, in the county of Saunders, Nebraska, and with her parents came to this state in 1884. In the year 1889 they removed to Lynden and this place was their home for nearly thirteen years when they went to Bellingham. Miss Hannah went to Michigan two years ago and remained there until her death. She was a member of the Baptist Church, having united with a Church of that denomination in Portland, Oregon, in 1885. Her brother, Herbert, went to Detroit a couple of weeks ago, and was with her during the last week of her illness. The parents, brother and two sisters, Mrs. J. S. Cederberg, of Chehalis, and Mrs. J. F. Miller, of Bellingham, are left to mourn her loss. The members of the family were all present at the funeral here except the mother, who was unable to make the trip out from Bellingham on account of her poor health. During her residence in this city, Miss Hannah made a host of friends who are deeply grieved over her untimely demise. The PILOT joins with friends of the family in extending sympathy and condolence to the bereaved ones.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 23, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERRY, Anita W. (d. 1954)

Mrs. Anita W. Berry, age 59 years, of Ferndale, passed away in a local hospital, Wednesday, Dec. 15, following a short illness. Mrs Berry was home economics instructor at Ferndale High School and a member of the First Methodist Church of Kelso; the Bellingham A. A. U. W., the National Educational Association and the Alpha Chi Omega. She is survived by one son, Robert W. Berry of Cambridge, Mass.; two daughters, Miss Mary Lou Berry of Longview and Mrs. William P. Beall Jr. or Berkeley, Calif.; her mother, Mrs. Mary Worth of Longview. Funeral services will be conducted Friday, Dec. 17, at 4:30 p. m. within the Cathedral Chapel of Westford Funeral Home with the Rev. Harry Martynse, pastor of the United Church of Ferndale, officiating. The remains will be forwarded to LaGrande, Oregon, for interment.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 16, 1954) Submitted by Clyde Senger.
Some additional notes from Westford Funeral Home records: In Ferndale since 1947; Born 25 Jan 1895 LaGrande, Oregon. age 59 years 10 months 20 days; Father William Worth, mother Mary Farris; Graduated 1916 Washington State - Masters in Home Ec.; Member 1st Methodist of Kelso Wn.; La Grande Oregon arrangements by Snodgrass Funeral Home.
From Union County, Oregon History and Genealogy Project site: Interred next to parents in Hillcrest Cem. near La Grande, Union Co.,Oregon; William R. Worth, born 1855, died 1902; Mary M. Worth, born 20 Nov 1874, died 30 Dec 1956, father Joe Harrison.
From a relative: Anita Worth married John Franklin Berry who was born 20 Feb 1876, Butler Co., Kansas, died 15 July 1947 Kent, King Co WA; 3 children Mary Lou, Jacqueline, and Robert.

BERTRAND, Charles (d. 1958)

Charles Bertrand, former publisher of the Everson Valley Home weekly newspaper, died Sunday in a Bellingham hospital. He was 82, and retired at 311 Cedar St., Bellingham. Mr. Bertrand was born at Jefferson, S. D., Oct. 2, 1877. He married the former Miss Minnie Gaertner June 5, 1900, at Wayne, Neb., and the couple moved to Everson in 1906 where he began publication of his newspaper. He later worked for the Singer sewing machine company, holding the position of the local office until his retirement. Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p. m. Monday in the Bingham and Jerns Funeral Home. Requim (sic) mass will be at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday in the Sacred Heart Church. Burial will be in Bay View Cemetery.

Mr. Bertrand is survived by his wife, Minnie, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Marion Mulhern of Bellingham and Miss Blanche Bertrand at the family home; three brothers, Philip of Clinton, Iowa and Henry and Adelor of Jefferson, S. D.; one sister, Sister Mary Alfreda, Fort Dodge, Iowa; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 30, 1958) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERTRAND, James C. (d. 1933)

Whatcom county's oldest resident, J. C. Bertrand, died Monday night at the home of his son, Jenks Bertrand, in this city, Monday evening at the age of 103 years. Mr. Bertrand, who defied old age as he passed the century mark, has been for many years a famous character of this city and his popularity extended to other sections of the county. In 1858 Mr. Bertrand arrived in Blaine from his home in Exeter, Illinois. His first work was along the boundary line slashing. He moved to Chilliwack in the spring of 1859, where he was engaged in the mercantile business. He was married November 3, 1859 and to the union were born nine children, Mrs. Bertrand having departed this life in 1918. In March, 1871, Mr. Bertrand again returned to the United States and went to Bertrand Prairie near Lynden, which part of the county now bears his name. He returned to Blaine in 1866 (sic) [1886?] and opened a store, continuing in business for twenty-five years. He also dealt in real estate. The call of the wanderlust attracted him in 1900 and he went to Alaska and later was one of the explorers of Northern British Columbia.

Up to the time of his death he was unusually active for his age, up to the last year or so, devoting part of each day to the cutting of wood. He had not been ill, but developed a cold several days ago, which is believed to have resulted in his passing. Survivors, in addition to his son are three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Marshall and Mrs. Frank Glenn of Bellingham, and Mrs. Frank Adams of Blaine. Funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon at the Purdy funeral chapel and interment was made in the Blaine cemetery. Rev. Clarence B. Seely was in charge of the services. The entire community regrets the passing of this old pioneer and its sympathy is extended to the surviving relatives.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press February 16, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERTRAND, Lucy A. (d. 1920)

Friends gathered Tuesday at the Knapp Parlors to attend the funeral services for the late Mrs. Lucy A. Bertrand, who passed away at St. Joseph's hospital in Bellingham Sunday following an operation. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. Mrs. Bertrand was 52 years old. She was born at Lower Sumas, B. C. On June 4, 1888, she was married to Charles Bertrand. Most of her life was spent on a farm at South Aldergrove, B. C. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Besides her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Myrtle.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 25, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERTRAND, Samuel (d. 1888)

BERTRAND, William (d. 1930)

Wm. Bertrand, Native Son, Passes At Age of 68 Years
William Bertrand passed away at his home here early Sunday morning after being in ill health for several years. He was a sufferer from heart trouble, which was the cause of his death. Funeral services were held at Purdy's chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in charge of the International Bible Students, and burial took place in the Blaine cemetery.

Deceased was born in Chilliwack, B.C., Jan. 29, 1861, and had lived in Blaine for the past 40 years. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Arthur and Charles, his father, J. C. Bertrand, who celebrated his 100th birthday anniversary last March, three brothers, Charles of Ketchikan, Alaska, Henry B. of Blaine and James of Bellingham, and three sisters, Mrs. Bert Glen and Mrs. Arthur Marshall of Bellingham and Mrs. Frank Adams of Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal January 23, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERTSCH, John (d. 1913)

John Bertsch, who passed away in Providence hospital, Seattle, last week, was buried from the Congregational church Saturday afternoon last, Rev. O. P. Avery officiating. The deceased was one of the earlier settlers of Blaine, for many years conducting a blacksmith shop here. Born in Switzerland in 1846, he came to this country with his parents when 10 years of age and settled in Illinois. Later the family removed to Wisconsin. In 1873 he was married to Miss Louisa Mosher, to which union five children were born, all of whom with the mother survive. They are: Mrs. Bert Upson, Mrs. H. H. Snow, Mrs. Thos. Nicoll, and Raymond Bertsch, all of Blaine, and Mrs. N. R. Messerly of Tacoma. Mr. Bertsch has been in poor health for many months and about a year ago had to abandon active work. Several weeks ago he went to Seattle for treatment, but without relief. The bereaved family has the sympathy of everyone in the loss of husband and father.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 4, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

BERTSCH, Louisa (d. 1931)

Funeral services for Mrs. Louisa Bertsch who passed away on May 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rickdall in this city, were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the E. E. Purdy & Son chapel, with Reginald Dunn, First Reader of First Church of Christ Scientist of this city, conducting. ... Interment was made in the Blaine cemetery where Mr. Dunn closed the services at the graveside. S. W. Young, Alvin Nelson, Victor Savings, Alfred Ringstad and C. M. Rickdall were the pallbearers.

Louisa Moser was born in Zurich, Switzerland, Feb. 7, 1851. She migrated with her parents to America at the age of five years and settled in Alma, Wisconsin, where in 1873 she was united in marriage to John Bertsch, a native of her mother country. Two children were born to them in Alma, Ida and Lillie. Mr. and Mrs. Bertsch with their small family later removed to Minnesota where another daughter, Clara, was born. In 1882 they came West to Blaine taking up a homestead in the district now known as Excelsior, so named by a committee of three of which Mr. Bertsch was one. In these early days there were only a few other families here besides their own and the only store was on Semiahmoo Spit. Three children were born at the homestead here: Emma, Bertha and Raymond. Mr. Bertsch passed on 18 years ago and of the six children four survive, Mrs. Ida M. Snow having passed on at her home here April 2nd of this year and Emma in young womanhood, passed on Feb. 11, 1907 at the family home. The surviving children are Mrs. M. B. Upson of this city, Mrs. Norman Messerly of Van Nuys, Calif., Mrs. Thomas Nicoll of Roy, B. C. and Raymond Bertsch of Anacortes, Wash. There are also eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. ...
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, May 28, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.

BETSCHART, Herman J. (d. 1912)

Herman J. Betschart, aged 31 years, passed away at the residence of his parents, 1315 1/2 Elk street, Thursday evening, May 22, after an illness of ten weeks. Mr. Betschart has been a resident of Bellingham for the past ten years, where he has made a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was a member of the Church of the Assumption, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Loyal Order of Moose. The surviving relatives are: Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Betschart, of Bellingham; three sisters, Mrs. Rosa Steiner, Mrs. Emma Kuhn, both of Bellingham, and Mrs. Laura Zehnder, residing at Tacoma. The remains are being cared for at the funeral home parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 24, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

BEVANS, Edwin F. (d. 1894)

BEVER, James (d. 1936)

BEYER, Elsie (d. 1925)

BEYER, Hebe G. (d. 1908)

Miss Hebe G. Beyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Beyer, passed away at the residence, 1207 West Holly Street, yesterday forenoon at 8:50 o'clock, after a lingering illness of nearly four years. Miss Beyer was born in Kerney (sic), Nebraska, July 10, 1882, being 26 years old at the time of her death. She came to this city with her parents 23 years ago, and has resided here continuously ever since, excepting one year spent in Colorado. Miss Beyer was a graduate of the Bellingham High school of the class of 1901; and graduated from the University of Washington in 1905. She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Her surviving relatives are her parents, two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Bland and Miss Cecelia Beyer, and three brothers, William C., Fred W. and Earl Beyer, all being in the city with the exception of Mr. Beyer, Sr. and Fred W. Beyer, the former being in California and the latter in Alaska. Funeral services will be conducted at the chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple Block Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. A. W. Cheatham, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment is to be made in the family plot at Bay view Cemetery. The funeral car will leave the corner of G and Ellsworth Streets at 2 o'clock, conveying the family and friends to the chapel.
(From The Morning Reveille, October 2, 1908)

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