W., P. H., see White, Rev. Pliny H.
Waas, Deborah, m. Rufus Griswold, iv. 1176²
Wabashaw, Indian, ii. 180²
Waddams, Rev. Noah, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Waddel, see Waddell
Waddell, Dr., of Athens (Ga.), v. 70²
John, of Barnet, i. 274, 275(2), 286(2)
John jr., of Barnet, i. 275
Waddle, John, of Ryegate, i. 376
Wade, A. Z., of Worcester, iv. 909
Aleathan, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
Alpheus, from R. I., of Pawlet, iii. 929
Rev. Alpheus jr., from Pawlet, of . Amsterdam (N. Y.), iii. 929
Amasa, iii. 612
Charles, of Berlin, iv. 1189²
Hiram, iii. 657
Isaac, of Danby, iii. 653, 657
James M., iv. 332²
Dr. John, from Pawlet, of O., iii. 929
Joshua, of Montgomery, ii. 393²(2)
Nathaniel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Rev. R. T., of Castleton, iii. 528
of Shelburne, i. 884
Rhoda (Barnum), wife of Amasa Wade, iii. 612
T., of Waterbury, iv. 835²
William, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Wadge, Eastman, of Lowell, iii. 280
Wadham, ____, m. Guy Catlin, i. 562
Alice wife of Solomon Wadham, iii. 80²
Solomon. of Barton. iii. 72(2), 73²
Wadhams, ____, of Goshen (Conn.), i. 562
Mrs., i. 568
Alice (Huntington), wife of Solomon Wadhams, iii. 85(2)
Melinda, m. Guy Catlin, i. 594
Solomon, from Brookfield, of Barton, iii. 85², 86²
Wadkins, Edward, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
Jared, of Rutland, iii. 1080(2)
Wadleigh, Rev., of Berkshire, ii. 128²
Rev. Frederick A., of Arlington, i. 132, 2d ed. 133
hist. of Arlington, i. 121-35
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9², 53
of Montgomery and Berkshire, ii. 113², 277 note
Theophilus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25², 28, 36(2), 57²
Wadsworth, ____, of Corinth, ii. 877 (2)
m. Horace B. Sawyer, i. 588
Gen., Gettysburg battle, i. 710²
David, of Pittsford, iii. 946²
Fenn, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
Hezekiah, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²
Horace, of Grand Isle co., ii. 479
Luke, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
Wager, Sebastian, of Pownal, i. 218², 2d ed. 217
Waggoner, John, on Missisquoi river, i. 454(2)
Peter, in Highgate, ii. 254²
Wagoner, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1021²
John, of Highgate, ii. 256², 257², 258, 265
of Swanton, iv. 994(2), 998²(2), 999(2), 1000, 1047
Waid, James, of Granby, i. 991
Mrs. James, of Granby, i. 992²
Waight, Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88
Wainwright, Alfred, of Montpelier, iv. 276², 408², 532, 548
Alonzo A., atty., i. 473
John, of Middlebury, i. 53²
Rev. Jonathan, A. iv. 1137²
Jonathan Allen, of Montpelier, iv. 551
Lucy, m. Edward Downing Barber, i. 92, correction, i. 256
Rufus, of Middlebury, i. 53²
Samuel, i. 692
Wait, ____, m. George Coughlin, v. pt. 2, 190²
m. Horace Clark, iii. 911²
Rev., iii. 902²
in Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 224
Capt., of Swanton, iv. 998²
Col., Rev. soldier, ii. 874²
Aliphal B., of Stowe, ii. 715
Mrs. Aliphal B., of Stowe, ii. 717
Allen, of Westmore, iii. 365²
Rev. Archibald, of Hinesburg, i. 796²
of Pawlet, iii. 904², 929²
Augustine, author, iv. 320²
Barnet, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Barnet S., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29
Benjamin, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
Capt. Benjamin, v. 9², 11, 13
commanded Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²
Maj. Benjamin, ii. 563(2)
Col. Benjamin, in Rev. war, 389²(2)
Gen. Benjamin, of Waitsfield, iv. 11, 55, 769(2), 770(2), 771, 772(2), 776², 777², 784, 788, 790²
Mrs. Benjamin, of Waitsfield, iv. 777
Benjamin jr., of Waitsfield, iv. 795
Benjamin F., in Windsor, ii. 766²
Betsey, m. Dr. David Andrews, iii. 609²
Caroline, m. Dr. Gardner, Eaton, iii. 621
Cloe, wife of Benjamin Wait, v. pt. 2, 215
Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 715, 717
of Grand Isle co., ii. 479
Daniel jr., of Stowe, ii. 712²
David, of Pawlet, iii. 874²
Dora L., of Stowe, ii. 715
E., of Highgate, ii. 420²
E. C., of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1061, 1186
Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76², 110, 157, 214²
Edmund C., of Swanton, iv. 1133
Elmer, from Northfield (Mass.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²
Gardner, of Isle La Motte, Rev. soldier, ii. 557²
George, in Highgate, ii. 258²
George E., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 526²
Gilbert jr., of Waitsfield, iv. 777
Griswold, of Fayston, iv. 178
Harry, of Isle La Motte, ii. 555²
Hattie N. (Well), wife of George E. Wait, v. pt. 2, 526²
Hiram, of Danby, iii. 653², 654
of Tinmouth, iii. 911²
Horace, of Eden, ii. 624²
Huldah, of Highgate, ii. 263
James, of Fayston, iv. 178
Dr. James, of Brandon, iv. 156²
Jason, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Jonathan, of Swanton, iv. 1132², 1134, 1186
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Jonathan jr., grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Joseph, v. 4(2), 5
of Brunswick, i. 944, 947², 948, 961², 962, 963, 1006
Wait, Judith W., m. William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146
Lillie, of Stowe, ii. 715
Lorene (Whedon), wife of Archibald Wait, iii. 929²
Lucia, of Fayston, iv. 178
Luther, at Univ. of Vt., ii. 616²
Lynde, pioneer of Fayston, iv. 178, 179(2), 180², 181², 182, 183
Marcia E., of Stowe, ii. 715
Martha, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320
N., of Sheldon, ii. 430
N. D., of Highgate, ii. 261
Nathaniel, of Brunswick, i. 944², 961², 962, 963
of Danby, iii. 591², 657
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Oliver, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Patty, m. Reuben Fisk, iii. 624
Capt. Richard, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Roswell, of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 676 note
Ruth (Dean), of Sheldon, ii. 380
Col. S. M., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 306²
Smith, of Middletown, iii. 799², 836²
Washington Z., of Pawlet, iii. 904²
William, of Fayston, iv. 197
of Grand Isle co., ii. 479, 485
Rev. William, in Isle La Motte, ii. 487², 555, 557²
Waite, Miss, v. pt. 35, 74²
Capt., of Rogers' Rangers, ii. 815
Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 350²
Caroline (Arnold), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622
Daniel, of Braintree, ii. 851
of Stowe, ii. 706²
Daniel jr., of Braintree, ii. 847²
John, of Braintree, ii. 847², 848²(2), 851
of Randolph, ii. 1000²
Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)
Marcus, of Calais, iv. 136
Maria, m. Charles Adams, i. 616
Morrison R., v. pt. 35, 99
Noah, of Pittsford, iii. 942
R. R., of Lamoille co., ii. 590(2)
Richard R., of Stowe, ii. 706², 712², 715; iv. 1192
Sally, of Braintree, ii. 851
Silas M., of Brattleboro, v. 38, 57², 59
William, of Fayston, iv. 1199²
Wake, Jonathan, see Weeks, Jonathan
Wakefield, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347
Dr., of Fair Haven, iii. 734²
Alvah, of Lowell, iii. 280²
Benoni, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
Mrs. C. H., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1129, 1130
Calvin, of Lowell, iii. 280², 281
Chandler, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²
Ebenezer, of Stowe, ii. 697(2)
Elias, of Montpelier, iv. 378
Elizabeth, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
Hannah, of Lowell, iii. 280²
Joanna, of East Montpelier, iv. 583
Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
Lyman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
Mary F. (Fuller), wife of Dr. Thomas E. Wakefield, iii. 743²
Miriam, of Lowell, iii. 280²
Obediah, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162
Olive, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
wife of Samuel Wakefield, v. pt. 2, 161², 162
Orenso P., of Lyndon, i. 355
Polly, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162
R., of Montpelier, iv. 264²
Rufus, of Montpelier, iv. 548, 549²
Rev. S. W., of Fairfield, ii. 197²
Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78, 110, 192(2), 193(2)
sketch, v. pt. 2, 161-2
grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424
Samuel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²
Sibyl (Belknap), wife of Samuel Wakefield jr., v. pt. 2, 161²
Rev. Silas N., in Huntington, i. 827²
Thomas, of Fair Haven, iii. 709²
from Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162
Dr. Thomas E., of Fair Haven, iii. 708, 738², 743²
William, pioneer of Brookfield, ii. 857², 858²
grantee of Orange, ii. 956
Wakely, Robert, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1206²
Wakeman, Ebenezer, of Fairfield, ii. 191²
Isaac, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²
Levi, from Norwalk (Conn.), in Fairfield, ii. 192²
Moses, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²
Walbridge, ____, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 137²
of Franklin, ii. 218²
Col., of Brattleboro, v. 190²
Adolphus, of Burlington, ii. 221
Allen, of Cabot, iv. 108²
Charles, of Danby, iii. 665
Don C., of Cabot, iv. 122²
Col. Eben, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
Ebenezer, iv. 736
of Bennington, iii. 873
grantee of Concord, i. 967
grantee of Fayston, iv. 178
grantee of Franklin, ii. 218²(2)
Col. Ebenezer, ii Rev. war, ii. 389²; iii. 1076
Walbridge, Gen. Ebenezer, in Bennington, i. 144, 152², 153, 157², 172², 178², 234, 259, 919², 920, 2d ed. 146², 154², 155², 160, 174², 180², 233²; ii. 630(2)
Elizabeth, of Cabot, iv. 94
G. L., of Roxbury, iv. 740
George L., of Roxbury, iv. 758
Gustavus grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Harriet Amelia, m. Jehiel W. Weston, ii. 1045²
Henry, of Bennington, i. 143², 148, 157² 158², 172², 236, 2d ed. 146, 150², 160(2), 174²
of Cabot, iv. 94²
of Marshfield, iv. 199²
grantee of Randolph, ii. 976
Henry jr., in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²
grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255
Hiram, of Roxbury, iv. 752², 760
Col. James H., of Bennington, i. 259(2), 260; v. pt. 35, 55, 69
Jewett, of Cabot, iv. 103², 104²
John, of Albany, iii. 68(2)
of Calais, iv. 173²
grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
of Roxbury, iv. 759
of Lamoille co., ii. 591
of Orleans co., iii. 33²
L. L., of Montpelier, etc., iv. 574
Lenie J., of Cabot, iv. 87
Miriam, m. James Marsh, iv. 113²
Oliver, of Cabot, iv. 80, 83, 93², 94, 103
Polly, m. Frederick Griswold, ii. 1009
Rodolphus, grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Solomon, of Cambridge, ii. 611², 621
of St. Albans, ii. 286², 341²(2), 342
of Franklin co., ii. 93²
on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²
Stebbins D., of Bennington, i. 173, 2d ed. 175
Theoda, m. James Blodgett, ii. 1015²
Rev. W. H., of Waitsfield and Stowe, iv. 793
William, of St. Albans, ii. 434
Walch, Rev. James, of Middlebury, i. 58
Walcott, ____, of Randolph, ii. 1045²
A. P., of Roxbury, iv. 760²
Elisha, of Montpelier, iv. 337
Capt. Giles, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Roger, v. pt. 2, 172
Walcut, Jabez, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359
Jesse, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359
Walden, ____, town named for him, i. 426
Capt., of Pawlet, iii. 879²
Daniel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
Rev. J. H., of Burlington, i. 547²
James, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 387²
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Waldo, ____, pioneer of Shaftsbury, i. 232², 2d ed. 231²
Rev., of Danby, iii. 604², 605
A. B., from Tinmouth, of Port Henry (N. Y.), iii. 1151², 1159²
Capt. Abiathai, in Rev. war, ii. 390²; iv. 258
Abiathar, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²
Dr. Abiathar, of Williamstown, ii. 1149
Capt. Abiathar, of Shaftsbury, i. 232
Amy, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²
Beulah, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²
Dr. Caleb, of Williamstown, ii. 1149
Dolly (Weston), wife of John Waldo, ii. 1045
Gamalal, of Ira, iii. 779²
Gamaliel, of Middletown, iii. 795², 796², 797, 804², 820, 833²(2)
John, from Randolph, of Wis., ii. 1045
Joseph, of Ira, iii. 780²
L. S., of Danby, iii. 602², 604, 666
Loring, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149
Nathan, of Montpelier, iv. 258², 259
Rev. Nathan, of Williamstown, ii. 1144(2)
Rev. Nathaniel, of Guildhall, i. 1009², 1010, 1012
Mrs. Nathaniel, of Guildhall, i. 1012
S. L., of Danby, iii. 602²
S. Putnam, Pres. Monroe's visit to Montpelier, iv. 565-6
Mrs. William, of Wallingford, iii. 1172
William E., of Cabot, iv. 105²
Waldow, Samuel, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²
Waldows of Middletown, iii. 780
Waldron, Mrs. Abigail, of Newbury, ii. 945
Ezekiel S., of Montpelier, iv. 525
Isaac, of Irasburg, iii. 244
of Lowell, iii. 182
Rev. Isaac, of Albany, iii. 58
in Lowell, iii. 280²
Rev. J., of Troy, iii. 280²
of Warren, iv. 804
Rev. John D., of Strafford, ii. 1079²
Wales, Prince of, i. e. Edward VII, of Gt. Br., i. 499; v. pt. 2, 102
Aaron, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602, 625
Rev. Alvin, of Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 224
Anson, of Randolph, ii. 989²
Wales, Clara O. (Campbell), wife of George R. Wales, v. pt. 2, 506
Clarissa (May), wife of Phineas Wales, v. pt. 2, 621²
Col. Danforth, of Westford, i. 892
Maj. Elijah, of Brattleboro, v. 155
Elisha, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²
from Whitehall (N. Y.), of Wells, iii. 1205²
Capt. Elisha, of Arlington, iv. 259
Elisha Smith, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²
Ephraim, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
George C., of Plainfield, iv. 720, 729²
George R., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 506
Jonathan, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976
L. R. B. & co., iii. 1113²
Laura (Lamb), wife of Elisha Wales, iii. 1205²
Lydia, of Randolph, ii. 989²
Mary, of Northfield, iv. 672³
Nathaniel, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75
of Grand Isle, ii. 557
of Isle La Motte, ii. 555(2), 558(2)
Phineas, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 621²
Rhoda, m. John Averill 3d, v. pt. 2, 578, 626²
Roger, of Chelsea, ii. 871
pioneer of Weybridge, i. 110
Sally, m. Noble Hard, i. 2d ed. 135²
Samuel, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
Samuel P., of Roxbury, iv. 747, 760
Shubael, from Randolph, of Plainfield, iv. 720
of Roxbury, iv. 747, 751², 757², 759, 761, 763²
Shubal, of Randolph, ii. 999
Spencer, of Danby, iii. 665²
Thomas, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
Torrey E., of Burlington, i. 473², 509², 511; ii. 480
of Westford, i. 897
William, of Northfield, iv. 652, 671
William jr., of Northfield, iv. 613²
Walker, ____, of Bridport, i. 18
from Bennington, in Morristown, ii. 681
of Burlington, i. 503
of Georgia, ii. 247
Filibuster raids, ii. 358
Dr., of Poultney, iii. 981²
Mrs., of Mendon, iii. 786
of Whiting, i. 116
Rev., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 153
of Rutland, iii. 1026
of Wallingford, ii. 1077
Col., ii. 753²
Maj., of Lowell, iii. 270(2), 275(2)
Rev. A., of Wallingford, iii. 532²
A. F., v. pt. 35, 63²
A. J., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481
Rev. A. J., in Lowell, iii. 281
of Lunenburg, i. 1021
hist. of Lunenburg Baptist church, i. 1020-3
A. Judson, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403²
Aaron, of Lyndon, i. 344²
Abel, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
Adaline (Wilson), wife of Levi M. Walker, v. pt. 2, 211
Adaline (Winslow), wife of Levi M. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Agnes Ruth, m. Dr. Gershom N. Brigham, iv. 189
Aldace, of Rutland co., iii. 519²
Rev. Aldace, of Rutland, iii. 1014, 1018 (2)
of Strafford, ii. 1071, 1085²
of Wallingford, iii. 1010, 1034, 1159², 1180², 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185(2); iv. 1200
hist. of Cong '1. church in Wallingford, iii. 1182²
on Rev. Benajah Roots, iii. 1060-1
Aldace F., from Wallingford, of N. Y. City, iii. 1170(2)
Col. Aldace F., of Rutland, iii. 1185; v. pt. 2, 560²
Alexander C., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94
Amasa, iv. 139
of Fletcher, ii. 208
of Stowe, ii. 697²
Amelia, m. Elihu F. Coburn, iv. 111
Andrew Judson, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 404(2)
Anna (Newton), wife of Dr. Sewall Walker, v. pt. 2, 95
B. F., of Montpelier, iv. 548
Benjamin, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379², 381
of Brownington, iii. 92
of Coventry, iii. 141²(2)
of Irasburg, iii. 244, 246², 249, 255²
Mrs. Benjamin, of Irasburg, iii. 249
Benjamin, of Lyndon, i. 344, 354²
of Woodstock (Conn.), ii. 1075
Rev. Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 381²
Col. Benjamin, from Rehoboth (Mass.), pioneer of Barre, iv. 23², 27²(2), 29
Betsey, of Strafford, ii. 1084², 1177
m. Austin Warner, ii. 1075²
Betsey (Chandler), wife of Maj. Freeman Walker, ii. 1075
Walker, Betsey (Taft), wife of Abel Walker; v. pt. 2, 211
C. I., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 506
C. J., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516(2)
Rev. C. W. Prin. of Bristol Acad., i. 22²
Calvin, of Coventry, iii. 148²
Caroline, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Carrie (French), wife of Horatio N. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Catherine (Bemis), wife of Dr. Sewall Walker, v. pt. 2, 62², 94
Charles, of Detroit (Mich.), v. pt. 2, 515²
Dr. Charles, of Pittsford, ii. 1077(2)
Rev. Charles, in Bloomfield, i. 952²
of Brattleboro, v. 25², 27², 28(2); v. pt. 2, 153²
of Pittsford, iii. 716², 945; iv. 790; v. 28²
of Rutland, iii. 518², 1014, 1018², 1050², 1063, 1181
of Strafford, ii. 1071
from Woodstock (Conn.), of Rutland, iii. 1019
Rev. Charles Leon, poems, iii. 962
Charles I., of Detroit (Mich.), v. pt. 3³, 26
Chester, of Cabot, iv. 108²
of Enosburg, ii. 135²
Chester H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Chloe, of Strafford, ii. 1177
Chloe (Child), wife of Leonard Walker, ii. 1076
Clarissa (Goss), wife of Henry Walker, v. pt. 2, 188
D. M., of St. Albans, ii. 340
of Swanton, iv. 998
Mrs. D. M. F., a poem, i. 23
Dana, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Daniel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232
Dea. Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 75² 94², 95², 152
Dr. Daniel, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Daniel 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Daniel P., of Manchester, i. 203, 2d 2d. 202²
David, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 385
E., of Newport (Me.), v. pt. 2, 404
E. C., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725
Ebenezer, of Mass., v. pt. 3, 44
Edson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Edward, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2), 673²(2)
Edwin C., of Newport (Me.), v. pt. 2, 402²
Eliakim, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
Dea. Elisha, of Hubbardton, iii. 772; iv. 1184²
Eliza, m. S. J. Smith, v. pt. 2, 94²
Elizabeth, of Swanton, iv. 1047
Elliot, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403², 404(2)
sketch, v. pt. 2, 402
Elvira, v. pt. 2, 95
Emily, dau. of Jonas Walker, v. pt. 2, 178
m. James Brown, v. pt. 2, 94², 101²
Enos, of Burlington, i. 655
Ephraim, of Londonderry and Ludlow, v. pt. 3¹, 23
of Springfield, iv. 189
Esther, m. Lorenzo D, Thayer, v. pt. 2, 94
Eunice, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670²
F. W., of Benson, iii. 425²
Florence (Huntington), wife of Dr. William E, Walker, v. pt. 2, 402
Franklin, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379², 381
Freeman, of Strafford, ii. 1083
Maj. Freeman, from Woodstock (Conn.), of Strafford, ii. 1069, 1075
Freeman jr., of Strafford, ii. 1075², 1083
George, on Capt. Phineas Walker, ii. 1074²
Rev. George L., of Brattleboro, v. 25²
of Strafford, ii. 1071 note
poem, iii. 962²
George W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94², 205²
Gideon, pioneer of Whiting, i. 116(2)
H., of Lowell, iii. 278²
H. O., of Swanton, iv. 1134
Harriet, of Strafford, ii. 1177
Harriet N., m. William Bennet, v. pt. 2, 94²
Henry, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
of Rutland, v. pt. 2, 188
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Hiram S., of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²
Horatio, of Lowell, iii. 269²
Horatio N., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
Ichabod, of Rutland, iii. 573
Ira, of Peru, i. 207², 2d ed. 206²
Isaac, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385²
Dr. J. B., of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 304²
Rev. J. E., of Wells, iii. 1194²
Walker, Rev, J. P., of Pawlet, iii. 904²
Dr. J. M. F., of Bristol, i. 50 note
J. Versal, from Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403²
Jacob, from Bennington, of Morristown, ii. 689, 691(2)
James, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
James jr., grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
James A., of New Haven (Conn.), i. 260³
James O., of Whiting, iv. 573²
Jane, v. pt. 2, 94²
m. Anthony Huntley, v. pt. 2, 94²
m. James T. Footman, v. pt. 2, 402
Rev. Jason, of Barre, iv. 52
circuit preacher, iv. 377
Rev. Jason F., in Johnson, ii. 674²
of Pawlet, iii. 886², 904, 905, 929
Jedediah, of Rutland, iii. 1041²
Jerry, of Danville, i. 314²
Jerusha, m. Joel Hamilton, iii. 680²
Jeshurum, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Jesse, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403²
from Whiting, of Buffalo (N. Y.), i. 118, 559
poems, i. 118
Mrs. Joanna, of Morristown, ii. 682²
Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²
grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132, 1133
Maj. Joel, iv. 143
John, ii. 294(2)
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 95²
at Alburg, ii. 495²
Capt. John, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 685², 691
Jonas, from Rutland (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 71, 76², 79, 94(2), 95(2), 97, 110(2), 111, 168², 178, 205
Jonas jr., v. pt. 2, 95²
Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 41²
of Peacham, i. 362²
Julia, m. Charles E. Taft, v. pt. 2, 94²
Julia (Miller), wife of Newell Walker, v. pt. 2, 169²
wife of Samuel N. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Juliet (Parish), wife of William Walker, v. pt. 2, 178, 188²
K., of Newport, iii. 305²
L. S., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²
Rev. L. S., of Leicester, poem, i. 48
Laura, m. Mason Bennett, v. pt. 2, 94²
Leonard, of Maidstone, i. 1031
of Springfield, iv. 573²
from Woodstock (Conn.), of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1069, 1074², 1075², 1084²
Leonard 2d, of Strafford; ii. 1076
Rev. Levi, of Whiting, i. 116²
Levi M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 71, 94², 211
Lewis, of Clarendon, iii. 561², 571
of St. Albans, ii. 292, 311², 366
Lewis F., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478
Lewis M., of Clarendon, iii. 561²(2), 571
Lewis S., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 557
Louisa, v. pt. 2, 95
Louisa (Barber), wife of Andrew J. Walker, v. pt. 2, 404
Lovice (Cutter), wife of Lyman Walker, v. pt. 2, 164, 178
Lucius, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²
Lucinda, m. Samuel Flint jr., ii. 1023²
Lucretia, m. Pliny F. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94(2)
Lucretia (Miller), wife of Sewall Walker, v. pt. 2, 94, 95, 97²
Lucy Dow, of Strafford, ii. 1075²
Luvia Moore, of Strafford, ii. 1075²
Lydia (Miller), wife of Reuben Walker, v. pt. 2, 33², 94², 97, 175
Lyman, of Cambridge, ii. 605²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 95², 105, 164, 178, 194²
Dea. Lyman, of Thetford, in Corinth, ii. 881²
Lyman P., v. pt. 2, 95
Mahala, of Strafford, ii. 1075²
Margaret, m. Elijah Parks, ii. 1200
Marshall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94², 178
Martin J., of Hubbardton, iv. 1170
Mary, from Detroit, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 515²
of Peacham, i. 363
m. ____ Eaton, v. pt. 2, 94²
m. Loyal Smith, v. pt. 2, 95, 168²
Mary (Stockwell), wife of Daniel Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Mercy (Manley), wife of Reuben Walker, v. pt. 2, 211
Metcalf, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554
Morrill I., of Thetford, ii. 1098
Nancy, of Brownington, iii. 96(2)
Nathan, pioneer of Ferrisburg, i. 33
Nathaniel, of Weston (Mass.), ii. 1074²
Nellie (Fairbanks), wife of Marshall Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Newell, v. pt. 2, 169²
O. J., of Burlington, i. 547
Olish, of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²
Oliver S., of Williamstown, iv. 1194²
Walker, Otis, of Sherburne, iii. 1122²
Peter, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², note
Philip, of Burlington and Williston, i. 493, 902²
Phineas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94², 95²
Capt. Phineas, from Weston (Mass.), of Strafford, ii. 1074-5
Dea. Phineas 2d, of Strafford, ii. 1077
Pliny F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94(2)
Polly, wife of Jonas Walker, v. pt. 2, 168²
Polly (Miller), wife of Jonas Walker, v. pt. 2, 94², 97
Priscilla (Sampson), wife of Levi M. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Rachel, m. Aaron Beach, i. 116
Relief, m. Granville French, v. pt. 2, 94²
Reuben, v. pt. 2, 33²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77, 94², 95², 107, 174², 175, 178
Dr. Reuben, of Barre (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 676
Rufus, of Benson, iii. 417²
Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 95²
dau. of Daniel Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
m. Nathaniel French jr., v. pt. 2, 43²
Sam, of Hubbardton, iv. 1170
Samuel, iii. 1073²
of Rutland, iii. 1063
of Westfield, iii. 344
Samuel B., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184
Samuel N., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94², 178
Sarah C., m. Howard C., Atwood, v. pt. 2, 402
Sarah (Davis), wife of Jonas Walker, v. pt. 2, 94, 95²
Sarah J., m. William Hubbard Jennison, iv. 1119²
Sarah (Martin), wife of Chester H. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Sarah R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 178
m. Dr. Clark, v. pt. 2, 94²
Dr. Sewall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62², 75, 95², 97², 178, 188²
sketch, v. pt. 2, 94-5
Shubael, of Brownington, iii. 96
Simeon, of Cabot, iv. 119
of Peacham, i. 363
Sophronia (Coffin), wife of Elliot Walker, v. pt. 2, 402
Suky, of Strafford, ii. 1177
Susan (Dutton), wife of George W. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Susan (Hanscome), wife of Versal J. Walker, v. pt. 2, 403²
Susanna, wife of Rufus Walker, iii. 417²
Susannah (Hyde), wife of Capt. Phineas Walker, ii. 1074²
Rev. Sylvester, of Pawlet, iii. 904²
Sylvia, of Strafford, ii. 1177
Thomas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378²
Tilly, of Pittsford, iii. 944
Timothy, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359
of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381
of Hubbardton, iv. 1177
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Rev. Timothy, of Concord (N. H.), iii. 78²
Maj. Thomas W., of Norwich Univ., iv. 673
Versal Jesse, from Brookline, of Minneapolis (Minn.), v. pt. 2, 403, 404
sketch, v. pt. 2, 402-3
Waity (Blandin), wife of Jesse Walker, v. pt. 2, 404(2)
Waity Jane, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 404(2)
Rev. Wareham, of Shaftsbury, i. 236, 2d ed. 235²
Whitfield, iii. 5
of Whiting, iii. 1084; iv. 1200
poem, i. 117
hist. of Whiting, i. 115²-7
on Aaron Clark, iii. 934
Willard, of Jay, iii. 267(2)
Willard C., of Montpelier, iv. 549
William, of Cambridge, ii. 621
of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343(2)
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 95², 178, 188²
of Highgate, ii. 420
Rev. William, of Peacham, i. 367
William C., of Mendon, iii. 790
Dr. William E., of Bradford (Me.), v. pt. 2, 402
Rev. William G., from N. Y., of St. Albans, ii. 340²(2)
William H., of Londonderry and Ludlow, v. pt. 3¹, 21, 23
William W., of Clarendon, iii. 562
atty., i. 473²
Zuriel, of Ferrisburg, i. 734²
Walker family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 402
of Whiting and Chicago, i. 116²
Walker & White, of Montpelier, iv. 279
Wall, Betsey, m. Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²
Daniel F., grantee of Charleston, iii. 121
Elizabeth (Erwin), wife of Patrick Wall, v. pt. 2, 587²(2)
Margaret (Montresor) (Brush), i. 764²
Wall, Patrick, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 587²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626²
Mrs. Patrick (née Brush), v. pt. 2, 587²
Samuel, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note
William, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120, 122
grantee of Newark, i. 356²
Wallace, ____, iv. 501²
from Sheldon, in Franklin, ii. 225
Maj., v. pt. 35, 72²
Col., of Newbury, i. 341²
A. J., of Topsham, ii. 1111
Abraham, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976
Andrew J., of Topsham, ii. 1111
Caleb McDowal, in St. Albans raid, ii. 304, 305²-6
Charles W., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Daniel, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 692
Ebenezer jr., grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
George, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34
H. M., in Johnson, ii. 674²
Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 562
Horace Binney, of Phila., iii. 417
James, in War of 1812, ii. 392²
John, of Ryegate, i. 286
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
in War of 1812, ii. 392²
lawyer, iii. 37
Jonathan, of Montpelier, iv. 351
Rev. Jonathan, in Huntington, i. 827²
of Richmond, i. 845
Julia, of Duxbury, iv. 847
verses, iv. 451²
M. P., of Cabot, iv. 14, 103², 122
Dr. M. P., of Cabot, iv. 101(2), 497
Margaret, of Berlin, iv. 1188
m. (1) John McLean, (2) Carlos Bancroft, iv. 497
Mrs. Mary (Dodge), iv. 501²
Matthew, of Berlin, iv. 10², 543, 1188
Matthew P., of Cabot, iv. 104², 105²(2), 108
Moses, of Richford, ii. 428
of Topsham, ii. 1106², 1111
Nathaniel, of Pownal, i. 216², 2d ed. 215²
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34
Polly, m. Gershom Heaton, iv. 543
Richard, of Strafford, ii. 1091 note
of Thetford, ii. 1095, 1178
sketch, ii. 1100-3
Mrs. Richard, of Thetford, ii. 1091 note, 1095(2), 1102
Robert, of Thetford, ii. 934
Thankful, of Duxbury, iv. 1199²
Thomas, of Montpelier, iv. 351
W. K., of Newbury, ii. 944², 945
William, of Pawlet, iii. 881, 893, 906²(2)
Dr. William C., of Castleton, iii. 521
Zebina, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²
see also Wallis
Wallas, Elijah, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
Peter, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
Peter Elijah, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
Thomas, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
Wallbridge, Ebenezer, see Walbridge, Ebenezer
Waller, Calvin C., lawyer, ii. 94
David, of Pittsfield, iii. 935²
Elizabeth A. (Hodges), wife of Royal H. Waller, iii. 567
Joseph, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 142², 147² note, 150², 155
Royal H., from Rutland, of N. Y., iii. 567
Wallerman, S., of St. Albans, ii. 434
Walling, Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 548
Dorothy, of Montpelier, iv. 328²
H. F., map of Addison co., i. 109²
map of Franklin and Grand Isle cos., ii. 91²
map of Vermont, ii. 25² note
Mrs. H. H., iv. 712
Wallings & Spaulding, of Moretown, iv. 598²
Wallins, Albert, v. pt. 35, 54²
Wallis, ____, N. Y. grantee, iv. 252 note
Capt. E., in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Ebenezer, of Arlington, i. 122²(2), 123(2) 125, 2d ed. 126
Hammond, of Benson, iii. 413
Isaac, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
Isaac Hull, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
James, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670, 671²
Samuel, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Samuel jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Seth, of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²
grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
William, in Thetford, ii. 939²
see also Wallace
Walsh, ____, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177²
John, v. pt. 35, 54
William, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Walston, ____, of Williston, i. 904
Walsworth, Capt., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 27(2)
Nathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25², 34²
Walter, ____, of Burke, i. 310
Amasa, of Charleston, iii. 122(2)
Ann, of East Haven, i. 985²
Augustus, of Caledonia Co., v. pt. 34, 40
Clarissa S., of East Haven, i. 985²
Elam, of East Haven, i. 985², 986(2)
Emeline, of East Haven, i. 985²
Mrs. Esther, of Burke, i. 305
George, of Charleston, iii. 122
H. B., of East Haven, i. 986²
Harlow B., of East Haven, i. 985²
Harriet, m. Peter Atwood, i. 985², 986
Henry S., see Watson, Henry L.
Horace L., of East Haven, i. 986(2)
Ira, of Burke, i. 304²(2), 305
John, of East Haven, i. 986(2)
John jr., from Winchester (Conn.), of East Haven, i. 985²(2), 986(2)
Johnson, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Julia (Goodhue), wife of Thomas Walter, v. 121²
Lemuel, from Litchfield (Conn.), pioneer of Burke, i. 302², 303(2), 304² (2)
M. H., of East Haven, i. 986²(2)
Manning, of East Haven, i. 986²
Mary, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43
Merrit, of East Haven, i. 985²
Norris, of East Haven, i. 985²(2), 986(²)
O. T., of East Haven, i. 986²(2)
Roswell, of Roxbury, iv. 758²
Samuel, of East Haven, i. 985²
Thomas, of N. Y., v. 121²
Uneca (Blakesley), wife of John Walter jr., i. 985², 986
Walton, ____, of Greensboro, iii. 213
Abner, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²
Dr. Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 278
Calvin, of Boston, v. 182²
Chauncey, of Montpelier, iv. 445
E. P. & Sons, of Montpelier, i. 558; iv. 276, 279, 315-17, 443², 445
Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Eleazer P., of Montpelier, iv. 63²
Eliakim P., of Montpelier, i. 646²; ii. 804; iii. 760, iv. 13, 14, 272²(2), 273(2), 291²(2), 294, 304², 305², 306², 307², 313, 314-21, 317², 320², 322, 324, 325², 330, 387, 391², 395², 443² 444², 478, 514, 532², 537², 538, 547²(2), 550², 574(2), 590, 591, 667, 1198; v. 139, 182; v. pt. 2, 208², 635²; v. pt. 35, 59²
portrait, iv. opp. p. 543
sketch, iv. 541-3
hist. of Montpelier, iv. 251-574
on Gov. Asahel Peck, iv. 495-6
on Dea. Constant W. Storrs, iv. 511-2
on Col. Elisha P. Jewett, iv. 483-4
on George C. Shepard, iv. 567
on James R. Langdon, iv. 544
on John A. Page, iv. 548²
on Marcus D. Gilman, iv. 558-9
on Nathaniel Chipman, iii. 1154-9
on Gen. Perley P. Pitkin, iv. 554-5
on Col. Thomas Reed, iv. 473
on Thomas W. Wood, iv. 552²
on William W. Cadwell, iv. 557
on Zenas Wood; iv. 520
on Bailey family, iv. 504-6
wife's coat of arms, iv. 478
Vt. directory, ii. 996
Eliakim P. & G. S., printers, iv. 315, 318²
Elizabeth, m. Andrew Mansfield, v. pt. 2, 211²
Ezekiel Dodge, of Montpelier, iv. 445
Gen. Ezekiel P., from Canterbury (Conn.), of Montpelier, ii. 800(2) iii. v; iv. 273(2) 278², 283², 290(2), 291², 302, 306², 308, 314, 320², 322, 391², 394², 395², 469², 470, 484, 498, 538, 551², 565, 665, 790
portrait, iv. opp. p. 442
printer, i. 557²
sermon on, iv. 316
sketch, iv. 442-5
George, from Newmarket (N. H.), of Peacham, iv. 443, 541(2)
George jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
George P., of Montpelier, iv. 393², 444²
George S., of Montpelier, iv. 278², 293², 321²
Gerard, iii. 1091
Harriet, of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Harriet Newell, m. H. R. Wing, iv. 444²
Henry, of Ira, iii. 779²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220²
Sir Isaac, ii. 773²
Izaak, iv. 69²
J. S., of Montpelier, iv. 315², 395²
Jacob, iii. 1091(2)
pioneer of Chittenden, iii. 548²
John, of Ira, iii. 779²
John, of Montpelier, iv. 258², 259², 328, 532²
Mrs. John, of Montpelier, iv. 328²
Joseph S., of Montpelier, iv. 291², 351
Joshua, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 71, 72², 73, 178²
Mary, m. George Dewey, iv. 445
Walton, Mary (Parker), wife of George Walton, iv. 541
Nathan, of Ira, iii. 779²
of Middletown, iii. 795², 805, 820, 833²
Nathaniel Porter, of Montpelier, iv. 445
Polly, m. Dennis Canfield, iii. 617
Prussia (Persons), wife of Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton, iv. 308, 327, 444², 445, 541, 591, 592
portrait, iv. opp. p. 445
S. M., printer, iv. 320²
Samuel M., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 293², 445, 551
Sarah D., of Moretown, iv. 603
Sarah Sophia (Howes), wife of Eliakim Walton, iv. 478, 542²
Seymour, of Newark, i. 358
Susannah (née Mansfield), v. pt. 2, 212
Rev. Thomas, of Plainfield, iv. 729
William, tory, iii. 1091(2)
Rev. William, from England, v. pt. 2, 211²
Walton & Goss, of Montpelier, iv. 143, 278², 314-21, 443
Walton & Son, iv. 314
Waltons, of Middletown, iii. 780
Walworth, ____, of Weybridge, iii. 424
of N. Y., jurist, iii. 858²
Daniel P., of Coventry, iii. 148, 152(2), 157², 159²(2)
Elijah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30
Hiram, at Plattsburg battle, i. 675² note
John, of Bennington, i. 140², 2d ed. 143
Reuben H.; of N. Y., at Bennington, i. 140², 167, 679², 2d ed. 143, 169
Rev. Reuben H., wrote genealogy of Hyde family, ii. 635
Wandel, Isaac, grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²
Wanger, Betsey, of Fairfield, ii. 199²
Nicholas, of Fairfield, ii. 199²(2)
Mrs. Nicholas, of Fairfield, ii. 199²
Wanzer, A. K., of Swanton, iv. 1017, 1034², 1129(2)
John, of Fairfax, ii. 402²
Ward, ____, pioneer of Burlington, i. 495²
grantee of Corinth, ii. 874
of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 400²
m. Philip Stone, i. 17
Col., of Mass., i. 1021²
in Civil war, iv. 127²
Dr. A. M., of Sheffield, i. 418, 448²
Abel S., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728
Almira, of Danby, iii. 651
Ann M., of Danby, Iii. 651
Ann (Rice) wife of Dr. Spencer Ward, iii. 743
Arah, of Fairfield, ii. 191
Artemas, see Brown, Charles Farrar, v. pt. 35, 77
of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²
Gen. Artemas, of Shrewsbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 96
Arunah, of Corinth, ii. 882²
Azariel, of Wellstown, ii. 191
Barnard, of Poultney, iii. 738²
of Underhill, Rev. soldier, i. 887²
Benjamin F., of Danby, iii. 651
Beriah, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Betsey (Harrington), wife of Moses Ward, iii. 651
Calvin, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Catherine, m. Thomas Clark v. pt. 2, 96
Charles, pioneer of Corinth, ii. 885²
Charles F., of Burlington, i. 509, 511
Rev. Chauncey, from Fair Haven, of Athens (O.), iii. 738²
David, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
of Middlesex, iv. 236², 237(2)
David B., of Danby, iii. 651
Delia Delight, of Fair Haven, iii. 738²
Rev. E. J., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 559²
Mrs. E. M., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²
Earl, of Duxbury, iv. 599²
of Moretown, iv. 603
Edmond, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
Edward C., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Elijah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701
Elisha, from Poultney, of N. Y., iii. 973², 981²
sketch, iii. 986²
Elliot, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 351
Ephraim, of Corinth, ii. 882², 883²
Frank E., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²
Dr. George, of Burlington, iv. 1136²
George Cabot, of Boston, v. 157²
Dr. George W., of Burlington, i. 504
Dr. George Whitfield, from Brownington, of Upton (Mass.), iii. 300
Hannah, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 462
grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
of Westfield, iii. 352²
Hannah T. (Brown), 2d wife of Chauncey Ward, iii. 738²
Hannah (Taft), wife of William Ward, v. pt. 2, 676²
Hannah W. (Clarke), wife of Rev. Nathan Ward, i. 650²
Henry, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 37(2)
Hezekiah, of Duxbury, iv. 599²
of Montpelier, iv. 550²
grantee of Townshend, v. pt.2, 533²
Ward, Hiram, of Danby, iii. 651
Isaac, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
Israel, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
J., of Derby academy, iii. 182²
J. Q. A., sculptor, iv. 325²
James, of Burlington, i. 496
James U,, of Danby, iii. 651
Jemima, m. Ira Haven, v. pt. 2, 33², 136, 166
John, of Pittsford, iii. 947
of Wells, iii. 11912(2), 11952, 1196²
John & co., of Montreal, i. 694
Dr. John A., of Burlington, i. 504
Joseph, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
of Westfield, iii. 352²
Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186²
Julia, in. Charles G. Roel, v. pt. 2, 185
L. F., at Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 304, 512²
of Wardsboro, sketch, v. pt. 2, 682.3
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 212², 512, 601(2), 634²
Lafayette, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Lois, m. ____ Cady, i. 221, 2d ed. 220
Luke, of Rutland, iii. 1081²
Luther, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355
Lyman S., of Danby, iii. 651
Marion, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²
Mark, v. pref. v.
Martha R., of Fair Haven, iii. 743
Martin, of Danby, iii. 651
Moses, of Danby, iii. 594², 599², 651, 665²(2)
Myron, v. pref. v.
Nahum, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Nathan, of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Rev. Nathan, of Burlington, i. 504 sketch, i. 650-1
in Westfield, iii. 352² Nathaniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²
Patty (Haywood), 3d wife of Chauncey Ward, iii. 739
Paul Scott, of Fair Haven, iii. 738²
Perley L. (Scott), wife of Chauncey Ward, iii. 738²
Phinehas jr., grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Rachel, of Underhill, i. 888²
Richard, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 580², 614²
Samuel, of Brownington, iii. 92, 97², 200²
of Granby, i. 990²
of Plymouth (N. H.), i. 650²
Samuel Newell, of Fair Haven, iii. 738²
Sarah J., of Danby, iii. 651
Mrs. Sarah (Read), i. 650²
Sidney, m. Capt. Elliot Porter, iv. 183², 187
Solomon, of Corinth, ii. 883
Solon, of Danby, iii. 651
Dr. Spencer, from Poultney, of hair Haven, iii. 743
Thomas G., of Boston, v. 157²
W. W., of Lowell (Mass.), v. pt. 35, 59², 60
Walter, of Danby, iii. 651
William, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
of Castleton, iii. 515²
grantee of Dover, v. pt. 2, 337
grantee of Jamaica., v. pt. 2, 423²
from Mendon (Mass.), of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461, 462, 671
of Pittsford, iii. 942
of Shaftsbury, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
from Sturbridge (Mass.), of Poultney, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²; iii. 965, 966, 971, 972, 979², 982, 989(2), 991(2), 994², 995; iv. 187
sketch, iii. 98
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
William jr., of Castleton, iii. 515²
William H., of Danby, iii. 651
Warden, Alexander, of Vergennes and Waterbury, ii. 766²
Henry B., of Burlington, ii. 766²
J. M., of Bradford, ii. 824
James, of Barnet, i. 286
of Stowe, ii. 744²
of Vergennes, ii. 766²-7
John, of Stowe, ii. 745
of Williston, ii. 766²
William, of Barnet, i. 275, 276, 286(2)
Wardner, Mrs., of Roxbury, iv. 757
Amos, of Roxbury, iv. 758(2), 759(2), 760²
Jacob, of Roxbury, iv. 748², 759², 761, 762²
James P., of Roxbury, iv. 759²
Joel, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Joseph, of Roxbury, iv. 748²
Sally, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Wardswell, Alpheus, in war of 1812, ii. 391²
Wardsworth, David, of Chittenden, iii. 549
Mrs. Laura, of Burlington, i. 655²
Wardwell, Amos M., of St. Albans, ii. 330²
Musey, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651
Ware, Judge, of Montpelier, iv. 235², 909², 910
Rev., in Berkshire, ii. 112²
Abigail (Goodell) (Sanderson), wife of Levi Ware, v. pt. 2, 620²
Rev. Avery S., in Eden, ii. 797²
of Montgomery, ii. 276 .
Betsey (Knight), wife of Benjamin Ware, v. pt. 2, 137²
Cyrus, of Montpelier, iv. 7, 10, 13², 272², 274, 277², 298², 328, 350², 357², 378², 387², 524, 548
sketch, iv. 440-1
Cyrus Leonard, of Montpelier, iv. 441
Eliza, m. George F. Kathan, v. pt. 2, 19
Faddie, m. Roderick J. Richardson, iv. 786²
Gardner Wheeler, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 441
George, of Montpelier, iv. 441
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²
George E., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378
Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 441
J. H., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547
Rev. J. Q. A., of Whiting, on Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer, i. 117²-8
John, of Calais, iv. 176
of Stanstead, iii. 95²
Jonathan, of Peacham, ii. 667-8
of Wrentham (Mass.), iv. 440
Joseph B., of Putney and Townshend, iv. 1194³, v. pt. 2, 547, 550
L. G., iv. 325²
Levi, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²
Louisa, of Montpelier, iv. 441
Lucy, m. Dr. Cyrus Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189²
Mary, m. Joel Foster, iv. 441
Mary (Plummer), wife of Joseph B. Ware, v. pt. 2, 547
Mercy, m. Zenas Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189
Meseck, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Rev. Moses, of Brandon, iii. 469
Patty Miltiah, m. Samuel Caldwell, iv. 441
Patty (Wheeler), wife of Cyrus Ware, iv. 441
William, grantee of Calais, iv. 130
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
Rev. William, i. 542
Waring, George E. jr., author, iv. 320²
Warker, Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²
Warland, John, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
Owen, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
Warm, Capt. Jacobus de, of N. Y., at Chimney Point, i. 2(2), 558² and note, 559², 560²
Warmseruph, Uhndrw, Indian, iv. 197²
Waumurmn, Vendru, Indian, iv. 197²
Warn, Henry, v. pt. 35, 54²
Warner, ____, of Braintree, ii. 848 note
Dr., of Weathersfield (Conn.), iv. 447
Mrs. (née Ladd), from North Hero, ii. 586²
Rev., in Morgan, iii. 288²
Col., v. pt. 2, 32²
Gen., v. pt. 2, 122
Abijah, of Burlington, i. 546
Albert, of Newport, iii. 296
Allen, of Swanton, iv. 1134
Almira, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²
of Franklin, ii. 224
Almon, from Poultney, of Castleton, iii. 515², 519², 524², 1062
Alpha, iv. 143
Col. Alpha, of Hardwick, i. 325, 331², 334
Austin, from Strafford, of Novee (Ill.), ii. 1075²
Azel, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²
Benjamin, of Bennington, i. 144, 164², 2d ed. 146², 166²
Betsey (Walker), wife of Austin Warner, ii. 1075²
Bronson, of Swanton, iv. 998, 1057, 1186
Caroline (Osgood), wife of I. R. Warner, v. pt. 2, 398
Charles Dudley, of N. Y., v. 167
Charles F., of Burlington, i. 511
Chauncey, of Cambridge, ii, 602²
Dan, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Daniel, of Amherst (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 77²
of Bennington, i. 144, 157², 158², 2d ed. 146², 160(2)
grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
grantee of Bolton, i. 482
of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339(2), 340(2), 344
grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 4, 110
grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166², 191
grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
grantee of Milton, i. 839²
grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
Warner, Daniel, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455², 464
of Newport, iii. 304², 305
grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²
grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
from Westmoreland (N. H.), of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219², 253²
Mrs. Daniel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 229
Rev. Daniel, of Colchester, i. 777²
David, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
Dr. E. D., of Addison co., i. 120
Elisha, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Ezra, of Chicago, iii. 1140²
Fordice, of Castleton, iii. 518
George B., of Northfield, iv. 614
George F., attorney, i. 473
Gideon, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624², 625², 648(2), 651
Col. Gideon, iii. 1075 (2)
Rev. H., of Highgate, ii. 335²
of Rutland, iii. 1047²
H. H., v. pref. v.
Hannah, m. Josiah Hawley, i. 132², 2d ed. 134
Harriet, m. Alexander Holton, v. pt. 2, 615²
Harrison, of Cambridge, ii. 598, 605²
Helen (Ladd), from North Hero, of Wilmington (Ill.), ii. 566², 570
Mrs. Hester (Hurd), wife of Col. Seth Warner, i. 174, 2d ed. 176
Rev. Horace, of Swanton, iv. 1087²
Capt. Horace, of Cabot, iv. 118
Horace A., local preacher, iv. 99
Lt. Horace A., of Cabot, iv. 117²
I. R., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 398
Isaac, from Brookfield (Mass.), of Burlington, i. 504, 655 and note
of Cambridge, ii. 616²
of Franklin, ii. 93², 222
of St. Albans, ii. 348²(2)
of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Isabelle, m. Hunt W. Burrows, v. pt. 2, 289
J. A., of Castleton, iii. 515²
of Swanton, iv. 1134
J. G., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128
J. J., of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1061
J. N., of Swanton, iv. 1132²
J. P., of Roxbury, iv. 759²
Mrs. J. P., of Roxbury, iv. 747
Jabez, of Sunderland, i. 239, 2d ed. 238²
Jacob, of Fairfax, ii. 171²
Gen. James, of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 1140²
James P., of Northfield, iv. 683
of Roxbury, iv. 747
Jane (Meech), wife of Joseph Warner, iii. 1140²
Jane (Spaulding), wife of Dr. Warner, iv. 447
Japhet L., of Pittsford, iii. 944
Jerusha (Wheeler), of Walnut Fork P. O. (Ia.), iii. 725
John, in Bennington, ii. 597²
of Cambridge, ii. 601², 605², 610² and note, 612, 621
sketch, ii. 617²
of Chittenden, iii. 548(2)
grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
from Sturbridge (Mass.), of Cambridge, ii. 600
of Swanton, iv. 1003², 1036²(2), 1133
Dr. John, from Bennington, of St. Albans, ii. 292, 348²(2), 349(2)
John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Jonas jr., grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Jonathan, of Pittsford, iii. 944², 954²(2)
grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²
Joseph, iii. 1112², 1115²
of Sudbury, iii. 1137², 1140
Dr. Joseph, of Castleton, iii. 522
Joseph N., of Swanton, iv. 1128², 1186
Joshua, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 358²
from Westmoreland (N. H.), of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219², 253²
Julia, m. Francis S. Hollister, iii. 918
Justus, of Burlington, i. 504
Capt. Justus, of Burlington, ii. 346
Mrs. L. S., poem, i. 73
Laura S., m. Gurdon Randall, iv. 645
Laura Scott, m. Frances V. Randall, iv. 706²
Lefy, of Newport, iii. 296
Louisa, m. Nathaniel Goodale, ii. 685²
Luke K., of Newark, v. pt. 2, 47², 49
Luther, of Putney and Braintree, iv. 706²
M. D., of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Maria (Bates), 2d wife of Joseph Warner, iii. 1140²
Mark, from Northampton (Mass.), of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Mark jr., from Pawlet, of Chicago, iii. 918, 929²
Martin, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
Mary, m. ____ Bott, iii. 1140²
Morse, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²
Moses, in Corinth, Rev. soldier, ii. 874²(2)
Warner, Nickerson, of Cabot, iv. 91²(2)
Noahdiah, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²
Oliver, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
Oliver A., of Cabot, iv. 104²(2), 105²
Oliver C., of Cabot, iv. 103²
Oliver J., of Cabot, iv. 99
Omri, of Ira, iii. 783²
Orange, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
Patty (Knowlton), wife of Daniel Warner, v. pt. 2, 464
Dr. Pearly, of Essex, i. 784
Phebe, m. Samuel Presson, v. pt. 2, 61²
Polly, m. Natt Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148
Polly (Caulkins), wife of Truman Warner, iv. 1056²
Ralph W., of East Montpelier, iv. 584
Reuben, in Bennington, i. 144, 164², 2d ed. 146², 166²
of Swanton, iv. 1058²
Roswell, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 341
Sally (née Cone), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 616²
Salmon, of Franklin, ii. 220², 222, 225²
Samuel, of Brattleboro v. 57
of Cabot, Rev. soldier, iv. 79, 103, 104, 105, 119
pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241², 244, 254²
of Newport, iii. 296(2), 297, 304², 305
of Springfield (Mass.), v. 3, pt. 77
Samuel W., of Lowell, iii. 280², 281(2)
Sarah, m. James Miller, v. pt. 2, 47², 170², 204²
m. Joseph Jackman, iv. 677
Sarah F., m. Azarias Williams, i. 977²(2)
Sarah (Field), wife of Samuel Warner, v. pt. 3, 77
Selah, of Landgrove, i. 198
Col. Seth, i. 5, 16², 50², 51(2), 87², 97², 98², 107, 123 note, 125², 126, 127, 129², 132², 134², 144, 150², 151, 152(2), 153², 156, 157², 164², 172(2), 173, 175²(2), 176, 177²(2), 181, 186, 188, 233, 258, 301², 489², 559, 638, 661² note, 662, 767², 768², 769, 770, 771, 772, 2d ed. 130², 134, 136, 146², 153(2), 154(2), 155², 158², 160, 166², 173², 174(2), 175, 177², 178, 182², 187², 189; ii. 351², 389², 583² 597², 622(2); iii. 410, 557², 558(2), 582², 585, 644², 650, 760, 872², 873, 922², 969², 988², 1031², 1074, 1083², 1084, 1092, 1096, 1184², 1192; iv. 11, 247², 253, 323, 509², 706², 1112², 1190; v. pt. 2, 508; v. pt. 35, 14², 15², 16², 17², 19, 21², 26², 61(2), 64²
sketch, i. 173²-4, 2d ed. 175²-6
in Arlington, iii. 557
in Clarendon, iii. 556(2)
at Hubbardton, i. 154, 155, 2d ed. 156², iii. 511², 749², 750, 759²
at Manchester, i. 202, 2d ed. 201²; iii. 586
at Vergennes, i. 11(2)
at Bennington battle, i. 156², 157(2), 2d ed. 158², 159
at Dorset convention, i. 185², 2d ed. 186
Sibyl, of Lowell, iii. 280²
Spencer, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Tamar, m. Remember Baker, i. 123 note, 133, 2d ed. 134²
Truman, of Swanton, iv. 1056²
Willard, of Ala., v. pt. 2, 464(2)
grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
of Pawlet, iii. 929²
William K., of Georgia, ii. 245
Warner & Spaulding, of Roxbury, iv. 747
Warners, i. 909
of Bennington, i. 124
Warren, ____, of Alstead (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 515²
from Dedham (Mass.), of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 210²
of Middlesex, iv. 395
of Stanbridge (Conn.), ii. 286²
of Waterbury, iv. 821², 838², 870
m. George W. Bailey, iv. 504²
m. William Y. Ripley, iii. 1100
Dea., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 716²
Dr., of Cabot, iv. 101²
of Pittsford, iii. 950²
Eld., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408, 417
Rev. in Stowe, ii. 711
in Strafford, ii. 1083
of Waterbury, iv. 850², 916²
Capt., of Franklin co., in Rev., war, ii. 390²
Corp. A. W., of Bennington, is 260²
Abel K., of Berlin, iv. 504²
Abijah, of Castleton, iii. 525²
from Litchfield (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 689
Adams, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Aden, of Eden, ii. 624²
Albert T., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461²
Alfred, of Middlesex, iv. 245²
Almon F., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Annah, m. Ira Richards, iii. 127²
Mrs. Anne, poem, iii. 1188
Warren, Barnard, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Lt. Barnard A., of Brattleboro, v. 42(2), 48
Benjamin, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
Dr. Benjamin P., from Albany (Vt.), of Concord (N. H.), iii. 61, 64²
Betsey, m. Benjamin Ballard jr., i. 212, 2d ed. 210²
Betsey (Russell), 2d wife of Jonas Warren, iii. 127²
C. C., of Waterbury, iv. 833
C. H., of Rockingham, i. 259²
Calvin, of Montpelier, iv. 329
Charles, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 680
of Stowe, ii. 714²-5
Charles Herbert, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 680²
Clark, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Daniel, of Newport, iii. 304
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt, 2, 671²
Rev. Daniel, in Bakersfield, ii. 106²
of Essex, i. 788
in Lowell, iii. 272
of Waterbury, iv. 821², 822
David, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²(2)
juror, i. 466²
Col. David, of Brandon, iii. 468
Dunford, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Dwight, of Marlboro, v.. pt. 2, 452
E., of Troy (N. Y.), i. 628
E. D., of Stowe, ii. 715
Edward J., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 488
Edward Jenner, from Wardsboro, of N. C., v. pt. 2, 677², 680
sketch, v. pt. 2, 679
Elizabeth, m. Elisha Parlin, iii. 112, 127²(2)
Elizabeth (Baker), wife of Jonas Warren, iii. 127²
Elon, of Stowe, ii. 734
Emily, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Emily (Tinkham), wife of Rev. Otis Warren, v. pt. 2, 477
Eunice Lincoln, of Charleston, iii. 128
Capt. Frank E., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 680²
George, of Fair Haven, iii. 700², 709, 745²; iv. 573²
from Millbury (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 739
George jr., from Fair Haven, of N. Y. iii. 739
George W., of Stowe, ii. 715
Gideon, iii. 558²(2)
grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
of Sunderland, i. 239(2), 2d ed. 238²
of Tinmouth, iii. 1149
Col. Gideon, in Rev. war, ii. 389², 390²
Gilman & Son, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421
Gratia Knight, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
H. D., of Lowell, iii. 270
H. S., of Stowe, ii. 715
Hannah K., of Berlin, iv. 1188²
Harriet Vail, of Charleston, iii. 128
Gen. Hastings, of Middlebury, i. 53², 256; iii. 110U
Hattie S., m. Charles Waste, v. pt. 2, 713²
Henry W., of Stowe, ii. 767
Hepsibeth, of Charleston, iii. 127²
Hepsibeth 2d, m. Chauncey Fuller, iii. 127²(2)
Huldah, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Huldah (Winchester), wife of Jonathan Warren, v. pt. 2, 452
Ichabod B., of Fairfax, ii. 403²
Ira, of Charleston, iii. 108², 114², 128(2)
Ira 2d, of Charleston, iii. 128
Isaac, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d. ed. 146²
Dea. Isaac, of Charleston (Mass.), i. 55
J., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 119
Dr. J. H., of Boston, v. 167
Dr. J. P., of Wardsboro and Brattleboro, v. 43², 181; v. pt. 2, 671, 675, 676
sketch, v. pt. 2, 680
Jabez, of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217
of Sunderland, i. 239, 2d ed. 238²
Jacob, of Stowe, ii. 706²
Mrs. Jacob, ii. 706²-7
James, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702, 703
Capt. James, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Jane, m. Nathaniel B. Curtis, iv. 153²
Jarvis, iii. 739
Jemima, m. Cyril Goodale, ii. 686
Jennie, from Wardsboro, of Mich., v. pt. 2, 680²
Joel, from Northboro (Mass.), of Berlin, iv. 60, 1188²
John, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 119
of Fair Haven, iii. 690²
of Hardwick, iii. 128²
of Pawlet, iii. 879
Warren, Dr. John, of Boston, ii. 1151²
Dr. John P., of Brattleboro, Newfane and Wardsboro, v. 116²; v. pt. 2, 430, 488, 675², 677²(2), 678(2), 726²
hist. of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671-83
Lt. John Wheelock, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 678, 680²
Jonas, of Charleston, iii. 108(2), 111², 114²(2), 115(2), 126(2), 127-8
grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Jonas jr., of Charleston, iii. 108(2), 119(2), 127², 128²
Jonathan, iii. 1037²
Capt. Jonathan, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449², 452(2)
Rev. soldier, ii. 390²
Jonathan 3d, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Joseph, from Waterbury, of Buffalo, iv. 851²
of Mass., i. 151², 2d ed. 154
Gen. Joseph, of Boston, v. 86²; v. pt. 2, 60
Joshua, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
Knights W., from Albany, of Portsmouth ((N. H.), iii. 61²
Leander, of Middlesex, iv. 223², 236²(2), 237²
Lester, of Calais, iv. 174
Rev. Lester, of Barre, iv. 31²
of Calais, iv. 146(2), 175
hist. Universalist parish in Calais, iv. 145²-7
of East Montpelier, iv. 576²
of Fairfield, ii. 197²
in Marshfield, iv. 208(2), 209
of Plainfield, iv. 729
of Williamstown, ii. 1144
Levi, from Peacham, of Albany, iii. 50, 61, 64²
Levi jr., of Albany, iii. 61(2)
Linus A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703, 722
Louisa, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Lovell, of Middlesex, iv. 227
Lovewell, of Middlesex, iv. 222², 223(2)
of Montpelier, iv. 568
Lucy, m. Asa Wentworth, v. pt. 2, 515²
m. Daniel Higby, v. pt. 2, 452
Lucy 2d, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Lucy Maynard (Wheelock), wife of Dr. J. P. Warren, v. pt. 2, 680
Luke, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Lurviah (Anderson), 3d wife of Jonas Warren, iii. 128
Lydia M., of Montpelier, iv. 329²
Mark, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Mary E., m. Rev. James Tufts jr., v. pt. 2, 671
Master C., of Fairfax, ii. 403²
N. S., of Stowe, ii. 712², 715
Rev. Obed, of Salem (N. Y.), iii. 991²
Oliver, of Charleston and Morgan, iii. 128(2), 286, 395²
of Fair Haven, iii. 739
grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 477
Dr. Orin W., from Albany, of Cal., iii. 61(2), 64²
Otis, of Bethlehem (N. H.), iii. 127², 128²
Rev. Otis, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 203, 349², 461(2), 485², 487
sketch, v. pt. 2, 477
Philena, wife of James Warren, v. pt. 2, 703
Phineas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Pliny, of Bethel, iii. 128²
of Charleston, iii. 128
Polly, of Montpelier, iv. 328
Polly (Knight), wife of Thomas Warren, v. pt. 2, 452
Reuben, of Swanton, iv. 1058²
Roelzo, of Stowe, ii. 715
Roxy (Hutchinson), wife of Jonas Warren jr., iii. 127²
Rufus, of Middlesex, iv. 223², 236², 237²
Sally, m. Hiram W. Merrill, iii. 128
Samuel, of Belvidere, ii. 595
of Middlesex, iv. 246²
Rev. Samuel Mills, of Peru, i. 212, 2d ed. 210²
Samuel R., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 488
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 678
Sarah, of Ludlow, v. pt. 2, 512
Mrs. Sarah A., m. Isaac W. Brown, iv. 630²
Sarah (Adams), wife of Jonathan Warren 3d, v. pt. 2, 452
Sarah (Sawtell), 2d wife of Jonathan Warren, v. pt. 2, 452
Sophrona (Parker), wife of Linus A. Warren, v. pt. 2, 703, 722
Stephen, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670², 673²(2)
Susan, m. David Adams, v. pt. 2, 449², 452
Thomas, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
W. L., of Montpelier, iv. 553
Rev. Waters, from Ludlow, of Berkshire, ii. 114
Willard, of Eden, ii. 626
William, of Brattleboro, v. 177²
of Stowe, ii. 717
Warren, Mrs. William, of Stowe, ii. 717
William W., of Albany, iii. 61²
Zebina, of Middlesex, iv. 250
Warren & Sproat, of Fair Haven, iii. 700², 702
Warriner, Mrs., of Brattleboro, v. 58
Capt., of Brattleboro, v. 48
Anna, m. Abijah Caryl, v. pt. 2, 163²
Benjamin H., of Roxbury, iv. 748²
Chloe, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Dea. Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Fanny M., of Wells River, ii. 955²
Rev. Francis, of Waterford, i. 431²
Howard, of Roxbury, iv. 748²
Martha, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 23²
Warring & Bisbee, of Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 527
Warwick, Earl of, i. 281
George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 25, 26
Wasburn, Laura, from Greensboro, of Lowell, iii. 273
Washburn, ____, in Grand Isle, ii. 526²
of Randolph, ii. 1037
in Rutland and Middlebury, iii. 1046² note
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600, 602²
m. ____ Sargent, v. pt. 2, 589
m. D. S. Wheatley, iv. 530
Dr., of Manchester, i. 204, 2d ed. 203²
Eld., in Pittsford, iii. 946²
Esq., of Randolph, ii. 1053
Gov., of Conn., iii. 172
Judge, of Ludlow, v. pt. 2, 246²
Rev., in Marshfield, iv. 206²
of Royalton, ii. 860; iii. 215²
Gen., of Woodstock, i. 476²; ii. 743², 744, 745(2), 760, 767, 1114²; iv. 708
Rev. A. C., in Northfield, iv. 654²
A. H., of Vernon, v. pref. v., v. pt. 2, 279, 287², 300², 318(2), 321², 324²
hist. of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 273-327
Abiah, of Middletown (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 280²
Abigail (Washburn), wife of Cephas Washburn, ii. 1051
Abisha, i. 638
from Salisbury (Conn.), pioneer of Middlebury, i. 52
Abner, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 989², 1050²(2)
Dr. Abner jr., of Randolph, ii. 1050²
Almira E. (Ferris), wife of Gov. P. T. Washburn, iv. 1105²
Almira P. (Hopkins), wife of Gov. P. T. Washburn, iv. 1117²
Amasa, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231, 619²
Amasa jr., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 619²
Amos, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285²
Angeline, m. Ezra Edson, iii. 790²
Ann Elizabeth (Barnes), wife of George Otis, ii. 1063²
Albert Henry, from Putney, of Cal., ii. 1064
Alexander Campbell, of Putney, ii. 1064
Artemas, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 280², 312
Artemus H., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285
Asa, of Plainfield, iv. 717²(2), 718, 727²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 217, 230, 246²
Mrs. Asa, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230
Asa, from Randolph, of Bates (Ill.), ii. 1063(2)
Asa jr., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 227
Col. Asahel, of Greensboro, iii, 41², 213, 215, 216²(2), 217²(2), 369²; iv. 97
of Montpelier, ii. 688; iv. 327², 469², 530
Asahel C., of Montpelier, iv. 551²
Azel, of Middleboro (Mass.), and Randolph, ii. 1050², 1051
Rev. Azel, of Royalton, iv. 66²
Rev. Azel jr., from Berlin, of Middletown, iv. 67
Barbery (Craige), wife of Asa Washburn, ii. 1063²
Benjamin Franklin, of Putney, ii. 1063²
Bethuel, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²
C. S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 324²
Rev. Cephas, of Randolph, ii. 999², 1051, 1065²
Charles, of Randolph, ii. 1008, 1063²
Clara Morse, of Randolph, ii. 1063²
Clarissa, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Bangor (Me.), v. pt. 2, 280²
Cornelia Jane (Boston), wife of Lucius Washburn, ii. 1063²
Cyrus, of Mass., sketch, v. pt. 2, 281-4
Dr. Cyrus, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2), 303, 306², 309, 314², 319(2), 320², 324²(2), 331
on Lt. Gov. Jonathan Hunt, v. pt. 2, 291²
on Arad Hunt 2d, v. pt. 2, 290
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 280
sketch, v. pt. 2, 280-1
Daniel, of Rutland, iii. 1057²
Washburn, Dr. Daniel, iv. 787
of Brookfield and Stowe, i. 524²; ii. 702², 726², 863
from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1050², 1051
Deborah, of Montpelier, iv. 327²
Dolly, of Hardwick (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 280²
of Montpelier, iv. 328
Dorothy (Newhall), wife of Ebenezer Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281
Dwight H., from Vernon, of Phila., v. pt. 2, 324²
E. H., of Montpelier, iv. 378², 379
Ebenezer, of Hardwick (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 280², 281
Rev. Ebenezer, of Brandon, iii. 473²
of Rutland, iii. 1044²
on Vergennes circuit, i. 57
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 280(2)
Edward A., of Colchester, ii. 767
Edward Payson, of Putney, ii. 1064
Edwin Darwin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 324²(2)
Eleanor, m. Rev. E. C. Tracy, ii. 1051
Electa (Stratton), wife of Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281, 331
Elizabeth, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1050²
m. Dr. Ezekiel Bissell, ii. 1014²
wife of James Washburn, ii. 1050²
Elizabeth (Bascom), wife of Edwin D. Washburn, v. pt. 2, 324²(2)
Elizabeth Rebecca (Harding), wife of William Washburn, ii. 1063²
Emeline, m. Chester G. Grant, v. 163
Emory, of Leicester (Mass.), iv. 430²
Ephraim, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
of Plainfield, iv. 717², 718
Franklin Bryant, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 324²
Gamaliel, of Montpelier, iv. 351, 352², 353(2), 530, 562², 567-8, 717²
George B. from Vernon, of Hartford (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 318²
Dr. George C., of Montpelier and Waterbury, iv. 530
George Otis, from Randolph, of Waverly (Mo.), ii. 1063²
Mrs. Hannah, of Winooski, i. 938²
Hannah Maria, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 259²
Harriet H., of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Dr. Hercules, from Randolph, of Georgia, ii. 243; iv. 156²
Huldah, m. Abner Weston, ii. 1050²(2), 1052²
m. Rev. Daniel Wild, ii. 1051
Huldah (Sears), wife of Jonah Washburn, ii. 1050²
Isaac, of Croydon, iv. 715(2), 716, 717²
Isaac jr., from Plainfield, of Lisle (N. Y.), and Ind., iv. 717²(2), 718
J. W. F., of Montpelier, iv. 332, 353(2), 354(2), 355
James, of Middleboro (Mass.), ii. 1050²
Jean (Bruce), wife of Albert Henry Washburn, ii. 1064
Jeremiah, of Lyndon, i. 342²(2)
of Sutton, i. 423²; v. pt. 34, 21², 27, 29, 35
Jerusha, of Whiting and Middlebury, i. 116
John, of Duxbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 280²
from England, ii. 1063
grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²
of Putney, ii. 1064
John jr., ii. 1063
Johnnie H., drowned, iv. 332
Jonah, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 849, 1052²
sketch, ii. 1050²
Jonah jr., from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1050²(2)
Joseph, ii. 1063
of Bridgewater (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 280²
Joseph jr., of Middletown (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 280², 281
Joseph 2d, ii. 1063
Josiah, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 999, 1050², 1051
Judah, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Julius, of Putney, ii. 1064
Justus W. F., of Montpelier, iv. 530
Keziah (Stoddard), wife of Amasa Washburn, v. pt. 2, 619²
L., of Randolph, ii. 1040²
L. M., of Montpelier, iv. 355²
Laura, m. Horace Maynard, ii. 1051
Levi, of Randolph, ii. 1061², 1063²
Levi Martin, of Randolph, ii. 1063²
Lizzie (Moody), wife of Franklin B. Washburn, v. pt. 2, 324²
Lorenzo, of Brandon, iii. 472²
Lucia, m. Rev. Austin Hazen, ii. 1051; iv. 66²
Lucinda W. B., hist. of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 273-327
Lucius, from Randolph, of Lockhart (Tex.), ii. 1063²
Lucretia, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²
Lucy, in Brookfield, ii. 862
m. Asahel Woodward, ii. 1050², 1051
Lucy (Hathaway), 3d wife of Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281²
Washburn, Luther, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²
Lydia, of Sheldon, ii. 472
M. A., of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Martha Ascenath, of Randolph, ii. 1063²
Martha C., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²
Mary, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
m. Samuel Sargent, v. pt. 2, 246²(2)
Mary (Johnson), wife of Joseph Washburn, v. pt. 2, 280²
Mercy, m. Lemuel Bradley, i. 638
Miles, from Montpelier, of Boston, iv. 530
of Plainfield, iv. 717²(2), 719
Minerva, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 619²
m. Rev. ____ Orr, ii. 1051
Olive, m. Zenas Wood, ii. 1050²
Olive (Standish), wife of Abner Washburn, ii. 1050²
Mrs. P. F., on Seth Washburn, ii. 1063
Patty (Campbell), 2d wife of Seth Washburn, ii. 1063²
Percy Fitch, from Vernon, of Racine (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 324²
Gov. Peter T., i. 438², 559², 560(2) ; iv. 272, 294², 296², 299(2), 587, 639², 854², 1105², 1117²; v. pt. 2, 733
Phebe (Cushman), wife of Josiah Washburn, ii. 1051
Phineas, of Highgate, ii. 420
Polly (Howland), wife of Asa Washburn, iv. 717²
Precilla, of Plainfield, iv. 717²
m. Alden Freeman, iv. 716
Prudentia (Flint), wife of Levi Washburn, ii. 1061², 1063²
Rev. R., in Huntington, i. 827²
R. Emily, of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Randolph, of Stowe, ii. 701, 712
Rebecca (Paine), wife of Seth Washburn, ii. 1063²
Reuben, of Highgate, ii. 420
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224, 259²
Rev. Reuben, of Brandon, iii. 474
in Richford, ii. 284²
Reuben Hubbard, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512(2)
Rhoda (Field), 2d wife of Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281
Roxana Stratton, m. N. H. Bryant, v. pt. 2, 319
Royal, ii. 585(2) and note
of Royalton and Burlington, ii. 1051
Sally Eddy, wife of Jonah jr., ii. 1050²
Sally (Skinner), wife of Azel Washburn, ii. 1051
Salmon, of Montpelier, iv. 350²
Samantha, of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Samuel F., of Goshen, iv. 1191²
Sarah, of Middletown (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 280²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 619²
m. Horace Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²
Sarah (Evarts), wife of Dr. Hercules Washburn, ii. 243
Semantha, m. Rev. Septimius Robinson, ii. 688
Seth, ii. 1063, 1064
grantee of Calais, iv. 130
of Leicester, v. pt. 2, 246²
of Middletown (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 280²
from Putney, of Randolph, ii. 1042, 1061², 1063
of Waverly (Mo.), ii. 1063²
Seth Caswell, of Randolph, ii. 1063(2)
Seth Munroe, of Randolph, ii. 1063²
Stephen, of Manchester, i. 201, 202, 203, 2d ed. 202²
Stephen Paine, of Randolph, ii. 1063²
Susan, of Hardwick (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 280²
Susannah, m. Rev. ____ Finney, ii. 1051
Thirza, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 619²
Thomas, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27
Dea. Virgil, ii. 1063
of Randolph and Northfield, iv. 648², 654, 655²
W. L. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280²
William, of Brighton, i. 952², 953
of Randolph, ii. 1063(2)
Corp. William L., of Montpelier, ?? 526²(2)
Z. K., of Maidstone, i. 1043²
Z. K. & Sons, of Guildhall, i. 996²
Mrs. Zerviah, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231
Washburn & co., of Montpelier, iv. 281
Washburne, Dr., iv. 915²
of Georgia, ii. 247
Rev. Ebenezer, of Charlotte, i. 742
Dr. G. O., of Waterbury, iv. 839
Isaiah, pioneer of Sherburne, iii. 1121
Washington, Lt., at Vergennes, i. 107
Capt., i. 296
Pres. George, i. 265²(2), 230, 268(2), 296, 484(2), 539, 565², 570², 591, 605², 615, 621², 667, 765, 779², 919, 920², 922, 942, 943, 1066; ii. 231, 375(2), 557²(2), 664², 665², 775(2), 795, 837², 840, 924, 925²(2), 929-31, 943(2), 958², 979, 1129²; iii. 99², 195², 265², 565², 598, 606, 614², 617, 920, 1024², 1025, 1039², 1095², 1154², 1155, 1156²; iv. 79², 127², 254², 256², 294², 325², 338, 429,
Washington, Pres. George-continued 469², 622², 861; v. 66², 87, 93², 169²; v. pt. 2, 47, 63, 121, 151², 371, 594², 599, 674(2), 721²; v. pt. 3, 45; v. pt. 3², 13, 21, 25²
Washmore, Seth, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Wasson, David H., of East Montpelier, iv. 589³
Moses, of Corinth, ii. 883²
Robert, of Corinth, ii. 883²
Thomas, of Corinth, ii. 882²
Waste, ____, in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704
m. Lyman Stone, v. pt. 2, 713²
Amelia, m. Diodorus Sawyer, v. pt. 2, 713²
Bezaleel, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528, 529
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713(2)
Charles, of Ohio, v. pt. 2, 713
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713²
Mrs, Charles, m. Ebenezer Waste jr., v. pt. 2, 713²
Charles H., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 712
Deborah, m. Levi Sumner, v. pt. 2, 713²
Ebenezer, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713(2), 723²
Ebenezer jr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713 (2)
Mrs. Ebenezer (née Waste), v. pt. 2, 713²
George E., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713²
Hattie S. (Warren), wife of Charles Waste, v. pt. 2, 713²
Joanna, wife of Bezaleel Waste, v. pt. 2, 713(2)
Lewis Sanford, from Whitingham, of Mich., v. pt. 2, 713²
Lucinda, 2d wife of Ebenezer Waste jr., v. pt. 2, 713²
Lydia, m. Reuben Green, v. pt. 2, 708, 713²(2)
Lydia (Baldwin), wife of Ebenezer Waste, v. pt. 2, 713
Rebecca (Fuller), wife of Ebenezer Waste jr., v. pt. 2, 713²
Uriah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713²
Wate, Benjamin, in Burlington, i. 491²
Waterbury, Catherine, m. (1) ____ Carman, (2) Myron Winslow, i. 930²
Capt. David, i. 5²
Gen. David, surrendered, i. 80, 664, 665
Rev. J. B., of N. Y., i. 930²
Waterhouse, Abigail, m. John Mitchell, iii. 1019
G. G., of Brighton, i. 953², 956
Waterman, ____, of Georgia, ii. 247
m. Thomas Pollard, ii. 141²
Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 620, 621
in Marshfield, iv. 207
Maj., of Greensboro, iii. 212²
Abigail (Morse), m. Nathaniel Carpenter, iv. 709²
Antony, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Araunah, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
of Montpelier, iv. 14, 272², 273², 276(2), 300², 301(2), 302(2), 328, 334, 408², 444, 524, 548
sketch, iv. 438-40
from Norwich (Conn.), of Johnson, ii. 671²-2
Araunah jr., of Johnson, ii. 672
Asa, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629
Benjamin, of Orange, ii. 969²
Bert, of Roxbury and Burlington, iv. 746
Betsey, of Barre, iv. 37
Charles, of Albany, iii. 67(2)
Rev. D., of Charleston, iii. 116²
Dyar, of Fairlee, ii. 905²
of Orange, ii. 956², 957
E. L. of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²
of Roxbury, iv. 747², 752²
of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14, 15
Ebenezer L., from Conn., of Roxbury, iv. 746
Ellman, in Barre, iv. 41
Fanny, of Montpelier, iv. 396
Frederick H., attorney, i. 473²
Heman A., of Johnson, iv. 1192
Henry, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128, 1137
J., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
James, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²
Mrs. Job, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128
Joseph, of Johnson, ii. 96, 587(2), 1013, 1021², 1023²; iv. 438²
Lucy (Flint), wife of Joseph Waterman, ii. 1013, 1021², 1023²
Lydia, m. Adin Smith, iv. 645²
M. N., of Orange, ii. 957
Mary, m. Capt. Jedediah Hyde, ii. 635²
m. John Wood, iv. 519²
Mehitable (Dodge), 2d wife of Araunah Waterman, iv. 438²
Mrs. Rebecca (Noyes), wife of Araunah Waterman, iv. 438²
Thomas, of Johnson, iv. 438²
of Franklin co., ii. 92², 587, 673²
hist. of Johnson, ii. 669²-80
Capt. Thomas, i. 672; ii. 800
V. W., of Waterbury, iv. 871²
of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
Vernon W., of Morristown, ii. 800²; iv. 438²
Volney W., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137
W. F., of Montpelier, iv. 355²
Waterman, W. F. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280²
William, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Waterous, James, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²
Waters, ____, at Brattleboro, v. pt. 3, 39
of Johnson, ii. 671²
Fr., of Fairfield, ii. 197²
Abel, surveyor of Burlington, i. 493
Amos, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255
of Waterbury, iv. 819, 828
Betsey, m. Moses Colton, iii. 735
Cynthia, m. Jonathan Crandall, iii. 619²
David, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²
Ebenezer, in Braintree, ii. 845²
grantee of Calais, iv. 131², 132
surveyed Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 4(2), 43², 71
grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254², 258(2), 259
Rev. J., in Hardwick, i. 327²
Jane A., m. Hiland H, Hall, v. pt. 35, 92²
John, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378², 383, 385, 386²(2)
Jonathan jr., grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Lydia A., m. Moses Colton, iii. 735
Phineas, of Waterbury, iv. 821²
Polly, of East Montpelier, iv. 583
Reuben, of Calais, iv. 117
of East Montpelier, iv. 583
Reuben D., of Calais, iv. 136², 147², 165², 176²
Samuel, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
of Pittsford, iii. 940², 942
grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²
Sarah, of St. Albans, ii. 334
Stephen, of Stowe, ii. 697²
Watkins, ____, of Brandon, iii. 1097
from Stowe, of Ill., ii. 710²
Dea., of Essex, i. 779
A. G., of Montgomery, ii. 275²
Dea. Alvin J., of Essex, i. 788²
D. H., of Cambridge, ii. 605²
Rev. D. H., in Belvidere, ii. 594, 769²
Rev. D. W., in Morristown, ii. 686
David, pioneer of Arlington, i. 123²
Rev. David H., in Cambridge, ii. 605²
Dr. E. V., of Newbury, ii. 944², 945
George, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
of Swanton, iv. 1003
Henry, of Rutland and Potsdam (N. Y.), iii. 1064
Howard, of Fletcher, ii. 201²
Eld. Howard, ii. 688²
James, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Jared, of Georgia, ii. 249
Moses, of Rutland, iii. 1080², 1081
Oscar, of Enosburg, ii. 135²
Patience, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Rev. R. A., of Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 223²
from Stowe and Coventry, of Turner Jct. (Ill.), sketch, ii. 710-11
Mrs. R. A., from Stowe, of Ill., ii. 710²
Rev. Ralden A., of Coventry, iii. 152², 156(2), 296
Watrous, Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 498, 551²
Rev. E. H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348
Erastus, of Montpelier, iv. 263², 276², 350², 352, 387², 497², 498²
Mrs. Erastus, iv. 497-8
Erastus B., of Montpelier, iv. 498(2)
Sophia, author, i. 559; iv. 12², 295, 320², 395²
m. ____ Bends, iv. 294², 498²
wife of Erastus Watrous, iv. 263²
Watso, John, St. Francois Indian, i. 32 note
Watson, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 310
Mrs. (née Snow), of Mass., iv. 529
Rev., of Coventry, iii. 351²
in Glover, iii. 207
Col., iii. 723
A. D., of Swanton, iv. 1130
Miss A. J., of Goddard Seminary, iv. 26²
B. of Fairfax, ii. 402
Benjamin, of Fair Haven, iii. 730, 735
Betsey, of Montpelier, iv. 327
C. of Barre, iv. 42
C. A., of Calais, iv. 136
Charles, of Calais, iv. 140²
Daniel, of Highgate, ii. 264², 265, 420²
grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
E. C., of Hartford, iv. 897, 906²
Ebenezer, of Barton, iii. 374²
Edwin C., of Worcester, iv. 889², 891, 892
Judge Edwin C., of Hartford, iv. 886²
Elizabeth, m. Nathaniel Niles, ii. 911
Elkanah, grantee of Barton, iii. 71², 82²
writer, iv. 6, 300², 301 and note, 302², 303, 304
Esther (Brown), wife of Oliver Watson, iv. 897
George, of Montpelier, iv. 279², 409
Henry, of Lyndon, i. 344
Watson, Henry L., of Guildhall, i. 948, 1005(2)
Jacob, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note
James, of Danville, i. 314²
of Fairfax, ii. 402²
James Y., of Fair Haven, iii. 701², 709, 737, 745
of Salem (N. Y.), iii. 680
John, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²
grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
of St. Albans, ii. 472²
grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778
Joseph, of Lemington, i. 1015
Capt. Joseph, of Barre, iv. 28²
Col. Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 729(2), 730
Joshua. grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note
Julia Emma (Hathaway), wife of Charles Watson, iv. 140²
L. W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45, 50²
Leonard, of Lyndon, i. 344
Matthew, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²
Nancy L. (Darling), wife of Dr. Oliver L. Watson, iv. 893
Dr. O. L., of Middlesex, iv. 238
of Topsham, ii. 1107²
Oliver, of Worcester, iv. 886², 887², 888², 893, 895, 897, 902²
Mrs. Oliver (née Brown), iv. 886²
Dr. Oliver L,, of W. Topsham, iv. 886²
of Worcester, iv. 893
Oramel H., of Topsham, ii. 1110², 1111
Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)
Parmenas, of Holland, iii. 233, 381²
Ralph, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²
Robert, of Richford, ii. 428
Mrs. S. A., poem, ii. 364
Sally, m. Joshua Quinton jr., iii. 735
Samuel, of Rutland, iii. 1062²
Sarah Myra (Witherell), wife of Col. Joseph Watson, iii. 729²
Sherman, of Barre, iv. 42
Susan, m. Royal Dennis, iii. 745
Timothy, of Benson, iii. 407², 408², 417²
Titus, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
of Poultney, iii. 972², 982²
W. C., ii. 80²
William, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
of Plymouth (Mass.), ii. 911
Capt. William, of Poultney, iii. 973², 974, 983-4
of St. John's (P. Q.), i. 700
Winslow C., of Manchester, iv. 323²
Watt, Dr., ii, 1069²
James, of Scotland, i. 685²
Watt &, Bolton, of England, i. 686
Watters, Marston, in Barre, iv. 41
Wattles, William, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
Watts, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 870
Chandler 2d, of Stowe, ii. 767
Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 707
Daniel C., of Stowe, ii. 767²
George R., of Stowe, ii. 744²
Isaac, i. 245, 252, 568²; ii, 145²; iii. 154²; iv. 320²
Isaac N., of Peacham, iv. 1191²
Lt. Jonas, of Cabot, iv. 78²
Lyman S., of Peacham, i. 360, 367²
Nicholas, i. 100²
Mrs. Ruth, of Peacham, i. 362²
Samuel, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²
Zenas, of Waterbury, iv. 871²
Waugh, Bishop, of Pawlet, iii. 904
Anna of Montpelier, iv. 327
Betsey, of Montpelier, iv. 327²
John, of Calais, iv. 176²
of Marshfield, iv. 200², 216
Nancy, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²
of Montpelier, iv. 332²
Robert, of Marshfield, iv. 200(2), 201
Way, ____, of Newbury, ii. 920
Delia (Eggleston), wife of E. L. Way, iii. 622
Deliverance, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42²
E. L., of Manchester, i. 200; iii. 622
Frederick A., of Andover, iv. 1192²
Harris, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40
James, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 13², 17, 20², 21², 40(2), 45(2)
Margaret W., m. Daniel Kellogg jr., v. pt. 2, 596²
Martin, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 45, 46
Rev. N. O., in Groton, iv. 1167
of Lunenburg, i. 1019
Nathan, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46²
Wells, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 42², 45²
William, of Lyndon, i. 347²
Waybo, Thomas, of Charleston, iii. 118
Wayland, Rev. Francis, of Brown Univ., i. 348², 530
H. L., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Wayler, Caroline E.. m. Charles Reuben Green, v. pt. 2, 709²
Wayne, Gen. Anthony, i. 136², 230², 770; 2d ed. 138²; iv. 295²; v. 79; v. pt. 3, 46²
Wead, Benjamin, of Swanton, iv. 1004², 1005
Delozon Deforest, of Sheldon, ii. 96
E. H. of Sheldon, ii. 372(2)
Wead, Epenetus H., of Sheldon, ii. 378
Erbon, in Georgia, ii. 242
D. D., of Sheldon, ii. 378, 379
H. N., of Guildhall, i. 949
Hezekiah, in Georgia, ii. 242
Jacob, of Sheldon, ii. 96, 377²
Samuel, of Sheldon, ii. 92², 372(2), 377², 378
Capt. Samuel of Sheldon, ii. 373², 374
Weakly, Stephen, of Durham, iii. 1092
Weare, John, of Canada iii. 76
Pres. Meshech, of N. H., i. 914(2); ii. 930, 934²(2), 937, 938, 940²; iii. 1096²; v. pt. 2, 4, 71²
Weatherbee, Almon, of Moretown and Northfield, iv. 640²
Benjamin, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Henry, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Henry M., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550²
Weatherby, Mrs., of Cambridge, ii. 613²
see also Wetherby
Weatherhead, Jeremiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33²
see also Wetherhead
Joseph, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33², 34², 36
Weatherly, Eld. Josiah, of Worcester, iv. 907²
Weatherwax, Lt. Mark, in Rev. war, ii. 391
Weaver, A. C., of Highgate, ii. 421
Andrew, of Bennington, i. 153, 2d ed. 155²
Catherine, m. Obadiah A. Bowe, iii. 1208²
Rev. J. M., of Stamford, i. 238
J. W., of Colchester, i. 763
John, in war of 1812, ii. 391²
Rev, John, iii. 835²
John M., in Brandon, iii. 473
of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²
Rev. John M., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164
of Swanton, iv. 1087³
Josiah, tory, iii. 1211²
Judith (Reynolds), wife of Richard Weaver, iii. 570
Richard, of Clarendon, iii. 570
Rev. Samuel, of Grand Isle, ii. 535²
in Highgate, ii. 269²
of Swanton, iv. 1087
Weaver & Hunt, of Fairfax, ii. 165²
Webb, Rev., of Brownington, iii. 92²
Gen., at Ft. Edward, i. 3², 714
Abigail (Howe), wife of Col. Edward H. Webb, i. 1001
Azariah jr., of Lunenburg, i. 948
Benjamin, in Bennington, i. 144², 2d, ed. 146²
Brush M., of Burlington, i. 509(2), 636²
C. A., of Northfield, iv. 695²
Calvin, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504
Carlton E., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503², 504
Catharine (Gates), wife of Dr. Theron Webb, i. 1022²
Charles, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Guildhall, i. 1000
Maj. Charles A., of Northfield, iv. 711
Daniel, of Brandon, iii. 456
of Grand Isle co., ii. 475²
Derick, of Charlotte, i. 734(2)
Mrs. Derick, of Charlotte, i. 734²
E. A. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 277
Maj. Edward A., of Northfield, iv. 666², 668, 681², 711
Col. Edward H., of Guildhall, i. 1000-1
Emely, of Rockingham, v. pt, 2, 504
Ethan B., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504
Fanny (Burnham), wife of Ethan B. Webb, v. pt. 2, 504
Francis, of Brandon, iii. 478
Greenleaf, of Guildhall, i. 948, 1000, 1005, 1007
Hannah (Abbe), wife of Joshua Webb, v. pt. 2, 504
Henry, of Clarendon, iii. 560²
Isaac, of Burlington, i. 473, 493, 496²
of Charlotte, i. 734 note
Rev. Isaac, of Brandon, iii. 468²
J. W., of Maidstone, i. 1029², 1030, 1031
James, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651
Jane (Allbee), wife of Carlton E. Webb, v. pt. 2, 503²
Jehial, of Rockingham, i. 967; v. pt. 2, 499², 508
Jehiel, of Westminster, v. pt, 2, 583²
John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600²
John W., of Maidstone, i. 1003²
Jonathan, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499
of Wells, iii. 1192²
Joseph, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Joshua, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Westminster, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²; v. 11(2), 14²; v. pt. 2, 499(2), 503, 504
on land committee, iv. 253²
Lucius R., of Guildhall, i. 1007
Mary, m. Eliakim Rice, v. pt. 2, 618²
Webb, Orissa Barlow (Chamberlain), wife of B. M. Webb, i. 636²
Reuben, from Guilford (Conn.), of Sunderland, i. 239
Samuel, of Monkton, i. 67²
Samuel B., grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Sarah, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504
Mrs. Sarah, 2d wife of Bates Turner, ii. 312²
Simeon, of Calais, iv. 146, 161²
Ens. Stephen, of St. Albans, ii. 433
T. S., author, iv. 321
Dr. Theron, of Lunenburg, i. 1018², 1022²
Thomas S., author, i. 559
Webb, Bancroft & co., of Montpelier, iv. 279
Webbe, Rev. W, T,, of Middlebury, i. 57(2)
Webber, Benedict, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125
Bradley, of Calais, iv. 144
Constant, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²
Rev. George N., in Coventry, iii. 161²
of St. Johnsbury, i. 406
lecturer, iii. 36
John, of Danville, i. 314
Mrs. Rebecca, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126²
William, of Danby, iii. 603
of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128
Mrs. William, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128
Weber, O., of Brownington, iii. 90²
Webird, Richard, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Webster, ____, of Brookfield, ii. 864
at Moriah (N. Y.), i. 12²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²
of Poultney, iii. 989
of Randolph, ii. 1043²
m. Hanson Rogers, iv. 76²
Mrs., m. James Hard jr., i. 2d ed. 135²
Rev., of Orwell, i. 74
of Temple (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 235
Col., in Rev. war, ii. 389²
A., on Benoni Webster, iv. 741-2
on Charles Webster, iv. 742-3
poem, iv. 768²
Rev.. A., iv. 553²
of Barre, iv. 52
in Newbury, ii. 951², 1171²
of Northfield, iv. 650²
A. P., of Lowell, iii. 270
Aaron, of Roxbury, iv. 739², 743, 756², 759², 760(2), 761²
Abdiel, of Hubbardton, iii. 749²; iv. 1177²
Abel, of Cabot, iv. 109²
Alanson, of Fairfax, ii. 171
Alden, of Cabot, iv. 84²
Allen, of Fair Haven, iii. 701²
Rev. Alonzo, of Montpelier, iv. 381², 382, 383
Alpha, of Cabot, iv. 103², 104², 105², 109²
Andrew, of Sudbury, iii. 1139
Mrs. Anna (Robinson), wife of Isaac Webster, i. 168, 2d ed. 170
Asa, with Stevens' rangers, ii. 946²
Asahel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Benajah, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177²
Benjamin, of Cabot, iii. 211; iv. 75, 78, 86², 103, 109²
sketch, iv. 76²-7
Mrs. Benjamin, of Cabot, iv. 76²-7, 89(2)
Benjamin H., of Stockholm (N. Y.), i. 476²
Benoni, of Roxbury, iv. 735², 739², 741², 742, 759(2), 760²
Benoni jr., of Northfield, iv. 739², 742
Betsey, of Calais, iv. 166²
wife of Benajah Webster, iv. 1177²
Mrs. Betsey A., of Vergennes, poem, i. 108
Betsey Maria, wife of Rev. Bennet Eaton, ii. 146²
C. C., of Northfield, iv. 682
Charles, of Roxbury, iv. 739²(2), 751²
sketch, iv. 742-3
Charles C., of Cabot, iv. 102², 109(2)
D., of Northfield, iv. 616
Dr. D. P., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224²
Dan P., of Putney, iv. 1191; v. pt. 2, 226
Daniel i. 60, 284, 403, 530, 605² note, 634², 639², 733; ii. 153², 230², 326², 328, 356², 818(2), 961; iii. 268, 393, 394²; iv. 9(2), 12, 76², 303², 449, 455, 506; v. 69²(2), 70, 82², 83, 111², 175²; v. pt. 2, 255², 526², 551², 594, 595(2), 610²; v. pt. 35, 91, 98(2)
of Charleston, iii. 114² (2), 118, 119, 122
Delia, of Ferrisburg, i. 34
Dr. Ebenezer, ii. 637², 638(2)
Edmund, of Roxbury and Randolph, iv. 742
Eleanor P. (Ryder), wife of Charles Webster, iv. 739², 743
Elijah D., of Poultney, iii. 991², 994²
Eliphalet, of Mendon, iii. 785
Elisha, of Brunswick, i. 964
Ephraim, of Newbury, ii. 934, 1102², 1103
Fanny M., of Wallingford, iii. 1170
Fred, of Montpelier, iv. 562
Webster, G. M., of Cabot, iv. 102²
G. W., of Cabot, iv. 86²
George M., of Cabot, iv. 97², 164²
George O., of Bradford, ii. 994
George W., of Swanton, iv. 1032²
H., of Barre, iv. 33
Rev. H., in Brookfield, ii. 862²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
of Waitsfield, iv. 782²
H. C., of Brandon, iii. 500
of Montpelier, iv. 281, 337, 355²
Rev. Harvey, of Barre, iv. 52
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
of Worcester, iv. 908²
Hopkins, of Fairfax, ii. 403
Horace, of Windsor co., iv. 1197
Isaac, of Bennington, i. 158², 168, 2d ed. 161, 170
of Fairfax, ii. 402², 403
Jacob, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14, 20², 22, 40(2)
James, of Northfield, iv. 672²
Jemima, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Jesse, of Cabot, v. 119, 545
of Marshfield, iv. 216²
Joel, in Bakersfield, ii. 108
John, of Franklin, ii. 219 (2), 221², 230²-1
of Roxbury, iv. 753
John S., of Burlington, i. 513
of Colchester, i. 763
Dr. John S., of Burlington, i. 655²
of Colchester, sketch, i. 939²
Dr. Jona, of Middlesex, iv. 237²
Jonathan, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42
Joseph, of Fairfax, ii. 403
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46
Justus, pioneer of New Haven, i. 70
L. D., of Stowe, ii. 701
Lahan, of Roxbury, iv. 748²
Lydia, of Cabot, iv. 109²
Martin, of Brunswick, i. 964(2)
Mrs. Mary, of Newbury, ii. 945
Mrs. Mehitable (Smith), iv. 109
Miriam, of Poultney, iii. 995
Moses, of Bethel, v. pt. 2, 619²
Dr. N., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55²
Rev. N., of Middlesex, iv. 238²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
Nathaniel, of Cabot, iv. 77(2), 109, 119
Mrs. Nathaniel, of Cabot, iv. 97, 98
Noah, author, iv. 321
Rev. Norman, in Groton, iv. 1167²
Osee, grantee of Winhall, i. 245²
Rhoda (Stoddard), wife of Moses Webster, v. pt. 2, 619²
Sally (Metcalf), wife of Benoni Webster, iv. 742
Samantha E., m. Joseph A. Wing, iv. 545, 552²
Samuel, iv. 913
of Fairfax, ii. 402², 403
on Newbury muster-roll, ii. 946
grantee of Orange, ii. 956
of Swanton, iv. 1009²
Rev. Samuel, of Bolton, i. 483²
in Huntington, i. 827²
Susanna, m. Russell Strong, iv. 61²
Theron, of Fairfax, ii. 403²
of St. Albans, ii. 292
Thomas, of Swanton, iv. 1019², 1032², 1039(2), 1060
Vergil B., of Woodbury, iv. 882
William, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
Webster & Failey, of St. Albans, ii. 306²
Wedge, Ezra, of Enosburg, ii. 140
Wedgwood, William B., author, i. 559
Wedgworth, Rev. C., in Alburg, ii. 487²
Weed, Benjamin, of Swanton, iv. 1003², 1040
Dorothy, of Topsham, ii. 1182
Eli, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
H. W., from Sheldon, of Coventry, iii. 152
Hezekiah, of Franklin, ii. 220, 222
I. M., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²
Rev. Ira M., of Hinesburg, i. 796
John, of Hinesburg, i. 799², 800
John W., of Hinesburg, i. 799
Joseph, of Essex, i. 892
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²
Micah, of Danby, iii. 592
Micajah, of Danby, iii. 599², 601², 649²
Nathan, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Orin, of Highgate, ii. 420
Gen. Stephen H., at Gettysburg battle, i. 718²
Walter A., of Shelburne, iv. 1195
Weeden, Dr., in Brookfield, ii. 863
Week, F., iii. 1038
Weeks, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347²
m. Dr. John Hazelton, v. pt. 2, 542²
Capt. i. 574²
Dr. A. D., in Highgate, ii. 263²
Abel, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
Abram H., of Charleston, iii. 109
Comfort, m. Joseph H. Ingalls, i. 419
Curtis, of Pawlet, iii. 885²
David, of Pawlet, iii. 885
Mrs. David, of Pawlet, iii. 895
Edmund, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Elijah, of Pawlet, iii. 879²
Mrs. Emily (Davenport), wife of John M. Weeks, i. 92²
Eunice, m. Daniel Avery, iii. 451²
George A., hist. of Salisbury, i. 88²-91
George E., of Charleston, iii. 108²
Weeks, Gilbert, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Mrs. Harriet (Prindle), wife of John M. Weeks, i. 92²
Holland, in Salisbury, i. 88², 90, 91, 92²
Rev. Holland, of Hinesburg, i. 796
of Pittsford, iii. 451², 944², 945; iv. 1081
Isaac, of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²
James, of Charleston, iii. 108²
of Danby, ii. 593, 603
grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
James jr. grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
James E. P., attorney, i. 473
Mrs. Jane, of St. Albans, iv. 1123
John, in Bennington, i. 144², 158², 2d ed. 147, 160²
in Richmond, ii. 767²
of Stowe, ii. 746
of Woodbury, iv. 880²
John M., from Litchfield (Conn.), of Salisbury, i. 92²-3, 256²; iii. 451²
of Lyndon, i. 355²
hist. of Salisbury, i. 88²-91
Jonathan, of Lyndon, i. 346
grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
Joseph, of Franklin, ii. 93²
of Sheldon, ii. 430
of St. Albans, ii. 96², 304²
of Swanton, iv. 1009²
Capt. Joshua, of Wheelock, i. 419
Nathan, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²
Dr. Nathan, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Nathaniel, of Charleston, iii. 108²
of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²
Nehemiah, of Lyndon, i. 346
Newman, of Rutland, iii. 1029, 1041
Philo, of Can., in Alburg, ii. 507²
Rebecca, m. Reuben Tobey, iii. 928²
Refine, from Oyster Bay (N. Y.), of Weybridge, poem, i. 115, 559
Rhoda (Robinson), wife of Maj. Salmon Weeks, iii. 924²
Rich, of Pawlet, iii. 885
Capt. S., of Sheldon, ii. 430
Maj. Salmon, of Pawlet, iii. 880, 924²
Salmon K., of Stowe, ii. 721, 767²
Seth B., of Pawlet, iii. 885
Shiverick, pioneer of Georgia, ii. 236², 237², 249²
Mrs. Shiverick, of Georgia, ii. 236²
Dr. W. A., of Barnet, iii. 302(2)
W. S., of Clarendon, iii. 571
William, of Bennington, i. 164², 2d ed. 166²
William D., of Morgan, iii. 284²(2)
Weeks family, of Lyndon, i. 347
Weir, John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230
Prof. John F., of New Haven (Conn.), v. pt. 35, 57²(2)
Welch, Capt. A., of Groton, iv. 1163²
Mrs. Anna, of Groton, i. 322²
Benjamin, pensioner, ii. 393
Catharine (Risdon), 2d wife of Daniel Welch, iii. 929²
Daniel, of Pawlet, iii. 900², 901², 911², 929²
Lt. Daniel, of Pawlet, iii. 874
Mrs. Daniel (née Kent), iii. 929²
(née Strong), iii. 929²
Capt. Daniel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 879
Edmund, of Groton, i. 322(2); iv. 1158, 1164
Edwin R., of Pownal, i. 259²
Elijah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 5², 10, 20, 21(2), 22, 24(2), 25(2), 26, 37²(2)
H. H. 2d., of Groton, iv. 1164²
Hosea, of Groton, i. 322²; iv. 1161
James, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 258
Joel F., of Topsham ii. 1114
John, Scottish reformer, i. 268
Jonathan, of Groton, i. 322(2); iv. 1158, 1164
Capt. Jonathan, of Groton, iv. 1163²
Jonathan jr., of Groton, i. 322
Louisa, m. Peter Button, ii. 1130²
Medad, of Groton, i. 322
Michael, of Northfield, iv. 671³
Patrick, pub. Brandon Post, iii. 495
Polly B., m. Asahel Clark, iii. 911²
Polly (Bryant), wife of Daniel Welch, iii. 929²
Richard, of Brandon, iii. 489²
of Moretown, iv. 603
S. N., poem, i. 310
sketches of Burke, i. 307-8
Dr. S. N., of Roxbury, iv. 748
Sally, m. Erastus Bostwick, i. 809
Mrs, Sarah, of Groton, i. 322²
Silas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Simeon, of Sheldon, ii. 225²
Stephen, of Groton, i. 322²
Walter, of Pawlet, iii. 874²
Rev. Whitman, of Williamstown (Mass.), Rev. soldier, i. 809
Weld, Rev., of Braintree (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 605
Rev. A W., iii. 937
Allen, of Braintree, ii. 848
Chester, ii. 117²
Mrs. Chester (née Comings), ii. 118
Capt. Elias, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Dr. George, of Braintree, ii. 847²
J. W., of Stamford, i. 238²
Luther, of Brattleboro, v. 179²
Meriam (Harding), wife of Moses Weld, ii. 684
Weld, Moses, from Mass., and N. H., of Morristown, ii. 684
see also Wild
Welden, David, of St. Albans, ii. 291
James, grantee of. Newport, iii. 302²
Jesse, pioneer of St. Albans, ii. 289², 290(2), 291(2), 292
Weldon, ____, of St. Albans, iv. 1107
Welds, Mrs., of Stowe, ii. 706²
Chloe, of Searsburg, i. 231
Jacob, of Topsham, ii. 1182
S. W., of Stowe, ii. 706²
Well, Hattie N., m. George B. Wait, v. pt. 2, 526²
Weller, ____, of Morgan, iii. 376²
Weller, Dea., of Rutland, iii. 1041²
Mrs., of Manchester, iii. 1057²
Mrs. Dea., of Rutland, iii. 1041²
Abel, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
Amos, of Rutland, iii. 1042
Arden, of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944
Catherine, m. Capt. John Vail, iii. 650
David, grantee of Danby, iii. 577, 651
of Hinesburg, i. 794²
Dinah (Hulett), m. Elisha Smith, iii. 628
Dinnis, of Rutland, iii. 1042
Eliakim, grantee of Danby, iii. 577²
of Manchester, i. 200, 201, 202; 2d ed. 200²; iii. 650
Rev. H. S., of Mendota (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 270²
Hannah, of Hinesburg, i. 799
Harry, of Danby, iii. 651
Hubbel, of Danby, iii. 651
Israel, grantee of Danby, iii. 577
John, grantee of Danby, iii. 577, 592
Jonathan, grantee of Danby, iii. 577, 628, 651, 665²
of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Katie, of Danby, iii. 651
Mary Ann, of Danby, iii. 651
Nathan, grantee of Danby, iii. 577², 580², 581, 592, 593², 599(2), 605², 651, 665(2)
Nathan jr., of Danby, iii. 651, 665
Rhoda, of Danby, iii. 651
Sally, of Danby, iii. 651
Sarah, m. Chad Phillips, iii. 641
Susanna, m. Bethuel Bromley, iii. 613²
Tilly, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
William, of Hinesburg, i. 799
Welling, Charles E., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 38(2), 49
of Shaftsbury, v. pt. 35, 20²
E. M., of North Bennington, i. 140, 141², 2d ed. 142², 144
Wellington, ____, v. 188² note
Amos, of Roxbury, iv. 748
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, i. 587², 679²; iii. 489, 1026²; iv. 11²
David, of Roxbury, iv. 748
Rev. Elbridge, of Stockbridge, iii. 787², 788
Rev. H., of St. Johnsbury, i. 405²
L. S., of Northfield, iv. 695²
Nathaniel, grantee of Calais, iv. 130
Quincy, of Coventry, iii. 140²
Sophia D., m. Lewis M. Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161²
Wellman, ____, of Burke, iii. 106
of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 642²
Dea., of Burke, iii. 367
Eld., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 641²
Abbie A., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387
Abigail, m. Peter Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146
Allen O., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 387
Arthur C., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387
Daniel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386², 387
of Grand Isle, ii. 526²
Rev. Daniel, of Burke, i. 306
Darius, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361
Delius, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381², 384²
Deliverance B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
E. P., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
Ebenezer, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 378², 384², 387
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 632²
Everett, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 38
Everett P., of Brookline, v. pt. 378, 385²(2), 387
Frank, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725
George, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387
Hannah (Wright), wife of John Wellman, v. pt. 2, 106²
Helen B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387
Isaac, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380², 384², 385²(2), 386, 387, 392²
Rev. Isaac, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386², 391(2)
Jacob, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531
James, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Jedediah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28², 29, 30²
John, of Amherst (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 106²
of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426², 432²
Rev. Jubilee, in Lowell, iii. 272, 279²
sketch, iii. 272-3
of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 153, 644(2)
Keziah, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
Laura, m. Larkin Gibbs, v. pt. 2, 168
Wellman, Leavitt K., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228
Leverett K., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379², 387
Mrs. Leverett K. (née Perry), v. pt. 2, 379²
Maria, m. Charles G. Roel, v. pt. 2, 185
Marshall, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 382
Martha A., m. Andrew Lyman, v. pt. 2, 387
Mary, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
Rachel, m. Hiram Hyde, ii. 636
Reuben, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
of St. Albans, ii. 433
Tim, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361
Timothy, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 384, 387
Wells, ____, of Barre, iv. 38²
of Poultney, iii. 980²
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 291²
Esq., of Middletown, iii. 816
Judge, v. pt. 2, 32
Rev., v. 29(2)
of Barton, iii. 80²
of Brattleboro, v. 61²
of Cabot, iv. 100²
in Granby, i. 995
Capt., Wells River named for him, ii. 955(2)
Maj., in Rev. war, ii. 792(2), 794²
Col., v. pt. 2, 27²
A., pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 150
A. H., of Waterbury, iv. 840
Abigail (Sargeant), wife of Robert Wells, v. pt. 2, 22²
Alexander, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862(2)
Allen, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583², 602²
Ann (Votee), wife of Moses H. Wells, v. pt. 2, 173²
Anna, of Fair Haven, iii. 738²
Annie M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 173² (2)
Asa, of Victory, i. 1046²
Dea. Asa, from Bolton (Conn.), and Tolland (Mass.), of Victory, i. 1048²-9
Benjamin, of Woodbury, iv. 875²
C. J. S., of Swanton, iv. 1098²
Cephas, of Waterbury, iv. 821, 828², 831², 837²
Charles, of Danby, iii. 591², 600
of Montpelier, iv. 355
of Waterbury and St. Albans, iv. 853²
Capt. Charles, of Danby, iii. 663
Charles V., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 173²(2)
Charlotte (Richardson), wife of David Wells, v. pt. 2, 619
Chester, of Richford, ii. 280², 282
grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Curtis, of Waterbury, iv. 853², 872
Cyrus, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 175², 181²
of Pawlet, iii. 901²
Capt. Cyrus, of Pawlet, iii. 879
Rev. D., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672
Daniel, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
David, of Brattleboro, v. 53²
grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15, 19
of Strafford, ii. 1079
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619
David A., iv. 139
Dennis, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²
Rev. Dennis, of Newbury and Fairlee, ii. 903
E. H., of Waterbury, iv. 872²
Eben, of Brattleboro, v. 29
Ebenezer, of Brattleboro, v. 57², 150²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 79
of Marshfield, iv. 200(2), 201²
Capt. Ebenezer, of Brattleboro, v. 48²
of Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 79
Ebenezer Casterson, of Brattleboro, v. 71², 73²
Edward, of Waterbury and Burlington, iv. 853²
Col. Eleazer, of Barre, iv. 519(2)
in Montpelier, iv. 377, 378², 381²
in Northfield, iv. 649²
in Strafford, ii. 1080
Presiding elder, iv. 98²
Mrs. Eleazer, of Moretown, iv. 599
Elias H., of Fairfax, ii. 171
Elijah, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
Eliza (Carpenter), wife of William W. Wells, iv. 853²
Emily (Taylor), 2d wife of Moses H. Wells, v. pt. 2, 173²
Enos, of Fair Haven, iii. 675
Ephraim, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 645, 650²
Estelle, m. Frederick M. Hollister, iii. 918
Ezra, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
Frank, of Brattleboro, v. 43²
Fred, of Waterbury and Burlington, iv. 853²
Rev. G. C., of Shelburne, i. 884
Rev. G. F., of Bradford, ii. 824²
of Lunenburg, i. 1019²
George, of Port Kent (N. Y.), pilot, i. 706
George C., of Stowe, ii. 716
Rev. George C., of Swanton, iv. 1087²
George F., of Worcester, iv. 909
Rev. George F., of Peacham, i. 361²
George L., of Worcester, iv. 909
Rev. George L., of Waitsfield, iv. 792²
Wells, Gideon, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
Hancock, of Brattleboro, v. 58
Hancox, v. 72
Hannah, of Brattleboro, v. 25²; v. pt. 2, 172, 279²
Hannah (Sheldon), wife of Col. Samuel Wells, v. 64
Hannah (Stout), wife of Dr. Henry Hall, v. 64²
Henry, of Calais, iv. 136
of Waterbury and Burlington, iv. 853²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 581²
Dr. Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 20, 22², 23(2), 57², 60², 62², 65, 191²
sketch, v. 64²-5
Henry C., of Calais, iv. 174(2)
of Woodbury, iv. 877²
Hiram, of Cabot, iv. 93, 103(2), 147²
Mrs. Hiram, of Cabot, iv. 109
Hiram, of Woodbury, iv. 875²
Horatio N., attorney, i. 473²
Capt. Howard, of Brattleboro, v. 48²
Hubbel, of Halifax, v. 14²; v. pt. 2, 413, 422(2)
Capt. Hubbell, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 407(2)
Isaac, of Calais, iv. 137, 166, 176
of Woodbury, iv. 880(2)
Isaac jr., of Woodbury, iv. 875²
J. F., of Shelburne, i. 884
Rev. J. H., of Stamford, i. 238
J. S., of Guildhall, i. 949
Jacob, of Corinth, ii. 875²
James, of Huntington, i. 818²
James Hancox, of Hartford, v. 73²
Jane (Hancox), wife of Rev. Wm. Wells, v. 71², 72
Jean, poem, i. 995²
John, of Rutland, iii. 1081
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583²
Rev. John, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 279²
Lt. John, i. 456
John jr., of Coventry, iii. 140, 141(2)
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 625
Dr. John D., of Me., i. 648
Dr. John Howard, of Brattleboro, v. 71², 73²
John S., from N. H., of Guildhall, i. 1008
John T., of Guildhall, i. 1007
Jonathan, of Brattleboro, v. 47², 59
grantee of Richford, ii. 278(2)
of Rutland, iii. 1080²
Jonathan K., of Vernon and Dover, v. pt. 2, 338²
Joseph, of Burlington, i. 655
of Marshfield, iv. 200(2), 201
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Joshua, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 22
of Westminster, v. 10²; v. pt. 2, 567², 625
Julia Ellen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 173²(2)
Levi, of St. Albans, ii. 434
Loomis, of Granby, i. 993
on Dea. Asa Wells, i. 1048²-9
hist. of Granby, i. 987-95
of Victory, i. 1047²
Lorenzo, of Moretown, iv. 598²
Luther, of Fletcher, ii. 201²
Rev. M. H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 214
Maria (Bump), wife of Perry Wells, iii. 670²
Martha, dau. of Dea. Asa Wells, i. 1048²
Mrs. Martha (Loomis), i. 1048²
Mary, of Brattleboro, v. 29
Mary (Chester), wife of Ebenezer Casterson Wells, v. 73²
Mary P. (Leslie), wife of Samuel Wells, iv. 487
Rev. Moses H., from Claremont (N. H.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 173 (2)
Murtin, of Cabot, iv. 109
Naomi, m. Benjamin Briggs, i. 849
Nicholas, of Strafford, ii. 1083²
Nicholas C. of Strafford, ii. 1082, 1084²
Noah, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²
Noah B., of St. Albans, i. 694(2)
Obadiah, in Brandon, iii. 431, 446, 447², 449²
Obediah, of Brattleboro, v. 16
Oliver, v. pt. 2, 574
of Brattleboro, v. 47²
of Underhill, Rev. soldier, i. 887²
Pamelia White, wife of Roswell Wells, iv. 852²
Perry, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862
of Wallingford, iii. 670²
Phillip, of Brattleboro, v. 43²
Polly P., of Moretown, iv. 603
Randall, of Shoreham, i. 95
Reuben, of Stowe, ii. 742²
of Waterbury, iv. 819, 821, 830²
Richard, of England, v. 71
Richard jr., of England, v. 71
Robert, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 22²
Roswell, of Waterbury, iv. 822, 837²(2), 838, 852², 859², 871²
Roswell 2d, from Waterbury, of Waupun (Wis.), iv. 853²
S. O., of Woodbury, iv. 877²
Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 4, 7², 8², 9, 10(2), 20(2), 22²(2), 23(2)
of Irasburg, iii. 244²
of Montpelier, iv. 358, 549(2), 550
Wells, Samuel, sketch, iv. 484-7
grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 691, 692
attorney, i. 473²; iv. 277², 283, 537
Capt. Samuel, of Barton, iii. 75²
Col. Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 20, 44², 47², 57, 60; v. pt. 2, 571²
sketch, v. 64
Samuel jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 991
Samuel B., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376
Sarah C., m. James W. Brock, iv. 853²
Schuyler, of Calais, iv. 147²
of Woodbury, iv. 880²
Selah, of Marshfield, iv. 200², 206²
Sidney O., of Woodbury, iv. 875², 876, 882
Mrs. Solomon, on William Martin, iv. 213-4
Susan, of Calais, iv. 166²
Susannah, of Williston, i. 902
Susannah (Spencer), wife of Ebenezer Wells, iv. 201²
Sylvester, of Stowe, ii. 742²
Thomas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²
of Coventry, iii. 155, 280², 381
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34², 36
of Troy, iii. 320² note
William, of Brattleboro, v. 20, 27²
of Burlington, v. pt. 35, 53
of Cambridge (Mass.), v. 139
of Milton, iv. 484²
of Richford, ii. 428²
of Swanton, iv. 1187²
of Waterbury, iv. 838², 853², 854
son of Rev. William Wells, v. 72²(2)
Rev. William, from Biggleswade (Eng.), of Brattleboro, v. 25(2), 26(2), 28², 48², 76, 80; v. pt. 2, 239²
sketch, v. 71-5
Gen. William, iv. 15²; v. pt. 35, 52², 63²
William jr., v. 73
William Henry, of N. Y., v. 71
William Palmer, of Franklin co., ii. 94
William W., of Waterbury, iv. 13, 829, 832², 833, 834², 838², 839-40, 871²
sketch, iv. 852-4
William Wellington, portrait of, iv. facing p. 852
Wells & Arms, of Waterbury, iv. 840
Wells & Lilly, of Boston, v. 73²
Wells, Richardson & co., of Burlington, iv. 853²
Welman, Jacob, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²
Welton, Catherine (Culver), wife of Ebenezer Welton, iii. 1192, 1198
Ebenezer, of Wells, iii. 1192(2), 1198
Rev. James, in Huntington, i. 827²
Job, of Groton, iv. 1166(2)
Mrs. Job, of Groton, iv. 1166²
Welton & Currier, of Lyndon, i. 347
Wendel, Jacob, grantee of Stratton, 2, 521
Wendell, Jacob, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
Oliver, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²
Wentworth, A., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
A. jr., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
A. & J. H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 515²
Asa, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
Asa jr., iii. 1117(2), 1118
Col. Asa, from Alstead (N. H.), of Bellows Falls, sketch, v. pt. 2, 515
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 515
Benjamin, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092
Gov. Benning, of N. H., i. 3, 88², 109, 127(2), 167, 281², 491², 908², 1004², 1026², 2d ed. 169²; ii. 100², 166², 259, 916, 954(2) ; iii. 428², 434, 553², 558², 866², 871, 939², 940, 969(2), 997, 1027, 1096, 1191²; iv. 3, 4², 962, 969, 972², 990, 999; v. 1, 2, 17², 18², 33², 46²; v. pt. 2, 411², 496, 533, 566², 568; v. pt. 3, 51
granted, Addison, i. 4
Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
Bennington, i. 142(2), 2d ed. 144
Bloomfield, i. 950
Bolton, i. 482
Bristol, i. 19
Brunswick, i. 944, 960²
Burlington, i. 488
Castleton, iii. 501
Charlotte, i. 733²
Danby, iii. 576²
Dorset, i. 182, 2d ed. 183
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 2-4
Essex, i. 778
Fairfax, ii. 166²
Fairfield, Smithfield and Hungerford, ii. 191
Fairlee, ii. 888², 889², 890
Ferrisburg, i. 32
Georgia, ii. 233
Glastenbury, i. 196²
Granby, i. 987
Guildhall i. 996²
Wentworth, Gov. Benning, granted
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 13-15, 16², 41²
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 407
Highgate, ii. 254², 256²
Hinesburg, i. 792²
Hinsdale [Vernon], v. pt. 2, 273
Huntington, i. 812²
Jericho, i. 829²
Lemington, i. 1014
Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Maidstone, i. 1025²
Manchester, i. 199, 2d ed. 198²
Milton, i. 839²
Middlesex, iv. 222, 226²
Monkton, i. 65²
New Haven, Middlebury and Salisbury, i. 69
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455-6
Panton, i. 78
Peru, i. 207²(2), 2d ed. 206²
Pownal, i. 215, 2d ed. 214
Randolph, ii. 974, 975(2)
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 494, 495²
Rupert, i. 222², 2d ed. 221²
Ryegate, Barnet and Peacham, i. 266, 273², 274, 276², 277, 358²
St. Albans, ii. 290
St. George, i. 851
Sandgate, i. 230, 2d ed. 229
Shelburne, i. 854²
Sheldon, ii. 377
Shrewsbury, iii. 1124, 1127²
Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528
Stowe, ii. 695(2)
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520², 521
Swanton, iv. 989², 1096²
Topsham, ii. 1104-5
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 532
Tunbridge, ii. 1115
Underhill, i. 886²
Waterbury, iv. 813², 823²
Wells, iii. 1191
Westford, i. 890²
Williston, i. 491, 900²
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²
Winhall, i. 245²
Woodford, i. 248
Worcester, iv. 883²
Caroline L. (Chase), 2d wife of Asa Wentworth, v. pt. 2, 515²
Charles, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338²
Mrs. Elizabeth, in Middlesex, iv. 245
Rev. Erastus, of Poultney, iii. 995² note
H., grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²
Hunking, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092
Hugh Hall, grantee of Danby, iii. 577
J., iv. 1157(2)
Jeduthan, of Eden, ii. 624²
John, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
of N. H., v. pt. 2, 568
grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092(2)
Maj. John, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
John jr., grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Lucy (Warren), wife of Asa Wentworth, v. pt. 2, 515²
M. H., grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
grantee of Newbury, ii. 944
M. Hunting, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Mark H., grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
Mark Hunking, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note
Hinesburg, i. 793
Highgate, ii. 256
St. George, i. 851 note
Shelburne, i. 941²
Underhill, i. 886² note
Mark W., grantee of Thetford, ii. 109²
Merrick, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 515²
Moses, of Eden, ii. 622(2), 624²
in Middlesex, iv. 245
Nathaniel, in Middlesex, iv. 245
Samuel, of Boston, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521
Thomas, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084
William Flunk. L, see Wentworth, Mark Hunking
Wentworth & Bingham, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 514
Werd, William, of Castleton, iii. 515
Wescott, Barlow G., of Danby, iii. 657
Hamilton, of Fair Haven, iii. 675², 688
Job, iii. 657
Phebe, m. Smith Bromley, iii. 613²
Rev. R., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164²
in Shelburne, i. 883²
Reuben, of Rutland, iii. 1047
Rev. Reuben, of Brandon, iii. 474
in Danby, iii. 606²
Wescott, Sarah, m. John Simonds, iii. 570
Susannah, of Ira, iii. 783²
Wescox, Thomas, of St. Albans, ii. 434
Wesley, ____, iii. 1046²
John, iv. 365(2)
Rev, John, ii. 822²
Weson, Lt., v. pt. 2, 28², 29(2)
Capt. Ephraim, v. pt. 2, 30
Wesselhoeft, Dr., from Germany, of Brattleboro, v. 36²(2), 174
Dr. George P., of Brattleboro, v. 60²
Dr. Robert, of Brattleboro, v. 60²
Wesson, Aaron, of Barnet, i. 275
from Haverhill (N. H.), of
Groton, iv. 1156, 1157²
Elizabeth, from Haverhill (N. H.), of Groton, iv. 1156
m. Edward Clock, iv. 1157²
Capt. Ephraim, of Groton, iv. 1147(2), 1168²
sketch, iv. 1130²-8
of Haverhill (N. II.), iv. 1146
Ephraim jr., of Groton, iv. 1147, 1156
James, from Haverhill (N. H.), of Groton, iv. 1156
of Stanstead (P. Q.), iv. 1157²
Nathan, of Wilmington (Mass.), iv. 1155(2)
Peter, of Barnet, i. 275
of Groton, iv. 1147, 1156
Sally, from Haverhill (N. H.), of Groton, iv. 1156
m. Edmund Morse, iv. 1146, 1157²
Samuel from Haverhill (N. H.), of Groton, iv. 1156
Sarah (Proctor), wife of Capt. Ephraim Wesson, iv. 1150²
Stephen, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1150²
of Wilmington (Mass.), iv. 1153²(2). 1157²
West, ____, of Irasburg, iii. 252²
of St. Johnsbury, i. 411
of Vershire, ii. 1135²
Dea., of Charleston, iii. 371
Judge, of Morristown, ii. 682²
Mrs., of Stowe, ii. 707
Lt., Brit. officer, i. 675
Capt., ii. 763²
A., of Barre, iv. 41²
Abner, of Montpelier, iv. 298²
Amy (Pennock), wife of Daniel West, ii. 1073² note
Anna, wife of Thomas West, ii. 1133²
Augustine C., of Coventry, iii. 153²
Benjamin, grantee of Newport, 302²
artist, iv. 519², 592
Caty, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²
Charles, of Royalton, iv. 1194³
Daniel, of Strafford, ii. 1073² and note, 1083 note
of West Fairlee, ii. 11692
David, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
E. F., of St. Albans, ii. 434²
Ebenezer, of Strafford, ii. 1082
of Vershire, ii. 1132², 1133(2)
Edward, of East Montpelier, iv. 583², 587², 1199
Elijah, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note
Miss F, A., of Goddard seminary, iv. 26²
Francis, from Plymouth co. (Mass.), pioneer of Calais, iv. 133(2), 134(2)
sketch, iv. 167-8
Freeman, of Calais, iv. 168
from New Bedford (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 266
Freeman N., of East Montpelier, iv. 584³
George C., of Brownington, iii. 92
of Irasburg, iii. 253, 254²
of Orleans co., iii. 34
George S., of Montpelier, iv. 337
Harriet, m. James Nichols, iv. 622
Jane, 2d wife of Phineas Page, ii. 176²
John, of Northfield, iv. 613², 614², 615², 652
of Strafford, ii. 1073²
of Swanton, iv. 1003²
of Lamoille co., ii. 390²
Lt. John, Brit. officer, i. 680² note
Jonathan, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Leavitt, of Strafford, ii. 1084²
Lewis, of Strafford, ii. 1082
Lydia, m. Hosea Miller, v. pt. 2, 51
Lyman, of Richford, ii. 428
Martha, m. Ebenezer Cole 2d, iii. 125
Martha (Titus), wife of Nathan West, ii. 1133²
Nathan, of Vershire, ii. 1133²
Nathaniel, of Cabot, iv. 86²
Polly (Davis), wife of Thomas West, iv. 261
Lt. Presbury, of Montpelier, iv. 297
Priscilla, m. James Fisk, iv. 1049²
Rufus, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Samuel, of Montpelier, iv, 387²
Samuel tr., of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 123; v. pt. 35, 39
Sarah, m. Smith Bennett, iv. 168
m. Zoeth Tobey, iv. 169²
Stephen, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
Stephen G., in Barre, iv. 46
West, Stutson, of Danville, i. 814²
Mrs. Squire, of Charleston (N. H.), i. 394 (2)
Thomas, of Vershire, ii. 1133²
Thomas jr., of Montpelier, iv. 547²
Capt. Thomas, of Montpelier, iv. 261
Truman, of Montpelier, iv. 549
William, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
of Woodbury, iv. 873, 874², 875, 876 (2)
of Worcester, iv. 912²
Westcomb, Henry, of Belvidere, ii. 593²
Westcott, Rev. Reuben, in Charlotte, i. 742²
of Pawlet, iii. 904²
Solomon H., of Manchester, i. 259²
Westenhouse, ____, in Pownal, i. 214, 215, 2d ed. 213, 213²
Westgate, C. W., of Montpelier, iv. 291²
Martha Post (Hyde), wife of Wm. Westgate, ii. 636
William, ii. 636
Westjohn, Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 327
Westman, Lt. Orson C., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²
Weston, ____, m. M. A. Tewksbury, ii. 1045²
of Sandy Hill (N. Y.), iii. 860
Judge, iv. 767²
Lt., of Sheldon, ii. 373²
A., of Randolph, ii. 1032²
Abijah Osgood, of Randolph, ii. 1045
Abner, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, ii. 1042², 1050², 1052²-3
Amelia (Bissell) (Bradford), wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1176
Aurelia B. (Bradford), 3d wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1053
Betsey, m. Joseph Paine, ii. 1045(2)
Betsey (Edson), wife of Daniel Weston, ii. 1045
C. B., religious hist. of Belvidere, ii. 594(2), 594²-5
Daniel, from Randolph, of Wis., ii. 1045(2)
Dolly, m. John Waldo, ii. 1045
Dolly (Sprague), wife of John Weston, ii. 1045
Dr. E. jr., of Randolph, ii. 995²
Dr. E. S., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728²
Ebenezer, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
Edman, of Randolph. ii. 989²
Edmund, of Randolph, ii. 1001², 1003, 1015, 1057², 1176
sketch, ii. 1052²-3
Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)
Edmund jr., of Randolph, ii. 1176
Dr. Edmund jr., of Randolph, ii. 1053
Capt.. Edmund jr., i. 440(2)
Elizabeth Bissell (Bradford), wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1015
G. A., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 506²
Goden, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
Rev. H. C., from Charlestown (Mass.), of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 48²
Harriet A. (Walbridge), wife of Jehiel Weston, ii. 1045²
Hiram, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
Huldah, of Randolph, ii. 989²
Huldah (Washburn), wife of Abner Weston, ii. 1050²(2)
Jehiel Woodward, of Randolph, ii. 1045(2)
John, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
from England, of Salem (Mass.), ii. 1052²
from Middleboro (Mass.), of Randolph, sketch, ii. 1045
John jr., of Randolph, ii. 1045
of Waitsfield, ii. 1045
John A., of Belvidere, ii. 593²
Lucy, m. Joseph Bacon, ii. 1045(2)
Lura (Lyman), m. Gen. Jonathan Orms, iii. 727
Mary, of Randolph, ii. 1176
Matthias, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Miriam (Belknap), of Randolph, ii. 1045²
Sarah, m. ____ Aiken, ii. 1170
Mrs. Sarah E., of West Randolph, iv. 319²
Sarah (Edson), wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1053, 1176
Sarah (Throop), 2d wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1176
Sarah (Troop), 2d wife of Edmund Weston, ii. 1053
William, of Burlington, i. 349, 472², 473, 508², 509², 874²
William W., editor, i. 560
Westoon, Hyde, of Castleton, iii. 515²
of Rutland co., iii. 519²
Westover, ____, of Castleton, iii. 509
Enos, ii. 635²
Hyde, of Castleton, iii. 529
of Enosburg, ii. 398²
Mary (Hyde), wife of Enos Westover, ii. 635²
Westropp, Capt., Brit. officer, i. 675, 680² note
Wetherbe, Azor, of Franklin co., ii. 93²
Farewell, of Cambridge, ii. 605²
Samuel, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
Wetherbee, ____, of Sutton, v. pt. 2, 521²(2)
Messrs., of Port Henry (N. Y.), i. 682, 698²
Wetherbee, A , of Northfield, iv. 681²
of Waterford, i. 949
Abial, of Fletcher, ii. 201, 203²
Abijah, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Almon, of Northfield, iv. 706
Azor, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Benjamin, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553
Cynthia, from Templeton, of Fletcher, ii. 210²
Francis, of Fletcher, ii. 206
James, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Jason. grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Johanna, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Jonathan, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Rev. Josiah, of .Huntington, i. 817
Samuel, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note, 968², 971², 973, 974², 977
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Samuel ;jr., of Concord, i. 967 note
Susannah, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Susannah (Johnson), wife of Samuel Wetherbee, i. 977
Wetherby, Mrs., of Cambridge, ii. 603
F., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
Francis, of Cambridge, ii. 601²
see also Weatherby
Wetherell, George, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 581², 616²
Salome (Cone), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 609
Weatherhead, Jeremiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 31²
see also Weatherhead
Wetmore, ____, of Roxbury, iv. 741², 746
of Franklin co., ii. 129²
Amos, of Ira, iii. 784
Charles, of Franklin co., ii. 95²
D., of Chittenden, iii. 548
Delia, m. Dr. William Atwater, i. 630
Henry H., of Barre, iv. 37²
John, of Ira, iii. 784
Joseph, of Brandon, iii. 450²
of Chittenden, iii. 549
Samuel, of Ira, iii. 783
Seth, of Franklin co., ii. 92, 93(2), 95²
of St. Albans, ii. 331², 365
sketch, ii. 314-5
Mrs. Seth (née Shepherd), of St. Albans, ii. 314
Mrs. Seth (née Smith), of St. Albans, ii. 314
William Shepherd, of Newport (R. I.), ii. 314, 315
Wetmore & Morse, of Barre, iv. 39²(2), 40
Weyer, Rev. Samuel, in Grand Isle co., ii. 485²
Weymouth, Betsy (Gilman), wife of Shadrach Weymouth, iv. 155²
Roxy Ann, m. Lyman Cole, iv. 155²
Shadrach, of Vershire, iv. 155²
Rev. Warren, from Vershire, of West Amesbury (Mass.), iv. 155²
Whalin, Peter, of Pittsford, iii. 942
Whatcoat, Bishop, i. 104, 483²
Wheat, George F., of Elmore, ii. 627²
Hannah, m. Samuel Stratton 2d, v. pt. 2, 329
Herbert L., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 223²
Jerusha, m. Edward Bump 2d, iii. 670²
Moses, v. pt. 2, 329
Samuel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 33, 231², 379
Samuel E., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226
Wheatley, Alpheus S., of Woodbury, iv. 876
Andrew, of Berlin, iv. 53²
of Plainfield, iv. 720, 730²
D. S., of Montpelier, iv. 354, 355
Mrs. D. S., of Montpelier, iv. 428², 530
Daniel S., of Montpelier, iv. 353²
John, of Brookfield, ii. 858²
grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
John J., of Brookfield, ii. 858²
Luther, of Cabot, iv. 83, 94²
Nathaniel, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
Maj. Nathaniel, of Brookfield, ii. 867
Mrs. Nathaniel, of Brookfield, ii. 863
Wheatly, Lt., of Norwich (Conn.), Rev. officer, ii. 796²
Nathaniel, of Brookfield, ii. 858², 863
Wheaton, A., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²
Ann, of Montpelier, iv. 329
Mrs. Benjamin, of Barre, iv. 36²
Dea. C., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²
C. A., of Barre, iv. 38
Rev. C. W., of Nev., v. pt. 2, 270²
D. F., on D. P. Thompson, iv. 69-70
Elsie, v. pt. 2, 629
Emily, m. Horace Lane Johonnott, iv. 918²
Henry, jurist, ii. 1152; iii. 394²
Isaac, of Pittsford, iii. 943²
Isaac C., of Pittsford, iii. 954²
James, of St. Johnsbury, i. 397
John, of Barre, iv. 36²
Joseph, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Wheaton, P. C., of Barre, iv. 38²
Plina, of Barre, iv. 37
Pliny, of Barre, iv. 42
Sarah, m. Peter Johonnott, iv. 917²
W. A., of Barre, iv. 26², 428²
Whedon, Agnes, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Allen, of Pawlet, iii. 899, 902², 904², 929
Anne, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Ansel, of Pawlet, iii. 890(2), 929²
Ansel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Ansel 3d, from Pawlet, of Va., iii. 929²
Charles, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
David, of Pawlet, iii. 929²(2)
Capt. David, of Pawlet, iii. 879²
David jr., of Pawlet, iii. 893, 929², 930
Edmund, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 885, 902², 929²(2)
James, of Pawlet, iii. 887², 888, 929²(2)
John, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
John M., of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Lorene, m. Rev. Archibald Wait, iii. 929²
Lucinda, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Lucy, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Lucy (Allen), wife of David Whedon, iii. 929²
Mary (Hatch), wife of Ansel Whedon jr., iii. 929²
Mehala, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Naomi, m. Eli Graves, iii. 741²
Oscar, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Rachel, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Mrs. Rachel, wife of Ansel Whedon, iii. 929²
Roxana (Howe), wife of James Whedon, iii. 929²
Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 929²
Wheelan, John, of Brandon, iii. 431
Wheeler, ____, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392
of Brownington, iii. 97²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 131²
from Mass., of Johnson, ii. 671
of Newbury, ii. 918²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 233²
of St. Albans, ii. 306²
from Shutesbury (Mass.), ii. 917²
m. Marcellus Baker, iii. 609²
m. Rufus Wright, v. pt. 2, 614²
companion of Jabez Fitch 3d, ii. 640
Dr., iv. 9
Pres. of Univ. of Vt., ii. 320²
Rev., iv. 935², 937², v. 179
of Montpelier, iv. 199
Capt., of Grand Isle, ii. 520 note
Rev. A. M., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
Aaron, of Calais, iv. 166, 172²
Abigail (Miller), wife of Francis D. Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 168²
Abram, at Bennington, v. 91
Adam, of Hubbardston (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 689
Alanson H., of Charlotte, i. 472²(2)
Alfred, of Fairfax, ii. 171, 402²
Almira, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²
Almos, of Northfield, iv. 671³
Alonzo, of Calais, iv. 142²
Amy M. A., of Calais, iv. 166
Amy (Wood), wife of Thomas Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²(2)
Anson, of Sherburne, iii. 1122²
Apollos, of Woodbury, iv. 880
Ama, of Montgomery, ii. 96², 276²
Aurra, m. Russell Clark, iii. 855
Austin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184
from Newfane, of Brome (P. Q.), v. pt. 2, 476²
B., of Calais, iv. 136, 172
Benjamin, of Calais, iv. 174²
Benjamin H., of Montpelier, iv. 313²
Benjamin I., of Montpelier, iv. 265², 266, 548, 578, 579, 591
Beriah, of Winhall, i. 246
Bersheba, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232
Bowers, of East Montpelier, iv. 161
Caleb, of Fair Haven, iii. 725
Catharine (Miller), wife of John Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 134
Catherine, m. Joseph D. Farnsworth, ii. 196²
m. Gamaliel Arnold, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²
Charles H., of Charlotte, i. 744²
Charlotte (Miller), wife of Austin Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 184, 476²
Charlotte Sophia (Knowlton), wife of Austin Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Comfort, of Monroe, iv. 1199
of Woodburn, iv. 873, 879²
Cyril, of Montpelier, iv. 523²
Cyrus. of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 688²
Col. D. D., v. pt. 35, 72
Daniel, of Danville, i. 313(2)
Darius, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 467, 727
m. Francis Balcom, v. pt. 2, 476²
David, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²
Rev. David H., son of Caleb Wheeler, iii. 725
Dobson, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note
E., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121
E. E. G., editor, of North Union, iii. 36²(2)
Mrs. E. H., of Charlotte, i. 735²
E. P., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461²
Edward, of Pittsford, iii. 943²
Wheeler, Edwin, of Richford, ii. 283², 287
Elanson H., of Charlotte, i. 744(2)
Eliza Jane (Hunt), wife of John B. Wheeler, i. 534-5
Elizabeth, of Colchester, i. 776²
m. Daniel Taylor jr., v. pt. 2, 476²
Elsey (Davis), wife of Shubael Wheeler, iv. 161
Emery, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²
Emily, m. Levi W. Wright, iv. 161²
Ephraim, i. 491²
Esther (Bacon), wife of Preserved Wheeler, i. 753²
Ezekiel, iv. 1157
Ezekiel Dodge, of Barre, iv. 23, 27²
Eld. F., in Irasburg, iii. 260²
Dr, F. P., in Bristol, i. 20²
Fanny, m. Isaac; Boyden, v. pt. 2, 38
Fausta M., m. Austin Laughton, v. pt. 2, 204
Ferona (Williams), wife of George Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Flora, of Calais, iv. 142²
Foster, of Putney, v, pt.. 2, 34²
Rev. Francis B., from Brandon, of Poughkeepsie (N, Y.), iii. 466(2), 467²
Francis D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 168²
Franklin, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 477
Gardiner, of St, Johnsbury, i. 397², 410²(2)
Gardner, of Barre, iv. 27, 441
George, of Guildhall, i. 944, 997², 998, 1000, 1002
of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 476²
Dr. George C., of St. Johnsbury, v. pt. 2, 731
of Walden, i. 426²
George E., of Montpelier, iv. 281
George W., of Charleston, iii. 109
Gideon, in Brandon, iii. 430²
Gilbert, of Charlotte, i. 738
Rev. Gilbert, of Charlotte, i. 744²
Glazier, from Shutesbury (Mass.), of Newbury, ii. 917²-8(2)
H., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121
Judge H. H., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 171², 172
Hannah, of Woodbury, iv. 880(2)
Harradon, from Westmoreland (N. H.), of Putney, v. pt. 2, 219²
Harrison, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 253²(2)
Henry F., of Halifax, v, pt. 2, 419²
Capt. Henry O., of South Hero, ii. 577, 586
Hiram, of Elmore, ii. 627²
Holland, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²
Horace, of Randolph, ii. 999
Horace H., of Wallingford, i. 260³
Dr. Hosea, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851
Howe, of Calais, iv. 165², 172³
of Worcester, iv. 902²(2)
Hoyt H., iii. 427, 1159²; v. pt. 35, 62²
from Chesterfield ( N. H.), of Newfane, sketch, v. pt. 2, 431
of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424², 428², 431², 433
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728
Huldah, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²
m. John Brigham, v. pt. 2, 716
Huldah (French), wife of Benjamin I. Wheeler, iv. 579
Ira, of Fayston, iv. 184²
of Moretown, iv. 597²
Irene, m. ____ Dean, iii. 725
Isaac, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², note
in Somerset, v. pt, 2, 529
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 528²
Capt. Isaac, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Dr. Israel, of Mich., iii. 725
J. B., of Montpelier, iv. 333²
Jacob, of Castleton, iii. 529
Jacob jr., of Mt, Tabor, iii. 867
James, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
of Mendon, iii. 785
of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²
of Woodbury, iv. 880
Jedidah (Bigelow), wife of John Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Jerahmel, of East Montpelier, iv. 578²
Jerahmel B., of Montpelier, iv. 547², 548, 579
Jerathmel B., from Rehoboth (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 266
Jeremiah, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346
Jerusha, m. ____ Warner, iii. 725
Jethro, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567²
Joel, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Joel S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 168²
John, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²
of Burlington, on Harry Bradley, i. 638²-9
grantee of Canaan, i. 1067²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 134
of Fletcher, ii. 201²
of Isle La. Motte, i. 706
of Millersport (O.), iii. 725
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 190(2), 431, 471, 482, 727
sketch, v. pt. 2, 476-7
of Poultney, iii. 982
Wheeler, John, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
one of the editors of N. Y. Tribune, v. pt. 2, 477
Dr. John, of West Fairlee, iv. 156²
Rev. John, in Coventry, iii. 157
of Hinesburg, i. 796²
Pres. Univ. of Vt., i. 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 535, 590², 600², 648², 883; ii. 101; iii. 1095; iv. 665
sketch, i. 520²-30
of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²(2)
John B., atty., iv. 473², 509(2), 524, 529², 655²; ii. 101²
m. Eliza Jane Hunt, i. 535
Rev. John B., i. 655²
John Elhanan, v. pt. 2, 477
Rev. John W, of Plainfield, iv. 727²
Jonas, of Chittenden, iii. 549(2)
Jonathan, of Plainfield, iv. 728²
Joseph, in Fairfield, ii. 191²(2), 192, 200
in Pownal, i. 215², 2d ed, 214
of Waterbury, iv. 837
Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 23²
Josiah H. of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339, 342², 346
Julia Lucy (Duncan), wife of Thomas Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Juliana, m. Asa Green, v. pt. 2, 708
Juliana Maria, m. Asa Blunt, v. pt. 2, 477
Justus P., of Charlotte, i. 737²
Kirk W., from Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²
Rev. L., in Cambridge, ii. 605²
Laura Ann, m. Luke Morgan Knowlton, v. pt. 2, 477
Leander, of Craftsbury, iii. 171
Lemuel, of Charleston, iii. 109
Eld. Leonard, of Stafford, ii. 1080
Rev. Leonard, in Braintree, ii. 848
of Cabot, iv. 102²
in Calais, iv. 145(2)
in Randolph, ii. 1001
Louis Lyman, of Randolph, ii. 1042²
Louisa, m. James Marsh, i. 527²
Lucas, of Charleston, iii. 120, 121
Lucy (Goodell), wife of Alonzo Wheeler, iv. 142²
Lyman, of Pawlet, iii. 898
M., built Champlain canal, i. 681²
Mrs. Margaret, of Pawlet, iii. 895, 898, 930
Martin, of St. Johnsbury, i. 397(2), 410²
Mary, m. Joel Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²
Mary Ann (Roylance), wife of John Elhanon Wheeler, v, pt. 2, 477²
Mary (Batchelder), wife of ____ Wheeler, iv. 717²
Mary T., m. Rawsel R. Keith, iv. 510
Mason, of Calais, iv. 144, 165²
Melona Ann (Williams), 3d wife of Austin Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Moses P., of Worcester, iv. 886
Nancy, m. Samuel Arnold, v. pt. 3¹, 24², 25²
Nathan, of Bakersfield, ii. 108, 138
of Cabot, iv. 103² 104², 176²
of Grafton, i. 524; iv. 573²; v. pt. 2, 556²
of Moretown, iv. 597²
in Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529
Dea. Nathan, of Colchester, i. 776²
Rev. Nathan, in Cabot, iv. 97, 101, 102²
Nathaniel, of Brownington, iii. 92
Dr. O. A., of Cal., v. pt. 2, 422
Rev. O. G., of Grand Isle, Hymn, i. 899
of South Hero, ii. 530(2)
Obadiah, of Rutland, iii. 1089(2)
Orville, of Enosburg, ii. 135²
Orville Gould, of Charlotte, i. 737²
of Grand Isle co., ii. 479, 573, 576(2), 577
Rev. O, G,, of South Hero, ii. 578-9
Rev. Orville G., of Charlotte, i. 744², 746
poems, i. 751-3
of Grand Isle and South Hero. ii. 534², 535
author, i. 559
Patty, m. Cyrus Ware, iv. 441
Paul, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675
Dr. Paul, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676(2)
Peter, of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 753
Mrs. Peter (née Martin), i. 753
Ens, Peter, of Charlotte, i. 736²
Peter jr., i. 753
Phila (Miller), wife of Joel S. Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 168²
Philinda (Knapp), wife of William . Wheeler jr,, v. pt, 2, 168²
Philip, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
of Plainfield, iv. 728²
Rev. Philip, of Montpelier, iv. 289
Phineas, of Calais, iv. 164²
Polly (McNiel), wife of Preserved Wheeler, i. 753²
Preserved, from Lanesborough (Mass.), of Charlotte and New Haven, i. 72, 753(2)
Rachel A., of Northfield, iv. 671³
Reuben, i. 753
Roxana, wife of John Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 431
Wheeler, Royal, of East Montpelier, iv. 14, 272², 548, 575, 580², 586(2)
Mrs. Royal (née Davis), of East Montpelier, iv. 580²
Rufus, of Woodbury, iv. 880
Rev. Russell, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²
Russell C,, of Pawlet, iii. 881², 893, 930
Rev. S. H., of Waterbury, iv. 839²
author, iv. 321
Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 71², 79
of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944
Dr. Samuel, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676
Sarah, m. Ichabod M. Knapp, v. pt. 2, 148², 168²
Sarah (Miller), wife of Silas Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 47
Sarah (Smith), wife of William Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 168²
Sarah (Trowbridge), m Eliphalet Case, iii. 725
Capt. Seth, of Sudbury, iii. 855
Sheldon, i. 753(2)
Capt. Sheldon, of Charlotte, i. 736²
Shepherd, iv. 142²
Shubael, of Calais, iv. 131, 132, 133, 134, 137², 161, 172, 173(2), 174(2), 175(2), 510²
of Montpelier, iv. 274(2), 333², 352², 579²
Silas, of Glover, iii. 201(2), 207
of Petersham (N. H,), v. pt. 2, 47
Simon, of Coventry, iii. 152²
of Plainfield, iv. 891
of Westford (Mass.), iv. 1155²
Susanna, m. Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²
Sybil (French), wife of Jerahmel B. Wheeler, iv. 579
Sylvester, of Warren, iv, 804²
Thirza, m. Shubael Peck, v. pt. 2, 621²
Thomas, of Concord (Mass,), v. pt. 2, 476
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 467, 476²(2), 727
Weston, of Calais, iv. 144
Willard, of Highgate, ii. 420
William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167, 168², 194², 206
of Groton, iv. 1167
of Poultney, iii. 977²
of Waitsfield, iv. 777²
William jr,, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 168²
Vice Pres. William A., iv. 635
Zadock, of Charlotte, i. 744(2), 746
Zalmon, of Hinesburg, i. 794²
Wheeler & Morse, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²
Wheeler & Smith, of Poultney, iii. 1001
Wheeling, Rev., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 559²
Wheelock, ____, of Calais, iv. 146²
of Rutland, i. 735
Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 328²
Rev. ____, ii. 600
of Warren, iv. 803², 903²
A. J., of Cambridge, ii. 603²
A. N., of Barre Academy, iv. 24²
Abigail (Read), 2d wife of Asa Wheelock, v. pt. 2, 676
Abijah, of Calais, iv. 133(2), 134(2), 135, 136(2), 137, 145², 146, 165², 168, 172², 173(2), 174², .176, 922²
Mrs. Abijah, of Calais, iv. 134(2)
Alfred, of Calais, iv. 136
Alfred P., of Calais, iv. 174
Amasa, of Coventry, iii. 150
Amos, of Calais, iv. 166, 176
Anna, of Worcester, iv. 902²
Asa, of Calais, iv. 133(2), 134², 135(2), 136(2), 147, 166, 173, 176
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670², 673²(2), 675(2), 676
Benjamin, iv. 922²
Benjamin jr., iv. 922²
Britian, of Calais, iv. 166
Cynthia, of Calais, iv. 166
David, grantee of Calais, iv. 130, 922²
Ebenezer, pioneer of Whiting, i. 116²
Edwin, of Morristown, ii. 689²
Rev. Edwin, in Eden, ii. 797²
of Fletcher and Cambridge, ii. 213, 214², 605², 615², 616, 711, 797
of Lamoille co., iv. 1196²
hist. of Cambridge, ii. 617-21
author, iv. 321
Eleazar, of Dartmouth college, i. 432², 521; ii. 1015²-; iv. 552, 922²
Rev. Eleazer, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084
Eli, grantee of Calais, iv. 130
of Marshfield, iv. 205², 206
Emery, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478
of Wardsboro, v, pt. 2, 675²(2), 680
Emily, m. Daniel Baldwin, iv. 516²
Emory, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461²
Ephraim, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550
Experience, iv. 922²
Frederick, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²
Gersham, iv. 922²
Wheelock, Gideon, of Calais, iv. 135², 136, 138, 145², 146, 147², 165², 170², 171², 172², 173(2), 174(2), 176
Goddard, of Calais, iv. 133², 135, 136, 173², 176
H. R., editor, iv. 292², 294, 313
Rev. H. W., in Barre, iv. 29²
Rev. Hascall, of Barre, iv. 52
Rev. Haskell, circuit preacher, iv. 377
Henry, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461², 727²
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 674², 680
Henry P., of Calais, iv. 150²
Herbert R., of Montpelier, iv. 292², 312, 382
Dr. I. T., of Waterbury, iv. 839
J. B., of Coventry, iii. 46²
J. W., of Montpelier, iv. 292², 312, 382
of Worcester, iv. 909
Jacob E., of Calais, iv. 150²
James, i. 527²
Rev. James W., of Barre, iv. 29
Jared, of Calais, iv. 195², 176²
of Montpelier, iv. 548
Jared D., of Stowe, ii. 721, 727
Jennison, of Calais, iv. 135, 136(2), 167, 176
Jera, of Calais, iv. 173
John, Pres. of Dartmouth, i. 527²
Rev. John, town of Wheelock named after him, i. 269²
Jonathan, of Calais, iv. 147²
Joseph, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Joseph Wilson, publisher, sketch, iv. 490-2
on Luther Newcomb, iv. 510-11
Josiah B., of Coventry, iii. 158(2), 159²(2)
of Orleans co., iii. 34(2)
Julius S., on Abijah Wheelock, iv. 922²
L. C., of Barre, iv. 34²
Laura, m. Rev. James Marsh, i. 528
Laura E. (Phillips), wife of Joseph W. Wheelock, iv. 492
Leonard, of Calais, iv. 176
Levi, of Lowell, iii. 270
Loomis, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Lucius T,, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540²
Lucy (Maynard), m. Dr. J. P. Warren, v. pt. 2, 680
wife of Asa Wheelock, v. pt. 2, 676
Martin, of Eden, ii. 624²; iv. 490²
Moses P., of Worcester, iv. 898²
Perez, of Calais, iv. 166
Peter, grantee of Calais, iv. 130, 132², 133², 134(2), 135(2), 136, 141, 168, 169², 170², 172², 173(2), 174(2), 176
of Newport, iii. 305(2)
Polly, of Calais, iv. 166
Ralph, of Watertown (Mass.), iv. 922²
Ralph 2d, iv. 922²
Record, iv. 922²
Rowena, of Calais, iv. 166
Rev. S., iv. 145²
Rev. S. M., of Burke, i. 307
Salem, of Calais, iv. 136², 166, 176
Sally, of Calais, iv. 166
Samuel, iv. 922²
Mrs. Sarah (West) (Tobey), m. John Gray, iv. 169²
wife of Peter Wheelock, iv. 169²
Silas, of Calais, iv. 166, 173² 174, 877
hist. of Christian church, iv. 144-5
Rev. Stephen M., in Derby, iii. 179²; 180
Rev. V. G., of Calais, iv. 166, 321
Waller, of Eden, ii. 624²
Welcome, of Calais, iv. 144(2), 146; 165², 173(2), 174², 176²
Whelan, ____, of Brandon, iii. 442
Eli, of Brandon, iii. 440²
Hannah, m. George Seaton, iii. 440²
John, from Pittsford, of Brandon, iii. 450², 453²(2)
sketch, iii. 440(2)
Mrs. John, m. John Seaton, iii. 440²
John jr., of Brandon, iii. 440²
Peter, of Brandon, iii. 440²(2)
Whelpley, Clarissa, m. David Barber, iv. 1174²
James, of Hubbardton, iii. 748², 752, 757; iv. 1174², 1184²
Whelply, Jeremiah, of Manchester, i. 201
Whetmore, Miriam, of Burlington, i. 537
Prosper, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
Whicher, Abner, of Jay, iii. 266²(2)
Andrew, pioneer, of Irasburg, iii. 241², 244
George W., of Westfield, iii. 356
John, of Cabot, iv. 103
Whidden Benjamin F., of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949
Whipple, ____, m. Joseph Bennett, v. pt. 2, 188
of Fair Haven, iii. 699
pioneer of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 218²
Abigail (Hawkins), 2d wife of Ethan Whipple, iii. 724²
Com. Abraham, grantee of Charleston, iii. 105(2)
Abram, grantee of Charleston, iii. 119
Whipple, Alfred, son of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 189²
Alonzo, of Pownal, i. 214(2), 2d ed. 213
Anna, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Augusta (Sawyer), wife of Dr. E. O. Whipple, iii. 652
B., iii. 1074², 1080
Bathusa Eleanor (Hutchins), wife of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 189²
Benjamin, of Bennington, i. 143², 144, 158², 2d ed. 146(2), 160²
grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², note
of Plainfield, iv. 718², 727², 730(2)
of Richmond, i. 846²
of Rutland, iii. 794(2), 1080, 1144²
grantee of Waterford i. 431
on land committee, iv. 253²
Betsey, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
m. Daniel Aldrich, v. pt. 2, 189²
Caleb, of Rutland, iii. 1041²
Caroline, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Charity (Shafter), wife of Jabez Whipple, v. pt. 2, 364
Charles, of Hardwick, sketch, i. 334
Cyrus C., of Fair Haven, iii. 688², 697, 729², 732², 739²
Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. 6², 9, 23(2)
of Chester, v. 4
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24²
Rev. Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 62
Dimmus, m. George Betterley, v. pt. 2, 189²
Dr. E. O., from Athens, of Danby, iii. 652, 666
of Wallingford, iii. 1170²
Edson, v. pt. 2, 188, 189²
Edwin P., iii. 417
Elizabeth (Green), wife of Ethan Whipple, iii. 724²
Elvira, m. James Miller, v. pt. 2, 183², 189²
Ethan, of Fair Haven, iii. 686², 689(2), 693, 699², 714(2), 724², 727², 745², 746(2)
Ethan jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Francis, of Hardwick, i. 334
sketch, i. 333²
Mrs. Francis, of Hardwick, sketch, i. 333²
Frank, son of Dr. E. O. Whipple, iii. 652
H., of Fair Haven, iii. 710
Harris, of Fair Haven, iii. 742
Horatio Nelson, of Hardwick, sketch, i. 334
J. E., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²
Jabez, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 364
James T., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²
Jemima, m. John Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62
Joel, of Kirby, i. 337²
Dea. Joel, of Hardwick, sketch, i. 333²(2)
John, of Albany, iii. 50
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77, 110, 181, 187, 189²
John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189²
John H., grantee of Charleston, iii. 119
Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 23²
of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
of Richmond, i. 845², 848
Laura, dau. of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 189²
Levi, of Putnam (O.), i. 334
Lovinia (Goss), wife of Edson Whipple, v. pt. 2, 188
Lydia (Church), 3d wife of Ethan Whipple, iii. 724²
Margaret (Willard), wife of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 181, 189²
Maria, dau. of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 189²
Marie T., m. Lewis Hadley, v. pt. 2, 163
Mrs. Martha, of Hardwick, i. 334
Mary, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
m. John Brown, iii. 689
Mary 2d, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Moses, of Pownal, i. 214. 2d ed. 213
from Middlebury, of Stowe, ii. 707
Mrs. Moses, from Middlebury, of Stowe, ii. 707
Myra, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Newton, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
P. J., from Westford, of Iowa City (Ia.), i. 900²
Parley, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352
Polly, m. ____ Howe, v. pt. 2, 189²
S. B., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²
S. J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21
S. N., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38
Sally, of Fair Haven, iii. 724²
Samuel, of Ira, iii. 783
son of John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 189²
Samuel N., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²
Sargent G., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²
Silas, of Hubbardton, iii. 756
Tyler L., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355²
Ward P., of Sutton, v. pt. 3, 33, 34²
William, of Brattleboro, v. 59
William C., of Pomfret, iv. 1192²
Whiston, John, rescue Remember Baker, i. 125, 2d ed. 126, 768
grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554, note
Whitaker, Abraham, of Barton, iii. 75², 80²
Charles, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453
Whitcher, Ellen, of Calais, iv. 146²
Foxwell, of Groton, iv. 1150, 1158², 1159, 1166
John, of Groton, iv. 1164
Joseph, of Groton, iv. 1164
P. F., of Calais, iv. 164²
Reuben, of Groton, iv. 1159, 1163²
Ruth (Hill), wife of Foxwell Whitcher, iv. 1166
Whitchers, of Groton, iv. 1158²
Whitcomb, ____, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392
Mrs., m. Erastus Spaulding, iv. 743²
Maj., of Essex co., i. 1039
sketch, i. 1065-6
in Rev. war, ii. 389², 937²; iv. 75², 76, 77
A. H., of Plainfield, iv. 731²
Anthony, of Pittsfield, iii. 936
grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Arathusa, m. Amasa Clark, v. pt. 2, 96
Asa, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155
grantee of Newfane, v. pt, 2, 455²
of Highgate, ii. 421
grantee of Pittsfield, iii. 935
grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Col. Asa, i. 582
Austin S., of Pawlet, iii. 881
Benjamin, of Maidstone, i. 1027²
Lt. Benjamin, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24²
Chapman, grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Cummings, of Brighton, i. 1065²
Cyrus, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361
of Brookline. v. pt. 2. 377², 378², . 386²
of Chittenden, iii. 549²
grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Cyrus jr., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361
Cyrus 3d, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377²
David, juror, i. 466²
Elihu, v. pt. 2, 669²
Erastus, of Essex, i. 778²
Francis, of West Fairlee, ii. 1169²
H. M., of Enosburg, ii. 153
Henry, of Richmond, iv. 563
of Montpelier, iv. 355²
Henry W., iv. 563
Ira, of Warren, iv. 812
John, of Enosburg, ii. 141², 155
grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Jonathan, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485²
Joshua, of Essex, i. 779
L., from Townshend, of Savannah (Ga.), v. pt. 2, 549
L. D., Orange co. officer, ii. 806²
Luke, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²
Rev. Luke, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 484
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 466
Martha, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377²
Peter, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²
Sally (Dutton), wife of Silas Whitcomb, v. pt. 2, 41
Silas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 41
Susan (Cole), wife of Elihu Whitcomb, v. pt. 2, 669²
Rev. T. J., v. 179
U. S., of Richmond, i, 845
William, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 557
William E., of Barre, iv. 27, 38
Whitcombe, Jonathan, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Whitcoomb, James, of Bolton, i. 484
W., P. H., see White, Rev. Pliny H., iv. 924²
White, ____, of Charlton (Mass.), iv. 1682
of Lowell, iii. 270²(2)
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 575²
of Westfield, iii. 364
m. ____Haskell, v. pt. 2, 364
Bishop, iii. 1021, 1054²
Dr., in Newbury, ii. 922²
of Roxbury, iv. 748
Judge, of Putney, i. 351²; v. pt. 2, 256²
Mrs., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 463
Rev., of Waterford, i. 431²
Lt., Rev. officer, ii. 937
Capt,, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1131
Col., v, pt. 2, 253
A. B. W ., of Wells River, ii. 956
Abel, of Middletown, iii. 797, 830²
of Putney, i. 733² note
Abijah, of Williamstown, ii. 1148²
Abner B., of South Hero, ii. 586
Abraham, of Ira, iii. 779²
of Middletown, iii. 796²
Adams, of Calais and Woodbury, iv. 143², 166
Adeline A. (Robinson), iv. 168²
Agnes E. (Stafford), wife of Charles E. White, iv. 169
Alanson, of Enosburg, ii. 399
Albert C., v. pt. 2, 401
Alexander, iv. 168, 169²
of Clarendon, iii. 560
of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137
Alfred, of Putney, v. pt. 2. 232
Mrs. Alfred, of Putney. v. pt. 2. 232
Alfreda (Bryant), wife of Adams White, iv. 143²
Alfrida, of Calais, iv. 166
Amanda R,, iv. 169²
Andrew, of Burlington, i. 589², 655²
of Danby, iii. 592, 601²
of Shelburne, i. 669²
Anna, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126², 1127
Annis, m. Justus Scott, v. pt. 2, 163²
Anthony, of Elmore, ii. 627²
Rev. Archibald, i. 286², 289²(2), 290
Arthur F., v. pt. 2, 401
Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110(2), 163²
Dea. Asa, of Mt. Holly, iii. 847², 862
Asa jr., v. pt. 2, 163²
Asaph, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 692
B., of Littleton (N. H.), i. 1020²
B. P., of Calais, iv. 146, 159², 172
Benjamin P., of Calais, iv. 150², 172², 173(2), 174(2), 175
Bethiah (Holton), wife of John White, iii. 160²; v. pt. 2, 584, 615²
White, Betsey, of Berlin, iv. 1188
Broughton, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 270
Rev. Broughton, of Washington, v. pt. 2, 256²
C. A, & E. C., of Eden, ii. 623²
C. A. & F. F., of Eden, iii. 278
Rev. C. J., of Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 224
Rev. C, L., iv. 982²
Caleb, of Middletown, iii. 820
Calvin, of Calais, iv. 150²
Carrie (Greene), wife of Charles S. White, v. pt. 2, 401
Catherine, of Calais, iv. 166
Charles, of Hoosic Falls (N. Y.), i. 259²
Rev. Charles, of Thetford, ii. 1096, 1099
Charles A., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675, 677²
Charles E., of Boston, iv. 169
Charles G., of Randolph, ii. 994
Charles S., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 396², 401
Clarissa, of Woodbury, iv. 143²
Corril, of Aurora (N. Y.), iii. 731
Cynthia (Lapham), wife of John C. White, iii. 652
D. C., of' Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486
Daniel, from Torringford (Conn.), of Burke, i. 304
Dr. Daniel, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851
David, of Peru, i. 208, 2d ed. 207
pensioner, ii. 393
Diana, of Sheldon, ii. 378²
E. C., of Eden, ii. 623²
of Lamoille co., ii. 591
E. L., of Montpelier, iv. 354
Ebenezer, v. pt. 2, 163²
of Braintree, ii. 845², 846, 852²
pioneer of Newbury, ii. 943²
of Strafford, ii. 1069
Ebenezer jr., grantee of Calais, iv. 130
of Strafford, ii. 1083²
Edson C., of Eden, ii. 590
Edward, of Townshend, v. pt, 2, 537²
Edwin C., of Eden, ii. 626
Electa B. D. (Gates), wife of Rev. Pliny H. White, iii. 164
Elijah, of Calais, iv. 136, 142², 143², 176
of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²
Elijah 2d, of Woodbury, iv. 143²
Elisha, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
grantee of Orange, ii. 956²
Elisha jr., grantee of Orange, ii. 956²
Eliza (Carns), of Plainfield, iv. 731
Elma, of Brownington, iii. 34(2)
Elvira, of Calais, iv. 166
Dr. Enoch, of South Hadley (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 244²
Capt. Ephraim, at Pittsford, iii. 1074
Esther, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231
wife of Corril White, iii. 731
Esther (Stevens), wife of Phineas White, v. pt. 2, 245
Eunice, m. John Kimball, iii. 78²
F. A., hist. of Washington, ii. 1138-9
Florilla, of Woodbury, iv. 143²
Frances Mary, m. John Kimball, v. pt. 2, 225
G. F., of Rutland, iii. 1029
George, iii. 913
of Lunenburg, i. 1016²
of Randolph, ii. 994
of Stowe, ii. 767²
of Woodbury, iv. 143², 882
George J. iv. 621², 632²
George W., of Montpelier, iv. 354²
of Windham. v. pt. 3², 25
Gilman, of Topsham, ii. 1110²
Rev. H., v. pt. 2, 668
H. C., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 49
H. N., of Burlington, i. 669²
Hannah, m. Martin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714²
Harriet Amelia, m. Rev. Amos Foster, v. pt. 2, 256²
Mrs. Harriet A. (Tappan), wife of William E. White, i. 83
Harvey, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849
Heman A., Orange co. officer, ii, 806²(2), 807(2)
Henry, of Danby, iii. 602²
of Kirby, i. 337²
grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
of Grand Isle co., ii. 480
Henry A., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675
Horace L., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 37 (2)
Horace T., of Rutland, iii. 1064²
Hosea, of Mt. Holly, iii. 652
Hugh, in War of 1812, ii. 392²
Rev. Hugh, in Ryegate, i. 284², 384
Isaac, v. pt. 2, 163²
grantee of Albany, iii. 46²
J. A., of Roxbury, iv. 747²
J. A. S., of Northfield, iv. 616
Rev. J. B., of Barre, iv. 52, 377
J. C., of Mansfield, ii. 680
J. D., in Stowe, ii. 716
Rev. J. D., in Highgate, ii. 269²
of Grand Isle, ii. 535²
of Shelburne, i. 884
Jacob, of Calais, iv. 166²
of Mt. Holly, iii. 848, 862
James, of Colerain (Mass.), v. pt, 2, 689
from Marlboro (N. H.), of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²
Eld. James, in Irasburg, iii. 260²
in Johnson, ii. 675²
in Stowe, ii. 717²
in Wolcott, ii. 778
Dr. Jeptha, of Northfield, iv. 616, 632²(2)
Jesse, of Calais, iv. 135², 144, 146, 166, 170², 173, 174
of Goshen, i. 37²(2)
Joanna, dau. of Asa White, v. pt. 2, 163², 185
Joel, of Strafford, ii. 1088²
John, v. pt. 2, 163²
of Boston, v. pt. 2, 1
of Burlington, i. 505, 512²
White, John, of Calais, iv. 165², 173
from Canada, ii. 767²
grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Danby, iii. 592², 663
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 74²
of Georgia, i. 466², 472²; ii. 235(2), 238, 241-2, 244², 245, 249², 291; iv. 802²
Mrs. John (née Fairchild), of Georgia, ii. 240
John, of Goshen, i. 36²
of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202
of Northfield, iv. 613²
of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128
of Springfield, iii. 160²; v. pt. 2, 615²
of Weathersfield, v. pt. 2, 364
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 584
of Franklin co., ii. 92²
Rev. John, of Dorset, i. 191², 2d ed. 193
John jr., of Calais, iv. 165²
grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Georgia, ii. 238²-40, 245(2), 249²
grantee of Newbury, ii. 944
poems, ii. 239
of Franklin co., ii. 93
John A., of Northfield, iv. 632²
John Alexander, of Brattleboro and Coventry. iii. 164
John A. S.. iv. 621²
John C., of Danby, iii. 595², 599², 600, 601, 652
of Montpelier, iv. 356
Rev. John D., of Swanton, iv. 1087²
of Waterbury, iv. 839²
John J., of Buffalo (N. Y.), iii. 652
Jonathan, of Montpelier, iv. 719²
of Plainfield, iv. 720²
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
Capt. Jonathan, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084
Joseph, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944
soldier in War of 1812, ii. 286²
Rev. Joseph B., of Barnet, i. 299²
Joshua jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Josiah, of Calais, iv. 147²
grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Montpelier, iv. 298²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²
Mrs. Josiah, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²
Jotham, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
grantee of Orange, ii. 956²
Capt. Jotham, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Jotham jr., grantee of Orange, ii. 956²
Jude, of Kirby, i. 337
Rev. L., of Montpelier, iv. 386²
Capt. L. S., of Shelburne, i. 670 note, 698, 707, 884
Larnard, of Calais, iv. 143²
Lavater, of Burlington, i. 589², 691
of Shelburne, i. 669²
Lt. Lemuel, in Rev. war, ii. 391
Capt. Lemuel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1124², 1125, 1126², 1128(2)
Mrs. Lemuel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²
Leona, m. Merritt Edmunds, iii. 621
Lois (Shafter), wife of John White, v. pt. 2, 364
Lucinda, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862²
Lucy, m. Aro P. Slayton, iv. 138²
m. John Goodell, iv. 142², 143², 158
M., of St. Albans, ii. 434²
Rev. M., in St. Albans, ii. 335²
Margaret E., of Coventry, iii. 157²
Margaret Elizabeth. dau. of Rev. Pliny H. White, iii. 164
Margaret (Kerr), m. Rev. Archibald White, i. 290
Maria, m. Smith Bennett, iv. 168
Martha (How), wife of Asa White, v. pt. 2, 163²
Capt. Marvin, of Enosburg, ii. 135²
Mary, m. Abraham Howland, iv. 608
m. Rev. Stephen B. Morse, iii. 309²
Mary (Sutton), wife of Broughton White, v. pt. 2, 270
Mattie S., v. pt. 2, 401
Mehitabel, of Strafford, ii. 1084²
Melinda (Ives), m. Wait Chatterton, iii. 1174
Minnie C., v. pt. 2, 401
Moses, of Danby, iii. 243, 593², 599²
of Shrewsbury. iii. 1131
Rev. Myron, in Richford, ii. 284²
Rev. N., in Shelburne, i. 883²
N. C., Pulmonary Elixir, ii. 260
Nathan, of Highgate, ii. 260
of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Nathan jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Nathaniel, of Bradford, ii. 819², 823², 946²
Nehemiah, of Wallingford, iii. 1166, 1170(2)
Nelson, of Burlington, i. 513
Nicholas, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²
Rev. Nicholas, in Burlington, i. 546
in Charlotte, i. 742²(2)
of Danby, iii. 606
of Swanton, iv. 1087
Noah, ii. 1095
of Bradford, ii. 815²
of Newbury, ii. 919, 943², 944
O. W., of Calais, iv. 136²
Mrs. Orra Starkweather, m. Eleazer Nichols jr., iv. 621²
wife of Dr. Jeptha White, iv. 632²
Dr. P. P., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728²
Pamelia. m. Roswell Wells, iv. 852²
Paul, of St. Albans, ii. 434
Philo N., of Sheldon, ii. 379
Phineas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²
of Putney, v. 135; v. pt. 2, 138², 224², 225(2), 230², 247²
sketch, v. pt. 2, 244²-5
Mrs. Pliny H., iii. 5
White, Rev. Pliny H., of Coventry, i. 1023²; ii. 798, 848² note, 921², 946², 1000, 1099²; iii. 35(2), 41, 82², 156, 158, 159², 166², 207²(2), 296², 297, 364², 383(2), 385, 645, 957; iv. 315², 321, 322(2), 323²; v. 81², 185²; v. pt. 2, 584, 594(2), 607 note, 615², 629(2), 630, 633
sketch, iii. 160-4
account of Runaway Pond, iii. 204 note
hist. of Coventry, iii. 136-64
hist. of Cong'l church of Craftsbury, iii. 167-9
hist. of Jay, iii. 265-7
hist. of Morrisville, ii. 800
hist. of Orleans co., iii. 31-7
hist of Salem, iii. 306-9
on Rev. Albert Smith, i. 941
on Rev. Amariah Chandler, iv. 795-6
on Rev. Azro A. Smith, iii. 273(2)
on Rev. Elias Wells Kellogg, ii. 463-4
on Capt. Enoch H. Bartlett, iii. 389²
on Capt. Erastus Buck, iii. 129
on Rev. George W. Ranslow and Rev. George H. Clarke, ii. 468-9
on John A. Avery. ii. 1160
on Rev. Jubilee Wellman, iii. 272²-3
on Rev. Lemuel Hayne, iii. 1052-4
on Levi Parsons, iii. 938-9
on Rev. Moses Robinson, i. 937-8
on Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 929-30
on Dr. Selah Gridley, iii. 534-5
on Rev. Zadock Thompson, i. 646²-7
portrait, iii. frontispiece
of Waitsfield, iv. 789²
of Wardsboro, v. 181²
Rev. Pliny W., iii. 1050²
Polly, of Montpelier, iv. 327²
Polly (Tobey), wife of Alexander White, iv. 168, 169²
m. Jeremiah Comins, iv. 169²
R., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
R. J., of Shelburne, i. 884
Reuben. of Danby, iii. 592, 607²
of Orange. ii. 956², 957
Rhoda, of Wallingford, iii. 1174²
Richard, of Strafford, ii. 1070
Richard Grant, iv. 319²
Robert, of Burlington, i. 589², 691
of Lansingburg (N. Y.), iii. 688², 693² and note
of Shelburne, i. 660 note, 669², 670 note, 860, 877, 884, 886
grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Robert S., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Roxana (Kelton), wife of Larned White, iv. 143²
Ruth, m. Amass Ball. iv. 143²
Ruth 2d, of Woodbury; iv. 143²
Ruth (Needham), wife of Elijah White, iv. 143²
Ruth Sabin, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231
wife of Rev. Broughton White, v. pt. 2, 256²
S. S., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481
Sally, of Calais, iv. 166
of Woodbury, iv. 875²
Samuel, of Berkshire, ii. 396
of Calais, Rev. soldier, iv. 136, 147, 176
of Goshen, i. 37²
of Richford, ii. 282
of Sheldon, ii. 378(2), 379(2)
Samuel S., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
Sanford, of Middlesex, iv. 234², 244²
Sarah, m. Josiah Grout, ii. 178
Sarah Maria, iv. 169²
Seneca, of Montpelier, iv. 291, 861
Sidney, of Coventry, iii. 149
Simeon, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991
of Wallingford, iii. 1174
Simeon jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²
Solomon, grantee of Orange, ii. 956²
grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Sophia (Nelson) (Edgerton), wife of George White, iii. 913
Suel (Sewall), of Calais, iv. 176²
Thaddeus, of Washington, ii. 1139(2), 1182²
Thomas, v. pt. 35, 55²
of Mt. Holly, iii. 862
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²
W. C., of Barre, iv. 38
W. W., of St. Albans, ii. 516
of Lamoille co.. ii. 590²
Walter, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Walter H., of Bolton, iv. 1191²
Dea. Warren, of Lysander (N. Y.), iii. 820²
William, of Brownington, iii. 92
of Calais, iv. 170², 172², 173², 174(2)
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 26, 28², 29²(2), 30, 34², 38
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
grantee of Newbury. ii. 944
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224
of Strafford, ii. 1082, 1684
of Sunderland and Vergennes, i. 240
Dr. William, in Fairfield, ii. 197
William Holton, of St. Johnsbury and Coventry, iii. 164
William L., of Roxbury, iv. 760
of Waterbury, iv. 839
William W., of Grand Isle, ii. 526
of St. Albans, ii. 96², 97², 480(2), 574²(2)
of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
William Warner, ii. 93
White & Guernsey, of Rutland, iii. 1064²
White Bros & co.. of Swanton, iv. 1038, 1129(2), 1130²
White, Gilman & co., of Northfield, iv. 1562
Whitefield, Rev. George, of England, iii. 1051
Whitehead, Indian, see Baptiste, Jean, the Whitehead
Old Whitehead, Indian, iv. 967(2)
David S., of St. Albans, ii. 434
George, of Grand Isle, ii. 537
see also Whithed
Whitehill, A. P., of Groton, iv. 1168
Abram A., of Groton, iv. 1164²
Mrs. Betsey, iii. 287
James, from Scot., of Ryegate, sketch, i. 382²-3²
M. H., of Groton, iv. 1168
Matthew, of Morgan, iv. 1192
Peter, of Groton, i. 321²
William, of Groton, iv. 1163²
Whitehorn, Rev. John, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²
Nancy, m. John Thompson, iii. 649²
Whitehouse, Gen., iii. 698, 723²
Patty, wife of Gen. Whitehouse, iii. 698
Whitelaw, Abigail, m. ____ Henderson, i. 378
Gen. James, i. 266², 268², 269², 2702, 271², 278, 282(2), 283², 284, 375(2), 376(2), 378(2), 383², 392(2), 393, 944², 952², 953(2), 955, 985², 9872, 988, 989(2), 999²; ii. 90, 235, 2782, 290, 816²; iii. 105, 107, 118, 240²(2), 265, 343, 377, 919²; iv. 4², 7, 74², 198, 714, 818, 874, 962', 1149, 11582; v. pt. 34, 23²
sketch, i. 380-1
of Ryegate. i. 277(2), 280², 281
grantee of Bradford, ii. 8122(2), 813(2)
grantee of Cabot, iv. 75
grantee of Danville, i. 313²
grantee of Groton, iv. 1145
of Newbury, i. 376²(2)
grantee of Waterville, ii. 768²
Mrs. Jennet (Brock) Harvey, m. Gen. Whitelaw, i. 283², 284
Gen. John, of Ryegate, ii. 820²
Marion, dau. of Gen. James White-law, i. 378
Mehitable (Barron), wife of Robert Whitelaw, ii. 828²(2), 829²
Robert, of Ryegate, ii. 829² Samuel, iv. 994
William, of Ryegate, i. 380
William T., of Ryegate, i. 271², 375²
Whitelock, John, of Castleton, iii. 508
Whiteman, Catharine Sophia, m. John Rich, i. 1031
Whitemore, James, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
Mary, m. Amos Clarke, ii. 334(2)
wife of Richard Whitemore, 334
Richard, of St. Albans, ii. 334
Whiten, David, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Whitfield, Rev., ii. 638
Whitfield (Whitefield), Rev. George, i. 168, 2d ed. 170
George E., of Johnson, ii, 676²
Whithed, A., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 315
Abigail, wife of John Whithed, v. pt. 2, 332
Adaline, m. Charles F. Cone, v. pt. 2, 332², 333², 336
Addison, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285²(2), 288², 313², 323, 336(2)
sketch, v. pt. 2, 332-3
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 336
Aimee Matilda, of Bernardston (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 334(2)
Clinton S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 286², 332, 334, 336
Earnest Addison, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 333(2), 334
Editha (Lee), wife of Addison Whithed, v. pt. 2, 288², 315², 332², 333(2), 336
Frances C. (Hale), wife of Lafayette Whithed, v. pt. 2, 334, 336
Hamilton Lee, from Vernon, of Grand Forks (Dak.), v. pt. 2, 304², 323, 333, 3362
Harriet, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²(2)
Houghton Hamilton, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 333
Isabella, pref. v. 1
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 332², 333²
Isadora Elmina, m. Charles F. Kenney, v. pt. 2, 333(2), 336²
John, v. pt. 2, 332(2)
Josephine, m. Theophilus hall, v. pt. 2, 332², 333², 336²
Julia S. (Frost), wife of Clinton S. Whithed, v, pt. 2, 334, 336
Lafayette, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311², 3322, 334(2), 336
Mrs. Lafayette (née Hale), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311²
Lucia A., m. Dr. Ebenezer Miller, v. pt. 2, 303, 332², 333, 336
Marshall, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279, 285²(2), 306, 323, 331, 332(2), 333(2), 334, 335, 336
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 332
Marshall Fayette, of Bernardston (Mass.). v. pt. 2. 334(2)
Minnie Bell, of Vernon, v. pt. 2. 334(2)
Nellie (Houghton), wife of Hamilton L. Whithed, v. pt. 2, 333, 336²
Ruth, of Grand Forks (Dak.), v. pt. 2, 333
Ruth (Wright), wife of Marshall Whithed, v. pt. 2, 323, 332(2), 333(2), 334(2), 336
Sylvia, pref. v. 1
Sylvina, from Vernon, of Cambridge (Mass.), v. pt, 2. 332², 333²
Thankful, wife of Gad Whithed, v. pt. 2, 332
Whithed & Ball, of Vernon, v, pt. 2, 284²
Whitin, Mrs. Patience (Howard), of Whitin ville (Mass.), i. 594²
Whiting, ____, of Norwich (Conn.), 666²
Rev., of Berlin, iv. 65
Lt., of Strafford, Rev. officer, ii. 796²
Col., in Conn., ii. 638²(2), 639², 760²
Adam, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 22², 24
Asa, grantee of Whiting, i. 115²
Benjamin, surveyor, ii. 808
Betsy (Eaton), wife of Ebenezer Whiting, i. 246
Rev. Charles, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 483²
David, of Tunbridge, ii. 1126²
Ebenezer, of Winhall, i. 246
Edmund C., of Pawlet, iii. 896²
Eliphalet, grantee of Whiting, i. 115²
Enoch B., of St. Albans, ii. 101², 331(2)
Ephraim, of Winhall, i. 246
Rev. Hale, in Bloomfield, i. 951
Col. Henry, i. 439, 440², 477; ii. 386²
John, grantee of Whiting, i. 115²
Joseph, of Calais, iv. 166²
Dr. . L. G., of Chester, v. pt. 2, 560
Nathan, grantee of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684², 688²
Col. Nathan, v. pt. 2, 685(2)
Nathan Haines, v. pt. 2, 684²(2)
Samuel, v. pt. 2, 684²
Rev. Samuel, of Rockingham, i. 540²
Col. William Henry Chase. iv. 1179
Whitlock, ____, of Poultney, iii. 1001
Azubah, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177²
Aunt Betty, of Brandon, iii. 494²
Frank W., of Fair Haven, iii. 704
Hezekiah, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²
Huldah (Selleck), wife of Matthew Whitlock, iv. 1176²
Joshua, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²
Matthew, of Hubbardton, iv. 1176²
Zalman, of Hubbardton, iv, 1177²
Whitlow, James, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
Whitman, ____, of Westminster, v. pt, 2, 579
Abial, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 358²
of Windham, v. pt. 3², 10²
Dea. Daniel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9
Sally, m. Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer, i. 117²
Samuel, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²
Rev. Samuel, iii. 715², 735²
Whitmarsh, Joseph, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²
W. O., of Northfield, iv. 683²
Whitmen, Abial, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 6²
Whitmore, Capt., of Marlboro, v. 11(2)
Aaron, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
Daniel, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²
David, of Middletown, iii. 1201
Edmund, of Ira, iii. 783(2)
Edward, of Berkshire, ii. 393(2)
Capt. Francis, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 441²
Thomas, from Middletown (Conn.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 441
Mrs. Thomas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 441
Timothy, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
Whitney, ____, of Bennington, i. 252²
in Chittenden, iii. 552
of Holland, iii. 237
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549
in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704
Judge, of Brattleboro, v. 39², 40(2), 173
Mrs., of Brattleboro, v. 123
of Fairfax, ii. 174
sister of Bishop Henshaw, i. 65²
Rev., in Danby, iii. 607
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 318²
Lt., v. pt. 2, 30
Capt., of St. Albans, ii. 291²
Aaron, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
Abel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 37
of Worcester, iv. 889², 901, 908²(2)
Abigail, wife of Sherwood Whitney, ii. 198
m. Amariah Chandler, iv. 796
m. Elijah Bruce, v. pt. 2, 448²
Abigail (Blanchard), wife of Timothy H. Whitney, v. pt. 2, 388²
Adam, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72², 77²
Alden, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 613
Alfred, of Montpelier, iv. 523², 524
Alvah W., of Chelsea, iv. 1192
Ann, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Asa, of Craftsbury, iii. 170
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184
Barnabas, of Franklin, ii. 98
Bart, of Franklin, iv. 1194³
Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 74, 77², 110(2), 162²
at Guilford, v. pt. 3, 40
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 598, 625(2)
Lt. Benjamin, v. 13
Capt. Benjamin. in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Bertha, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387
Betsey, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
m. Alvin Pratt, v. pt. 2, 441
m. Asa Jacobs, v. pt. 2, 445
m. Noble Holton, v. pt. 2, 162²
m. Seth Knight, v. pt. 2, 138
Catharine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
Catherine, m. Samuel Pratt, v. pt. 2, 444
Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
Charles C., of Tunbridge, ii. 1128
Charlotte, m. Eli Higley, v. pt. 2, 445
Chester, of Waterbury, iv. 840²
Chloe, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Clarissa, m. Col. Lemuel Page, iv. 918²
Clark, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578², 586
Daniel E., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378-9, 381, 385², 387
Whitney, David, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²
grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
Gen. David, sketch, i. 13, 18
Deliverance, m. Jabez Butler, v. pt. 2, 38, 86, 90
Diana, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Dolly, m. Henry Sawtell, v. pt. 2, 445
m. Levi Sawtell, v. pt. 2, 451²
m. Pere G. Ladd, iii. 420²
m. William M. Rice, v. pt. 2, 98
Dolly (Dorwin), wife of Paul Whitney, i. 807
Rev. E. W., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²
Eben, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²
Ebenezer, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 387
grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
Edson, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Edward, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²
Electa, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
m. William Wallace Cook, v. pt. 2, 36²
Eli, ii. 357², 360²
Elijah, of Middlesex, iv. 234², 236², 240²
Eliphalet, of Shrewsbury (Mass.), ii. 686
Emily, m. Henry Colsson, v. pt. 2, 445², 448²
Enoch Jacobs, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Ephraim, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34²
from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247
Ephraim, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Erastus, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385², 387
Esther, m. Joseph Soule, ii. 198
m. Washington Burnham, v. pt. 2, 162²
Fanny (Miller), wife of Henry Whitney, v. pt. 2, 134, 162²
Fanny (Perham), wife of Capt. Hiram Whitney, v. pt. 2, 389
Fanny S., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
Frank, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Freedom, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
G. M., of Middlesex, iv. 244²
Gary, of Grand Isle co., ii. 479, 480(2)
George, of Essex, i. 789²
of Greensboro, iii. 230²
in Stowe, ii. 716(2)
Rev. George, of Essex, i. 789²
of Waterbury, iv. 839²
George B.; v. pt. 35, 54
George H., of Wolcott, ii. 783
George S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202
George S., from Williamstown, of Waterbury, ii. 767²-8
Guilford, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443², 444
H. R., hist. of Sheldon, ii. 368²-82
poems, ii. 383
Dr. H. T., of Montpelier, iv. 359²
Hannah, of Williamstown, ii. 1149
m. Samuel Dickinson, v. 172
wife of John Whitney, v. pt. 2, 215²
Henry, of Burlington, i. 509²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110, 134, 162²
of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 38²
of Wilmington, v. pt. 3², 14
Henry jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
Hezekiah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723²
of Wolcott, ii. 654², 774(2), 775²-6
Hiram, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 381, 385²(2), 386²
Capt. Hiram, from Brookline, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 389(2)
Hiram M., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 389
Hiram Rawson, of Sheldon, sketch, 382²-3
Mrs. Hiram Rawson (née Foster), of Sheldon, ii. 382²
Increase B., of Readsboro, v. pt. 35, 53
Isaac, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²(2)
Israel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 385², 387
Rev. J., in Groton, iv. 1167²
of Hardwick, i. 329
of Lunenburg, i. 1020
James, from Shrewsbury (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443
James P., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228
Jane Matilda, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Jesse, of Wolcott, ii. 783(2)
Job, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 26, 28², 30²(2), 35²
Joel, of Sheldon, ii. 382²
Joel B., of Enosburg, ii. 145², 146²
John, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105, 152², 162, 211, 215²
grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note
John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162
John E., of Franklin, ii. 222
John H., of Franklin, ii. 98²
John K., of Franklin, ii. 92², 97, 222²
John R., of Franklin, ii. 382²
John S., of Tunbridge, ii. 1128
Jonas, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²
Dea. Jonas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447(2)
Jonathan, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Juliana, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
L., of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Laurett, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 389
Lavina (Bemis), wife of Edward Whitney, v. pt. 2, 63²
Whitney, Lemuel, iv. 271
of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376
of Brattleboro, i. 252²; v. 20, 29, 42², 48², 57(2), 58, 77², 172(2)
sketch, v. 68²-70
Leonard, atty., i. 473; v. pt. 2, 31²
Rev. Leonard, of Williston, i. 904²
Levi, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 215²
of Montpelier. iv. 532²
Lucy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77², 163
of Northfield. iv. 654
m. Jonas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447
Lucy (Gershom), wife of Solomon Whitney, v. pt. 2, 445²
Lucy Lyman, m. Milo B. Crosby, v. pt. 2, 445²
Lucy (Sheldon), wife of Joel Whitney, ii. 382²
Luther, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445(2)
Lydia, m. Josiah Boyden jr., v. pt. 2, 37²
Lyman Hubbard, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
M. C., of Montpelier, iv. 427²
Margaret, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
Maria, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
Marian, m. Lyman Brown, v. pt. 2, 444
Mary, of Poultney, iii. 989
Mary (Houghton). wife of Nathaniel Whitney, v. pt. 2, 445
Melinda B., of Putney, y. pt. 2, 231²
Molly, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Moses, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443², 444
Moses 2d. of Marlboro. v. pt. 2, 444
Nancy, of Poultney, iii. 995
Nathaniel, of Grafton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 448²
Capt. Nathaniel, from Shrewsbury (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443(2), 445², 451², 452
sketch, v. pt. 2, 444-5
Nathaniel jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Nathaniel 3d, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445
Noah, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650²
Norman S., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²
Olive, m. Samuel Carpenter, v. pt. 2, 613
Otis, of Waterbury, iv. 837
Paul, of Hinesburg, i. 807
Phebe, m. Roswell Paddleford, v. pt. 2, 444
Phebe (Harrington), wife of Samuel Whitney jr., v. pt. 2, 444
Polly, m. Ebenezer Shaw, ii. 686
in. Elijah W. Stearns, v. pt. 2, 162²
Polly W., of Waterbury, iv. 840²
Rhoda, m. William D. Merrill, v. pt. 2, 445
Richard, of Brattleboro, i. 591; v. 77²-8
pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 383, 384, 387, 388²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9
Rizpah, of Northfield, iv. 654
Ross, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Roswell, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626
Russell, of Marlboro. v. pt. 2, 444
S. B., from Montpelier, of Boston, iv. 428
Rev. S. B., in Cambridge, ii. 605²
Sabrina, m. Eleazer Sanger, i. 410
Sally, m. William Kelley, v. pt. 2, 162²
Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 42², 48²
of Northfield, iv. 613², 654, 656
from Shrewsbury (Mass.), of Marlboro, y. pt. 2, 443, 444²
Samuel jr, from Shrewsbury (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²
Capt. Samuel jr., v. pt. 2, 444
Samuel 3d, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 444(2)
Samuel J., of Shrewsbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 443², 444
Sarah, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²
m. Rev. David A. Grosvenor, iii. 169²
Sarah (Carpenter), wife of Alden Whitney, v. pt. 2, 613
Sarah Content (Wilson), wife of John Whitney jr., v. pt. 2, 162
Sarah (Wilson), wife of John Whitney, v. pt. 2, 105², 211
Sealand, Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 480
Sherwood, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192², 198
Silas, of Brandon, iii. 431²(2), 432(2)
grantee of Chittenden, m. 548²
of Clarendon, iii. 559², 560
Simei, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 444
Sol, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
Solomon, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445(2), 448²
of Poultney, iii. 970²
Solomon jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445²
Sophia, of Brattleboro, v. 29
Stephen B., ii. 145², 146²
Mrs. Sybal (Goodnow), 2d wife of Solomon Whitney, v. pt. 2, 445²
Tamar, m. John S. Strong, v. pt. 2, 447²
Thomas, of Northfield, iv. 654
of Tunbridge, ii. 1126²
Timothy, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Maj. Timothy, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362², 389
Timothy H., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 374², 376, 381, 385, 387, 388²
Maj. Timothy H., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384
Tryphosa, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231
Wallace H., in Civil war, iv. 524
William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 163
grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
of Montpelier, iv. 525
of Tunbridge, ii. 1128
Whitney, William L. G., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202
William Wallace, of Waterbury, iv. 867
Zachariah, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Zenas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 444
Zilpah, m. Elisha Putnam, v. pt. 2, 445
Whitny, ____, of Tunbridge, ii. 1122
Whiton, Rev. John M., of Antrim (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 681²
Dr. M. J., of Burlington, i. 655²
Mary E., wife of Dr. M. J. Whiton, i. 655²
Whitreny, Silas, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596
Whitson, John, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
John 3d, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Whittaker, C. M., of Brandon, iii. 500(2)
N. A., of Northfield, iv. 672²
Whittelsey, Charles, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
Ezra, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
Whittemore, ____, in Belvidere, ii. 594²
Rev. in Strafford, ii. 1083
A. G., of South Hero, ii. 574²
Albert G., of Milton, i. 472², 840; ii. 480, 575; iv. 484²
Albert Gallatin, of Franklin co., ii. 94
Amos K., of Belvidere, ii. 594², 595
Beta, in War of 1812, ii. 392²
Capt. F., of Marlboro, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²
Gideon Olin, of Franklin co., ii. 94
Harding C., of Swanton & Sheldon, iv. 1056
Increase B., of Readsboro, i. 260²
Rev. J., of Charleston, iii. 116²
John B., from Eden, of Moira (N. Y.), ii. 798
Kingsbury, of Eden, ii. 622
Lewis, of Belvidere, ii. 593²
N. L., of Swanton, iv. 1054², 1059², 1074, 1103²
of Grand Isle co., ii. 480
Norman L., of St. Albans and Swanton, iv. 1051, 1133², 1186, 1187²
Mrs. Norman L. (née Hollenbeck), iv. 1051
Norman L., of Franklin co., ii. 94
R. D., of Belvidere, ii. 594²
Capt. R. D., of Lamoille co., ii. 591
Robert D., of Belvidere, ii. 593²
Rodney, of St. Albans, ii. 434²
Seth, grantee of Charleston, iii. 122
Rev. Thomas, ii. 1081²
Whitten, Caroline, of Northfield, iv. 633
Clarissa, of Northfield, iv. 633
Joseph, of Northfield, iv. 633
Joshua, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43
Julia, of Northfield, iv. 633
Mercy, of Northfield, iv. 633
Rebecca, of Northfield, iv. 633
Sally, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43
Rev. Samuel, of Northfield. iv. 633(2)
Woodbury, of Northfield, iv. 633
Whittier, Harrison, of Cabot, iv. 121
Harry, of Cabot, iv. 100
Harry P., of Cabot, iv. 100²
John, of Cabot, iv. 93, 94, 501
Lt. John, of Cabot, iv. 83², 84, 119
Mrs. John, of Cabot, iv. 83²
John G., v. pt. 35, 74
Mitchell, of Cabot, iv. 118
Nat., of Barre, iv. 51²
R. H., of Montpelier, iv. 335
portrait iv. opp. p. 335
Robert H., iv. 592
Robert Harvey, of Montpelier, iv. 501
Sally (Edgerton), wife of John Whittier, iv. 501
Susan C. (Phelps), wife of Robert H. Whittier, iv. 501
William P., of Cabot, iv. 82(2), 103²
Whittle, Mrs., of Marshfield, iv. 209²
Whittlesey, Eld., iv. 372
Miss, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 512
Aaron, of Plainfield, iv. 721²
Charles, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
Chauncy, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
Duron, of Glover, iii. 199²
of Plainfield, iv. 727²
Capt. Elijah, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Elisha, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
Samuel, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
Whittredge, Peleg, of Montpelier, iv. 298²
Whittrege, Thomas. of Plainfield, iv. 718²
Whorter, James, of Montpelier, iv. 291
Wiard, John, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²
Wiband, Richard, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²
Wibard, Richard, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521
Wibberd, Richard, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Wibird, Richard, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 4
grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note
grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
of Portsmouth (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 77², 568
grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Wiborg, Richard, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
Wicker, Abraham C., of Fair Haven, iii. 708²
James, of Pittsford, iii. 946²
Rev. M. A., of Danby, in Dorset. i. 191². 2d ed. 193: iii. 607
Wickham, Hiram, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 880², 893, 896, 930(2)
Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 904², 930
Mrs. Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 895
Rev. J. D., of Manchester, in Dorset, i. 191, 205(2), 207², 2d ed. 192², 204, 206²
Rev. Joseph D., of Manchester, iii. 902
Louisa (Edgerton), wife of Robert Wickham, iii. 913
Maria, of Pawlet, iii. 930
Robert of Pawlet, iii. 879², 911, 913, 930
Rollin C., of Pawlet, iii. 893, 906², 933
Ruth (Bidwell), wife of Isaac Wickham, iii. 930
Warren, of Pawlet, iii. 878
William, of Pawlet, iii. 878
Rev. William, from Pawlet, of Chester (N.Y.), iii. 930(2)
Willis, of Pawlet, iii. 930
Wicks, Elisha, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Rev. M. A., of Poultney, iii. 995² note
Millard, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420², 422²
Wickton, Rev., of Shoreham, i. 96
Wickwire, Joseph, of Bennington, i. 143², 144², 153, 2d ed. 146, 147, 155²
Wickwise, Lt. Joseph, in Rev. War., ii. 391
Wier, Esther, (Holmes), wife of Samuel Wier, iv. 1177
John, from Boston, of Johnson, ii. 671
Samuel, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177
Wiers, H. M., of Randolph, ii. 996
Wiggins, Mrs., of Morgan, iii. 283²
Rev., in Morgan, iii. 288²
Andrew, grantee of Essex, i. 778²
Charles, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²
Dorothy, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
John, of Montpelier, iv. 263²
Wiggins (Higgins), Joseph, of Irasburg, iii. 254(2)
Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 351, 387², 548, 568
Sarah, of Montpelier, iv. 387²
Rev. Silas, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18(2), 44(2)
Wiggins & Seeley, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 334²
Wigglesworth, Col., at Valcour battle, i. 664, 665
Wight, Rev., of Conn., ii. 639²
James, of Randolph, ii. 1046
Simeon, of Williamstown, ii. 1149²(2)
Simeon jr., of Williamstown, ii. 1149²
Rev. W. H., of Barre, iv. 52
of Cabot, iv. 100, 101
Wightman, Moses, of Georgia, ii. 245
William, of Danby, iii. 604
Wigins, Andrew, grantee of Hubbardton, iii. 746²
Wignell, Thomas, actor, v. 93(2)
Wigton, Samuel, circuit preacher, iii. 470
Wilber, Almond, of Calais, iv. 176²
Augustus O., of Woodbury, iv. 882
Henry, of Danby, iii. 647²
of Waterville, ii. 590
Holden, of Calais, iv. 176
Isaac, of Danby, iii. 591²
Lois, m. Daniel C. Smith, iii. 647²
Reuben, of Calais, iv. 176
Wilbert, Richard, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
Wilbird, Richard, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
grantee of Milton, i. 839²
Wilbur, ____, ii. 539
Aaron, of Savannah (Ga.), iii. 182²
Asa, of Boston, iii. 704², 705
Elizabeth, m. Elisha Fish, iii. 623
George, of Danby, iii. 599, 651²
Henry, of Danby, iii. 591², 592², 599², 601
Holden, of Calais, iv. 136
of Woodbury. iv. 880²
Isaac, of Danby, iii. 599², 601, 607², 651²
Jeremiah, of Montpelier, iv. 387²
Joseph, of Danby, iii. 587²
Nancy (Aldrich), wife of Isaac Wilbur, iii. 651²
Nancy (Cox), wife of Dea. Thomas Wilbur, ii. 1038
Peter, of Danby, iii. 600
Rebecca (Nichols), 2d wife of Dea. Thomas Wilbur, ii. 1038
Reuben, of Calais, iv. 165²
T., of Randolph, ii. 1037
Dea. Thomas, from Barnard, of Randolph. ii. 1038
Rev. W. N., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²
William. of Waterville, ii. 769, 800²
Wilburs, of R. L. v. pt. 2, 321²
pioneers of Waterville, ii. 770²
Wilcocke, Samuel Hull, of Burlington, i. 938²
Wilcocks, Stephen, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
Wilcox, ____, of Boston, in St. Albans, ii. 339²
from New London, (Conn.), of Burlington, i. 668, 669, 670
of Roxbury. iv. 735²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 586
Dr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 706
Eld., of Montville (Conn.), iv. 371²
Mrs., of Albany, iii. 66²
Rev., in Corinth, ii. 880²
of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427
Gen., Gettysburg battle, i. 712²
A., of Fairfax, ii. 203²
Abigail (Steel), wife of John Wilcox, iv. 802
Adaline, m. George Campbell, v. pt. 2, 668²
Amos, of Pawlet, iii. 628
Amos W., of Pawlet, iv. 1194³
Anna, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²
Artemus, of Pawlet, iii. 926
Rev. Beald, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 646²
Eld. Bela, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 391
Benjamin, of Morgan, iii. 284(2)
Wilcox, Betsey, m. Joseph Parks jr., iii. 1200
Gen. Cadmus Marcellus, at Gettysburg, ii. 387²
Calvin, of Morgan, iii. 284, 286, 289²
Rev. Carlos, from Newport (N. H.), Orwell (Vt.), and Hartford (Conn.), author, i. 74(2), 75(2) 559
Rev. D., of Barre, iv. 52
Daniel, of Colchester, i. 762
of Grand Isle, ii. 522
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690², 691
Capt. Daniel, from New London (Conn.), in Grand Isle, ii. 527², 533²
Darius, from Craftsbury, of Albany, iii. 50
David, grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Rev. David, of Plainfield, iv. 727²
David D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707
Deborah, of Morgan, iii, 284, 288
E. A., of Newbury. ii. 842
Rev. E. D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²(2)
Electa, m. Jonathan T. Evarts, iii. 930
Elijah, from Goshen (Conn.), of Benson, iii. 407², 408², 421
grantee of Poultney, iii. 997
Elisha, of Roxbury, iv. 754
Elon, of Morgan, iii. 283, 284²
Ephraim, from Conn., v. pt. 2, 633
of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 637², 641, 648², 651²
Ephraim jr., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 638
Ezra, of Albany, iii. 58², 67², 68(2)
Horace, of Orwell, poem, i. 75²
of Pawlet, iii. 881²
Jabez F., of Pownal, i. 259²
Jacob, from R. I., of Mt. Holly, iii. 845
Rev. James, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 646²
Jared, of Pawlet, iii. 930
pensioner, ii. 393
Jemima, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 638
m. Samuel Stannard, iii. 680²
Jennie (Hulett), wife of Amos Wilcox, iii. 628
Jeremiah, of Morgan, iii. 284(2)
Joel, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707
John, of Roxbury, iv. 754, 802
of Vergennes, ii. 318
John F., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696
John H. of Pawlet, iii. 894²
John Morgan, of Morgan, iii. 284, 285, 289²
Joseph, of Fairfax, in Fletcher, ii. 208², 209, 402
of Hinesburg, i. 794²
L. D., pref. v. 1
Lena, m. Louis Henry Lund, v. pt, 2, 331²
Lucinda (Dean), wife of Luther Wilcox, iii. 285
Lucy, of Morgan, iii. 284, 285
Luman, of Westminister West, v. pt. 2, 659
Luman C., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696
Luther, of Holland, iii. 233
of Morgan, iii. 284(2). 285
Lydia, of Morgan, iii. 284(2), 288
of Pawlet, iii. 902²
Lyman, of Brattleboro, v. 58
Martin, of Benson, iii. 408²
Mary, m. John French, v. pt. 2, 96²
Nathan, of Derby, iii. 179
from Killingworth (Conn.), pioneer of Morgan. iii. 284(2). 285(2), 287(2), 288(2), 289²
sketch, iii. 291
Nathan jr., of Morgan, iii. 284(2)
Nelson, of Bennington, i. 260²
Obadiah, of Brownington, iii. 90²
Obediah, of Brownington, iii. 72²
Olive, m. Rufus Perkins, iii. 922
Phebe, m. Joseph Parks jr., iii. 1200
Philo, of Benson, iii. 408², 421
Rev. Philo Beckwith, of Benson, iii. 416²(2)
Rachel, of Morgan, iii. 284, 287, 288
m. Micah Ferren, iii. 237
wife of Nathan Wilcox, iii. 285(2)
Rachel (Bennet), wife of Nathan Wilcox, iii. 291
Samuel, grantee of Hancock, i. 43
grantee of Pittsfield, iii. 935
Silas, of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²
of Morgan, iii. 284², 286
Silence, m. Dea. Ephraim Ranney, v. pt. 2, 584², 616
Simeon, of Warren, iv. 811²(2)
Stephen, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424
Thankful, of Morgan, iii. 284, 288
Rev. W., of Brattleboro, v. 179²
Rev. Washington, in Northfield, iv. 650
William, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Zachary T., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696
Wilcoxes, ____, of Albany, iii. 58²
Wild, Rev. A. W., of Brookfield, ii. 863
of Greensboro, ii. 1099², iii. 36, 216, 374
author. iv. 321
Rev. Daniel, of Brookfield, ii. 849, 860², 862², 881; iii. 36, 169(2)
of Fairfield, ii. 198
Rev. Edward P., of Brookfield, ii. 863
of Craftsbury, iii. 166², 168-9, 296²(2), 297, 374
hist. of Brookfield, ii. 854-70
Elisha, of West Fairlee, ii. 909, 915
Huldah (Washburn), wife of Rev. Daniel Wild, ii. 1051; iii. 169
Wild, Isaac, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28
Randall, of West Fairlee, ii. 909
Ruth S. (Nichols), wife of Rev. Edward P. Wild, iii. 169
Wild families, of Weat Fairlee, ii. 908
See also Weld
Wilde, Rev. Daniel, of Fairfield, ii. 197²
Wilder, ____, m. Martin H. Goddard, v. pt. 3¹, 21²
Miss, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
Maj., early settler on Conn. river, i. 944², 945
A. P., of Brattleboro, v. 43
A. W., of Montpelier, iv. 532², 548
A. W. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 276
Aaron, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 91, 167
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 37
of Waterbury, iv. 867
Abel, of Brattleboro, v. 58
of Norwich, iv. 477²
Abel B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693, 722²
Abigail, m. Solomon Lawton, v. pt. 2, 167
Abner, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Alfred, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Amelius A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 724²
Amos, v. pt. 2, 167
Anna, m. Luke Kendal, v. pt. 2, 148
Anson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²
Artemas, of Middlesex, iv. 232²
Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86
Asaph, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Atholiab jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
m. Samuel Hadley, v. pt. 2, 148, 163²
Betsey (Hadley), wife of Lindal Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148²
Rev. C. W., of Montpelier, iv. 386²
Calvin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167
Chamberlin, v. pt. 2, 169
Rev. Chandler, iv. 784²
Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26, 86, 88, 167
Clarissa, m. Stephen Hadley, v. pt. 2, 148
Clarissa (Howe) (Duncan), wife of Elias Wilder, v. pt. 2, 207²
Columbia, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Dan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148(2), 166²
Daniel, of Burlington, i. 504
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 127, 148²
Dolly, m. George Miller, v. pt. 2, 50², 167
Ebenezer, v. pt. 2, 167
Edgar, of Swanton, iv. 1134²
Edmond, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Elias, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 50², 71², 76, 110², 166², 167
of Ellisburg (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 207²
of Stowe, ii. 697²
Eliza, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
m. Charles French, v. pt. 2, 213²
Elizabeth, m. Joseph Temple jr., v. pt. 2, 91²
Elvira, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Enos, of Waitsfield, iv. 777
Ephraim, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167
Ezra, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424²
Fanny, v. pt. 2, 167
Frank, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 147²
Fred A., v. pt. 35, 54
Mrs. George (nee Hubbard), iv. 528²
George W., of Montpelier, iv. 280, 571²
Dr. H. R., of Swanton, iv. 1058, 1129²
Hannah, m. Josiah Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Hannah (Gates), wife of Stearns Wilder, v. pt. 2, 56²
Harriet, of Montpelier, iv. 395²
Harriet Marcia (Miller), wife of Chamberlin Wilder, v. pt. 2, 169
Harriet (Spaulding), wife of Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 26²
Horace, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Hoyt R., of Swanton, iv. 1088(2), 1134²
Huldah, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²
wife of Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 167
Rev. J. C., of Enosburg, ii. 143²
Jason H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Jefferson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Joanna (Bemis), wife of Dan Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148(2)
Mrs. Joanna (Crawford), wife of Aaron Wilder, v. pt. 2, 167
wife of Asa Wilder, v. pt. 2, 86
Joanna (Temple), wife of Aaron Wilder, v. pt. 2, 91
Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167
John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 166
of Sturbridge (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 71
Rev. John C., in West Randolph, ii. 1000
Jonathan, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Joseph, of Derby, iv. 571
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673
Joshua, of Brattleboro, v. 23², 57²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110, 127, 166(2)
sketch, v. pt. 2, 147-8
Josiah, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Julia M. (née Hines), v. 133²
Dea. Leroy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78², 127, 147², 148²(2), 166², 172², 205²
Wilder, Levi, of Randolph, Rev. soldier, ii. 989²(2)
Lindal, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Lindall 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Lois (Hawes), wife of Joshua Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148
Lovinna (Miller), wife of Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 50²
Lucinda, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167(2)
Lydia, of Lyndon, i. 341²
Marshall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179²
Mary, m ____ Allen, v. pt. 2, 167
wife of Tilly Wilder, v. pt. 2, 152²
Mary (Livermore), wife of Tilly Wilder, v. pt. 2, 167
Mary (Marks), wife of Oliver Wilder, v. pt. 3³, 9
Rev. N. W., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
of Swanton, iv. 1087²
Nabby, m. Simon Hadley, v. pt. 2, 148
Nathaniel, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Lt. Nathaniel, of Lancaster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 147²
Natt, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148
Nixon, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148²
Olive (Bemis), wife of Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148²
Oliver, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9, 10
Col. Oliver, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155(2)
Orcus C., of Waitsfield, iv. 799²
Patty, m. Joseph Howes, iv. 477²
Phebe (Kathan), wife of William Wilder, v. pt. 2, 17²
Phineas, grantee of Brandon, iii. 448², 450²(2)
grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Polly (Warner), wife of Natt Wilder, v. pt. 2, 148
Ransel, of Ludlow, v. pt. 3¹, 21²
Rebecca, m. Ebenezer Sparks, v. pt. 2, 167
m. Salvin Collins, iv. 55²
Rosinah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 166
Roxany (Prior), wife of Joel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 167
Ruth, m. Ransom Covey, v. pt. 2, 148²
Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26², 110², 148², 167
Mrs. Sarah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 27
Sarah, of Montpelier, iv. 328(2)
m. Henry Willard, v. pt. 2, 179²
Sarah (Keyes), wife of Joshua Wilder, v. pt. 2, 166
Sarah (Spaulding), wife of Charles Wilder, v. pt. 2, 26, 86, 167
Solomon, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 50², 179²
grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²
of Whitehall (N. Y.), iii. 675
Stearns, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 56²
Tille, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Tilley, grantee of Brandon, iii. 447, 448(2)
Tilly, grantee of Brandon, iii. 444²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152², 167(2)
Wallace, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 127, 166²
William, of Charleston, iii. 108²-9
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 17², 148²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224
Zebina, of Lyndon, i. 341
Wilder family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 127, 147-8, 166
Wilder & Richards, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 350²
Wilder, Cheney & Brown, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424²
Wilder, Scott & co., of Montpelier, iv. 279
Wildow, Maj. Jonas. of Guildhall, i. 999(2)
Wilds, Solomon, of Ira, iii. 779²
Wiley, Rev., iii. 744²
Borga, of Roxbury, iv. 7562
Clark, of Roxbury, iv. 749², 752, 758, 759², 760
David, of Granville, i. 41²
from Hillsboro (N. H.), of Landgrove, i. 197
of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Delia, iv. 768
Edwin, iv. 768
F. A., of Roxbury, iv. 748²
Rev. F. L., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18, 56²
F. S., of Tunbridge, ii. 1125²
Hannah, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
James, of Northfield, iv. 672²
of Roxbury, iv. 751², 756²
John, of Mass., v. 89²
Jonathan, of Roxbury, iv. 758
L. F., of Roxbury, iv. 760²
L. J., of Roxbury, iv. 758
Molly, of Albany, iii. 56
Mrs. P., of Roxbury, iv. 743², 768
Philander, of Roxbury, iv. 748², 759²
Phineas, of Roxbury, iv. 751, 756²
Sophia, of Roxbury, iv. 752²
T. W., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585²
Walter, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504
Warren W., of Landgrove, iv. 1191²
William, grantee of Essex, i. 778²
of White River Junction, iv. 768
see also Willey
Wiley & Brintnall, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Willkens, Col. William, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 444
Wilkins, ____ grantee of Addison, i. 4
of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²
Aaron, of Stowe, ii. 742²
Wilkins, Alvin, of Stowe, ii. 715
Andrew, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34², 58
Asa, of Fairfax, ii. 169², 171, 172, 173, 184(2), 393, 403²
Capt. Asa, of Fairfax, ii. 402(2)
Asaph, of Irasburg, iii. 244²
Birney, of Stowe, ii. 768
Rev. C. R., of Bennington, i. 162(2), 2d ed. 164²
in Fair Raven, iii. 717
Catharine B., of Burlington, i. 655²
Charles, of Stowe, ii. 712², 715
Daniel, in Fairfax, ii. 172
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 22², 24(2), 25(2), 33(2)
Capt. Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 32
Sgt. David, of Fairfax, ii. 402²
Durand, of Stowe, ii. 768(2)
E. P., of Stowe, ii. 715
Eliab, of Stowe, ii. 715
Ezra, of Stowe, ii. 732², 733
Mrs. Ezra, of Stowe, ii. 706²
Frederick, of Charleston, iii. 108
George, of Stowe, ii. 590², 712², 715, 721, 729², 800²
bear story, ii. 733²-7
sketch, ii. 731²-2
Rev. George W., of Waterbury, iv. 839²
Hosea, F., of Mendon, iii. 786
James, of Fairfax, ii. 402², 403
of Stowe, ii. 698, 707, 732²
Jane, of Stowe, ii. 715
Jason, of Danville, i. 314²
John, of Fairfax, ii. 402
John D., of Stowe, ii. 717, 745²
Leverett, of Mendon, iii. 786
Lucy, m. Samuel Woodburn, v. pt. 3², 19
Mrs. Lydia, of Stowe, ii. 717
Lydia, m. Isaac Ober, v. pt. 2, 504²
M. N., of Stowe, ii. 715
Mrs. M. N., hist. of Stowe, ii. 695-768²
Mrs. Martha, of Burlington, i. 655²
Othniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19², 20
Othniel jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20²
P. P., of Stowe, ii. 712²
Phebe, of Stowe, ii. 706²
Richard, of Montpelier, iv. 568²
Robert B., of Fairfax, ii. 403
Uriah, of Stowe, ii. 697², 703, 706², 714², 717, 721, 732²(2), 733(2), 742²
Mrs. Uriah, of Stowe, ii. 715
Uriah jr. of Stowe, ii. 715
Uriah 2d, of Stowe, ii. 732²
Vernon, of Stowe, ii. 715
Willard C., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164²
Capt. William H., of Burlington, ii. 706
Wilkinson, ____ of Enosburg, ii. 150
Capt., v. pt. 2, 61²
of Bakersfield, ii. 108²
Gen., at French Mills, ii. 244; iii. 1147²
Benjamin, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Clark, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541², 542
Crowell, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Gilbert, of Swanton, iv. 1034², 1185²
H. N., of Swanton, iv. 1059²
Ichabod, of Bakersfield, ii. 393²
Gen. James, i. 620, 1040²
Jonathan, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Lewis, of Benson, iii. 407², 408², 413, 720²
Nathan, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Oliver jr., of Townshend, v. p. 2, 541²
Reuben, of Benson, iii. 413, 417²
Sarah (Andrus) (Durand), wife of Lewis Wilkinson, iii. 720²
Willard, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 45(2)
of Burlington, i. 496²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 132
of Middlebury, ii. 238²
in Newbury, ii. 952²
of N. Y., iii. 858²
grantee of Rutland, iii. 1014²
m. Asa Green, v. pt. 2, 617²
m. Henry May, v. pt. 2, 622
(née Goodenow), iii. 449
Dr., of Pittsford, iii. 950²
Mrs., iii. 835; v. pt. 2, 308
Capt., v. pt. 2, 22
Maj., of Tinmouth, iii. 1150
Col., iii. 557²(2)
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 233²
of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 77
A. J., of St. Johnsbury, i. 949; iv. 493
Aaron, of Pawlet, iii. 874²
Abel, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Abigail, v. pt. 2, 180²
Abigail (Carpenter), wife of Josiah Willard, iv. 492²
Abigail (Rose), wife of Jonathan Willard, iii. 931
Abijah, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Ambrose, of St. Albans, ii. 330²
Andrew, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86², 110²
of Pawlet, iii. 898, 931(2)
Andrew J., of Lyndon, i. 354
Anna, of Hinesburg, i. 796²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
m. Amasa Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 619²
wife of Billy Willard, v. pt. 2, 617²
Archibald, of Pawlet, iii. 931
Ashton R., of Montpelier, iv. 493, 553
Azel, of Fair Haven, iii. 709², 739²
Azel jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 716
Barty, see Willard, Dubartis
of Burlington, i. 495², 496, 515², 516(2)
Belinda, m. Stephen R. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 596, 617²
Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152, 179, 181(2)
Willard, Benjamin, of Pawlet, iii. 931
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 254
Rev. Benjamin, in Randolph, ii. 1064
Benjamin F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 95, 105, 181, 190²
Betsey, of Pawlet, iii. 931
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Betsey (Morrison), wife of Samuel Willard 2d., v. pt. 2, 617²
Billey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
Billy, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567², 581², 582², 617², 625
see also Willard, William
C. C., of E. Montpelier, iv. 575²
C. H., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551²
C. M., of Castleton, iii. 515(2), 516², 519², 525
C. W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 9², 26², 27², 55²
Mrs. ,C. W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 34²
C. W., attorney, iv. 277², 315², 335², 358
Caleb, surveyed Barnet, i. 276²(2)
surveyed Newbury, Bradford etc., ii. 808(2)
Caleb C., of Westminster, v. rt. 2, 617²
Caty (Rice). wife of Andrew Willard. v. pt. 2, 86²
Charles, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 579²
Charles W , of Lyndon, i. 350
of Montpelier, ii. 101²; iii. 1159²; iv. 13(2), 14, 273(2), 292², 312, 321, 396², 491(2), 511, 552, 501, 631²; v. 182
Charles W., of Montpelier, sketch, iv. 492-3
portrait iv. opp. p. 492
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22
on James T. Thurston, iv. 488²-90
on Joseph W. Wheelock, iv. 490-2
on Maj. Richard W. Hyde, iv. 487²
Charles Wesley jr., of Montpelier, iv. 493
Cyrenus M., of Pawlet, iii. 894², 931²
Cyrus, of Fair Haven, iii. 684²
Dan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Dennison, of Fair Haven, iii. 739², 742²
Dorcas (Cutler), 2d wife of Henry Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Dubartis, from Mass., of Essex, i. 778², 781², 782 and note
Elias, of Tinmouth, iii. 1097
Eliza D., m. ____ Parson, i. 1025
Eliza May, of Montpelier, iv. 493
Elizabeth (Dunster), 2d wife of Maj. Simon Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Emily, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Emily (Reed) (Doane), wife of Charles W. Willard, iv. 493
Mrs. Emma (Hart), of Troy (N. Y.), iii. 1006²; v. 164
wife of Dr. John Willard, i. 52², 54² and note (2)
Ephraim, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Eunice, grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
m. Josiah Goddard, v. pt. 2, 181
Fitch E., of Plainfield, iv. 731²
G. R., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 26², 28
George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
of Swanton, iv. 1134
Dea. George, of Pawlet, iii. 902², 931
Capt. George, of Pawlet, iii. 879²
Gustavus V., of Franklin co., ii. 94
H. A., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 623²
Mrs. H. C. (née Field), of Brattleboro, v. 187²; v. pt. 2, 476
Hannah, m. ____ Flint, iv. 493
Madam Hannah, of Brattleboro, v. 45
Hannah (Hubbard), wife of Josiah Willard jr., v. pt. 2, 181
Hannah (Wilder), wife of Josiah Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Harriet (Belknap), wife of George Willard, v. pt. 2, 107
Harriet V., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Harry, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Henry, iii. 930, 931
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110(2), 111, 145², 152², 179², 180(2), 181(2), 184²
of Pawlet, iii. 931²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179
of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 581
Henry jr., v. pt. 2, 180²
Henry A., of Washington (D. C.), v. 164²; v. pt. 2, 596², 617²
Hezekiah, v. pt. 2, 180²
Horace Mann, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 513
Hosea, of Fair Haven, iii. 739²
I., Sec. to Gov. William Shirley, iv. 1151², 1152
Isaac, ii. 800
Israel, of Bradford, in Corinth, ii. 881
J., of Middletown, iii. 835²
John E., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21, 22 and note, 28, 34, 37², 46, 55²
portrait, v. pt. 34, facing p. 5
Historical address, v. pt. 34, 7-11
Hist. of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 5-56
poems, v. pt. 34, 11-12, 22
Jacob, of Fair Haven, iii. 684², 709, 739²
in War of 1812, ii. 392
James, v. pt. 2, 180²
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
Dr. James H., of Pawlet, iii. 893², 894, 931²
Jesse, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Joel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232
John, iv. 802²; v. pt. 2, 180²
grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
Willard, John, of Charleston, iii. 121
grantee of Danby, iii. 577²
of Morgan, iii. 284²
of Pawlet, iii. 931
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Dr. John, from Madison (Conn.), in Middlebury, sketch, i. 52², 54² and note
Rev. John, from Stafford (Conn.), of Lunenburg, i. 1023(2)
sketch, i. 1023-4
Capt. John, shipmaster, i. 52²
John J., of Calais, iv, 166
of Montpelier, iv. 548
John M., of Barre, iv. 41²
of East Montpelier, iv. 586
John S., of Barre, iv. 42
Jonathan, grantee of Danby, iii. 576², 577(2)
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110², 180(2)
grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 869
grantee of Pawlet, iii. 871, 879², 880², 896², 903, 907², 912, 930, 931
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 568
Mrs. Jonathan (née Hough), iii. 930
(née Stark), iii. 930
Capt. Jonathan, grantee of Danby, iii. 652
in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Jonathan 2d., of Pawlet, iii. 931
Jonathan 3d., grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
Joseph, v. pt. 2, 180²
grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
of Pawlet, iii. 930, 931(2)
Mrs. Joseph, of Pawlet, iii. 895
Joseph, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 574, 581², 602, 617(2), 625
Mrs. Joseph. m. Rev. Andrew Gardner, v. pt. 2, 581
Rev. Joseph, of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 1009², 1023²; ii. 820²
of Rutland (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 581(2)
Joseph jr., of Rutland (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 581, 617²
Joseph 3d., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 581², 582²
Joseph 4th, from Westminster, of Washington (D. C.), v. pt. 2, 581²
Joseph C., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Rev. Joseph L., Pres. of Harvard college, i. 1023²
Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 17, 18
grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 2², 180²
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
of Lyndon, iv. 492²
grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220², 221
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495
grantee of Westminster, v. pt 2, 566, 567², 568(2), 582
grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 75², 76, 581
Rev. Josiah, killed at Rutland (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 617
Capt. Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 21², 180
Maj. Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 46(2)
Col. Josiah, of Brattleboro, v. 44², 45(2), 46(2)
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19
of Lancaster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 617²(2)
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 253(2), 254
of Winchester (N. H.), iii. 1014; v. pt. 2, 70, 569
Josiah jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
of Keene (N. H.), and Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 181
grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567², 581, 617²
Col. Josiah jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²
Josiah 2d., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²(2)
Josiah & co., grantee of Fairfax, Fairfield and Georgia, ii. 90
Josiah C., of Lyndon, i. 346, 347², 353²
Judith, m. Ezekiel Rice, v. pt. 2, 86, 97²(2)
Julius A., of Lunenburg, i. 1023²
L. A., of Morristown, ii. 682
L. Amelia, m. H. G. Bassett, iv. 575
Lavina, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Lemuel, of Pawlet, iii. 874²
Levi, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Lewis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181
Louisa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Lucinda (Knowlton), wife of Samuel Willard, v. pt. 2, 464
Lucy, m. Ephraim Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 91²
m. Maj. S. B. Sheldon, ii. 376
Lucy P. (Smith), wife of Samuel A. Willard, ii. 800
Lydia, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152, 181²
wife of Benjamin Willard, v. pt. 2, 181²
Lydia (Bennett), wife of Benjamin Willard, v. pt. 2, 181, 188
Lydia (Dwight), wife of Rev. John Willard, i. 1023²
Lyndes, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 581², 617², 619²
Lyndes jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
M. D., of East Montpelier, iv. 586
Margaret, of Pawlet, iii. 931
m. John Whipple, v. pt. 2, 181, 189²
m. Nehemiah How, v. pt. 2, 254
Willard, Maria, m. Ira Smith, iii. 931
Marinda, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
m. William Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²
Marshall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181²
Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180², 181²
of Montpelier, iv. 493
of Pawlet, iii. 930
m. Elkanah Cobb, iii. 912, 931
m. Isaac Cutler, v. pt. 2, 181
m. Medad Wright, v. pt. 2, 582², 614²
m. Nelson Barbour, v. pt. 2, 154
Mary (Cahoon), wife of Solomon Willard, ii. 800
Mary (Dunster), 3d wife of Maj. Simon Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Mary (Laken), wife of Henry Willard. v. pt. 2, 180²
Mary (Sharp), wife of Maj. Simon Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²
Mary (Smith), wife of Benjamin F. Willard, v. pt. 2, 95
Moses, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Moses C., surveyor, ii. 890²
Nahum, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
Nancy, m. Davis Rand, v. pt. 2, 181
Nancy (Fitch), wife of Dr. James H. Willard, iii. 931²
Nathan, of Brattleboro, v. 46(2)
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 14, 180
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 17(2)
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 254
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567², 581, 617²
Nathan jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²
Nelson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 38²
Nelson W., of W. Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164², 180, 181²(2)
Olive, m. Nathaniel Taft, v. pt. 2, 181
Olive (Frost), wife of Peter Willard, v. pt. 2, 181²
Oliver, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 18, 19
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
of Fair Haven, iii. 739²
grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
from Northfield (Mass.), of Newbury, ii. 918(2)
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567², 581, 617²
Ora, of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1039, 1130²
Persis, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
Peter, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110, 181², 396²
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²
Polly, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 617²
m. William Miller, v. pt. 2, 134
Prentice, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 254
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²
Prudence, m. William Willard, v. pt. 2, 581, 617²
Rhodolphus, of Roxbury, iv. 758², 760², 761
Richard, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²
Robert, of Pawlet, iii. 931
Mrs. Robert (nee Gardner), iii. 931
Rodolphus, of Roxbury, iv. 757²
Sally, m. William Barnes, v. pt. 2. 181
Mrs. Sally, of Barre, iv. 36²
Sampson, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19; v. pt. 2, 4(2)
grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
Samson, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
Samuel, v. pt. 2, 180², 617
of Charleston, iii. 109
of Deerfield (Mass.), v. 65²
of Middletown, iii. 809, 810
grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 464
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²
of Franklin co., ii. 93
Mrs. Samuel (née Burnham), iii. 931
Rev. Samuel i. 1023²; v. pt. 2, 181
of Deerfield (Mass.), v. 26²
Capt. Samuel, in Rev. war. ii. 390²
Col. Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 880(2), 885, 926², 930, 931
Samuel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 931
Samuel 2d., of Westminster, v. pt. 617²(2)
Samuel A., of Barton, sketch, iii. 374²
of Lyndon, i. 346, 347², 355
of Morristown, ii. 690, 800
of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
of Orleans co., iii. 34
Samuel S., of Barton, iii. 75²
Sarah, v. pt. 2, 180²
m. Reuben Smith, iii. 926², 931
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Joseph Willard, iii. 931²
Sarah B. (Kellogg), wife of Henry A. Willard, v. pt. 2, 596²
Sarah (Childs), wife of Capt. Jonathan Willard, iii. 930
Sarah (Hare), wife of Joseph Willard, iii. 931
Sarah (Kellogg), wife of Henry A. Willard, v. 164²
Sarah (Stark), wife of Col. Samuel Willard, iii. 931
Sarah (Wilder), wife of Henry Willard, v. pt. 2, 179²
Silas, of Barre, iv. 33, 41²
of Pawlet, iii. 874², 931²
Willard, Mrs. Silas (née Baker), iii. 931²
Silence (McQuestin), wife of Lyndes Willard, v. pt. 2, 617²
Simeon, of Fair Haven, iii. 739²
Simon, v. pt. 2, 180²
Maj. Simon, from England, of Boston, iii. 930²; v. pt. 2, 180(2), 581(2)
Col. Simon, from England, of Charlestown (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 180
Solomon, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3², 180
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²
of Winchester (N. H.), ii. 800; v. pt. 2, 77
Sophia, m. Calvin Knowlton, v. pt. 2, 464
Sophy, of Westminster. v. pt. 2, 617²
Submit (Phipps), wife of Nathan Willard. v. pt. 2, 254
Susan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 609, 617²
Susanna, v. pt. 2, 180²
Tabitha, v. pt. 2, 180²
Wilder, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
of Fairlee, ii. 889(2)
grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567², 581, 617²
William, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 9, 19
grantee of Danby, iii. 577
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 10, 180
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220(2), 253²
grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566², 567², 568², 581, 603, 617
sketch, v. pt. 2, 580-1
William jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 180
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²
Willard & Wheelock, of Montpelier, iv. 382
Willards, from West Windsor (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 739
Willcocks, George, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 168
Willcox, Rev. M. A., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512²
Willet, ____, of Bakersfield, ii. 99
Jane (Oatman), wife of S. Willet, iii. 823²
John, grantee of Milton, i. 839²
S., of Pawlet, iii. 823²
Thomas, grantee of Milton, i. 839²
Willets, Rev. William M., iv. 382
Willett, Rev. William W., iv. 553²(2)
Willey, ____, iv. 590²
Amos, of Waterville, ii. 769, 772(2), 800²
Asa, of Pawlet, iii. 914², 932
Asa jr., from Pawlet, of Unadilla (N. Y.), iii. 932
B. F., of Waterville, ii. 769
B. M. R., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21, 34, 37, 41², 45
Benjamin, of Middlesex, iv. 225, 244²
Betsey, m. Gideon Gifford, iii. 914², 932
C. W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21, 27², 29, 45, 46², 55²
Charles, of N. H., iii. 182
Charles H., of Middlesex, iv. 250
Charles W., of Sutton, iv. 1194³
Christina, m. Ephraim Orcutt, v. pt. 34, 27
D. P., trustee of Derby Academy, iii. 182²
Daniel, of Montpelier, iv. 329
David, pioneer of Pawlet, iii. 872, 874
Deborah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
E. Henry, of Waterville, ii. 771 note, 679
hist. of Belvidere. ii. 592-5
hist. of Elmore, ii. 626-8
hist. of Mansfield, ii. 680
hist. of Waterville, ii. 768-73
Elias, of Waterville, ii. 769, 800²
Elijah, of Irasburg, iii. 249
Ephraim, of Middlesex, iv. 222², 225, 236²
George W., of Middlesex, iv. 231²
Hetty, of Barre, iv. 37
Hubbard, of Middlesex, iv. 222², 225, 236, 250
J. A., of Cambridge, ii. 621
Jesse, pioneer in Holland, iii. 232(2), 233(2)
John, of Irasburg, iii. 249
of Northfield, iv. 637², 651
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
of Topsham, ii. 1111
Joseph, of Charleston, iii. 109
Josiah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 43², 46
Dea. Judah, of Barre, iv. 726
Judith (Richardson), wife of Stephen Willey, v. pt. 34, 32
Levi, from Deerfield (Mass.), of Plainfield, iv. 718²
Lucy, of Pawlet, iii. 932
Mary, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²
Noah, of Danville, i. 314²
Rachel, m. John H. Andrus, iii. 609
Reuben, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241², 244, 249, 254, 255²
Rhoda, of Moretown, iv. 603
Sally, m. Capt. Bushnell, iii. 932
Seth, of Fletcher, ii. 201 note
Stephen, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 32, 44
Stephen W., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19², 44
Valentine, of Montpelier, iv. 329
William Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 332(2)
Zechariah, of Pawlet, iii. 932
Zeno, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55
see also Wiley
Willeys, pioneers of Waterville, ii. 770²
William I, of England, iii. 1012², 1013; v. 3; v. pt. 2, 85, 370²
William II, Ring of England, iv. 922²
William III, King of England, ii. 537; iv. 241
William, Emp. of Prussia, iv. 157²
William, ____, of Greensboro, iii. 210
Alfred, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453²
Dyer, of Swanton, iv. 1003²
Williams, ____, of Alburg, ii. 498²
in Belvidere, ii. 594
of Castleton, iii. 511
of Middlesex, iv. 331
of Rutland, iii. 793, 1026, 1087
of Rutland co., ii. 129²
Dea., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413
Dr., of Deerfield (Mass.), v. 65²(2)
of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²
Judge, of Concord, iii. 313²
of Middletown, iii. 825²
of Rutland, iii. 958²
Rev., ii. 572
in Brookfield, ii. 862²
in Corinth, ii. 880²
of Lancaster (N. H.), in Granby, i. . 995
of Readsboro, i. 221, 2d ed. 219²
Lt., of Chatham, Rev. officer, ii. 796²
Capt., in Castleton, iii. 507²
in Ferrisburg, i. 32
of Guilford, iii. 511(2)
of Hyde Park, ii. 648²
Maj., Rev. Officer, ii. 790²
Col., of Swanton, iv. 1007
Gen., iii. 730²
A. S., of Northfield, iv. 614²
A. & A., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 729
Abigail, m. Col. Ebenezer Hinsdale, v. pt. 2, 310
Abigail E., m. Charles Converse, v. pt. 2, 467²
Abigail (Leonard), wife of Rev. Warham, iii. 1039
Abigail (Robinson), wife of William H. Williams, v. pt. 2, 467², 471
Abijah, of Wells, iii. 1205²
Abner, grantee of Charleston, iii. 119
Col. Abraham, of Chester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 467
Albemarle, of Danby, iii. 665²
Dr. Albermale, of Wells, iii. 1205²
Albert B., of Bradford, ii. 824
Alphia, of Roxbury, iv. 752²
Eld. Amos A., of Morristown, ii. 689², 690²
Rev. Amos A., in Belvidere and Waterville, ii. 769²
Ann Eliza, m. Rev. Oliver Emmerson, iii. 622²
Anna, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 467²
wife of Larkin Williams, v. pt. 2, 467
Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Asahel, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Azariah, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
gifts to Univ. of Vt., i. 524²
Azarias, of Concord, i. 971², 973, 977, 979²; iii. 266
Azel, of Sudbury, iii. 1139
Benjamin, of Fair Haven, iii. 704², 705²
grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Betsey, m. Zadock Hard jr., i. 2d ed. 135²
Bradford, of Swanton, iv. 1037, 1130
C. B. iv. 271
of Roxbury, iv. 759
C. D., of NortHfield, iv. 669, 687
C. K., ii. 531(2); iii. 520²; v. pt. 2, 592 note
of Rutland, iii. 1062²
C. P., of Shelburne, i. 877
Carlos D.. of Northfield, iv. 687²
Cephas, of Winhall, i. 246²
Charles, lawyer, iii. 37
Charles K., of Swanton, iv. 1006, 1187²
Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479
Maj. Charles K., of Rutland, ii. 344(2); iii. 484
Charles Kilborn, of Rutland, i. 645², 948; iii. 423, 1013, 1033, 1054², 1081, 1110²; iv. 271(2), 325², 496², 586²(2)
Mrs. Charles Kilborn, of Rutland, iii. 1039², 1041
Charles L., of Rutland, iii. 1062 editor, i. 560
Charlotte, m. Joshua Bromley, iii. 614
Chauncy K., of Rutland, iii. 1009, 1012, 1021², 1040, 1041, 1064²
Mrs. Christiana, of Mendon, iii. 789²
Clarinda, m. Amos Currier, i. 954
Mrs. Cynthia, of Enosburg, ii. 141²
Daniel, of Danby, iii. 651²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19²
Darius, of Chester, v. pt. 3², 14²
Mrs. Darius (née Aiken), v. pt. 3², 14²
David, of Danby, iii. 651²
E. D., of Middlesex, iv. 250
E. H., of Newport, iii. 305²
E. K., of Barre, iv. 23²
Ebenezer, of Bakersfield, ii. 108²
of Belvidere, ii. 594
Edward, in militia, ii. 514
Dr. Edward A., of Northfield, iv. 684(2)
Edward H., of Northfield, iv. 656²
Dr. Edward H. of Northfield, iv. 616
Egor, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
Eleazer, of Bakersfield, ii. 394
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²
Rev. Eleazer, iii. 1039; v. pt. 2, 495
Elijah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 3², 15, 17(2), 18
grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Maj. Elijah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 79
Elisha, of Clarendon, iii. 572(2)
Eliza, m. Joseph Mansfield, jr., v. pt. 2, 211²
Mrs. Eliza, m. George W. Knapp, v. pt. 2, 149
Elnathan, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
Eunice, of Deerfield (Mass.), iii. 1039
of East Montpelier, iv. 583³
of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Williams, Everett, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722
Ezekiel, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Ezra G., of Elmore, ii. 627²
Ferona, m. George Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Flavius, i. 675² note
Rev. Francis C., of Brattleboro, v. 30
George, of Middlesex. iv. 246
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461², 467², 476²(2)
of Roxbury, iv. 740
George Abner, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 513²
George C., of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949
George Oilman, of Enosburg, ii. 144
Capt. George L., of Huntington, i. 816
George P., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²
George W., of Roxbury, iv. 759²
Gertrude (Brown), wife of John W. Williams, v. pt. 2, 468
Gibbon, of Wallingford, iii. 1176², 1177
Goliah, of R. I., iii. 651²
Griffith, of Fair Haven, iii. 742²
Dr. H. G., of Montpelier, iv. 278
H. P., of Piermont (N. H.), ii. 842
H. W., of Brandon, iii. 500
Hannah, of Danby, iii. 651²
Harlow, of Milford (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 101
Harrison, of Halifax, v. pt, 2, 420²
Harvey, of Topsham, ii. 1114
Hastings, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 467²
Henry, of Boston. iv. 303²
Rev. Henry, v. pt. 3³, 15²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9, 40², 79²
Hezekiah, of Northfield, iv. 613²
Hiram, of Middlesex, iv. 246
Hosea, of Danby, iii. 592, 593(2), 599, 600, 601², 603(2), 644, 651², 652
Hugh, of Fair Haven, iii. 705
Hugh W., of Fair Haven, iii. 704²
I. & J., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425
Ira, of Roxbury, iv. 749
Isaac, from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247
of Salem, v. pt. 2, 211²
of Swanton, iv. 1022²
Isaac L., of Burlington, i. 533
Isham, of Danby, iii. 651²
Israel, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991
Col. Israel, of Boston. v. pt. 2, 44(2)
J. C., of Danby, iii. 604, 619², 645, 666, 671
hist. of Danby, iii. 576
J. E., of N. Y. City, iii. 538
J. H., iii. 1117²
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500
Rev. J. K., in Bradford, ii. 817, 824
J. W., of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949
of Essex co., i, 948
Jacob, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528
Dea. Jacob, of Burlington, hymn, i. 541², 543(2)
Capt. Jacob, of Huntington, i. 816
James, from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247
grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
James A. N., of Bennington, i. 259²
James H., iii. 1118²(2)
James Henry, from Chester, of Bellows Falls, sketch, v. pt. 2, 506-7
Mrs. James Henry, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2. 506², 510²
Mrs. Jane (Kilborn), of Rutland, iii. 1026, 1039²
Jasper L., of Mendon, iii. 789²
Jennie, m. George Baker, iii. 610
Jeremiah, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note
John, of Danby, iii. 651²
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
of Roxbury, iv. 756²
of Strafford, ii. 1084²
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287², 320
Rev. John, of Deerfield (Mass.), i. 757; iii. 1039; iv. 813, 950²; v. pt. 2, 310, 495
Redeemed captive, i. 603 note
Col. John, in Rev. war, ii. 389²
John C., grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
of Danby, iii. 651²
John Chester, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²
John H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 507
of Fair Haven, iii. 704², 710
John J., of Fair Haven, iii. 704², 705, 706, 708²
John K., of Charlotte, i. 738
Rev. John K., from Andover, in Bradford, ii. 822
John P. of Franklin co., ii. 93²
John W., of Concord, i. 968²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2. 468, 475
Joseph, ii. 667; iii. 657
of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 412²
of Isle La Motte. ii. 557²
of Northfield, iv. 613², 615²
of Orange, ii. 956²(2)
of Pownal, i. 218², 2d ed. 217
of R. I., iii. 651²
Corp. Joseph, in Shelburne battle, i. 878(2)
Ens. Joseph, pioneer of Orange, ii. 956²
Joseph R., of Northfield, iv. 614²
Judah, of Williamstown, ii. 1140² note
Larkin, of Chester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 467
Leonard, of Fair Haven, iii. 708²
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
Linus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 93²
Loisa, of Fair Haven, iii. 709²
Lorenzo, of Morgan, iii. 285²
Louisa, m. John A. Merrifield, v. pt. 2, 467²
Lucretia, m. Samuel Gates, i. 1022
Lucy G. (Langdon), iii. 527
M. O., of Danby, iii. 603²
M. V. & J. C., of Danby, iii. 602²
Mabel, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Williams, Marion, m. Henry J. Baker, iii. 610
Martha, m. Jonathan Hunt jr., v. pt. 2, 289²
Martha A., of Burlington, i. 533
Martha (Sanborn), wife of William Williams, iii. 266²
Mary, m. Jonas Bennett, v. pt. 2, 99²
m. Roswell Robertson, v. pt. 2, 497²
Melona Ann, m. Austin Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
MerriIl, of Montpelier, iv. 731
Nathan, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120
from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
of Pawlet. iii. 874
grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²
Nora (Colvin), wife of John C. Williams, iii. 651²
Norman, of Grand Isle, ii. 127
of Woodstock, iv. 322; v. pt. 2, 594
attorney, i. 473
Norman C., of Windsor co., iv. 1197
Obadiah, of Middletown, iii. 820
Olive, m. Capt. Joseph Keyes, iv. 628²
Oliver, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²
Olney, from R. I., of Danby, iii. 651²
Oramel, of Northfield, iv. 683
of Roxbury, iv. 752²
of Warren, iv. 807²
Orilla Pease, wife of George Williams, v. pt. 2, 476²(2)
Othniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19
P. W., of Davenport (Ia.), v. pt. 2, 682²
Patience, m. Samuel Dyer, i. 594²
Phebe, of Danby, iii. 651²
Phineas, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²
Capt. Phineas, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Polly, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320
Pruda, of Danby, iii. 651²
Putnam Tarrant, of Rutland and Miss., iii. 1063
R. G., of Castleton, iii. 516², 519
Richard, of Fair Haven, iii. 705, 1150²
Roger, i. 594(2), 595²; v. pt. 2. 629
of Danby, iii. 587², 588, 589², 590, 599, 600², 604², 625², 651², 728², 1039²
Mrs. Rosanna M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 216²
Rosanna (Miller), wife of William H. Williams, v. pt. 2, 145, 170², 467²
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 144
Rufus, of Huntington, i. 814², 818², 821
Ruth, m. Capt. James Johnson, iii. 919
Ruth (Goodrich), wife of Dr. Albermale Williams, iii. 1205²
S., of Castleton, iii. 1068²
S. & co., iii. 1096
Dr. S., pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 150²
Rev. S., of Clarendon, iii. 562
S. H., of Grand Isle co., ii. 480
Rev. S. M., v. pt. 35, 55
Rev. S. P., iv. 553²(2)
of Bennington, i. 162, 952, 2d ed. 164²
of Montpelier, iv. 381²
of Newbury circuit, ii. 1171²
of Poultney, iii. 995² note
Sally, of Danby, iii. 651²
of Strafford, ii. 1084²
Sally (Pierce), wife of Harlow Williams, v. pt. 2, 101
Salmon, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 150
of Roxbury, iv. 758², 760²
Samuel, i. 156, 270², 453², 464² note, 465 note, 466 note, 565, 2d ed. 158²
grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²(2)
grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
Rev. Samuel, of Rutland, i. 521, 539², 558², 559, 590²; ii. 90, 346; iii. 72², 695, 1013, 1018², 1030², 1039, 1050, 1064², 1077, 1080, 1095, 1166²; iv. 945; v. pt. 2, 88²
Natural and civil hist. of Vt., ii. 558(2) and note
of St. Albans, ii. 292²
grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
in Burlington, i. 537²
Judge Samuel, of Rutland, iii. 414, 1064²
Capt. Samuel, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Sarah, of Highgate, ii. 269²
m. Obadiah Edmunds, iii. 621
Mrs. Sarah F. (Warner), wife of Azarias Williams, i. 974, 977²
Sarah R., m. Roswell Robertson, v. pt. 2, 467²
Silas, iv. 143
of Plainfield, iv. 720, 730²(2)
Silas jr., of Plainfield, iv. 731
Solomon, of Enosburg, ii. 133, 141²
Sophia, of Montpelier, iv. 396
Sophia (Duncan), wife of Linus Williams, v. pt. 2, 93²
Sophia (Parker), wife of Everett Williams, v. pt. 2, 722
Sophia (Spofford), wife of Richard Williams, iii. 1150²
Stephen, of Danby, iii. 587², 588, 591, 592(2), 599(2), 651(2)
of Rutland, iii. 1080(2)
in Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 642
grantee of Westmore. iii. 365
on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²
Rev. Stephen, in Hubbardton, iii. 777²
of Tinmouth, iii. 1151
Susan (Roberts), wife of Olney Williams, iii. 651²
Sylvia, of Danby, iii. 651²
Williams, Rev. T., of Richmond, i. 845
Thomas, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256
grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290
Thomas jr., grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290
Rev. Truman, in Richford, ii. 285
W., of St. Albans, ii. 434²
W. A., of Brandon, iii. 500
W. W-, of Albany. iii. 66²
Rev. Warham, iii. 1039(2)
Warren, of Essex, i. 381², 781
William, grantee of Barre, iv. 23
grantee of Canaan, i. 1067²
from Conn., of Boston, ii. 638
of Draper, v. pt. 3³, 8
grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²
of Fayston, iv. 178
grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519
of Jay, iii. 266²
of Maidstone, i. 1029²
grantee of Searsburg, i. 231
grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 574
of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10, 14
Maj. William, of Marlboro, v. 10²
of Westminster, v. 12(2)
Col. William, v. pt. 3³, 7²; v. pt. 35, 17², 19
from Northboro (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443
grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
of Wilmington, at Bennington battle, i. 155(2), 156², 2d ed. 157(2), ii. 389²
William A., of Brandon. iii. 473
William H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 170²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 145, 461², 471, 475, 727(2)
sketch, v. pt. 2, 467-8
Mrs. William H., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485
William L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 145
from Newfane, of Dubuque (Ia.). v. pt. 2, 467², 475, 478(2), 726, 727²
Dr. William S., of Deerfield (Mass.), v. 61
William W., of Canada, in Alburg, ii. 507²
Wilson, of Charlotte, i. 737
Zervia S. of Northfield, iv. 672³
Williams & Eggleston, of Danby, iii. 652
Williams & Whitney, of Bennington, i. 252²
Williams, Nichols & co., of Fair Haven, iii. 706
Williams, Young & Eggleston, of Danby, iii. 622
Williamson, Rev. I. D., of Cavendish, v. 179
John, of Grand Isle, ii. 528²
Reuben, in War of 1812, ii. 391²
Williamson, of Fair Haven, iii. 704²
Willie, Sadie, of Cabot, iv. 109
Willington, Lt. Col., Brit. officer, i. 675
Experience (Kendrick), wife of Samuel Willington, v. pt. 2, 63²
Capt. James, at Plattsburg battle, i. 680² note
Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 53²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²
Willis, ____, Englishman, iii. 624
Eld., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²(2)
Allen, of Danby, iii. 599², 602, 603², 932
Asa, of Marshfield, iv. 204
Ashbell, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
Beriah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 192²
Charles, v. pt. 35, 53²
Rev. D., of Cabot, iv. 101
of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 1021²
in Moretown, iv. 601
of Waitsfield, iv. 782²
Rev. David Howe, of Tunbridge, ii. 1118, 1121, 1123(2), 1124, 1129
Dorcas (Peterson), wife of Zenas Willis, v. pt. 2, 167
Dorcas S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167²
Rev. Dyar, circuit preacher, iii. 80²
Dyer, of Worcester, iv. 909
Rev. Dyer, of Middlesex, iv. 238²(2)
in Morgan, iii. 288²
of Sheffield, i. 417²(2)
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19
E., of Chittenden, iii. 548
Edmond, of Calais, iv. 165²
Edmund, of Calais, Rev. soldier, iv. 147, 165², 176
Edward, of Bridgewater (Mass.), iv. 137²
Mrs. Francis, of Mendon, iii. 790
Rev. John. of Brattleboro, v. 43
John jr., grantee of Burlington, i. 488
John 3d., grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Rev. John H., of Brattleboro, v. 179², 185
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²
Jonathan, of Marshfield, iv. 1199
Joseph, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564
Julia, of Mendon, iii. 790
Mercy, of Calais, iv. 166
Nancy (Barden), wife of Allen Willis, iii. 932
Nancy (Fuller), wife of Edward Willis, iv. 137²
Roger, of Albany, iii. 50, 66(2)
Mrs. Roger, of Albany, iii. 66
Sally, m. Bucklin Slayton, iv. 137²
Samuel, grantee of Burlington, i. 487², 488
grantee of Williston, i. 901
Rev. Samuel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18
Col. Samuel, Rev. officer, ii. 543²
Rev. Samuel B., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164
Samuel P., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167
Silas. of Plainfield, iv. 720, 731²
Willis, Stephen, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Thomas, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
William, of Portland (Me.), ii. 1027
Zachariah, v. pt. 2, 31
of Westford (Mass.), iv. 1155²
Zenas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167(2)
Willson, George, of Highgate, ii. 257
Williston, Rev., of Easthampton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 416²
in Greensboro, iii. 215²
in Sheldon, ii., 379
Rev. D. H., in Berlin, iv. 65²
Rev. David, missionary, iii. 287²
Rev. David H., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 19
of Tunbridge, in Elmore, ii. 798²
Dr. John, of Shoreham, i. 96²
Jonathan, of Shoreham, i. 96², 256
N. B., of Brattleboro, v. 22², 43², 59, 61, 116, 151²
Rev. Ralph, of Barre, iv. 29², 51²
of East Montpelier, iv. 576²
of Vershire circuit. iii. 470
circuit preacher, iv. 375²
Rev. Seth, from Dorset, of Durham (N. Y.), i. 191, 2d ed. 192
Williston & Hunt, of Brattleboro, v. 116, 117
Williston & Tyler, of Brattleboro, v. 152²
Willits, Richard, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
Samuel, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
Willmarth, Asaph, of Lyndon, i. 354²
Clark, pioneer of Addison, i. 6
J. M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487
Nathaniel, of Ira, iii. 781²
Pond, pioneer of Addison, i. 6
Ward, pioneer, of Addison, i. 6
Willmish, Timothy, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Willmore, Robert, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²
Willmot, Joseph, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
Willoby, Judge, from Bennington, of Cambridge, ii. 613
Willoughby, ____, pioneer of Shaftsbury, i. 232², 2d ed. 231²
Dr., ii. 116
of Berkshire, ii. 1142
Amherst, of Berkshire, ii. 99², 112², 114², 280², 282(2), 286
Bliss, of Shaftsbury. i. 233, 2d ed. 232²
David, grantee of Danby, iii. 577
Ebenezer, m. Anna Hard, i. 2d ed. 135²
Hannah (née Bingham), wife of Dr. Amherst Willoughby, ii. 114², 115
Joseph, in Bennington, i. 144, 153², 2d ed. 146², 155²
Maria, of Cambridge, ii. 467
Zerah, of Cambridge, ii. 467, 621
of Fletcher, ii. 201², 215
of Franklin co., ii. 92²
Willowby, Abel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137
John, grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
Wills, John, of Clarendon, iii. 571
Wills & Fairbanks, v. pt. 35, 35², 37²
Willsee, Lawrence, grantee of Danby, 577(2)
Willsomquax, Indian, i. 455; iv. 962², 967
Willson, ____, of Hinesburg. ii. 62
Boyd H., attorney, i. 473
Eunice, m. Thomas Stickney, ii. 183²
Francis, of Hinesburg, i. 472²(2), 798², 803; iv. 984²
John. in Barre, iv. 41
of Ryegate, i. 376
Lt. John R., of Montpelier, iv. 522²
Jonathan, of Shoreham, i. 96², 256²
Laurence, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Lucretia Leavenworth, m. Rev. John B. Perry, iv. 984²
Paul, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88
R. L., wife of Francis Willson, iv. 984²
Thomas, in Barre, iv. 41
William, of Shoreham, i. 256²
Willy, Carlos, of Lemington, i. 1015
Willys, George, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²
Wilmarth, Daniel, of Pawlet, iii. 906
Rev. Ezra, in Ira, iii. 782
J. L., of Stamford, i. 237², 238
J. M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481
Rev. J. M., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²
Lucy (Guild), wife of Nathaniel Wilmarth, iii. 916
Nathaniel, of Ira, iii. 780², 783(2), 916
Wilmarths, of Lyndon, i. 344
Wilmer, Pelok, of Highgate, ii. 257²
Wilmington, Earl of, v. pt. 2, 532
Wilmot, ____, of Fair Haven, iii. 734
Rev. Ezra, of Richmond, i. 845
Mrs. Lucy, of Fair Haven, iii. 693 note, 734, 743, 745²
Roswell, of Charleston, iii. 108²
T., of Fair Haven, iii. 709
of Thetford, ii. 1178
Thomas, of Fair Haven, iii. 715², 716(2)
Wilmott, James jr., grantee of Milton, i. 839²
Wilon, Asa jr., of Swanton, iv. 1134
Wiloughby, Mary, m. Hannibal H. Finney, iii. 1132²
Wilsey, William, of Isle La Motte, ii. 557²
Wilson, ____, of Barnet, Rev. soldier, i. 280
in Morgan, iii. 290
from N. H., of Johnson, ii. 671
of Orwell, ii. 645²
of Peoria (Ill.), iv. 154
Dr., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 383
Mrs., of Charlotte, i. 689², 690(2), 691
of Montpelier, iv. 327²
Wilson, Gen., iii. 842
Aaron, of Glover, iii. 204²
Abel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
of Montpelier, iv. 387²
son of Ezekiel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
son of Fairing Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Abel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
Abigail, m. John Manley, v. pt. 2, 105², 211(2)
wife of Abram Wilson. v. pt. 2, 211
Abigail (Cudworth), wife of Joseph Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Abram B., son of Reuben Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
Adaline, m. Levi M. Walker, v. pt. 2, 211
Albert, son of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Alonzo, son of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Andrew, of Highgate, ii. 257²
Angeline, dau. of Abel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Arny, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Asa, of Highgate, ii. 264²
of Jay, iii. 266²
of Swanton, iv. 998, 1003²
Benjamin, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
Betsey, m. Benjamin Campbell, v. pt. 2, 211
wife of Abel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
C. B., of Montpelier, iv. 336, 337², 355²
Mrs. C. B., of Montpelier, iv. 337
C. J., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46
Rev. C. J., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 194
Caroline L., dau. of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Chloe, m. Zenas Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
Cornelius, of Highgate, ii. 258
Daniel, from Alstead (N. H.), of Marshfield, iv. 205
of Montpelier, iv. 328, 524
son of Abel Wilson, v. pt, 2, 211²
David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26
of Westmore, iii. 366
Rev. David, of Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 223²
Deliverance, of Fairfax, ii. 171²
Dennison, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²
Ebenezer, of Danby, iii. 587², 588(2), 589, 590², 599, 600², 653
of Orwell, i. 73²
Capt. Ebenezer, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Elihu, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105²
Elihu M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164², 211
Elizabeth, m. Joseph Miller, v. pt. 2, 50²(2)
Elizabeth (Kathan), wife of John Wilson, v. pt. 2, 19
Emily, dau. of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Ezekiel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110, 193, 210², 211²
Capt. Ezekiel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221, 226², 248²
Ezra, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Fairing, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
m. Hannah Manley, v. pt. 2, 105²
Francis, i. 1004²
Frederick H., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228
G., of Manchester, i. 204², 2d ed. 203²
George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
in Highgate, ii. 254², 257², 258, 265
George F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Gideon H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
H. A., of Brattleboro, v. 57²
H. C., of Orleans co., iii. 34(2)
Hamilton, of Highgate, ii. 420², 421
Hannah, m. Gideon Cudworth, v. pt. 2, 105², 211
m. Luther Butler, v. pt. 2, 90², 211
Hannah (Manley), wife of Fairing Wilson, v. pt. 2, 105²
Harriet, dau. of Abel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Hazary (Harvey) P., of Calais, iv. 168²
Henderson C., of Franklin co., ii. 94²
Vice Pres. Henry, iv. 50², 635
Henry A., of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²
Hugh, of Cabot, iv. 86², 103², 117²
of Marshfield, iv. 200²
Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 327²
of Waterbury, iv. 819
son of Abram Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Rev. J. G., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516²
Jacob, of Spencer (Mass.), iv. 168²
James, of Bradford, ii. 817²-18
grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
of Fairfax, ii. 171²
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²
of Warren, iv. 810
in War of 1812, ii. 392²
Gen. James, of N. H., v. pt. 35, 89²
James M., son of Reuben Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
James S., of Fairfax, ii. 403²
Jared, at Univ. of Vt., ii. 616²
Joel, of Fairfax, ii. 171²
John, pioneer of Corinth, ii. 887
of Danville, i. 314²(2)
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 235
of Salem, iii. 309²
from Upton (Mass.), of Whiting, i. 116(2)
Wilson John, of Vergennes, pilot, i. 706
son of Abel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
son of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Mrs. John (née Chamberlain), v. 63²
Dr. John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 173²
see also Capt. Thunderbolt of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728²
from Scotland, of Brattleboro, v. 60², 63-4
of Shoreham, i. 96², 256²
Rev. John, of Coventry, iii. 157²
of Salem, iii. 309
Mrs. John C. (née Trobridge), of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725
John L., of West Fairlee, ii. 1169²
John N., of Barre, iv. 28²
Jonathan, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Rev. Jonathan, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237
Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 19, 105², 110, 211(2)
grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946
of Richmond, i. 844²
of Woodford, i. 248
Laura J., dau. of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Lodoska (Beckwith), wife of R. D. Wilson, v. pt. 34, 40²
Loton, of Fairfax, ii. 402²
Loyal, iv. 918
Lucas, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 233, 234²
Lucius, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424
of Putney, v. 16; v. pt. 2, 225²(2)
Lucy, m. Charles Black, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
Luke, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²
Luther, of Woodford, i. 249²
Lydia, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²
Lydia (Kent), wife of Jacob Wilson, iv. 168²
Lydia (Manley), wife of Gideon H. Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
M. F., of St. Albans, ii. 307, 331(2)
Maria F., dau. of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Marshall R., son of Reuben Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
in Middlesex, iv. 244²
Mary (Curtis) (Sanger) (Brayton), iv. 154
Mary (Fuller), m. Asa Johonnott, iv. 918
Mercy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Merritt, of Cambridge, ii. 606²
Micah, of Danby, iii. 587²
Molly (Manley), wife of Fairing Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Olive (Spaulding), wife of David Wilson, v. pt. 2, 26
Col. Oliver, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155
Otis, of Warren, iv. 802²
Patience, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 229
Paul, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78²
Peter, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 234
R. D., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21², 40²
Rachel, of Dummerston. v. pt. 2, 152
wife of Andrew Wilson, ii. 257²
Rachel (Joy), 2d wife of Fairing Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Rachel (Taft), wife of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Rev. Renwick Z., of Craftsbury, iii. 170(2)
Reuben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
Rhoda, m. John Burnham, v. pt. 2, 86
Romeo, of Brattleboro, v. 40²
Rufus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Lt. S. K., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²
S. W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 193²-4
Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
m. ____ Smith, v. pt. 2, 211
Sally (Taft), 2d wife of Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
Samuel, of Marshfield, iv. 200(2), 201
of Plainfield, iv. 731²
in War of 1812, ii. 392²
Samuel jr., of Marshfield, iv. 200²
of Plainfield, iv. 727²
Rev. Samuel M., of Craftsbury, iii. 170
Sanford W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Sarah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²
dau. of Abram Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211(2)
Sarah (Bemis), wife of Dennison Wilson, v. pt. 2, 63²
Sarah C., m. John Whitney, v. pt. 2, 105², 162, 211
Sarah (Turner), wife of Ezekiel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 210²
Seneca R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Shepard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105²
Shepard S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211
Sophia, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²(2)
Susan, m. Orrin L. Hopson, iii. 1205²
Dr. Sylvester, of Fletcher, ii. 204
Dr. T., of Lunenburg, i. 1018²
T. E., of Cabot, iv. 110
Thomas, of Roxbury, iv. 747
in War of 1812, ii. 391²
son of Fairing Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211
W. D., of Troy, iii. 342
Waitstill, dau. of Abel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211²
Wallace W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
Wheaton, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152², 211(2)
Wheaton jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
Wilson, William, of Charleston, iii. 120
grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²
William C., of Franklin co., ii. 92², 93, 94, 96; iv. 1055
of Grand Isle co., ii. 479(2)
William Campbell, sketch, ii. 108²
William D., of St. Albans, ii. 94², 481
William W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211²
Wilson family, of Waterbury, iv. 869²
Wilson & Carleton, of Newbury, ii. 944², 945
Wilson & co., of Montpelier, iv. 281
Wilson & Wiswell, of Townshend; v. pt. 2, 542²
Wilson, McDonald & Friedley, of Dorset, i. 189², 2d ed. l90²
Wiman, William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88
Winans, James, of Burlington, i. 686², 688, 692, 693, 707
John, of Burlington, i. 686², 687(2), 692, 693, 705², 707(2)
Winch, Rev., of Plainfield, in Corinth, ii. 881²; iv. 207
Abigail, of Northfield, iv. 622²
Abigail (Howe), wife of Jason Winch, iv. 622²
Dr. Albert, of Lunenburg, i. 1018²
Anna, of Northfield, iv. 622²
Anna (Kezar), wife of Rev. Joel Winch, iv. 622²
Asa, of Northfield, iv. 622², 708
Benjamin P., of Northfield, iv. 622²
C. E. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280²
Rev. C. M., of Brookfield, ii. 863
of Hartland, iv. 656
of Plainfield, iv. 727
of Worcester, iv. 905
Dea. Caleb, of Northfield, iv. 655²
Elijah, of Northfield, iv. 622², 630²
of Roxbury, iv. 758(2), 759, 760, 761
Enoch, of Northfield, iv. 622²
Frank A., of Northfield, iv. 697
George W., of Northfield, iv. 697
Rev. George W., of Enfield (Conn.), iv. 656
Hannah, of Northfield, iv. 622²
Isaac, of Northfield, iv. 622²
Dr. J. H., of Northfield, iv. 616²
Jason, from Framingham (Mass.), of Northfield, iv. 622², 708
Joel, of Montpelier & Northfield, iv. 351, 353(2), 354, 613², 614(2), 615², 671
in Roxbury, iv. 751
Rev. Joel, of Northfield, iv. 616², 647, 648(2), 649², 683(2), 684
sketch, iv. 622-3
Joel jr., of Montpelier, iv. 353, 622², 683
Mary, of Northfield, iv. 622²
O. P., of Northfield, iv. 616
Ozro, of Northfield, iv. 683²
Thomas, of Northfield, iv. 622²
William, of Northfield, iv. 614², 656, 669, 686², 740
Winchell, ____, in Middletown, iii. 811², 812(2), 813, 817(2), 819(2)
Hezekiah, of Georgia, ii. 249²
Jock, of Burlington, i. 495², 496²
Jonathan, from Mass., of Essex, i. 778²
Winchester, Capt., of Franklin co., in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Andrew, of Pawlet, iii. 874, 932
Asa, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453
B. F., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651
Charles, of Pawlet, iii. 887, 894², 932
Daniel, in War of 1812, ii. 286²
E., lawyer, iii. 37
Rev. Elhanon, in Calais, iv. 145
Eliza (Calkins), from Waterbury, of Detroit, iv. 850²
Ellen, m. John Allen, iii. 907²
Greenleaf, of Corinth, ii. 883
Rev. Hibbard H., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 449²
Rev. Hubbard, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 17
Huldah, m. Jonathan Warren, v. pt. 2, 452
Joel, of Pawlet, iii. 904, 907², 932
Joseph, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Lydia (Carver), wife of Andrew Winchester, iii. 932
Rev. Moses, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126², 1127²
Norman, of Pawlet, iii. 881, 932
Rev. Salmon, of Strafford, ii. 1080
Sophia (Armstrong), wife of Joel Winchester, iii. 932
Wind, Thomas, Indian, iv. 197²
Wines, Rev., of Newport (N. H.), i. 1012²
Rev. Enoch Cobb, bibliography of, i. 14
of Franklin co., ii. 98
Gen. John, resigned command, ii. 178²
Wing, ____, ii. 937
Mrs., m. Samuel Temple, v. pt. 2, 90²
Rev., in Fair Haven, iii. 716²
in Rutland and Addison cos., ii. 60 note
A. Sidney, of Montpelier, iv. 476², 532²
Adolphus, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²
Algernon Sidney, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
Alice M., of Montpelier, iv. 545
Andrew, of Danby, iii. 652
Annette M., of Montpelier, iv. 545
Anson, of Danby, iii. 652
Rev. Augustus, geologist, ii. 22
Barni, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²
Benjamin, of Canada, iii. 652
Caroline Augusta, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
Catherine, of Danby, iii. 652
Catherine (Bullis), wife of Matthew Wing, iii. 651²
Wing, Charles, of Danby, iii. 652
Christopher C., of Montpelier, iv. 379, 431², 532²
Daniel, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733², note
of Danby, iii. 652
David, of East Montpelier, iv. 578², 581, 583²
from Rochester (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 143, 266, 441², 532², 549²
David jr., from Rochester (Mass.), of Montpelier, iii. 72², 303²; iv. 6(2), 7(2), 13², 134², 135, 255², 259(2), 261, 262, 264, 266, 267, 270, 272², 273², 300, 334, 350², 547², 548, 873
sketch, iv. 431-2
David D., of Barre, iv. 27(2)
David Davis, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
David W., of Montpelier, iv. 549
Debby Daphne, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
Elsie (Nichols), wife of Benjamin Wing, iii. 652
Elizabeth, of Danby, iii. 651²
Elizabeth B., of Montpelier, iv. 545
Florence A., of Montpelier, iv. 545
George W., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 353(2), 354(2), 355, 357, 409², 545, 549, 652²
Giles, of Danby² iii. 599, 651²
of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 867(2)
H. R., of Glens Falls (N. Y.), iv. 444²
Hannah (Davis), wife of David Wing jr., iv. 261, 267, 431²
Mrs. Harriet N., of Glens Falls (N. Y.), iv. 591
Harriet Newell (Walton), wife of H. R. Wing, iv. 444²
J. A., of Montpelier, iv. 409, 516², 590², 725²
John, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note
of Danby, iii. 652
of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 21
John G., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 357², 545, 592
Joseph, from Dartmouth (Mass.), of Danby, iii. 651²
of Montpelier, iv. 201², 270², 351, 547², 887
Joseph A., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 321, 330, 552², 591, 866²; iv. 356-8
portrait, iv. opp: p. 358
sketch, iv. 545
poems, iv. 338, 545-6
verses, iv. 545²
Josiah, of Montpelier, iv. 298², 524², 545, 548
Keziah (Jenkins), 2d wife of Matthew Wing, iii. 652
Lemuel B., of Montpelier, iv. 524², 532²
Rev. Lyman, of Strafford, ii. 1080
Rev. Marcus Tullius Cicero, of Montpelier, iv. 431², 432, 551
Maria Theresa, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
Mary, of Danby, iii. 651²
Mary (Brooks), wife of A. Sidney Wing, iv. 476²
Mathew, of Danby, iii. 587², 588, 591², 651²(2)
Matthew jr., of Danby, iii. 591²
Maximus Fabius, of Montpelier, iv. 431²
Melvin, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Myron, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Nelson, of Danby, iii. 652
Polly (Gray), wife of Josiah Wing, iv. 545
Ruth, of Danby, iii. 651²
Samantha E. (Webster), wife of Joseph A. Wing, iv. 545, 552²
Samuel, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508
Samuel D., of Brandon, iii. 459², 1062
of Chittenden co., i. 473²
Sarah, of East Montpelier, iv. 583³
Sarah (Parker), wife of David Wing, iv. 143
Seneca, of Ill., iii. 652
Dr. Seneca, of Mt. Holly, iii. 851
Stephen jr., of Danby, iii. 652
Thankful, m. Barnabas Doty jr., iv. 143
Thomas, of Danby, iii. 652
William, of Danby, iii. 588
William S., of Grand Isle co., ii. 508
Wing & Ridout, of Calais, iv. 164²
Wingate, ____, in Middletown, iii. 816², 817, 819
Joseph, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Winkley, Rev. Frank, in Randolph, ii. 1004 (2)
Winn, ____, grantee of Winhall, i. 245²
Abiather, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693
Betsey, m. Nathan Duncan, v. pt. 2, 93²
Betsey (Parker) (Bond), wife of Reuben Winn, v. pt. 2, 722
Mrs. Ella M., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²
Hadassah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152
J. C., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²
Nathan, of Wallingford, iii. 798
Reuben, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 699, 707, 722
Silence (Florida), wife of William Winn, v. pt. 2, 162
Winn & Chase, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 699
Winnans, Isaac, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
Winne, J. Ellis, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688
Winona, Isaac, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
Winship, Elijah, of Moretown, iv. 603
F. Lyman, of Boston, v. 104
Josiah, of Highgate, ii. 421
Winship & Thornton, of Moretown, iv. 597²
Winslow, ____, v. pt. 2, 165²
Dr., of Brownington, iii. 93
of Williston, i. 904
Winslow, Mrs., of Westfield, iii. 360²
Gen., ii. 638²
A. M., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 223
Aaron M., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232
Mrs. Adaline, m. Levi M. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²
Amass, from Amherst (Mass.), of Westfield, iii. 346(2), 347², 363(2)
Anna (Kellogg), wife of Nathaniel Winslow, i. 929²
Annie (Spiers), 3d wife of Myron Winslow, i. 930²
Archibald Spiers, i. 930²
Azubah, wife of Shubel Winslow, iii. 351², 362²
Benjamin F., of Pittsford, iii. 760 note, 951, 959
Beulah (Dana), wife of Dr. Kenelm Winslow, iii. 949²
Calvin, of Brandon, iii. 440, 449
Mrs. Calvin (née Goodenow), iii. 440
Calvin, of Montpelier, iv. 568²
Catherine Waterbury, i. 930²
Charles, i. 930²
Charles Lathrop, i. 930²
Chester, of Brandon, iii. 444
D. A., of Westfield, iii. 344²
Dana, of Burlington, i. 553
David, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13²
Deborah, m. John Lull, iii. 460
Dolly, of Westfield, iii. 363
Don A., hist. of Westfield, iii. 342-53
Gov. Edward, of Mass., i. 929²
Eliza Coit, m. Henry M. Leavitt, i. 930²
Elizabeth, of Brandon, iii. 463²
Ellen Augusta (Reed), 5th wife of Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²
George Morton, i. 930²
Rev. Gordon, i. 929²
Dr. H., iii. 950
Hannah, m. Joseph Larkin, iii. 447²
Harriet Lathrop, m. Rev. John W. Dulles, i. 930(2)
Harriet Maria, i. 930²
Harriet W. (Lathrop), wife of Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²(2)
Rev. Hubbard, i. 929²
Isaac, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²
J. D. 2d., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550
Dr. J. M., of Brownington, iii. 43²
Jedediah, of Brandon, iii. 433, 440, 447², 448, 452², 455(2), 460, 463², 464, 467, 468
Joanna, m. (1) Rev. Clark, (2) Gen. George S. King, i. 930²
John, of Berlin, iv. 54², 1189
of Charleston, iii. 120(2)
Dr. John, of Montpelier, iv. 351
John F., of Berlin, iv. 54²
Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 225²
Dr. Joseph, of Windsor, iv. 54²
Gov. Josiah, of Mass., i. 929²; iii. 346
Justin, of Brandon, iii. 440
K., of Pittsford, iii. 943²
Kenelm, of England, i. 929²
Dr. Kenelm, from Pomfret, of Pittsford, iii. 949²
Mrs. Keziah (Heaton), 2d wife of Dr. John Winslow, iv. 54²
L. I., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
L. W., of Middletown, iii. 835²
Lewis I., of Chittenden, iii. 549
Lucina, m. Thomas Hitchcock, iii. 360², 363
Luther, of Westfield, iii. 346, 347², 358², 363
Lydia, m. Heber Hitchcock, iii. 363(2)
Mary, m. Jonathan Dodge, iii. 447²
Mrs. Mary W. (Billings) (Dwight), 4th wife of Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²
Rev. Myron, of Williston, bibliography, i. 930
sketch, i. 929-30
Myron jr., i. 930²
Nathaniel, of Burlington, i. 496
of Williston, i. 929²
Capt. Nathaniel, in Rev, war, ii. 390²
Nathaniel Fitch, of Franklin co., ii. 98
Nelson, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541²
Rev. Orville, of Westfield, iii. 350²(2)
Peleg, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 41
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228
Rebecca, m. Martin Gates; v. pt. 2, 55²
Rhoda (Dutton), wife of Peleg Winslow, v. pt. 2, 41
S. D., of Townshend, v. pref. v.; v. pt. 2, 542², 551
Samuel, of Lyndon, i. 342²(2); v. pt. 34, 30, 31²
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44, 53²
Dea. Samuel D., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²
Sarah (Bishop), wife of Dr. John Winslow, iv. 54²
Sarah (Goodenow), wife of Calvin Winslow, iii. 449
Dr. Shubael, of Westfield, iii. 346, 347(2), 351², 356²
sketch, iii. 362²-3
Thomas, of Chelsea, ii. 873²
Dr. Thomas, from Westfield, of Chicago, iii. 358²
Thomas Goodspeed, of Brandon, iii. 440
Mrs. Thomas Goodspeed (née Daniels), iii. 440
Winslow family, of Plymouth (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 623
Winslow & Gay, of Richmond, i. 845²
Winslow & Goodhue, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Winslow & Jones, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727
Winslow & Kingsley, of Brandon, iii. 500
Winslow Brothers, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726
Winsor, Samuel W., of Lyndon, i. 347²
William, of Lyndon, i. 344(2), 347
Winsors, of Lyndon, i. 344
Winston, Asa, of Brownington, iii. 92
Winteen, Samuel, of Georgia, ii. 249
Winter, Eliza D., m. Rev. Charles F. Morse, iii. 309
G. G., of Highgate, ii. 420²
Lucy (Allen), wife of Richard H. Winter, iii. 907²
Richard H., of Whitehall (N. Y.), iii. 907²
Timothy, of Highgate, ii. 257, 265(2)
William, of Benson, iii. 413
Winters, Horatio, of Highgate, ii. 421
Timothy, of Highgate, ii. 258
Winthrop, Gov. v. pt. 2, 213
Adam, of England, ii. 1055
Deane, of Groton (Mass.), ii. 1055
Rev. Edward, of Highgate, ii. 270²
John, i. 244²
of Conn., i, 2²
Gov. John, of Mass., ii. 1055; iv. 547
Robert C., of Boston, ii. 1055
Maj. Theodore, i. 476²
Thomas L., of Boston, iv, 458
William, of Belvidere, iv. 1192
Wiott, Lt., iii. 1083²
Wires, J., of Cambridge, ii. 605²
Capt. John, of St. Albans, ii. 433(2)
Gen. John, of Cambridge, ii. 611²
M., of Cambridge, ii, 605²
Martin, of Underhill, i. 472(2), 936²
Salman, of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
Samuel, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²
Solomon, of Franklin co., ii. 94
of Lamoille co., ii. 590²
Wires & co., of Johnson, ii. 589
Wires & Law, of Cambridge, ii. 606
Wirt, William, i. 224, 508, 2d ed. 222²; ii. 530²; iv. 269²
Wise, Gov., of Va., iv. 470; v. pt. 35, 87²(2)
Abner, of Williamstown, ii. 1141², 1143², 1149²
John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 574², 625
in War of 1812, ii. 392
Prudence, m. Aquillo Jones, iv. 620
Samuel, of Thetford, ii. 1093
Wiseman, John, of Pawlet, iii. 874, 886², 932
Wist, George C., see West, George C.
Wistar, Casper, of Phila., i, 631²
Wiswall, Charlotte (Norcross), m. Warren Stearns, v. pt. 2, 100²
Dea. D., of Johnson, ii. 674
Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100²
Dr. L. S., of Cabot, iv. 108²
Dr. S. L., of Cabot, iv. 101², 103²
Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 8(2), 37, 78
Wiswell, Leonard, of Hyde Park, ii. 633²
Mary, m. Lt. Asa Austin, v. pt. 2, 213
Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 178², 213(2)
Ens. Samuel, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Witcher, Joseph, of Newbury, ii, 947²
Dr. Reuben, of Burlington, i. 655
Witham, D. D., of Woodbury, iv. 912²
Witheral, ____, of Moriah (N. Y.), iii. 1204²
Polly (Malloy) (Mitchell), iii, 1204²
Witherell, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1003
Dr., in Fair Haven, iii. 676, 727², 737²
Rev., of Pawlet, iii. 904²
Amy (Hawkins), wife of Dr. James Witherell, iii. 728², 729
Anna, m. Gamaliel Leonard jr., iii. 726
Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1021², 1022², 1023
Benjamin F. H., from Fair Haven, of Detroit, iii. 729(2)
Betsey Matilda, m. Dr. Ebenezer Hurd. iii. 729²
Charles I., of Fair Haven, iii. 729²
Elijah, of Montpelier, iv. 275², 350², 532²
Fanny, m. James T. Thurston, iv. 411², 489²
Frances Miretta, m. Ira S. Town, iv. 552²
Hannah, of Grand Isle, ii. 531²
Harriet C., m. Friend Palmer, iii. 729²
James, from Fair Haven, of Detroit, sketch, iii. 728-9
of Rutland co., iii. 517², 519
Dr. James, of Fair Haven, iii. 685², 687, 688, 689(2), 690, 693 note, 697², 714, 718², 719, 723(2), 726, 730, 732, 737², 738, 745², 746
James B., of Fair Haven, iii. 729²
James Callen C., from Fair Haven, of Detroit, iii. 729(2)
John H., of Bridport, iv. 1194³
Julia A., m. Henry A. Lacy, iii. 729²
Rev. M., in St. Albans. ii. 335²
of Swanton, iv. 1087²
Rev. Manley, in Danby, iii. 606²
Rev. Manly, of Swanton, iv. 1087²
Maria Betsey, m. Dr. Ebenezer Hurd, iii. 738
Martha E., of Fair Haven, iii. 729²
Mary Amy, m. Thomas Palmer, iii. 729²
Mary Ann (Sprague), wife of Benjamin F. H. Witherell, iii. 729²
Nathan, of Grand Isle, ii. 525², 533²
Nathaniel, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²
Polly, m. Dr. Edward Lamb, iv. 433²
Saloma (Cone), wife of George Witherell, v. pt. 2, 616²
Sarah Myra, m. Col. Joseph Watson, iii. 729²
Simeon, of Grand Isle, ii. 531²
Witherell & Mead, of Montpelier, iv. 279
Witherill, Rev. Manley, of Brandon, iii. 474
Withers, Thomas, in War of 1812, ii. 392
Witherspoon, ____, v. 17²
Rev., of Westford, i. 896²
Rev. A., of Burlington, i. 546², 547
in Grand Isle, ii. 535²
in St. Albans, ii. 335²
Witherspoon, Rev. A., of Shelburne, i. 884
Methodism in Burlington, i. 546-7
Andrew, of Plattsburg (N. Y.), iii. 1047²
Rev. Andrew, of Brandon, iii. 474(2)
Maj. James, of Ryegate, Rev. soldier, i. 268
Dr. John, Pres. of Princeton University, i. 174², 268(2), 269, 271², 282², 283², 284², 375, 378², 383², 2d ed. 176²
Nancy, m. William Aiken, v. pt, 3¹, 22
Withey, Silas M., pensioner, ii. 393
Withington, David, of Roxbury, iv. 759
G. R. H., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²
Withrell, Rev., in Stamford, i. 238
Witney, Rev. Peter, of Northborough (Mass.), ii. 105
Witt, Benjamin, of Dummerston, v, pt. 2, 110²
Dr. Charles, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 647²
H. B., of Bradford, ii. 824²
of Montpelier, iv. 279²
Holland, of Coventry, iii. 148²
Jonathan, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²
Lucy, wife of Lt. Gates, v. pt. 2, 56²
Wainwright, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649, 651, 652
Witter, ____, of N. Y., ii. 792²(2)
Ebenezer, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
J., pensioner, ii. 393
Witters, Chester W., of Milton, iv. 1191
of Franklin co., ii. 95
George, of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Ira, of Milton, i. 472²
Judge Ira, of Georgia, ii. 243²
Marshall P., of Franklin co., ii. 94
Nolley, of Georgia, ii. 249²
Wittrus, Jason, in War of 1812, ii. 391²
Wittum, ____, pioneer of Pownal, i. 216, 2d ed. 215
Woddam, ____, of Gotion, ii. 639²
Wolcot, Dr., of Castleton, iii. 522
Wolcott, Desire, of Colchester, i. 776²
Elijah, of Williamstown, ii. 1141², 1142, 1144(2), 1149
Eliphalet, of Williamstown, ii. 1141²
Emerson, of Charleston, iii. 108², 121(2)
Esther, of Williamstown, ii. 1144
George, of Wolcottville, Ind., iv. 191
Capt. Giles, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Hervey, of Charleston, iii. 121
Hiram, of Charleston, iii. 121
Jershom, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Maj. Gen. Oliver, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²
Oliver jr., grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Solomon, of Charleston, iii. 109, 110, 121
Wolf, James Y., of Roxbury, iv. 759²
Wolfe, Gen. James, i. 107², 661², 755² note. 767; ii. 1094², 1095; iii. 553²; iv. 861; v. pt. 2, 456²
Wollage, Rev., of Boston, v. 98
Elijah, of Franklin co., ii. 93²
Wolman, Uriah, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
Wood, ____, of Darien (N. Y.), ii. 1005²
of Fair Haven, iii. 691
of Georgia, ii. 247
of Hinesburg, i. 795²
of Randolph, ii. 1031²
m. Dr. Russell T. Goodwin, iii. 1122
Dea., of Brattleboro, v. 31, 168; v. pt. 2, 161²
of North Hero, ii. 568²
Dr., of Alburg, ii. 503²
of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²
of Strafford, ii. 1071²
Mrs. (née Drew), of Waterbury, iv. 869²
Rev., of Brandon, iii. 470²
of Chesterfield (N. H.), v, pt. 2, 279
in Grand Isle, ii. 536
in Greensboro, iii. 210²
in Hubbardton, iii. 776²
in Stowe, ii. 716²
Aaron, from Warwick (Mass.), of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338², 339²
Abel, of Barre, iv. 36
of Sudbury, iii. 1137²
Abigail, m. William Moon, iii. 237²
Rev. Abner, of Brandon, iii. 473²
in Burlington, i. 546
in Charlotte, r. 742²
in Starksboro, i. 103²
Rev. Abraham, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 213
Abraham jr., of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 213
Abram, of Marshfield, iv. 198²
Adin, of North Hero, ii. 565²
Albert, of Barre, iv. 36²
Alonzo C., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 89
Alphonzo, v. pt. 2, 213
Alvah, of Barre, iv. 36²
Amanda A. (née Lee), wife of R. S. Wood, v. pt. 2, 288², 315²
Amy, m. Thomas Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 476²
Ann, m. Anthony Nichols, iii. 638
Asaph, of Highgate, ii. 420
Rev. Ashbel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237
Asenath (Hazen), wife of Maj. Enos Wood, ii. 567
Rev. Augustus A., of Montpelier, iv. 291 and note
Azubah (Amsden), wife of Dea. Wood, v. pt. 2, 161²
B. D., of Swanton, iv. 1031²
Benjamin, of Barre, iv. 36²
Benjamin F., of Strafford, ii. 1082
C. & J., of Montpelier, iv. 277
Wood, C. E., of Montpelier, iv. 355²
C. L., of Calais, iv. 164²
C. P., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228
Caleb, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Catharine, m. Charles Hawkins, v. pt. 3², 16², 20²
Charles, v. pt. 35, 54
of Fair Haven, iii. 709
of Montpelier, iv. 277, 530
Charles E., of Montpelier, iv. 530
Christopher, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
Clarissa, from Coventry (Conn.), of Newbury, ii. 945
Cornelius, of Swanton, iv. 1078², 1098, 1133², 1185(2)
of Franklin co., ii. 92²
Mrs. Cyntha, of Fletcher, ii. 208²
Cyrus, from Leominster (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 519², 530
D. B. of Swanton, iv. 1134²
Daniel, of Montpelier, iv. 298²
of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1058²
David, of Brattleboro, v. 85², 104²
of Ira, iii. 779², 780
of Middletown, iii. 810, 833²
of N. Hyde Park. ii. 655²
of Pawlet, iii. 874², 932
of Swanton, iv. 1059(2)
Desdemona, m. Jacob Estey, v. 144²
Dexter, of Fletcher, ii. 208²
E. B., of Barre, iv. 51².
Dr. E. L., of Newbury, ii. 944², 945
Rev. E. S., of Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 224
Rev. E. T., of Pawlet, iii. 905
Ebenezer, of Bennington² i. 143², 2d ed. 145²
grantee of Grand Isle. ii. 518²
of Ira, iii. 779²
from Merrimac (N. H.), of Lowell, iii. 277
of Middletown, iii. 810², 820
Capt. Ebenezer, in Rev. war, ii. 390²; iii. 872²
Col. Ebenezer, grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873², 874
Ebenezer jr., of Isle La Motte, ii. 563
of Middletown, iii. 810²
Elijah, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²
Elijah W., of Georgia, ii. 249²
Capt. Elijah W., i. 672
Elisabeth S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321
Elizabeth, m. James Steen, v. 75²
Emma, m. David P. Smith, v. pt. 3², 16, 20²
poem, v. pt. 3², 17
Enos, of Grand Isle, ii. 520
of North Hero, ii. 481, 490², 521(2), 563², 564, 565², 566, 567, 573², 580² note
Ephraim, of Fairfax, ii. 402
grantee of Isle La Motto, ii. 554 note
of Middletown, iii. 795², 796²(2), 797, 808, 810², 813², 817², 819²
Eunice, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
m. Silas Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 714
m. William Goss, v. pt. 2, 188
Frank M., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29
Dr. Gaius P., from Shelburne, of Washington (Ill.), iii. 1122
George, grantee of Milton, i. 839²
Capt. George, of Brattleboro, v. 48
George A., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 55²
of Randolph, v. pt. 35, 53
Gideon, of Richford, ii. 393(2)
H. G., of Fair Haven, iii. 703
H. S., of Groton, iv. 1164²
Mrs. Hannah, m. Joseph Fitch, iii. 914
Harriet, m. Rev. Samuel B. Bostwick, i. 831²
Harriet (Baylies), from Randolph, of Darien (N. Y.), ii. 1005²
Harriet L., m. Albert G. Jennison, iv. 1119²
Hattie, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 312
Henry, of Chicago, iv. 36²
Henry C., of Pawlet, iii. 932
Hiram D., of Stowe, ii. 698, 699², 701, 745²
Hiram T., of Cabot, iv. 121
Horace, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285
Horace G., of Fair Haven, iii. 745²
Humphrey, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Rev. I. H., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²
of Pittsford, iii. 946
Ira A., i. 675² note
Capt. Isaac, v. pt. 2, 145²
Israel. of Barre, iv. 36²
Rev. J. B., of Stamford, i. 238²(2)
J. D., of Fair Haven, iii. 681
Rev. J. W. B., of Grand Isle, ii. 535²
of Waterbury, iv. 839²
Jabez, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Jacob, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
of Middletown, iii. 795², 796², 797, 808, 810², 813², 815², 816², 817(2), 819²
Rev. Jacob, from Boxford (Mass.), in Newbury, ii. 921²-2
of Castleton, iii. 525², 1059
Capt. Jacob, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
James W., of Grand Isle co., ii. 478
Jane Louise (Beckley) (Herrick), wife of Alonzo C. Wood, v. pt. 2, 89
Jesse, of Strafford, ii. 1082
Job, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
John, in Barre, iv. 41
of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146
of Cambridge, ii. 611²
of Danby, iii. 582, 585², 587², 665²
grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note, 580² note
of Kingsbury (N. Y.), iii. 697²
Wood, John, of Middletown, iii. 810²
of Montpelier, iv. 279, 327², 391², 395², 550², 552², 571², 591
sketch, iv. 519-20
Mrs. John, of Montpelier, iv. 337
John, of St. Albans, ii. 336
of Swanton, iv. 1003²(2)
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549
in War of 1812, ii. 392
Dr., John, from Georgia, of Mich., ii. 243²
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
Rev. John, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541²
John jr., of Middletown, iii. 810²
John A., of Williamsville. v. pt. 2, 485
John D., of Fair Haven, iii. 680², 705
John L., of Newbury, ii. 944²
Jonah, of Sherburne, iv. 573²
Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Jonathan, of Chittenden, iii. 549²
of Danby, iii. 590, 591²
grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 867(2)
Joseph, v. 6²
of Burke, i. 310
grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
of Ira, iii. 779(2), 780²
of Montpelier, iv. 329², 557
pioneer of Panton, i. 79
of Reading, v. pt. 3², 20²
of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 507²
grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12(2), 16
Joseph jr., of Ira, iii. 779²
Joshua, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537(2), 544², 550
Josiah, of Barre, iv. 25², 51²
from Mass., of Hartland & Sherburne, iii. 1121², 1122
Josiah jr., of Sherburne, iii. 1121²
Judith, m. Cheney Keith, iv. 48²
Mrs. Judith, of Barre, iv. 36²
Judith (Woodbury), wife of Josiah Wood, iii. 1121²
L. & Son, of Northfield, iv. 696²
L. M., of Montpelier, iv. 279
Lewis, of Calais, iv. 136, 166, 173(2), 174²
of Middletown, iii. 810², 811
of Montpelier, iv. 549², 550
Mrs. Lewis, iv. 723
Lewis & Son, of Northfield, iv. 695
Lewis L., of Calais, iv. 150²
Liberty, of Highgate, ii. 421
Louis, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²
of Readsboro, i. 259²
Lucinda (Monroe), wife of Welcome Wood, iii. 921
Lucy, of Barre, iv. 37
Lucy B., verses, v. pt. 3², 19
Mrs. Lucy B., hist. of Windham, v. pt. 3², 5-26
Lucy (Burnap), wife of Joseph Wood, v. pt. 3², 20
Mrs. Lucy Burnap, of Windham, sketch, v. pt. 3², 20²
Rev. Luther, of Kirby, i. 337²
sketch, i. 338
Luther B., of Pawlet, iii. 874², 879, 932(2)
Martin P., of Pawlet, iii. 879, 932
Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 327²
m. Emery Goss, v. pt. 2, 188
Mary (Waterman), wife of John Wood, iv. 519²
Mehitabel, m. Benjamin Chase, iii. 617²
Moseley, of Middletown, iii. 810², 820
Rev. N. B., of Grand Isle, ii. 535²
N. S., of Swanton, iv. 1186
Nancy, of Brattleboro, v. 85²
Nathan, of Vernon, iv. 573²; v. pt. 2, 285(2), 321
Rev. Nathan, of Burlington, i. 655²
Nathaniel, of Middletown, iii. 795², 810²(2), 811, 813², 814(2), 816², 817(2), 818(2), 819, 820, 838
Nathaniel jr., of Middletown, iii. 810²(2), 814², 817², 820, 837², 838
Rev. Newton B., in Benson, iii. 413²
Noah, of Danby, iii. 592
Norman F., of Bakersfield & Fletcher, ii. 93, 95, 96², 204
Norman W., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12(2), 20²
Mrs. Norman W., v. pt. 3², 20² note
Obadiah, of Barre, iv. 27
Olive (Washburn), wife of Zenas Wood, ii. 1050²
Oliver, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237
Orrin, of Swanton, iv. 1058², 1134
Park, from Sherburne, of Pekin (Ill.), iii. 1121²
Patty (Dutton), wife of Abraham Wood, v. pt. 2, 213
Philemon, of Middletown, iii. 797, 808, 810²
Philip, of Brattleboro, v. 58²
Philomon, of Ira, iii. 779²
Phineas, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 340², 342², 350²
Polly, m. Charles Davenport, v. pt. 2, 35², 86
m. Henry Goss, v. pt. 2, 188
Priscilla (Phippen), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²
Q. A., of Calais, iv. 136, 166²
R. S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2), 288², 315², 318
R. T., of Swanton, iv. 1081², 1129
Rachel (Hazeltine), wife of Joshua Wood, v. pt. 2, 544²
Reuben, of Fairfax, ii. 171
from Middletown, of Cleveland (O.), iii. 817²
grantee of Stowe, ii. 695
Capt. Robert, of Sheldon, Rev. soldier, ii. 373²
Roswell, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 312
Roswell S., of Vernon, iv. 1192²
Wood, Russell N., of Pittsford, iii. 947
Ruth, m. Israel Kibbee, ii. 1047
S., of St. Albans, ii. 434
Sally, m. Enos Goss, v. pt. 2, 152², 188
Samuel, of Fair Haven, iii. 709, 745²
of Highgate, ii. 421
of Hubbardton, iii. 752
boat builder, i. 707
Rev. Samuel, of Boscawen (N. H.), iii. 272²; v. 81²
Rev. Samuel M., of Pawlet, iii. 902, 918², 932²
Sarah, of Calais, iv. 166
Sarah Jane (Leach), wife of Norman F. Wood, ii. 204
Sarah (Sparks), wife of Aaron Wood, v. pt. 2, 339²
Seth, of Danby, iii. 592
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110
Silas, of Swanton, iv. 1003², 1133, 1185²
Solomon, of North Hero, ii. 563², 564, 566, 581²
Stephen, of Middletown. iii. 830²
Stephen, i. 2d ed. 134
Stillman, of Barre, iv. 33, 35², 36²
on Chapin Keith, iv. 47
paper; Barre company for Plattsburg, i. 41-2
papers on Barre, iv. 31²-8
T. E., v. pt. 2, 318²
Thomas, of Randolph, ii. 1036²
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Thomas Jr., grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Rev. Thomas H., of Halifax, v. pt, 2, 407²
sketch, v. pt. 2, 416-7
Thomas L., of Montpelier, iv. 325², 353², 354
Randolph military records, ii. 994
Thomas W., of Montpelier, iv. 336, 591
artist, iv. 322², 325², 520, 552²
Timothy, of Pawlet, iii. 874²
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
from Warwick (Mass.), of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338², 355
W. B., of Stowe, ii. 716
W. H. H., of Cambridge, ii. 605², 606
Welcome, iii. 921
Willard, from Danby, iii. 879
William, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
of Poultney, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²
Dea. William, of Woodstock, iv. 28², 726
William S., of Randolph, ii. 994
William W., of Westfield, iv. 1194³
Z. & co, of Montpelier, iv. 279
Zenas, of Montpelier, ii. 1050²; iv. 277(2), 279, 327², 337, 519², 520, 571², 591
portrait, iv. opp. p. 550
Wood families, from Conn., of Middletown, iii. 798², 810²
Wood & Son, of Northfield, iv. 693²
Wood, Bixby & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280
Woodard, ____, at Shelburne, iii. 1084²
Dr., of Montpelier, iv. 748
Mrs., of Roxbury, iv. 751, 761²
Anson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100²
Benjamin, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422(2)
Billa, from Tolland (Conn.), of Roxbury, iv. 741, 747², 749, 750, 753², 763(2)
Charles, of Brunswick, i. 966
Crawford R., of Sandgate, iv. 1194³
David, of Pawlet, iii. 897
Eleazer, pioneer of Randolph, ii. 996
of Roxbury, iv. 749, 751
Enos, of Brunswick, i. 965²
F. L., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²
George S., of Barre, iv. 41²
James, of Newbury, ii. 922(2)
John, of Warren, iv. 802
John J., of Pawlet, iii. 893
Joshua, in Shelburne battle, i. 860
L. M., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²
Lucy, m. Isaac Tarbox, ii. 1052
Mary (Norcross), wife of William Woodard, v. pt. 2, 100²
Moses, of Roxbury, iv. 763
Samuel, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²
Sarah (Norcross), wife of Anson Woodard, v. pt. 2, 100²
Dr. W. R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 174
William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100²
Woodbridge, ____, of East Hartford (Conn.), ii. 639²
Enoch, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note
of Manchester, i. 202(2), 204, 2d ed, 203²
of Vergennes, i. 106²; iii. 140
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
F. E., address at monument of Allen, i. 571²
Fred E., of Vergennes, ii. 102; iv. 325²
Henry, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
Howel, grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Howell, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255
Joseph, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²
Joshua L., grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Lydia (Chipman), wife of Timothy Woodbridge, iii. 140
Ruggles, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²
Timothy, iii. 158²
grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
from Waltham, iii. 140, 141(2)
Timothy jr., grantee of Castleton, iii. 503
Woodburn, ____, v. pt. 2, 169²
David, of Windham and Underhill, v. pt. 3², 12(2)
Electa (Jefferds), v. pt. 2, 169²
John, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 5, 72, 9(2), 12(2), 15(2)
John Jr., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²
John W., pioneer of Windham, v. pt. 3²,19
Lucy (Wilkins), wife of Samuel Woodburn, v, pt. 3², 19
Samuel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 19
Samuel C., of Windham, iv. 1192²
Woodburn family, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 19
Woodbury, ____, of Concord, i. 971²
Dea., of Springfield, iii. 1178
Dr., of Montpelier, iv. 264²
Col., Rev. officer, ii. 580(2)
Bartholomew, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
Benjamin, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533², 535
Betsey (Dutton), wife of Stephen Woodbury, v. pt. 2, 41
C., of Northfield, iv. 614²
Lt. C. A., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²
Catherine (Clark), wife of John Woodbury, v. pt. 2, 96²
Cornelius, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
Daniel, of Moretown, iv. 603
Ebenezer, of Middlesex, iv. 222², 243²
Elisha, of Middlesex, iv. 236²
Eunice, m. Rev. Leonard Worcester, i. 365²
J. E., hist. of Concord, i. 966²-85
Jesse, of Concord, i. 968²(2)
Jesse jr., of Concord, i. 971²
John, of Chittenden, iii. 519²
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 41, 96², 167²
Dea. John, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 10
Jonathan, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845
of Concord, i. 968²(2)
Joseph Perkins, iii. 1099
Joshua, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²
Judith, m. Josiah Wood jr., iii. 1121²
Lucy (Dutton), wife of John Woodbury, v. pt. 2, 41
Lydia, m. Henry Herrick, v. pt. 2, 102²
M., of Randolph, ii. 1040²
Dr. Mark R., at Concord Academy, i. 976²
Mary, of Berlin, iv. 1189
Phineas, of Montpelier, iv. 352, 387²
Dr. Phineas, of Montpelier, iv. 278
Rev. S., in Braintree, ii. 848
Rev. Samuel, from New Boston (N. H.), in Braintree, ii. 850², 851
Sarah, m. Jonas Livermore, v. pt. 2, 86, 106
Sarah E. (Coles) (Elliott), iii. 1178
Sarah Hooker (Hopkins), wife of Joseph P. Woodbury, iii. 1099
Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 41, 77², 110, 215
Capt. U. A., of Lamoille co., ii. 591, 627²
W. C., of Northfield, iv. 695²
William, in Barre, iv. 46
of Berlin, iv. 1189
William C., of Northfield, iv. 615², 668
Woodcock, ____, v. pt. 2, 184²
Elkanah, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2), 671²
Harriet (Randall), v. pt. 2, 184²
Nadocia, m. Dr. David Andrews, iii. 609²
Nathan, of Brattleboro, v. 150²
Roswell, of Pittsford, iii. 946, 951
Wooden, Emer, from Danby, of Mich., iii. 609²
Lydia (Baker), wife of Emer Wooden, iii. 609²
Olive, m. Paul Hulett, iii. 628, 918²
Peter, of Danby, iii. 592
Woodfin, Frances (Edgerton), wife of John Woodfin, iii. 913
John, of Rutland, iii. 1068
of Tenn., iii. 913
Woodford, Maj. T., pioneer of Addison, i. 14
Woodhouse, C. W., of Burlington, i. 511, 513
Charles, of Rutland, v. pt. 2, 419²
Rev. Charles, of Brattleboro, v. 179(2)
of Clarendon, iii. 562², 571
of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 203
of Rutland, iii. 1021²
of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126²
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²
Henry, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
Woodhull, Rev. G. S., of Tinmouth, iii. 1151
Gen. Nathaniel, Rev. officer, ii. 787²-8
Woodman, Alex, of Plainfield, iv. 731
Charlotte (Jackson), wife of Rev. Jonathan Woodman, v. pt. 34, 49²
Edward, of Brattleboro, v. 175²
Eliza, m. Dr. Charles Houghton, iii. 918
Fanny M., m. Dr. A. Sydney Houghton, iii. 918²
Rev. J., of Charleston, iii. 116
James, of Brownington, iii. 92
John, of Lyndon, i. 344(2)
Rev. Jonathan, of Burke, i. 311, 344
of Lyndon, i. 346
of Sheffield, i. 417
of Sutton, i. 424²(2); v. pt. 34, 17², 18, 43
portrait, v. pt. 34, opp. p. 48
sketch, v. pt. 34, 49-50
of Wheelock, i. 433²(2)
Jonathan jr., of Australia, v. pt. 34, 50
Joseph, of Irasburg, iii. 244²(2)
Mercy, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43
Woodman, Mrs. Mercy (Norris) (Eaton), 2d wife of Rev. Jonathan Woodman, v. pt. 34, 49²
Dea. Peter, of Lyndon, v. pt. 34, 12²
Sarah, m. Rev. Elijah W. Plumb, iii. 922²
Woodmancy, E., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
George F., of Greensboro, iii. 230²
Woodrough, Isaac. grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Woodruff, ____, m. Jenks M. Putnam, v. pt. 34, 51
Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 714
Rev. A. N., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 194
of Waterbury, iv. 839²
Caroline S., m. Chauncey N. Olds, v. pt. 2, 446²
Elisha, of Pittsford, iii. 948
Esther (Barbour), wife of John Woodruff, i. 305
Capt. Isaac, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222, 226²
Capt. Isaac jr, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
John, of Burke, i. 305
Gen, John O., of N. Y. City, iii. 538
Jonathan, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
Dr. L. de Forest, of N. Y. City, iii. 538
Lot P., of Westmore, iii. 365²
Morey, of South Hero, ii. 574²
Rhoda, m. Timothy Gridley, iii. 534²
Sally, m. Benjamin Belden, i. 307²
Shubal, of Westford, i. 891²
Solomon, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Thomas, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²
Woods, ____, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²
of Lowell, iii. 346²
Dr., of Sunderland, i. 240
Judge, of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 986²
Mrs., of Rutland, iii. 1041²
Rev., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 57
Rev. Abel, of Rutland, iii. 1042
of Shoreham, i. 952
Amos, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²
Archebel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²
Archibald, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 111
Benjamin, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²
of Lowell, iii. 269²
Charles, of Bradford, ii. 842
Charles H., of Maidstone, i. 1028
Daniel, of Corinth, ii. 882²
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 106
David, with Rogers' Rangers, i. 272
Ebenezer, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
of Lowell, iii. 269²(2), 275, 280
Mrs, Ebenezer, of Lowell, iii. 280
Col. Ebenezer, in Rev. war, ii. 389²(2)
Ebenezer jr., grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
George, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²
George E., of Bradford, ii. 842
Ens, Henry, of Groton, iv. 1153, 1155(2), 1156, 1168²; v. pt. 2, 29
Lt. Henry, v. pt. 2, 30²
Horace, of Fletcher, ii. 202²
James. iii. 657
John, of Barnet, Rev. soldier, i. 278²
grantee of Dunmore, i. 386², 387(2)
of Waterford, i. 431
John L., of Montpelier, iv. 300², 301
Jonathan, iii. 1121²
of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348
Joseph, of East Haven, i. 986
of Victory, i. 1046²
of Waterford, i. 431(2)
son of David Woods, i. 272²
Judith, of Glover, iii. 200
Rev. Leonard, i. 241 note, 242² note
Mary (Enos), wife of Daniel Woods, v. pt. 2, 106
Nancy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²
O. F., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
Oliver, of Corinth, ii. 876
Polly, of Waterford, i. 431
Rebecca, m. Phineas Gates, v. pt. 2, 57
Robert, pensioner, ii. 393
Seth, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189
Silence, of Glover, iii. 200
Stephen, of Danby, iii. 653², 654, 657, 662²
Susanna (Butterfield), wife of Seth. Woods, v. pt. 2, 189
Timothy, of Charleston, iii. 109
of Randolph, ii. 1005
Willard, of Danby, iii. 653², 654, 662²
Willard 2d, of Danby, iii. 657
William B., lumber dealer, i. 518
William M., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 350
Z., of Guildhall, i. 1000
Ziba, of Westford, iv. 573²
Woods family, of Middletown, iii. 790, 813
Woodsum, Abner, of Essex co., i. 1006
Woodward, ____, of Brownington, iii. 92(2)
of Conn., ii. 643²
of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414²
Mrs., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413
____, of Roxbury, iv. 761
of Waterbury, iv. 870
of Westford, i. 892
m. Dr. Oliver W. Drew, iv. 860²
Dr., of Waterbury and Montpelier, iv. 860²
Mrs. Dr. (née Hutchins), of Waterbury, iv. 859², 871²
Rev., of Brownington, iii. 42²
of Cambridge and Westford, ii. 620, 621
Surg., ii. 762²
A., of Randolph, ii. 1032²
Dr. A. T., of Brandon, iii. 500
Abigail, m. Reuben Nash, iii. 418²
Rev. Abram, of Pawlet, iii. 904²
Woodward, Adrian T., of Castleton, iii. 521², 522
Albert P., of Tunbridge, ii. 1128
Alson, from North Hero, of National (Ia.), poem, ii. 569
Mrs. Amy, of Waterbury, iv. 819
Anna, m. Daniel Foote, i. 601²
Arunah, of Castleton, iii. 507²
Asa, of Fairlee, ii. 901, 1169
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Asa jr., of Fairlee, ii. 1169
Asahel, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 1051
Aura, of Roxbury, iv. 752²
B., iii. 1074²
Benjamin, of Fairlee, ii. 901
Bezaleel, grantee of Norfolk, i. 1067²
grantee of Randolph, ii. 976
agent to Congress, i. 774
Billa, of Roxbury. iv. 756², 757, 758(2), 759
C., of Barre, iv. 42²
David, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 1028, 1031
Desire (Williams), wife of Dea. Jonathan Woodward, iii. 418²
Com. E. T., v. pt. 35, 61²
Eleazer, of Roxbury, iv. 759(2)
Elijah, of Landgrove, i. 198
Franklin, of Greensboro, iii. 231
Dr. George, of Albany, iii. 43²
George S., of Waterbury, iv. 867
George W., of Penn., iii. 1134-5
H. B., of Montpelier, iv. 427²
Hannah (Clark), wife of Jane's Woodward, ii. 932
Harmony, m. Joshua Hulett, iii. 918²
Dr. Harvey B., of Castleton, iii. 522
Harvey S., of Danby, iii. 662²
Hiram B., of Montpelier, iv. 337²
Ira S., of Waterbury, iv. 867
Israel, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413, 414²
J., of Greensboro, iii. 231(2)
of Randolph, ii. 1032²
J. B., of Montpelier, iv. 355
Dr. J. B., of Montpelier and Waterbury, iv. 278, 359², 839, 857
Dr. J. D., of Castleton, iii. 522²
J. H., ii. 531
Rev. J. H., in Cambridge, ii. 605²
of Irasburg, iii. 296², 297
of Milton, iii. 255
of Westford, i. 894²
hist. of Westford, i. 890-900
J. R., of Greensboro, iii. 220
James, from Hampstead (N. H.), of Newbury, ii. 918², 919, 920², 932, 934
James B., of Waterbury, iv. 867
Dr. James B., of Montpelier, iv. 523²
Jehial, of Randolph, ii. 976, 995, 996, 1028
John, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²
grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note
of Pittsford, iii. 943
grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 996
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
John H., of Milton, i. 472²(2)
of Westford, iv. 8², 9²
Rev. John H., of Irasburg, iii. 36
Capt. John Worthington, of Westford, sketch, i. 898-9
Jonas, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²
Dea. Jonathan, of Benson, iii. 407²(2), 408², 418(2), 419
Dr. Jonathan D., of Castleton, iii. 520², 522
Joseph, iii. 1096²
of Montpelier, iv. 341²
Capt. Joseph, of Castleton, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²: ii. 507²(2); iii. 515, 525(2)
Joseph R., of Greensboro, iii. 231
Joshua, of Pittsford, iii. 942, 943
in Shelburne battle, i. 878²
Justus B., of Montpelier, iv. 348
Lucy (Washburn), wife of Asahel Woodward, ii. 1051
Malona, m. Samuel Moulton jr., iii. 506²
Margaret, m. Dr. Oliver W. Drew, iv. 869²
Maria, of Brattleboro, v. 191
Mary, of Castleton, iii. 525²
of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Mary (Bradford), wife of Capt. Joseph Woodward, iii. 507²
Morey, attorney, i. 473
Moses, of Roxbury, iv. 756
Noah, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 358², 359, 360²
Rev. Orin, of Charlotte, i. 744²
Park, grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Rev. Philo, of Rochester (N. Y.), iii. 1205²
Polly (Morsman), wife of Jonas Woodward, v. pt. 2, 521²
Dr. R. C. M., of Castleton, iii. 522
Robert R., of Middletown, iii. 835, 844²
Samuel, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 407
Sarah, m. Capt. John Mason, iii. 509²
Sarah E., of Roxbury, iv. 752²
Dr. Theodore, of Castleton, i. 639², 648; iii. 519²(2), 520², 521, 522², 740, 743
Theodorus, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132(2)
Theophilus, of West Haven, iii. 688
Thomas, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Titus, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413
W. H., of Waterbury, iv. 840
Wealthy, m. George Foote, iii. 507²
Col. William, of Pawlet, iii. 921
William W., of Roxbury, iv. 758, 759(2), 760
Woodward & Blakely, of Montpelier, iv. 280²
Woodworth, ____, of Essex, ii. 643
of Worcester, iv. 907²
of Chittenden co., ii. 646²-7(2)
Woodworth, A. J., of Middletown, iii. 838²
Abigail (Gilman) (Spaulding), iv. 155²
Andrew J., of Phila., iii. 838
Alexander Hamilton, ii. 120
Asahel, in Rev. war, iv. 432(2)
Benjamin, of Randolph, ii. 989²
of St. Albans, ii. 434
Dr. C. C., of Berkshire, ii. 116
Elisha, of Fletcher, ii. 200², 201², 215
Mrs. Elisha (Fullington), ii. 200²
Ezra, of Essex, i. 779
Rev. Francis C., of Fair Haven, iii. 716²(2)
George W. jr., of Underhill, iv. 1194³
George Washington, ii. 120
H. N., v. pt. 35, 53²
Harmony, m. Joshua Hulett, iii. 628
Jabez, of Essex, i. 779
Dr. James M., in Randolph, ii. 1007
Jamin, of Randolph, ii. 998²
Joel, of Essex, i. 779, 781(2)
John, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 891
of Middletown, iii. 838, 842²
of Montpelier, iv. 433
of St. Albans, ii. 434
grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132, 1133 (2)
John M., of Berkshire, ii. 120
Jonathan, of Essex, i. 781²
Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 272², 298², 432(2), 548
of St. Albans. ii. 434²
Leonard, of Randolph, ii. 999
Mrs. Lucy (Palmer), wife of Ziba Woodworth, iv. 433
Luther S., of Troy, iii. 342
M., of Middletown, iii. 835²
of Underhill, iv. 155²
Martin Van Buren, of Middletown, iii. 842²
Mary, of Middletown, iii. 838
Morey, of Burlington, i. 480
Nancy, of Fletcher, ii. 208²
Nathan, of Essex, i. 779, 781²
Philura, of Fletcher, ii. 208²
Roger, pensioner, ii. 393
Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 295
poem, iv. 12²
Mrs. Sarah, of Fletcher, ii. 208
W., of Northfield, iv. 712²
Wilbur F., of Northfield, iv. 614, 668
William, of Randolph, ii. 989²
Rev. Ziba, in Montpelier, Rev. soldier, iv. 10(2), 282², 265², 266, 288², 341², 524, 547², 548, 876², 907
sketch, iv. 432-3
Wool, Maj., in Plattsburg battle, i. 674², 675(2)
Gen., i. 89², 675²; ii. 403²; iv. 1060, 1074², 1075(2), 1076(2)
Gen. John, i. 588²; ii. 267, 300, 508(2), 509(2)
Woolage, Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 621
of Guilford, v. 94²
Rev. Elijah, of Cambridge, ii. 616², 619²
of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9(2)
Woolcot, Elijah, of Charlotte, i. 734(2)
Dea. Philip, of Shoreham, i. 95
Samuel, of Shoreham, i. 94
Vernon, of Brownington, iii. 92²
Wolcott, Edward, grantee of Calais, iv. 130
Noah, of Colchester, i. 763
William, of Castleton, iii. 525(2)
Woolcut, Arastus, of Burlington, i. 504²
Wooley, ____, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556
Rev., circuit preacher, iii. 80²
Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 110
Rev. H. I., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672
Rev. H. J., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²
of Waitsfield, iv. 782²
Jonathan, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384
of Cambridge, ii. 621
Thomas, of Lowell, iii. 277²
Woolf, Anthony, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²
Woolfe, James, of Roxbury, iv. 753²
Woolley, Anna, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386
Thomas, of Lowell, iii. 280
Woolley & co., of Lowell, iii. 278
Woolman, Uriah, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note
Woolson, Charles R., of Plainfield, iv. 723, 726²
Ephraim, of Plainfield, iv. 723
Mary, m. S. O. Goodrich, iv. 723
Moses, of Brattleboro, v. 41
S. C., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 336
S. C. & H. H., of Montpelier, iv. 281
Sarah, m. Joseph Lane, iv. 723
Simeon, of Waterbury, iv. 837, 840
Wooster, Dea., of Brandon, iii. 440²
Rev., in Bakersfield, ii. 106²
of Fairfield, iv. 1079, 1094²
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²
Col., ii. 639
Amanda, m. Rev. Stannard, iii. 932²
Amos, of Pawlet, iii. 904, 905, 932²
Arthur, in Brunswick, i. 961
Maidstone survey, i. 1027(2)
Asa, of Pawlet, iii. 932²
Rev. B., of Cornwall and Fairfield, in Whiting, i. 116²
Rev. Benjamin, in Colchester, i. 777
in Cornwall, i. 24²
of Fairfield, i. 893; ii. 143², 158, 192², 197², 198(2), 200, 332², 365, 378², 379, 466², 467², 551², 615²; iii. 156²-7
sketch, ii. 193²-6
in Highgate, ii. 209²(2)
in Montgomery, ii. 276
in Milton, i. 841
in Sheldon, ii. 372²
of Franklin co., ii. 100², 101, 140²
of Conn., i. 776²
Benjamin Horn, ii. 196
Charlotte, ii. 196
Col. David, granted land in Addison, i. 4(2), 5, 79
Gen. David, i. 152², 766; ii. 193²; iii. 909²; v. pt. 2, 591
Wooster, Deborah, m. Luther P. Lincoln, iii. 932²
Deborah (Loomis), 2d wife of Henry Wooster jr., iii. 932²
Dorastus, in Cornwall, i. 25
Dorothy (Baldwin), wife of Henry Wooster jr., iii. 932²
Dea. Ebenezer, of Brandon, iii. 451², 468
sketch, iii. 453²
Mrs. Ebenezer, of Brandon, iii. 453²
Francis, of Worcester, iv. 912
Francis jr., grantee of Granby, i. 987 note
G. & F., of Marshfield, iv. 205²
George, of Marshfield, iv. 205(2)
Henry, of Pawlet, iii. 874², 881, 903(2), 932²
Henry jr., of Pawlet, iii. 903, 932²
Rev. I., of Barre, iv. 52
John, of Granby, i. 993
Rev. John, of Concord, i. 974²
of Granby, i. 994²
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
John C., of Ill., iv. 918
Joseph, of Guildhall, i. 999(2)
grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
of Maidstone, i. 1028, 1031, 1045
of New Haven (Conn.), i. 998²(2)
Ruth (Johonnott), wife of John C. Wooster, iv. 917²
Sally (Cooper), wife of Benjamin Wooster, ii. 195²
Rev. Samuel, i. 785², 786
Sarah, of Fairfield, ii. 196
Sarah (Harris), wife of Benjamin Wooster, ii. 195²
Thomas, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
of Maidstone, i. 944², 1027, 1028², 1029
Worcester, Rev., of Cabot, iv. 100²
in Irasburg, iii. 254²(2)
of Peacham, iv. 94², 206²
A., of Warren, iv. 810
Arad, of Waterbury, iv. 840²
Catharine (Fleming), wife of John H. Worcester, i. 536
Deborah, of Hollis (N. H.), and Hardwick, i. 326
Earl C., of Warren, iv. 810
Evarts, of Peacham, i. 360, 364², 366², 367, 372
Rev. Henry Aikin, i. 364²
Mrs. Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 396
Rev. Isaac Redington, of Peacham, i. 364²
sketch. i. 366²
Jesse, i. 364²
Rev. John H., of Burlington, i. 536, 538²
of St. Johnsbury, i. 405²
Rev. John Hopkins, of Peacham and Burlington, i. 364², 367
sketch, i. 366²
Joseph, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²
Joseph Emerson, i. 364²
Rev. Leonard, of Peacham, i. 242, 269, 327², 360², 361, 366(2), 367², 371²-2, 405; ii. 800; iii. 206(2), 214², 215(2) ; iv. 321, 469²
sketch, i. 364²-5
Mark, of Brattleboro, v. 177²
Noah, of Peacham, i. 360, 364²
Dr. Noah, i. 243²
Rev. S., of Salem (Mass.), i. 336²
Rev. Samuel, of Salem (Mass.), i. 364²
Rev. Samuel jr., i. 364²
Samuel A., of Randolph, ii. 995
Rev. Samuel Austin, of Peacham, i. 364², 366², 367
Rev. T. M., missionary, i. 530²
Rev. Thomas, of Salisbury (N. H.), i. 364²
author, iv. 321²
Rev. Thomas jr., i. 364²
William, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Rev. William, of England and Salisbury (Mass.), i. 364²(2)
Worden, E. S., of Brandon, iii. 500²
Eddie R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 166
Eliza (Haven), wife of J. E. Worden, v. pt. 2, 34, 166
Gertrude L. E., v. pt. 2, 166
Hannah, of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 165²
m. William Miller, v. pt. 2, 86, 98², 133²
Hopestill (Holley), wife of Samuel Worden, v. pt. 2, 165²
Isaac, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422(2), 449²(2)
J. E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 34, 70, 79, 160, 172, 216
J. Edson, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 165²
portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 164
John, of R. I., v. pt. 2, 133², 165²
John 2d, of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 165²
Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 99
of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2,165²
Mary (Holley), wife of Peter Worden 3d, v. pt. 2, 165²
Mary (Sears). wife of Peter Worden, v. pt. 2, 165²
Nathan, of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 165²(2)
Orinda (Adams), wife of Capt. Isaac Worden, v. pt. 2, 449²
Peter, from England, of Yarmouth (Mass.), sketch, v. pt. 2, 165
Rev. Peter, of Cheshire (Mass.), i. 238
Peter 2d, v. pt. 2, 165²
Peter 3d, of Yarmouth (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 165²
Peter jr. 4th, of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 165²(2)
Rachel (Hale), wife of Peter Worden, v. pt. 2, 165²
Rebecca (Eccleston), wife of Sylvester Worden, v. pt. 2, 165²
Worden, Rebecca (Richmond), wife of Peter Worden jr. 4th, v. pt. 2, 165²
Samuel, of Stonington, v. pt. 2, 165²
Sylvester, of Westerly (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 165²(2)
Worden family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 165-6
Wordsworth, William, poet, i. 720², 721², 877²; ii. 1033²
Work, Asa, of Williamstown, ii. 1149
Dr. John, of Essex, i. 784
of Hinesburg, i. 798²
of Huntington, i. 816, 823²
of Northfield, iv. 616
Rev. Pearly, of Huntington, i. 827
Rev. Perley, of Hinesburg, i. 796
Works, Daniel E., of Lowell, iii. 277²
Henry, lawyer, iii. 37
James, of Waterford, i. 432
M., of Lowell, iii. 277²
Samuel, of Barton, iii. 74, 75(2)
Worlingham, Baron, see Gosford, Earl of
Wormwood, Ezra, of Charlotte, Rev. soldier, i. 737
Worster, Rev. Benjamin, in Brandon, iii. 467²
Worth, Mrs., in Holland, iii. 236²
Gen., iii. 985²
Guy C., from Starksboro, of Sandusky (O.), i. 106
John, of Holland, iii. 233
Joseph, of Starksboro and Little Sandusky (O.), i. 809 note
poem, i. 105²
Timothy, in Middlesex, iv. 245
William, of Starksboro, i. 105², iv. 1200
hist. of Starksboro, i. 103-4
Worth & Foster, of Burlington, i. 555
Worthen, Amos H., from Bradford, of Ill., ii. 817²
Charles, of Charleston, iii. 120
Ezekiel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
H. O., of Barre Academy, iv. 24, 34²
H. W., of Waterbury, iv. 839²(2)
Rev. H. W., of Montpelier, iv. 381²
of Northfield, iv. 651
of St. Johnsbury, i. 406
Lt. Col. Harry N., i. 440
Levi, of Worcester, iv. 902
Samuel, of Charleston, iii. 109, 119(2)
Silas, of Plainfield, iv. 723
Tristram, of Worcester, iv. 888², 893², 902
Worthington, Mrs., of Irasburg, iii. 252
Clarissa (Davis), wife of George Worthington, iv. 261²
Daniel, of Williamstown and Northfield, ii. 1144, 1149; iv. 634(2), 671²
David, of Northfield, iv. 634
Elias, of Northfield, iv. 634
Elijah, of Northfield, iv. 634
Francis, of Northfield, iv. 634
George, of Irasburg, iii. 41, 251², 254(2)
sketch, iii. 252-3
of Montpelier, iv. 14, 261², 272², 273², 274, 276², 282, 351, 352, 387², 391², 394², 489, 498, 518, 548, 568
Mrs. George (née Davis), iv. 498²
George jr., of Irasburg, iii. 34(2)
of Montpelier and Irasburg, iv. 498²
Huldah, of Northfield, iv. 634
J. D., of Irasburg, iii. 252(2)
John, of Montpelier, iv. 498²
Lyman, of Northfield, iv. 634
Mary, of Northfield, iv. 634
Polly Fish, of Northfield, iv. 671
Polly (Fisk), wife of Daniel Worthington, iv. 634
Rhoda, of Northfield, iv. 634
Samuel, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²(2)
Sophia, of Northfield, iv. 634
Theodore S., of Northfield, iv. 634
Worthley, H. K., of Newbury, ii. 945
William, of Washington, ii. 1139
Wortman, John jr., grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Tunis, grantee of Burlington, i. 488
Wranslow, Rev., of Swanton, iv. 1048
Wren, Dr., of Portsmouth (Eng.), v. 72²
Wright, ____, iii. 873
of Montpelier, ii. 731², 1145²
of Roxbury, iv. 748²
of Sheldon, ii. 369²
in South Hero, ii. 580² note
m. Addison Dunham, v. pt. 2, 582²
m. Joshua Cone, v. pt. 2, 616²
Dr., editor Botanic Advocate, iv. 312²
Rev., iii. 866
of Montpelier, iv. 94², 283²
of Swanton, iv. 1096
Gen., i. 107², 718; iv. 865
A. L., of Swanton, iv. 1035
Gen. A. R., Confederate officer, iv. 163
Abel, of Weybridge, i. 110
Dr. Abiathar, of Barnet, i. 275²
Abigail (Bradley), wife of Ner Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Abishai, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 300² 305², 320²
Abner, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²
Adeline, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Ahimaz, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289
Alanson, of Berlin, iv. 68
Alfred, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Almira, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Alpha, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339²
Amasa, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 300, 320
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Amzie, of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
Andrew, of N. Y., i. 286²
Anna, m. Jonathan Lane, v. pt. 2, 598, 615, 620
Asahel, of Hubbardton, iii. 753, 756, 772; iv. 1175
Asahel jr., of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
Dr. Asaph, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 614², 647²
Augustus C., of Swanton, iv. 1009²
Augustus L., of Pawlet, iii. 879
Wright, Aurelia (Cleveland), wife of Hoel Wright, iii. 932²
Austin, of Whitehall, i. 690(2)
Azariah, of Coventry, iii. 153², 159²(2)
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 54, 575², 582(2) and note, 614², 615², 626²
Mrs. Azariah (née Safford), v. pt. 2, 583
Capt. Azariah, of Coventry, v. pt. 2, 583
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 569², 572(2), 583, 588², 598, 615, 620
Azariah jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583(2), 615
Azariah 3d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Belinda, of Berlin, iv. 1189
Benjamin N., of Montpelier, iv. 525
Benoni, of Bradford, ii. 814²
of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 275²
in Newbury, Quaker, ii. 921²
of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 330²
Betsey, in Middlesex, iv. 245
of Montpelier, iv. 327²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614²
Betsey (Clay), 2d wife of Hollis Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Betsey (Hawley), wife of Joseph Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Beulah Minerva, m. Col: J. F. Burrows, v. pt. 2, 289
Rev. C., of Montpelier, ii. 1136², 1177
C. C., of Bradford, ii. 842
Caleb, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583, 615
Caleb jr., from Westminster, of Newton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 583, 615
Caroline, of Calais, iv. 166(2)
Charles, of Bennington, i. 166(2), 219, 2d ed. 168(2), 218
of Pownal, i. 216, 218(2), 2d ed. 214², 217(2)
Charles S., of Londonderry, v. pt. 35, 38
Charlotte, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Charlotte Clapp, m. Rev. Chester Wright, iv. 390
Charlotte Whitney, m. James H. Howe, iv. 390
Chester, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²
Rev. Chester, of Hardwick, i. 328, 329², 332²; iii. 206, 255, iv. 924²
at Middlebury, ii. 125
in Montpelier, i. 372; ii. 710, 800; iii. 168², 215²; iv. 10, 12, 145², 199, 206², 260², 261², 263², 264², 288(2), 289, 321², 374, 387², 391², 395, 408, 443, 530, 551², 591, 903²(2), 909
portrait, iv. opp. p. 388
sketch, iv. 388-90
Clarissa, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Curtis, of Northfield, iv. 613²
Dr. D. M., of Norfolk (Va.), ii. 1181²
Daniel, iv. 802²
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Gen. Daniel, in Plattsburg battle, i. 679(2)
Daniel C., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 614², 615, 625, 629
Daniel J., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²
Diocletian, of Irasburg, iii. 244, 249²
Dolly (Page), wife of Azariah Wright jr., v. pt. 2, 615
Eben, of Bloomfield, i. 950
of Shoreham, i. 96²
Ebenezer, of Shaftsbury, i. 233, 2d ed. 232²
pioneer of Weybridge, i. 109²
Edwin, of Westfield, iii. 346
Elenor, m. Dr. Lemon Bennett, v. pt. 2, 400
Elihu, of Fair Haven, iii. 681²
of Glover, iii. 198², 201(2)
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 614²
Elihu jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 705²
of Glover, iii. 200
Eliza (Ferry), wife of Oscar A. Wright, v. pt. 2, 331²
Eliza M., of Montpelier, iv. 396
Eliza Maria, m. Ferrand F. Merrill, iv. 390, 552²
Elizabeth, m. John Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 288
Emerson Ransom, from Weybridge, i. 111
Emily, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614²
Emily (Wheeler), wife of Levi W. Wright, iv. 161²
Emma A., of Northfield, iv. 688²
Enoch, of Fair Haven, iii. 731
Erastus, of Coventry, iii. 143, 144², 159²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
F. A., of Warren, iv. 14, 808(2)
Fanny, of Montpelier, iv. 530
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614²
Fanny Wyman (Houghton), wife of J. Edward Wright, iv. 390
Francis, of Northfield, iv. 616
Franklin, of Warren, iv. 811²(2)
Franklin A., of Warren, iv. 807²(2)
Gad, of Lincoln and Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 332
Gardner, of Fairfax, ii. 402
Rev. George Frederick, of Bakersfield, ii. 99
hist. of Bakersfield, ii. 103, 106²
George W., of Cabot, iv. 119², 122
Gove, of Swanton, iv. 1060
Rev. H. B., in Pittsford, iii. 946
Hannah (née Nourse), v. pt. 2, 106²
Harriet, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
m. Obed Averill jr., v. pt. 2, 626²
Heman, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Hezekiah, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
of Fairfax, ii. 171²
Wright, Hiram, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Hoel, from Pawlet, of Green Bay (Mich.), iii. 932²
Hollis, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 615
Hosea, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Hubbard, of Bradford, ii. 324(2)
Hulda, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Huldah, m. Samuel Burke, v. pt. 2, 616²
I. M., of Montpelier, iv. 354²
Irene (Holton), wife of Medad Wright, v. pt. 2, 582², 614²
Isaac, of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
Isaac M., of Montpelier, iv. 353(2), 354, 550
Isaac T., of Castleton, i. 219², 232, 2d ed. 218², 231²; iii. 515²(2), 525, 1062
J., of Corinth, ii. 887²
of Waterbury, iv. 836
Rev. J., of Montpelier, iv. 289(2), 408
Jacob, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
James, of Randolph, ii. 1015²
Rev. James Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 27, 145², 146², 289², 312², 314, 315², 409², 511, 530, 553, 561², 591
on Charles Reed, iv. 513-5
on Rev. Chester Wright, iv. 388-90
on Church of the Messiah, iv. 408-9
on Daniel Baldwin, iv. 516-9
Jehiel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Mrs. Jemima (Bartlett), wife of Nathaniel Wright, iv. 388²
Jeremiah, of Corinth, ii. 882²
Jerome, of Montpelier, iv. 532²
Rev. Job, of Bernardston (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 307(2), 331
Lt. Job, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 323
Lt. Job jr., of Bernardston (Mass.), and Vernon, v. pt. 2, 331, 332, 334², 335²(2)
John, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424
of Richford, ii. 428
grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
John jr., grantee of Burlington, i. 488
John E. from Bennington, of Troy (N. Y.), i. 252²
John P., of Sheldon, ii. 430
John S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 331, 334²
Jonathan, of Waterbury, iv. 819, 829
Rev. Jonathan Edwards, of Montpelier, iv. 260², 390, 530, 547²
Joseph, of Enosburg, ii. 141(2), 142, 155
grantee of Essex, i. 778²
grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²
of Swanton, iv. 1046²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 583, 598², 615, 620, 621
Dr. Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 60²
Rev. Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 410
in St. Albans, ii. 464
Brig. Gen. Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 46
Joseph jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583, 615
Josiah, in Middlesex, iv. 245
grantee of Pittsfield, iii. 935
of Pownal, iv. 818
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Gen. Josiah, in Pownal, i. 215², 216(2), 218²-9, 2d ed. 214(2), 217
Julia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
m. Joseph W. Howes, iv. 390
Justus, of Enosburg, ii. 398²
of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
Leonora T., from Vernon, of Augusta (Ga.), v. pt. 2, 331²
Levi, of Calais, iv. 136, 137, 146, 147², 172², 173(2), 176
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Levi W., from Calais, of Merrimac (Wis.), iv. 161²
Lewis, of Worcester. iv. 901², 902
Lois, of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
Louisa, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Lucien B., of Pawlet, iii. 887, 932²
Mrs. Lucinda (Washburn), of Montpelier, iv. 407
Lucy (Beckwith), wife of Hollis Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Lydia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Lydia (Campbell), wife of Dr. Asaph Wright, v. pt. 2, 614²
Martha, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²
Martha Conant (May), 3d wife of Nathaniel Wright, iv. 388²
Martin, of Brookfield, ii. 864
Mary, m. ____ Page, v. pt. 2, 615(2)
m. John Kathan, v. pt. 2, 14²
wife of Azariah Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
wife of Silas Wright, v. pt. 2, 339²
Mary Ann, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Mary (Page), 2d wife of Nathaniel Wright, iv. 388²
Mary (Stebbins), wife of Zadoc Wright, v. pt. 2, 289
Mary (Willard), 2d wife of Medad Wright, v. pt. 2, 582², 614²
Mason W., of Calais, iv. 166², 173
Medad, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
of Calais, iv. 143², 144, 146, 147², 172², 173, 174, 176
of Montpelier, iv. 276², 335²
from Northfield (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583, 625, 647²
sketch, v. pt. 2, 582, 614-5
Medad & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 277², 280²
Medad jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Millicent, m. Josiah Brown, v. pt. 2, 711
Miriam, of Berlin, iv. 1188
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
2d wife of Azariah Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Wright, Moses, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19
of Rockingham, v. 11; v. pt. 2, 494², 499, 507², 615
grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²
Mrs. Moses, of Leicester, i. 45²
Rev. Moses, i. 45²
N. H., poem, i. 60²
N. Hill, author, i. 559
Nancy, of Calais, iv. 166
of Waterbury, iv. 1199
Nathaniel, of Hanover (N. H.), iv. 388²
Nehemiah, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²
surveyor, i. 990
Neri. of Westminster. v. pt. 2, 615
Dea. Noah, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 252²
Norman, of Milton, poems, i. 843
Norman M., of Bennington, i. 260
Norris, of Middlesex, iv. 237
Obadiah, of Georgia, ii. 249
Obed, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 615
Oliver, of Poultney, iii. 974, 989(2)
of Westford (Mass.), iv. 1155
grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²
Dr. Oliver, of Brattleboro, v. 60²
Olivia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Orin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Orpha, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Oscar, of Vernon, v. pt. 334²
Oscar A., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 331²(2)
Osmond, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289
P. C., of Montpelier, iv. 427²
Pamelia (Flagg), wife of Justus Wright, iv. 1175
Patience, m. John Bradley Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62²
Peter, grantee of Brandon, iii. 450², 451
Phineas R., pioneer of Richford, ii. 287
Phinehas, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²
Phinnas, of Washington, ii. 1139
Pliny Romeo, from Weybridge, i. 111
Polly, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615(2)
m. David Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²
Polly 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Preserved, of Calais, iv. 172², 173(2), 176
R. of Richford, ii. 284
Rebecca (Cleveland), wife of Samuel Wright jr., iii. 932²
Reuben, of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278
Rhoda, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614²
Riley E., of Coventry, iii. 158
lawyer, iii. 37
Maj. Riley E., iii. 200²
Robert, of Pittsford, iii. 943²
Roxana S., m. Henry C. Lund, v. pt. 2, 331²(2)
Rufus, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582², 614²
Mrs. Rufus (née Wheeler), v. pt. 2, 614²
Ruth, of Coventry, iii. 153
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
m. Marshal Whithed, v. pt. 2, 323
m. Samuel Stratton, v. pt. 2, 330²
Ruth Maria, m. Marshal Whithed, v. pt. 2, 331(2), 336
S., of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217
Safford, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Salmon, of Coventry, iii. 153(2)
Samuel, of Bennington, i. 113², 2d ed. 146
of Fairfax, ii. 403
of Pawlet, iii. 880², 932²
of Pownal, i. 216, 218², 219, 2d ed. 214², 217(2)
of Roxbury. iv. 759²
Judge Samuel, of Pownal, i. 216, 2d ed. 214²
Capt. Samuel, of Pownal, i. 185, 216, 2d ed. 186², 215
Samuel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 881, 885² 932²
Samuel S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 331, 334²
Sarah (Cragin), wife of Daniel C. Wright, v. pt. 2, 615
Sereno, of Randolph, ii. 996, 1016, 1032, 1045², 1050
Mrs. Sereno (née Carpenter), ii. 1050
Sereno, editor, iv. 292
Silas, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338², 339², 340(2)
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2)
pioneer of Weybridge, i. 110
sketch, i. 111-13
Gov. Silas, of N. Y., i. 113(2), 114; iii. 477
Capt. Silas, of Weybridge, iii. 415²
Capt. Simeon, in Rev. war, ii. 390²
Simeon S., of Grand Isle, ii. 525(2)
Solomon, of Pownal, i. 166, 216, 218²-19, 2d ed. 168, 214²
of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583, 614²
Solomon 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 615
Sophia (Harmon), m. John B. Perry, iv. 984²
Stephen, of Berlin, iv. 68, 1189
Sylvester, of Brattleboro, v. 23
T. R., of Randolph, ii. 996
Thaddeus, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2)
Thankful, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²
Thankful (Stratton), wife of Job Wright, v. pt. 2, 323, 331, 332, 334², 335²
Thomas, of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217
grantee of St. George, i. 851 note
in War of 1812, ii. 392
lawyer, i. 219, 2d ed. 218
Dr. Thomas, of Lunenburg, i. 1018²
Thomas J., of Bennington, i. 166², 2d ed. 168²
Wright, Tilman, of Waterbury, iv. 821², 829
Timothy, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122
Tryphena, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334²
Tryphena (Moore), wife of John S. Wright, v. pt. 2, 331²
U. C. of Swanton, ii. 445, iv. 1060²
Dr. W. H., of Brandon, iii. 500
Rev. W. H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 629²
Wait, of Rutland, iii. 1079
William, of Franklin, ii. 221²
of Georgia, ii. 249²
of Hubbardton, iv. 1175
of Pawlet, iii. 879
William jr., of Georgia, ii. 249²
William B., of Orwell, iv. 1194³
Zadock, v. pt. 2, 285(2), 289
Wright family, of Waterbury, iv. 869²
Wright & Sibley, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 292(2), 307², 309, 314
Wrinkle, Thomas, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696, 707
Rev. Thomas, from Colebrook (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 703
Wrisley, Ann, of Berlin, iv. 1189
C. S., of Waterbury, iv. 837
Writer, Anson S., of Cabot, iv. 122
Wyat, Sir Thomas, of England, v. pt. 2, 455
Wyatt, Osman, of Randolph, ii. 1175²
Wylie, Robert, of Craftsbury, iii. 170²
Mrs. Robert, of Craftsbury, iii. 170²
William L.. of Clarendon, iii. 573²
Wyllys, George, of Conn., iv. 739
Wyman, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 870
of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650²
A. A., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²
Abel T., of Dorset, i. 259²
Andrew A., of Athens, v. pt. 2, 387
Artemas, of West Haven, iii. 745²
Betsey (Lovejoy), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590
C. E., of Waterbury, iv. 839²
C. W., of Brattleboro, v. 185²
Charles, of St. Albans, ii. 331²
Daniel, of Wells, iii. 1195², 1205²
Ermine, m. Levi Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 187
Freeman, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²
George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²
George D., lawyer, iii. 37
Hepzibah, m. Elijah Gibbs, v. pt. 2, 168
Isaac, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note
Isaac C., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²
John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88, 110, 118, 168, 205
sketch, v. pt. 2, 125²-7
Capt. John, from Cambridge (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 73²
sketch, v. pt. 2, 54²-5
John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86, 110(2)
Jonathan R., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29
Martha (Wellman), wife of Andrew A. Wyman, v. pt. 2, 387
Patty, m. Benjamin Parker, iii. 568²
Ross, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Susannah (Cole), wife of John Wyman, jr., v. pt. 2, 86
Dea. Thomas, of Peru, i. 207², 209, 210, 2d ed. 206², 208, 209
Mrs. Thomas, of Peru, i. 209, 2d ed. 208
Thomas jr., i. 210, 2d ed. 209
Warren, of Peru, i. 213, 2d ed. 211²
Warren M., of Manchester, i. 259²
William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²
of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220²
Wyman & Smith, of Waterbury, iv. 831², 840
Wynkoop, Capt. commanded schooner, Royal Savage, i. 663²
Benjamin, of Fairfield, ii. 191(2)
Wynn, Jacob, of Danby, iii. 591²