NAME INDEX LINKS:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  XYZ 


F., J. M., see Fisher, John M.

Fadden, John, of Isle La Motte, ii. 557²

pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Fagarden,  ____, of Ia., killed by Indians, ii. 181²

Faillon, Rev. M., Vie de Mlle. Mance, i. 567² note

Fair, David, of Calais, iv. 166, 172²

Edia, of Calais, iv. 165²

S. B., of Calais, iv. 172

Shubael B., of Calais, iv. 174²

Fairbank, Rev., of Danville, i. 361²

Rev. G. W., in Groton, iv. 1167

Searle, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Fairbanks, ____, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 234

of St. Johnsbury, iii. 161

Messrs., of St. Johnsbury, i. 1024²



308                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Fairbanks, Rev., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 623²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1125²

Abbie (Russell), wife of Rev. Francis J. Fairbanks, v. pt. 2, 627

Abel, of Fairfield, ii. 393

Alice Russell, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 627

Alvin, of Brandon, iii. 495²

Anna, m. Warren Chase, v. pt. 2, 717²

Artamas P., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 25

Benjamin, pioneer, of Fairfield, ii. 192², 393

Betsey, m. David Reed, v. pt. 2, 101²

Bradley, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²

Rev. Drury, of Littleton (N. H.), iii. 206

Rev. Dwight, of Georgia, ii. 242²

E. & T. & co., of St. Johnsbury, i. 434²; iii. 245². iv. 1013²

Ebenezer, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701

Rev. Edward T., hist. of St. Johnsbury, i. 386²-408²; iv. 1196²

Edwin, of Heath (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 695

Elisha, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²

Eliza, m. Perry Knight, v. pt. 2, 137²

Elmore, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385

Emily, m. C. L. Goodell, iv. 152

Emory, of Ashburnham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 627

Gov. Erastus, of St. Johnsbury, i. 60, 250, 270, 406², 410, 412; ii. 386², 531(2) ; iii. 162, 280², 301, 537²; iv. 124², 125, 152. 271², 325², 548², 586², 634², 680

the Civil war, i. 436-40

portrait, i. facing p. 341

Valedictory address, i. 440-2

Ernest Hayward, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 627

Eunice (Hayward), wife of Emory Fairbanks, v. pt. 2, 627

Rev. Francis J., from Ashburnham (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 606, 627, 629, 630, 636² note, 668

hist. of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 561-636

Francis Joel jr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 627

Francis W., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²

Franklin, made meteorological observations, i. 271

Col. Franklin, v. pt. 35, 63²

Freeman A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Rev. G. W., in Glover, iii. 208

George B., of Stowe, ii. 750², 768²

George Stevens, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 627

Herbert Stockwell, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 627

Horace, of Charleston, iii. 108²

of St. Johnsbury, i. 411²

Gov. Horace, iv. 272, 325², 1013; v. pt. 2, 635²; v. pt. 35, 56², 61², 63², 71, 73²-8

Rev. J. Newton, of Brandon, iii. 478²

John, of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219

of Stowe, ii. 734-7

John H., of Coventry, iii. 149

John M., of Coventry, iii. 149

Rev. Joseph, circuit preacher, i. 316

Joseph P., of St. Johnsbury, i. 55, 404², 411²(2)

Leland, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675², 676

Louis, of Georgia, ii. 469²

Mrs. Louis, of Georgia, ii. 469²

Luther, of Waitsfield, iv. 777²

Nathaniel jr., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

Nellie, m. Marshall Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²

Odid C., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Pearley, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675

Perley, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²

Polly, m. Jesse Knight, v. pt. 2, 137²

Lt. Col. S., in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Samuel, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385

of Georgia, ii. 178²

Thaddeus, of St. Johnsbury, i. 407²; iv. 905

Fairbrother, Abel W., of Coventry, iii. 159²(2)

Ambrose, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626

Amos, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Asa, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Calvin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Dr. George, of Barton, iii. 75²

John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Mary, of Coventry, iii. 153

Nancy, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

m. Francis Morse, v. pt. 2, 618²

Richard, from R. I., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 618

Willard, of Coventry, iii. 143²

Fairbrothers, Frank, v. pt. 35, 54²

Fair Captive, pseud., wife of Caleb Howe, v. pt. 2, 302²

Fairchild, ____, m. John White, ii. 240

wife of David Stevens jr., ii. 253 note

Pres., of Oberlin (O.), iv. 987

Dr. Benjamin, from Georgia, of Milton, ii. 243²

Dan, from Reading (Conn.), of Sherburne, i. 867²

Daniel, from Arlington, of Georgia, ii. 240

of Burlington, i. 505

E. S., of Georgia, ii. 618²

Henry, of Shelburne, i. 867²

Jacob, of Shelburne, i. 867²

Jesse, of Grand Isle, ii. 522

Joel, from Arlington, of Georgia, ii. 240. 249², 253 note

of Burlington, i. 504²



NAME INDEX               309


Fairchild, Dr. Joel, from Georgia, of N. Y., ii. 243²

of Shelburne, i. 868

John, of Randolph Academy, ii. 995

Rev. John, from Georgia, of Va., ii. 242²

Nelson, a poem, ii. 253 and note

Dr. Nelson, of Milton, ii. 575²-6

Rachel, m. David Stevens, ii. 312

Reuben, of Shelburne, i. 867²

Robert, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Sally, of Georgia. ii. 236

Silas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108, 214

Stephen, from Arlington, of Georgia, ii. 235². 240(2)

of Burlington, i. 505

Stephen jr., of Burlington, i. 505

of Georgia, ii. 236, 240, 245

Timothy, of Guildhall, i. 1006², 1007, 1008²

Capt. Timothy, of Granby, i. 993, 994, 995

Truman, from Arlington, of Georgia, ii. 240

Fairchilds, John H., of Highgate, ii. 420²

Levi S., of Highgate, ii. 420²

Truman, of Charleston, iii. 109

Zach., grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Fairfield, A. C., of Eden, ii. 623²

Rev. Edmund B., of Mich., iii. 957

Jacob, of Albany, iii. 47²

Joseph, of Albany, iii. 47²(2)

of Essex, i. 789²

Micaiah, of Pittsford, iii. 957

Walter, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

William, pioneer of Pawlet, iii. 871², 913², 930²

Fairfield family, of Albany, iii. 47²

Fairley, Rev., of Manchester, in Peru, i. 209, 2d ed. 208

Fairman, Capt. Aaron A., of Huntington, i. 816

Asa, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305², 321

Elijah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305², 321²

Erastus, of Albany, iii. 67²(2)

George, v. pt. 2, 313²

Jacob, of Huntington, i. 815

John, of Albany, iii. 48, 49, 65, 67(2)

Mrs. John, of Albany, iii. 66

John, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Love, m. Ebenezer Scott, v. pt. 2, 300

Dr. Philo, of Wolcott, iii. 65

Sude, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Wilder H., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2)

Zerah K., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Falconer, Capt., i. 584

Fales, ____, proprietor in Brandon, iii. 441

Dr., of Waterbury, iv. 819

Eld., of Albany, iii. 58²

Capt., v. pt. 2, 28²

Rev. C., of Barre, iv. 52

of Cabot, iv. 101

Rev. Caleb, of Bloomfield, i. 951²

Charles H., of Montpelier, iv. 530²

H., of Middlesex, iv. 236²

Dr. H., of Waterbury, iv. 829, 871²

Henrietta A. (Sheple), wife of Dr. Horace Fales, iv. 857²

Dr. Horace, of Middlesex, iv. 238

of Waterbury, iv. 839(2), 857²

Lydia, m. Rufus Richardson, iii. 793

Prospect E., of Brandon, iii. 497

Fall, Moses, of Charlotte, i. 734²

Fallup, Dr. J. A., iii. 520²

Falstrau, Joseph, of Burlington, i. 655²

Fancher, Dr., of Randolph, ii. 997²

Fane, Francis, of Eng., v. pt. 2, 532

Thomas, of Eng., v. pt. 2, 455

Fanning, Margaret, m. Peter Mason, iii. 509²

Mary, m. Humphrey Brown, ii. 635²

Fanshaw, ____, of N. Y., i. 336²

Farewell, Rev., in Berkshire, ii. 276²

in Williamstown, ii. 1143²

Asa, see Farwell, Asa

C. R., of Castleton, iii. 516²

Granville, of Pittsfield. iii. 935

William, of Swanton, iv. 1133

Fargo, Betsey, wife of Darius Fargo, i. 817²

Darius, of Huntington, i. 817²

Capt. Darius, of Huntington, i. 816

J. C., of Randolph, ii. 995²(2), 1040²

Jabez, of Huntington, i. 815(2), 817², 818², 819

James C., of Waitsfield, iv. 787²

Leonard, of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Lydia (Johnson), wife of Samuel Fargo, i. 820

Samuel, of Huntington, i. 814², 817², 820

Samuel 2d, of Huntington, i. 815²

Dr. Samuel 2d, of Huntington, i. 816

Farland, O. M., of Waterville, ii. 800²

Farley, ____, of Boston, i. 352

of Montpelier, iv. 470²

of Peacham, printer, iv. 469², 470²

Dr., of Swanton, iv. 1058

Rev., of Brooklyn (N. Y.), v. 132²

from Poultney, of Fair Haven, iii. 681, 715

Amos, of Montpelier, iv. 298², 524, 527², 538

of Peacham, iv. 291²

of Worcester (Mass.), iv. 469²

published Green Mt. Patriot, at Peacham, i. 269²

Rev. O. A., of Marshfield, iv. 210², 238²

Farman, Dea., of Tunbridge, ii. 1121

Carlos, of Lowell, iii. 275²

Harvey, of Troy, iii. 354²

Herod, of Lowell, iii. 269²

J. M., of Chittenden, iii. 548

S. J., of Westfield, iii. 362²

Samuel L., of Hartford, iv. verso of title page

Farmer, ____, of Middletown, iii. 829²

Benjamin, v. pt. 2, 31

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378², 383

of Mendon, iii. 785

of Rutland, iii. 1041², 1042

of Westfield (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Bradley, of Charleston, iii. 109



310                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Farmer, Christian, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Eli, iii. 1039²

Jasper, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Jasper Jasper, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Jasper Peter, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

John, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Minot, of Mendon, iii. 785

Nan, m. Oliver Tenney, v. pt. 2, 103²

Peter, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Robert, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Samuel, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Urial, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Farnam, Asa, of Benson, iii. 407², 420²

Lucretia (Griswold), m. Joseph Bas­com, iii. 420²

Farney, M. F. see Varney, M. F.

Farnham, ____, m. Dr. Frederick Schofield iii. 449

m. Hiram Clark, iii. 449

Rev., of Cabot, iv. 101

Aaron, of Greensboro, iii. 213, 215, 216

Anson, of Northfield, iv. 672²

Asa, from Fair Haven, of Benson, iii. 408², 409², 411(2), 418

B. B., of Port Rent (N. Y.), i. 706

Bela, of Brandon and Canada, iii. 449

Catherine. of Greensboro. iii. 215

David I., in Enosburg, ii. 136

David L., of Benson, iii. 415²(2), 416², 417

Florilla, of Greensboro, iii. 215

George W., of Topsham, ii. 1114

Harly, of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

Jared, of Richford, ii. 280², 281, 282

John, of St. Albans, ii. 433²

L. B., of Lunenburg, i. 1020

Mary (Goodenow), wife of Bela Farnham, iii. 449

Peter, of Greensboro, iii. 215

Polly, of Northfield, iv. 672²

R., of Bradford, ii. 818²

Lt. R., of Bradford, ii. 841²

Col. R., iii. 5

of Bradford, ii. 817²

Roswell, of Bradford, ii. 824², iv. 358(2)

Orange co. officer, ii. 807

Mrs. Roswell, of Orange co., iv. 1197

Gov. Roswell, iv. 272, 587², 1197; v. pt. 2, 505, 733²

Roswell jr., of Bradford, ii. 817

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Samuel, of Topsham, ii. 1106

W. I. & Son, of Poultney, iii. 1001(2)

Farnivall, Capt. James, v. pt. 2, 122

Farnsworth, ____, of Middletown, (Conn.), ii. 179²

of Waterbury, iv. 820², 840

of Worcester, iv. 893²

Dr., of Fairfield, ii. 221²

Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 717(2), 718²

Alden, of Brownington, iii. 92

Andrew, of Bakersfield, ii. 106², 107², 394

Sgt. Andrew, of Richford, ii. 427

Asa, in Londonderry, v. pt. 2, 669²

Asahel, of Fairfax, ii. 403

of Sheldon, ii. 430

Benjamin, of Jericho, i. 830

C. H., of Montpelier, iv. 355

Rev. C. H., of Marshfield, iv. 210²

Catherine (Wheeler), wife of Joseph D. Farnsworth, ii. 196²

David, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

David H., of Wolcott and Stowe, ii. 751

Eleazer, of Brattleboro, v. 143

Ezra, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495

Harriet (Brigham), wife of Luke Farnsworth, v. pt. 2, 716

Hiram W., of Brattleboro, v. 58

Horace, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Horace H., of St. Albans, ii. 102

Ira, of Fairfax, built Valley hotel, ii. 174

Isaac Freeman, first death in Bakers­field, 1798, ii. 108²

J. A., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499

Mrs. J. A., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 398²

Judge J. D., of Fairfax, ii. 173²

J. H., of Fairfax, ii. 173², 176, 179², 180

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486

Rev. J. H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511

James, of Fairfax, ii. 171(2), 177², 178²

of Jericho, i. 829², 830

of Richmond, i. 844²

Gen. James, of Swanton, iv. 1059

James jr., of Fairfax, ii. 171²

James D., of Fairfield, ii. 200(2)

James Holmes, of Fairfax, ii. 96, 171

Jasper, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168²

Jasper jr., pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168²

John, from Westmoreland (N. H.), of Coventry, iii. 139(2), 142², 144, 158², 159

Mrs. John, of Coventry, iii. 141², 154

John A., of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 398, 514, 515

portrait of, v. pt. 2. facing p. 510

Jonathan, pioneer of Bakersfield, ii. 103²

pensioner, ii. 392²

Joseph, of Shaftsbury, i. 233, 2d ed. 232²

Dr. Joseph, of Fairfield, ii. 100

Joseph A., of St. Albans, ii. 180

Joseph D., pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 192²

asst. judge of Franklin co. court, ii. 92², 99²



NAME INDEX               311


Farnsworth, Dr. Joseph D., from Middle­town (Conn.), of Fairfax, ii. 179²-80, 196-7

Dr. Joseph Dana, of Cambridge, ii. 100

Josiah, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

Levi, from Charlestown (N. H.), of Fairfax, ii. 168²(2), 174²

of Essex, i. 788²

of Westford, i. 891²

Luke, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 716

Mary J. (Osgood), wife of John A, Farnsworth, v. pt. 2, 398

Milo, of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Oliver, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 168², 171²

of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Prentice, of Bakersfield, ii. 394

Dr. S. E., of Lowell, iii. 43²

Samuel H., of Georgia, ii. 245²

Capt. Samuel H., of St. Albans, ii. 296², 434(2)

Sarah (Cole), wife of Asa Farnsworth, v. pt. 2, 669²

Stephen, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495², 496

Sybel, m. Moses Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Thomas, of Fairfax, ii. 173

William, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155

of Pepperell (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Farnsworth & Hoit. of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 514²

Farnum, Florilla R., m. Hosea W. Brig­ham, v. pt. 2, 716

James M., of Mendon, iii. 787²

Joseph, of Landgrove and Londonderry, i. 198

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719²

Luther, of Calais, iv. 176²

Lydia (Tainter), wife of Joseph Farnum, v. pt. 2, 719²

Peter, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Priscilla, m. Ambrose T. Arnold, v. pt. 2, 622

Farquahar, William, grantee of Benson, iii. 404

Farr, ____, m. Benjamin Estabrook, v. pt. 2, 159²(2)

m. Henry May, v. pt. 2, 622

Mrs., of Charleston, iii. 116

Dr. A., of Waterford, i. 432

Rev. A. A., of Bennington, i. 163, 2d ed. 165

of Pawlet, iii. 904²

Abel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 144

of Huntington, i. 819²

Abigail, m. Amos Smith, v. pt. 2, 144

Abraham, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 79

of Stowe (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 144

Mrs. Abraham, of Windham; v. pt. 3², 20

Abram, of Windsor, v. pt. 2, 147

Anna, m. Ebenezer Miller, v. pt. 2, 97, 147

Capt. Artemas, of Huntington, i. 816

Alijah, of Bradford, ii. 841²

Dr. C., of Waterford, i. 432

Clarissa, m. Benjamin Estabrook, v. pt. 2, 147

Clarissa (Spaulding), wife of Ransom C. Farr, v. pt. 2, 26²

E. T. of Corinth, ii. 882²

Edward, of Northfield, iv. 616

Elenor, m. ____ Gibbs, v. pt. 2, 144

Elias, of Huntington, i. 815, 817², 819², 821

Rev. Elias, of Huntington, i. 816²

Elijah, Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

lawyer, iii. 37

Elizabeth, of Stowe (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 144

Ellen, m. Charles A. French, v. pt. 2, 96²

Elliot T., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Esther, m. Joel Knight, v. pt. 2, 137²

Eunice, m. Nathaniel Haven, v. pt. 2, 33², 86

Fannie, of Mendon, iii. 790

Hannah, m. Isaac Hildreth, v. pt. 2, 144

wife of Samuel Farr, v. pt. 2, 143²

Harlan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576², 602²

Harlem, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582²

Horace, of Bradford, ii. 824²

Hosea, of Bradford, ii. 824

Hyranus, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Ira, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 19

Jerusha, m. Lewis Miller. v. pt. 2, 170², 204²

Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

of Waterford, i. 452²

of N. H., iii. 447²

Leah, m. Amos Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 91²

Levi, grantee of Brandon, iii. 445

Levi B., of Lowell, iii. 281

Lois, of Panton, i. 82

Lorenzo D., of Charleston, iii. 125

Lovell, of Brattleboro, v. 173²

Lydia, of Stowe (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 143²

Lyman, of Brandon, iii. 454²

Mary, m. Thaddeus Underwood, v. pt. 2, 452

Mrs. Mary, of Huntington, i. 819²

Mary Ann, of Mendon, iii. 789²

Nancy (Lyon), wife of Lyman Farr, iii. 454²

Polly, m. Luke Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189

Polly (Harris), wife of Abraham Farr, v. pt. 2, 144

Polly (Smith), wife of Abel Farr, v. pt. 2, 144



312                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Farr, Rachel (Faskett), wife of Abraham Farr, v. pt. 2, 144

Ransom C., of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 26²

Roswell, of Cabot, iv. 104², 105²

Capt. Roswell, of Cabot, iv. 118

Salmon, of Brandon, iii. 443², 457²

Samuel, of Stowe (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 143², 144

Shubael, of Morgan, iii. 286

Susannah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 144

T. G. W., of Waitsfield, iv. 787, 793²

Tabitha, m. Eleazer Cobleigh, v. pt. 2, 144

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110², 144

Wait, of Fayston, iv. 178

William, of Brandon, iii. 444

of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 33²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

of Fayston, iv. 178, 182²

Winslow, of Charleston, iii. 108², 115, 122, 380

Farr & Driggs, of Bradford, ii. 824²

Farragut, Adm. David G., at New Or­leans, iii. 422

Farral, Patrick, of Moretown, iv. 601²

Farrand, ____, of Chittenden co., ii. 129²

Judge, of Burlington, ii. 659², 660²

Dea. Benjamin, of Burlington, i. 655²

Benoni, of Sudbury, iii. 1137²

Dea. Cyrus, of Colchester, i. 776², 777

Daniel, of Burlington, i. 468² note, 471², 498², 501, 502, 504, 509², 539², 543(2), 609²; iv. 1052

at Williston, i. 469

Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2)

asst. judge, Vt. Supreme court, ii. 295²

Rev. Daniel, of Canaan (Conn.), i. 498²; iii. 1051²

Friend, of Colchester, i. 776²

Georgia, first child born in Georgia, ii. 236(2)

Joseph, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Priest, see Farrand, Rev. Daniel

Smith, of Highgate, ii. 265

Timothy, of Colchester, i. 776²

William, of Georgia, ii. 235²(2), 236

Farrar, ____, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 153

of Fairfax, ii. 176

Rev., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 123², 124

of New Ipswich (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 235

in Westfield, iii. 351

A. S., of Swanton, iv. 1034, 1045², 1059², 1089, 1103²

Anna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 85²

of Enosburg, ii. 133²

dau. of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Anna F., first child born in Enosburg, ii. 133²

Arnold S., of Swanton, iv. 1034, 1044

Asa, pioneer of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Brown, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 150

Calvin, v. pt. 2, 85

of Middlesex, iv. 241²

of Wells, iii. 1196

Caroline Eliza, m. Levi Brown, v. pt. 2, 85

Cassius D., of St. Albans, ii. 331²

Charles, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385(2)

Rev. Charles, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392(2)

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548

Charlotte A., m. Dr. George M. Hall, iv. 1138

Daniel, from Cambridge, of Fletcher, ii. 210²

of Sudbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85

Daniel jr., of Sudbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85

E. L., of Burlington, i. 515

Eben, of Fairfax, ii. 176

Elizabeth, wife of Charles Farrar, v. pt. 2, 392

Frances Louisa, m. Clark Sumner Jennison, iv. 1119²

George, of Lincoln (Mass.), ii. 798; v. pt. 2, 124²

George 2d, of Lincoln (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85²(2)

H. B., of Swanton, iv. 1016², 1017, 1018², 1027²(2), 1028, 1030, 1033², 1045(2), 1046, 1085², 1119, 1129²

Rev. H. C., of Burlington, i. 547

of Swanton, iv. 1119

of Wells, iii. 1194²

H. W., of Swanton, iv. 1128², 1186(2)

Hannah, m. Allen C. Roberts, iii. 643

Hannah (Fletcher), wife of Daniel Farrar, iv. 85

Hannah (Hayward), wife of Jacob Farrar 2d, v. pt. 2, 85

Hannah (Taylor), wife of Josiah Farrar, v. pt. 2, 85

Harvey D., of Richford, ii. 96², 280(2), 284

Henry, of England, v. pt. 2, 85

Horatio B., of Swanton, iv. 1046², 1138, 1186, 1187²

Hotia, of Swanton, iv. 1045², 1116

Rev. Hubbard C., of Swanton, iv. 1085²

Humphrey, of Petersham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85²

son of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Isaac B., pioneer of Enosburg, 133(2), 135

Rev. J. C., iii. 866

Jacob jr., from Eng., of Lancaster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85(2)

Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 85²

Joel Brooks, son of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

John, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

from Eng., of Lancaster (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85

Rev. John A., in Westfield, iii. 352²



NAME INDEX               313


Farrar, Rev. Joseph, of Lincoln (Mass.) and Dummerston, ii. 623², 624²-5, 797; iii. 41²; v. pt. 2, 75, 76(2), 83(2), 87, 124²-5, 157, 205

sketch, in Rev. war, ii. 798; v. pt. 2, 84-6

Joseph jr., son of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Joseph 2d, of Petersham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85²

Josiah, of Sudbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85(2)

Lucy, of St. Albans, ii. 332²

Luther, of Middlesex, iv. 237

Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 85²

dau. of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

wife of Daniel Farrar jr., v. pt. 2, 85

Mary (Barron), wife of Timothy Farrar, ii. 829²

Mary (Brooks), wife of George Farrar 2d, v. pt. 2, 85²(2)

wife of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Mary (Howe). wife of George Farrar, v. pt. 2, 85(2)

Moses, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133, 150

Phineas, of Sudbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85

Polly, of Enosburg, ii. 141², 142²

Priest, of New Ipswich (N. H.), ii. 135, 135, 142²

Reuel, of Petersham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85²

son of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 85²

dau. of Rev. Joseph Farrar, ii. 798

Samuel, of Enosburg and Richford, ii. 142², 284

of Essex, i. 780, 781²

of Swanton, iv. 1044

Sarah Ann, m. Dr. George M. Hall, iv. 1138

Sarah (Hubbard), wife of H. B. Farrar, iv. 1118²

Stephen, of Fairfax, ii. 176

of New Ipswich (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 642²(2)

Rev. Stephen, of New Ipswich (N. H.), ii. 150

Timothy, of Lebanon (N. H.), ii. 829²

W., of Swanton, iv. 1018²

W. & H. B., of Swanton, iv. 1024, 1033², 1034, 1036², 1045², 1129²

Wakeline, of England, v. pt. 2, 85

William, of Highgate, ii. 265

of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949

of Swanton, iv. 1017, 1033², 1046², 1133², 1185²

Mrs. William, of Lancaster (N. H.), and Guildhall, i. 1012

Farrar family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 84-6

Farrill, Robert, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Farrington, ____, of Brandon, iii. 441²

land claims in Orleans co., iii. 380

revenue officer, i. 503², 504

Abigail, wife of Jacob Farrington, iii. 452²

Alexander, of Charleston, iii. 128²

D. H., of Highgate, ii. 262, 265

Daniel, of Highgate, ii. 421

Lt. Daniel, of Brandon, ii. 344², 345(2)

Capt. Daniel, from New Canaan (N. Y.), of Brandon, iii. 483-5

sketch, iii. 452-3

Edward, of Brandon and Colchester, iii. 452²

Franklin, of Brandon, iii. 444², 452²

Mrs. Franklin (née Horton), of Brandon, iii. 444², 472

Isaac, of Fairlee, ii. 905(2)

J. A., of Cabot, iv. 82

J. W., of Cabot, iv. 108²

Jacob, from Kings (N. Y.). of Bran­don, ii. 451, 483

sketch. iii. 452²

John A., of Cabot, iv. 104

Lois (Drury), wife of Capt. Daniel Farrington, iii. 452²

Nathaniel, of Walden, iv. 40²

sketch, i. 427²

Nathaniel jr., of Walden, i. 426², 427²

Polly (King), wife of Edward Farrington, iii. 452²

Stephen, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

Thirza, m. Maj. Gideon Horton jr., iii. 453

Willard, attorney, ii. 93, 95

Farris, Robert, of Thetford, ii. 1178²

Farsworth, James, of Swanton and Fairfax, iv. 1056

Farvel, Lt., v. pt. 2, 28², 31

Lt. Joseph, v. pt. 2, 29²

Farwell, ____ of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589

Rev., of Barre, iv. 651²

of Shoreham, i. 96²

A. S., of Wells River, ii. 956

Abel, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Asa, from Mansfield (Conn.), of Dorset, i. 187, 2d ed. 188²

Rev. Asa, of Dorset and Haverhill (Mass.), i. 187, 191², 2d ed. 188², 192

Benjamin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²

Bethia, m. Joel Holton, v. pt. 2, 583²

Charlotte, of Randolph and Cleve­land (O.), ii. 1043²

Elsa, m. Alpheus Carley, ii. 1043²

Fanny, of Randolph, ii. 1043²

Fanny (York), wife of Leonard Farwell, ii. 1043²

George, of Randolph, ii. 1043²

Harriet, m. David Hersh, ii. 1043²

Isaac, from Mansfield (Conn.), of Dorset, i. 187, 2d ed. 188²

Lt. Isaac, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

J. G., of Montpelier, iv. 563

John, of Barre, iv. 41²

from Mansfield (Conn.), of Dor­set, i. 187, 2d ed. 188²



314                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Farwell, Lt. Joseph, of Groton (Mass.?), iv. 1155

Lemuel, of Barre, iv. 30

of Montpelier, iv. 351

Col. Lemuel, of Barre, iv. 919

Leonard, from Tyngsboro (Mass.), of Randolph, sketch, ii. 1043-4

Lucia D. (Cross), wife of Marcus A. Farwell, iv. 515

Marcus A., of Chicago, iv. 515²

Oliver, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

William, of Albany, iii. 66

in Calais, iv. 145²

Rev. William, iv. 576²

of Barre, iv. 30(2), 919

of Calais, iv. 146²

in Glover. iii. 207

in Marshfield, iv. 208

in Strafford, ii. 1081

William jr., of Swanton, iv. 1133²

Farwell Bros., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Farwell families, of Fairfax, ii. 176

Fasset, John, of Bennington, iii. 1078², 1079

of Supreme court, i. 829²

Dr. John, of Cambridge, ii. 100

Jonathan, of Pittsford, iii. 1078², 1079

Capt. Jonathan. iii. 1074

Fassett, ____, of Cambridge, ii. 641²

of Enosburg, ii. 150²

of Montpelier, iv. 299

of Moretown, iv. 598²

m. Noah Chittenden, i. 832

____ (née Safford), wife of Judge Fassett, ii. 640²

Judge, of Chittenden co., ii. 640²(2)

Gen., from Bennington, of Cambridge, ii. 613

A., of Richford, ii. 427²

Alvin, of Enosburg, ii. 141², 155

of Sheldon, ii. 142², 379(2)

Ami, of Sheldon, ii. 430

Amos, from Bennington, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 169², 172, 178²-9, 596(2), 597, 610²(2), 611², 621, 643(2), 647²(2), 648, 651²(2), 652(2)

surveyed Cambridge, ii. 595²(2)

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 132², 133² (2), 134, 142², 155

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Pitts­ford, iii. 942, 949

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

asst. judge, Franklin co. court, ii. 92²

Amos & co., in Cambridge, ii. 596

Anna, wife of Amos Fassett. ii. 141², 142²

Anna (Laurence), wife of Amos Fassett, iii. 949

Anson, of Enosburg, ii. 141²

of Sheldon, ii. 430

Benjamin, ii. 643

grantee of Cambridge. ii. 596(2)

first recorded deed in Enosburg, ii. 134

surveyed Fletcher, ii. 200²

Lt. Benjamin, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Col. Benjamin, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Bennington, i. 171, 2d ed. 173

Cephas, Morristown history, ii. 681²

Clara, m. Timothy Merrill. iv. 437

David, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

grantee of Croton, iv. 1145

Elias, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Col. Elias, of Bennington, i. 136², 171, 2d ed. 138², 173

Gen. Elias, ii. 178

of St. Albans, ii. 316, 323²

G. S., of Enosburg, ii. 137

Hannah, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Mrs. Hannah (Safford), wife of John Fassett jr., i. 170², 2d ed. 173

Hiram, of Enosburg, ii. 155

John grantee of Cambridge, ii. 587, 596(2), 599, 605, 611, 621, 631²

of Enosburg, ii. 145², 146²

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

commissioner of sequestration, i. 201

conference with British, i. 917² note

Dr. John, from Bennington, of Cambridge, ii. 598², 613

War of 1812, i. 672

Rev. John, in Benson, iii. 413²

Capt. John, pioneer of Bennington, i. 143², 144², 170², 178²(2), 222², 832, 2d ed. 145², 146, 147, 172², 180², 221²

in Rev. war, ii. 390

John jr., iv. 253², 256

of Arlington. i. 134², 466², 472², 2d ed. 136²

from Bennington, of Cambridge, i. 466²; ii. 610²

grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 595(2), 596, 605

in Charlestown, i. 919²

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 682

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Bennington, Arlington and Cambridge, i. 170²-1, 2d ed. 172²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Capt. John jr., of Arlington, i. 130, 2d ed. 131²

from Bennington, of Fair Haven, iii. 721

John 2d, of Bennington, i. 143², 152, 2d ed. 146, 154²

John 3d, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Dea. John B., of Irasburg, iii. 296²



NAME INDEX               315


Fassett, Jonathan, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 595, 596

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Pittsford, iii. 942, 944², 947², 948, 954

Capt. Jonathan, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

in Jericho, i. 456², 457

in Rev. war, ii. 390

Mary, dau. of John Fassett, see Robinson, Mrs. Mary (Fassett)

Molly, of Pittsford, iii. 944²

Nathan, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Isle La Motto, ii. 554 note

Dr. Nathan, of Cambridge, ii. 611²

O. F. of Swanton, iv. 1058

Dr. O. F., of St. Albans, ii. 318²

Dr. Oscar F., of E. Berkshire and St. Albans, ii. 115²

Pliney, of Enosburg, ii. 141²

Samantha, of Cambridge, ii. 597²

Fassett & House, built first house in Enosburg, ii. 150

Fassetts, of Bennington, ii. 934

Fassetts (Amos & Dr.), of Cambridge, ii. 648

Faulkner, Albert J., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715²

Alice (Starr), wife of William A. Faulkner, v. pt. 2, 710

Emma M., m. Henry H. Holbrook, v. pt. 2, 710²

Miranda (Green), wife of Shepard D. Faulkner, v. pt. 2, 708, 710

Roxanna, m. Sumner Chase, v. pt. 2, 718

Royal S., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 697²

Shepard D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 708, 710, 711²

Thomas, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 22

W. A., of Brattleboro, v. 185²

Willard jr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 697²

William A., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 710

Faulkner & Colony, of Keene (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 514

Faunce, ____, of Abington (Mass.), ii. 1038

Ellen Sarah (Partridge), from Randolph, of Abington (Mass.), ii. 1038

Favil, John, of Burlington, i. 505

Faxan, E., of Fairfax, ii. 393²

Francis, of Fairfax, ii. 393²

Faxon, ____ tailor, of Bennington, i. 138², 2d ed. 140²

Azariah, of Cambridge, ii. 621

Stiles, of Swanton, iv. 1039²

Fay, ____ iii. 1026

of Enosburg, surveyor, ii. 150²

Judge, v. 99(2), 100²

Mrs. (née Adams), of Chicago, iv. 1054

Rev., of Jericho, ii. 210

of St. Albans, iv. 157

Maj., of Rutland, iii. 567, 1064²

Col., in Williamstown (Mass.), v. 90

Amos, surveyed Franklin, ii. 221

Ariel, in Roxbury, iv. 751

Rev. Ariel, in Northfield, iv. 650

Asa, pioneer of Franklin, ii. 220²

B. F., of Bennington, i. 141², 2d ed. 144

Benjamin, of Bennington, i. 144, 168, 171, 2d ed. 146², 170, 173

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1004, 1009, 1041, 1080, 1132², 1133(2), 1185, 1186²

sheriff of Franklin co., ii. 93²

sheriff at the execution of Redding, i. 159², 2d ed. 161²

Benjamin F., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 36

Beulah, see Billings, Mrs. Beulah (Fay)

Rev. C., in Vergennes, i. 107

Rev. Charles, from Cambridge (Mass.), of Burlington and St. Albans, ii. 99(2), 113², 338(2), 361², 471²; iv. 657²

Historical discourse, ii. 335²

of Charlotte, i. 742

of Highgate, ii. 270²

Mrs. Charles, wife of Rev. Charles Fay, ii. 270²

Charlotte Emily, from Pa., of St. Albans, sketch, ii. 301-4, 368

poems, ii. 362-4

Collis, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

Cyrus, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

D. B., of Calais, iv. 164²

David, of Bennington, i. 467², 636²

of Charlton (Mass.), grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Judge David, of Bennington, in Rev. war, i. 158², 165², 171, 2d ed. 160², 167², 173

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Ben­nington, in Bennington battle, i. 172, 2d ed. 174

Col. David, of Bennington, surveyed Berkshire, ii. 110

David B., of Calais, iv. 173, 174², 175

Davis, of Bennington, ii. 346²

Dinah, m. Peren Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 443

Rev. Edward, of Jericho, i. 830²

Edward J., of Burlington, i. 509²

Elijah, in Bennington, i. 144, 158², 171, 2d ed. 146², 160², 173

Ethan Allen, son of Dr. Jonas Fay, i. 172, 2d ed. 174

F. B., of Calais, iv. 164²

Gardner, of Calais, iv. 150²

Harrison, of Rutland, iii. 1116², 1117(2), 1118²

Lt. Heman Allen, son of Dr. Jonas Fay, i. 172(2), 2d ed. 174



316                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Fay, Henry, of Calais, iv. 166²

of Richmond, i. 844²

James, iii. 1075

Jedediah, of Calais, iv. 134, 135, 136, 146, 166, 172², 173(2), 174², 175²

John, v. pt. 35, 29

of Burlington, i. 494, 504; iv. 884², 885

of Hanby, iii. 592

grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

grantee of Grand Isle. ii. 519 note

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Richmond, i. 844²

Sgt. John, of Bennington, Rev. soldier, i. 153, 157², 158², 171, 636², 2d ed. 155², 160(2), 173

John jr., grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Jonah, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Jonas, i. 774, 911² note; ii. 563, 1029²; iv. 253, 256; v. pt. 2, 337

of Bennington, i. 144, 636², 2d ed. 146²; iii. 431²; v. pt. 3³, 8

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Dr. Jonas, of Bennington, i. 164², 185², 2d ed. 166², 187; ii. 156²; v. pt. 2, 539²

of Bennington and Charlotte, i. 745

of Bennington and Pawlet, iii. 894, 913²

from Hardwick (Mass.), of Ben­nington, sgt. at Ticonderoga, sketch, i. 171-2, 2d ed. 173

clerk of Dorset convention and delegate from Pownal, i. 185(2) 2d ed. 186²(2)

said to have skeleton of Redding in his house, i. 159², 2d ed. 162

Mrs. Jonas (Safford), ii. 156²

Jonathan, of Bakersfield, at Plattsburg battle, ii. 394

Joseph, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²

grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Franklin, ii. 218²(2)

grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2), 396

grantee of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 24²

of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1185²

Maj. Joseph, conference with British, i. 919(2), 920

Col. Joseph, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Bennington, i. 144, 158², 171, 475, 636², 773², 774, 2d ed. 146², 160², 173; ii. 278², 630, 976²; iii. 47, 83, 240, 343², 586², 873(2); iv. 129², 130², 254, 256, 302², 917² note

sketch, i. 172. 2d ed. 174

Julia A., m. Silas H. Hodges, iii. 567

Landlord, see Fay, Stephen

Levi, of Essex co., i. 1006

Luther, of Strafford, ii. 1079²

Lydia (Brewster), wife of William Fay, iii. 802²

Mary, dau. of Stephen Fay, see Robinson, Mrs. Mary (Fay)

Melusina, iv. 1092²

Moses, of Burlington, attorney, i. 473, 504

Nancy, of Strafford, ii. 1079²

Nathan, of Richmond, i. 844², 845, 846², 935²

Nathan jr., of Richmond, i. 845

Nehemiah, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342², 346

Polly, of Calais, iv. 166

grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

R. B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

Rebecca, m. William Nurse. v. pt. 2, 106²

Reuben, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²

Samuel, of Bennington, i. 151, 171, 237, 2d ed. 153², 173, 236²

grantee of Calais, iv, 130, 133², 134, 135(2), 136, 165², 172²(2), 173(2), 174(2), 175²

Sanford, of Richford, ii. 428

Sarafina, of Calais, iv. 166²

Sarah, dau. of Stephen, see Robinson, Mrs. Sarah (Fay)

Mrs. Sarah (Robinson), widow of Benjamin Fay, m. Gen. Heman Swift, i. 168, 2d ed. 170

Stephen, of Bennington, iii. 674²

grantee of Calais, iv. 129(2), 130(2), 131², 135, 136, 176

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

landlord, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Bennington, i. 144, 151(2), 153², 157², 159², 166², 168(2), 169², 172, 463, 911² note, 2d ed. 146², 153², 156, 160, 161², 169, 170(2), 171², 174; v. pt. 35, 26², 29

sketch, i. 171, 2d ed. 173

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Stephen jr., of Bennington, i. 171, 2d ed. 173

Mrs. Susannah, of Burlington, i. 655

Theodore S., U. S. minister to Switzerland, i. 166², 172, 2d ed. 168², 174

a poem. i. 181, 2d ed. 182²

Thomas, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Truman, of Richmond, i. 845

Dr. Warren, from Windham, of Pavillion (N. Y.), v. pt. 3², 12²

Willard, of Calais, iv. 150²

William, of Rutland, iii. 802², 803, 1013², 1064², 1081(2)



NAME INDEX               317


Fay & Davison, of Rutland, iii. 1064²

publishers, Sketches of the War, i. 558²

Fay, Brown & co., of Rutland, iii. 1064²

Fay, Davison & Burt, of Rutland, iii. 1004²

Fays, i. 909

of Bennington, ii. 934; v. pt. 35, 30²

Felch, Hezekiah H., of Topsham, ii. 1114

Ira, of Mendon, iii. 787²

Feld family, see Field family

Felix, Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 329², 337²

Fell, ____, lawyer, i. 842

W. W., author, i. 559²

Fellows, Rev., in Guildhall, i. 1011²

Capt., of Tolland (Conn.), Rev. officer, ii. 796

Abiel, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Ezra, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Hannah, of Newbury, ii. 932

Hubbard, of Corinth, ii. 883

John, grantee of Albany, iii. 47

of Corinth, ii. 883², 886²

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

John jr., grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Joseph, from Salisbury (Mass.), of Corinth, ii. 885(2)

Joseph jr., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Rev. N., iv. 490²

of Montpelier, iv. 382, 505²

Nathan, grantee of Danby, iii. 577²

Nathaniel, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Rachel, grantee of Albany, iii. 462

Ruth, m. Lt. Stephen Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187²

Samuel, of Corinth, ii. 883², 886²

William, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

of Newbury and Corinth, ii. 885(2), 886

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Felton, ____, m. Jonas Twitchell, v. pt. 2, 547²

m. Dr. Moses Chamberlain, v. pt. 2, 543²

Alonzo, of Franklin, ii. 220²

Anson, of Middlesex, iv. 236²

Asa, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²

Benjamin, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Charles, of Franklin, ii. 222(2), 224

H. H. & H. L., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²

H. L., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²

Henry H., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²(2)

Nathan E., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²

Sarah E., a poem, ii. 232

on Ebenezer Sanderson, ii. 230²

William, of Franklin, ii. 220², 221(2), 222(2), 224

Young, of Tunbridge, ii. 1129

Fenelon, ____, v. pt. 3, 76

Fenn, Lucy. m. Sylvanus Hard, i. 2d ed. 135²,

Fenn & co., of Rutland, iii. 1041

Fenner, Arthur, grantee of Charleston, iii. 121, 122

Edward, grantee of Charleston, iii. 121

John, grantee of Charleston, iii. 121

Fennessy, ____, of Brighton, i. 955

Fenney, William, of Goffstown (N. H.), i. 419²

Fenton, C. W., iii. 1113

Joanna, m. Thomas Palmer, iii. 961²

Leander, of St. Johnsbury, i. 410²

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Mathew, of Rutland, iii. 1080², 1081

N., of Rutland, iii. 1081

Gen. R. W., of St. Johnsbury, i. 402, 410²

Roswell, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Fenwick, Bishop, of Boston, i. 550²; iv. 422

Fergerson, Alexander, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Ferguher, William, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Ferguson, Alexander, of Burlington, i. 493, 496

of Huntington, i. 472², 815²(2), 819², 823²

of Swanton, iv. 1022, 1033², 1129²

Daniel, of Sherburne, iii. 1123

Rev. David, in Huntington, i. 827²

of Starksboro, i. 103², 817

Francis, of Georgia, ii. 241²

George & co., of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219²

James, of Barnet, i. 286; iii. 1038(2)

Rev. James, in Northfield, iv. 655

John, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²

of Starksboro and Monkton, i. 66², 67², 103(2)

of Strafford, ii. 1080²

Martha, m. James Miller, v. pt. 2, 182²

Myron S., of Bennington, i. 259

Reuben, of Essex, i. 780

Royal, of Huntington, i. 815²

Willard, of Johnson, ii. 679²

Ferland, Abbe, historian, iv. 981

Fernald, Rev. J. C., of Cambridge (Mass.), iii. 1042²

Ferin, W. G., of Hyde Park, ii. 662²

Ferrand, Daniel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²

Ferrier, Rev. Thomas, of Ryegate, i. 384

Ferrin, ____, of Holland, iii. 232

m. Rev. John Cowan, iv. 732²

Rev., iv. 984²

A. W., of Montpelier, iv. 282, 355²

Allan, of Plainfield, iv. 734²

C. E., of Plainfield, iv. 727

Rev. C. E., of Holland and Hinesburg, i. 796²; iii. 237²

hist. of Hinesburg, i. 792-812²

on Rev. Alexander L. Twilight, iii. 101²

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 355², 563



318                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Ferrin, Dr. Chester, of Holland and St. Johnsbury, iii. 237²

Clark E., of Hinesburg, iii. 182, 798²

Rev. Clark E., of Holland and Bar­ton, iii. 36, 87²

sketches, iii. 88; iv. 731²-3

Rev. Clark Ela, of Hinesburg, iv. 1200

Hannah, of Montpelier, iv. 328

John, of Morristown, ii. 800²

Lucinda (Conant), wife of Micah Ferrin, iii. 88, 237

Micah, of Holland, iii. 88, 236²

sketch, iii. 237

Rachel (Wilcox), wife of Micah Ferrin, iii. 237

Sophronia B. (Boynton), wife of Rev. Clark E. Ferrin, iii. 88²

W. G., attorney, of Montpelier, iv. 277², 409, 550²

Whitman G., of Montpelier, iv. 272², 282, 356²

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

William, of Plainfield and Forest Grove (Oreg.), iv. 732², 733

Ferris, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1022, 1053²

settled at Basin Harbor, in Vergennes, i. 32²

taken prisoner, 1778, i. 6

Rev., i. 105

Judge, of Swanton, iv. 1044, 1144²

Mrs., of Swanton, iv. 1044

Almira E., m. Gov. P. T. Washburn. iv. 1105²

Benjamin, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² and note

granted and surveyed Ferrisburg, i. 32²

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

grantee of Huntington, i. 813

of Oblong (N. Y.), applied for charter of Ferrisburg, i. 32, 1026

grantee of Orwell, i. 73² and note (2)

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Benjamin jr., grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Huntington, i. 813

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Catharine (Everest), wife of Edwin M. Ferris, iv. 1105²

Charles J., of Swanton, iv. 1103², 1105²

Cornelia (Brayton), wife of V. S. Ferris, iv. 1050, 1123²

Darius, first child born in Panton, i. 82

David, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note, 734 note

surveyed Ferrisburg, i. 32²

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 792²

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

E. M., of Swanton, iv. 1020, 1030

E. P., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Edwin, of Roxbury, iv. 747, 761

Edwin M., of Swanton, iv. 1105², 1134

Elijah, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

of Swanton and N. Y., iv. 1005, 1025, 1105

Emma Everest (Gates), wife of Valentine S. Ferris, iv. 1105², 1123²

Helen A., m. Horatia H. Brayton, iv. 1056, 1105²

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 354

of Northfield, iv. 683

Hiram, of Chazy (N. Y.), lake pilot, i. 669², 670 note, 687(2), 702, 706

Hiram & A., of Chazy (N. Y.), i. 670

Hiram E., of South Hero. ii. 586

Horace, of Burlington, i. 655²

J. A., of Swanton, iv. 1020

J. Alexander, of Cal., iv. 1105²

James, grantee of Huntington, i. 813(2)

of Panton, i. 82

James jr, grantee of Huntington. i. 813

Jed, committee to fence Panton, 1766, i. 79

John, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

of Swanton, iv. 1025², 1026(2), 1027(2), 1030

John jr., grantee of Huntington, i. 813

John A., of Swanton, iv. 1030

Jonas, of Enosburg, ii. 399

Jonathan, from Stamford (Conn.), of Brandon, iii. 430, 443²

of Swanton, iv. 1005, 1024², 1025, 1043², 1047, 1056, 1105, 1132²

Joseph, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note (2)

Joseph jr., grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

L. C., of Swanton, iv. 1010

Lynde C., of N. Y. and Boston, iv. 1105²

Maria A., m. R. F. Fletcher, iv. 1105²

Mortimer C., of Boston, iv. 1105²

Noah, of Panton, i. 80²

Orange, of St. Albans, i. 694; ii. 315, 338(9)

Peter, from Duchess co. (N. Y.), of Panton, i. 80(2) and note

sketch, i. 81²-2

Mrs. Peter, of Panton, i. 82

Philo, of Rutland, iii. 1046

Rev. Philo, of Brandon, iii. 474

Read, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Reed, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

granted Ferrisburg, i. 32

of Pawlington (N. Y.). iii. 137²

Squire, of Panton, i. 80, 82(2)

Thomas, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Ursula (Catlin), wife of Jonathan Ferris, iv. 1105²

V. S., of Swanton, iv. 1014², 1015, 1017², 1020, 1030, 1044, 1047(2), 1048, 1059², 1088², 1089, 1103(2), 1105, 1132²



NAME INDEX               319


Ferris, V. S. & co., of Swanton, iv. 1017, 1020, 1026², 1027, 1085, 1129²

Valentine S., of Swanton, ii. 92²; iv. 1105², 1134, 1186, 1187(2)

portrait, iv. facing p. 1123

sketch, iv. 1123-4

Mrs. Valentine S. (née Brayton), iv. 1105²

Rev. Walter, of Hinesburg, i. 798

in Huntington, i. 827²

in Strafford, ii. 1081

William, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Zachariah, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Zebulon, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note, 734 note(2)

of Grand Isle, ii. 536²

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Ferris family, of Panton, i. 80²

Ferrises, of Swanton, iv. 1024, 1043², 1144²

Ferry, ____, from Mass., of Johnson, ii. 671

Addison, of Chicopee (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 331²

Daniel, of Hyde Park, ii. 655²

David, of Ryegate, i. 376

Eliza J., m. Oscar Wright, v. pt. 2, 331²

Joseph of Hyde Park, ii. 655²

Lovina, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Rachel. m. John Johnson, i. 596²

Solomon, of Roxbury, iv. 760

Fessenden, Albert D., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352²

Benjamin, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

E., of Brattleboro, v. 172²

Elizabeth, of Brattleboro, v. 58², 86, 110²

Ellen, m. J. Blake, v. 85²

Gen. F. H., of Brattleboro, v. 51, 86

Frederick H., of Brattleboro, v. 110²(2)

Henriette (Smith), wife of Gen. F. H. Fessenden, v. 86, 110²

Jane, of Brattleboro, v. 110²

m. Dr. Clark, v. 86

John, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 110-2

Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 20; 35²(2), 85²(2), 86(2)

sketch, v. 110

Mrs. Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 110²

Kate, of Burlington, i. 536

Mary, of Brattleboro. v. 85², 86, 110²

Patty (Holbrook), wife of William Fessenden, v. 109

Sarah, m. Elisha Allen, v. 85²

Sophia, of Brattleboro, v. 85²

Rev. Thomas, of Walpole (N. H.), v. 180²; v. pt. 2, 631, 642²

Thomas Green, of Brattleboro, i. 255, 556², 559²; iii. 1013; v. 20, 77, 102, 180²

sketch, v. 110-1

Thomas K., of Brattleboro, v. 58, 110²

of Walpole (N. H.), v. 109

William, from Walpole (N. H.), of Brattleboro, v. 17, 19, 20, 34²(2), 35²(2), 76, 77, 85²(2), 110(2), 111², 112², 180

sketch, v. 109-10

William P., of Me., i. 648

Willy, of Brattleboro, v. 168

Fessenden Bros., of Brattleboro, v. 109-12

Fetch, Col., v. pt. 2, 29

Field, ____, of Lyndon, i. 344

grantee of Rutland, iii. 1014²

of St. Albans, ii. 306²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

in Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Dr., of Lyndon, i. 351

Rev., in Brattleboro, v. 112

of Pawlet, iii. 904

Mrs. (Lusk), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 608

Gen., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725²

rebel officer, ii. 388²

A. C., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 347²

of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Dr. A. E., of Barre, iv. 34²

Abner, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120

Alpheus, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Alvira (Haven), wife of Lorenzo Field, v. pt. 2, 34

Amos, from Mansfield (Conn.), of Dorset, i. 187²-8, 2d ed. 189

Anna, m. Phineas Strong, iii. 928

Anthony, granted Ferrisburg, i. 32, 33

in Ferrisburg, i. 33

Asa, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 901², 928

Benjamin, of Ferrisburg, i. 33

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 538

C. K., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 145

Charles, engineer, iv. 563

Mrs. Charles (née Kellogg), v. 187

Charles K., of Brattleboro, iv. 483²; v. 123, 134², 143²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 431, 455-9, 461², 475-6, 478(2), 726²(2), 728(2)

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14, 15

on Capt. Samuel Root, v. 123-4

Charles K. jr., of Brattleboro, v. 187

Charles Kellogg, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 186²-7

Charlotte, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78(2)

Clifford Kimball, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Consider (Dickinson), wife of Hiland Field, v. pt. 3, 77²

Cora Arabella, m. Samuel Houghton jr., v. pt. 3, 78²(2)

Rev. D. in Brookfield, ii. 862²

of Peacham, i. 361²(2)

Rev. Daniel, in Craftsbury, iii. 166²

of Plainfield, iv. 727²

David, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 3², 15, 16², 17(2), 18, 19, 77, 79

from Guilford (Conn.), of Jericho, i. 834

from Hatfield (Mass.), of Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 77²

David jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77²



320                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER 



Field, Ebenezer, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77(2)

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²

Elihu, of Brattleboro, v. 43

from Deerfield (Mass.), of Guil­ford, v. pt. 3, 34², 35², 36, 37, 49, 58, 61², 63², 64², 67², 77²(2), 78(2)

Elihu jr., of Brattleboro, v. 42²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78(2)

Elisha, of Bakersfield, ii. 394

of Bennington, i. 143², 145, 2d ed. 145², 146, 147

Elisha W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Eliza, m. John Presson, v. pt. 2, 61²

Mrs. Eliza (Kimball), iv. 395²

Elizabeth, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77

m. Justus Holley, i. 187, 2d ed. 189

Esther Smith (Kellogg), wife of Gen. Martin Field, v. pt. 2, 466

Eugene, of Chicago, v. pt. 2, 467

Eunice, m. Joseph Smead, v. pt. 3, 77

Fanny (Knapp), wife of Elisha W. Field, v. pt. 2, 204, 215²

Filana, m. William Smith, v. pt. 3, 78

Frederick, i, 182², 2d ed. 184

of Dorset, i. 183 note, 189-90², 2d ed. 184² note, 190-1²

Frederick G., of Springfield, iv. 1195

Rev. G. W., of Bangor (Me.), iii. 157

Gains, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 330

George, of Brandon and Whiting, iii. 460

pioneer of Ferrisburg, i. 33²

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 667²

George Pliny, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Gratia, m. Thomas Lynde, v. pt. 3, 78

H. K., attorney, iv. 277²

Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 176

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²

of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 281

Henry F., of Rutland, iii. 1009

Henry K., of Brattleboro, v. 58

of Montpelier, iv. 357, 553; v. 187²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 488

of San Francisco (Cal.), v. pt. 2, 476

Hepsibah (Dickinson), wife of Elihue Field, v. pt. 3, 78

Herbert, of Newport, iii. 295²

Hiland, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77²

Dr. Hubbard, of Lyndon, i. 346

Ida Jane, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Ina S., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

Israel, of Brattleboro, v. 23

J., grantee of Ferrisburg, i. 32

Jane Sophia, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78(2)

Jedediah, from Guilford (Conn.), of Jericho, i. 834

Jeremiah, grantee of Charleston, iii. 119

Jesse, of Bennington, i. 161², 2d ed. 163²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

John, of England, v. 187; v. pt. 3, 76²(2)

John M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61²

Joseph, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 76²

Joshua, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77

from Winchester (N. H.), of Brandon, sketch, iii. 451, 456

Josiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77

Julia Kellogg, m. Col. Elisha P. Jewett, iv. 483²

Julia (Kellogg), wife of Charles K. Field, v. 187'; v. pt. 2, 476

Julia Paulina, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Laura Pamelia, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Levi, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 15

Lorenzo, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 34

Louisa (Hadlock), wife of Rodney Burt Field, v. pt. 3, 78²

Lyman, of Jericho, i. 940²

Mabel Almina, m. George Lee Ly­man, i. 940²

Gen. Martin, from Leverett (Mass.), of Newfane, v. 101, 164, 166, 187; v. pt. 2, 142, 383², 384², 457², 461², 462, 475, 487²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 465²-6

Mary, m. Rev. James Taylor, v. pt. 3, 77²

m. Jonathan Hoyt, v. pt. 3, 77

m. Joshua Carter, v. pt. 3, 76²

wife of Zechariah Field, v. pt. 3, 76²(2)

Mary (Edwards) (Hoyt), wife of Samuel Field jr., v. pt. 3, 77(2)

Matilda K., m. Robert Stevens, v. pt. 3, 78

Medad, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Mercy, m. Luke Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189

Rev. Moses, of Brattleboro, v. 31²(2)

Nancy L., of Northfield, iv. 672

Nehemiah, grantee of Charleston, iii. 122

Oliver, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77²

Rev. P. A., of Shelburne, i. 417²

Pamelia (Burt), wife of Elihu Field jr., v. pt. 3, 78(2)

Pamelia Jane, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Pardon, grantee of Charleston, iii. 121

Paul, of Brandon, iii. 459²

of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 331

Paul Burgess, of Brandon, iii. 459² and note

Pliny A., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 7



NAME INDEX               321


Field, Rectina, m. Richardson Houghton, v. pt. 3, 78

Rhoda, m. Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281

Rhoda E., of Berlin, iv. 1189

Richard Elihue, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78²

Rodney B., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19, 35², 78(2)

Roswell, from Brattleboro and Newfane, of St. Louis (Mo.), v. 137, 187; v. pt. 2, 461², 466-7, 487(2), 726²

Roxanna Philena (Field), m. John Stratton, v. pt. 2, 331

Rufus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77²

Ruth, m. Joseph Dunckley jr., v. pt. 2, 185²

Sally, m. Samuel S. Hudson, v. pt. 2, 107

Samuel, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15, 77(2)

of Hatfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 76²(2)

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Samuel jr., from Hatfield (Mass.), of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77(2)

Sarah, m. Josiah Parmenter, iii. 456

m. Samuel Warner, v. pt. 3, 77

Sarah (Gilbert), wife of Samuel Field, v. pt. 3, 77(2)

Seneca, of Castleton, iii. 516²

Seth, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Dr. Seth, of Montpelier, iv. 278

Seth P., of Northfield, iv. 613², 671²

Spafford, of Dorset, i. 190, 2d ed. 191

Dr. Spencer, of Oakham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 281

Stearns J., of Brandon, iii. 459² note

Stephen, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Thankful, m. Col. Thomas W. Dickinson, v. pt. 3, 77²

Thankful (Robins), wife of Joshua Field, iii. 451

Thankful (Taylor), wife of David Field, v. pt. 3, 77²(2)

Thomas, grantee of Charleston, iii. 122

of Ferrisburg, i. 33²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77

Timothy, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 623², 625²(2)        .

Rev. Timothy, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 644², 648, 649, 659

sketch, v. pt. 2, 643-4

Tirzah, m. Jonathan Ashley jr., v. pt. 3, 77²

Uriah, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

of Greenwich (Conn.), grantee of Sheldon, ii. 370

Urich, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Westmoreland, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311²

William, grantee of Charleston, iii. 119

grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note (2)

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649², 652

William M., of Rutland, iii. 468²

Mrs. William M. (née Davenport), iii. 468²

Zaeharias, of Hartford (Conn.), i. 188, 2d ed. 189

Zechariah, of Dorchester (Mass.), v. 187

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 77

of England, v. pt. 3, 76²(2)

Zechariah jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 76²

Zenas, of Brownington, iii. 91(2), 92

Field family of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 76-8

Field & Tyler, of Brattleboro, v. 44

Field & Watson, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Fielding, George, of Cabot, iv. 81²

Samuel, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Fields, Charles, of Roxbury, iv. 748²

Eben, of Cambridge, ii. 603²

Harrison, of Roxbury, iv. 748²

Jesse, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Rodney, of Fair Haven, iii. 682

Fifield, Col., ii. 228; iv. 1007

Gen., in War of 1812, ii. 286²

B. F., of Orange and Montpelier, 957²; iv. 13, 273, 277², 357, 515². 551², 1194

on Lucius B. Peck, iv. 463-7

on Gov. Paul Dillingham, iv. 861-3

on Timothy P. Redfield, iv. 540-1

H., of Warren, iv. 808

H. E. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Horace, of Barre, ii. 958; iv. 51²

of Orange, ii. 956², 957², 969²

Orange, of Montpelier, iv. 281, 329²

Mrs. Orange, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Col. Orange, of Orange and Montpelier, ii. 957, 958, 969²

Samuel, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Dr. Samuel, of Middlesex, iv. 237²

Col. Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 350²

of Orange, ii. 958

Silas, of Worcester, iv. 902²

Dea. William, of Poultney, iii. 994², 995

Filemore, Lt. Uriel D., of Highgate, ii. 420

Filer, John, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Samuel, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Samuel jr., of Thetford, ii. 1092

Samuel 3d, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Fillebrown, Sarah, m. Capt. Benjamin Stratton, ii. 896

Fillemore, Daniel, of Highgate, ii. 263, 265

Elizabeth, of Highgate, ii. 263

Ferrin, in Highgate, ii. 262²

Urial D., of Highgate, ii. 265

see also Fillmore; Filmore

Filley, Rev. L. C., in Shelburne. i. 883²

Rev. Levi C., in Charlotte, i. 742²



322                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Fillmore, ____, grandfather of Hampton Lovegrove of Fairfax, ii. 177

m. ____ Lovegrove, ii. 177

Rev. Daniel, of Lyndon, i. 345, 350²

Elijah, of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²

Luther, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Pres. Millard, i. 166², 508², 639²; 2d ed. 169; ii. 530²; iii. 798², 960², 961; iv. 636²; v. pt. 35, 89²

Ens. Nathaniel, in Bennington, i. 144, 153. 166², 167. 2d ed. 146², 155², 169(2)

Lt. Nathaniel, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

see also Fillemore; Filmore

Filmore, Daniel and wife, of Highgate, ii. 269²

Edmund, from Middletown, in the West, iii. 798²

Luther, from Bennington, of Middletown, iii. 794², 795(2), 796², 797, 798(2), 808²(2), 809, 815, 820, 831², 838

Luther jr., from Middletown, in the West, iii. 798²

Michael, of Swanton, iv. 1003

see also Fillemore; Fillmore

Finch, ____, of Goshen (Conn.), i. 561²

Capt., iii. 1148

Abigail, m. Rev. Joseph W. Sawyer, i. 118

Abraham, grantee of Danby, iii. 578²(2)

grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

Benjamin, grantee of Danby, iii. 577

Isaac, grantee of Danby, iii. 577²

M. C., from N. Y., iv. 302²

John, of Essex, i. 783

Lydia (Allen), of Goshen (Conn.), i. 561² and note

Fincourt, William, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Finel, Luther, of Poultney, iii. 995

Sally, of Poultney, iii. 992, 994²

Finlay, George, of Athens, Greece, iv. 461(2)

Finley, James, of Brownington, iii. 92

O. H., of Northfield, iv. 656²

Finn, James, of Montpelier, iv. 562²

John, of Montpelier, iv. 531

Patrick, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Finnegan, ____, of Eden, ii. 589²

Torence, of Hyde Park, ii. 655

Finney, Rev., from Randolph, of Ark., ii. 1051, 1065²

Alfred, of Randolph, ii. 999²

Dr. Alfred, of Ludlow, iv. 156²

Alvin, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130, 1132²

Anna, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130(2)

dau. of Nathan Finney, iii. 1126² note

Asahel Clark, from Shrewsbury, of Pa., iii. 1132²

Augustus, of Castleton, iii. 529

Caroline, m. W. H. Barker, iii. 1132²

Cephas, missionary in Ark., ii. 1051

Cynthia, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

m. Hannibal Hodges, iii. 568, 1132²

Cynthia Helen, m. Ezra Meech jr., iii. 1132²

David, of Brandon, iii. 439²

David jr., of Brandon, sketch, iii. 448

Darwin Asahel, from Shrewsbury, of Meadville (Pa.), sketch, iii. 1133-5

Ebenezer, of Monkton, a poem, i. 66²

George, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1132²

Hannah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130

m. Dr. Asahel Holton, iii. 1130², 1131²

Hannibal H., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1132²

Jonathan, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Levi, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127, 1130, 1132(2), 1133

Col. Levi, of Mt. Holly, iii. 853² note

of Shrewsbury, iii. 568

Lydia, of Shrewsbury, iii. 855², 1130

m. Asahel Clark, iii. 853, 855, 1133

Lydia (Florida), wife of Alvin Finney, iii. 1132²

Marion (Jones), wife of Darwin A. Finney, iii. 1133

Mary, m. Dr. David Chamberlain, iii. 1132²

Mary (Edson), wife of Asahel C. Finney, iii. 1132²

Mary (Wiloughby), wife of Hannibal H. Finney, iii. 1132²

Nathan, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130, 1133

Nathan 2d, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1132²

Nelson, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1130, 1132²

Orpha (Clark), wife of Col. Levi Finney, iii. 853² note, 1132, 1133

Susannah (Washburn), wife of Rev. Finney, ii. 1051

Terence, of Hyde Park, ii. 653

Theodocia (Ambler), wife of David Finney, iii. 439², 448²

Urania (Barney), wife of Nathan Finney, iii. 1130, 1133

Finney family, of Shrewsbury, iii. 496

Finnigan, J., of Bradford, ii. 834

Finny, Johnson, of Monkton, iv. 573²

Firman, James, of Mendon, iii. 785

Royal, of Huntington, i. 815²

Firman & Gorton, of Richmond, i. 845²

First, James H., grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Joseph, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Peter, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Fise, William, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Fish, ____, of Hardwick iv. 365²

Dr., of Warren, iv. 802, 808

Rev., in Eden, ii. 623²

Abigail (Carpenter), wife of Pre­served Fish, iii. 781

Abigail (Moulton), wife of John Fish, iii. 623

Rev. Alanson, of Ira, iii. 781², 782², 783

Lt. Amos, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 31²



NAME INDEX               323


Fish, Benjamin, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Betsey, of Danby, iii. 623

Bradley, of Ira, iii. 779, 783², 784(2)

hist. of Ira, iii. 778-84

of Rutland co., iii. 427

Catherine, m. Chauncey Trobridge, iii. 725²

Charles, of Danby, iii. 623²

Daniel, of Sheldon, ii. 378

David, of Jericho, i. 831², 838

of Shelburne, i. 876

Mrs. David (née Hutchins), wife of David Fish, i. 831²

David jr., of Jericho, i. 838

Dennis, of Burlington, i. 547

E., of Vershire, ii. 1133²

E. C. jr., of Ira, iii. 784

Ebenezer, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Eleazer, of Pepperell (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Elisha, from R. I., of Danby, iii. 587², 592, 602, 615. 623

Elizabeth (Hazeltine), wife of Josiah Fish, v. pt. 2, 544²

Elizabeth (Wilbur), wife of Elisha Fish, iii. 623

Eunice (Reed), wife of James Fish, iii. 623²

Florence, of Danby, iii. 623

Frank L., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²

Freelove, of Danby, iii. 623

George, from Danby, of Aurora (Ill.), iii. 623²

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Mrs. George, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

George P., of Hardwick, i. 326

Rev. H. C., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408

Henry, of Calais, iv. 176

Rev. Henry C., of Newark (N. J.), v. pt. 2, 421²

Ichabod E., of Isle La Motte, ii. 563(2)

Isaac, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

J. M., of Danby, iii. 601, 602²

James, of Danby, iii. 623²

of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

John, of Danby, iii. 623(2)

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

of Sheldon, ii. 393²

Jonathan, ii. 588²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 623

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Capt. Josiah, in Rev. war, ii. 390

L. W., of Ira, iii. 784

Lawrence, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Leonard, of Ira, iii. 703², 784

Rev. Linus, of Bradford, in Fairlee, ii. 903

Lydia H., m. Cullen W. Hawkins, iii. 743²

Lyman Wallace, of Ira, iii. 783

Martha (Smith), wife of Moulton Fish, iii. 623

Matthew, of Lanesborough (Mass.) iii. 781

Rev. Miles, of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Lt. Moses, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 29

Moulton, of Danby, iii. 602, 623

Nathan, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Nathaniel, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

of Randolph, ii. 999

of West Haven, iii. 682², 684²

Mrs. Orrilana (Dow), of Hardwick, iv. 364²

Orville E., of Montpelier, iv. 531

Eld. P. B., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Paul Johnson, of Hardwick, iv. 367

Preserved, from Mass., of Ira, iii. 779(2), 781(2), 783²(2)

Prudence, of Danby, iii. 623

Russel, of Ira, iii. 781, 783², 784(2)

Sally, m. Albert Bucklin, m. 615, 623

Rev. Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 31², 191

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 53

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408, 417², 421²

Sarah (Gates), wife of Fred A. Fish, v. pt. 2, 56

Semantha (Vail), wife of George Fish, iii. 623²

Served, of Fair Haven, iii. 693 note

Silas, of Randolph, ii. 999

Sophronia, of Danby, iii. 623

Stephen, of Randolph, ii. 999

Susan, of Danby, iii. 623

Warren, of Woodford, i. 248

of N. J., v. pt. 2. 421²

William, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 358

Winslow, of Randolph, ii. 999, 1000²

Fisher, ____, iv. 721

of Barton, iii. 86²

of Cabot, iv. 82

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414²

pioneer of Pownal, i. 215, 2d ed. 214

painter in N. E., v. 82, 137²

Dr., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353²

of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554²

of Strafford, ii. 1071²

Rev., i. 311; v. pt. 2, 559²

of Fletcher, ii. 210²

in Lunenburg, i. 1021

of Orwell, i. 74

in Waterville, ii. 769²

grad. of Univ. of Vt., i. 530²

Rev. A., of Danville, i. 1020²

A. B., of Barre, iv. 36²

Dea. Abial, in Lunenburg, i. 1021

Rev. Abial, of Brandon, iii. 469

Abijah, of Benson, iii. 413

Amos, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553(2), 556²(2), 557

Asa, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553(2)

of Worcester, iv. 893²

Asa jr., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553

Benjamin B., of Fayston, iv. 184



324                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER 



Fisher, C., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²

C. M., iii. 1101

of Fayston. iv. 184, 188²

Caleb, of Cabot, iv. 81², 103², 104², 110², 117², 118

Dea. Calvin, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Caroline, m. Richmond Dunklee, v. pt. 2, 468

Caroline (Haven), wife of Henry C. Fisher, v. pt. 2, 34²

Charles, of Calais, iv. 150²

Charles M., of Cabot, iv. 103², 104², 121

Dr. Chesselden, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

Clark, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 468

Daniel, of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2,621²

from Milford (Mass.), of New­fane, v. pt. 2, 468

David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25²

E., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128(2)

Ebenezer, of Brattleboro, v. 23², 58(2)

Mrs. Ebenezer, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Ebenezer, of Dummerston. v. pt. 2, 108

Edwin, of Cabot, iv. 81², 97, 1022, 104², 108²

Mrs. Edwin, of Cabot, iv. 108²

Ephraim, pioneer of Orwell, i. 73²

Esther, m. Lysander Burnett, v. pt. 2, 181²

wife of Asa Fisher, v. pt. 2, 553

Ezra, of St. Albans, ii. 434

Fanny (Hall), wife of Marcus O. Fisher, iv. 113²

Francis, of Boston, iii. 326

Frederick, of Highgate, ii. 420²

George, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487

George E., of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 398

George Ii., of Northfield, iv. 694

H. C., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 34²

Mrs. H. D., of Menasha (Wis.), iv. 629

Hannah, m. Isaac Burnett, v. pt. 2, 181², 468

Ira, of Cabot, iv. 108², 109, 920²

J. M., of Cabot, iv. 81², 105²(2)

James, of Lyndon, i. 341

Jeremiah, of Lyndon, i. 341

John, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

John M., of Cabot, iv. 82², 102²

hist. of Cabot, iv. 74-128

Jonathan, of Middlesex, iv. 222²

Joseph, from Dedham (Mass.), of Cabot, iv. 79², 86², 93², 103(2), 104

sketch, iv. 110

of Elmore, ii. 627

Capt. Joseph, of Cabot, iv. 117

Dea. Josiah. of Keene (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 252²

Rev. Judson, of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Lewis, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 91²

Rev. Lewis, trustee of Derby Lit. and theol. inst., iii. 181²

Luke, of Cabot, iv. 108²

Luke C., of Cabot, iv. 110

Lydia, m. Nathaniel Sampson, v. pt. 2, 468

M. O., of Cabot, iv. 103², 117²

Marcus O., of Cabot, iv. 81², 96², 103², 1042, 100(2), 1132, 118

Marion (Osgood), wife of George E. Fisher, v. pt. 2, 398

Martha A., m. John H. Cutler, v. pt. 2, 394²

Mary A., m. Ormando S. Howard, v. pt. 2, 546

Mary (Ripley), wife of C. M. Fisher, iii. 1101

Millicent, m. Richard P. Pratt, v. pt. 2, 468

Millicent (Durren), wife of Daniel Fisher, v. pt. 2, 468

Milton, of Cabot, iv. 97², 103², 104(2), 110² 122

Dea. N., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480², 481²

Nathan, of Concord, i. 971²

of Mendon, iii. 785², 786; iv. 573²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550

Nehemiah, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480(2)

Orrin, of St. Albans, ii. 434

Orrison, of Newfane, v. ,pt. 2, 468

Priscilla (Ritter), 2d wife of Daniel Fisher, v. pt. 2, 468

Rhoda (Peck), wife of Daniel Fisher, v. pt. 2, 621²(2)

S. S. & M., of N. Y., v. pt. 35, 46

Sarah (Osgood), wife of Joseph Fisher, iv. 110

Sarah (Temple), wife of Lewis Fisher, v. pt. 2, 01²

Silas W., of Fayston, iv. 184

Simon, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 468

Rev. Stillman, of Albany, iii. 58

Mrs. T. E., a poem, iv. 800²

Thomas, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Timothy, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

William, of Cabot, iv. 84², 95², 97², 118

pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

of Highgate, ii. 420²

pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241², 244

of Lyndon, i. 341(2)

Fisher & Bird, of Swanton, iv. 1028²

Fisher & Colton, of Montpelier, iv. 309, 350²

Fisher & Stratton, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Fisher, Colton & Kinson, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Fisk, ____, of Braintree, ii. 848 note

of Brookfield, ii. 863²

of Guildhall, i. 998

of Franklin co., ii. 324

m. Orlando Stevens, iv. 1050²



NAME INDEX               325


Fisk, Dr., of Barton, iii. 75²

of Underhill, i. 888

Judge, of Lyndon, i. 347

of Morristown, ii. 682²

Messrs., of Isle La Motte, ii. 447²

Rev., of Lyndon, i. 350²

of Pittsford, iii. 936²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

of Waitsfield, iv. 795

Capt. A., of Rochester, i. 42

Abagail, of Danby, iii. 624

Amos, of Bradford, ii. 829²

of Fairfax, ii. 403

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 37²

Ann, of Danby, iii. 623²

Ann Eliza, of Northfield, iv. 634

Anna M. (Plumb), wife of Rev. Harvey Fisk, iv. 790²

Azro J., of Northfield, iv. 634

Azuba (Blaisdell), wife of Moses Fisk, iv. 789²

B. A., of Danby, iii. 666

Benjamin, from Scituate (R. I.), of Danby, iii. 392, 623², 665(2)

of Waterbury, iv. 829²

from Williamstown, of North­field, iv. 633²

Benjamin jr., of Danby, iii. 623²

Benoni, from Scituate (R.I.), of Danby, iii. 592, 623²

Betsey, of Northfield, iv. 634, 671², 708

m. Samuel Clark, iii. 199

Betsey Ann, m. Frank Bromley, iii. 614

Betsey Martin, of Northfield, iv. 671³

Betsey (Martin), wife of John Fisk, iv. 634

Caleb, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 9², 14, 20, 21², 22, 37²(2), 45²

Caleb jr., from Sutton, of N. Y., v. pt. 34, 37²

Mrs. Caleb jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 37²

Caleb P., of Danby, iii. 661²

Caroline, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Charles of Danby, iii. 623²

Chester, of Danby, iii. 623²

Chloe, of Danby, iii. 623²

Christiana, of Danby, iii. 624

Clarinda (Chapman), wife of Rev. Joel Fisk, iv. 780

Clark, of Eden, ii. 624²; iv. 500

of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Cornelia A., m. Thomas Gleed, ii. 689

D. R., of Northfield, iv. 688(2)

Daniel, of Danby, iii. 623², 663

of Richmond, i. 845²

of Stowe, ii. 699

Daniel jr., of Danby, iii. 623²

Daniel Willard, of N. Y. city, iii. 931

David, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

from Williamstown, of Northfield, iv. 633², 634, 671²

David R., of Northfield, iv. 634

Delphine, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Dennison, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Drusilla, m. Caleb Roberts, iii. 643

Dea. E. A., of Waitsfield, iv. 796

hist. of Waitsfield, iv. 792-5

Ebenezer, of Groton, iv. 1164

grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Capt. Ebenezer, grantee of Victory, i. 1045

Edward, of Brandon, iii. 441, 455², 472², 489², 497²

Edward jr., from Brandon, of Cleveland (O.), iii. 497²

Edward A., of Waitsfield, iv. 781²

Elisha, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Elizabeth, of Danby, iii. 623²

Emily, wife of Edward Fisk, iii. 497²

Enoch, of Barton, iii. 76

Ermina M., m. Rev. William Ford, iii. 489²

Eunice, of Northfield, iv. 634

Experience, of Brookfield, ii. 858²

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Experience jr., of Brookfield, ii. 863²

Fanny C., of Northfield, iv. 634

Freelove, of Danby, iii. 623²

Freelove (Colvin), wife of Benjamin Fisk, iii. 623²

Dr. George, of Brookfield, ii. 863

Dr. George A., in Randolph, ii. 1007

George M., of Northfield, iv. 616, 634, 682², 687², 695(2)

portrait, iv. 696

Rev. H. F., of Shelburne, i. 884

Hannah, of Northfield, iv. 634

Hannah (Herrick), wife of Benjamin Fisk, iv. 633²

Harriet L. (Bigelow), wife of Rev. Perrin B. Fisk, iv. 790²

Harvey, of N, Y. City, iv. 784²

Rev. Harvey, in Montpelier, ii. 800²

of Waitsfield, iv. 790

Harvey 2d, of N. Y. city, iv. 790

Harvey Jonathan, of Detroit, iv. 790²

Harvey R., of Northfield, iv. 634

Henry jr., grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Hiram, of Danby, iii. 599², 600, 623², 628², 663

of Isle La Motte, ii. 558

Ichabod, in Isle La Motte, ii. 557(2)

Ichabod E., of Isle La Motte, ii. 554²

Irena, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Isaiah, of Lyndon, i. 344(2), 348, 354²(2), 355

Israel, of Danby, iii. 623², 624, 663, 665(2)

J., of Brattleboro, v. 176

Jacob, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²



326                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Fisk, James, i. 319²; iii. 142; iv. 270²

of Barre, i. 1040(2); iv. 27, 28, 34², 565², 817², 1050

of Brattleboro, v. 176

of Danby, iii. 600²

of Swanton, ii. 393²(2); iv. 1044. 1049², 1050², 1055², 1074, 1134, 1185², 1187²

Orange co. officer, ii. 805(2)

Col. James, of Brattleboro, v. 59²

James jr., v. 132

of Swanton, iv. 1187²

Jane E., (Nichols), wife of George M. Fisk, iv. 634

Joab, of Danby, iii. 663

Joel, of Danby, iii. 623²

Rev. Joel, of Irasburg, iii. 41, 255

of New Haven, i. 70²

of Plainfield, iv. 727, 784²

of Waitsfield, iv. 790

John, of Berlin, iv. 1188

of Danby, iii. 663

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

from Williamstown, of Northfield, iv. 630, 633²-4, 671, 683

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

in Civil war, iv. 524

juror, i. 466²

John D., of Grand Isle, ii. 522

of Northfield, iv. 633²

Jonathan, of Bennington, i. 148²-9, 2d ed. 151

of Cambridge, ii. 104, 133

Orange co. officer, ii. 805(2)

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 623², 656, 663

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

of Waterbury, iv. 829²

Josiah, of Montpelier, iv. 308²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537², 539²(2), 544²

Capt. Josiah, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540

Julius, of Isle La Motte, ii. 557, 558(2)

Julius Granger, of Brandon, iii. 497²

Julius S., of Isle La Motte, ii. 480

L. R., of Danby, iii. 579², 599², 600, 601, 618

Lovica, of Danby, iii. 624

Lucinda, of Northfield, iv. 634

Lucretia, of Danby. iii. 623²

Lucy, of Danby, iii. 623², 624

Lydia M., of Northfield, iv. 634

Lyman, of Waitsfield, iv. 781², 790²

Lyman jr., of Danby, iii. 656

Lyman R., of Danby, iii. 596², 600², 623², 665²(2)

Lyman R. jr., of Danby, iii. 623²

Maria L., of Northfield, iv. 634

Margaret, m. Maj. Alfred L. Carlton, iv. 500

Mary, of Northfield. iv. 634

m. Dan Gray. iii. 198²

m. Jonathan Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Melinda, of Northfield, iv. 634

Merritt, of Clarendon, iii. 575

Miles, in Stowe, ii. 716

Moses, from Shelburne (Mass.), of Waitsfield, Waterville and Morris­town, ii. 688

of Waterville, ii. 96, 590, 688, 689, 769(2), 800²(2)

Dea. Moses, of Waitsfield, iv. 774², 778(2), 781, 789², 790(2)

Moses jr., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Nancy, of Danby, iii. 624

m. Israel Phillips, iii. 641

Nathan, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590²

Nathan jr., grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Nathaniel, of Danby and Brandon, iii. 446², 454², 580², 581

sketch, iii. 441

from Williamstown, of Northfield, iv. 633², 634, 671²

Nathaniel jr., of Brandon, iii. 441, 454²

Noah, of Danby, iii. 623²

Olive, of Montpelier, iv. 330

of Northfield, iv. 634

m. Marvin Simonds, iv. 642²

Oliver, of Danby, iii. 614, 623², 661, 663

Rev. P. B., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

of Waitsfield, iv. 765², 792

hist. of Waitsfield, iv. 769-92

Patty, of Danby, iii. 624

Patty (Wait), wife of Reuben Fisk, iii. 624

Perrin B., of Montpelier, iv. 298², 351

Rev. Perrin B., of Waitsfield and Peacham, iv. 789², 790², 795

of Wardsboro, iv. 784²

Rev. Perrin B. 2d, of Peacham, iv. 784²

Perry, of Danby, iii. 623²

Philander, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Philip, of Danby, iii. 623²

Pliny, of Trenton (N. J.), iv. 790

Rev. Pliny, missionary, i. 930; iii. 1141²

Rev. Pliny B., of Waitsfield, iv. 793(2)

Polly, m. Daniel Worthington, iv. 634

Polly (Taylor), 2d wife of Benjamin Fisk, iii. 623²

Priscilla (West), wife of James Fisk, iv. 1049²

Rebecca (Barron), widow of Capt. John Andross, wife of Amos Fisk, ii. 829²

Reuben, of Danby, iii. 592, 663, 665

from Scituate (R. I.), of Danby, iii. 623²(2)

Reuben Jr., of Danby, iii. 624

Rhoda, of Danby, iii. 624

Rial, of Danby, iii. 595, 663

Rosina, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Rufus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30²(2), 31²

Sally, of Danby, iii. 623², 624



NAME INDEX               327


Fisk, Samuel, of Isle La Motte, ii. 555, 563(2)

of Northfield, iv. 652

Samuel B., of Elmore, ii. 627

Sarah, of Northfield, iv. 634, 671²

Sarah Ann, of Northfield, iv. 634

Sarah M., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Sarah (Reed), wife of David Fisk, iv. 634

Selinda, of Danby, iii. 624

Sergeant, of Dummerston, v. pt. 3, 39²

Siloma, of Northfield, iv. 634

Simeon, of Northfield, iv. 708

Sophia, of Northfield, iv. 633²

Stephen, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Sylvanus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 38(2)

T. L., iii. 1038

Thomas, of Waitsfield, iv. 790

Van Loren M., of Northfield, iv. 634

Virsa, m. Franklin Bradley, iv. 1055²

Rev. W., of Middletown (Conn.), in Brookfield, ii. 861, 862²

Rev. Wilbur, iv. 200, 382²

sketch, i. 348-9, v. pt. 3, 75-6

of Craftsbury, iii. 166²

of Danville, i. 316

in Eden, ii. 623²(2)

from Guilford, of Middletown (Conn.), i. 344; v. pt. 3, 9, 55²

in Montpelier, iv. 377(2)

in Moretown, iv. 600

William, of Wells, iii. 1205²

____ Z., of Swanton, iv. 1036², 1134

Zoroaster, of Swanton, iv. 1185, 1186², 1187

see also Fiske

Fisk family, of Waterbury, iv. 871

Fisk & Barney, of Swanton, iv. 1027

Fisk & Hatch, of N. Y., iv. 790

Fisk & Hill, quarries in Isle La Motte, ii. 561

Fisk & Vail, of Swanton, iv. 1130

Fiske, Dr., of Sturbridge (Mass.), iv. 433²

Anson, of Guildhall, i. 1000, 1002(2)

Benjamin, of Burlington, i. 938²

of Northfield, iv. 613², 614²

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Caleb, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40², 44²

Charles B., of Roxbury, iv. 758

E. C., of Northfield, iv. 614², 616

Edward, of Brandon, iii. 475

George, of Hoosic Falls, (N. Y.), i. 259

George M., of Northfield, iv. 614

Mrs. Hannah, of Burlington, i. 938²

Dr. Ira H., from Hardwick, of Roxbury, iv. 748

Israel, v. pt. 34, 40²

James, of Montpelier, iv. 351

John, of Northfield, iv. 613²

Jonathan, of Williamstown, ii. 1148(2)

Jonathan jr., of Williamstown, ii. 1148²(2)

Joseph, of Waterbury, iv. 840

Prudence (Howe), wife of Anson Fiske, i. 1002

Samuel, of Northfield, iv. 614²

Stephen, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Sylvanus, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Rev. Wilbur, in Peacham, i. 360

see also Fisk

Fitch, ____, of Pawlet, iii. 752, 971

of Thetford, ii. 1091²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

arrested Eben W. Judd, i. 946²

Dr., of Conn., ii. 1014

Capt., ii. 639(2)

Abial, of Pawlet, iii. 914

m. Joel Harmon, iii. 916²

Alice, m. Joseph Hascall, iii. 917

Anna, M. Dr. Cyrus Chipman, iii. 911, 914

Anna (Buel), wife of John Fitch, i. 825

Anna (Hubbard), 2d wife of Dorastus Fitch, iii. 914²

Anna (Knowlton), wife of Jabez Fitch, ii. 637

Appleton, of Pawlet and Montpelier iii. 914²; iv. 329², 353

Asa, of Norwich (Conn.). ii. 638

Asahel, of Pawlet, iii. 885, 914

Augustus, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343²(2)

Augustus jr., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342, 355²

Benjamin, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 881(2), 914

Mrs. Benjamin, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Capt. Benjamin, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 914²

Betsey, m. Rev. Nathaniel Rawson jr., iii. 369

Braman, of Pawlet, iii. 914²

Candace (Armstrong), wife of Daniel Fitch jr., iii. 914

Chauncey, of Sheldon, ii. 372, 377², 378

asst. judge Franklin co. court, ii. 92²

Dr. Chauncey, of Sheldon, ii. 99², 100, 378

Chester, ii. 667

Cordilla, of Conn., ii. 643(2), 651, 666²

Cynthia, m. Adolphus F. Hitchcock, iii. 914

Cyrus, of Pawlet, iii. 914

Daniel, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 901², 906

Daniel jr., of Pawlet, iii. 910², 914

Daniel H., of Pawlet, iii. 914

Darius, from Conn., of Hyde Park, Rev. soldier, ii. 632²(2), 633², 643(2), 644²(2), 645(2), 646(2), 647(2), 648(2), 649, 650(2), 651(2), 652²(2), 653(2), 656²(2), 783, 799

Dorastus, of Pawlet, iii. 881², 885², 893, 902², 914(2)

Dorcas (Pratt), wife of Braman Fitch, iii. 914²

Ebenezer, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 24, 26²(2), 36

of Isle La Motte, ii. 563

Rev. Ebenezer, Pres. of Williams college, ii. 378



328                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Fitch, Eleazer, of Chambly (P. Q.), ii. 563

grantee of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684², 685(2), 688²

Rev. Elijah, of Hopkinton (Mass.), iii. 369

Elisha, of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 638², 639², 666²(2), 783²

of Pawlet, iii. 880², 900²

Mrs. Elisha, grandmother of Joseph W. Fitch, ii. 667

Elizabeth, m. Sanford Kingsbury, iii. 391

Ephraim, of Pawlet, iii. 881, 882, 893, 896, 897, 906, 908², 914, 923, 931²

Fayette S., of Pawlet, iii. 894²

Ferris, of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Rev. Ferris, from Pawlet, of Elliott (Me.), and Ohio, iii. 902², 914²

Freeman F., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343²

George, of Chambly (P. Q.), ii. 563(2)

Hannah (Perkins), wife of Jabez Fitch 2d, ii. 637, 665²

Hannah (Wood), 2d wife of Joseph Fitch, iii. 914

Hiram, of Pawlet. iii. 914

Huntington, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487, 727²

Jabez, of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 636², 637(2), 639²

Capt. Jabez, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629², 630², 631², 632(2), 635, 653², 654², 656²(2), 662²

sketches, ii. 637-53, 665²-8

narrative, ii. 783²-96

poems, ii. 796²

Jabez (3), from Conn., of Hyde Park, ii. 643, 644, 645(2), 647²(2), 649(2), 650(2), 651(2), 652²(2), 653

Jabez B., of Hyde Park, ii. 633(2)

Jabez G., of Vergennes and Coventry, iii. 137²(2), 138, 139, 140(2), 141(2) James, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 225²

Rev. James, from Eng., of Conn., ii. 635; iii. 169

sketch, ii. 636²

Jane, m. Alpheus Baldwin, iii. 914

Jesse, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

John, from Coventry (Conn.), of Huntington, Rev. soldier, i. 825

of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

of Huntington, i. 814², 815(2), 819²

of Pawlet and Middletown, iii. 835², 836, 879², 890, 914

inventor, i. 686 note

published Middlebury Mercury, i. 53

Rev. John, in Danby, iii. 606²

of Danville and Thetford, i. 3062, 315², 327², 405; ii. 1097(2); iii. 369

of Guildhall, i. 1005²

of Pawlet, iii. 914²

John A., of Highgate, ii. 264; 265

Rev. John A., in Enosburg, ii. 147

in Fairfield, ii. 199

in Montgomery and E. Berk­shire, ii. 113, 277

of Sheldon, in Highgate, ii. 270², 380(2)

John Ashley, of Franklin co., ii. 95

John P., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355²

Joseph, from Norwich (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 880², 901², 914

Joseph jr., of Stowe, ii. 697²

Joseph W., of Norfolk (Va.), ii. 662²-7

Joshua jr., grantee of Albany, iii. 47

Julia (Bright), wife of Dorastus Fitch, iii. 914²

Lemuel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342², 345², 346

Dr. Lemuel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

Lydia, wife of Darius Fitch, ii. 799

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230

Lyman, iv. 271

Orange co., officer, ii. 805²(2), 806

Col. Lyman, of Thetford, ii. 1178

Margaret, of Pawlet, iii. 914

Mary, of Pawlet, iii. 914

Mary, m. Jacob Perkins, iii. 922

Mary (Brewster), wife of Samuel Fitch, ii. 636²

Mary (Davis), wife of Appleton Fitch, iii. 914²

Mason, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Moses P., of Pawlet, iii. 881²(2)

Nancy, m. Dr. James H. Willard, iii. 931²

Nathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 6, 7, 25², 26²

Capt. Nathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 27²(2)

Nathaniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25

Palatiah, of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 638(2)

of Halifax, v. 15

Patten, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342², 346(2)

Rachel, of Pawlet, iii. 914

m. Col. Ozias Clark, iii. 911

Rhoda (Sears), wife of Ephraim Fitch, iii. 914

Rudd, of Conn., ii. 638²(2), 639²(2)

Rufus, of Pawlet, iii. 901²

Russell, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13

Dr. Russell, of Brattleboro, v. 60²

Dr. S. S., of N. Y. city, ii. 378

of Sheldon. ii. 373²

Sally, of Pawlet, iii. 914

Sally (Griswold), wife of Rev. Ferris Fitch, iii. 914²

Sally (Porter), wife of Ephraim Fitch, iii. 914, 923

Samuel, of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 636²-7(2)

grantee of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684², 685(2), 688²

Sibel, of Pawlet, iii. 914

m. Daniel Clark, iii. 911

Silas, of Pawlet, iii. 893, 914

father of Joseph W. Fitch, ii. 666²

Sina, m. Dr. Lemuel Chipman, iii. 911, 914



NAME INDEX               329


Fitch, Sophia (Gregory), wife of Rev. John Fitch, iii. 914²

Stephen, of Pawlet, iii. 914

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 20

Thaddeus, of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Theophilus Wilson, from Conn., of Hyde Park, ii. 632²(2), 633², 634, 643, 644, 645(2), 646²(2), 647(2), 648(2), 649²(2), 650(2), 651(2), 652²(2), 653(2), 659(2), 662²

Capt. William, of Pawlet, i. 185, 2d ed. 186²

in Rev. war, ii. 390

Col. William, from Lebanon (Conn.), of Pawlet, iii. 874, 879, 880(2), 881, 893, 911(2), 913², 916²

William W., of Brunswick, iv. 1194

Fitch family, ii. 637

Fittock, Richard, of Burlington, boat builder, i. 669²(2), 670(2)

Fitts, Abraham, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77, 105, 110²

Abraham jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105

Artemas, of Braintree, ii. 852²

Avery, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Charles, of Roxbury, iv. 759

Henry N., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²

James, of Goshen, i. 35

Rufus, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Fitz, Jonathan, from Craftsbury, of Albany, iii. 51²(2)

Rev. William, of Montpelier, iv. 289, 425², 426²

Fitzgerald, Aaron, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Lawrence, of Middlesex, iv. 246

Fitzgibbons, David, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Margaret, of Montpelier, iv. 328

Patrick, of Montpelier, iv. 333

of Worcester, iv. 902

Fitzpatrick, Bishop, of Boston, iv. 425

Fitz Simmonds, James, of Burlington, i. 655²

Fizzle, Ebenezer, see Frizzle, Ebenezer

Flack, Capt. R. N., of Essex, N. Y., i. 696, 706

Flag, Submit, m. Daniel Hayden, v. pt. 2, 671

Flagg, Dr., in Whiting, i. 116²

Abigail, m. William Dewey, iv. 61

Amasa W., of Hubbardton, iii. 736

Artemas, of Richmond, i. 845

Asa, grantee of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 15²

Azariah, from Whiting, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 116²

Azariah C., of N. Y., i. 486, 675² note

Charles, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177²

Eleazer, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

of Rutland, iii. 1088(2)

Electa Lyman (Cushman), wife of Amasa W. Flagg, iii. 736

Eunice (Chapin), 2d wife of Stephen P. Flagg, v. pt. 3³, 21²

George, of Braintree, iii. 230²

Rev. Horatio, of Clarendon, iii. 562

in Hubbardton, iii. 777²

James, of Hubbardton, iv. 1175, 1184²(2)

Sgt. James, of Enosburg, ii. 398

Joel jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

John H., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 22

Eld. Joseph, of Corinth, ii. 887²

Josiah, pioneer of Wilmington, v. pt. 3², 9

Lucinda (Brown), wife of Stephen P. Flagg, v. pt. 3³, 21²

Nathan, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16

Dr. Orson, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²

Pamela, m. Justus Wright, iv. 1175

Pliny, from Royalston (Mass.), pioneer of Salisbury, i. 90²-1

Rufus Cushman, of Castleton, iii. 522

Sophia (Brayton), wife of James Flagg, iv. 1175

Stephen P. of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14(2), 15

sketch, v. pt. 3³, 21-2

Theophilus, of Hubbardton, iv. 1184²

of Rutland co., iii. 517², 519

Dr. Theophilus, of Hubbardton, iii. 757; iv. 1175

Timothy, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 21²

William, from Holden (Mass.), of Berlin, Rev. soldier, iv. 59, 64(2)

Rev. William D., in Barton, iii. 87²

Capt. William H., of boat, America, i. 701, 703, 704², 706

Zenas, of Burlington, i. 509

Flagg & Gould, publishers, i. 930

Flanagan, John, of Moretown, iv. 603

Flanders, ____, of Middlesex, iv. 244²

Dr., of N. H., i. 415

Abner, of Hyde Park, ii. 632², 633², 659

Alpheus, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Dr. C. B., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Rev. C. P., of Marshfield, iv. 210²

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

D. N., of Bradford, ii. 842

David, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

E. G., of Bradford, ii. 842

Edwin B. of Tunbridge, ii. 1128

Esther, of Strafford, ii. 1079²

Rev. George F., of Calais, iv. 146²

George W., of Bradford, ii. 842

Hannah, of Moretown, iv. 603²

J. P., of Burlington, i. 547

Jacob, of Berlin, iv. 67, 68, 1188²

James, of Warner (N. H.), ii. 1109²

Joanna, m. Edmund George, ii. 1109²

John, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Dr. Jonathan L., of Coventry, iii. 158

Josiah, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Philip, of Brownington, ii. 92

of Coventry, in. 158(2), 159(2)

Sally, of Strafford, ii. 1079²

Sarah, of Berlin, iv. 1188

of Fletcher, ii. 208²

Susan, of Montpelier, iv. 330

T. J., of Bradford, ii. 824

Taylor N., of Craftsbury, iii. 178

Thomas J., of Bradford, ii. 824



330                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Flanders W. M., of Clarendon, iii. 573²

William B., of Coventry, iii. 139(2), 143²

Flanders & Harding, of Bradford, ii. 824

Flanders & Kinson, of Montpelier, iv. 280

Flarida family, see Florida family

Flarity, James, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Flarty, Mrs., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

Flatey, John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²

Fleeman, Adam, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Adam jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Eunice, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Margaret, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Mary Magdalene, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Solomon, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

see also Freeman

Fleming, Rev. A., in Brookfield, ii. 860², 862²

of Phillips Academy, Danville, i. 316²

of Tinmouth, iii. 1151

hist. of Cong. church in Burlington, i. 536-9

Almira, of East Montpelier, iv. 584³

Archibald, of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Rev. Archibald, of Burlington, iv. 1200

Catharine, of Burlington, i. 533

m. Rev. John H. Worcester, i. 536

Charles N., lawyer, iii. 37

Elizabeth, from Blanford (Mass.), of Fletcher, ii. 208

Mrs. Elizabeth, of Burlington, i. 655

Elizabeth McNeil, m. Rev Charles C. Parker, iv. 849

Julia, of Burlington, i. 536

Sally, from Brookline, of Fletcher, ii. 210²

Flemming, Rev. A. of Shoreham, i. 95²

of Waitsfield, iv. 781

Socrates, of Grand Isle, ii. 531² note

Flemmings, Samuel O., of Lowell, iii. 281

Fletcher, ____, v. pt. 34, 402

of Lyndon, i. 347(2)

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 613

Dea., of Dunstable (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 239

Dr., of Burlington, i. 495², 504

Rev., in Fairlee, ii. 903

Col., iii. 1074², 1075², 1077²

of the British army, iv. 419²

Gen., at Brattleboro, v. pt. 3, 39

Gov. Allen, v. pt. 35, 73²

Alpha, of Lyndon, i. 244

Alpheus, of Shelburne, i. 869

Dr. Alpheus, of Cavendish, v. pt. 2, 628(2)

Ammi, of Westford, v. pt. 2, 163²

Antipas, of Waterville, ii. 769

Asa, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Mrs. Asa, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Dr. Asaph, of Cavendish, iii. 850

Benjamin, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361(2)

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537², 538

Bridget, m. Isaac Parker, iv. 540

Calvin, Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479(2), 481

Charles B., of Lyndon, i. 350, 352

Cotten, of Poultney, iii. 965

Cotton, of Poultney, iii. 970², 971²

Lt. D. P., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

Daniel, of Morristown, ii. 682(2)

Capt. Daniel, v. pt. 2, 28²(2)

David, of Northfield, iv. 618

Ebenezer, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Eleazer, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Eli, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241²

of Morgan, iii. 284²

Elizabeth, m. Rev. Josiah Goodhue, v. pt. 2, 239

F. F., of Montpelier, iv. 354²

Frederick, of Burlington, i. 511

of Shelburne, i. 877

Col. Frederick, of Shelburne, i. 863, 876

George M., of Moretown, iv. 917

Gershom, of Holland, iii. 237

H. A., of Colebrook and Lancaster (N. H.), i. 949

Hannah, m. Daniel Farrar, v. pt. 2, 85

Hannah (Southwick), wife of Joseph Fletcher, iii. 649

Harriet M., m. John H. Buck, iv. 632

Harriet (May), wife of Rev. Horace Fletcher, v. pt. 2, 621²

Hezekiah, of Shelburne, i. 869²

Hiram, of Coventry, iii. 160²

Hiram A., of Essex co., i. 948

Homer C., of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Horace, of Bennington, i. 164, 2d ed. 166

Rev. Horace, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541², 548, 550, 621²

Isaac, of Lyndon, i. 270, 346, 348, 349, 350², 351², 353², 354², 355(2), 618², 949, 1008; ii. 800; iv. 352

Gen. Isaac, i. 430

Isabella, m. David S. Conkling, iv. 419²

Jacob, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

James, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Joel, of Lyndon, i. 342²

Capt. Joel, of Lyndon, i. 353(2)

John, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

of Williamstown, ii. 1149, 1154²

dramatist, iv. 419²

Dr. John, of Williamstown, iv. 156²

Rev. John William, of Madeley, (Eng.), v. pt. 3, 76

Jonathan, pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 649

of Thetford, ii. 1178²

Joshua, v. pt. 2, 30

Josiah A., of Glover, iii. 208²

Rev. L. J., of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Lamina, see Fletcher Lavinia L.



NAME INDEX               331


Fletcher, Lamina L., m. Frank Plumley, iv. 646²

Lavinia L., m. Frank Plumley, iv. 698²

Levi, of Brandon, iii. 451²

Lucy, of Lyndon, i. 353

Luke, of Calais, iv. 176²

Lydia (Safford), wife of Daniel Fletcher. ii. 682

Maria A. (Ferris), wife of R. F. Fletcher, iv. 1105²

Mary Ann, m. Guy Tracy, i. 869

Mary Ann (May), wife of Gov. Ryland Fletcher, v. pt. 2, 609, 621²

Mehetabel, m. Samuel Porter, v. pt. 2, 164

Mehitable (Hazeltine), wife of Samuel Fletcher, v. pt. 2, 544²

Paris, i. 699; iii. 1114(2), 1115, 1118

of Bridport, iii. 1113²; iv. 632

R. F., of Swanton, iv. 1034, 1105²

Rene S. of Northfield, iv. 695²

Richard, of Boston, iv. 303²

Richard F. of Swanton, iv. 1129², 1132², 1133², 1185

Robert, of Dunstable (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 77²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566

Robert jr., grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Gov. Ryland, i. 349; ii. 531(2); iv. 271², 586², 1163²; v. pt. 2, 609, 621², 628

Sally, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

Sally (Caryl), wife of Ammi Fletcher, v. pt. 2, 163²

Samuel, iii. 1074²

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15, 16²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487²

of Shelburne, i. 876, 877

of Townshend, v. 11, 14²; v. pt. 2, 537(2), 538, 540², 544², 550

of Waterford, i. 431

Rev. Samuel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224(2)

Capt. Samuel, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 539², 546²

Maj. Samuel. in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Col. Samuel, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 423²

of Townshend, i. 919², 920

in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Maj. Gen. Samuel, v. pt. 2, 164

Gen. Samuel, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540, 545, 549²

Samuel S., of Ripton, i. 87

Rev. Simeon, of Fairfax, ii. 186²

Simeon J., of Charleston, iii. 109

Rev. Simon, in Coventry, iii. 155²

Col. T. C., v. pt. 35, 63²

T. R., of Burlington, i. 514

of Essex, i. 780, 781²

Thaddeus R., of Essex, i. 472²(2)

Thomas, iii. 1118

Thomas D., Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 480, 508

Veranda (Messer), from Westminster, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 622

W. H., of Cabot, iv. 82², 118²

William, of Cabot, iv. 108²

William H., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Winfield Scott, of South Hero, ii. 577², 586

Fletcher families, pioneers of Waterville, ii. 770²

Fleury, Ezra, of Isle La Motte, ii. 558

Peter, of Isle La Motte, ii. 587², 558

Flin, Elisha, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²

Flinn, Michael, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612

Flint, ____, of Concord (N. H.), iv. 493

m. ____ Blodgett, ii. 1013

m. Dr. Moxley, ii. 1013

m. Aaron Martin. ii. 1011²

m. Nathaniel Hutchinson, ii. 845²

Mrs., of Randolph, ii. 1026

Rev., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

A A, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381

Abigail, m. Daniel Estabrook, v. pt. 2, 146²

Alice, of Salem (Mass.), ii. 1019²

Ann, wife of Thomas Flint, ii. 1020(2)

Anna (Bass), wife of Joseph Flint, ii. 846²

Anson, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387

Asa, of Brookline, v. p1. 2, 380², 381, 385², 387

from Conn., of Randolph, ii. 1011, 1021, 1023(2)

Asahel, of Braintree, ii. 845², 846

of Randolph, ii. 1022

of Roxbury, iv. 748

Asahmel, of Roxbury, iv. 760²

Asenath (Morse), 2d wife of Gen. Martin Flint, ii. 1059

Augustus, of Braintree, ii. 848², 852²

Benjamin, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 387

of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1022²

Betsey (King), wife of Asahel Flint, ii. 846

Brainard, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Caroline, of Randolph, ii. 1059

m. Samuel Mann jr., ii. 1061

Clarissa (Green), wife of D. B. Flint, v. pt. 2, 708², 710²

Clarissa Morse, from Randolph, of Hartford (Conn.), ii. 1061²

Clark, of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Cyrus, of Roxbury, iv. 759²

D. B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 708²

Daniel, of Brownington, iii. 91²

of Roxbury, iv. 759(2)

David B., of Orange (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 710²

Diah, of Randolph, ii. 996², 1011², 1013, 1021(2), 1023

Diah jr., of Williamstown, ii. 1013

Dymon, of Colebrook (N. H.), i. 949

Edward, of Albany, iii. 67²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45



332                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Flint, Edwin, of Braintree and Lacrosse (Wis.) ii. 847², 848

Eleanor (Stebbins), 2d wife of Diah Flint, ii. 1023

Elijah, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Maj. Elijah, of Salem (Mass.), ii. 1020

Elisha, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380

Eliza (Chase), wife of Martin M. Flint, ii. 1061²

Ephraim, of Brandon, iii. 450(2)

Eunice, of Randolph, ii. 1013, 1023²

of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1022²

Fanny, of Worcester, iv. 907²

George, of Jay, iii. 267

of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Sgt. George, of Reading (Mass.), ii. 1024²

George 2d, of Reading (Mass.), ii. 1020(2)

Gideon, of Roxbury, iv. 754, 757

H. P., of Northfield, iv. 688

Hannah, of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1022²

Mrs. Hannah (Willard), of Concord (N. H.), iv. 493

Harriet, m. Lewis Clark, ii. 1061

Harriet N. (Aldrich), wife of James T, Flint, ii. 1061²

Helen, of Northfield, iv. 690

Rev. Henry, from Eng., of Braintree (Mass.), ii. 1019²(2)

Howard, of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Irena, from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 1021, 1023²

Irene, m. Diah Tilden, ii. 1013

Isaac A., of Roxbury, iv. 752, 758, 759²

J. M., of Randolph, ii. 1061²

J. Mores, of Randolph, ii. 1049²

James, from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 996², 1009, 1020², 1021, 1022(2), 1023, 1049, 1050, 1059, 1064

sketch, ii. 1010²-3

Mrs. James, of Randolph, ii. 1012(2)

James, of Williamstown, ii. 1149(2)

James T., of Madison (Wis.), ii. 1061²

Jeremiah, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Rev. Jeremiah, in Braintree, ii. 848

of Danville, i. 315²

Jerusha (Durkee), wife of Nathan Flint jr., iii. 450²

Jesse, of Montpelier, iv. 897

of Worcester, iv. 886², 887(2), 888², 901, 907², 908

John, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146²

of Enosburg, ii. 155

of Richford, ii. 428

of Windham (Conn,), ii. 1022²

John 2d, of Salem (Mass.), ii. 1019²

of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1020²

John B., of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Joseph, of Braintree, ii. 846²

of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1022²

Lavinia L. (Hebard), wife of J. M. Flint, ii. 1061²

Lewis, from Randolph, of Beloit (Wis,), ii. 1061

Lovinia (Lillie) (Hebard), wife of J. Mores Flint, ii. 1049²

Lucinda, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 387

Lucinda (Walker), of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Lucy, of Randolph, ii. 1012², 1023²

m. Joseph Waterman, ii. 1013, 1021²

Lucy A., m. Dr. Lewis Morrill, iii. 300

Lucy (Martin), wife of Dea. Samuel Flint, ii. 1020²

Lurinda, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Lyman T., in Johnson, ii. 674²

Lyman Thomas, from Williamstown, of Concord (N. H.), ii. 1154²

Rev. M., of Charlotte, i. 743²

Martin, of Randolph, ii. 996², 998, 1009, 1013(2), 1021, 1022, 1023²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Gen. Martin, from Conn., of Randolph, sketch, ii. 1058-63

Martin M., of Madison (Wis.), ii. 1061²

Mary, ii. 1024²

of Windham (Conn,), ii. 1022², 1023²

m. ____ Pike, ii. 1013, 1021(2), 1023(2)

Mrs. Mary, m. Lester Martyn, iv. 637

Mary (Bigelow), wife of Diah Flint, ii. 1023

Mary (Hall), wife of Samuel Flint, ii. 1022²

Mary (Lamphere), wife of Samuel Flint, ii. 1022²

Mary (Oakes), wife of John Flint, v. pt. 2, 146²

Matthias, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Mehitable, of Windham (Conn.), ii. 1022²

m. Jacob Parish, ii. 1011²

Mercy, of Brandon, iii. 463²

from Windham (Conn,), of Randolph, ii. 1021

m. Moses Vilas, ii. 1012², 1023

Rev. Moses, of Albany, iii. 58

Nathan, of Brandon, iii. 449, 450(2), 463²

Nathan jr., of Brandon, iii. 450²

Nathaniel, of Tolland (Conn.), ii. 1020

Olive, from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 1020², 1022²

m. Perez Tracy, ii. 1012(2)

Perkins, of Randolph, ii. 1039²

Mrs. Philamela, of Williamstown, ii. 1023

Philomila, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Phineas, of Braintree, ii. 845²

of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Porter, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Prudentia, m. Levi Washburn, ii. 1061², 1063²

R. M., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551²

Relepha (Howard), 2d wife of Samuel Flint jr., ii. 1023²



NAME INDEX               333


Flint, Roswell, of Brandon, iii. 450²

Royal, of Roxbury, iv. 751²

Royal M., Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Rufus, of Braintree, ii. 845²

Ruth, m. James Miller, v. pt. 2, 182²

S., of Randolph, ii. 996²

S. B., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

S. Minot, of Braintree, ii. 847², 848

Samuel, of Randolph, ii. 996², 1020², 1059

sketch, ii. 1010²-3

Dea. Samuel, from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 996², 1010

sketch, ii. 1019²-24

Capt. Samuel, of Danvers (Mass.), Rev. soldier, ii. 1020

Samuel jr., from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 999, 1023²

sketch, ii. 1010²-13

Mrs. Samuel jr., from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 1011, 1012, 1013(2)

Samuel 3d, of Randolph, ii. 1013

Samuel 4th, of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Samuel M., Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Sarah, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

from Windham (Conn.), of Ran­dolph, ii. 1021, 1022²

m. (1) ____ Hill, (2) Benjamin Griswold, ii. 1010, 1013, 1023²(2)

Sarah (Blackman), wife of Samuel Flint, ii. 1022²

Sarah (Simonds), wife of Ephraim Flint, iii. 450²

Gen. Shubael B., of Montpelier, iv. 408², 527²

Silas, from Hampton (Conn.), pioneer of Braintree, ii. 845², 846

of Windham (Conn.), and Randolph, ii. 1020², 1022(2)

Mrs. Silas, from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 1020²

Silas jr., of Braintree, ii. 845²

from Conn., of Randolph, ii. 1020², 1021

Thomas, from Eng., v. pt. 2, 146²

of Concord (Mass,), ii. 1019²(2) 1020 (2)

W. H., of Brandon, iii. 500

William, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Brandon and Canada, iii. 450²

of Lowell, iii. 269²

of Randolph, ii. 1023²

from Wales, of Salem (Mass.), ii. 1019²(2)

William S., of Lowell, iii. 277², 278(2)

Wyman, of Bellows Falls, iii. 1069

Wyman & Sons, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²

Flint family, of Brandon, iii. 450

Flint & Smith, of Randolph, ii. 996

Flint, Johnson & Co., of Rutland, iii. 1066

Flocton, ____, in Civil war, iv. 126

Flood, Mrs. Carrol, of Plainfield, iv. 716²

Isaac, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

of Fletcher, ii. 206

Mark, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

of Fletcher, ii. 207

Moses, of Fairfax, ii. 170

Florida, Adaline, m. George Norcross, v. pt. 2, 162²

Arathusa (Moore), wife of James Florida, v. pt. 2, 162²

Augusta, m. E. W. Hildreth, v. pt. 2, 162²

Betsey, m. Jonas Clark, v. pt. 2, 96, 162²

Catharine, m. Reed Paine, v. pt. 2, 162²

Catherine (Clark), wife of Ezra Florida, v. pt. 2, 96(2), 162²(2)

Ezra, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 96, 162²(2)

George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Henrietta, m. Warren Bingham, v. pt. 2, 162²

James, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

John, from Shrewsbury (Mass.). of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 73², 162

John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Lydia, m. Alvin Finney, iii. 1132²

Persis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Sarah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162²

Silence, wife of John Florida, v. pt. 2, 162(2)

Flower, Timothy, of Rupert, i. 226, 2d ed. 224²

Flowers, Dr. Byron, of Pawlet, iii. 894

James, of Clarendon, iii. 569²

Lewis, of Greensboro, iii. 223²

Floyd, ____, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585

Gov. John B., v. pt. 2, 307

Gen. John B., v. pt. 34, 41

John Buchanan, ii. 358(2)

Michael, of Charleston, iii. 108², 121

Flynn, John, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Foard, Noah, of Bradford, ii. 819

Fober, Dr. Benjamin, of Lincoln, i. 49²

Fobes, Solomon, of Brookfield, ii. 860², 861

Fogeson, Richard, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Fogg, George S., of N. H., ii. 1105²

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42²

William, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Folet, Ansel, of Fairfax, ii. 402

Foley, Martin, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 868

Folger, Daniel, of Danby, iii. 603², 634, 635

of Pawlet, iii. 932²

Dinah, m. Aaron Rogers, iii. 644

Judith, m. Deliverance Rogers, iii. 644

Nathaniel G., of Pawlet, m. 885²

Follansbee, Charles, of Chicago, iv. 558²

Follansby, James, of Maidstone, i. 1031, 1043²(2)

P. R., of Maidstone, i. 1031(2)

Follet, Dea. J. O., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547

Capt. Martin D., i. 672

Timothy, of Burlington, iii. 72²



334                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Follet, W. H., hist. of Readsboro, i. 219-21², 2d ed. 218-20

Follett, ____, of Burlington, i. 503, 518²

in Enosburg, ii. 143²

of Readsboro, v. pt. 3³, 26

A., of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Ammi, of Sharon, iv. 1194

Benjamin, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133, 154², 155(2)

of Fairlee, ii. 900², 1169(2)

Lt. Benjamin, i. 672

of Richford, ii. 427

Charles, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133

Charles E., iii. 1114

Fanny, m. Eleazer H. Deming. i. 616

Henry, of Enosburg, ii. 118², 119, 155

of Richford, ii. 428

of Sheldon, ii. 430

Louis, of Burlington, i. 646

on Timothy Follett, i. 636-7

Lydia, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

Marcia (Bailey), wife of Louis Follett, i. 646

Martin D., of Enosburg, ii. 118², 132²-3, 135, 154², 155

of Franklin co., ii. 92²

Capt. Martin D., of Richford, ii. 427(2)

Martin D. jr., of Richford, ii. 428

Mary, m. William A. Griswold, i. 618

Samuel, of Bennington, i. 180, 2d ed. 181²

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

T., iii. 1115

Timothy, of Burlington, i. 349, 468², 473, 504, 508², 510, 511, 548², 592, 604, 616, 622², 636²-7², 684, 693(2), 694², 695; iii. 1112, 1113(2), 1116²(2), 1117(2) note; iv. 303², 304

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Timothy jr., of Burlington, i. 616

W. H., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²

William H., of Readsboro, iv. 1200

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723

William W., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419²

Follett & Bradley, of Burlington, i. 637², 683², 684

Folonsbe, Moses, of Randolph, ii. 1064

Folsom, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347(2)

Miss, of Moretown, iv. 597

Andrew, of Barton, iii. 76

Augustus P., of Greensboro, iii. 224

Charles, of Lyndon, i. 355²

David, of Worcester, iv. 887, 888², 893², 907²

Rev. E., iv. 689

of Waitsfield, iv. 792²

Eliza, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Elizabeth, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Elizabeth (Stevens), wife of Matthias Folsom, iv. 908

George, of Waitsfield, iv. 793²

of N. Y., v. 174²

Rev. George, of Brattleboro, v. 186

George W., of Brattleboro, v. 178

Helen L., of Brattleboro, v. 178

J., of Corinth, ii. 887²

John, of Barton, iii. 76

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note, 522, 527²

of Greensboro, iii. 224

Joshua, of Corinth, ii. 887²

Mark W., taught in Franklin co. grammar school, ii. 98

Mary, m. Abel Hawley jr., i. 132², 2d ed. 133²

Matthias, of Worcester, iv. 887, 888², 893, 907², 908, 910

Mehitable, of Worcester, iv. 907²

Moses, of Worcester, iv. 892, 907²

Folson, John, of Tunbridge, ii. 1128²

Fonda, C. H., of Swanton, iv. 1024, 1129

Foosah, Indian, iii. 82²

Foot, Appleton, of Middlebury, i. 53

Charles, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Daniel, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

pioneer of Middlebury, i. 50, 51(2), 52, 56², 255²

grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Elijah, of Guildhall, i. 948

George, of Castleton, iii. 525²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 676

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

John, m. Hannah Hard, i. 2d ed 135²

L. B., of Cambridge, ii. 602²

Rev. Luman, of Arlington, i. 132, 2d ed. 133

Lydia, m. Samuel Crown, ii. 1106

Mary Ann (Hodges) (Dana), wife of Solomon Foot, iii. 567

Nathan, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 24; v. pt. 2, 73

Philip, pioneer of Middlebury, i. 50, 255²

S., of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Solomon, of Rutland, iii. 538, 567, 638², 639², 958², 959, 1013, 1026, 1033, 1062², 1110²; iv. 323², 450², 455, 462, 542

Stillman, of Middlebury, i. 52

Ens. Thomas, of Franklin, ii. 221²

Uri, of Franklin, ii. 221²

of Richford, ii. 282²

Wealthy, of Castleton, iii. 525²

Foote, A. B., of Rutland and Washington (D. C.), poems, iii. 1108-9

Alvan, of Burlington, i. 468² note, 504, 509(2), 532², 544², 545; ii. 480

Alvin, of Burlington, i. 498², 601²; iii. 507²

Mrs. Alvin, of Burlington, i. 496²

Anna (Woodward), wife of Daniel Foote, i. 601²

Asahel, of Franklin co., ii. 98

Caroline (Clark), wife of Alvin Foote, i. 601²

Daniel, of Middlebury, Rev. soldier, i. 601²

Elijah, of Guildhall, i. 1005, 1006, 1007(2)

George, of Castleton, iii. 507², 511, 513(2)

L. D., of Castleton, iii. 515



NAME INDEX               335


Foote, Rev. Lucinus S., of Poultney, iii. 995² note

Mrs. Lucy, of Burlington, i. 655

Luman, of Burlington, i. 473, 498², 504, 548², 554(2); ii. 960²-1

Rev. Luman, of Castleton, iii. 507²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

of Tinmouth, m. 1150²

Priscilla (Rice), wife of Alvin Foote, i. 601²

Solomon, of Castleton and Rutland, iii. 193²(2), 518(2), 519, 521(2)

Wealthy (Woodward), wife of George Foote, iii. 507²

William, of St. Albans, ii. 291²

William A. of Burlington, i. 655(2)

Foote family of Middlebury, iii. 507²

Foote & Stacy, of Burlington, ii. 960²

Footman, James T., v. pt. 2, 402

Jane (Walker), wife of James T. Footman, v. pt. 2, 402

Forbes, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1046

Mrs., of Burlington, i. 571

Lt., at Rutland, iii. 1093

A., of Swanton, iv. 1022

A. A., of Huntington, poem, i. 826

Gen. Abner, iv. 374

of Windsor, iv. 434²

Alfred, of Swanton, iv. 957, 1041², 1059², 1133², 1186

Anna, m. Dyer Hulett, iii. 628, 918²

Brigham, from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547

C. S., of St. Albans, v. pt. 35, 57

Col. Charles, grantee of Addison, i. 4

Eliab, of Burlington, i. 495²

Esther (Packard), wife of Volney Forbes, v. pt. 3³, 23²

G. E., of Cabot, iv. 102²

George, of Sherburne, iii. 1123

Rev. George, of Plainfield, iv. 729

Rev. George E., of Calais, iv. 146², 207, 209, 222

acct. of Marshfield, iv. 218-22

on Ira Smith, iv. 221

H. S., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 22, 26², 36², 38², 51

John, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Lt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Lancey, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14

Matthew C., of Sherburne, iii. 1123

Moses, from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547

Patty, m. Isaac Estey, v. 144

Robert, of Brandon, iii. 500

Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Stephen, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

Mrs. V., on Origin Packard, v. pt. 3³, 20

Rev. Volney, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 21, 23²

hist. of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 5-26

Forbes & Langdon, of Montpelier, iv. 308

Forbush, James, from Worcester co. (Mass.), of Shoreham, i. 94

Dr. O. P., of Montpelier, iv. 278, 359²(2)

Force, John, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Ford, ____, in Stowe, ii. 716

Dea., of Bradford, ii. 834²

Messrs., of W. Randolph, ii. 1037

Rev., of Fletcher, ii. 210(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 904²

Gov., of Ill., iii. 819

Capt., of Randolph, iv. 735

of St. Albans, ii. 202²

A. W., in Granville, i. 42

Rev. A. W., of Worcester, iv. 912

Adonijah, of Rutland, iii. 1042(2)

Alvira, m. Ira Osman Haven, v. pt. 2, 34

Benjamin, of N. Y., ii. 811²

Burnham, of Warren, iv. 810

Rev. C. F., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Rev. C. R., of Brandon, iii. 473

of Rutland, iii. 1047²

Rev. Cornelius R., of Brandon, iii. 474(2)

Corydon L., Pres. of Castleton Med. college, iii. 521

Mrs. D., of Rutland, iii. 1041²

Daniel, grantee of Danby, iii. 577²

of Middletown, iii. 833²(2), 835

of Rutland, iii. 1041², 1042(2), 1043(2)

Daniel Y., of Newbury, ii. 945

Dorcas, m. Ira Dwinell, iii. 382²

E. B., from Granville, of Mass., i. 42

Ermina M. (Fisk), wife of Rev. William Ford, iii. 489²

Dr. Frederic, of Cornwall, i. 25

George, from Granville, of Mass., i. 42

Rev. H., in Fair Haven, iii. 717(2)

Ira, of Braintree, ii. 846

Rev. J. T., of Stowe, ii. 703(2)-6

Rev. J. W., in Glover, iii. 207(2)

James, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Rev. James T., of Stowe, ii. 711, 712

Joel, of Middletown, iii. 833², 840

John, of Corinth, ii. 883

Joseph, of Worcester, iv. 889²

Juliet Swift, poem, i. 207, 2d ed. 206

Matthew, grantee of Danby, iii. 576²

Michael, of Warren, iv. 810

Mrs. Michael, of Warren, iv. 810

Nabby, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

m. Benjamin Pettingill, ii. 175

Nathan, of Middletown, iii. 820, 833²

Polly, of Rutland, iii. 1041², 1042

Rev. Salisbury, in Wells, iii. 1194²

Salisbury S., preached in Enosburg, ii. 146

Salome, of Rutland, iii. 1042

Samuel, of Roxbury, iv. 753², 756², 759²

Seth, of Fairfax, ii. 171, 174²

Susan, of Rutland, iii. 1041²

Susanna, of Rutland, iii. 1042

Mrs. V. R., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384²

William, pioneer of Braintree, ii. 845²



336                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Ford, Rev. William, of Brandon, ii. 361²; iii. 466², 472², 474(2), 489-90

of Burlington, i. 546²

of Rutland, iii. 1047²

on Asahel June, iii. 482-3

poems iii. 490²-2²

published Northern Visitor, iii. 495

Capt. William, of Benson, iii. 407², 408²

William jr., of Braintree, ii. 847²

Fores, Manning, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Forest, David D., grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778

Rev. H. I., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Robert, of Tunbridge, ii. 1121², 1126²

Forrest, Rev. H. F., of Bradford, ii. 824²

of Cabot, iv. 101

in Groton, iv. 1167²

Forrester, Fanny, ii. 1067

Moses, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Forsburg, ____, in Pownal, i. 214, 216, 217, 2d ed. 213, 215, 215²

Forsburgs, pioneers of Pownal, i. 214², 2d ed. 213²

Forsyth, John, Sec. of State, ii. 506²

Fort, L. B. of Cambridge, ii. 605²

Forward, Joseph, grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Fosbury, Daniel, of Highgate, ii. 267²

Fosdick, Nicoll, of New London (Conn.), ii. 666

Foskett, Rachel, m. Abraham Farr, v. pt. 2,144

Thomas, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Foss, Artimitia (Bartlett), wife of John Foss, iii. 284²

George W., of Elmore, ii. 751

Henry, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²(2)

John, of Charleston, iii. 108², 110(2), 121, 284²

John M., of Eden, ii. 625

Judith (Batchelder), wife of William B. Foss, iv. 717

Moses, of Sheffield, i. 412²

Polly, m. John Brown jr., iii. 374

Dr. William, of Richmond, i. 845

William B., of Plainfield, iv. 717(2)

Fossdick, Nicholas, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Fossett, John, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

Foster, ____, v. pt. 2, 246², 247

of Waterbury, iv. 870

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 585

m. H. R. Whitney, ii. 382²

m. Alanson Platt, iv. 1116

m. Simeon Bigelow, iii. 446

Dea., of Montpelier, iv. 530²

Dr., in Corinth, ii. 882²

of Rochester (Mass.), iv. 582²

Eld., of Waterbury, iv. 838²

Mrs., wife of Amos Foster, v. pt. 2, 258²(2)

Mrs. (Paine), of Barton, iii. 97

Rev., in Brattleboro, v. 112

of Cabot, iv. 100²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 236(2)

of Tunbridge, ii. 1125

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 630

Capt., of Calais, iv. 153

at Gettysburg battle, i. 710

Gen., in Civil war, iv. 12,5

Rev. A., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 242

Rev. A. B., of Orange (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 629²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 633²

Col. A. B., from Dummerston, of Frostvillage (P. Q.), sketch, v. pt. 2, 191-2

A. M., of Cabot, iv. 98²

Aaron, of Mendon, iii. 785

Abel, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862(2)

Abigail (Batchelder), wife of Asa Foster. iv. 717

Abigail D., of Northfield, iv. 672

Abigail (Hudson), wife of John Foster, v. pt. 2, 191

Abigail (Sanderson), wife of John Foster, v. pt. 2, 184

Abijah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126²

Alonzo, of Marshfield, iv. 204²

Alonzo M., of Calais, iv. 173², 174², 175

Rev. Amos. of Canaan (N. H.). v. pt. 2, 235²

of Putney, iv. 1193²; v. 28, 89, 163²; v. pt. 2, 153(2) 154², 629²

portrait, v. pt. 2, opp. p. 217

sketch, v. pt. 2, 255-9

hist. of Putney, v. pt. 2, 217-70

Andrew, of Brighton, i. 957

Rev. Andrew B., in Fairlee, ii. 902²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 606

Anna, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

m. Aaron Bancroft, iv. 475²

Anna (Sessions), wife of David Foster, v. pt. 2, 585², 617²

Artemas, of Calais, iv. 136²,176

Arthur Martin, preceptor Franklin co. grammar school, ii. 98

Asa, of Marshfield, iv. 717

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

Capt. Asa, v. pt. 2, 30²

Asa B., of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867²

of Weston, iii. 705

Rev. B. F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 157, 174²

Rev. Bancroft, in Greenfield (Mass.), iv. 796

Barnard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Barty, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Benjamin jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 155

Benjamin F., of Salisbury (N. H.), and Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 255²

Rev. Benjamin F., from Hanover (N. H.), sketch, v. pt. 2, 154-5²

Betsey, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

m. Horatio W. Barney, iv. 1121



NAME INDEX               337


Foster, Calvin, of Moretown, iv. 140, 598², 603²

Charles, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 705²

Charles H., from Wolcott, of Stowe, ii. 751, 768²

Charles O., of Montpelier, iv. 355², 528

Charles Samuel, of Erie (Pa.), v. pt. 2, 270²

Clarissa, m. Silas Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 714

Cyrus, of Wells, iii. 1197²

Daniel, v. pt. 2, 255²

of Berkshire, ii. 396

David, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226², 232, 585², 617²

of Sheldon, ii. 378

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 606²

of Worcester, iv. 902²

Davis, v. pt. 2, 255²

Douglas, of Montpelier, iv. 530²

Rev. E. B., of Henniker (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 258

Mrs. E. S., in Johnson, ii. 589²

Rev. E. S., of Wells, iii. 1195²

Ebenezer, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Eden Burroughs, v. pt. 2, 255²

Edward, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 8

Edward C., of Wis., v. pt. 2, 155²

Edward Cornelius, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 155, 202

Edwin H., of East Montpelier, iv. 589²

Rev. Eland, of Moretown, iv. 602²

Dr. Elihu, of Montpelier, iv. 524

Ellen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 155²

Ellen Maria, m. Simon Jones, v. pt. 2, 270

Enoch, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

Capt. Enoch, of Walden, sketch, i. 427²

Ephraim, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

of Middletown, iii. 833²

of Peacham, i. 286(2), 363

Esther (Jewell), wife of Richard Foster, v. pt. 2, 154

Ezekiel, of Brighton, i. 954

Fannie J., m. Rev. Henry M. Grout, v. 163²

Fanny (Rogers), wife of Abijah Foster, iii. 1126²

Flint, of Morgan, iii. 284², 287

Flint R., of Morgan, iii. 376², 377(2)

Frances Jane, m. Rev. Henry M. Grout. v. pt. 2, 270²

Frederick Webster, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 155

G. P., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Dr. G. S., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224²

Lt. G. W., of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1035, 1051², 1059, 1074

George, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 122

of Swanton, iv. 1003

George Champion, of Medford (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 270²

George D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

George P., of Montpelier, iv. 528, 550

George W., of Calais, iv. 165²

of Swanton, ii. 93, 94, 96, 302², 445; iv. 1009²

Maj. George W., of Swanton, iv. 997², 1050², 1060², 1098, 1116, 1129², 1132², 1133(2), 1185², 1186(2), 1187²

George W., jr., of Calais, iv. 150²

Gilmore, of Pawlet, iii. 878

Gustavus, of Whitingham, i. 259

Rev. H., of Waterbury, iv. 839'

H. B., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

of Swanton, iv. 1132², 1134²

H. D., of Fast Montpelier, iv. 586²

Hannah, m. Elliott F. Chase, v. pt. 2, 717

Hannah (Black), wife of Charles S. Foster, v. pt. 2, 270²

Hannah (Briggs), wife of Willard Foster, v. pt. 2, 185², 191

Harriet Amelia, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232², 270

Harriet Eliza, m. James Crawford, v. pt. 2, 270

Harriet (White), wife of Rev. Amos Foster, v. pt. 2, 256²

Henry, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221

grantee of Shrewsbury, m. 1127²

Henry D., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221, 270²(2)

Henry M. of Montpelier, iv. 348³

Hephzibah, m. Samuel Bennett jr., v. pt. 2, 187²

Rev. Herschell, born in Orange, ii. 957²; iv. 209²

Horace, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650

Horace B., of Swanton, iv. 1040²

Horatio, of Hubbardton, iii. 701

Hosea B., of Berlin, iv. 315

Huldah, m. Clark Stevens, iv. 578², 581

Mrs. I. G., of Northfield, iv. 690

Ichabod, from Clarendon, pioneer of Whiting, i. 116

Ira, of Pawlet, iii. 878

Isaac, of Moretown, iv. 603

Isaac N., of Swanton, iv. 1056

Rev. J. C., of Brattleboro, v. 31²(2)

Jabez, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690², 693, 720, 723², 724

Jacob, of Randolph, ii. 1018

James, of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Jane, m. Nathaniel K. Herrick, iv. 246²

Jedediah, of Brookfield (Mass.), i. 590

Jemima (Smith), wife of Heman Foster, iv. 896²

Dr. Jeremiah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603

Jesse, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Joel, of Montpelier, iv. 337², 549

Mrs. Joel, of Montpelier, iv. 1190

Rev. Joel, in St. Albans, ii. 293, 332



NAME INDEX               339


Foster, Timothy, of Swanton, ii. 93², 95²-6; iv. 1050², 1132², 1133(2), 1185², 1186²

W., of Worcester, iv. 888²

Rev. W. W. jr., v. pt. 35, 55

Wade Hampton, of Sheldon, ii. 382²

Wesley, of Morgan, iii. 285²

Whitefield, of Clarendon, iii. 554, 572

Willard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184², 185², 191

William, from Canterbury, of Gran­ville, ii. 651²-2

of Mendon, iii. 787²

of St. Albans, ii. 434

of Swanton, iv. 1003

William B., of Moretown, iv. 603²

William Cowper, v. pt. 2, 255²

William H., v. pt. 2, 155²

William Henry, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 155

William S., of Irasburg, iii. 263

William W., of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Foster & Allen, of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Foster & co., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Foucault, Senior Francois, settled Wind‑Mill Point, ii. 488(2)

Fowle, Daniel & Robert, of Portsmouth (N. H.), printers, ii. 920

Robert, see Fowle, Daniel and Robert

Fowler, Lt., at battle of Plattsburg, i. 674²

Abner, of Gloucester co., ii. 871

of N. Y., iv. 56²

Lt. Abner, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Rev. Bancroft, of Bangor (Me.), 272²

Barnet, of Barnet, i. 266, 275(2), 280², 281², 282; iv. 1157²

Benjamin, of Danby, iii. 590², 599

of Woodbury, iv. 875²

Charles, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Fox, of Grand Isle, ii. 525

George, of Berlin, iv. 74

H. K., of Manchester, i. 202

Harvey, of Barnet, i. 282, 283²

Rev. Horace, of Eden, ii. 623²

Jacob, ii. 828

of Bradford, ii. 823

of Corinth and Berlin, ii. 874; iv. 53, 55

on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Lt. Jacob, of Bradford, ii. 815²

John, of Brattleboro, v. 49

grantee of Huntington, i. 813

John W., of Plainfield, iv. 731²

of Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), iv. 634

Jonathan, of Barnet, i. 266, 275(2), 280(2), 281², 283²; iv. 1157²

grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 588, 604²

Lydia, m. Dea. Henry Bowen, iii. 564

Sarah, of Newbury, ii. 927(2)

Stephen, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Rev. William C., of Weybridge, i. 110

Fox, ____, of Roxbury, iv. 752

Dr., of Wallingford, iii. 1131²

Alonzo, of Woodford, i. 249²

Amos, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9²

Charles James, iv. 857

Daniel, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Daniel W., of Montpelier, iv. 378

Ebenezer, of Northfield, iv. 613, 671², 1199

Mrs. Ebenezer, of Northfield, iv. 671²

Elizabeth, m. Edwin Martindale, iii. 1171²

Esther, m. Ethiel Perkins, iii. 699

Fannie, m. Dr. Augustus Mulford, iii. 637²

George, founder of Society of Friends, i. 738(2); ii. 537(2); iii. 77²

Dr. George H., of Wallingford and Rutland, iii. 1170², 1171²

Hattie. of Wallingford, iii. 1171²

Jacob, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

John, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Dr. John, of Wallingford, iii. 1169(2), 1170(2), 1171(2), 1172

John jr., grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

of N. Y., iii. 1171²

John B., of Shaftsbury, i. 259

Joseph, of Middletown, iii. 828(2), 829(2)

Julius, of Tunbridge, ii. 1130

Mary, of Wallingford, iii. 1171²

Mary (Crary), wife of Dr. John Fox, iii. 1171²

Nellie, m. Dr. Augustus Mulford, iii. 637²

Peter, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Rev. R, of Fair Haven, iii. 717(2)

Samuel, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Timothy, grantee of Brandon, iii. 446

William, from Woodstock (Conn.), of Wallingford, iii. 867², 1169(2), 1171

William C. of Wallingford, iii. 1169², 1170², 1171

Foxwell, Lt. Joseph, iv. 1153

Fradenburg, George, v. pt. 35, 54

Fradenburgh, ____, of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Fraily, Catherine, m. John Palmer, iii. 640

Franch, Boz'th, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²

Francis, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 59²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

of Assisum, St., iv. 979

de Sales, St., iv. 978²

Col., at Hubbardton, i. 154, 2d ed. 156²; iii. 511², 749², 759², 760

Rev. Converse, i. 542

Rev. Daniel, of Randolph, ii. 999²

in South Hero, ii. 574²

Rev. Daniel D., of Benson, iii. 412²(2)

Experience, m. William Potter jr., iii. 1204²

Hiram, of Wells, iii. 1197

Jared, of Wells, iii. 1196(2)

Joseph, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191



338                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Foster, Joel jr., of Montpelier, iv. 272², 336², 409(2), 441, 549(2)

Joel S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184, 191

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184, 191

of Moretown, iv. 917

Mrs. John, of Moretown, iv. 603²

John, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Rev. John, of Brighton (Mass.), i. 541²

in Corinth and Worcester, ii. 881; iv. 904(2)

in Newbury, ii. 951

of Strafford, ii. 1080

Rev. John B., in Huntington, i. 827²

Gen. John Gray, bombarded Charles­ton (S. C.), ii. 765

John J., of Swanton, iv. 1134²

John M., of Lyndon, i. 346, 351(2)

John S., of Swanton, ii. 93², 96; iv. 1035, 1050², 1132², 1133(2), 1134, 1186²

Jonathan, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 357, 358, 366²

Joseph, of West Fairlee, ii. 1169²

Josiah, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

m. Mrs. Patience (Dyer) Howard, i. 594²

Julia, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

L. W. of Stone, ii. 712²

Leander, of Northfield, iv. 670², 681², 682(2)

Lelia, m. Van R. Kent, iv. 153, 159

Lemuel, of Orange, ii. 969²

Dea. Leonard, of Moretown, iv. 600

Leonard R., of Moretown, iv. 917

Luke B., ii. 616²

Luvia (Carpenter), wife of Henry Dwight Foster, v. pt. 2, 270²

Lydia, of Moretown, iv. 603

m. Col. James Sawyer, i. 497²

Mrs. Lydia B., of Moretown, iv. 603²

Maria, of Dummerstown, v. pt. 2, 184, 191

Mary, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862²

m. Chester French, v. pt. 2, 191, 312²

m. William Miller, iii. 743²

Mary (Blodgett), wife of Jacob Foster, ii. 1018

Mary (Kellam), wife of Pliny Foster, iii. 377

Mary (Perry), wife of Benjamin Foster, v. pt. 2, 155²

Mary (Ware), wife of Joel Foster jr., iv. 441

Dea. Merrill, of Walden, i. 427

N., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Rev. N. P., of Burlington and Montpelier, i. 548(2); iv. 289, 425

Nathan, of Orange, ii. 957, 969²(2)

of Stowe, ii. 719, 721(2)

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14, 19

Nathaniel, of Fairfield, ii. 467²

Nellie F., dau. of Rev. Benjamin Foster, v. pt. 2, 155²

Obed, of Jacksonville, v. pt. 2, 705², 724

Ozro, of Northfield, iv. 656²

Patience (Dyer) (Howard), wife of Josiah Foster, i. 594²

Phebe, m. Dea. David Merriam, iii. 454

Pliny, of Morgan, iii. 377

Polly, of Calais, iv. 166²

R., of Swanton, iv. 1010

Rebecca, in. Seth St. Johns, iv. 1173²

Reuben, v. 14²

of Corinth, ii. 1169

Richard, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

of Hanover (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 154

of Salisbury (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 255²

Richard jr., v. pt. 2, 255²

Richard Baxter, v. pt. 2, 255²

Robert, of Swanton, iv. 1023, 1109², 1110, 1121²

Mrs. Robert (nee Barney), iv. 1109²

Roswell, v. pt. 2, 255²

Ruth Hovey (Kimball), wife of Rev. Benjamin Foster, v. pt. 2, 155

S. H., of Calais, iv. 159

Sally (Belknap), wife of Dr. Sewall Foster, v. pt. 2, 107, 191

Samuel, of Highgate, ii. 258

of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867²

Samuel G., of Brattleboro, v. 41²(2), 42

Samuel W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184, 191

Seneca, of Brighton, i. 953

Capt. Seth R., of N. Y., i. 706

Dr. Sewall, v. pt. 2, 107

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728

Sidney H., of Calais, iv. 146², 147, 173², 174(2), 175

Simeon, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

of Highgate, ii. 255

pensioner, 1818, ii. 392²

Skelton, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108, 179, 184, 191

Spencer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184, 191

Stephen, v. pt. 2, 31

of Chelmsford (Mass.), iv. 1155

of Derby Line, iv. 473

of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

of Montpelier, iv. 273², 298², 548

Capt. Stephen, of Montpelier, iv. 408

Dr. Stephen Sewall, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 191(2)

Submit, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Susan, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Susan (Hathaway), wife of Calvin Foster, iv. 140

Susanna, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

T. G., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Teresa (Howe), wife of George C. Foster, v. pt. 2, 270²

Thomas, of Calais, iv. 166, 176²



340                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Francis, Rev. L., of Castleton, iii. 516²

Lewis, of Rutland co., iii. 519²

Rev. Lewis, of Castleton, iii. 528

of Colchester, i. 777

Marcellus, of Wells, iii. 1196, 1197²

Nathan, of Wells, iii. 898², 1196(2)

P. B., v. 166

Mrs. Sarah, m. Robert Hotchkiss, iii. 1202

Simon, of Wells, iii. 1194, 1196²(2), 1207

Francois, Edward A. L. of Tunbridge, ii. 1128

Frank, Augustus, of N. Y., iii. 888²

Franklin, ____, of Ira, iii. 783²

bought Lowell, iii. 276

Aaron, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58

Alvin B., of Newfane, iv. 1191; v. pt. 2, 461²

Benjamin, author, i. 556², 601², 634², 919; iii. 648², 1091²; iv. 12², 315, 444²; v. 69, 77²

Elisha D., of Greensboro, iii. 224

Henry, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Jabez, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34²

James, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

John, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

of Newport (R. I.), iii. 648²

Sir John, iii. 1038²

Joseph, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2), 320²

Joseph E., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Joshua, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Matthew, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Nancy, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 229

Otis, of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Roswell, of Montpelier, iv. 525

Samuel, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

of Williamstown, ii. 1142² note, 1145²

Sarah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702

m. Richard Bache, iii, 1091²

Thomas jr., grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Walter, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456

William, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702

Gen. William Buel, iv. 1180

Franklin and Robinson, of N. Y., in Troy, iii. 313

Frankling, Henry, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Franks, Frederick, of Brattleboro, v. 185

Frarey, Eld. Milo, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Frary, F. H., of Bradford, ii. 842

Jonathan, of Strafford, ii. 1082

Rev. Milo, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

Frase, J., of Charleston, iii. 120

Fraser, Capt., Brit officer, iii. 511²(2)

Gen., Eng. officer, iii. 512

Rev. John, of Derby, iii. 179²

Gen. Simon, i. 666²

Frasier, Col., paroled John Strong, i. 9²

Alexander, of Albany, iii. 66²

Daniel, of Montpelier, iv. 531

Fraylick, John, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Frazar, Miss, of Watertown (Mass.), v. 104

Frazee, Elisha, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

Frazer, Gen., Brit. officer at Ticonderoga, iii. 759²

Ira M., of Danby, iii. 595

Dr. Ira M., of Danby, iii. 624

John, of Stowe, ii. 716

Rev. John, of Alburg, ii. 485²

of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Lyman, of Middletown, iii. 624

Mary (Vail), wife of Ira M. Frazer, iii. 651

Mary (Vail) (Frazer), wife of Lyman Frazer, iii. 624

see also Frazier; Frazure

Frazier, ____, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 412²

James P., of Bloomfield, i. 950

Rev. John, of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

Robert Windsor, of Brattleboro, v. 179²

see also Frazer; Frazure

Frazure, Rev., of Bristol, i. 21

Frechette, E. R., printer, ii. 89(2)

Fredenburgh, Charles de, iv. 967

Frederick, King of Prussia, ii. 572²; iv. 127²

Fredett, Peter, of Pittsford, iii. 942

Fredge, Thomas, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Freeborn, John, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Robert, grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Freel, Samuel, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Freeman, ____, of Colchester, i. 763²

pioneer of Essex, i. 779²

pioneer of Fairlee, ii. 901

of Moretown, iv. 594²

Eld., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 193(2)

Mrs., of Warren, iv. 810

Squire, of Sturbridge (Mass.), ii. 1074²

Lt., iv. 1077²

Col., at Hanover (N. H.), ii. 828², 829

Dr. A. W., of Brookfield, ii. 863

Adam M., of Wis., iii. 568

Alden, of Orange and Plainfield, ii. 1171²; iv. 715², 716

Burr, of Moretown, iv. 598

Burton, of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1060²

C. H., of Montpelier, iv. 336²

Constant, of Moretown, iv. 602²

Dr. D. B., of Brookfield, ii. 863

D. F., of Moretown, iv. 603²

D. G. of Swanton, iv. 1055, 1129

Daniel, of Fairlee, ii. 902

of Roxbury, iv. 759

Delira, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²



NAME INDEX               341


Freeman, Ebenezer, of Plainfield, iv. 716(2), 717, 726, 727², 728, 730²

Edmund, of Plainfield, iv. 716², 731

Edmund jr., of Plainfield, iv. 716²

Erastus, of Fletcher, ii. 206

Mrs. Erastus, of Fletcher, ii. 206

Esther, of Plainfield, iv. 726

Mrs. Frank T., of Castleton, iii. 720

Rev. George, iv. 903²

George Washington, of Rutland, iii. 1067²

Rev. Hiram, of Middlesex, iv. 238²

of Wis., iv. 784²

Holland P., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 350

Dr. I. A., of Brookfield, ii. 863

Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 328², 387²

of Plainfield, iv. 716²

Isaac F., of Charleston, iii. 109, 122

J., of Brattleboro, v. 49, 168

Rev. J., in Fair Haven, iii. 718

J. B., of Albany, iii. 66², 68²

Jack, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 74

John, of Roxbury, iv. 760²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695

Jonathan, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Rev. Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 31²(2)

of Groton, iv. 1168²

Joseph D., of Waterville, ii. 800²

Josiah, of Plainfield, iv. 719²

Katie m. Abner Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

L. S., of Waterford, i. 432

L. W., of Warren, iv. 810

Lucretia, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Lucy, m. ____ Lawson, iv. 716²

Lydia M. (Best), wife of D. G. Freeman, iv. 1055

Rev. N. O., in Belvidere and Waterville, ii. 594², 769²

of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

Rev. N. W., in Sheldon, ii. 372²

Napha, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Nathan, of Plainfield, iv. 716², 727²

Otis, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

of Swanton, iv. 997², 998², 1093²

of Walden, i. 426²

Phebe, wife of Rufus Freeman, v. pt. 2, 193

Phineas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

Precilla (Washburn), wife of Alden Freeman, iv. 716

Prudence, of Moretown, iv. 603

R. W., of Guildhall, i. 998

Rachel, m. Dr. Silas Hodges, iii. 565²

Mrs. Rebekah, of Rutland, iii. 1039

Reuben W., of Guildhall, i. 948, 1006², 1067, 1008², 1012²

Rufus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 111

from Fitzwilliam (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 193

Rev. Rufus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 193

S., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Sally, m. ____ Thompson, iv. 716²

Mrs. Samuel, of Brookfield, ii. 860

Sarah, of Moretown, iv. 603

Mrs. Sarah T., iii. 1038

Selim, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241

Seth, of Weldon (N. H.), and Plainfield, iv. 715(2), 716, 721, 725, 727(2), 729²

Silas C., of Essex, i. 784²

Smith, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Sophia L. (Hodges), wife of Adam M. Freeman, iii. 508

Stephen, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Montpelier, iv. 527²

Thomas jr., grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Walter, of Essex, i. 779²

Welcome, of Highgate, ii. 263

Wilbur F., of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Freeman & Rowell, of Albany, iii. 66²

Freeme, Mrs., dau. of Rev. William Wells, v. 26

Freemore, John, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Freileigh, ____, m. Robert L. Paddock, iv. 1050²

Frelinghuysen, Theodore, ii. 328

Freme, Martha (Wells), of Brattleboro, v. 73²

Fremin, J., French missionary, iv. 980²

Fremont, Gen. John C., i. 508², 555, 854; ii. 530, 818; iii. 184; iv. 270, 586², 639²; v. pt. 2, 594;v pt. 35, 89²

French, ____, of Concord, i. 971

of Hardwick, i. 323²

of Holland, iii. 236

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577

of Williston, i. 901

of Essex co., i. 1060

m. W. T. Dewey, iv. 515

m. Joel Cooper, iv. 385²

Mrs., of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

of Stowe, ii. 707

m. John Harding, iii. 277

Rev., of Barre, iv. 94², 207

Col., of Nashua (N. H.), ii. 1055²

Gen., of Randolph, ii. 1037

commanded Vt. militia, ii. 886²

Abel, v. pt. 2, 97

Abial, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

Abijah, of Westmoreland (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 669²

Achsah, m. Aaron Presson, v. pt. 2, 61²

Adolphus, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Albert, of Barre, iv. 42²

Alson, of Barre, iv. 42²

Alvah R., of Craftsbury, iii. 170²

of Orleans co., iii. 33²(2)

Alvan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 213²

Alvin D., v. pt. 2, 96²

Rev. Alvin D., from Dummerston, of Denmark (Ia.), v. pt. 2, 157²

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 42², 76², 86, 178, 205, 213

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

Asa jr., v. pt. 2, 213²

Asa 2d, v. pt. 2, 213²

Asa M., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

Sgt. B., of Barre, iv. 41²

Bartholomew, of Barre, iv. 30, 41



342                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



French, Bartholomew jr., in Barre, iv. 41

Barzilla, of Glover, iii. 201(2)

Benjamin, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 43

of Northfield, iv. 672

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

dau. of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 213²

m. Jesse Manley, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 105²

wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 43²

Betty, wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 106²

Betty (Duncan), wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 43

C. H., of Calais, iv. 136

Dr. C. L, of Glover, iii. 43², 208²

Caroline A. (Clark), wife of Alvin D. French, v. pt. 2, 96², 157², 213²

Carrie, m. Horatio N. Walker, v. pt. 2, 94²

Catharine (Gates), wife of Nathaniel W. French, i. 1022²

Catherine Lucia, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Charles, v. pt. 2, 213²

of Barre, iv. 33

of Cabot, iv. 103

of Calais, iv. 174(2)

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204

Charles A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 96²

Dr. Charles L., of Glover, iii. 208²

Chester, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 191, 213²

Chester W., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 312²

Clarissa (Bemis), wife of Jonathan French, v. pt. 2, 63²

Dea. Daniel, of Hardwick, i. 325²

David, in Barre, iv. 41

of Burlington, i. 656

of Cambridge, ii. 621

of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

of Mt. Holly, iii. 851

of Williston, i. 472²(2)

attorney, i. 473

Delia, of Barre, iv. 37

Dexter, of Brunswick, i. 964

E. E., of Barre, iv. 3³, 34²

Eben C., of Mendon, iii. 785², 786

Elam, of Brandon, iii. 440, 441², 448

Eleanor (Bucklin), wife of Ephraim French, iii. 615

Eli, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Elijah, pioneer of Braintree, ii. 845², 846(2), 847², 852²

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Eliza (Wilder), wife of Charles French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Elizabeth (Frost), wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 43

Ellen (Farr), wife of Charles A. French, v. pt. 2, 96²

Emily, m. Stephen P. Burnett, v. pt. 2, 181²

Ephraim, v. pt. 2, 213²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 157²

of Montpelier, iii. 615

Ephraim S., jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 213²

Esther, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Eusebia, of Maidstone, i. 1039²

F. S., of Barton, iii. 75

Fordyce F., of Orleans co., iii. 33²

Franklin S., of Montpelier, iv. 523²

Frost, from Billerica (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 43

George Albert, of Burlington, i. 656

Granville, v. pt. 2, 94²

H. W., of Barre, iv. 33

H. Warner, of Barre, iv. 36, 46

Maj. Hains, of Maidstone, i. 1029, 1030(2), 1031, 1045

sketch, i. 1039-40

Hains jr., of Maidstone, i. 1039²

Haines, of Maidstone, i. 948

Hannah, of Barre, iv. 37

m. Curtis Hawley, i. 2d ed. 134

Hannah (Presson), wife of Otis French, v. pt. 2, 61²

Harriet, m. John P. Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Hattie Maria, m. George Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 312²

Haynes, of Guildhall, i. 1004²

of Maidstone, i. 1006

Hayword, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105

Henry, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 54², 73²

of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

Henry O., of Montpelier, iv. 531

Homer, of Maidstone, i. 1040

Horace, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 213²

Huldah, m. Benjamin I. Wheeler, iv. 579

Humes, of East Haven, i. 985²

Ichabod, v. pt. 2, 97

Irene (Learnard), wife of Maj. Hains French, i. 1039²

Isaac, of Burlington and Williston, i. 493, 509, 902²

J., of Richford, ii. 285

J. J., of Bloomfield, i. 950

James, v. pt. 2, 43

of Fairfax, ii. 402²

James G., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 307², 337, 515

Mrs. James G. (née Goldsbury), iv. 515

Jemima, m. Ichabod Onion, v. pt. 2, 97

Jeremiah, of Burlington and Willis­ton, i. 493, 616², 902²; ii. 480

of Danby, iii. 579²

of Manchester, i. 146, 199, 204, 2d ed. 148², 205



NAME INDEX               343


French, Jesse, of Brattleboro, v. 112

son of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Joanna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 43

2d wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Joel, of Dummerston. v. pt. 2, 42², 97, 108, 179(2)

Joel 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 97

John, iv. 736; v. 14²; v. pt. 2, 42²

of Barre, iv. 33

grantee of Bradford, ii. 809(2)

of Braintree, ii. 847²

of Brattleboro, v. 47²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72², 84, 86, 96², 108, 216

of Hollis (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 61²

of Maidstone, i. 1027², 1029, 1039, 1040, 1045

of Minehead, iv. 573²

of Richford, ii. 282

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603²

from Eng., v. pt. 2, 213²

Col. John, of Braintree, ii. 846²

Gen. John, ii. 998(2)

John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 73(2), 96², 105, 216

Capt. John jr., from Walpole (N. H.), of Maidstone, Rev. soldier, i. 1039

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 42², 63², 172, 213²

Joseph, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204

of Montpelier, iv. 352

of Caledonia co., v. pt. 34, 40

Josiah, of Clover, iii. 201

of Jacksonville, v. pt. 2, 705

Judah G., of Cambridge, ii. 601

Juliette, m. Sewall Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Rev. Justin W., in Cabot, iv. 96²

Rev. Justus W., of Barre, iv. 29, 1160

of Montpelier, iv. 291 and note

Rev. L. S., hist. of Cong'l. church in Franklin, ii. 226(2)

Lindoll, of Glover, iii. 199²

Louisa, m. Luke Norcross, v. pt. 2, 43², 100², 213²

Lucy (Hall), wife of Horace French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Lucy Priscilla, m. Cephus Dwight Curse, v. pt. 2, 213²

Lydia, m. Amasa Manley, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 105²

Mrs. Lydia, of Hardwick, iv. 321

Lydia (Estabrook), wife of William French, v. pt. 2, 43², 147

Lyman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 168

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650², 652

son of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Lyndoll, of Glover, iii. 207

Rev. Lyndon S., in Coventry, iii. 156

of Fayston, iv. 599

Marcy, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Mark, of Montpelier, iv. 280

Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 84, 97, 213²

m. Samuel Goss, iv. 471

wife of John French, v. pt. 2, 73

Mary (Foster), wife of Chester French, v. pt. 2, 191, 312²

Mary H., of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Mary (Kendall), wife of Nelson French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Mary (Rice), wife of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 42²

Mary (Wilcox), wife of John French, v. pt. 2, 96²

Maynard, of Barre, iv. 37

Mehitable, m. Jonathan Herrick, v. pt. 2, 103

Mercy, dau. of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 213²

wife of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 42²

Mercy (Rice), wife of Asa French, v. pt. 2, 86, 205, 213²

Micah, of Barre, iv. 27², 36², 515

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105, 111, 193²

Micah jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 73², 77, 105, 193(2)

N. W., of Lunenburg, i. 1017(2)

Nathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Nathaniel, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Brattleboro, v. 11, 59; v. pt. 2, 74², 75², 312², 574, 575

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 8, 42², 103, 105²(2), 106², 107, 110², 174², 178², 185², 213²(2)

sketch, v. pt. 2, 42-3

Nathaniel jr., from Billerica (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 42², 46²(2), 74²

of Brattleboro, v. 47²

Capt. Nathaniel jr., of Brattleboro, v, pt. 2, 312²

Nathaniel W., of Lunenburg, i. 948, 1022²

Nehemiah, of Elmore, ii. 798²

Nelson, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 172², 213²

Norman, of East Montpelier, iv. 575²

Olin, of Montpelier, iv. 523

Olin L., of Keene (N. H.), v. 183

Oliver, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Ollie, m. Moses Roel, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 185

Orlan, in Barre, iv. 46

Otis, of Barre, iv. 36², 41(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61²

Ovid, of Maidstone, i. 1040

Ozro, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Peter, of Manchester, i. 204, 205

Peter B., of Hampton (N. Y.), iii. 709

Phebe B. iii. 200²

Phebe (Bemis), 2d wife of Alvin D. French, v. pt. 2, 96²

Philip, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Philip jr., grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Mrs. Polly, of Burlington, i. 655

Polly (Bailey), wife of Joel French, v. pt. 2, 42², 179

Polly (Pierce), wife of Stephen French, v. pt. 2, 213²



344                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


French, Priscilla, wife of Ephraim French, v. pt. 2, 213²

Priscilla (Duncan), wife of Ephraim French, v. pt. 2, 43², 157², 207²

Rachel, m. Abel Haven, v. pt. 2, 33², 86, 97

Rebecca, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 97

m. Samuel Dutton jr., v. pt. 2, 41, 42²

m. Samuel Dutton 3d, v. pt. 2, 213

Rebecca (Hayward), wife of John French, v. pt. 2, 86

Rebecca (Haywood), wife of John French jr., v. pt. 2, 105

Relief (Walker), wife of Granville French, v. pt. 2, 94²

Reuben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 97

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204

Richardson, from Billerica (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 43

Robert, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

S., of Richford, ii. 285

S. C., of Montpelier, iv. 351²

S. F., of Coventry, iii. 159

Sally D., m. Sheldon G. Handrick, v. pt. 2, 213²

Sally (Hugh), wife of Maj. Hains French, i. 1039²

Sally (Walker), wife of Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 43²

Sampson, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

Samuel, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Craftsbury, iii. 165²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 55², 108, 181², 194², 205²

of Hardwick, i. 325, 327²(2), 329, 333; iv. 321²

of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204

Capt. Samuel, of Hardwick, iv. 364²

Samuel jr., of Manchester, i. 205(2), 2d ed. 204(2)

Samuel F., of Coventry, iii. 158²

Sarah, of Maidstone, i. 1039²

Mrs. Sarah, of Burlington, i. 655

Sarah, m. Ichabod Onion, v. pt. 2, 97

m. Joseph Hayward, v. pt. 2, 73

Sarah (Gates), wife of Samuel French, v. pt. 2, 43², 55²

Sarah (Howe), wife of Micah French jr., v. pt. 2, 105

Seba, of Clarendon, iii. 561²(2)

Silas, of Glover, iii. 198², 201(2)

Silas C., of Montpelier, iv. 276², 279, 302², 328, 353, 502(2), 528(2)

Silence, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 97

Simon, pioneer of Corinth, ii. 885²

pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241, 242(2), 244

Solomon, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 97(2)

Sophronia (Gibbs), wife of Lyman French, v. pt. 2, 168

Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 79, 213²

Susannah, m. William Nutting, ii. 1055²

Sybil, m. Jerahmel B. Wheeler, iv. 579

Mrs. Tabitha (Dow), wife of Samuel French, iv. 364²

Thomas, of Berlin, iv. 1188, 1189

grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

of Middletown, iii. 797, 820, 830², 833

of Northfield, iv. 613

of Eng., v. pt. 2, 213²

committee to survey Maidstone, i. 1025²

Thomas G., of Brunswick, i. 963²; iv. 573²

Volney, of Maidstone, i. 1039²

sketch, i. 1040²-2

Warren C., of Woodstock, iv. 358²

William, v. pt. 2, 9², 41, 51², 53

of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 11², 42²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 43²(2), 54, 108, 115, 147, 213, 573, 574-5, 586², 206², 312², 635²(2), 639

from Eng., v. pt. 2, 213²

William 2d, v. pt. 2, 42

of Eng., v. pt. 2, 213²

William G., of Cabot, iv. 122²

William Henry, of Williston, sketch, i. 902-3

French family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 42-3

French & Bancroft, of Montpelier, iv. 279

French & Dodge, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

French & Harvey, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

French & Sanborn, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

French & Stedman, of Brattleboro, v. 183

Frenyear, Rev., of Middletown, iii. 835

C. P., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Rev. C. P., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548²

author, iv. 315

Frett, Emily, of Barre, iv. 52²

Frido, Lumbara, of Highgate, ii. 421

Friesdell, Lt., see Friswell, Lt. John

Friezell, ____, of Middlesex, iv. 242

Frink, ____, of Roxbury, iv. 748

Andrew, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Arthur, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Rev. B. M., in Derby, iii. 179²

attended Orleans co. teachers' institute, iii. 35²

Consider, of Danby, iii. 653²

Elliott, of Swanton, iv. 1080

Dr. J. E., of Waterbury, iv. 839

James, of Petersburg (N. Y.), iii. 613

John, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Juda (Bromley), wife of James Frink, iii. 613

Lucy, m. John Colvin, iii. 618

Mary E., m. Dr. N. M. Harris, iv. 893

Nancy, of Waterbury, iv. 871²

Rube, m. Willard Bromley, iii. 613²

Stanton, of Waterbury, iv. 837



NAME INDEX               345


Frink, Thomas, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221

W. S., of Waterbury. iv. 835

William, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Frink & Remington, of Waterbury, iv. 832

Friot, Elizabeth, m. Jedediah Hyde jr., ii. 635²

Frisbe, Ebenezer, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Frisbee, Dea. Ebenezer, from Sharon (Conn.), i. 78²

Elisha, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Nathaniel, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Frisbie, ____, of Poultney, iii. 801²

Dr. Amos, from Poultney, of Findlay (O.), iii. 802²

Augustus, of Middletown, iii. 820

Barker, of Middletown, iii. 820², 823², 838

Barnes, iii. 838(2), 843, 844(2), 999², 1159²

hist. of Middletown, iii. 794-815

Ebenezer, of Poultney, iii. 991(2)

Eliza, of Fair Haven, iii. 684²

from Conn., of West Haven, iii. 682²

James, iii. 657

Joel, of Middletown, iii. 820(2), 831, 832

Jonathan, of Middletown, iii. 795², 796², 797, 806, 819², 820

Palmer, from Middletown, of Lysander (N. Y.), iii. 820²

Philemon, of Middletown, iii. 820

William, of Middletown, iii. 795², 796², 797(2), 800, 801(2), 806, 820, 830(2), 831

Dr. William, from Middletown, of Pittsford, iii. 949²

William jr., of Middletown, iii. 830², 833

Dr. William jr., of Middletown and Pittsford, iii. 801²

Zebulon, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Zenas, of Middletown, iii. 801², 813², 820, 844²

Frisket, Noel, of Fairfax, ii. 402

Frissel, John, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19

Frissell, Benjamin, of West Fairlee, ii. 909

Friswell, John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 71, 178²

Lt. John, at Willsboro (N. Y.), i. 662

Frith, Abraham jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 108

Frizzel, Eben, iv. 626

Electa, m. George K. Cobleigh, iv. 626

Eliza, m. Adolphus Denny, iv. 625²

Joel, of Montpelier, iv. 258(2), 259², 260

Martha, of Strafford, ii. 1084

Frizzell, Ebenezer, of Worcester, iv. 891

John, of Thetford, ii. 1178

Frizzle, Azubah H., of Northfield, iv. 671

Ebenezer, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

of Montpelier, iv. 327²

of Northfield, iv. 671

of Randolph, ii. 1034²

Joel, pioneer of Montpelier, iv. 22², 254², 255², 256²

Martha, of Vershire, ii. 1182

Frobisher, Martin, iv. 935, 936

Frontenac, Count de, i. 659²

Frost, ____, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²

Mrs., of Brattleboro, v. 57²

Rev., of Weybridge, i. 110

of Williamstown, ii. 1144

itinerant preacher, iv. 600

Andrew Pepperell, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Anson W., of Cornwall, iv. 1191²

Asa, of Mt. Holly, iii. 619²

Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 17², 108²

of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

C. C. of Brattleboro, v. 40²

Charles, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392

in War of 1812, ii. 392

Charles C., of Brattleboro, v. 48; v. pt. 2, 13²

sketch, v. 112-6

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 171

Charles S., of Brattleboro, v. 113

D. L., of Waterbury, iv. 831

Capt. Daniel, of Glover, iii. 201

Daniel A., of Worcester, iv. 893, 908²

Rev. Daniel H., of Poultney, iii. 995² note

Daniel S., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21

David L., of Worcester, iv. 893, 908²

Dolly, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

wife of Jacob Frost, v. pt. 2, 310², 312²

Mrs. Dolly, v. pt. 2, 308²

Dolly (Kathan), wife of Jacob Frost, v. pt. 2, 17²

E. R., of Highgate, ii. 265

Ebenezer, of Glover, iii. 198²

Ebner, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Rev. Edmund, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Edward, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Dr. Edward Eastman, from Vernon, of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 304²

Capt. Edwin B., iv. 865

of Thetford, ii. 1178²

Elijah, of Guildhall, i. 948²

Eliza, m. Elijah E. Belding, v. pt. 2, 310²

Elizabeth, m. Nathaniel French, v. pt. 2, 42²

Elvira A., of Worcester, iv. 908²

Fanny, m. ____ Hubbard, v. pt. 2, 312²

m. A. E. Dwinell, v. 86

Flora (Campbell), wife of Henry Frost, v. pt. 2, 506

George, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²(2)



346                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Frost, Capt. George, ii. 1104²

Henry, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 506

of Danby, iii. 592, 599, 600, 601², 602², 603, 624, 634, 653

Henry jr., of Danby, iii. 624

Henry B. S., of Brattleboro, v. 113

Henry H., iii. 37, 152, 158(2), 159

of Coventry, iii. 389²

Hezekiah, lawyer, iii. 37

I., of Derby, iii. 182²

Ira, of Middletown, iii. 835

Jacob, of Danby, iii. 624

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 310², 312², 320²

James, v. pt, 2, 43

of Brattleboro, v. 86, 115, 172

Jeptha, iii. 657

Jerry, of Brattleboro, v. 48

Jesse, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 25²

of Dummerston. v. pt. 2, 108²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334

Corp. Jesse, of Brattleboro, v. 47²

Joanna (Spaulding), wife of Jesse Frost, v. pt. 2, 25²

John, of Groton, iv. 1164

Jonathan, of Newport, iii. 305(2)

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

Joseph, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Capt. Joseph, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Julia S., m. Clinton Stratton Whithed, v. pt. 2, 334, 336

Julius O., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 323²

Rev. Leonard, of Barre, iv. 52

circuit preacher, iv. 377

Loren, of Glover, iii. 205

Dea. Loring, of Coventry, iii. 41, 86², 148, 151(2), 158, 159(2), 198², 201

Mrs. Loring, of Glover, iii. 200

Lydia (Hill), wife of Capt. William Frost, iv. 1166

Lydia (Kathan), wife of Benjamin Frost, v. pt. 2, 17²

Mary, of Danby, iii. 624

Moses, of Groton, iv. 1164

Nehemiah, of Groton, iv. 1164

Olive, m. Peter Willard, v. pt. 2, 181²

Rev. P., of Cabot, iv. 101

Rev. P. M. of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

Patty (Scott), wife of Asa Frost, iii. 619²

Penn, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Polly, m. William Arms, v. pt. 2, 135

Roxanna (Sargent), wife of Charles C. Frost, v. 113

Rev. S. T., of Derby, iii. 297

Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Rev. Samuel T., in Newport, iii. 295(2)

Rev. Sidney D., of Glover and Richmond, iii. 207²

Stephen, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Sumner, of Derby, iii. 179, 296², 297, 305

Thomas, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

W. W., of Coventry, iii. 159

Wells S., of Brattleboro, v. 113

Capt. Willard, of Brattleboro, v. 48²

William, v. pt. 2, 43(2)

of Brattleboro, v. 59

grantee of Burlington, i. 488

of Groton, i. 321(2), 322(2); iv. 1148

grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Capt. William, of Groton, iv. 1150, 1158(2), 1163², 1166

William jr., grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Zebulon, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Zenas, of Brattleboro, v. 47²

Frost & Brown, iii. 1113²

Frothingham, Hon., v. pt. 35, 73²

Rev. F., iv. 315, 409

of Brattleboro, v. 30

Frume, James, from Newtown (Conn.). of Arlington, i. 123

Fry, Mrs. David, of Wells, iii. 1198²

Jonathan, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Levi, of Wells, iii. 1198²

Maria, m. ____ Kilborn, iii. 1198²

Frye, ____, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384²

Dr., of Montpelier, iv. 261², 278

Capt., of Bennington, i. 138, 2d ed. 140

George C., of Concord, i. 971²

Harvey G., of Concord, i. 971², 972(2)

John, of Concord, i. 971²

Dea. John, from Royalston (Mass.), of Concord, i. 969

Joseph, of Concord, i. 973, 975

Mary, m. Samuel Stratton 2d, v. pt. 2, 329

Nathan W., of Worcester, iv. 891

William, grantee of Brandon, iii. 438

Fuller, ____, of Hampton Hills (N. Y.), iii. 726

of Middletown, iii. 829

in Stowe, ii. 702²

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 639², 652

Dr., of Cavendish, i. 307²(2)

of New Haven, ii. 1136

of Lyndon, i. 350²

Eld., of Stowe, ii. 707²

Judge, of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 629²

Rev., of Middletown, iii. 834²

in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548²

of Vershire, ii. 1176²

of Waitsfield, iv. 783

A., of Northfield, iv. 696

A. H., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Abby (Estey), wife of Jacob Estey, v. 144²

Abijah, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Abner, of Fair Haven, iii. 694²

of Stowe, ii. 701, 709², 712

Dea. Abner, of Waterbury, iv. 841

Albert, of Mass., iii. 700²

Alfred, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 724²



NAME INDEX               347


Fuller, Ambrose, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Ammie, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158, 2d ed. 160²

Rev. Ammi, of Charlotte, i. 744², 746

Amos, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Rev. Andrew, author, iv. 315

Anna, of Northfield, iv. 688²

m. ____ Cook, iii. 566²

Arunah, of Westfield, iii. 351²

Asa, of St. Albans, ii. 315, 331²

of Franklin co., ii. 93²

Ashbel, of Monkton, iv. 913

Austin, of Enosburg, ii. 97, 108², 136, 149², 506²

from Westminster, of Saratoga (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 599

of Franklin co., ii. 92²

Rev. B. H., of Montpelier, iv. 289, 408, 409², 410

Dr. B. W., of Montgomery, ii. 277²-8

Benjamin, of Charleston, iii. 109(2)

Rev. Benjamin H., in Stowe, ii. 712²(2), 731²

Betsey (Maynard), wife of Austin Fuller, ii. 149²

C. D., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481

Calvin, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Charles, of Stowe. ii. 712²

Rev. Charles, of Westford, i. 896²

Rev. Charles D., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392²

of Charlotte, i. 743², 744²

Chauncey, of Charleston, iii. 108², 112, 115(2), 128

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44², 46

Cordelia, H. L., wife of Gov. Horace Eaton, ii. 153 note

Rev. Cyrenius M., of Dorset, i. 191², 2d ed. 193

Rev. Cyrenus M., of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 133² note

Daniel, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 362²

of Charleston, iii. 108²

of Stowe, Rev. soldier, ii. 741

David, of Calais, iv. 136, 147, 176

of Montpelier, iv. 531

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

David jr., of Calais, iv. 176

Dennis, of Charleston, iii. 108²

E. A., of Burlington, i. 548²

Rev. E. B., of Huntington, i. 827²

of Middlesex, iv. 238²

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

E. D., of St. Albans, ii. 307(2)

Ebenezer, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 507²

Rev. Edward, of Strafford, ii. 1177

Edwin, of Fairlee, ii. 902²

Eliza A., m. Dr. Anderson G. Dana, iii. 460², 462

Emery, of Barre, iv. 41²

Emory, of Brandon, iii. 473

Enos, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

Ephraim H., of Waitsfield, iv. 797²

Ephriam, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725

Ezra B., of Waterbury, iv. 838²

Rev. Ezra B., of Huntington, i. 817

Frederick A., of Rutland, iii. 1030

George M., of Fair Haven, iv. 1192

Hannah, m. Americus W. Powers, v. pt. 2, 373²

m. Rufus Glass, iii. 1199²

Hezekiah, of Maidstone, i. 1029(2)

Hiram, of Grand Isle, ii. 532²

of Swanton, iv. 1132², 1134

Isaac, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Rev. Isaac, iii. 1042(2)

of Poultney, iii. 993²

Rev. J. M., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Jacob, of Charleston, iii. 108²

James M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485

John, of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 74(2), 110², 113²

of Mendon, iii. 785

of Pawlet, iii. 901²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722

in War of 1812, ii. 392²

John L., lawyer, iii. 37

Jonathan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 583

Joseph, of Colchester, i. 761

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 574²

Rev. Joseph, of Vershire, in Fairlee, ii. 915

Joshua, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Dr. Josiah, of Bennington, i. 143², 164, 2d ed. 146, 166²

attempt to eject, i. 149, 150, 2d ed. 151²

judgment in ejectment issued against, i. 148²(2), 2d ed. 151

Josiah G., of Starksboro, iv. 1191²

Col. L. K., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 513

Leonard C., of Stowe, ii. 751, 768²

Col. Levi K., of Brattleboro, v. pref. v. 143²-4; v. pt. 2, 513²; v. pt. 35, 60², 63

portrait, v. facing p. 144

Lyman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

M. H., iii. 44(2)

Mahala H., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Maria (Haven), wife of William Fuller, v. pt. 2, 34²

Martha, of Rutland, iii. 1042

Martin, of Hardwick, i. 325²

Rev. Martin, in Berlin, iv. 65²

of Royalton, iii. 936

Mary, m. Loyal Wilson, iv. 918

Mary F., m. Dr. Thomas E. Wake­field, iii. 743

Mrs. Mary, m. Rev. D. L. Brayton, iii. 995

Mrs. Mary (Leavitt), from Suffield (Conn.), of Rupert, i. 228², 2d ed. 227

Millicent (Everts), of Malone (N. Y.), iii. 681²

Dea. Milo, of Charlotte, i. 743²

Moses, of Charleston, iii. 119

Nancy, m. Edward Willis, iv. 137²



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Fuller, Nehemiah, of Brandon, iii. 438, 445²

Noah, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Rev. O. P., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²

Olive, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Oliver, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Olney, v. pt. 35, 54

Dr. Olney, of Lyndon, i. 346

Phebe (Thurston), wife of Rev. Stephen Fuller, ii. 1136

Polly, of Poultney, iii. 995

Rachel (Graham) (Hodges), wife of Roger Fuller, iii. 566

Mrs. Rachel F., of Brandon, iii. 462 note

Raymond, of Bloomfield, i. 950

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 113²

Rebecca, m. Ebenezer Waste jr., v. pt. 2, 713²

Rinda, m. Alvine Knapp, v. pt. 2, 148²

Roger, of Brandon, iii. 460², 566

S. A., of Stowe, ii. 744

S. S., of Calais, iv. 136

Sally, of Calais, iv. 166²

m. Leonard Spaulding 3d, v. pt. 2, 26²

Samuel, of Calais, iv. 147², 165²

of Danville, i. 313²

of Stowe, ii. 706², 742²

Mrs. Samuel, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Samuel, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Samuel T., of Stowe, ii. 751

Sarah, m. Timothy Matthew, v. pt. 2, 446

Stephen, pioneer of Braintree, ii. 845², 846

of Roxbury, iv. 747

of Vershire, ii. 849²

Rev. Stephen, in Berlin, iv. 65²

of Vershire, in Bradford, ii. 820², 821², 1135², 1136; iv. 321², 389

Susanna, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

m. Isaac Chase, v. pt. 2, 717

wife of John Fuller, v. pt. 2, 113²

T. P., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Timothy P., of Cabot, iv. 103²

Thomas, of Hardwick, i. 325, 327², 332

pioneer of Ripton, i. 85²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 599

Dea. Thomas, of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Timothy, from Barnstable (Mass.), of Wells, iii. 1201

Wales, of Fair Haven, iii. 717

Whitcomb, of Waterville, ii. 772

William, of Brooklyn (O.), v. pt. 2, 34²

William M., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522²

Fuller & Howe, of Montpelier, iv. 281

Fuller & Smith, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Fuller & Sweet, of Fair Haven, iii. 700²

Fullerton, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 870

C. F., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Calvin, of Waitsfield, iv. 14, 785

Francis, of Fairfax, ii. 170(2)

H. & C., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Henry N., iii. 1112

Horace, of Northfield, iv. 613²

Rev. J. Ellsworth, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516²

J. S., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 500

James K., of Waterbury, iv. 872

John, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

John S., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549², 550

Nathaniel, iii. 1113(2), 1114

of Chester, v. pt. 2, 581²

Mrs. Nathaniel (née Norton), v. pt. 2, 581²

Sophia, m. Dr. Benjamin Porter, iv. 632

Thomas, of Fairfax, ii. 170

Fullerton families, of Fairfax, ii. 176

Fullington, ____, of Cambridge, ii. 797

of Fletcher, ii. 215²

in Johnson, ii. 670²

B., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

Ephraim, of Cambridge, ii. 611²

Ezekiel, of Cambridge, ii. 611², 621

Q. M. James, i. 672

John, from Deerfield (N. H.), of Fletcher, ii. 200²

Mrs. John, of Fletcher, ii. 200²

Jonathan, of Bakersfield, ii. 394

of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Lamoille, of Fletcher, ii. 200²

Fullonton, see Fullerton

Fullsome, Jonathan, of Brownington, 91

Fulsom, Joshua, of Corinth, ii. 883

Samuel, of Dorset, i. 189², 2d ed. 190²

Fulsom & Barnard, of Dorset, i. 189², 2d ed. 191

Fulton, ____, of Fletcher, ii. 215²

Rev. J. M. C., of Montpelier, iv. 382

Rev. James, of Burlington, iv. 602

Jefferson, of Fletcher, ii. 204²-5

Robert, inventor, i. 686(2), 688(2), 701², 706²; ii. 894

Robert R., of Newbury, ii. 944²

Furgason, James, of Johnson, iii. 280²

Furgeson, Rev. S. D., of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Furguson, Rev., of Northfield, iv. 648

James, of Albany, iii. 58

Furman, J. M., of N. Y. City, iii. 538

Furnace, Benjamin, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Furnal, Jonathan R., of Ripton, i. 86²-7

Furst, Louis, of Brattleboro, v. 43

Fyler, Roman, from Winchester (Conn.), of Burke, i. 304², 305, 307²(2)

Sally (Lyman), wife of Roman Fyler, 1. 307²