Oak, Mrs., of
Calvin, of
Nathaniel, of
Nelson, of
Seth, of
Oakes, Mrs., of
Pres., of
Benjamin H., of
Byron K., of
Mrs. Emily, wife of
Seth Oakes, ii. 465
Henry, of Barnet, i. 275²
Mary, m. John Flint, v. pt. 2, 146²
Seth, of
of Franklin co., ii. 92²
Mrs. Seth, of
William, botanist, i. 758
Oakley, Rev., iii. 995² note
Isaac, grantee of
Rev. Peter C., in
Shelburne, i. 883²
of Swanton, iv. 1087²
Thomas, grantee of
Oaks, ____, of Cabot, iv. 84²
Seth, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²
Outman, Abigail, dau. of Ira, iii. 822²
Albert, of
Calista, of
m. Russel Mallary, iii. 823
Cyril, of
Demis, of
m. Milo Smith, iii. 823²
Eli, of
Eliakim, of
Ellen, of
m. Dr. Nathan Dean, iii. 823
Emily, of
m. Augustus Knapp, iii. 823
Oatman, Emma, m. Frederick Vandercook, iii. 822²
George, of
Harriet J., of
Hydro, of
Ira, of
Jane, of
m. S. Willet, iii. 823²
Joel, of
Dr, Joel, of
Lucien, of
Lucy, of
Lyman, of
Mary, of
m. Joseph Bannister, iii. 823²
Mary E., of
Mary (Symonds), wife of Eli Oatman, iii. 822
Orlin, of
Phebe, m. Gideon Orton, ii 177
Oatmans, of
Obear, Rev., at
see also
Bear, Rev. Josiah O.
Rev. J. in Enosburg,
ii. 147
Rev. Josiah, from S.
C., in
Ober, ____, of Johnson, ii. 671²
of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547
Benjamin, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 487
Rev. Benjamin, of
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 483²
Ebenezer, pioneer of
of Townshend. v. pt. 2, 537², 538
F. B., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²
George N., of
Hannah, m. Joel Barry, v. pt. 2, 504²
Ingalls K., of Elmore, ii. 627²
Isaac, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 504²
Samuel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2. 504²(2)
O'Brien, Rev., of Pontiac (
Anna, of
Samuel D., of Lincoln, iv. 1194²
Thomas, of Barre, v. pt. 35, 53²
of Ira, iii. 783
Timothy, grantee of
Obrient, Thomas, of Ira, iii. 779²
O'Byrne, Rev., of
O'Callaghan, Fr., of
Dr. Edmund B., iv.
951², 1077
Rev. J., in
in Swanton, iv. 1089²
Rev. Jeremiah, iv.
289², 601², 602
bibliography, iv. 422²-3
in Castleton, iii. 539
author, i. 558
O'Calogan, Rev. Jeremiah, in Middlebury, i. 58
O'Carrol, Rev., of
Occum, Rev. Sampson, Indian preacher, i. 95, 224,
2d ed. 223; iii. 920²
O'Connell, Daniel, iv. 462
O'Conner, ____, of
Patrick, of
O'Connor, ____, of
Charles, iv. 270
Odel, Capt. Augustine, in Rev. war, ii. 390
Hortense, m. Isaac Porter, iii. 641²
Ichabod, grantee of
Capt. Jacob, in Rev.
war, ii. 390
David, of
Jacob. of
Polly, m. Cantlin Barrett, iii. 612
Rachel (Bromley), wife of David Odell, iii. 613²
William J., of
Oderkirk, Charles, of Cabot, iv. 86
Odiorne, D., of
John, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²
Jotham, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084
Robert, grantee of
O'Dwyer, Rev., v. pt. 35, 48
Rev. J. C., of Fair
Raven, iii. 720
Oecani, Sampson, see Rev. Occum, Samson
Offensend, David, of Fair Haven iii. 693 note
O'Flannagan, Rev. Timothy, Catholic church in
Middlebury, i. 58
Ogden, Rev., of
Capt., of
Annie E. (Trobridge), from Fair Haven, of Pontiac (
Benjamin, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²
Daniel, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
grantee of
David, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
Ebenezer, grantee of
Gabriel, grantee of
Gilbert, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222
John jr., grantee of
Samuel, grantee of
Ogle, Fanny (Knight), wife of Richard L. Ogle, v. pt. 2,
Richard L., of
O'Grady, J., of
James, attorney, i. 473²
John, of
Capt. John, of
O'Harn, Mary (
Olcott, Dr., of Weathersfield (
Charlotte (Divoll), wife of Elias Olcott 3d, v. pt. 2,
Elias, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499², 503
Elias jr., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²
Elias 3d, of Rockingham v. pt. 2, 503²
Fanny (
Oscar D., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 503²
Peter, grantee of
Col. Peter, in Rev.
war, ii. 389²
Simeon, grantee of
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38
Sybil (Dutton), wife of Elias Olcott, v. pt. 2, 503²
Timothy, v. pt. 2, 574²
Olcutt, Rev. Bulkley, of
Naomi, m. Jared Dodge, iv. 501²
Lt. Gov.
Peter, iv. 802²
see also
Old, John, grantee of
Josiah, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991
Olden, Asaph, of
Daniel, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696
John, of
Joseph, of
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702
Leah, of Whitingham. v. pt. 2, 702
Old Rife, pseud., see
Clark, Isaac. i. 173. 2d ed. 175
Old-school, Oliver, pseud, of Ezekiel Parker Walton, iv. 444²
Old Thunderbolt, pseud.
of Dr. John Wilson, v. pt. 2, 383
Old Whitehead, Indian,
iv. 962²
Olds, ____, from
Dr., of
Rev. A. W., of
Pawlet, iii. 905
Aaron, pensioner, ii. 393
Rev. Abel W., from
Bradford (
Anna Maria (Carolus), wife of Edson B. Olds, v. pt. 2, 446
Benjamin jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²
Caleb, of
Caroline S. (Woodruff), wife of Chauncey N. Olds, v. pt.
2, 446²
Chauncey Newell, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446²
Dr. Chester, of
Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 449²
Clarissa, of
Comfort, from
sketch, ii. 684²-5
Mrs. Comfort, of
Dr. Edson B., from
Circleville (O.), v. pt. 2, 449
Edson Baldwin, of Marlboro and
Elias, of Swanton, iv, 1080
Eliza, of
Frederick Augustus, from
George, from Ashford (
sketch, iii. 445-6
Mrs. George, of
George, of Underhill, Rev, soldier, i. 887², 888
Gurshom, grantee of Warren, iv. 801
Rev. H. H., of
Dover, v. pt. 2, 347²
James, of
of Fair Haven, iii. 734²
of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446
Jesse, of Craftsbury, iii. 170²
from Montague (
of Orleans co., iii. 31², 33², 37
Mrs. Jesse, dau. of
Seymour Taft, iii. 355² note
Rev. Jesse, of
Williamstown, ii. 1144(2)
John P., of
Joseph, in
of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443², 446(2)
Lorenzo, of Highgate, ii. 260(2)
Lucy, of
Luke, of Barre, iv. 36²
Mrs. M. L., (née
Sargent), of Washington (D. C.), v. pt. 2, 248
Nathan, of Highgate, ii. 258
Phila (Adams), wife of Dr. Chester Olds, v. pt. 2, 446
Mrs, Tilly, of
Tryphena, m. John S. Davis, iii. 1207²
Willard, of Highgate, ii. 267²
William, of Barre, iv. 36², 46
Olford, Ashley, of Swanton, iv. 1003
Olin, ____ of
Judge, ii. 239
Rev. C., of
Lunenburg, i. 1019²
Rev. Charles, of
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672
Gideon, i. 911² note
of Shaftsbury, i. 45, 232, 234, 237
Maj. Gideon, of
Shaftsbury, i. 233, 23 ed. 232²
in Rev. war, ii. 389²
Olin, Henry, i. 256²; iv. 285²
of R. I., i. 45
Lt. Gov.
Henry, i. 256²
John, of
of Shaftsbury, i. 232
John H., of Shaftsbury, i. 237, 253, 2d ed. 236²
Justice. see Olin. Justin
Justin, i. 45, 256²
Mrs. Lois (
Mrs. Polly (
Mrs. Sarah
(Dwinelle), wife of Justin Olin, i. 45, 256²
Rev. Stephen, of
sketch, i. 46-8
Oliver, Rev. A., in
Andrew jr., grantee of
Daniel, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²
John C., of
Robert, of
Mrs. W. N., of
Oliver & Helmer, of
Olmstead, ____, of Elmore, iv. 895
of Worcester, iv. 895²
Rev. Mrs.,
source of Bridport history, i. 16² note
Albert, of Sheldon, ii. 378
Benjamin G., of
Ebenezer, of Newbury, ii. 924²
Eleazer, pioneer of Franklin, ii. 220²
Emery, of
Eunice, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 175²
F. W., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549
Rev. F. W., in
Bridport, i. 18
Franklin A., of Elmore, ii. 627
Rev. Franklin W., of
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541²
Glorianor, m. Aaron Reeler, ii. 656², 665²
Henry, of Elmore, ii. 627
Horatio N., of Elmore, ii. 627²
Jabez, of Pittsford, iii. 943
James, from
Jeremiah, of St. Albans, ii. 434
in War of 1812, ii. 391²
John, of
of Greensboro, iii. 220, 227
Moses, of Pittsford, iii. 942, 945², 1058
Lt. Moses, of
Pittsford, iii. 943
Seth, from Conn., of Elmore, ii. 626², 665
Stephen, of Benson, iii. 407²(2)
of Calais, iv. 176
Timothy, of Sutton, v. pt. 3¹, 44
see also
Omstead; Olmsted
Olmstead families, pioneers of Waterville, ii. 770²
from Williamstown (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²
Olmsted, David, of
Mrs. David (née Stevens),
Eunice (Page), wife of Timothy Olmsted, ii. 176², 180
Fear, wife of Capt Stephen Olmsted, iii. 417²
Rev. Franklin White,
of Benson, iii. 416²(2)
Jabez, of Chittenden, iii. 549², 551, 552
Page P., from
Stephen, of Marshfield, iv. 200²
Ens. Stephen, of
Benson, iii. 409³, 417²
Timothy, of
see also
Olmstead and Omsted
Olney, Christopher, grantee of
Col. Christopher, of
Davis, of Fair Haven, iii. 696
George S., of
James H., grantee of Charleston, iii. 121
Job, of Lyndon, i. 342²
Olvord, Elijah, see Alvord, Elijah, of Draper
Omsbee, John M. jr., of Brandon, iii. 496²
Omsted, David, at French Mills, i. 372
Rev. Franklin W., of
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550
Henry, of
Jabez, pioneer of Goshen, i. 35(2)
Jonathan, in
see also
Olmstead, and Olmsted
Onderdonk, Rev. Henry W., iii. 1054²
O'Neal, James, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508
John, of Swanton, iv. 1059²
O'Niel, Thomas, of Montpellier, iv. 5312
Onion, Daniel H., of
J., of
Jemima (French), wife of Ichabod Onion, v. pt. 2, 97
Sarah (French), wife of Ichabod Onion, v. pt. 2, 97
William W., attorney, i. 473²
see also
Orcott, Bildad, of Pittsford, iii. 943²
Hiram. of
Eld. John, of
Nathan, of Morgan, iii. 286
Perley, of
Orcutt, ____, of
of Roxbury, iv. 647
m. William Gold, iv. 746²
Eld., in
Capt., iv. 763
Adna, of Swanton, iv. 1134
Bala, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20
Bela, of Sutton and Barton, v. pt. 34, 27(2)
Benjamin F., from Roxbury, of
Betsey, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27
Eld. Calvin, in
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
Orcutt, Rev. Galvin, of
Christina (Willey), wife of Ephraim Orcutt, v. pt. 34,
Ebenezer, of Swanton, iv. 1003
Elsie (Brown), wife of Samuel Orcutt, v. pt. 34,
Ephraim, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27(2)
Erasmus, of
Mrs. Erasmus, of
Hannah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27
m. Jeremiah Washburn, i. 342²
Hiram, of
of Thetford, ii. 1097²
Rev. Hiram, of
J. H., of
James, of Roxbury, iv. 746²
Jasper H., of
Job, of Roxbury, iv. 746², 757, 759²
Capt. Job, from
John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20²
Rev. John, of Sutton
and Lyndon, v. pt. 34, 27(2)
Eld. Josiah, of Swanton,
iv. 1093², 1094
Lene, of Cabot, iv. 91², 94
Leonard, of Cabot, iv. 85(2), 103², 105, 113
Mary, of Roxbury, iv. 756²
Mary B., of Roxbury, iv. 756²
wife of Samuel M. Orcutt, iv. 638², 746²
Molly, Indian doctor in
Moses, of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1133²
Orin W., of Roxbury, iv. 757, 758², 760-1
Orrin, of Roxbury, iv. 746², 747², 750(2)
Phineas C., from
Polly (Bullock), 2d wife of Leonard Orcutt, iv. 113
Roxana, of Northfield, iv. 688²
S. P., of Northfield, iv. 688²(2)
of Roxbury, iv. 758(2)
Sally (Spear), 1st wife of Leonard Orcutt, iv. 113
Samuel, of Roxbury, iv. 748, 761²
Mrs. Samuel, of
Roxbury, iv. 761²
Samuel, of Sutton, i. 423²; v. pt. 34, 14², 20,
21²(2), 22, 27(2), 29(2), 32², 36², 45²
of Woodford, i. 248
Samuel jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27
Samuel 3d, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27²
Samuel A., of Roxbury, iv. 746²
Samuel M., of Roxbury, iv. 638², 740², 753², 756², 757(2),
758(2), 759, 760², 762², 763²
Stephen P., of Roxbury and Northfield, iv. 746²
Susan, m. Dr. E. S. M. Case, iii. 301²
Susannah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 27
m. Taylor Norris, v. pt. 34, 36
Thede, in
William, of Randolph, ii. 1007²
of Roxbury, iv. 686²
of Swanton, iv. 1003
William B., of Roxbury, iv. 746², 749, 757², 758, 759²,
760, 761, 1192, 1194²
William S., of
see also
Orcutt family, of Roxbury, iv. 746
Orcutt & Hotchkiss, in
Ordway, Asa, of Swanton, iv. 1039
Edward, of East Montpelier, iv. 589²
George, of Irasburg, iii. 243²
John, grantee of
Moses, of Tunbridge, ii. 1115(2), 1118(2), 1121²
Mrs. Moses, of
Tunbridge, ii. 1122²
Moses, of Warren, iv. 807², 811²
Nehemiah, of Swanton, iv. 998
Peter, of Strafford, ii. 1084²
O'Reilly, Fr., of
Rev. Charles, of
of Castleton, iii. 539²
Orms, Gen., iii. 730²
Alanson, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Allen, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Annah (Doyle) (Gaines), 2d wife of Gen. Jonathan Orms,
iii. 727
Betsey, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Caroline, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Cornelius, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Dan, of Fair Haven, iii. 715, 727
Daniel, of Fair Haven, iii. 681, 691², 698²
Eunice, of
Eunice (Hines), wife of Gen. Jonathan Orms, iii. 726²
Jonathan, of Fair Haven, iii. 697, 699²
Gen. Jonathan, of
Fair Haven, iii. 686², 690², 696, 709, 711², 720, 726², 731
Jonathan jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Lura (Lyman) (Weston), 3d wife of Gen. Jonathan Onus, iii.
Pamelia, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
Stephen, of Fair Haven, iii. 727
see also Arms
Ormsbee, ____, iii. 1110²
Benjamin, of
Capt. Charles James,
Christopher, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 55²
Daniel G., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202
Ormsbee, E. J., of
E. L., of
Gov. Ebenezer J., v.
pt. 35, 52², 61²(2), 62²(2), 63², 64²
portrait, v. pt. 35, facing p. 62
Edgar L., of
Elizabeth (Miller), wife of Ira Ormsbee, v. pt. 2, 51
Emily, m. Daniel Gates, v. pt. 2, 56
Ezra, of
Gideon, grantee of
Maj. Gideon, iv.
Mrs. Hannah N.
(Hamblet) (Hathaway), wife of Jonas G. Ormsbee, iv. 140²
Ichabod, of Fairlee, ii. 890²(2), 891, 895
Ira, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 51
J., of Brandon, iv. 1191
Joel, of
John, of Shoreham, i. 96²
John Mason, of
Jonas G., of
Joseph, of Corinth, ii. 1169
Laura, m. Samuel N. Adams, v. pt. 2, 397
Mary (Wilson), wife of John Mason Ormsbee, iii. 496²
Nathaniel, of Calais, iv. 175²
of East Montpelier, iv. 583²
Orvis, of
Persis (Gates), wife of Christopher Ormsbee, v. pt. 2, 55²
Rufus, of Fairlee, ii. 898
Sally, of
Sarah, of Calais, iv. 166²
Thomas I., of Rutland, iii. 1009
Thomas J., of Calais, iv. 166²
West, of
William H., of Rutland, iii. 1063
Ormsby, Maj., of Manchester, i. 223², 2d ed. 222
Caleb, of Worcester, iv. 893²
Daniel, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note
of Manchester, i. 223²(2), 2d ed. 222²
E. W., of Calais, iv. 146²
Frank E., of Waterbury, iv. 838²
Gideon, of Burlington, i. 500
grantee of
grantee of Danby, iii. 577²
of Manchester, i. 200, 201, 203
Capt. Gideon, i.
128², 185, 202, 2d ed. 129², 186²
Maj. Gideon, grantee
of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²
in Rev. war, ii. 389², 390
H. H., of
Ira, of Mendon, iii. 789²
Dr. J. B., of
Bradford, ii. 824²
Dr. John, of
Jonathan, of Burlington, ii. 342²
grantee of Danby, iii. 576², 577(2), 578(2)
grantee of
in Black Snake affair, i. 467², 504
Capt. Jonathan, of
Joseph, of
Dr. Joseph, of
Corinth, ii. 882²
Mary, m. Amory Amsden, v. pt. 2, 161²
Robert McKingsley, of
see also
Orne, Betsey, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
Robert, of
Sophia Dwight, m. Dr. Charles Chapin, v. 134²
Orr, ____, of
Rev., ii. 1051
Alexander, of Highgate, ii. 420
Bill, iii. 1169
Esther, m. Azariah Hall, v. pt. 2, 418
Maj. George S., of
Pawlet, iii. 921
Henrietta (Pratt), wife of Maj. George S. Orr, iii. 921
James, of Barnet, i. 274², 275, 278², 280, 295
John, of
of Ryegate, i. 376, 377, 382
John A., of Pawlet, iii. 881², 893
Minerva (Washburn), of
Capt. Moses E., of
Pawlet, iii. 921²
Robert, of Ryegate, i. 376
Robert H., of
Sarah, m. Rev. William A. Chapin, iii. 168²
Orris, Mrs. Elizabeth, of
Orsgood, Christopher, v. pt. 2, 574²
Orson, William, of Stowe, ii. 712²
Orton, ____, of
Rev., of
Aaron, of
Gideon, of
Ichabod, of
John, of
Oliver, of
Phebe (Oatman), wife of Gideon Orton, ii. 177
William W., of Grand Isle, ii. 525², 531²
Orvis, Anna, wife of William Orvis, v. pt. 2. 89²
Ebenezer, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²
Elihu, of Pawlet, iii. 893, 921²
Elizabeth (Severance), 3d wife of William Orvis, v. pt. 2,
Franklin Henry, of
Joseph U., of
Orvis, Loren, pioneer of
Martha, 2d wife of William Orvis, v. pt. 2, 89²
Mercy, m. Silas Butler, v. pt. 2, 90
Mindwell (Holton), wife of William Orvis jr., v. pt. 2,
89², 150²
Samuel, from
Sina (Upham), wife of Elihu Orvis, iii. 921²
Uriah H., of
William, from
Mrs. William, of
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109
William jr., from
Osborn, ____, ii. 1092²
Dr., of
Rev., of
Rev. Abithar M., of
Adelbert„ of
Asa, of Wells, iii. 1196²
Benjamin, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149
of Wallingford, iii. 1182²
Rev. Benjamin, of
Tinmouth, 1144²
Mrs. Benjamin (née
Porter), iii. 1144²
Eleaser, grantee of
Elizabeth, m. Gideon Cooley, iii. 941
James. grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
Joel, grantee of
John, of
of Mendon, iii. 786, 790
John C., of
Joseph, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824
L. C., grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191
Thomas, grantee of Bolton, i. 482
William, of Richford, ii. 428
Osborne, Rev. ____, of Fletcher, ii. 210²
A., associate of Ebenezer Emmons, ii. 35² note
Benjamin, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²
author, i. 558
Erasmus, of Franklin, ii. 221²
John, of Enosburg, ii. 155
Ozias, in War of 1812, ii. 392²
Rev. Sylvanus,
grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Osbourn, Timothy W., of Georgia, ii. 249²
Osburn, ____, of Thetford, ii. 1095
Dr., of Middletown
(Conn.), ii. 179²
Osgood, ____, of Guildhall, i. 1002²
of Montreal, iv. 395
Dr., of Townshend,
v. pt. 2, 543²
Rev., in Colchester,
i. 777
Abner, of Guildhall, i. 999, 1000(2), 1027
Albert, of Cabot, iv. 90²
Andrew E., of Cabot, iv. 122²
Artelissa M. (Rice), wife of William H. Osgood, v. pt. 2,
pt. 398
Brown, of Brookline, v. pt. 307
C. W. & Son, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
Carolina M., m. I. R. Warner, v. pt. 2, 398
Charles D., of Randolph, ii. 994
Christopher, pioneer of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 380(2),
381, 387²
Clarissa, of Cabot, iv. 95²
Corliss G., of Woodbury, iv. 882
Curtis, of Woodbury, iv. 877²
Cyntha (Jones), wife of Luke B. Osgood jr., v. pt. 2, 398
David, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Rev. David, of
in Fair Haven, iii. 717
Elizabeth L., m. J. E. Ells, v. pt. 2, 398²
Rev. Emory, from
Newfane, of
Ephraim P., of
Frances H., from
Fred L., of
George, of
George H., of
Gertrude P., m. Rev. C. A. Piddock, v. pt. 2, 398
Hannah (Park), wife of Willard E. Osgood, v. pt. 2, 398
Harriet L., m. Alonzo Damon, v. pt. 2, 398
Hepzebah, of Cabot, iv. 94
Herman, of Cabot, iv. 100²
Hermon, of
Capt. Isaac, iv. 1153
J. R. & co., iii. 1102
J. S., of
John H., of
Jonathan, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²
Josiah, of
Lemuel, of
Lucy, of Cabot, iv. 94
Luke B., pioneer of
sketch, v. pt. 2, 397-8
Luke B., jr., from
Luther, of
Mrs. Luther (
Martha E., m. Edwin R. Morse. v. pt. 2, 398
Mary Jane, m. John A. Farnsworth, v. pt. 2, 398
Moses R., from
Osgood, Nathan, of
Newell, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²
Ruth, of Cabot, iv. 95²
m. Hiram Coburn, iv. 111
Mrs. Ruth (Marsh),
iv. 86²
S. W., of Cabot, iv. 103²
Sally (Thompson), wife of Luke B. Osgood, v. pt. 2, 398
Samson, of Cabot, iv. 96², 117²
Sarah, of
m. Joseph Fisher, iv. 110
Sarah E., m. William Adams, v. pt. 2, 397, 398
Rev. Sewell M., of
Burmah, v. pt. 2, 398²
Solomon W.. of Cabot. iv. 83², 86², 117
Thomas, of Cabot, iv. 79(2), 93(2), 103(2),105, 119
Thomas jr., of Cabot, iv. 103, 104, 105²
Willard E., from
William, from
William H., of
Osgood family, of
Osgoods, of
O'Shea, J. Oilman, historian, iv. 949²
P., of N. Y., iv. 1092²
Osman, John, of Thetford, ii. 1103²
Osmer, John, see Hosmer, John
Ossoli, Margaret (Fuller), v. pref. v.
Otey, Bishop, of Nashville (Tenn.), ii. 132²
Otis, Ann F. (Mason), 4th wife of William Otis, iii. 639²
Delia (Peck), 2d wife of William Otis, iii. 639²
Elizabeth, of Danby, iii. 639²
Elizabeth H. (Haviland), wife of Harris Otis, iii. 639²
Ephraim, of Danby, iii. 639²
Dr. Ephraim, of
George, of Danby, iii. 639²
Harris, of Danby, iii. 592, 594², 595(2), 607², 608
Dr. Harris, of
Danby, iii. 636, 639
Harris F., of Danby, iii. 596, 599-601, 639²
Harris G., of
Harrison Gray, of
Rev. I. T., of
Brownington, iii. 92²
Rev. J. P., iii. 374
Jane (Vail), 3d wife of William Otis, iii. 639²
John, from
of Swanton. ii. 393²
Joseph, of Swanton, ii. 393²
of Waterbury, iv. 835
Joshua, of Danville, i. 314²
Judith, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44
Mary B., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²
Mary H., of Danby, iii. 639²
Paulina (Lapham), 2d wife of Harris F. Otis, iii. 639²
Sarah (Almy), wife of William Otis, iii. 639²
Sarah (
Stephen, of Danby, iii. 639²
of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480²
Stephen C., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31, 46
William, of Danby, iii. 580², 595², 598², 599(2), 600²,
601, 639(2), 651
Oughterson, Joseph, of
Ouseley, Lady (née Marcia Van Ness), i. 614²
Sir W. G., of the
Brit. Iegation, i. 614²(2)
Outman, Daniel, pioneer of
George, pioneer of
Ovaitt, Capt., of Pownal, i. 215, 2d ed. 216²
Overhiser, Hattie E., m. Elijah Belding 2d, v. pt. 2, 311
Overing, ____, of R. I., v. pt. 2, 681
Oviatt, Henry, of
Thomas jr., grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793
Owen, ____, of
m. (1st) ____ Gadcomb, (2d) Asa Aldis, ii. 323
Lt. Gov., of
R. I., ii. 323; iii. 364
Gov., grantee of
A. A., of Barre, iv. 37²
Abdon, of Pittsford, iii. 943
Abraham, of Pittsford, iii. 943, 944
Caleb, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note
Charles, of
Dr. D. D., ii. 28² note,
36² note
Daniel, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²
grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²
of Lyndon, i. 339
from R. I., iii. 75, 77²
grantee of
petitioned for land grant, iii. 82²
Edward, of Pittsford, iii. 942, 943
Elijah, of Poultney, iii. 965, 970²
grantee of Westmore, iii. 365
Ephraim, of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1079
Esther, m. Ebenezer Barstow, i. 865
Hannah, m. Jonathan Robinson, iii. 85²
Ira, of
James, pioneer of Middlebury, i. 255
John, grantee of Isle La Motto, ii. 554 note
of Poultney, iii. 965, 970², 971²
grantee of Westmore. iii. 365
Joseph, of Barton, iii. 74(2)
of Glover, iii. 133
Owen, Joseph jr., of Barton, iii. 75
Leonard, of
Rev. Linus, of
Mary, m. Thomas P. Brown, iii. 364
May, of Swanton, iv. 1079
Naomi, m. Asa Kimball, iii. 84²
Nicholas, of Fletcher, ii. 205²
Solomon jr., grantee of
Thomas, grantee of
Thomas 3d, grantee of
William G., of
Owens, Daniel, of Barton, iii. 74²
Edward W. of Fair Haven, iii. 710(2)
Owen, of Fair Haven, iii. 704(2)
Owen W., of Fair Haven, iii. 710
Robert P., of Fair Haven, iii. 710(2)
Rowland, of Fair Haven, iii. 705