Grayson County TXGenWeb

Family Land Heritage
Grayson County, Texas

The Family Land Heritage Program honors farms and ranches that have been in continuous agricultural operation by the same famly for 100 years or more.  The program is designed to recognize and chronicle the unique history of Texas agriculture and the men and women who settled this great state and continue the tradition today.

Each year a ceremony is held to recognize the farms and ranches accepted into the Family Land Heritage Program.  Participants whose farms and ranch qualifies receive a certificate of honor in the name of the farm or ranch.

For more information about the Family Land Heritage Program, visit the Texas Department of Agrigulture's Family Land Heritage website.

Grayson County

4D Ranch, 1876 (1994) 8 miles west of Sherman off State Highway 56
Alexander Farmn, 1863 (1975) 3 miles south of Whitewright on Highway 160
Big Farm - Rocky Creek Ranch, 1880 (2003) 1 mile east of Pilot Grove on FM 121
Brooks Homeplace, 1893 (1993) 3 miles northeast of Sadler on Siebman Road
Paul Laffel Brown Jr. & Cynthia Ann Baker, 1913 (2013)
Brown Farm, 1867  (1988) 9 miles east of Sherman on Highway 82
Clement Ranch, 1902  (2002) `3 miles south  of Whitesboro
Darwin Farm, 1837 (1974)  (2005 ~ 150 years) 2 miles southwest of Whitewright
L. H. Darwin Farm, 1912  (2012) 4 miles southwest of Whitewright on Andy Thomas Road
Davis Farm, 1850 (1974) 2 miles northwest of Howe
Heritage Hill, 1 938 (2000 ~ 1850 years) 2.5 miles west of the US Highway 56, 82, & 69 intersection in Bells;
0.75 miles south of Highway 45 on S. Washburn Road
Hiram Dennis Farm, 1877 (1995) 8 miles north of Whitesboro; 1 mile west of US 77 off Allison Road & Memory Land
The Eatherly Farm, 1895  (2003) 5 miles northeast of Van Alstyne
`Foster Farm, 1890 (1990) 6 miles north of Whitesboro on State Highway 377
Fulton Ranch, 1866 (1975) 2.5 miles west of Pottsboro
Gentry's Tri-County Ranch, 1844  (1974) last farm in southeast corner of Grayson County
Gibbons Ranch, 1874  (1993) 7 miles west of Sherman and south of US Highway 82
Gilliam Farm, 1880   (1980) 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Bells on FM 1789
Golden Oakes, 1879  (1986) 15 miles north of Whitesboro on Highway 377
Grandma McDonnell's Farm, 1874  (1989) 2 miles east of US 377 on Dixie Road
Lemuel Henry & Lula Greene Farm, 1913  (2013)
Howdeshell Farm, 1857 (1976) 6 miles southwest of Sherman
Jeffries Farm, 1850  (1974) 3 miles northwest of Howe
Jernigan Farm, 1875  (1975) 8 miles east of Van Alstyne at Sedalia
Chris Jones Farm, 1838  (2000 ~ 150 years) On Mill Creek, and 10 miles east of Sherman
Kimbrough Ranch, 1875  (1975) 1.5 miles southeast of Bells
Misses' Ranch, 1877  (1994) 8 miles west of Sherman off State HIghway 56
Old Hendricks Place, 1863  (1975) 4 miles northeast of Sherman
Ollinger Farms, 1906  (2013)
Pecan Valley Farm, 1872  (1975) 2 miles west of Tom Bean, Whitemound community
Pelzel Farm, 1894  (1995) 6 miles southeast of Tioga
Reast Farm, 1871  (1996) 6 miles north of Whitesboro on State Highway 377
Rich Farm, 1899 (1999) 11 miles north and 2 miles west of Whitesboro on FM 901
Roan-Smith Farm, 1873  (1975) 14 miles southeast of Sherman
Ruddell Ranch, 1877  (1977) 12 miles west of Sherman
R.H. Rue Ranch 12 miles southwest of Sherman
Sallie B. Ranch, 1839  (2001 - 150 years) west of Denison and Highway 131
Scarbrough Farm, 1866  (1993) Sandusky community, 8 miles north of Whitesboro on Scarbrough Road
Sears Ranch, 1892  (1992) 2.5 miles north of Whitewright
Shankles Farm, 1864  (1975) 7 miles northwest of Sherman on FM 1417
Shaw Farm, 1858  (1975) 6 miles northeast of Van Alstyne
Skaggs Farm, 1859  (1981) 2 miles west of Whitewright
Skaggs Farm, 1859  (1975) 1.5 miles west of Whitewright
T Anchor Ranch, 1877
Taylor Farms, 1913  (2013)
Wallen Ranch, 1969  (1974) 6.5 miles from Van Alstyne
Gene Washburn Farm, 1838  (2000 - 150 years) on Mill Creek, 10 miles east of Sherman
Welch Farms, 1859  (1993) 1.5 miles northeast of Collinsville
Wheatland Farm, 1876  (1987) 6 miles west of Dorchester on FM 902
Whiting Ranch I, 1838  (1974) 7.5 miles northwest of Bells
Whiting Ranch II, 1838 (1974) 5 miles northwest of Bells

A New Land

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