- Lucas County Cemeteries Historical Association
Perrysburg, Ohio - Association Cemetery
6805 Convent Blvd., Sylvania
GPS: Latitude: 41.70819, Longitude: -83.70713 - Beth Shalom Cemetery
GPS: Latitude: 41.66033, Longitude: -83.47132 - Bird Family Cemetery
Swanton Twp. Lucas Co., OH
Located on the corner of Girdham Rd and Reed Rd in Oak Openings Area.
GPS: Latitude: 41.54992, Longitude: -83.85411 - Calvary Cemetery
2224 Dorr St., Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.65610, Longitude: -83.59780 - Collingwood Cemetery
On Phillips Ave. east of Haverhill Dr., Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.68970, Longitude: -83.56110 - East Swanton Cemetery
On Scott Rd., near Swanton Twp. Hall, East Swanton, Lucas Co.,OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.58505, Longitude: -83.86216 - Epworth United Methodist Church Memorial Garden
4855 W. Central Ave., Toledo, OH.
GPS: Latitude: 41.67686, Longitude: -83.65827 - Ford Cemetery
Also known as: Berkey Cemetery
Located along the Sylvania-Metamora Road, in the Village of Berkey
GPS: Latitude: 41.71505, Longitude: -83.83272 - Forest Cemetery
1704 Mulberry Street, Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.66931, Longitude: -83.52933 - Franklin Cemetery
Small cemetery in the Maumee State Forest located on Rt. 64 near the Southwest corner of Rt. 64 and Jeffers Road.
GPS: Latitude: 41.52951, Longitude: -83.85504 - Haughton Cemetery
On W. Central Ave. near Secor Rd. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.67780, Longitude: -83.62170 - Heffelbower Cemetery
GPS: Latitude: 41.55342, Longitude: -83.73084 - Highland Memory Gardens
8308 S River Rd., Waterville, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.48811, Longitude: -83.74105 - Joy Cemetery
Also known as: Benjamin Joy Cemetery
Ottawa Hills, OH
Located behind St. Michael's Episcopal Church at 4718 Brittany Rd.
GPS: Latitude: 41.66561, Longitude: -83.65355 - Maplewood Cemetery
Airport Hwy. & Byrne Rd., Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.62411, Longitude: -83.62455 - Marygrove Cemetery
Also known as Immaculate Conception Cemetery
On N. Raab Rd. south of W. Bancroft Rd.
GPS: Latitude: 41.65283, Longitude: -83.81744 - Mennonite Cemetery
On Finzel Rd., in Whitehouse, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.52352, Longitude: -83.78178 - Mount Carmel Cemetery
Also known as: Saint Francis de Sales Cemetery, Saint Marys Cemetery
15 E Manhattan Blvd. Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.68610, Longitude: -83.54530 - Mount Pleasant Cemetery
On Bailey Rd. (CR145) west of Providence-Neapolis-Swanton Rd (CR109).
GPS: Latitude: 41.45857, Longitude: -83.87780 - North Oregon Cemetery
Also known as: Oregon Cemetery
On Otter Creek Rd., between Corduroy and York.
GPS: Latitude: 41.66140, Longitude: -83.47060 - Oak Hill Cemetery
On Bailey Rd (CR145). 1 mi east of Henry-Lucas Rd (TR1) and
west of Providence-Neapolis-Swanton Rd (CR109)
adjacent to Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
GPS: Latitude: 41.45894, Longitude: -83.87966 - Oak Wood Cemetery
On Brown Rd. (CR184) south of Jerusalem Rd.
GPS: Latitude: 41.62420, Longitude: -83.34310 - Ottawa Hills Memorial Park
At Talmadge & West Central Rds. in Ottawa Hills
GPS: Latitude: 41.68060, Longitude: -83.64080 - Porta Coeli Cemetery
On Silica Dr., north of Convent Blvd. in Sylvania
GPS: Latitude: 41.71061, Longitude: -83.71077 - Ravine Cemetery
On Ravine Dr in Sylvania
There are 2 parts to this cemetery separated by a ravine.
There is a gate to each of the elevations.
GPS: Latitude: 41.70940, Longitude: -83.69780 - Regina Coeli Catholic Cemetery
On Regina Pkwy. off Bennett Rd. south of Alexis Rd. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.71578, Longitude: -83.55832 - Reith Pet Cemetery
In Sylvania, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.64322, Longitude: -83.70407 - Resurrection Cemetery
Hill Ave. & Holland-Sylvania Rd. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Hill Ave. & Holland-Sylvania Rd - Riverside Cemetery
On N. River Rd. in Maumee, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.54920, Longitude: -83.68110 - Roth Cemetery
On CR122 south of Monclova Rd.(CR95)in Monclova, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.55493, Longitude: -83.75264 - Rupp Cemetery
At Weckerly Rd. (CR120) and Cemetery Rd. (CR129) in Whitehouse, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.53231, Longitude: -83.78558 - Saint Elizabeth Cemetery
On W. Sylania Ave. west of Washburn Rd. in Berkey Twp.
GPS: Latitude: 41.68700, Longitude: -83.82438 - Saint Ignatius Cemetery
Behind St. Ignatius Church on N. Stadium Rd. in Oregon, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.65644, Longitude: -83.40799 - Saint Johns Lutheran Church Cemetery
2471 Seaman St. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.65199, Longitude: -83.48975 - Saint Joseph Cemetery
On W. Wayne St. in Maumee, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.55780, Longitude: -83.67060 - Saint Joseph Cemetery
On Ravine Dr. next to Ravine Cemetery in Sylvania
GPS: Latitude: 41.71036, Longitude: -83.69953 - Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church Columbarium
5240 Talmage Rd. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.71005, Longitude: -83.64511 - Saint Michaels In The Hills Memorial Garden
4718 Brittany Rd. in Toledo, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.66445, Longitude: -83.65413 - Saint Patricks Cemetery
14010 US RT 24 in Providence Twp.
GPS: Latitude: 41.42690, Longitude: -83.84690 - Saint Peters Cemetery (Defunct)
near the intersection of Airport Hwy, Ralph, Wayne & Western Aves. in Toledo. The graves from St. Peter's Cemetery were moved in 1930 to Calvary.
GPS: Latitude: 41.63597, Longitude: -83.58434 - Sharples Cemetery
East of OH Rte 295 on Angola Rd. (CR32)
GPS: Latitude: 41.62866, Longitude: -83.83411 - Springfield Township Cemetery
Also known as: Springfield Cemetery
7620 Airport Hwy. in Holland, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.61110, Longitude: -83.72310 - Stateline Cemetery
6252 Benore Road, Toledo Ohio
GPS: Latitude: 41.73072, Longitude: -83.52970 - Sunshine Cemetery (defunct)
Off US Rte 24 near the Northwest Ohio Psychiatric Hospital
In 1985 close to 4000 remains were moved to Forest Cemetery,
No burial records exist. Archeology records of the excavation are available through the Canaday Center at the University of Toledo.
GPS: Latitude: 41.61890, Longitude: -83.59720 - Swan Creek Cemetery
On Coder Rd. in Monclova
GPS: Latitude: 41.57390, Longitude: -83.70890 - Toledo Memorial Park
6382 Monroe St. in Sylvania, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.71890, Longitude: -83.69560 - Toledo State Hospital
On Arlington Ave. in Toledo, OH
TOLEDO MENTAL HEALTH CENTER (SUNSHINE): Was Toledo State Hospital, removed to Forest Cemetery, no record of interred Phone: N/A There are two Toledo State Hospital Cemeteries still in existence. One is on Arlington Avenue next to Bowsher High School, GPS Latitude: 41.372639 N Longitude -83.36722 W. The other is on the campus of University of Toledo Medical Cemetery, on the East Medical loop. GPS Latitude: 41.37014 N Longitude: -83.364786 W. Here is an on-line interment log for the Toledo State Hospital Cemetery.
The Sunshine Cemetery was the cemetery for the Lucas County Infirmary and also an early potters' field. It is true it no longer exists and remains were moved to Forest Cemetery. There is no interment log, but there is a Lucas County Infirmary Log on microfilm at the Toledo Lucas County library, and a printed index.
(updated info shared by Julie Majo, February 2017)
- Wakeman Cemetery
621 Farnsworth in Waterville, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.49783, Longitude: -83.72633 - Whitehouse Cemetery
Located on the east side of Cemetery Rd., just north of Waterville-Swanton Rd., in Whitehouse, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.51980, Longitude: -83.78450 - Willow Cemetery
On Pickle Rd. off Woodville Rd. (OH Rte 51) in Oregon, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.62920, Longitude: -83.49970 - Winslow Cemetery
On CR121 off CR117 in Whitehouse, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.53450, Longitude: -83.80077 - Wolfinger Cemetery
On the grounds of Secor Metropark in Sylvania, OH
GPS: Latitude: 41.66670, Longitude: -83.78530