Piscataquis County






Populated Places

Piscataquis County contains seventeen towns, two organized plantations and twenty-eight named, unorganized townships.

ABBOTT. One of the six town granted to Bowdoin College in 1794. Originally named by Abraham Moor in 1807. Incorporated in 1827.


ATKINSON. First settled in 1804 by Bylie Lyford. incorporated the 230th town in 1819. Named in honor of Judge Atkinson of NH, who furnished the town with a library of 100 volumes.

BEAVER COVE. Set off from GREENVILLE and organaized as a plantation in 1975. Incorporated as a town in 1978

BOWERBANK. Formerly No. 7, Range 8. First incorporated as a town in 1839. Incorporation as a town repealed in 1869. Organized as a plantation in 1888. Reincorporated as a town in 1907.

BROWNVILLE. Originally No. 5, Range 8. Organized as a plantation in 1819. Incorporated in 1824.


DOVER AND FOXCROFT. Comprised of the former towns of Dover and Foxcroft and section of land north of the Piscataquis River, once part of the town of SANGERVILLE. The southern section, formerly the town of Dover, was settled by Eli Town, from Temple, NH. Purchased from MA, by Hallowell and Lowell for C. Vaughan and J. Merrick, from whom settlers' titles were derived. Organized as Plantation No. 3 in 1812. Incorporated 1822. The northern section, formerly the town of Foxcroft, was settled by Seth Spaulding, Eleazer Spaulding and John Spaulding in 1806. One of the six townships conveyed by MA to Bowdoin College in 1794. Incorporated in 1812, and named for Joseph E. Coxcroft. Union of the towns of Dover and Foxcroft was authorized by act of Legislature approved in 1915, and became effective under the provisions of the act in 1922.

GREENVILLE. Settled by Nathaniel Haskell in 1824, and organized as Haskell Plantation in 1831. Incorporated in 1836. North part of WILSON on, annexed in 1848. A portion set off to form BEAVER COVE Plantation in 1975.


GUILFORD. One of six townships granted to Bowdoin College by MA in 1794. Called LOWTOWN until incorporated in 1816. Portion of SANGERVILLE annexed in 1889.

KINGSBURY PLANTATION. Purchased of Bingham's heirs by Hon. Sanford Kingsbury. First settled in 1834 by William Hilton and brother. Incorporated in 1836. Incorporation relealed in 1885. Reorganized as a plantation in 1886.

LAKE VIEW PLANTATION. Formerly No. 4, R. 8, N.W.P. Organized in 1892

MEDFORD. Incorporated in 1824, by the name of KIMARNOCK. Name changed in 1856. Town charter organization first surrendered in 1940. Reorganized as a plantation in 1942. Organization surrendered in 1945. Incorporated in 1967

MILO. Settled in 1803 by B. Sargent, Stephen Snow and Moses Snow. Incorporated in 1823

MONSON. Settled in 1818 by Simeon Irish, George Doughy and Joseph Bearce. Incorporated in 1822

PARKMAN. Once a part of Somerset County. Received its name in honor of Samuel Parkman, the original proprietor the town. Incorporated in 1822

SANGERVILLE. Settled about 1803 by Phineas Ames and others and called AMESTOWN. Incorporated the 206th town in 1813, and named for Calvin Sanger, the principal proprietor. Portion of Lot 8 annexed to GUILFORD in 1889. Town Manager form of government adopted in 1948

SEBEC. One of the six townships granted to Bowdoin College by MA in 1794. Settled in 1803 by Ezeliel Chase. Incorporated in 1812. Name derived from the Indian name Sebecco, by which the lake was called


SHIRLEY. Purchased of the Bingham heirs by Cyrus Shaw and Jabez True, and called TRUE'S TOWN. Settled in 1825 by Joseph Mitchell. Incorporated in 1834. West part of WILSON annexed in 1848


WELLINGTON. The corner township of the Bingham Purchase first settled about 1814 by James Knowles and David Staples. Formerly called BRIDGE'S TOWN. Incorporated in 1828.

WILLIMANTIC. Formerly No. 8, Range 8. Incorporated in 1881. Organized in 1881, under the name of HOWARD. Name changed in 1883

BARNARD TOWNSHIP. Unorganized township. Once a part of WILLIAMSBURG. Incorporated as a town in 1834. Incorporation repealed in 1877. Reorganized as a plantation in 1895; disorganized in 1982

BIG SQUAW TOWNSHIP. Unorganized township. Organized as a plantation; disorganized in 1985

BLANCHARD TOWNSHIP. Unorganized township. Incorporated in 1831. Organized as a plantation; disorganized in 1985

CHESUNCOOK TOWNSHIP. Unorganized No. 55, R 13, W.E.L.S. Organized as a plantation in 1921; disorganized in 1933

DAYS ACADEMY GRANT. Unorganized. On east shore of Moosehead Lake

ELLIOTTSVILLE TOWNSHIP. Unorganized township. Incorporated as a town in 1835. Part of town of WILSON annexed in 1848. Act of incorporation repealed in 1858. Reorganized as a plantation in 1887; disorganized in 1983

FRENCHTOWN TOWNSHIP. An unorganized place seven miles east of Moosehead Lake

KATAHDIN IRON WORKS TOWNSHIP. Unorganized No. 6, R. 9, N.W.P. It derives its name from Mt. Katahdin.

KINEO TOWNSHIP. An unorganized tract of land on east shore of Moosehead Lake

LILY BAY TOWNSHIP. An unorganized place on east side of Moosehead Lake, Township A.R. 14, W.E.L.S

NORTHEAST CARRY TOWNSHIP. Unorganized. No. 3, R. 15, W.E.L.S. At head of Moosehead Lake

ORNEVILLE TOWNSHIP. Unorganized. First called BOYD'S PLANTATION in honor of Gen. Boyd. Incorporated in 1832, under name of MILTON; changed to ALMOND in 1841, and then to ORNEVILLE, in 1842, in honor of its proprietor, Judge Henry Orne. Disorganized in 1945

WILLIAMSBURG TOWNSHIP. Unorganized. No. 6, R. 8, N.W.P. Incorporated in 1820.

BARNARD. Taken off in 1834. Disorganized in 1940

NO.1, R.9, W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.1, R.10, W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.1, R.13 (SMITHTOWN), W.E.L.S.

NO.2, R.9, W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.2, R.11 (RAINBOW), W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.3,R.5 (LITTLE SQUAW), B.K.P,E.K.R Unorganized

NO.3, R.9 (MT. KATAHDIN), W.E.L.S.

NO.3, R.10, W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.3, R.11, W.E.L.S. Unorganized. Site of Ripogenus Dam, storage dam of Great Northern Paper Co

NO.3, R.12, W.E.L.S. Unorganized

NO.3, R.14 (LOBSTER), W.E.L.S. Unorganized

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This page was last updated 08/22/2024