Piscataquis County


History of Greenville

Contributed by Deborah (Pelletier) Tajmajer
Transcribed from History of Piscataquis County, Maine: From Its Earliest Settlement to 1880 by Amasa Loring, Chapter 23, pages 201-205.

GREENVILLE, Number Nine, Range Tenth, is situated at the southern extremity of Moosehead Lake, called usually Foot of the Lake, and in a business point of view is nearly identical with the lake itself. It has ever been the base of supplies for the lumbering operations on the lake and its tributaries, it is the starting point of explorers, fishing parties, hunters and tourists, and this, too, is the chief place of its steamboat navigation. The commencement of lumbering on the margin of the lake and of the settlement of Greenville was nearly coeval, and aided each other in opening roads.

This township was a public grant, the south half to Thornton Academy in Saco, previous to 1820, the north half, afterward, to Saco Free Bridge.

Nathaniel Haskell of Westbrook purchased the Academy Grant, and commenced its settlement. On this there was some very good farming land.

Wilson Pond is included in it. Wilson Stream, its outlet, has some very beautiful cascades, and some very good mill privileges also. The northern part has been valued more for its timber than for agricultural pursuits. When this past was lotted out by H. K. Stanton, in April, 1830, it was found that the lake covered a few of its ranges on the west side. The State gave Saco Free Bridge Company 4,000 acres, to be selected from any unappropriated wild land, to offset this deficiency. Strange to say, they selected that amount in the Elliotsville township. A. Greenwood Esq. lotted the south half into two hundred acre lots, in April, 1825.

FIRST SETTLEMENT. In the summer of 1824, Nathaniel Haskell and Oliver Young cut down ten acres of trees, and John Smith, Mr. Haskell's son-in-law, six acres on an adjoining lot. The next summer, Mr. Haskell cleared his first opening, and felled seven acres more. He also cut out a part of the road leading from Nelson Savage's mill to the lake. By this time, Cowan, Littlefield and others began to lumber on the lake, and to have supplies hauled in by sledding over this road. In 1826, Haskell and Young raised the first crop in town, and put up a house, and the next summer, cut the first hay. In the spring of 1827, he moved Mrs. Waldron, a widowed daughter, and two children, the first family that settled in the township. A sister of Mrs. Waldron, spent the summer with her, but left in the fall. For more than a year afterward, she did not see the face of another woman. She eventually married Oliver Young, and still resides in Greenville, now, 1880, eighty-four years of age. Mr. Young settled on a lot adjoining Mr. Haskell's and Mr. John Smith sold out his possession, and gave up moving there. Mr. Carling eventually settled on it, and died there recently. William Cummings was the next to move in a family, and Isaac Sawyer, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. Tufts were the next comers. A few years later, Samuel Cole came, in 1831 Edmund Scammon moved in, and John Gerrish soon after.

In 1829, Messrs. Varney, two brothers from Windham, built a saw-mill on the Wilson Stream, so that boards and sawed lumber became obtainable, and in 1830, Mr. Haskell also put in a small grist-mill.

Mr. Haskell had not made full payment to the Trustees of the Academy, and some questioned the safety of his titles. But he effected a compromise with the Trustees, by relinquishing the unsold land to them, and this bar to the sale of land was removed. Mr. Phineas Pratt, for many years preceptor of Thornton Academy, and Samuel Cole then purchased this wild land, but it run Pratt into bankruptcy. Mr. Haskell continued to reside in town until his death, except a short absence with one of his children. The State granted him six hundred acres of wild land, to reward him for breaking in to that remote township, in his old age, for which, he received $600, and he would have accepted Sugar Island also, if the Legislature had been generous enough to bestow it upon him. He returned to Greenville, only a short time before his death, and there expired, Nov. 29, 1843,aged eighty-four, and was buried in the soil he so earnestly adopted.

In 1832, Samuel Cole and Isaac Whitcomb built a sawmill on Eagle Stream, a branch of Wilson Stream, and this passed to Oliver Young. At a later date, Samuel Cole put up a saw-mill on Bog Stream, near West Cove, which was eventually burnt. But now all these mills have been abandoned.

All the earlier settlements were on the East Ridge, from one to three miles distant from the lake. Up to 1832, only six or eight families had settled in town, though the lake business had steadily increased. In 1830, Mr. John Gerrish began to clear an opening on the South Ridge, and the next year moved his family there. A new road was then cut from the foot of the Lake, by Mr. Gerrish's, to the settlement on the Whitney tract, from which one already extended to Monson. This opened a new line of travel to the lake. It was less hilly than he old route by Savage's mill, and the teaming turning this way. Mr. Gerrish soon had neighbors. New settlers came in. Mr. Hogan put a small steamboat for towing rafted logs, upon the lake, in 1836, and large sail boats also came into use. This boat made a pleasure excursion to Mt. Kineo, on the 4th of July, 1836. Rev. John Baker, J. Stockbridge Esq., and many others from Monson and vicinity were in the joyful party. An impromptu celebration was resolved on, Rev. Mr. Baker giving an extempore oration, which Stockbridge and others supplemented with spicy toasts, speeches and outbursting cheers. To the lake, the mountains, steamboating and Greenville settlement, this was a "red letter day," and the company separated at its close, feeling that it was indeed a great occasions.

Up to 1835, the site of Greenville village was covered with its primeval forest, except what had been cleared for roads, camps and piling places. In the spring of that year, Henry Gower cleared a spot, and erected a two storied hotel, where the Lake House now stands.

The drift of land speculators, the following summer, gave it an extensive patronage. Mr. Gower felled a large opening that summer, and cleared up the site of the village. He opened the first store there, in 1836, which his brother Charles continued to occupy for several years.

In a few years a larger and more powerful steamboat was built, and launched upon the lake, which the increasing lumbering all around the lake required.

In 1831, the township was organized as Haskell's Plantation. In 1836, Feb. 6, it was incorporated as the town of Greenville. In population and capital it has been steadily increasing ever since. The first birth in town was a son in the Tufts family, and the first death, Mr. Edmund Scammon's, Feb. 4, 1837.

In 1846, the increase of travel and business called for more hotels. That year, Eveleth and Whitcomb built the Eveleth House. It ahs been once burnt and rebuilt upon the same spot. In 1847, these men opened another store in the place, and, in 1848, J. H. Eveleth left Monson and joined his father here. This store was burnt, May 1869, but soon rebuilt, and has been continued to the present year, and now a third large general store has been added.

In 1858, another good step was taken. The people united in erecting a meeting-house. The next summer, it was finished in a neat, tasteful style, and dedicated Dec. 1, 1869, Rev. E. B. Webb D. D. going from Augusta to preach the dedication sermon. In Jan. 1, 1874, largely through the efforts of Rev. Mr. Cameron, it was surmounted with a bell, whose pleasant peals, first rung out on that day, call the church-goer, be he resident or stranger, to the worship of the Most High.

In 1848, five ranges of lots from the north side of Wilson were annexed to Greenville. There are now four school districts in town, one having a graded school at the village, with a neat two-storied school-house. The public school fund now amounts to $800, with a lot of wild land still to be sold. Within a few years, a steam-saw- and grist-mill have been running at the foot of the lake and I. R. Gerrish has a saw-mill on an inlet of Wilson pond.

The prospect now is, that a railroad from Canada, passing by Megantic Lake, will be put through to West Cove, about two miles from the foot of Moosehead Lake, and thence to Blanchard, opening a new line to St. John. A telegraph line from Oldtown to Greenville and the Kineo House, along the line of the railroad, is under contract, and its construction is now in progress.

Sadly we record that Mellen Shaw, a highly esteemed business man of Greenville, in a temporary estrangement of reason, terminated his life on March 4, 1880.

Greenville has several mechanics, but neither lawyer nor doctor has located there.

In 1870, the population of this town was 369; its valuation $66,707.

1907 Greenville and Lily Bay Directory

Contributed by K. Tweedie

Greenville and Lily Bay pages transcribed from:
Piscataquis County (Maine) Business and Residential Directory 1907.

Containing the names, addresses and occupations of more than 15,000 people. List and residents on Rural Free Deliveries, Index to Streets, Roads, Camps, Lakes, Resorts, Public Buildings, Plantations. Besides other useful and valuable data of this wonderful county. Also complete Business and Residential Directories of Abbot, Brownville, Dover (Shire Town), Guilford, Foxcroft, Greenville, Kineo and all Plantations, Lists of Guides and Camps, Milo, Monson, Sangerville, Wellington, with Maps, Views and Scenes of the famous Moosehead Lake Region. Newton, Mass.: Newton Journal, 1906.



This is a rapidly growing section of the County, Greenville village and Greenville Junction together making a rather populous district. They are practically the same place, the village being only about three-quarters of a mile form the latter place, and the intervening space is fast building up. This is the terminus of the B. & A. R. R., and also the junction with the Canadian Pacific. Here also is the terminus of the steamboat line to Kineo, Lily Bay, and head of Moosehead Lake. The town was first settled in 1824, and incorporated in 1836. The population is now 1500, and is increasing at a rapid rate. Both the village and junction are noted for their fine stores and these are the wonders of the tourists. The town enjoys all the conveniences to the modern municipality; telephone and telegraph service, Electric lights, splendid and rapid steamer transportation to all points on Moosehead Lake. There is a fine hotel, The Moosehead Inn, and there is good fishing and hunting in the vicinity.

[Advertisement with drawing] W. O. Hilton & Son, HORSE SHOEING and GENERAL
JOBBING Automobile Repairing Lily Bay Road, GREENVILLE, MAINE

[Advertisement] We make a specialty of supplying EVERYTHING THAT A SPORTSMAN
WANTS TO EAT! Send us your advance order; we'll pack it compactly, ship it anywhere you say, and guarantee satisfaction. Fresh Penobscot River Salmon in season, shipped to all parts of the United States. Prompt attention given to supplying private cars. C. J. LYNCH, 13 Park St., BANGOR, ME.


SQUAW MOUNTAIN, Commanding one of the prettiest views of the Lake.
No Contagious diseases Received. Has the finest Surgical Record of any Hospital in the United States. Convalescents and those suffering from Nervous Troubles especially catered to. Accommodations furnished in the Main Building, Camps or Tents. Write for Booklet. L. F. HATCH, President.

COBURN STEAMBOAT CO. U. S. MAIL STEAMERS. Moosehead lake, = Maine.
[Photograph Here]

First-class Passenger and Freight Service between Greenville Junction and all points on lake from opening until close of navigation. Direct connections made with Bangor & Aroostook R.R. trains which run to and from wharf at Greenville Junction. Also with trains of Somerset R.R. at Birch Point. The elegant steamer Katahdin (licensed for 600 passengers) can be chartered for excursion parties and special boat for fishing or pleasure parties can be secured at any time. Company also controls Excursion Pavilion at Pebble beach, Kineo, for use of which and any further information apply to C. J. ROBINSON, - Cen'l Manager.
GREENVILLE JUNCTION, ME. Parties can make round trip leaving Greenville in morning and returning same night.


[Advertisement] Our Clothing is Right and our Prices are Right. We want your Trade and will give you a square deal every time. Moosehead Clothing Co., Greenville Jct., - Me.

Greenville Resident Directory

Note. The word acres is abbreviated to a; road to rd.; house to h. and rural free delivery route is indicated by *

Allen Alonzo, carpenter
Allen Guy, carpenter
Allen M. M.
Allen Clark, boarding house
Allen F. W., bookkeeper
Allen Thomas
Andrew William J., guide
Arboc John, guide
Axford William B., bookkeeper
Bean Edward C., clerk
Barrows Orlando G., guide
Bartlett James H., guide
Bartley Woodrouffe, hackman
Bigney James B., contractor and builder
Bigney Fred D., steamboat captain
Bigney Fritz, guide
Blair Lyman
Bradford Ralph
Brochu Charles
Brochu John R., carpenter
Brochu George
Britt Frank J.
Britt Justin B., farmer
Britt William O., guide
Britt William
Brown George W., Merchant
Brown Joel F.
Brown Joel H.
Brown David F., game warden
Brown Ralph P., merchant
Brown B. F., clerk
Brown A. S., painter
Brown Eli H., meat man
Buckingham George R., guide
Budden Frank H.
Carleton Frank H., barber
Carleton Ralph B.
Carleton Harry M. farmer

[Advertisement] Have your Eyes Tested Free H. E. METCALF, Jeweler and Optician,
Greenville jct., - ME.


H. M. SHAW MANUFACTURING CO. organized under Laws of State of Maine, 1906.
C. D. SHAW, President. H. M. SHAW, Treasurer. Dealers in Real Estate, LONG AND
SHORT LUMBER, Lime, Hair, Cement and Brick. GREENVILLE, - - - MAINE.

AMOS WALKER Livery and Sale Stable Main St., Greenville Junction, Me. Stage Line
Closed Season to Moosehead Lake, Kineo to N. W. Carry, and Kineo to N. E. Carry

[Advertisement] The Finest Stock of Shoes, Moccasins and Rubber Footwear in the

Carleton Guy
Carter George
Carter Amos A.
Callahan Daniel R., guide
Capens Charles L., guide
Chase Alden L.
Chase Edgar S.
Crafte Arthur A., merchant
Coholon John T.
Costigan Archie
Costigan Charles
Colby Alonzo
Colby H. A.
Cole Samuel
Clark Thomas
Clark John F., farm foreman
Clark William T., meat man
Clark Warren C.
Creed James W., carpenter
Crockett Daniel
Crowley E. B., civil engineer
Curtis C. S.
Curtis Albert
Curtis Abel J., farmer
Curtis David O., farmer
Cushman H. B., filer
Dalton John A.
Davis Charles J., lumberman
Davis Sheldon S., general store
Daily John
Drake Herbert E., guide
Drew Jacob M., truckman
Duty Albert
Duty Moses, guide
Duty David
Edgerly C. E.
Edgerly A. D., lumberman
Everleth Harry P.
Files W. Scott, carpenter
Fletcher Aubrey L., attorney at law
Folsom Lindley H. merchant
Folsom Arthur L., merchant
Folsom Malcolm B., clerk
Foulker John, barber
Fowles Raymond A., minister
Galusha Willard H., lumberman
Garnsey O. A.
Gerrish A. Woodbury, contractor and builder

[Advertisement] If your Watch does not run right bring it to me and I will put it in first-class shape. H. E. METCALF



GRAY'S Business College and School of Shorthand and Typewriting PORTLAND, MAINE
Send for Free Catalogue ADDRESS FRANK L. GRAY


WOODS & GIBSON, Proprietors.

ALBERT H. McPHETER'S CANOE CO. Manufactures of the Famous McPHETER'S CANOES,
PLAIN and with sponson, open gunwale, paddles, canoe yokes, poles, seats and fittings. Guides, Canoes a specialty. Correspondence solicited. Manufacturers of first class snow shoes for the wholesale and retail trade. OLDTOWN, - - - MAINE.

[Advertisement] The Largest and Best Assortment of Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods in Northern Maine at the Moosehead Clothing Co.

Gerrish Walter I., contractor and builder
Gilbert Napoleon, clerk
Goodridge Cyrus, farmer
Greelym Charles L.
Hubbard Leo
Hubbard Wendell P., undertaker
Hall John H., guide
Hall E. L., hotel man
Hall Robert
Hamilton William M., lumberman
Hamilton Charles H., guide
Hamilton Clarence D.
Hamilton Irving, game warden
Hamilton Willie
Harrington Fred, guide
Harrington Albert E., guide
Harrington Adelbert C., guide
Harlow Edgar E., guide
Harris I. Augustus, druggest
Hersey Harry C.
Hildreth William H. scaler
Hildreth Leroy S., guide
Hilton William O., blacksmith
Hilton J., Manchester, blacksmith
Hubbard Holman
Hunt Hiram, doctor
Huse Alveria
Jackson Charles L., lumberman
Kennedy Andrew J., truckman
Knowles Hebert
Knight Joseph P.
Lacaday George, engineer
Lacaday Samuel S., engineer
Lampher Vandah
Larrebee R. Mrs., guest
Lee Frederick C.
Littlefield James C.
Littlefield Ora
Macfarlane Victor W., Venneer mill; pres. Veneer Box and Panel Co.
Mansell George A.
Mansell Herbert, guide
Mansell Osgood L., farmer
Marsh George A., carpenter
Marsh F. Albert, farmer
Marsh William H., farmer
Marshall Oscar F.
Mason Frank
Martin Ernest
Masterman John E., guide

[Advertisement] Edison Phonographs are the best. I have them from $10 up.
Also all the latest records. H. E. METCALF.



THOS. E. WOOD. Boot and Shoe Maker & Repairer. All Work Promptly Attended to.Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness of All Kinds GREENVILLE, MAINE.

F. H. Carleton, Barber Shop, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes, Bicycle Sundries. Agent National Casualty Insurance. Greenville, Maine.

MRS. H. M. CARLETON, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Small Wares, Etc. All Goods fresh from largest Wholesale Houses of Boston and New York. Greenville Junction, Maine.

[Advertisement] When you want the best in Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, etc., go to the Moosehead Clothing Co.

Masterman Richard, guide
Mayo George C.
McCormack Hugh J.
McDonald W. H., sawyer
McFarland Frank P., clerk
McPheters Mark E.
McPheters Charles, guide
Meservey Charles
Meservey John
Meservey Walter S.
Meservey Wallace W. engineer
Meservey Waterman H.
Metcalf Millard, clothing store
Metcalf Harold, clothing store
Micue Moses, famer
Micue Edwin, hackman
Mitchell Oscar A.
Mithcell Fred
Mountain J. Lewis
Norcross Henry
Packard George W.
Packard Ruel R.
Park F. C. N., taxidermist
Parsons Everett L., guide
Parsons Marcus Kahlon
Parent Joseph, engineer
Pastene Jerome J.
Porter Charles N., barber
Potter George W.
Pooler Charles, plumber
Pratt Albert
Prentiss Jessie M., merchant
Prince Homer M.
Prithan F. J., doctor
Raymo Alexander
Reed Alfred W., jeweler
Roberts Charles H., farmer
Roberts Walter S.
Roberts Carl L., farmer
Robinson Charles J., steamboat captain
Rogers William L., lumberman
Rogers Adelbert C., lumberman
Rogers Sidney H., hotel keeper
Ryder C. E., carpenter
Ryder F. W., carpenter
Sanders David T., merchant
Sanders Harry A., merchant
Savage Clair H., painter
Sawyer Arthur,

[Advertisement] I have the Best Dollar Watch made. Stem Wind and Set, and guaranteed for one year. Try one. H. E. Metcalf.

[GREENVILLE PAGES 152-165 and unmarked page numbers]

[No Page Number, Referred to as the "colored page opp. 162" on page 164.]

[Advertisement] Folsom = Prentiss Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Greenville, Maine. One of the Largest General Stores in Eastern Maine. Specialties Sportsmen's Camping Outfits and Lumbermen's Supplies Before going into the woods for your summer outing or Fall hunt, you necessarily select the locality best adapted for your pleasure. Should you conclude that Northern Maine via Moosehead Lake meets these requirements, then comes the outfit to be considered. We are in a position to relieve you of all trouble on that score, as we have had years of experience in putting up supplies for camping and hunting parties. A careful inspection of our stock and prices will convince you that you can do better with us than elsewhere. Write for our list of camping supplies with extracts of Game laws.

[Advertisement] All kinds of Clothing and Footwear for Sportsmen, Souvenir Goods. Boats and Canoes for sale and to let Moosehead Clothing Co.

Sawyer Henry D., steamboat captain [Henry P.]
Sawyer Stillman W., steamboat captain
Sawyer J. Fred engineer
Sawyer Lewis, farmer
Sawyer Albert L., farmer
Sawyer Franklin L., undertaker
Sawyer F. Melville, carpenter
Sawyer Harry L.
Sawyer Marshall O.
Sentner Daniel, blacksmith
Sentner William, blacksmith
Shaw William, farmer
Shaw Charles D., contractor and builder
Shaw Herman, farmer
Shaw William M.
Shaw Henry M., contractor and builder
Smart Fred
Smith Ichabod C., guide
Smith Guy H., clerk
Smith George A., guide
Smith Frank
Smith Sewal S.
Smith H. L., attorney at law
Snow Thomas B.
Spencer Walter P., farmer
St. Germain Joseph, carpenter
St. Germain William, boat builder and mechanic
St. Germain Ross
Sullivan John D., guide
Sullivan Michael H.
Tapley A. A.
Taylor Theodore B.
Taylor Walter A., guide
Templeton Orrin, insurance agent
Templeton Arthur L., guide
Templeton Fred, guide
Templeton E. W.
Titus William
Tremblay A. A., guide
Tremblay Fred A.
Turcott Peter, guide
Tyler Freeman, farmer
Tyler Eugene
Tyler Clarence, clerk
Vaughan Eugene W. steamboat captain
Vaughan Francis H., taxidermist
Walden Edwin Q., farmer
Walker Amos H.
Wells Daniel J.
Wells Frederick
Watson Carroll S., steamboat captain
Willer Frank E., farmer
Witham Frank U., plumber and tinsmith

[Advertisement] HAMILTON WATCHES are the Finest Railroad Watches made.
Sold by H. E. Metcalf

[Advertisement] The Moosehead Clothing Co., GREENVILLE JCT., M. METCALF, Manager. Headquarters for Everything to Wear.

Postmaster, L. H. Folsom;
Selectmen, H. Hunt, Millard Metcalf, Sidney P. Young;
Town Clerk, Ralph P. Brown;
Treasurer, Jessie M. Prentis;
Tax Collector, H. L. Smith;
Constables, F. H. Carlton, C. B. Hamilton, C. M. Wood, Andrew Kennedy;
Road Commissioner, Clarence B. Hamilton;
School Committee. H. A. Sanders, Mrs. F. D. Bigney, Mrs. N. I. Gerrish, Junction;
Board of Health, A. L. McKusick, secy.
Clergymen-R. A. Fowles, Cong.; J. Forest, Cath.; Junction, A. D. Moore, Meth.;
Physicians-H. Hunt; Junction, F. J. Pritham;
Lawyers-Junction, A. L. Fletcher, H. L. Smith;
Notaries-A. L. Fletcher, C. D. Shaw;
Justices-C. D. Shaw; L. H. Folsom; L. R. Young; M. Metcalf; A. L. Fletcher; H. L. Smith;
Merchants-Folsom, Prentiss Co.; D. T. Sanders & Sons. G. W. Brown & Son. general Stores;
Buck & Clark, meats and groceries
Mrs. N. Davis, millenery;
I. A. Harris, apothecary and notions;
L. R. Young, Zelia Burnard, fruit and confectionery;
H. M. Shaw Mnfg. Co., long and short lumber;
Junction, A. A. Crafts Co., general stores;
Gerrish Bros., lumber, lime, cement and hay;
Moosehead Clothing Co., clothing, boots and shoes and sporting goods;
West Cove Grain Co., grain and feed;
Mrs. H. M. Carlton, millinery;
S. S. Davis. H. M. Carlton, Moosehead Clothing Co., fruit and confectionery;
W. P. Hubbard, caskets;
Maufacturers-F. L. Sawyer, cabinet maker;
Greenville Mnfg. And Veneer Co., V. W. Macfarlance supt., Veneer Box and Panel
Co., veneer;
Moosehead Case and Power Co., shooks and cases;
W. O. Hilton, Peter Brochu, smiths;
J. E. Bigney. J. Gregan, F. L. Sawyer, F.
Harrington. F. M. Sawyer, W. St. Germain, J. St. Germain, carpenters;
M. G. Shaw Lumber Co., lumbermen;
D. Crockett. tinsmith;
Mrs. A. Pooler. Mrs. N. Davis, dressmaking;
W. St. Germain, H. P. Sawyer, boat builders;
C. H. Savage. Painter;
H. W. Shaw Mnfg. Co., contractors, builders and lumber;
T. Wood. shoe maker;
E. T. Spencer, spool bars, shingles and lumbermen;
T. E. Wood. harness and shoe repairing;
Junction. Gerrish Bros., lumber;
S. S. Davis H. E. Metcalf. watches, jewelry and repairs;
Gerrish Bros., contractors and builders;
W. Sentner & Son. smiths;
Barbers-F. Carlton;
Junction. H. M. Carlton, J. R. Faulkers. J. W. Freese. C. N. Porter, C. H. Rogers;
Express-Junction. American, R. W. Kittridge;
Greenville Light & Power Co.-H. L. Sawyer. Mngr.;
Guides-J. Brown, G. Buckingham. J. Nicholas, L. Bernard, J. Mansel, W. A.
Taylor, C. B. Hamilton. W. M. Hamilton. F. Capino, S. Capino, G. Smith, H.
Trembley, D. Brown;
Hospital.-Moosehead Lake Sanitorium, Dr. L. F. Hatch mgr.;
High School. E. C. Bean, prin;
Livery-Junction, A. Walker. H. N. Bartley;
Restaurant-H. Trembly;
Station Agents-Junction, B. & A., J. H. Gerrish;
C. P. Ry., G. A. Howard;
Steamboats-Coburn Steamboat Co., C. J. Robinson, Mngr.;
Kineo Steamboats Co., C. A. Judkins, mngr.,;
Taxidermists-Junction, The M. Abbott Frazar Co., F. C. N. Park.

Telegraph, Northern Tel. Co., Annie Reed; Junction, J. H. Gerrish;
C. P. R. Tel. Co., G. A. Howard. Telephone, Moosehead Tel. Co., H. L. Sawyer,
Undertakers, W. P. Howard and F. L. Sawyer.
Associations, Masons, Columbia, 200, I. O. O. F. New England 125. Moosehead
Pioneer Degree of Honor, 18;
W. C. T. U.;
K. O. T. M. Kineo 61.
Hotels, The Crow's Nest, Bigney & Rowe;
Junction, Moosehead Inn. Woods & Gibson;
Bartley House. H. S. Rogers;
Mount View (Little Squaw Mountain) H. N. Bartley.
Boarding house, P. McArthur.

[Advertisement]The Largest Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in this Section.
Give me a call. H.E. Metcalf, Jeweler and Opticians, Greenville Jct., - Me.

[Page] 164 Greenville
Greenville Business Directory

Fletcher Aubrey L., at Junction
Smith H. L., Shaw's Block

Hilton H. O. & Son, Lily Bay rd See page 152

Guilford Trust Co. (Branch Shaw's Block), E. G. Judkins, manager

Carleton Frank H., Main St. See page 160.
Carleton H. M., Main St. Junction. See page 160.
Foulkes J. R. Moosehead Inn, junction.
Porter C. N., Main Street
Rogers C. H., Main St., Junction

Foulkes J. R., Moosehead Inn

Hilton W. O. & Son. Lily Bay Rd. See page 152
Sentner William & Son, at Junction

Wood Thos. E. also repairer, Main St. See page 160

Crowley E. B., Straw Block

Gerrish Bros., at Junction. See back cover.
Shaw Manufacturing Co., Shaw Block. See page 156.

Carlton Frank H., Main ST. See page 160.
Carlton H. M. at Junction. See page 160.
Moosehead Clothing CO., at Junction. S. S. Davis. See page 160.

Harris I. A., Main St. See back Cover.

Greenville, H. L. Sawyer, mgr.

American, R, W. Kittridge

Brown G. W. & Son. See last page
Crafts A. A. Co.
Folsom Prentiss Co. See colored page opp. 162.

Buck & Clark, Lily Bay Rd. Last page in book.
Carleton H. M., Junction. See page 160
Sanders T. D. & Son

Folsom Prentiss Co. See colored page opp. 162
West Cove Grain Co., Junction

Lewis Bernard. John Brown, David Brown, George Buckingham, Frank Capino,
Simon Capino, C. B. Hamilton. W. M. Hamilton, J. Nichols, John Mansel.
George Smith, W. A. Taylor, H. Trembly.

Wood T., Main st. See page 160

Bartley House, H. S. Rogers, prop.
Crow's Nest, F. D. Bigney, prop.
Moosehead Inn, Junction, Woods & Gibson, props, See page 158
Mount View, H. M. Bartley, prop.

Carleton Frank H. See page 160

Metcalf H. E., Main st. See lower lines Greenville directory
A. L. Fletcher, L. H. Folsom, M. Metcalf, H. L. Smith, L. R. Young


Benn Pitman System of Shorthand, Touch Typewriting. Tuition includes special course in Spelling and Punctuation. Circulars on application.

Wood Engraving. Stock Certificates a Specialty
C. H. Randall Co., Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Commercial Printing

Bartly H. N., Little Squaw Mt.
Kennedy A. J., baggage transfer, Junction.
Walker Amos, also hauling, and stage to Kineo, and Carry in winter.
See page 166.

Gerrish Bros., Junction. See back cover.
Shaw Manf. Co. See page 156.
M. G. Shaw Lumber Co. Mills at Bath.
W. M. Shaw, mgr., Greenville.

Buck & Clark, Lily Bay rd.

Carleton Mrs. H. M. See page 160.
Davis Mrs. Nettie

Fletcher A. L.
Shaw C. D.

Witham F. M.

Hatch L. F. at sanitarium. See page 153.
Hunt Hiram
Pritham F. J., Junction.
Bangor & Aroostook, J. H. Gerrish, agent
Canadian Pacific, Geo. A. Howard, agent

MOOSEHEAD LAKE, Dr. L. F. Hatch mgr. See page 153
Lynch C. J., Bangor, Me. See page 152.

Coburn Steam Boat Co., C. J. Robinson, gen. mgr., Junction. See page 154.
Kineo Steam Boat Co., C. A. Judkins, mgr. at Kineo House. See pages 99-100.

Parke Fred C. N., Junction. See page 150.

Moosehead Telephone Co., H. L. Sawyer, mgr.

Northern, Annie Reed
J. H. Gerrish, Junction

Hubbard N. P.
Sawyer F. L.

[LILY BAY PAGES 293-294.]

Lily Bay Directory

Historical Sketch

Lily Bay is an attractive hunting and fishing section on the east side of Moosehead Lake, and about 12 miles northeast of Greenville. It is reached by the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, and steamers of The Coburn Steamboat Company from Greenville in summer, stage in winter. Here is located the famous Lily Bay House, a most pleasant hostelry where the quest is sure of a fine table. Table convinces are enjoyed.

Registerd Guide, for Fishing and Hunting.


Camps To Let and Built to Order.
I can take you to the best Fishing and Hunting Grounds in this County. Write me for information. Parties Outfitted and Guides furnished.

[Page] 294 LILY BAY


Abbott Luther
Abbott Charles
ChapUan Sumner
Colbath Florence
Colbath R. M.
Carsley John
Gyson F. L. prop. Lily Bay Hotel (Mrs.) [Spelling error? Gyson - Gipson]
Keene Charles, Hotel clerk
McAuliff Katherine
Martin Henry
Pastend J. J. [Spelling error? Pastend - Pastene]
Shaw A. M. Mrs.
Turcolt Gertie
Warner John


Gipson F. L.

Pastene Jerome J. proprietor of Camp In-A Wana. See page 293.

Lily Bay House, F. L. Gipson, prop.; Charles Keene, clerk. See page 294.




[Page] 299

An unorganized township, No 5 in Range 13, W. E. L. S. Population. 1900, 65. Valuation 1904, $55,236. Post office, North East Carry. L. M. Barnes, justice. Hotel, Ansel B. Smith.

An unincorporated place in Moosehead lake. Population, 1900, 9. Valuation, 1904. $20,178. Postmaster, E. A. Capen. Hotel, Deer Island House, Frank L. Gardner.

No. 3 in Range 15, W. E. L. S. Unorganized. Head of Moosehead lake. Population, 1900, 24. Postmaster, C. L. Ray. Penobscot Hotel and Trading Co., general stores. Also run the Winnegannock House and Penobscot House.


No. 1 Range 9.
Unorganized. on Ambejejus lake. Mail to Norcross 12 miles in summer. To Millincoket 13 miles in winter. General stores, Perkins and Danforth. Also mfr. spool bars. Sporting camps, Spencer Bros., S. G. McPheters.

No. 2, Range 10.

No 2, Range 6, E. K. R., B. K. P. Unorganized. At east outlet of Mooseheadlake, on C. P. Ry. Population, 1900, 18. Valuation, 1904, estates, $97,125. Post master Moosehead, C. E. Wilson. Station and Express agt., Dominion, F. E. Mcleurd. Outlet House and Camps, C. E. Wilson. Unorganized. On First Debsoneag lake. Psotmaster, Debsconeag, C. C. Garland. Sporting Camps, C. C. Garland, prop.



The Store where Sportsmen get fitted out. Camping Outfits is our specialty. Everything in this line furnished at Lowest Market Prices, and guaranteed strictly first-class. Reliable Guides Furnished on Application. We also carry a large Stock of DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. BOOTS & SHOES. CLOTHING. FURNITURE. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. LADIES' & GENTS' FURNISHINGS. A pleased Customer is a Store's best Advertisement, that is our aim in Business. Long Distance Telephone Call 15-2.

At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville. Books-School Supplies-Stationery
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Palmer's perfumes, Toiler Soaps, Tooth Washes, Tooth Powders, Tooth Pastes, Tooth Brushes.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville,Atomizers, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bags, Ice Bags.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Infant Foods, Nursing Bottles and all Nursing Supplies.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Baker's Boston Chocolate's. A nice assortment of Candies.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Veterinary Medicines, Homeopathic Medicines, Patent Medicines.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, Flavoring Extracts, Pure Cream Tartar, Pure Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Spices for Pickles.
At Harris' Drug Store, Greenville, A well furnished Prescription Counter in charge of a Registered Pharmacist, a Graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. I. A. Harris, Greenville, Maine.


Staple Piano & Music Co. Headquarters, Portland, Me. See page 115.

If it is in Our Line, Inquire of US, LORD & KITCHEN Foxcroft, Maine. Between B. & A. and M. C. R. R. Stations. Lumber, Laths, Clapboards and Shingles. House finish of all kinds. Mouldings, Sheathigs and Hard Wood Flooring. Doors and Windows. Door and Window Frames. Carloads dressed to order in transit. Bangor & Aroostook and Maine Central sidings at our mill. Telephone connection at Mill and Residence.

A. W. Gerrish Spool Bars. W. I. Gerrish
GERRISH BROTHERS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Manufacters of and Dealers in long and short lumber. Hardward Flooring, spruce and hard pine sheathing, mouldings, etc. Lime, brick and hair and all kinds of building material. Estimates given. On line of B. & A. and C. P. Railroads. Greenville Junction, ME.

INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS of Every Description. The best Service. Lowest Rates.
THE C. A. BENNETT COMPANY state agents. Maryland Casualty Co. National Surety Co. PORTLAND, MAINE. Good agents wanted on salary or commission.

M. R. Morgan, President. A. W. Ellis, V. Pres. H. W. Davis, Treas.
Guilford Trust Co. Guilford and Greenville, Maine. Capital Stock, $60,000.00.
Surplus Fund $15,000.00. Transacts A General Banking, Trust Company and Savings Bank Business. Trustees.
David T. Sanders
W. J. Lannigan
S. W. (?)ilbrick
Henry Douglass
D. C. Campbell
A. W. Chapin
C. W. Ellis
W. M. Shaw
M. L. Hussey
J. R. Pollock
A. L. Carr
P. W. Knight
A. W. Ellis
Abram Newton
Arthur A. Crafts
Hiram Hunt
M. R. Morgan
Chas. D. Shaw
H. W. Davis
Ernest C. Judkins, Manger GREENVILLE BRANCH.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Safety deposit boxes to rent.

Registered Guides in Kineo, 1907

Contributed by K. Tweedie, Sep 2001
Transcribed 29 Sep 2001 by Deborah (Pelletier) Tajmajer
From Piscataquis County (Maine) Business and Residential Directory 1907, Page 26.

John Allen William AndrewsOrland Barrows
Bert Bartlett James BartlettOliver Bernard
Lewis BernardJoe BooteauTom Bridge
James BrownJohn BrownDavid Brown
Hiram BuckinhamGeorge BuckinhamJoe Bushaw
Felix ButlarWillie ButlarWille Calder
Fred CalderJohn CalderBert Calder
Daniel CallahamRash CanotPhillip Capeno
Frank CapenoSimon CapenoAlfred Carleton
Aleck ComierAlvah CrippsGeorge Cripps
Benjamin CyerFrank CyerPeter Cyer
Thomas DanaArthur DavenportAlonzo Davenport
John DavenportOscar Davenport Earnest Davis
Levi DavisJohnie DavisEdward Deleino
Frank DeroieJames DuffBert Duty
David DutyMooses DutyArthur Eastman
Frank EastmanHarry EastmanJohn Eastman
John FictoJames FindlayLevi Folsom
Oliver FolsomHerrell FrancisJohnie Frances
Joe GenioThomas GenioWilliam Genio
Leslie GrantTom Grenie
Frank HaggerEarnest HamOra Hassaon
Forest HendersonFrank HendersonThomas Henderson
Walter HenerseyFrank HigginsForest Higgins
John HildrethWilliam HildrethCrawford Johnson
Harry JohnsonHenry JohnsonJohn Johnson Jr.
John Johnson, Sr.John LambAsa Lanabee
Aleck LeasardNickolas LockesonGeorge Leith
Frank LorinHerbert MansellJohn Mansel
George MastermanJohn MastermanRichard Masterman
Duncan MathersonSimon Mayno-------- McPhiters
Oscar MitchellJoe MonroeJoe Moosey
Clarence MorrisWilliam MorrityAndrew Moulton
John MoultonThomas MoultonLandry Mullen
Deve MullenJoe Murray
Charlie NelsonLile NelsonRoy Nelson
Andrew NicholsCharlie NicholsJohnson Nichols
Lewis NicholsPaul PageBlackhank Palmer
Geo. ParkFred ParkeHenry Peas
Joel PeasGabrial PerleyHenry Perley
Sam PerleyJim PerryPeter Plude
Johnnie PludeJohn PoolarFred Poolar
Edward RamsdellJohnie RancoEdward Ranco
Joe RanvilleAmbrose ReedDomanick Richards
Horas Roundie
Johnie Smart Fred SmartLeman Smart
Thomas SmartAnsel SmithBaxter Smith
Charlie Smith, Sr.Charlie Smith, Jr.Eickabird Smith
Frank SmithGeorge SmithJaush Smith
Joe SmithLennard Smith John Sullivan
Mike SullivanWalter TaylorFred Templeton
Hermon Templeton Enoch Templeton Amos Thibodeau
Peter TomahFrank TomahGeorge Tomah
Fred TrembleyHenry TrembleyJoe Tucott
Peter Tucott
Joe VineoAljah WhitneyFred Wilson
Charlie WilsonAlfonzo WhiteFrederick White

Moosehead Lake

First Glimpse of the Lake from "Moosehead Lake" by Rev. Julius H. Ward. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. LI, June to November 1875, 350.

"It was not till we were in within a mile or two of its south end that we got our first view of it--a suitably wild looking sheet of water, sprinkled with small, low islands, which were covered with shaggy spruce and other wild wood, --seen over the infant port of Greenville, with mountains on each side and far in the north, and a steamer's smoke-pipe rising above a roof. . . . There was no village, and no summer road any father in this direction, --but a winter road, that is, one passable only when deep snow covers its inequalities, from Greenville up the east side of the lake to Lily Bay, about twelve miles."

Source: Henry David Thoreau, September 16, 1853. "Chesuncook," The Atlantic Monthly, June 1858, 3.

Unofficial Postal Regulations in the Maine Woods

Fifty years ago the hotel, store and buildings at Chesuncook, Lake were owned by the late John H. Eveleth of Greenville. During the summer and the autumn hunting seasons, many tourists had camps and lodges on the shores of the lake and at other points in the vicinity. The late Leonard Hilton of Kingsbury was for several years subsequent to 1869, manager at Chesuncook for Mr. Eveleth. These tourists desired their mail carried by canoe and horseback riders from the Chesuncook post office to their respective abiding places. Mr. Hilton conceived of a unique plan which he called a "tourist dispatch," by which he sold stamps to the campers, the receipts from the sales being used to pay these private mail carriers. The above cut represents these stamps.

Contributed by Tina Vickery, extracted from Sprague's Journal of Maine History, Volume 9, July, August, September, 1921, page 135.

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This page was last updated 02/09/2025