Equity Court Abstracts

Liber JS-1 - 1797-1821

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

JS-1, 1-7 - HOLTZMAN
Jacob KUHN and Christian KUHN vs William HOLTZMAN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Jul 1815 Jacob HOLTZMAN (s/o Frederick HOLTZMAN) d/ Dec 1814 intestate, lived in Georgetown, Washington, DC; leaving 8 children, s/ William HOLTZMAN d/ Mary HOLTZMAN s/ John HOLTZMAN s/ Elie HOLTZMAN, a minor d/ Matilda HOLTZMAN, a minor s/ George HOLTZMAN, a minor s/ Thomas HOLTZMAN, a minor d/ Eliza HOLTZMAN, a minor bro/ John HOLTZMAN bro/ Andrew HOLTZMAN LAND - "Resurvey on Fountain Low", 66 acres, Lot's #1 & 2 in Creagerstown. Guardian was William B. HEAD who was to convey a deed on behalf of the minor children to Christian KUHN upon his payment of $200. Dated 2 Jul 1816. (Also see HS-6, 461)
JS-1, 8-14 - HOLTZMAN - Jul 1815
Frederick LOY and Henry PROTZMAN vs HOLTZMAN Same as above except for petitioners; guardian was Mary HOLTZMAN Sr.
JS-1, 7 - EASTBURN - May 1815
Robinson EASTBURN vs Jane EASTBURN Injunction disolved 1 Jul 1816.

JS-1, 8 - CREEGER - Jul 1815
Benjamin CLAGETT vs John CREEGER of Lawrence Subpeona, defendant represented by Dennis HAGAN, atty. Complaintants death suggested; abated 2 Jul 1816.

JS-1, 15-28 - SCHNERTZELL, SLAVE - Mar 1816
Sale of Real Estate George SCHNERTZELL, dec'd (Will written 16 Dec 1808), leaving widow - Margaret and children, - Catherine SCHNERTZELL, a minor - Lovice SCHNERTZELL, a minor Other chilldren (presumedly from a previous marriage?), - Sybilla ($5) - Christena ($10) .....to her 2 children (lot where Jacob HOLE's widow now lives) - Susanna ($10) - George SCHNERTZELL (Stable rent for his support) SLAVES - negro woman PEGG (to wife) Executors were widow and friend, George BALTZELL. Witnesses: Mathias BARTGISS, Michael BALTZELL and Henry LINN. Land - Fredericktown - 2 brick dwellings on Market St (corner of Market and 2nd) with Stone dwelling and lot, from Frederick MEASEL; willed to wife and two minor daughters. Note - Frederick County Marriage Licenses list George SCHNERTZELL to Margaret MOLER on 8 Jan 1803 Susanna SCHNERTZELL to John Baptist CARBERY on 12 Apr 1800 Sybilla SCHNERTZELL to Henry CARBURY on 8 Dec 1792 Christina SCHNERTZELL to William C. HOBBS on 30 May 1796
Estate of Henry LAMBRECHT HENRY LAMBRECHT d/ 1806 (will), leaving widow - Margaret and 9 children, - Henry LAMBRECHT - Out of State - John LAMBRECHT - Out of State - Phillip LAMBRECHT - George LAMBRECHT (share recorded) - Michael LAMBRECHT - Margaret LAMBRECHT, now w/o William DERN - Elizabeth LAMBRECHT, now dec'd w/o John SPONSELLER - her children, .....Kitty SPONSELLER, a minor .....Jacob SPONSELLER, a minor - Mary LAMBRECHT, now dec'd w/o George YOWLER - her child, .....Eleanor YOWLER, a minor - Catherine LAMBRECHT, a minor (Daughters married names and grandchildren not listed in will.) Land - Lots 207 thru 211 and house on west side of Market St in Frederick Town. Margaret and George transferred her shares to Michael in Aug 1815. Guardian was George GEBHART. Trustee was John NELSON; on 3 Sep 1816, sale made to: - Michael LAMBRECHT at $900 Distribution; each 1/9 share was $83.20 Filed 22 Mar 1817.
JS-1, 40-43 - WERTENBAKER - Jan 1817
William WERTENBAKER vs George WERTENBAKER of Rockingham Co, VA Land - 1/6 lot on Patrick St, Fredericktown #49 SW corner of Market St. Tenants in Common
JS-1, 43-47 - COPPERSMITH, WEVER - Dec 1815
Lewis WEVER vs Henry COPPERSMITH Estate HENRY COPPERSMITH d/ intestate, leaving widow - Magdalene and 3 minor children, - John COPPERSMITH - Lewis Frederick COPPERSMITH - Mary Ann COPPERSMITH Guardian was the mother. Land - "Second Survey on Timber Plenty", 20 acres. Property was sold to Wever in May 1814, but he failed to have it recorded in the six month time period.
JS-1, 48 - BRAIN/BRIAN - Nov 1816
Martha BRAIN vs John BRAIN and Benjamin BRAIN Bill dismissed.
JS-1, 48 - MARKELL, NELSON - Nov 1816
Roger and Eliza NELSON vs John MARKELL Bill dismissed.
JS-1, 48-52 - WILLIAMS, HAINES - Oct 1816
William HAINES and Samuel HAINES vs John WILLIAMS and w/ Rachel of Knox Co, OHIO - Petition to record deed Land - "Resurvey on the Breeches", 227 3/4 acres for $28,988 - "Resurvey on Small Beginning" from Isaac WRIGHT - "Beginning of Six Acres" from Curtis WILLIAMS
William MILLER vs Sophia COPENHAVER and Barbara COPENHAVER Conrad ROTH/RHOTE d/ 1782, leaving daughter - Mary Eve w/o William MILLER Land - Lot #132 in Fredericktown The Millers conveyed their interest to John COPENHAVER, their son-in-law, for 50 pounds and held bond to be reconveyed. Copenhaver recorded deed and destroyed the bond without making any payments. John COPENHAVER d/ intestate, leaving widow - Barbara and daughter, - Sophia COPENHAVER, a minor Guardian was Barbara COPENHAVER; property transferred back to William MILLER.
JS-1, 59-63 - GILDEA, LOW, JONES - Mar 1816
Benjamin JONES vs John GILDEA Estate - To record deed John GILDEA d/ bet May 1814-Feb 1816 intestate, leaving 8 minor children, -Eleanor GILDEA -John GILDEA -Charles GILDEA -Mary GILDEA -Catherine GILDEA -Barbara GILDEA (d/ bef. 19 Feb 1816) -Hugh GILDEA -Theresa GILDEA (d/ bef. 15 Mar 1816) Land - Lot in Uniontown; conveyed to Benjamin JONES for $3,200 in May 1814, subject to the dower of the unnamed widow. Guardian was Patrick Low.
JS-1, 63-75 - THOMAS, SNOUFFER, PETER - Mar 1817
Estate of Benjamin THOMAS Sr. Benjamin THOMAS Sr d/ Jun 1816 intestate, leaving children, - Richard W. THOMAS - Mary THOMAS - Samuel H. THOMAS - Sarah Reneberger THOMAS - Elizabeth THOMAS w/o Edward THOMAS - Archibald THOMAS - Levin THOMAS - Otho THOMAS - Benjamin THOMAS - Darkiss THOMAS w/o George SNOUFFER - Notley THOMAS - William THOMAS, dec'd - his 2 children, .....Mary THOMAS, a minor - Berkeley Co, VA/WV .....Elias THOMAS, a minor - Berkeley Co, VA/WV - Elias THOMAS, dec'd - his 3 children - Ohio .....Eliza THOMAS, a minor .....Richard THOMAS, a minor .....William THOMAS, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Hazzard" from Thomas and Martha PETER of DC by his father, Robert PETER. - "Thomas' Profit" - "Mad Wife; 350 acres altogether; from Samuel S. and Elizabeth THOMAS to Benjamin THOMAS Sr., William THOMAS, Edward THOMAS, with separate parts to Robert PETER, then to Thomas PETER.
JS-1, 75-81 - HEDGES - Jan 1817
John GITTINGER vs Estate of Andrew HEDGES To convert mortgage (19 Mar 1810) to deed by payoff. Andrew HEDGES, dec'd (will 16 May 1811), leaving widow - Julia and children, - Eneas HEDGES, a minor - Elizabeth HEDGES, a minor Executors were Jacob CRAMER of Peter and Isaac SHRIVER. Land - "Hill in the Middle", "Hedge Hog", "Resurvey on Turn Stile", 137 acres.
JS-1, 81 - FRIZZLE, SENSENY - Mar 1817
Jacob SENSENY vs Nimrod FRIZZLE Case filed 11 Jun 1816, continued; dismissed.
Barton HACKEY vs Estate of Charles PHILPOTT Barton PHILPOTT Sr., dec'd (will 9 Jul 1804), leaving widow - Barbara and children, - Charles PHILPOTT* - Mary Barton HACKNEY - Martha Keatch ALLE - Elizabeth Warren HACKNEY - Barton PHILPOTT - Eleanor HAMILTON - Sarah Warren PHILPOTT - Samuel PHILPOTT - John PHILPOTT grson/ Horace PHILPOTT, a minor SLAVES - negro boy WILLIAM and negro girl HENNY (to Sarah) Executors were the widow and son, Samuel. Witnesses: Thomas HAWKINS, Benjamin WEST and Henry RHODS Jr. Land - "Hawkins Merry Peep A Day", island in Potomack from James McALLISTER, to son Charles. Mary received part of "Hawkins Merry Peep a Day" lying on west side of John Philpott GARROTT's Spring Branch, also tract from Jacob HACKNEY. Charles sold his to Barton HACKNEY for horse named Tom and 270 barrels of flour on 7 Oct 1807, but died before executing deed. *Charles PHILPOTT d/ intestate, leaving 6 minor children, - Washington PHILPOTT - John Robert PHILPOTT - Benjamin PHILPOTT - Priscilla PHILPOTT - Sarah Ann PHILPOTT - Martha Violetta PHILPOTT On 12 May 1817, guardian appointed was Barton PHILPOTT, but Elizabeth PHILPOTT was made guardian to transfer deed.
JS-1, 87 - HENNING, GROFF, FLECK - Oct 1817
Adam FLECK, George FLECK vs Catherine HENNING Henry GROFF was appointed trustee for defendant, Catherine HENNING who was declared an idiot. Case filed 20 Jul 1816, continued, then withdrawn.
Henry FAHNESTOCK and George FLECK vs Catherine HENNING same as above.

JS-1, 87 - STOUFFER, HODGKISS - Nov 1816
William HODGKISS vs David STOUFFER Filed 18 Sep 1816, entered, agreed and delivered 5 Nov 1816.

YINGLING and WAMPLER vs LINDSEY - To Appoint Guardian - Jacob YINGLING - John YINGLING - David YINGLING - Benjamin YINGLING - Catherine YINGLING - Margaret YINGLING (m/ John MALEHORN bet 22 May and 9 Jun 1817) - Elizabeth YINGLING w/o John WAMPLER vs - Margaret LINDSEY and Julian LINDSEY, Johnsey LINDSEY and Sarah LINDSEY Widow's assent filed 30 Jun 1817; case discontinued 12 Aug 1817 by Jacob YINGLING.

JS-1, 88 - WILEY, CROMWELL - 1817
Ralph NORWOOD vs Thomas WILEY and Joseph M. CROMWELL Injunction, case dismissed 18 Sep 1817.

JS-1, 88 - WILEY, CROMWELL - 1817
Samuel HYATT vs Thomas WILEY and Joseph M. CROMWELL Injunction, case dismissed 18 Sep 1817.

DAVIS, GEBHART, RADCLIFF vs DEAN, DAVIS, CONNER, RADCLIFF - Gilbert DAVIS and wife - Joseph DAVIS - Walter DAVIS - George GEBHART and wife - Sarah RADCLIFF vs - Barnery DEAN - George DAVIS - Denton DAVIS - William CONNER - Grace CONNER - Catherine CONNER - James RADCLIFF - Joshua RADCLIFF - Mary RADCLIFF and others Bill filed and withdrawn 1 Jul 1817.

WARSTLER and RICE vs PARKINSON, RITCHIE, BEATTY Henry WARSTLER d/ 1816 intestate, leaving children, - Jacob WARSTLER - Elizabeth w/o Henry RICE - Henry WARSTLER - Margaret WARSTLER Land - "The Range", 100 acres, from Thomas BEATTY (now dec'd) on 11 Dec 1813. SLAVE - negro girl DARCUS (about 6 years old) bought from Beatty for $160 and made bond 1 Apr 1815. Beatty died before deed was executed. Thomas BEATTY d/ 1816, leaving heirs, - Henrietta w/o William PARKINSON - Out of State - Mary w/o David OTT - Out of State - Thomas RITCHIE - Out of State - Thomas A.C. BEATTY, a minor - Out of State - Eleanor H. BEATTY, a minor - Out of State - Jane Contee BEATTY, a minor - Out of State - John BEATTY, a minor - Out of State Guardian was Thomas RITCHIE.

JS-1, 92-108 - ARMSTRONG, CAMPBELL, McKALEB - Oct 1817
John McKALEB vs CAMPBELL and ARMSTRONG - Title Quinton ARMSTRONG Sr., dec'd, of Cumberland Twp, York Co, Pa s/ James ARMSTRONG* (now dec'd) d/ Rebecca CAMPBELL - Adams Co, PA s/ Quinton ARMSTRONG Jr. and w/ Jane B. - Adams Co, PA s/ Isaac ARMSTRONG and w/ Ann - Adams Co, PA s/ John ARMSTRONG - VA Land - "Resurvey on Brothers Agreement", 151 acres; from John ROBERTSON (w/ Mary) in Nov 1788; located within one mile of Taneytown. All of the siblings transferred their rights to their brother, James. By agreement, on 28 Mar 1793, Quinton Sr. bargained to sell tract to James (of Frederick Co), but Quinton Sr died w/o making deed. Rights were conveyed to James on 14 Apr 1814. *James ARMSTRONG, dec'd (will 19 Oct 1816), leaving children, - James ARMSTRONG - Oliver ARMSTRONG - Jamima ARMSTRONG - Mary ARMSTRONG - Isaac ARMSTRONG dau-in-law - Jane ARMSTRONG grson - James ARMSTRONG grchildren - Jamima, Samuel, Mary, Quinton Executor was son Isaac. Witnesses were James MARK (other two in German writing). The plantation went to James' son Isaac, who sold it to John McKALEB on 3 Apr 1817, in Pa money. The tract adjoined lands of Andrew BOYD and Joseph McCEALIP. On 4 Nov 1817, title granted to John McKALEB.

JS-1, 108-116 - WATERS, SNOOK, OWINGS - Oct 1817
Adam SNOOK vs Jacob WATERS of Missouri Territory Land - 238 acres, on the waters of Hunting Creek and adjoins lands of Michael MYERS. Henry G. WATERS (of Frederick Co), Jacob WATERS' son, was appointed as representative to sell land which he sold to Adam SNOOK for $6,000.00. However, Henry G. WATERS took possession and sold the tract to Thomas OWINGS (of Frederick Co) and they combined to cheat Snook, per testimony.

Mary HARRISON by James BLOOER vs Zepheniah HARRISON Peter SHOVER, dec'd (will 27 Sep 1813), leaving widow - Sophia and children, - Barbara SHOVER - Catherine WELLER - Simon SHOVER, dec'd - Sophia ROUZER, dec'd sis/ Susanna SHOVER bro-in-law/ Henry AMBROSE Land - plantation "Peace All Round", "Simon's Delight" (to wife) SLAVES - black woman HANNAH and 3 black girls (to wife) - black girl BETSEY (to Barbara) Filed 25 Sep 1817 and dismissed 31 Dec 1817.

JS-1, 136-159 - GAVER, SHOUP, RAYMER, NEY - Oct 1815
Henry AMBROSE vs Daniel GAVER's Heirs Daniel GAVER d/ between 1800-1803, a farmer, leaving grandchildren, - Daniel GAVER - Elizabeth w/o Christian SHOUP - John GAVER - George GAVER - Susanna GAVER - Catherine w/o John RAYMER - Henry GAVER Land - "Hazel Bottom", 75 acres, in 1795. Daniel Sr. made contract to sell for 101 pounds current money. The children denied contract of sale to Jacob NEY by them for $100.00. Those interrogated - George MARKER Sr., Henry DARBEY, Jacob WARRENFELTS, Michael PALMER, Joseph LEATHERMAN, James STOKES (VA), John FISCHER, Elizabeth STONE/SOUDER (Fredericktowne). On 6 Jan 1818, they were ordered to issue deed.

JS-1, 159 - DELASHMUTT, STOVER - Feb 1816
John STOVER, adm/of Philip STOVER vs Basil DELASHMUTT Case filed 27 Feb 1816 and continued Jan 1817.

JS-1, 159 - FOUTZ, SHAFER - Mar 1817
Conrad SHAFER vs Jacob FOUTZ Filed 22 Mar 1817 and injunction issued 6 Jan 1818.

JS-1, 159 - FEGTIG, SHAFER - Mar 1817
Conrad SHAFER vs Christian FEGTIG Filed 22 Mar 1817 and injunction issued 6 Jan 1818.

JS-1, 159 - LEARNED, POOLE - Jul 1817
Philemon POOLE vs Augustus LEARNED Filed 16 Jul 1817, subpeona issued and case continued Jun 1818, when defendent's death suggested and case abated 6 Jan 1818.

JS-1, 159 - BRAWNER, SHIELDS - Nov 1817
William SHIELDS vs Henry BRAWNER Filed 5 Nov 1817; case dismissed 10 Jan 1818.

Thomas ING and w/ Frances, John CROUSE (CRUSE) vs John HAVNER (out of state, maybe Ohio?) On 19 Mar 1795, John HAVNER, then of Frederick County, sold land to Paul CROUSE (CROOSE), of Frederick County. Although Paul had a will when he died, he had purchased this land after he wrote his will and this land had not been included. Paul CROUSE, farmer, d/ c1796, leaving 3 children, 1/ John CROUSE/CRUSE and w/ Barbara - Bedford Co, PA 2/ Elizabeth, dec'd w/o John WINTER (who died intestate) .....d/ Susannah (Winter) w/o George HESS .....s/ John WINTER .....s/ George WINTER .....s/ Jacob WINTER .....d/ Elizabeth (Winter) w/o George WILHELM .....d/ Mary (Winter) w/o Jonathan DAVIS .....d/ Catherine WINTER .....s/ Joseph WINTER, a minor children of John WINTER's 2nd wife, Catherine, .....s/ Samuel WINTER .....s/ Hester WINTER .....s/ Martin WINTER .....d/ Peggy (Margaret) WINTER .....d/ Judy WINTER 3/ Frances w/o Thomas ING - Pickaway Co, OHIO in 1815 SLAVES - a boy SANKIE b/ 14 Feb 1773, a boy JOSAY b/ 1778, a girl JULY b/ 1775; who were to be freed (boys at 21 and girl at 18). Land - "Resurvey on Bedford", 48 acres. John and Barbara CRUSE signed papers in Allegany Co, Md on 15 Jun 1815, when he sold his rights to John WINTER Jr. Frances and Thomas ING also sold their rights to him. Paul signed his will in German and it appears as Jacob Paul Cruse Sr. He wrote it 1 Sep 1783, was filed 1 Oct 1796, witnessed by Daniel RICHARDS Sr. and Jr. and John RICHARDS. Case was settled 19 Jan 1818.

Nicholas HOLTZ vs Francis MANTZ, John BOYER and Mathias BARTGIS Filed 15 Aug 1817; subpeona issued and dismissed 21 Jun 1818.

Catherine DEAN by friend William MANAHAN vs Barney DEAN and Gilbert DAVIS - 3 May 1817 Subpeona issued and passed decree 10 Mar 1818.

David KEPHART vs John POTT, William POTT, etc David KEPHART purchased land in 1796 from John POTT of Berks Co, PA and passed bonds and Samuel HARRIS was co-obligor who issued mortgage to POTT 1 Nov 1798 conveying tract "No Spring". It was claimed KEPHART paid John POTT's son, William, the money and is requesting deed. John POTT d/ bef 20 Apr 1805, Rockland Twp, Berks Co, PA s/ John POTT s/ William POTT (given dwelling and named exec) d/ Ester w/o Daniel WEISER d/ Magdalena w/o Michael BAUER / BOWER d/ Catherine POTT, youngest s/ Benedict POTT, dec'd .....John POTT .....William POTT .....Jacob POTT .....Benjamin POTT .....Mary POTT .....Catherine POTT The land was next to Michael BOWER's land. Will not dated but filed 20 April 1805.

Philip STRIDER vs Joel WARD - 13 Nov 1817 For injunction, disolved 19 Mar 1818

Anthony MILLER vs Jacob WELLER and Cornelius McNULTY Filed 23 Feb 1818; subpeona and entered off 8 Apr 1818.

Daniel WELLER vs Jacob WELLER and Cornelius McNULTY Filed 23 Feb 1818; cont 8 Apr 1818.

Adam FLECK, George FLECK vs Michael BLESSINGER, trustee for Catherine HEMMING Lucas FLECK d/ intestate d/ Catherine HENNING, widow d/ Margaret FLECK s/ Frederick FLECK d/ Mary w/o Isaac THOMAS s/ John FLECK s/ Adam FLECK s/ George FLECK Land - "Resurvey on Long Field", 287 acres; "Carolina", 90 1/2 acres; "Hard Planting", 2 acres. Petition to settle estate. Catherine conveyed her share for 306 pounds on 14 Mar 1817, but is now declared a lunatic.

Adam SNOOK and others vs Margaret MORT and John MORT of Christopher - Sale of Real Estate - 12 May 1817 Estate of Mathias MORT (per deeds to Adam SNOOK) 1. Catharine IZER (conveyed share to Adam SNOOK - WR-33, 18; Apr 1808) 2. Conrad MORT (conveyed share to Adam SNOOK - WR-36, 632; Mar 1810) 3. Elizabeth DALHAMER (conveyed share to Adam SNOOK - WR-46, 158; Dec 1813) 4. Peter MORT, dec'd .......Mathias MORT and w/ Elizabeth MORT of John .......Peter MORT .......William MORT .......George MORT .......Elizabeth w/o Philip BARNHART .......Christina w/o George KINSEY .......Margaret w/o Joseph CRAWFORD 5. John MORT, dec'd .......Mathias MORT .......Peter MORT .......William MORT .......Jacob MORT .......George MORT .......Elizabeth w/o Mathias MORT of Peter .......Sarah MORT .......John MORT .......Catherine MORT 6. Susannah STRINE 7. Christopher MORT, dec'd .......Margaret MORT, a minor - Out of State .......John MORT, a minor - Out of State LAND - "Morts Lott", 100 acres (was part of "Resurvey on Mackey's Choice") - "Resurvey on Welsh Cabin", 8.75 acres - "Resurvey on Mackey's Choice", 12.75 acres. - "Long Snake", 22.5 acres; all contiguous. Trustee was Richard BROOKE, Esquire; Sale was held 14 Jan 1818 at the house of James NEALE in Middleburgh (now Carroll County); high bidder was: - Adam SNOOK at $3,280.36. Distribution after costs: - Adam SNOOK, 3/7, $1,340.40 - Peter MORT’s children each received 1/7 of 1/7, $63.82 - John MORT’s children each received 1/9 of 1/7, $49.64 - Susannah STRINE, 1/7, $446.80 - Christopher MORT’s children each received 1/2 of 1/7, $223.40 Filed 16 Jul 1818. (Continued at JS-3, 398)
JS-1, 204 - TALBOTT, McELFRESH - Feb 1816
Philip McELFRESH vs Charles TALBOTT Dr. B. BRASHEAR to take testimony; case continued over and over; attachment issued 19 May 1818; no compliance order issued and attachment countermanded on 20 May 1818. Both paid court costs.
Jacob REED vs Henry HOLE, John HOLE, George GADUTTIG and wife, Philip LAMBRIGHT and wife, Henry KEEFER and wife, Adam TITLOW and wife, George BALTZEL, George SCHNERTZEL, Jacob HOLE, Peter HOLE, William HOBBS and Lucretia HOBBS Continued and withdrawn 31 Aug 1818.

JS-1, 205-211 - BEALL, WEDDLE - Mar 1817
Mary Ann BEALL vs BEALL, WEDDLE Peter BEALL, dec'd widow - Mary Ann (age 50 in Sep 1818) d/ Mary BEALL d/ Catherine BEALL s/ Thomas BEALL d/ Susanna, dec'd w/o John WEDDLE ....Susanna WEDDLE, a minor Guardian appointed was John WEDDLE, young Susanna's father. Peter was indebted and the property had to be sold. Land - 1/2 of Lot# 216 in Fredericktown. Property sold to George SCHULTZ, the highest bidder, for $600.00 on 12 Aug 1817. Final settlement on 16 Sep 1818.

JS-1, 212-224 - HITECHEW, SHOUP
Jacob SHOUP vs Henry HITECHEW - Sale of Real Estate - Mar 1816 William HITECHEW d/ 7 Jan 1815 widow - Catherine bro/ Henry HITECHEW - Out of State bro/ Philip HITECHEW bro/ Jacob HITECHEW Sr. bro/ John HITECHEW, dec'd .......Jacob HITECHEW Jr. .......William HITECHEW .......John HITECHEW .......Hannah w/o Abraham FLENNER .......Elizabeth w/o Joseph CROUSE bro/ Peter HITECHEW, dec'd .......David HITECHEW .......Gideon HITECHEW .......Elizabeth HITECHEW, minor .......Bernard HITECHEW, minor .......Izrael HITECHEW, minor .......Susannah HITECHEW, minor .......Enoch/Elias HITECHEW, minor (name was really Elias) sis/ Mary HITECHEW sis/ Barbara w/o Christopher HITER sis/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob HILDERBRIDLE Guardian was Hannah HITECHEW of Taneytown on 30 Jun 1817. LAND - part of "Bedford", 78.5 acres, part of "Buck Lodge", 25 acres. Mortgaged at $550; surety was Jacob HITCHEW. William HITESHEW died before total payment was made. The 'Crying' Sale was advertised in the Republican Gazette and held in Middleburgh on 14 Jan 1818; high bidder was: - William FARQUHAR of FC at $2,560.66 Filed July 1818. Supplemental at JS-2, 115
JS-1, 224-234 - LUPTON, PHILLIPS - Oct 1816
Samuel PHILLIPs vs Elisha Francis LUPTON and others William B. LUPTON d/ May 1815, intestate (previously of Baltimore Co, Md - 3 Feb 1814) widow - Martha and 4 children s/ Elisha Francis LUPTON, age 10, eldest d/ Susannah LUPTON, a minor s/ Cyrus Cannan LUPTON, a minor s/ William Hiram/Heran LUPTON, a minor Mother was named guardian; on 22 Oct 1816, Matilda LUPTON was appointed as guardian. Personal property valued $1,258.12 1/2. Samuel PHILLIPS filed bill of complaint on 29 Feb 1816 for sale of real estate to settle estate; administrators were John COOK and Arthur TANSEY. Joseph West PLUMMER and w/ Mary had four tracts conveyed to William LUPTON by bond with $1,500.00 down on 3 Feb 1814. Land was on waters of Bush Creek and Bennets Creek. Land - "Land of Promise", 200 acres, deeded by Joseph PLUMMER of Berkley Co, VA to Mary PLUMMER. - "Resurvey on Solomon's Flower", 154 acres, by Philemon GRIFFITH to Mary PLUMMER Sr. on 9 Sep 1803. - "Long Range", 35 acres, by Matthew KEENE, trustee for Joseph West PLUMMER, yet unsold. - "Land of Promise" sold to Joseph West PLUMMER by William BALLINGER under deed of trust from Joseph PLUMMER of Berkley Co, VA, lays between outlines of "Land of Promise" and deeded lines of bound oak of Thomas GAVER, farmer, up to part sold to John DILWORTH. William purchased for $8,000.00. Decree issued to have sale on 12 Nov 1816 and land sold on 19 Dec 1816 to Caleb PLUMMER for 225 acres at $4,218.75. (He had held notes previously.);; to John PANCOAST, 154 1/2 acres at $2,315.29; to John PANCOAST, 33 1/2 acres at $485.75. Total $7,019.79; finalized 21 Jan 1819.
JS-1, 234-244 - - ANNAN, EMMTT, WEVER, LLOYD, OWENS - Feb 1816
Robert L. ANNAN and William EMMITT vs Lewis WEVER and William A. LLOYD Lewis WEVER mortgaged lot of ground in Emmitsburg to Robert ANNAN, Lot# 90 on Main Street. William Emmitt also had an interest which he assigned to Robert ANNAN and WEVER had refused to pay. It was believed WEVER conveyed part of the lot to William Ambrose LLOYD. WEVER also had notes to Peter LEATHERMAN for $800.00 and John McKALLEB for $200.00. Wever and Annan, both of Emmitsburg, made bond to Henry FAHNESTOCK of Baltimore City for $800.00 on 6 May 1811; assigned to Peter LEATHERMAN; bond to Patrick DAVIDSON $333.43 (advertised in "The Political Examiner"), sold to Patrick OWENS for $460.00. Dr Jacob BAER, trustee, was appointed to sell the lot.

JS-1, 244-252 - SHOEMAKER, SHARRER, TANEY - Nov 1816
SHOEMAKER vs SHOEMAKER John SHOEMAKER d/ Jun 1815, intestate, leaving children, 1/ William SHOEMAKER 2/ Jacob SHOEMAKER 3/ Abraham SHOEMAKER 4/ Henry SHOEMAKER 5/ George SHOEMAKER (died before father), his children, .....John SHOEMAKER .....William SHOEMAKER, a minor .....George SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Samuel SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Barnabas SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Henry SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Joseph SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Henrietta SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Abraham SHOEMAKER, a minor .....Thomas SHOEMAKER, a minor 6/ Catharine w/o Andrew SHARRER, both dec'd, their children, .....Melchor SHARRER, a minor .....William SHARRER, a minor .....John SHARRER, a minor Guardian was Joseph TANEY, esquire. Land - "Addition to Brooks Discovery on the Rich Lands" and "Second Addition to Brooks Discovery on the Rich Lands", 220 acres; on road from Taneytown to Gettysburg, 1 1/2 miles from Taneytown. An earlier deed between Raphael BROOKE, John McKALEB and John SHOEMAKER and James WOOD had an error on acreage. Decree to sell issued 19 Mar 1817, sale advertised 21 Nov 1817 in "The Fredericktown Herald" and sale went to William SHOEMAKER for $45.25/acre, 153 acres came to $6,798.81.

Daniel COVER vs Estate of John GILDEA John GILDEA d/ 18 Mar 1814 intestate widow - Catharine and 6 minor children, - Ellen GILDEA - John GILDEA - Charles GILDEA - Mary GILDEA - Catharine GILDEA - Hugh GILDEA Guardian was Patrick REID. Land - two lots in Emmitsburgh. Gildea owed Regina GRANDADAMS $300.00 bond with sureties Daniel COVER and George ECKHART; bond wasn't paid. Property was advertised in "The Political Examiner" on 4 Jan 1819 and sale went to Patrick LOWE for $840.00.

Arthur SHAAFF, Luther MARTIN, Samuel LILLY and George ZIMMERMAN vs Roger B. TANEY Injunction issued, then dissolved and dismissed on 22 Dec 1817, costs issued to both parties.

JS-1, 261 - CREEGER, HARBAUGH - Mar 1817
John CREEGER vs Jacob HARBAUGH Injunction, continued, entered and abated; cost to both parties 7 Jul 1818.

JS-1, 262-268 - PLUMMER, HUTTON, MORSELL, SMITH- Dec 1817
Estate of Israel PLUMMER Samuel PLUMMER, dec'd (will written 4 Mar 1791) widow - Mary and children, 1/ Jonathan PLUMMER (100 acres) 2/ Israel PLUMMER * 3/ Evan PLUMMER 4/ Elizabeth PLUMMER 5/ Sarah PLUMMER 6/ Rachel PLUMMER 7/ Ann PLUMMER 8/ Rebekah PLUMMER, youngest Israel and Evan were jointly given part of "Fox Harbour" and part of "Food Plenty". Witnesses to will: William, Daniel and Henry BALLINGER. ====== Israel PLUMMER d/ about 15 years ago, intestate widow - (unnamed, but now w/o Enos HUTTON) and children, 1/ Maria PLUMMER 2/ Elisha PLUMMER, a minor 3/ James PLUMMER, a minor 4/ William PLUMMER, a minor Guardian was William MORSELL, a Quaker, on 23 Feb 1818. Sale was made to Henry SMITH for $2,622.00 on 20 Oct 1818; finalized Jan 1819.

JS-1, 269-282 - CHAMPER, TUNEY/FUNER, MAYNARD - Jan 1818
Christian CHAMPER (CHAMBER?) vs Basil CHAMPER The above were tenants in common of land tracts. Land - "The Least Said is Soonest Mended", 250 acres; part "Colloden Wall", 25 acres. This property was encoumbered by mortgage from Christian to Jacob CHAMPER. Since the land cannot be divided, petition to sell and settle estate. Christian is the father of Basil and the latter is a minor. Guardian was Abraham TUNEY (FUNEY?). Indenture dtd 16 May 1810 for deed dtd 24 May 1810 to Jacob CHAMPER for 2,000 pounds current money by Christian. Jacob's wife (unnamed) released dower. Indenture dtd 4 Jun 1810 mentions Christian CHAMPER and John CHAMPER and Basil CHAMPER of Christian. Indenture dtd 24 May 1813 to Henry BARRICKMAN from John CHAMPER for his share. Indenture dtd 3 Jul 1813 to Henry BARRICKMAN and Christian CHAMPER from John CHAMPERS for 1,000 pounds cm. Indenture dtd 6 Jun 1810 mentions Christian and Jacob CHAMPER. It appears Jacob sold his interest to Christian and now Christian still owes Jacob. On 6 Apr 1818, decree issued to sell property which was sold to Thomas MAYNARD at $30/acre, 277 acres, totalling $8,310.00 on 14 May 1818. Final settlement on 14 Jun 1818; distributions to Christian and Basil who each received two payments of $1,838.00 and $1,155.00.

Estate of Jacob TROXALL Jacob TROXALL d/ 1806 intestate widow - Mary and children 1/ John TROXALL 2/ Elias TROXALL 3/ Mary w/o Joseph STEVENSON 4/ Peter TROXALL 5/ Catharine w/o Elias GROSHON 6/ Jacob TROXALL, a minor 7/ Magdalene Susanna TROXALL, a minor 8/ Amelia TROXALL, a minor Guardian was Lewis MOTTER on 7 Jan 1818. Land - tract "Hopewell", 202 acres and 27 acres of mountain land. Trustee bonds given by Bean S. PIGMAN, John HARBAUGH of Jacob and Henry KUHN. John, Elias and Mary sold their interest in the mountain land to John HERNEY (HARNEY?) and Henry KOONTZ. John sold his interests to George TROXALL of Peter and Elias TROXALL for $700.00. On 28 Mar 1818, farm was sold to Elias TROXALL and Peter TROXALL @ $25.85/ac; they also bought the mountain land for $387.75; totalling $5,609.45, subject to dower.

JS-1, 290 - EICHELBERGER, POLE - Sep 1818
Thomas POLE vs Martin EICHELBERGER Injunction; notice to dissolve 7 Dec 1818; dismissed 20 Mar 1819.

JS-1, 290-295 - TIMBLE, PARISH, YINGLING, ERB - Mar 1818
Peter ERB of Christopher vs Joshua PARISH and others George TIMBLE, dec'd widow - Sophia and children, - Barbara w/o Joshua PARISH - Cambria Co, PA - Elizabeth w/o Peter YINGLING - Bedford Co, PA - Mary TIMBLE - Frederick Co, MD Land - "Dyers Mill Forrest", 115 3/4 acres Peter ERB purchased the real estate from the above children of George TIMBLE, as tenants in common, for $1,940.00; payment was made but deed not yet executed. Court approved deed transfer on 29 Oct 1818.

JS-1, 295-299 - FISH, HARDING - Oct 1818
Thomas (N.?) HARDING vs John B. FISH and others John B. FISH d/ 20 Jan 1818, intestate, leaving children, - John FISH, a minor - Catharine FISH, a minor - Henrietta FISH, a minor - Mary Anne FISH, a minor Guardian was Susanna FISH (mother of children?). Thomas HARDING had contract to purchase land tract "Resurvey on Chargeable", 157 acres, for $5,000.00 dated 14 Apr 1817, but John B. FISH died before deed was conveyed.

JS-1, 299 - BLAIR, ELDER, OGLE - Jan 1819
Thomas ELDER vs Louis and Eleanor BLAIR, Guy ELDER, Thomas OGLE Subpeoned and entered off by agreement.

JS-1, 299-307 - HALLER/HOLLER, MICHAEL - Jan 1819
Henry HALLER - Petition for Title Henry HALLER, in the summer of 1807, (being a minor at the time) found a large sum of money for which he received a reward of $100.00. But, on 18 Sep following, Tobias HALLER, his father, purchased a lott of ground lying in "HALLER's Addition to Frederick Town" known as Lott 177 and 178 on Market Street, previously deeded by William MICHAEL, to be deeded to Henry when he became of age. But, when of age, Tobias wanted another lott, #179, so he purchased it and Henry took possession of it; but deed never got conveyed. Tobias HALLER d/ 14 Nov 1818, intestate, leaving children, 1/ Henry HALLER 2/ Charlotte HALLER 3/ Margaret HALLER 4/ Mary HALLER, a minor 5/ Susanna HALLER, a minor 6/ Michael HALLER, a minor 7/ Anne Eliza HALLER, a minor 8/ Thomas HALLER, a minor Guardian was Elizabeth HALLER (mother of children?). Prior history of property - Jacob MICHAEL, dec'd (will written 8 Feb 1783), leaving children, - Catharine MICHAEL - Sophia MICHAEL Sophia conveyed the property to William MICHAEL (w/ Margaret); William MICHAEL (w/ Dorothy) sold it to Tobias HALLER for $100 on 25 Mar 1809. Court granted deed to Henry on 20 Jan 1819.

Jacob FRIEZE vs George FRIEZE and others Michael FRIEZE d/ intestate, leaving heirs 1/ George FRIEZE 2/ Mary w/o Jacob VALENTINE 3/ Eve w/o John HUMORICK 4/ Hannah w/o John MILLER 5/ John FRIEZE 6/ Elizabeth w/o Henry VALENTINE - Ohio 7/ _______ w/o _______ STEVENS - their children .....Joshua STEVENS .....James STEVENS 8/ _______ w/o _______ SOWERS - their children .....Elie SOWERS .....Frederick SOWERS .....Peggy SOWERS Administrator was Catharine FRIEZE. Michael FRIEZE had sold lott 21 in Woodsborough to Jacob FRIEZE for $200.00. Petition for deed granted 13 May 1819.

JS-1, 310-317 - FLUKE/FLOOK, PEAKLY/BEAGLEY - Oct 1818
Matthias FLUKE/FLOOK vs Henry PEAKLY/BEAGLEY Henry's wife's name was Barbara and they lived with Matthias, being brother-in-laws. When Henry resurveyed his land, there was a "vacancy" (piece of connecting land not presently claimed and considered "vacant") included in the resurvey which Matthias was asked to pay half and in return would receive half of the vacant portion. Because of the close family relationship, no written document was made. Land - included in "Resurvey on The GAP" - "The Gap", 50 acres, from Joseph CHAPLINE 29 Sep 1765. - "Worse and Worse", 41 1/2 acres, from John TURN 26 Jul 1768. - "Turkey Ramble", 39 1/2 acres, from Jacob TULLWILER 11 Jun 1791. - "Small Ridge", 9 1/2 acres, from Jacob TULLWILER 17 Jun 1791. - "It's Bad Enough", 14 1/2 acres, deeded by Henry PEAKLY 30 Apr 1798. Also, 73 1/2 acres of vacancy; total acreage had to be adjusted due to survey made on 1 May 1798 into "Resurvey on The Gap". In 1816, Henry sold to Mathias FLOOK for $1 his part of "Resurvey on The Gap". On 5 Jan 1819, decree was made to deed 1/2 of 41 3/4 acres to Mathias FLOOK.

Michael JACOBS vs Noah SHAFFER and George BALTZELL On 7 Apr 1817, Michal JACOBS purchased from Conrad SHAFER tract "Long Point" @ $40.50/ac, paid $120.00 down and took possession. Shafer got the land from Dennis HAGAN in 1815. The tract was on Hunting Creek and adjoined "Friendship" and "The Third Dividend". Conrad SHAFER d/ 1817, leaving only child - Noah SHAFER, a minor. Conrad had a will with George BALTZELL as executor; but no allowance for conveyance of deed was made. Guardian first appointed was David WAGNER; then on 17 Mar 1819, Henry KUHN was appointed. Order was made to convey deed.

JS-1, 322-338 - WINTER, HESS, WILHELM, DAVIS, HYDER - Feb 1819
WINTER, LANDES vs WINTER John WINTER Sr, deceased, and John Winter Jr, tenants in common, owned tract near and adjoining Westminster, sold same and issued bonds of conveyance to: Isaac SHRIVER; Andrew REESE, the elder; Daniel WEAVER; Jacob UTZ; David KEIFER, Jacob MATHIAS; Thomas GIST; George COLEGATE; Huelfrich THOMAE/THOMAS; on 1 Nov 1816. John WINTER Sr d/ intestate, leaving children, 1/ Susanna w/o George HESS 2/ John WINTER 3/ George WINTER 4/ Jacob WINTER 5/ Elizabeth w/o George WILHELM 6/ Mary w/o Jonathan DAVIS 7/ Catharine WINTER 8/ Joseph WINTER 9/ Samuel WINTER, a minor 10/ Hester WINTER, a minor 11/ Martin WINTER, a minor 12/ Peggy WINTER, a minor 13/ Judy WINTER, a minor Administrators were sons, John WINTER Jr and George WINTER and Jacob LANDES. Guardian was John HYDER; but on 15 Mar 1819, guardian then appointed was Abraham CLEMONS. Land - "Resurvey of Bedford" on plot of town of "Winter's Addition to Westminster" (first three lotts at intersection of west corner of lot # 9, with main street as boundary and west to Meddow Ally. Deeds granted.

JS-1, 338-345 - COPENHAVER - KOLB - Feb 1818
Henry KELLY, Jacob MEDTART and Dr. John BALTZELL vs Sophia COPENHAVER John COPENHAVER d/ intestate widow - Barbara and minor daughter - Sophia COPENHAVER Copenhaver was indebted to petitioners. Administrator was George LEASE; guardian was William Kolb. Land - Lots # 256, 257, 258 in Fredericktown. In early 1819, property was sold to William KOLB for $340; but only two lots were sold because the sale was enough to settle debts. On 24 Feb 1819, William KOLB testified Barbara, the widow, was 44 years old; she received 1/7 in lieu of her dower, $38.76; and Sophia received $104.75. Finalized 26 Apr 1819.

Estate of Frederick POOL/POOLE Henry POOL Sr, dec'd (will 10 Jul 1813; 20 Mar 1815) widow - Elizabeth s/ Henry POOL Jr s/ Dennis POOL .....William Henry POOLE s/ Brice POOL s/ Frederick POOL* s/ Basil POOL s/ Perrigrine POOL s/ Luke POOL, dec'd d/ Barbara WAGES d/ Elizabeth DORSEY d/ Sarah LEARNED d/ Charlotte MARQUAM Granddaughters .....Elizabeth GRIFFITH .....Rachel Warfield GRIFFITH Land - home place and part "Poole's Industry", 227 acres (to wife); - all lands from Thomas Dorsey, dec; part "Friendship", part "Mt Pleasant", tract "Double Claim" - except part sold to Jacob WAMPLER and since deeded to William LOWE on 3 Mar 1800 (to son Henry); - parts "Poole's Industry", "Robert's Delight", 259 acres (to son Dennis); - part of same tracts as Dennis, 162 1/2 acres (to son Brice); - part of same tracts as Dennis, 179 acres (to son Frederick); - a 40 acre tract of same names was to both (Brice and Frederick). Henry Sr son Luke purchased land from Hennery Dorsey GOUGH; sold Baltimore Co tract to William TREASSIL. ---------- Frederick POOL* d/ intestate widow - Mary (and guardian of their 3 minor children) - Lydia A. POOL - Sarah Eve POOL - Achsah Ann POOL On 16 Jul 1818, guardian was Jonathan WOOD. Land - part "Pool's Industry" and part "Robert's Delight", 199 acres, divised to Frederick by his father Henry POOL Sr per Henry Sr's will; stated land to be held in trust for Frederick by other sons Henry and Dennis; also, Frederick was administrator of his brother Luke's estate. Petition to sell real estate to settle account; highest bidder was Mary POOLE, 199 acres for $4,975.00. Frederick's children each received $1,257.97; finalized 15 May 1819. Note - Frederick County Marriage Licenses list Frederick POOL to Mary WOOD on 9 Dec 1806 Sarah POOL to Augustus LARNED on 26 Sep 1807 Brice POOLE to Achsa JAMES on 11 Dec 1795 Charlotte POOLE to Philip MARQUAM on 21 Jan 1807 Dennis POOLE to Henrietta GAITHER on 25 Jan 1794 Elizabeth POOLE to Michael DORSEY of John on 6 Sep 1796 Achsah Ann POOLE to Ephraim HOY on 4 Nov 1835 Elizabeth GRIFFITH to Perry G. ETCHISON on 23 Jun 1830 Rachel W. GRIFFITH to Lemuel GRIFFITH on 22 Apr 1819

Eli JAMES vs Elizabeth WILLYARD and others - Aug 1817 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 83 Abraham WILLYARD, dec'd widow - Catharine and 6 children, 1/ Elizabeth WILLYARD, a minor 2/ Peter WILLYARD, a minor 3/ Daniel WILLYARD, a minor 4/ Mary Ann WILLYARD, a minor 5/ Sarah Ann WILLYARD, a minor 6/ Devalt WILLYARD, a minor Guardian was the mother until Mar 1819 when John SHAFER Jr was appointed. LAND - small tract of land next to tract "If I Don't Keep All, I'll Keep Some". Abraham died before conveying deed of the real estate he sold to Eli JAMES for $50.00/acre. Eli took possession and built a house there. Deed was granted.

Estate of John BOWERS John BOWERS d/ abt 3 years ago, intestate, leaving widow - Barbara and 13 children 1/ John BOWERS 2/ Jacob BOWERS 3/ Michael BOWERS 4/ Henry BOWERS 5/ Mary w/o Georg RINEDOLLAR 6/ Catharine w/o Frederick HARNER 7/ Elizabeth w/o Peter HARNER 8/ Susanna w/o John REINDOLLAR (she a minor) 9/ Samuel BOWERS, a minor 10/ Margaret BOWERS, a minor 11/ Isaac BOWERS, a minor 12/ Joseph BOWERS, a minor 13/ Hannah BOWERS, a minor Land - "Resurvey on The Pines", "Addition to The Pines" and "Owings Choice". The first two tracts were partly from Rosanna BOWER and Jacob BOWER, executors of John BOWERS (by Charles CARROLL dtd 20 Apr 1774) and another part from Leonard EICHELLBERGER and wife Elizabeth dtd 2 Apr 1800 for 150 pounds; the latter tract was to John from Samuel OWINGS Jr dtd 12 Apr 1773 and from Michael HARNER (w/ Susanna) for 89 pounds, 11 shillings (29 3/4 acres). Guardian was Joshua ADDLESBURGER. Sale of real estate to settle debts. Sale made to George RINEDOLLAR for 150 1/4 acres at $6,310.50. On 1 Jun 1819, John ZUMBRUM testified the widow Barbara was 46 years old; widow received 1/8 part ($754.79) in lieu of dower; children each received 1/13 of balance, $406.42; finalized 15 Jun 1819.

JS-1, 376 - RICHMOND, BIRELY - Dec 1817
Lewis BIRELY vs Francis RICHMOND Injunction issued and later dissolved on 20 Mar 1819.

JS-1, 376-377 - BAKER, PHILLIPS, KINZEY - May 1818
George KINZEY vs Brook BAKER and Jason PHILLIPS Injunction issued and dissolved on 20 Mar 1819.

Basil DEAVER vs Adam BAUGHMAN, Barton HACKNEY and Joseph M. CROMWELL Attorney for plantiff, Joseph M. PALMER; defense counsel, John NELSON. Injunction issued and dissolved on 4 Jan 1819.

Henry CARBERRY and wife Sybilla, Christena HOBBS vs Catherine SCHNERTZELL, Daniel MOORE and wife George SCHNERTZELL d/ 1 Jan 1809 (will 16 Dec 1808) widow - Margaret (by 13 Mar 1819 the widow was w/o John AGNEW) d/ Sybilla w/o Henry CARBERRY d/ Christena HOBBS d/ Susanna SCHNERTZELL s/ George SCHNERTZELL d/ Catherine SCHNERTZELL, a minor d/ Lovice w/ Daniel MOORE, a minor SLAVES - negro PEGGY was left to wife. Land - "The Three Partners", 57 acres Executors were the widow Margaret and George BALTZELL. A lott in Fredericktown was also owned but not accounted for in the will. Guardian was Charles W. BIGHAM and testimony was held on 6 Jan 1819 in the home of Daniel M. MOORE who was living in Emmitsburg. Evidently, Susanna and George were deceased before 29 Dec 1818 as they do not appear in this action.

Elizabeth RAITT vs Andrew SWAIDNER, Nathan RAITT and others On Oct 1792, Andrew SWAIDNER (now in OHIO) bought from Christian SAILOR, 3 acres and one rood of land, part of "The Mill Wrights Design" of which he sold to Elizabeth RAITT. On 21 Nov 1797, David ROOP purchased, with other lands, the balance of "The Mill Wrights Design", 162 acres, from Christian SAILOR; but, title for all the land was given to Roop in the deed. Although Roop acknowledged this, he died without making conveyance to Elizabeth who has a house on the three-acre section. The land lies on both sides of Beaver Dam and is adjoined by the lands of John RAITT, Christian SMITH, John DEALE and Nicholas ISENBERG. David ROOP d/ intestate, leaving children 1. Margaret w/o Nathan RAITT 2. Ann w/o Joel PUSEY 3. John ROOP, a minor 4. Christian ROOP, a minor 5. Sally ROOP, a minor 6. Elizabeth ROOP, a minor Christian and Elizabeth died before 19 May 1819 and by then John was 21. ---------- Christian SAYLOR d/ intestate widow - Elizabeth and children 1. Daniel SAYLOR, eldest son 2. Martin SAYLOR 3. Anna w/o Abraham NAVE 4. Catharine w/o John SINBOUR (SANBOWER?) 5. Barbara w/o Isaac STONER 6. John SAYLOR, a minor 7. Christian SAYLOR, a minor 8. Elizabeth SAYLOR, a minor Guardian was John KINZER; dated Jul 1819.

JS-1, 399-408 - SIMPSON, WARFIELD, KINZER - Apr 1817
Suratt D. WARFIELD vs Sophia SIMPSON Alexander WARFIELD, in his will, named Suratt D. WARFIELD as his executor and ordered that 300 pounds current money be put to interest for Matilda SIMPSON. Suratt claimed, to save her money, he loaned her the 300 pounds and Matilda took out note to him. Since Matilda is now deceased, he cannot obtain her money to settle her account til his money is repaid to settle the Warfield account. Petition to sell real estate. Matilda SIMPSON d/ Nov 1815, intestate She was w/o Joshua SIMPSON Her only child - Sophia SIMPSON, a minor Guardian was Charles SIMPSON. Land - "Ivy Church", 7 1/2 acres, located 5 miles from Liberty near Beaver Dam and adjoined the land of John KINZER; it was timbered with a never-failing spring, dwelling, stables and a spring house. On 24 Mar 1819, it was purchased by Suratt D. WARFIELD for $800.00; finalized 9 Aug 1819.

George HAIL vs John COLLINS John COLLINS (out of state) purchased town lots# 81 and 82 in Creagerstown from John CREAGER for 5 pounds current money (pcm) on 1 May 1781. It was located on the main road from Fredericktown to Carlisle, each lot being 200x60. Bonds were executed and transferred for lot # 81 to Richard WOOD on 17 Apr 1782; then to John PRUTZMAN on 3 Dec 1782; then to John FREESE on 23 Apr 1796; then to Elizabeth STONER on 12 DEc 1797; then to David STONER on 25 Apr 1814; then to George HAIL on 30 Apr 1814. Since John COLLINS is now out of state and the bonds have changed hands so many times, it is necessary for the court to assist in granting a clear deed which was done on 14 Jul 1819.

Peter BUCKEY and wife, Frederick SALMON and others vs Richard SALMON and others Edward SALMON, dec'd (will) widow - Elizabeth and children 1. Polly w/o Peter BUCKEY 2. Frederick SALMON 3. William SALMON (died since his father) ...w/ Sarah ......s/ Richard SALMON, a minor ......s/ William SALMON, a minor ......s/ Charles SALMON, a minor 4. Margaret w/o George CREAGER 5. Catharine w/o John REITZELL 6. Edward SALMON (died since his father, unmarried) 7. Charles SALMON 8. George SALMON 9. Elizabeth SALMON On 5 Aug 1807, Edward SALMON purchased from Christian GUMMERT, 1/2 lot in Fredericktown, not included in the will. Guardian was Lewis CREAGER. Property sold to George SALMON for $1,160; finalized 9 Aug 1819.

JS-1, 425-432 - NORRIS, MARTIN, SCHLEY - Jul 1819
Basil NORRIS and Stewart GAITHER vs Heirs of William NORRIS, Jr. Basil NORRIS and Stewart GAITHER of Fredericktown were indebted to William NORRIS, Jr. of Baltimore City for $7,795.55 current money for a lot in Fredericktown fronting the south side of Patrick Street, #38. Note was issued 7 Oct 1816; now paid and on 14 Dec 1816, executed deed of trust. Petition for clear title. William NORRIS, Jr., dec'd widow - Sarah H. and 6 minor children 1. Thomas E. NORRIS 2. William H. NORRIS 3. Eleanore NORRIS 4. Oliver NORRIS 5. Charlotte A. NORRIS 6. Henry P. NORRIS Guardian assigned first was James Martin on 10 Sep 1819; then changed to David SCHLEY on 28 Oct 1819 and finalized.

Sebastian RAMSBURG vs Heirs of Andrew YOUNG On 23 Apr 1816, John NELSON, trustee of the heirs of Ludwig HERRING, contracted to sell part of "Fieldered" to Andrew YOUNG; payment thru bond on 13 Jul 1816. Andrew YOUNG d/ 1818, intestate, leaving 4 minor children, 1. Elias YOUNG 2. Samuel YOUNG 3. Mary Anne YOUNG 4. Rebecca YOUNG Administrator was James TORRANCE; guardian named was Adam TITLOW on 29 Apr 1819; Sebastian RAMSBURG obtained deed from John NELSON, trustee. Sale to settle account was held and property sold to Christian WASKEY for $1,152.87. Finalized Jan 1820.

Christian KEMP vs Charles CUMMINGHAM John TRAMMELL, dec'd (will 1 Jan 1784) d/ Sarah w/o Lindsey DELASHMUTT .....Trammell DELASHMUTT SLAVES - negro ISABELLA and her seven children: MORRIS, GEORGE, TOM, CLARY, LOYD, DANIEL and RACHEL (to grandson) In John TRAMMELL's will, he left 100 acres of timberland to his grandson Trammell DELASHMUTT, tract "Trammell's Conoy Islands". The island was in the Potomac and on the east side of Kittocton (Catoctin) Mountain lying between "Sweed's Folly" and the Potomock River at Point of Rocks. He was to make town lotts and streets and sell for eight silver dollars per lott, each lott being 60x120; ground rent 18 shillings sterling. Through various transactions, Christian KEMP is now in possession; however, Charles CUNNINGHAM also claims a part of this tract and division has not been made and Cunningham refuses to divide. The court had the land divided and the surveyor was David BOWLUS; case closed Jan 1820.

Henry FAHNESTOCK and George FLECK vs Michael BLESSINGER, trustee of Catherine HENNING Henry FAHENSTOCK of Baltimore City and George FLECK petitioned for sale of property belonging to Catherine HENNING to settle her indebtedness to them from 20 Jun 1810. Catherine became a lunatic and was confined to the Frederick County Alms House; payment for being there was paid by George FLECK. The court ruled her a lunatic on 5 Nov 1817. On 12 Mar 1819, court ordered the real estate to be sold to cover her debts. She had a house and lott near Emmitsburg. It was sold 17 Apr 1819 to George FLECK for $406.00. Those receiving payments besides the ones already mentioned were: Robert L. ANNAN, John HENNING, Adam FLECK (and the three named above). Case closed Jan 1820.

JS-1, 452-465 - BUCKEY, MILLER, BRENGLE - Jun 1819
George and Maria Margaret MILLER vs Jacob M. BUCKEY Matthias BUCKEY d/ intestate, leaving children - Michael BUCKEY (w/ Catharine) - Jacob BUCKEY (w/ Maria Margaret) Land - "Resurvey on Meadow", adjoins north side of Patrick Street; same as deed conveyed 23 Dec 1791 from Michael RAYMER to Matthias BUCKEY, 3/4 acre and all lots, 1 1/2 acres each; lot 1/4 acre. - "Tasker's Chance" from James BEATTY 5 Apr 1804 - "Tasker's Chance" from Alexander Contee HANSON, Chancellor of State, for 96 sq perches and part - "Resurvey on Meadow", 5 acres, by Henry ZEALER in Jun 1796 - "Mountain Tract", 78 acres; "Resurvey on Meadow", 3/4 acre, on south side of Patrick Street, from Michael RAYMER on 23 Dec 1791 - "Resurvey on Meadow", 1 1/2 acres on from Michael HAASS in Sep 1792 - "The Mountain Tract", 78 acres. This property was left to Matthias' sons jointly. Indenture was made between Michael and Jacob to divide land on 12 Jan 1814. On 8 Feb 1812, Jacob purchased property from Eleanor and William POTTS, executors of Richard POTTS for $550.00. Jacob BUCKEY d/ Feb 1817, intestate widow - Maria Margaret and only child - Jacob Michael, a minor It appears Maria Margaret was a very young widow with an infant and she, herself, was not of age (under 21). She is now married to George MILLER and is filing for her 1/3 dower. Guardian was Peter BRENGLE. The land had to be surveyed by Peter MANTZ and her dower was laid out in two sections: - "The Mountain Tract", 26 acres; - "The Meadow" and "Tasker's Chance", 110 perches. Case closed 20 Oct 1819.

JS-1, 465-472 - GIPSON, MILLER, PANCOAST - Mar 1819
John MILLER, prochien ami of the minor children of William GIPSON William GIPSON d/ Feb 1819, intestate widow - Elizabeth (sister of John MILLER) and minor children 1. John GIPSON 2. Joseph GIPSON 3. Prudence GIPSON Land - 8 acres near New Market. On 19 Mar 1819, at the home of John PANCOAST in New Market, Dr. Belt BRASHEAR appointed John PANCOAST as guardian and took answers. Property had to be sold to settle estate. Purchasers were: John TALBOTT, John MILLER, Gerrard COWMAN, John Hill SMITH, Oman HAMMOND, Jacob HOUCK and John PANCOAST. Sale was held on 3 Apr 1819 for 205 acres totalling $1,799.50. Elizabeth received 1/8 in lieu of dower for $209.99; children received $489.97 each. Case closed 18 Jan 1820.

Estate of Abraham CRUMBACKER/CRUMBAKER, the Younger Abraham CRUMBAKER of Pipe Creek, farmer, dec'd (Will 23 Dec 1794; 1 Apr 1795) widow - Elizabeth and children 1. John CRUMBAKER 2. Abraham CRUMBAKER, the younger, d/ 1817 intestate ...w/ Margaret (sister of Jacob SENSEY, eldest brother) ......a. Hannah (Sensey) w/o Isaac HITESHEW ......b. Lydia SENSEY, a minor ......c. Ephraim SENSEY, a minor ......d. Elizabeth SENSEY, a minor 3. Jacob CRUMBAKER 4. Peter CRUMBAKER 5. Jonas CRUMBAKER 6. Mary CRUMBAKER The younger Abraham was given half the house and lands shared with mother. Land - "Resurvey on The Deeps", 176 3/4 acres on north side of Pipe Creek of which he received from his father; - Lot in Uniontown. On 6 May 1809, Abraham purchased "The Orchard" from John and Susanna KURTZ and David and Mary STEM for $35.00. On 6 Mar 1819, commission was headed by William P. FARQUHAR who appointed Jonas CRUMBACKER as guardian to the minor children, and John HYDER, trustee. Sale was held 17 Jan 1820, highest bidder was Philip E. WAMPLER for $76.50/ac, 175 3/8 acres totalling $13,416.18 3/4; widow received 2/15 in lieu of dower for $1,769.99; children each received $2,876.23 3/4. On 13 Mar 1820, Margaret's brother (Jacob SENSEY) stated she was about 42 years old. Case closed Mar 1820.

JS-1, 484 - MILLER, EBBERT, FOUT, LEASE - Feb 1818
Jacob LEASE vs Martin MILLER, Susanna MILLER, George Adam EBBERT, Margaret EBBERT, William FOUT, John Henry FOUT, Elizabeth FOUT Order to appoint guardian, but case dismissed by plantiff on 26 May 1820.

Thomas DRAPER and Jacob BRANDENBURG vs John RITCHIE, exec/of Thomas BEATTY Subpeona, injunction, but case dismissed 15 Jul 1819.

JS-1, 485 - STALEY, KEMP - Feb 1818
Maria Juliana STALEY vs Jacob STALEY and Dorothy KEMP Suit netted 200 pounds current money with interest from 20 Dec 1816, paid by Dorothy KEMP. Jacob STALEY was listed as absent defendant. Case closed 23 May 1820.

JS-1, 485 - PETTYCORD, MORRISON - Feb 1811
David MORRISON vs Greenbury PETTYCORD Injunction granted, but subpeona issued and continued til "struck off" by complainants on 10 Nov 1819.

JS-1, 485 - SMITH, HUGHS, McNULTY - Sep 1815
Andrew SMITH vs Joseph HUGHS and Cornelius McNULTY Injunction and subpeona, motion to dissolve 9 Feb 1818 and continued til 18 Dec 1819 when case was abated by death of plantiff.

George DUDDERO, Nancy DUDDERO vs Peter ERB, adm/of Peter SHEETS, et al - Equity #135 - May 1818 Subpeona answered by: - Henry ROUTSANG and wife - Peter ERB, a minor - Rebecca SHEETS, a minor - Jacob SHEETS, a minor - George SHEETS, a minor - Joseph SHEETS, a minor Guardian was John ERB. Order for auditor's report to be filed; 10 Jul 1819.

JS-1, 486 - ZUCK, WARFIELD, PALMER - Jan 1820
Charles D. WARFIELD vs Jacob ZUCK Joseph M. PALMER, esq. appointed trustee to sell property on 7 Feb 1820, ordered and filed; then ordered proceedings cease and case dismissed on 4 Oct 1820.

Henry MOTTER vs BROWN's Heirs and EVERSOLE - Mar 1817 Robert BROWN, dec'd of Hamilton Bann Twp of York Co, Pa widow - Jean of Somerset Co, PA and children - (all live in Somerset Co, PA except Margaret's family) 1. Margaret (Brown), dec'd) w/o James RANDALL - Brownsville, Fayette Co, PA ......William RANDALL, a minor ......James RANDALL, both minors under 12 2. Juliana (Brown) w/o Thomas BROWN 3. Mary BROWN 4. John BROWN 5. William BROWN 6. Eliza (Brown), a minor and w/o William McCLAIN Land - Plantation of 296 acres (Aug 1799), of which 190 acres was in Frederick Co, MD; the balance of the property rested in Adams Co, PA. Flowing through the property is Tom's Creek. Robert BROWN sold real estate by Articles of Agreement to convey to Jacob EVERSOLE and George EVERSOLE, brothers, of Manheim Twp, York Co, PA, but died without executing the deed. On 24 Nov 1806, George assigned his interest to his brother, Valentine EVERSOLE, by agreement who then assigned his interest to Henry MOTTER. In addition, George EVERSOLE d/ intestate, leaving 3 children, all minors under 8 years old. 1. Catharine Magdalena EVERSOLE 2. Solomon EVERSOLE 3. George EVERSOLE It mentions Jean Brown, Robert's widow, brought suit in Adams Co, PA, her being the executor of his will. There was dispute between the EVERSOLE brothers as Jacob was accused of commiting waste on the plantation by cutting timber and refusing to divide the land; a request to issue injunction was made. Jacob and George and Valentine, along with brother, Henry EVERSOLE, were the sons of Jacob EVERSOLE, the elder. Jacob and Valentine received the Brown Plantation as their share of inheritance. Valentine sold his share to Henry MOTTER for $2,500.00. The court ordered arbitrators to settle the issues and they were: Alexander RUSSESS, William MILLER, Walter SMITH esq. They met in Gettysburg, PA at the house of Ralph SASHELLS, Innkeeper in Jul 1814.

JS-1, 501-508 - ROOP, RAITT, PUSEY - Mar 1819
Nathan RAITT and wife Margaret, Joel PUSEY and wife Anne, and John ROOP vs Sarah ROOP David ROOP d/ abt 1 Jan 1806, intestate widow - Elizabeth and 4 children 1. Margaret (Roop) w/o Nathan RAITT 2. Anne (Roop) w/o Joel PUSEY 3. John ROOP 4. Sarah ROOP, a minor Guardian was Elizabeth RAITT; petition to sell real estate to settle account. Land - part "Friendship", part "Millwrights Design", part "Black Flint", totalling 163 acres; property located 1 1/2 miles from Middleburg on Beaver Dam, adjoining lands of John DEAL and Hammond RAITT and includes stone mill for manufacturing flour; a stone house, Switzer barn, spring house and 40 acres of timber. After failed public sale, private sale was made to John ROOP for 154 1/4 acres at $7,712.50. Widow received 1/8 in lieu of dower, $922.89 and children received $1,615.32 each. Case closed 7 Jun 1820.

JS-1, 508-513 - GAVER, LEIZER, FINK, SLIFER - Mar 1819
John FINK vs Estate of Samuel GAVER Samuel GAVER d/ abt 1 Nov 1817 intestate, leaving widow - Barbara and 7 children 1. Peter GAVER 2. John GAVER 3. Lydia GAVER w/o Daniel LEIZER 4. Susanna GAVER 5. Mary GAVER, a minor 6. Daniel GAVER, a minor 7. Samuel GAVER, a minor Guardian was Barbara GAVER. Testimony reported her age at 45 years old on 4 Aug 1819 when order was made to approve sale of property. Land - "Horse Neck", 7 acres (indebted to John FINK). Highest bidder was Samuel SLIFER at $570.00.

JS-1, 513-523 - URNER, SLINGLUFF, HOWARD, ENGLE - Mar 1819
Samuel URNER and Benjamin URNER Jonas URNER d/ 10 May 1814 intestate, leaving widow - Hannah and 9 children 1. Samuel URNER 2. Benjamin URNER 3. David URNER, a minor 4. Lydia URNER, a minor 5. George URNER, a minor 6. Sarah URNER, a minor 7. Elizabeth URNER, a minor 8. Nathan URNER, a minor 9. Hannah URNER, a minor Guardian was Jesse SLINGLUFF. Land - "Howard's Discovery" Lot# 2, "Park Hall", "Mattingsly"; totaling 238 1/2 acres; "Leigh's Castle", 48 3/4 acres; from James GUNN (now Baltimore Co, Md), Samuel Howard and w/ Susan, and Joshua Howard. The property lies on the old road from Liberty to Baltimore about 33 miles from Baltimore, 2 1/2 miles from Atlee's Sulfer Spring and adjoins the lands of Jacob SNODER and Paul MAURER, and is near three merchant mills, all within one mile (Samuel URNER was residing on the farm at the time). Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY; sales made to Dennis D. HOWARD for the 48 3/4 acre section (timbered) at $30.00/acre. The sale was postponed for the remaining property because it didn't bring $50/acre. On 25 Mar 1820, sale made to Peter ENGLE at $85/acre. Total sales were $21,749.00; widow's 1/8 share, $2,625.13; each child received $2,041.77.

Estate of Christian HOOVER Christian HOOVER d/ Apr 1809, intestate in Frederick Co, MD widow - Magdalena and 10 children 1. Mary (HOOVER) w/o Jacob CANDLE - Adams Co, PA 2. Martin HOOVER - Adams Co, PA 3. John HOOVER 4. Christian HOOVER 5. Catharine (HOOVER) w/o Abraham MARTIN - NY 6. Peter HOOVER 7. Daniel HOOVER 8. Magdalena HOOVER 9. David HOOVER 10.Nancy (HOOVER), dec'd w/o David KAUFFMAN - PA ......Mary KAUFFMAN, a minor ......Samuel KAUFFMAN, a minor Land - "Two Brothers" being part of "Arnold's Delight", 195 1/2 acres; pt "The Mountain Tract", 198 acres; part "Disappointment", 20 acres. Land Indenture - Joseph HOOVER and Christian HOOVER, both farmers of Lancaster Co, PA (Hanifield Twp), purchased from Anthony LIVIS/LIVERS (w/ Mary) of Frederick Co, Md, also a farmer, for 496 pounds PA money, the tract "Two Brothers" on 30 Oct 1764. Land Indenture - Christian HOOVER, yeoman, of Frederick Co, MD, purchased from Joseph HOOVER of Lancaster Co, PA (w/ Ann) for 5 pounds PA currency, the tract "Two Brothers" on 19 Mar 1789. (Anthony LIVERS now deceased) Signed by Joseph HUBER and w/ Ann signed by mark. Attorneys for Joseph were Benjamin OGLE and Thomas OGLE. Land Indenture - Christian HOOVER of Frederick Co, MD, purchased from George CALVERT of Prince Georges Co, MD, pt "The Mountain Tract" for 148 pounds 10 shillings current money of MD on 11 Aug 1797. Land Indenture - Christian HOOVER, miller, of Frederick Co, MD, purchased from Benjamin BLACKFORD, ironmaster, of Frederick Co, MD (w/ Isabella) for 1800 pounds current money, tract "Disappointed" on 15 Apr 1808; previously by Sebastian STONEBRAKER. Order issued to sell property to settle estate on 16 Dec 1818; trustee was Daniel HOOVER; widow approved the mill and 20 acres of land, and 105 acres of mountain land for sale without widow's dower. Sale was held 8 Nov 1819 and the farm on Owens Creek (1 1/2 miles from Graceham) was sold to Peter HOOVER - 184 1/2 acres @ $32/acre totaling $5,904.00. The mills + 20 acres prime land were sold for $4,000.00 to John C. HOOVER and the 105 acres of mountain land was sold also to him for $10/acre. The mills known as Graceham Mills consisted of a log dwelling, barn, two orchards, stream of water with mills built of brick having two pairs of French burrs and one of country stone, a saw mill and a cooper's house. The rights of dower were subject to the farm only; case closed Mar 1820.

John CROMWELL vs Thomas N. BINNS, Robert DARNALL, Raphael DARNALL, Joseph M. CROMWELL, Charles Fenton MERCER, Benedict DARNALL Supeonas issued and termed satisfied on 19 Jun 1820.

Estate of John SWEADNER John SWEADNER Sr d/ 1794 (will 2 Oct 1790; 6 Nov 1790) widow - Elizabeth d/ in Feb 1820, leaving 11 children, 1. Henry SWEADNER and w/ Eliza 2. John SWEADNER Jr, dec, and wid/ Mary ......David SWEADNER ......Jacob SWEADNER ......Abraham SWEADNER ......Christina SWEADNER ......Margaret SWEADNER 3. Andrew SWEADNER 4. Martin SWEADNER 5. Adam SWEADNER 6. Mary (SWEADNER) w/o Andrew BUSSARD 7. Elizabeth (SWEADNER) w/o Henry EBBERT 8. Polly (SWEADNER) w/o Philip EBBERT 9. Susannah SWEADNER 10. Catharine (SWEADNER) w/o Joseph SEEKMAN 11. Eve SWEADNER The will declared land to be sold and split-up upon his widow's death. witnesses: Henry MAYNARD Jr, Enoch ISENBERG, and Johannes ETZLER. Land - part "Bear Garden", 140 acres; part "Copper Hill", 15 acres; and lot in Liberty. At the time of Elizabeth's death, she and the three youngest children were living on the property. Land Indenture - John SWEADINGER, farmer, purchased from Gabriel EISENBANK/EISENBARK (w/ Mary Eve), also a farmer, tract "Beargarden", 150 acres on 23 Mar 1769. Land Indenture - John SWADNER, farmer, purchased from Henry MAYNARD Sr, farmer, (w/ Zephorah), tract "Copper Hill", lying next to "Bear Garden", 16 1/2 acres, for 40 pounds silver or gold on 21 Oct 1782. Land Indenture - John SWADNER, farmer, purchased from John COCHRAN, practitioner of Physics, Lot# 67 in Liberty on draught of Linganore called Piney Run; part of "Dukes Woods", located on the north side of Main Street. Land Indenture - Andrew BUZZARD and w/ Mary of Huntingdon Co, PA sold to Phillip EPPERD and Martin SWEADNER of Fr Co, MD, her share for 60 pounds and she signed by mark. On 15 Apr 1820, Philip EBERT was named trustee and sale was held; property sold to John CLEMSON - 166 1/2 acres @ $65.51/acre and the lot in Libertytown for $54; totaling $10,961.41 1/2. Each 1/11 share, $958.59; case closed 17 Jul 1820.

JS-1, 551-558 - REED/REID, COALE, COPELAND, JENKINS - Oct 1818
Margaret REID and Samuel B. COPELINE and w/ Elizabeth vs Theodore JENKINS and w/ Frances, Catherine REID, Thomas REID, Sarah Eve REID and James Alfred REID The above are joint tenants who own small tracts equaling 127 acres, conveyed to them (except Samuel COPELAND and Theodore JENKINS) by Richard COALE. Indenture on 12 May 1815 from Richard COALE to the heirs of James REED, dec'd - his 7 children 1. Margaret REED 2. Elizabeth REED, a minor 3. Frances REED, a minor 4. Catharine REED, a minor 5. Thomas REED, a minor 6. Sarah Eve REED, a minor 7. James Alfred REED, a minor Eve M. REID was named guardian (their mother?). Since execution of the deed, Samuel COPELAND married Elizabeth and Theodore JENKINS married Frances, and all are minors except Theodore. Land - "Barreny Point" near Linganore Creek, 20 acres; - "Middle Plantation", 107 acres, except 6 acres sold to Thomas CAIN and Adam BURRIER. Sale was held and the highest bidders were Samuel B. COPELINE and Margaret M. REID @ $19.99/ac, 127 acres; 1/7 for each child netted $342.03; case closed Jul 1820.

Estate of Henry BLACK (SWARTZ) - Mar 1819 Henry BLACK (SWARTZ), dec'd widow - Elizabeth and children s/ Michael BLACK - Out of State d/ _____ BLACK, dec'd w/o _____ WHITMORE - Out of State ......Elizabeth WHITMORE, a minor ......Anne WHITMORE, a minor ......Mary WHITMORE, a minor ......Catharine WHITMORE, a minor ......Jacob WHITMORE, a minor d/ Eve BLACK w/o Jacob SINGER s/ John BLACK s/ Adam BLACK s/ Jacob BLACK d/ Mary BLACK s/ Henry BLACK, a minor LAND - "Brotherly Love", 100 acres. To Henry SWARTZ (now BLACK) from Andrew OLER in May 1794. - "Pleasant Hill, 32 acres. From Patrick REID in May 1811. - "Sycamore Island", 5 acres; patented on 16 Nov 1811. Guardian was Lewis MOTTER for young Henry on 23 Oct 1819. On 6 Jan 1820, the widow released dower. SALE was held 31 Jan 1820:hig bidder was: - Jacob BLACK at $3,250.12 Distribution: - the widow, 1/9 in lieu of dower, $343.82 - each child's 1/8 share, $343.83 (grandchildren received 1/5 of 1/8) Filed Jul 1820. (Also see JS-4, 584)
REINHART vs MASONHEIMER Peter MASONHEIMER d/ 1815 intestate widow - Barbara and 6 minor children 1. Susanna MASONHEIMER (age 14) 2. Frederick MASONHEIMER 3. Mary MASONHEIMER 4. Peter MASONHEIMER 5. John MASONHEIMER 6. Daniel MASONHEIMER Guardian was Thomas W. MORGAN; administrator was George REINHART. Sale of real estate was held to settle account as Peter MASONHEIMER was indebted to Magdalena REINHART. Land Indenture dtd 26 Mar 1811 to Peter MASONHEIMER from Samuel FEASANT (PHEASANT) (w/ Elizabeth) for 600 pounds Md currency for part "Degouir", 13 acres, by George RINEHART on 15 Mar 1794; part "William's Folly", 5 acres 142 perches, by Peter ERB on 7 Sep 1801; part "William's Folly", 14 1/2 acres, by Frederick ROAD on 20 Nov 1806; part "Ohio", 82 1/2 acres by William OWINGS, exec/o Samuel OWINGS on 22 Jan 1811 (last one not yet recorded). Highest bidder was Magdalena RINEHART for $1,000; widow, whose name is now Barbara LIPPEY, w/o George LIPPEY, received 2/15, $119.19; case closed 5 Jul 1819.

Albert SUMAN, Willliam SHUMAN and Garrott SHUMAN vs Joseph ECARD and w/ Ganett of Ohio Peter SHUMAN, dec'd widow - Eleanor (d/ 20 Jun 1818, intestate) and 11 children 1. Aaron SHUMAN 2. Catalina SHUMAN w/o Jacob/Robet MACKLIN - Tennessee 3. Albert SHUMAN 4. Jacob SHUMAN 5. Peter SHUMAN 6. John SHUMAN 7. Eleanor SHUMAN w/o Samuel BUZZARD 8. William SHUMAN 9. Isaac SHUMAN, dec'd - Ohio ...w/ Sarah/Catharine and 3 minor children ......Elen SHUMAN ......Sarah SHUMAN ......James SHUMAN 10. Ganett SHUMAN w/o Joseph ECARD - Ohio 11. Anne SHUMAN Peter SHUMAN was executed for High Treason in a Frederick County Court in Frederick Towne in 1781; his land was then confiscated and all his personal property as well, leaving his widow and eleven children defenseless and penniless. (I believe the whole tragic story is in the History of Frederick County). The family was forced to move in with friends until such time as they were able to protest to the court in a petition to recover the real estate of Peter SUMAN/SHUMAN. In Nov 1796, Chapter 15, a Special Act of General Assembly of Maryland provided his real estate should go to his rightful heirs. Land - "Bloomsberry", 71 1/2 acres from Joseph RENCH, John RENCH and Andrew RENCH; - "Goosebill", 75 3/4 acres, and "Sly's Discovery", 8 acres, from John SHENECK. During this period, Samuel and Eleanor BUZZARD purchased the interests from Eleanor's brothers: Aaron, Jacob, John and Peter. Sale was held and the highest bidder was John MILLER @ $79/acre, 148 3/4 acres totaling $12,541.25; however, the rights were transferred to Samuel BUZZARD. Each 1/11 part was $1,094.53.

JS-1, 583-595 - HALL, TURNER, FAW, MORSELL - Jul 1820
William MORSELL Jr, Henry HALL, Solomon TURNER, William I. TURNER, Abraham FAW vs estate of Henry HALL Henry HALL (w/ Elizabeth), of Anne Arundel Co, died with a will, but without obtaining patent for land. (His will was witnessed by Joseph PLUMMER, a Quaker, and exec/ Elizabeth HALL, Thomas WATKINS, John HALL, Thomas HALL, Henry HALL) Land - "Partnership", 100 acres sold to Solomon TURNER. Henry HALL Jr. received tract "Partnership", but deed included 100 acres sold to Solomon TURNER. Henry Hall Jr. conveyed parts of this to William James TURNER who transferred 1/2 to Abraham FAW who passed his 1/2 to William MORSELL. Petition to give clear deed to Solomon TURNER for his 100 acres, so granted; Case closed Jan 1821.

PAYNE vs COPPENHAFFER James PAYNE, father and natural guardian of Joseph PAYNE, and next friend of Sophia PAYNE vs estate of John COPPENHAFFER John COPPENHAFFER d/ intestate widow - Barbara and only child d/ Sophia COPPENHAFFER, a minor Sophia is now married to Joseph PAYNE, also a minor. Her father had owned Lots# 255 and 256, Frederick Towne lots on 6th and Market Streets. Because they are minors and cannot petition the court, they needed an adult to petition the court in their behalf to have sale of lot# 255 to pay debts for improvements made to their house which sits on lot# 256. Land Indenture dtd 31 Mar 1804 from Jacob SNOWDIGLE. Ground rents by William MARBURY, agent of State of Maryland, part of confiscated estate of Daniel DULANY s/o Daniel, transferred by Alexander Contee HANSON, Chancellor of State of Maryland by deed 10 May 1797. Land Indenture dtd 31 Mar 1804 from Jacob SNOWDIGLE, dec'd father of Jacob SNOWDIGLE, by will, for 75 pounds for Lot # 255. On 25 Jul 1820, guardian was Barbara COPPENHAFFER; she was the widow with life estate by dower and was noted to be 50 years old 31 Jul 1820. Lot# 255 was sold to John A. SCHAWBAKER of Frederick Towne for $136.00; Widow received $14.50 and Sophia received $87.21; case closed 6 Jan 1821.

JS-1, 606-612 - BLACK, BRENGLE, LANE, NEALE, ARTHUR - Jul 1819
Estate of Adam BLACK Adam BLACK d/ Dec 1818 (will 11 May 1818; 25 Feb 1819), leaving 8 children 1. Adam BLACK 2. Hanna BLACK w/o Lawrence BRENGLE 3. Henry BLACK 4. Peter BLACK 5. Eve BLACK w/o Abraham LANE 6. Elizabeth BLACK w/o Samuel NEALE 7. Jacob BLACK, dec'd ......Adam BLACK ......John BLACK ......Sophia BLACK 8. Frederick BLACK, dec'd ......William BLACK ......Jacob BLACK ......Magdalena BLACK ......John BLACK ......Adam BLACK Witnesses: John REIFSCHNEIDER, Nicholas UMSTEAD and Jacob KUHNS. Sale was held 12 Feb 1820 and the highest bidder was Peter ARTHUR at $28/ac, 122 acres, totaling $3,416.00; each 1/8 was $406.66; case closed Jan 1821.

JS-1, 612-618 - HEDGES, SLAVES, CRAMER, SHRIVER - Jan 1821
Eneous HEDGES vs HEDGES Estate Andrew HEDGES, dec'd (will 16 May 1811) widow - Julia s/ Enous HEDGES d/ Elizabeth HEDGES, a minor SLAVES - negroes SAM and MOSES (to Enous) - negro REBECCAH (to Elizabeth) - negro ROSEY (to widow) Executor was Jacob CRAMER of Peter, and Isaac SHRIVER; guardian was Julia HEDGES. Property appraised at $57.50/acre; Enous purchased tract "Hedge Hog" at appraised value on 24 Mar 1821.

JS-1, 618 - ZUCK, WARFIELD, TODD - Mar 1820
Joshua TODD vs Jacob ZUCK and Charles D. WARFIELD Injunction and subpeona issued 3 Mar 1820; move to dissolve and dismissed on 4 Oct 1820.

JS-1, 618 - WARFIELD, ZUCK, MERYMAM - Aug 1820
Jacob ZUCK and Henry MERYMAM vs Charles D. WARFIELD Subpeona issued 28 Aug 1820; dismissed 4 Oct 1820.

JS-1, 618-619 - LEPPOD, COPPERSMITH, BISH - May 1819
Adam BISH vs Adam LEPPOD and Jacob COPPERSMITH Subpeona and injunction requested 18 May 1819; agreement made on 20 Oct 1819.

JS-1, 619 - GARBER, STONER, DONSTON - Jul 1819
David DONSTON and wife vs Martin GARBER, John STONER and Others Subpeona and order for appointment of guardian on 10 Jul 1819; dismissed 17 Nov 1820.

JS-1, 619 - HOFFMAN, McCULLEY, KEYSER - Aug 1819
John J. McCULLEY and M.A. Mathias KEYSER vs John HOFFMAN Subpeona requested 18 Aug 1819; answered and papers submitted to auditor and satisfied 18 Jan 1821.

John HARITT vs William GALT and Others Subpeona issued 14 Feb 1820; answers received by - Elizabeth HUGHES on 31 Oct 1820; - Henry SPAULDING and wife on 3 Nov 1820; - William GALT and wife on 10 Nov 1820; - Joseph TANEY and wife on 8 Jan 1821; court passed decree on 19 Feb 1821; no other details given. Note - Marriage Licenses of Frederick County show - Harriett HUGHES to Joseph TANEY on 22 Feb 1805 - Sarah M. HUGHES to Henry SPAULDING on 25 Oct 1819

JS-1, 619 - SMITH, LITERD - Dec 1820
Henry LITERD vs Andrew SMITH Subpeona issued 29 Dec 1820; discontinued 15 Mar 1821.

JS-1, 620 - THOMAS, ECARD, FARQUHAR - Nov 1820
William P. FARQUHAR vs John E. THOMAS and George ECARD Injunction filed 17 Nov 1820; dissolved 10 Mar 1821.

James ROBERTSON vs Daniel KEMP and John SPONSELLER Injunction filed 17 Sep 1819; decree passed and injunction dissolved and bill dismissed on 3 Nov 1819.

JS-1, 620 - DELAPLANE - Mar 1820
Joshua DELAPLANE on petition. Delunatico Inquiendo 13 Mar 1820. Jury impounded and no acq found; dtd 13 Mar 1820.

JS-1, 620 - ROYER, ROOP, MUMMY, KURTZ, WAGNER - Sep 1819
Michael WAGNER vs Peter ROYER, Joseph ROOP, Thomas MUMMY and John KURTZ Subpeona issued 28 Sep 1819; dismissed 12 May 1821.

Francis B. SAPPINGTON vs Christian CHAMPER and Beane S. PIGMAN, esq. Bond filed 25 Mar 1820 and subpeona issued; entered satisfied 16 May 1821.

JS-1, 620 - ENGLE, MARK, EVITT - May 1817
Woodward EVITT vs Peter ENGLE and John MARK Subpeona issued 29 May 1817; dismissed by complaintant 11 Jul 1821.

JS-1, 621 - ELDER, HARRIS - May 1818
John HARRIS vs Nathaniel ELDER Subpeona issued 30 May 1818; case settled without a sale on 15 Jun 1819.

John HARRITT vs Estate of John HUGHES John HUGHES d/ intestate w/ Elizabeth and 5 Children 1. Ann HUGHES w/o John GALT 2. Lucinda HUGHES w/o Joseph BENTLEY of Elie - Out of State 3. Hariot HUGHES w/o Joseph TANEY Jr 4. Maria HUGHES w/o Henry SPAULDING 5. Daniel B. HUGHES Land Indenture - On 16 Mar 1819, John HARRITT of Emmitsburg purchased from John HUGHES of Taney Towne for $2,000.00, Lot# 8 with 2-story home in Emmitsburg on the north side of Main St., leading to Baltimore; located on a corner lot on the diamond, adjacent to property of Cpt McMEAL/McNEAL and Patrick LOWE. HUGHES made deed, but it was not recorded before his death, no fraud intended. Court approved deed to be recorded; case closed 19 Feb 1821.

JS-1, 626-639 - KURTZ, MUMMY, WAGNER, ROOP, ROYER - 1821
Thomas MUMMY of Baltimore City vs John KURTZ John KURTZ was indebted to Thomas MUMMY for $607.45 and had mortgaged Land - 18 1/4 acre tract "The Orchard", 18+ acres, from David STEM; - Lot# 4 and 5, 4 acres; and Lot of 60 perches in Uniontown from by David STOUFFER. ("The Orchard" was conveyed by John KURTZ to Christian STOUFFER 0n 15 Jan 1814.) Kurtz refused to pay and also mortgaged some of the same lands to Peter ROYER and Joseph ROOP for $116.67 and again attempted to mortgage some of the same property to Michael WAGNER for $434.00. Sales to - Thomas MUMMY for the lot of 60 perches in Uniontown at $52; - Michael WAGNER for the 2 acre part of "The Orchard" with dwelling house and stone room in Uniontown, barns and stables, and fronting on the street of Uniontown at $1,401, along with the two lots @ $13.50/acre; sales total $1,925.79. Creditors Royer and Roop were paid, but too short to pay all of the debt to Mummy or any to Wagner. Case closed Jul 1821.

John SCHOLL vs Zachariah LINTON Zachariah LINTON d/ abt 1 Jan 1801 intestate, leaving 8 children 1. Thomas LINTON - NC (has wife and children but names unknown) 2. James LINTON (no heirs) 3. Joshua LINTON - PA (has wife and children but names unknown) 4. Zachariah LINTON 5. Goshen LINTON w/o Joshua HOPWOOD 6. Ann LINTON 7. Washington LINTON 8. John Zachariah LINTON (the younger) Goshen and Ann all conveyed their interests to John SCHOLL. Thomas and Joshua both died since their father and, although it is known they had families, their names or exact whereabouts is unknown. After the proceedings started, there was a Suggestion of Death issued on James dated 4 Jan 1819, but the exact date of his death was not stated. Land - "Resurvey on Wilsons Lott", 67 acres, from Edward WILSON on 3 Aug 1784. Zachariah also inherited land, as stated in his father's will dated 6 Nov 1791, in which Samuel LINTON left 1/3 of "Skaggs Delight", 30 acres, and 100 acres from Thomas JOHNSON to each of his three sons: Samuel LINTON, Benjamin LINTON and Zachariah LINTON. On 27 Jan 1821, sale was made to Washington LINTON at $455.00; however, he didn't have sufficient money and John MONTGOMERY Sr substituted himself as purchaser. Each 1/8 share was $49.17, leaving a time period for the heirs in unknown parts to claim their interests; case closed Jul 1821.

JS-1, 647-657 - COVER, SHAW, YOTER/YATES - Sep 1817
Bank of Westminster vs Daniel COVER of Earhart Notes were owed to the bank on an Uniontown property and the debt remained unpaid; on 8 Sep 1819, order was issued to sell property if not paid. Several lotts were sold to Moses SHAW for $2,920 on 19 Jan 1821, but was not sufficient to pay debt. Several notes were from Jacob COVER and endorsed by Daniel and one was endorsed by Henry COVER. One note was from John YOTER/YATES with Daniel COVER as security.

Heirs of Christopher GUN vs Peter BRUNER Jr Christopher GUN d/ intestate, leaving widow - Margaret* and 7 children 1. John GUN 2. Sarah (Gun) w/o Jacob DADISMAN 3. Christiana (Gun) w/o John MILLER 4. Margaret (Gun) w/o Caleb FULLER 5. Christopher GUN (died before mother) ......s/ John Curry Cunningham GUN - Out of State 6. Martin GUN (died w/o issue aft father, but before mother) 7. Henry GUN (died w/o issue aft father, but before mother) On 20 Aug 1787, the widow purchased, as highest bidder from the commissioners appointed by laws of the State of Maryland to preserve confiscated British property, - Lot# 223 in Frederick Town, part of property of Daniel DULANEY, s/o Daniel, which was confiscated by law, for 16 pounds specie?. She was considered feme covert. Sometime thereafter, the widow married Peter BRUNER*. On 29 Jul 1799, the widow transferred the property to John Curry Cunningham GUNN of Georgia, at $100.00, emcumbered by her widow's dower of life estate. On 23 Aug 1813, Peter BRUNER Sr of Hampshire Co, VA and Margaret BRUNER of Frederick Co, MD, conveyed to Peter BRUNER Jr of Hampshire Co, VA the property for $100 current money. Peter Sr and Margaret signed by mark. On Agreement dated 17 Sep 1817 by John C.C. GUNN of the city of Savannah to Solomon D. GIBSON of the city of New York for the same property for $100 to be put in special trust for Stephen Decatur GIBSON until he reaches age 25. Both signed and was witnessed by Aaron PALMER and Michael PALMER. Recorded in New York City before Aaron H. PALMER, master in chancery of the State of New York. Power of Attorney issued to Thomas C. WORTHINGTON of Frederick Town by John C.C. GUNN and sealed by Mayor Robert WHARTON, mayor of Philadelphia on 18 Nov 1817. Testimonies on 22 Jan 1820 - Elias BRUNNER Sr stated Margaret died about three years ago and was married * in Oct 1782 to Peter BRUNNER, Elias' father, and he was present at the marriage performed by Parson HENOP in Frederick Town at the German Presbyterian Church. She had no children by the Brunner marriage. Lewis WELTZHEIMER testified much the same and stated Margaret and Bruner had lived together in Frederick Town. Solomon D. GIBSON claimed she was not feme covert at the time and had right to convey and he owned and possessed the land and was not a tenant in common. Court ruled on 14 Feb 1820, since Margaret had no children by Bruner, Bruner had no interest and thereby the deed from Margaret to Bruner Jr was to be voided and cancelled. Also ruled the deed to John C.C. GUNN also be cancelled and ordered sale of property with John C.C. GUNN's interest to go to the GIBSONS. Sale was held 18 Mar 1820 with house and lot going to Mary ORTNER for $538; each 1/5 share was $88.81; case closed Jul 1821.

WEST and Others vs BELT Estate Jeremiah BELT d/ 24 Dec 1818 (will 5 Feb 1813; 11 Jan 1819) widow - Anne and 12 children 1. Tobias BELT 2. Eleanor BELT w/o Erasmus WEST 3. Mary (BELT) JOHNSON 4. Anne BELT w/o James MORRISON 5. Louisa BELT w/o Henry PRATHER 6. Charlotte BELT w/o Josiah JONES 7. Fidelia BELT w/o William TOWNSEND 8. Priscilla BELT w/o Samuel JAMISON 9. Catharine BELT w/o Singleton TOWNSEND 10. Maria BELT w/o Levin BOONE 11. Sarah BELT w/o John SCHROEDER 12. Harriett BELT, a minor SLAVE - negro ISAAC (to Tobias) Land - part "Merryland"; part "Hawkins Merry Peep a Day"; located next to Roger NELSON's property; and Thomas HAWKINS' "John and Priscilla". The will stated his widow Anne was to receive 1/3 as her dower and his only son, Tobias, was to receive 250 acres with the balance (350 acres) being divided up among his remaining 11 daughters. Guardian was Benjamin WEST. Sale was held 30 Dec 1820 and property was divided into two parts: - 1st lot of 173+ acres to Joseph West JOHNSON at $6,597.21; - 2nd lot of 189 acres to Otho THOMAS at $6,993. Each 1/11 share, $1,188.33; case closed Jul 1821.

JS-1, 684 - MAGRUDER - Oct 1821
John MAGRUDER, Maria V. MAGRUDER, Winifred MAGRUDER and Eliza MAGRUDER vs Louisa, Anthuesa, Ellen and Susan MAGRUDER Bill filed 4 Oct 1821 and subpeona issued; dismissed 2 Nov 1821.

Richard ROOT vs Edward RICHARD and w/ Sarah DAVDSON, James DEATH and wife, John ROOT, Edward RILEY and wife and Others Filed 5 Jan 1821, subpeona issued; summoned COOK, TAYLOR and ROOT non sunt? residue on 3 Jul 1821; dismissed 17 Nov 1821.

JS-1, 684 - MAIN, BALTZELL, WACHTER - Apr 1819
George WACHTER and wife vs John MAIN and w/ Susanna, and Elizabeth A. BALTZELL Filed 17 Apr 1819; answer filed 5 Jul 1819; dismissed 9 Jan 1822.

JS-1, 684 - WACHTER, BALTZELL, MAIN - May 1820
George WACHTER, pro ami of Maria WACHTER and Elizabeth BALTZELL vs Maria WACHTER and Elizabeth BALTZELL, infants, and John MAIN and Susanna MAIN Filed 4 May 1820; answer filed 9 Dec 1820; William ROSS appointed Trustee on 7 Jul 1821 and bond filed; trustee report of sales filed on 7 Jan 1822; dismissed 9 Jan 1822. (papers must have been lost as details of case are not written)

JS-1, 684 - GARROTT, CLAGETT - Sep 1817
Zachariah CLAGETT vs Elizabeth GARROTT, adm/of John P. GARROT, dec'd Filed 15 Sep 1817; subpeona and then dismissed on 14 Mar 1822.

JS-1, 685-696 - HALL, PITTS, SHIPLEY - 1821
PITTS and SHIPLEY vs HALL Nicholas HALL, dec'd (will) 1. Elizabeth PITTS 2. Ann w/o Thomas C. SHIPLEY 3. Nicholas HALL Jr, dec'd ......John Henry HALL ......Nicholas HALL Will provided 1/3 each to his heirs. Petition to divide property in equal thirds. Commission appointed 24 Mar 1821 was John H. SIMMONS, Richard ROBERTS, James L. HIGGINS, William DOWNY and John PANCOAST; surveyor was Peter MANTZ, assisted by chain carriers, Michael UMBERGER and Izrael TAYLOR. Land - part "New Market Plains"; part "Rich Forest" and resurveyed as "The Meadows" from Benjamin REEVES on 13 Oct 1795; - Lot# 1, being two parts of "New Market Plains". Neighbors were Belt BRASHEARS (conveyed to him by Nicholas HALL), Ambrose INGMAN, George PHILPS, Samuel ENGLAND and Hugh ANDERSON. Guardians were Charles McELFRESH, Thomas C. SHIPLEY and Belt BRASHEARS; case closed 30 Oct 1821.

JS-1, 696-707 - DULL/DOLL, WEBSTER - 1821
Samuel WEBSTER and w/ Sally and Sophiah DOLL vs Estate of Joseph DOLL Joseph DULL d/ intestate widow - Catharine and 4 children 1. Sally DULL w/o Samuel WEBSTER 2. Sophia DULL 3. Ezra DULL, minor 4. Barbarah DULL, minor Land Indenture dtd 25 Mar 1803 to Joseph DOLL Jr from Henry McCLARY (w/ Martha) for $550, 1/2 of Lott# 87 in Frederick Town (to McCLARY from Henry ZEALER 20 Jun 1799). Lott was on corner of Love Lane and the road to John BRENGLE's with 2nd Street on the north. Land Indenture dtd 4 Apr 1805 to Joseph DOLL Jr from William ADAMS (w/ Esther), merchant, for $251.25, Lott #24, part of "Taskers Chance" (to Adams from William Goldsborough 13 Dec 1804; and part of 3 acres was part of "Taskers Chance" from Baker JOHNSON 12 Mar 1805. Situated on land to road from Frederick Town to JOHNSON's Mill. Guardian was John DOLL; highest bidder was David WEBSTER, 2 1/2 acres for $577; widow received $68; each 1/4 share was $112.24; case closed Jan 1822.

JS-1, 707-717 - SMITH, BRUNNER, HALLER - 1817
Mary SMITH vs Estate of Henry SMITH Henry SMITH d/ Apr 1817 intestate, leaving widow - Mary and 7 children, all minors 1. Ezra SMITH 2. Harriet SMITH 3. Sophia SMITH 4. Theresa SMITH 5. David SMITH 6. Elizabeth SMITH 7. Charlotte SMITH (has since died intestate w/o issue) Guardian was William ROSS, esq. The personal estate was insufficient to settle debts and Elias BRUNNER, administrator, requested a sale of real estate to settle the account. The property was 1/2 of Lott# 50 in Frederick Town; Joshua HALLER was security for $600 and held mortgage dtd Oct 1812. The amount owed was $245.72 which has since been paid by Mary SMITH from her own monies on 1 Sep 1817. On 3 Dec 1820, sale was made to Elias BRUNNER Jr at $533.

JS-1, 718-726 - GARBER, FINE, SHRIVER, SMITH, COX - May 1821
Estate of Martin GARBER Martin GARBER d/ intestate, leaving widow - Hannah and 9 children 1. Solomon GARBER 2. Isaac GARBER 3. Mary GARBER w/o Frederick FINE 4. John GARBER 5. Juliana GARBER w/o John SHRIVER 6. Hannah GARBER, a minor 7. Martin GARBER, a minor 8. Abraham GARBER, a minor 9. Lydia GARBER, a minor Guardian was John GARBER Sr. Land - "Resurvey on Small Beginnings", 66 3/4 acres obtained from Henry YOUNG (w/ Elizabeth) in 1814 (previously from Charles CARROLL in 1760. Sale was held 6 Aug 1821 and went to George COX at $1,204.09. Testimony on 7 Dec 1821 by Philip SMITH revealed Hannah, Martin's widow, was 45 years old. Widow received 1/8 in lieu of dower, $139.39; each 1/9th share, $108.41; case closed Jan 1822.

JS-1, 726-733 - COSKERRY, BROOKE, FULTON - Jul 1821
Basil BROOKE and Alexander FULTON vs John COSKERRY John COSKERRY failed to repay a note for $540, co-signed by Basil BROOKE, to the Frederick County Bank and BROOKE paid the note. BROOKE was holding a mortgage from John for Lots #65, 66, and 67 in Middleburg on Baltimore Street with improvements. The court ordered a sale to settle the account and John Thomas BROOKE was trustee. On 8 Nov 1821, sale was made to Basil BROOKE at $265 which was insufficient to cover the full extent of the note. Case closed Jan 1822.

Daniel LEAKINS vs Frederick BERGER Frederick BERGER d/ 1820 (Will 30 Mar 1820; 6 Mar 1821), leaving children, 1. George BERGER 2. Frederick BERGER 3. Henry BERGER 4. Catharine FILLER 5. Susannah WATSON / WADSWORTH (to be held in trust during her life or, upon her death, to go to her 5 children) 6. Elizabeth BARGER, dec'd, her daughter, .....d/ Mottalena (Barger) YOUNG, dec'd, her 3 children, . . . . . Elias YOUNG . . . . . Samuel YOUNG . . . . . Mary YOUNG Executor was Henry BERGER. Henry renounced the trust and letters of administration by the Orphan's Court went to Daniel LEAKINS, who was also a creditor. Land - 75 acres and a wood lot of 25 acres on Katoctin Mountain. On 2 Nov 1821, sale was made to: - Andrew KESSLER at $4,150; but, he sold his rights to James TORRANCE. Distribution: Each child's 1/6 share, $629.04. Filed Mar 1822.

Estate of Colmore GITTINGS - Petition to sell real estate Jeremiah GITTINGS, dec'd (will 18 Apr 1799; 2 May 1799), leaving widow - Jeane and 11 children 1. Colmore GITTINGS d/ intestate .......John F. GITTINGS .......Eliza Ann GITTINGS w/o Thomas N. HARDING .......Lloyd GITTINGS .......Juliett A.C. GITTINGS, a minor 2. Erasmus GITTINGS 3. Levi GITTINGS 4. Jeremiah GITTINGS 5. Verlinda FRAZIER 6. Delila BUTLER 7. Cassandra MORRISON 8. Cavey MITCHELL 9. Alley GITTINGS 10. Julia GITTINGS 11. Tracey GItTINGS SLAVES - negro DARY (to Levi); negro ZEPH (to Jeremiah); - negro SALL (to Verlinda); SALL? (to Delila); - negroes FRANK and BECK (to Cassandra); - negro boy LEM (to Cavey); negro KITT (to Alley); - negro CECELIA (to Julia); negro girl HENNEY (to Tracey) Remainder of negroes to be equally divided among daughters. LAND - "Merryland", 300 acre plantation; 70 acres to Colmore; remainder divided between Levi and Jeremiah with Jeremiah having the dwelling house. Witnesses: Thomas BEALL, Zachariah CLAGETT and John THOMAS. Indenture dtd 28 Jun 1803 sites suit against Colmore GITTINGS by Lawrence BRENGLE, esq, and sheriff of Frederick County which lists two wits of fieri facias: one by James SMITH and the other by Peter GROVE against Levi GITTINGS for debts, damages and interest. Property of 115 acres of tract "Resurvey on Maryland" was attached and sold at public sale for 300 pounds current money and purchased by Colmore GITTINGS. Eliza and her husband sold her share of interest to Col John Thomas for $2,775 on indenture dtd 2 Dec 1817. SALE held 27 Sep 1821; high bidder was: - Col John THOMAS for 185 acres at $6,105, subject to the dower/life estate of Jane GITTINGS, widow of Colmore. Distribution: each 1/4 share of of 64 1/4 acres (Colmore's share), $1,462.11. Filed Jan 1822.

The End of JS-1

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