Equity Court Abstracts

Book JS-4 - 1818-1826

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]
(Note - pages skipped on the online copy were 135, 162, 164, 482)

Jacob KOONS, exec/of Henry KOONS Sr - Petition - Sale of Real Estate - 1 Aug 1824 Henry KOONS Sr died 1821, testate s/ John KOONS' heirs s/ George KOONS' heirs s/ William KOONS, dec'd - w/ Catharine & children: .....Abraham KOONS .....John KOONS .....Isaac KOONS .....William KOONS .....Susanna KOONS .....Catharine KOONS s/ Abraham KOONS s/ Henry KOONS, Jr d/ 1800, intestate - w/ Elizabeth & children: .....Jacob KOONS .....William KOONS .....Catharine KOONS .....Mary KOONS w/o George HACKMAN .....Susan KOONS, a minor .....Frederick Koons, a minor .....Samuel Koons, a minor .....Isaac Koons, a minor .....Margaret Koons, a minor .....Sarah Koons, a minor .....Elizabeth Koons, a minor .....Henry Koons, a minor .....Lerenia Koons, a minor s/ Jacob KOONS d/ Ann's heirs d/ Mary's heirs d/ Eve d/ Catharine Negro HANNAH to son Jacob. Jacob KOONS received the land and was to make payments to his siblings. There were Blacksmith tools and a large Bible. Exec/ son Jacob KOONS Witnesses: Joseph TANEY, Daniel DELAPLANE, Frederick DERN [Will HS-2, 453-457; written 25 Aug 1819; filed 9 Apr 1821] CODICIL on same day as Will was written stated Henry Sr had heard deceased son William's heirs were going to bring suit after Henry Sr's death for land, formerly the property of son William, but was sold by Abraham KOONS and son William's widow, Catharine, as execs/of William's estate. Land was sold by them to John KOONS (s/o Henry Sr) who paid a large sum. It was suspected William's heirs were going to try and reclaim the land and keep the money. If they should issue a suit, then William's widow anc children are to receive only a dollar; and William's share to go to Henry Sr's son Abraham to repay him for costs regarding the conveyance. - Witnesses/ Frederick DERN, John HINEA of William, John CLOUD Henry KOONS Jr was indebted to his father for 100 pounds before he died. His adms/ Joseph TANEY and Jacob KOONS. Guardian was Jacob KOONS. LAND - 192.5 acres, five miles from Taneytown, lying near the mouth of Piney Creek. There was also six acres of mountain land near Emmitsburg. To Henry KOONS Jr. Trustee was Joseph TANEY. SALE was held 1 Mar 1825; high bidders were: - George MEARING for the farm at $1,182.50 - John CLABAUGH for the mountain land at $27.30. All this was subject to the widow's dower. Distribution: Proceeds short; creditors paid 74% of claims. Filed 10 Aug 1825
Charles SALMON, Peter BUCKEY & Others, creditors vs George CREEGER - Jul 1823 George CREEGER was indebted to many people and Lewis CREEGER signed as his security. Judgement was brought against George CREEGER and property was sold and monies are in hands of trustee; however, Lewis CREEGER also had land by Deed of Trust which has not been sold. George CREEGER owed Charles SALMON $1,157. George CREEGER's debts amounted to $12,000 and he applied for insolvency and created a Deed of Trust to Lewis CREEGER for benefit of his creditors, but never sold any property to pay the creditors. George CREEGER has since died; therefore, there is no administration on his estate. Dr. Lewis CREEGER was then also insolvent. LAND - tracts "Addison's Choice" and "Final", 285 acres. To George CREEGER from heirs of Edward SALMON. Negro SLAVES - DANIEL, BOB?, LEM?, NELL, CATE - a negro boy was sold to Nicholas BRENGLE at $550 - a negro boy sold to John BRENGLE at $460 - a negro girl sold to Beale C. STINCHOULE? at $425 - also had stock, farm equipment and household goods. Sheriff was Thomas W. MORGAN. Previous trustee was Joseph M. PALMER Trustees were Peter BUCKEY and Peter COBLENTZ. SOLD to: - Charles SALMON for 100 acres at $1,802 Distribution: Proceeds short; - claims were paid at $.35 on the dollar. Filed 29 Jul 1824.
Gassaway SELLMAN and Henry SNYDER, creditors vs Edward KENNEDY - Jan 1821 LAND - part tract "Resurvey on Dorsey's Luck", 10 acres, lies by "Resurvey on Pretty Sally". Trustee was Bean S. PIGMAN. At a second public sale held in Mar 1823 at William WERTENBAKER's tavern in New Market; high bidder was: - Gassaway SELLMAN at $3,775
Baker JOHNSON and William ROSS vs Willoughby MAYBURRY and Thomas MAYBURRY - Foreclosure - Mar 1820 Thomas MAYBURRY signed his interests in property over to Willoughby MAYBURRY, his brother, both of Philadelphia. Catharine JOHNSON was also listed with the petitioners on the note for money loaned to the Mayburrys, most of which was paid. An 1812 indenture listed the money for the iron furnace called Catoctin and lands for 25,000 pounds. Land - tracts "Good Will", "Stoney Fork", "Woodland", "Popular Bottom", "The Mountain Land", "First Dividend"; (conveyed by executors of Col. Baker JOHNSON), rights of lands of Henry FRAILEY and Col. James JOHNSON, dec'd. Daniel KRUG was trustee for the sale of Catoctin Iron Works; high bid went to: - John BRIEN, esquire, for $27,505 in Apr 1820.
JS-4, 81-100 - HOFFMAN, KELLER, BOST/BAST, etc
Henry BOST vs George HOFFMAN - Foreclosure - Jan 1823 LAND - House and Lot #34 in New Town/Trap Town (Jefferson), furniture and household goods were included in mortgage. George HOFFMAN claimed in 1821, and only owing $300 at that point, he was jailed and while in jail, Henry removed his furniture and rented out his house to Henry KELLER for only $1 a year. In Feb 1824, testimony was heard: - Jacob KELLER, age 45 - John CULLER, abt 50; stated Michael BAST was living in Washington County, MD - Daniel RUNNER stated he and his brother, John RUNNER, were tending the business of their mother as she was not able. - Christian BOWERICE, abt 33. Others testifying were: George ROHR, William HOLTER, Thomas HOFFMAN, John BAYLY, Michael BAST, Jacob CULLER, John BAST, William M. BEALE. Trustee was Richard H. MARSHALL. SALE to: - Henry BAST at $800 Distribution: Proceeds short, but - Henry BAST received monies Filed 20 Nov 1824.
Solomon GARBER & Others vs Hannah GARBER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Aug 1824 Martin GARBER d/ intestate, leaving widow - Hannah and children - Solomon GARBER - Isaac GARBER - Ohio - Mary GARBER w/o Frederick FINE - John GARBER - Juliann GARBER w/o John SHRIVER - Anna GARBER - Martin GARBER Jr. - Abraham GARBER, a minor - Lydia GARBER, a minor Guardian was John GARBER. LAND - tract "Cedar Clifts, 140 acres, which borders west side of Beaver Dam Branch. To Martin GARBER from: - Anna GARBER (widow) - John GARBER - Samuel GARBER & w/ Catharine - Christian GARBER & w/ Mary - John DEAL & w/ Mary - John WAMPLER & w/ Magdalena - Henry GARBER (He was a minor when it was written) at 910 pounds in Aug 1804 [WR-26, 64-67]. (Patented to John DIGGS on 18 Apr 1744; originally 290 acres) (reference to land records Book 20, pages 204, 235, 236) Trustee was Solomon GARBER. SALE was held Oct 1824; high bidder was: - John GARBER at $5,040; free of dower Distribution: - Hannah GARBER, in lieu of dower, $571.33 - Each child's 1/9 share, $476.52 George COX filed a petition for two bills claimed to be from Hannah and daughter Anna. Their shares to be held by the court until decision is made. Filed 18 Mar 1825.
Jacob WILLIAR vs Elizabeth WILLIAR & Others - Jan 1824 John WILLIAR Jr d/ intestate, leaving widow - Rachel (about 40) and minor children - d/ Elizabeth WILLIAR, a minor s/ Israel WILLIAR, a minor d/ Anna Maria WILLIAR, a minor Adm/ Jacob WILLIAR Guardian was John HARBAUGH (of Jacob). John Jr. was entitled to 1/8 part of his father's estate, John WILLIAR Sr. LAND - in Harbaugh's Valley Trustee was Jacob FIROR. SALE was held 28 May 1825; high bidder was: - Jacob WILLIAR at $220 Distribution: - widow, in lieu of dower, 1/8, $22.28 - each child's 1/3, $.57 Filed Sep 1825.
Michael THOMAS, David MELLENDORE, George HOFFMAN, trustee for John HOFFMAN, and Henry NISDORF vs George WHIP Estate - Mar 1824 Tobias WHIP, dec'd widow - Catharine (sold her dower interest to George WHIP) On 27 May 1823, George WHIP was made guardian for the children of: George RENN, dec'd s/ John Hanson RENN d/ Elizabeth RENN s/ Isaac RENN ---------- George WHIP d/ about 1823 intestate, leaving widow - Sarah s/ Emanuel WHIP s/ Jacob WHIP s/ George Tobias WHIP d/ Julianna WHIP s/ Daniel Lewis WHIP Guardian of the WHIP children was Jacob WHIP. Administrator and Trustee was George HOFFMAN. Guardian for the RENN children was Michael THOMAS with Henry THOMAS and Peter THOMAS as sureties, on 13 Jan 1824. The children's ages were given as: - Isaac RENN, age 14 on 20 May 1820 - Elizabeth RENN, age 11 on 11 Jul 1820 - John Hanson RENN, age 9 on 23 May 1820 SALE was held 8 Nov 1824, but rescheduled to 4 Dec 1824, due to low bids; high bidder was: - John Andrew KEPLER for 184 acres with improvements at $4,617 Distribution: - Sarah WHIP, in lieu of dower, 1/7 (pages 162 & 164 were missing from these copies which included Affidavit of Widow's age, Sale Ad providing data on Land, part of Distribution and Ratification) Filed 11 May 1825.
Thomas GILBERT, Patrick KEARNEY & w/ Martha - Sale of Real Estate - Jan 1823 (page 164 was actually missing from these copies) Thomas GILBERT d/ 1794, testate widow - Hannah (d/ 26 Oct 1822) (2nd h/ Henry DARBY) and children - - Rebecca GILBERT w/o (1st) Jacob RHODES, dec'd and her children ....Joshua RHODES - Bedford Co, PA ....Abraham RHODES - Chilicothe Co, Ohio ....Elizabeth RHODES, dec'd w/o Henry STARTSMAN, w/o issue ....Mary RHODES w/o George STARNER - Allegany Co, MD ....Susanna RHODES w/o Jacob ISERHEART - Allegany Co, MD ..2nd h/ William NIXEN, dec'd - no issue ..3rd h/ ______LECKLITER, no issue - Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD - Elizabeth GILBERT w/o (1st) Michael HUMBERD, dec'd and her 4 children - ....William HUMBERD - Ohio ....Michael HUMBERD - Frederick Co, MD ....Elizabeth HUMBERD, dec'd - unmarried and w/o issue ....Barbara HUMBERD, dec'd - unmarried and w/o issue ..2nd h/ _____ RIGGS, both now dec'd - had 1 child who died - Susanna GILBERT w/o Alexander (written REAT) WRIGHT, dec'd and her 4 children - Frederick Town ....Margaret WRIGHT w/o _____ WILLIAMS, dec'd ....Martha WRIGHT w/o Patrick KEARNEY ....Elizabeth WRIGHT ....John WRIGHT (died since filing, unmarried and w/o issue) - Jeremiah GILBERT and w/ Tipe - Frederick Co - his 18 children - ....Thomas GILBERT ....Catharine GILBERT, dec'd w/o Frederick MAIN ....Hannah GILBERT w/o Henry LUDY - Montgomery Co, Ohio ....George GILBERT - Montgomery Co, Ohio ....Sophia GILBERT w/o John STONE - Montgomery Co, Ohio ....Reubin GILBERT - Montgomery Co, Ohio ....William GILBERT ....Isaac GILBERT ....Sarah GILBERT, single ....Rhody GILBERT, single (daughter) ....Mary GILBERT, single ....James GILBERT ....John GILBERT, a minor ....Joseph GILBERT, a minor ....Lydia GILBERT, a minor ....Benjamin GILBERT, a minor ....Solomon GILBERT, a minor ....Elizabeth GILBERT, a minor Devised land and new house to his wife, Hannah, to be sold upon her death. SLAVE - negro girl ALICE (to wife) Land to son Jeremiah where he was then living. At that time, Francis GREEN was his tenant. - Ludwig ROTRUCKS - 5 pounds The proceeds of the sale were to go to all the children and grandchildren of the testator. Execs/ Jacob BURTON and Joseph JOHNSON (renounced duties) [Will written 27 Jul 1793, filed on 29 Dec 1794] Admin/ Jeremiah GILBERT on 5 Jan 1795. LAND - part "Gilbert's Inheritance Enlarged", 125 acres. Guardian was Tipe GILBERT for Elizabeth (d/o Jeremiah); (perhaps Elizabeth was newly born as she was not included in the original petition). Trustee was William SCHLEY Sale was held on 7 Jun 1823; high bidder was: - Daniel SCHINDLER at $2,101.25 Distribution: - Rebecca LECKLITER, 1/28, $69.04 - Abraham RHODES, 1/28, $69.04 - George STARNER & Mary, 1/28, $69.04 - Jacob ISENHART & Susanna, 1/28, $69.04 - Elizabeth HUMBERD, 1/28, $69.04 (should be William?) - Michael HUMBERD, 1/28, $69.04 - Susanna REAT, 1/28, $69.04 - Margaret WILLIAMS, 1/28, $69.04 - Patrick KEARNY & Martha, 1/28, $69.04 - Elizabeth REAT, 1/28, $69.04 - Jeremiah GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Thomas GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Henry LUDY & Hannah, 1/28, $69.04 - George GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - John STONE (or STEM) & Sophia, 1/28, $69.04 - Reuben GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - William GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Isaac GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Sarah GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Rhody GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Mary GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - James GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - John GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Joseph GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Lydia GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Benjamin GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Solomon GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 - Elizabeth GILBERT, 1/28, $69.04 (Missing from Distribution and possibly died without issue, but not listed as dec'd, were: - Joshua RHODES - William HUMBERD (has sister Elizabeth was listed instead, but the records indicated she and her sister were dec'd) - Catharine (Gilbert), w/o Frederick MAIN) Filed 17 Dec 1823.
JS-4, 184-202 - HANE
Henry KOOONTZ, use of John HANE vs William HANE - Feb 1825 William HANE d/ Apr 1825, testate - Jacob David HANE, a minor and - Mary Catharine HANE, a minor Exec/ George W. ENT [Will HS-3, 361; filed 26 Apr 1825] LAND - Lots #15-18 on Market St in Fredericktowne. To Daniel HANE and William HANE from John MANTZ (w/ Susanna) for $1,200 in May 1817. Daniel HANE is now deceased and he and William were indebted to John HANE. In Feb 1825, Henry KOONTZ obtained two judgements against William HANE as did Frederick HAWMAN. Guardian was David HANE. Trustee was John NELSON. SALE was held 27 Aug 1825; high bidder was: - John HANE at $822 Distribution after debts paid: - Jacob D. HANE, $82.85 - Mary C. HANE, $82.85 Filed 17 Nov 1825.
John LUGENBEEL & w/ Pamela & Others vs George HAMMOND & Others - Title - Mar 1823 LAND - part of tract "Mount Pleasant", 100 acres To John DORSEY (of John) by 27 Mar 1786. Mortgaged to William HOBBS (of Samuel) in Mar 1786. John DORSEY conveyed his interest to William DORSEY Jr. on 19 May 1790. William transferred his interest to David Alexander DORSEY on 1 Feb 1792. David A. DORSEY transferred his interest to David CUMMING of Anne Arundel County, and his two sisters, Mary DORSEY and Elizabeth DORSEY on 1 Oct 1794. David CUMMING died testate bequeathed his part interest of "Mount Pleasant" tract to his - nieces, Mary DORSEY and Elizabeth DORSEY also listed - sister, Mary DORSEY - sister, Araminta CUMMING - niece, Margaret DORSEY - mother, Margaret CUMMING (executrix) Exec/ mother, Margaret CUMMING Witnesses: Richard LAURENCE, James KIRBY, Charles FOR? and Valentine BROWN. [Anne Arundel County Will; written 11 Mar 1795; filed 12 Apr 1796] On 15 Aug 1796, Mary and Elizabeth transferred these interests to Brice POOLE. Brice POOLE d/ 1800, intestate widow - Achaeh d/ Pamela w/o John LUGENBEEL d/ Eliza w/o Samuel GLISSAN s/ Rodney POOLE s/ George Washington POOLE, a minor d/ Susanna POOLE, since deceased, no issue Guardian for G.W. POOLE was Achaeh POOLE Land was deeded to Brice POOLE by William HOBBS of Samuel in Mar 1797. ---------- William DORSEY Jr, dec'd d/ Araminta DORSEY w/o George HAMMOND d/ Lucy DORSEY w/o Archibald DORSEY - Baltimore County d/ Maria DORSEY w/o John DORSEY The land adjoined that of Mrs. Martha LAWRENCE in 1792. The court declared the land be conveyed to Brice POOLE's descendants. Filed 25 Aug 1824.
JS-4, 223-244 - COALE, JEWITT
Anne COALE and John JEWITT vs William COALE - Feb 1825 LAND - House & Lot on part tracts "Seth's Folly", "Resurvey on Seth's Folly" and "Hickory Plains", 158+ acres. To William COALE on or before 9 Nov 1823. Mortgaged to Shipwith COALE. Skipwith COALE of Cecil County, d/ 1 Jan 1824, testate widow - Anne and children, all minors - d/ Sarah Smith COALE, a minor d/ Margaret Elger COALE, a minor s/ George Matthews COALE, a minor s/ Samuel COALE, a minor d/ Anna Husband COALE, a minor s/ William COALE, a minor d/ Elizabeth Trimble COALE, a minor Execs/ Anne COALE of Cecil County and John JEWITT of Harford County [Will dated 17 Dec 1823] Trustees were Abel RUPOLE and John TALBOTT. SALE to - John JEWITT at $1,600 Distribution to the executors. Filed 27 Oct 1825.
Jacob MUMMA of Washington County vs Peter STALEY of Frederick County - Injunction - Mar 1823 LAND - part "Hammond Contrivance" and "Long Trusted". To Peter STALEY from Caleb DORSEY (of Thomas) in Apr 1815 [JS-1, 17]. Mortgaged to Jacob MUMMA with monies still unpaid. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY. Jacob Mumma and the two sons of Peter STALEY, David STALEY and Solomon STALEY, attended the sale. SALE held 17 Apr 1824; high bidder was: - Jacob MUMMA at $505 Prior to the execution of the mortgage, Peter STALEY had conveyed part of the premises to Jacob FAIR, leaving only 202 acres in this sale. Distribution after costs: - Jacob MUMMA, partial claim, $436.83 On 22 Dec 1825, Jacob MUMMA filed a Petition for Injunction as Peter and his sons have remained on the premises and were cutting down the rail timber to sell and causing great loss to the land; Peter STALEY refused to give up possession of the property. Injunction was granted. Filed 2 Feb 1826.
Baltzer FOUT, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #153 - Oct 1818 Baltzer FOUT d/ Jun 1798, testate widow - Catharine and 8 children s/ Henry FOUT (300 pounds) (see Book of Descents) s/ Jacob FOUT, since died & w/ Margaret * .....Sophia FOUT, a minor (m/ Marcy BRIGHLEY by Feb 1825) ** .....Jacob FOUT, a minor (died bet/ Jul 1822 and Feb 1825) s/ Lewis FOUT, since died, no issue (see Book of Descents) d/ Catharine FOUT, dec'd w/o George Adam EBBERT (200 pounds) .....Jonathan EBBERT, since died intestate, unmarried, no issue .....Emanual EBBERT .....Catharine EBBERT (a minor who died 2 yrs after her mother) d/ Mary FOUT wid/o Jacob SMITH, dec'd (200 pounds) d/ Barbara FOUT wid/o Daniel FOUT, dec'd (200 pounds) s/ Baltzer FOUT (Jr) (waggon, four horses & plantation utensils) s/ George FOUT (600 pounds) SLAVES - Negroes - JIM, STAN (?), CHARLES and MARIA (to wife) LAND - Plantation of 150 acres (to wife) - Mill Lot, 50 acres; - tract "Grape Field", 54 acres; and tract "Arcadia", 30 acres with the mill. (to sons, Jacob and Lewis) (grandchildren and spouses not listed in Will) Execs/ wife and sons, Jacob and Lewis FOUT Witnesses were Daniel MILLER, Christian KEIFER and Edward ANDERSON. [Will written 29 Dec 1797; 13 Jul 1798] After he wrote his Will, he also purchased: LAND - Two lots - Lot #36, 32 1/2 acres, and Lot #35, 154 acres, parts of tract "Resurvey on Locust Level"; lying on the west side and below the main road leading from Frederick Town towards Noland's Ferry. To Baltzer FOUT from Rebecca and Benjamin DULANEY. (M&B and plat included in file) Guardian for Jacob FOUT's minor children was Margaret FOUT, their mother. Jacob FOUT died testate * widow - Margaret s/ John Jacob FOUT, a minor (tract "Mill Lot" with grist mill and saw mill, tract "Grapevine" and tract "Arcadia") d/ Sapphira (Sophia) (tract "Rocky Creek", 105 acres) ** see JS-10, 350 Execs/ wife and her two brothers, Jacob SMITH and George SMITH Witnesses: Ig. DAVIS, Daniel FOUT, William FOUT and Jacob WALKER [Will GMRB-1, 271; written 31 Jan 1804; filed 14 Apr 1807] Trustees were Frederick A. SCHLEY and Richard POTTS. SALE, for the property purchased after the Will was written, to: - William FOUT for 192 acres at $15,785 Distribution: - George FOUT, legacy, $1,600 - George A. EBBERT & Catharine, legacy, $533.33 - Mary SMITH, legacy, $533.33 - Barbara FOUT, legacy, $533.33 - Henry FOUT, legacy, $800 - Henry FOUT, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 - Catharine EBBERT's heirs, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 .....George A. EBBERT, courtesy share .....Emanuel EBBERT's share to John HANE - Mary SMITH, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 - Barbara FOUT, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 - George FOUT, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 - Baltzer FOUT, 1/7 of balance, $1,601.04 - Margaret FOUT, widow, 1/3 of 1/7, 533.68 - Sophia FOUT (d/o Jacob) 2/3 of 1/7, $1,067.36 Emanual EBBERT had filed for insolvency, being indebted to John HANE; his share to John HANE. Filed Feb 1825. (Also see WBT-2, 36)
Francis MANTZ vs John BOYER - Mar 1819 LAND - tract "Boyer's Gap", 69 acres; lying next to "Tuscarora Gap". Patented to John BOYER on 24 Mar 1807. Mortgaged to Francis MANTZ for 141 pounds in 1807. John BOYER (w/ Marianne) sold the property to Mathias BARTGISS at 900 pounds on 16 Jul 1810 with the incumberance of the mortgage. BOYER then moved to Tennessee. BARTGISS has not paid the mortgage. Trustee was Thomas CARLTON. SALE on 14 May 1825; high bidder was: - Casper MANTZ at $606 Distribution: - Francis MANTZ, mortgage, $467.49 Filed 21 Jul 1825.
John TALBOT vs Evan PLUMMER - Jul 1824 Evan PLUMMER d/ Aug 1817, testate sis/ Sarah PLUMMER sis/ Ann PLUMMER, dec'd w/o Richard ROBERTS - leaving a daughter .......Rachel Ann ROBERTS bro/ Johnathan PLUMMER, dec'd - leaving 4 children .......Samuel PLUMMER .......Elizabeth PLUMMER .......Deborah PLUMMER .......Corella PLUMMER sis/ Elizabeth PLUMMER w/o John TALBOTT - leaving 4 children .......Susannah TALBOTT .......Ruth TALBOTT .......Samuel TALBOTT .......John TALBOTT Jr. bro/ Jacob PLUMMER, dec'd - leaving 4 children .......Maria PLUMMER .......Elisha PLUMMER .......James PLUMMER .......William PLUMMER Executors/ Evan's brothers-in-law, John TALBOT and Richard ROBERTS [Will written 5 Aug 1817; filed on 12 Aug 1817] LAND - "Rocky Hill" Executors sold part of tract "Rockey Hill", 113 acres, to Samuel PLUMMER (son of Jonathan) at $4,520; half of which he paid. Evan's exec/ Richard ROBERTS died in 1800. Trustee then was John TALBOTT to resell the land sold to Samuel PLUMMER. SALE to: - Thomas NORWOOD at $1,582 Distribution: - John TALBOTT, for partial judgment, $1,478.68 (still due was $1,882 Filed 6 Apr 1826. See JS-4, 358 for father's estate
John SMELSER vs Upton NORRIS - Jul 1822 LAND - part of tract "Retirement Corrected", 154.5 acres. - part of tract "Resurvey on Stephens Purchase", 20 1/2 acres. To Upton NORRIS from Nathaniel NORRIS. Mortgaged to John SMELSER in Feb 1822. Prior to that, Norris also had a mortgage debt to John HINER and his brother, Peter HINER. Trustees were John SMELSER and John HINER. SALE to: - Evan L. CRAWFORD at $2,450 Crawford had to petition the court to have Norris removed from the property. Upton NORRIS was guardian for Ann CLARY and Mary Elizabeth CLARY, heirs of Benjamin CLARY. Filed 5 Aug 1825.
William BEALL Jr, Christian SCHOLL & Others vs William KOLB - Feb 1825 William MILLER, now deceased, owned part of Lot #132 which adjoined Lot #131, owned by William KOLB. Kolb erected a large frame stable and small, two-story brick house on Lot #132, but land was never conveyed to Kolb by Miller. Property has since been sold by Sheriff on judgement against Miller. LAND - to William KOLB - Lot #235 in "Addition to Frederick Town". From Michael KAUFFMAN in Apr 1816. - Lot #257 and half of #258 in "Addition to Frederick Town". From Frederick A. SCHLEY, Esquire, and trustee for Estate of John COPENHAVER. - 1/4 of Lot #236 in "Addition to Frederick Town". From Jacob FROSHOUR and Christian BRENGLE, execs/of Estate of Adam FROSHOUR (Will 17 Sep 1816). - Lot #130 in Frederick Town. From John BUCKIAS in Dec 1812. - SLAVES - a negro man, negro woman and two negro boys Also personal property William KOLB (w/ Maria Eve), being indebt, mortgaged the property to Valentine BUCKEY, Gideon BANTZ, Christian SCHOLL and William M. BEALL in Jan 1822. Valentine BUCKEY and Gideon BANTZ assigned their share of the mortgage to William M. BEALL in Dec 1824. Trustee was Joshua DILL. Distribution: - Christian SCHOLL (claim of $1,133.25), paid $576.96 - William M. BEALL Jr (claim of $1,152.55), paid $586.78 - William M. BEALL Jr, as assignee of Valentine BUCKEY, (claim of $85.15), paid $43.33 - William M. BEALL Jr, as assignee of Gideon BANTZ, (claim of $110.39), paid $56.18 Filed 28 Jul 1825.
Jacob BLESSING, et al vs John BLESSING - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1826 George BLESSING d/ about 1826, intestate s/ Jacob BLESSING d/ Julianna BLESSING widow of Noah BUXTON d/ Phebe BLESSING w/o Daniel MAUGHT s/ George BLESSING s/ Michael BLESSING s/ Nicholas BLESSING s/ Christian BLESSING d/ Neri BLESSING s/ Abraham BLESSING s/ John BLESSING, a minor LAND - 153.5 acres (no description in file) Guardian was Abraham BLESSING. Trustee was Christian BLESSING. SALE was held in Mar 1826; high bidder was: - David CARTSENDAFNER at $5,679.50 Distribution after costs: - Each child's 1/10 share, $546.14 Filed 27 Apr 1826
John TALBOTT & w/ Elizabeth vs Jonathan PLUMMER & Others - Feb 1825 Samuel PLUMMER died 1792, testate, leaving 7 children widow - Mary s/ Evan PLUMMER d/ 1817 (Will lists siblings, nieces, nephews) * s/ Jonathan PLUMMER - his daughters .....Samuel PLUMMER .....Elizabeth PLUMMER .....Deborah PLUMMER .....Corella PLUMMER d/ Elizabeth PLUMMER w/o John TALBOTT .....Susannah TALBOTT .....Ruth TALBOTT .....Samuel TALBOTT .....John TALBOTT Jr d/ Sarah PLUMMER d/ Rachel PLUMMER d/ 8-10 years ago d/ Ann PLUMMER w/o Richard ROBERTS - their daughter .....Rachael Ann ROBERTS, a minor s/ Israel PLUMMER, dec'd - his children - .....Maria PLUMMER .....Elisha PLUMMER .....James PLUMMER .....William PLUMMER [Will GM-2, 433; filed 1 May 1792] LAND - "Rocky Hill", "Fox Harbour", "Last Breeches", 180 acres. On 1 March 1804, all four sisters issued a bond for their shares to their brother, Evan PLUMMER at 7 pounds, 11 shillings per acre ($7,248); but no conveyance was ever made. Evan PLUMMER d/ 1817 with a will making John TALBOTT and Richard ROBERTS his executors. (* See JS-4, 305 for Will] SALE to Belt BRASHEAR for 107 acres at $3,624, but all monies have not been paid. Richard ROBERTS has since died; he had married Ann PLUMMER and she also has since died, leaving a daughter Rachael Ann ROBERTS. John TALBO/TT Jr was surviving exec/of Estate of Evan PLUMMER; his wife Elizabeth and her three sisters, Sarah, Rachel and Ann PLUMMER were entitled to a share of the estate of their father, Samuel PLUMMER. Evan also listed a nephew Samuel PLUMMER (s/o Jonathan) in his will. Guardian was Samuel TALBOTT. Belt BRASHEAR was to make final payment and deed was to be issued to him. Filed 2 Nov 1825
Jacob GESEY, as guardian, & Others vs George BALTZELL, et al - Equity #283 - Jan 1821 Jacob BALTZELL d/ 1808, testate widow - Charlotte (CRIST) (later w/o Peter BURKHART) s/ Jacob BALTZELL (died since his father) - his 4 children - .....Margaret BALTZELL w/o John McHUGH .....Ann BALTZELL w/o Jacob D. SHRYACK .....Elizabeth BALTZELL, a minor .....Samuel BALTZELL, a minor s/ George BALTZELL - Franklin Co, Kentucky d/ Elizabeth BALTZELL w/o Michael RICE - Ohio d/ Susanna BALTZELL - Ohio d/ Mary BALTZELL, dec/d w/o Elias SPOON - no children d/ Catharine BALTZELL, since m/ John GESEY s/ John BALTZELL - Kentucky s/ David BALTZELL d/ Rebecca BALTZELL w/o John BURKHART s/ Lawrence BALTZELL s/ Peter BALTZELL, b/ 1805 - since died intestate, no widow or issue SLAVE - negro man, CHARLES (was given to his wife by her father, Michael CRIST) Legacies of money was devised to the children and advances were to be deducted from their share. LAND - tract "Resurvey on Baltzell's Content", 203 acres. Jacob BALTZELL devised to his wife; until youngest son Peter is 10 years old (1815); then wife to have 1/3. (Resurveyed for Jacob BALTZELL in Jun 1790 for 406 acres.) - "Resurvey on Remsburg's Chance", 125 acres. To Jacob BALTZELL from his father-in-law, Michael CRIST. Jacob BALTZELL devised to the last seven children after the death, of Michael CRIST's widow, as tenants in common. (land previously owned by Michael CRIST) (Note - Would this indicate these seven children were from a second marriage to the present wife?) Execs/ son, John BALTZELL and Michael HOUCK Witnesses: Henry BAER, Adam FRUSHOUR, Aquila LUCAS [Will written 21 May 1806, filed 31 Oct 1808] Appraisal of property was $8,524; however, both guardians refused it. George BALTZELL (of Jacob) of Franklin Co, KY, sold his interest of Lot #4, 20 acres (Resurvey of Baltzell's Content") to Jacob LAYMAN at $950 in Jun 1817; also sold 22.5 acres of it to John GEESEY at $800 in Aug 1818, who resold it to Bean S. PIGMAN at $800 in Apr 1819. Guardian of Rebecca and Lawrence BALTZELL was Jacob GESEY in Oct 1815. Guardian of Elizabeth and Samuel BALTZELL was John McHUGH. Trustee was Bean S. PIGMAN. SALE to: - Levi DICK for two Lots, 20 acres at $401 - George FRUSHOUR for Lot of 22.5 acres at $225 - Christian RAMSBURG for Lot of 20 acres at $200 - Frederick RAMSBURG for tract of 120.5 acres at $1,099.57 Total Sales, $1,924.57. Catharine and John GEESY sold her share to William R. SANDERSON at $20 in Jan 1824. Distribution after costs: for legacies (only $.48 on the dollar): - George BALTZELL, assignee of Charlotte & Peter BURKHART, (she being the widow of Jacob BALTZER), 1/9 as dower, $206.09 - David BALTZER, $255.27 - Lawrence BALTZER, $255.27 - Rebecca & John BURKHART, $255.57 - George BALTZER, $7.97 - Elizabeth & Michael RICE, $63.70 - Susanna BALTZER, $171.50 - John BALTZELL, $255.27 - William R. SANDERSON, assignee of Catharine & John GEESEY, $255.27 The distribution to George BALTZELL for Charlotte BURKHART was kept on hold until further order of the court. Filed 16 Nov 1826. (page 422 is blank)
Dewalt KESSELRING, et al vs George Ludwick KESSELRING Estate - Oct 1818 George Ludwick KESSELRING d/ 20 Aug 1817 intestate, leaving 15 children - d/ Michael KESSELRING (already received his share in land) s/ Dewalt KESSELRING s/ John KESSELRING s/ Frederick KESSELRING s/ Lewis KESSELRING s/ Wendal KESSELRING s/ George KESSELRING d/ Sophia KESSELRING d/ Magdalena w/o Ludwick RUMMAL d/ Susanna w/o Solomon BUSSART d/ Catharine w/o John SLATES d/ Mary w/o John LITTLE d/ Barbara w/o Daniel YEISER d/ Rebecca w/o George BAUGHER d/ Elizabeth w/o Elias CROSBY - Louisiana (they died 12-14 years ago leaving an infant) LAND - tracts "Drooping Robbin", 233 acres by patent; - "Dissolution", 33 acres by patent; - "Carroll's Range", 15+ acres; - "Resurvey on Brother's Agreement", 40+ acres, To George L. KESSELRING and Henry FINFROCK from Samuel NEWCOMER in 1794. - "Mill House", 20 acres. To George L. KESSELRING and Henry FINFROCK from Samuel NEWCOMER (w/ Mary) in 1794; and to Newcomer from Philip SMITH in 1789. Resurveys included parts of "Molly's Fancy". Plat on page 430-431 Trustee was George OTT. Being unsuccessful in getting an adequate bid, private sale was made on 11 Oct 1822 to: - Vendle HESSON for "Dissolution" at $900 1st Distribution: (son Michael already rec'd his share) - Each child's 1/14 share, $58.98 SALE held 1 Feb 1826 for the remainder of land to: - George DUDEROR/DUDDERER at $3,040 2nd Distribution: - Each child's 1/14 share, $206.17 Filed 25 Mar 1826.
Francis BERNARD & Others vs Adam SNOOK Sr Estate - Jan 1824 Adam SNOOK Sr d/ intestate widow - Margaret and 7 children d/ Elizabeth w/o Burtis BENNETT, dec'd d/ Mary SNOOK d/ Catharine w/o Adam BOTELER - Moved to Ohio s/ Jacob SNOOK s/ John SNOOK s/ Frederick SNOOK d/ Phebe w/o Francis BERNARD LAND - tracts "Last Gained" and "Mohack", 160 acres; next to John BIGGS' "Good Luck", To Adam and Simon SNOOK from Charles CATRO (w/ Catharine) in 1783. - part "Brookfield", 40 acres; next to "Resurvey on Brothers' Lot". From William B. HEAD in 1800; with a claim on part of it by Charles BEATTY. - part of "Brookfield", 60 acres. From Peter CRAMER (w/ Margaret) in 1800. - part "Resurvey on Butler's Lot, 39 acres. From William Beckwith HEAD in 1816. Catharine and Adam BOTELER sold their interests to Alexander MOORE of Washington Co, MD. Trustee was William SCHLEY. After two failed public sales, the lower portion of 142 1/2 acres was sold at private sale to: - Valentine BOWERSOX at $1,750. SALE then held at CRONISE's Mill on the Creagerstown Road - Mr SHRYOCK for the balance of the property of 99 3/4 acres at $897.75 Distribution: - the widow, 2/17 in lieu of her dower, $283.89 - Elizabeth BENNETT, 1/7, $313.45 - Mary SNOOK, 1/7, $313.45 - Jacob SNOOK, 1/7, $313.45 - Frederick SNOOK Sr., 1/7, $313.45 - Francis BERNARD & w/ Phebe, 1/7, $313.45 - Alexander MOORE, 1/7, $313.45 (as assignee of Catharine & Adam BOTELER) Filed 10 Aug 1826.
Otho THOMAS, Archibald THOMAS and George SNOUFFER vs Samuel H. THOMAS - Jul 1824 Frederick A. SCHLEY, trustee, sold the property of Benjamin THOMAS to Samuel H. THOMAS in 1817. Samuel was indebted to Peter THOMAS (of Gabriel) whereby Otho THOMAS and Archibald THOMAS signed as his securities. Samuel was also indebted to Sarah RENENBERGER, a note she assigned to George SNOUFFER. Samuel H. THOMAS had been appointed as guardian for the children of Elias E. THOMAS, being Eliza/Elijah, Richard and William THOMAS, they living in Belmont Co, Ohio in Jul 1824, and being representatives of Benjamin THOMAS, deceased (their grandfather probably); Otho THOMAS and George SNOUFFER signed as his securities. To protect Otho and Archibald THOMAS and George SNOUFFER, Samuel THOMAS mortgaged the property to them; also included with this the farm equipment, stock, grains and household goods were: SLAVES - Negro woman, NELL and her 3 children - TERESA, JOHN and CATHARINA. LAND - parts of tracts "Resurvey on Hazzard", "Thomas' Profit" and "Mad Wife", 173 acres. To Benjamin THOMAS Sr from Samuel L. THOMAS in 1812. SALE held on July 1825, sale of land failed, but sales to: - George KEPHART Jr for the negro NELL & two of her children at $275 At the next sale, land was sold to: - George SNOUFFER at $1,259.33 Personal property was sold both at the sale and by private sale. Distribution after costs: - George SNOUFFER as guardian for Elijah THOMAS, a portion, $278.32 - George SNOUFFER as guardian for William THOMAS, a portion, $278.32 - George SNOUFFER as guardian for Richard THOMAS, a portion, $278.32 Filed Jul 1825. (Page 482 was skipped online)
Abel RUSSELL as guardian of John ROBERTS vs Estate of Richard ROBERTS - Jun 1825 Richard ROBERTS d/ abt 1823 in New Market, intestate widow - Sarah d/ Rachel Ann ROBERTS, a minor Richard ROBERTS was the guardian of John ROBERTS, a representative of John ROBERTS, dec'd and held $2,877.55 for the minor. Admins/ Joseph HIBBERD and Gerard COWMAN. Guardian for John ROBERTS was Abel RUSSELL. LAND - tract "Middle Plantation", 132 acres; next to "Cloudy Weather" and "Locust Thicket". From John PANCOAST (w/ Mary) in 1820. Previously to Pancoast from Henry WOOD and Peter FOUT in 1811. - "New Market Plains", 1 3/4 acres. From John PANCOAST (w/ Mary) in 1812. - "New Market Plains", 36 acres; next to "Resurvey on Pleasant Valley". From John PANCOAST (w/ Mary) in 1809. - "New Market Plains", 2 acres. From Nicholas HALL in 1803. - "Resurvey on Pleasant Valley, 5 acres; north of the turnpike road through New Market. From Basil DORSEY (w/ Harriet) in 1813. - "Resurvey on Pleasant Valley", 2 acres. From William SALMON and wife Sarah in 1810. - "Resurvey on Pleasant Valley", 3 acres; next to Basil DORSEY's part. From William SALMON & w/ Sarah and Mary DAVIS and Isaac DAVIS, - "John's Contrivance" and "Sickly Season", 33 acres. From Abel RUSSELL (w/ Elizabeth) in 1813. Guardian appointed for Rachel Ann ROBERTS was Samuel TALBOTT. Trustee was Abel RUSSELL. SALE was held Oct 1825; high bidders were: - Ormond HAMMOND Jr for 160 acres at $7/acre, $1,120 - Thomas C. SHIPLEY for 31 acres at $20/acre, $620 - Sarah ROBERTS for 50-acre farm attached to New Market at $2,033 - Jacob IJAMS for brick house and lot at $160.50 - Jacob IJAMS for frame house and lot at $115 Total Sales, $4,048.50. All sold free of widow's encumbrances, except the 50-acre farm. Distribution: (portions) - Sarah ROBERTS, the widow, 2/17 in lieu of her dower, $221.68 - Abel RUSSELL, as guardian for John ROBERTS ($397.40 due), paid $95 - other crditors paid portions Filed 14 Sep 1826.
Mary WEBB and George WEBB vs Thomas WEBB - Mar 1824 William WEBB d/ Nov 1815, testate widow - Mary and children - s/ George WEBB, eldest son (north part of land conveyed from West BURGESS, 62+ acres) s/ Thomas WEBB, second son (plantation conveyed from Ludwick HOSPELHORN, 60 acres and 35 acres sold to him) s/ Evan WEBB, third son (dwelling plantation, 57 acres) s/ Washington WEBB, youngest son (south part of land conveyed from West BURGESS, 60 acres, plus $300 for improvements) d/ Ann OGLEY (disaproval of her recent marriage, $1,000 to be invested with her receiving only the interest, upon her death, her children to receive the money) Each son was to make payments to their mother for her dower in lands. Execs/ Eldest son and widow Witnesses: John GARBER, John MOORE, Thomas COOKE [Will written 14 Jun 1815; filed 20 Nov 1815] Codicil - SLAVES - NEGRO girl about 13 years old, recently bought, to serve til she is 33, then be set free; any children she shall have shall serve until they reach the age of 27 and then be set free. LAND - "Resurvey on Small Beginning" and "Hospelhorn's Addition", 95 acres; next to John BROWN's land. To Thomas WEBB from William WEBB (w/ Mary) at $2,000 in Apr 1814 [WR-10, 47]. Previously William WEBB from Ludwick HOSPELHORN in 1805. Mortgaged to William WEBB. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY. SALE was held April 1825; high bidder was: - Thomas OGLE at $950 Distribution: Sale was not sufficient to cover all the debts. - John MOORE and John KINZER, the balance for judgment to them by the execs/of William WEBB, $861.68 Filed 22 Sep 1825.
John RITCHIE vs Henry SHREUPP Estate - Jul 1824 Thomas BEATTY d/ abt 1 Apr 1811, testate Exec/ John RITCHIE (son-in-law) [Will written 28 Dec 1810] LAND - part of Beatty's estate, part "Town Tract", 33+ acres, contiguous to Creagers Town. SALE to: - Henry SHREUPP in 1818 accepting Henry's note with Mathias SHREUPP as his security. Henry SHREUPP d/ 13 or 30 Aug 1823 intestate widow - Caroline s/ William Mathias SHREUPP, a minor Adm/ George HALE. Guardian was Caroline SHREUPP. Trustee was Jacob FIROR. SALE was held 4 Aug 1825 at Creagers Town; high bidder was: - John RITCHIE for Anne SIMMS, John D. SCOTT, Alexander SIMMS and John BEATTY at $101.84 Distribution: balance being insufficient for claims. - John RITCHIE, for claim, balance, $69.25 Filed 7 Sep 1826.
Jane MOORE, widow - Petition to Sell Real Estate - Aug 1824 James MOORE d/ intestate widow - Jane d/ Mary Jane MOORE, a minor d/ Margaret MOORE, a minor d/ Martha MOORE, a minor d/ Isabella MOORE, a minor d/ Anne Eliza MOORE, a minor s/ James Johnathan MOORE, a minor LAND - part "Carrollsburgh", Lot 13 of 6 acres, in Emmitsburgh. To James MOORE from Andrew SMITH (w/ Anne) in 1815. - another part of said tract, Lot 14 of 10 acres. From Dr. Robert L. ANNAN (w/ Mary) and William EMMITT (w/ Susanna) in 1814 (formerly the property of James YOUNG, dec'd). - "Douther's Chance" (from Charles ROBERTSON in 1813), "Resurvey on Part of Porter's Second Addition", "Alexander's Prospect", and "Fox Tower", for 33 acres. To James MOORE and Robert L. ANNAN from William A. LLOYD in 1815. (Previously to LLOYD from Lewis WEVER (w/ Ruth) in Jun 1815) Guardian was James M. SHELLMAN. Trustee was Lewis MOTTER. SALE was held 25 Aug 1825; high bidder was: - Edward McBRIDE for 12 acres of cleared land at $8/acre and 4 acres of wooded land at $20/acre, totaling $176 , clear of dower. Distribution after costs: - Jane MOORE, the widow, in lieu of dower, $25.15 - Each child's 1/6 share, $17.41 Filed 17 Nov 1825.
John HUGHES, adm/of John M. BEATTY vs Estate of John B. FISH Estate - Jul 1822 John Barton FISH d/ intestate, leaving widow - Susanna s/ John FISH, a minor d/ Catharine FISH, a minor d/ Henrietta FISH, a minor d/ Mary Ann FISH, a minor LAND - tracts "Partnership", 45 acres (65 acres on Monocacy were reserved for Beatty); "Jedburgh Forest", 239 acres; "Resurvey on Jedburgh Forrest", 167.5 acres; purchased in 1817. To John B. FISH from John M. BEATTY (who had previously bought it from B.S. PIGMAN, as trustee of James REID; Pigman still had title. Samuel THOMAS was security on the purchase. Adm/ George KEPHART Jr. Guardian was Susanna for her children. Trustee was SALE was held 4 Sep 1822 at George KEPHART's tavern near the premises; and again on 3 Feb 1823 with no sufficient bids; but, he offered the part unencumbered with the dower of Mrs. Eve REID (wid/of James) and sold it to: - Greenberry MILES for the 253 acres at $2,340.25 The remaining 132 acres were subject to the life dower of Mrs. Eve REID. SALE held 15 Sep 1823 at the tavern of Mr. GEBHART near the premises; high bidder was: - Greenberry MILES for the 132 acres at $690; but the sale was for Mrs. REID and the buyer was changed to her name. On 7 Dec 1823, George KEPHART stated Susanna FISH was about 44-45 years old and healthy; she was given 1/8 in lieu of her dower. Distribution after costs and expenses: - Susanna FISH, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/8, $288.08 Filed 6 Apr 1826.
John SAYLOR vs Henry DARKIS Heirs - Petition for Title - Feb 1825 Henry DARKIS d/ Jan 1817, testate s/ Frederick DARKIS s/ Henry DARKIS (Jr) s/ David DARKIS d/ Elizabeth (since died) w/o John WICKHAM .....Matilda WICKHAM, a minor .....Harriett WICKHAM, a minor .....Catharine Ann WICKHAM, a minor d/ Mary w/o James McCREARY d/ Catharine w/o Evan CARMACK Exec/ William GRIMES Jr [Will HS-2, 35; filed 13 Jan 1817; name as DARCUS] Guardian was William DOUGHTERY. LAND - "Monocacy Manor", Lots #56 and 57, 198 acres. To John SAYLOR from Philip DIETRICK in May 1812. Mortgaged to Henry DARKIS. Guardian appointed was Isaac WYSONG for the purpose of conveying title on the mortgaged property on 15 Aug 1825.
Patrick LOWE vs Jacob BLACK - Correction of Deed - Jul 1826 Henry BLACK, dec'd of Frederick County widow - Elizabeth, since dec'd, leaving 8 children s/ Michael BLACK - Out of State d/ _____, dec'd w/o _____ WHITMORE - Out of State .....Elizabeth WHITMORE, a minor .....Anne WHITMORE, a minor .....Mary WHITMORE, a minor .....Catharine WHITMORE, a minor .....Jacob WHITMORE, a minor d/ Eve wid/of Jacob SINGER - Emmitsburg s/ John BLACK - Emmitsburg s/ Adam BLACK - Emmitsburg s/ Jacob BLACK & w/ Sarah - Emmitsburg d/ Mary BLACK, now w/o ____ LOTT) - Emmitsburg s/ Henry BLACK - PA LAND - tracts "Brotherly Love", "Sycamore Bottom Island", 105 acres, lying contiguous and on Tom's Creek; neighbors were Casper WELTY and Joseph BAUGHER. - "Pleasant Hill", 32 acres. Adm/ John BLACK Guardian was Jacob BLACK was guardian of Micahel BLACK and the WHITMORE children. Trustee was George M. EICHELBERGER. SALE held in 1820; high bidder was: - Jacob BLACK Patrick LOWE is now the "substitute" purchaser and a survey by William MOONEY shows the land was 101 acres. It was also discovered the tract "Pleasant Hill" was not titled to Henry BLACK, but is titled and in the possession of David BOWLUS. Court found in petitioner's favor for correction of deed and monies. Filed on 10 Aug 1826. (Also see JS-1, 559)
Bank of Westminster, John T. BROOKE, adm/ and heir of Richard BROOKE, et al vs Richard BROOKE Estate - Jul 1823 Richard BROOKE d/ intestate, leaving children s/ John T. BROOKE d/ Harriett E. BROOKE s/ Richard BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County s/ William R. BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County d/ Lydia Ann E. BROOKE, a minor - Baltimore County Adm/ John T. BROOKE sold for the estate a farm in Loudoun Co, VA in 1822. Guardian was John BAYLY. Trustee was Joseph TANEY Sr. SALE was held 3 Jul 1824; high bidders were: - John CLABAUGH for 188.75 acres at $2,125.32 - Basil BROOKE for 142 acres at $1,458 SALE held 24 Jul 1824; high bidders were: - Robert NEAL for the stone house and lot at $270 - George BENTLY for the small log house w/ lot at $76 and unimproved 1/2 acre lot at $15.50 - Nicholas SNIDER for the frame storehouse w/ lot at $181.50 and the stone house & lot at $155 - Dr. Wm. ZOLLICKOFFER for the unimproved 1/2 acre lots at $15 and $10 - William KOONS for the unimproved 3/4 acre lot at $26 Total Sales, $4,052.89. Distribution of $4,352.58: Proceeds were still short. - Creditors paid $.48 on the dollar Filed 24 Feb 1825.
JS-4, 604-612 - PLUMMER, BUZZARD
Henry BUZZARD, mortgagee of Jonathan PLUMMER - Jul 1823 LAND - "Food Plenty", 80 acres (Plat and M&B at Pages 609 & 610) Mortgaged at $1,822. Trustee was B.S. PIGMAN. SALE was held 3 Dec 1825 at William WERTENBAKER's Tavern in New Market; high bidder was: - Henry McELFRESH at $1,060 Distribution after costs: - Henry BUZZARD, partial mortgage claim, $949.38 Filed 26 Jan 1826.
Daniel STONER and Elizabeth MILLER vs Daniel MILLER Estate - Mar 1824 Daniel MILLER d/ May 1822 intestate, leaving widow - Catharine (STONER) and 2 minor children s/ David (or Daniel) MILLER, a minor s/ John MILLER, a minor LAND - tract "Retirement Corrected", 11 acres. To Daniel MILLER from John BEAM (w/ Ann) at $1,050 in 1820. Previously to BEAM from Jacob ROSEN in 1816; and to ROSEN from Johnathan DAVIS in 1811. Adm/ Daniel STONER Guardian was Isaac LIGHTNER Trustee was Daniel STONER Public sale did not bring a sufficient price, so sold at private sale to: - John SHRIVER at $475.37 On 25 Nov 1825, David STONER, father of the widow, Catharine MILLER, stated she was born 13 May 1798 Distribution: - the widow, 1/7 in lieu of dower, $60.11 - Creditors - Proceeds were short, paid $.81 1/2 onthe dollar. Filed 1 May 1826.
George BENTLEY and Ann BENTLEY regarding previous petition of Elie PHILLIPS vs Henry STOUFFER Estate - Feb 1826 - Equity #210 - Supplemental of JS-3, 23 Trustee was Upton S. REID. SALE to: - Elie BENTLEY for house & lot in Middleburg at $730 However, Upton S. REID died before the conveyance. New trustee was Brooke BAKER. Then Elie BENTLEY died intestate before conveyance was made. Trustee was then Jacob KOONTZ, appointed to sell the real estate, now belonging to Elie BENTLEY. He made the sale to: - George BENTLEY and Ann BENTLEY, but needed approval from the court. On 8 May 1826, the court approved the transfer and appointed Brooke BAKER as trustee to convey the deed to George BENTLEY and Ann BENTLEY.
Henry HINER & Others vs Rachel MERING, et al - 22 May 1834 Frederick MERING d/ 27 Apr 1832, testate widow - Mary s/ John MERING (had received his share in full) s/ Jacob MERING (had received his share in full) s/ George MERING (had received his share in full) d/ Catharine w/o Henry HINER d/ Ann w/o William KOONTZ d/ Elizabeth w/o Michael HARNER - Adams Co, PA d/ Susan w/o Noah MILLER d/ Lydia w/o William VALENTINE d/ Rachel MERING, a minor d/ Margaret MERING, a minor d/ Harriet MERING, a minor s/ Frederick MERING, a minor d/ Louisa MERING, a minor grandson - James Edward VALENTINE, a minor Execs/ son John MERING and son-in-law William KOONS / KOONTZ Witnesses: Amos MARKEY, Isaac DERN, Wash. DERN [Will GME-1, 364; written 29 Jul 1831; filed 7 May 1832] Guardian was the widow for the MERING minors; and Sarah VALENTINE for James Edward VALENTINE Trustee was William KOONTZ. SALE was held 29 Dec 1834; high bidder was: - Peter ROYER at $4,000, clear of dower Distribution after costs: - Mary MERING, widow, legacy, $500 - James Edward VALENTINE, legacy, $300 - Each child's 1/10 share, $302 (Exception was the three sons who had already received their shares.) Note - Page 638 is last page of online copy, but file is incomplete as it doesn't contain the end of the distribution or the ratification.

The End of JS-4

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